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Being old is a phase of life experienced by humans.

The longer the person's age, as

the age of the body gets degenerate physically and psychologically. Physically the elderly,
hereinafter referred to as elderly, experiencing decline of body tool function, or also called
degenerative process. The elderly will be visible from the wrinkled skin, decreased ear and
eye function, unable to move fast again, quickly tired, thinning and white hair, susceptible to
disease due to reduced body immunity. Psychologically, the elderly become easy to forget, as
well as decrease in activities and interactions (whether with children, relatives or friends),
experience loneliness, boredom and so on. Especially if he lost his job, suffered from post
power syndrome, reduced role in family or society, or bad economic conditions.
The increase in the number of elderly people, causing the attention of the elderly, so
that the elderly not only live long, but can enjoy their parents with a happy, and improve the
quality of life themselves. Although many elderly people are in good health. However, this
class remains a group susceptible to disease due to changes in the structure and function of
the body due to degenerative processes. Social change in society, for example the tendency to
change family structure from extended family to nuclear family also bring changes to elderly
people where previously elderly people live together in one house with other family member.
However, the change caused the elderly to live separately with their children. The economic
condition of the elderly also changes when compared to when young. Then the elderly should
be able to adapt to this new situation. Individual elderly residents are potential residents to be
"burden" of families and communities, especially for those who enter their old age not
prepared early on.

Elderly, elderly, elderly, elderly, and elderly There is no uniformity in setting
elderly age standards Generally a person is considered to be entering an elderly group in
Indonesia at the age of 55 years, when a person enters retirement While the elderly in the
Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 13 of 1998 on Elderly Welfare that the elderly are male
or female aged 60 years or older.
There are several countries setting different chronological ages for elderly people.
In Indonesia, a person is considered elderly, when he retires from his job at the age of 55
years. However, in the United States, a person is categorized as elderly at the age of 77 years,
preceded by the pre-elderly age of 69-76 years. For the Japanese, success begins at age 60.
And many Japanese women are still working at the age of 60 years and over. While WHO
(World Health Organization) set the age of 60 years as the starting point of someone entering
the elderly. There is therefore no clear benchmark for when a person enters the elderly.
Bernice Neugarden classifies the elderly by age differences; (1) elderly persons are
persons between the ages of 55-75 years; (2) elderly persons who are more than 75 years old.
Levinson again divides young people into three groups; (1) the early transition age (between
50-55 years); (2) middle aged persons (between 55-60 years); and (3) the late transition age
(between 60-65) (Oswari 1997; 9).
The definition of the elderly can not be emphasized on the age of a person.
However, also note the health, psychological, and social factors. Health factors elderly body,
can stay healthy and fit even though he was 60 years old. Similarly, psychologically, mental
health is maintained, not senile in old age and not dependent on others, especially
economically. Some of them, can still create creativity to create something, such as artist
Affandi is still creating at the age of 80 years.

The role and position of the elderly in the family and society is strongly influenced
by the cultural view of the elderly. Differing views on old age will make attitudes and respect
for the elderly will differ in family and society.
According to Swasono (1989) various cultural life sets old age and its role and
social function demands different values, assumptions and sizes. However, universally there
is the view that an elderly is regarded as the source of the accumulation of wisdom and
wisdom. Thus, the elderly population is considered to have advantages, certain skills and with
such extensive experience that they should be respected.

Minangkabau tribe
In the Minangkabau ethnic group, parents in matrilineal wider families are seen as
respectable people. The elderly man gains honors and becomes a leader for his extended
family or his hometown. Old men (mamak) advise on all issues, especially customary issues
(Navis 1984). As stated in the phrase kok pai tampek batanyo, how come home tampek
babarito (if go where to ask, if go home where to complain.
The position and role of elderly people in the family and society is considered as a
person who should be respected and appreciated let alone considered to have a high prestige
in society to make the elderly psychologically more mentally healthy. Feelings accepted by
others will affect their responses in entering old age, and also affect the health status of the
elderly. Unlike the case if the elderly is considered an undesirable role in society.

The study of Edi Indrizal (2005) on the elderly in Minangkabau shows that in the
ideal arrangement of Minangkabau matrilineal society, the relation of family structure, the
bond of social solidarity, and the tradition of wandering are all functional as social security
for the elderly so that the elderly should not live wasted in old age, then it can be a shame
embarrassment of children-nephew, family, relatives or even people sekampung. However,
under changing circumstances in contemporary Minangkabau society, such as changes in the
extended family structure to the nuclear family, the neolocal settling pattern, brought about
the consequent changes in the functioning of family structures and social relations in
Minangkabau society. Changes in the functioning of family structures have implications for
the lives of the elderly. Elderly people without children have their own problems in the
Minangkabau society, seemingly more dominant social problems than the problem of
declining physical condition due to age that grow older.

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