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Lab 4 Report– Tissue Recognition /20

Greg Houselander Date:_____________
March 17, 2018

Susan Smith

You will require access to the textbook to answer the questions related to this lab.
Mark allocation is indicated for each question.

Part A Epithelial Tissue

1. Which of the following best describes the appearance of simple squamous epithelium? Select
the correct option. (0.5 marks)

Single Layer Multiple Layer

2. Provide a location and function of simple squamous epithelium. (1 mark)

These cells line the heart, blood vessels, alveoli in lungs, and
glomeruli in the kidney. Its function is to allow for diffusion,
osmosis, filtration (kidneys), and secretion (surfactant in the
3. What is the function of the simple epithelial tissue in the bronchus? (1 mark)

To secrete surfactant which traps bacteria and dust particles.

4. Label the diagram from the lab of the bronchus. (1.5 marks)

1. Cilia

2. Pseudostratified columnar cell

3. Basement membrane
Part B Connective Tissue

5. Describe the appearance and location of loose adipose tissue in the skin. (1 mark)
Adipose tissue looks like a sponge with lots of empty spaces
(similar to an aero chocolate bar). Adipose tissue is located
6. What is thethere
wherever function of adipose
is areolar tissue in the
connective (in (1
tissue themark)
layer of the skin, and around blood vessels, nerves and organs).
Adipose tissue stores fat as triglycerides, and can be used to
produce energy, insulate the body, and to protect and cushion
7. What is the function of dense regular connective tissue in the body? Name one place
where it can be found. (1 mark)
Provides strong attachment for connecting muscle to bone
(tendons) and connecting bone to bone (ligaments). It can be found
in tendons and ligaments.
8. Differentiate between spongy and compact bone using the chart below. (2 marks)

Spongy Compact
Provides support YorN Yes Yes
Organized Yor N Yes Yes
Location inner cavity of the bone outer covering of the bone
Unique Feature stores bone marrow stores calcium

9. Label the diagram of compact bone from the lab. (3 marks)

1. Osteon
2. Lacunae containing osteocytes

3. Ground substance

4. Blood vessel (vein)

5. Nerve

6. Blood vessel (artery)

2 3 4 5 6
Part C Muscle Tissue
10. Complete the chart comparing the three types of muscle tissue (3 marks)

Skeletal Smooth Cardiac

Involuntary or
Voluntary involuntary
voluntary & involuntary (reflexes)
Number of nuclei multinucleated 1 1-3
Function allows our limbs to move contract/relax when stimulated controlled simultaneous contracts of heart chambers

Location connected to 2 bones across a joint stomach, intestines, uterus, bladder etc. found in the walls of the heart

Part D Nervous Tissue

11. The function of neuroglia cells is to protect and support neurons. Complete the chart
regarding the following neuroglia cells. (1 mark)

Schwann Cell Oligodendrocyte Astrocyte

Location PNS CNS CNS
Function Produce myelin produce myelin maintain ion concentrations

12. Label the diagram of a typical neuron from the lab. (3 marks)

1. Dendrite 3. Axon 5. Myelin producing cell

2. Cell body 6. Axon terminal

4. Node of Ranvier (gap in myelin)
13. Complete the chart regarding the nervous system and location of grey and white matter. Indicate
whether it is on the inside or outside of the following structures. (1 mark)

Spinal Cord Brain: Cerebrum Brain: Cerebellum

Grey matter Inside outside outside
White matter Outside Inside inside

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