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Blood Sugar Levels: Momordica Charantia - An Important Breakthrough In The Treat

ment Of Diabetes And Obesity

Date: 01/01/04

Many diabetics, including those suffering from Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, are de
pendent on medication to keep their blood sugar levels down. This is important a
s persistently high levels can cause kidney failure, loss of vision, damage to t
he nerves of the feet, skin ulcers, memory loss and heart problems.
There are a number of drugs that doctors can prescribe to lower blood sugar leve
ls and avoid these problems. They work in a variety of ways, such as limiting th
e amount of sugar being absorbed by the bowel; increasing the production of the
hormone insulin which helps cells assimilate sugar, and restricting the amount o
f new sugar molecules being formed in the liver.
The problem with these prescription-only drugs for diabetes is that they can cau
se dangerous side effects including nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, liver problems
and jaundice. For this reason, many scientists have shifted their attention away
from synthetic drugs to investigate natural compounds instead.
One natural remedy that is proving to be an excellent alternative is Momordica c
harantia. It has been found to be just as effective as a prescription-only drug
called glibenclamide at reducing blood sugar levels and without causing any adve
rse effects (J Ethnopharmacol 2003, 88(1): 107-111).
Momordica - also know as bitter melon, Karela or balsam pear - is a plant that g
rows in tropical locations such as Asia, East Africa, The Caribbean and South Am
erica. The extract from the unripe fruit of the plant - a rich source of vitamin
C, vitamin A and iron - has long been used as a medicine by Ayurvedic (ancient
Indian) practitioners to treat many conditions, including diabetes, viral infect
ions and even cancer.
Momordica works in much the same way as insulin to reduce blood sugar levels
Dozens of studies have shown that Momordica is effective, both in terms of reduc
ing blood sugar levels and preventing complications that can develop as a result
of the disease (Fitotherapia 2003, 74(1-2):7-13). For example, an animal study
performed at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences revealed that the fruit
extract was able to reduce the risk of cataract - a well-known diabetic complic
ation - by almost 100 per cent, following just four months of treatment (Phytoth
er Res 2002 16(8):774-777).
Following a large review study, which assessed the effectiveness of various plan
t remedies for treating diabetes, scientists from the Division for Research and
Education in Complementary and Integrative Medical Therapies at Harvard Medical
School claimed that Momordica was one of the best herbal remedies for fighting t
he disease.
The scientists reviewed all of the available medical literature on plants and su
pplements for diabetes - in total these studies involved 4,565 diabetic patients
. The final conclusion was that Momordica, alongside other plants like Gymnema s
ylvestre, which we've previously reported on in NHR, was extremely beneficial in
terms of lowering blood sugar levels and preventing diabetic-related complicati
ons (Diabetes Care 2003, 26(4):1277-1294).
In another study, US scientists from the Natural Standard laboratory, in Cambrid
ge, Massachusetts, reviewed the general actions of Momordica on blood sugar meta
bolism. They highlighted the fact that certain components of Momordica resemble
the chemical structure of the hormone insulin, which gives a valuable insight in
to exactly how Momordica works. Like insulin it is able to stimulate the cells t
o utilise glucose more effectively, and also appears to be able to reduce the pr
oduction of excess glucose from the liver (Am J Health Syst Pharm 2003, 60(4):35
A natural way to speed up your metabolism and prevent cancer
Not only is Momordica proving highly effective for lowering blood sugar levels,
but animal studies have found that it can help reduce body fat too. Chinese rese
archers working at the Department of Zoology, University of Hong Kong, have foun
d that Momordica improves fat metabolism and can significantly reduce abdominal
fat in diabetic animals that are also obese (J Nutr 2003, 133(4):1088-1093).
Again, this has important implications for diabetic patients who have a tendency
to accumulate fat, particularly around the abdominal area, as a result of an in
ability to utilise fat efficiently.
Momordica is also proving promising in the treatment of cancer. In a study perfo
rmed at the Lampang Regional Cancer Centre in Thailand, doctors examined the eff
ects of Momordica on women with cancer of the cervix.
The three-month study involved 95 women in total, some of whom had cancer and ot
hers who were cancer-free and in good overall health. The women were randomly di
vided into two groups, one group was given Momordica extracts to take and the re
st received treatment with placebo.
At the end of the study, the researchers found that there was an increase in the
activity of anti-cancerous cells called Natural Killer cells - these cells are
able to identify cancerous cells and destroy them (J Med Assoc Thai 2003, 86(1):
Further studies are now under way to evaluate Momordica's anti-cancer benefits f
urther, and obviously NHR will keep you fully updated on the findings as they be
come available.
What to take for best results
The recommended dosage for Momordica is one 750mg capsule of standardised extrac
t taken one to three times a day (or as otherwise directed on the product's labe
WARNING: Individuals with hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar) should not take Momord
ica as it is likely to aggravate the problem. And because it alters blood sugar
status so effectively, those with diabetes should only take it under the supervi
sion of their GP who can keep a close eye on changes in blood sugar levels. Preg
nant women should not take Momordica.

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