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Michelle Garcias

LBS 300

Reflective Essay

Why I Teach, Now

Working for the Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District since I was 19

has been a blessing. I have worked at several schools throughout the years and I was

very lucky to have the opportunity to already be working at a school while attending

this class this semester. I also was lucky to be working with younger students again,

after a few years of working with high school students. I found that I am better suited

with the younger students. I had the opportunity to learn a lot. I observed my teachers

more closely and really paid attention to their use of technique and how they handled

certain situations. I had the chance to accept more responsibility with my student. I

had the chance to teach alongside Mrs. Mary Potter, a teacher I greatly admire. In the

high school we were typically not supposed to help in order to encourage

independence, so it was nice to feel “useful” again. At the school site I was very proud

to learn that they have a very high score as a school. For instance, the schools API

average was 952, an excellent score, and 88% of the students scored in the advanced

levels. This makes me very proud of the students. We have great community spirit -

we are always setting up fundraisers and charity drives, and other community

involved activities. Throughout this semester I have learned so much. I have learned a

number of techniques, strategies, and I have learned of my strengths and weaknesses

as an educator. It has truly been beneficial in my journeys of becoming a teacher.

I have learned so much more this year than I believe I have in the prior 12. I

believe it is because I have focused just as much on the teachers as I have the
students. I see the situations teachers find themselves in and I think to myself, “What

would I do?” and then observe what the teacher does. If we have the same solution (or

even if we don’t) I can see what can be done. If I need to, I think about the situation

differently and should be able to deal with it in a better way. Perhaps the way I

thought is not the best way, every day is a learning experience. There have even been

times where I have come up with a better solution than the teacher. This is why

collaboration is beneficial. I have also learned how to think like a teacher. I learned to

not let my personal life interfere with my teaching. It is important to remain positive

to keep your classroom as a positive environment for learning. I also learned about

being part of a team. I like being independent, and I have my own way of doing

things, however, I learned to understand that my fellow teachers and I are a team. Our

primary goal is for students to succeed. Being able to collaborate with your fellow

teachers is the key to success for all parties concerned.

There are many techniques I found to be effective during my studies this year.

One technique to encourage participation and a working attitude is a token system

using poker chips. We use them when students are doing independent work. They

each had a cup with their name, and every time they completed a page or were

focusing well they would receive a chip. They were really excited to get the chips

because at the end of the week the student with the most chips was able to pick a prize

from the Prize Box as an incentive. Another technique I liked was the “15 game”. All

the students get in a circle around the room and have to count off from 1 to 15 (and

each student is allowed to call off one or two numbers) until the number 15 is

reached. If you were number 15 you were considered “OUT” and the process would

begin again. The game is good for learning strategy, and is a good for when the

students need a break. I also enjoyed bringing the classroom to life. For example, Mr.
O is a science teacher and he has the students make solar ovens to make nachos. We

used pizza boxes, black construction paper, masking tape, aluminum foil, and plastic

wrap to make the ovens. The students not only got to make and eat nachos (which

were delicious, by the way) but also learned about solar energy and reflective light.

This hands-on system of learning makes it fun for the students to learn a practical,

applicable skill. Strategies I will keep in my training as a teacher are making weekly

lesson plans and scheduling out-of-classroom activities that apply the lesson to real

life situations. I found that making weekly lesson plans are more effective than

monthly lesson plans due to the fact that there are always situations that can change

plans, disrupting a long-term schedule. When this happens it is much easier to adjust a

weekly lesson plan than a monthly one because of the flexibility. Weekly lesson plans

are also good when determining the pace of your students. For example, if you are

working on multiplication tables this week but your students need a bit more time to

fully understand them you can adjust your weekly lesson plan to make sure the

lessons are understood before moving on. Another strategy is planning out-of-

classroom activities. I understand that classroom based activities are important but I

believe that in and out of classroom activities are effective. I would try to schedule in

field trips such as going to Olivera Street, or the Aquarium of the Pacific, or historical

sites where reenactments take place. An out-of-classroom activity we could do while

still at the school could be a scavenger hunt or solar energy lessons outside. Varying

the routine for students makes each day fun and gives the students a positive attitude

towards learning. It is best to implement strategies that would be best for their

learning success.

My strengths would be that I adjust my styles to cater to a student or group of

students. I always try my best to reach each student and build a rapport. I find that the
more comfortable they are with me the more receptive they are to what I am trying to

teach them. I am a firm believer in the process a student uses to solve problems and I

encourage and reward those who try and participate, even if the answer is incorrect. I

am also a very organized person and I believe that being prepared is vital to success. I

feel that I am drawn to the more challenging students. Those are the students I feel I

want to reach out to even more. Sometimes all it takes is for someone to believe in

them and take the time to work with them. My strengths are to be influential in, and

out, of the academic arena.

My weaknesses in working with students is that sometimes I can make things

more confusing. It doesn’t happen often, but it does happen. There are many new

ways to teach new concepts that are different from the way that I was taught.

Sometimes I feel the way I learned is easier, but because the students were taught

using a different strategy it can confuse them. I need to learn to collaborate with the

teachers more. I need to find out their techniques of how to go about solving or

answering questions the way they are teaching them. I also need to learn that its

alright to have help because it gives you an opportunity to see things from a different

perspective. The biggest lesson I have to learn is that I can’t save every single child.

Sometimes I tend to take on too much but I have to realize that all I can do is my best

and hope that the students do well. Unfortunately it is hard to help a student that

doesn’t care. Sometimes I feel like I care too much.

In this class I started out answering the question “Why we teach”. I answered it

by saying that it is my passion and that I wanted to impact a students life for the

better. It was the fact that I was there for them, and not for me. Week after week we

answered and reflected on situations that will more-than-likely occur as a teacher, and

how we will handle them. When we discuss them in class I heard some opinions of
my peers that I really liked. I went to work each day applying what I had learned in

class, and because I was learning I had a new outlook in my classroom. I learned how

to balance your professional and personal life, even when days are frustrating or

difficult. I look at my students and I think of how I can apply what I know now to

help them achieve their goals. I am confident that I can succeed, and I am very proud

of how far we have all come this year. I am very thankful to have the help of my

fellow future teachers in the guidance of not only my school site teachers, but my

LBS professor who has inspired me. I have high hopes for my future.

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