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Tamara Cheroki

English 12

Mr. Pol

06 April, 2018

How Bullying Affects Adolescents Students and How To Prevent It.

The term Bullying is referred to as “acts of violence in school grounds among peers; this

includes physical, emotional and psychological harm.” In term of its definition, acts of school

bullying are those which involve a desire to provide a form of harassment or expose to a negative

situation from a bully, or group of bullies, to another peer or peers. This is in light of an action,

such as verbal abuse, social exclusion, beatings, rumors or cyberbullying, which is repeated over

time and where a difficulty from the victims to defend themselves occurs.

Recognized as a relationship problem in which power is affirmed through violence.

Bullying is a reality to millions of children and adolescents of school age in different cultural

contexts in America and around the world. This problem has been increasing along these last

years, provided that not many people were able to identify it when it takes place and far less in

term of its consequences, being contemplated in the past as a common behavior involving young

students. Yet Bullying is strongly acknowledged today as a severe health issue. It is hard to say

when this matter has started. Moreover, it is said that it has always existed. A survey made in

2016 indicates that more than one out of five students in the United States (20.8%) reported

experiencing Bullying. Furthermore, the federal government has been collecting data since 2005

that inquires a prevalence of 28% on school property.


Then again, what triggers young students to react with such destructive and violent

behavior? Significantly, many potential factors are taken in evidence; some of them include:

poor parenting, violence at home, easy access to guns, movies, video games, new social media

and other social ecology frameworks like community and culture.

Bullying compromises the teaching-learning process and influences the victim's way to

respond to social demands throughout the life cycle. Associated with the increase of occurrence

and prevalence, negative effects affect all participants involved. Nowadays, it is known that

Bullying triggers all types of mental, physical and behavioral problems. For instance, bullied

students experience poor school performance, abnormal sleep patterns, anxiety, depression or

fear to go to school. In the worst cases, this can lead the students to acquire a negative feeling

about themselves and a strong desire to commit suicide.

Is impossible to agree that youth and violence do not go together. Statistics and

investigations tell us how far we are from the one-time belief that schools are safe environments.

In an effort to contribute to a qualified and more-secure education, several state laws have been

passed for the intervention and, above all, the prevention of Bullying. Many programs, teacher

trainings and parents and students activities are being displayed in the wish of a new generation

full of kinder, civic-minded and more empathetic children for a more compassionate society.

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