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f(x) = f (x)
Ng Wee Leng and ho Foo him present a detailed set of arguments

necdotal evidence suggests that in solving decreasing, f(a) > f(b) which implies that a > b,
the equation f(x) = f -1(x), where f is a a contradiction.
given function whose inverse function f -1 On the other hand, Result 3 follows from the
exists, many students have been taught to solve,
properties of an inverse function.
instead, the equation f(x) = x. No convincing
explanation on why this method works, if at all, Lastly, Result 4 is true because if f(a) = f -1(a)
has been given by many of the teachers who use where a lies in the domain D on which both the
this approach. As a matter of fact, f(x) = x is a functions f and f -1 are defined, then we let
sufficient, but not necessary, condition for b = f -1 (a), which lies in D, and f(b) = a, as
f(x) = f -1(x).
Results 1 and 2 show that while the method of
In this article, we will discuss the concepts, solving the equation f(x) = x for all the solutions
and misconceptions, related to the above
of the equation f(x) = f -1(x) will work if f is
mathematical problem, and suggest how
increasing, in cases where the given function is
teachers might better explain, possibly with the
decreasing in the entire domain, or in an interval
aid of technology, various methods of solving the
which is a subset of the domain, solving f(x) = x
equation f(x) = f -1(x).
may not yield all the solutions of f(x) = f -1(x).
Relevant Results As expressing the inverse function of a bijective
We begin with four results related to solving the function f in closed form might not always be
equation f(x) = f -1(x). possible, defining the composite function ff
explicitly is, however, straightforward. Result 3
Result 1 thus provides us with a method of solving the
If a function f is increasing in the domain D on equation f(x) = f -1(x) completely. Note that only
which its inverse function f -1 exists, and a lies in solutions which lie in the domain on which ff is
D, then f (a) = f -1(a) if and only if f(a) = a. defined are admissible. If the inverse function
of a given function can be expressed explicitly,
Result 2 we can of course solve the equation f(x) = f -1(x),
If a function f is decreasing in the domain D, then bearing in mind that only solutions lie in the
the equation f(x) = x has at most one solution. domain on which both f and f -1 are defined are
Result 3
Result 4 provides a geometrical interpretation
If a function f is defined in the domain D on
of the solutions of the equation f(x) =f -1(x) as
which its inverse function f -1 and the composite follows. Each solution is either the abscissa of a
function ff exist, then f(x) = f -1(x) if and only if point of intersection of the graph of f with the line
ff(x) = x. y = x, which is the line of symmetry of the graphs
Result 4 of f and f -1, or the abscissa of a point on the
graph of f of which another point on the graph of
If a function f is defined in the domain D on f is the ‘mirror image’ about the line y = x.
which its inverse function f -1 exists, and a lies in Result 4 also suggests that solving the equations
D, then f(a) = f -1(a) if and only if there exists b f(a) = b, and f(b) = a simultaneously for a and b
which lies in D such that f(a) = b and f(b) = a. will yield all the solutions of the equation
It is easy to understand why Result 1 holds true; f(x) = f -1(x).
if f(a) = f -1(a) and say f(a) > a, then since f is
Teachers could explain these concepts by using
increasing on D, we have suitable examples to show the various situations
f(a) > a = f(f(a)) > f(a) = f -1(a), a contradiction. with the aid of graphing tools. What follows is an
Result 2 is true for otherwise, say illustration of this approach. The graphing tool we
f(a) = a, f(b) = b and a < b, then as f is used is GeoGebra which is free software.

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ON SOLvINg ThE EquATION F(x) = F (x)

Some Examples to Illustrate the Concepts

and Misconceptions

given a function g, we shall denote its domain

as Dg and its range as Rg.

Example 1
The function f is given by f (x) = 7 - 3x , x # .
Find the solution(s) of the equation f(x) = f -1(x).
First note that f is decreasing on its domain Df =

and Rf = 60, 3h . Thus both f and f -1

are defined on 80, 7 B. Let y = 7 - 3x . Then 7

3 Figure 1: graphs of f (x) = 7 - 3x , and
x # its inverse
function intersect at 3 points, A, B and C.
7 - y2
y2 = 7 – 3x and so x= .
It follows that f -1(x) = , x $ 0. Alternatively, we solve the equation ff(x) = x. It is
easy to see that Dff = 8 27 , 3 B, and so we
14 7
Let’s first solve the equation f(x) = x which is
equivalent to x2 + 3x – 7 = 0 and whose solutions
solve 7 - 3 7 - 3x = x,
- 3 ! 37
for x in the interval 8
are x = . Since f and f -1 are defined on 14 7 B
27 3 which, as before,
2 , ,
80, 7 B , we accept only x =
- 3 + 37
. 1.54 leads to the equation 7 - x2 and
3 2 7 - 3x =
as a solution of the equation f(x) = f -1(x). the solutions as obtained above.
have we found all the solutions of f(x) = f (x)? -1
We could also solve the equations 7 - 3a = b
Let’s graph the functions f and f -1 with the aid of and 7 - 3b = a simultaneously for a and b.
a graphing tool. From the graph above - see
Figure 1, we can see that there are 3 points Note that b2 = 7 – 3a, and a2 = 7 – 3b, implying
of intersections, namely A(1.54, 1.54), B(2, 1) and
C(1, 2). That is, the solutions to the equation
b2 – a2 = 3(b – a), or equivalently,
f(x) = f -1(x) are x = 1, x = 1.54, and x = 2. In other (b – a)(b + a – 3) = 0. If a = b, then a2 = 7 – 3a
words, solving f(x) = x does not yield all the - 3 + 37 since a > 0.
solutions of f(x) = f -1 (x). Note that point A lies on whose solution is ,
the line y = x while points B and C are reflections
If a + b = 3, then 3 - a = 7 - 3a , and thus
of each other about the line y = x, as described in
Result 4. 9 – 6a + a2 = 7 – 3a. hence, a2 – 3a + 2 = 0,
To find all the solutions of the equation that is (a – 1)(a – 2) = 0, and therefore the roots
f(x) = f -1(x) we could solve the equation directly in are a = 1, or a = 2.
this case since f -1 can be explicitly defined. That
is, we solve the equation Example 2
7 - x2 x3 - 1 1
7 - 3x =
3 which leads to the quartic Let f (x) =
5x3 - 1 for x ! 5 . Find the

equation x4 - 14x2 + 27x - 14 = 0. Factorising the

solution(s) of the equation f(x) = f -1(x).
quartic expression we obtain
With the aid of a graphing tool, we graph the
(x - 1)(x - 2)(x2 + 3x - 7) = 0.
Admitting only values in the interval 80, 3 B, the
7 function f as shown below - see figure 2, and
observe that the graph of f does not intersect the
required solutions are x = 1, 2, and - 3 + 37 . line y = x.

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ON SOLvINg ThE EquATION F(x) = F (x) -1

Does that mean that the equation f(x) =f -1(x)

has no solution? Certainly not! As shown in the
graph, points A and A’, and respectively B and
B’, are reflections of each other about the line
y = x.
Thus there are four solutions to the equation
f(x) = f -1(x).

x3 - 1
Figure 3: The graphs of f (x) = and its
5x3 - 1
inverse function intersect at four points.

We can also solve the equation ff(x) = x where

x3 (31x 6 - 18x3 + 3)
ff (x) = .
30x 9 - 15x6 + 1
To this end, we solve the equation
x3 - 1
Figure 2 : The graph of f (x) = 3 does not x(30x9 - 31x8 - 15x6 + 18x5 - 3x2 + 1) = 0 which is
5x - 1
intersect the line y = x equivalent to
x(x - 1)(3x2 - x - 1)(10x6 + 3x5 + 4x4 - 3x3 + x2 + 1) = 0
To further verify that f(x) = f -1(x) has four On the other hand, the equation f(x) = x which
solutions, we also graph the function f -1
which leads to the equation 5x4 - x3 - x + 1 = 0 has no
x-1 real roots.
is given by f - 1 (x) = 3
5x - 1 Indeed,
As in Example 1, we could also solve the
the graphs of f and f -1, as shown in figure equation f(a) = b and f(b) = a simultaneously for
3, intersect at four points. To find the exact
a and b. To this end, we first let
solutions of f(x) = f -1(x), we can solve the
equation directly, which entails solving the a3 - 1 and a = b3 - 1 .
equation 5a3 - 1 5b3 - 1
(x3 -1)3 (5x -1) - (5x3 -1)3(x -1) = 0 Then a3 - 1 = b(5a3 - 1) and b3 - 1 = a(5b3 - 1).
or, the equivalent equation Thus a3 – b3 = 5ba3 – b – 5ab3 + a
120x10 - 124x9 - 60x7 - 72x6 - 12x3 + 4x = 0. = 5ab(a2 – b2) + a – b or, equivalently,
Factorising the polynomial in x yields the (a – b)(a2 + ab + b2 – 5ab(a + b) – 1) = 0,
equation implying
4x(x -1)(3x2 - x -1)(10x6 + 3x5 + 4x4 - 3x3 + x2 + 1) = 0 a = b or a2 + ab + b2 – 5ab(a + b) – 1 = 0.

The roots of 3x2 - x - 1 = 0 are 1 ! 13 whereas If a = b then a3 – 1 = a(5a3 – 1) and thus

6 5a4 – a3 – a + 1 = 0 which has no real roots.
10x6 + 3x5 + 4x4 - 3x3 + x2 + 1 = 1 has no real roots.
hence the four solutions are x = 0, x = 1, and + ab + b2 – 5ab(a + b) – 1 = 0, we substitute
If a2
1 ! 13 a3 - 1 into a2 + ab + b2 – 5ab(a + b) – 1 = 0
x= . b= 3
6 5a - 1
and obtain the equation

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ON SOLvINg ThE EquATION F(x) = F (x)

a(6a5 – 5a4 – a3 – 2a2 + a + 1) = 0. With the help of a graphing tool, we could trace
Factorising the polynomial in a, we obtain the the graph of f to verify that for every point (a, b)
on the graph of f such that a ! 1 and b ! 1, its
equation a(a – 1)(2a2 + a + 1)(3a2 – a – 1) = 0.
reflection (b, a) about the line y = x also lies on
The roots of the equation 3a2 – a – 1 are the graph of f. It then follows from Result 4 that
1 ! 13 , whereas 2a2 + a + 1 = 0 has no real the solution set of the equation f(x) = f -1(x) is the
6 real line excluding 1.
roots. hence the four solutions are a = 0, a = 1,
1 ! 13
and a = . The roots of the equation f(x) = f -1(x), if they exist,
6 can be obtained by solving f(x) = x if f is
Example 3 increasing in a domain on which its inverse
x-2 function exists. A solution may not exist for
Let f (x) = , x ! 1. Find the solution(s)
x-1 example, when f(x) = x + e x which is increasing
of the equation f(x) = f -1(x). for all real x, but whose graph lies entirely above
the line y = x, or there could be one or more
From the graph below - see Figure 4, we observe
solutions for example, the graph of f given by
that the function f is self-inverse. Indeed, it is f(x) = 2x + e x cuts the line y = x exactly once,
easy to see that whereas that of g given by g(x) = 3 - x + e x-2
x-2 intersects the line y = x exactly twice.
y= & yx - y = x - 2, giving
x-1 From the three examples given in the previous
y-2 -1 x-2 section, we know that the method of solving
x= . Thus f (x) = x - 1 , x ! 1. f(x) = x fails to obtain all the solutions of the
equation f(x) = f -1(x) if the function f is a self-
Therefore the solution set of the equation inverse function, or if there exist real numbers a
f(x) = f -1 (x) is the set of all real numbers and b, a ! b, such that the points (a, b), and (b,
excluding 1. The equation ff(x) = x will also a) both lie on the graph of f.
yield the same solution set since for every On the other hand, solving the equation
ff(x) = x will always yield all the solutions of
real number x except 1, ff(x) = x. however, the
the equation f(x) = f -1(x), and that given the
equation f(x) = x will yield no real roots as the expression for f(x), ff(x) can always be expressed
graph of f does not intersect the line y = x explicitly. Exact solution(s) can be found if the
x-2 former equation leads to a polynomial equation
The graph of f (x) = , x ! 1. is the same with radical roots. Otherwise, with the aid of a
as that of its inverse function. graphing tool, numerical solutions of the equation
can always be found.
Finally, to solve the equation f(x) = f -1(x), we first
determine whether the function f is increasing.
If it is, we solve the equation f(x) = x for x in the
domain on which both f and f -1 are defined. If
it is not, we solve the equation ff(x) = x for x in
the domain on which the composite function ff is
defined. We can also solve the equations f(a) =
b and f(b) = a for a and b simultaneously as the
solution set of f(x) = f -1(x) is the set of all such a,
b. however, in most cases finding
all such a and b analytically may not
be easy, unless a computer algebra
system is available.

Ng Wee Leng is an assistant professor at the

National Institute of Education, Nanyang
Technological University, Singapore.
Ho Foo Him is a teaching fellow at the National
Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological
University, Singapore.
Figure 4: Point A traces out point A’

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