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Quality Management Department

Accident Prevention and Health / Safety Policy


Version No. Description of Change Author Date Prepared Effective Date

1.0 N/A Ahmad Zia Yaqubi 14-Apr-2018


Document Reference Document Title


- a. OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry (29 CFR Part 1926)

- b. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, “Safety and Health Requirements Manual

- c. NFPA 241 - 1996, Safeguarding Construction, Alteration and Demolition Operations

- d. NFPA 51B - 1999, Fire Prevention During Welding, Cutting, and Other Hot Work

The specific Safety and Health Policy have been designed for the methods presently contemplated by ACG for
execution of proposed work, therefore the ACG may not be appropriate if the work is not performed by or using
the methods presently contemplated by ACG in addition, as the work is performed, conditions different from
those anticipated may be encountered and the ACG may have to be modified. Therefore, only makes
representation or warranties as to the adequacy of the ACG for currently anticipated activities and conditions.

The following is an accident prevention plan for a project to construct facilities at a specific location. This plan
describes the organization, policies, procedures, responsibilities and duties of the Safety Officer, subcontractors,
and employees for the projects.

The written policies and procedures are intended to be compatible and in compliance with the following:

f. OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry (29 CFR Part 1926)
g. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, “Safety and Health Requirements Manual
h. ACG Safety Program and Policy
i. NFPA 241 - 1996, Safeguarding Construction, Alteration and Demolition Operations
j. NFPA 51B - 1999, Fire Prevention During Welding, Cutting, and Other Hot Work

The program, as stated, is based on the best available information concerning the scope of work on this date. As
additional information becomes available which may affect the safety, medical and fire prevention procedures and
policies, the plan may require revisions. Common elements from this plan may appear in Site Specific Safety Plans
prepared by the Safety Officer for other tasks if the content is applicable to the future work.

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Accident Prevention and Health / Safety Policy


1 ACG Asia Consultancy Group

2 OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
3 CFR Code of Federal Regulations
4 NFPA National Fire Protection association
5 PPE Personal Protective Equipment
6 APP Accident Prevention Plan
7 SSHP Site Safety and Health Plan
8 POC Point of Contact
9 SSHO Site Safety and Health Officer
10 QA Quality Assurance
11 QM Quality Management
12 SO Safety Officer
13 SS Site Safety
14 PMO Project Management Office
15 COO Chief Operating Officer
16 AHA Activity Hazards Analysis
17 PM Project Manager
18 CPR Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
19 ANSI American National Standard Institute
20 ASTM American Society of Testing Materials
21 ALARA As Low As Reasonably Achievable
22 PD Police District

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Accident Prevention and Health / Safety Policy


Name/Title: ACG’s Main and Sub Offices, Afghanistan

Location (ACG Related Projects)
Projects Description/ Location

The projects are defined as the design, material, labor, and equipment to construct building, utilities and other
infrastructure for ACG’s Personnel and staff.
This includes the assessment, design and construction of new building for Office and related ACG Main office
and site offices and with all utility systems.


A. Statement of (Safety and Health) Policy:

The principle of accident prevention and loss control is based on a desire by management to prevent injuries
to persons, promote conservation of property, and minimize the effect of loss to the earning potential of both

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Accident Prevention and Health / Safety Policy

the individual and the company. It also instills in the individual a personal concern for the protection of life and

Top management considers no phase of operations or administration of greater importance than accident
prevention and asserts that accidents resulting in personal injury and/or damage to property represent
needless waste and loss. It shall therefore be the policy of ACG conducts all operations safely, thereby
preventing injuries to persons and damage to property.

Planning for accident prevention shall start with design and continue through purchasing, fabrication,
construction operations and maintenance in all of ACG work. Accident prevention and property conservation
measures shall be integrated with operating functions and made a prime responsibility of operating
management. All supervisory employees must accept responsibility for the prevention of accidents on work
under their direction and shall be responsible for thorough safety and loss control training and instruction of
their employees.

The Safety Department is a staff service department and is responsible for assisting management in the
formulation of a sound policy designed to meet stated loss reduction objectives. It is accountable for
stimulating acceptance of work safety practices, an attitude of safety-mindedness, and active participation by
operating management in achieving the goals set forth in this policy. All levels of supervision shall recognize
the need for regular formal discussions of safety and loss control programs and the effectiveness of existing
programs involving these problems. The objective of this policy is to establish throughout the entire
organization a firm and full concept of people and property as ACG most important assets, and therefore
conservation will receive top priority, support and participation.
The Safety Department will also ensure that there is a medical facility on site to administer first aid when

B. Organization and Administration

The Safety Program will be implemented and administered by a Safety Officer, appointed by the QA Manager

C. Accident Prevention Responsibilities

The Project Site Manager will support the Safety Program by insisting upon continuous
adherence to it by all personnel on the site. The Safety Officer shall be responsible for the
development, implementation and administration of the program. He shall, by periodic field
survey and review of reports and records, determine safety problems, status of programs and
effectiveness of field safety and medical personnel. He shall oversee investigations of all severe
personnel injuries and major equipment and property losses. He shall, with the ACG Safety
Officer, investigate fatal accidents and major property losses.

D. Safety Enforcement Procedures:

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The typical safety enforcement procedures are as follows; however, the severity of a violation will determine
the level of disciplinary action administered:

a. Verbal Reprimand – The supervisor will inform the employee that he/she has committed a safety violation
which, if repeated, will result in further disciplinary action.
b. Written Reprimand – A formal written Reprimand Safety Report will be issued by the supervisor informing
the employee of the safety violation and that future violations may result in suspension or discharge from
c. Suspension – The employee’s supervisor will inform the employee that he/she is suspended from work
without pay for a specified period of time for a violation of company safety rules or regulations, and that
future violations may result in discharge.
d. Discharge – Employee will be terminated as a result of a major safety violation and/or a pattern of safety
violations. Employees who place themselves, or others, in imminent danger and refuse to correct the
situation immediately will be instantly discharged.
e. Subcontractors – Subcontractors will be advised of their existing or potential safety hazards immediately.
A written description of the hazard will follow the verbal warning. Unless the safety hazard creates an
imminent danger, the subcontractor will be given twenty-four (24) hours to make corrections. If
corrections are not made within this time period, ACG will correct the violation at the subcontractor's
expense. Delays to the project schedule due to safety violations will not be tolerated. When applicable,
costs due to safety violations, including required acceleration costs, will be charged to responsible

f. Notice of Non-Compliance – Upon receipt of written notice ACG shall ensure immediate corrective action
is taken.

F. Phases of work:
The phase of work and hazard analyses performed for this project includes the following activities:

 Electrical Work.
 Excavation.
 Fall hazards.
 Hot work.
 Installation
 Mobile construction equipment such as cranes, Loader, Truck, etc….
 CMU/Brick Masonry
 And so on.

III. Responsibility and lines of Authority

A. Accountability Personnel Responsible for Safety
Project Manager, Safety Officer, Site Supervisor or Foreman, Workers,

B. Project Manager:

The Project Manager (PM) shall be ultimately responsible for all aspects of the project, including safety and
health. The project Manager will work closely with the site Team and supervisor (SS) to ensure implement to
the WP and the Site Safety and Health Plan (SSHP).

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The ACG PM will be the point of contact (POC) on project – Related issues with the ACG. Through close
coordination with the SS he will ensure that ACG Personnel on-site meet all safety and health requirements.

A. Safety Officer:

The Safety Officer shall be responsible for the development, implementation and administration of the
program. He shall, by periodic field survey and review of reports and records, determine safety problems,
status of programs and effectiveness of field safety and medical personnel. He shall oversee investigations of
all severe personnel injuries and major equipment and property losses. He shall, with the ACG Safety officer,
investigate fatal accidents and major property losses.

The Safety Officer will be responsible for implementing and enforcing the requirements of the SSHP. Any
change in operations or conditions requiring changes to the SSHP will be coordinate throughout the PM. the
Safety Officer will provide the safety training on-site employees and subcontractors through mobilization
training sessions, daily tailgate safety briefings, daily debriefings, weekly supervisor safety meetings, visitor
training, Personal Protective Equipment{PPE} training,
As well as any other training needs that may surface during the course of operations.
The SM will enforce the proper levels of PPE in accordance with the SSPH and will coordinate the PM prior to
making any changes in PPE requirements.
The safety will conduct safety daily safety inspections, weekly safety audits, and maintain all required safety
forms (as well as weekly safety log), and he will follow up on any discrepancies noted until correction has been
The Safety Officer will investigate all onsite accidents, incidents, and near misses.

E. Supervisor/Foreman:Supervisor Accountability:

On each ACG project jobsite, the site supervisor will be accountable to management for the successful
achievement of targeted company safety and health Goals. ACG project safety and health goals are:
Zero fatalities or injuries.
 Reduce injuries lost work day accident and workers compensation claims
 Prevention of damage or destruction to company property or equipments
 Increase productivity through reduction of injuries
 Enhance company's image by working safely
 Keep safety a paramount
 Recognize and reward safe work practices.
 Improve morale and productivity.
The role of supervisors in safety leadership is obvious; they are the liaison between the management's
mission and the employees’ ability to follow through in accomplishing it.
An active safety accountability system contributes to an effective work environment, resulting in improve
productivity, higher moral and commitment, active safety supervision, employee involvement, safety
performance evaluations, new employee orientation and effective communications

F. Workers:

All the workers have to have and wear Personnel Protective and Safety Equipment in the job site and while
doing any activity no workers or employees are allowed to enter the construction site without Personal
Protective Equipment required them.

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It is all the worker’s responsibility to inspect their tools before stating or beginning any job or activity
especially hands and power tools,
The workers will make a part of their jobs to maintain cleaning and housekeeping at the job site.

Is one who:

 Can identify existing and predictable hazards in the work environment to include working
conditions that are dangerous to personnel.
 Has the authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them.
 No work shall be done at the job site which is requiring the existing of the Competent/Qualified
 List of the Competent/Qualified Personnel are as follows:
 Project QA Manager
 Safety Officer
 Inf. And Deployment.
 Site Engineer
 Supervisor and/or Foreman

No work requiring a Competent/Qualified Person shall be done unless the Competent/Qualified Person is
on site.

H. Disciplinary Procedure:
If a safety and health nonconformance occurs, appropriate positive Disciplinary action will be taken. In all
cases where a potential violation reported, the SO will conduct an investigation to validate the report and to
determine the severity of the violation. Violations may be divided into two categories: Major and Minor. A
major violation is any violation or SSHP that could have resulted, or did result, in an accident involving
personal injury or property damage. Table 6-1 outlines the disciplinary actions and procedures to be followed
in the event that a non-compliance issue results from personnel actions.

Violation and Disciplinary Action Procedures:

When a known or a potential violation/noncompliance occurs, the procedures listed below, and those listed in
figure 6-1 the Disciplinary Action flowchart will be used to ensure impartial implementation of these actions.
An investigation of the incident will be carried out by the SO (Safety Officer). Safety Officer to determine if a
violation has in fact occurred.
If the SO (Safety Officer) determines that a violation has occurred a report of the violation will be generated by
the SO and submitted to PM/QA, along with the following.

Table 8-1 Disciplinary Action for Minor & Major Violations:

Minor Violation Issues:

First Offense: a verbal warning will be given to the individual, the offense will be noted in individual's file and
supervisor's project file; A discussion with individual supervisor or Team Leader will be conducted.
Second Offense: written reprimand by the SS will be entered in individual’s file; discussion with individuals
and individual's supervisor.

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Third Offense: Termination of employment by SS or SO, & will be removed from site and a notification to the

Major Violations Issues:

Any Offense: Minimum penalty for a major violation will consist of a written reprimand being entered in
individual's file and a discussion between the individual and the SS being conducted. Depending upon the
severity of the violations, the SS may temporarily dismiss the individual form the job site pending future
investigation of the offense. If this occurs, the incident will immediately be reported to the PM by the SO
(Safety Officer) or SS. (Site Safety) Upon completion of the full investigation, the individual's employment may
be determined, if deemed appropriate through a joint discussion of the PM and SS.

All the workers will be responsible for reporting any unsafe or any accident to their supervisor immediately.

I. Lines of Authority:
The ACG lines of Authority is as follows:

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IV. Subcontractor and Suppliers:

a. Subcontractors will be advised of their existing or potential safety hazards immediately. A written
description of the hazard will follow the verbal warning. Unless the safety hazard creates an imminent

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danger, the subcontractor will be given twenty-four (24) hours to make corrections. If corrections are not
made within this time period, ACG will correct the violation at the subcontractor's expense. Delays to the
project schedule due to safety violations will not be tolerated. When applicable, costs due to safety
violations, including required acceleration costs, will be charged to responsible parties.


A. General: Fire prevention is of special importance during the construction of new facilities. There are
usually many more fire hazards present during construction than will be present in the completed facility.
Constant attention to the fundamentals of fire prevention is vital during the course of the project.

B. Inspections: The Site Safety Officer shall make fire hazard inspections of the entire project on a daily basis

C. Standards
Particular care should be taken when welding and cutting, especially in locations where combustibles are
exposed. When such welding or cutting is done, the surrounding area must have an adequate number of
approved fire extinguishers, and combustible items that sparks may contact should be covered so they are not
set on fire.

All flammable and combustible material shall be stored, piled and handled with due regard to their fire
characteristics. Flammable liquids must be stored in an approved manner, and dispensed only in acceptable
safety containers. Welding gases shall be stored in isolated areas and segregated by type of gas. Lumber
should be stacked in small piles that are interspersed with wide aisles. Lumber storage should be as far as
possible from any structure or other combustibles.

Temporary flammable and combustible material storage structures shall be constructed of fire resistant

Rubbish and debris shall not be allowed to accumulate adjacent to any electrical equipment, buildings, or
flammable items.
Open fires for temporary heating or burning trash will not be permitted on the Job Site unless approved in
writing by the Corps representative on site.


New Employee Training and Indoctrination

New employees will be instructed by the Site Safety QA Manager/Officer in the recognition and control of
unsafe conditions and work practices applicable to their immediate work environment. They are to receive
instruction in methods for controlling hazards that may cause injury or illness. The Site Safety Officer will assist
in developing employee awareness of general hazards, safety standards and reporting procedures.

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Safety Training will be conduction by the Safety Officer

All trainings shall be documented and a copy shall be sent to the QA Office – QM Department, the training
Topic, Name of the instructor, Date and Names and signature of the attendees will be clearly written on the
specific training format and will be sent for record. Topics for the Safety Orientation Training will be according
the nature of the work and site condition and workers profession.

B. Orientation Training and Emergency Response Training

All the employees working in the job site will receive the orientation training program
And the topic each orientation training will be discussing different topics upon the employees’ profession and
their job and the hazards might rise/create during their activity.
Employees will be trained and instructed on emergency situation and will be trained to know the rout and
what procedure should be taken during an emergency.

The orientation and Emergency Planning Topics will be included as follows:

 New Employees orientation

 Job site hazards recognition
 Personal Protective Equipments Requirements for the Project site
 Review of APP and AHA
 Location of the First Aid Kits
 Location of Emergency Phone Numbers
 Location of Fire Extinguishers
 Safe access (stairs, ladders, etc.)
 Hazardous Materials and its handling
 Hazard communication
 Employees changing profession after some work period and experience.
 Electrical
 Excavation
 Scaffold
 Working in Hot/Cold Weather Heat stress/ frozen

C. Weekly Safety Meetings

All supervisors will hold weekly scheduled "Tool Box" safety meetings with all employees under their direction.
The agenda for the meetings should include a review of any accidents, special conditions and potential
hazards anticipated in any new work. The "Tool Box" meeting report is to be completed by the appropriate
supervisor for each meeting. Written notes describing the subjects discussed at the meeting and an
attendance sheet signed by each employee that was present shall be composed for each meeting and copies
sent to the ACG Safety Officer.

D. Supervisors' Safety Meetings

Supervisors' safety meetings shall be held as required under the direction of the Site Safety Officer. All line
supervisors are required to attend. The Site Safety Officer will furnish training materials to all supervisors.
Guests and/or subcontractors may be invited as the situation requires. Special meetings may be held at any

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E. Special Emphasis Education and Training

Upon recognition and evaluation of special hazards not dealt with in routine orientation programs special
emphasis programs will be planned and implemented, i.e. off-site recreation.

VII. Safe Work Procedure:

A. Purpose and Scope

To establish basic safety standards to be observed by all employees while working on the project. These
standards are to be as general guidelines. Items that are not specifically addressed in this section should be
discussed with the Safety Director.
B. Objective
To further prevent accidents by synopsizing general standards for job site safety that are universal on all job
sites: Following the guidelines of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Local safety
standards and regulations and the National Fire Protection Association Standard – NFPA 51B Fire Prevention-
Welding, Cutting, and Other Hot Work 1999 Edition. OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
C. Electrical Standards:
All 120/240V single phase 15 and 20 amperes receptacle outlets, which are not a part of the permanent wiring
of the building or structure, shall have ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI) for personnel protection.

If equipment cannot be operated with ground fault circuit interrupters, other means of providing protection
must be provided, i.e., double insulated power tools. Ground fault sensitivity shall be a maximum of 10 milli-

All electrical work, installation and wire capacities shall be in accordance with the pertinent provisions of the
National Electrical Code, 2002 edition, and National Fire Protection Association, Sections 70, 72, and 101
unless governed by local regulations.

All switches should be enclosed and grounded. Panel boards should have provisions for closing and securing
the main switch and fuse or breaker compartment.

Cables passing though work areas shall be covered or elevated to protect them from damage, and to eliminate
hazards to employees.

Extension cords used with portable electric tools and appliances shall be heavy duty and of the three wire
type. Plugs shall conform to the type and configuration required by the applicable standards.

Suitable means should be provided for identifying all electrical equipment and circuits, especially when two or
more voltages are used on the same job. All circuits should be marked for the voltage and the area of service
they provide.

All portable electrical equipment shall be disconnected prior to leaving the job at the end of the day. When
possible, the main electrical switch shall be switched to the OFF position when no work is being performed.

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D. "Lock-Out" "Tag-Out" Clearance Procedure

This procedure is intended to provide a controlled method for rendering inactive any electrical equipment or
operating systems (including mechanical or piped) when equipment is down for any reason, such as repair,
removal or replacement of equipment, and installation of new equipment.

The procedure includes the three basic phases of work on any system:
 shutting down equipment
 repairing or installing equipment
 Start-up of equipment.
It is likely that some situations will not include all three phases. Regardless of the operation and the phase or
phases involved, the "lock-out", "tag-out" clearance procedure must be observed to ensure the safety of the

It is pointed out that even though this procedure generally provides for locking and tagging of equipment, the
danger tag alone is to be considered a positive locking device and any equipment bearing such a tag must not
be operated under any circumstances. Disregard for such a tag will be cause for disciplinary action.

E. Welding & Arc Welding:

A suitable, approved fire extinguisher shall be ready for instant use in any location where welding is done.
Screens, shields, or other safeguards shall be provided for the protection of men or materials, below or
otherwise exposed to sparks, slag, falling objects, or the direct rays of the arc.

The welder shall wear approved eye and head protection. Men assisting the welder shall also wear protective

The welding area shall be properly ventilated, and an appropriate type of respirator shall be used if the
welding can produce toxic vapors or fumes.

Electric welding equipment, including cable shall meet the requirements of the National Electric Code.
Welding practices shall comply with all applicable regulations of OSHA standards.

Arc Welding:

Accident sources related to welding can vary with the method of welding being used, the location in which the
welding is done, the materials being welded, and the control measures that are used. Welding operations
have a high potential for personal injuries. Some of the hazards and steps to follow for preventing personal
injuries are listed below.

Hazards that must be considered include:

 Damage to eyes and skin from infrared and ultraviolet radiation from the
Electric arc.
 Burns and fires from contact with hot metals or from sparks.
 Adverse health effects from breathing metal fume and gases.
 Electric shocks.
 Confined space work hazards.

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Arc welding hazards can be controlled by using effective ventilation and by following safe working practices as
indicated below:

 Good planning for the work. The welder is responsible for his/her operation. The work area should be
checked before starting to make sure everything is
 Welding must not be performed in a hazardous area without first obtaining
Authority and instructions from the responsible supervisor.
 All welding equipment must be maintained in a safe operating condition.
 Hard hats must be worn during working hours except inside offices or in the
Cab of a car or truck.

To control eye hazards:

 Welder's helmets and hoods with proper filter plates and filter lenses must be worn during arc welding to
protect the welder's eyes from harmful rays and
From flying sparks and debris.
 When arc welding near others, they must be protected from the arc rays by
Noncombustible screens or they must wear adequate eye protection. Before
He welder strikes the first arc, he must check to see that others working
Nearby are protected.
 To protect eyes from flying objects while chipping slag, or other weld-cleaning activity, approved eye
protection must be worn. The supervisor should ACG welders to obtain face shields, goggles, and safety
glasses. Safety glasses should always be worn under a welding hood.
 All eye protection equipment must be maintained properly. Welding hoods must be checked for holes or
cracks constantly. Any openings must be repaired to prevent eye injuries. Eye protection gear requires
cleaning and inspection on a regular basis.

F. Burning or Cutting
When gas cylinders are stored, moved, or transported, the valve protection cap shall be in place.

Cylinders shall be stored, transported, and used in an upright position. If the cylinder is not equipped with a
valve wheel, a key shall be kept on the valve stem while in use.

An approved fire extinguisher shall be readily available in the event of fire.

Appropriate personal protective equipment, such as burning glasses, shields, and/or gloves must be used.

The burning or cutting area shall be properly ventilated, and an appropriate type of respirator shall be used if
the operation can produce toxic vapors or fumes.

Burning and Cutting will comply with the regulations of: NFPA 51B Fire Prevention-Welding, Cutting, And
Other Hot Work 1999 Edition.

G. Job Made Ladders:

Job made ladders shall be fabricated in accordance with the ANSI A14.4.
The general rules applying to the use of manufactured ladders also apply to the use of job made ladders.

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H. Scaffolding
Inadequate scaffolding is responsible for many construction accidents. Scaffolds shall be designed, built, and
inspected by competent persons. To avoid the use of makeshift platforms, each job should be carefully
planned to assure that scaffolding is used where required and that such scaffolding conforms to the applicable
A standard railing shall consist of a top rail, intermediate (mid-rail) rail, toe board and posts.
The top rail shall be approximately 42 inches from the upper surface of the rail to the floor, platform, or ramp
level. The top rail shall be smooth throughout its length and be made of at least 2-inch by 4-inch surfaced
lumber or its equivalent.

The mid-rail shall be halfway between the top rail and the floor, runway, platform or ramp. The ends of the rail
shall not overhang the terminal posts except when it does not constitute a projection hazard. The mid-rail
shall be made of at least 1-inch by 6-inch lumber or its equivalent.

The toe board, 4-inch minimum height, shall be securely fastened in place and have not more than 1/4 in
clearance above the floor level.

Wooden railing posts (verticals) shall be made of at least 2-inch by 4-inch lumber or its equivalent, and be
spaced so as not to exceed 8 feet on center.

Other types, sizes, and arrangements of railing construction are acceptable provided they meet the following
 A smooth surfaced top rail approximately 42-inches above the floor.
 Strength to withstand a minimum of 200 lbs. steady horizontal force on the top rail with a minimum of

The footing of scaffolds should have leveling jacks if possible for a good foundation. If leveling jacks is not
available, wood 2 x 4, 4 x 4 or larger, preferably cross-stacked, could be used to make a solid foundation for the

The scaffold shall be secured by tying its bottom and top to a structure with sufficient mass to prevent the
scaffold from collapsing under any load condition.

Brackets or bracing for supporting scaffolds should never be made by welding concrete reinforcing rods.

Access to Scaffolds:
An access ladder or equivalent safe means of access shall be provided to all work areas. An accepted method
of access from the ladder is to remove the rungs of the ladder above the scaffold, which will allow personnel
to go between the side rails of the ladder. Put the ladder as close as possible to the left/right side of access
way of scaffold, and tie the other side rail to the scaffold. The tie off rope/wire will force the personnel to go
between the side rails on to the working area.

I. Concrete and Concrete Forms:

All equipment and materials used in concrete construction and masonry work shall meet the applicable

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J. Housekeeping:

Fundamental to effective accident prevention is good housekeeping. The importance of housekeeping is such
that it must be planned at the beginning of the job and carefully supervised through the final cleanup. The
degree of attention given to project housekeeping will be reflected in the accident record as well as in
construction efficiency. During the course of construction, all work areas, passageways, and stairs, in and
around a building and other structures, shall be kept clear of all debris. All construction materials shall be
stored in an orderly manner. Storage areas and walkways on the site shall be maintained free of dangerous
depressions, obstructions and debris.

The essentials of good housekeeping are:

 Placing trash receptacles at appropriate locations for the disposal of
Miscellaneous rubbish.
 Prompt removal of disposal trash and waste materials
 Orderly placement of all materials tools and equipment
 Locating air lines, welding leads and extension cords in positions that
Eliminate tripping hazards.

VIII. Safety and Health Inspection:

A. The SS (Site Safety) will conduct formal daily inspection of the project site. The results of these inspections
will be recorded in the site Logbook and the daily report. Safety and health inspections of the project site will
also be conducted each week by SS and monthly by PM. Inspection results will be recorded on the daily site
The SO or a designated appointee will inspect all incoming shipments of the PPE received from ACG office, the
manufacturer or the distributor. This inspection will include the checking of shipments for correctness of size,
quantity, material, and quality. Any deficiencies should be noted and defective material returned to the
supplier, prior to donning PPE site personnel will thoroughly inspect each piece of PPE to determine it is in
proper working order, and ensure that the item will capable of protecting employees form site hazards.

B. inspectors who are doing the inspection in the job site will be qualified and trained for safety inspections
the inspections will be done by a qualified personnel which these personnel will be competent and qualified
person, Mr. Zia Yaqubi is the Qualified person for site safety inspection.
Safety inspection will be done by a Site safety officer Safety Inspector, Safety QA Engineer/ Manager, and Site
quality control Representative

C. Deficiencies noted in safety and health inspections will be reported to PM for corrective action.
A deficiency log will be generated and posted after inspection using the criteria listed below Follow up
inspection will be performed to ensure identified deficiencies have been corrected.

 Date Deficiency identified

 Description of Deficiency
 Name of person responsible for correcting deficiency
 Projected resolution date
 Date actually resolved

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D. Competent and QA Personnel Inspection Requirements

The competent and QA Personnel Safety Inspection Requirements are as follows:

Project Manager (Periodically)

Supervisors and Foremen (Periodically)
Site Safety & Health Officer SSHO (Frequently)
Quality Control Representative (Daily)
Employees will conduct Project site inspection of electrical cords in – use, hand and power tools, and
Machinery and Mechanized Equipments (Daily)

IX. Safety and Health Expectations, Incentives, & Compliance.

A. Safety Goals and Objectives:

ACG will provide a safe and healthful worksite that is free from recognized or anticipated hazards that could
cause serious injury or death; we will strive for a zero accident rate and demand zero tolerance for unsafe acts,
the workers who perpetrate them and persons in positions of leader ship who condone such conditions.
ACG believes that most accidents are preventable through careful planning, task and error-free execution of
work. It is ACG policy that every individual is accountable for working safe and for controlling work place
ACG’s Goal for the program is zero incident.
ACG anticipates zero recordable injury cases for the project, no property loss events, no firs aid cases and no
serious environmental releases

B. Safety Incentive Program:

ACG’s safety incentive program is a tow-tier program consisting of the following safety awards for safety and
health protection achievement.

Monetary awards for accident avoidance. Given to teams remaining accident free during the entire year.
On the spot safety awards for innovative safety ideas and accident avoidance actions.

C. Noncompliance Policies and Procedures:

Safety and Health Violations:

It is the general policy of the ACG that no personnel engage in any activity
For which:
1) They are not properly trained;
2) The consequences of the activity are uncertain, or
3) The activity hazards have not been assessed.
As deemed necessary, the SO may impose other prohibitions to ensure that the safe conduct of
operations. The prohibitions presented below are strictly forbidden at any time during any on-site
operations, with violation of these possibly resulting in termination of employment.
 Horseplay or fighting

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 Use of prescription or over-the-counter medications without prior approval of the SO.

 Eating, Drinking or Smoking without prior approve of SO.
 Unnecessary sitting or kneeling on potentially contaminated surfaces.
 Climbing on/over obstacles unless this approved by the SSHP or SO
 Starting or maintaining on open flame of any type unless authorized by the SO.
 Use of equipment that has not been inspected and deemed safe for operation
 Entry into a work site without prior approval of SS
 Initiation of work without presence of a buddy.


A.1 Exposure Report Guidance

Safety Exposure report along with the man hours for Each Month will be submitted to the ACG Authority and
Department Manager through System by Safety officer

A.2 General:
All losses are to be reported and investigated by the project Safety Department. These may arise out of project
operations which result in bodily injury to employees, the public, an employee of a subcontractor, or others,
and loss or damage to property for which ACG may be responsible and/or liable. All reporting, record keeping
and investigation procedures shall meet or exceed the requirements of the OSHA and the ACG.

The Site Safety Officer shall be responsible for conducting investigations, for reports of findings on serious
losses, and for the processing of operating department loss reports and analysis.

The purpose of reporting, record keeping and investigation of losses is to assure that accurate loss data is
collected. By utilizing such data, the prevention and/or substantial reduction of personal injuries, damage or
loss of property and associated costs is ensured to a greater degree. Such data also assures that total costs of
losses can be developed and segregated by cost centers. The development of loss data also fulfills contractual
requirements with ACG.

B. Definition of Losses

The following will be deemed a loss and subject to reporting procedures:

 An injury to an employee for which recording and reporting is required as per OSHA reporting and
recording system. This would include first aid, medical and lost time occupational injuries.
 An injury to a person not an employee but associated with the project or operation, which is serious
enough to cause disability, permanent injury and/or disfigurement.
 Project connected injury to a non-employee not connected with the project or operation no matter how
minor in nature.
 Any damage to ACG property or equipment.
 Any damage to the property or equipment of owner, subcontractors or others, including leased

Q. Injury and Fatality:

All accidents occurring incidentally to an operation, project, or facility for which this Program is applicable
shall be investigated, reported, and analyzed as prescribed by the ACG, and OSHA and Safety and Health

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Immediate Notification of certain injuries and accidents

a. Employees are responsible for reporting all injuries or occupationally related illnesses as soon as
possible to their employer or immediate supervisor.

b. Employers and immediate supervisors are responsible for reporting all injuries and accidents to the ACG
and Safety office as soon as reasonably possible but no later than 24 hours.

Daily records of all first-aid treatments not otherwise reportable shall be maintained on prescribed forms
and furnished to the ACG and Safety office upon request.

In the event of an employee's death and/or Injury the following procedure shall be followed:
- Prompt notification of the ACG PM, QA Team Member
- Prompt notification of the family of the employee
- Prompt notification of the ACG Safety Officer

R. Accident Investigation/Reporting and Log

OSHA Accident Investigation and Report will be applied to accident investigation reporting and logs (see the
All near misses, incidents, and accidents involving personal injury or property damage are to be verbally
reported immediately on the day of the occurrence to the Safety Officer of ACG and authorities, and a written
Accident/injury report will be submitted to Main Office Head and Line Manager no later than 24 hours of the
Except for rescue and emergency measures, the accident scene shall not be disturbed until it has been
released by the investigating official. According to the Requirements of OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health
(ACG) is responsible for obtaining appropriate medical and emergency assistance and for notifying fire, law
enforcement, and regulatory agencies.

The ACG shall cooperates fully with the (Head quarters Main Office and QM Department) conducting the
investigation(s) of the accident.

Daily records of all first-aid treatments not otherwise reportable shall be maintained on prescribed forms and
furnished to The ACG upon request. In accordance with the requirements of ACG and Safety and OSHA
The purpose of an investigation is to determine and eliminate the responsible causes. This can only be done
through an orderly, questioning approach.

The Accident Investigation Report or Form ENG 3394 shall be completed in duplicate by the injured
employee's supervisor and signed by Site Safety Officer. It is to be returned to the Project Manager for
distribution as follows:

a) ACG
b) Job Site File

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The ACG Corporate Safety Officer shall be immediately notified by telephone in the event of a serious injury,
fatality or major property loss.

Accident investigation shall be started without delay by the appropriate supervisor and the supervisor's
accident investigation report (Exhibit B) will be completed and distributed.

A motor vehicle or heavy equipment accident which results in bodily injury and/or property damage, which
arise out of operations of ACG, owned or leased equipment or vehicles shall be investigated.

In the event of a fatal accident, major injury, or major property loss, an Ad Hoc committee may be formed to
determine causes and initiate corrective action to prevent a reoccurrence. The Site Safety Officer under the
direction of the Safety Officer will organize the committee. Formal reports of the findings shall be submitted to
the Site Manager and ACG Construction Manager for implementation of corrective measures
E. Loss Reports:
All initial written reports of loss and other preliminary reports shall be completed and mailed as required
before the end of the next workday following the accident.

All employee injuries shall be reported immediately to the dispensary. They shall be reported on ACG Standard
Form for Employer's First Report of Injury

As required, the reports shall be completed with copies and distributed and sent to the Safety Department as
a) ACG
b) ACG QM Office
c) Job and project files

F. Contractor Accident Experience:

(ACG) has implemented a corporate policy for Zero Accident Performance (ZAP) that is designed to integrate
the concepts of safety and health in to every facet of project planning, management and implementation. ACG
ZAP policy applies accountability and ownership for safety and health to all / management and on – site
personnel. The goal of ZAP policy is to provide {ACG} personnel with a work environment that is free of
uncontrolled, recognize safety and health hazards and to continually strive for zero accident performance in
each and every single activity of the project. The specific measures adopted in the light of the ZAP policy
 ACG meticulous attention to identifying project safety and health hazards.
 ACG careful, timely, effective implementation of hazard control measures and procedures.
 The thorough knowledge and extensive experience of ACG’s field personnel.
 Staff and labor training in hazard control measure and procedures.

For this project, the project manager/superintendent and site Safety and health Officer will be responsible to
ensure the project- wide implementation of ACG safety plan.

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XI. Medical Support:

A. General Requirements:
An effective means of communication (hard-wire cellular or tow way Radio, cell phones, tested in the area of
use per functionality) with emergency response source access will be provided along with transportation for
injured workers.
Telephone numbers of Medical Facility, Nurse/Physician Assistant, and Ambulance will be conspicuously
posted (at a minimum these numbers will be posted near project office telephones,

A. 1: Nurse:
It is the responsibility of the Nurse, who keeps his full tie presence on the project site, to provide first aid
assistance to the injured person as well as to shift him to a suitable Clinic/ Hospital if that is required. The
doctor has the Phone Directory of all clinics as well of the ambulance services. It is made clear in advance that
all workers and employees that this information is available on the project site with particular persons. It is
also the Nurse responsibility that the injured person is getting the best medical treatment. He is also
responsible of securing the medical report and handing that over to submittal clerk for record keeping and any
other required utilization of the report such as for insurance reasons etc…
B. Location of the site Clinic: in the job site the location of site Clinic will be known by all the workers and
personnel the Personnel will be will be available in the job site at all time when work is going on to provide the
medical support to them.

C. Trained First Aid/CPR applier who will be the Nurse and/or Physician assistant will be assigned for the
project site and for treatment of all the employees for First Aid and CPR cases if any accident/injury happen
will take him for treatment to the hospital if it is serious and required to be taken to the hospital.
D. A Map Showing the Best Route to the Nearest Medical Facility is attached.


A. Purpose and Scope:

Personal Protective Equipment

Employees shall wear and use Proper Personal Protective Equipment and clothing suitable for the weather and
work conditions: the minimum for fieldwork (i.e., construction sites, industrial operations and maintenance
activities, emergency operations, regulatory inspections, etc.) shall be a shirt, long pants, leather or other
protective work shoes or boots, and a hard hat. Also, employees shall wear hearing protections, safety
glasses, body harnesses, and lanyards in special situations where they are warranted.
Based on hazard evaluations (conducted by supervisors), ACG shall select, and have each affected employee
use, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that will protect the employee from hazards. ACG shall communicate
PPE decisions to each affected employee and select PPE that properly fits each affected employee. Protective
equipment shall be of heat/fire/chemical/electrical resistive material when conditions require protection
against such hazards.
ACG will make all reasonable efforts to accommodate employees with religious beliefs that may conflict with
the PPE requirements. However, when reasonable efforts to accommodate the employee’s religious beliefs do
not provide the necessary safe working environment (without PPE), then we shall require the employee to use
the PPE or the employee will not be allowed to work in the area where he/she will be exposed to the hazard

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requiring protection.

ACG shall ensure that users of personal protective and safety equipment are trained to know the following:
when PPE, and what types of PPE are necessary; how to properly don, doff, adjust, and wear PPE; limitations
of the PPE; and proper care, inspection, testing, maintenance, useful life, storage, and disposal of the PPE.

Each affected employee shall demonstrate an understanding of this training and the ability to use PPE properly
before being allowed to perform work requiring the use of PPE.
Defective or damaged equipment shall not be used. Before being stored or reissued to another person,
equipment shall be cleaned, disinfected, inspected, and repaired.
ACG’s and Contractor personnel shall, as a minimum, wear safety-toed footwear meeting ANSI Z41 while
working on construction sites unless it can be demonstrated by a PHA/AHA to the ACG Safety Department/QM
Department satisfaction that a different type of foot protection is required. ACG and contractor shall wear
hard hat in construction area.

Persons involved in activities that subject the hands to injury (e.g., cuts, abrasions, punctures, burns, chemical
irritants, toxins, vibration, and forces that can restrict blood flow) shall use hand protection appropriate for
the hazard in accordance with ANSI/International Safety Equipment Association (ISEA) 105.

B. Head and Foot Protection:

All personnel, including client representatives and visitors on the construction site shall wear approved Hard
Hats. Hard Hats shall meet specifications contained in OSHA Personal Protective Equipment standards.
05. E.01 Protective footwear that addresses the hazard(s) identified in the PHA/AHA shall be provided and
05. E.02 All protective footwear shall meet ASTM F2412 and F2413 standards.

C. Eye Protection:
Employees shall be provided with and be required to wear eye and face protection equipment when machines
or operations present potential eye or face injury from physical, chemical or radiological hazards. Eye and face
protection requirements specified in OSHA’s standards.

D. Respiratory Protection:
Respiratory protection devices for specific contaminants, to which employees are exposed, shall be worn by all
personnel in emergencies or when exposed to hazardous concentrations of toxic or noxious dusts, fumes or
mists as established by applicable standards. Refer to OSHA Standards.

E. Hearing Protection:
Approved hearing protection shall be available and worn by all company personnel exposed to sound levels
above permissible noise exposures as established in the OSHA 29 CFR and Corps of Engineers Manual 385-1-
1.05C, if these noise levels cannot be reduced by other acceptable means.

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A. Temporary Layout Plan:

ACG will be establishing office for its personnel as well as for the relevant personnel of the project.

B. (If Applicable according to the site condition) Temporary Project Fencing will be provided for comps and for
safety and security of all the personnel if staying at night, also the area surrounding the structures will be free
of debris, garbage, and rubbish.

B. Emergency Planning/Emergency Response Plan

- Construction along with any sub-contractor working for ACG shall in the event of an emergency they shall
according to their emergency policy contact the (ACG QM Department Safety Officer)/ representative at the
earliest time possible.
Escape Route, Phone numbers and site Clinic Map and direction and Location shall be visible and posted along
with the important Phone numbers associated with the medical group.
Planning for any emergency operation shall include a total system responding to the emergency, first aid,
medical emergency response and emergency equipment. ACG shall have an identified Vehicle and point of
contact for transport the injured or illness person to the nearest and/or local designated medical facility.

1. Activate the nearest Fire Alarm

2. Notify the office of Health & Safety,
3. Notify your Supervisor / Coordinator or other Occupants.

A. Excavation Plan
B. Steel erection Plan
C. Heat/Cord Stress Monitoring Plan

XIV. Hazard Communication Program:

A. Under this plan, staff and workers exposed to hazard materials will receive training on dealing with
hazardous materials, and the site safety and health Manager will coordinate and maintain records of training,
all the new employees will attend the safety class in the class each employee will be given information on:
1. Chemical and their Hazards in the work place.
2. How to lessen or prevent exposure to these chemicals
3. What the company has done to lessen or prevent workers’ exposure to these chemical.
4. Procedures to follow if they are exposed.

Also all staff and workers through not directly exposed to hazard materials will also receive briefings and
orientation on dealing with these materials.
Training reports will be developed and provided to QM Department as part of ACG daily quality control report.

B. Hazard material will be clearly labeled into local languages both Pashto and Dari and all the containers of
hazardous material will be posted by these labeling.

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XV. Respiratory Protection Plan:

A. General According to respiratory hazard Assessment conducted by ACG, working in the project site does
not pose any significant respiratory hazard to employees and workers. Only low-level dust is anticipated to
occur during the work. In order to protect the workers and employers from health hazard of anticipated dust,
they will be provided dust masks and necessary training how to use the masks. SSHO and supervisor will be
monitoring the use of masks in the relevant situations. In addition, ACG will be on daily bases watering the
working area in order to reduce the dust hazard.
B. Procedure for selecting Respirators for use in the work place, the site safety officer and/or site Safety Officer
will conduct a Respiratory Hazard Assessment in order to make decision to choose the Proper Respirators.

C. fit testing procedure for tight-fitting respirators; the installed respirators will be checked by site Safety
Officer in order to ensure that employees using a tight fitting face piece respirators.
We will check the respirators prior to initial use of it.
He can conduct additional fit test whenever the employee report

D. Training.
The site Safety Officer will conduct required training Courses in order to ensure that the training of employees
in the specific hazards, to which they are potentially exposed during the routine and emergency situation, has
been done.
E. proper use of respirator: Electrical works installation engineer will conduct required training courses for
employees in the proper use of respirators including putting on and removing them, any limitation on their
use, and their maintenance.

All the Protective equipment will be used during any operation which makes dust, fumes and so on, all the
employees will be trained for proper use of all protective equipments, the respiratory protection system will
be provided for safety of each employee.

XVI. Health Hazard Control Plan:

A, the employer will comply with all applicable standards and Regulations to reduce
Contaminant concentration levels as low as is reasonably achievable (ALARA).
B. Hazard evaluation.
a. All operations, materials, and equipment shall be evaluated to determine the presence
Of hazardous environments or if hazardous or toxic agents could be released into the
Work environment.
C. AHA and/or PHA will be use for the evaluation analyses shall identify all
Substances, Agents, and environments that presents a hazard and recommends hazard
Control Measures. Engineering and administrative controls shall be used to control
Hazards; in cases where Engineering or administrative controls are not feasible, PPE
May be used.
D. The analyses shall identify: that it serves as certification of hazard assessment; the
Workplace and activity evaluated; the Name of the person certifying that the evaluation
Has been performed; and the date of the evaluation.

E. Operations, materials, and equipment involving potential exposure to hazardous substances, agents, or

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environments shall be evaluated by a qualified industrial hygienist, or other competent person, to formulate a
hazard control program. This program must be accepted by the ACG QM Department before the start of
operations. > This evaluation shall be performed at least annually for ACG operations.

F. Testing and monitoring.

Approved and calibrated testing devices shall be provided to measure hazardous substances, agents, and
environments. (Devices shall be labeled indicating the name of the individual performing the calibration and
date of the current calibration.)

b. Individuals performing testing and monitoring shall be train in testing and monitoring procedures and
hazards: testing devices shall be used, inspected, and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's
instructions, a copy of which shall be maintained with the devices.
Determinations of the concentrations of, and hazards from, hazardous substances, agents, and environments
shall be made by a qualified industrial hygienist or other competent person during initial startup and as
frequently as necessary to ensure the safety and health of the work environment.

XVII. Hazardous Energy Control Plan:

A. Scope:
The ACG designated authority (Safety Officer) will fully coordinate their activities with one another throughout
the planning and implementation of these activities. The contractor energy control plan procedure will ensure
that his own personnel understand and comply with rules and restrictions of his procedures, and also ensure
that his employees affected be the hazardous energy control activity are notified when the procedure steps
outlined in hazards energy control plan initiated.

B. Purpose:
Ensure that all affected employees understood the energy hazard and the required procedures for their Safety
and control.

C. Authorization:

Lock out and Tag out system will be performed only be authorized employees all the employees affected by the
Lock out or Tag out will be notified, before an open completion of the application and removal of the lock out
and tag out device, the designated authorized employee will knowledgably of the scope and procedures of the
safe clearance of lock out and tag out devices. Each lockout and /or tag out device will be removed from energy
isolating device be the authorized employee who applied the device.

D. Rules and Techniques are used:

The authorized employee will ensure that all energy isolating devices need to control energy to, or within, the
system is identified and systems are shut down, isolating clocked, and secured in accordance with the Hazardous
energy control procedures. Any system operated by a remote controlled souse will be completely isolated such
that cannot be operated by that or any other source. The authorized employee will affix lockout and/or tag out
devices to each energy isolating device in accordance with the hazardous energy control procedures. In areas
not under strict control of personnel involved with the hazardous energy control activities padlocks will be

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installed on the isolation device along with appropriate tags. Protective grounds will be identified with safe
clearance tags. When there is possibility of re-communication of stored energy to hazardous level verification of
isolation will be continued until the energy control procedure is completed.

Before starting work on system that have been lockout or tag out the authorized employee will verify that
isolation and de-energization of the system have usefully been accomplished. Each lockout and/or tag out
devices will be removed from each energy isolating device by authorized employee who applied the device.

E. Training:
The contractor will provide to ensure that purpose and function of the hazardous energy control procedure are
understood by employees and that employees possess the knowledge and skills required for the safe
application, usage and removal of energy control.

F. Periodic Inspection:
Daily inspection will be conducted to ensure that all requirements of the hazardous energy control procedures
are being followed.

XVIII. Personal Fall Protection and Prevention: This topic is discussed in a separate file “PFPP Plan”

XIX. Site Sanitation Plan:

A. General: ACG will establish a sanitation program for projects site temporary facilities and in the job site
where the ACG employees and personnel are working,
Some employees will be designated for project and site sanitation, the project facilities and sites will be
checked and inspected for its sanitation condition and for having a clean and sanitation project sites it will be
every one responsibility in ACG to take care of sanitation at all time.
An adequate supply of drinking water cool water during the hot weather will be provided portable drinking
water will not be dipped; drinking water will be marked as Drinking Water, to be known by all employees.
Use of a common cup (a cup shared by more than one worker) and other common utensils is prohibited.
Employees shall use cups when drinking from portable water coolers/containers. Unused disposable cups shall
be kept in sanitary containers and a waste receptacle shall be provided for used cups. Ref: OSHA regulations
for Sanitation 29 CFR, 1926.51and 1910. 141.(b) (2).

Temporary Toilet facilities will be provided for all project employees and in the site,
And the place of Toilet will be far from the Facility (rooms Kitchen, Working Yard and so on) Washing facility will
also be provided for the project site clean water for washing with Soap and other sanitary tools required will be
Food, drinking water or beverage will not be stored or consumed in a place that there is a toxic material or any
other harmful substances

B. Office/site Sanitation: for office sanitation and requirements for sanitation ACG will have some procedure to
maintain the sanitation in the office and will keep everything will be in a planned procedure, all the system for
temporary facilities will have the sanitation system which will be using by ACG personnel and other Respective,

Good Practice procedure will be preparing and done and all the facility will be provided to all staff and will have
a clean and good site and project site at all the facility.

Excavation Plan (Please Refer to specific Plan)

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A. Crane Operations and Operators:

Crane equipment is built for safe and economical operation, but it is only as safe as the operator's ability. Never
lift a load with an unfamiliar crane until it has been checked out. Should any question arise about the safe or
efficient operation of the crane do not operate it until your supervisor has advised you of what procedure to

Hard hats must be worn during working hours except inside offices or in a car or the cab of a truck.
At the beginning of each shift the operator must check the crane he is going to operate.

Current crane certifications must be kept with the crane at all times.
All guards must be in place, such as guards over gears, couplings, wiring and rotating shafts.

The load block must be run up and down to see that the wire rope load line is winding on the drum properly.
While doing this, the operator should scan the rope to see if it has any broken wires or strands, loss of proper
lay, or evidence of chafing.

The brakes must be tested at the start of each shift. Also, the brakes should be tested before lifting any
unusually heavy load.

If the crane has any type of warning signal it must be checked to make sure it works before the crane is
Any unusual noises or faulty operation such as a slow response from controls, squeaking, thumping, etc must
be reported to the supervisor before attempting to lift a load.

Loose or slippery pedals must be reported to the supervisor and cleaned or repaired before commencing
The housekeeping in the cab must be checked for cleanliness. Old clothes, papers and trash must not be
permitted to accumulate in the cab. Tools, oil cans, etc should be kept in containers designed for their storage.

B. Rigging:
All the rigging equipments and components must meet the requirements of the
ANSI and following the OSHA Rigging Rule & regulations, Requirements while working on or using any rigging
equipments in the job site.
General: (Inspection and Use)
a. Rigging equipment shall be inspected as specified by the manufacturer, by a Competent Person, before use
on each shift and as necessary during its use to ensure that it is safe.
b. Defective rigging shall be removed from service.

c. The use and maintenance of rigging equipment shall be in accordance with recommendations of the rigging
manufacturer and the equipment manufacturer. Rigging equipment shall not be loaded in excess of its
recommended safe working load.
d. Rigging equipment, when not in use, shall be removed from
The immediate work area and properly stored and maintained in a safe condition.

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Hoist rope shall not be wrapped around the load.

Running lines located within 6 ft - 6 in (1.9 m) of the ground or working level shall be guarded or the area
restricted by physical barriers to preclude injury or injury from broken lines.
All eye splices shall be made in an approved manner. Rope thimbles of proper size shall be fitted in the eye,
except that in slings the use of thimbles shall be optional.
When hoisting loads, a positive latching device shall be used to secure the load and rigging (i.e., self-closing
safety latches, hook with a spring-loaded gate, an alloy anchor type shackle with a bolt, nut and retaining pin).
Hooks, shackles, rings, pad eyes, and other fittings that show excessive wear or that have been bent, twisted,
or otherwise damaged shall be removed from service.

Custom designed grabs, hooks, clamps, or other lifting

accessories (i.e., equalizing beams, lifting or spreader beams, etc.) for such units as modular panels,
prefabricated structures, and similar materials shall be marked to indicate the safe working loads and shall be
proof-tested before use, to 125% of their rated load.

Any worker acting in the capacity of Rigging Lift Supervisor shall meet the requirements of this section.
Any worker engaged in the duties and the performance of rigging shall be a
Qualified Rigger and as such, shall meet the following requirements:
A. Be at least 18 years of age;
B. Be able to communicate effectively with the crane operator, the lift supervisor, flagman and affected
employees on site;
C. Have basic knowledge and understanding of equipment operating

Characteristics, capabilities, and limitations

In addition, Qualified Riggers and Lift Supervisors shall be

Able to demonstrate knowledge and proficiency to appropriate
Management personnel in the following;
a. Personnel roles and responsibilities;
b. Site preparation (terrain, environment);
c. Rigging equipment and materials;
d. Safe Operating procedures;
e. Principles of safe rigging;
f. Environmental hazards (overhead interferences);
g. Rigging the load, handling the load, common causes of
Crane-related accidents.

The following precautions and steps must be taken during the Rigging work and working with Rigging
1. Supervisor will ensure that the maximum load rating of rigging components as recommended by the
manufacturer are not exceeded.
1. All rigging, hooks and components will be checked for excessive wear and damage prior to use.
2. One member of the crew will act as the designated signalperson and will wear the appropriate
distinctive vest, armlets, etc.
3. The signalperson will review the signals to be used with the crane operator.

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4. The signalperson is the only one to signal for a lift and must be careful not to order a move until he
has received the “all ready” signal from each member of the crew.
5. Be sure you are in the clear before you give an “all ready” to the signalperson.
6. Be sure your hand is clear of pinch points.
7. Watch out for the roll or swing of the load. Anticipate the direction of the swing or roll and work away
from it.
8. Never place yourself between material, equipment or any stationary object and the load swing.
9. Stay away from stacked material that may be knocked over by a swinging load.
10. Never stand under the load, and keep from under the boom as much as possible.
11. Look over the location where the load is to be set. Remove unnecessary blocks or other objects that
might fly up if struck by the load.
12. When lowering or setting the load, be sure your feet and all other parts of your body are out from
under the load.
13. Set the load down easily and slowly so that if it rolls on the blocking, it will be a slow shift that you can
get away from.
14. Use tag lines to control the loads.
15. Damaged rigging must be clearly tagged “Out of Service”, removed from the work area and either
repaired or replaced.
16. All the Rigging equipments must be stored in a good condition while not in use and to keep them form

C Safe Operating Practices:

When operating a crane, the operator must always be satisfied that it's safe to do so.
The operator must recognize signals from only one person designated as the signalman. The signalman must
be thoroughly familiar with crane signals and the operation of the crane being used.

A crane operator from an employee that does not have a complete knowledge of the standard crane hand
signals must never accept signals. If the crane operator is in doubt he should check before moving the load or

The hook should be directly over the load when a lift is started.
The boom length and boom angle being used must always be considered when calculating the capacity of the

Cranes should not be used for dragging or sliding loads on the ground.
The crane must be kept on a firm and level surface. The outriggers on rubber tired cranes must be used, and
cribbing must be installed under them in most cases. Extreme care and good judgment must be used when
setting up near the edge of open excavations.
Never swing a load over personnel.
A serious hazard exists when operating near electric lines. Always keep booms a safe distance from electric
lines. A minimum distance of ten feet or three meters is required.
The block must never be lowered to a point where less than two full wraps of the cable remain on the drum.
The operator must not permit anyone to ride on the slings, hook or load. Only a properly secured and
authorized supervisor is allowed to ride in crane cabs with the operator.
Always use tag line ropes on loads to prevent them from swinging.

The load-rating chart must be strictly followed. If a jib extension is used on any boom, additional consideration

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must be given to safe carrying capacities at various boom angles due to the increased boom length and
weaker overall structure.
On soft surfaces timber mats and cribbing must be used.
When cranes are traveling with a load, the route to be traveled should be carefully inspected for levelness,
load bearing capacity and freedom from obstructions.
Barricade flagging or safety rails must be provided around the area covered by the revolving cab when the
crane is operated in areas where pedestrians or vehicles pass close by.

Never leave the crane with a load on the hoist. When leaving the crane, set the brakes. If a bucket or similar
device is attached, lower it to the ground.
Following the installation of a new load line, check the tightness of cable clamps (if any) after a brief period of
use under load.
Access to the cab must be by safe means. Platforms must be kept free of slip/trip hazards and they must be
covered with a non-slip material. Always use the proper grab rails and steps when entering and leaving the
Never wrap the hoisting cable around loads.
If the steps outlined above are and safe work practices are used, crane accidents can be avoided. If you have
any questions about your work do not hesitate to ask your supervisor. It is only through the cooperation and
thoughtfulness of all that crane operations can be accident free.

XXI. Site Specific Hazard and Control:

Activity hazard analysis will be prepared for projects,

In the job site each job will be selected for its hazard analysis and will be instructed to all employees.

B. The Basic Steps in developing the Job hazard Analysis:

a. Define the Major Phase of Construction under consideration

b. Select the specific job to be analyzed.
c. Break the job down in to successive steps.
d. Identify the hazard and potential accidents associated with each step of the job
e. Develop ways to eliminate the hazard listed.


A. Employees and Local Labor:

Employees and local labor will be treated under local health plan. They will be treated at local hospitals or
medical facilities. (The Address, name, phone number and a map of the route to the hospital will be posted in
conspicuous locations)

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B. Medical Facility Name: Shino Zada Hospital

Address: 3rd Microrivan Kabul City 9th Police District (PD 9)

Phone Number(s): 0799 200 457

Distance to the nearest Medical Facility: 2 Kilometers

This service provides twenty-four-hour medical assistance to all its members for medical evaluation, referral,
hospital deposit or medical evacuation.


Reference No. Form Title

KBL-QM-F033 Risk Register

Signatories and Approvals

Prepared by: Verified by: Approved by:

Name: Ahmad Zia Yaqubi Mir Abdullah Jawadi Hussein Abdulkader

Designation: Safety Officer Manager, Quality Assurance Chief Operating Officer


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