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Summary and Conclusion


The present study was carried out in the Poultry Complex of the faculty of
Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Orissa University of Agriculture and
Technology, Bhubaneswar. The main parameters studied are growth, feed conversion
efficiency, linear body measurements, mortality rate, carcass traits and meat

Performances of two genotypes of broiler chicken were utilized in the study.

The genotypes were; (i) Treatment group: (Hansli x CSML) ♂ x CSFL ♀ crosses; (ii)
Control group: Coloured synthetic broiler (CSML ♂ x CSML ♀) crosses. Adult
colour synthetic male line (CSML) males and colour synthetic female line (CSFL)
females at the age of 40 weeks were housed in breeding pens in the ratio 1:7. Seven
CSML males and fifty CSFL females were used for the cross breeding.
Simultaneously, (Hansli x CSML) males as well as CSFL females were maintained in
the same ratio to obtain pure eggs.

The body weight of the control group were significantly (p≤0.01) higher than
that of the treatment group for all ages up to the 8th week except that of the day old
body weight. The control group is a cross of colour synthetic broiler parent line. The
body weight of the treatment group in the present experiment was higher than the 8th
week body weight of different broiler and native chickens due to the fact that the
treatment group under study was developed by crossing of (Hansli x CSML) ♂ with
CSFL ♀ resulting in 75 and 25 % contribution of broiler parent line and native
chicken variety, respectively. This could be the reason of getting higher 8th week body
weight of the treatment group as compared to other reported values of native and
broiler crosses.

There was no significant difference (P≥0.05) in the cumulative feed intake

between the control group and the treatment group at 6th, 7th and 8th week of age.
However the cumulative feed intake for 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th week of the treatment
group was significantly (P≤0.05 or 0.01) lower than that of the control group. The
cumulative feed consumption up to the 8th week of the control group was significantly
(p≤0.01) higher (3955.73g) than that of the treatment group (3112.32g). Broilers are

Summary and Conclusion

selected for high growth, high feed intake and better feed conversion efficiency. The
cross under study is a cross of (Hansli x CSML) ♂ with CSFL ♀ for which the feed
consumption could have increased.

Lower FCR values of the control group could be due to better feed conversion
efficiency as it is a cross of two broiler parent lines. The treatment group which
derived 25% germplasm from a native chicken variety that is Hansli, could have
contributed to the higher FCR values during the period of study.

Among the genotypes under study, both the groups had 1.66 % mortality
having better adaptability to local climatic conditions. The mortality in chicks is
influenced by several factors including the management practices. Therefore, a wide
variation in mortality for the same genotype have been reported by different workers.
As the mortality of the two genotypes under study was less than 2%, it was considered
to be within the normal range.

All the linear body measurement parameters except that of the beak length
were significantly (p≤0.05) higher in the control group than in the treatment group.
The control group is a cross of broiler parent lines which are selected over generations
for higher breast angle, keel length, and shank length. Ttis could might be the reason
for obtaining higher values for the parameters in the control group than in the
treatment group, which is a cross involving a native population.

Chicks in the control group showed lower values (p≤0.01 or 0.05) for breast
angle and beak length at 6th week, while at 8th week, these differences were found
nonexistent. This could might be due to the differences between the two genotypes in
the growth pattern of these two organs.

Higher carcass values were exhibited by the control group, though the
differences were not statistically significant for some traits. This was because of
higher live weight of the chicks in the control group.

When the cut-up parts were expressed as a percentage of the eviscerated

weight and dressed weight, no differences were found between the groups, except for
the giblet weight (expressed as percentage of eviscerated weight), which showed
higher values (p≤0.05) in favour of the control group. This could be due to the fact

Summary and Conclusion

that the control group had significantly (p≤0.05) higher liver weight than the
treatment group.

In the present experiment, no significant difference (P >0.05) in the breast and

thigh meat composition was observed among the two genotype.

From the results obtained in the present investigation and its subsequent
analysis in relation to the findings of other workers it may be concluded that:

The triple cross progenies of (Hansli x CSML) ♂ x CSFL ♀ attained a body

weight of 997.867 ± 0.42 g at 8th week of age with an FCR of 3.26 ± 0.15 which were
comparatively lower than the CSML ♂ x CSFL ♀ crosses.

However, the (Hansli x CSML) ♂ x CSFL ♀ cross has a high livability

percentage (98.33%) with superior meat quality (higher crude protein and lower fat).

The (Hansli x CSML) ♂ x CSFL ♀ crosses could be suitable for rearing under
semi intensive system of management profitably.


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