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Social Advocate Interview Notes:

April 11,2018

1. Where/when was the moment in your life where you realized that women are at a
a. Sports, growing up wanted to play with the boys
b. Skill as a male “she’d be better”
c. Not as much opportunities (professional sports)
d. “Never be as good”

2. What inspired you to organize the women’s walkout on campus? What did you
hope would be the impact?
a. Seeing issue that were happening on campus
b. Divide between males and females
c. Compromising pictures of yourself and other people
d. Voice as women with colleges (staff too)

3. Why do you think that young girls feel pressure to follow society’s expectations?
a. Social media harder growing up today as compared to 90’s
b. Things get in the way of being your best self... you don’t know what your best self
is because of the stress of other’s opinions
c. So much pressure
d. Readjusting what you need to look like

4. Why do you think that social media is a strong outlet to use when speaking up
about body image? Do you ever feel obligated or pressured to post certain things
on your page?
a. Doesn’t frequently use social media
b. Most people are active on multiple platforms

5. What’s something that you wish your younger self knew about beauty standards
and body image?
a. “This too shall pass”
b. Whatever you think you are at this moment, is not going to last
c. It’s ok to be tired, or hungry, or if you don’t want to do this.
d. Don’t get caught up on what you “should” be doing
e. Stop over analyzing/ stop looking into mirror

6. How can we use social media as a positive outlet?

a. Older generations’ responsibility
b. Use social media to understand what teens are going through, connect with them
and being role models
c. Do kids care about their opinions
7. What do you want HTHCV to look like in the future?
a. Females students are the strongest
b. “Good grades”
c. “Do what they are supposed to do”
d. Girls don’t get attention because they go off the radar
e. How can we use females as example for others?
f. Graduation teacher speaker: 1 female teacher in the past 6-7 years.....why?
g. Female students and teachers need to support each other
h. More recognition for what they are doing

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