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Thank You!!

Trading Cards
Valley High
Students – Thank you for
being engaged in the Trading
Students will be asked to incorporate a Card project. You took the
variety of metalsmithing techniques to idea and put your being into
create a trading card that expresses their it. Congrats on the amazing

Students must use:

1 found object, 2 pieces of scrap metal, Parents – Thank you for the
soldering, riveting, bezeling, epoxy & support you have given your
Ms. Samantha Cook
some wire elements. Students can child and in turn support for
choose to do this all in two trading the arts!
cards or make as many as they want to Cooperating Teacher:
satisfy the requirements. Melissa Robinson
TVHS Art Department -
Thank you for the support Trading Cards
After students will articulate how their
identity is being represented in their and welcoming me with open
trading card through a written artist arms!

Mrs. Robinson – Thanks for

the endless mentoring and
friendship. Have learned so
much from you that I will
continue to take with me into
my teaching career!
Pre Assessment
Student Reflection Students will be asked using a thumbs
up/down assessment the previous class
Comprehend: before introducing this lesson:
Analyze, interpret, and make meaning of art
After students have completed project they and design critically using oral and written How many people have made a trading
will turn in written reflection with their discourse card before?
works which will be posted on the white
Who knows about the riveting or bezeling
board. Create: process?
Assess and produce art with various Why is it important to incorporate identity
The reflection will include: materials and methods into your art?
-Describe your goals and meaning behind Transfer:
your design? the value of visual arts to lifelong learning
-What elements and principles of art are and the human experience Assessment
present in your design?
-What did you learn? Reflect: 1-4 Rubric based on the
-Do you feel successful? Reflective strategies are used to understand following objectives:
the creative process.
Given a prompt, can students write about
-Given a prompt for their critique, students the ideas present in their works?
can write an artist statement that conveys
their ideas. Can students create a 3D work that
- Using metalsmithing techniques, students expresses identity?
can create an artwork that expresses
identity in a 3D form. Can students create sketches that
- Given a prompt, students can create synthesizes ideas for their 3D creation?
sketches that synthesize their ideas to be
created in 3D. Can students explain their artistic choices
-Using their artwork, students can explain in design that express identity?
their artistic choices in design that express

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