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A Personal Development Workbook

Clarence W. Fell
The Purpose Driven Life
A Personal Development Workbook
Clarence W. Fell

This workbook is not authorized or endorsed by Rick Warren or Zondervan publishing.
This workbook is not an endorsement of all that Rick Warren teaches or Zondervan publishes.

Copyright 2008 by Clarence W. Fell

All rights reserved.

This book may be used and reproduced

without written permission for use in sermons,
articles, reviews, classes, digital media, web sites,
etc. for the uplifting of your fellow man.

Published 2008

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in the United Sates of America

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28 Pro-Choice Lies Exposed

By Clarence W. Fell
Available through
This study follows the basic outline of The Purpose Driven Life, by Rick Warren,
published by Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan, © 2002. The Purpose Driven Life is
available through your favorite bookstore. It is not necessary to have a copy of The
Purpose Driven Life for this study, however, reading the book will bring out some
thoughts and ideas that are not covered in this material. The book develops lines of
thought that I have not included in this workbook, and lines of thought are developed in
this workbook that are not pursued in the book.

In his book, Rick Warren presents a forty day program designed to bring the
reader to an understanding of God’s purpose for life. Rick begins his introduction by
writing, “This is more than a book; it is a guide to a 40-day spiritual journey that will
enable you to discover the answer to life’s most important question: What on earth am I
here for? By the end of this journey you will know God’s purpose for your life and will
understand the big picture—how all the pieces of your life fit together. Having this
perspective will reduce your stress, simplify your decisions, increase your satisfaction,
and, most important, prepare you for eternity.”

As you study, you are encouraged to continually ask, what does this mean for my
life? This study is not a task to be completed and checked off of your to-do list, but rather,
it is an opportunity to experience greater joy and understanding in your Christian walk.
This higher walk of life can only be found by carefully learning and practicing God’s truth
in your daily life. If you will make His truth a part of your very being then you will come
to know, by your own experience, what Jesus meant when I said, “I have come that they
may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10).

Day One

It’s Not About You

“”For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that
are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions
or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him
and for Him.” Colossian 1:16

What did God create?_______________________

Who were you created by?___________________
What does it mean to be created by God?_____________________________
Who were you created for?___________________
What does it mean to be created for God?_____________________________
What does God’s role as creator suggest about His authority and ownership
concerning your life?_________________________________________________
Read Job 12:10. Who holds your life and breath in his hand?_______________
What does this truth tell you about God’s role in your life__________________
Read Job 34:14, 15. Why are you still living and breathing today?___________
Read Romans 3:23. Given the fact of this verse, why do you suppose God continues
to let you breath His air and drink His water?_______________________________
Read Acts 17:24, 25. What does this verse tell you about the world and everything
that is in the world? (see also John 1:3) _____________________________________
A point to ponder: You exist only because God willed for you to exist and continues
to support your life in various ways (Matt. 5:45). What are some of the ways God supports
your life?__________________________________________________________
Seeking to understanding the purpose of life is the greatest pursuit of man. It is
above anything else a man can pursue. It is the number one priority of life. Why?
(see 2 Peter 3:10-12)__________________________________________________
Successful living is about letting God use you , for the purpose He created you.
Successful living is not about you using God and getting your own way. Life simply is not
about you. It’s all about God. What does this tell you about where you will find your
greatest fulfillment?_________________________________________________
Would you use a garden rake to sweep the kitchen floor?_______ Why?_____
Would you use a kitchen broom to rake your garden? _______ Why?_______
If a rake and a broom work best when they are used for the purpose they were

created, then what about you? When are you at your best?_____________________
Being successful in life and fulfilling your purpose for life are not the same thing.
In fact, there will be many successful people in hell. How can this happen?___________
Life is a do-it-yourself project and the Bible is the instruction manual. God is the
creator and source of all. Go to His word (Prov. 3:5, 6). He did not leave you to grope and
wander aimlessly in the dark. His plan for you is a plan of victory. His word reveals how
to win the victory He purposed for your life.
How can you learn about God’s victory plan? (see 2 Tim. 2:15)_______________
To fulfill your life’s purpose, you must come to understand what it means to be
created. What does it mean to be created? (list everything you can think of)_________
Next, you must humbly surrender to your creator and let Him use you for the
purpose He created you. How can you do this? (try to explain your answer by using
details or examples)__________________________________________________
What if you reject God’s purpose for a way that seems better in your own
judgment? (Prov. 14:12)________________________________________________

Day Two

You Are Not An Accident

“Thus says the Lord who made you and formed you from the
womb.” Isaiah 44:2

Your life is not an accident or a mistake. While it may be true that your parents
did not purposely plan you, you are alive because God wants you to be alive.
Read Psalm 139:13- 16. What does David tell you about the creative process of
God created your body. He did not just create any old body for you, He created
your body. Read Exodus 4:11. What does God create?__________________________
Place a checkmark next to each item that you chose prior to being created.
_____ Gender
_____ Race
_____ Physical features such as height, hair color, eye color, or I.Q.
_____ Talents
_____ Parents
_____ When you would be created
_____ Where you would be born
Obviously, you had no input in any of these matters. You did not create yourself or
design yourself. You did not choose your gender, race, physical features, talents, parents,
time or place of birth. You had absolutely nothing to do with your creation. What does
this suggest about where you should look to learn about why you were created?
(Jer. 10:23)__________________________________________________________
Read Jeremiah 1:5. When did God know Jeremiah?____________________________
When we reject ourselves, who and what are we ultimately rejecting?
Who?_________________________ What?______________________________
God created your lifespan. Read Psalm 90:10. How long has God given you to
Read Job 14:5. What does this suggest to you about your life?______________
Read Acts 17:26, 27. What do you learn from this verse about your life?_______
Did God create you just to ignore you? Read Matthew 10:29-31.____________
Read Romans 1:20. Whose fingerprints are upon creation?__________________
Whose fingerprints are upon your very existence and being?________________
A point to ponder. Consider how awesome it is that you were created by God. He
took the time and thought to make you. And, as we all know, “God don’t make no junk.”
When you think about this, how does it make you feel?_________________________
When you pick up the phone, dial the wrong number, and contact a stranger, does
that mean the phone is broken?___________________
When you put the wrong numbers in a calculator and get a wrong answers, does
that mean the calculator is broken?__________________

In both of the cases mention above, both the phone and calculator worked exactly
as they were designed to work. The problem wasn’t the machine, but rather the operator
of the machine. Reasoning from these examples answer the following questions.
When your life gets off track and all messed up, does that necessarily mean that
you are broken?_______
When your life is off course, what does it indicate?________________________
God created man and created a place for man. God custom made the earth for
man. The more science discovers, the more we learn about how the earth has been custom
made for man. Read Isaiah 45:18. What do you learn from this verse about creation?
Why do you think God create this world and you? (see 1 John 4:8). ___________
Why do parents plan to have children?________________________________
Who were you created by and for? __________________
Were you an accident or freak of nature?__________________
Who made a place and a time for you?__________________
What input did you have in this? __________________
When you come to understand what it means to be created then what else will
you begin to understand?_______________________________________________
Where must we look to understand why we were created?_________________.
A point to ponder: When you see people more and more as the creative work of
God, do you raise or lower the value of your fellow man? Why? How does this effect the
way you see yourself?

Day Three

What Drives Your Life?

“Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.

Blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not impute iniquity, and
in whose spirit there is no deceit.” Psalm 32:1, 2

When you drive a car, what do you do to the car?_______________________

When something drives you, what does it do to you?_____________________
Everyone is driven by something. List some of the various things that can drive a
man’s life._________________________________________________________
What things that are immoral drive or have driven your life?_______________
What things that are moral drive or have driven your life?_________________
What things that are morally neutral drive or have driven your life?__________
How do problems drive some lives?__________________________________
Give an example, either real or fictional, of a problem driving a life?__________
How do deadlines drive some lives?_________________________________
How does guilt drive some lives?____________________________________
How does resentment and anger drive some people? _____________________
Resentment is self destructive. How is this so? (Job 5:2)___________________
When you let resentment weigh your life down, does the person you hold hard
feelings against even care that you are suffering?_____________________________
If your enemy knew that a burden of resentment and anger was hurting your life,
what would their response be to your suffering?______________________________
Some people are driven by fear? How is this so?________________________
What does fear do to one’s life?_____________________________________
Does a fear have to be valid in order to have a negative effect on your life?_____
Explain what you think the following phrase means: Fear is a self imposed prison.
Some people are driven by material possessions? How is this so?_____________
Read Ecclesiastes 2:8-11. What did Solomon learn about materially based

In what way, or ways, is the pursuit of material possessions like a drug addiction?
Read Luke 12:15. What do you learn about material possessions from this verse?
Read Matthew 16:26. What do you learn about material possessions from this
Read Proverbs 13:7. What do you make of this verse?____________________
Can material wealth prevent or cure the common cold?__________
What does this tell you about money?________________________________
Read 1 Timothy 6:6, 7. What do you get from these verses?_________________
Read 1 Timothy 6:17. Is it wrong to enjoy material things?__________________
What should be the attitude of Christians concerning material things?________
Some people are driven by the need to be accepted or approved by others? What
problems can this lead to?______________________________________________
How many “masters” can you have? (Matt. 6:24)_________________________
Read I Corinthians 15:33. What do you learn from this verse?_______________
Read Matthew 10:28. What do you get from this verse?___________________

Which is most important, what God says or what others say?_______________
Read Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6. What do you from this verses?________________________
What is greater than a life driven by God’s purpose for your life?____________
What can compensate for the emptiness of a life that is off purpose?__________
Can things of this life divert attention for a while and mask the inner hunger of a
life that is off purpose?_____________
What is the ultimate end of a life that is off purpose?_____________________
What are some of the benefits of a purpose driven life?___________________
How does purpose give meaning and strength to your life?_________________
Read Ephesians 3:20. What can God do in your life?_____________________
How does knowing your purpose simplify life?_________________________
If you don’t have purpose, then what direction do you go and what consistency do
you have in your life? (see Eph. 4:14)
What does having a defined purpose do to your focus?____________________
How does having a defined purpose effect the way you arrange your schedule?

How does having a defined purpose effect your use of energy and time?_______
Read Philippians 3:13- 15. What was Paul’s purpose?_____________________
What can magnifying glass do with the sun’s light?______________________
How can purpose in your life be like a magnifying glass?__________________
What is the difference between a shotgun and a riffle?____________________
Which better describes the purpose driven life, a shotgun or a riffle?__________
How does defined purpose effect your motivation?______________________
Read Ecclesiastes 12:13. What is our common purpose?___________________
When we pursue our common purpose, what does this ultimately prepare us for?
Can God overcome your past and use the rest of your life?_________________
How does God do this?___________________________________________
How might God use the rest of your life (see Matt. 5:16)____________________

Day Four

Made to Last Forever

“For we know that if our earthly house, this tent, is destroyed,

we have a building from God, a house not made with hands,
eternal in the heavens.” 2 Corinthians 5:1

Read Hebrew 9:27. What will happen to your physical body?______________

Compare the amount of time you spend on this side of the tombstone, to the
amount of time you will spend on the other side of the tombstone. What is the difference,
which side will you spend most of your time on?______________________________
True or false, physical life is just the start of your existence? __________
Can you avoid the transition we call death?_____________
What if science makes giant advances in medicine or cryogenics? ___________
Read Ecclesiastes 6:6. What do you get from this verse?___________________
How many choices does eternity offer?_______________________________
Where does everyone say they want to be eternally?____________________
Does saying it make it so?_________
Comment on this phrase: If you live without God here, you will live without God
When you grasp eternity what does it do to your perspective?______________
When you grasp eternity what does it do to your values?__________________
When you grasp eternity what does it do to your priorities?________________
While our lives sometimes seem long and slow to us, what is the duration of this
physical life from the perspective of eternity? (James 4:14)______________________
While this physical life is but a vapor, how long do the consequences last?
If there were no eternity, then what should we do? (1 Cor. 15:32)_____________
But, since there is a resurrection and a judgment, what should we do?_________
Read Revelation 20:15. What becomes of those who make no provisions for their
time beyond the tombstone?____________________________________________
Read Matthew 7:13, 14. Does every path lead to eternal life?____________
Read I John 2:17. Who abides forever?_______________________________
Read I Corinthians 2:9. What is heaven like?__________________________
Read Revelation 21:4. What is heaven like?___________________________
Read Revelation 22:14. Who is heaven for?____________________________
Solomon commended the house of mourning (Eccl. 7:2). Why, what is the value for

Day Five

Seeing Life from God’s View

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways
says the Lord. ‘For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are
My ways than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.”
Isaiah 55:8, 9

How do you see life? Complete the following thought: Life is like______
What is your concept of life based on?________________________________
What should your concept of life be based on?__________________________
Read Deuteronomy 8:2. What does God use life to do?____________________
Name a Bible character who God tested and tell how he or she was tested.______
How was Joseph tested? (Gen. 37-50)_________________________________
How was Daniel tested? (see book of Daniel) ___________________________

True or false, life, your life, is a test?___________
Which things in your life are not part of the test (see Matt. 12:36)_____________
What do your actions and words, even in the most trivial situations, reveal about...
Your character? _______________________________________________
Your faith?____________________________________________________
Your integrity?_________________________________________________
Your loyalty?__________________________________________________
Your love?____________________________________________________
Your obedience?_______________________________________________
Major changes in life test us. What are some major changes that test us?_______
How do major changes test us?_____________________________________
Delays in life test us. What are some delays that test us?___________________
How do delays test us?___________________________________________
Seemingly impossible problems test us. What are some such problems?________

How do these problems test us?_____________________________________
Unanswered prayers test us. How?__________________________________
Criticism test us. What is some criticism we might receive?_________________
How does this criticism test us?_____________________________________
Tragedies test us. What are some tragedies that test us?___________________
In what ways do those tragedies test us?_______________________________
Those times when we feel all alone can test us. What are some times when we feel
all alone in the world? (2 Chron. 32:31)_____________________________________
In what ways do these times test us?__________________________________
Read I Corinthians 10:13. What does God promise us about the things we face?__
If you are going through some experience, then what does that tell you about your
ability to handle it?__________________________________________________
Read James 1:12. What do you get from this verse?_______________________
God views life as a trust, an assignment. We are His stewards. Name some things
that we have been entrusted with.________________________________________

What things do you actually own and get to keep even after death? ( I Tim. 6:7)
True or false, everything you have is just on loan from God?_____________
Read 1 Corinthians 4:7. What do you get from this verse?__________________
Read Matthew 25:14-30. What does this passage teach you about your
Is stewardship a trivial thing that God gives little attentions to? (Eccl. 12:14,
2 Cor. 5:10)________________________________________________________
Money is part of our stewardship and it also tests us? In what ways does money test
us? (1 John 3:17). ____________________________________________________
How does money reveal our priorities?_______________________________
Read Luke 16:10, 11. What do you get from this verse?____________________

A point to ponder: God is testing you in this life to determine what to do with you
in the next life. What do your test results, up to this present date, indicate God will be do-
ing with you in the here-after?

Another point to ponder: Who decides whether you will fail or pass the testing
of God?

Day Six

No One Gets Out Alive

“And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the
judgment.” Hebrews 9:27

Read Ps. 39:4. What does God want us to know?________________________

Read Psalm 119:19. What are you upon this earth?_______________________
What does this mean?___________________________________________
What are some terms the Bible uses to describe life’s brevity?
1. Job 8:9 ______________________________________
2. 2 Corinthians 5:1-4 ______________________________
3. Hebrews 11:13 _________________________________
4. James 4:14 ___________________________________
5. 1 Peter 1:17 ____________________________________
True or false, the average life is 70 to 80 years (Ps. 90:10)?__________________
Read 2 Corinthians 4:18. What things are temporary?____________________
What things are eternal?_________________________________________
Which should your focus be upon?__________________________________
Why focus on these?_____________________________________________
Read Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6. What does the phrase “For the memory of them is
forgotten” mean to you?_______________________________________________

Approximately how many people live on the earth currently?______________
Approximately how many people have lived on earth since the beginning of time?
Of all those countless people who have lived and died, how many would you guess,
are commonly remembered today?________________________________________
The reality is that you and I will all die and eventually be forgotten by those who
come after us. So, the moral of this little observation, in your opinion, is?_____________
Do you know any songs, religious or secular, that refer to the brevity of life? What
are those songs and what do they say?_____________________________________
Read I Peter 1:17. How are we to conduct ourselves during our time here on earth?
Read Philippians 3:20. Where is your citizenship?_______________________
A point to ponder: Given the fact that we are citizens of heaven, not of earth,
perhaps a spiritual “green card” would be a good idea to remind us who we are.
Read John 15:18, 19. While we are in the world, what are we not of?__________
Read James 4:4. What is the warning in this verse for us?__________________
Read Philippians 3:19. What is the end of those who set their mind on earthly
Read 1 Peter 2:11. What wars against the soul?__________________________
How is this war waged?__________________________________________

Read Colossians 3:2. Where should our mind be set?_____________________
Read 2 Timothy 2:4. What are we not to get entangled in?_________________
But, don’t we have to make a living (1 Tim. 5:8)?_________________________
So, what is a Christian to do concerning material matters (1 Tim. 6:6, 7)?________
A point to ponder. Sooner or later we lose all our money, or our money loses us. It is
just a matter of when. Someone once observed that losing heaven in order to get the
things of this life, which we can’t keep anyway, was the most foolish investment of all. But,
giving up the things of this life, which we can’t keep anyway, in order to get heaven, was
the wisest investment of all. So, what investment are you making?
Read John 16:33. Where do we find our peace?_________________________
Where do our tribulations come from?________________________________
Read Heb. 11:13- 16. Why was God not ashamed to be called their God?_______
The various situations of life often leave us feeling dissatisfied. This is good, if our
dissatisfaction is managed correctly; if we keep looking for satisfaction in a better place.
It has been said that we are not suppose to be completely happy in this life because we
were created for something greater than this physical life.
Do you agree with the above observation? ___________ Why?____________
True or false, we reach our greatest fulfillment in this life of flesh?_________
We were created for eternity. Therefore, eternal values should be your guide, not

earthly values. Read 2 Peter 3:10-13. What will become of earthly things?__________
Read Matthew 6:19-21. So, what if you come to the end of your life and have
nothing to show for it by worldly standards? What if you do not have an impressive bank
account, a nice car, and a house full of the latest electronic gadgets? _______________
Who do you think the real heroes are in God’s eyes? (Rev. 2:10)______________
What about our earthly heroes, movie starts, and famous musicians, is God
impressed by their accomplishment?___________ Why?_____________________
True or false, to get into heaven a person has to be an earthly hero in the eyes of
The years you spend on this earth are not your complete story. Death is not the end
of your story. This life is just the introduction to something much greater, or something
much worse. What determines if this life is the beginning of something great or some-
thing worse?________________________________________________________
True or false, you are not home yet? __________________
A point to ponder: When you die, you don’t leave home, you go home (Ps. 116:15;
Phil. 1:21-23).

Day Seven

Why Everything Exist

The Lord has made all for Himself, yes, even the wicked for the
day of doom." Proverbs 16:4

Ultimately, our purpose is to reveal the glory of God, and one way or another we
will be used for this purpose. Whether we live a life of righteousness or of wickedness, we
will be used to reveal the glory of God. We will not defeat God's purpose, all we can do is
determine in what way we will be used by God.
Read the following verses and note where and how the glory of God has been
Exodus 24:15-18._______________________________________________
Exodus 40:34-38.______________________________________________
Psalm 29:1, 2.__________________________________________________
Isaiah 6:1- 4.___________________________________________________
Luke 2:9_____________________________________________________

2 Corinthians 4:3-6._____________________________________________
Revelation 21:23._______________________________________________
Based on the above verses, and any other verses you desire to use, explain in your
own words what glory is?_______________________________________________
Read Hebrews 1:3. What do you learn about the glory of God from this verse?___
Read John 1:14. What do you learn about the glory of God from this verse?_____
True or false, we see the glory of God in Christ?____________
Read Revelation 4:11. What do you learn about Jesus in this verse?___________
Read Isaiah 43:7. Why were we created?_____________________________
Read 1 Chronicles 16:23, 24. What is our role in connection with the glory of God?
Read Ps. 29:1, 2 and 66:2. What is our role in connection with the glory of God?
Read 2 Corinthians 3:18. How are we involved with the glory of God?_________
Based on the above verse, when we give glory to God, do we give unto ourselves
also or take away from ourselves?_________________________________________
Man's greatest glory and fulfillment is to bring glory to God. And yet, in spite of

this great truth, most people fail to bring God glory (Rom. 3:23). Why do you think this
happens? Why do we fail to glorify God in a positive manner?___________________
Read John 17:4. Did Jesus glorify God?______________
How did Jesus glorify God________________________________________
How can we glorify God?_________________________________________
When anything in creation fulfills its purpose (does what God designed it to do), it
brings glory to God. Choose one of the following (bird, horse, frog, fish, dog, cat) or select
an example of your own, and tell how it brings glory to God. _____________________
The purpose of man can be broken down into at least five facets. When man fulfills
these different facets of his purpose, then he brings glory to God. Let's take a moment to
briefly consider each of these facets of man's purpose.
1. Read Romans 6:13; 12:1, 2. What facet of your purpose do you see in these
Read 2 Corinthians 9:7. What does this tell you about our attitude in fulfilling our
Sum up this facet of your purpose presented in the above verses.____________
2. Read 1 John 3:14. What facet of your purpose do you see here?___________

Read Romans 15:7. What do you see here?_____________________________
Read John 13:34, 35. And, what do you see here?________________________
Sum up this facet of your purpose presented in the above three verses._________
3. Read Philippians 1:11. What facet of your purpose do you see here?_______
Read Galatians 5:22-25. What is reveled in these verses?_________________
Sum up this facet of your purpose presented in the above three verses._________
4. Read Galatians 6:10. What facet of your purpose do you see here?________
Read 1 Timothy 6:18. What facet of your purpose do you see here?___________
Read Titus 2:14. What facet of your purpose do you see here?______________
Read 1 Peter 4:10, 11. What aspect of your purpose do you see revealed here?____
Sum up this facet of your purpose presented in the above verses.____________
5. Read Matthew 5:13-16. What facet of your purpose is in this passage?_____

Read Matthew 28:19, 20. What facet of your purpose is in this passage?_______
Read 2 Timothy 4:1, 2. What facet of your purpose do you see in this passage?
Sum up this facet of your purpose presented in the above verses.____________
A point to ponder: You live for something, everyone does. What is that something
in your life? Whatever it is, it is controlling your life to a great extent.
When you focus in on your God designed purpose and begin to deliberately
cooperate with God's design for your life, things will start to change. How do you think
the following aspects of your life might change when you start living to fulfill your God
given purpose?
Your priorities ________________________________________________
Your relationships______________________________________________
Your recreation and entertainment__________________________________
Read John 12:27, 28. Is fulfilling your purpose always easy?________________
What should your attitude be when the going gets tough?______________________
A point to ponder. When you stand at a fork in the road of life you have two basic
choices: A. Fulfill your purpose, B. Be self-centered and selfish. Which will bring you
the greatest satisfaction in the long run?

Day Eight

God's Pleasure

For the Lord takes pleasure in His people; He will beautify

the humble with salvation. Psalm 149:4

You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and

power; for You created all things, and by Your will they
exist, and were created. Revelation 4:11

Think about the two verses above for a moment? Why do you exist? _________
Who does God take pleasure in?____________________________________
What do you think David meant when he wrote that God takes pleasure in His
At the beginning "God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very
good" (Gen. 1:31). In a sense, God was a smiling parent looking upon His new born creation.
It brought God pleasure to see the work of His hands and to think of the great potential it
possessed. You are a part of that creation. You can bring joy and pleasure to the heart of
God. In fact, that is your worth, purpose, and value.
How long does God want to have a relationship with you?_________________
A point to ponder: You are not a disposable toy, you are His child and creation.
Read Ephesians 1:5. What was "according to the good pleasure of His will"?_____

Read Genesis 1:26, 27. In whose image were you created?_________________
So, who gave you ability to experience joy and pleasure?__________________
What does this suggest to you about God's own ability to experience joy and
God has emotions very much like we have emotions. The difference between our
emotions and His would be that His emotions are deeper, higher, wider, and broader than
our emotions. God, being eternal and self existing, has emotions that reach a level we
cannot fully understand. But, the Bible does reveal a lot about the emotions of God. Read
the following verses and record what is revealed about God's emotions.
Genesis 6:6.___________________________________________________
Exodus 20:5___________________________________________________
Deuteronomy 32:36_____________________________________________
Judge 2:20___________________________________________________
1 Samuel 15:22, 23______________________________________________
1 Kings 10:9___________________________________________________
1 Chronicles 16:27______________________________________________
Psalm 2:4_____________________________________________________
Psalm 5:5_____________________________________________________
Psalm 18:19___________________________________________________
Psalm 35:27__________________________________________________
Psalm 37:23__________________________________________________
Psalm 103:13__________________________________________________
Psalm 104:31__________________________________________________
Ezekiel 5:13___________________________________________________
I John 4:16____________________________________________________
How many different emotions does God have?_________________________

Write down any other examples of God's emotion that you would like to take note
We exist to bring God pleasure. When we worship God, we bring pleasure to God.
Worship, in the broader sense, is not confined to a formal religious service. As W. E. Vine
has written, "Broadly, it may be regarded as the direct acknowledgement to God, of His
nature, attributes, ways and claims, whether by the outgoing of the heart in praise and
thanksgiving or by deed done in such acknowledgement" (see W.E. Vine Dictionary of
Bible Words). In other words, we worship God in a variety of ways.
Read John 4:23. What does God seek?_______________________________
It is interesting to note that mankind universally has an urge to worship. There is a
need in man that cannot be satisfied in any other way. This need is so intense that it has
driven men to great and even absurd lengths in their attempt to draw closer our Creator.
Read Psalm 34:1. When do we worship?______________________________
Read Psalm 63:6. When do you worship?_____________________________
Read Psalm 113:3. When do we worship God?__________________________
Read Psalm 119:62. When can we worship?____________________________
Read Psalm 119:147. How do we worship God?__________________________
Read Psalm 147:11. How do we worship God?___________________________

Hebrews 11:6. How do we worship God? (two ways in this verses)
Read Romans 12:1. How do we worship?_______________________________
Read 1 Corinthians 10:31. When do we worship?________________________
Read Ephesians 6:5, 6 and Colossians 3:23. When do we worship?___________
Worship, whether formal or informal, is not for you. It's not about what you get,
it's about what you give. The goal of true worship is to please God, not to please the
audience. If you have ever said, "I didn't get anything out of that worship service" then you
missed the point of worship.
Read Matthew 15:9. Why was their worship vain?_______________________
What should this tell you about your worship?__________________________
Read 2 Samuel 7:1-3. How did David hope to bring joy to God?_____________
Read 2 Samuel 7:4-7. Was God pleased with David's plan?________________
A point to ponder: You were planted for Jesus' pleasure (Matthew 15:13).

Day Nine

You Can Make God Smile

The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine
upon you, and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance
upon you, and give you peace. Num 6:24-26

To Make God smile is the primary goal, or purpose, of your life. So, how do you
think a person makes God smile?________________________________________
Learning to make God smile is not a big mystery. In fact, the Bible directly tells
you how to make God smile in many places
Read John 15:14. How do we make God smile?__________________________
Read Gal. 5:22, 23. How do we make God smile?________________________
Read Philippians 2:1-4. How do we make God smile?_____________________
The Bible is very clear when telling us how a man may please God. It is not a great
mystery. So, why do you think so few people choose to live a life that is pleasing to God?
The Bible also provides examples of people who made God smile. Name three
Bible characters who pleased God at some point in their life and tell how they did it.
Also list the passage where these characters are found, if you can.
One example you might have listed is Noah. We read about Noah in Genesis
chapter six through chapter nine. God clearly smiled upon Noah, but why? Let's look
into this question further and thereby learn how we can please God also.
Read Genesis 6:9. Who did Noah love? ______________________________
How can you tell that Noah loved God?______________________________
Read Matthew 22:37, 38. What does God want from us?__________________
If you return God's love, what will His response be?_______________________
Read Hebrews 11:7. Did Noah trust God?_____________________
Did God’s plan for Noah make sense from the perspective of human logic?______
Noah could have imagined numerous difficulties. He could have let the fact that
he had never seen rain (Gen.. 2:5, 6) keep him from trusting God. He could have imagined
other difficulties, such as, how to get the boat into the water, how to round up all those
animals, feed them, control them. Noah could have imagined the worst, but he chose
rather to simply trust God.
Read Psalm 147:11. How can you please God?__________________________
Hebrews 11:6. How can you please God?______________________________

Read Genesis 6:22; 7:5. How did Noah please God?______________________
Noah gave attention to God's word, he obeyed God. Noah did not take short cuts
or revise God's word to suit himself. He simply did what God said to do the way God
said to do it. Many people would have questions, reservations, objections, doubts, and
suggestions , but not Noah. He got to work and did what God told him to do.
Do you think Noah would have brought a smile to God's face if Noah had said,
"Ok, Lord I see what you want me to do, and I plan on doing it, but first I have some other
things that I want to do first, and then when I have time I will get around to building the
ark"?____________ Why?____________________________________________
Did God owe Noah an explanation?_______________________
Does God owe you an explanation?________________________
It can be an humbling thought, but the truth is that God does not have to explain
Himself to us. Our duty is to be quiet and trust Him, obey Him. Notice also that Noah did
not offer God partial obedience. Did not pick and choose which parts of God's instructions
he would follow and which parts he would skip. Noah did not treat God's word like a
buffét line in a cafeteria.
Does partial obedience bring a smile to God's face (James 2:10)_________ Why?
Read 2 Corinthians 9:7. What type of obedience does God desire?___________
Comment on the following idea. Since God loves a cheerful giver, and I am not

cheerful in my giving, then I am therefore excused from giving to God.______________
Read Genesis 8:20. How did Noah please God?_________________________
How can we follow Noah's example and please God?_____________________
We bring God joy when we do what God created humans to do. When we respect
His design and purpose for us, then His eyes are upon us watching over us, just as He was
watching over Noah.
Read Psalm 37:23, 24. Who does God watch over?______________________
Who decides whether or not you will live your life in such a manner that God
upholds you with His hand?____________________________________________
Point to ponder: If His eye is on the sparrow (Matt. 10:29-31) then His eye is upon
you, and not just when you "go to church."
You can make God smile when you learn to accept yourself as God designed you
to be. Read Isaiah 45:9. What is an inappropriate attitude? _____________________
Learning to accept ourselves can be quite a challenge. Society constantly tells us
that unless we look a certain way, wear certain clothes, or drive the right car we are lack-
ing and need to make changes to better ourselves. Sometimes we forget that the only one
we have to please is God. If we are living according to how He designed us to live (Eccl.
12:13) then we are bringing joy to our creator. Don't listen to society. Don't redesign your-
self to make society happy. Simply conform yourself to the purpose God has for your life.
That is where you will find your greatest happiness, joy, and satisfaction in life. And you
will also bring a smile to your creators face in the process.

Day Ten

The Heart of Worship

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that

you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to
God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed
to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind,
that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect
will of God. Romans 12:1, 2

The heart of worship is surrender, absolute, complete, total, unreserved surrender.

However, the word surrender commonly has negative connotations in our society. People
today prefer words like: overcome, victory, and winning. People commonly avoid words
like obey, submit, yield.
Read 1 John 4: 9, 10, 19. Why do we give our love and ourselves to God?_______
Offering yourself to God in complete surrender is the worship He seeks (Rom 12:1,
2). We don't offer Him 95%, we offer Him total, absolute, complete surrender (James
2:10). But, as we all know from our own experience, there are some barriers that get in the
way of offering ourselves completely to God. Look at each item on the following list and
comment on why you think the item presents a barrier to total surrender.
Sometimes we don't see how much we are loved and thus we are afraid to com-
pletely surrender. Read the following passages and comment on God's love for us: John
3:16 and Romans 5:6-10. ______________________________________________
Point to ponder: We were not created to be kick around, but to be loved and to
love in return.
Sometimes we want to be in control and we feel that if we surrender to God our
lives will be out of control. Read the following passages and record your thoughts:
Proverbs 28:26 and I Corinthians 1:18-29.___________________________________
Read Jeremiah 10:23. Who is better at controlling your life, you or God?_______
We cannot play the role of God simply because we are not God, we are human.
We were not designed to play the part of God. We must embrace our design limitations
and delight in God's purpose for our life. We simply cannot be more than we were created
to be.
What does it mean to surrender to God? (Luke 6:46)______________________
True or false, surrendering is cooperating with God, accepting His training,
working with Him? _________________
Read John 15:1, 2. What does God do to the branch that surrenders to Him and
bears fruit?________________________________________________________

Think about that for a moment. God prunes, shapes, and molds those who
surrendered . Does this sound like something for cowards and the faint of heart.
___________ Why?_________________________________________________
When we are truly surrendered to Him we obey Him even when it doesn't make
sense to our human way of thinking. Read Luke 5:5, 6. What did not make sense to
What did Simon do?__________________________________________________
What was the result?__________________________________________________
Those who have truly surrendered do not second guess and ask "But why?" They
accept that God said it, and they do it. In other words: God said it, that settles it.
Pick one of the following characters and comment on how they completely surren-
dered to God even though it might not have made sense to them (there may be more than
one notable event in the lives of these characters, choose one event to comment on). Noah,
Abraham, Joseph, Moses, or another character of your own choosing. ______________
Read Matthew 6:19-21, 24. What does this tell us about surrender and material
What does it mean to surrender your material possessions to God?___________
Surrender of material possession is one of the greatest challenges for most people in
our modern times. This is sort of odd when you consider the fact that everyone will give up
absolutely every material possession he has at the time of death (1 Tim. 6:7).

Read Mark 14:36. What was Jesus’ example of surrender in this passage?_______
Surrendering to God is actually a great opportunity and a blessing. Read the
following passages and comment on how surrendering is a blessing.
Romans 6:17, 18. ________________________________________________
Revelation 20:15_______________________________________________
Surrender to God presents a paradox to the human mind. Man generally views a
surrender as a failure, as something that weakens him. But, in spiritual matters, surrender
does not weaken you, it strengthens you. It puts you in harmony with God, on the same
team with God. You can’t walk with God if you rebel against His will.
Read Romans 8:31, 35, 38, 39. What have we gained when we surrendered to
Read James 4:7. What do we gain when we surrender to Christ?_____________
Surrendering to Christ does not mean your life will be perfect, but it will always be
preferable, especially in the long (eternal) run.
We all surrender to someone or something. It maybe peers, money, fear, alcohol,
pride, sex, drugs, sports, gambling, or our career. We all surrender our lives to something
and there are always consequences one way or another.
Sometimes we are our own worse enemy. We can't fulfill God's purpose while
focusing on our own plans.
Surrender is not a one time event, but rather a way of life.
Who or what have you surrendered to?

Day Eleven

Being God's Friend

“Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he

offered Isaac his son on the altar? Do you see that faith was
working together with his works, and by works faith was made
perfect? And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, "'Abraham
believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.'
And he was called the friend of God." James 2:21-23

God's relationship with man has many facets. God is our Creator, Lord, King,
Master, Judge, Redeemer, Father, Savior, Sustainer, and more. What other facets can you
think of? List them here_______________________________________________
Read Genesis 3:8. Where was God?_________________________________
What did Adam and Eve hear in the garden?__________________________
What does God's presence in the garden suggest to you about His relationship with
Adam and Eve?_____________________________________________________
Friendship with God, after the fall of man in the garden, is still possible.
Noah found grace in the eyes of God, Genesis 6:8.
Enoch walked with God, Genesis 5:23.
Job enjoyed the friendly counsel of God, Job 29:4.
Abraham was God's friend, 2 Chronicles 20:7; Isaiah 41:8; James 2:23.

Moses was God's friend, Exodus 33:11.
David was a man after God's own heart, Acts 13:22.
List another name that should be on this list.______________________
Read 2 Chronicles 16:9. What is God looking for?_______________________
Who decides if you will be one of those people God is seeking?______________
Read Acts 17:26, 27. What does this tell you about God's desire to have a
relationship with us?_________________________________________________
Who must take the initiative and pursue the relationship?_________________
Read Romans 5:6-11. How serious would you say God is about becoming your
Read 2 Corinthians 13:14. When you are friends with God, who else does that
make you friends with?________________________________________________
Read Amos 3:3. How can you walk with God?_________________________
Read John 15:14. How do you become Jesus friend?______________________
Read John 15:15. What is a benefit of friendship with God?_________________
Read Exodus 34:14. What does this tell you about your friendship with God?
(see also James 4:4)___________________________________________________
Read Jeremiah 9:23, 24. What are we not to glory in?____________________

What are we to glory in?_________________________________________

There are at least six basic principles to developing a friendship with God. We will
look at two of those principles in this lesson, and the other four principles on day twelve.

Principle One: Spending Time with God.

A friendship is build on love, and love is spelled T I M E. A friendship with God
cannot be built by attending one worship service a week. Building a friendship with God
requires that you spend all of you time in His presence.
Read Ephesians 6:5, 6. Who are you to do your work for?__________________
Read Colossians 3:17. What are you to do in the name of the Lord?___________
Read Colossians 3:23. What are you to do heartily, as to the lord?___________
Spending time with God does not mean sitting in a trance or being constantly on
your knees in deep prayer. Spending time with God means being aware that you are in
His presence and living your life appropriately. When you live your life in His presence,
you no longer do things for yourself, but rather you do those same things with a view to
pleasing God. If your goal is to make yourself feel good, then you have missed the point.
Your primary goal is not to feel good, but to do good. When you learn to live your life in
His presence and always focus on doing good, then feeling good will come naturally in
it's own time.
Read Philippians 4:6, 7. How do you think Paul felt?_____________________
If you learn to live like Paul (1 Cor. 11:1), how will you feel?__________________

Does this mean that Paul never suffered pain, discomfort, or disappointment?
(see 2 Cor. 11:22-28)_______________________________

Principle Two: Thinking About God's Word Throughout Your Day.

We cannot be friends with God if we do not know His word.
Read 1 Samuel 3:21. How did God reveal Himself to Samuel?_______________
Read Job 23:12. How did Job feel about the word?_______________________
Read Psalm 119:97-104. List three benefits David received through the word.
What does it mean to you to think about God throughout your day?__________
What does it mean to you to think about what God has done as you go about
your daily activities?_________________________________________________
What does it mean to you to think about God's word as you go through your daily

Point to ponder: God wants to be your friend. How awesome is that?

Day Twelve

Developing Your Friendship

“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” James 4:8

True or false, your relationship with God is a two-way street?______________

True or false, God wants to be close to you?_______________
True or false, God will not force Himself on you?________________
Closeness is not an accident nor instant. It is a relationship we develop on purpose
and over time. This relationship, like any relationship requires certain elements in order
to succeed. Consider the following elements and write down a comment on why these are
necessary to a successful friendship.

Mutual interest_________________________________________________
Who controls and cultivates these elements?___________________________
Notice that perfection is not on the above list. Which of God’s friends was perfect?
Was Noah perfect?__________
Was Abraham perfect?___________
Was Moses perfect?____________
Was David perfect?___________
What does this suggests to you about you being God’s friend?_______________

Point to ponder: You are as close to God as you choose to be. How close to God
have you chosen to be?

In the previous lesson we began looking at six principles necessary to having a

friendship with God. In this lesson we will continue looking at these principles.

Principle Three: Honesty.

To draw close to God we must be honest. Not just a little honest, or honest about a
lot, but rather completely, 100%, absolutely, totally honest.
What is the opposite of honesty?____________________________________
Can God lie? (Titus 1:2)___________________________________________
Is there any darkness in God? (1 John 1:5)______________________________
To truly have a friendship with God we must have a compatible character, or, be in
agreement with God (Amos 3:3). If we harbor darkness in our hearts, we cannot become
one with God.

Be honest in your prayers. Lay it all out before God. Philippians 4:6-7 says that
we should pray in___________________________.
Can you pray to God about your fears?________________
Can you pray to God about your hopes?__________________
Can you pray to God about your concerns?___________________
Confide your every thought freely to God and seek His guidance. You won’t be
revealing anything He doesn’t already know. But you will be showing an attitude of
humility, submission, and honesty. Share your true feelings and thoughts with God, get
them out on the table. Don’t repeat empty clichés and memorized lines in prayer while
you are actually thinking and feeling something else. Be totally, completely, and
absolutely honest with God in prayer. You can’t build a friendship on deceit.
Be honest about anger, resentments, disappointments, and bitterness in your life.
Confess these negative feelings and work through them. Don’t bury them under a false
front and pretend everything is ok. If you deny your negative feelings and thoughts they
will become a wall, a barrier, between you and God. Acknowledging and accepting your
feeling and thoughts, even when negative, is the first step to working through them so that
you can have the friendship with God He desires to have. You can’t get truly close to
someone if anger, resentment, disappointment, and bitterness stands between you and the
other person.

Principle Four: Absolute Obedience.

True or false, trust is a choice?___________________
John 14:15, what does love do?_____________________________________
John 14:21, what does love do?____________________________________
John 14:23, what does love do?____________________________________
John 15:10, what does obedience do?________________________________
John 15:14, what do friends do?_____________________________________

Can you get close to God and have a friendship with Him while resisting His will?
____________ Why?_______________________________________________
You are under the authority of God. Consider the following questions and think
about how being under God’s authority effects your relationship with Him.
An employee is under his employer’s authority, can an employee have a close
friendship with his boss?___________________
A child is under his parent’s authority, can parent and child have a close and
loving relationship?____________________
A wife is under the authority of her husband, can a wife have a close and loving
friendship with her husband?________________
Obviously holding different positions of authority does not keep us from having
close relationships with those over or under us. Just as you can have close and enjoyable
relationships in the above examples, you can also have a close friendship with your

Principle Five: Friendships are Active, not Passive.

This fifth principle is simple enough when applying it to friendships among men,
but applying it to a friendship with God becomes a little more difficult. The difficulty is
because we don’t see and experience God in the same way we see and experience our
fellow man. We don’t go fishing with God, or shopping, or out to dinner in the same way
we do these things with our fellow man. So, how do we pursue an active relationship with
God? The following passage gives us one answer.
Matthew 25:31-46. How do we have an active relationship with God?________
List two other ways we have an active relationship with God


A Point to Ponder: It’s the little things that matter. Each so called “little thing” is a
single brush stroke that paints the portrait of our friendships.

Principle Six: The Friendship Must be Mutually Valued.

When we value a relationship we (check the ones that apply)
_____1. Seek it. _____4. Pay a price to pursue it.
_____2. Desire it. _____5. Make it our priority.
_____3. Cultivate it. _____6. Persist in pursuing it.
A friendship cannot be one-sided. Both parties must want the friendship to work
and be willing to put themselves into it.
Romans 12:15, what do friends share?_________________________________
We must have common interest with God. We must find joy in the things He finds
joy in, and we must be truly grieved by the things that cause Him sorrow. What are some
things that bring God joy or sorrow?
Jeremiah 29:13. When we seek what will we find?_______________________
Will a half-hearted search succeed?___________ Why?_________________

A Point to Ponder: John 3:16

Day Thirteen

God Wants All of You

“ You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all
your soul, and with all you mind.” Matthew 22:37

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all
your soul, and with all your strength.” Deuteronomy 6:5, Mark 12:30

True or false, God wants all of you?_______________

How much is “all”?______________________________________________
Why won’t God settle for a half-hearted and semi-obedient effort?___________
If you give God the leftovers of your time, talent, and money, what kind of an effort
have you given Him?__________________________________________________

Based on the above observation, what kind of worship will God accept?________
Is all worship acceptable to God? ___________________________________
Read Matthew 15:9. Why was their worship vain?_______________________
What is the lesson for us?__________________________________________

Read John 4:23. What kind of worship does God desire?___________________
What is “in spirit”?______________________________________________
What is “in truth”?______________________________________________

Read Galatians 1:6-9 or Revelation 22:18-19. Can we customize worship to suit

ourselves and our own ideas?______________ Why?_________________________

Read Matthew 23:5-7. Is it enough to have just the appearance of a religious life?
_________ Why?___________________________________________________
Comment on each of the following in regard to our relationship with God.
Our relationship must be authentic. What does this mean to you?____________
Our relationship must be genuine. What does this mean to you?_____________
Our relationship must be heartfelt. What does this mean to you?_____________

Read 1 Samuel 16:7. What does God see?______________________________

What does this tell you about having a relationship with God_______________

Point to ponder: Sincerity alone is not enough, we can be sincerely wrong.

Read Matthew 6:7. Does God want us to just go through the motions of religion as
though we were some sort of mindless zombies? _______________ Why?__________
When expressing your gratitude to God, instead of just repeating flowery clichés,
how can you engage your mind?_________________________________________

Point to ponder: Real worship is rooted in the word and lived out in the world.

Read Romans 12:1. Relate the idea of being a living sacrifice with each of the
Offering our money, time, and talent._________________________________

Serving others.__________________________________________________

Read 2 Samuel 24:24. What does this verse suggest to you about the worship you
offer unto God?______________________________________________________
What does your worship (public or private) cost you in:
Physical energy?________________________________________________
Mental energy?_________________________________________________
Self discipline?_________________________________________________

Point to Ponder: Our friendship with God can be no greater than the relationship
we have with Him in worship.

Another Point to Ponder: When we customize religion to suit ourselves we are

guilty of idolatry.

Day Fourteen

When You Feel All Alone

“Why do You stand afar off, O Lord? Why do You hide in times
of trouble?” Psalm 10:1

True or false, sometimes we feel as though God is standing far from us?_________
Describe a time when some people might feel as though God has left them?_____

Point to Ponder: Some of our deepest and most intense prayers grow out of our

Do you have any relationships in your life in which you never feel variations or
fluctuations? ______________ Why not?_________________________________
When is the commitment and dedication of your various relationships really put to
the test, in times of joyful closeness or lonely distance?__________________________

David had a close relationship with God. David has even been referred to as a man
after God’s own heart (1 Sam. 13:14; Acts 13:22). We can truly say David had a special

friendship with God. Read the following verses and comment on how David felt at times
during this special friendship.
Psalm 10:1_____________________________________________________
Psalm 22:1-2___________________________________________________
Psalm 42:1-3___________________________________________________
Psalm 44:23-26________________________________________________

Read the following verses and note what God promises.

Psalm 37:28___________________________________________________
Hebrews 13:5__________________________________________________

We clearly have two categories of scriptures. In one we read of people feeling all
alone and far from God. In the other we read of God’s promise never to forsake or leave
His people. How would you explain these two seemingly conflicting categories of
scriptures and eliminate the appearance of conflict?___________________________

Read Job 23:8-10. What process does Job describe?______________________


Sometimes there is a feeling of distance between us and God because we have
actually created distance. Read the following and tell how we create distance between
ourselves and God.
Isaiah 59:2.____________________________________________________
Jeremiah 2:32._________________________________________________
I Corinthians 8:12._______________________________________________
James 4:4._____________________________________________________
1 Peter 3:7._____________________________________________________
Name another way people create distance between themselves and God.______

Walking with God is easy when all is going well, but life does not always go our
way. Sometimes it seems as though God is a million, billion, zillion miles away from us.
What are we to do when we feel all alone? Read the following verses and write down
your ideas about what a person might do when they feel God is far from them.
Job 13:15._____________________________________________________
Philippians 4:6-7._______________________________________________
2 Timothy 2:15._________________________________________________

Titus 2:14._____________________________________________________
Hebrews 10:24-25.______________________________________________
James 1:5._____________________________________________________
James 4:7-10 and I John 1:9.________________________________________
What other ideas can you think of to help a person when they feel distant from

Point to Ponder: Circumstances in my life don’t change the character , power, and
wisdom of God.

Another Point to Ponder: When you feel like God is far away and yet you continue
to trust, follow, and worship Him, that says something about your devotion and maturity
that could never be said in the midst of good times.

Yet Another Point to Ponder: When you feel distant from God, remember all that
God has already done for you. He sent His only begotten Son to save you from your sins
(John 3:16). Would God go to this extreme and then just abandon you for no reason?

Day Fifteen

Part of God’s Family

“Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us,

that we should be called children of God!” I John 3:1

True or false, God wants you to be a part of His family? (2 Peter 3:9) __________

This is the “why” of creation. God planned it all and created it all so that we could
be part of His family (Eph. 1:4, 5).

Revelation 1:6. What are we?______________________________________

God lets us be a part of His family, His kingdom, and His creation. He shares joyfully and
willingly. It is His delight to share with us, just like we delight in sharing with our loved

1 John 4:8. What is God?_____________________________

Matthew 22:37-39. What are the two greatest commandments?____________
Can we cut ourselves off from God and others and still fulfill the greatest
commandments ?__________________

In what ways does God desire to have a relationship with us?
1. ____________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________

Job 22:2 ,3. Did God need us?______________________________________

Job 35:7. What do you give God?___________________________________
Luke 17:10. Is God dependent on us in any way?_________________________
In consideration of your answers above, why do you think God created us and
sustains us?_________________________________________________________

Point to Ponder: The family of God ultimately includes all faithful believers past,
present, and future?

True or false, everyone is created by God?______________________

True or false, everyone is in the family of God?_____________________
True or false, the invitation to become a part of God’s family is universal?_______

Let’s consider some differences between being a part of God’s family and being a
part of a biological family.
How is the eternal family of God effected by earthly wars?_________________
How is the eternal family of God effected by economic fluctuations?__________

How is the eternal family of God effected by natural disasters?______________

Read the following verses and tell what you gained when you were “born
again” (John 3:3).
Mark 10:29, 30________________________________________________
Acts 11:26____________________________________________________
Romans 5:1-2__________________________________________________
Romans 8:27__________________________________________________
Galatians 4:6-7________________________________________________
Ephesians 1:3__________________________________________________
1 Peter 1:3-5___________________________________________________
2 Peter 1:3_____________________________________________________
List any additional gains you think of.________________________________
How many of the above gains are something you begin to enjoy now?__________

Point to Ponder: Planning only for your retirement at age 65 is shortsighted.

Whether or not to become a part of the family of God is a decision each individual
must make. Let’s take a moment to consider the steps necessary to becoming a part of
God’s family. Read the following verses and make a note of what you learn about
becoming a part of the family of God.
Matthew 7:21_____________________________________________
Hebrews 5:9_________________________________________________
2 Thessalonians 1:8___________________________________________

Revelation 22:14_____________________________________________

John 3:16____________________________________________________
John 6:29_______________________________________________
Acts 16:31___________________________________________________
Hebrews 11:6_______________________________________________

Luke 13:5____________________________________________________
Luke 24:47__________________________________________________
Acts 11:18__________________________________________________
Acts 17:30___________________________________________________
2 Peter 3:9__________________________________________________

Matthew 10:33________________________________________________
Acts 8:36-37________________________________________________
Romans 10:10_________________________________________________

Mark 16:16____________________________________________________
Acts 2:38____________________________________________________
Galatians 3:27________________________________________________
1 Peter 3:21_________________________________________________

Becoming a part of God’s family requires nothing more than what these
Scriptures indicate. While it is true that much growing and learning will take place after
becoming part of God’s family, the above steps are all that is needed to become family.

Point to Ponder: There is nothing greater than being in the family of God.

Day Sixteen

It’s All About Love

“And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all

mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so
that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.”
I Corinthians 13:2

Fill in the blank: God is ________________ (1 John 4:8).

To imitate God, what must we do or be?_______________________ (Eph. 5:1-2)
How can we do or be this?________________________________________

Matthew 22:37. What is the essential element of successful living in the eyes of

Learning to love as God loves is a challenge. People are often unlovable. Our
society is often self-centered. We also have selfish impulses of our own. Then there is
that feeling of being vulnerable when we truly open our hearts to love others. Make no
mistake about it, learning to love others as God loves us is not an easy thing to do.

Point to Ponder: Love is to be our trademark, our reputation, and our identity.

In your own words define love (give multiple meanings if you desire)__________

Galatians 6:10. While our goal is to love everyone, who do we give special
attention to?_______________________________________________________

John 13:35. What message does love send?_____________________________

How do we learn to love?_________________________________________


If we don’t love each other here, how will we love each other in heaven?________

True or false, we are to love others only when we are in the mood?_____________
True or false, it is easiest to love others during good times?_______________

Can we explore the height, depth, and breadth of love from a position of
isolation? (Heb. 10:24)________________ Why?___________________________

What is your life without love? (1 Cor. 13:1-3)________________

Point to Ponder: Relationships are not just another item on your to do list,
relationships are life.

People get caught up in the rat race pursuing their careers, money, and material
gain. They think they are living life, but this is just an illusion. They have confused being
busy with truly living. While life does include making a living, doing chores, and paying
bills, these are not the heart of life. The heart of life is loving relationships. Otherwise, life
is nothing (1 Cor. 13:1-3).

How long do relationships built upon mutual Christian love last?_____________

When you come to the end of your days which of the following do you think will
be foremost in your mind?
______Looking at your diplomas one more time.
______Regretting that you didn’t put in more overtime at work.
______The model of cars your drove in your life.
______Your television and stereo.
______Whether your favorite sports team won championships.
______Having loved ones near.

Point to Ponder: Your children and grandchildren will remember your love and
how you treated them more than they will remember your possessions and your

Love is spelled T-I-M-E. To know a person’s priorities, look at how they spend their
time. When we give our time it’s gone. We can’t make more time. Our time is our life.
Investing our time in others is an act of love. Anyone can speak of love, but what really

makes a difference is actually giving of ourselves, of our time (1 John 3:18). The essence of
love is the giving of ourselves, not our money or material things, but our time. Our loved
ones are generally more interested in having the attention of our eyes, our ears, our
presence, and our focus. There is no substitute for these (men commonly have more trouble
understanding this point).

Matthew 25:31-46. In what way does this passage describe love?____________


Point to Ponder: You can give without loving, but you can’t love without giving.

True or false, the time to love is now?_____________ Why?_______________


Closing Questions for Personal Reflection

Who do you need to spend more time (love) with?________________________
What can you cut out of your schedule in order to make more time (love) available
for others?__________________________________________________________
How can you include others in your activities in order to spend more time (love)
How can you get involved in the activities of others?_____________________
If you don’t do it now, when will you do it (be honest, if it’s not important enough to
you now, will it really be tomorrow, or the next day, or the next?)__________________

Day Seventeen

We Belong Together

“Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but

fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of
God.” Ephesians 2:19

“And He stretched out His hand toward His disciples and said,
‘Here are My mother and My brothers! For whoever does the will
of My Father in heaven is My brother and sister and mother.”
Matthew 12:49-50

True or false, it’s not just about believing in God, but belonging to God._________
Genesis 2:18. What was not good for man?_____________________________

What do the following verses suggest to you about Christianity

1 Corinthians 12:12______________________________________________
Ephesians 2:21-22______________________________________________
Ephesians 3:6__________________________________________________
Ephesians 4:16_________________________________________________

1 Thessalonians 4:17______________________________________________

Christianity was not designed to be a solo experience. While we are individually

accountable, we are to be joined and knit together. This is God’s design.
Romans 12:5. How many bodies?______________________
Who are we members of?__________________________________

True or false, real membership in the family of God is more than just having your
name on the role of a local congregation?_________________

What are some differences between a person who is really a member and someone
who just has their name on the role. List at least three things.

What would happen if a member of your physical body (your liver, for example)
wasn’t connected to your body?_________________________________________
Working from this analogy, what does this suggest about your membership in the family
of God?___________________________________________________________

When we start avoiding God’s people, what does that generally indicate?______

Hebrews 10:24. Who do we need?___________________________________

Matthew 16:18. What did Jesus intend to build?_________________________

Was this a trivial or incidental matter?__________________ Why?______________

When we distance ourselves from God’s people who else do we also distance
ourselves from?___________________________ Why is this so?_______________

True or false, some people use the family of God (the local congregation) but the
don’t love the family of God?_________________

True or false, we connect physically with the family of God through the local

The Bible teaches us to be a connected and vital part of a local congregation. Read
the following verses and note how this is taught.
Ephesians 4:16.________________________________________________
Hebrews 10:25.________________________________________________

Hebrews 13:17. ________________________________________________

2 Thessalonians 3:6. There in only one time when a Christian is to be disconnected

from the local congregation. What is that time and why?________________________

We need to be vitally connected to a local congregation for several reasons. Read

the following verses and list the reasons.
John 13:34-35._________________________________________________
Romans 12:15. __________________________________________________
Galatians 6:1.__________________________________________________
2 Timothy 2:15._________________________________________________
Titus 2:14._____________________________________________________
Hebrews 10:24._________________________________________________
1 Peter 5:2-5.__________________________________________________

Point to Ponder: A newborn baby is automatically a member of the universal

family of humanity, but he needs a specific family to call his own. A newborn Christian is
automatically a member of the universal family of God, but he also needs a specific family
to call his own.
Day Eighteen

Sharing Life

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to

dwell together in unity! Psalm 133:1

True or false, God created life to be shared (Gen. 2:18)?___________________

Real togetherness, in the Bible sense, is not just spending recreational time
together. In the Bible, real togetherness involves working together, serving one another,
giving , comforting, teaching, and admonishing. What other things would you list as a
part of real togetherness?

True or false, sharing life happens primarily on an individual level?___________

True or false, we can’t have a deep, meaningful, and consistent relationship with a
large crowd of people?_____________

True or false, after a group reaches a certain size, some of the people become
spectators and stop really participating in the group?_______________

Local congregations are commonly too large of a group for everyone to be best
friends. There is a limit to the number of people we can be best friends with. Why do you
think this is so?_____________________________________________________

Is there anything wrong with have a special friendship with just a few people?
_______ Why?_____________________________________________________

Can you think of a Bible example where a special friendship was formed?______
What is that example?_________________________________________________

In most congregations you will find smaller groups that just seem to naturally form
and do things together. Is this right or wrong?_________________ Why?__________

Can these smaller groups be a negative factor within the congregation?________


Can these smaller groups be a positive factor within the congregation?_________


A small group does not automatically guarantee deep relationships. A small
group can be superficial and shallow with nothing more than surface relationships. This
type of group won’t hold together when the going gets tough. The shallow group is setting
itself up for failure, why?_______________________________________________

A strong congregation is like a mail of chain, it’s tough, protective, and nearly
indestructible. This strength is due to the fact that each link is closely connected with just
a few other links. This series of interlinking makes the chain of mail almost indestructible.
Likewise, when the brethren in a local congregation interlink in a similar manner, then
the local congregation becomes extremely strong and powerful.

What Is a Real Relationship?

Is it just superficial chit-chat? (Js. 5:16)__________ Why?________________


Is it just having fun together (Rom 12:15)?_______ Why?__________________


Is it just having people support your interests and goals (Phil. 2:3-4)?__________

Is it just having friends who always tell you that you are right (Gal. 6:1)_________

What are some of the dangers of a real relationship? (list two)

1. __________________________________________________________

So why take these risk?___________________________________________


True or false, we are going to irritate one another now and then?_____________

Do these common irritations of life mean that deep relationships are not practical?
________ Why?____________________________________________________

Shallow relationships never get down to the nitty-gritty where the real Christian
life is lived. Some people pretend to be involved but actually have a hidden agenda, or
political motives. These pretenders generally extend a superficial politeness to others,
but they always keep people at a “safe” distance lest they should be found out.

Point to Ponder: Don’t be in a rush to fix, advise, or offer a quick solution, take time
to feel, understand, and support.

Day Nineteen

Building Close Relationships

“So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and

breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food
with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and
having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to
the church daily those who were being saved.”
Acts 2:46-47.

True or false, God’s word can’t create loving relationships without our

Relationship skills are a must. We have a major role in developing and maintain-
ing relationships (Eph. 4:3). If a person did not learn relationship skills in his youth, what
can he do about it now?________________________________________________

True or false, building real relationships is not always easy?________________


Relationship rarely flow 100% perfect, there are normally problems that have to
be confronted and resolved.

Real Relationships Require Honesty

Honesty is a must, but what will cruel and mean spirited honesty do to a
relationship?____________________ Why? ______________________________

Ephesians 4:15. What are we instructed to speak?________________________

How must we speak the truth?__________________________
What does this mean in our relationships?___________________________________

Sometimes it is wise to let a sleeping dog lie (Prov. 19:11), but if we always gloss over
problems, then we leave little landmines buried about just waiting to be tripped. We
want a proper balance between addressing and overlooking various matters. What
would you suggest as a general guide for when to address a matter and when to overlook a

Relationships eventually fall apart when people don’t have the courage to speak
up and address the thing that need to be addressed. Why do people fail to address the
important matters of life?_______________________________________________

Point to Ponder: Some people have no one in their life who will point out their self
destructive behaviors.

Real Relationships Require Humility

1 Peter 5:5-6. How does God feel toward the proud?______________________

How often do you look at someone who is full of pride and arrogance, and desire to
get closer to that person?____________________________

Being proud, arrogant, selfish, and self centered builds barriers that keep people
from developing close relationships. If a person has a problem with pride in his life, what
would help take down the barriers of pride?________________________________

How will confessing your own weaknesses help you be patient with others?_____

Point to Ponder: Humility is not putting yourself down, degrading yourself, or

thinking less of yourself. It is thinking of yourself less often.

Real Relationships Require Courtesy

Matthew 7:12. How do you want to be treated?_________________________

How then should you treat others? _______________________________________

Most groups have an impatient, difficult, and gruff member. This tough and rough
exterior generally is a shield that is used to protect inner weaknesses. What do you think

are some of the inner weaknesses the grouchy and crude person might be trying to

What should our goal be toward this person, to purge them out of the group or to
bring them up to our level?_____________________________________________

Point to Ponder: Family is family, they may be a bit goofy, difficult, stubborn, or
whatever, but they are still family.

How many of us are 100% perfect in everyway?________________________

The truth of the matter is that we all have our quirks that someone else wouldn’t mind
changing in us. This is where courtesy comes into play. We recognize that we each have
our individual differences and we politely allow each other room to be who we are within
the parameters of God’s word.

How do you feel when someone belittles your about a doubt or fear that you might
Part of courtesy means being understanding when others have doubts and fears that we
don’t share. Just because you don’t have a problem in a particular area, that fact does not
invalidate the doubts and fears of another. Be polite, let people open up without condem-
nation or ridicule. This will help relationships grow stronger and deeper.

Real Relationships Require Confidentiality

Proverbs 16:28. What separates the best of friends?_______________________

A truly close relationship demands mutual respect. For a relationship to fully

develop, there must be a safe assurance that personal and private matters will not become
the subject of gossip.

Once this trust is broken, how difficult is it to reestablish?_________________


Real Relationships Require Frequent Attention

Hebrews 10:24-25. Can we stir one another up to love and good works if we
seldom spend time with one another?___________________

Point to Ponder: Quality time grows out of quantity time.

Nine Points to Building Real Relationships

1. Share true feelings, be authentic. Ephesians 4:25

2. Mutually encourage each other. Hebrews 10:24
3. Support each other. Philippians 2:3-4
4. Forgive each other. Ephesians 4:32
5. Speak the truth in love. Ephesians 4:15
6. Discuss your weaknesses. James 5:16
7. Respect individual differences, be polite. Matthew 7:12
8. Do not gossip, don’t violate another’s trust. Proverbs 25:19
9. Make your relationships a priority. Hebrews 10:25

Day Twenty

Restoring Broken Relationships

“Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus
Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no
divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together
in the same mind and in the same judgment. For it has been
declared to me concerning you, my brethren, by those of Chloe’s
household, that there are contentions among you.”
1 Corinthians 1:10-11

True or false, relationships are always worth restoring? (1 John 4:7-11)__________

1 John 4:21. What have we been commanded to do?______________________
1 Corinthians 11:1. Who are we to imitate? ______________________________
Who does God desire to be reconciled to? (2 Peter 3:9)____________________
Who should we desire to be reconciled to?_____________________________

We don’t throw relationships away just because there are some rough spots.
Even when the disciplinary step of withdrawing must be taken, it is with a view to
reconciliation (2 Thess. 3:14-15).

True or false, willingness to be reconciled is a mark of maturity?______________

John 13:35. What are we to be known for?_____________________________

How will this love effect our efforts to restore broken relationships_________________

Point to Ponder: Broken relationships signify failure, not success or victory.

Matthew 5:9. What is a peacemaker (circle the one answer you think is best)
A. One who loves peace.
B. One who refuses to stir up any trouble.
C. One who appeases, pacifies, and placates others at any cost in order
to avoid trouble.
D. One who wisely works to make peace and restore broken
E. One who avoids controversy, hides, or runs away preferring to
pretend that everything is ok.

Peace making is an important skill that every Christian should develop. Unfortu-
nately, many would rather spend their time on the phone stirring up troubles.

What do you think the point of balance is among these verses, Proverbs 19:11,
2 timothy 2:24, 1 Timothy 6:12, and Jude 3?_________________________________

Jesus is the “Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6). What does His manner of life suggest to
you about being a peace maker?_________________________________________

Suggestions to Restore Broken Relationships

Philippians 4:6-7. What counsel does this verse offer?_____________________

How can prayer help?_________________________________________________

James 4:1-3. What does this passage suggest is the root of many conflicts?______
How can we counter this problem?________________________________________

Matthew 5:23-24. What does this passage suggest about who should take the
initiative in seeking reconciliation?_______________________________________
Are we given the luxury of waiting for the other person to make the first move?________

Point to Ponder: Broken relationships reverberate negatively throughout all of our

life, even effecting our relationship with God (1 Peter 3:7).

Ephesians 4:26. What does this verse suggest to you about seeking reconciliation?
Will procrastination and delay make a matter easier to deal with?_________________
When we put off reconciliation and continually replay the problem over and over in our
minds, who are we hurting?_______________ How smart is that?________________

Proverbs 18:13. What does this verse suggest to you about healing broken

It is important that we learn to listen. Sometimes people just want to be heard. In some
cases (matters of opinion) a solution may not even be needed. Sometimes people just want
to be heard and accepted as they are.
Often, instead of really listening, we hear just enough to form a quick judgment
and belittle the other person’s feelings. In times of conflict, feelings cannot be dismissed
and set aside. We must hear what the person is feeling, not just what he is saying. Truly
listening does much to clear the way for reconciliation.

Psalm 73:21-22. What does this passage suggest happens to our logic during times
of trouble?_________________________________________________________
Will our loved one always be rational and logical when we are having relationship
problems?________________ What do Proverbs 16:32 and 19:11 suggest we do during
times of conflict?____________________________________________________

Point to Ponder: People don’t care what we know, until they know we care.

Romans 15:1-3. What does this passage teach that might help us heal broken
Is it always easy to sit patiently and let another vent or unload their anger and frustrations
to us?___________ Does it seem fair that we should have to bear such a load?_______
What load did Jesus bear?_______________________________ And who are we to

Point to Ponder: Sometimes love bears crosses that are not its own.

James 5:16. What does this verse teach that will help heal relationships?_______
When you confess your faults, don’t start using “ifs” and excuses to water down your wrong
behavior. Openly admit it without qualification. Follow David’s example and flatly
confess “I have sinned” (2 Sam. 12:13).

Matthew 7:5. Before you start helping the other person make corrections, what
should you first do?_________________________________________________
Don’t get defensive. Remember the goal is not to assign blame. The goal is to reconcile.
If you bear a little more blame than you feel is just, so what? What is more important,
accurately assigning blame, or healing the broken relationship?

Sometimes we see ourselves as sinless in a particular situation. We need to be

careful, in almost every conflict there are at least two sides to the story. We might not be
as innocent as we think. If we claim to be faultless in a situation when we actually are not
faultless, what does that make us? (1 John 1:8-10) ______________________________

It might be absolutely true that we were not the person who committed the “big”
sin that lead to the broken relationship, but we may have been the facilitator. We might
have been the one pushing, prodding, and just daring the other to sin. For example, a
husband or wife will deprive his/her mate of the love and care that is needed to support
a healthy relationship (1 Cor. 7:2-5). When the frustrated mate finds what he/she
desires from another, the betrayed mate plays the role of the innocent victim, when in
reality, neither is innocent.

Confess your fault. Don’t make excuse and don’t shift the blame. Bravely own up
to the role you played and ask for forgiveness.

Proverbs 15:1. What does this verse suggest about seeking reconciliation?_______

Being rude and crude won’t help get your point across. It will just get the
other person’s defenses up. Also, how you speak is as important as what you speak.
Communication experts agree that over 50% of the message we send is sent through
our body language, not just the words we choose (actually, the consensus is that closer to
80% of the message is in our body language).

Proverbs 16:21. What does this verse suggest to you about nagging your way to

Ephesians 4:29 and Colossians 4:6. What do these verses suggest our speech
should be when seeking to restore a broken relationship?________________________

Point to Ponder: Abrasiveness is not persuasive. You might manipulate, force, or

coerce a certain behavior out of another, but that is not true reconciliation.

Don’t belittle, compare, condescend, insult, label, or use sarcasm. These are not
tools that help build strong and enduring relationships.

Peace has a price tag

The cost of peace is letting go of our pride.
The cost of peace is giving up our self centeredness
The cost of peace is adjusting to others (Rom. 12:18)
The cost of peace is giving preference to one another (Rom. 12:10)

The main goal is reconciliation. Some details might have to remain unresolved,
such as matters of opinion. No two people will see everything in life 100% exactly the
same. Great relationships are often enjoyed even when major differences exist. Some
differences can add depth and joy to a relationship. Differences don’t have to result in a

Can we disagree without being disagreeable?______________ How?_______


Some issues will still need to be resolved. The trick to healthy relationships is to
pursue a solution as a team instead of as opposing enemies. A spirit of harmony will
support a healthy relationship.

Sincerely working for peace is not easy, but when we work for peace we are doing
that which pleases God (Matt. 5:9).

Point to Ponder: A parent’s fashion and entertainment taste often varies greatly
from their child’s taste, yet parents and their children commonly have great

Day Twenty One

Protecting Our Unity

“If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably

with all men.” Romans 12:18

“Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of

peace.” Ephesians 4:3

True or false, it is your duty, job, and responsibility to protect our unity? ______

Circle the correct answer. Unity is...

(A) a convenience and a luxury
(B) essential to our success.

Read John 17:20-21. When Jesus knew He was just hours away from being
betrayed and crucified, what was He praying for?_____________________________
What does this tell you about the important of this matter to Jesus?________________

Read 1 Corinthians 1:10. What was Paul’s desire concerning unity?____________


A person would have to be crazy to not want unity, oneness, and harmony. Division
is a heavy burden to bear. While unity requires work on our part, it also is a blessing.
Describe how valuable you think the church is to Jesus?___________________

If we are faithful disciples of Christ, how will we value the church?___________


If we don’t personally and mutually protect our church family, who will?______

Can you protect our unity all by yourself?_____________ What happens to our
local unity if just one or two people decide to work against unity?_________________

One way to protect and nurture our unity is to focus on what we have in common,
instead of our differences. What are three things we share in common?

It has been said that variety is the spice of life (within biblical limits, of course).
What are some ways that we vary from one another?

Differences like these should not be a cause of division, but should be enjoyed.

Point to Ponder: What would life be like if everyone was exactly the same?

Another way to protect and nurture our unity is to stay focused on what really
matters. What are some things that really matter in our local congregation?

Sometimes, while we are focused on the things that matter, problems still arise
because personalities collide. One person might want to take the bull by the horns and
get things done now. Another person might desire to exercise a little caution and take
things slower. When the people involved are spiritually mature, then they tend to
balance one another out and find a happy medium.

Another way we help protect our unity is by keeping our expectations realistic.
Write down an unrealistic expectation people sometimes have within the local
Why is this expectation unrealistic?_______________________________________
What can be done to bring this expectation into harmony with God’s word?__________

Point to Ponder: The ideal congregation is not a group who thinks they are already
perfect, but a group who recognize their short comings and endeavors to grow more and
more into the image of Christ.

Sometimes people become disillusioned with a congregation. These people will
generally try another congregation or two, and sometimes drop out completely. Why
would people become disillusioned with a congregation?

While in some cases it is wise to move on to another congregation, this is generally

not the answer. Developing unity within a congregation is similar to developing unity in
a marriage. Divorce is not the answer to most marital problems, working through marital
problems is the proper thing to do. Likewise, “divorcing” a congregation is seldom the
thing to do. It is better to stay and work through problems and take your relationship on
to higher ground.

Point to Ponder: Some disillusionment is good, it destroys our unrealistic

expectation of perfection. With that expectation destroyed we can love each other as we
are and encourage one another on to greater maturity.

Another way to protect and nurture our local unity is to keep unnecessary
criticism to ourselves. Everything we do could be done in a slightly different way. And, of
course, each person generally thinks his way is the best way.
Check each of the following that you see as an effect of unnecessary criticism.
_______Stirs up ill feelings. _______Creates division.
_______Discourages others. _______Cause people to avoid
_______Shuts down creativity. the person giving the criticism.
_______Hinders progress. _______Leads to the feeling that one
can never do anything right.

Read Proverbs 26:20. How does gossip effect unity?______________________

Read Proverbs 20:19. If a person will gossip to you, will he gossip about you?_____

How do you think a gossip should be dealt with?________________________


Finally, we protect and nurture our unity by supporting our leadership (Hebrews
13:17). Can our leaders make everyone happy?_________________
Are our leaders absolutely perfect men in everyway?______________
If we make matters difficult for our leaders, who will ultimately give answer to God
for being difficult?________________________________

Protecting unity is not easy, but it is not optional. It is a duty that requires personal
sacrifice at times. When we truly pursue unity we don’t always get our own way, but we
always enjoy the blessings of unity.

Points to Ponder: What are you doing to protect our unity?

What are you doing to create greater unity?

Day Twenty Two

Becoming Like Christ

“ Then God said, “Let us make man in Our image, according

to Our likeness.” Genesis 1:26

True or false, the goal of life is to find material wealth, earthy comforts, fame, and
physical pleasure?______________

In your own words, what is the primary goal of life?_______________________


The Bible is clear, God created us to be His image. Name three things you think it
means to be created in the image of God.

Read Genesis 9:6. According to this verse, after the fall of Adam and Eve, who is
man still created in the image of?__________________________

Sin did not change the fact that we are created in the image of God. What did sin
do to us?___________________________________________________________

Read 2 Corinthians 4:4. What image does Jesus have_____________________

The goal is for us to be what we were created to be, no more and no less.
What does it mean to you to be godly or Christ-like?

True or false, becoming Christ-like mean that we are transformed into little
robotic, carbon copy, mindless clones of Jesus?______________

True or false, becoming Christ-like means that we give up our individuality and
the various qualities that make us distinct individuals?______________________

God created our individuality, our talent variations, and our personality
differences. Becoming Christ-like does not mean that all believers become exactly alike
in every way.

Read Matthew 5:1-12. What are three Christ-like qualities we should develop?

Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. List three Christ-like qualities we should develop?


Read Galatians 5:22-23. List three Christ-like qualities we should develop?

Read 2 Peter 1:5-8. List three Christ-like qualities we should develop?


Read Philippians 2:13. Who is at work in us?________________________

Can we become Christ-like on auto pilot without exerting any effort on our part?
___________ Why?_________________________________________________

True or false, God won’t force you to change?________________

True or false, we don’t have to change into the image of Christ until we are in the

Explain why procrastination in obeying the commands of God is actually rebellion

and disobedience.____________________________________________________

Spiritual growth can be compared to planting a seed, building a house, or raising a
child. Choose one of these and list three ways your selection parallels spiritual growth.

We do not grow in a vacuum. Our growth is commonly the result of interactions

with people, circumstances, and the Word of God.

What is one way other people help us grow?___________________________


Do the people who help us grow always realize the role they are playing in our

What is one way circumstances can help us grow?_______________________


What is one way the Word of God helps us to Grow?______________________


Point to Ponder: You are a work in progress and you will be for the rest of your life.
Understanding this helps to take the pressure off. You don’t need to worry about not
being absolutely perfect, just keep pressing on the upward way.

Day Twenty Three

The Growing Process

“That we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and

carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of
men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, but,
speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him
who is the head-Christ.” Ephesians 4:14-15

True or false, God wants you to grow up spiritually?_____________

Think about the implications of your answer, if God wants you to grow up
spiritually, then what does that suggest about God’s involvement in your growth?_____

All people grow older, but few grow up. Many stay in a perpetual state of spiritual
infancy and don’t intend to grow. Spiritual growth is not automatic. What are three
things required to grow spiritually?

Read 2 Peter 3:10-11. This verse puts physical life and spiritual life into a clear
perspective. What is the disadvantage of growth in physical areas as compared to the
advantage of growth in spiritual areas?____________________________________

Part of the growing process means asking, What Would Jesus Do? How can this
question help us to grow?_______________________________________________

Give an example, real or fictional, showing how the W.W.J.D. question can help us
in our endeavor to grow?_______________________________________________

To grow we must change. Ironically, most people resist change, even though
change is unavoidable. The spiritually wise do not resist change, the wise manage change
so that they might grow to be more like Christ.

Some people have a casual attitude toward spiritual growth. What does such an
attitude suggest about a person?_________________________________________

What does a casual attitude toward spiritual growth suggest about a persons long
term perspective?____________________________________________________

Point to Ponder: Growth starts in the mind. Behind every action is a thought,
a belief, or an attitude.

Repentance is part of the growth process. The word repentance literally means to
change your mind, and thus your ways. Read Philippians 2:5. What should we change
our mind into?_______________________________________________________

Read Philippians 4:8. If we earnestly desire to grow, what will we feed our minds?

Read Psalm 101:3. What do you get from this verse that will help you grow

Read Psalm 119:37. What do you get from this verse that will help you grow

Looking outward toward others is part of the growth process. Read Matthew
22:39. What does this verse teach you about looking outward?___________________

Read Romans 15:1-3. What does this verse teach you about looking outward?________

Read Philippians 2:3-4. What does this verse teach you about looking outward?______

Read 2 Timothy 2:15. What is another part of the growth process?____________
Why is this necessary?_________________________________________________

While knowledge is certainly one measure of growth, it is not a complete measure.

A person can be knowledgeable and still be immature (lacking the fruits of the spirit and
the love of 1 Cor. 13.) It is one thing to have book knowledge and another to have the
knowledge of experience and persistence.

Read Proverbs 28:26. What do you learn about the growth process from this

Read Jeremiah 10:23. What do you learn about the growth process from this

Read James 1:2-4. According to this verse, what else contributes to your growth

Embracing troubles and trials as something beneficial is difficult for most people.
Most people don’t realize that the difficulties of life are part of the exercise that helps us to
grow. The abundant life Jesus promised (John 10:10) is not perfect health, financial
prosperity, and uninterrupted relationships. Earth is not heaven.

Day Twenty Four

Truth and the Growing Process

“Your word is truth.” John 17:17

True or false, you can continue in error and still grow spiritually?____________

What does it mean to grow? _______________________________________


What is the source of truth for spiritual growth?_________________________

Read Hebrews 4:12 and John 6:63. Is God’s word just a historical record of
teachings taught in the first century and earlier? _____________ What is God’s word?

The Bible is not just a doctrinal guide, it is a weapon, power, and nourishment. Can
we just set the Bible on a shelf and expect to benefit by it?___________

What must we do if we want to gain the benefits of the Bible? (see Job 23:12)___

Name three benefits we gain from the Bible?

Read Matthew 4:4. Which words of God do we live by?____________________

Elaborate on your answer, explain what it means in practical daily terms.____________

Read 1 Peter 2:2 and Hebrews 5:12-14. Where should a new convert begin in his
study of God’s word?_________________________________________________

Read John 8:31; 2 John 9. What element revealed in these two verses is necessary
to spiritual growth?___________________________________________________

Point to Ponder: Millions and millions of bibles exist in almost every language and
dialect spoken, and yet many believers suffer from spiritual anorexia. Ironically, most
professed believers are starving to death in a sea of bibles.

Let’s look deeper into the question of what it means to abide in the word.

1. Obviously, to abide in the word, one must first accept the word. Accepting the

word means more than just agreeing with the word in theory or professing to accept it.
How would you explain truly accepting the word?____________________________

One aspect of accepting the word is making it our standard of authority and
guidance in all things. Following other standards lead us into trouble, even though they
seem to work for a while. Four popular faulty standards are:
1. Everyone is doing it (popularity).
2. We have always done it this way (tradition).
3. It seems logical to me (own wisdom).
4. It just feels right (emotionalism).
Pick one of these faulty standards and explain why it is faulty, use two or three supporting
Bible references if you can._____________________________________________

Truly accepting the Bible means that it is your first and final authority
regardless of your culture, tradition, logic, reason, emotion, peers, or whatever.

2. Next, abiding in the word and accepting the word means we assimilate the
truth, not just that we believe it. We fill our hearts and our minds to the point that our
random thoughts and day dreaming are automatically sound. To get to this level of
assimilation is a process with at least four steps..

A. You must read the book.

Can you assimilate it if you don’t read it?___________ Many professed

Christians feel unfulfilled and empty because they have never developed the
habit of daily bible reading. Many start at the first of the year but don’t stick with
it. We forget that God rewards those who “diligently seek Him” (Heb. 11:6).

B. You must study and research things, ask questions, check definitions, compare
versions, compare commentaries, Ask who, what, when, where, why and how? Ask,
what does this mean for my life? It takes more than just a mindless reading. To
assimilate the word, it must be read with a view to assimilating it.

C. You must hide the word in your heart (Ps. 119:11). Memorizing important truths
gives you a grip, helps you make wise choices, builds your confidence and helps
you resist temptations, . Your memory is like a muscle, if you use it, it will grow

D. Finally, to assimilate the word, you must apply it to your life.. If you don’t
practice it, then all the preceding was in vain. Making personal application is
often the most difficult step because it can be painful, and we are comfortable in
our old routines. So, while we might easily ask the right questions and even arrive
at the right answers, it is the implementing of those right answers into our life that
gives us the greatest challenge.

To grow spiritually, just do it. Do what it takes. Make a personal plan customized
for your life. Make the plan practical and make it verifiable (measurable), hold yourself

Point to Ponder: The goal of the Bible is to change lives, not just to fill heads.

Day Twenty Five

Troubles and the Growing Process

“For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working

for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.”
2 Corinthians 4:17

True or false, once Christians achieve a basic level of maturity then all trials and
troubles cease and their lives become pure peace and harmony?_______________

It has been said that every problem in life is a potential blessing, but it is up to us to
make the choices that lead to the blessing. What do you think about this viewpoint, is it
true and why?____________________________________________________

If a person is physically out of shape, can they just read about exercise and proper
diet and thus become physically fit?_____________ Use this as an analogy for spiritual

Point to Ponder: Troubles are part of the training that help us grow.

Challenges, problems, struggles, and trials are an unavoidable part of this life
regardless of what you believe or practice. No one is immune, not even Jesus or the
apostles were immune. The reality is that life is a series of problems and every time you
solve one problem, another will come along and take its place.

Some problems are major and some are minor. In your opinion, how does each
present its own special dangers?
Major problems are dangerous in that they…____________________________
Minor problems are dangerous in that they…____________________________

Problems rightly managed draw us closer to God. When we are comfortable,

we tend not to move at all, if anything we drift away (Hebrews 2:1). Our darkest days
are often the time we draw closest to God and have our deepest prayers. Why is this
generally the case? Because when we win we celebrate and rejoice, but when we suffer
we ponder, think, analyze, and seek for answers.

Name a Bible character who suffered much.____________________________

Obviously, God could have done something to prevent that character from
suffering, but He didn’t. Why do you think God allowed it?______________________

Point to Ponder: You will never know that God is all you need until God is all
you’ve got.

Read Ecclesiastes 9:11. What happens to all men?________________________

Read Romans 8:28. What works together for good?______________________

People believe a wide variety of things concerning God’s degree of involvement in

the lives of Christians. Some believe that God orchestrates every event and every detail.
Others believe He set up the laws of nature and generally lets things run their natural
course. The debate about God’s involvement will not be solved in this study, but that
doesn’t change the potential benefits of suffering and our responsibility to seek those

When we discuss the “potential good” of suffering, does that mean that suffering
will actually be enjoyable and have the happy ending we desire?_____________
What does “potential good” realistically mean?______________________________

Read Matthew 10:28-31. What comfort do you draw from these verses?_______

Read 1 Corinthians 10:13. What comfort do you draw from this verse?_________

Read John 15:1-2. Could troubles be part of the pruning process, and if so, how do
you think troubles would help prune us?____________________________________

Read Romans 5:3-4. What did Paul do in his tribulation?__________________

Can we do the same, and how so?_________________________________________

Which is more important, the things that are happening outwardly, or the things
that are happening inwardly?__________________ Why?____________________

True or false, to become like Jesus we need to experience things similar to what He

What are some of the difficult things Jesus experienced, list three.

God did not protect Jesus from these negatives things. Should we expect God to
protect us from negative things?__________

Problems don’t automatically produce good results in us. Some people get
negative results. What are some negative results that can come from troubles when
troubles are not managed properly?

We must trust that God’s plan is for good, even if we can’t see the good at the time
of our suffering. Read Genesis 42:21-23. At the time Joseph was being sold into slavery,
did he understand the good that would eventually result?__________
Read Genesis 50:20. What did Joseph now understand?___________________
What is the lesson in this for us today?________________________________

Stay focused on God, not your pain. The pain is temporary, the growth can be
eternal. You must train yourself to see the big picture (like Moses did, Heb. 11:26-27).
Don’t get stuck on short term vision. Don’t ask, why me? But rather ask, what can I learn
from this? How can I use this? What benefits potentially lies within this trouble I am
facing? These are the type of questions that will help you grow to be more Christ-like.
Simply refuse to give up or give in.

Point to Ponder: Rejecting the strait and narrow way does not lead to a trouble free
life overflowing with peace and harmony. The reality is that we are all going to suffer.
The question is, will we suffer with Christ or without?

Day Twenty Six

Surviving Temptation

“Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has

been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the
Lord has promised to those who love Him.” James 1:12

True or false, temptation is an opportunity to do good and grow, or to do evil,

temptation is a time of choice; a fork in the road?_____________

Properly handling temptation is how we mature and develop the fruit of the
spirit (Gal. 5:5:22-23). Pick one of the items listed in Galatians 5:22-23 and tell how
temptation can play a role in developing that item. ___________________________

Point to Ponder: Jesus is perfect in the fruit of the spirit and a major part of our
purpose is to become Christ like.

Character development and maturity does not come from a life of comfort, ease,
and being protected from all temptation. Why do you think difficulties are necessary to
our healthy development?______________________________________________

Anyone can be a fair weather Christian, when do we learn who the real
Christians are?______________________________________________________

Anyone can love the lovable, but who do mature Christians love? (Matt. 5:43-48)
Is this easy to do?_____________ What is a common temptation when faced with
loving the unlovable? _______________________________________________

Anyone can be peaceful and relaxed while lounging on a beach at sunset. When
does a mature Christian enjoy peace (Phil. 4:8-13)?____________________________
Is this easy to do?________________ What is a common temptation when faced with a
worrisome situation?_________________________________________________

Anyone can be patient when all is going as planned and on schedule. When is a
mature Christian patient (Js. 1:2-4)?_______________________________________
Is this easy to do?________________ What is a common temptation when faced with
frustrating circumstances?______________________________________________

When we refuse to let pride swell up in our heats, what are we developing?_____

When we refuse to give up, what are we developing?______________________

Temptation follows the same pattern over and over. The process of temptation is no
mystery. It has been the same from the beginning of time. It can be broken down into four
basic steps (while there may be variations to the process described below, you will find
this basic process in action the vast majority of the time).

Step one, desire. This can be an evil desire or a legitimate desire focused in the
wrong direction. The important thing to note here is that it is a desire that is in our heart.
External factors are just vehicles we us to fulfill the desire in our heart (Mark 7:21-23;
James 4:1). This is one reason why it is so important to protect our heart and mind.

Step two, doubt (Heb. 3:12). We start asking, did God really mean that? Is it really
wrong? When desire and doubt combine, the mind starts analyzing every detail looking
for a loophole. When the desire is strong enough, it will lead to the third step.

Step three, deception. Satan twists the truth to suit himself (John 8:44). The person
desiring to sin, will likewise twist the truth to suit himself (2 Peter 3:16). The ability of man
to convince himself that any sinful action is “justified” has absolutely no limits. Every sin
you can think of has been defended by the deceitful sophistry of man at one time or

Step four, disobedience. Desire, doubt, and deceit lead to sin (Js. 1:14-15).

Overcoming temptation is the key to successful Christian development. The

following offers three suggestion to help you cope during times of temptation.

Refuse to be intimidated or rattled by temptation. You are not bad merely

because you have been tempted. And, you will never out grow temptation entirely. It is

not a sin to have been tempted. What happened to Jesus in the wilderness (Matt. 4:1-11)?
Temptation is simply a part of the battle, no one is exempt (Heb. 4:15).

Know yourself, know your own areas of weakness. Satan knows your weakness, so
you must prepare to face some temptations in those areas.
What does Romans 13:14 teach us?__________________________________
What does Ephesians 6:10-18 teach us to do?___________________________
What does 1 Thessalonians 5:6, 8 teach us to do?_________________________
What does 2 Timothy 2:22 teach us to do?_____________________________
What does 1 Peer 5:8 teach us?______________________________________

Pray. If in a time of temptation we will turn our mind to God in earnest and sincere
prayer, then we will overcome.
What does Psalm 50:15 teach us?____________________________________
What does Philippians 4:7 teach us?_________________________________
What does Hebrews 4:15- 16 teach us?________________________________
The instruction to pray when tempted is a simple instruction, why do you suppose
many Christians will not pray in the face of temptation? ________________________

Point to Ponder: Have you noticed how temptations can spark us on to higher
ground? Dealing with the unlovable can make us stronger in love. Overcoming a
temptation to be dishonest fortifies our integrity. Temptation, if properly and wisely
managed, will help make us stronger.

Day Twenty Seven

Escaping Temptations

“ No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common

to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted
beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also
make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.
1 Corinthians 10:13

True or false, there is always a way out?________________

What would Satan have you believe about escaping temptation?____________


Is escaping temptation automatic?______________ If not, then what is

necessary to escape temptation?__________________________________________

There are at lest four things that will help you escape temptation.

1. Focus your attention somewhere else.

After Paul tells us to flee youthful lust, what does he instruct us to do?
(2 Tim. 2:22) _______________________________________________________

Why do you think he gives this additional instruction?_________________________

Point to Ponder: Whatever has your attention is the direction you will travel. So,
don’t focus on the behavior you don’t want, but rather focus on the behavior that you
desire to act out.

According to Mark 7:21-23 where is the initial battle ground where temptation
seeks to win?_________________________________ Why?__________________

According to Job 31:1 how can you protect this battle ground from the enemy?___

According to Psalm 101:3 how can you protect this battle ground from the enemy?

According to Psalm 119:37 how can you protect this battle ground from the

Why are the eyes so important in protecting your heart from evil?____________

According to Romans 13:14 how can you protect your heart from evil?_________

According to 1 Corinthians 15:33 how can you protect your heart from evil?_____

According to Philippians 4:8 how can you protect your heart from evil?________

Satan’s first step is to get you focused on sin. He succeeds in this first step even if
you are only saying to yourself, “I must not lust, I must not lust, I must not lust” or “I must
not curse, I must not curse, I must not curse.” Even though these examples are saying no to
the temptation, where are they focused?___________________________________

The more you focus on not wanting to do something the more you get caught up in
the whole temptation process. Have you ever been on a diet and found yourself saying, “I
must not eat that candy bar, I must not eat that candy bar.”? Did the strategy work, or did
you eat the candy bar? In most cases, focusing on the candy bar, thinking about the
creamy caramel center wrapped in a blanket of rich chocolate covered with an eye
pleasing layer of melt in your mouth milk chocolate ( mmm, sounds good, huh?) thinking
about the delicious ingredients of the candy bar make it all the more tempting, and we
give in?

Don’t focus on the behavior that you do not want to do, focus on what you want to
do. Get your mind off the temptation and focused on where you want to go. Find some
positive replacements for the following. Instead of saying….
I must stop smoking, say_____________________________________
I must stop lusting, say______________________________________
I must stop cursing, say______________________________________
I must stop gossiping, say_____________________________________

I must stop being short tempered, say____________________________
I must stop being inconsiderate, say_____________________________

The way to defeat bad thoughts is to think of something better. Consider the
following verses.
What does Romans 12:21 teach us to overcome evil with?___________________
Where does Hebrews 2:1 tell us to focus?_______________________________
What does 2 Corinthians 10:5 tell us to bring into captivity?________________
If you are really serious about escaping temptation, you must manage your mind
and monitor what you allow into your mind.

2. Talk to someone you can confide in. You don’t have to tell everyone your
problems, but it helps to have a close friend that you can confide in.
What does James 5:16 instruct us to do concerning our faults?_______________
What does Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 teach us about friendships?__________________

Rarely do we get better on our own, most of us need someone to help us in some way
or another. It may be an author who writes helpful information we can use. It may be a
support group. It may be a close friend or family member who will listen and help us get a
clear perspective. It also helps if this person can somehow hold us accountable.

God did not design Christianity to be a solo act.

According to Romans 12:15 what are we suppose to do?____________________

According to Hebrews 10:24 what are we suppose to do?___________________

Point to Ponder: When we withdraw from others and hide our troubles, we have
done nothing to help ourselves get better. If you can’t talk about your problem to a close
friend, then the problem is far more serious than you are admitting to yourself. It’s most
likely out of control and you’re in denial.

Does Satan want you to discuss resolving your temptations with others?________
Satan would have you believe that you are in a unique situation that no one else
can understand. He would also have you think that your friends would probably turn
against you if you tried to discuss your temptations with them.
What did 1 Corinthians 10:13 teach us about our temptations?_______________
What does Romans 3:23 teach us about sin?____________________________
The reality is that millions of people have felt exactly what you are feeling, some
have given into the temptation, and some have escaped. Problems with finances,
marriage, kids, improper thoughts, sexuality, careers, drugs, alcohol, frustrations, anger,
secret habits, insecurities, anxieties, or anything else you can name, are common among
mankind. In fact, these are much more common than you might suspect. Don’t let Satan
intimidate you into silently suffering all alone. If you could handle your problems on your
own, you would probably have done so by now.
Point to Ponder: What are you pretending is not a problem in your life? What are
you afraid to talk about?

3. Resist Satan. Don’t give up, FIGHT BACK!

What does James 4:7 teach us to do?_________________________________

What do we learn form Matthew 4:1-11 about resisting Satan?_______________
What do we learn from Galatians 5:22-23 about resisting Satan?____________
What do we learn from Ephesians 6:10-18 about resisting Satan?_____________
What do we learn from 2 Timothy 2:15 about resisting Satan?_______________
What do we learn from 2 Peter 1:5-11 about resisting Satan?_________________

4. Know Your Weaknesses

Which one of us is immune to sin?__________________________________

While we may not be tempted in everything alike, we do each have our own
weakness. We can’t afford to let our guard down.
What do you learn from Proverbs 14:16?_______________________________
What do you learn from 1 Corinthians 10:12?____________________________

Point to Ponder: You can’t fortify for weak spots if you don’t know where they are.

Day Twenty Eight

No Shortcuts to Maturity

“ But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is,
those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to
discern both good and evil.” Hebrews 5:14.

True or false, spiritual growth takes time?________________

In our modern day people generally want a quick fix. But, maturity cannot be
gained instantly in some quick fix scheme. Why?_____________________________

Growth is a gradual process, not just a single experience. Why can’t a single
experience impart full maturity?_________________________________________

Hebrews 5:8. Did Jesus learn obedience by the thing or things he suffered?______

While God, perhaps, could have instantly transformed us to complete and full
maturity at the moment of our conversion, He has chosen a different path. Why do you
think God chose the path He did? ________________________________________


Point to Ponder: Those who try to take short cuts end up in trouble. The fact that we
are steadily growing is more important than how fast we are growing.

Will your reach maturity on autopilot?__________________ What are three

elements essential to proper growth?

Will God force you to grow?___________ Why?_______________________


What role does self discipline play in reaching maturity?__________________


Is maturity just memorizing a few Bible verses and truths?_________________


List three reasons why it takes a good amount of time to reach real maturity.

Do we always learn the lessons of life on the first attempt? ___________ Why
not? What is going on that keeps us from learning all we need to know on the first

How many times do sports teams practice a new game plan?_______________

Why do they do this?_________________________________________________

Do we have any bad habits to unlearn?____________ How hard is it to break old

habits and truly learn good habits?_______________________________________

Will we unlearn false teachings and ideas overnight?________________ Even

after hearing the truth and accepting it, sometimes those old ways of thinking will creep
back into our thought process.

Does your stubbornness ever hinder your pursuit of maturity?_______________


Are people ever afraid of growing to a greater level of maturity?_____________

Why do you think this fear arises?________________________________________

Point to Ponder: Growth commonly has growing pains.

People get comfortable in their routines , how can this hinder their pursuit of

According to 1 Timothy 4:12-16, how can we make our progress evident?_______

Can you grow by study alone without practice?_____________ Why ?_______

You should not get in a hurry , but you should not be lazy. Where do you think the
balance is between hurried and lazy?______________________________________
Will you always grow at the same pace?____________________________
What are some things that might hurry your growth along? (Eccl. 7:2-4)________
What are some things that might slow your growth? (Eccl. 7:2-4)_____________

Is maturity once gained permanent? (Hebrews 2:1)________________ What

must we do to keep our maturity once we reach it in an area?_____________________

Point to Ponder: Pause now and then to see how far you have come. You are a work
in progress. You are not finished yet, but you’re not at square one, either.

Day Twenty Nine

Doing Your Part

“I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the work

which You have given Me to do.” John 17:4

“So likewise you, when you have done all those things which
you are commanded say, ‘We are unprofitable servants. We
have done what was our duty to do’.” Luke 17:10

Circle one: God created us to (a) sit around and do nothing, (b) sit around and
receive service from others, (c) to serve in His kingdom.

According to Matthew 20:28, what did Jesus come to earth to do? ____________
What did He not come to do?______________________________ If we walk in Jesus
footsteps, what will we do?__________________________________________

According to Ephesians 2:10, why were we created?______________________

According to Romans 12:1, what is our life suppose to be?___________________

And how do you suppose we accomplish this task?_____________________________

Which Christian is not a part of the body of Christ? (Romans 12:4-5) _________

Every servant matters and all acts of service matter, whether great or small, public
or private. Today congregations, homes, work places and communities suffer because
people are sitting idle or pursuing selfish interests instead of pursuing a life of service.

We were created for more than just taking up space. We were created to serve.
Give three specific examples of how we serve.
1. ____________________________________

Point to Ponder: Our goal should be to leave our little corner of the world better
than we found it. Or, as one song title suggests Brighten the Corner Where You Are.

According to Matthew 25:40 & 45, when we serve one another, who do we
ultimately serve?______________________________

According to Ephesians 6:5-7, when we do our jobs, who are we ultimately

rendering service to?_____________________________ (see also Col. 3:22-25)

Point to Ponder: We were not saved to be served, but rather, we were saved that we
might serve.

According to 1 Cor. 6:19-20, who owns your body?______________________

What was the price paid?_____________________________________________
And, for what purpose did He purchase us?_________________________________

In some way, at some level we are all ministers.
Who ministered to Christ in Matthew 27:55?___________________
Who ministered in Hebrews 6:10?________________________________

According to Acts 20:35, who receives the greater blessing when we serve

Point to Ponder: We are saved to serve, not to sit around and wait for heaven.

Read Ephesians 4:12. Who is to be equipped for the work of ministry?_________

And, who are the saints?_______________________________________________

According to James 2:14-26, what is God’s judgment of an inactive faith?


Give two examples of service from the James 2:14-26 text.


According to Titus 2:14 what is to be our attitude in service?_________________


According to Galatians 6:10 who and when are we to serve others?____________


Point to Ponder: A non-serving Christian is a contradiction of terms.

According to Matthew 5:16, what is one way we serve others?_______________

According to 1 Corinthians 7:3-5, what is one way married couples serve one

According to Ephesians 6:4, how do fathers serve?_______________________


According to 1 Timothy 6:17-19 what is one way we can serve others?__________


According to Titus 2:3-4, what is one way the older women serve?____________

According to Titus 2:4-5, how does a wife serve her family?________________


Of all these services that God has called us to, which one is useless and of no value?

Point to Ponder: Service is not something we tack on to our schedule if we just

happen to have a little extra time. Service is at the heart of Christianity.

Why do we grow in knowledge, (a) just to know more, (b) to serve more?

Is study the end of our service? ___________________________

Point to Ponder: The aim of education is not knowledge, but action. Some people
forget this and substitute study for action.

Some people don’t understand the servant aspect of Christianity. They look for a
congregation that will serve them, instead of looking for a place where they can work and
serve others. They look to receive blessings instead of looking for ways to be a blessing.

According to Romans 2:6, what will God look at in judgment?__________

According to 2 Corinthians 5:10, what will God look at in judgment?__________
According to Revelation 20:13, what will God look at in judgment?__________

Point to Ponder: You will give your life for something, what will it be?

Take a moment to evaluate yourself.

How have you served others in the past?_______________________________
How are you serving others currently?________________________________
How do you see yourself serving others in the future?______________________

If you see a lack of service in your life, then try to evaluate what is holding you
back. What are some things that hold people back, and what might be done about these

Point to Ponder: It’s not the duration of your life but the donation of your life.

Day Thirty

Created to Serve

“Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden
of Eden to tend and keep it.” Genesis 2:15

According to Ephesians 2:10, why were you created?_____________________

Circle one: Is the fulfillment of God’s will in your life, (a) passive, not involving any
effort on your part, (b) a cooperative effort, (c) entirely up to you? Explain why you chose
the answer that you circled. Use a Bible verse or two if you can?__________________
Explain why the other two answers are wrong? _______________________________

According to Matthew 25:15, do we each have the same abilities?___________

Why do you think God created us with varying talents?________________________

Do your talents exist in order to boost your ego and pride? __________________

Why do your talents exist?______________________________________________

Our individual abilities obviously fall into various areas. In this lesson, and the
next, we will consider how to focus in on your particular abilities and develop them for
serving others.

First, let’s talk about your spiritual talents. These are talents related to how you
serve others in ways directly aimed at the spiritual aspects of life, as opposed to the
physical aspects of life.

According to Romans 12:4-8, do we all have the same function within the body of

What are some ways we serve each other spiritually?


Point to Ponder: If you don’t use your talents your cheating others.

If we desire to serve others better, then what should we focus on developing? ____

Considering the fact that we are one body, what should this fact teach us about
envying another’s talents? ____________________________________________

Should we expect everyone to perform every task with equal ability?__________


Name an area or two where talents vary widely._________________________


Next, let’s consider some ways (one in this lesson and three in the next lesson) to
help you identify your individual strengths.

The first way to help you focus on your strengths is to look into your heart. This is
not anything mysterious, but rather simple self reflection and evaluation. Your heart is
the inner you, your cares, desires, dreams, thoughts, and hopes. Your heart is what is left
over after you take all the physical flesh out of the picture.

According to Proverbs 27:19, what reveals the man?_____________________

According to Mark 7:21-23 where do evil behaviors come from?_____________

These two passages show us the importance of the heart. When you learn what is in
your heart, then you truly begin to know yourself.

Look into your heart, what excites you, what revs you up and really gets your
attention? _________________________________________________________

What could you not care less about?_________________________________

When looking for service to contribute, consider what you are passionate about, or
at least find some pleasure in doing. Your passion is likely the area where your strengths
will be found. When you are passionate about something, you focus in on it in a way that
you can’t focus in on things that are of little or no interest.

When does serving another become its own reward?______________________


According to Luke 14:12-14, who should we serve?_______________________

What does this tell you about serving others?________________________________

Point to Ponder: When you have enthusiasm and are motivated by your passion,
then you don’t require rewards, you serve simply because you love using your talent.

If your heart is enthusiastically involved in serving another, then how easily do you
become discouraged?_______________________________________________

If you are passionate about the service you render, then how effective are you
likely to be in the long run?_____________________________________________

How often would you say halfhearted effort excels?_____________________

According to Matthew 22:37, how do we render our service?_______________

According to 2 Corinthians 9:7, what kind of a giver does God love?__________

According to Revelation 3:15-16, how does God feel about a halfhearted effort?

Does the fact that you are not wildly passionate about a task automatically excuse
you from that task?_________________ Why?_____________________________

Are you automatically excused from rendering a service just because that service
is not your strong point?__________________ Why?________________________

Can everyone be a superstar at everything?____________

Does God demand that we be superstar and perform our service better than
everyone else?______________ What does God expect of you?_________________

Day Thirty One

Only You Can Be You

“Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying: ‘Before I

formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born
I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.’”
Jeremiah 1:4-5

Point to Ponder: Only you can be you, think about it, sometimes a simple truth is a
profound truth. No one else, whether in the past, present, or future, can ever be you.

Are any two people exactly alike?_______________

Who set up the laws of nature to bring about this result?__________________

Some people whine and say, “But I don’t have any abilities.” That is just pure
hogwash! Everyone has some ability that they can use. Many people simply have not
identified and developed their ability. Many people try once and say “I can’t,” they
forget that developing talent is a process.

List any three talents that people might have. Your list does not have to have a
specific spiritual connection. For example, you might list farming or writing.

Point to Ponder: If you don’t make your unique contribution, it will never be made.

Where do your natural abilities ultimately come from?__________________

Can you use your natural abilities for evil? _________________

Can you use your natural abilities for good? _________________
Why is this so?________________________________________________

Are your natural abilities only useful within the work of the local congregation?
______________ Explain._____________________________________________

Look beyond the doors of the church building for ways to use your talents and
develop your talents. List two ways or places you can use your talents that are not
directly connected to your local congregation.

The broader fabric of society is an interweaving of many smaller elements. Your

talent may not change the world, but it is important for your little corner of the world.
Can you imagine what our city would be like if there were no medical doctors, no
mechanics, no grocery stores. Don’t think of your talents in only a pure spiritual sense.
Look at the broader picture of life where you live your day to day life.

Does God expect you to excel where you have little or no talent?__________
Should we expect others to excel where they have little or no talent?_________

Whatever your talents, they weren’t given for your own selfish use, they were
given to you so that you might serve others in your community. For example, a school
teacher provides a much needed talent for the good of our community.

Let’s consider your unique personality. You might not realize it, but you are
truly unique. The odds of you developing from DNA molecules is about 1 in 10 to the
2,400,000,000th power, and yet here you are (warts and all). When you consider that
scientist think that all the particles in the universe are only about 10 to the 80th power,
the rarity of each individual becomes quite clear.

Name four personality traits, be as specific or as generic as you want.

Choose one of the traits and tell what its advantage is?___________________

What if everyone was exactly the same?______________________________


Point to Ponder: Don’t go against the grain of your basic personality and don’t
expect others to do so, either. Be who you are and use what God has given you.

Our experiences also shape and influence us to some degree or another. What are
some common shaping experiences most of us have gone through?

How can we use our personal experiences to reach out to others. Select one of the
items you listed above, and tell how it gives the servant an advantage.______________

Our failures can help us serve and connect with others? What is a failures that
people commonly experience?___________________________________________
How can this be used as a way to serve and connect with others.__________________

Our painful experiences can also be used as tools to help us better serve and
connect with others. What is a painful experiences people commonly experience?
How can this be used as a way to serve and connect with others?__________________

Point to Ponder: Before God can use your painful experience, you must be willing
to share them, not hide them.

A final question to ponder. Take some time, in private perhaps, to give the
following question serious consideration. What can I contribute to my local congregation,
family, career, and community?

Day Thirty Two

Using Your Talents

“ Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love,

in honor giving preference to one another.” Romans 12:10

Point to Ponder: While you may be cute you were not created to just sit around
and look cute, God expects more. God expects you to do something with the life and
talents He gave you.

Does God expect you to use talents that you don’t have?___________________
So, where should you focus your energy?____________________________________

Assessing your abilities can be a bit tricky sometimes. Let’s consider some of the
mistakes people make when assessing their abilities. Comment on the following telling
how each of these can be a mistake.
False humility._________________________________________________
Too narrow of a focus._____________________________________________
Too wide of a focus.______________________________________________

To help assess your talents, look at the evidence of your life. If you think you are a
gifted leader, and no one is following, then you are probably not. Self honesty is a tough
part of this process (Proverbs 16:2). Our feelings get involved and distort the picture.
Sometimes our self image is not in touch with reality (this, of course, is never fun to admit).

Should you ignore your lesser talents?______________ Don’t neglect talents just
because they are not your strongest talents. We all have many, many talents, some strong
and some not so strong. No one does everything with the same degree of excellence, but
don’t use this fact as an excuse to neglect your lesser talents.

If you tried once and flopped, does that prove you have no potential talent in that
area?_____________________ Why?___________________________________

How many times did you try to walk before you gave up, or try to talk, or ride a
bike, or drive a car, before you gave up? __________________ We can do a lot more
than we give ourselves credit for, we just need to be persistent.

You will never know what you are good at until you try. If it doesn’t work out,
that’s ok, it was just an experiment. So start experimenting and you will find that you are
far more talented than you previously thought you were.

When assessing yourself, consider your natural personality type and inclinations.
Don’t limit yourself to these, but these are a good place to start. Now and then, try some-
thing that you have never tried before. You might find that you have a talent that you
didn’t know you had.

Consider your past experiences, there may be some clues in there.

Point to Ponder: Every basic talent came from God, so cherish the small talent too,
even if other people don’t.

If you had a ten carrot diamond and the people around you did not value it, would
that make it worth any less, would it stop being a diamond. Just because others can’t see
the value in your abilities, that does not mean your talents aren’t valuable.

Read Rom. 9:20-21. What if you are talented in one area but resent the fact that
you lack talent in other areas?___________________________________________
Don’t reshape yourself to become like someone else, only you can be you, be the best you
that you can be. You are part of God’s creation, so celebrate your uniqueness.

Point to Ponder: Yes, you have limits. Recognize and accept your true limits. Limits
are sort of like a picture frame, they cause us to focus in on the part where we should be

Read Galatians 6:4. How could you apply the principle of this verse to the
discussion of developing your talents?______________________________________

Comparing yourself to others can be a dangerous game. When you start making
comparisons you will find there are people who do things better than you do. This could

stir up envy or self pity. You will also find that you are better than some, and then you
may have to struggle with pride. Choose rather to be humble. No one can do everything.
We are all better than others at some things, and worse than others at some things.

Read 2 Cor. 10:12. What does this verse suggests to you about evaluating your

Read Revelation 3:15-16. How could you apply this passage to the discussion of
using one’s talents? __________________________________________________

Read Matt. 25:40. How can we use our talents to serve God?________________

Read 1 Tim. 4:14-15. Could Timothy’s gift be neglected?______________ Then

what about your talents, can they be neglected?_________________ What must you
do to avoid neglecting your talents?______________________________________

Read 1 Corinthians 9:26-27. What role does self discipline play in developing
your talents?__________________________________________

Point to Ponder: Talents are like muscles, if you don’t use them they will grow weak.

Day Thirty Three

Acting Like A Servant

“So likewise you, when you have done all those things which
you are commanded, say, ‘We are unprofitable servants. We
have done what was our duty to do’” Luke 17:10

How does the world define greatness?_________________________________


How does God define greatness? (Matt. 23:11-12)_________________________


Do Christians always practice this as they should?_______ Why?___________


Just take a wild guess, how many books do you think have been written on being a
leader and getting what you want out of life?_______________ Now, take another
wild guess, how many book do you think have been written on being a servants and
helping others get what they want out of life?_____________

Point to Ponder: Most people would rather be generals than privates, but they
don’t want the responsibility that comes with being general.

If we referred to Jesus as a servant-leader, what would we be saying about Jesus?

Should we be just regular old servants, or servant-leaders?__________________

Can we truly serve if our hearts are self-centered?_______________ Why?___


Is your realm of service limited only to the area in which you view yourself to have
talent to serve?_______ Why?__________________________________________

How will maturity effect the service offered by a servant?__________________


What special talent does it take to help clean up after a meeting, or to rake leaves
for someone who is sick, or change a light bulb for the elderly?____________________
So, who can do these type of things?______________________________ Should our
rank in society excuse us from these type of simple tasks?__________________

Point to Ponder: If you are never available to serve, then are you really a servant?

Do military soldiers get to pick and choose all the details of their service?_______

Should we, we as soldiers of Christ, get to pick and choose all the details of the
service we will give?___________ Why? (2 Tim. 2:3-4) _______________________

Point to Ponder: Real servants do what is needed even when it is not convenient.

How does Romans 12:1 factor into our being available for service?_____________

Obviously, there has to be an element of balance in our serving others and dealing
with other aspects of life. What do you think a good rule of thumb for balance would be?

Read Galatians 6:10. What do you learn from this verse about serving?________

Read Proverbs 3:28. What can you learn from this verse about serving others?___

Point to Ponder: Do little tasks as though they were great task.

Because God is watching.

Circle the following that apply to a good servant
A. Makes excuses
B. Procrastinates
C. Waits for a job of great grandeur to come along
D. Waits until he is in a better mood
E. Thinks he is too important to do humble tasks
F. Leaves a job half done
G. Does his best to meet the need of the moment

When you are in need, which do you prefer, good intentions or a persons sincere
effort?_______________ Why?________________________________________

Point to Ponder: Anyone can potentially serve God, you don’t have to be a
superstar. It is regular folks that do the bulk of the work in God’s kingdom. If we leave
the work up to the so-called superstars, then precious little is going to get done.

Read Colossians 3:23. What do you learn from this verse about the attitude a
servant should have?__________________________________________________

The question we should ask is, does it need to be done? The size of the task, whether
little or great, does not matter.

Which of the following tasks did Jesus refuse to do?

Washed feet
Gave time to children
Fix breakfast

Day Thirty Four

Servant Attitudes

“Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who,
being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be
equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking
the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men”
Philippians 2:5-7

Attitude can make all the difference. Read 2 Chronicles 25:2. What does this
verse tell you about king Amaziah?______________________________________
What is God interested in?_____________________________________________

In this lesson we will look at five attitudes a successful servant must develop.

1. Serving with an attitude of concern for others.

Read Philippians 2:4. What does this verse specifically instruct us to do?_______
Can we give attention to our own interests?_________________ What does God
require of us when we look out for our own interests____________________________

Read Matthew 22:39. What does this tell you about the proper attitude?______

Some so-called service is really little more than manipulation, bartering, or
politicking. Some people only do good for another when there is a way for them to receive
a good in return. Real servants don’t serve to receive an immediate payback.

Read Acts 20:35. What is better?_____________________________ Why

do you think this is so?________________________________________________

This attitude of true service is difficult because it goes against everything we have
been taught in our modern society. Yet, the fact remains that self denial is at the heart of
service that pleases God.

2. An attitude of stewardship, not ownership.

It’s all God’s, it really is! The things you have are just on loan to you from Him. We
eventually give an account to God because He is the true owner of the things we have
been allowed to mange.

Read Luke 16:13. Does this verse say that you “cannot” or “should not” serve God
and mammon?_____________________ What does this tell you?______________

Point to Ponder: Total allegiance is not a part-time endeavor.

Money is a great danger, many are overtaken by materialism. It is so easy to

delude oneself, lie to oneself, and play self deceiving games. Many people vainly promise
themselves, “Why I get established financially, then I will serve the Lord.” Tragically,
most never reach the point where they feel financially established.

Read Luke 16:11. What does money test?______________________________
How are you doing at this test?___________________________________________

True servants use wealth to fund God’s work and help those in need (1 Tim. 6:17).
They see wealth not as something to merely provide comfort for themselves, but rather
they see wealth as a means to advance the cause of Christ, it is another tool they have at
their disposal, and they are glad to use it in the battle for good (Jude 3).

3. An attitude of focus on one’s own task, not meddling in the tasks of others.
Mature servants do not waste their time comparing, criticizing, competing,
complaining, and murmuring. They are busy doing what God wants them to do, and they
are happy to do so. Mature servants just keep on serving and don’t give into jealousy, pity
parties, or resentment.

True or false, we should all be working together on the same team? (1 Cor. 1:10)

Point to Ponder: We are trying to make God look good, not ourselves.

Read Romans 14:4. What do you learn from this verse?____________________


4. Attitude of pleasing Christ first and above anyone else.

Who must we absolutely please?____________
What if people of the world are not pleased with us?______________________

What about performing tasks that may be seen as “beneath” us?_____________

Insecure people may worry about how they appear to others, but mature servants
know who they are and small tasks don’t threaten them. They just want to please God.

Read Gal. 2:20. What do you learn about the servants attitude from this verse?

Point to Ponder: The closer you get to the Lord the less you feel the need to promote
yourself, flaunt your connections, or be a name-dropper. Pleasing God becomes enough.

5. An attitude of being blessed with the opportunity to serve (Ps. 100:2).

Do mature servants feel imposed upon when called to serve?______________

Read I John 3:16-17. What motivates the mature servant?_________________

Read John 12:26. Who will the Father honor?__________________________

Read Hebrews 6:10-12. What do you learn about serving from this passage?____

Point to Ponder: Mature servants see serving as the highest use of their life.

Day Thirty Five

God Chose the Weak

“But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put
to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of
the world to put to shame the things which are mighty.”
1 Corinthians 1:25

Point to Ponder: If God only used perfect people, then nothing would get done.

In this lesson we will limit the scope of weaknesses to matters that do not include
sin. While sin is certainly a weakness, at this time we want to look at weaknesses that do
not include one’s inclination to sin in a particular area. The weaknesses we are interested
in at this time are those that a person might be able to change a little, depending on the
case, but doesn’t have to change if he does not desire change.

Let’s take a moment to define weaknesses of this type that others might see in us.
Comment on each of the following telling how they might be perceived as a weakness
and/or actually be a weakness.
Educational background (Acts 4:13)._________________________________
Social standing (John 1:46).________________________________________

Career (Mark 6:3).______________________________________________
Physical characteristics ( Isa. 53:2).___________________________________
Emotional disposition (John 2:15).____________________________________
Family history (Matt. 13:55).________________________________________
Personal past (John 7:52).__________________________________________
Financial status (Matt. 8:20).________________________________________

Who can you name that most everyone would agree was perfect and flawless in
everyway?______________________________ Explain your answer.___________

What do most people do with the things in their life they consider to be a
weakness, do they capitalize on these things or hide them?_______________________

Point to Ponder: God doesn’t need our “strengths” for his message to succeed.

One of the amazing things about Christianity is that God can use our weaknesses.
In fact, God’s power shines brightest when He uses our weakness. He is not limited by our
limitations. He will use us if we allow Him to work through our weaknesses. In the next

portion of this lesson we will look at four ways to make our weaknesses available for use in
the kingdom of God.

1. Admit Your Weaknesses.

You might pretend to be perfect, but will you fool anyone? ________________
What does pretending to be perfect say about your honestly and grasp of reality?
To get in touch with your possible weaknesses, make a list of weaknesses others
might perceive you to have. What are some things that others might perceive as
weaknesses in your life.

2. Be Content With Your Weaknesses.

Some weaknesses may be changed a little and some are unchangeable, but that is
Read 2 Cor. 12:7-10. What do you learn about weaknesses in this passage?______
When we are weak are we more likely or less likely to depend on God?________
How does our weakness help prevent arrogance?________________________

Think about Gideon and the victory God brought to Israel through just 300
soldiers (Judges 7:1-25). Why did God refuse to use a larger army?________________

True or false, the apostles were highly educated men by secular standards?
(Acts 4:13)____________

Our weakness is not all bad. For example, our weakness encourages fellowship.
Our limitations remind us that we need one another. While one Christian alone might
not be much of a force, when Christians stand together they become a powerful force.

Our weaknesses help us to be sympathetic toward others. Our weaknesses give us

experience that will help us serve others better. In some cases the area others see as our
weakness can become our greatest area of serving others.

3. Honestly Share Your Weaknesses

Our inclination is to hide our weaknesses and try to appear as though we measure
up to other’s expectations. In the long run this is a losing game. Sooner or later the truth
will come out, or others will keep changing the “rules” and you will find that you can
never match up to their expectations. Also, you will find that you can’t make everyone
happy. So, why not just be who you are?

What is one reason you think we avoid being openly honest about our

The more you let down your guard, take off your mask, and share your struggles, the more
God will be able to use you. And, the less stress you will experience from trying to appear
to others as something you are not. Yes, it’s risky to open up and let others see the real you,
but this is a necessary step to true freedom and making the most of your life.

To honestly share your weaknesses requires humility. Humility does not mean that
you put yourself down or denying your strengths, rather humility means being honest
about your weaknesses. This type of humility will make people comfortable around you,
but arrogance, pride, and pretending to be perfect will push people away.

This type of honesty might not always be pretty, but it is always more attractive
than arrogance. Being open, honest, and vulnerable is the path to true friendships.

If you always appear to others to be perfect and flawless, then how approachable
do you suppose you would really be?______________________________________
Why is this so?_______________________________________________________
What would make you more approachable?________________________________

Point to Ponder: Our strengths create competition, but our weaknesses create

At some point in our life we have to make a choice: do we want to impress people
by making them think our life is perfect and that we have it all together, or do we want to
help people and influence them in a truly positive way?

4. Glory in Your Weakness (Don’t be ashamed of it)
Read 2 Corinthians 12:9-10. What did Paul say he would boast in?___________

Instead of letting the so-called weaknesses hinder our work, we need to capitalize
on our weaknesses where possible. If we can’t capitalize on a weakness then we need to
keep pressing and not let the weakness, whether real or imagined, get in our way.

Let’s take a moment to see how common weaknesses might become an advantage.
Educational background (Acts 4:13)._________________________________
Social standing (John 1:46).________________________________________
Career (Mark 6:3).______________________________________________
Physical characteristics ( Isa. 53:2).___________________________________
Emotional disposition (John 2:15).____________________________________
Family history (Matt. 13:55).________________________________________
Personal past (John 7:52).__________________________________________
Financial status (Matt. 8:20).________________________________________

Day Thirty Six

Made for a Mission

“ You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all
your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great
commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your
neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the
Law and the Prophets.” Matthew 22:37-40

The Worlds Bible

Christ has no hands but our hands to do His work today

He has no feet but our feet to lead men in His way
He has no tongue but our tongues to tell men how He died
He has no help but our help to bring them to His side

We are the only Bible the careless world will read

We are the sinner’s gospel, we are the scoffer’s creed
We are the Lord’s last message given in deed and word
What if the type is crooked? What if the print is blurred?

What if our hands are busy with other things than His?
What if our feet are walking where sin’s allurement is?
What if our tongues are speaking of things His life would spurn
How can we hope to help Him and welcome His return?

Read Luke 2:49. What was Jesus mission according to this verse?____________
Read Mark 10:45. What was Jesus mission according to this verse?____________
Read Luke 19:10. What was Jesus mission according to this verse?____________
Read John 19:30. What did Jesus say concerning His mission?______________

Read Matthew 5:13-16. According to this verse what is our mission?

What if you fail?_______________________________________________

Point to Ponder: If light can’t shine forth while hiding under a bushel, can salt
season while hiding in the salt shaker?

Let’s look at some aspects of the Christian mission we are on.

Read Matthew 28:18-20. Who assigned us this mission?___________________

Is this significant?______________ Why?_________________________________

Read 2 Corinthians 6:1. What does this verses tell us about who we are
working with?_________________________ Is this significant?________________

In what way does this make your mission a privilege?__________________________

Point to Ponder: Your mission is a continuation of Jesus’ mission.

Read Ecclesiastes 12:13. Using this verse how would you describe your mission?
Read Matthew 16:26. Using this verse, tell about the importance of your mission.

Point to Ponder: Your mission has eternal significance.

All your earthly achievements will be destroyed when the world ends, but
spiritual achievements will go on and on into eternity. There are other things to do in life,
but nothing else is as important or eternal. Nothing else adds meaning to life like an
understanding of your spiritual mission.

Read Acts 20:24. Using the points in this verse, write a few words about Paul’s
sense of meaning and purpose.___________________________________________

Read Galatians 6:10. According to this verse, when should we pursue our mission?

What are some of your opportunities at…
Other (list any additional opportunities that you think of.__________________

Read Romans 12:1-2. What are two things necessary to fulfilling your mission?
How does a person do this?______________________________________________
How does a person do this?______________________________________________

Read Matthew 6:33. What do you learn about our mission from this verse?______
How do we do this during the normal course of our daily life?_____________________

If you want to succeed then you must care about what God cares about; what he
cares about most is the redemption of the people he made. He wants his lost children
found! Nothing matters more to God; the cross proves that.

Point to Ponder: The clock is ticking.

Day Thirty Seven


“ But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be

ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason
for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear.” 1 Peter 3:15

Part of our purpose is to be messengers of God (Matt. 5:.13-16).

You can use the story of your life as a means to deliver the message of God. Your
life story can be divided into four parts.

1. Your testimony.
Your testimony is simply your evidence in support of a fact or statement; proof. An
open declaration or professions, as of faith (Random House College Dictionary). In your
testimony you are simply telling your story as relates to Christianity. Your testimony can
be a valuable tool because unbelievers see you more as a satisfied customer, but will often
see preachers as professional salesmen. Also, personal stories are easier to relate to than
theological lectures.

Your story is easier to tell than you might expect. The following questions will help
you get your story organized for sharing with others.

How has Christianity made a difference in your life?______________________

What was your life like before Christianity?____________________________

What direction was your life taking before Christianity?___________________


What has Christianity added to your life?_____________________________


How has Christianity changed your life?______________________________


You can outline your story in the following manner.

A. Your life before Christ. Was it sad, depressed, were drugs wrecking your life,
did you feel you had no sense of direction or purpose? When sharing your story give some
details and examples that you don’t mind sharing with others.
1 Timothy 1:15. How did Paul describe his life before Christ?________________
Titus 3:3. How did Paul describe his life before Christ here?________________
Describe your life before Christ.____________________________________

B. How did you come to realize your need for Christ? What event or situation
caused you to stop and look at your life? Who influenced you in this regard? What
caused you to actually make the move?
John 1: 43-50. What led Nathanael to Christ?__________________________

Acts 9:3-9. What led Saul of Tarsus to Christ?__________________________
What events or who led you to Christ?________________________________

C. How and when did you commit your life to Christ? What are the details of
your conversion? Where were you? What day of the week were you baptized, what time
of day, who was involved?
Acts 22:16. Who was involved in baptizing Paul?________________________
Acts 16:11. What are the details of Lydia’s conversion?_____________________
What are the details of your conversion?______________________________

D. What difference has Christianity made in your life? Is there more joy, or
meaning, or purpose? Do you feel you have guidance and direction in life?
Phil. 4:6-7. What difference does the Christian experience make according to this
1 Peter 1:3-4. What difference does the Christian experience make according to
this verse?__________________________________________________________
What is a difference you have experienced since becoming a Christian and
growing in Christ?____________________________________________________

There are many things in your life that you can use to tell others about the
blessings of being in Christ. You are not limited to just the story of your conversion.

Think about other ways being a Christian has helped you in life. How has Christ help
you through sickness, unemployment, depression, loss of a loved one, etc? Use these
experiences and others to help you share the story of Christianity with other people.

2. Lessons you have learned.

The second part of your story may be the things that you have learned. Think
about the lessons and insights you have learned about God, relationships, problems, temp-
tations, and other aspects of life. Solomon recorded his life lessons in order to help us grow.
It is generally easier and wiser to learn from the story of another person. If we learn from
the mistakes of another, it will save us a lot of pain and time.

What has God taught you from a failure? (name a failure and write down what
you learned)________________________________________________________

What have your learned from financial woes?___________________________


What have your learned from sorrow, pain, or depression?__________________


What has God taught you about patience and waiting?____________________


What have you learned through illness?_______________________________


What has God taught you through disappointments?_____________________

What have you learned from your family, church, relationships, critics, etc. (choose

3. Your passion.
The third part of your story could involve your passion in life. What is your
passions, what do you just love to do more than anything else? Is there a problem that you
would like to help address (addictions, depression, bereavement)? Is there a group of
people who need help that you desire to help (the unborn, the poor, the imprisoned,
abused wives or children, or groups such as young mothers, senior citizens, teenagers, etc.)?
What is your passion or the cause you would like to address in the course of your
How has Christianity effected your passion?____________________________

Will everyone have the same passion?____________ Is this good or bad, and

Never belittle another persons passions, nor expect everyone to jump on your
bandwagon and drop their personal interests. Our individual variety works to help
assure that all areas of life get some attention from someone. If everyone did what you
are doing, then others would be neglected.

4. The Good News of salvation.
The fourth part of your story can be about God’s plan of salvation. This does not
need to become a theological lecture, but rather, as part of your story tell how you
surrendered to God’s plan of salvation.

God’s plan of salvation for man is simple. You do not have to be a preacher in order
to explain this plan to others. All a person has to do is what the Bible says and they will
become a child of God. The following is an overview of what the Bible says about God’s
plan of salvation.

Hear the Gospel: Romans 10:14-17

Believe: John 3:16; Hebrews 11:6
Repent: Luke 13:3, Acts 17:30,31
Confess: Romans 10:9,10; Matthew 10:32,33
Be united with Christ in baptism: Romans 6:3-5

None of the above steps save in and of themselves. It is the grace of God that
appointed these as steps leading to the saving blood of Jesus. To get to the saving blood
each step must be taken just as it is presented in the Bible. These steps only have value
because God’s grace has so granted. Without God’s grace these steps would be worthless.
Have you followed these steps to the saving blood of Jesus?

Point to Ponder: Only people last forever

Day Thirty Eight

Being Your Best

“ That we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and

carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of
men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, but,
speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him
who is the head—Christ.” Ephesians 4:14-15

Point to Ponder: Growth is a choice. What have you chosen?

What are some reasons people give for not becoming their best?

What is the difference between a “me first” attitude and a “Jesus and others first”

A Christian that is striving for excellence doesn’t use God just to make his own life
better. A Christian who is striving for excellence seeks ways to serve God and further
God’s cause. Mature Christians don’t use God for their own purposes, but rather make

themselves available for God’s purposes. They see working for God as life’s ultimate
privilege. They see themselves as involved in the greatest movement in the history of
mankind. This perspective helps fuel their desire to become their very best.

Your opportunities to grow and be involved with God are many. What are some
ways you can work with God?
3.__________________________________________________________ .

What circumstances excuse a person from seeking to be their personal best?_____


A common excuse used by lukewarm Christians is to points to their lack of time.

They would endeavor to be their best, but they just don’t have time, so they say. Use
Matthew 6:33 or any other passage or angle you would like to use to explain why this
excuse about time will not stand before God.________________________________

One of the basic undeniable truths of life is that we commonly have time for the
things we really desire. Whatever our true passion in life is, we will find a way to make
time for it in our schedule. You have time for the things your heart really desires. If you
don’t have time to become a better Christian you have a deeper problem than just a tight
schedule. What would you say your deeper problem is?_______________________

Life offers us many different activities to involve ourselves in. Which of these
various activities matter more than eternity and will last longer than eternity?________

Let’s look at some specific ways you can work to become your best.

1. One of the basic things you must do is shift from self-centered thinking to
other-centered thinking (remember, it’s not all about you).

According to Philippians 2:4 is it wrong to look out for your own interest?_______
What does Paul teach us to do in this passage?_______________________________

Why do you think it is so difficult for people to achieve the balance Paul teaches
us about in Phil. 2:4? __________________________________________________

According to 2 Corinthians 10:5 what do we bring into captivity?____________

What does this suggest to you about changing your attitude?_____________________

2. Keep your eyes open for opportunities. You don’t have to wait for an
opportunity to fall into your lap, you can create your own opportunities. Becoming your
best is about more than just being available, it’s also about learning to take the initiative.
What is a way you could take the initiative, either individually or as part of a team
with others?________________________________________________________

What opportunities does the internet give you?_________________________

Praying is an important part of the mature Christian’s work. Unfortunately, some

don’t see the value and importance of prayer. For many people prayer is just a little
formality that is practiced at the opening of a worship service, or a meal time. Read the
following verses and write down the point of importance the Bible places on prayer.
Matthew 9:37-38. ______________________________________________
John 17:20-21. _________________________________________________
2 Corinthians 1:11. _______________________________________________
Ephesians 6:18-20. ______________________________________________
Colossians 4:3-4. _______________________________________________
2 Thessalonians 3:1. ______________________________________________

When you pray don’t fall into the habit of using generalities, but rather prayer for
specific people and specific circumstances and situations. It is not wrong to express
general concerns in your prayers, but don’t forget to be specific also.

3. Get an eternal perspective, look past your tombstone. One of the reasons some
Christians stall out in their growth is because they forget about eternity. Why do you
think Christians get sidetracked and lose sight of eternity?______________________

What tip could you give that would help us keep eternity in sight?___________

Does keeping your eye on eternity mean that you can be irresponsible with the
daily temporary matters of life?__________________ Why?__________________

Read Matt. 6:20-21. According to this verse what can we do to help keep eternity
in sight?___________________________________________________________

Read Hebrews 12:1. According to this verse what can we do to help keep eternity
in sight?___________________________________________________________

What warning does Revelation 3:15-16 give to those who would become complacent in
their Christian journey? __________________________________________

Excuse making will often work among men, but it will not work with God. Stop
making excuses and start pressing on the upward way. Where there is a will there is a
way. This is truer than many want to admit.

Take some time for a little private self exam. Set some quiet time aside to complete
the following sentences.
If I really wanted to be a better Christian at work I could ___________________
If I really wanted to be a better Christian at home I could __________________
If I really wanted to be a better Christian among friends I could______________
If I really wanted to be a better Christian when driving I could _______________
If I really wanted to be a better Christian in my recreation and hobbies I could ___
If I really wanted to be a better Christian when shopping I could ____________
If I really wanted to be a better Christian when out eating with friends I could____

Point to Ponder: Anybody can be mediocre.

Day Thirty Nine

The Balancing Act

“ But also for this very reason, giving all diligence, add to your
faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, to knowledge self-control, to
self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness, to godliness
brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness love. For if these
things are yours and abound, you will be neither barren nor
unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
2 Peter 1:5-8

Your purpose has several aspects. In this study we have divided your life into five
distinct purposes. Your sixth purpose is to balance these five aspects of your life. You can-
not succeed by focusing on just one or two and ignoring the rest.

Your five purposes of life can be summarized as follows:

You were planned for God’s pleasure
You were formed to be a part of God’s family
You were created to become like Christ
You were created to serve in God’s kingdom
You were created to fulfill a mission

On a scale of one to ten, one being impossible and ten indicating no effort at all,
how would you rate the task of balancing the five purposes of life?_______________

We tend to overemphasize one or two purposes and neglect the others, why do you
think we have a tendency to do this? ______________________________________

Let’s take a few moments and look at four ways to examine and improve your

1. Examine yourself from time to time. Evaluate your performance, behavior, and
focus over the last week or two.

Read Lamentations 3:40. What specific action is encouraged in this verse?_____

Read 1 Corinthians 11:28. At what time does Paul recommend a self exam?______
___________________________________ Why?_________________________
Read 1 Corinthians 11:31. What would be the result if we would judge ourselves?
Read 2 Corinthians 13:5. What reason does Paul give for a self exam in this verse?

Read Galatians 6:4. What is the reason for self exam set forth in this verse?_____

2. Keeping a journal is an option. This can be helpful because our memory plays
tricks on us. We sometimes remember behaving better than we actually behaved. We
also learn lessons and receive blessing that we soon forget about if we don’t keep a record.
Let’s look at some things you might record.
Lessons learned from pain, loss, conflict, or disappointment. Tell about a lesson you
have learned from such a situation.________________________________________
What have you learned from reflecting back on a significant situation?________
What have you learned from problems you faced and resolved?______________
What have you learned from your achievements?________________________

3. You can talk about your balance with another person, a group of friends.
What does Proverbs 27:17 teach us?__________________________________

Spiritual matters are serious matters, they are the core of life, isn’t it odd that we don’t dis-
cuss them with the same enthusiasm and interest that we have when discussing a ball
game? It’s almost like it is something we don’t really want to face and deal with, why do
you think this happens sometimes?______________________________________

We grow together, not in isolation.

Read Romans 12:15. What is the together aspect of this verse?_______________
Read 1 Thessalonians 5:11. What is the together aspect of this verse?___________
Read Hebrews 10:24. What is the together aspect of this verse?______________

4. Become a teacher. The teacher always learns more than the students. If you
take your teaching seriously, you can’t keep from growing. There are several ways that
you might become involved in teaching. You might teach a class formally in your local
congregation. You might have a cottage study in your home. You can frequently teach
informally, or spontaneously, with people you see from day to day. If you are a parent
then you have a very serious teaching responsibility (Eph. 6:4). Regardless of your place
in life you can be involved in teaching in one way or another.

Point to Ponder: If we lose our balance and fail to recover we may plummet into
eternal doom.

Day Forty

Developing Your Purpose

“ But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those
who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both
good and evil.” Hebrews 5:14

In addition to having balance you want to also grow and mature in the five areas
discussed in this study. As you develop in these areas you will find that living with
purpose is the only way to live. There is something invigorating and empowering about
living your life with a clearly defined purpose. Nothing else can give you that sense of
definition and meaning, a feeling of being on target, and the feeling of knowing that you
have a grip on the situation and are moving forward.

People generally ponder three main areas in life

Identity, who am I?
Importance, do I matter?
Impact, what am I suppose to do with my life?
When you embrace and develop God’s purpose for your life, you know and
experience the answers to these questions. The joy of experiencing your purpose is far
greater than just reading about your purpose. While book knowledge is a necessary part
of the process, it is in the development of your purpose that you will find your greatest joy.

Read John 13:17. Who is blessed?___________________________________
Why is “doing” so important? (Matt. 7:21-27)_________________________________

The five purposes covered in this study are areas of your life that you must give
serious attention. You may pursue other things in life, but you cannot leave these five
areas unattended nor give them a low ranking in your life (Matt. 6:33).

Watch out for distractions. It’s easy to drift off course (Heb. 2:1). Most people who
get off course, did so slowly, one little step at a time. What are some things in life that
might distract your from growing in purpose?

To help you stay on course, you need to anchor your basic purpose in your mind.
Writing a brief and clearly defined statement will be helpful. A well defined statement
will be like having a map to check your location and progress from time to time. Your
statement is personal and will vary from other people’s statements in specific wording
and details, but there are some generalities that most statements will have in common.

1. A statement will summarizes Gods purpose for your life (Eccl. 12:13) and affirm
your commitment to God’s purpose (Matt. 6:33).
2. A statement will point the direction of your life (Prov. 4:26).
3. A statement will define success for you as a Christian. It will clarify what you

think is important (Matt. 16:26).
4. A statement will help clarify your role in life and keep you on purpose
regarding your role (Luke 8:11-14).
5. A statement will encompass your specific talents, it will reflects the unique way
God made you. Your statement will focus your talents upon the development of
your purpose (Matt. 25:15).

If you chose to write out such a statement, take your time. Don’t rush through it. At
first just write down everything that comes to mind, even if you’re not sure you will keep it
in later revisions. For now just get some ideas down on paper. Remember, you can always
edit your statement later. After writing out your rough draft, wait a few days, and then
rework it. After you do this several times you will find that after a couple of months you
have a statement that fits you quite well.
If you really pursue this project you will also find that your statement keeps
growing and growing. In this case, make a brief version that you keep short, and then let
your longer version continue developing and growing into just whatever may come.

Let’s look at five main areas to consider as you write your statement.

1. What will be the center of your life?________________________________

Who will you live for?____________________________________________
Who or what will you build your life around?___________________________
2 Chronicles 14:4; Ecclesiastes 12:13; Ephesians 3:17
Whatever is at the center of your life is your god, it is the thing you worship and
honor above all else. I encourage you to choose the One that is truly worthy of your life.

2. What will be the character of your life?_____________________________
What kind of person will you be?____________________________________
Make a list of character qualities you want to develop and maintain for life._____
Matthew 5:3-9; Gal. 5:22-23; 1 Peter 1:5-8

3. What will be the contribution of your life?___________________________

As you look at your special combination of talents, desires, passions, personality
type, and past experiences, what role can you contribute to the work of God?_________
How can you make a difference? (keep it simple and realistic)______________
When people describe your life, what will they say about you? Will they say you
were a teacher, helper, listener, compassionate, care-giver, motivator, organizer, leader,
supporter, or what?___________________________________________________

Point to Ponder: You can’t do everything, you have to choose an area of focus.

4. What will be the communication or message of your life?________________

In what ways will you communicate this massage?_______________________

Your overall message will remain the same, but when it is delivered, how it is
delivered, and to whom it is delivered will vary over the course of your life.
Matt. 5:16; Acts 8:4; 2 Tim. 4:2; Titus 2:8; 1 Peter 3:15

5. Who will be the family of your life?________________________________

How will you demonstrate your commitment and connection to this family?_____
How and where will you practice the “one another” commands?______________
Matt. 12:49-50; Rom. 12:15; Gal. 6:10

Your statement is yours to revise, edit, and develop as you desire. As time goes by
and you learn more about yourself, your talents, and you grow from experience, you will
likely want to make changes in your statement.

Point to Ponder: Your statement is not a list of goals to accomplish and be done
with. Such goals are temporary; your purpose is eternal.

As you continue to learn about and develop your purpose in life, let’s close the
study with 2 Chronicles 16:9, “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the
whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.”


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