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Daniel Palacios

Professor Rosenfeld

English 113B

February 26, 2018

College Investment

“You can acquire more knowledge if it is presented in a format commensurate with your

intellectual skills” (Charles Murray). College is a place where students can better their education

and network with people. Having the ability to be able to go to college is something that not

every person can have. Even though college is overly expensive, at the end of the day, every

penny spent is worth the college experience. Every penny invested in college will help people

make more money when they achieve a job with their degree. When it comes to 4-years people

are so quick to talk negative about it saying that students are just wasting their time and money

when they will not get a job with their degree. However, I believe that college is worth the

investment, the reason being is because having a college degree opens up more job opportunities.

The networking is very helpful and college broadens the student’s education and knowledge.

Even though college is overly expensive, due to all the candidates in college, a

Bachelor’s Degree is not enough anymore. College is looking more like a competition now, and

people feel forced to get a Master’s Degree because of all the students completing their

bachelor’s. However, getting a higher education in college opens up a wide range of options for

students in the work place. With the global economy getting more and more competitive, a

higher education could equal a higher work position. According to the article “Is a college degree

still worth it?” written by Eleni Karageorge, she explains the difference in money and percentage

earned for the different levels of graduates. A report states “In recent years, students have been
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paying more to attend college and earning less upon graduation –trends that have led many

observers to question whether a college education remains a good investment” (Deitz). The

authors of the report analyzed the earnings of the bachelor’s degree and associates degree and

they determined that college still remains a good investment no matter what the cost is. A degree

remains a relatively valuable asset despite the rising tuition, the wage of the Americans without a

degree have been falling keeping the college wage premium near an all-time high. Despite the

students who just have a high school diploma, “they earn up to $41,000 annually” while a

bachelor’s degree “had annual earnings of about $64,500”. The money you earn all depends on

the major you land in, choosing your major is a big part of the financial stability. For example,

Engineering majors earn the highest return which is 21 percent, followed by math and computer

majors at 18 percent and business majors at 17 percent.

Going to college is all about meeting new people, exploring the environment and

networking with people to expand something you want to do. College can secure a student’s

future without a doubt, the education can provide a steady job for the rest of their lives. Being

able to receive a degree and graduate from college makes the situation better for the graduate.

He/she can be receiving way more job opportunities compared to students who don’t have a

degree. Not only does it open up more postions but it also broadens the education and knowledge

of a student. According to the article, “What’s Wrong with Vocational School?” by Charles

Murray he explains the difference between students who don’t have much knowledge going to a

4-year compared to students going to vocational school. Whether a student understands the

material or not, that is not a reason for them to attend vocational school over a 4-year; “they are

taking away a mishmash of half understood information and outright understanding that probably

leave them under the illusion that they know something they do not” (Murray). College is a place
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where students gain more and more knowledge just like what Professor William Watkins said,

“it broadens a student’s education horizon” meaning that they can acquire a broader range of


Networking is a big part of going to college, it is a very crucial factor. Without

networking, there is a possible chance people will not succeed as much or get further into their

education or work place. Meeting new people can actually help a person’s mind develop into

something they actually want. Reaching a goal for instance, opening up a new store is a process

that requires help. Going to college can expand the networking and the people you meet

throughout the years and it can definitely help out in the future of young graduate student with a

degree. Being able to network helps create a well-rounded person with better social and

academic skills, especially when it comes to meeting new people. In an article on the Daily

Sundial, “Students, staff talk what college means to their lives, careers” by Kwok Chan. There is

a quote said by Vice President, William Watkins, “when you grow up, you will communicate

and work in a group better and learn how to use effective critical thinking skills.”

Communication is a huge aspect when it comes to networking. People need to know how to

converse with one another in order to make a bond and get familiar. Making bonds and

connections with other people to network with will pay off in the future if ever need of a job. The

more someone interacts that encourages dialogue and discussion, the more thoughtful ideas they

can entwine. According to Hartjen (health administrator) explains how making connections with

people can help you get into your career path and find your dream. The more interactions

students have with each other in an environment that encourages dialogue, the greater

propositions he or she can incorporate. College undeniably are long 4 years but association links

to happiness with the new peers they meet and have more choices to explore different things in
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their environment. The experience students have when they are at college will make them more

mentally developed, which helps them learn more about themselves and understand what type of

career pathway they want to pursue. A job is not the only opportunity that comes along the way,

marriage is also in the picture. At least forty-five percent of millennials end up married if they

either earned a bachelor’s degree or a master.

Throughout the years, the average hourly pay with a college degree compared to people

with a high school degree has changed and increased drastically. The hourly pay with people

with a college degree in the last two decades increases while people with a high school degree

pay has remained flat. In an article, “Is College Worth It?” by David Leonhardt, he expresses his

point of view on college if it is worth it or not. Although student debt has topped the charts,

Leonhardt says college is still worth it. Why, because the pay gap between college graduates and

everyone else reached a record high in the last couple years. David Leonhardt states Americans

with four-year college degrees make up to 98%more an hour than people without a degree.

In conclusion, no matter how long the roller coaster ride is, college is and always will be

worth it. Not just only because of the job opportunities and the money, but because being able to

achieve a college degree is impressive. Most students do not make it to the top when it comes to

receiving a degree. The pressure is too much for some people, their lives are too compact.

Especially when they have school, work, social life, sports etc. “They are in college to improve

their chances of making a good living” (Murray). College is all about responsibilities, and

adjusting to real world. It is where someone learns to become an adult and start their journey to

making a living for themselves.

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Work Cited

Chan, Kwok. “Students, Staff Talk What College Means to Their Lives, Careers.” The Sundial,

California State University of Northridge, 28 Feb. 2014,


Karageorge, Eleni. "Is a college degree still worth it?" Monthly Labor Review, 2014. Academic


d=5fe47fa8. Accessed 19 Feb. 2018.

Murray, Charles. “What's Wrong with Vocational School?” Http://

Wrong-with-Vocational-School/, Wall Street Journal, 17 Jan. 2007.

Leonhardt, David. “Is College Worth It? Clearly, New Data Say.” The New York Times, The New York

Times, 27 May 2014,


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