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Lakeland Health Milk QA/PI HACCP - September 2017


Fresh dairy products are ordered and delivered two times per week from Country Fresh, and
arrive on Monday and Thursday of every week. The milk comes under refrigeration from the
supplier and is stored primarily in the second walk-in cooler, located in the basement kitchen.
Throughout the day, milk is removed and brought up to each floor and nourishment room and
stored in properly cooled refrigerators, which is utilized by either the staff or patients.
Additionally, milk is removed and used for other purposes such as food production, or for patient
use in boxed lunches, or the tray line and are cooled <41°F respectively.

Principle 1 - Analysis

While following the delivery of milk to the facility, as well as transportation of milk to each
hospital floor, a critical control point arises. During transportation and upon delivery, if Country
Fresh milk is not kept in cold storage at 41°F or below for two hours, microbial hazards such as
unhygienic contacts, Salmonella, and Staphylococcus may arise and contaminant the product.
Additionally, if throughout the transportation process and upon delivery the packaging of the
milk cartons are damaged or incorrectly applied, the entry of bacteria or physical contaminants
may arise.

Principle 2 - CCP

Country Fresh delivery men should document the temperature of their transportation trucks every
two hours to ensure that milk is received at the minimum internal temperature of 45°F. Upon
delivery, milk should reach 41°F or below in no more than four hours and be kept in
refrigeration equipment that is capable of maintaining the food temperature at 41°F or below, as
well as maintaining an ambient air temperature of 41°F.

Principle 3 - Critical Limits

The critical limit for milk transportation, delivery and cold storage holding temperature is
>41°F/4°C for two hours. Milk received at 45°F or higher should be rejected upon delivery. Milk
that has been left out above 40°F for two hours or more should not be placed back into
refrigeration, but instead should be thrown out.

Principle 4 - Monitoring Procedure

Cold storage temperature of cooling units at Lakeland Health, as well as the delivery trucks
utilized by Country Fresh should be properly documented, and proper hygiene should be used
when caring for milk product. Lakeland receiving individuals as well as hostesses, should be
properly trained on monitoring temperatures using digital thermometers and followed-up with by
supervisors every week to ensure that the correct steps are being executed for proper milk safety
and adequacy.

Principle 5 - Corrective Action

Effective temperature control should be implemented if cold storage holding temperatures

exceed the critical limit. Moreover, cold storage structures should to be modified to maintain
proper temperature.

Principle 6 - Verification Procedures

Audits of the procedure are to be randomly executed weekly by the AM leads, as well as
Executive Chef.

Principle 7 - Record Keeping

Microsoft excel spreadsheets were created to provide a method of record keeping in order to
assess the adequacy of the HACCP plan. On said spreadsheets, columns and rows are clearly
indicated where it is the responsibility of the receiver and hostesses to ethically document their
findings. Each day, the receiver and hostesses are responsible for documenting the temperature
of milk during deliveries, upon transportation to their respective floors, as well as the second
walk-in cooler. Furthermore, the receiver should document the condition of the milk's packaging
upon delivery to prevent the entry of potentially harmful contaminants.

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