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The critical thermal maximum: data to support

the onset of spasms as the definitive end point

William I. Lutterschmidt and Victor H. Hutchison

Abstract: We provide data to support the onset of spasms ( 0 s ) as the definitive end point for determining thermal
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tolerance with the critical thermal maximum (CTMax). We measured the CTMax of 610 animals in three vertebrate
classes, Actinopterygii, Amphibia, and Reptilia. All showed a significantly lower mean loss of righting response (LRR)
than 0 s . Statistical evaluation of the variability associated with the end points LRR and OS also showed that OS is a
more precise measure of thermal tolerance. OS is a more meaningful end point than LRR because it more closely fits
the original definition of the critical thermal maximum (R.B. Cowles and C.M. Bogert. 1944. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat.
Hist. 83: 261 -296) and occurs at temperatures required for physiological responses, such as heat-hardening and perhaps
the production of some heat-shock proteins. The adoption of OS as a standard end point would allow valid comparisons
of data from different studies and among taxa, an important consideration for comparative phylogenetic analyses. However,
we suggest that LRR should also be measured for comparisons with data from earlier studies.

RCsumC : On trouvera ici des donnkes qui supportent I'hypothkse selon laquelle le dkbut des spasmes ( 0 s ) marque
le point critique maximal de tempkrature (CTMax) dans l'kvaluation du seuil de tolkrance thermique. Nous avons mesurk
le CTMax de 610 animaux de trois classes de vertkbrks (actinoptkrygiens, amphibiens et reptiles). Chez tous les animaux,
le dkbut des spasmes s'est rkvklk un facteur plus constant que la perte moyenne de la capacitk de rkcupkration (LRR).
Une kvaluation statistique de la variabilitk associke aux seuils LRR et OS a kgalement dkmontre que la valeur de OS
For personal use only.

est une mesure plus prkcise de la tolkrance thermique. OS est un seuil plus fiable que LRR parce que c'est une variable
plus conforme a la dkfinition originale du point CTMax (R.B. Cowles et C.M. Bogert. 1944. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat.
Hist. 83 : 261 -296) et parce que le debut des spasmes se produit a des tempkratures qui dkclenchent des rkactions
physiologiques telles le durcissement dQ h la chaleur et peut-ttre aussi la production de protkines relike a un choc thermique.
L'adoption du seuil OS comme seuil standard aurait I'avantage de permettre des comparaisons valides entre les donnkes
de diffkrentes ktudes et entre diffkrents taxons, un atout important dans les analyses phylogknktiques comparatives.
Nous croyons cependant en la nkcessitk de continuer de mesurer la valeur LRR pour fins de comparaisons avec les
donnkes d'ktudes antkrieures.
[Traduit par la Rkdaction]

Introduction "phylogenetic provincialism," many authors being unaware

of the techniques used with, and the results obtained from,
Measures of thermal tolerance have long been used to inves- diverse taxonomic groups.
tigate the thermal capacities of organisms to tolerate their Our purpose is to provide general information for deter-
complex holocoenotic environments. The increasing use of mining thermal tolerance and data that support the use of
data on organismal thermal tolerances indicates the con- the onset of spasms ( 0 s ) as the definitive end point for
tinuing popularity and the usefulness of such physiological determining thermal tolerance with the critical thermal maxi-
parameters in modern biological investigations. To our mum method. In a companion paper we provide a com-
knowledge, at least 20 papers have been published within prehensive review of thermal tolerance, and discuss its
the last year addressing the implications of thermal toler- applications to comparative physiology (see Lutterschmidt
ance for physiological and ecological theory (reviewed in and Hutchison 1997).
Lutterschmidt and Hutchison 1997). However, a diversity of The two major methods for determining thermal tolerance
experimental methods and terminology is still used by inves- are discussed in Lutterschmidt and Hutchison (1997): (1) the
tigators despite pleas for standardization of test methods static or lethal temperature method, in which the time to
(e.g., Hutchison 1976). Standardized methods were urged by death at constant test temperatures is measured, and (2) the
Hutchison (1979) and Paladino et al. (1980), who discussed dynumic method, which involves increasing test tempera-
concerns about the validity of making comparisons of data tures until an appropriate end point is reached (Brett 1944;
from different studies. The problem is further exacerbated by Fry et al. 1942; Fry 1957). The static method uses statistical
techniques from pharmacology (Bliss 1937) to determine the

Received November 14, 1996. Accepted May 7, 1997. equivalent of an from time - mortality curves, where
W.I. Lutterschmidt and V.H. Hutchison. Department of the "dosage" is the time during which animals are exposed
Zoology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73019, to a constant test temperature until death occurrs.
U.S.A. (e-mail:; The dynamic method, the critical thermal minimum
vhutchison@ou .edu. (CTMin) and critical thermal maximum (CTMax), was

Can. J. Zool. 75: 1553- 1560 (1997) O 1997 NRC Canada

Can. J. Zool. Vol. 75, 1997

Table 1. Sample sizes (n) and critical thermal maximum (CTMax) end points (loss of righting response (LRR) and the
onset of spasms (OS)), with their associated measures of dispersion (variance ( s 2 )and standard error (SE)), for 35
vertebrate species.

n LRR s2 SE 0s s2 SE P 5 0.05"

Ictalurus punctatus
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Ictiobus bubalus
Campostoma anomalum
Carassius auratus
Cyprinella lutrensis
Hybognathus placitus
Hybopsis amblops
Notemigonus crysoleucas
Notropis atherinoides
Phenacobius mirabilis
Pimephales notatus
Menidia beryllina
For personal use only.

Gambusia afJinis
Etheostoma spectaboli
Morone saxatilis
Lepomis cyanellus
Lepomis gulosus
Lepomis macrochirus
Lepomis megalotis
Lepomis microlophus
Micropterus dolomieui
Micropterus punctulatus
Micropterus salmoides
Tilapia nilotica
Notophthalmus viridescens
Plethodon ouachitae
Plethodon richmondi
Desmognathus ochrophaeus
Rana berlandieri
Rana catesbeiana
Rana utricularia
Bufo americanus

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Lutterschmidt and Hutchison

Table 1 (concluded).


Hyla chrysoscelis 20 38.02 2.056 0.321 40.81 0.367 0.136 +
Cophosaurus texanus 35 47.65 1.753 0.224 49.42 0.808 0.152 +
Note: Taxonomic groupings for fishes (class, order, family, and species) follow Nelson (1994) and those for amphibians and
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reptiles follow Conant and Collins (1991).

"Homogeneity of variances for each end point of CTMax. We used an F test (Zar 1984) to compare differences between LRR
variance and OS variance. Significance to P I0.05 is indicated by "plus" if LRR variance > OS variance or "minus" if LRR
variance < OS variance; zero indicates nonsignificance.

introduced and defined by Cowles and Bogert (1944); CTMax obtained from animal suppliers. The lizard Cophosaurus texanus
was defined as "the thermal point at which locomotory was collected from central Kimble County, Texas.
activity becomes disorganized and the animal loses its ability Fishes were acclimatized in Living Streama aquaria for 2 weeks
to escape from conditions that will promptly lead to its at 10 f 1"C and a 12 h light : 12 h dark photoperiod; photophase
death." This definition was modified by Lowe and Vance was from 06:00 to 18:00, centered on noon CST. We use "acclima-
tion" to indicate adustment to one environmental factor and "accli-
(1955) to include statistical parameters. Standardized methods
matization" for changes to two or more factors, following Folk's
for determining heating rates and end point were added (1974) "rules" for uniform terminology. All measures of thermal
by Hutchison (1961, 1976). Thus, heating rates from about tolerance were made between the second and tenth hours of the
0.5 to 1.5OC - min-' are often used. As the temperature photophase to reduce possible effects of diel cycles on thermal
increases during a CTMax test, an animal usually displays a tolerance (Hutchison 1976). The same acclimation regimes were
For personal use only.

sequence of responses: loss of righting response (LRR), used for amphibians in an environmental chamber. However,
. sudden onset of muscular spasms (OS), and finally "heat measures of thermal tolerance of amphibians were made between
rigor," "coma," or "death." The latter three events are not 20:00 and 22:00 (second and fourth hours) of the scotophase,
definitive, are difficult to determine (Zweifel 1957), and are coinciding with the peaks of normal activity. Cophosaurus texanus
seldom described fully (Lutterschmidt and Hutchison 1997). (because of their high thermal requirements) were acclimated at
25°C and were also tested during peak diel activity (i.e., between
To assess whether OS is the better CTMax end point, we
10:00 and 16:00, or the fourth and tenth hours of their photophase).
collected data to (i) compare LRR and OS within different Although acclimation temperature influences thermal tolerance
ectothermic vertebrates and determine which CTMax end (Hutchison and Rowlan 1974), our use of 25°C in the acclimation
point has greater precision, and (ii) determine if the same end of C. texanus is valid because we evaluated the variability in end
point demonstrates this greater precision across taxa (i.e., points among individuals of the same species (i.e., pairwise com-
for fish, amphibians, and reptiles). To illustrate the impor- parisons) and not the differences in thermal tolerance among species
tance of standardizing methods for the determination of or treatments.
upper-temperature tolerance, we discuss the difficulties in
using data from studies in which widely divergent methods Measures of thermal tolerance
were used and the importance of obtaining thermal tolerance We used the dynamic method, CTMax, for determining thermal
data that can be used for comparisons with ecophysiological tolerance following the methods outlined by Hutchison (1961).
theory and the results of comparative physiology and com- We recorded both LRR and the onset of opercular spasms ( 0 s ) in
parative phylogeny investigations (Felsenstein 1985). A fishes or the onset of muscular spasms in amphibians and reptiles
phylogenetic analysis of these data will be published in a for indices of CTMax, with OS being regarded as the definitive end
separate paper. point (Paulson and Hutchison 1987). We recorded body tempera-
ture (T,) at both end points for completeness of data and for
statistical evaluation. T, for LRR in fishes was recorded when
Materials and methods
they lost equilibrium and demonstrated inverted swimming (e.g.,
Animal collection and acclimation Al-Johany and Yousuf 1993; Korhonen and Lagerspetz 1996;
We collected 439 fish representing 24 species and 9 families, Pyron and Beitinger 1993; Rutledge and Beitinger 1989). OS of fish
33 salamanders representing 4 species and 2 families, 103 frogs was exhibited as disorganized and high-frequency muscular move-
representing 5 species and 3 families, and 35 lizards represent- ments, rigidity of the pectoral fins, and, especially, high-frequency
ing 1 species in the Iguanidae. These animals represent 3 ver- quivering of the opercula. All individuals recovered from exposure
tebrate classes (Actinopterygii, Amphibia, and Reptilia) and to LRR and 0 s . These behaviors seem to fit best the definition of
8 orders (Siluriformes, Cypriniformes, Perciformes, Atherini- CTMax as "the arithmetic means of the collective thermal points
formes, Cyprinodontiformes, Caudata, Anura, Squamata) (Table 1). at which locomotor activity becomes disorganized and the animals
We collected all native fish by seining streams and reservoirs in lose their ability to escape from conditions that will promptly lead
central and south-central Oklahoma. Tilapia nilotica were obtained to their death" (Hutchison 1961).
from aquaculture ponds at the University of Oklahoma. Sala- We placed each fish in a heating chamber to increase T, .by
manders and frogs were collected from central and southeastern 1"C . min-' until LRR and OS were observed. The T, of fish
Oklahoma (Cleveland and LaFlore counties, respectively) and (or) >8.0 cm standard length and (or) 30 g body mass (M,) was

O 1997 NRC Canada

Can. J. Zool. Vol. 75, 1997

Fig. 1. Relationships between body temperature (T,) and associated with each CTMax end point (i.e., LRR and 0 s ) for each
chamber-waterlenvironmental temperature (T,) for Rana species. We then used paired t tests to determine significant differ-
catesbeiana and Lepomis macrochirus during heating at a rate of ences between the means, variances, and SEs associated with LRR
1°C min-I. and OS for all fishes, and amphibians, and reptiles. Paired t tests
were also used to determine if these measures of precision asso-
Time (min) ciated with LRR and OS were consistent for all taxa combined
(Table 2).
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 An a priori natural log transformation for normality was per-
formed on all measures of variance and SE (Bartlett and Kendall
Rana catesbeiana 1946) prior to statistical comparisons of LRR and 0 s . We deter-
(BM = 16.9g; SL = 7.8 cm) mined that all assumptions of normality were met prior to statistical
analyses and used Sigmastat l.OB (Jandel Scientific Software Corp.
Can. J. Zool. Downloaded from by FORDHAM UNIVERSITY on 11/28/12

1994) for all pairwise comparisons and Statview 4.5@ (Abacus

Concepts 1992) for regression analyses.

Tb = Te(0.941)+0.126
Animal care
(F = 1669.61; df = 1,15; P = 0.0001) Animals were collected under authority of permits for scientific
collectors issued by the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conser-
vation. We followed guidelines for use of live animals in field
(BM = 164.7g; SVL = 13.3 cm) research (American Society of Icthyologists and Herpetologists
1987a, 19876). Laboratory study protocols were approved by the
University of Oklahoma Animal Care and Use Committee (Animal
Welfare Assurance No. 73-R-100 on file with the Office for the
Protection of Research Risks). The procedures followed were in
Tb = Te(0.841)-0.362 accordance with the principles and guidelines of the Canadian
Council on Animal Care.
F = 803.43; df = 1,16; P = 0.0001)
For personal use only.

(BM = 16.9g; SL = 7.8 cm)
Measures and statistical comparisons of thermal-tolerance
end points
All 610 individuals of the 34 species demonstrated LRR at
lower temperatures than OS (Fig. 2). All paired t tests
showed that mean temperature was significantly lower for
LRR than for OS in fishes, amphibians and reptiles, and all
taxa combined (Table 2). We observed no size-dependent
effects on either LRR or OS within species.
Significantly greater variances were also associated with
the end point LRR for fishes, amphibians and reptiles, and
all taxa combined (Table 2, Fig. 2). These results show that
OS is a more precise measure of thermal tolerance. An F test
for comparing the homogeneity of within-species variances
of LRR and OS also showed that these variances differed
significantly only when LRR variance was greater than OS
variance (Table 1).
Regression analyses indicated that critical masses when
Tb and waterlenvironment temperature (T,) were equal were
Water Temperature (OC) greater than 164.7 and 43.7 g for a frog and a fish species,
respectively. The relationship between Te and Tb was highly
significant for all four analyses (Fig. I), with Te explaining
measured by inserting a 36 gauge thermocouple into their urogenital
99.1 % of the variance in Tb This suggests the appropriate-
opening (ca. 10- 15 mm into the lower intestine) prior to testing.
The T, of frogs with snout-vent length >9.0 cm and (or) 75 g M, ness of water as a heating medium for ease of controlling
was also measured with a thermocouple. The T, of smaller fishes heating rates for determining CTMax.
and frogs closely followed the chamber-water temperature (Fig. 1) ,
so the use of thermocouples was unnecessary. All M, values for
salamanders and lizards were less than 75 g and no thermocouples Discussion
were used. Measures and statistical comparisons of thermal-tolerance
end points
Statistical analyses Significantly more variance is associated with the end point
Mean LRR and OS were calculated for each species; their asso- LRR than OS for all taxa (Table 2). Additionally, tests for
ciated variances (s2) and standard errors (SE) are also shown the homogeneity of within-species variances of LRR and OS
(Table 1). These measures allowed for the evaluation of precision showed that these variances differed significantly only when

O 1997 NRC Canada

Lutterschmidt and Hutchison

Table 2. Critical thermal maximum (CTMax) end points; results of paired t tests
showing group means (a,
standard deviation (SD), and standard error (SE).
Comparison Group x SD SE

Means of LRR and OS

(t = -12.00, df = 23, P < 0.0001) Mean LRR
Mean OS
Amphibians and reptiles
(t = -9.65, df = 9, P < 0.0001) Mean LRR
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Mean OS
All taxa combined
(t = -13.80, df = 33, P < 0.0001) Mean LRR
Mean OS
ln(variances) of LRR and OS
(t = 3.46, df = 20, P = 0.0025)

Amphibians and reptiles

(t = 3.73, df = 9, P = 0.0047)

All taxa combined

(t = 4.94, df = 30, P < 0.0001)

ln(standard errors) of LRR and OS

For personal use only.

(t = 3.47, df = 20, P = 0.0024) ln(LRR SE)
ln(0S SE)
Amphibians and reptiles
(t = 3.75, df = 9, P = 0.0046) ln(LRR SE)
ln(0S SE)
All taxa combined
(t = 4.95, df = 30, P < 0.0001) ln(LRR SE)
ln(0S SE)
Note: The parameters compared are means and measures of dispersion (i.e., variance and
SE) for loss of righting response (LRR) and the onset of spasms ( 0 s ) in fishes, amphibians and
reptiles, and all taxa combined.

LRR variance was greater than OS variance (Table I). An underlying assumption of any comparative study, how-
Although OS variance was greater than LRR variance for ever, is that all individuals and species have received identical
some species (Table I), the homogeneity of these within- experimental treatments. Without this assumption, we may
species LRR and OS variances did not differ statistically. attribute physiological differences in high-temperature toler-
Specifically, 3 1 variances were compared from paired LRR ance to adaptation when aptation was a cause. Inferring
and OS end points for each species. Of these comparisons, evolutionary changes in physiological traits and function
24 showed LRR variance to be greater than OS variance; from invalid comparisons may lead to biased conclusions.
7 showed OS variance to be greater. However, for these We therefore emphasize the importance of adopting a definitive
seven observations of greater OS variance, there was no and standard end point for measuring CTMax.
significant difference in the homogeneity of variances between We have demonstrated that OS is a more meaningful end
LRR and 0 s . Of the 24 comparisons in which LRR variance point than LRR because of its precision and greater physio-
was greater, 11 differed significantly (P < 0.05). Thus, OS logical relevance. Although OS is more biologically mean-
is a more valuable and meaningful CTMax end point than ingful, we recommend that both LRR and OS be determined
LRR because of its greater precision. and reported (e.g., Berkhouse and Fries 1995) in future
comparisons with the results of past studies. We also encour-
A definitive and standard CTMax end point: its age the use of additional end points, if they are clearly
importance to comparative physiology defined and if the value of OS is determined. Most impor-
Studies in comparative animal physiology involve "the tantly, when comparing and contrasting data on thermal
comparing and contrasting of physiological mechanisms, tolerance among species from different studies, we recom-
processes, or responses of different species of animals, or of mend that investigators consider possible differences in
a single species under differing conditions" (Withers 1992). experimental methods (i .e., acclimation, heating rate, etc.),

O 1997 NRC Canada

Can. J. Zool. Vol. 75, 1997

(a> Temperature (OC)

lctalurus punctatus (20)

Campstoma anomalum (I8)
Carassius auratus (11 )

Cyplinellalutrensis (20)
I -0-
Hybognathusplacitus (26)
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Hybopsis amblops (1)

lctiobus bubalus (1)

Notemigonus crysoleucas (28)

Notropis atherinoides (8)

Phenacobius mirabilis (2)

Pimephales notatus (29)

- o--IDo I

Menidia beryllina (20)

Gambusia affinis (20)

Etheostoma spectabile (19)

Morone saxatilis (3)

5, I
Lepomis cyanellus (15)
For personal use only.

Lepmis gulosus (4) mD0 0 0 . I

Lepomis macrochirus (84)

Lepomis megalotis (59)

I -+ I
Lepomis microlophus (3)

Micropterus dolomieu (1) 0

0 I
Micropteruspunctulatus (5)

Micropterus salmoides (17)

Tilapia nilotica (25)
- l '
. ' I
' .

. .
~ .
. . l . * . . l , d . . . n l n . L ~
~ ~

Notophthalmus viridescens (10)

Plethodon ouachitae (9)

Plethodon richmondi (4)

Desmognathus ochrophaeus (10)

Rana berlandieri (20)

Rana catesbeiana (19)

Rana utricularia (20)

Bufo americanus (24)

Hyla chrysoscelis (20)

Cophosaunrs texanus (35)

26 30 34 38 42 46 50
Temperature ("C)

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Lutterschmidt and Hutchison 1559

Fig. 2. Mean loss of righting response (LRR) and onset of spasms ( 0 s ) for fishes (a) and amphibians and reptiles (b). An open circle
indicates the range, a black rectangle indicates 2SE, and the white line at the midpoint of the black rectangle indicates mean CTMax T,.
Numbers in parentheses are sample sizes.

otherwise ecological and (or) evolutionary conclusions lines for use of live amphibians and reptiles in field research.
drawn from studies in which different protocols were used Allen Press, Lawrence, Kans.
may be invalid. We advocate OS as the most biologically Bartlett, M.S., and Kendall, D.G. 1946. The statistical analysis of
relevant end point and hope that its adoption will facilitate variance heterogeneity and the logarithmic transformation. J. R.
the development of standard definitions and techniques for Stat. Soc. (Suppl.), 8: 128- 138.
Berkhouse, C.S., and Fries, J.N. 1995. Critical thermal maxima of
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making valid comparisons of the results of future studies.

juvenile and adult San Marcos salamanders (Eurycea nana).
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A plea is once again made for a better appreciation of the Biol. 24: 134-167.
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consideration of the methods used for determining thermal Park fishes. Publ. Ont. Fish. Res. Lab. No. 63. pp. 5-49.
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In nature, animals continually adjust to fluctuations in envi- amphibians: eastern and central North America. 3rd ed. Houghton
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pletely the entire holocoenotic environment and its variations Cowles, R.B., and Bogert, C.M. 1944. A preliminary study of the
thermal requirements of desert reptiles. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat.
in the laboratory, we must recognize that many environmen- Hist. 83: 261 -296.
tal factors may influence thermal tolerance and its measure- Felsenstein, J. 1985. Phylogenies and the comparative method.
ment. Animals' tolerance of a single environmental factor Am. Nat. 125: 1-15.
y . ch as temperature is typically greater than their tolerance Folk, G. E., Jr. 1974. Textbook of environmental physiology.
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We thank R.D. Durtsche, P.W. Lienesch, G.A. Marvin, Jandel Scientific Software. Corp. 1994. Sigmastat@ 1.0. Jandel
J.F. Schaefer, and W .L. Shelton for help in animal collection. Scientific Software Corp., San Rafael, Calif.
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M.A. Smale, L.L. Wallace, and L.J. Vitt for reviews of the response and thermal acclimation in Asellus aquaticus. J. Therm.
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Conservancy (Oklahoma Chapter) to W .I.L. We also thank (Washington, D.C.), 122: 73 -74.
C .C. Vaughn (Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory) and Lutterschmidt, W.I., and Hutchison, V.H. 1997. The critical
J .N. Thompson (Department Chair of Zoology, University thermal maximum: history and critique. Can. J. Zool. 75:
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