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1. Paralysis of the tied muscle may cause pes planus ( flat foot )
A. What is the name of that tied muscle? ( M. Tibialis posterior )
B. On which joint do that tied muscle work? ( Ankle joint, artic.talocruralis )
2. A 28 yo male can not extend his index, and 3rd fingers after his dorsal hand injured by pieces
of glass.Which of the tied muscles involved in this case? A (……..) , B (…….) or C (…….)
( Mm.ext. digitorum et indicis )
3. Injury to the tied anatomic structure. may cause paralyses of the muscles of the hand.
A. What is the origin of that tied anatomic structure? ( Fasciculus posterior )
B. What is the name of the paralysis caused by injury of that nerve? ( Wrist drop )
4. Dorsum pedis innervated by 5 cutaneus nerves.
A. What is the name of the tied anatomic structure? ( N. peroneus profundus )
B. That cutaneous nerve is a branch of…………….( N. Peroneus communis )
5. Write down sequentially from medial to lateral vessels and nerve that located in the
Femoral triangle of Scarpa. A……. , B………or C…….( A: N , B : A & C : V. Femoralis )
6. The continuation.of the tied artery clinically used for measuring blood pressure.
A. What is the name of the tied artery? ( A. axillaris )
B. Where is that tied artery ended? ( Distal border of m. Teres major )
7. The tied anatomic structure enter a canal in the wrist region..
A. What is the name tied anatomic structure? ( N. medianus )
B. What is the name of canal that enterd by that tied structure? ( Canalis carpi )
8. The tied anatomic structure is the lateral border of a triangle in the anterior femoral region .
A. What is the name of the tied anatomic structure ? ( M. Adductor longus )
B. What is the name of the triangle ? ( Trigonum femorale Scarpae )
9. The tied anatomic structure connect the tendon of M. Quadriceps femoris to its insertion.
A. What is the name of the tied anatomic structure? ( Lig. Patellae )
B. What is the clinical application of that tied anatomic structure? ( Reflex patellae )
10. A 25 yo male unable to flex his 2nd, 3rd and 4th fingers after his forearm slashed by his
enemy on a fight. Which of the tied muscles were involved in this case? A(…….),
B(…….) or C( ……..)? ( Mm. flexores digitoriorum superficialis et prof.)
11. A victim of traffic accident can not abduct his right arm.
Which of the tied muscles have the greater opportunity to be injured in this case?
A (……….) , B (……….) or C (………..) C ( M. Deltoideus )
B.What is the name of the nerve that innervate the muscle? ( N. axillaris )
12. Injury to the tied nerve may cause paralyses of the muscles of the hand.
A. What is the name of that tied nerve? ( N. ulnaris )
B. What is the name of the paralysis caused by that nerve? ( Claw hand )
13. The tied muscles was pierced and innervate by a branch of plexus brachialis.
A. What is the name of the tied muscle? ( M. coracobrachialis )
B. Where do its nerve originated? ( Fasciculus lateralis )
14. At the popliteal region A. femoralis continue to enter the popliteal fossa through a hole at the
tied muscle.
A. What is the name of the tied muscle ? ( M. Adductor magnus )
B. What is the name of the artery distal to that hole? ( A. popliteal )
15. The tied muscles separates two groups of muscle action at anterior femoral region.
A. What is the name of the tied muscle? ( M. Sartorius )
B. What is the action of group of muscles that lie medial to that tied muscle? ( Adductors )
16. These three tied muscles have different name after uniting distal to lig.inguinale Pouparti.
A. Which of these tied muscles is the unision of those three muscles? Write down the
name of the muscle in bracket . A , B or C ? ( A , M. Iliopsoas )
B. On which joint do the muscle especially work ( Hip joint )
17. Part of the specimen that marked by red tape is pelvic outlet that consists of :
A. …………….( trigonum analis )
B. …………….( trigonum urogenitalis )
18. A. Part of the bone that marked with red tape articulate with………( Os occipitalis )
B. What is the name of the joint? ( Artic.atlanto-occipitalis )
19. A. Part of the bone that marked with red tape articulate with………( C1, Atlas )
B. What is the name of the joint? ( Artic.atlantoepistrophei,atlanto-epistropheic joint )
20. Parts of the bone that marked with red tape the origin of rotator cuff muscles.Write down the
name of rotator cuff muscles(Mm.supraspinatus,infraspinatus teres minor et subscapularis )
21. What is the name of the part of the bone that marked with red tape ( cavitas glenoidalis ,
glenoidal fossa ).
22. Part of the bone that marked by red tape occupied by vessels and nerve.
A. ……………….( N. radialis )
B. ……………….( A/V profunda brachii )
23. A 5 yo child fall with the outstretch hand. Based on physical and radiological findings doctor
suspect supracondylar fracture. What part of the specimen involved in this case?
( Pars distalis humeri / distal humerus )
24. A. What is the name of part of the bone marked with red tape? ( Spina ischiadica )
B. What is the name of part of the bone that marked with red tape ( tuber ischiadicum )
25. At the part of the bone marked with the red tape inserted a ligament.
A. What is the name of that part marked by the red tape? ( Fovea capitis femoris )
B. What is the name of that ligament? (Lig. Teres femoris )
26. A. What is the name of part of the bone marked with red tape?(Crista intertrochanterica)
B. What is the name of part of the bone marked with red tape? (Linea aspera )
27. A. What is the name of part of the bone marked with red tape? ( Basis patellae )
B. With what bone do that specimen articulate? ( Facies patellaris femoris )
28. A. What is the name of part of the bone marked with red tape? ( Malleolus lateralis )
B. What is the name of part of the bone marked with red tape? ( Tuberositastibiae )
29. The specimen is part of ossa tarsaliae that articulates with the bone that lie at its proximal.
A. What is the name of the bone ( Talus )
B. What is the name of the bone that articulate with that specimen?(Ossa cruris proximalis)
C. What is the name of the articulation/joint? ( Artic.talocruralis/ankle joint/talocrural joint )
30. Identified and write down the name of the specimens :
A. ……………………..( Os metarsalia )
B. ……………………..( Os cuboideum )

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