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man set_tlu_plus_files

2. Synopsys Commands Command Reference


Sets the files used for TLUPlus extraction.

status set_tlu_plus_files
[-max_tluplus max_tluplus_file]
[-min_tluplus min_tluplus_file]
[-max_emulation_tluplus max_emul_file]
[-min_emulation_tluplus min_emul_file]
[-tech2itf_map mapping_file]

Data Types
max_tluplus_file string
min_tluplus_file string
max_emul_file string
min_emul_file string
mapping_file string

-max_tluplus max_tluplus_file
Specifies the name of the TLUPlus file used for maximum condi-
tion calculation of resistance and capacitance using TLUPlus.

-min_tluplus min_tluplus_file
Specifies the name of the TLUPlus file used for minimum condi-
tion calculation of resistance and capacitance using TLUPlus.

-max_emulation_tluplus max_emul_file
Specifies the name of the emulation TLUPlus file used for maxi-
mum condition calculation of resistance and capacitance using

-min_emulation_tluplus min_emul_file
Specifies the name of the emulation TLUPlus file used for mini-
mum condition calculation of resistance and capacitance using

-tech2itf_map mapping_file
Specifies the name of the file that defines the layer mapping
between the technology file and the Interconnect Technology For-
mat (ITF) file. This switch is optional only if the names are
the same.

This command specifies the files used for virtual route and postroute
extraction using TLUPlus. At a minimum, you must specify the maximum
TLUPlus file and the mapping file.

The -min_tluplus option is optional and, if specified, the command runs

an extraction for the minimum condition, as well.

The file specified by the -tech2itf_map option maps the layer names in
the technology file to the layer names in the Interconnect Technology
Format (ITF) file. The mapping file should contain at least two sec-
tions, conducting_layers and via_layers; the conducting_layers section
maps a routing layer to a conductor layer in the ITF file and the
via_layers section maps a contact layer to a via layer in the ITF file.
If the layer names are the same in your technology file and ITF file,
you do not have to specify this option. If you do not specify this
option, the tool assumes that the layer names are the same. Thus, if
the names are actually different, an error will occur later in the

You can also use this command to define two (optional) emulation TLU-
Plus files, which are used to perform emulation metal fill extraction.
Emulation TLUPlus files include metal-fill-related information, such as

If you use the same names in different directories for the maximum and
minimum TLUPlus files, they are considered the same file. The file
names must be different if the files are not the same.

Note that TLUPlus files are stored as physical attributes of the

design. When you use the import_designs command, you must set the TLU-
Plus files after running this command. Designs without a floorplan are
considered logical designs. When a logical design is opened, only logi-
cal attributes are reloaded. It is important to run the initial-
ize_floorplan or read_def command with valid floorplan DEF data after
you set the TLUPlus files and before you save the design, to ensure
that the physical attributes are reloaded when the design is reopened.

Multicorner-Multimode Support
This command uses information from the current scenario only. If using
emulation, it must be set for all scenarios.

Assume that the technology file has the following layer definitions:

Layer "METAL1" {
maskName = "metal1"
Layer "VIA1" {
maskName = "via1"

and the Interconnect Technology Format (ITF) file has the following
layer definitions:

CONDUCTOR metal1 {THICKNESS=0.53 WMIN=0.23 SMIN=0.23 RPSQ=0.078 \

VIA via1 {FROM=metal1 TO=metal2 AREA=0.0169 RPV=1.6}

In this case, the mapping file would have the following entries:

METAL1 metal1
VIA1 via1
The following example runs the set_tlu_plus_files command.

prompt> set_tlu_plus_files -max_tluplus tlu.max \



Version M-2016.12-SP5-1
Copyright (c) 2017 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved.

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