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SAMPLE LETTERS. Cut & Paste, send to: pboudreau@southamptontownny.


Dear Southampton Town Planning Board,

I am writing to you to express my concern about the environmental impact of the Change
of Use of the property currently used by the Southampton Country Day Camp.

The applicant has not provided sufficient evidence to prove that their expansion plans for
the camp will not affect ecology of Little Fresh Pond. I am especially concerned about
the impact on groundwater and the potential water runoff from their property.

Please require the owner to provide further evidence or the town should hire an
independent scientist to do their own study of the water impacts.

Yours sincerely,

Dear Southampton Town Planning Board,

I am a resident of Southampton residing at _____________________ and I am concerned

about the over-development of the Hamptons and especially our town. Development is
having real impact on our environment and natural resources. The green/blue algae
blooms of the last few years in Mill Pond, Mecox Bay, Sagg Pond and elsewhere are
evidence that greater oversight of our developers is needed to protect our precious natural
resources. If we don't begin to hold them to higher standards we will lose everything that
makes the Hamptons the unique and special place.

I am not against responsible and environmentally friendly development. However, I have

no doubt that the Change of Use requested by the operator of the Southampton Country
Day Camp on Majors Path will have an adverse affect on Little Fresh Pond. The site too
close to Little Fresh Pond is inappropriate for a commercial operation of this kind.

Please put the health of this pond above the commercial interests of this applicant.

Kind regards,

Dear Southampton Planning Board,

The owner of the Southampton Country Day Camp has failed to prove that groundwater
from their property does not flow into Little Fresh Pond. Their hydrologist needed to
conduct more scientific tests. Furthermore, their hydrologist has made conflicting
statements regarding groundwater flow.

You have not received sufficient evidence from the applicant to approve the FEIS, and as
such, I respectfully request that deny the application.


Dear Southampton Town Planning Board,

I have lived in Southampton for over ____ years. We have seen many changes during
this time but I am especially concerned by the commercialization of our town. Strip
malls, condo developments and auto dealerships now line Route 27. This is not
necessarily a bad thing but I do believe we need to set some limitations on commercial
land use in our community.

The location of the Southampton Country Day Camp seems completely inappropriate.
300-500 children bused in from central Long Island do not belong in the middle of a
sleepy residential community. This is potentially a highly lucrative commercial operation
and should not be allowed to proceed at the expense of our community. The Camp will
affect traffic, noise levels and the water quality of Little Fresh Pond.

I kindly ask that you deny the application.

Yours in community,

Dear Southampton Town Planning Board,

I am concerned about the traffic impacts of the Change of Use requested by the
Southampton Country Day Camp for their property on Majors Path.

I regularly drive along Majors Path and I do not believe this site is a suitable location for
a large children's day camp. The road is curved near the entrances to the camp and there
are unsafe sight distances for buses and other vehicles entering the property. Cars tend to
speed down the hill above the speed limit and directly adjacent to the camp entrances.
Expansion of the camp to allow more children to attend and the additional buses required
to transport them in from up-Island will pose significant safety treats.

This property is not appropriate for a greater volume of campers. Please DENY the


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