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Data on the prevalence of PCOS is variable mainly due to the different sets of criteria for diagnosis.
Studies in which polycystic ovaries were detected using ultrasonography report a prevalence of 21-22%,
which does not give us an accurate estimate as many women with polycystic ovaries are
endocrinologically normal.2,8,9 Data from a cross-sectional study in Greece indicate 9% prevalence
while defining PCOS as having oligomenorrhoea and hyperandrogenism.10 Another study by
Knochenhauer and coworkers11 assessed menstrual cycle characteristics and clinical androgen excess
among 277 women undergoing a routine pre-employment history and physical examination in Alabama.
The estimated prevalence was 4.6% with a possible range of 3.5-11.2%.


Data on the prevalence of PCOS among Female Science Students of Different Public Universities of
Quetta, Pakistan revealed that 374 (72.5%) respondents were not aware of PCOS and get knowledge
thorough brochure While 407(90.2%) subjects were having adequate knowledge about PCOS after
educational intervention. It was obtained in the study that 79 (17.5%) participants were suspected with
PCOS and 16 (3.5%) were diagnosed with PCOS on the basis of sign and symptoms and 25 (5.5%) were
already diagnosed with PCOS. It was also obtained that 35(7.8%) participants were overweight and
13(2.9%) respondents were obese.

Our Sample size was 177 urban women of Pakistan. Out of these one hundred and seventy seven
women 3% had amenorrhea and 9% had oligomenorrhea. In the survey we conducted on PCOS
prevalence following were our findings. Hirsutism was quite prevalent in our target population. 37%
women suffered from some kind of hirsutism. Facial hair was the most prevalent and was found in
19.5% women. Breast hair followed, 6.5% suffered from it. Rests of women were those who had
excessive hair growth in other parts of body. This survey was conducted in educated women who were
either seeking college degrees or who had earned them, but still level of awareness was very low. Only
20 out of 177 women had any knowledge about this syndrome. Out of these 20 women 11 were those
who had degrees in Medical Sciences. In our target population only 3.33% percent women exercised
regularly and had higher levels of physical activity


Prevalence and Knowledge of Polycystic... (PDF Download Available). (2017, January 1).

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