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Nama : Muhamad Syahdan Sa’id

Kelas : XI IPA 2
Nomor : 19

Character building
Education is the process of changing the attitude and behavior of a person or group
of people in an effort to mature human / self through the effort of teaching in training,
process, ways, and educational acts. Education is divided into two, namely formal
education and informal education. Formal education is all forms of education or training
provided in an organized and tiered (kindergarten, elementary, junior high, high school,
and so on) both of general and special nature. Informal cultivation is education or training
where there is a family or community in an unorganized form. Character is a person's time
or behavior. Thus, character education is education that teaches children to behave
honestly, politely, politely, creatively, confidently, and caring.
According to research teenagers age is the right age for character education. Teen
age ranges from 10 years old to 21 years old. At that age most teens are looking for their
identity. At this time, adolescents need character education to direct them and their
interests in a positive direction. That's because in adolescence like this, teenagers
experience emotional turmoil is very unstable. The existence of changing height, weight,
start of interest among the opposite sex, and affect the psychological. They are a difficult
time and they need strong self-control when they are at school, at home, and in the playing
Character education is important to help teenagers control their emotions and not
fall into negatives. That's because, education to educate the brain alone is not enough to
make children become better in the affiliate. A person must also have good emotional
control to be accepted in his environment. Self-control when angry, dislike seseuatu,
happy, disappointed, and confused can help a person become more mature.
Character education can educate children into achieving and creative children. In
addition, the character education of children will be more sensitive to the surrounding
environment, teach the value of tolerance, the nature of mutual love, virtuous, peace, self-
reliance, curiosity, become more religious and others. Many positive benefits in the
application of character education in adolescence.
Thus, positive values in character education given to teenagers can shape them into
superior and outstanding teenagers. With character education they will be able to compete
well in all fields both nationally and internationally. In other words, adolescents with
character education will be the next generation of reliable nation. The generation that
brought the nation to be more advanced. Character education will make teenagers grow
into superior teenagers and can be proud of physically, stable in emotions, and well-
developed intellectuals.

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