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Gyna: dr hossam el sokkary

endometriosis : define , theories , symptoms(most important one)

ovarian cancer : grading stage III-B...

Risk Factors of cancer cervix , fibroids...

‫وحاجة في ال‬infertility‫بس مش فاكرها‬

Obstetric‫انجي طاهر‬.‫ د‬:

2ry post partum Hge : define , most common cause

D.D bet. concealed and revealed accidental Hge


Abortion : Def. missed abortion and D.D between it and threatened ... treatment of missed

most common cause of bleeding in 3rd trimester - D.D bet. placenta previa and accidental


Pre requests of forceps

Ezay a3raf en 7asal intrauterine death


eldr sa2al 3la vaginal signs of preg kolha

W sa2al 3n vaginal signs of intact ectopic preg

W def of labour w def of vertex

‫من االخر ماتدلخش من غير‬


... ‫توفيق رئيس القسم‬.‫الناس اللي مع د‬

‫بيقولوا اتسألوا في ال‬MATERNAL PHYSIOLOGY

menopause _fibroid_cancers_endometriosis_after coming head_abortion_ectopic

preg_vaginal signs of preg‫بس كدا‬


causes of menorrhagia?

difference between spasmodic and congestive dysmenorrhea, w 2 causes of dysmenorrhea

el effect bta3 el diabetes 3l pregnancy wl delivery w kda

causes of habitual abortion


collection as2elet oral fel lagna

"-tubal factor "infertility

-endometriosis"main complain,treatment,causes of infertility in endometriosis,risk factors"

-IUD ,4things done in missed threads "history of amenorrhea,examination to cofirm that the
threads are not in place,then inveatigate by pregnancy test,US,X-ray with uterine sound
inside the uterus to detect its place"

-Amenorrhea"def ,types,causes"

-oncology"cancer cervix,endometrial,ovarian"

{screening ,risk factors,STAGING}

{criteria of ovarian cancer "history,clinical,operative criteria}"

-bacteria vaginosis

-Apgar score

-biophysical profile

-management of breech

-antenatal care" ‫"الدكتور غلس شويه وبيسأل فى الكالم اللى قاله فى المحاضره‬

-abortion"types,causes ,treatment"

-vesicular mole "partial,complete"

-impending eclampsia
-antepartum hge

-postpartum Hge

-placenta praevia

-risk factors to develop 1ry PPH

-cervical incompetence"Habitual abortion",def and management

-ectopic pregnancy

-revealed and concealed APH

-def of normal labour

-retained placenta,management


2wl lagna: gyna m3 dr Rehab (msh 3arf bta3et eh)

sa7abt about 4 questions

)1Complications of IUD (kant 3ayza el immediate complications, ana 2oltlha kollo b2a)

w b3daha t3ml eh fe case missed IUD

)2Ovarian Staging


what are the laparoscopic signs that suggest malignancy of a cyst,

)3GnRH agonist mechanism fl endometriosis

(by3ml zy el menstruation dh elly 3yzeno)

)4Amenrrhea definitions

1(ry-2ry-Most common: Pregnancy-other causes of physiological amenorrhea)


)1Accidental Hge (causes-Complications)

)2Engaging diameter in Oc. Post

)3signs of separation of Placenta

)4Items of Biophysics profile

faker wa7ed bs elly sm3to ets2l fl forceps, w kan so2al y3ny 2 uses 7aga kda


‫دكتور ميرفت‬
Endometriosis infertility

Dr hosssam el sokary normal labor

Ectopic preg


Placenta separation signs and methods

Guys kolo y3ml stresss 3ala el 3anweeen el kbera faks el details ahm 7aga teb2a bayn enk
2ery kolo we fahm

Sahel isa rbna m3ako



types and symptoms of fibroid

causes of infertility in fibroid

treatment of fibroid

IUD types

dr amira

def normal labour

causes of poly hydrominous

def of it


causes of ante partum haemorhage

symptoms of GIT in pregnancy


obst : pre eclemsia :def, types ,symptoms , comparison wih chronic hypertensive ,
gestational HTN

-IUGR .. def , causes

gyna ... fibroid: ,, types ,, treatment .. causes of infertility in submucous .. symptoms ..type of

cocs" indication w contraindication


Gyn: Dr. Yasser

Causes of bleeding in fibroid..

Treatment of different types of fibroid..

m4 faker eh tany

Ob: m4 3aref meen

Define habitual abortion..

Causes of second trimester abortion..

difference between c/p of abortion due to cervical incompetence & abortion due to other

risk factors of pre-eclampsia..

c/p of impending eclampsia..

cause of epigastric pain in impending eclampsia..

management of placenta previa especially conservative..

etiology of primary postpartum hemorrhage..

treatment of atonic postpartum hemorrhage


Gyna dr ahmed fawzy

bys2al ktir bs tyb w law etna2sht m3ah w 7as enk fahm hytbasat awy : 1) fibroid : types,
most common type causing symptoms, most common types causing pressure symptoms
(cervical) , most common type of bleeding in fibroid , causes if metrorrhagia in fibroid ... 2)
infertility, definition , whats meant by a regular unprotected intercourse and why do we
diagnose infertility after 1 year of unprotected intercourse , when do we investigate for
infertility before 1 year , why female fertility declines after 37 years and why the risk of
chromosomal abnormalities increases after this age ( aging of follicles ) .. 3) contraception :
type suitable for a newly married female , why not iud and why not injectables

Dr amal azam ( obs: )

)1vaginal signs of pregnancy 2) undeliverable presentations 3) fate of OP 4) definition of

habitual abortion and most common cause 5) diagnosis of cervical incompetence and
treatment during pregnancy and in between pregnancies ( hya alet cervical cerclage brdo ! )
6) causes of peurpural pyrexia


Dr.yousri mo7ii

Def.of normal labour.....mechanism of normal labour we as2la of face


Dr.zyad sami

Fibroid....types/symptoms/causes of bleeding/

Endo.hyperplasia.......types/etiology/risk of endo.cancer

3rdstage cervical cancer

We a3d y2oli r2yo fe 7agat


Dr. Tarek Karkor

Define APGAR score & Uses

Define BPP & Uses

Define Bishop's Score & Uses

Define Engagement

Causes of delayed engagement

Dr.Tarek Hanfy

Types of fibroid

Complications of fibroid

Risk Factors of Cervical carcinoma

Genotypes of HPV

Smoking as a relative risk factor

‫اسئله سهله متقلقش معاه‬


dr 7ossam elsokarry gyna

posterior relation of vagina .. angle of flexion and version

def and theores of endometriosos w mn hna waslna l halban

kan 3ayz ay 7aga fiha halban fil manhag

staging of ovarian and cancer cervix

dr zyad samy (obs)

def normal labour .. fate of op..

def PET w its signs and symptoms

DM in pregnancy bnktshfo ezay w emta w min eli high risks

undeliverable presentions


Dr 3mad 5lifa

Define engagement

Neglected shoulder

Caput significance

Dd of purperal pyrexia

Threatend abortion criteria

Treat thratened abortion ( follow up is the most important line)

Inevitable abort criteria

Oxytocin ci

Dr hesham sal7 gyna

Screen cancer cx

Leukrea causes and phsiological causes

Most common causes of vaginitis

Definr infertility and why one year

Diagnose and investigate tubal factors of inf ertility

Staging of cancer ovary


Dr Mnal:

types of fibriod,most common symptom of cervical(pressure symptoms) causes of infertility

in fibriod,screening of cancer cx

degrees of prolapse

Assesment of tubal ifertility

Contraindication and non contraceptive benefit of cocs

Risk factors of endometrial cancer

Dr el obs msh fakra esmo

Types of hypertension in pregnency

How to help delivery of after coming head of breech

Causes of accidental hge

Symptoms and signs of missed abortion..


Dr Lo2ai gyna
sa2alny 3n causes of infertility in fibroid and endometriosis , theories endometriosis, semen



dr tawfeek

-staging of cancer cx

-clinical types of cancer cx

-investigations for uterine infertility

dr amal azam

-causes of habitual abortion

-define cx incompetence and mention how to diagnose it ( if pregnant ) or ( if not pregnant )

.... and mention how to treat it

- diagnostic criteria of VM ( lazem 7agat specific )

-causes of puerperal pyrexia w sa2aletny emta bte7sal el fever fe kol wa7da feehom

-what are the signs of pregnancy that are present at 10th week


Gyn : cervical carcinoma risk factors w treatment of endometrioma

Obs : aims of ANC w causes of breech w types of rupture uterus



management w causes of shoulder dystocia

rx of complete vesicular mole

KAN DR MO5TAR TOPOZADA agaweb w howa yensa w yes2al tany ana etshallet

endometriosis .. theories - Rx -mechanism of action of GnRH

Contraception : IUD management of missed loop

Infertility : Signs- tests of ovulation



obs: (nour 2l 2treby)

-define gravidity, parity.

-modes of delivery
-prerequisites of forceps application

-define antepartum hge -define placenta previa -types of placenta previa

-types of CS -why do lower segment instead of upper

-define normal labour

-occipitoposterior triad

-what is external cephalic version

-define elderly primi, grand multi and complications

gyna: (zyad)

-types of fibroid -symptoms of fibroid -causes of bleeding in fibroid

-causes of endometrial hyperplasia -types of endometrial hyperplasia

-risk factors for cervical cancer -stage II cervical cancer



obs:(mervat shekh el arab)

- DIC causes & pathogenesis& mechanism in each cause(esp. concealed&pre eclampsia) &
invest& level of D Dimer

- HELLP syndrome&ttt

- habitual abortion&causes

-descremenation zone w btd5ol menha 3la e7tmalat kteer y3ny lw l2et HCG 3aly aw 2layl w
lw 3malto tany w l2eto 2l yb2a eh el e7tmalat, hya 3ayza 7d yfkar kwayes f el 2s2la

gyna:(hesham adel)

s2al t2reban f el ktab kolo bs hwa kwyes w mesh by5lek tetwatar , ely fakrah:

-comp of ovarian cysts & emta te3ml torsion & eh el criteria of malignancy

- staging of endometrial cancer

- fibroid s2al feh aktar mn so2al w red degeneration

- candida infection

- investigations of fallopian tubes patency




Obst dr r7ab

-Define episiotomy & types & advantage disadvantages of each? -Define antepartum hge w
causes? Define normal labour?

Gyna Dr Injy

-Screening of Cervical cancer? And steps of pap smear Treatment of CIN?

-Fibroid symptoms?



obstetrics dr. elmahdy

-def. of normal labour

-define viability age of viability and the least weight of a viable newborn

-causes of antepartum hge

- types of abortion w differentiate between threatened and complete abortion

-differentiate complete abortion from ectopic pregnancy (he didn't accept any of our
answers! )

gyna dr.eman or amany(not sure)

she asks alot but she is very kind

-cancer cervix : mechanism and risk factors in detail (kol 7aga lih)

-infertility : detection of ovulation

-fibroid : incidence of malignant transformation and clinical picture

-the most common cause of RVF(I guess congenital ) ‫فى أسئلة تانية بس لألسف مش فاكراها‬


obs: dr/ sherif aniss

bys2al t2reeban f kol l manhag sa2alny aktar men 20 so2al dol elly fakrahom bs moshkelet l
dr da enno mesh bydee ay reaction y3ny wala t3raf enta bet7el s7 wala 8ala6 sybak tetkalem
m3 nafsak

-what is BPP w 3awez shar7o beltafseel

-how to Dx preeclampsia screening of preeclapsia impending eclampsia w 2a3ad ys2alny fel

normal BP & BP in preeclampsia -define normal labor

-what is engaging diameter of mento-anterior

-good omens of occipito-posterior

- causes & complications of of accidental hge

- causes of retained placenta & how to manage

- methods of separation of placenta

- causes of failed application of forceps kan fe as2ela tany kter bs mesh fakra

gyna: dr/ Mohamed hussein 6yb gedan homma so2alein w 5alas

- define prolapse, degrees

- define dysmenorrhea, types, compare between 2 types

bs keda



Obstatric dr aml 3azam

-5 Diagnostic critria of vesicular mole

-Types of cs and idication of upper segment cs

-Causes of DIC
-Types of placenta previa

-Causes of aarested aftercoming head

Gyna dr hesham galal

-Absolute contraindication of cocs

-Theories of endometriosis

-Critria of malignancy in laparotomy in ovarian cancer


‫ نور االتربي‬... gyna

ca cervix staging of renal failure ...... fibroid klha......3 main components of ovarian
ca.........amsel criteria.....def of endometriosis ......def of vaginosis..causes of death in cx
cancer...we fibroid tany

‫ زياد سامى‬... obs

def of normal labour ...def of pre-eclampsia criteria of eclampsia we ..... impending

ecalmpisa .... hig risk in dm ...screening in dm bl arkam

we effect of dm 3la el pregnancy we effect of pregnancy 3la dm


1)Dr.tawfeeq abdelsalam.((gyna))..

-causes of menorrhagia in fibroid

-diagnosis of CIN

2) dr.3agameya ((OB))

-def. of normal labour..

-prequisities of forceps

-managment of hyperemesis gravidarum

-def. of habitual abortion


‫ دكتور لؤى‬gyna

how fibroid affct infrtlity

infction fe tretment bactrial ??vaginits we types of cervicitis??

hyperestrogenemea associated m3 men??

Hegar 8 bst5dmo f eh ???

Pathologycal types of endomtrium cancer ??

June 29 at 5:00pm · Like · 1

‫ دكتور هشام جالل‬obs

fate of occibto post

complication of acc hg

vaginal sign of pregnant female

al abnormal labour 3momn bis2l feha kter


Alaa Adel Dr. Lo2ay gyna

Def of endometrisis , 2 most common symptoms

Causes of infertility in endometriosis

What's subseptate uterus what' its obstetrical comlication and its treatment.

Causes of infertility in fibroid

Bacterial vaginitis under microscope .. treatment of trichomanous vaginitis

Enterocele definition how to manage

DD bet pseudo and true prolapse ?

Treatment of pseudo prolapse?

Fathergil's operation ?

obstetric dr Amal 3zam :

def of normal labour, 5 pathognomonic of vesicular mole, follow up of vesicular mole after
treatment & for how much time, treatment of early intact ectopic tubal pregnency , def of
puerperal pyrexia and cuases of it

el gyna

corpus cancer syndrome, staging of endometrial carcinoma, def of CIN, how to diagnose,
what is iodine test and how to interpret.


‫السيد البدوي‬.‫ د‬Obs

*def of normal labour

*2 definitions of engagement

*plane of least pelvic dimension .. def & value

*def obstetric outlet

*u/s importance in breech presentation

*most common cause of antepartum hge >> the answer according to him "passage of the

*most common cause of purpueral pyrexia >> the answer is breast engorgement according
to him

*most common cause of bleeding in 1st trimester >> threatened abortion

June 29 at 5:53pm · Like

7 ‫ايمان وحدة‬.‫ د‬.. Gyn

*Fibroid .. types..presentation & Rx of each .. causes of infertility d.t fibroid

*CIN .. risk factors .. screening .. treatment

June 29 at 5:57pm · Like


dr. amal 3azam ... obs :

def. of normal labour w eh hwa el reasonable time 5 diagnostic criteria of vesicular mole
causes of arrested after coming head and what will u do? 5 undeliverable presentations def.
of purpereal sepsis


‫ ركة‬/‫ د‬8 ‫ شفوى وحدة‬,,

prolapse ,,,fungal infection ,,,amenorea,,,iud,,,screen and treat of cis ,,,,

‫دكتورة نرمين‬
abortion def ,,,missed abortion ,,,pph


dr. mohamed el mahdy:gyn

causes of asymmetrical enlargement of uterus adenomyosis by3ml asymmetrical wla

symmetrical types of IUDS w eh el types of cupper IUD w for kam year how to investigate
tubal factors of infertility w lma 2olt hystroscope fe el answer 2aly ezay 2oltlo eny bashof el
cornual end 2aly s7


dr :sayed elbadawy ...obs

def of vertex, normal labour, plan of least pelvic diameter, most common cause of
antepartal hge, purperal pyrexia ,breech role of us in breech pesentation ,

gyna dr eman unit 7 : types of fibroid and presentation of each &managment causes of
infertility in fibriod ,early presentation in cis


Dr.zyad samy obestatrics

-causes and management of arrested aftercoming head

-diagnosis of gestational diabetes wel tisk factors w kan 3ayez elarqam elly f mo7adreto
-def. and management of eclampsia

-management of atonic PPH w kan 3awz mn awel general management l7d elligation of
internal illiac wel hysterectomy.

Dr.nor fe we7da 4

-25d el manhag kolo so2al f kol dars w rkz 3la definitions w classification w management w
causes of death



Q1 : chromosomal intersex ?

Q2:fibroiiiiiid ... medical treatment w indication w el artery embolization w myolysis w

complication ... etc "el fibroid kolo"

Dr mohamed el ABD

Q1 :clinical varieties of ectopic pregnancy ?

"intact w slowly w rapdly "

which is more severe and y ?

Q2:complication of accidental hge

"aham 7aga el ACUTE RENAL FAILURE"


‫ د هشام عبد الفتاح‬gyna

1- def. Of Amenorrhea, Types , what do u know about Endometrial Am.

2- complication of Fibroid & types , other name to Fibroid and what name the Malignant

3- Def. Prolapse w eh eldegrees & what are the main supports of the uterus

4- Stages of endometrial cancer

5 ‫ د تامر حسني وحده‬obs

1- shoulder dystocia

2- after coming head

3- antepartum Hge

4- placenta previa


Dr.Amany ( unit 7) - gyna

types of ovarian tumours - Most Common type

risk factors of cervical cancer - what's TZ ? - why this are is liable to develop cancer ( because
active cells --> squamous metaplasia )

tubal factors of infertility evaluation

how to detect ovulation ? signs of U?S of ovulation ?

Dr. Sayed elbadawy ..obs :

Most Common type of 2ry amenorrhea --> pregnancy

Most Common type of antepartum Hge --> we said accidental hge , but he meant that the
most common is the physiological thing and wanted us to say " the show" !!

he loves definitions and strict definitions belmelly :D ( def of Normal labour- vertex-
anatomical pelvic outlet)

what's the significance of U/S for breech presentation ?

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