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A Project Proposal

Presented to the Faculty of the

Senior High School Department

University of Cebu- Main

Cebu City

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirement for the

Immersion/ 3Is










Problem and it`s Scope


It is no shock that the world has been neglected and disrespected to the point

of her to return the favor ten folds. Environmental issues is a subject known by

children and adults alike, experienced by the masses and caused by no other than

us. We have started these problems through modernization in not only our

gadgets or small devices for our every day lives but also the infrastructures that

have been getting bigger and higher as time goes by. Every single invention that

was created to help us get through life and help us make our lives easier with less

stress, less work, and most importantly, less time, causes mother earth to get hurt

in the process.

The Philippines is no stranger to these environmental issues. As told by

Datukon, Sheryl Ann 2016, the top five environmental problems of the Philippines

are as follows pollution, global warming due to emission of green house gasses,

overpopulation, natural resources depletion and lastly, waste disposal. All of

which are causing great harm to not only the earth, the environment, the only

home we may ever know but also to ourselves and most importantly, the future of

our world, kids, which are oblivious to these issues and rather than facing the

issues we choose to ignore it which causes a great danger to our future as we

know it.

The University of Cebu Senior High School Building is an ongoing project.

Meaning it is not yet done and is still an ongoing construction. The ground and the

first floor are what`s left of the project. This construction not only affects the lives of

the people within the building concerning their health but also to the surroundings

of the said location.

Every single day senior high school student who have been transferred to the

said building are exposed to a construction site which is not only considered

dangerous but also dirty in a sense that it is filled with dust. ( Alcumus Group, 2017

) Airborne Fibers and Materials - Respiratory Diseases. The Toxins coming from

the ongoing construction whether or not working in motion during classes can

have bad effects to not only the students but also the staff that is exposed to this.

A toxic mix of hazardous materials and fibers that can damage the lungs, leading

to diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary, asthma and silicosis.

Diseases that can heavily affect the person carrying it and possibly ending their


In order to help the community ( Senior High School Building ) address this

problem is by planting plants that can be of great benefit to everyone in the

building. Plants can wondrously help by giving out clean oxygen rather than have

the people breath in the dirty air and toxic materials the construction site has

provided along with the already obvious air pollution from the public vehicles

passing by.

Yet with all the talk of protecting the environment and protecting the people

living inside it what about protecting the plants from the ruined environment that is

present in the said location. The researchers propose building a green house

which can protect the plants from harm due to the environmental issues which we

are facing in the University of Cebu Senior High School building, creating a

sanctuary for the plants for them to be protected from the dangers the

environmental issues bring.

According to Edwards, Ciele 2017 there are three ( 3 ) purpose of having a

green house. First, it is to isolate the plants to keep them away from the outside

world where there are many things that can damage it which can cause the plants

to weaken and cause it`s eventual death, green houses provide protection to the

plants from rodents, insects and others that may seek to harm it rather than

cultivate it. Second, it is to protect plant from the elements, having an

uncontrollable weather that can cause damage to a plant and could even cause

eventual death to it whereas a plant inside a green house can be protected from

the effects that these sudden changes may bring. And lastly, green houses can

help control over produce or also known as fertilizers which are harmful

substances that are dangerous especially when consumed if ever future users of

the green house ever decide to cultivate consumable plants.

This project aims to not only improve the lives of people present in the vicinity

but also to the defend the plants that are used in this project for them to be able to

grow in a healthy environment. A plant that is exposed to a healthy environment

will not only blossom beautifully but also help reduce pollution by reducing the

amount of carbon dioxide in the air and give off oxygen.And also to help avoid

future problems that was caused by the construction in the ground and first floor of

the Senior High Building from arising especially those that could have been

prevented from happening.

The project aims to build a shelter and sanctuary for the plants of University of

Cebu – Main Campus Senior High Building in order to cultivate and protect the

plants from a certain environmental issues and debris. This will also benefit the

people inside the vicinity concerning their health from the very thick dust due to the

ongoing construction of the building. This will help every plant even with different

classes to keep growing with the hindrance which includes climates, temperature,

humidity and pollution.

Theoretical Background

This project is anchored on the theory of “ An Alternative Theory of the Plant

Size Distribution, with Geography and Intra- and International Trade” ( 2014 ) by

Holmes, Thomas and Steven, John; “ The hygiene theory “ by Crowe, James

The theory, An Alternative Theory of the Plant Size Distribution, with

Geography and Intra- and International Trade , as stated by both Holmes, Thomas

and Steven, John, states that “There is wide variation in the sizes of

manufacturing plants, even within the most narrowly defined industry

classifications. Standard theories attribute such size differences to productivity

differences. This paper develops an alternative theory in which industries are

made up of large plants producing standardized goods and small plants making

custom or specialty goods. It uses confidential census data to estimate the

parameters of the model. The model fits the data well. In particular, the predictions

of the model regarding the effect of a surge of imports from China are consistent

with what happened over the period 1997–2007” This theory clearly suggest that a

plant`s production and growth is inclined to its living conditions, simply speaking,

the plant`s production can be controlled inside a controlled environment. Therefor

speaking, a greenhouse is very much needed for a plant to grow inside an

environment such as a in progress, under construction school which not only lack

greenery, I.e. plants, trees, etc., but also proper ventilation that is especially

needed when an already tropical country is experiencing global warming, which

also causes harm towards the environment and society.

The Hygiene Theory, suggests that people should be exposed to germs

because this can actually, contrary to popular belief, be good for their health.

Crowe, James stated that “The microorganisms that we try so hard to keep at bay

may play key roles in preventing us from developing allergies or autoimmune

diseases. Some suggests that bacteria can even make us better.” This theory

proposes that rather than keeping a child indoors let them roam around outside

for them to be able to exposed to these bacteria that could help their bodies

become immune or atleast learn to fight off foreign bacteria that could attract the

body. People should be exposed to bacteria for another reason, because as told

by Crowe, “It isn’t just our immune system that benefits from exposure to germs.

Some germs might even have beneficial effects on the brain; relieving depression

and even making us smarter.” This is very beneficial to the students and school

staff that will tend to the plants inside the greenhouse because not only does it

greatly affect their mood and their performance but it will also help them with their

health as well. The theory also suggests that the exposure of a person towards

an environment that could be classified close to those of farms or in our instance,

a garden filled with greenery is good for them in uncountable ways. Which is very

beneficial to everyone that will be inside the school premises.

Conceptual Framework

An Alternative Theory of
the Plant Size
Distribution, with The Hygiene Theory
Geography and Intra-
and International Trade

Beneficiaries of the project:

●Students ●Environment

●Teachers. ●School Administration

Environmental A more facilitative


Greenhouse: A Shelter and Sanctuary for Plants in

University of Cebu-Main Senior High School Building

Figure 1.1 Theoretical and Conceptual Framework on Green House: A shelter and

sanctuary for plants in University of Cebu-Main Senior High School Building

The project is entitled "Greenhouse: A Shelter and Sanctuary for plants in

University of Cebu-Main Senior High School Building". The project is anchored on

3 theories: Theory of Hygiene and Sanitation, The Fireworks Theory of

Greenhouse and The Greenhouse Theory of Climate Change. The people that

can benefit from the redundents in the University since it aims to create more

facilitative learning environment and the environment itself since one of the

projects aim is to do something for environmental awareness.

The Project Flow

The project needs to follow guidelines in order to finish it successfully. The project

has followed the stages as such: First, the statement of the project title. Since the

chosen project title is very broad and specific, it needs to undergo inquiry from the

facilitator for the project title to be legitimate. Second, the formulating of the

content of the project title has been conducted. The reasons, goals and the

implementation of the process has been presented. Third, is the observation of

place where the project has been chosen to be located. Fourth, the researcher

has have canvassed the prices of the materials that has been used in the project.

Fifth, the researchers has made a transmittal letter that has been passed to Mr.

Abelardo T. Tejo Jr., and Ms. Roxan V. Arpon for their confirmation of the project

the researchers proposed. Sixth, the researchers have bought and readied

materials that was needed in the project for the easy access of the carpenter that

will have helped them build the greenhouse. Seventh, is the process of

constructing the greenhouse. Lastly, the researchers has coordinated with the

other group of researcher in accordance of the plants the fellow group has placed

in the greenhouse.

Figure 2. Project Flow

Formulating the Project Title

Formulating the content of the project title:



Observation for the location of the project.

Canvassing of the materials and searching for the carpenter

The submission of the transmittal letter to the Principal.

Purchasing of the materials to be used and negotiation with the


Greenhouse’ construction

Coordination with the other researchers for the plants.


Statement of the Project

Greenhouses keep the temperature normal inside them to keep plants form

being in any form of harm from outside forces which may cause the plants to

wither.And also, keeping plants in a normal temperature or giving them enough

amount of heat to keep them healthy help them produce the much needed oxygen

that we, as air breathers need. It also provides protection from unexpected climate

change which may result from slight to severe damages towards the plants. There

will always be factors that can affect their growth, however, this greenhouse limits

the effects and provides a solution to keep and preserve the lifespan of every plant

inside it. Being aware of the presence of this matter is very important and will not

only impact the lives of those who are aware but also to those who are not, due to

the actions being taken by those who are aware of this matter ( I.e. building green

houses ). Awareness of this matter gives a big impact on everyone`s lives, be it

the smallest plant to the tallest animal. When given the proper time to understand

the matter at hand then everyone will all come to now that there is a solution to this

problem. People just need to dig a little deeper to find it. Both literally and


Importance of the Project

The project that is being planned and proposed can help and contribute on

the fixed place. Here are the aspects and population that can benefit through this

project :

Environment. This project will not only beautify our environment but also little by

little help it. As we are all aware of the problems that our environment is facing

especially I.e. the air pollution that is painfully obvious in University of Cebu,we

must all come to an understanding that there must be something done for this

matter. A solution that has come to mind, is the cultivating of plants, they will help

give cleaner air for people to breath. And because of this, people may start to

cultivate more plants and be more aware that a green house is needed for the

plant especially because of our ever changing weather which can cause to a

plant`s destruction.

Beautification. This study will help beautify the University of Cebu Senior High

School Building. The building has not reached its completion and as a result has

not been seen how truly marvelous it is, in a sense that it looks dull and lifeless

especially because of the construction that is currently going on in the bottom

floors. This project will bring a more vibrant and earthy approach to the decor of

the building.

Students. Students will greatly benefit the project because not only will they be

able to have cleaner air to breath which will lessen the chances of respiratory

problems to arise but they will also feel better upon seeing the plant, according to

Kaplan, Jonathan S., being in nature or simply looking at nature, whether a simple

plant or a painting of it can help make you feel better. It not only helps you

psychologically but also helps make the students performance better.

Teachers.The same will apply to the teacher regarding the positive outcome the

plants will bring to the students.The teachers will greatly benefit from this upon

seeing their students lively and well during classes especially when they see their

attentiveness during lessons.

School Administrators.The School Administrators will greatly benefit from this

upon seeing great performance not only from their staff but the students as well.

And this project will beautify their school not only in the duration of time the

students of the class of 2017-2018 are present at school because the green house

will assure that the plants will continue to grow and many more will be planted due

to the protection the green house provides them.

Scope of the Project

This project was conducted on S.Y. 2017-2018 at the University of Cebu-Main

Senior High School Building. As the researchers have done their initial

observation, the greenhouse will be placed at the 9th floor of the building. The

researchers used materials such as bubble insulation,net and woods for their own



Project Title



Project Proponents

The proponents of the project are Grade 12 Senior High School Students from

the Humanities and Social Sciences Strand of the University of Cebu-Main







Project Location

The University of Cebu-Main Campus Senior High School Building was the

project location. Specifically, the project is placed at the parking lot of the

University of Cebu Main Campus Senior High School building.

Project Duration

The planning started on the month of December, 2017 when the researchers

decided to change their topic. The researches then conducted the inspection of

the place when they worked on the problem and scope of the project. The

construction started on the month of December in the year 2017. The project

implementation took place on February, 2017 in prior to complying for the deadline

for the project-based research.

Project Plan

Figure 1.3 Blue Print of the outside view of the Greenhouse

Figure 1.4 Blue print of the inside view of the Greenhouse

Project Technical Design/Plan





Location University of Cebu-Main

Senior High School Building

Specified area at 9th Floor.

Department Senior High School Department

Project Cost

The project study only costs the amount of One thousand three hundred forty
(Php 1,340.00).

The following table shows the expenditures of the project study.

Table 1

The Detailed Estimated Cost of the Project Study

Description Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Cost

Bubble 2 Roll P 300.00 P 600.00

Net 3 Roll P 100.00 P 300.00

Woods 6 Meters P 73.30 P 440.00

Nails 1/2 Kilo P 48 .00 P 24.00


The terms used are defined conceptually in accordance to how they are used

in our project proposal.

Beautification. Providing greenhouse for the protection of plants and flowers to

add life, color, and enhance the physical structure of the school building.

Greenhouse - a building or part of a building that has glass walls and a glass roof

and that is used for growing plants.

Vicinity - a place or area around or near a particular place.

Cultivate - to grow or raise (something) under conditions that you can control

Pollution - substances that make land, water, air, etc., dirty and not safe or

suitable to use

Completion - the act or process of completing or finishing something

Dull - not exciting or interesting

Vibrant - having or showing great life, activity, and energy

















Presentation and Implementation of the Project

Work Stages

The work stages are provided for comprehensive information

about the project and its flow. It consists of the different lapses that the project

undergone for its accomplishment. And will further demonstrate the stages from

its start. It caters information from its proponents, resources and fund.

Tools, Equipment and Materials Used

The following are the tools, equipment and materials used:

 2x “2” strip of wood – one of the most important material for the project, it is

used for foundations and frames to be securely attached to the ground.

 Bubble Insulation- The Bubble Insulation serves as the roof to reduce

heating costs and to increase efficiency.

 Net- The use of net is to cover the overall sides of the greenhouse.

 Nails- The use of nails is to fasten the woods to the other materials.

 Hammer- The use of hammer is to drive the nails in order to be fasten.

Project System

The researchers have done their jobs in planning the result and

observing good tasking as seen in the Work Breakdown Structure, and how the

researchers manage their funds and financial resources for the project is under

the Resource Assignment Matrix. The importance of the activities as shown in the

Gantt Chart.

Work Breakdown Structure

The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) was established to have a

better guidance to the researchers in outlining the activities. This section shows

the series of task, activities and procedures which is needed for the

accomplishment of the project.

In the implementation of the project, the following tasks were


Task 1 Conceptualization and Formulation of the Project Title

Task 2 Formulation of the Content which includes the goals and

the reason of creating the project.

Task 3 Oral Defense for Project Agenda

Task 4 Formulation of Chapter l

Task 5 Oral Defense for Chapter l

Task 6 Submission of Transmittal Letter for the Principal

Abellardo T. Tejo Jr.

Task 7 Coordination with the group from 2A-Wisdom for the

providing plants

Task 8 Formulation of Chapter ll

Task 9 Oral Defense and Proposal Report for Chapter l and

Chapter ll

Task 10 Preparations for the Project Plan and Activities

Task 11 Submission of Letter for the approval of the location

Task 12 Execution for the Project Plan and Activities : Making the


Task 13 Formulation of Chapter lll the Summary and


Task 14 Compilation of the Final Output and first Oral Defense

Task 15 Compilation of the revised Final Output

Task 16 Final Oral Defense

Resource Assignment Matrix

The resource Assignment Matrix (RAM) presented the different

activities to fully appreciate the work and the participation of the researchers. Also,

this section mounted the wise utilization of resources and funding requirements.

WBS Person(s) Involved Resources Funding

Needed Requirement

1. Conceptualization Ms. Janine Cuizon NA NA

and Formulation of Ms. Nathalie Bel

the Project Title Noreene Gacrama

Ms. Mary Grace


Ms. Rigel Sagayno

Ms. Alyssa Bohol

Ms. Roxan V. Arpon

Project Adviser

2. Formulation of the Ms. Janine Cuizon Internet NA

Content which Ms. Nathalie Bel Connection

includes the goals Noreene Gacrama

and the reason of Ms. Mary Grace

the project. Soliva

Ms. Rigel Sagayno

Ms. Alyssa Bohol

3. Oral Defense for Ms. Janine Cuizon NA NA

Project Agenda Ms. Nathalie Bel

Noreene Gacrama

Ms. Mary Grace


Ms. Rigel Sagayno

Ms. Alyssa Bohol

Ms. Roxan V. Arpon

Project Adviser

4. Formulation of Ms. Janine Cuizon Internet NA

Chapter l Ms. Nathalie Bel Connection

Noreene Gacrama

Ms. Mary Grace


Ms. Rigel Sagayno

Ms. Alyssa Bohol

5. Oral Defense for Ms. Janine Cuizon NA NA

Chapter l Ms. Nathalie Bel

Noreene Gacrama

Ms. Mary Grace


Ms. Rigel Sagayno

Ms. Alyssa Bohol

Ms. Roxan V. Arpon

Project Adviser

6. Submission of Ms. Janine Cuizon Transmittal Letter NA

Transmittal Letter Ms. Nathalie Bel

for the Principal Noreene Gacrama

Abelardo T. Tejo Jr. Ms. Mary Grace


Ms. Rigel Sagayno

Ms. Alyssa Bohol

Prof. Abelardo Tejo


7. Coordination with Ms. Janine Cuizon NA NA

the group from Ms. Nathalie Bel

2A-Wisdom for the Noreene Gacrama

providing of plants Ms. Mary Grace


Ms. Rigel Sagayno

Ms. Alyssa Bohol

Ms. Carmila Rose


8.Formulation of Ms. Janine Cuizon NA NA

Chapter ll Ms. Nathalie Bel

Noreene Gacrama

Ms. Mary Grace


Ms. Rigel Sagayno

Ms. Alyssa Bohol

9. Oral Defense and Ms. Janine Cuizon NA NA

Proposal Report for Ms. Nathalie Bel

Chapter l and Noreene Gacrama

Chapter ll Ms. Mary Grace


Ms. Rigel Sagayno

Ms. Alyssa Bohol

Ms. Roxan V.Arpon

Project Adviser

10. Preparations for Ms. Janine Cuizon -Project Plan P 1,500.00

the Project Plan and Ms. Nathalie Bel -2x “2” strip of

Activities Noreene Gacrama wood, Bubble

Ms. Mary Grace Insulation, Net,

Soliva Nails and Hammer

Ms. Rigel Sagayno

Ms. Alyssa Bohol

Mr. Sagayno

Hired Carpenter

11. Submission of Ms. Janine Cuizon Approval Letter NA

Letter for the Ms. Nathalie Bel

approval of the Noreene Gacrama

location Ms. Mary Grace


Ms. Rigel Sagayno

Ms. Alyssa Bohol

Prof. Abelardo Tejo


12. Execution for the Ms. Janine Cuizon -Project Plan P 500.00

Project Plan and Ms. Nathalie Bel -2x “2” strip of

Activities : Making Noreene Gacrama wood, Bubble

the greenhouse Ms. Mary Grace Insulation, Net,

Soliva Nails and Hammer

Ms. Rigel Sagayno

Ms. Alyssa Bohol

Mr. Sagayno

Hired Carpenter

13. Formulation of Ms. Janine Cuizon NA NA

Chapter lll Ms. Nathalie Bel

Noreene Gacrama

Ms. Mary Grace


Ms. Rigel Sagayno

Ms. Alyssa Bohol

14. Compilation of Ms. Janine Cuizon NA NA

the Final Output and Ms. Nathalie Be

first Oral Defense Noreene Gacrama

Ms. Mary Grace


Ms. Rigel Sagayno

Ms. Alyssa Bohol

15. Compilation of Ms. Janine Cuizon NA NA

the revised Final Ms. Nathalie Bel

Output Noreene Gacrama

Ms. Mary Grace


Ms. Rigel Sagayno

Ms. Alyssa Bohol

16. Final Oral Ms. Janine Cuizon NA NA

Defense Ms. Nathalie Bel

Noreene Gacrama

Ms. Mary Grace


Ms. Rigel Sagayno

Ms. Alyssa Bohol

Project Implementation

To be able to perform the project, one must be able to know the project

implementation. The following are the task that are and will be implemented in the

whole project research.

Task # 1

Conceptualization and Formulation of the Project Title

To create a title, the project must be described by the

researchers through its main goal. The main goal is to keep the students healthy

from the ongoing construction on the ground floor and first floor of the University o

Cebu-Main Senior High School Building, that will address through building a


Task # 2

Formulation of the Content which includes the goals and the reason of


the project.

In formulating the reasons, the researchers initially reflected on

the problems and issues that are very evident in the community and then came

up with a solution. After formulating the solution, the researchers then generated

the goals and the actions in order to fulfill it.

Task # 3

Oral Defense for Project Agenda

The researchers come up with the output from the task # 2, in

which they should explain concisely the project in order for the project adviser to

approve it.

Task # 4

Formulation of Chapter l

In formulating the chapter l, the researchers must create the

rationale in which the researchers must explain its reasons. Also, the researchers

must have theories to be able to support the study and to come up on the

theoretical background.

Task # 5

Oral Defense for Chapter l

The researchers must come up with the output from task # 4, in

order for them to defend their project while the project adviser raise questions.

Task # 6

Submission of Transmittal Letter for the Principal Abelardo T. Tejo Jr.

The researchers formulate the transmittal letter and submit to the

principal, Prof. Abelardo Tejo Jr. to have an approval for the project.

Task # 7

Coordination with the group from 2A-Wisdom for the providing of plants

The greenhouse must be composed of plants, in which is beyond

the financial capabilities of the researchers. Thus, the researchers coordinate with

the group from 2A-Wisdom which will provide the plants for the beautification of

the project.

Task # 8

Formulation of Chapter ll

In formulating the Chapter ll, the researches must modify the

task that are and will be done through out the project and will create the project


Task # 9

Oral Defense and Proposal Report for Chapter l and Chapter ll

The researchers must modify thoroughly the lapses in order

to have a good revision. Thus, the project adviser will turn out questions and

must be answered by the researchers firmly.

Task # 10

Preparations for the Project Plan and Activities

Materials, tools and equipment must be prepared and

produced for the researchers to be ready for the execution.

Task # 11

Submission of Letter for the approval of the location

Location must be secured for the researchers to build their

project. Thus, submitting an approval letter to the Principal, Prof. Abelardo Tejo Jr.

will solidify the project

Task # 12

Execution for the Project Plan and Activities : Making the greenhouse

In executing the project, the researchers must hired a

carpenter for them to be guided and to have a better output.

Task # 13

Formulation of Chapter lll

In formulating the Chapter lll, the researchers must modify

and create the summary and recommendations.

Task # 14

Compilation of the Final Output and first Oral Defense

In compiling the Final Output, all works will be collected

and the researchers must be prominent in answering the questions that will be

speculated from the project adviser.

Task # 15

Compilation of the revised Final Output

The researchers must firmly compile their works and must

thoroughly have an inquisitions to their revision to have the final output.

Task # 16

Final Oral Defense

The project that has been laid by the researchers must be

firmly protected and sealed through answering the rigid questions from the

panelist. If the researchers will fulfill then the project will remain as a legacy and

must be continued through out the generations and will serves as the researchers


Project Accomplishment

The researchers has given much effort for the project, especially for the

proposal and approval. After the given time, they have successfully done the given

activities. Each chapter of this project base was checked and approved by the

instructor, and after such time, they have given suitable information for the project,

and until now, the project is being conducted.



(in days) REMARKS

1. Ms. Janine NA 1 day The title of the

Conceptualizatio Cuizon project has

n and been

Formulation of Ms. approved.

the Project Title Nathalie Bel

Noreene Internet 1 day The parts of

2. Formulation of Gacrama Connection the Chapter 1

the Content has been

which includes Ms. Mary approved.

the goals and the Grace

reason of Soliva

the project.

Ms. Rigel Project 1 day The oral

Sagayno Output defense has

3.Oral defense of been

the Project Ms. Alyssa successful.

Agenda Bohol

Internet 3 days The parts of

connection Chapter 1 has

4. Formulation of been

Chapter I Project 1 day approved.

Output The oral

5.Oral Defense defense has

for Chapter I been


Transmittal 3 days The letter has

Letter been

6. Submission of approved.

Transmittal Letter

for the Principal

Abelardo T. Tejo

Jr. NA 1 day The


7. Coordination had been

with the group successful.

from 2A-Wisdom

for the providing

of plants

Internet 2 days The parts of

Connection Chapter 1 has

8. Formulation of been

Chapter ll approved.

Project 1 day The parts of

output Chapter 1 has

9. Oral Defense been

and Proposal approved.

Report for

Chapter l and

Chapter ll -Project Plan 4 days The oral

-2x “2” strip of defense has

10. Preparations wood, Bubble been

for the Project Insulation, successful.

Plan and Net, Nails

Activities and Hammer


Letter 2 days The plans and

activities had


11. Submission successful

of Letter for the

approval of the -Project Plan

location -2x “2” strip of 2 days The letter has

wood, Bubble been

Insulation, approved.

12. Execution for Net, Nails

the Project Plan and Hammer

and Activities :

Making the Internet

greenhouse Connection

2 days The

Project greenhouse

Output had been

13. Formulation 2 days made.

of Chapter lll The parts of

Chapter lll has

14. Compilation been

of the Final Project approved.

Output and the output

first Oral Defense 2 days The final

output had

been made

15.Compilation and the oral

of the revised defense had

Final Output been




1 day Chapters I to III

had been

completed and

16.Final Oral the mistakes

Defense had been

revised and


Our project


research was

already done.

Chapter III


This chapter presents the summary of the entire project which also includes

the project`s implementation and recommendations that will provide help upon

improving the building`s environmental condition, this will help the future

researchers upon conducting their own versions of this project-based research.


This project-based research is entitled " GREEN HOUSE: A SHELTER AND


SCHOOL BUILDING ". This project aims to achieve two ( 2 ) goals. First, this

project aims to beautify the physical structure of the newly built building in an

effort to show off its true appeal in addition to attracting possible new applicants

for the Senior High School of University of Cebu while also giving off a calm and

peaceful vibe to the people present inside the campus. And Lastly, to be able to

have assurance that the plants that will be planted will be able to be taken care of

even in our absence due to the greenhouse.

This project has become triumphant due to the perseverance of the

researchers of the 12th grade Humanities and Social Sciences Strand of the

University of Cebu - Main Campus, namely MS. JANINE CUIZON, MY ALYSSA



The project took place inside the University of Cebu - Main Campus Senior

High School Building. The project will last for a maximum of 5 months which

begun on the month of October in the year 2017 until the month of February in

the year 2018. The series of tasks for the project implementation are accounted

in the Resource Assignment Matrix (RAM), Work Breakdown Structure (WBS),

and the Gantt Chart. The cooperation of the researchers among themselves has

made their tasks easier for them due to their constant understanding and having

each member initiate tasks and give off suggestions helped the group smoothly

conduct the project.The project amounted to a total of ONE THOUSAND THREE

HUNDRED FORTY PESOS (Php 1,340.00). The liquidation of the materials

bought and used for this project is presented under Chapter I`s Project Cost. The

tasks were properly planned, surveyed and performed thus making this

project-based research reach its completion with outmost success.


The attainment and implementation of this project will supply a favorable

learning and working environment to the students, teachers, school staff, and

future researchers.

Students. This project will enliven and encourage students to create a similar

project but in a way that is better for them. Creating a unique project that could

inspire them to do more of these kinds of acts for our environment`s well-being.

Teachers. They can use this project as a basis to when they ask their

students to create a project that could help the environment in an environment

friendly kind of way.

School Staff. They can create a similar project by themselves or by using this

as a project for students to create. They can create a program that could continue

this project for years to come and to make students and fellow staff members

interact with each other while helping the environment.

Future researchers. They can use different materials when they wish to do a

similar project. Using a more creative, unique kind of material is favorable as long

as it is a durable material due to the purpose of the greenhouse which is to protect

a plant and become it`s safe haven so it is better if the materials to be used will be

long lasting.


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