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OD1747 A


Subcourse OD1747

Edition A

United States Army Combined Arms Support Command

Fort Lee, VA 23801-1809

10 Credit Hours


This subcourse is the first of four subcourses devoted to basic instruction in refrigeration and air

This subcourse explains the fundamentals of electricity and their application in the refrigeration process.
It discusses circuits, motors, and troubleshooting. This is followed by a discussion of fundamentals and the
maintenance of the gasoline engine. The theory of refrigeration is also explained based on the characteristics of

Unless otherwise stated, whenever the masculine gender is used, both men and women are included.

WITHIN THE LAST 20 years refrigeration has become a vital part of American economy. Not only does
nearly every household have its own private machine for the manufacture of ice and cold, but the vast industry of
transporting, storing, and selling fresh foods would collapse overnight without the facilities to preserve fruits,
meats, and vegetables. Furthermore, many amazing therapies of medical science depend upon refrigeration.

All over the world the Army maintains bases equipped with the latest war materiel for keeping the peace or
for defending our country. The men who man these bases must have suitable working conditions, proper food,
and the best hospital treatment possible. In accomplishing these tasks, the Army makes use of every phase of
refrigeration. Consequently, it must have men who will make a career of installing and maintaining the many
refrigeration units it owns.

This course is offered to personnel who wish to improve their knowledge of the science of refrigeration. This
memorandum explains the fundamental reactions which make up the process of present-day refrigeration. It
should help the man who is interested in increasing his knowledge of refrigeration. Review exercises are at the
end of each chapter.


Grateful acknowledgement is made to Allied Chemical Corporation; E. I. du Pont

Nemours and Company, Inc., and the American Society of Heating,
Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers for permission to use illustrations
from their publications.



Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................i

Acknowledgement........................................................................................................................................ ii


1 Principles of Electricity .................................................................................................................................1

2 Fundamentals of Gasoline Engines .............................................................................................................41

3 Physics of Refrigeration ..............................................................................................................................48

4 Refrigerants .................................................................................................................................................58


Appendix .....................................................................................................................................................66

Answer to Review Exercises .......................................................................................................................77


Principles of Electricity

We all use electrical equipment, such a lights, radio, 1-4. Electricity is often referred to as static electricity or
television, electric stove and heaters, refrigerators, air dynamic electricity. A generator is said to produce
conditioners and many more. We use these items many dynamic electricity, and from this comes the word
times a day and accept them as a matter of course. As “dynamo” as another name for a generator. This is a
long as the electrical equipment operates properly, we machine which converts mechanical energy to electrical
accept it with little concern about what actually takes energy. Generally speaking, we are able to control
place. Each of these devices operates because electric dynamic electricity so that it is a useful force which we
current flows through it. can put to work. A battery is also a source of dynamic
2. To understand how electricity functions, you need electricity which we can control. The chemical action in
to know the theory of electricity. The word "electric" is a battery produces electrical energy which has three
derived from the Greek word meaning "amber." The useful applications in an automobile. It drives the electric
ancient Greeks used the word describe the strange force motor which starts the engine. It supplies energy to the
of attraction and repulsion that was exhibited by amber spark plugs as heat for ignition, and the car lamps also use
after it had been rubbed with a cloth. By knowing what electrical energy for light. The car's generator recharges
electricity does, people have long ago developed theories the battery and supplies the electric power when the
which now are proving productive. engine is running. Generators and batteries are the most
3. After centuries of experimentation by the world’s widely used sources of dynamic electricity. Now let's
greatest scientists, laws by which electricity operates are discuss static electricity and its effects.
becoming more widely known and better understood. 1-5. The effects of static electricity can be observed
Also, the world has arrived at a generally accepted theory in dry weather when you run a comb through your hair.
of the composition of matter. Therefore you must learn The crackling you hear is the result of small discharges of
about “matter” and certain magnetic effects exhibited by electricity, and in a dark room you can see the tiny flashes
matter. of light a mirror. Lightning in a summer storm is the
violent discharge of tremendous static charges.
1. Electrical Fundamentals

1-1. Matter means all substance - solids, liquids, and

gases. Today, the accepted theory is that matter is
composed of three long-lived particles and many more
short-lived particle. We are concerned only with one of
the three long-lived particles - the electrons.
1-2. Electron Flow. Where there is a general
movement of electrons in one direction, an electric
current flows. The electrons together with protons
(positively charged particles) and neutrons (neutral
particles), make up atoms, of which all substances are
composed. The protons and neutrons are in the nucleus
(center of atom) and generally do not move about within a
substance. The remainder of the atom is composed of
electrons, which are in constant motion about the nucleus.
1-3. Electrons move at a high rate of speed in orbit
around the nucleus and carry a negative charge. The
electrons apparently do not bunch up as the protons do in
the nucleus. An atom may be compared to our planetary
system, with the sun as the nucleus and the earth and
other planets representing the electrons. This is illustrated
in figure 1, which shows the similarity between a
hydrogen atom and our earth-sun system. More complex
atoms have a larger nucleus and additional electrons. The
electrons are considered to be relatively loose and are
usually considered to be that which make up an electric
current or flow.
Figure 1. Structure of atoms compared to earth and sun.

A charge accumulates over a period of time, and when it battery is then released, performing the work of lighting
becomes great enough to overcome the resistance of the the lights. The voltage is expended in the lights in the
air, a bolt of lightning occurs. Static electricity is the form of heat and light. Remember that voltage is
result of friction which dislodges enough electrons to electrical pressure.
form a charge. When the charge becomes very great, the 1-8. The current flow is made possible by closing the
accumulated energy is released in the form of electrical switch which lowers the resistance to the voltage. Since
energy accomplished by lightning and thunder. this circuit has a relatively high resistance, the lamps
1-6. The next discussion will cover the three most could be burned for several hours before the battery
common terms in electricity: “voltage,” “current,” and would be discharged. The starter for the engine has a
“resistance.” These three words are probably the most very low resistance, so it will draw a large current from
important in electrical fundamentals. If you understand the battery. It uses so much energy that the battery may
the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance, become completely discharged by operating the starter for
you will have a good foundation on which to build your just a few minutes. This is reasonable because the starter
knowledge of electricity. Therefore, it is important that is doing more work (converting electrical energy into
you learn the meaning of these terms. Since electricity mechanical energy) than are the car lights. With the
cannot be seen, we will present visual comparisons to foregoing discussion in mind, let us now consider concise
help you in understanding the relationships. definitions of our electrical terms.
1-7. Voltage is one of the several terms which mean Voltage is electrical pressure.
the same thing. These terms are: “voltage,” “potential,” Current is the movement of electrons.
“electromotive force (emf),” “potential difference,” and Resistance is the opposition to current flow.
“electrical pressure.” The last term, “electrical pressure,” 1-9. Voltage is measured in volts. Current is
comes close to telling what voltage is. For example, the measured in amperes. Resistance is measured in ohms.
voltage of a battery is like water pressure in a hose when One volt is the electrical pressure required to cause 1
the nozzle is closed. This is called potential energy, not ampere of current to flow through a resistance of 1 ohm.
performing work. When the nozzle is opened, the water Scientists have made experiments which show that 6280
is forced out by the pressure, thus doing work. This may trillion electrons pass a given point each second when
be related to closing an electrical switch, such as turning there is 1 ampere of current in a circuit.
on your automobile lights. The potential energy of your

1-10. Resistance to electric current is present in all high enough; otherwise, there could not be the electrical
matter, but one material may have much more resistance discharge which appears in a lightning strobe.
than another. Air, rubber, glass, and porcelain have so 1-11. Metals are good conductors of electricity but
much resistance that they are called insulators and are some are better than others. Copper and silver are both
used to confine electricity to its proper circuit. The good conductors of electricity because of their relatively
rubber covering on the wires to an electric lamp prevents low resistance. Aluminum is not as good, but is used for
the wires from touching each other and causing a short long overhead spans because of its light weight. Iron is a
circuit. The rubber also protects a person who is using the poor conductor, although it is used in combination with
lamp so that he does not receive an electric shock. Air aluminum for added strength. Alloys of nickel and
acts as an insulator whenever a light switch is opened. chromium are used in heater element to provide a specific
Air fills the gap between the open contacts of the switch, resistance which passes enough current to heat the wires
and no current flows because of the high resistance. to a red glow. The alloy makes it possible to operate at
However, even air may at as a conductor if the voltage is high temperatures without melting. Copper is

Figure 2. Copper wire size and resistance.

relatively cheap and a good conductor; it is the most
widely used for wiring circuits.
1-12. The resistance of a copper wire is determined
by three things: the cross-sectional area, the length, and
the temperature. In normal temperature ranges the change
in resistance is very small. The main factors of resistance
are the area or cross section of a wire and its length. A
wire with a larger diameter will have a greater cross-
sectional area than will a smaller wire, and consequently
less resistance. A long wire will have more resistance
than a short one. Figure 2 shows the relationship between
wire size and resistance. The first column gives the wire
by number. A No. 40 wire is about the diameter of a hair.
Sizes larger than No. 4/0 (spoken as four aught) are given
in thousands of circular mil (350 MCM is 350,000
circular mils). The column at the right gives the
resistance in ohms for 1000 feet of wire. One thousand Figure 4. Pattern of a magnetic field.
feet of No. 10 copper wire has a resistance of about 1
ohm. The safe current carrying capacity is given in three affect it. When the north pole of a bar magnet is brought
columns which show the effects of insulation and conduit close to the north pole of the compass needle, they will
on the heat radiation ability of the conductor. repel each other, as shown in figure 3; but there is a
1-13. Magnet Characteristics. Magnetism related strong attraction between a north pole and a south pole.
to electricity as heat is related to light. Whenever light is This illustrates the fundamental law of magnetism which
produced, we have heat; and wherever electricity is says that like poles repel while unlike poles attract.
produced in the form of an electric current, we have Between two magnets there is a magnetic field made up
magnetism. However, heat can be made without visible of lines of force.
light and magnetism can be detected without an electric 1-15. This field around a magnet can be shown by
current. The effects of magnetism make a good starting placing a sheet of glass or paper over a bar magnet. As
place toward an understanding of electricity. Many of the iron filings are sprinkled over the surface, they assume a
fundamental laws can be demonstrated by simple definite pattern, as shown n figure 4. The magnetic field
experiments which you can perform for yourself. is strongest at the poles of the magnet, where the lines of
1-14. A magnetic compass needle, a bar magnet, and force are bunched closely together. Lines of force follow
some iron filings are the main things required. The a uniform distribution and never cross each other. A
compass needle will point toward the magnetic poles of magnetic field may be distorted by iron or influenced by
the earth unless iron or steel objects are close enough to another magnetic field. A piece of soft iron will
concentrate the lines of force in a field. In the same
manner, two unlike poles brought near each other will
have their fields linked up in common with each other.
1-16. Lodestone is a natural magnet which has been
known for many centuries. From it the first compass
needles were fashioned. Artificial magnets are made by
exposing metal to a strong magnetic field. Hardened iron
will retain magnetism over a long period of time. Alloys
of aluminum and nickel make even stronger magnets.
1-17. The relationship between electricity and
magnetism can be demonstrated by a strong electric
current passing through a conductor. If iron filings are
sprinkled over a piece of cardboard, as shown in figure 5,
they will show a pattern of rings surrounding the
Figure 3. Attraction and repulsion between magnets. conductor. A sensitive compass held near the wire will
line up at right angles to the wire, showing that the lines
of force have a definite direction. The compass needle

will swing around 180° if the current in the conductor is
reversed. This requires direct current (dc) such as we get
from a battery. The current from a battery is said to have
only one direction, so it is called direct current. By
reversing the connections of a circuit to a battery, the
current in that circuit may be made to take the opposite
1-18. The magnetic field produced by a single
straight conductor is relatively weak. However, the field
can be concentrated by forming the conductor into a coil.
In this form a coil carrying an electric current shows a
magnetic pattern similar to that of a bar magnet. The coil
develops a north pole at one end and a south pole at the
other end. The polarity may be determined by the left-
hand rule which states, “If the coil is grasped with the left
hand with the fingers pointing in the direction of electron
flow (negative to positive), then the thumb will point
toward the north pole of the coil.” Electrons have a Figure 6. Magnetic field produced by a coil.
negative charge so they are attracted by a positive charge.
Consequently, the electron movement in a circuit is from built up with thin sheets of soft iron which serve to insure
negative to positive. The electron movement in the the loss of magnetism when the magnetizing force is
conductor is indicated by two arrows figure 6. removed. An example of this is an electromagnet used
1-19. Most coils are formed around an iron core for picking up and moving scrap iron in a salvage yard.
because the core intensifies the magnetic field. The coil The magnet is hung from a crane and may pick up a ten or
with its iron core is called a solenoid. Air offers more of iron at one time. When the load is moved into
resistance to the lines of force, which is called reluctance. position to be dropped, the current to the coils is shut off.
Iron has less reluctance than air so that the lines of force The loss of magnetism in the core allows the load to fall.
will choose a path through iron rather than air when there The strength of the field of an electromagnet is
is a choice. Forming the iron into the shape of a determined by the number of turns of wire in the coils and
horseshoe makes less distance between the poles of a the magnitude of the current.
magnet, and the field is more concentrated. Soft iron is 1-20. Electron Movement and Effects. Electrons
used for the core in electromagnets, as it will lose its flowing through conductors cause several effects. We
magnetism when the current in the coil stops. The core is shall discuss some of these briefly.
1-21. Heat. Heat is generated as the electrons flow
through the conductor. The electric coffeemaker, electric
stove or heater, and such items are examples of this effect
that we see each day. Light is a side effect of the heat
1-22. Light. An incandescent lamp is made up of a
filament (conductor) inclosed in an evacuated envelope.
As current passes through the filament, it is heated to the
point of glowing. If no air is allowed into the envelope,
the filament will last a long time.
1-23. When electrons flow through an ionized gas at
the right pressure and value, the gas will glow. Also, if a
stream of electrons strikes certain compounds, the
compounds will glow. Your TV picture gives a picture
because of this effect.
1-24. Chemical. The chemical effect of electron
movement is important. If electrons are forced to move
through a solution of certain chemicals, one of the
elements in the solution will come out of the solution in
its natural state.

Figure 5. Electric current produces magnetic field.

Figure 7. Basic electrical symbols.

Thus, if an electric current is sent through a solution of 1-32. Safety. Anyone working with electricity must
copper sulphate, pure copper is deposited on one of the always be on his guard because of the dangers involved
contacts immersed in the solution. A stream of electrons with electricity. Follow all rules. The basic rule is to
reaching a contact immersed in a solution can change the keep clear of lines or equipment when they are energized.
chemical makeup of the contact. Do not put yourself in such a position that your body may
1-25. Magnetism. Magnetic field, identical to those become part of the circuit. Rules cannot be written to
discussed previously are produced as a direct result of cover every situation; your own good judgment must
electron movements within a conductor. govern your actions. The man who always practices
1-26. Electromagnetic Fields. The magnetic fields safety will establish good working habits so that he will
produced by electric currents are called electromagnetic naturally do his work in a safe manner. The man who
fields and are composed of lines of force like all other neglects safety is a menace to himself and to those
magnetic fields. For example, in the field around a working around him. Carelessness or a devil-may-care
straight wire (conductor) carrying current the lines of attitude should not be tolerated; either will eventually lead
force are concentric circles. The force of the field is to the destruction of life or property.
strongest close to the wire, and it weakens rapidly the 1-33. Study the information in figure 7 so that you
greater the distance from the wire. can recognize and identify each item. These symbols will
1-27. To determine the direction of the magnetic be used in this chapter to make schematic diagrams of
field about a current-carrying wire, use the left-hand circuits. The purpose and application of these device will
thumb rule which states, “Hold your left hand as if be explained in the discussion of circuits.
grasping the wire in such a way that your thumb points in 1-34. An example of the use of symbols is shown in
the direction of the current (electron) flow. The fingers of figure 8. The upper part shows a picture of a toaster, a
your left hand will then point in the direction of the percolator, and a hot plate. Each of these has a resistance
magnetic field about the wire.” element which converts electricity into heat when the
1-28. The magnetic field associated with a loop of appliance is plugged into an outlet. The lower part of the
wire is much the same as the field of a bar magnet. The figure show how these items would be repre-
loop has poles similar to those of a bar magnet, with lines
of force emerging from the north pole and entering the
south pole. The left-hand rule applied to the loop of wire
will show you which is the north and which is the south
1-29. If equal currents pass through a coil of wire
consisting of 8 closely wound turns and through a single-
turn loop of the same diameter as the coil, the magnetic
fields will be almost identical in direction at every point.
However, the magnetic field strength of the 8-turn coil
will be approximately 8 times that of the single loop.
This is because the fields of the 8 turns are virtually
parallel to each other at every point and their effects are
cumulative at every point.
1-30. If you spread out the 8 turns into a helical coil
the magnetic field between the turns will be very weak.
This is because the fields of adjacent turns will be
opposite in direction and will tend to cancel each other.
Inside and outside the coil they will be strong, for they
will be cumulative. The net result will be a strong field of
fairly uniform intensity, represented by nearly straight
lines of force both inside and outside the coil.
1-31. Both of the coils, the one closely wound and
the other spread apart, will each have a north pole at one
end and a south pole at the other. The direction of the
field will depend upon the direction of the current flow.
Figure 8. Comparison between picture and symbol

Figure 9. Inducing voltage by moving a conductor through a field.

sented in a schematic diagram. Each item is shown by the 2-3. The electrical power output from a generator
same resistance symbol and must be identified with labels may be either direct current (dc) or alternating current
to distinguish which is which. Notice how much simpler (ac), depending upon the construction. However, in
the schematic diagram appears and yet it conveys the principle, the rotating coils and the magnetic field through
same information from an electrical standpoint as the which they turn are the same for both types of generators.
more complex picture. You could easily draw the The primary difference between ac and dc generators is
diagram in less than a minute and it would tell another the method by which the current is taken from the
technician the same story - that there were three machine.
appliances connected to a suitable source. 2-4. In a generator we have two set of coils and a
field: one set of coils is in motion and the other set of
2. Production of Electromotive Force coils acts as an electromagnet to set up a magnetic field.
Figure 9 shows how a conductor moving across a
2-1. A generator is a machine which converts magnetic field has a voltage induced in it. The
mechanical energy into electrical energy. First, the galvanometer connected to the conductor has the zero
generator must have some source of mechanical energy. position of the pointer in the center of the scale so that it
The type of machinery used to supply this energy to the can read current in either direction. As the conductor is
generator is usually called the prime mover. moved upward through the field, the galvanometer needle
2-2. There are a number of methods used as prime is deflected to the left. When the conductor is moved
movers. Water power (hydroelectric) normally has low downward, the galvanometer needle is deflected to the
operating costs, but high installation costs. Steam power right, showing that the direction of current in the
(steam turbine) has a low installation and operating cost conductor is reversed.
when used for plants of 15,000-kw capacity or more. 2-5. Direct-Current Generator. A simplified
Diesel engines are used a great deal h plants where the diagram of a dc generator is illustrated in figure 10. A loop
capacity required is from 2,000 w to 15,000 kw. of wire represents the conductor that rotates in the magnetic
However, there are low-speed and high-speed diesel field. The ends the loop terminate in two copper half rings
engines. The high-speed diesel engine has a lower which are insulated from each other. Fixed brushes make a
installation cost than the low-speed type, but its life is not contact with the copper to conduct electricity to the external
as long. Gasoline engines should not be chosen to drive circuit. The loop is rotated a clockwise direction. In
generators in plants which require continuous power position A, the lines of force are not being cut by the
because their fuel and maintenance costs are too high. armature conductors but no voltage is produced. In
The gasoline engines are usually used for small portable position , with the black half of the armature conductor

toward the north pole and the black half-ring against the
negative brush, the armature conductor is cutting the
maximum lines of force. At this position maximum
voltage is induced into the armature conductors with the
current flow through the galvanometer as indicated in
figure 10. At position C, the armature conductor has
rotated 180° from position A and again no voltage is
produced. In position D, with the white half of the
armature conductor toward the north pole and with the
white half-ring against the negative brush, the armature
conductor again is cutting the maximum lines of force,
with maximum voltage being induced into the armature
conductors and with the current flow through the
galvanometer in the same direction as position B. Check
the black brush in the figure at positions B and D and you
will see that the sides of the armature conductor change
but the brushes are stationary; they deliver direct current
because either armature conductor in contact with the
black brush will have the same direction of motion across
the field.
2-6. A direct-current generator is quite different from
the working model shown in figure 10. Instead of
permanent magnet, strong electromagnets are used. The
strength of the field can be controlled by changing the
current in the field coil A variable resistance in the field
circuit makes it possible to control the voltage output of
the generator. Instead of a single loop, there are many
coils of wire in the rotor. The ends of each coil terminate
in opposite copper segment. These copper segments are
formed in a ring called the commutator. The rotor
assembly illustrated figure 11 is an armature for a dc
2-7. The ends of the armature shaft ride in bearings.
The three main parts of a generator are the stator, the
rotor, and the end bells. The main frame of the generator
holds the stator or field. This frame supports the end bells
which carry the bearings. One end bell contain the brush
rig which holds the brushes. The voltage generated is
controlled by a rheostat in the field circuit that changes
the strength of the electromagnets. A change in speed
would also change the voltage, but it is much simpler to
control by resistance.
2-8. Alternating-Current Generator. A
simplified diagram of an ac generator is shown figure
12. The difference between the dc generator and the ac
generator is in the method used to deliver the current to
the brushes. In the ac generator, sliprings are used
instead of a commutator. This means that the same
side of the loop delivers current to the same brush re-
Figure 10. Simplified diagram of a direct-current

Figure 11. DC generator armature.

gardless of rotation; otherwise the operation is the same. 2-11. The simple ac generator discussed here would
2-9. The illustration shows the loop turning in a produce single-phase current, as there is only one loop or
clockwise direction. At position A, the lines of force are winding. A three-phase generator requires three sets of
not being cut by the armature conductor so no voltage is windings and each winding produces one phase. The
produced. At position 3, the armature conductor is windings are physically displaced from each other 120°
cutting the maximum lines of force, and the galvanometer apart so that maximum voltage in one winding is
indicates the direction of current flow by the needle generated at a different time from that in the other
pointing to the right. At position C, the galvanometer windings. At least three wires are needed to deliver three-
again shows zero because the lines of force are not being phase electrical power from the generator to equipment.
cut by the armature conductor. At position D, the A single-phase voltage and current is developed between
armature conductor are again cutting the maximum lines any two of the wires. Phases may be designated by
of force, and the galvanometer again shows a current flow number or as A, B, C, for identification. Figure 13 shows
but in the opposite direction. What happened? At the pattern of a three-phase current for one complete
position B, the black side of the loop is moving down cycle. A peak occurs every 60°, or 6 times for each cycle.
through the field and the black slipring is negative, The same pattern of rise and fall should be used to
sending current toward the meter. At position D, the illustrate the cycle of three-phase voltage.
black side of the loop is moving up through the field.
Now the black slipring is positive. Current is directed 3. Direct Current Fundamentals
from the white slip ring to the meter and back. The
direction of current in the loop reversed itself and the 3-1. In order for current to flow, two things are
same is true in the external circuit to the meter. The loop essential: there must be a source of electrical pressure
in the dc generator operated the same way but the (voltage) and there must be a complete circuit. The
commutator acted as a mechanical device to direct the source of voltage may be a battery, a generator, or some
current in only one direction to the external circuit. other device. The complete circuit requirement means
2-10. The output frequency, or cycles, of an ac that there must be a complete path from the negative
generator is determined by it speed and the number of terminal through the load and back to the positive
poles. A two-pole machine must be driven at 3600 rpm to terminal of the source. The complete path should allow
produce 60 cycles per second. A four-pole machine the electrons to flow freely to the load, do their work in
requires a speed of 1800 rpm for a frequency of 60 cycles. the load, and then move freely back to the source.
The formula for frequency is 3-2. However desirable this condition is, it cannot be
completely achieved since no material used as a
conductor (wire) allows the electrons to move with
complete freedom. There is always some resistance to the
electron flow. All conductors have some resistance; just
where f is the frequency, P is the number of poles, and S how much they have depends on the size and length of the con-
is the speed rpm. The output voltage is controlled in the
same manner as described for a dc generator. A rheostat
in series with the field is used to change the strength of
the field magnet; the stronger the field, the greater the
voltage generated.

Figure 13. One cycle of a three-phase current.

ductors as well as on the materials of which they are

3-3. The source of voltage is any device which has
an excess of electrons in one place over the number of
electrons in another place. Connecting the two places by
means of an electrical circuit, including resistance,
permits the two places to try to equalize the number of
electrons. The movement of electrons that results from
this attempt is what is known as current.
3-4. Ohm’s Law and DC Circuit. Since Ohm's law
contains two separate thoughts, it may be expressed in the
following two statements: (1) Current in any electrical
circuit is directly proportional to the voltage, and (2)
current in any electrical circuit i inversely proportional to
the resistance. Ohm's law is more generally stated as
follows: The current in a circuit is equal to the voltage
divided by the resistance. Mathematically, it is expressed


In this equation, I stands for the current in amperes, E for

the voltage in volts, and R for the resistance in ohms.
Thus, if the source of potential is a 6-volt battery and the
electrical device is a bulb having 3 ohms of resistance, the
current will be:

3-5. The equation for Ohm's law can be converted

mathematically to read as follows:
E=IXR (2)

By use of this equation, you can determine the voltage

across a component of a circuit if you know the unit's
resistance and the current flow through it. Thus, if you
know that the current through a lamp is 2 amperes and the
Figure 12. Simplified diagram of an alternating-current resistance of the amp is 3 ohm, you know that the voltage
generator. across it must be 3 X 2, or 6 volts.

3-6. The equation for Ohm's law can be converted
mathematically in still another way to read:


Using equation 3, you can determine the resistance of any

circuit component if you know the voltage across it and
the current flowing through it. Suppose you know that
the voltage across a lamp is 6 volts and the current
through it is 2 amperes. You can find the lamp' resistance
by substituting in equation 3:
Figure 14. Series circuit.


a. Using equation 5:
E = 8 + 12 + 4 = 24 volts

b. Using equation 4:
3-7. Using these three equations enables you to find It = 4 = 4 = 4 amperes
any one of the three quantities - voltage, current, or
resistance - if you know the other two. c. Using equation 3, the resistance of each unit is
3-8. Series Circuits. A series circuit is one in which computed as follows:
there is only one path through which the current can flow.
In figure 14 three resistances and a battery are connected
to form a series circuit. Since there is but one path for the
current all of the current passes through each resistance
and the current is the same throughout the entire circuit,
It = I1 = I2 = I3, etc. (4)

3-9. The total voltage drop in the series circuit is

equal to the sum of the voltages (voltage drops) across the
individual resistors, or d. Using equation 6:
Et = E1 + E2 + E3, etc. (5)
Rt = 2 + 3 + 1 = 6 ohms
3-10. The total resistance of the circuit is equal to the
sum of the resistances of the individual units, or Check:
Rt = R1 + R2 + R3, etc. (6) Using equation 3, the total resistance can also be
computed as follows:
3-11. If one of the devices in a series circuit burns
out, there is no longer a complete path for the current and,
therefore, the other devices the circuit will not operate.
3-12. Problem: In figure 14, three resistances are
connected in series across a 24-volt power source. The 3-13. Parallel Circuits. In a parallel circuit, two or
voltages and currents are measured and found to be as more electrical devices provide independent paths through
indicated in the illustration. Find: which the current may flow. The voltage across each
a. The total voltage drop. device so connected in parallel is the same, or
b. The total current. Et = E1 = E2 = E3, etc. (7)
c. The resistance of each unit.
d. The total resistance. 3-14. The total current in the circuit is equal to the
sum of the individual currents flowing through the
parallel-connected devices, or
It = I1 + I2 + I3, etc. (8)

3-15. Thus, the total amount of current in a parallel c. Then, combing R(1 and 2) with R3 and using equation
circuit is greater than the current in any one individual 9 again, you have
branch or leg, and consequently the total resistance must
be less than the value of the smallest resistance in the
circuit. The greater the number of electrical devices or
resistors connected in parallel in a given circuit, the
greater will be the total current, and the smaller will be
the total resistance of the circuit.
3-16. Electrical devices are connected in parallel in
any installation in order to: (1) decrease the total
resistance of the circuit and (2) allow the units to operate
independently of each other. In a parallel circuit, if one
unit burns out it does not affect the operation of the other
units; one path is broken but the other circuits are still
complete. 3-21. The general equation for finding the total
3-17. There are several ways to calculate the total resistance in a parallel circuit is known as the reciprocal
resistance of a parallel circuit. We shall show the simpler method. It involves determining the reciprocal of the sum
way first, which is the product over the sum method, and of the reciprocals of the individual resistances. In other
then give you the more complex general rule. words, find a common denominator and divide the
3-18. To calculate the total resistance of the parallel resistances
circuit shown in figure 15, use the following equation and
solve for the equivalent resistance of only two paths at a


3-19. When the load units that are connected in

parallel all have the same resistance value, the previous
equation may be simplified to read:


3-20. Problem: In the illustration accompanying the

previous discussion, three load units are connected in
parallel. Using the resistance values indicated, find the
total resistance.

a. Using equation 9, for the first two paths

b. Since 3 ohms is the equivalent resistance of the

first two paths you may substitute a 3-ohm resistor for Figure 15. Parallel circuit.
them, and adding the 6-ohm resistor of the third path
redraw the circuit as shown at the right in the illustration.

into the common denominator, then add and invert, and
divide this sum to find the total resistance.

(10) d. Since the total current must flow through the

series resistor, the current flow through it must be 4
3-22. Using equation 10, the total resistance can be e. Since the total current flowing through the four
computed as follows: lamps is 4 amperes and since they all have the same value
of resistance, the current must divide evenly among the
lamps and is therefore found to be 1 ampere through each
lamp circuit.
3-25. Power. Besides the current, voltage, and
resistance of a circuit, the power must also be considered.
Power is defined as the rate of doing work, and it is
measured in a variety of units. An electric motor, for
example, is rated in terms of horsepower. One
horsepower is the rate of doing work when a 550-pound
weight is raised a distance of 1 foot in 1 second. Some
motors develop 5000 or more horsepower. Electrical

3-23. Series-Parallel Circuit. As shown in figure

16, in a series-parallel circuit some of the units are
connected in series with each other, while other units are
connected in parallel. To solve a series-parallel problem,
first convert it to a series circuit by substituting an
equivalent resistance for the parallel resistances; then
solve the series circuit problem as explained previously.
3-24. Problem: In the illustration of the series-
parallel circuit a resistor is connected in series with four
lamps which are connected in parallel with each other.
The voltage and resistances were measured and found to
be as indicated. Find the current through the various parts
of the circuit.
a. The resistance of each lamp is 4 ohms. Therefore,
using equation 9A, the equivalent resistance of the four
lamps in parallel is

b. Substituting a 1-ohm resistor for the four lamps

and using equation 6, you find the total resistance of the
circuit as follows:

R4 = 5 + 1 = 6 ohm

c. Using equation 1, you compute the total current in

the circuit to be Figure 16. Series-parallel circuit.

Figure 17. Sine wave of current and voltage.

power is generally expressed in terms of watts. A watt is 4-2. Alternating current has largely replaced direct
the power consumed in a circuit through which 1 ampere current for a number of reasons, namely: (1) ac voltages
flows under a pressure of 1 volt. One horsepower equals can be increased or decreased very efficiently with
746 watts. transformers, (2) ac devices are much simpler and
3-26. Most electrical devices are rated according to consequently are less prone to trouble than are dc devices,
the voltage that should be applied to them and also (3) ac units are much lighter, and (4) they operate more
according to the amount of power they require. For efficiently.
example one lamp might be rated as a 115-volt, 40-watt 4-3. Most electrical appliances manufactured in the
lamp, while another might be rated as a 115-volt, 20-watt United States have a small “data plate” which gives the
lamp. This means that both lamps are to be operated on a electrical information necessary for connecting the
115-volt circuit, but that twice as much power is required appliances to the proper electrical circuits. This data plate
to operate the first lamp as the second. usually gives the voltage, frequency (cycles per second),
3-27. You can compute the wattage of an electrical horsepower (size of motor) or watts (for heating units),
unit - that is, the power it requires - by multiplying the amperes, ac or dc, and the power factor. If you connect
value of the current flowing through it by the value of the electrical appliances per the information on the data plate,
voltage applied to it. they usually give a long life of uninterrupted service.
4-4. Phase of Current and Voltage. When current
P=IXE (11) and voltage pass through their zero value and reach their
maximum value at the same time, the current and voltage
Thus, a starter motor drawing 70 amperes at a potential of are said to be in phase. If the current and voltage pass
24 volts is using 1680 watts of electrical power. To through zero and reach their maximum values at different
convert electrical power (wattage) to horsepower, divide times, the current and voltage are said to be out of phase.
the electrical power rating by 746. Thus, by dividing In a purely inductive circuit the current reaches a
1680 watts by 746-watts (the electrical equivalent of 1 maximum value later than the voltage, lagging the voltage
horsepower) you will find that the starter motor will by 90°, or one-fourth of a cycle. In a circuit containing
develop approximately 2.25 horsepower. only capacitance, the current reaches its maximum ahead
of the voltage, and the current leads the voltage by 90°, or
4. Alternating-Current Fundamentals one-fourth of a cycle.
4-5. Figure 17 shows graphically the in-phase
4-1. In a dc circuit, current moves in one direction, condition and the effect of inductance and capacitance on
from the negative terminal of the source through the this phase relationship. The current will never lead or lag
circuit to the positive terminal. In ac circuits, the current the voltage by exactly
flows first in one direction and then in the opposite
direction, thus the name “alternating current.”

90° because of the resistance of the conductor. The
number of degrees by which the current leads or lags the
voltage in a circuit depends on the relative amounts of
resistance, capacitance, and inductance in the circuit.
4-6. Inductance. When an alternating current flows
through a coil of wire, it sets up an expanding and
collapsing magnetic field about the coil. The expanding
and collapsing magnetic field induces a voltage within the
conductor proper which is opposite in direction to the
applied voltage.
4-7. This induced voltage opposes the applied
voltage, thus serving to lessen the effect of the applied
voltage. This results in the self-induced voltage tending Figure 18. Power relations in an ac circuit.
to keep a current moving when the applied voltage is
decreasing and to oppose a current when the applied up of pure resistance is the apparent power equal to the
voltage is increasing. This property of a coil which true power.
opposes any change in the value of the current flowing 4-13. When there is capacitance or inductance in the
through it is called inductance. circuit, the current and voltage are not exactly in phase
4-8. The inductance of a coil is measured in henrys, with each other, and the true power is less than the
and the symbol for inductance is L. In any coil the apparent power. The true power is obtained by a
inductance depends on several factors, principal of which wattmeter indication. The ratio of the true power to the
are the number of turns of wire in the coil, the cross- apparent power is called the power factor of the load and
sectional area of the coil, and the material in the center of is usually expressed as a percentage. In equation form the
the coil, or the core. A core of magnetic material greatly relationship is:
increases the inductance of the coil.
4-9. Remember, however, that even a straight wire
has inductance, small though it may be when compared to
that of a coil. All ac motors, relays, transformers, and the
like contribute inductance to a circuit. (12)
4-10. Capacitance. Another important property of
ac circuits, besides resistance and inductance, is 4-14. Problem: A 220-volt motor draws 50 amperes
capacitance. While inductance is represented in a circuit from the supply lines, but the wattmeter indicates that
by a coil and resistance by a resistor, capacitance is only 9350 watts are taken by the motor. What is the
represented by a capacitor. Any two conductors separated apparent power and what is the power factor of the
by a nonconductor constitute a capacitor. The capacitor is circuit?
used in an electrical circuit to momentarily store Solution:
electricity, smooth out pulsating dc, give more torque to a a. Apparent power = 220 X 50 = 11,000 volt-
motor by causing the current to lead the voltage (see fig. amperes.
17), reduce arcing of contact points, and hasten the b. Using equation 12,
collapse of the magnetic field of an ignition coil to
produce a hotter spark.
4-11. Power in AC Circuits. In a dc circuit, we
calculate power by using equation 11, where the volts
times the amperes equal the watts (power). Thus, if 1
ampere flows in a circuit at a potential of 200 volts, the
power is equal to 200 watts. The product of the voltage 5. Transformers
and the amperage is the true power of the circuit in this
case. 5-1. A transformer is an apparatus which transforms
4-12. electrical energy at one voltage into electrical energy at
In an ac circuit, however, the voltmeter indicates the another voltage. It consists of two coils which are not
effective voltage and an ammeter indicates the effective electrically connected (except auto transformers) but are
current. The product of these two indicate what is called arranged so that the magnetic flux surrounding one coil
apparent power. The relationship between true power, cuts through the other coil upon buildup or collapse of the
reactive power, and apparent power is shown graphically magnetic field. When there is an alternating current in
in figure l8. Only when the ac circuit is made one coil, the varying magnetic flux

Figure 19. Voltage and current transformer.

creates an alternating voltage in the other winding by 5-4. There are two classes of transformer - voltage
mutual induction. A transformer will also operate on transformers for stepping up or stepping down voltages,
pulsating dc but not on pure dc. and current transformers which are generally used in
5-2. A transformer consists of three primary parts: an instrument circuits. In voltage transformers the primary
iron core, which provides a circuit of low reluctance for coils are connected in parallel across the supply voltage,
the magnetic flux; a primary winding, which receives the as seen in figure 19. In current transformers the primary
electrical energy from the supply source; and a secondary windings are connected in series in the primary circuit.
winding, which receives electrical energy by induction 5-5. Of the two types, the voltage transformer is the
from the primary and delivers it to the secondary circuit. more common. There are also power-distributing
5-3. The primary and secondary coils are usually transformers for use with high voltages and heavy loads.
wound, one upon the other, on a closed core obtain Transformers are usually rated in kilovolt-amperes.
maximum inductive effect between them. The turns of 5-6. Principles of Operation. When an alternating
insulated wire and layers of the coil are well insulated voltage is connected across the primary terminals of a
from each other by layers of impregnated paper or mica. transformer, an alternating current will flow and self-
The iron core is laminated to minimize magnetic current induce in the primary coil a voltage which is opposite and
losses (eddy losses) and is usually made of specially nearly equal to the connected voltage. The difference
prepared silicon steels since these steels have a low between these two voltages will allow just enough current
hysteresis loss. (Hysteresis loss is the portion of the to flow in the primary coil to magnetize its iron core.
magnetic energy converted to heat and lost to the system This is called the exciting (magnetizing) current.
so far as useful work is concerned. It occurs with
changing magnetic polarity.)

Figure 20. Single-phase generator and load.

5-7. The magnetic field caused by the exciting

current cuts across the secondary coil and induces a
secondary voltage by mutual induction. If a load is
connected across the secondary coil of the transformer,
the load current flowing through the secondary coil will
produce a magnetic field which will tend to neutralize the
magnetic field produced by the primary current. This, in
turn, will reduce the self-induced (opposition) voltage in
the primary coil and allow more primary current to flow.
5-8. The primary current increases as the secondary
load current increases, and decreases as the secondary
load current decreases. When the secondary load is
removed, the primary current is again reduced to the small
exciting current sufficient only to magnetize the iron core Figure 21. Sine wave of voltage outputs of single- and
of the transformer. three-phase generators.
5-9. Connecting Transformers in an AC Circuit.
Before studying the various uses of transformers and the maximum voltage in it. This causes the maximum
different ways of connecting them, you should understand voltages generated in the three coils always to be one-
the difference between a single-phase circuit and a three- third of a cycle (1/180 second) apart.
phase circuit. 5-13. Three-phase motors and other three-phase
5-10. A single-phase circuit is a circuit in which the loads are connected with their coils or load elements
voltage is generated by an alternator, as shown in figure arranged so that three transmission lines are required for
20. This single-phase voltage may be taken from a delivery of power. (See fig. 22.) Transformers that are
single-phase alternator or from one phase of a three-phase used for stepping the voltage up or down in a three-phase
alternator, as explained later. circuit are electrically connected so that power is
5-11. A three-phase circuit is a circuit in which three delivered to the primary and taken from the secondary by
voltages are generated by an alternator with three coils so the standard three-wire system.
spaced within the alternator that the three voltages
generated are equal but reach their maximum values at
different times, as shown figure 21. In each phase of a
60-cycle, three-phase generator, a cycle is generated
every 1/60 second.
5-12. In its rotation, the magnetic pole passes one
coil and generates a maximum voltage; one-third of a
cycle (1/180 second) later, this same pole passes another
coil and generates a maximum voltage in it; and one-third
of a cycle later, it passes still another coil and generates a
Figure 22. Three-phase generator with three conductors.

Figure 23. Step-down transformer, two-wire system.

5-14. However, single-phase transformers may be 5-17. Transformers for three-phase circuit can be
connected across any two phases of a three-phase circuit, connected in any one of several combinations of the wye
as shown figure 23. When single-phase loads are (y) and delta (Δ) connections. The connection used
connected to three-phase circuits, the loads are distributed depends on the requirements for the transformer.
equally among the three phases in order to balance the 5-18. Wye connection. When the wye connection is
loads on the three generator coils. used in three-phase transformers, a fourth or neutral wire
5-15. Another use of the transformer is the single- may be used, as show in figure 26. The neutral wire
phase transformer with several taps in the secondary. serves to connect single-phase equipment to the
With this type of transformer, we can lower the voltage transformer. Voltages (120 v) between any one of the
and also have several working voltages, as shown in three-phase lines and the neutral wire can be used for
figure 24. A center-tapped transformer powering a motor power for devices such as lights or single-phase motors.
requiring 220 volts, along with for lights requiring 110 Single- and three-phase equipment can be operated
volts is shown in figure 25. The motor is connected simultaneously, as show in figure 27.
across the entire transformer output, and the lights are 5-19. In combination, all four wires can furnish
connected from the center tap to one end of the power at 208 volts, single and three-phase, for operating
transformer. With this connection we are using only half single- and three-phase equipment such as motors or
of the secondary output. rectifiers with the center tap used as equipment ground.
5-16. This type of transformer connection is used When only three-phase equipment is used, the ground
quite extensively because of the combinations of voltages wire may be omitted. This leaves a three-phase, three-
that may be taken from one transformer. Various voltages wire system.
may be picked off the secondary winding of the 5-20. Delta connection. Figure 28 shows the
transformer by inserting taps (during manufacture) at primary and secondary with a delta connection. Between
various points along the secondary winding. The various any two phases the voltage is 240 volts. This type of
amounts of voltage are obtained by connecting to any two connection using the three wires - A, B, and C - can
taps or to one tap and either end, as shown a previous furnish 240-volt, three-phase power for the operation of
illustration. three-phase equipment.
5-21. Wye and delta connections. The type of
connection used for the primary coils may or may not be
the same as the type of connection used

Figure 24. Multivoltage transformer secondary.

Figure 25. Step-down transformer, three-wire system.

for the secondary coils. For example, the primary may be the transformer should never be left open while the
a delta connection and the secondary a wye connection. system is being operated; to do so could cause
This is called a delta-wye (Δ-y) connected transformer. dangerously high voltages and could overheat the
Other combinations are delta-delta, wye-delta, and wye- transformer. Therefore the transformer output
wye. connections should always be connected with a jumper
5-22. Current Transformers. Current transformers when the transformer is not being used but is left in the
are used in ac power supply systems. system.
5-23. The current transformer is a ring type
transformer using a current-carrying power lead as a 6. Electrical Meters
primary (either the power lead or the ground lead of the
ac generator). The current in the primary induces a 6-1. In the installation, inspection, maintenance, and
current in the secondary by magnetic induction. operation of electrical air-conditioning equipment, you
5-24. The sides of all current transformer are marked will often have to measure voltage, current, and
“H1” and “H2” on the unit base. The transformers must resistance. A number of instruments have been developed
be installed with the “H1” side toward the generator in the for this purpose.
circuit in order to have proper polarity. The secondary of

Figure 28. Wye-to-wye connection.

Figure 2. Four-wire, three-phase wye system.

Figure 28. Delta-to-delta connection.

We will discuss these meters and their uses.

6-2. Galvanometer. In electrical systems the Figure 30. Ammeter with an external shunt.
moving-coil galvanometer (D'Arsonval type) is used quite
extensively. This movement is used in such instruments the meter circuit. If an unmarked voltage is to be
as voltmeters, ammeters, thermocouple thermometers, and measured, set the rotary switch to the highest resistance
electrical tachometer. and work down until the meter reads in a somewhat mid-
6-3. Voltmeter. A voltmeter is an instrument used position of full scale.
to measure the difference in electrical potential, or the 6-4. Ammeter. An ammeter is an instrument that
voltage, between two point. (See fig. 29.) Notice in measures the amount of current flowing in a circuit. You
figure 29 the rotary switch which may be connected to may have a need for an ammeter with a range from a
various size resistors. These are in series with the milliampere to 500 amperes. These meters may have an
movable coil to limit the amount of current flow through external shunt, as shown in figure 30, or they may be
internally shunted. Question: What is a shunt for?
Answer: Very fine wire is used in the coil. This wire can
carry very little current without overheating - only a small
fraction of an ampere. A low-resistance shunt is
connected in parallel with the meter so that most of the
current bypasses the meter; only a very small portion of
the total current flows through the coil. For example:
When a 300-ampere ammeter and a 300-ampere shunt are
connected into a circuit carrying 300 amperes, only 0.01
ampere flows through the meter to give full-scale
deflection; the remaining 299.99 amperes flow through
the shunt.
6-5. By applying the basic rule for parallel circuits,
you can easily compute the value of a shunt resistor
needed to extend the range of an ammeter.
6-6. Ohmmeter. An ohmmeter is an instrument
used to measure resistance in ohms. Combination
voltohmmeters and other multipurpose meters are used
more than simple ohmmeters. The principle of operation
of an ohmmeter is

Figure 29. Voltmeter.

and zero the meter with the zero adjustment. This must
be done any time the lead is moved from one jack to
CAUTION: Make sure the circuit to be measured is
dead before using the ohmmeter.
6-9. Rectifier Meter. Alternating-current voltages
are often measured by rectifier type meters. A rectifier
meter is actually a dc meter with a rectifier added to
change the ac to dc. Without a rectifier, of course, a dc
meter would give no indication when applied to an ac
circuit. Generally, a copper-oxide rectifier connected as a
bridge provides the rectification. This is shown in figure
32. Values of ac voltages indicated on the rectifier meter
are effective values.
6-10. Wattmeters. Power in an ac circuit is not
always found by multiplying voltage by amperage as in a
dc circuit. Such a power computation can be made for ac
circuit only when the voltage and current are in phase,
that is, when there is a purely resistive load. In practice
this condition seldom exists, since in almost all ac circuits
the load is reactive because of the presence of inductance
and capacitance. The wattmeter, however, measures the
true power consumed in a circuit by all electrical devices
regardless of the type of load.
6-11. Wattmeters may be used to measure power
consumed in either single-phase or three-phase circuits in
Figure 31. Ohmmeter. which the load is balanced. The single-phase wattmeter
has a high-resistance moving voltage coil for many turns
basically the same, regardless of whether the meter is a of fine wire and stationary coils, called current coils, of
separate instrument or is part of a multipurpose low resistance with a few turns of heavy wire. Connect
instrument. the current coils in the line in series with the load, and the
6-7. An ohmmeter contains a very sensitive voltage coil across the line.
galvanometer. The scale on the dial is calibrated in ohms. 6-12. A single-phase wattmeter may be connected to
Maximum current flows through the circuit when there is measure the power by a three-phase circuit. To do this,
a minimum amount of resistance between the ohmmeter connect the current coil in one load line and the voltage
terminals. For this reason, zero is at the right-hand end of coil between the line and ground. This will give the
the scale. The ohmmeter does not have an evenly, power in one phase. Multiply this by 3 to get the total
graduated scale; frequently the right half of the scale will power.
read to about 5000 ohms, while the left half will read 6-13. Three-phase wattmeters consist of two or more
100,000 ohms or more. The left-hand end of the scale is single-phase movement with all the moving elements
sometimes marked “INF,” which means there is infinite mounted on one shaft. Separate single-phase wattmeters
resistance between the terminals. can be used to measure power in three-phase circuits by
6-8. Some ohmmeters have three or even four posts connecting two wattmeter in any two of the three phases.
to which the leads may be attached. (See fig. 31.) These In this case, add the two wattmeter readings if the power
posts may be marked in different ways on different factor of the load (motor) is greater than 50 percent (the
meters, but for purposes of explanation let us consider a power actor can be found on the nameplate or in the
meter on which the posts are marked “C,” “RX1,” technical order). If the power factor is below 50 percent,
“RX10,” and “RX100.” If the leads are connected to C the power input to the load (motor) is the difference
and RX1, the resistance being measured is indicated between the two readings.
directly on the scale. If the terminals are connected to C 6-14. You can determine whether to add or subtract
and RX10, the reading on the scale must be multiplied by the readings by the following: If both of the scale pointers
10 to give the actual resistance. If the terminals are deflect toward the top of the scale, add the readings; if
connected to C and RX100, the reading on the scale must one tends to indicate a negative value, reverse either the
be multiplied by 100. Short the two leads together voltage or

Figure 32. Rectifier meter circuit.

current connections and subtract the reading of one of a battery or generator, or any other place where you
wattmeter from the reading of the other. provide a path through the meter from a source of voltage
6-15. Using Electrical Meters. Only two of the direct to ground. To do so would cause the meter to burn
meters discussed in this chapter, the voltmeter and the out immediately.
ohmmeter, are used to locate troubles in an electrical (5) Always check the rating of a meter before you
circuit. How the meters are used for this purpose will be use it.
explained in detail. However, before attempting to use (6) Never use an ohmmeter to check an electrical
any of the meters which have been discussed, you should circuit until the source of voltage has been disconnected
fix firmly in your mind certain precautions concerning from all parts of the circuit to be checked. Using the
their use. ohmmeter in a live circuit would damage the meter.
6-16. General precautions. (7) Always connect the voltage coil of a wattmeter
(1) Never connect a voltmeter to a circuit having a to the supply side of the current coil.
voltage that exceeds the voltmeter scale. If the voltage is 6-17. Voltmeter. The most common trouble found in
unknown, start with a high scale and work down until you electrical circuits that are inoperative is an open circuit.
get the correct one. This means simply that there is not a complete path for
(2) Never connect an ammeter into a circuit the current to flow through as it should. The “open,” or
carrying more current than the maximum reading on the the place where the circuit is open, can be located with
scale of the meter. either a voltmeter or an ohmmeter. If electrical power is
(3) Always connect an ammeter in series with the available, use the voltmeter.
units in the circuit. 6-18. An open in a circuit may be located anywhere
(4) Never connect an ammeter across the terminals in the circuit. It my be in the switch,

Figure 33. Continuity testing with a voltmeter.

fuse, wiring, or in the unit itself. If the fuse is burned out, the power from the circuit to permit use of the ohmmeter.
or open, you should inspect all of the circuit to determine Now, with one lead connected to negative or ground,
what caused the fuse to blow. check at various points with the other lead. If you start at
6-19. A trouble known as a short might have caused the point where the circuit is grounded, the meter will
the fuse to blow. A short is direct contact between the hot read zero ohms.
and negative or ground portion of the circuit. Since there 6-29. After you pass the first resistance the meter
is practically no resistance in this new or short circuit, the will read that resistance. When you get the first reading
current flow increases immediately until it exceeds the of infinite resistance, this will indicate that the open is
capacity of the fuse and blows the fuse. between that point and the point where you got the last
6-20. A voltmeter is always connected in parallel normal reading.
with the unit being tested - that is, across the unit - or to
the points between which the difference of potential is to
be measured.
6-21. If you should accidentally connect the
voltmeter in series with the circuit, it wouldn't hurt the
mete because the high resistance in the meter would limit
the current flow. However, the units in the circuit would
not operate because of the low current
6-22. Locating an open with a voltmeter is simply a
matter of checking to see how far voltage is present in the
circuit. Voltage will be present the circuit right up to the
point where the circuit is open.
6-23. When you have to check a circuit to find an
open, you can start at any point in the circuit. It is logical,
of course, to check the fuse first and the unit second. As
explained earlier, this will enable you to tell whether the
trouble is an open or a short.
6-24. If the fuse and the unit are both good, you may
have to check each end of each length of wire in the
circuit to find the open. Use the wiring diagram of the
circuit as a guide. The important things are to know what
voltage reading you should have at each point in the
circuit and to recognize an abnormal reading when you
get one. Figure 33 shows the voltage readings obtained at
different points in a circuit with an open fuse, an open
lamp filament, and one with an open ground wire.
6-25. Ohmmeter. Before you use an ohmmeter to
check a circuit, be sure there is no electrical power in the
circuit. It was explained earlier in this chapter that using
an ohmmeter in a live circuit could damage the meter.
6-26. If you use a multirange ohmmeter to check
resistance, choose a scale on the ohmmeter which you
think will contain the resistance of the element you are
going to measure. In general, select a scale in which the
reading will fall in the mid-scale range. Short the leads
together and set the meter, with the zero adjustment, to
read zero ohms. If for any reason you change scales,
readjust the meter to zero ohms.
6-27. Connect the leads across the circuit. Infinite
resistance indicates an open circuit. A reading other than
infinite resistance indicates continuity.
6-28. Let's simulate locating the troubles with the
ohmmeter. First we must be sure we have disconnected Figure 34. Single-phase motor with capacitor starting

6-30. When you check continuity in a parallel 7-3. Since an electrical system operates at 60 cycles,
circuit, isolate the unit you are checking so the ohmmeter an electric motor at this frequency operates about 2 1/2
will not show the resistance of parallel paths. times the speed of the old 25-cycle motor with the same
number of poles. Because of this high speed of rotation,
7. Motors 60-cycle ac motors are suitable for operating larger
refrigeration systems.
7-1. In this section we will discuss some of the 7-4. Alternating-current motors are rated in
electrical motors that you may encounter in your job. We horsepower output, operating voltage, full-load current,
will discuss ac single and polyphase induction motors, speed, number of phases, frequency, and whether they
ac/dc universal motors, and synchronous motors. operate continuously or intermittently.
7-2. Principles of Operation. The speed of rotation 7-5. Single-Phase Induction Motors. All single-
of an ac motor depends upon the number of poles and the phase induction motors have a starting winding (see fig.
frequency of the electrical source of power: 34) since they cannot be started with only the single-
phase winding on the stator. After the motor has started,
this winding may be left in the circuit or be disconnected
by a centrifugal switch.
7-6. Both single-phase and three-phase motors
operate on the principle of a rotating magnetic field. As a
simple example of the principle

Figure 35. Production of a rotating magnetic field.

Figure 36. Squirrel-cage induction-motor rotor.

of the rotating field, imagine a horseshoe magnet held B'. The two currents are 90° out of phase, with phase 1
over a compass needle. The needle will take a position leading.
parallel to the magnetic flux passing between the two 7-10. At position B, the current in phase 1 at a
poles of the magnet. If the magnet is rotated, the compass maximum and the poles of A and A' are fully magnetized.
needle will follow. The poles of coils B and B' are not magnetized, since the
7-7. A rotating magnetic field can be produced by a current in phase 2 is zero. Therefore the magnetic needle
two- or three-phase current flowing through two or more points in the direction shown. At position C, the current
groups of coils wound on inwardly projecting poles of an coils A and A', phase 1, has decreased to the same value
iron yoke. The coils on each group of poles are wound to which the current in coils B and B', phase 2, has
alternately in opposite directions to produce opposite increased. Since the four poles are now equally
polarity, and each group is connected to a separate phase magnetized, the strength of the field is concentrated
of voltage. midway between the poles, and the magnetic needle take
7-8. You can understand this action with the aid of the position shown.
figure 35, which shows a four-pole stator field energized 7-11. At position D, the current of phase 1 is zero
by two windings connected to two separate phase voltage. through coils A and A', and there is no magnetism in these
Winding No. 1 of the motor is 90° out of phase with coils. There is maximum current through coils B and B',
winding No. 2, which causes the current in winding No. 1 the magnetic field strength of B and B' is maximum, and
to lead the current in winding No. 2 by 90°, or by 1/240 the magnetic needle takes the crosswise position. This
second, assuming the frequency of the ac power supply is action is repeated during successive cycles of the flow of
60 cycles per second. Winding No. 1 can be referred to as the alternating currents, and the magnetic needle
phase 1, and winding No. 2 as phase 2. continues to revolve in the same direction within the field
7-9. The direction of the magnetic field is indicated frame as long as the two phase currents are supplied to the
by a magnetic needle (considered as a north pole for two sets of coils.
clarity). The needle will always move to a position where 7-12. In an induction motor with two poles for each
it will line up with the magnetic flux passing from pole to phase winding, the north pole would glide from one pole
pole. Notice the phase relationship of the two voltages to the other in 1/120 second and make a complete
which are applied to the two phase windings of the field. revolution in 1/60 second, which would be at the rate of
Phase 1 supplies current to the coils on poles A and A', 3600 rpm. If the compass needle is replaced by an iron
and phase 2 supplies current to the coils on poles B and rotor wound with copper bar conductors (usually

When the current in the winding and the main field flux
reaches a maximum, the rate of change is zero, so no
electromotive force is induced in the shaded winding. A
little later the shaded winding current, which lags the
induced electromotive force, reaches zero, and there is no
opposing flux. Therefore the main field flux passes
through the shaded portion of the field pole. This results
in a weak rotating magnetic field with sufficient torque to
start small motors. Because of the low starting torque,
shaded-pole motors are furnished in ratings up to
approximately 1/25 horsepower and are used with small
fans, timing relays, small motion picture projectors, and
Figure 37. Shaded pole motor stator windings. various control devices. Shaded-pole motors are designed
for a specific direction of rotation that cannot be changed
called a squirrel-cage rotor because the conductors after the motor is assembled.
resemble a squirrel cage, as shown in figure 36, a 7-15. Split-phase motor. Split-phase motors contain
secondary voltage is induced in the conductors by mutual two windings, the main winding and the starting winding.
induction much in the manner that the secondary voltage The main winding is wound on the stator and the starting
is developed in a transformer. winding is wound on top of the main winding in such a
7-13. Current flowing in the conductors produces a
magnetic field which reacts on the rotating magnetic field
and causes a rotation of the iron core similar to the
rotation of the magnetic needle. The direction of rotation
may be reversed by reversing the connections of one
7-14. Shaded-pole motor. The stator windings of a
shaded-pole motor differ from other single-phase motors
by definitely projecting field poles (fig. 37). A low-
resistance, short-circuited winding or copper band is
placed across one tip of each pole, from which the name
“shaded-pole” is derived. As the current increases in the
stator winding, the flux increases. A portion of this flux
cuts and induces a current in the shaded winding. This
current sets up a flux which opposes the flux inducing the
current; therefore, most of the flux passes through the Figure 39. Schematic of a single-phase, split-phase
unshaded portion of the pole, as shown in figure 38. motor.

manner that the centers of the poles of the two windings

are displaced by 90°. The windings are connected in
parallel (fig. 39) to the same supply voltage; therefore, the
same voltage is applied to both winding. The starting
winding is usually wound with fewer turns of small size
wire and has iron on only two sides. It, therefore, has less
inductance than the main winding, which has a low
resistance and is surrounded by iron on all sides except
one. When the same voltage is applied to both windings,
the current in the main winding lags the voltage more than
the current in the starting winding. This produces a
rotating field which starts the motor. As the motor
approaches full speed, a centrifugal mechanism mounted
on the rotor opens a centrifugal switch (fig. 39) and
Figure 38. Flux path in a shaded-pole motor. disconnects the starting winding from the line. If the
centrifugal mechanism should fail to open the switch, the
motor will run hot because of the high resistance of the
starting winding and will burn
motor is so called because a capacitor instead of
resistance is used to split the phase. The capacitor,
usually mounted on top of the motor, is connected in
series with the starting winding to provide the necessary
shift in time phase of the current flowing through it. This
capacitor is usually intermittently rated and must be
disconnected for normal operation, which disconnection
is usually done by a centrifugal mechanism mounted on
the rotor. When the motor is stopped, the switch closes
and is in the correct position when the motor is started
again. The capacitor-type motor has a higher starting
torque at less current than the split-phase motor and also
provides a greater thermal capacity. Capacitor-start
motors are usually furnished in ratings from 1/6 to 1
horsepower and are used on compressors, pumps, fans,
Figure 40. Schematic of a single-phase permanent-split and machine tools.
capacitor motor. 7-17. Permanent-split capacitor motor. The
permanent-split capacitor motor is similar to the
out the starting winding if allowed to run any length of capacitor-start motor, except that the permanent capacitor
time. This is the most frequent cause for failure of split- (fig. 40) is connected in series with the starting winding
phase motors. The split-phase motors are usually permanently and is not removed from the circuit during
furnished in ratings from 1/60 to 1/3 horsepower and are operation by a centrifugal switch. This eliminates the
desirable for use in machine tools, office equipment, need for a centrifugal switch and switch mechanism. The
pumps, fans, blowers, oil burners, kitchen appliances, and capacitor is continuously rated and is selected to give best
laundry equipment. Split-phase motors may or may not operation at full speed while sacrificing starting torque.
have a built-in thermal overload relay for the protection of Permanent-split-capacitor motors develop 40 to 60
the motor during an overload. The relay is usually of the percent starting torque and are used on easily started loads
automatic type, opening when the current in the windings such fans and blowers.
is above normal and automatically resetting when the 7-18. Capacitor-run motor. The capacitor-run motor
current is restored to normal. To reverse the split-phase has two capacitors connected in parallel (fig. 41). One, a
motor, reverse the loads of either the starting winding or running capacitor, is a continuously rated capacitor and
the running winding. remains in the
7-16. Capacitor-start motor. The capacitor-start

Figure 41. Schematic of a single-phase dual voltage capacitor run motor.

Figure 42. Three-phase induction motor.

circuit while the motor is running. The other, a starting position 2, the current is at positive maximum in phase C
capacitor, is intermittently rated and is used in the circuit and is negative in phases A and B. In the diagrams the
during starting. The starting capacitor is removed by a magnetic field caused by the maximum positive current is
centrifugal mechanism and switch as the motor shown in heavy dark lines. The other poles are indicated
approaches full speed. Therefore the capacitor-run motor with dotted lines. The rotor, like the single-phase motor,
is a combination of the capacitor-start and the permanent- follows the rotating magnetic field of the stator winding.
split capacitor motors. This motor has a high starting 7-22. The speed of the induction motor is always less
torque as well as good running characteristics and is than the speed of the rotating field of the stator. If the
generally furnished in ratings of 1/2 horsepower and rotor were to turn at the same speed as the rotating field,
larger. Capacitor motors may be reversed by changing the rotor conductors would not be cut by any magnetic
the leads to the starting winding at the motor terminals. field and no voltage would be induced in them. No
7-19. Three-Phase AC Induction Motors. The current would flow; thus there would be no magnetic field
three-phase ac induction motor is also called a squirrel- in the rotor and, hence, no torque.
cage motor. The rotating magnetic field of the three- 7-23. A three-phase induction motor exerts a torque
phase motor operates the same as a two-phase motor. The when at rest and therefore starts itself when the proper
difference between a two-phase and a three-phase motor voltage is applied to the stator field coil. To reverse the
in the windings. The two-phase windings are placed 90° direction of rotation of a three-phase motor, reverse the
apart where the three-phase windings are placed 120° leads of any two phases.
apart. This means that the currents that produce the 7-24. The three-phase spring (wound rotor)
magnetic field reach a maximum 1/180 second apart in a induction motor is wound with a three-phase drum
60-cycle circuit. winding. The windings are connected wye (y) or delta
7-20. Notice figure 42, which shows the connection (wye connection is shown in fig. 43), and the three leads
of a wye-connected stator in a three-phase induction are brought out and connected to three electrical contact
motor. The rotor of the motor is represented by the rings (sliprings) which are secured to the shaft. Brushes
compass needle, which points in the direction of the riding on the rings are connected to an external resistance
magnetic field and revolves as the magnetic field through which the rotor circuit is completed. Motors
revolves. The individual current waves are shown along containing wound rotors have a high starting torque with
the phase wires as they would actually be during low starting current us adjustable speed.
operation. Notice the current in phase A reaches a 7-25. Synchronous Motors. Synchronous motors
maximum at position 1 and at that instant the currents in are divided into two classes according to their size and
phases B and C are both negative. application. The larger horsepower motors use three-
7-21. At position 2, 1/180 second later, the current is phase power and have separately excited salient pole
at a maximum in phase B and is negative in phases A and rotors. The smaller motors are usually furnished as
C. At position 3, which is 1/180 second later than fractional-horse-

Figure 43. Schematic of a three-phase slipring induction motor.

size synchronous motors are constructed as reluctance
motors or hysteresis motors, which are described in
following paragraphs.
7.26. Reluctance motor. The stator of a reluctance
motor is similar in construction to that of the single-phase
induction motor and may be of the shaded-pole, split-
phase, or capacitor type. The squirrel-cage rotors have
grooves cut to allow the addition of salient poles. The
number of salient poles mounted on the rotor corresponds
to the number of rotating stator poles. The motor starts as
an induction motor, but, upon reaching a speed near
synchronism, it pulls into step because of the salient poles
and operates at exactly synchronous speed. The
reluctance motor, unlike the larger size synchronous
motor (which has on the rotor a field winding supplied
with direct-current excitation and which operates at unity
or at a leading power factor with high efficiency),
operates at a lagging power factor and has a rather low
efficiency. Therefore, the reluctance motor is used only
where exact synchronous speed is required, such as in
electric clocks, time switches, relays, and meters.
7-27. Hysteresis motor. The construction of the
hysteresis motor is similar to that of the reluctance motor
except for the rotor. The rotor does not have a squirrel-
cage winding. Instead the rotor core is usually made of a
ring of metal having permeability, such as chrome or
cobalt steel. The highly magnetic core material retains its
magnetism over a period of time and this enables the rotor
to reach its synchronous speed. Hysteresis motors
develop a constant torque from zero synchronous speed
and are used in a clock’s timing devices; they will operate
unattended for long periods of time.
7-28 Universal Motors. Universal motors are
designed for operation from either direct current or single-
phase alternating current and are all of the series-wound
type; that is, the field windings are connected in series
with the armature windings. Universal motors are divided
into two types: the straight series-wound universal motor
and the compensated series-wound universal motor.
Figure 44. Schematic wiring diagrams of universal
7-29. Straight series-wound universal motor. The
straight series-wound universal motor has the field
windings connected in series for opposite polarity, the
power motors and obtain their rotor-excitation current
same as the field winding of any direct-current motor, and
through induction. Although an induction motor is
then in series with the armature (fig. 44A). This type
considered as a constant-speed motor, it is subject to
motor uses salient-type pole pieces (fig. 45) for mounting
approximately 10 percent variation in speed under various
the field windings and is usually furnished in sizes up to
load conditions, since the operating torque depends upon
1/3 horsepower but can be furnished in larger sizes for
the percentage of slip between the rotating magnetic poles
special applications. The motor full speed is rated from
and the magnetic flux of the rotor. The speed of a
1800 rpm on the larger sizes to 5000 rpm on the smaller
synchronous motor is controlled by the frequency of the
sizes and no-load speeds ranging from 12,000 to 18,000
alternating-current power source and is, therefore,
rpm. Since these motors run at dangerously high speeds
maintained with a high degree of accuracy. The smaller
at no-load, they are usually built into the

CAUTION: Do not use flammable or toxic solvents
for cleaning, as they may cause injury to personnel or
damage to property.
8-2. The inside of the motor can be cleaned with a
blower or with compressed air. Care should be exercised
when using compressed air so the insulation is not
damaged by the blast of air.
8-3. Motor Lubrication. You must be sure the
motor has been properly lubricated. Lubrication should
be done according to the applicable publication for the
8-4. You should also make periodic checks for
grease or oil leakage and for overlubrication. After
lubricating a motor, be sure to wipe away any excess oil
or grease.
8-5. Wiring. The wiring leads to the motor must be
kept clean and secure and checked for wear. If the wiring
becomes frayed, it must be replaced.
8-6. Mounting. Motors must be kept secure to
perform efficiently. A loose mounting can cause a belt to
slip and wear or can cause vibrations which tend to
Figure 45. Salient pole laminated steel core of a universal
harden any copper component (wiring and tubing).
9. Circuit Protective and Control Devices
equipment being driven. This type motor is used in
portable machines and portable equipment in general.
9-1. Electricity, when properly controlled, is of vital
7-30. Compensated series-wound universal motor.
importance to the operation of refrigeration equipment.
The compensated series-wound, distributed-field,
When it is not properly controlled, however, it can
universal motor contains a main winding and a
become dangerous and destructive. It can destroy
compensating winding connected in series with the
components or the complete unit; it can injure personnel
armature (fig. 44B). The core of this type motor is similar
and even cause their death.
to the construction of the core of a split-phase alternating-
9-2. It is of the greatest importance, then, that we
current motor (fig. 46). The main winding is usually
take all precautions necessary to protect
placed in the slots first and the compensating winding is
placed over it, 90 electrical degrees away. The
compensating winding reduces the reactance voltage
present in the armature when alternating current is used.
It has a better commutation and power factor than does
the straight series-wound universal motor, and usually
comes in higher horsepower ratings. Compensated series-
wound universal motors are used with portable tools,
office machines, vacuum-cleaning equipment, and
portable equipment in general.

8. Motor Maintenance

8-1. Cleanliness is essential if we are to have

trouble-free motor operation. Dirt, moisture, and
excessive oil tend to restrict air circulation, deteriorate the
insulation, and accelerate wear and friction. To increase
the life of the motor, you should wipe all excessive dirt,
oil, and grease from the surface of the motor. Use a cloth
moistened with a recommended cleaning solvent.
Figure 46. Compensated series-wound universal motor.

the electrical circuits and units and that we keep this force 9-10. The toggle switch (as shown in fig. 47 along
under proper control at all times. In this section we shall with the knife switch which is used to simplify the
discuss some of the devices that have been developed to operation of a toggle switch) is used more than any other
protect and control electrical circuits. kind of switch, but there are others, such as pushbutton,
9-3. Protective Devices. When a piece of microswitch, rotary selector, and even relays and
equipment is built, the greatest care is taken to insure that magnetic motor starts, which can be classified as switches
each separate electrical circuit is fully insulated from all since they operate, start, and stop current flow in a circuit.
others so the current in a circuit will follow its intended 9-11. Magnetic motor starters. A magnetic motor
individual path. Once the equipment is put into service, starter is wired to satisfy a particular application; and
however, there are many things that can happen to alter there are numerous applications, so we will not attempt to
the original circuitry. Some of these changes can cause cover all of them. Figure 48 shows a pump, air
serious troubles if they are not detected and corrected in conditioner, and fan operating through motor starters.
time. Look at figure 48 and notice the two single-pole single
9-4. Perhaps the most serious trouble we can find in throw (SPST) switches, thermostat, holding coils, motor
a circuit is a direct short. You have learned that the term protectors, and step-down transformer. Also notice that
is used to describe a situation in which some point in the three-phase equipment must have protective devices in at
circuit, where full system voltage is present, comes in least two wires, but single-phase equipment may be
direct contact with the ground or negative side of the protected by one protective device.
circuit. This establishes for current flow a path that
contains no resistance other than that in the wire carrying
the current, and these wires have very little resistance.
9-5. You will recall that, according to Ohm's law, if
the resistance in a circuit is extremely small, the current
will be extremely great. When a direct short occurs, then
there will be an extremely heavy current flowing through
the wires.
9-6. To protect electrical systems from damage and
failure caused by excessive current, several kinds of
protective devices are installed in the systems. Fuses,
circuit breakers, and thermal protectors are used for this
9-7. Circuit protective devices, as the name implies,
all have a common purpose: to protect the unit and the
wires in the circuit. Some are designed primarily to
protect the wiring. These open the circuit in such a way
as to stop the current flow when the current become
greater than the wires can safely carry. Other devices
protect a unit in the circuit by stopping current flow to it
when the unit becomes excessively warm.
9-8. Control Devices. The components in an
electrical circuit are not all intended to operate
continuously or automatically. Most of them are meant to
operate at certain times, under certain conditions, to
perform very definite functions. There must be some
means of controlling their operation. Either a switch or a
relay, or both, may be included in the circuit for this
9-9. Switches. Switches are used to control the
current flow in most electrical circuits. A switch is used
to start, to stop, or to change the direction of the current
flow in the circuit. The switch in each circuit must be
able to carry the normal current of the circuit and must be
insulated heavily enough for the voltage of the circuit. Figure 47. Various knife and toggle switches.

Figure 48. Use of magnetic motor starters.

9-12. In figure 48, the air conditioner will not the load contacts, if the voltmeter leads are connected in
operate unless the fan and pump holding coils are parallel to each set of contacts and the holding coil is
energized, and the thermostat switch is closed. Notice energized. The voltmeter should read zero. If it does not,
that the control circuit for the air conditioner is wired in then the contacts need to be cleaned or replaced. With
series through the auxiliary contacts of the fan and pump power off, the heaters and the holding coil may be
motor starters. Also, notice that a low voltage may be checked with the ohmmeter. Heaters should be sized
used to control a higher voltage with the use of a step- correctly to give protection to the motor; if undersized
down transformer. they would cause nuisance tripping in normal current
9-13. If switches Nos. 1 and 2 are closed, the pump flow.
and fan will operate but the air conditioner will not until 9-15. In this chapter you have studied the
the thermostat completes the circuit for its holding coil. If fundamentals of electricity, circuits, Ohm's law,
an overload develops in the pump or fan, the heaters open transformers, magnetism, electrical meters, circuit
the respective control circuit, which in turn breaks the protective and control devices, and motors that are used to
control circuit for the air conditioner. drive refrigeration equipment. Let's continue with another
9-14. Maintenance and Troubleshooting. Most of type of drive for refrigeration equipment, the gasoline
the troubles in motor starters will be in the load contacts, engine.
holding coil, or heaters. A voltmeter can be used to check


These review exercises are intended to assist you in studying the material in this memorandum. The figures following each
question correspond to the paragraph numbers that contain information pertaining to the exercise. In order to obtain the most
benefit from the review exercises you should try to work them before you look at the answers in the back of the
memorandum. Do not send in your solutions to the review exercises.


Objective: To show knowledge of the fundamentals of electricity, circuits, motors, circuit protectors, troubleshooting, and

1. What type of electricity does a generator produce? (1-4)

2. Define voltage, current, and resistance. (1-6, 10)

3. Why are alloys of nickel and chromium used in heater elements? (1-11)

4. The resistance of copper wire is determined by three things. What are they? (1-12)

5. What type metal is used to make a permanent magnet? (1-16)

6. What determines the output frequency of an ac generator? (2-10)

7. Given an electrical potential of 110 volts and a resistance of 55 ohms, find the amperage draw. (3-4)

8. Given a resistance of 12 ohms and a 20-amp current draw, find the electrical potential. (3-5)

9. Given a 5-amp current draw and an electrical potential of 110 volts, find the resistance in ohms. (3-6)

10. If a dc motor draws 1 ampere of current when connected to 746 volts, what is the horsepower of the motor? (3-25, 27)

11. What is the electrical symbol for inductance? (4-8)

12. What effect does a capacitor have on an ac motor circuit? (4-10; Fig. 17)

13. When will the apparent power be equal to the true power in an ac circuit? (4-12)

14. Will a transformer operate on any dc circuit? (5-1)

15. Name the three primary parts of a transformer. (5-2)

16. List the four types of transformer connections. (5-21)

17. What is the purpose of the various size resistors connected in series with the voltmeter movable coil? (6-3)

18. Why is a shunt connected in parallel with the ammeter meter circuit? (6-4)

19. When will maximum current flow through the ohmmeter circuit? (6-7)

20. Before using a dc meter on an ac circuit, what must be added to the circuit? (6-9)

21. What the purpose of the wattmeter? (6-10)

22. How would a voltmeter be connected to check or a blown fuse? (6-20)

23. What must be done to the circuit before making a continuity check in a parallel circuit? (6-30)

24. What determines the speed of rotation of an ac motor? (7-2)

25. How many windings must a single-phase induction motor have? (7-5)

26. What would happen to the split-phase motor if the start winding failed to disengage? (7-15)

27. Which of the single-phase motors has the best running characteristics and highest starting torque? (7-18)

28. How is a three-phase motor started? (7-23)

29. Why does a reluctance motor operate at exactly synchronous speed? (7-26)

30. What type motor may be used on either ac or dc? (7-28)

31. How often should a motor be lubricated? (8-3)

32. What are circuit protective devices used for? (9-7)

33. On three-phase equipment how many protective devices must be in the circuit? (9-11)

34. In figure 66 the air conditioner will not operate if the fan is not on. Why? (9-12)

35. Where will most of the troubles be located in a magnetic motor starter? (9-14)


Fundamentals of Gasoline Engines

Occasionally you may be called upon to service 10-3. Theoretically the two stroke cycle engine
engine-powered refrigeration units. You will find these should produce twice as much power as a four stroke
engine-powered units on refrigerated vans, mobile field cycle engine of the same size. This is not true, because
units, and some trailers used for electronic system fuel is wasted and power is lost when some of the
maintenance. incoming fuel mixture mixes with the exhaust gases and
2. Since you will be operating and servicing these is exhausted out of the engine. In this manner the
units, you must possess a working knowledge of gasoline volumetric efficiency of the engine is reduced
engine. Let's begin with a discussion of the four stroke considerably. Volumetric efficiency is the ability of an
cycle engine. engine to take in enough air to insure complete
combustion. However, a two stroke cycle produces more
10. Principles of Operation power output per unit weight than a four stroke cycle
10-1. For a four stroke cycle internal-combustion 10-4. So far all we've discussed is the operation of
engine to operate and deliver power, the following series gasoline engines. Now we will over the servicing of
of events must occur in the order illustrated in figure 49. gasoline engines. We will start with the lubrication
A mixture of fuel and air must enter the cylinder and be system.
compressed. The mixture must be ignited by some
means, causing it to burn and expand. The expanding 11. Maintenance of Lubrication System
gases then force the piston down. The piston then must
move upward, expelling the burned gases from the 11-1. The lubricating system of an engine includes a
cylinder. This series of five events must take place time number of different units. In this system the oil is picked
and time again in exactly the same sequence if the engine up from the oil pan reservoir by the pump. The pump is
is to deliver power. To improve the efficiency of the usually driven by the camshaft. An oil strainer is placed
engine, various valves are timed to open or close at a in series with the pump to remove foreign substances,
piston position slightly before or slightly after a dead- such as metal particles, dirt, etc, from the oil. The oil is
center position. forced through metal tube and galleries in the engine
10-2. The two stroke cycle engine is a one that block to various parts of the engine. It is then either
completes its cycle of operation in only two strokes, splashed or forced on the moving parts of the engine after
instead of four as in the four stroke cycle. Mechanically which the oil returns to the oil pan reservoir, thus
the two stroke cycle engine is slightly different. Some completing the cycle.
have the intake and exhaust ports placed in the cylinder 11-2. In order for the lubrication system to function
wall, while others may use a combination of intake ports properly, the operator must observe and record the oil
and mechanically operated exhaust valves in the pressure at predetermined intervals, maintain the proper
combustion chamber. When ports are used and the piston oil level in the crankcase of the engine, and change the oil
moves down on its power stroke, it first uncovers the and oil filter element, as specified by the technical manual
exhaust port to allow burned gases to escape and then applicable to the specific engine.
uncovers the intake port to allow a new air-fuel mixture to 11-3. Oil Pressure Gage. The oil pressure gage
enter the combustion chamber. On the upward stroke, the indicates the resistance of the oil being circulated through
piston covers both ports and at the same time compresses the engine. The resistance is generally
the new mixture in preparation for ignition and another
per stroke.

Figure 49. Four stroke five event cycle principle.

measured in pounds per square inch. A pressure gage 11-7. Use care when replacing the filter - to avoid
does not show how much oil there is in the crankcase. It damaging the oil lines or the oil line fittings. Our next
merely shows that oil is being pumped sufficiently to discussion will be the maintenance of the fuel system.
create an indicated pressure. If the oil pressure gage does
not show any oil pressure, the engine must be stopped, 12. Maintenance of Fuel System
since it is an indication that the oil is not circulating and
lubricating the moving parts. The engine will be severely 12-1. A gasoline engine fuel system consist
damaged if it is allowed to operate without oil pressure essentially of a storage tank for the fuel, a fuel filter to
for a short length of time. clean the fuel, a fuel pump to transfer the fuel from the
11-4. Oil Level Gage. The oil level gage rod is tank to the carburetor, and a carburetor to mix the fuel
usually of the bayonet type, similar to that used on with the air.
automobiles, and is used to check the oil level in the 12-2. Fuel Filter. Fuel filters may be of various
crankcase. The gage rod is usually stamped at “add oil” designs and located at any point between the fuel tank and
and “full” levels. Oil level on the bayonet gage rod the carburetor. In figure 50 the fuel enters the bowl and
should be taken only when the engine is not operating and pass up through the filter screen before it flows out
the engine oil is at normal operating temperature. Always through the outlet. Water, or any solid caught by the
keep the oil above the “add” mark. screen, settles to the bottom of the bowl. The bowl can be
11-5. Oil Filter. The primary function of the oil removed and cleaned.
filter is to filter out contaminating substances as the oil 12-3. Fuel Pump. The fuel pump pumps gasoline
passes through the filtering element. Two types of oil from the fuel tank, through the fuel filter, to the carburetor
filters are used: one is the sealed element type and the float chamber, at approximately 3 psi.
other is the replaceable element type. 12-4. Carburetor. The basic function of the
11-6. Most oil filters are designed with a bypass carburetor is to meter the air and fuel in varying
valve which permits free circulation of the lubricating oil percentages according to the engine requirements. The
f the filter element becomes clogged. Normally a filter most desired mixture has an air-fuel ratio of 15 to 1-15
element should be changed when the lubricating oil in the parts of air to 1 part of fuel by weight. A 15 to 1 ratio is
engine is changed. This change should be performed at referred to as a normal or medium mixture. A mixture
such intervals as recommended by the applicable con-

carburetor shown in figure 51 is one used with a small air-
cooled engine which operates a 25-cubic foot refrigerator.
This carburetor has three adjustments: the main needle
valve, the idle adjusting screw, and the throttle adjusting
screw. The main needle valve meters gasoline to the
engine at operating speeds, the idle adjusting screw
meters gasoline to the engine at idle speed, while the
throttle adjusting screw adjusts the idling speed of the
engine. Most carburetors have only the latter two
adjustments. In these carburetors the gasoline is metered
to the engine automatically.
12-6. Air Cleaner. The carburetor air cleaner must
be kept clean to prolong engine life. Two types of air
cleaners are used. They are the wet and dry types. At
certain intervals, as recommended by the applicable
publication, the wet filter is disassembled, washed in
nonflammable cleaning solvent, reassembled, and refilled
or sprayed with oil. Dry type cleaners are replaced at

Figure 50. Fuel filter.

taining less air is known as a rich mixture. Maximum

horsepower is obtained at a ratio of 12 or 13 to 1;
maximum economy, however, is obtained with a 15 to 1
ratio. The carburetor must automatically vary the
proportion of air and fuel to meet the changing conditions
under which the engine operates.
12-5. To procure maximum horsepower and
maximum economy from an engine, it is sometimes
necessary to make certain carburetor adjustment. The

Figure 52. Ignition system.

prescribed interval. They must never be oiled; however,

in emergencies they may be cleaned with compressed air.
12-7. We've mentioned previously that the fuel-air
mixture must be ignited by an electric spark from a spark
plug; let's discuss the system that causes this function.

13. Maintenance of Ignition System

13-1. The complete function of the ignition system is

shown in figure 52, but let's discuss each one separately.
13-2. Spark Plugs. Spark plugs should be removed,
cleaned, and inspected at intervals prescribed by the
manual for the particular engine. This operation is
Figure 51. Carburetor. important because dirty spark

are composed of lead and the electrolyte is a solution of
13-10. A battery must be tested periodically to
determine its state of charge. To test the specific gravity
of the electrolyte of each cell, remove the filler caps,
being careful to prevent dirt or foreign matter from falling
into the cells.
13-11. Use a hydrometer to test the specific gravity
of each cell. If the specific gravity is less than 1.175,
increase the generator charging rate, or recharge the
13-12. If the unit is being operated in a tropical or
hot climate and the specific gravity is over 1.225, the
charging rate should be reduced. If the unit is operating
in a temperate climate, the charging rate should not be
reduced unless the specific gravity is over 1.290. When
operating the unit in a frigid or cold climate, always keep
the battery fully charged.
Figure 53. Adjusting spark plug gap. 13-13. The battery electrolyte level should be
inspected daily. When available, distilled water should be
plugs and plugs that have insufficient or too large a gap used to refill a storage battery. If the water level is low,
between the electrodes will cause hard starting and refill each cell so that the level is about one-half of an
irregular firing of the engine. inch above the top of the plates. It is important that the
13-3. Using a thickness gage, as shown in figure 53, electrolyte level be properly maintained at all times. It is
adjust the gap between the electrodes to the specified also very important that the specific gravity be
amount recommended by the manual for the particular
engine. The electrodes are spaced properly when the
correct thickness gage can be lightly drawn between
13.4. The coil (transformer) is used to step up the
voltage to approximately 18,000 volts dc. To do this the
primary of the coil is connected to a set of points. These
points open and close to create pulsating dc that can be
stepped up. The secondary side of the coil which also
produces pulsating dc is connected to the rotor in the
distributor and from there to each spark in turn.
13-5. The condenser (capacitor) is in the circuit to
help collapse the magnetic field and reduce arcing at the
13-6. Distributor. The distributor with its
components is shown in figure 54. The distributor points
should be inspected periodically. To inspect the condition
of the point, stop the engine and remove the distributor
cap and rotor. Then examine the distributor breaker
points for pits or evidence of overheating. If the points
are badly pitted or burned, they should be replaced.
13-7. After the points are replaced, adjust the
clearance when fully open as prescribed by the
publication for the specific engine. Also, replace the rotor
and cap.
13-8. Storage Battery. The storage battery is a very
vital part of the electrical and ignition system and must be
properly maintained for dependable automatic operation.
13-9. The most common type of storage battery is Figure 54. Distributor.
the lead and acid type. It is so called because the plates

maintained at sufficient strength to prevent freezing in cooled by forced circulation of air provided by vanes on
extremely cold locations. the flywheel. The blower case inclosing the flywheel and
13-14. If the electrolyte level is too low to obtain a the baffles around the cylinder control the flow of air.
reading with the hydrometer, refill the battery with Keep the system clean to prevent overheating of the
distilled water and allow the unit to operate for an hour or engine and to assure uniform air velocity for proper
more before taking a hydrometer reading; otherwise an cooling. When the flywheel vanes, cylinder, and cylinder
accurate, specific gravity test cannot be obtained. fins become coated with dust and dirt, the engine blower
13-15. Wash the battery terminals, cable clamps, and case must be removed to clean the units. Using a stiff
cables with a solution of water and soda. See that the bristle brush or a scraper, remove all traces of dirt from
vents in the filler caps are open. To keep the terminals the flywheel vanes and the cylinder and cylinder head fin.
and battery cable clamps from corroding, coat them with When maintaining cylinder fins it is important that fins
grease. Do not drop a battery, and don't pound on the not become bent or otherwise damaged, as this will result
terminal. At intervals, remove the battery from its cradle, in hot spots within the cylinder.
clean the cradle, and coat it with rust preventive 14-6. Well, we've got the engine running normally;
compound. now we'll connect it to the compressor and get some work
13-16. Now that we have oil in the engine, fuel in done.
the tank, and voltage to the spark plug, we can start the
engine. Wait, we've forgotten another important system - 15. Maintenance of Drive Mechanism
the cooling system. We must have a system that will keep
the engine at a normal temperature. We had better 15-1. All drive belts should be examined regularly
discuss this topic a little further. for wear, breaks, and adjustments. A worn belt becomes
bright and smooth and tends to ride the bottom of the
14. Maintenance of Cooling System pulley or to slip when under a load. Continuous rubbing
of the side of a belt wears down the edges and decreases
14-1. All internal combustion engines are equipped the efficiency of its drive. Excessive friction from the
with some type of cooling system to dissipate the great contact with abrasive dust causes internal breakdown of a
amount of heat they generate during operation. About rubber belt. The presence of stray lubrication near a
one-third of the heat generated by combustion must be rubber belt should be checked. Oil and grease soften and
dissipated by the cooling system. Cooling systems are deteriorate rubber. However, some flexible V-belts are
classified into two categories - liquid cooling and air made of a special composition which is not affected by
cooling. grease or oil.
14-2. Liquid Cooling. A simple liquid-cooling 15-2. A belt which runs loose may snap in two. Low
system consists of a radiator, a circulating pump, a fan, a belt tension causes reduced and unsteady output. Unusual
thermostat, and a system of water jackets and water tautness brings on rapid wear of the belt, motor bearing,
passages within the engine. and compressor bearings.
14-3. If the engine temperature runs abnormally 15-3. If a belt shows indications of wear and cracks,
high, clean the exterior of the radiator by blowing it should be replaced. Always replace belts in matched
compressed air through the fins to dislodge any foreign sets if at al possible. To check the tension of the drive
material and dead insects. If the temperature still runs belt, which operates small compressor units, deflect the
high, heating may be due to an accumulation of sludge in belt at a point halfway between the engine pulley and the
the radiator. It is then best to drain and flush the radiator compressor pulley. The deflection at this point, with a
and engine block with dear water. Refill the radiator with 10-pound pressure, should be between 1/2 inch and 3/4
soft water if it is available. If treated water is not inch. Adjust the belt as required or replace with a new
available, then use clear tap water, but drain and flush the one of the correct size. During the inspection and
system more often. maintenance of V-type belts it must be remembered that
14-4. For operation below freezing or if the engine the driving force is on the sides of the pulley and not on
should be standing idle at temperatures below freezing the bottom of the pulley groove.
without being drained, ethylene glycol or a similar 15-4. The -four stroke cycle engine is most common
antifreeze should be added in sufficient quantity to to the career field. The operation of the engine depends
prevent freezing at the lowest anticipated temperature. upon proper maintenance. Each subsystem - fuel,
14-5. Air Cooling. Air-cooled engines are designed electrical, and cooling - must work in harmony for peak
in such a manner that the engine cylinder and head are performance. We've

discussed the maintenance to be performed on each publications. The frequency of maintenance is outlined in
system. The most important service that can be given an publications furnished by the manufacturers of the
engine is proper lubrication. A large percentage of engines or by the TO when available.
powerplant breakdowns are a direct cause of insufficient 15-5. Since we have covered the prime movers for
lubrication. Lubricate each powerplant according to the refrigeration equipment, let’s study the physics of
recommendations prescribed by the applicable refrigeration so the prime movers can be put to use.


Practice Exercises

Objective: To show knowledge of the fundamentals and maintenance of the gasoline engine.

1. List the series of five events a four stroke cycle engine must go through to delivery power. (10-1)

2. When should the engine oil be checked? (11-4)

3. To obtain maximum economy what should the air-fuel ratio be? (12-4)

4. What type of electrical power is delivered to the ignition coil? (13-4)

5. What is the purpose of the condenser in the engine ignition circuit? (13-5)

6. What is the most common storage battery composed of? (13-9)

7. When should ethylene glycol be used? (14-4)

8. What is the best way to check a drive belt for correct tension? (15-3)


Physics of Refrigeration

When venturing into the field of refrigeration, the words, they change from a solid directly into a gas. There
first thing to learn is what goes on within the unit to are different types of heat and different methods of
produce the “cold.” When we talk about something being transferring this heat; but first let's look at some types of
“cold” we simply mean that it has less heat in relation to heat.
something else. Every substance will have some heat 16-4. Sensible Heat. Sensible heat is the amount of
until the substance reaches absolute zero. heat that can be added to or subtracted from a substance
2. Heat is not destroyed in producing the cold but is without changing its state. Sensible heat can be measured
simply removed from the place where it is unwanted. by a thermometer and detected by the body senses when
Heat is also in a mechanical refrigeration system to help present in appreciable amounts.
remove the unwanted heat. 16-5. Latent Heat. Latent heat is hidden heat
3. The particular phase of natural science with which present in a substance. When ice at 32° F. melts into
we are concerned involve the study of conditions under water at 32° F., a change of state takes place. During this
which certain changes take place; for example, when a change, a certain amount of heat is required to melt the
solid melts or when a liquid boils. ice to water at 32° F. This heat which causes the change
of state is known as the latent heat of fusion. Now if the
16. Thermodynamics water at normal atmospheric pressure is heated until it
reaches 212°, it will not rise above the temperature until it
16-1. Before we go into the study of is all changed into steam (vapor). The heat that changes a
thermodynamics let's see what it means. substance from a liquid to a vapor is known as the latent
“Thermodynamics is the physics that deals with the heat of vaporization.
mechanical action or relations of heat processes and 16-6. The graph shown in figure 55 indicates that the
phenomena.” One of the laws of thermodynamics is a amount of heat required to change 1 pound of water from
formula which states that 778 foot pounds of work is a solid to a liquid is 144 Btus. To change 1 pound of
equivalent to the heat energy of one Btu. Anther law is a water from a liquid to a gaseous state requires a total of
statement that heat will only transfer from a higher 970 Btus.
temperature to a lower temperature. 16-7. Specific Heat. The fact that it takes 1 Btu to
16-2. Heat. All substances have heat; however, raise the temperature of 1 pound of water 1° does not
some will have more heat than others. Heat is the mean that this is true for all substances. Some substances
movement of the molecules within the substances. The require more heat while others call for less heat to raise
more they move the hotter the substance becomes. To their temperature equal amounts. Water is used for
completely stop this movement the substance must be comparison, and the amount of heat required as compared
reduced in temperature to absolute zero. to water is the specific heat of a substance. A few
16-3. Cold. We use this term to show that an object specific heat values are given for different substances in
has less heat than something else. Cold is not produced figure 56.
but is merely a result of removing heat, which removal 16-8. Heat Transfer. Heat can be transferred from
slows down the molecular movement. Many substances a hot object to a cooler object until both are equal in
change their state from a solid to a liquid, a gas or vice temperature. Heat can be transferred by any one of three
versa, with the addition or subtraction of heat. Other different methods - conduction, convection, and radiation
substances change their state by sublimation; in other - or by a combination of these same methods.

Figure 57. Heat transfer by conduction.

contracts, becomes more dense (heavier), and falls back to

Figure 55. The three states of water and the heat required its source, where it is heated again. Thus, a circulation of
to make change state atmospheric pressure. air is set up which continues as long as heat is provided.
Figure 58 shows how heat is transferred by connection.
16-9. Conduction. When heat is transmitted from 16-11. Radiation. Heat may be transmitted from one
one part of a substance to another part of the same place to another without the use of any material carrier.
substance or from one substance to another in direct The best example of this method of transfer of heat is
contact the process is termed “conduction.” To verify found in the radiation of energy from the sun to the earth.
these two statements by experiment, use a metal rod, as We know that the atmosphere of the earth is negligible at
illustrated in figure 57, placing one end over a flame. As a comparatively short height above the earth and that the
the heat is absorbed, the molecules become active, and in rest of the more than 90 million miles up to the place
a short time the cooler portion of the metal rod becomes where the sun’s atmosphere begins is filled with little or
warm. Metals are good conductors of heat; but other nothing. Therefore we know that both light and heat
materials, such as glass or cork, aren't. Materials which energy from the sun must come through space. Such a
offer resistance to the flow of heat are known as insulators method of transfer is called radiation.
or poor conducts. 16-12. Radiation is the process of emitting radiant
16-10. Convection. Convection will be clear to you energy in the form of rays or particles, as shown in figure
if you will follow the flow of air as it is transmitted 59. In this case, a person's hand feels warm, even though
through a heating system. When air is heated, it expands it is a considerable distance from the source of heat. The
and becomes lighter because of the change in density. rays or particles pass through the air and heat the hand
Cooler heavier air flows in under the warm air and forces more than the air between.
it upward. Then, as the warm air becomes cooler it 16-13. The transmission of heat by these three
mediums can be controlled according to the required
needs. Conduction is aided-by providing

Figure 56. Specific heat values. Figure 58. Heat transfer by convection.

Figure 59. Heat transfer by radiation.

large conducting surfaces and good heat-conducting

materials, such as iron, silver, or copper. Convection my
be assisted by speeding up the flow of air, as in a forced- Figure 61. Density, volume, and weight.
air circulation system. The flow of heat can also be
controlled by dampers and thermostats according to one's 16-16. It becomes necessary at times to convert from
desire. Dark colors usually absorb heat while light colors Fahrenheit to centigrade or from centigrade to Fahrenheit
reflect heat. For this reason, a certain surface finish may temperatures. A simple formula for converting these
radiate heat more efficiently than another. This is an aid temperatures has been used by all members of the
to heating by radiation. refrigeration trade. When converting Fahrenheit
16-14. Temperature. The relative hotness of a body temperatures to centigrade, subtract 32° from the
is termed “temperature.” This is not the quantity of heat Fahrenheit temperature and multiply the remainder by
in the body substance, but merely its degree of warmth. .556 (5/9). To change centigrade temperatures to
An ordinary thermometer is used for the measurement of Fahrenheit, multiply the centigrade temperature by 1.8
temperature. (9/5) and add 32°. This formula should be memorized for
16-15. Two types of scales that are in general use for use not only in the study of refrigeration but also in the
temperature measurement are the centigrade and the study of air conditioning.
Fahrenheit. Figure 60 compare the two sales. Looking at 16-17. Density. The density of a substance is the
the centigrade scale, you can see that 0° is the freezing ratio of its mass or weight to its volume. The upper
point and 100° the boiling point of water. There are 100 portion of figure 61 shows that volume may be given
divisions on the centigrade scale compared to 180 either in liquid measure as gallons or in cubic measure as
division on the Fahrenheit scale. Water freezes at the 32° cubic inches. One gallon
point and boils at the 212° point on the Fahrenheit scale.

Figure 60. Comparison of Fahrenheit and Centigrade

Figure 62. Determining specific gravity.

of water has a weight of 8.337 pounds at a temperature of
62° F.
16-18. The relative weight of liquids and solids is
determined by specific gravity. Pure water is used as a
standard reference with a value of 1. The specific gravity
of cast iron may be figured by the method illustrated in
figure 62. The weight of water which is displaced by a
15-pound bar of cast iron is 2.1 pounds. Divide 2.1 into
15 to get the specific gravity, which is about 7.1 for cast
iron. The specific gravity of a liquid may be measured
with a hydrometer such as is used with a storage battery.
The float in a hydrometer is calibrated so that the scale
gives a direct reading of the specific gravity of the liquid
being tested. Figure 64. Illustration of horsepower.
16-19. The density of a gas is expressed by specific
volume. The specific volume is the volume of 1 pound of pressure on the sides and bottom of its container. A good
the given gas under standard conditions (temperature of illustration of gas pressure is the pressure exerted by the
substance used to inflate an ordinary balloon. The gas
68° F. and pressure of 29.92 inches of mercury). Next we
shall consider what is meant by pressure and some of the pressure inflates the balloon, supporting all points of its
surface. Figure 63 illustrates the different types of
effects of it.
pressures explained in this paragraph. When you learn
16-20. Pressure. Before a refrigeration can operate
normally, a pressure difference must exist between about the refrigeration cycle, you will find that
mechanical power is used to increase pressure.
different units of the system. Consequently, pressure and
16-22. Work and Power. An understanding of
its laws are important. Pressure is the force per unit of
area expressed in pounds per square inch or pounds per energy relations is essential to a complete knowledge of
refrigeration. Energy is “the capacity to do work,” and
square foot. The pressure of air on one's body at sea level
whenever energy is spent there will be some work done.
is approximately 14.7 pounds per square inch, or 2117
pounds per square foot. Since there are 144 square inches Work is “the force in pounds multiplied by the distance
through which it acts.” The unit of work is called the
in 1 square foot, 14.7 is multiplied by 144 to find the
foot-pound. One foot-pound is the amount of work done
pressure per square foot:
in raising 1 pound vertically a distance of 1 foot.
16-23. Example. What amount of work is done in
lifting 2000 pounds a distance of 10 feet?

16-21. A material exerts pressure on its supporting Force X distance = work

surface. For example, a desk (solid) exerts pressure on 2000 X 10 = 20,000 foot-pounds
the floor through its legs. If the legs were removed, the
desk would fall. A liquid, such as water in a pail, exerts Power is the time rate of doing work. Mechanical power
is termed “horsepower.” One horsepower

Figure 63. Types of pressure.

Figure 65. Unit of heat content.

does work at the rate of 33,000 foot-pounds per minute. 16-25. Energy. In addition to mechanical power, we
16-24. Referring to figure 64, you will see that if the are concerned with electrical and heat energy. You will
2000 pounds were lifted 10 feet in 2 minutes, the power find in refrigeration that changes in heat energy are the
required would be: basis of cooling. Electrical and mechanical energy are
combined in most systems to produce changes in heat
energy. The relationship between these three types of
energy is expressed in terms of the following equivalents:

778 foot-pounds = 1 Btu

1 horsepower = 2,545.6 Btus/hr
1 horsepower = 746 watts

Figure 66. High and low side of system.

16-26. Scientists have a theory that heat comes from for refrigerants is at -40° F. Example: To find the
the vibration of the molecules in a substance. The rate of enthalpy of 1 pound of 70° F. water, subtract 32° F. from
vibration determines the temperature, while the total 70° F. Total heat at 70° F. = 38 Btu.
energy involved in the movement of all the molecules of a 16-31. Entropy. Entropy is a mathematical constant
substance determines the heat. Heat is measured in that is used by engineers for calculations of the energy in
thermal units. The British thermal unit (Btu) is defined as a system. Again, 32° F. and -40° F. are the accepted
the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 bases used in these calculations. Most of the refrigerant
pound of water 1° F. performance charts will show the constant entropy lines.
16-27. Looking at the example (see fig. 65), you can
see by the rise in temperature how 1 Btu was added to the 17. The Mechanical Refrigeration Cycle
water, causing a change in its heat content. Note that the
state of the water does not change even though it has a 17-1. Before studying the various changes which
higher temperature. Heat may be added without a change take place in the refrigeration cycle, it is necessary to see
of state until the boiling point of the water is reached. just how latent heat and pressure changes have become
16-28. Critical Temperature. We can liquefy any the foundation of modern refrigeration.
gas by lowering its temperature or by increasing the 17-2. Uses of Latent Heat. When ice melts, its
pressure. However, there are temperatures at which gases degree of temperature remains constant; however, it
cannot be liquefied regardless of the applied pressure. absorbs a large amount of heat in the process of changing
These are called the critical temperatures. from ice to water.
16-29. Critical Pressure. The critical pressure of a 17-3. In the evaporator of the modern refrigerator,
liquid is the pressure at or above which the liquid will the refrigerant changes from a liquid to a gas. To make
remain a liquid regardless of the applied heat. this change of state, heat must be absorbed by the
16-30. Enthalpy. Enthalpy is the total heat refrigerant. This heat can only come from the space to be
(energy) in 1 pound of a substance. The enthalpy for cooled. We can say that the cooling action within the
water is accepted at 32° F., where the accepted enthalpy cabinet takes place in the evaporator.

Figure 67. Compression system.

Figure 68. Absorption system.

17-4. The condenser is another area within the medium (air or a water). As the gas is forced through the
refrigeration cycle where latent heat of vaporization is tubes, the heat of compression plus the latent heat of
used. The heat absorbed in the evaporator must be given vaporization from the evaporator is dissipated into the
up in the condenser. The condenser is surrounded by surrounding cooling medium.
either air or water; and as the hot gas comes into contact 17-12. The removal of heat causes the gas to
with either of these mediums, it gives up its heat and condense to a high-pressure liquid. This liquid flows into
condenses into a liquid. a receiver, which is merely a storage space for the
17-5. You can see now that latent heat of refrigerant. The liquid leaves the receiver and moves up
vaporization plays an important role within the cycle, but the liquid line to the expansion valve, where the pressure
let's not forget another important ingredient-pressure of the liquid is reduced. As a result, it absorbs heat
differences. through the walls of the evaporator, lowering the
17-6. Utilization of Pressure Difference. In temperature of the compartment to be cooled. As the
refrigeration, it is necessary to produce cold. This is liquid boils, which is caused by the heat picked up from
made possible when differences of pressure are present. the cooling compartment, it changes into a low-pressure
The high and low sides of a system and places where gas. This low-pressure gas now enters the suction line
pressure varies during a cycle can be seen in figures 66 leading to the compressor. The cycle is now complete.
and 67. The reduction of pressure within the cycle takes 17-13. Absorption System. The absorption system
place at the expansion valve. The refrigerant (of the R-12 differs from a compression system in that heat energy is
type) boils at -21.7° F. under atmospheric pressure. If the used instead of mechanical energy to make a change in
pressure is reduced to 11.999 psia, the boiling point is the conditions necessary to complete a cycle of
lowered to -30° F. The cabinet temperature is maintained refrigeration. Gas, kerosene, or an electrical heating
above this temperature; therefore, the heat of the cabinet element is used as the source of heat supply.
will be readily absorbed by the refrigerant. Now you 17-14. To better explain the operation of the
should have an understanding of how pressure differences absorption system, we have put figure 68 in block form.
are used in obtaining the refrigeration effect. Also we have added a float in the condenser. Let's start
17-7. Now that we've covered latent heat and the cycle by creating a vacuum in the absorber and
pressure differences, we are ready to apply these to the evaporator, and starting these pumps. Water will boil at
refrigeration cycle. 40° F.-45° F. with a vacuum of 29.53 inches of mercury
17-8. The refrigeration cycle is common to all (Hg). As the refrigerant (water) is sprayed on the 55° F.
machines made for towering of temperature in our chilled water coil, the refrigerant boils and absorbs the
everyday living. The type of system used, however, heat from the chilled water. The refrigerant vapor is then
depends upon the locality where the refrigeration is absorbed by the lithium bromide, and becomes weaker.
needed. To have continuous operations, the lithium bromide must
17-9. Compression System. Figure 67 illustrates be made stronger and the refrigerant must return to the
the simplified refrigeration system. By applying the evaporator. To do this the generator pump is started and a
theory of latent heat and pressure differences, you can see steam valve is opened. The generator pump forces the
what takes place in producing low temperatures. This weak solution through the heat exchanger (where the
illustration may be applied to any refrigerator regardless weak solution is preheated and the strong solution from
of size or shape. the generator is cooled), then into the generator. Steam is
17-10. Every system involves a cycle of one kind or used to make the refrigerant (water) go into a vapor again
another. We will trace through the entire cycle step by where it condenses into pure water in the condenser. As
step. the refrigerant level rises in the condenser the float opens
17-11. As the piston moves down, low-pressure gas to return the refrigerant into the evaporator for continuous
is emitted through the valve to fill up the cylinder. As the operation.
piston starts up, compression takes place because the gas 17-15. We have discussed the physics of
is forced into a smaller space. As the gas is compressed, refrigeration and the cycle of the mechanical and
heat of compression is added. At the topmost position of absorption refrigeration systems. Now let's discuss the
the piston, the gas is forced through the exhaust valve into medium used in these systems to transfer the heat from
the condenser The gas is at its highest pressure. The where it is unwanted to a place where it is
condenser is a series of tubes surrounded by a cooling unobjectionable.


Practice Exercises

Objective: To show knowledge of the physics of refrigeration and to apply the theory to the subtraction of heat.

1. At what temperature will all molecular movement stop? (16-2)

2. When a solid changes directly from a solid to a gas, what is it called? (16-3)

3. How is cold produced? (16-3)

4. Describe the term “sensible heat.” (16-4)

5. Describe the term “latent heat.” (16-5)

6. What is the specific heat of water? (16-7)

7. Convert -40° centigrade to Fahrenheit. (16-16)

8. How is the relative weight of liquids and solids determined? (16-18)

9. What is the pressure per square foot at sea level? (16-20)

10. What amount of work is done in lifting 33,000 pounds a distance of 2 feet in 1 minute? What the required horsepower?
(16-23, 24)

11. What is 1 Btu equal to in foot-pounds? (16-25)

12. How many Btus are required to raise the temperature of 50 pounds of water 2°? (16-26)

13. What is the temperature called at which a liquid cannot be liquefied regardless of the applied pressure? (16-28)



Heat cannot be transferred from the inside of the 18. Effect of Temperature and Pressure
refrigerator to the outside without some sort of medium or
heat-carrying device. This medium is called refrigerant. 18-1. As you learned earlier, we can liquefy any gas
2. Just what is refrigerant? Well, the dictionary by lowering its temperature. At some temperatures the
defines it as follows, “A substance, such as ice, liquid air, gas can be liquefied by increasing the pressure. However,
ammonia, or carbon dioxide, used in refrigeration.” We there are temperatures at which gases cannot be liquefied
could define refrigerant as the medium (fluid or gas) used regardless of the applied pressure. These are called
to transfer heat from the evaporator to the condenser. critical temperatures.
3. The requirements for a refrigerant are almost self- 18-2. For example, we can change steam to water by
explanatory. It is obvious that an automatic mechanism lowering its temperature below 212° F. or raising the
should be safe; that is, free from the danger of poisonous, pressure; but at 689° F. no amount of pressure will effect
flammable, or explosive gases. Refrigerants must be the change. Anyone living at a high altitude has noticed
noncorrosive in order that the more common metal can be that boiled food must be cooked for a longer period of
used in the construction of the machine part. It must also time or under pressure. Boiling temperatures of points are
be such that its presence can be easily detected and traced lower at lower atmospheric pressures and higher at higher
to its source in the event of leaks. It is also desirable to atmospheric pressures. The critical pressure of a gas
keep pressures within the refrigeration cycle as close to (water vapor) is the minimum pressure required to liquefy
atmospheric pressure as possible, for any great differences (condense) it at its critical temperature.
in pressures tend to cause leaks, overwork the 18-3. The critical pressure of a refrigerant must be
compressor, and lower the overall efficiency of the above any condensing pressure that might be encountered
system. Another desirable characteristic of a refrigerant during a cycle of operation; otherwise the high-pressure
is stability. If a refrigerant is to have this, then it must gas would not condense and the refrigeration machine
remain chemically unchanged while constantly going would cease functioning. If the ordinary condensing
from a low temperature to a high temperature and back to pressures are up near the critical pressure, the amount of
a low temperature. It must not set up a chemical reaction power required to compress the refrigerant is excessive;
with the lubricants used in the system. It must not therefore the critical pressure of a refrigerant must be well
chemically deteriorate if it comes in contact with air or above the normal condensing pressure.
moisture within the system. 18-4. If the critical temperature of a refrigerant is not
4. There are various types of refrigerants used today. higher than the condensing temperature, the hot gas
The choice depends upon the application. Each coming from the compressor will not condense regardless
manufacturer attaches to his unit a nameplate which gives of pressure. If the temperature differential is small, power
the type and amount of charge in the system. Changing to consumption is excessive.
a different refrigerant should not even be considered, 18-5. If the hot gas coming from the compressor
since most units are deigned for use with one specific doesn't cool, the refrigeration cycle is not complete. The
refrigerant. Each refrigerant has a different pressure- heat transferred to the refrigerant in the evaporator cannot
temperature relationship. This relationship will be the be dissipated at the condenser. What heat was transferred
topic of our next discussion. in the evaporator? The heat from the food and inclosed

This caused the refrigerant to evaporate. Let's explain this with an ammonia vapor. Still another means of detecting
heat and vaporization process thoroughly. an ammonia leak is the phenolphtalein paper method. A
18-6. Latent Heat of Vaporization. With the mild concentration of ammonia causes the paper to turn
exception of the comparatively small amount of heat pink; heavier concentrations turn the paper scarlet. (Table
absorbed by vapor superheated in the evaporator and in 1)
that part of the suction line within the refrigerator space, 8-12. Refrigerant (R-12). Refrigerant-12 is colorless
all of the heat-absorbing or refrigerating capacity that a and odorless both as a liquid and as a gas. If a heavy
refrigerant has comes from its latent heat of vaporization. concentration of this gas is present, a very slight odor is
In other words it depends on how much heat the evident, but the vapor will not irritate the skin, eyes, nose,
refrigerant requires per pound to be changed from a liquid or throat. R-12 boils at -21.7° under atmospheric
to a gas. Everything else being equal, the refrigerant pressure. The presence of moisture in R-12 does not
having the highest latent heat of vaporization is the most cause corrosion; only a mild discoloration of brass,
desirable. copper and steel results. It is noncombustible and also
18-7. Boiling Point and Condensing Temperature. mixes readily with oil. To detect R-12 and other halogen
Each refrigerant is made up of a combination of chemical refrigerant leaks the halide detector (as shown in fig. 69)
elements. The various components of each differ in may be used. Other methods may also be used.
reaching their boiling point or the temperature at which
they condense. The boiling point of a refrigerant is that
temperature and pressure at which it is changed from a
low-pressure liquid to a low-pressure gas. The heat
required comes from the area to be lowered in
temperature. The evaporator is the heat-absorbing section
of a system. As stated before, the refrigerant R-12 has a
boiling point of -21.7° F. at atmospheric pressure. This
boiling point is well below the lowest evaporating
temperature at which the system operates.
18-8. The critical temperature of a refrigerant is
usually considerably higher than the condensing
temperature and pressure required in an operational
system. The critical temperature of R-12 is 233° F., and
the critical pressure s 582 pounds pr square inch. The
pressure temperature table for R-12, found in the
appendix of this volume, will show the normal operating
pressure corresponding to a given temperature. (Table 2)
18-9. The cooling medium, such as air or water, is
cooler than the refrigerant as it enters the condenser. Heat
is absorbed by the cooling medium and dissipated into the
atmosphere which changes the state of the refrigerant
from a gas to a liquid.
18-10. Classification of Refrigerants. Today there
are a number of different refrigerants used by
manufacturers of refrigeration machines. The following
paragraphs are devoted to a discussion of a few different
refrigerants, their characteristics, and the methods used in
testing for leaks.
18-11. Ammonia (NH3). This refrigerant is used
most in certain applications in industry and also in the
absorption type refrigerator. Ammonia is colorless and
has a pungent odor. It boils at -28°F. atmospheric
pressure. When one volume of ammonia and two
volumes of air are mixed, there is danger of explosion.
Ammonia very toxic and requires heavy fittings. Units
using ammonia must be water cooled. To detect ammonia
leaks, the repairman uses a sulphur candle, the flame of
which gives off a white smoke when it comes in contact Figure 69. Halide leak detector.

18-13. Carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide gas is cylinder valve wrench. Never use a monkey or Stillson
harmless to breathe except, of course, in heavy wrench for this purpose.
concentrations when all the oxygen is excluded. In such (9) Never force misfitting connections; make sure
cases, suffocation results. It has a slightly pungent odor that the threads of regulators and unions are the same as
and an acid taste. those on the cylinder outlet.
18-14. Because of its low efficiency as compared to (10) Never attempt to repair or alter a cylinder or
others, this refrigerant is seldom used in household valves.
refrigerators. It is used principally in industrial systems (11) Never store cylinders near flammables.
and on ships. (12) Always keep cylinders in a cool place away
18-15. Other refrigerants. Other refrigerants used to from direct sun rays if possible and fully secured in place.
a great extent in the refrigeration industry try are (13) Do not store full and empty refrigerant
Refrigerant-11, Refrigerant-22, and Refrigerant-11. Less cylinders together. They should be stored in different
commonly used refrigerants are Refrigerant-21, sections of the shop to avoid confusion.
Refrigerant-113, butane, ethane, propane, and methyl (14) Always insure that gas cylinders are secured
formate. (Tables 3-5) in place both when empty and filled.
18-16. You must become familiar with the safety 18-19. As we stated before, you should always wear
precautions related to refrigerants, for as we've mentioned protective equipment while charging or transferring
previously, working safely benefits both the equipment refrigerant. However, if something happens when you do
and you. not have the protective equipment on and the refrigerant
18-17. Transfer of Refrigerants. Refrigerants are comes in contact with your eyes or skin, you should know
obtainable in amounts from railroad carload to a 1-pound the first aid that will help you. If the refrigerant comes in
can. However, most of the refrigerant is in 145-pound contact with the eyes they can be bathed in a 2-percent
cylinders. These cylinders are too heavy for the boric acid solution. For frostbite on the skin the area can
serviceman to move from place to place so the refrigerant be bathed with cold water and massaged around the area
must be transferred into smaller containers. This is done until circulation is restored. Do not disturb the frost
by obtaining a small cylinder designed for the particular blisters.
gas which is to be transferred. Connect a charging line, 18-20. A refrigerant is the carrier of heat in a system;
weigh the empty cylinder and cool it if possible (set in ice consequently, it is found in different parts of the system in
or other methods), invert the full cylinder, and open both different states. How do we know which state the
cylinder valves. Stop the transfer when the small cylinder refrigerant i in within the system? Very easy; we use the
becomes 80-85 percent liquid full. CAUTION: Never fill refrigerant table. Using the table, we can check the
a cylinder over 85 percent liquid full and always wear pressures within the system and convert the pressures to
protective equipment when transferring refrigerant. temperatures. This can also tell us if the system is safe to
18-18. Let’s look at some of the “do's” and “don'ts” open. Remember, even though you know a little first aid,
while handling refrigerant cylinders. it's better to be safe than sorry.
(1) Never drop cylinders or permit them to strike 18-21. Tables have been compiled through
each other violently. experiment and research for each of the most commonly
(2) Never use a lifting magnet or a sling when used refrigerants. These tables show the pressure,
handling cylinders. A crane may be used when a safe density, volume, heat content, and latent heat
cradle or platform provided to hold the cylinders. corresponding to certain temperatures. The charts are so
(3) Cylinder valve caps should be kept on at all designed that when you have one condition given you can
times except when the cylinders are in use. determine the other relative factors. (Tables 1-6)
(4) Never fill a refrigerant cylinder completely full 18-22. We have had a discussion on a few of the
of refrigerant. The safe limit is 85 percent full. most important refrigerants and their purpose as heat
Overfilled cylinders are apt to burst from hydrostatic carriers in a refrigeration system. A refrigerant is the
pressure. bloodstream of any refrigerator; it removes heat at a low
(5) Never mix gases in a cylinder. pressure as it evaporates, and gives up heat at a high
(6) Cylinders are made to hold gas - don't use pressure as it condenses. The properties of a few of the
them for a support or roller. most common refrigerant gases are discussed and the
(7) Never tamper with the safety device on a characteristics noted, as well as the safety precautions
cylinder. which are essential and must be observed. You are the
(8) Open cylinder valves slowly and use a one who will be handling refrigerant, so don't be careless,
for they can

cause personal injury. The sections covering safety benefit. Tables which will be used in every step of this
precautions, safe handling of gases, and first aid treatment course are contained in the appendix to this
list the “dos” and “don'ts” to be followed when dealing memorandum.
with refrigerants. Read and heed; these are for your own


Practice Exercise

Objective: To show knowledge of the characteristic of refrigerants and of safety practices in handling these refrigerants.

1. What is the critical temperature of water? (18-2)

2. Why must the critical pressure be above the condensing pressures? (18-3)

3. Which refrigerant would be the most desirable - one with the lowest or highest latent heat of vaporization? (18-6)

4. What kind of a refrigerant gives off a white smoke when a leak is detected while using a sulphur candle? (18-11)

5. What is the safe limit for filling a refrigerant cylinder? (18-17, 18)

6. If refrigerant comes in contact with the eyes, they may be bathed in what? (18-19)


ABSOLUTE HUMIDITY - The amount of moisture that is in the air; it is measured in grains per cubic foot.
ABSOLUTE PRESSURE - Gage pressure plus atmospheric pressure (see pressure conversion table).
ABSOLUTE TEMPERATURE - The temperature that is measured from absolute zero (-460° F., zero° R., and -273° C.,
zero° K.)
ACCUMULATOR - A tank that is used to keep liquid refrigerant from flowing to the compressor.
ACTIVATED ALUMINA - A chemical desiccant.
ACTIVATED CARBON - Processed carbon that is used for a filter.
ADIABATIC COOLING - Process of changing sensible heat for latent heat without removing heat (evaporative cooling).
ANEMOMETER - An instrument used to measure the rate of airflow.
ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE - Pressure that is exerted upon the earth by the atmospheric gases.
AUTOTRANSFER - Common turns serve both the primary and secondary coils. Different taps are used to step up or step
down the voltage.
AZEOTROPIC REFRIGERANTS - These are mixtures of refrigerants that do not combine chemically but provide good
refrigerant characteristics.
BACK PRESSURE - Low side pressure or suction pressure.
BOYLE’S LAW - The volume of a given mass of gas varies as the pressure varies if the temperature remains the same.
BRITISH THERMAL UNIT - The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 pound of water 1° F.
CALORIE - The quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1° C.
CASCADE SYSTEM - Refrigeration system where two or more systems are connected in series to produce ultra-low
CHARLES’ LAW - The volume of a gas varies directly with the temperature provided that the pressure remains constant.
COEFFICIENT OF PERFORMANCE (COP) - The ratio of energy applied as compared to the energy used.
COMPOUND REFRIGERATION SYSTEM - A system with two or more compressors or cylinders in series.
CRITICAL PRESSURE - The pressure of the saturated vapor at the critical temperature.
CRITICAL TEMPERATURE - The temperature at which the liquid and vapor densities of a substance become equal.
CROSS CHARGED - Two different fluids used to create the desired pressure-temperature relationship.
CRYOGENIC FLUID - An ultra-low temperature gas or liquid.
CRYOGENICS - Refrigeration producing temperatures at or below -250° F.
CURRENT RELAY - A relay which makes or breaks a circuit depending on a change in current flow.
DALTON’S LAW - The total pressure of a mixture of gases is the sum of the partial pressures of each of the gases in the

DENSITY - The mass of a substance per unit volume (consistency).
DEWPOINT - The temperature at which a saturated vapor will begin to condense.
DRY ICE - Solid carbon dioxide at approximately -109° F.; it is used in the shipment of produce.
EBULATOR - A sharp-edged material inserted in a flooded evaporator for better efficiency.
FLASH GAS - When changing from a high-pressure liquid to a low-pressure liquid some of the liquid flashes (evaporates)
off and cools the remaining liquid to the desired evaporation temperature.
FOOT-POUND - The amount of work done in lifting 1 pound 1 foot.
GRAIN - A unit of weight; 7000 grains equals 1 pound.
HEAD, STATIC - Pressure of a fluid measured in terms of height of the column of the fluid.
HEAT LOAD - The Btus that are removed in 24 hours.
HEAT OF COMPRESSION - The transformation of mechanical energy of pressure into energy of heat.
HYDROMETER - An instrument used to measure the specific gravity of a liquid.
HYGROMETER - An instrument used to measure the ratio of moisture in the air.
INDUCTION MOTOR - An ac motor that operates on the principles of a rotating magnetic field.
KATATHERMOMETER - An alcohol thermometer used to measure air velocities by means of cooling effect.
KELVIN SCALE (K) - A thermometer scale that is equal to centigrade but using zero as absolute zero instead of -273° C.
(absolute centigrade).
LATENT HEAT - Hidden heat; heat energy that a substance absorbs while changing state.
MANOMETER - A U-shaped tube filled with a liquid that is used to measure the pressure of gases and vapors.
MEGOHM - One million ohms.
MULLION HEATER - An electrical heating element used to keep the stationary part (mullion) of the structure between the
doors from sweating or frosting.
MULTIPLE EVAPORATION SYSTEM - A system with two or more evaporators connected in parallel.
MULTIPLE SYSTEM - A system with two or more evaporators connected to one condensing unit.
OIL SEPARATOR - A device used to remove oil from a gaseous refrigerant.
OZONE - A gaseous form of oxygen, usually generated by a silent electrical discharge in ordinary air.
PITOT TUBE - Part of an instrument used to measure air velocities.
POTENTIAL ELECTRICAL - The electrical force which tries to move or moves the electrons in a circuit.
POTENTIAL RELAY - A relay which is operated by voltage changes in an electromagnet.
POWER FACTOR - Correction coefficient for ac power.
PYROMETER - A device used to measure high temperatures.
RANKIN SCALE (R) - A thermometer scale that is equal to Fahrenheit but using zero as absolute zero instead of -460° F.
(absolute Fahrenheit).
RELATIVE HUMIDITY - The percent of moisture in the air as to what it can hold at that temperature and pressure.
SATURATION - When air is saturated it is holding the maximum amount of water vapor at that temperature and pressure.
(It may also be applied to other substances.)
SENSIBLE HEAT - Heat that can be measured and causes a change in temperature.
SOLAR HEAT - Heat energy waves of the sun.

SPECIFIC GRAVITY - Weight of a liquid compared to water.
SPECIFIC HEAT - The ratio of the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of a body or mass 1° to that required to
raise the temperature of an equal mass of water 1°.
SPECIFIC VOLUME - Volume per unit (one) mass of a substance.
STANDARD ATMOSPHERE - When air is at a condition of 14.7 psia and 68° F.
STANDARD CONDITIONS - 68° F., 29.92 inches Hg., and R. H. of 30 percent used in air-conditioning calculations.
STRATIFICATION OF AIR - When air lies in different temperature layers because of little or no air movement.
SUBLIMATION - When a substance changes from a solid directly into a gas without becoming a liquid.
SUBCOOLING - Cooling of a liquid below its condensing temperature.
SUPERHEAT - Adding heat to a vapor above its boiling temperature and at the same pressure.
THERM - 100,000 British thermal units.
THERMISTORS - An electrical resistor made of a material whose resistance varies with the temperature.
TRANSISTOR - An electrical device used to transfer an electrical signal across a resistor.
TRIPLE POINT - A condition of pressure and temperature where the liquid, vapor, and solid states can coexist.
VAPOR PRESSURE - The pressure exerted by a vapor upon its liquid or solid form.
VELOCIMETER - A direct reading air velocity meter, reading in feet per minute.
WEB BULB - A dry bulb thermometer with a wick attached to the bulb that is used in the measurement of relative humidity.



Properties of Liquid and Saturated Vapor

Tables 1 - 6

Answers To Practice Exercises


1. A generator produces dynamic electricity. (1-4)

2. Voltage is electrical pressure; current is the movement of electrons and resistance is the opposition to current flow. (1-6,

3. These alloys make it possible to operate at high temperatures without melting. (1-11)

4. The cross-sectional area, the length, and the temperature. (1-12)

5. Hardened iron. (1-16)

6. Number of poles and speed of rotation. (2-10)

7. 2 amperes. (3-4)

8. 240 volt. (3-5)

9. 22 ohms. (3-6)

10. One horsepower. (3-25, 27)

11. The symbol for inductance is L. (4-8)

12. The capacitor gives the motor more torque by causing the current to lead the voltage. (4-10; Fig. 17)

13. Only when the circuit is made up of pure resistance. (4-12)

14. No, only on pulsating dc. (5-61)

15. Iron core, primary winding, and secondary winding. (5-2)

16. Wye-wye, delta-delta, and wye-delta. (5-21)

17. To limit the amount of current flow through the meter circuit. (6-3)

18. The shunt is connected in parallel with the ohmmeter circuit to bypass most of the current around the meter coil circuit.

19. Maximum current will flow through the ohmmeter circuit when there is minimum resistance to flow. (6-7)

20. A rectifier must be added to change ac to dc. (6-9)

21. To measure the true power in an ac circuit regardless of the type load. (6-10)

22. To check for a blown fuse the voltmeter is connected in parallel with the fuse. (6-20)

23. To check for continuity in a parallel circuit the unit being tested must be isolated from the rest of the circuit. (6-30)

24. The speed of an ac motor depends on the number of poles and the frequency of the applied electrical source. (7-2)

25. A single-phase induction motor must have two windings, a start and a run winding. (7-5)

26. The motor would run hot and burn out the start winding if allowed to run any length of time. (7-15)

27. A capacitor start, capacitor run. (7-18)

28. A three-phase motor exerts a torque when at rest, and therefore it starts itself when the correct voltage is applied to the
stator field coils. (7-23)

29. The reluctance motor operates at exactly synchronous speed because of the salient poles. (7-26)

30. Universal type motor may be used on ac or dc. (7-28)

31. A motor should be lubricated according to applicable publications. (8-3)

32. Circuit protective devices are used to protect the unit and wires in the circuit. (9-7)

33. Two. (9-11)

34. If the fan circuit is not closed, the air conditioner holding oil circuit will be opened at the auxiliary contacts in the fan
motor starter. (9-12)

35. Most troubles will be found in the load contacts, holding coil, or heaters. (9-14)


1. Intake, compression, ignition, power, and exhaust. (10-1)

2. The engine oil should be checked when he engine is stopped and the oil is at normal operating temperature. (11-4).

3. An air-fuel ratio of 15 to 1 gives maximum economy. (12-4)

4. Pulsating dc. (13-4)

5. The purpose of the capacitor (condenser) in the engine ignition circuit is to help collapse the magnetic field and to reduce
arcing at the points. (13-5)

6. Lead and acid. (13-9)

7. Ethylene glycol should be used when the water-cooled engine will be exposed to freezing temperatures. (14-4)

8. With a 10-pound pressure at a point halfway between the compressor pulley and the drive pulley the belt should deflect
1/2 to 3/4 inch if the belt is correctly adjusted. (15-3)


1. All molecular movement will cease at absolute zero. (16-2)

2. Sublimation. (16-3)

3. Cold is not produced but is merely a result of removing heat. (16-3)

4. Sensible heat is the amount of heat that can be added to or subtracted from a substance without changing its state. (16-4)

5. Latent heat is hidden heat and is the heat that is added to or subtracted from a substance when it changes its state. (16-5)

6. The specific heat of water is 1. (16-7)

7. -40° centigrade is equal to -40° Fahrenheit. (16-16)

8. The relative weight of liquids and solids is determined by specific gravity. (16-18)

9. 2117 pounds per square foot. (16-20)

10. 66,000 foot-pounds; 2 horsepower. (16-23, 24)

11. 778 foot-pounds = 1 Btu. (16-25)

12. 100 Btus. (16-26)

13. The critical temperature. (16-28)


1. The critical temperature of water is 689° F. (18-2)

2. If the critical pressure is not above the condensing temperature the gas will not condense. (18-3)

3. The most desirable refrigerant would have a high latent heat of vaporization. (18-6)

4. Ammonia gives off a white smoke in the presence of a flaming sulphur candle. (18-11)

5. A refrigerant cylinder must never be filled more than 85 percent. (18-17, 18)

6. Boric acid solution may be used if liquid refrigerant comes in contact with the eyes. (18-19)

OD 1748 A


(Commercial Refrigeration)

Subcourse OD 1748

Edition A

United States Army Combined Arms Support Command

Fort Lee, VA 23801-1809

14 Credit Hours


This subcourse is the second of four subcourses devoted to basic instruction in refrigeration and air

This subcourse explains the components, operation, and repair of commercial refrigeration systems and
provides a detailed explanation of the various uses of compressors. In addition, there is detailed instruction on the
use and defrosting of storage cabinets, plant design, special systems, and vehicular refrigeration units.

There are three lessons.

1. Commercial Refrigeration Systems.

2. Commercial Refrigeration Systems (continued).

3. Cold Storage, Ice Plants, Special Applications, and Vehicle Units.

Unless otherwise stated, whenever the masculine gender is used, both men and women are included.

THE REFRIGERATION field includes a wide variety of refrigerators, and you must be able to implement the
maintenance program that keeps these refrigerators operational. The first chapter is devoted to small commercial
refrigeration units, mainly portable types, such as are used in homes, messhalls, and commissaries. We will
discuss the absorption type refrigerator as well as the more common compressor type used in most domestic
refrigerators and freezers. The components, their operation, and the troubleshooting procedures for both types are
discussed. Braxing, welding, and cutting methods are explained, and the last section gives repairs and services.

The subject is expanded in the second chapter to other commercial units, such as water coolers, ice cube
machines, and larger equipment like walk-in cabinets and display cases. Large cold storage plants and ice plants
merit treatment in a separate chapter. In Chapter 4 we will discuss systems designed for special application, such
as those using multiple evaporators and multiple compressors. This chapter also includes a section on ultralow-
temperature systems. As you will learn in the last chapter, there have been few changes in automotive air
conditioning, but there are some brand new methods for refrigerating food transport trucks.

By becoming familiar with the symptoms that lead to refrigerator breakdowns, you will be able, in many
instances, to prevent such breakdowns. Regardless of the type and size of any refrigerator, a specific cycle is
followed before the refrigerating effect takes place. Therefore, a thorough knowledge of this cycle and a clear
understanding of applicable troubleshooting procedures should make your job less difficult.


Acknowledgement is made to the following companies for the use of copyright material in this memorandum:
Alco Valve Company, St. Louis, MO; Controls Company of America, Milwaukee, Wisc.; McGraw-Hill Book
Company, New York, N.Y.; John E. Mitchell Company, Dallas, Texas; Mueller Brass Company, Port Huron,
Mich.; Nickerson and Collins Company, Chicago, Ill.; The Trane Company, LaCrosse, Wisc.



Preface........................................................................................................................................................ i


1 Commercial Refrigeration Systems.................................................................................................... 1

2 Commercial Refrigeration Systems (Continued) ............................................................................... 30

3 Cold Storage and Ice Plants................................................................................................................ 56

4 Special Application Systems ............................................................................................................. 71

5 Vehicle Refrigeration Units................................................................................................................ 85

Answers to Review Exercises.............................................................................................................. 95


Commercial Refrigeration Systems

THERE WAS A TIME when Grandma use this chapter. Since most of us are familiar with the
a block of ice to keep her food from spoiling. Later, domestic refrigerator, it is the logical starting point
a mechanical unit replaced the block of ice In those for your study.
days a service call often meant airing out the kitchen
before work could be started because the place was 1. Domestic Refrigerators
full of ammonia or sulfur dioxide fumes. You do 1-1. The recent trend has been to make larger
not have that problem today, for the modern domestic refrigerators. Consequently, many homes
domestic refrigerator use a refrigerant which is now use units as large as those found in small cafes
practically odorless and harmless. or restaurants. Such larger units are quite expensive,
2. The domestic units explained in this chapter but they have been accepted by the buying public
use one of two basic systems: the absorption because of their proven reliability and greater
refrigeration system and the compression efficiency; 10 years of continuous service is not
refrigeration system. We will take up the uncommon.
construction of domestic refrigerator boxes first, 1-2. Construction and Components. A
since much of this information is common to the refrigerator is made of two steel shells. The outer
absorption refrigerator and the freezer boxes which shell consists of steel plates welded to a steel frame,
follow. The discussion of components such as which gives strength and rigidity. The inner shell is
latches. ice cube makers, and other features will formed from a single sheet of steel, which must
also include specific information relating to their provide the mounting arrangement for the shelves
operation, service, or maintenance. and support the evaporator. The space between the
3. A section on compression system two shells is filled with insulation, and the gap at the
components starts with a brief review of operating edge is closed by the breaker strips. The door is
principles followed by the components which put formed from a single sheet of steel and is given
these principles into action. The section concludes rigidity by the liner. The door gasket is installed so
with refrigerator performance which is based on that it fits into the gap between the liner and the
normal operation of the system. shell. The body of the door is filled with insulation.
4. Freezers are dealt with by supplying only 1-3. Insulation. When temperature differences
that information which is necessary. For example, exist close to each other, they always try to equalize
the construction and insulation of a freezer box is each other. Insulating materials can retard the
essentially like a domestic refrigerator box, so there transfer so that a cooled area will stay cold longer.
would be no profit in repeating it. From your studies, you may remember that heat is
5. Troubleshooting hermetic systems is divided transferred by convection, conduction, and radiation.
into electrical troubles and mechanical troubles. The Convection is the transfer of heat by air currents.
discussion is centered around those components Cells of dead air space reduce convection by
which are essential to the main system. Other restricting the movement of air. Conduction is the
components which have been discussed previously transfer of heat by a medium acting as a bridge from
are accessories or special features and, as such, they one temperature zone to another. Material such as
are treated separately because they will vary from paper is a poor conductor. Radiation is the transfer
one unit to another. of heat in the same way that light is propagated.
6. A comprehensive discussion of safety Radiant heat can pass through a block of clear ice so
introduces the section on brazing, welding, and that the heat can be sensed on the other side.
cutting. Emphasis is placed on those fluxes and Radiation
alloys commonly used by a refrigeration repairman.
This is followed by the repairs which you are
normally expected to make on domestic refrigerators
and freezers. The necessary services for charging a
small hermetic system make the final discussion in

from a surface is determined by the color and texture of they are equivalent to twice the thickness of many natural
the material. materials.
1-4. The greatest heat load in a refrigerator is the heat 1-7. By now, as a refrigeration specialist, it should be
transferred through the door and walls of the box. Better obvious that moisture can cause many troubles. In fact, in
insulation means less heat gain, greater efficiency, lower an area where air circulation is restricted and temperature
operating costs, and an extended life for the compressor. is near 70°, conditions are right to both promote the
Among the basic insulating materials used, you will find growth of bacteria and result in corrosion of the metal.
spun glass, rock wool, cork, plastics, and metals. These The effectiveness of modern sealing methods is shown by
materials are produced as sheets, fibers, cells, or a the rare occurrence of this trouble with insulation. Still,
combination of these. For example, if you will look at the the complete replacement of insulation is necessary if
edge of a corrugated cardboard box you will see a flooding has resulted in the seal breaking down. Such
combination of sheet and cell constructions. Cells are seal breakdown occurs if a box is submerged under water
tubular in cardboard construction, but a honeycomb type too long. You can ordinarily make minor repairs to torn
of cell will insulate better. insulation with tape. When you do this, however, paint
1-5. The manufacture of insulation has been so the patch with a waterproof sealer such as hydrolene, an
improved in recent years that present-day boxes are built odorless tar.
with a relatively thinner wall. Some new types of 1-8. Breaker strips. The gap between the inner and
insulation will sufficiently reduce heat transfer with only outer shells is closed by means of the breaker strips.
one-fourth to one-half inch of insulation. Among the These are not required to make an airtight seal, because
newer insulation materials are steel and aluminum. Thin they are found inside the area of the door gasket. Yet,
sheets of metal are made to form a multilayer sandwich because the temperature in the box is colder than the
with dead air space between the sheets. However, with insulation space, any moisture will tend to be drawn from
such metal insulation, in order to prevent the the insulation. If you have ever removed or replaced a
accumulation of moisture, as with other types of material, breaker strip, you will know from experience that those
it is important that adequate sealing be provided. Among made from plastic are easily broken. Still, whether they
other new insulating materials are synthetic fibers or are made of metal or plastic, these strips require careful
plastics which can be molded into a form that will fit handling, as kinking will permanently deform the strip
between the outer and inner shells of a box. Such molded and result in a gap.
insulation has the advantage of eliminating corner and 1-9. Stile or mullion heaters. These heaters are found
edge joints. in back of the breaker strip on some boxes. They are low-
1-6. Any insulation must have an effective moisture watt linear elements which operate continuously to
barrier provided to insure its long life. Obviously, prevent frost creepage around the door. This is another
because some materials will lose their insulating value if reason for using care when removing a breaker strip, since
they get wet, they must be waterproofed. To these it is possible to damage the wiring or the heater strip.
materials, odorless tars are often applied to seal the 1-10. Door gaskets. These gaskets are made of rubber
surface and keep the moisture out. Why are such tars or plastic and follow the general shape shown in figure 1.
used? Because the taste of food would be ruined if Note the air pocket, which acts as an air cushion and helps
aromatic tars were used for sealing. Among the methods to insure an airtight seal between the door and the cabinet.
of sealing are painting or dipping the insulation in a Most manufacturers today place the door-closing magnets
waterproof compound to close the pores in the surface in the air pocket of the gasket. In this position, the
against moisture. As a further protection against magnets not only hold the door closed but also insure the
moisture, special rubber gaskets are used to close all gasket making a seal throughout its life without ever
spaces where wire or tubing passes through the insulation. needing adjustment. The strip magnet is installed in the
In fact, every precaution is taken at the time of top, bottom, and .latch side of the door but not at the
manufacture to keep moisture from getting into insulation. hinge side, because if placed here, it would tend to close
Also when foam insulations are used, they are nonburning the door. Older models had one or two large magnets
if they are made to Federal Specification HH1-1-00530 with steel plates which took the place of a door latch.
(ASTM 1692). Note, too, that some synthetics are not 1-11. Door latches. In spite of widespread publicity,
only resistant to rot but also have no nutritional value 44 children were reported as having lost their lives in
which might support rodents, insects, or fungi. Finally, unused refrigerators between 1 January and 17 November
while all synthetics are not equally elective, a few have 1964. Therefore, whenever a refrigerator of the old style
such a low K-factor that when used for the same purpose, is to be stored, the

1-14. At most overseas bases, where there are
government furnished quarters, refrigeration equipment is
designed for the voltage and frequency of the electricity
in the local area. However, you may find that some
refrigerators made for 60-cycle operation have been
transported over seas and are being used on 50-cycle
current. If the voltage is correct, the unit may give
satisfactory operation on the lower frequency. Voltage
and frequency are just two of the many new things you
should be aware of when you are on an overseas
assignment. Refrigerator made for overseas use with
unusual electric requirements have a notice posted inside
the box stating the specifications.
Figure 1. Door gasket. 1-15. Combination Refrigerators. Since the freezer
section has increased in size, practically all boxes made in
latch should be removed and taped to the inside of the the larger sizes today are combination refrigerators.
box. In shipment, the door can be secured by tape or a Continued improvement has led to such things as
length of rope. If you remember these precautions, you automatic ice cube makers, forced-air circulation, frost-
will never have to worry about having contributed to the free operation automatic defrosting, and even ultraviolet
death of a child. In fact, in many states it is against the lamps, which retard bacteria growth and reduce odor.
law to abandon a refrigerator without removing the door New developments have resulted in more usable cubic
or the latch. feet in the box by reducing the size of the compressor and
1-12. Adjustable door latches were used on the insulation space. Most new units use Freon 22,
refrigerators for many years before the introduction of because it is more efficient, requiring less horsepower for
permanent magnets as door closers. A door latch can be equivalent output. As the demand for refrigerators has
adjusted to compensate for a worn or compressed door increased, it has brought about the development of
gasket. To do so, release the locking screw and move the special-purpose storage compartments for different foods.
lip closer to the cabinet. Use a thin piece of paper 1-16. Special compartments. Meat storage
between the gasket and the cabinet to check the seal. compartments are kept at slightly above freezing. with
With the door closed on the paper, the amount of drag on high humidity-as high as 90 percent. These conditions are
the paper as you pull it indicates the amount of seal that favorable for extended storage of unwrapped foods. High
the gasket furnishes. humidity prevents desiccation, and the near freezing
1-13. Location and Power Supply. A domestic type temperature retards bacterial action.
refrigerator is often located without consideration of the 1-17. High-humidity storage for leaf vegetables, such
operation of the equipment. As you know, these units are as lettuce and celery, is provided by drawers located in
self-contained, with the condenser mounted under or in the bottom of the refrigerator section. Another special-
back of the box. Thus, the unit cannot operate efficiently purpose compartment is the butter conditioner, which is
if it is placed too close to an oven or to a space heater. located in the door. Butter is maintained at a warmer
Note, too, that although the original location of a temperature here than elsewhere in the box so that it will
refrigerator may have been quite satisfactory, subsequent not be too hard for serving. Two methods are used to get
installation of heating unit may inadvertently find the the proper temperature for this compartment. For one,
refrigerator in the hottest part of a room. Furthermore, when an electrical heater is used, a rheostat is varied to
consideration as to the suitability of a location should also get the desired heat. The heater element is connected to
take into account the distance from the power source. A the electric supply whenever the compressor is running.
domestic box is provided with a cord and plug which can A flexible cord is used at the door hinge to bring the
be used in a convenience outlet. As there are usually circuit into the door. For the other, when a heater element
several outlets on one branch circuit, it is possible that a is not used. the butter conditioner depends on the heat
branch circuit is being operated at close to capacity. A passing through the door at that place to keep the butter
refrigerator will be operating on marginal current under from getting too hard. The insulation thickness at that
these conditions. If it is connected to an outlet which is place in the door determines the rate of transfer of heat.
last on the circuit, the voltage drop may be so great that 1-18. Automatic ice cube maker. An automatic ice
the unit will not give satisfactory performance. cube maker is a specialized item found

in the freezer compartment of some boxes. One popular the cabinet light so that the clock measures the length of
make uses a solenoid valve, an electric motor, an electric time that the door remains open. The advantage of these
heater, a feeler bulb, and two thermostats. A mechanical two systems is that they indirectly reflect the heat load on
valve (globe valve) in the water line is adjusted to reduce the unit. In still another system, one utilizing hot wire
the line pressure so that the correct amount of water will defrosting, a 24-hour clock, which is set to defrost at 0300
be metered into the ice cube tray. This valve will need hours, simultaneously opens the circuit to the compressor
adjustment if there is a change in supply water pressure. and turns on two heaters. Instant heat is supplied by one
One thermostat senses when the ice is made, and the other of the heaters, which is similar to that used on an electric
thermostat has a feeler bulb in the storage tray which range. The insulated heater wire is installed either
senses when the tray is full. Let us consider the automatic alongside the evaporator coil or in the center of the tubing
operation, starting with the completion of a batch of ice which makes the coil. The other heater is a low-wattage
cubes. Sensing that the water is frozen and that the cubes heater used to keep the drain free of ice accumulation. A
are ready to be used, the "cold" thermostat energizes the 70° thermostat, when satisfied, resets the clock
electric heater in the tray. The "hot" thermostat senses mechanism. The heaters are turned off, and the
when the tray is warm enough to release the cubes, at compressor circuit is made ready for operation.
which time this thermostat starts the electric motor. The 1-21. Defrosting must be scheduled whenever the frost
motor accomplishes the following operations as it goes accumulation has reached 1/8 inch thick. Otherwise, the
through one cycle: It resets the "cold" thermostat and layer of frost will act like an insulating blanket which
turns off the heater. Mechanical fingers sweep the cubes slows down the transfer of heat.
out and into the storage tray, and the solenoid valve opens 1-22. Hot gas defrosting, still another method, utilizes
the water line to refill the freezer tray. The solenoid valve an electrically operated solenoid valve controlled by a
remains open for an interval determined by the motor clock or some other timing device. Figure 2 shows the
operation which closes the solenoid valve at the end of the solenoid valve open. This position allows the hot gas
interval. The motor establishes its own holding circuit from the compressor to pass through the evaporator.
when it starts, and it opens this circuit when the cycle is When the defrosting period ends, the valve closes and the
completed. (NOTE: We are dealing here with a time compressor will return to normal operation. Accumulated
sequence in which some things happen together, while in melt
others there is an overlap of action involved.) Ice cubes
will not be ejected if the storage tray is full, because the
feeler bulb in the tray will interrupt the circuit of the
"cold" thermostat. As soon as enough cubes have been
removed, the heater will be turned on to release the cubes
in the tray and start another cycle.
1-19. Automatic defrosting. One of the earliest
schemes to defrost an evaporator was the manual
pushbutton which started the cycle. When defrosting was
completed, the compressor was automatically restored to
normal operation. By contrast, today there are defrost
systems which are completely automatic. We will discuss
the more common such systems. One such, a mechanical
system, uses a counter which registers each time the door
is opened. After a certain number of openings, the device
starts the defrost cycle. This system follows the idea that
each time the door is opened the coils will accumulate
some moisture, and after approximately 60 openings,
defrosting will be necessary.
1-20. An electric clock is used in three basic systems.
In one system, the clock may be wired in parallel with the
compressor so that it measures the total running time of
the compressor. The theory here is that after 6 hours of Figure 2. Hot gas defrost system.
compressor operation, the coils should need defrosting.
In another such system, a clock is wired in parallel with

water is caught in a drain trough and piped to a tray in the with the larger orifice is used with natural gas. which has
compressor compartment for evaporation. You should less heat value.
remember from your study of fundamental refrigeration 2-3. The most popular domestic refrigerator of the
principles, that the capillary tube, shown in figure 2, is absorption type uses an ammonia-water cycle in an
universally used as the expansion device in a small atmosphere of hydrogen. The system is pressure tested at
system. It has the advantage of no moving parts, and the 800 p.s.i.g., but normal pressure in the system is 200
pressures are equalized after the compressor stops so that p.s.i.g. A fuse plug will release the pressure in the system
there is less starting torque on the motor. if temperature rises to above 175° F. This release of
1-23. Special Features. Two special features which pressure prevents any accidental explosion of the system.
are found in some boxes are ultraviolet lamps and 2-4. Construction and Components. The
circulation fans. Ultraviolet lamps are wired into the absorption refrigerator box is constructed and insulated in
circuit for continuous operation. Their radiation kills much the same way as we have explained previously in
bacteria and counteracts some disagreeable odors. this chapter. The essential parts of an absorption system
Circulating fans are used to give positive ventilation and are a generator, a vapor separator, a condenser, an
to insure frost-free operation with proper control of evaporator, and an absorber. Among the components are
humidity. The ventilation channels, between the freezer some items which may sound unfamiliar. The generator
and the refrigerator, must not be blocked by storage is that art of the system where a water-ammonia solution
containers. The motor-driven fan is wired in parallel with is heated. The vapor separator is a special chamber where
the compressor so that the fan circulates air during the the water is separated from the ammonia. The absorber is
cooling period. A switch in the line to the fan opens the so named because water at this place absorbs ammonia
fan circuit when the refrigerator door is open. The fan vapors. A brief review of the principles involved is given
switch may be incorporated with the door switch that next.
controls the cabinet light. Do not confuse this fan with 2-5. Operation. The principle of operation of an
the one used for cooling a compressor and a condenser. absorption system depends upon the strong affinity which
Food stored in a box with forced circulation must be water has for ammonia. When the water-ammonia
covered to prevent desiccation. Also, if much uncovered, solution is heated in the generator, a mixture of water and
moist food is stored in such a box, it will cause excessive ammonia vapors is given off. This vapor mixture rises to
moisture to accumulate in the freezer. This excessive the vapor separator, where much of the moisture is
moisture will, in turn, cause frequent defrost cycling and extracted and returned to the generator by way of the
compressor operation, which may lead to complaints absorber. Ammonia vapors rise in an atmosphere of
about "defective equipment." hydrogen to the condenser, which is cooled by air
temperature, and the ammonia liquefies. Liquid ammonia
2. Absorption System Refrigerators falls into the evaporator. The area in the evaporator has a
2-1. For many years, the absorption system has concentration of hydrogen, which encourages the
proved satisfactory for domestic refrigerators. Large ammonia to vaporize and absorb heat. The evaporator is
capacity absorption systems are covered in Volume 4. located in the freezer compartment of the box. From the
Boxes made for use in the United States are designed to evaporator, the ammonia vapor falls to the absorber,
use either natural, liquid petroleum, or artificial gas heat. where it joins the water (from the vapor separator)
(In Europe, boxes have been made which use electricity returning to the generator, thereby completing the cycle.
for heating.) Absorption system refrigerators are made The system is completely closed, and there are no
with automatic defrosting and ice cube makers. The adjustments possible, except to the flame which supplies
defrost system is the electric hot wire type, with a timer heat to the generator. The flame operates continuously,
such as is found in conventional boxes. The automatic ice and any changes in heat load are met by changing the size
cube maker is of the type which we have explained in of the flame. This adjustment is made automatically by a
Section 1 under the same title. Identification plates are thermostatic control which regulates the gas supply to the
located in the frozen food or the control compartment. flame. The sensing element is located in the freezer
2-2. Each burner must be provided with the correct compartment. You will find several items between the
size orifice for the gas supply to which the refrigerator is unit and the gas line in an installation of this type.
connected. Gases are rated in B.t.u. per cu. ft., with LP Starting from the gas line, these are a shutoff valve, a
gas the highest at 1600 B.t.u. per cu. ft. If you will filter, a pressure regulator, and a gas burner with an
compare two nozzles for size. You will see that the one automatic control. The gas burner valve is provided with
for use with LP will have the smaller orifice. The nozzle a safety feature which will

shut the gas off if the flame should be extinguished. In 3. Compression System Refrigerator Components
the order in which the device is implemented, the safety 3-1. The main parts of a domestic type refrigerator
consists of a heater, a snap button, and a poppet valve. are discussed in this section. These are compressors,
The snap button is linked to the poppet valve. The snap condensers, evaporators, and refrigerant controls. We
button is a curved piece of metal which reverses its curve will cover the common types of each and their various
when it is heated. The heater is located in the flame and applications. The hermetic system is used with all
conveys heat to the snap button. As long as the snap domestic boxes. We will also discuss refrigerator
button is hot enough, it will hold the poppet valve open. performance as it relates to the components of
If the flame fails, the snap button will reverse itself and compression system refrigeration.
close the valve, shutting off the gas. To light the flame 3-2. Reciprocating Compressors. The operating
again, you will have to heat the heater with a match and principle of a compressor is closely related to the
press a pushbutton to rest the poppet. If the heater should refrigeration cycle. A brief review of the principles of
be accidentally dislodged from the flame during cleaning, refrigeration is appropriate at this time. When a gas is
the flame would be extinguished. The simple remedy for compressed, it gets hotter. When pressure on a gas is
this condition is to move the heater back into the flame lowered, it gets cooler. When a liquid becomes a gas, it
path and relight the unit. picks up heat. The gas passing through a compressor gets
2-6. Maintenance. To maintain an absorption hotter. It gives up this heat in the condenser, where it
refrigerator, you need only to keep it clean. Especially, becomes a liquid. It changes from liquid to gas in the
remove all soot from the flue and burner chamber, since it evaporator, where it picks up heat (cools the evaporator)
acts as an insulator when it accumulates and thus prevents and carries this heat through the compressor back to the
the generator from getting enough heat to do its job condenser, where it is again cooled. The function of the
efficiently. Also, keep the flue clear of obstructions, since compressor is to make the required pressure changes on
the flue draft is designed to work with the burner for best the refrigerant so that it can do its work. High pressure is
operation. In addition, keep dust accumulations off the on the condenser side (high side) and low pressure on the
condenser so that it will be able to transfer heat. This is suction side (low side).
important, since the condenser in an absorption system is 3-3. The reciprocating compressor consists of a
more sensitive than that in a conventional type cylinder and head, a piston and connecting rod, intake and
refrigerator. The only adjustment that you can make is to exhaust valves, servicing valves, fly-wheel, crankshaft
the flame to insure that it is clean and that it gives a and crankshaft seal, and suction strainer. Clearances as
minimum of carbon. A flame which is too yellow gives small as 0.0001 inch are possible between the moving
low heat and will not give satisfactory service because the pans, because the compressor is operating in a closed
flue will gather excessive soot and need cleaning too environment where the temperature range is relatively
often. narrow.
2-7. An important aspect of correct installation of an 3-4. The piston may be driven in a number of ways.
absorption refrigerator is to be sure that it is placed level. In one, the crankshaft may be like the kind used in
When checking with a level, be sure that you check the automotive engines. Another type uses an eccentric
unit rather than the box. Why? Because unless the unit is crankshaft which operates like a cam. Still another is the
level, the system cannot operate properly. On the other scotch yoke mechanism which uses a pin mounted off
hand when a unit is level, it will work correctly even if center to the crankshaft. A sliding member inside the
the box is slightly out of plumb. piston permits the rotation of the pin to be translated into
2-8. When a box is placed in service after having up-and-down motion. Variations such as these are
been left idle for an extended period of time, it may not possible because gases are being pumped which do not
function at a cool enough temperature to make ice cubes. produce heavy bearing loads. The piston is made to come
One suggested remedy for this condition is to remove the as close as possible to the head without touching.
unit from the box and turn it upside down for an hour. Clearance may be as little as 0.01 inch at top dead center.
Then install the unit and reconnect it to the gas line. 3-5. Exhaust and intake valves are usually made of
Thereafter, it should function properly when fired up. Of thin disks of steel which seat against shoulders in the
course, you might find it simpler to disconnect the gas valve plate. These valves are sometimes called flutter or
line and turn the whole box upside down for an hour. reed valves. Pressure in the cylinder closes the intake
Otherwise, the main reasons for poor unit operation are an valve and raises the exhaust valve on compression. On
incorrect flame and/or too much dirt clogging the heat the intake stroke, pressure in the suction line opens the
exchanger surfaces. intake

valve, while back pressure from the high side closes the low range. The restrictor used in some refrigerators is a
exhaust valve. Valves are designed to operate at a weighted valve, and the method employed is called a
maximum lift of 0.10 inch. Beyond this point, the valve weighted valve system.
gets noisy. 3-11. A box which uses a weighted valve must be
3-6. Rotary Compressors. Fewer moving parts and installed level to insure proper operation. If the position
less vibration are advantages of the rotary, which is made of the valve is disturbed from the correct position, the box
in two styles. One style uses an eccentric shaft with blade will not perform properly. For example, certain boxes use
which is forced against the shaft by a spring. The blade a weighted valve which is designed to operate properly at
slides back and forth in a slot in the case between the an angle of 60° from the horizontal. If the valve is tilted
intake and exhaust. As the shaft turns, it traps a gas too much toward the vertical, the food compartment will
charge at the intake and sweeps it around to the exhaust. get warmer. On the other hand, too much tilt toward the
Oil makes the seal for the blade so that the gas will be horizontal will make the fresh food compartment colder.
compressed. The indication of this trouble is continuous operation of
3-7. In another style of rotary, vanes are mounted in the compressor and partial frosting of the food
slots on the shaft. The shape of the case around the vanes compartment evaporator coil. Either or both symptoms
is eccentric. Centrifugal force holds the vanes in may be present.
continuous contact with the eccentric wall. The inlet port 3-12. The second arrangement uses an evaporator coil
is located in the wall furthest from the shaft, at the spot in the freezer compartment in combination with a
where a gas charge is picked up between two vanes. As secondary closed loop coil. This secondary coil acts as
the shaft turns, the space between the shaft and the wall both a condenser and an evaporator. You can see in
becomes smaller, compressing the charge of gas. The figure 4 that part of the closed loop is in the freezer. This
exhaust port is set in the case where the shaft almost rubs part of the coil acts as a condenser, while the rest of the
against the case. The compressed charge of gas is forced loop in the refrigerator acts as an evaporator. One major
out the exhaust at this point.
3-8. The exhaust valve is a flapper type made of
spring steel. A muffler is placed in the high-pressure line
to suppress the popping noise which accompanies the
release of a gas charge. The suction line is provided with
a check valve to prevent gas from leaking back when the
compressor is stopped. The suction strainer prevents dirt
particles from entering the compressor.
3-9. Condensers. Among the kinds of condensers
which you should know are (1) the finned coil with forced
convection, (2) the finned coil with natural convection,
and (3) the plate condenser with natural convection. Coils
may be mounted in an upright, an inclined, or a horizontal
position. The first few turns of coil may be placed under
the pan which collects water from defrosting.
Evaporation of this water aids the condenser in dissipation
of heat. Between the condenser and the evaporator is a
capillary tube firmly soldered to the suction line in order
to operate as a heat exchanger.
3-10. Evaporator Arrangements. While one
condenser may serve a combination refrigerator, there are
three general arrangements for the evaporator to cool the
two areas. In one arrangement, the evaporator coil in the
freezer is extended into the refrigerator compartment. A
restrictor separates the two sections of the evaporator coil,
as shown in figure 3. The capillary tube is omitted for
simplicity. The refrigerant goes first to the cooling coil,
which is forced by the restrictor to operate at a higher
pressure and temperature. After passing the restrictor, the
refrigerant is at a lower pressure and absorbs sufficient Figure 3. Dual temperature system.
heat to drop the temperature in the freezer to the desired

flow of refrigerant. The length of the capillary must be
long enough so that the liquid will have started to change
to a gas as it nears the end of the tube. A selected portion
of the tube is soldered to the suction line forming a heat
exchanger. The length of the heat exchanger is calculated
in the design so that the capillary will deliver liquid at the
proper temperature. If the solder connection is broken,
the heat exchanger will be lost, and the unit will not
perform properly.
3-17. Starting Relays. At one time, the thermostat
was used directly to control starting and stopping the
compressor motor. The feeler bulb in older units was
located in the freezer compartment. In some refrigerators,
the feeler bulb is above a small access panel in the top of
the freezer. Now, you will find that most refrigerators are
provided with a starting relay, which provides two
advantages: First, the relay can be located close to the
motor. Second, the relay can handle the motor current
more easily.
3-18. Changes in temperature in a refrigerator cause
operation of the thermostat, which controls operation of
the relay. The starting and stopping of the compressor
motor is under the control of the relay. The
characteristics of the motor (current and internal
resistance) will determine the size of the relay used with
it. Since these relays are sensitive to temperature
changes, they are located where they will be least subject
to changes. The three most common types are (1) the
Figure 4. Closed secondary system. current relay; (2) the voltage, or potential, relay; and (3)
the hot wire relay. We will discuss the operation of each
advantage of this is that the closed loop can be designed so that you will understand the troubles you might find.
to operate frost free. 3-19. Hot wire relays. One type of hot wire relay uses
3-13. A third arrangement uses one of several two bimetal strips and two heater resistors. In figure 5,
combinations of the first two methods. These various there is a schematic diagram which shows the connections
combinations are designed with the object of either for the relay and motor. The motor terminals are
automatic defrosting or frost-free operation. Some of identified by C for common, R for run, and S for the start
these combinations rely on air circulation to get better winding. When the motor control closes, electricity is
results. Slots between the two areas will allow convection applied to both the running and the starting wind-
currents to circulate, or a fan may be used for forced air to
insure a more uniform temperature.
3-14. When only one coil forms the evaporator in the
freezer compartment, it is called "air spill over." The
method is called "refrigerant spill over" when two coils
are used in series. When a separate evaporator is used to
form a closed loop the method is known as a secondary
refrigerant system.
3-15. Regardless of which arrangement is used for the
evaporator, the system depends on a capillary tube with
its heat exchanger function for proper operation.
3-16. Capillary Tubes. A capillary tube is used to
control the refrigerant by placing a restriction in the liquid
line. It is sometimes called a choke tube, a more Figure 5. Hot wire relay.
descriptive name. The inside diameter and the length of
the tube are critical factors. The diameter of the tube
determines the restriction which it will have to control the

Figure 6. Current relay.

ings. The capacitor in the circuit of the starting winding of the control circuit for a water cooler. The only
gives the motor more starting torque. The resistor, in essential difference between this and the circuit for a
series with the bottom bimetal strip is designed to heat refrigerator is the freezestat. Its purpose is to prevent the
enough of the starting current so that it will cause the chilled drinking water from being frozen. The freezestat
bimetal strip to bend up. This opens the circuit to the will stop the compressor motor (if the thermostat does
capacitor and the starting winding. The bleeder resistor not) to prevent the formation of ice which could damage
across the capacitor keeps the relay contacts from being the tank. The thermal overload protects the motor from
burned. The upper bimetal strip is heated by the upper burning out by opening the circuit if the motor draws too
resistor by the current going to the running winding. As much current. Excessive heat from the resistors makes
long as the current to the running winding is normal, there the bimetal strip bend, which breaks the circuit.
will not be sufficient heat to make the upper bimetal strip 3-21. Operation of the current relay occurs as soon as
open. Thus, you can see that the strip in the "run" circuit the thermostat closes the circuit to the motor. The inrush
acts as an overload device. The current in the "run" of current to the running winding is strong enough so that
resistor also serves to keep the bimetal strip in the start the coil pulls the armature up and completes the starting
circuit from cooling so that its contacts remain open until winding circuit. This happens in a fraction of a second,
the motor stops. If, for any reason, the motor current putting the starting winding and its capacitor in the
becomes excessive, the overload contacts will open and circuit. As the motor approaches its operating speed, the
stop the motor. However, a disadvantage of this overload motor current drops because of counter electromotive
protection is that as soon as the device cools, the contacts force (cemf). The coil in the relay is designed so that it
will close and the motor will start again. It will then will release when the motor r.p.m. passes three-fourths of
short-cycle until the circuit is opened. Failures such as its normal speed. The current in the relay coil is not
this are rare, however. A variation of the hot wire relay sufficient to hold the weight of the armature when the
uses a wire under tension to operate the contacts. In any motor is operating at its normal speed; therefore, the relay
case, the hot wire relay has been proved reliable in contacts open. A bleeder resistor is connected in parallel
thousands of commercially made refrigerators. with the capacitor. Its purpose is to prevent a high-
3-20. Current relays. You will find that figure 6 is a voltage discharge from the capacitor, which would burn
schematic diagram of a current relay. Many refrigerators the contacts in the relay as they open. An advantage of
are equipped with this type of relay. For the sake of using a current relay is that the contacts in the thermostat
variety, this schematic shows a diagram which is typical are

only required to close on the inrush current to the running be mounted horizontal or level to insure proper operation
winding. Furthermore. the contacts in the relay are only and normal life.
required to carry the inrush current to the starting 3-24. Potential relays. A voltage sensitive, or
winding. potential, relay will have its coil connected in parallel
3-22. Servicing (i.e. troubleshooting) a current relay with the starting winding of the compressor motor. The
consists of checking the circuits for proper operation. As schematic diagram in figure 7 is typical of the wiring of a
there are no adjustments, a relay which does not operate motor provided with this type of relay. The defrost
properly must be replaced. If the relay contacts are badly switch and circuits associated with it have been discussed
burned, the bleeder resistor should be checked for correct already in the first section of this chapter. The contacts of
resistance. Some capacitors have the bleeder resistor the thermostat must be heavy enough to carry the inrush
made as an integral part of the capacitor. If the resistor is starting current to the compressor motor. An advantage
found defective, a new resistor of the correct wattage and of the potential relay is that the relay contacts are
resistance can be connected across the capacitor to make a normally closed. Even so, the capacitor discharge across
repair. the relay contacts when they open may cause them to burn
3-23. Testing a current relay can he confusing. At and be welded together. Thus, a bleeder resistor is
least one maker uses a metal washer as the armature. required across the capacitor to prevent any welding of
When the coil is not energized, the washer lies (on the the contacts. The value of resistance for a bleeder is
bottom of the case. You can hear it rattle when the case is usually 15,000 ohms, and it is rated at 2 watts.
tapped. If you did not know better, you might assume 3-25. Operation of the potential relay does not occur
that something had broken loose and that therefore it was until the motor passes three-fourths of its speed. The
defective. Also, a relay of this make might be defective relay coil is voltage sensitive and requires considerably
even though you could hear no rattle as the armature more than the line voltage to make it operate. When the
could be welded to the contacts. In addition, current thermostat contacts close, the motor starts, because both
relays are sensitive to position; consequently, they must motor windings are energized. The contacts in the relay

Figure 7. Potential relay.

normally closed. As the motor approaches its operating may use from 2 kilowatt-hours to 8 kilowatt-hours in a
speed, the current decreases. Induced volt age in the 24-hour period, depending on the size of the cabinet and
starting winding now becomes greater than the applied the difference between cabinet and room temperature.
voltage. The reason for this lies in a transformer action 3-30. The percentage of compressor running time is
between the two windings in the motor. The voltage affected by various variable conditions, but normal use in
sensitive coil in the relay is sufficiently energized to open a 75° F. room will require the compressor to operate one-
the contacts in the starting winding. The relay remains third of the time. Any large increase in running time
energized by the voltage induced in the starting winding. indicates there are abnormal conditions. For example,
When the thermostat opens, the motor stops, and the relay setting the thermostat for a refrigerator temperature of 20°
contacts return to the closed position. F, when a temperature close to 38° is considered normal
3-26. Servicing a potential relay consists of checking will increase the compressor running time.
the coil and the contacts for continuity if troubles arc 3-31. Relative temperatures and type of use are just
suspected. Like other relays, the potential relay is two of the variables which affect performance. Increased
sensitive to position and must be mounted level to insure room temperature and room humidity put a heavier load
proper operation and normal life. Since there are no on the compressor. A difference of 20° room temperature
adjustments, a defective relay must be replaced. A badly may double the running time and electric power used.
burned set of relay contacts would indicate that the Higher humidity will produce frost at a greater rate
bleeder resistor should be tested and replaced if it is open. causing a reduction in evaporator efficiency. Type of use
3-27. Resistors. A bleeder resistor should have a includes frequency and duration of door openings as well
resistance between 15,000 and 30,000 ohms, depending as the foods stored in the refrigerator. Uncovered liquids
on the size of the motor and the capacitor. A 2-watt will cause an automatic defrost to cycle more frequently.
rating is satisfactory for a refrigerator. The wattage rating Unusual load would also result if the freezer is required to
is stamped on the body as "2 W." A resistor which is color make a great many ice cubes.
coded will have bands of color painted on the body. Here 3-32. Vibration or noise is rare in the modern
are four examples: refrigerator as the capillary tube system used by most
manufacturers requires no moving parts except for the
Decimal multiplier compressor and the motor. Vibration may result from a
Ohms First band Second band Third band defective mounting. For instance, one of the more
15,000 Brown (l) Green (5) Orange (000) common causes is failure to release the holddown bolts
20,000 Red (2) Black (0) Orange (000) for the compressor, which were installed before shipment
25,000 Red (2) Green (5) Orange (000) of the cabinet. On the other hand, a unit will be noisy if it
29,000 Red (2) White (9) Orange (000) is low on oil. Thus, if a leak has developed, requiring that
refrigerant must be replaced, then it is likely that oil has
3-28. Refrigerator Performance. So that you can also been lost and must be replaced. One clue to watch
evaluate the operation of a refrigerator, analyze troubles, for is this: A noisy capillary tube will usually indicate low
and take the most economical means of repair, you must refrigerant, and this results in gas noises such as bubbling
know its performance characteristics. Some of the factors or hissing. Of course, low refrigerant is also indicated by
which you should consider are these: electrical a partially frosted cooling coil and continuous compressor
consumption, percentage of compressor running time, operation. In the latter event, low- and high-side
relative temperatures and types of use, vibration or noise, pressures will be lower than normal. You should also not
and continuous operation. Relative temperatures, of that a capillary tube which is clogged or pinched will
course, include room temperature and room humidity show a high vacuum on the low side and an abnormally
(mentioned below) and the temperature, respectively, of high head pressure.
the freezer section and the refrigerator section (not 3-33. Continuous operation can be caused by a
discussed below). Continuous operation, although defective thermostat, one which does not cut the
discussed below, is caused by troubles not normally compressor off. Any abnormal condition which causes
considered in refrigerator performance. continuous operation may be obscured at the time you are
3-29. Electrical consumption is figured in kilowatt- called because overheating may cause the motor overload
hours per 24-hour period. You may obtain a recording protection to operate. Thus, when you get to look at the
type meter from the electric shop on the base or from the unit, you may find it short-cycling; that is, the overload
local utility company when an actual test is necessary. device will be shutting the unit off. When it cools
You may compare the results with standard test curves enough, the unit will start again. A fast check of
furnished by the maker of the box. A modern refrigerator

this can be made by feeling the temperature of the motor hasten melting of the ice. Of course, you should never try
and compressor with your hand. Many compressors now to chip ice from coils, as such action might damage them
have the overload protector inside the shell, where the beyond repair. Also, wash the box with a solution of
heat from the motor will prevent the unit from short- baking soda or ammonia, and always dry the inside of the
cycling. One last item which is often overlooked is low box before putting it back in service.
line voltage, which will make a motor run slow and 4-4. Construction Features. To prevent frosting
overheat. Where a television set is used in the same around the door, a mullion heater of low wattage is
building as the refrigerator, low line voltage is indicated if installed in back of the breaker strip. By this means, too,
the picture fails to fill the tube. This is one way of sweating around the door is virtually eliminated, because
verifying low voltage when a voltmeter is not available. the heater is operating continuously. Fiberglas, rock
You must remember to consider all of the factors when wool, and certain synthetics are used for insulation of
you evaluate the performance of a unit. present day freezers. Consequently, where formerly a 3-
to 4-inch thickness of insulation was used in cabinets, you
4. Freezers may now find them built with walls less than 2 inches
4-1. Many homes today have domestic freezers for thick. Yet, because of the colder chest temperature,
the storage of large amounts of frozen foods. These freezer insulation must be better protected against
freezer cabinets are either of the upright style or of the moisture than that in a refrigerator. The most effective
chest style and range in size from 15 to over 25 cubic feet. method for accomplishing this has been found to be a
In such freezers the capillary type system with a hermetic combination of venting and sealing. Venting is provided
unit is widely used. Also, in many cases, the compressor to prevent a partial vacuum which would occur in a sealed
employed is similar to those used for refrigerators. box as the temperature of the air is lowered. If the
Upright freezers are supplied with forced-air circulation insulation scaling is to be effective, however, it must have
when they are made for frost-free operation. Automatic greater resistance than the venting. Thus, the vent will
defrosting is done by the hot gas or the hot wire method allow box pressure to equalize while the seal remains
used in combination refrigerators. Because of the intact.
similarity of the two systems, troubleshooting a freezer 4-5. Freezer Failure and Alarms. Within 24 hours
can be done by the same rules as for a refrigerator. after a freezer fails, the foods it contains will start to thaw.
Troubleshooting a hermetic system follows this section. If this is discovered in time, dry ice can be used to prevent
The construction features of a freezer are often the same the thawing while repairs are made to the unit.
as a refrigerator. Therefore, the information here is Otherwise, meats and fresh frozen fruits must be used
concerned with those features which apply to freezers. quickly, as it is new satisfactory-or safe-to freeze them a
4-2. Operation and Care. The operating second time. To avoid this situation, alarm devices are
temperature for domestic freezers is in the range of 0° F. made which will signal a rise in temperature to 15° F. in
to 10° F. Each such freezer is equipped with a thermostat the cabinet. The alarm is given by both visual and audible
so that it can be adjusted to satisfy the user's desires. means. Two kinds of alarms are available. One is made
Most foods are already frozen when placed in storage, but for operation on a 6-volt battery. The other is made for
when nonfrozen foods are placed in the freezer, it would operation on a 110-volt circuit. The latter should be
be desirable for the user to move the control to a colder plugged into a branch circuit different from that used for
position in order both (1) to insure faster freezing and (2) the freezer. The thermal element should be located in the
to prevent the thawing of other foods. Food must be upper part of the cabinet, where it will reflect a rise in
stacked so as not to interfere with air circulation, as this temperature quickly. While such alarm devices are not
would cause warm spots to develop in the cabinet. Food generally supplied for domestic units, they can be
must also be wrapped in moisture proof and vaporproof installed in any freezer cabinet.
material to prevent desiccation. 4-6. In the next section, we will deal with
4-3. A freezer cabinet in normal usage will require troubleshooting hermetic systems. You will not find any
defrosting about twice a year. Frost may be removed by distinction between refrigerators and freezers, because
means of a scraper, such as a wooden paddle, or with a they both use the same kind of hermetic systems. The
stiff fiber brush. Use care not to damage the finish. main difference between refrigerators in general and
When you desire a complete defrosting, however, remove freezers is that only part of a refrigerator is held at near
all frozen foods and store them in dry ice to prevent zero temperature.
thawing. Then shut off the power and use warm water to

5. Troubleshooting Hermetic Systems 5-4. Power supply. Check the source of power for
5-1. The sealed system preferred for freezers and voltage to the unit. How? With a voltmeter or a
refrigerators is called a closed or hermetic system. The multimeter! In the case of a refrigerator, open the door. If
shell which contains the motor and compressors is welded the light does not come on, there are several possibilities:
shut, thus the name “sealed unit?” The motor leads pass (1) the power circuit is incomplete to the unit; (2) the
through a glass insulator, which is bonded to the metal to lamp is burned out; (3) the door switch is defective; (4)
insure a joint that will never leak. The one big advantage the circuit to the unit may be good, but the wires to the
of a hermetic compressor is that there are no seals where lamp and the door switch are broken somewhere in the
leaks can develop. This eliminates at least one trouble box. If the lamp lights, you will know that there is power
spot from the system used in domestic refrigerators and to the unit. However, check the voltage with an accurate
freezers. But, as you know, there are still enough other voltmeter when you suspect low voltage. Remember: The
trouble spots to keep a serviceman busy. line voltage may vary 10 to 15 volts with changes in the
5-2. The best troubleshooter puts his brain to work load during the day. Most units will not show difficulty
before reaching for the toolbox. The first action on the unless the voltage drops below 105 volts.
job should be to question the user. Ask him, for example, 5-5. Overload protection and controls. Make sure
these things: that the extension cord is disconnected be, fore making a
• When did you first notice this trouble? continuity test on the protector. With an ohmmeter or a
• How often does it happen? test lamp, check for a continuous circuit through the
• Does it happen at night as well as during the overload protector. If it tests open, you have found at
day? least one trouble which will prevent the compressor motor
• Has the unit been making a strange noise? from operating. Replace a defective overload protector
• Is this condition intermittent or is it continuous? and check the unit for normal operation. Many
• Does this happen on just certain days of the compressors have the overload protectors located inside
week? the shell. A distinctive label on the compressor is used to
The answers to such leading questions should enable you indicate an internal mounting. Placing a protector inside
to determine whether the trouble is being caused by the shell has the effect of extending the cooling period
misuse. By eliminating outside factors at the beginning, after an overload trips. Remember, when checking an
you will know that you are dealing with a fault in the overload protector mounted inside, allow the compressor
equipment itself. After this, consider the possible sufficient time to cool so that the protector has a chance to
electrical troubles first, as they can usually be checked automatically reset itself. How long is "sufficient time"?
easily and quickly. When you can rest your hand comfortably on the shell,
5-3. Electrical Troubles. There is a logical sequence the compressor should have cooled enough for you to
which should be followed in making tests on the electrical make a valid test of the overload contacts.
system. The first check seems so simple that it is often 5-6. Check, too, all control switches for proper
overlooked. Remember, the unit cannot operate without operation, since one open switch will prevent the unit
electrical power. A quick reference for common faults is from operating. Such items as thermostats, defrost
given in table 1, together with the possible causes and controls, and freezestats are all designed to open and close
their remedies. Such a trouble chart is most useful, since the primary circuit. Remember the function of the item
it presents a great many facts in a small space. In which you are checking, because an open circuit may not
addition, you will sometimes find the solution to a mean that the device is defective. A thermostat should
problem while studying a troubleshooting table, even show an open circuit if the feeler bulb is colder than its
though the specific fault does not appear in the table. operating point. A defrost control will be open if the
Often, in fact, a common fault is passed by because it timer is in the defrost cycle. Some defrost systems have a
seems too obvious. The serviceman may think that a reset which is actuated by an increase in temperature
common fault is too easy and could not possibly be the above a set point. A freezestat will show an open circuit
trouble he was hunting. Do not prejudge; instead, make when it senses a temperature lower than its operating
reasonable "guesses" from what you see and the trouble point. You can check the operation of a device by raising
chart, then test to find out the practical results. In the or lowering its temperature. A thermostat is checked by
following paragraphs, we have given you a detailed placing the feeler bulb in a glass of ice and water. An
explanation of the most likely troubles to be found in the ohmmeter or test light is connected across the contacts so
electrical system. that the time of opening and closing can be observed. A
thermometer is placed in a glass of water and its
temperature is

Table 1

read at the time the contacts open. Remove the ice and motor circuit to increase its starting torque. Higher
add warm water slowly till the contacts close. Again read starting torque or momentary reversing are two ways of
the temperature of the water. Replace the thermostat if it unlocking a compressor which for some internal reason
does not conform with manufacturer’s specifications. cannot be started normally. When an analyzer is not
available, plug the refrigerator cord into an outlet and test
5-7. Motor circuit. A hermetic system can be for voltage at the terminal block where the cord
checked quickly with a motor-start analyzer. It will check terminates. There should be voltage at the terminals if the
for continuity in motor windings, for shorted windings, cord is good. If the motor runs, you should use a clamp
and for grounded windings. It can also be used to start a type ammeter to check for correct motor current. Next,
motor and can reverse the direction of rotation. The you must unplug the cord and make some continuity
analyzer contains capacitors which can be used in the checks with a test light or an ohmmeter.

Unless you are familiar with the electrical system, you the hermetic unit must be replaced. A motor drawing its
will need a wiring diagram for the unit which you are LRA rating indicates that the rotor is not turning.
testing. Conditions inside the sealed unit will also be indicated by
5-8. Some compressors have an electric heater in the unusual vibration and noises. For tests of the refrigeration
crankcase to prevent condensing of the refrigerant during system, see Mechanical Troubles, paragraph 5-17.
off time. Liquid refrigerant can cause slugging and 5-12. Testing capacitors. We will discuss two
damage the compressor. One manufacturer used a methods for testing a capacitor. When the capacitor can
capacitor with one of the motor windings to act as a be disconnected from the circuit and the bleeder resistor, a
heater during compressor off time. Such a motor would reasonable test is to charge and then discharge it with its
always be "live" even when not running. Be sure of the normal voltage (of over 120 v). Charge it by momentarily
type of motor used before you attempt to trace the motor applying voltage to its terminals. Then use a piece of
circuit. Determine the type of relay (hot wire, current, or insulated wire to short circuit the terminals. A hot spark
potential relay) which is installed in the unit After you indicates that the capacitor is able to hold a charge. Some
have checked the diagram and understand the circuit, you capacitors have a bleeder resistor of between 15,000 and
will be ready to check out that specific motor. 30,000 ohms which is in the form of an integral part that
5-9. For purposes of our explanation, refer to figure cannot be disconnected. This type of capacitor may be
7, which illustrates the circuit for a potential relay. We checked by connecting an ammeter and a 10-, 15-, or 20-
will use the compressor motor circuit shown in figure 7 to amp fuse in series with the capacitor. Apply 120 volts to
identify the motor's terminals in the following discussion. the capacitor just long enough to read the ammeter. If the
Make a continuity check from C to S and between C and fuse blows, the capacitor is shorted and must be replaced.
R. A test lamp should light almost normal in each case if Use a fuse large enough to carry the current and make
the windings are good. An open circuit is indicated when sure that the current will not be so great as to drive the
the lamp fails to light. Note that this test is valid only if ammeter needle off the scale. For example, a 20-mfd
direct current is used to energize the circuit. If alternating capacitor at 120 volts should draw less than 1 ampere,
current is the only power available for the test lamp, the while a 400-mfd capacitor at 120 volts will draw 18
common connection at C must be opened. Otherwise, the amperes. When making a test, apply voltage to a
closed contacts of the relay and the capacitor will make a capacitor just long enough to read the ammeter. The
complete circuit. Opening C is not necessary when current measured should be within 20 percent of that
checking with an ohmmeter, because it uses direct current determined by the formula given where mfd is the rating
from self-contained batteries. The reason is that a in microfarads and v is the normal applied voltage. The
capacitor blocks direct current while it allows alternating number 2650 is a constant for 60-cycle current, while
current to flow. See the paragraph for testing capacitors, 3180 is the constant used when calculating a circuit using
where the capacitor is explained more fully. 50-cycle current.
5-10. To test for a grounded motor winding, check
from terminal C to an unpainted part of the compressor-
motor shell. An ohmmeter must be used to measure the
resistance of the motor windings to test for a shorted coil.
Readings should compare closely to the specifications of
the manufacturer. A severely shorted coil would be
indicated by tripping of the branch circuit breaker or by A defective capacitor must be replaced by one of the
blowing of the fuse when the unit is plugged into the voltage and mfd rating or the equivalent as specified by
voltage outlet. If tests indicate that the motor windings the manufacturer.
are at fault, the hermetic unit must be replaced. 5-13. Testing relays. Before testing a relay, you must
5-11. If the motor runs but overheats during operation, know the type. "You may have a schematic diagram
a current draw test with a clamp type ammeter will give which shows the hookup of the relay but does not identify
an indication of conditions. Motor current should be it by name. You should be so familiar with the common
within 10 percent of nameplate rating on the unit. The types that you know their characteristics well enough to
nameplate may give two amperage figures, such as FLA identify them. A fan motor is used in some units for
3.5 and LRA 18.0 The FLA stands for "full load forced-air circulation. The diagram in figure 6 shows an
amperage," while LRA stands for "locked rotor example of a relay and a fan motor in
amperage.” If the current exceeds the nameplate rating by
more than 10 percent, it is considered unsatisfactory, and

the same circuit. The fan motor must be disconnected • Never lay an acetylene cylinder on its side. In
before testing the relay. addition to acetylene, the tank also contains
5-14. Referring to figure 5, you will see a type of hot infusorial earth, which will get into the regulator
wire relay that has two bimetal strips, two resistors or and valves if the tank is placed on its side. Also,
heaters, and two set of contacts. Both sets of contacts safety plugs in the bottom of the tank will pass
should be dosed when the relay is not energized. The harmlessly into the floor if the cylinder is
start contact should open soon as the motor reaches standing up when they blow out.
operating speed. You can verify opening of the start • Never allow oil or grease to come into contact
contacts with a voltmeter which should read line voltage with oxygen; specifically, never direct a jet of
across the start contacts. A zero reading will indicate that oxygen at an oil-soaked surface. Spontaneous
the contacts are not opening. combustion may result.
5-15. The current relay shown in figure 6 can be • Never lay an oxygen cylinder on its side. The
checked for continuity through the coil and for an open top of the cylinder carries the safety plug. If it
circuit across the contacts when it is not energized. The blows while the cylinder is on its side, the
contacts close on starting but should remain open while exhaust pressure released will propel the cylinder
the motor is running. Use direct current, such as with an like a rocket.
ohmmeter, to test across the relay contacts, as a.c. can • Never use oil, grease, or any lubricant on a torch.
feed around through the motor winding and the capacitor, • Never hang a torch or hoses on regulators or
giving a false reading of continuity. cylinder valves.
5-16. The potential relay, which is shown in figure 7, • Never use matches for lighting a torch, as your
must be isolated from the compressor motor before hand may be seriously burned as a result. Use a
testing. Open the R and S leads at the terminals on the friction igniter or a suitable pilot light.
relay. Check the relay connects between R ad S for
• Never light the torch from hot metal when
continuity. The contacts are normally closed; thus, the
working in a confined space. Accumulated
test should show a complete circuit. A test between S and
fumes can flare or explode.
terminal L should also show a complete circuit through
• Never weld where hot sparks can set fire to
the coil of the relay. If either test shows an open circuit,
material or where sparks can fall on your legs or
the relay is defective and must be replaced.
on the hoses.
5-17. Mechanical Troubles. The mechanical troubles
• Always wear goggles designed for the welding
found in a refrigerator can be divided into two categories:
work or brazing which you are doing.
(1) those which are caused by defect in manufacture, and
(2) those which are the result of mishandling or accident. • Never block yourself from the cylinders when
A quick review of mechanical troubles is furnished in you are working; make sure that you can get to
table 2, where possible causes are listed with their related them easily and quickly from your working
faults. As the repair or replacement of components position.
involves the use of soldering and welding equipment, a • Never store cylinders in direct sunlight or near
review of this subject is presented before we discus the heaters.
procedures to follow with specific items. • A valve clogged with ice may be thawed with
warm water; however, never use a flame or
6. Braxing, Cutting, and Welding boiling water for this purpose.
6-1. Before you can join metals or make repairs you • Never test for acetylene leaks with a flame
must know how to use welding equipment properly. because of the danger of a flareback and a
Safety for yourself is stressed so that you can do this work cylinder fire. Use soapy water, instead.
without danger to your self. First, the safety rules which • Always open valves slowly.
you should know will be presented. Then we will discuss • Always keep the special wrench used to turn
the equipment and explain procedures for brazing with acetylene on and off near the valve so that it can
alloys, silver brazing, welding copper, and cutting metal. be turned off quickly in an emergency.
6-2. Safety Rules. Study the following rules so that • Never hammer or beat on a valve; furthermore,
you will understand them. Apply the rules in your work do not attempt to adjust a valve or a gauge which
so that you will set a good example for others to follow. does not work.
You will avoid accidents this way: • Replace protective caps on the cylinders
• Never drop a cylinder or allow it to fall. whenever gauges have been removed.
• Never bump a cylinder or otherwise handle it 6-3. Oxygen and Acetylene Apparatus. In figure 8
roughly. you will find an illustration of oxygen and acetylene
cylinders and the accessories used with


a soldering and welding torch. The rules for properly close-fitting wrench to tighten the connections
setting up this apparatus are as follows: sufficiently to prevent leakage.
• Place the oxygen and acetylene cylinders on a • Connect the red hose to the acetylene regulator.
level floor and secure them so that they cannot As you do this, note the left-hand threads on the
be acetylene hose connections. Next, connect the
• accidentally knocked over. Then remove the green hose to the oxygen regulator. Screw the
protecting caps. connections tight enough to prevent leaking.
• Crack each cylinder valve just enough to blow • Release the regulator screws to avoid damage to
out dirt or foreign matter. Close the valve as the regulators and gauges and open the cylinder
soon as the throat is clear, then wipe off the valves slowly. Read the high-pressure gauge to
seats. (NOTE: Do not stand in front of a valve check the pressure of the contents in each
when cracking it.) cylinder.
• First, connect the acetylene regulator to the
acetylene cylinder; then, second, connect the
oxygen regulator to the oxygen cylinder. Use a
Figure 8. Oxygen and acetylene apparatus.

• Blow out the oxygen hose. By turning in the regulator screws after testing and drain both lines
regulator screw; open each regulator (two by opening the torch needle valves.
gauges) so as to blow out the hose; then release • Slip the tip nut over the mixing head, screw the tip
the regulator screw. If it is necessary to blow out into the mixing head, and assemble it in the torch
the acetylene hose, you must do the work in a body. Then tighten the assembly by hand and
place which is both well ventilated and free from adjust the tip to the proper angle. Secure the
sparks or flame. adjustment by tightening it with the tip-nut
• Connect the red acetylene hose to the torch needle wrench.
valve stamped "AC" and the green oxygen hose • Adjust acetylene working pressure by open-
to the torch needle valve stamped "OX." Test all
hose connections for leaks at the torch and at the
regulator by turning in both regulator screws
with the torch needle valves closed. Release the


ing the acetylene torch needle valve and turning the stops; then close the valve. Drain the oxygen
regulator screw to the right for the required pressure regulator and hose in the same manner. Both the
according to the size of the tip. Adjust oxygen working high- and low-pressure gauges on the oxygen
pressure in the same manner, according to tables 3 and 4. and acetylene regulators should now read "zero."
For tip sizes in the low-pressure or injector type of torch • Fifth, release the tension on both regulator
use table 3. For tip sizes in the medium-pressure or screws by turning them to the left until they
balanced-pressure type of torch, use table 4. (NOTE: In rotate freely.
table 4, each of the first three sizes requires 1 pound of • Sixth, coil the hose and suspend it in a suitable
pressure, while the others take the same number of holder, being careful to avoid kinking the hose.
pounds of pressure as the tip size. The size of the tip that 6-5. Use of Alloys for Braxing. The alloys used for
you choose is determined by both the thickness of the silver brazing all have a melting point above 1000° F.
metal or tubing and the area which must be heated.) This is, however, still below the melting point of the base
6-4. Shutting down the torch safely involves the metals to be joined. When properly made, the joint will
following 6-step procedure: be at least strong as the metals joined. You must swage
• First close the acetylene valve on the torch. one end of tubing which is to be joined. The swaging
• Second, close the oxygen valve on the torch. tools must be clean and free of oil. This will produce a
• Third, close the acetylene and oxygen cylinder swaged end which does not require added cleaning. The
valves. most important factor in
• Fourth, drain both the regulators and hoses.
Open the torch acetylene valve until gas flow


joining tubing is to have proper clearance between the work with, since the alloy with a large spread has a better
parts. An easy slip fit with tubing should approximate the chance of making a joint before it sets.
range .0015 to .005 inch, which is recommended. To 6-9. Use asbestos paper or wet cloth to keep heat
insure proper centering of the male pat, insert it so as to from pans which might be affected by it. Some valves are
evenly contact the shoulder of the swaged member. This provided with neoprene seats, and these must be removed
procedure will insure a uniform distribution of the alloy if they are too close to where heat will be applied.
with no voids and prevent the alloy from dripping into the Otherwise, the heat will destroy the value of the seat, and
inside of the tubing, where it would cause an obstruction. the valve will leak.
Position the angle of the joint in tubing so that solder or 6-10. When you use flux in making a joint, you should
flux will not drop inside. Rely on capillary action to pull observe the following: Apply the flux evenly to the metal
the solder throughout the joint. surfaces which are to be protected from oxidation. If the
6-6. The ends of tubing to be joined must be square flux wets the surface easily, this indicates that it is clean.
and uniformly round. The surfaces must be free of oil, If it balls up and spreads unevenly, the surface is oily and
scale, grease, and dirt. If you find any oil or grease, you requires cleaning. In addition, the behavior of the flux
can remove it with hot caustic soda. You can remove can be used as a temperature gauge. One popular brand
scale with an acid pickle bath; however, you must then used with brazing becomes white and puffy about 600° F.
remove all traces of acid after such treatment, since any A 800° F. it smoothes out with a milky color, while at
trace of acid left in the tubing will cause trouble in the 1100° F. it turns clear, and the bright metal surface should
future. Avoid handling surfaces after they have been show through the flux.
cleaned. 6-11. Silver Brazing. This method of joining metals
6-7. The alloys listed in table 5 are all suitable for is properly called low-temperature brazing, but it is often
working with copper, but Easy Flo3, Sil-Fos, and Phos- incorrectly referred to as silver soldering. It is necessary
Copper are considered best. Many manufacturers make to heat the metals only to the melting point of the silver
alloys for soldering. Sil-Fos is for use with nonferrous solder, 1175° F. A low-melting-point alloy, such as Easy-
metals only. Pros- Flo, is used with a suitable flux, such as that made by
Copper will make good joints in copper without flux. Handy and Harmon. The melting point of the flux, 1125°
Easy-Fo3 is 50 percent silver alloy, with the addition of 3 F., gives a good indication of when the metals to be
percent nickel. The other Easy-Flo numbers give the joined are near the correct heat. A carburizing or
percentage of silver in the alloy. These alloys are reducing flame should be used to insure a good point
available from many manufacturers. In using silver where brazing copper with silver solder. (See fig. 9.)
solder on fittings, you should be careful to observe Phos-Copper may be used to join copper to copper
installation instructions to insure good joints. One without using a flux. No flux is an advantage when
manufacturer specifies that alloys containing tubing or parts are joined in a system which should be
phosphorous, such as Sil-Foe or Silvaloy 15, not be used kept clean. Remember that a clean, dry refrigeration
on fittings which are copper-plated steel. They system is one that keeps working year after year without
recommend instead, Silvaloy 45 or Easy-Flo. giving trouble. A slightly carburizing or reducing flame
6-8. It is important that you heat the work to the flow is required when working with Phos-Copper.
point of the alloy before applying the alloy. Alloys with a 6-12. Welding Copper. A welding rod should have
large spread between melting and low point are easier to approximately the same composition as the


about two sizes larger than that which you would choose
for steel of the same gauge. A large flame is required
because copper conducts heat away much faster than
steel. No flux is required to make the weld; therefore the
weld must be made fast before oxidation occurs.
6-14. Metal is heated for about 3 inches along the seam
to a full red heat. The weld should be started inside and
worked to the nearest edge. The torch should be held at
about a 60 angle to the base. Speed should be uniform
and the end of the filler rod should be kept in the molten
puddle. During the welding operation, the molten metal
is protected by the outer flame envelope. If the metal
ceases to flow freely, the filler rod must be raised and the
work must again be heated to a full red.
6-15. Cutting Torch. Metal is properly cut with a
cutting torch which is quite different from the welding
torch just discussed. However, it is joined to the hoses in
the same manner as the latter, and the same safety rules
apply. The main differences are found in the body of the
torch and in the tips. Thus, the cutting torch has a
compound head which directs a hollow flame of
oxyacetylene. Also, a trigger valve in the body controls
an added jet of oxygen. When the valve is pressed, this
jet of oxygen in the center of the flame makes the cut by
superheating the metal at the point of contact. A part of
the cut metal is burned in this operation. Stainless steel is
difficult to cut with a torch because it is resistant to
oxidation. However stainless steel may be cut by laying a
steel welding rod on the cut to be made. The heat
developed by oxidation of the rod is sufficient to melt a
Figure 9. Torch flame.
slot in stainless steel plate. Table 6 gives the pressures
and tip size to use with steel plates of various thickness.
base metal being handled. Employing such a rod, you
The oxygen pressure is set higher to supply the added
must use a slightly oxidizing flame when you are welding
oxygen necessary for cutting. Steel is heated to
copper. Remember, too, that copper will absorb carbon
incandescence before the cut is started. As soon as the
monoxide gases from a carburizing flame and in a porous
oxygen jet is applied, the cut will appear at the edge of the
weld (since silver solder is worked at a lower temperature,
plate. The cut should be made at a uniform pace as fast as
a carburizing flame is used).
the metal is removed. If the torch is moved too slow,
6-13. Welding rods, such as Airco 23 Deoxidized
there will be a waste
Copper or Oxweld 19 Cupro-Rods, should be suitable for
welding copper. The choice of tip for the torch should be


of both fuel and metal. If the torch is moved too fast, the 7-4. Halide leak detector. The halide leak detector
cut will fail, because the metal is not hot enough. (see volume 1) uses bottled gas to heat the reactor plate.
6-16. Hydrocarbon Torch. Smaller torches which A sampling tube is used to pull air and the refrigerant
use LP gas can be used for silver solder work, but they are vapor (in case of a leak) into the flame. To test for leaks,
limited to smaller work. They do not produce as large a light the torch and let the reactor plate turn cherry red,
flame, and the temperature of the flame is not as hot as then hold the open end of the rubber tube near the joint to
that of the oxyacetylene torch. Otherwise, the same rules be tested. A leak is indicated when the flame color
and techniques apply to both kinds of torches. changes from blue to blue-green or bright green.

7. Repairs and Service

7-1. Very few refrigerators have service valves or
fittings. You can remedy this by installing an accessory
service valve or line tap, clamping it to a line where it 7-5. Electronic leak detector. Several companies
becomes a permanent part. A gasket makes a seal produce electronic detectors which will detect a Freon
between the valve and the line, while the valve stem is leak as small as 1/2-ounce per year. The general rules of
provided with a piercing tool which breaks into the line. operation for this equipment are as follows:
However because these gaskets leak in time and the • Be sure to use the detector with the correct
valves are expensive, most shops will maintain a valve kit voltage or the correct batteries. Follow
and a set of adapters. Having such a kit, you can use the instructions for the detector you are using.
adapters to install valves and gauges in a system when it • Allow the unit sufficient time to warm up before
becomes necessary for you to make pressure tests. These testing.
adapters, valves, and gauges do not become a permanent • Do not exceed the normal duty cycle if the tester
par of the system, and you can remove them after is limited to intermittent duty.
completing the tests. You may also install a gauge • Keep a record of the hours of operation. The
manifold in the system to make tests. The use of a gauge element has a limited number of hours of life in
manifold is illustrated in Chapter 2, figure 23, where we some instruments.
have described cleaning of the system with a circulator. • Make correct adjustments for background
7-2. The repair of refrigerators and freezer cabinets is contamination. Even after proper adjustment,
generally limited to service and minor repair work. contaminated air may cause erratic operation of
However, because you may be required to make more the instrument.
extensive repairs, the explanations are made as complete • Do not place the detector probe in heavy
as time and space allows. The material covers leak concentrations of refrigerant, as it overloads the
detecting and repairing, pressure testing, replacing of a instrument.
capillary tube, a condenser, a compressor and an WARNING: Be sure to observe the warning that
evaporator, the cleaning of a system, the removal of some instruments carry stating that their use is prohibited
moisture from a system and the charging of a small in a combustible or explosive atmosphere.
hermetic system.
• Always turn the detector off as soon as you have
7-3. Detecting Leaks. When a hermetic system has finished testing.
lost some of its charge, you can be sure that there is a leak 7-6. Repairing Leaks. Unless someone has punched
which must be found and repaired. We will discuss here an ice pick through a line, the only place a leak should
only the two detectors which are most commonly occur is at a joint. Before a joint can be soldered, the
employed: the halide and the electronic leak detectors. pressure must be released from the system. Prepare the
But first, several fundamentals should be clarified. Some system as for charging by connecting a "T" and stub into
detectors are so sensitive that they can prove unreliable in the suction line. Purge the system to atmospheric
air contaminated with a low concentration of halogens. In pressure. Sweat the joint just as if you were making a
such a situation, the system should be charged with new joint, but do not overheat it. Use asbestos paper to
nitrogen or carbon dioxide at 60 to 80 p.s.i.g. and protect adjacent surfaces from the flame. Wrap the tubing
checked with a soap solution. If a pressure test of the with wet cloth where you wish to keep the heat from
system is also required, follow the recommendations of spreading. After you sweat the joint, partially charge the
the American Society of Refrigeration Engineers as given system and again test for a leak. If the joint holds, charge
in the American Code and explained in paragraph 7-12. the system

to its normal capacity and triple pinch the stub to seal it. TABLE 7
7-7. Small pinhole leaks in tubing on the low side of
a refrigerator may be repaired in several ways. For
example, either cold solder plastics or special resin glues
made for refrigeration work may be used to make a patch.
At least one resin glue on the market has the same thermal
characteristics as aluminum. A glue like this will expand
and contract with the metal and will not crack. However,
when making a patch with glue, be careful not to force the
material through the hole in such a way as to cause an
obstruction in the tubing. Also, the surface must be kept
free of any traces of oil so that the glue will bond properly 7-12. Pressure Testing and Leak Testing with
and completely seal the hole. Nitrogen or Carbon Dioxide. There may be times when
7-8. Larger holes in aluminum tubing can be repaired refrigerants are not readily available or in short supply.
by soldering with 95-5 solder, which can be worked at a To save refrigerant, you can make pressure checks of a
lower temperature than that which is required for brazing. system using dry nitrogen or CO2. If the pressure test is
Here, the right flux to use is just as important as the right satisfactory, you can conduct a leak test in two ways.
solder, because flux also has a critical temperature. Some One method calls for charging the system with a small
men may be able to use higher temperature alloys to amount of refrigerant and raising the pressure in the
solder aluminum tubing; but as the work gets hotter, the system by means of nitrogen. A halide leak detector is
danger of melting out a chunk of material becomes then used to check for leaks. The other method calls for
greater. charging the system to the desired pressure, then testing it
7-9. Repairs to tubing on the high-pressure side are for leaks, using a solution of soap and water. With both
made with appropriate solder and flux. The higher methods the system must be evacuated to bleed off all
pressure in the high side-30 pounds or more-makes it nitrogen or CO2 after tests are satisfactory and before
advisable to repair with hot solder rather than attempt a charging with refrigerant.
cold glue patch. Remember that the methods we have 7-13. Replacing Capillary Tubes. A broken or
discussed here apply to systems using R-12, which plugged capillary tube requires a replacement which is
include domestic refrigerators and freezers. If, for exactly the same as the original in its length and inside
example, you should try to cold patch a leak in a system diameter. Approximately the same length of the
using R-22, your results would probably be replacement should be soldered to the suction line to
unsatisfactory. Furthermore, the higher operating make a heat exchanger. The variations in diameters of
pressure of R-22-about 250 p.s.i.g. requires more strength some capillary tubes are shown in table 7.
than can be obtained by cold patch methods available at 7-14. Many refrigerators have a capillary size of .114-
the present time. inch OD and .049-inch ID when used with R-12. Of
7-10. Flare connections and fittings. Flare course, the outside diameter of each can readily be
connections may be provided with seal. These cannot be checked with a micrometer, while the inside diameter can
removed without tearing them. When opening such a be checked with a wire. Notice that both the gauge and
flare connection, cut away the seal with a knife, being diameter of wire is compared with capillary tube
careful not to nick or scratch the flare. A new seal is diameters in table 7. Do not try to force a wire into a
installed when the flare is reconnected. Always slip the capillary to check the inside diameter. Also, make certain
flare nut over the tubing before making a flare. If the nut that the wire has not been burred on the end as a result of
is too loose, look closely at it size; you may have picked a being crushed by cutters. You can check the diameter of
nut which is a size too large. a wire with a wire gauge or a micrometer. In any case,
7-11. Flaring. In making a flare, by placing a drop of the correct size wire should slip easily into the capillary.
refrigerant oil on the flaring cone, you can produce a 7-15. When exact replacements are not available, you
smoother flare. Also, apply refrigerant oil to the nut and may install an adjustable capillary tube in the system. In
the flare surfaces before assembling them. The oil will such an event, the capillary tube should be cut to equal the
allow the flare connection to be drawn up tight without length of the one which it replaces. A heat exchanger of
overstraining the nut. It will also lubricate the threads so the same length is made by soldering the capillary to the
that there will be no doubt in your mind as to when the suction line. Note that the ends of the capillary should be
nut is snug. cut with a tube cutter to get a uniform end. Also,

swage appropriate ends of the tubing so that the capillary indicate a leak in that area. Similarly, if the system has
can be soldered into the system. (NOTE: Keep ends been opened and you suspect that an appreciable amount
taped or plugged with rubber caps to keep moisture out of moisture has entered it, evacuate the system. First
while the system is open.) If fittings are available, the charge the system with a small amount of refrigerant and
tubing may be quickly joined. However, because such then evacuate it to 50 microns (about 29 inches of
fittings are expensive, most shops will use a torch and vacuum) for from 5 to 30 minutes. Remember, too, that
solder the connections. when a system has lost a part of its charge, you should
7-16. After installation, test the unit for leaks, evacuate assume that some moisture has been drawn into the
it, dry it, charge it with refrigerant, and test it. Set the system. To counteract this problem, your first step is to
capillary adjustment so that the evaporator frosts evenly. install a new drier-strainer.
Then make a final check for proper adjustment by seeing 7-21. Replacing the drier-strainer. The drier-strainer
that the lines to and from the evaporator are not frosted. is located between the condenser and the capillary tube.
7-17. Replacing the Condenser, Compressor, and To replace it, cut the old drier-strainer out of the system
Evaporator. Normal service for the condenser, and install a new drier-strainer in its place. The new drier
compressor, and evaporator is to clean them with a stiff will be able to hold the small amount of moisture which
bristle fiber brush or with compressed air. The might have entered the system.
replacement of these would involve the detailed 7-22. Installing stubs or process tubes. A system
procedures just described. Open the system and cap the which has no provision for charging and purging must
ends with tape or rubber plugs to keep air and moisture have stubs installed. To do this, prepare a “T” with about
out. Then prepare the ends to be soldered and assemble a 1-foot stub connected to the foot of the "T." Provide the
the system. After that, charge the system and test it for stub with an appropriate fitting and cap the fitting until
leaks. Next, dry and evacuate the system. Then charge you are ready to use it. The stub and "T" can be heated to
the system with refrigerant and make an operational insure that they are dry. Cut the suction line at a
check. convenient location and install the “T” and stub
7-18. System Cleaning. After a hermetic motor has permanently in the line. Also, cut the high-pressure line
burned out, the system will be contaminated with burned at a convenient place and install a "T" and stub there too.
pieces of metal and insulation. The dark color and Note that some servicemen claim that this is not necessary
pungent odor of an oil sample will give mute evidence of if the system is still under pressure. In any event, if the
such a motor burnout. When it happens, remove the stub is connected at the highest part of the condenser, it
compressor and thoroughly clean the system before will work best for purging air from the system.
putting it back into service. As most smaller units in this 7-23. Adding refrigerant. When adding refrigerant,
condition should have the entire system replaced, the first install a valve and a gauge in the high-side stub.
discussion of cleaning is related in Chapter 2, where it is Then connect a charging line to the low-side stub. Do not
most appropriately related to larger systems. tighten the stub connection until you have purged the
7-19. Removing Moisture. Since a comprehensive charging line by cracking the refrigerant cylinder valve
explanation of procedures for removing moisture from long enough to blow out trapped air. Do this by cracking
both large and small systems is more appropriate to the the valve in the high-side stub and slowly opening the
equipment discussed in Chapter 2 of this volume, it is valve in the charging line. Next, star the compressor and
given there instead of here. The procedures described shut the purging valve when refrigerant appears there. Be
there for systems under 5-ton capacity apply equally well sure to observe any frosting of the evaporator and shut the
to domestic refrigerators and freezer cabinets. charging valve when the coil has become frosted
7-20. Charging a Small Hermetic. Charging a small completely.
hermetic system with refrigerant is a simple procedure 7-24. Continue to observe operation of the unit. High
which generally requires three steps: (1) dry the system, head pressure in excess of 160 p.s.i.g. indicates that there
(2) install a suction line stub and a high-pressure line stub, is still air in the system which requires purging.
and (3) add the refrigerant. As you know, a few other Remember that the pressure will vary with the ambient
jobs related to charging must also be done at the same temperature. Air in the system will also be indicated by a
time. Thus, if the system has a leak, the system must be lack of uniform warmth of the condenser coil. A check
repaired and then tested. The amount of oil lost can be with your hand will reveal spots which are cooler near the
estimated by the size of the oil spot, which will not top of the coil, where air pockets are displacing warm
evaporate. Since most of the oil will remain in the liquid. From 15 minutes to half an hour may be required
compressor, the presence of a large amount of oil will to properly charge the system. At

the end of this period of observation, check the low side 5. What must be used with insulation make it
of the evaporator coil. If the frost line extends too far effective in a refrigerator? (1-6)
beyond the evaporator coil on the suction side, the system
has been overcharged and some refrigerant should be bled
from the system by cracking the valve on the high side. If
frost shows on the tubing at the inlet (high side), too far 6. What are some of the big advantages of new
from the evaporator coil, increase the size of the heat synthetic insulation? (1-6)
exchanger. Solder another 2 inches of the capillary to the
suction line. This correction would apply when a new
capillary tube has been installed.
7-25. When the performance is satisfactory, close all 7. Why do breaker strips require careful handling?
of the valves and triple pinch the stubs to seal them. (1-8,9)
Gauge lines and fittings can then be removed. Remember
the necessary steps to prepare a system for service when
moisture is present in it. First, partially charge and purge
the system of air. Second, pump down to 29 inches of 8. A stored or abandoned refrigerator should be
mercury to remove the moisture. Third, install a new treated in what way?(1-11)
drier-strainer. Fourth and fifth, charge the system with
refrigerant and start the compressor. In the charging step,
no purging of air will be necessary if the system has been
evacuated. Obviously, pulling a vacuum on the system 9. How is the door gasket checked for a seal? (1-
removes air as well as moisture. 12)

Review Exercises
The following exercises are study aids. Write your
answer in pencil in the space provided after each 10. What factors should you consider in the location
exercise. Use the blank pages to record other notes on of a refrigerator (1-13)
the chapter content. Immediately check your answers
with the key at the end of the test. Do not submit your
answers for grading.
11. How can you distinguish a refrigerator made for
1. What are the main construction features of a use overseas? (1-14)
modern domestic box? (1-2)

12. An automatic ice maker in a refrigerator may be

2. Insulation must be able to reduce what three provided with two thermostats. What is the
forms of heat transfer? (1-3) function of each? (1-18)

3. What puts the greatest heat load in a refrigerator? 13. Why is a second electric heater used in the drain
(1-4) with an automatic defrost system? (1-20)

4. What has been the result of using improved

insulating materials in a refrigerator? (1-5)

14. Explain a simple automatic defrost system which 23. Why can a compressor operate so well with such
uses only one valve for defrosting with hot gas. fine clearances? (3-3)

24. How close may a compressor's piston approach

15. What are the methods of heating used in an the head? (3-4)
absorption system refrigerator? (2-1)

25. At what point may compressor valves get noisy?

16. With regard to exercise 15, what is the main (3-5)
distinction with on fuel? (2-2)

26. What advantages do rotary compressors have

17. Give the principle of operation of the absorption over the piston type? (3-6)
system refrigerator. (2-5)

27. What is one way of helping to cool the condenser

18. Since the flame burns continuously, how does without having to use a fan? (3-9)
the absorption refrigerator meet changes in heat
load? (2-5)

28. A restrictor placed between two sections of an

evaporator serves what purpose? (3-10)
19. After cleaning, what might prevent the burner
from operating, and how can this problem be
solved successfully? (2-5)
29. A weighted valve requires what special
consideration? (3-11)

20. Describe the maintenance for a refrigerator with

an absorption system. (2-6)
30. What are the critical factors in the makeup of a
capillary tube? (3-16)

21. How can installation result in poor or faulty

operation of an absorption refrigerator? (2-7)
31. Where is a bleeder resistor used and how does it
protect a relay? (3-19)

22. When a refrigerator with an absorption system is

placed in service after an idle period of 6
months, it may refuse to cool. How might this 32. What functions are performed by a hot wire
be corrected? (2-8) relay? (3-19)

33. How does a current relay operate? (3-21) 43. What is indicated when a test shows a motor
drawing its LRA rating? (5-11)

34. Where would you first check for the cause of

badly burned relay contacts? (3-24) 44. Give two methods for checking a capacitor. (5-

35. What does a noisy capillary tube indicate? (3-32)

45. Describe the main characteristics of a current
relay. (5-15, also 3-21)

36. How could low voltage cause excessive

electrical consumption? (3-33)
46. Describe the main characteristics of a potential
relay. (5-16, also 3-24)

37. What are the proper methods of manually

defrosting a freezer? (4-3)
47. What are some of the causes of vibration in a
refrigerator? (5-17, Table 2)

38. What would you suspect if you found heavy frost

had frozen a freezer door shut? (4-4)
48. Why must an acetylene cylinder be secured in an
upright position? (6-2)

39. When troubleshooting, what common fault is

often made by a serviceman? (5-3)
49. Why must an oxygen cylinder be used in an
upright position? (6-2)

40. State the advantage of locating an overload

protector inside the compressor's shell. (5-5)
50. Which is the correct test for an acetylene leak?

41. What is the difference in operation between a

thermostat and a freezestat? (5-6)
51. Why must oil and grease be kept away from
oxygen? (6-2)

42. Why is it better to use direct current for checking

a motor circuit? (5-9)
52. How can you always identify the acetylene valve
in a torch? (6-3)

53. Why must regulator screws be released before 62. What are the disadvantages of using a line tap?
the cylinder valves are opened? (6-3) (7-1)

54. In soldering tubing, what is considered the most 63. How could a leak detector be too sensitive? (7-3,
important factor in making a leakproof 5)
connection? (6-5)

64. Why should a heavy concentration of halogen be

55. How hot should the work be heated before you avoided when you are using an electronic leak
apply the alloy when you are brazing cooper detector? (7-5)
tubing? (6-8)

65. Where may cold solder or glues be used

56. What precautions must be observed when you successfully for repairs? (7-7)
are brazing certain valves to tubing? (6-9)

66. What precautions must be observed when you

57. When you are brazing using a flux, what clue are patching a hole in tubing? (7-7)
tells you how hot the joint is? (6-10)

67. Why is it important to use the right flux with the

58. In view of the last question, how is it that when right solder? (7-8)
you are brazing copper with silver solder, you
should use a carburizing flame? (6-11)

68. Cold solder or special glues are limited to which

systems? (7-9)
59. Why must you use a slightly oxidizing flame
when you are welding copper? (6-12)

69. In what two ways can a system be leak tested

with dry nitrogen? (7-12)
60. Why does the welding of copper require a larger
flame than that required for welding steel? (6-13)

70. What are the most important factors in a

replacement capillary tube? (7-13)
61. How is a cutting torch used to cut stainless steel?

71. How can you measure the inside diameter of a

capillary tube? (7-14)

72. What is the purpose of using tape or caps, and 76. When frost extends out on the suction line
when are they needed? (7-15, 17) beyond the evaporator coil, what condition is
indicated? (7-24)

73. After installation of a major part, what are the

proper steps toward placing a system back in 77. After replacing a capillary tube, you find that the
service? (7-16) frost line extends too far on the inlet line or high
side of the evaporator. What action will correct
this condition? (7-24)

74. If you find a very large oil spot, where would

you expect to find a leak? (7-20)
78. Why must a refrigerator serviceman be able to
make joints like an expert-quickly and correctly?
75. What would happen if you forgot to purge the
charging line? (7-23)


Commercial Refrigeration Systems (Continued)

GRANDPA MAY HAVE had problems with his old with the thermostat to insure against ice damage to the
ice box, but the problems of his neighborhood grocer tank. The thermostat is set so that a thin coat of ice will
trying to keep meats and vegetables fresh were much form on the coils before the compressor is stopped. The
greater. His corner druggist also had trouble keeping the freezestat opens the control circuit before ice formation
ice cream hard and had to keep a cold drink chilled with damages the tank if the thermostat should fail to stop the
ice. By way of contrast, today's grocer has large storage compressor. The schematic diagram shown in figure 6,
cabinets which are automatically cooled, and the present- Chapter 1, is typical of the control circuit using a current
day druggist has refrigerated cases which keep ice cream relay for a unit type water cooler. The major components
hard and cold drinks really cold. In addition, many stores in such a water cooler are the same as in a simple
now have water coolers for the comfort of their refrigerator.
customers. 8-3. Bubbler Type. The bubbler type water cooler
2. Continuing the discussion which we began in has a tap water inlet connecting to the water service line
Chapter 1, we will now explain different applications of and a drain outlet connecting to the waste system. The
compressors for water and beverage coolers, for ice unit may be designed to take advantage of cold waste
making machines (such as ice cube makers and flake ice water in a bubbler fountain by using a precooler.
machines), and for soda fountains. Other applications Typically, the warm water coming into the unit first
which we will discuss are those involving storage cabinets passes through a coil which wraps around the drain sump.
(such as reach-in, walk-in, and display cabinets) and the Then the water passes into an accumulator tank, where the
defrosting for such cabinets. (Of course, these larger evaporator coil is located. The design is calculated to
systems may use a hermetic unit, such as we have cool the unit enough to produce a small amount of ice in
discussed in Chapter 1 in reference to refrigerators and the tank. This procedure thereby assures a reserve
freezers. ) You will find the open type compressor carryover during compressor off time.
discussed in Section 13, under the heading "System 8-4. Remote Unit Multiple Type. You will find the
Components." Similarly, you will find system cleaning remote unit multiple type water cooler in a large modem
explained (under the same name) in Section 17. The hospital or office building. A compressor unit of the
troubleshooting and repair sections are a continuation required size will be located at some remote place in the
from the preceding chapter. building. It may be a hermetic unit, but if the heat load is
great enough, an open type compressor may be installed.
8. Water Coolers From the heat exchanger at the remote location, insulated
8-1. Package units for cool drinking water are used in pipes carry the cold water to bubbler fountains and other
offices, shops, and messhalls. They are rated in gallons of outlets throughout the building A large installation may
water cooled per hour, with capacities ranging from 3 to require a 10-ton unit to insure an adequate supply of cold
20 gallons per hour. The control of each is adjusted to water in hot weather.
supply water at a temperature of 50° F. These range from 8-5. Troubleshooting. Troubleshooting procedures
the bottle type through the bubbler type to the remote unit are the same as those described for the hermetic unit in a
multiple type. All, of course, develop troubles which refrigerator, with these additions. You may be called to
require servicing or repairing. service a unit which has a faulty valve or a plugged drain.
8-2. Bottle Type. The bottle type water cooler is One of the troubles with a valve is a slip in the linkage of
installed where drinking water connections are not readily the foot pedal which requires readjustment and lock-
available. A freezestat is employed in the control circuit

ing. Another trouble is salt formation in the valve.
Disassembly and cleaning of the seat and washer will
solve the latter problem in most cases. However, you
must replace the washer if it is grooved or warped. Also,
a plugged drain requires disassembly and cleaning,
whereas a leaking water tank or line may be repaired with
a plastic or synthetic glue, provided it is not toxic and not

9. Beverage Coolers
9-1. There are some persons who would have you
believe that beverage coolers are a "big deal." However,
there is nothing mysterious about them. Their purpose is
to cool bottled beverages in the range of 27° to 40° F.,
depending on the freezing point of the liquid. The
cooling system is designed to meet the following factors:
• Anticipated heat load.
• Freeing point of beverage.
• Desired temperature of beverage.
9-2. If a box is loaded with a different beverage from
that for which it was designed, it may be necessary to
change the "cold setting" to prevent freezing the product.
The position of the feeler bulb and the thermostat setting
determine what range of temperature a box will hold.
9-3. A self-contained unit of the horizontal type will
use a hermetic system layout similar to that of a freezer
chest, whereas a vertical unit will have a layout like that
of a refrigerator. A heavy duty hermetic unit will be
provided with an oil pump and an oil cooler. The
condenser shown in figure 10 illustrates a heavy duty type Figure 10. Condenser coil with oil cooler
which includes a coil for the oil cooler. The oil cooler
coil will normally be hotter than the condenser. The all have the same purpose, but they employ different types
larger display type beverage cooler has a remote of evaporators.
compressor and condenser located in a compressor room 10-2. Components. Whatever the type, the parts
or in an outside shed. The one major difference between ordinarily found in most icemaking machines are a
a horizontal and an upright case lies in the style and hermetic compressor; a condenser cooled by air, water, or
layout of the evaporator. The horizontal case will have a a combination of both; and a receiver-drier-strainer. The
wall type evaporator, while the upright case will use a refrigerant control can be a capillary tube, a constant-
plate type with forced air. Repairs and service for a pressure expansion valve, or a thermostatic expansion
hermetic system are the same as those which you studied valve. Of these, a system using a thermostatic expansion
for a refrigerator. Remote compressors of the open type valve will require a receiver. Where evaporator heat is
are explained in Section 13. used to loosen the ice, you will find a hot gas solenoid
valve. The water-handling system will be continuous
10. Ice Making Machines flow or intermittent. Also, the control of the ice forming
10-1. Several types of machines are manufactured for and harvest cycle will be on a continuous basis in the
making ice cubes or flakes. For example, one type of rotating cylinder type, with the starting and stopping of
automatic ice cube maker has already been explained in the unit being the main control function. An automatic
our discussion of domestic refrigerators. Ice cube makers tray type will follow a cycle which is timed in the manner
are classed according to the evaporator as of the tray type, which we have already described for an automatic ice
the tube type, the cell type, or the plate type. In cube maker in a refrigerator.
comparison, machines for making ice flakes are classed as 10-3. Ice Cube Evaporators. The biggest difference
of the plate type, the rotating cylinder type, and the found among ice making machines lies in the evaporator
flexible membrane type. These latter machines used. Because the tray type evaporator has already been
described, it should give you no difficulty. Since the
main difference among

such machines lies in the method of ejecting the cubes desired thickness is reached, hot gas is directed to the
from the tray, we will not discuss it here; tube type plate to loosen the ice, which then passes through a
evaporators will be taken up first instead. crusher or grinder. Another arrangement freezes the slab
10-4. Tube types evaporators. This arrangement has in a spring-metal grid. After it is free of the plate, the
the evaporator form a bank of tubes. Water flows down flexible grid is drawn over a sharp bend, causing the ice to
the inside of the tube and is frozen. As more ice is fracture into small pieces. A variation of this last method
formed, the hole in the center becomes smaller and uses a flexible belt or membrane which passes over a
restricts the flow of water until finally the excess water plate or a refrigerated roller. The belt breaks up its cargo
triggers the harvest cycle. A hot gas solenoid valve by passing around a sharp bend.
operates to allow the evaporator to release the ice. In one 10-11. Cylinder type evaporator. Again, in this type,
machine the long rods are cut into suitable lengths. In there are many variations, but the essential items are the
another machine, the evaporator tubes are chilled in refrigerated cylinder and a cutter-scraper for harvesting.
sections so that rods of the desired length are formed Water may be flowed or sprayed on the cylinder
between the warm spots. Still another method uses continuously. Harvesting occurs when the ice becomes
accumulated water pressure to eject the ice rod with thick enough to contact the cutters. The machine will
enough force to break it. continue to make ice until a level is reached in the storage
10-5. Cell type evaporator. There are two major bin, where the ice contacts a feeler which, in turn, will
variations of the cell type evaporator. In one the cell stop the machine. The operation of the feeler is the same
operates under water, and when the ice is released it floats as that in the storage bin of an automatic cube maker.
to the surface where it is forced from the tank by a current The position of the feeler determines the amount of ice
of water. In the other type, inverted cells are used which which will be stored in the bin before the machine is
have water sprayed against them. The ice forming period stopped.
is set by a timer, which then frees the ice by hot gas. 10-12. Troubles in Ice Makers. With so many
10-6. Plate type evaporators. Among the variations of different types of icemaking machines being used, you
the flat plate type, there is one main distinction: the plate will find that it is necessary to have the right service
may be either horizontal or vertical. For instance, in one manual for the equipment on hand when you are dealing
type of machine, the horizontal plate produces a slab of with mechanical trouble or needed adjustments. You will
ice, which is then moved on to a hot wire grid which is find, too, that after mechanical problems, the water supply
heated electrically. Here the slab melts into individual is probably the next greatest source of trouble. Sediment,
cubes, which then fall through into a storage bin. scale, and salt formation are problems which vary widely
10-7. Another type of such a machine uses a grid from one locality to another. In fact, under severe
which is moved into position against a vertical plate. conditions, water treatment may be the only means of
After the cube is formed, the grid is moved against a keeping an automatic ice maker in satisfactory operation.
knockout plate which ejects the cubes. In one design, two On the other hand, in some localities, the domestic water
vertical plates have matching cold spots which face each supply contains so much salt that crystals lodge in the seat
other. A unique feature of this model is a variable control of a faucet, causing it to drip. Thus, such faucets in
over the length of the period for forming ice. Within a everyday use require that incrustation be removed from
short period, the ice produced will be like a lens. If the the stem and gasket every 2 or 3 months.
period is long enough, the two opposite lenses will build
a bridge to each other and produce a piece of ice which 11. Soda Fountains
looks like a Yo-Yo. 11-1. A recent addition to your responsibilities is the
10-8. Blowdown. Units are provided with a siphon maintenance of soda fountains. A complete fountain has
the water pan to blow down the water system each time an ice cream compartment, cold bottle storage, syrup
the unit stops. A complete flush removes the accumulated cooler, and a beverage cooler. Among other things, we
salts. The water left behind from each freezing cycle will discuss a dry type eat exchanger coil aid a carbonator
concentrates the salts in the water. Where the water is system. A typical soda fountain is shown in figure 11,
very hard, a manual blowdown may be necessary to move with one compressor attached to a multiple evaporator.
the salt and insure proper formation of ice. The syrups and the drinking water are kept at 45° to 50°
10-9. Flake Ice Machines. These units use some F, while the ice cream compartment is held between 0°
evaporators which are similar to those of the cube makers, and 10° F. The heat exchanger, at the left in figure 11,
but the harvesting method employed is different. serves to cool the liquid
10-10. Plate type evaporator. In this type of evaporator
a thin sheet of ice is formed on the plate. When the

Figure 11. A typical soda fountain.

refrigerant so it can absorb more latent heat as it changes satisfactory operation. It has four essential parts: a CO2
to a gas. As you know, a lower refrigerant temperature tank, a mixing tank, a water pump, and an electrical
also reduces the tendency of the liquid to ash to a gas as it control to operate the water pump. The CO2 tank is used
passes the control valve. Flashing at the valve reduces the to charge the mixing tank with gas at 80 p.s.i.g. The
valve's capacity and also reduces the efficiency of the correct pressure is adjusted by means of a pressure
system. regulating valve. The water pump is used to deliver a
11-2. Dry Type Coil. The beverage cooler, shown at high-velocity jet into the mixing tank. The turbulence is
the right in figure 11, is a dry type heat exchanger. It so great that the water readily absorbs several times its
consists of an aluminum casting which contains at least own volume of CO2. The water from the pump should be
two sets of coils. Additional coils are provided when chilled before it enters the mixing tank, since cold water
more than one beverage is to be cooled. One coil is an absorbs CO2 much more readily than warm tap water.
evaporator, and the other coil (or coils) carries the liquid The mixing tank is also refrigerated to ensure delivery of
to be cooled. A heat exchanger of this type must be large cold soda at the valve, because warm soda water loses its
enough to meet the cooling demands of the system. At charge very quickly. Carbonated water is drawn from the
the same time, it must provide sufficient transfer of heat bottom of the tank below a baffle, which keeps turbulence
so that it does not increase the pressure drop in the low from this area.
side too much. To prevent this condition, a suction 11-4. The pump motor is started and stopped by a
pressure regulating valve may be placed in the suction magnetic contactor which is controlled by a float or by an
line from the heat exchanger. A component which is electrode circuit in the tank. Operation of an electrode
often part of a soda fountain is the carbonator which circuit is illustrated in figure 12. However, the CO2 tank
makes soda water. and charging connections are not shown. The transformer
11-3. Carbonator System. The carbonator which is serves to isolate the control circuit from the house
included in some soda fountains is not as complicated as electrical service. Of course, the tank ground and the
some people suppose. With the information which trans-
follows, you should be able to maintain a carbonator in

Figure 12. Carbonator pump motor control.

former secondary ground need not be connected to each in, and display cabinets. The temperature range for
other if both connections are made to a cold water pipe. storage of different foods is shown in table 8. From the
The figure shows the position of the switch contacts with information in this table, you can see that a display
the pump running and the tank being filled with water. cabinet designed for fresh meats would not have the
When the water level reaches the upper electrode, a cooling capacity for frozen foods. Thus, while two
circuit is completed for the holding coil by way of the cabinets may appear to be similar, they may be quite
water and the ground path. This energizes the holding different in design and performance. Defrosting problems
coil, which pulls the armature down and opens the circuit related to these cabinets are also discussed later in this
to the pump motor. At the same time, another pair of section.
contacts close a circuit to keep the holding coil energized 12-2. Reach-In Cabinets. This type of cabinet is
by way of the bottom electrode. The pump motor will familiar to many of us as the self-service refrigerator used
start again when water drops below the lower electrode, for dairy products at the neighborhood grocery store. In
because then the holding coil will no longer be energized appearance it looks like an oversize refrigerator with glass
and the spring will pull the armature up, closing the doors. If it uses wooden shelves, they must be made of
circuit to the pump motor. spruce or maple, as these woods have no appreciable
odor. The larger sizes of such cabinets may have as much
12. Storage Cabinets as 100 cubic feet capacity. Either self-contained or
12-1 The types of cabinets which you will find used at remote condensing units are available. Evaporators are
military installations are reach-in, walk- forced air or natural convection, depending on the
purpose of the cabinet A modern reach-in cabinet for a
TABLE 8 messhall has forced-air circulation and automatic
defrosting. The defrost cycle is designed so that the unit
will give frost-free operation. However, manual
defrosting is necessary when the equipment is subjected
to such adverse conditions as operation in a highly humid
atmosphere. Remember, too, that reach-in cabinets used
for low-temperature service will accumulate frost at a
much higher rate than those operated at temperatures
above freeing.
12-3. Walk-In Cabinets. These are used to provide
temporary cold storage of food in messhalls and
commissaries. A large consolidated

messhall has three walk-ins operated at temperatures satisfactory operation. Otherwise, the unit will
appropriate to the food held in them. Older models use accumulate frost at an abnormal rate so that manual
hot water defrost in which the unit is turned off and water defrosting is required. This latter is necessary because the
is flushed over the evaporator coils until the frost is frost layer disrupts the air current when the frost gets too
washed off. Since evaporators are of the forced-air type, thick and must be removed by manual means, such as
the unit must be shut off before defrosting to prevent flooding with hot water. However, the defrosting
water being blown all over the cabinet. Late model methods which we discuss next will function properly if
cabinets have automatic defrosting controlled by an the cabinet is used in an area which is air conditioned.
electric clock; they use the hot gas method. The 12-8. Defrosting Methods. The methods for
compressors for these cabinets are mounted in a shed defrosting storage cabinets are (1) compressor off time,
outside in mild climates. However, a compressor room is (2) hot gas, (3) hot wire, (4) hot water, and (5) secondary
preferred in cold climates to insure operation of all solution. If you are stationed at an older base where
compressors. equipment has been purchased over a long period of
12-4. For many years wooden cabinets with cork-fill years, you may find all of these defrost methods being
insulation were standard for walk-ins. In contrast, new used.
construction methods now use metal panels with 12-9. Compressor off time. The compressor off-time
porcelain or enamel finish for the cabinet. This change method is limited to cabinets operating at temperatures
has led to more sanitary conditions and easier above 28°. Ambient temperature is relied on to bring the
maintenance. This is especially true since some synthetic evaporator coil temperature up to where the frost will
insulating materials are as good as cork. In fact, if melt.
production costs drop low enough, these synthetics may 12-10. Off-time defrost may be controlled (1) by suction
replace cork. Unlike organic materials, synthetics are pressure, (2) by time clock, or (3) by a combination, with
vermin-proof and are not readily susceptible to fungus a time clock used to start the cycle. The first, suction
when moisture gets past the seal. The application of pressure control, has two disadvantages which affect
modern insulation is explained in detail in Chapter 3, operation of the unit. For one thing, under an increased
Cold Storage and Ice Plants. heat load, ice forming on the evaporator will cause the
12-5. Display Cabinets. These are known as open or unit to stop for a defrost period. Another drawback is
closed and single- or double-duty cabinets. In the double- found in cold weather, when low outdoor temperature can
duty case, both the display section and the base section make the compressor cooler than the evaporator. Under
are refrigerated. The type of food to be stored will this condition the suction pressure can remain below the
determine operating temperature of the case and the cut-in point and the unit will remain idle. This last
design of the evaporator. The evaporator may be of either condition would occur in a normally mild climate when a
the plate type or a finned tube with forced-air circulation. cold wave has sent temperatures to below freezing level.
Sections may be joined together to make a cabinet of any The second control method, time clock control defrost, is
desired length. A cabinet made of several sections will independent of temperature variations when it has both
usually have a multiple evaporator system, such as we the start and terminate function. However, when timer
will discuss in Chapter 4. start is combined with suction pressure termination., you
12-6. Display cabinets are constructed of steel panels can expect to find the difficulty we have just described.
with baked enamel and porcelain finishes. Corkboard, 12-11. Hot gas defrosting. When this method is used
glass wool, or synthetics may be used for insulation. In for large display cabinets, it requires some modification
some type of construction, certain parts may rely on from the simple system that we have explained for a
formed insulation for some of the strength and rigidity of domestic refrigerator. One disadvantage (among many)
the cabinet. The insulation may be blanket type, batts, of this system is that in cold weather the compressor may
panel, or formed member. Electric heater strips are not deliver enough heat for the rapid defrosting which is
provided around doors or access openings to prevent frost expected from a modem unit. Consequently, a number of
which could freeze a door shut. variations of the simple system are used to overcome the
12-7. Open type display cabinets are successful disadvantages as follows: (1) Meter the hot gas to the
because of the development of the air curtain which keeps evaporator so as to prevent formation of liquid which
heat gain at a minimum. Careful design of the forced-air could get back to the compressor. (Just a small amount of
system has led to an ideal combination of fans and ducts liquid entering the compressor will cause pistons to
to produce a curtain of cold air. Anything which hammer.) (2) Use a liquid receiver and meter the liquid
interferes or disrupts the flow of air would result in into the suction line. (3) Add sufficient heat to insure that
excessive operation of the compressor. Thus, the open the refrigerant will be a gas
type display case must be in an air-conditioned space for

when it returns to the compressor. (4) Use a four-way will open the compressor motor circuit if pressure exceeds
valve in the system to completely reverse it so that the its setting.
evaporator functions as a condenser and the condenser
serves as an evaporator during the defrost cycle. The 13. System Components
obvious disadvantage to avoid here is that hot gas can 13-1. In the last section we discussed cabinets which
defrost the coils so rapidly that the drain lines may require are often made in large sizes. A walk-in cabinet for milk
heating to prevent melted water from freezing in the products handled at a big commissary store may require
drains and plugging them. enough capacity to cool a room 20 by 40 feet. The
12-12. Hot wire defrosting. This method has the big refrigerant flow in such a system is shown in figure 13.
advantage of being unaffected by changes in ambient The valves and accessories of the system are discussed in
temperature. The heater wire may be laid in contact with this section.
the evaporator, or it may be hung in the form of a grid 13-2. Open Type Compressors. So far, we have
between the evaporator and the fan when forced-air discussed the hermetic compressor, which, normally, you
circulation is used. A fan switch is a necessary part of the will not be able to repair. The welded case of a hermetic
automatic defrost system where the forced-air may drive unit is beyond the capability of the repair shop. However,
melted water out of the drains. The hot wire defrost cycle a semi-hermetic unit has a bolted case which can be
is so short that the drains require heating to prevent disassembled to make repairs to the compressor. The one
freezeup. Improved electrical heating elements account big difference is that a semi-hermetic does not require the
for the speed, because heating is almost instantaneous shaft seal which an open type compressor must have. If
through the whole evaporator. you have not had the opportunity of working with a larger
12-13. Hot water spray. Defrosting with hot water uses system, you will probably benefit greatly from a review of
a water bath or spray aimed directly on to the evaporator. the major components. The following discussion is
This system requires that the compressor and air related to the items illustrated in figure 13, which shows a
circulation fan be shut off before the water is turned on. low diagram of a refrigeration system.
The cycle must be long enough to insure drainage of 13-3. Separator. The oil separator is a simple trap
water from the evaporator before the unit is restarted. designed to remove the oil from the hot refrigerant gas
12-14. Secondary solution. This method of defrosting and return the oil to the compressor. A float is used to
uses a refrigerant which is heated and passed through a open a valve which allows the accumulated oil to return to
secondary coil in the evaporator. You should recognize the sump.
that this system is similar to hot wire defrosting in that it 13-4. Service Valves. The suction service and the
will not be affected by changes in ambient temperature. It discharge service valves are provided with fittings so that
appears that at the present time the secondary solution they may be connected to gauges and to charging lines.
method has generally been replaced by the hot wire The valves also serve to isolate the compressor from the
system. system if it is necessary to replace the compressor unit.
12-15. High-temperature control. Safety controls are 13-5. Condensers. Several types of condensers may
an important part of automatic defrosting systems applied be found with large installations. The choice is dictated
to large commercial cabinets. You will find that a high- by the cooling load of the unit and the weather factors of
temperature control is used to terminate the defrost cycle, the locality.
thereby preventing the cabinet temperature from going 13-6. Air-cooled condensers. This condenser is the
too high and thus endangering the food in storage. This is most simple type and gives the least amount of trouble.
an added safety feature which will take over if the defrost For heavy duty, the condenser is enclosed in a shroud, and
cycle should be interrupted and fail to complete itself. a fan forces air across the coils to cool them.
12-16. High-pressure control. A system which uses hot 13-7. Water-cooled condenser. Water-cooled
gas defrosting may have a pressure cutout switch to keep condensers are of the shell-and-tube type or the tube-
the unit from operating at too high a pressure. The defrost within-a-tube type. In the first type, water circulates
valve will have an auxiliary outlet connected by capillary through the tubing while the shell serves as both
tubing to the pressure control. When the defrost valve is condenser and receiver. In contrast, the double-tube type
open, it supplies pressure to a bellows in the pressure circulates the refrigerant through the outer tube to take
control.. The pressure control is set to open at 180 advantage of the air cooling the refrigerant. When a
pounds and close at 155 when it is used on a system compressor is also water cooled, the exhaust water from
charged with R-12. The contacts in the pressure control the condenser is circulated on through the cylinder heads.
Where water is at a premium, a spray pond or cooling

Figure 13. Flow schematic of refrigeration system.

tower is used to cool the water so that it can be used over 13-10. Sight Glass. The sight glass enables you to see
again. the flow of refrigerant in the system. Bubbles will appear
13-8. Receivers. The receiver in a system must be when the charge gets low; they indicate that the system is
large enough so that it can hold all of the refrigerant in the losing refrigerant.
system. The receiver is the tank where the refrigerant is 13-11. Refrigerant Controls. The principles of
stored after a system is pumped down. The receiver refrigerant control are the same for valves as for capillary
outlet valve is a quill type, with its inlet tube (quill) tubes. However, valves provide a variable control over a
reaching to the bottom of the receiver. It is referred to as wider range of load. Modern valves are designed so as to
a king valve, because this is the valve which is closed modulate refrigerant flow to meet variations in load. The
while a system is being pumped down. The receiver inlet valve must not starve the evaporator; this is not good
valve is closed after pumping down is completed. economy. Likewise, the valve must not cause flooding,
13-9. Drier-Strainer. The drier-strainer is a cartridge since this can damage the compressor. As you study
type with direction flow indication on the case. Direction these valves, see if you can find examples of the types
flow must be observed as it is arranged so that the strainer mentioned here which are present in the equipment used
will hold particles of drier which might be dislodged. at your installation. NOTE: Although figure 13 illustrates
Also, the unit is properly baffled for liquid flow in the an automatic expansion
direction indicated.

valve, such as is covered first below, other types of valves b. Gas charge. This valve has the bulb and
are also discussed including thermostatic expansion capillary charged with the same refrigerant as that present
valves, high-side float valves, and low-side float valves. in the system with which it is to be used However, the
13-12. Automatic expansion valves. The first valves to amount of the charge employed is smaller than that found
be developed as automatic were known as the constant- in the liquid charge; thus at a predetermined point, all of
pressure type. The automatic expansion valve has a the liquid will become vapor. This point is the maximum
spring on each side of a diaphragm. Evaporator pressure operating pressure of the valve. The disadvantage of such
under the diaphragm acts with the closing spring to close a charge is that the control will be lost if the diaphragm
the valve when the pressure rises. This kind of valve has and case are colder than the bulb, since refrigerant will
been used in systems with ammonia. It does not then condense in the valve. For this reason the
modulate, so it is not used as a refrigerant control where application is only suitable to a system which operates at
the load change is great. One quite common application temperatures above freezing and where the evaporator
of the automatic expansion valve is in drinking water pressure drop insures that bulb temperatures will be
coolers, because their heat load is fairly constant in a colder.
narrow temperature range. The automatic constant- c. Cross charge. The cross charge expansion valve
pressure expansion valve has also been used successfully uses a liquid charge in the bulb and capillary which is
as a pilot valve for larger valves. One such application is different from the refrigerant found in the system with
for the control of a suction pressure regulator. As a pilot, which it is used. The pressure-temperature curve of the
the automatic expansion valve may even be used to charge is such that it will cross the pressure-temperature
operate a suction service stop valve to prevent freezing. curve of the refrigerant used in the system. By careful
An equalizer line is used to compensate for the pressure selection of the refrigerant used for the cross charge, the
drop across the valve. manufacturer can make a valve which will perform best in
13-13. Thermostatic expansion valves. Valves of this any desired range or for any set of conditions. Some of
type use a bulb and capillary tube to transmit pressure to a the advantages of such a charge are these: (1) the valve
spring-loaded bellows or diaphragm. Such valves are closes quickly when the compressor stops; (2) the valve
identified by (1) the size of connections, (2) the length of exercises control at high suction temperature, preventing
the capillary, (3) the internal or external equalizer floodback; and (3) the valve is more sensitive to pressure
connection, (4) the capacity, and (5) the type of changes rather than bulb temperature changes, which
refrigerant charge. The type of charge is indicated by the reduce hunting.
color used on a valve according to the following list: 13-14. High-side float valves. This control is normally
Refrigerant Color used with a single evaporator, but it can control several
12 yellow evaporators if they are connected in series and if each is
22 green provided with an individual bypass. The high-pressure
500 orange float valve, used with a flooded evaporator, has two
502 orchid advantages: First, all of the refrigerant is liquid when it
40 red enters the evaporator, so there is no cooling lost from
717 white expansion taking place in the delivery line. Second, all of
The capacity is the nominal capacity of the valve in tons the refrigerant passing through the valve is liquid, so the
of refrigeration. There are three kinds of refrigerant capacity of the valve is not subjected to changes from
charge used in thermostatic expansion valves: liquid flashing. The evaporator may be a bunker type with
charge, gas charge, and cross charge. forced-air circulation or a shell-and-tube type for brine
a. Liquid charge. This valve has the remote bulb water chilling. A surge drum is installed at the evaporator
and capillary charged with the same refrigerant (R-12 for to prevent flooding of the compressor during changes in
example) as that which is used in the system with which load. The amount of refrigerant charge is critical, for if
the valve is to be used. The liquid charge is sufficient so the system is charged beyond its capacity, flooding will
that some liquid will be left in the bulb under all damage the compressor. The evaporator is provided with
conditions. The advantage of such a charge is that it will an oil drain and return line to the compressor.
control the refrigerant even when the valve or diaphragm 13-15. Low-side float valves. Such valves are each
is colder than the bulb. Among the disadvantages of such connected into the low-pressure side of the system, but
a charge are possible flooding and hunting. Its main the function of this valve is almost the same as that of the
application is found in low-temperature systems of large high-side float valve. The difference is that a part of the
capacity. evaporator space is taken up by the tank and float control.

ment of the low-side float is critical. If the refrigerant • No horseplay. Distractions cause accidents.
level is too low, oil may accumulate in the float chamber, • When testing or working on a live circuit, use the
leaving the compressor with insufficient oil to lubricate it. buddy system. A loner may lose his life.
Another effect of the layer of oil on top of the refrigerant Remember, the man who practices safety will develop
is that it may cause the refrigerant to refuse to boil until a habit patterns which will protect him. Then -having such
much lower temperature-pressure point is reached. habits-such a man can devote more of his attention to the
Ebullators are used as catalysts to insure boiling of the particular problem he is trying to solve.
refrigerant at its normal point. 14-3. Electrical Troubles. Let us discuss normal
13-16. Compressor Pressure Switch. In figure 13 you operation first. For a brief review of electricity, consider
will find that item 12 is a switch with capillary lines to the what a circuit does: Something happens when a circuit is
high side and low side of the compressor. In such a completed. Something happens when a circuit is opened.
situation, a combination switch can be used in many Keep these two things in mind when you are looking for a
ways. One application would be as a high-pressure and trouble, and the solution will be easier to find. Actually,
low-pressure safety switch. Another application would be you are looking for the answers to a series of unspoken
as a high-pressure safety switch and low-pressure motor questions. Yet, their answers will become more obvious
control. Specific functions are, of course, determined by if you will state the questions to yourself. For example,
the system involved and the purpose intended. "Why doesn't the compressor motor start?" Answer! "An
open circuit!" "Where?" This is what you are really
14. Troubleshooting and Repairs seeking. "Where is the open circuit?" Here are your six
14-1. When a service call is received, it usually means possible answers:
trouble. If you were the boss and had a choice, who • At the circuit breaker or fuse box.
would you send? Would you choose the most experienced • At the motor starter.
man, the one best able to do the job quickly? But what • At the control switch.
about the man with little experience? He needs the • At one of the safety or lockout switches.
opportunity to learn. The solution is to, perhaps, send the • At an open connection or a loose terminal (which
inexperienced man along as a helper. As you do this, you may be one and the same thing).
can make sure that the challenging jobs will go to the
• At a broken wire.
better qualified, while the simpler jobs will go to the less
14-4. Electrical Repairs. Several specific remedies
qualified. After all, whether you are in military or civilian
are available, depending on where a fault is located. To
life, it is usually the best qualified man who gets the most
name a few: (1) At a circuit breaker, pressing the "Reset"
pay and the most interesting assignments, isn't it? In this
button will restore the circuit if it has opened because of
section we will discuss many problems you would
overload. (2) A blown fuse calls for a replacement of the
encounter in troubleshooting the larger systems which use
same size. (3) A loose terminal can be tightened. (4) A
an open type compressor. Then, in Sections 15, 16, 17,
broken wire can be spliced, soldered, and then insulated
and 18, we will take up several aspects of servicing, each
with electricians' tape.
of which is important enough in itself to be studied
14-5. When several safety controls are used in one
separately rather than as subparts of servicing. But first,
circuit, they are connected in series with each other. The
let us consider the basic rules of electrical safety which
operation of any one of the safety control devices opens
you must know in order to avoid getting into trouble.
the circuit. When more than one control switch is used to
14-2. Electrical Safety. In spite of repeated warnings
complete the circuit to a motor from different locations
many servicemen forget the safety rules and become
the control switches must be connected in parallel. Thus,
involved with a live circuit. Then they learn the hard
you must know the purpose and function of a control
way-perhaps even fatally-that memorizing the safety rules
before you start to troubleshoot it.
is not enough; these rules must be practiced-consistently,
14-6. Three-phase motors are preferred in units larger
automatically! Briefly they are:
than 5 horsepower. Tests on a three-phase motor are
• Do not wear rings or metal watchbands at work. quite different from a single-phase. When a three-phase
• Treat all circuits as live circuits unless you know motor will not start, one or more phases are open. (See
they are dead. mechanical troubles for a locked rotor.) To test, you must
• Be sure switches are of and tagged before first check all three phases for voltage on the source
working on a circuit.
• Do not wear shoes with metal clips or hobnails.

side (top) of the switch. Using a voltage tester, check Whenever the refrigerated area is too warm, the
with the test prods from A to B, B to C and C to A. To thermostat will be calling for compressor operation all the
check a three-phase switch or starter, you must have it time. The thermostat may be checked by turning its
closed to a live circuit. Then cross-check by going from setting toward warmer to see that it will operate properly.
A phase (input or top connection) to B phase (output or The cause of trouble at a thermostat can be loss of charge,
bottom connection). If this test shows no voltage, B a pinched capillary tube, or improper adjustment. The
phase is open at the switch. Cross-check the other two first two troubles would require a replacement. An ice
phases in the same manner. bath and thermometer are necessary to make the correct
CAUTION: Do not attempt the above test if the motor adjustment of a thermostat.
hums but does not start. It is possible to damage the
motor while making the test. The trouble is not in the 14-12. Troubles at a refrigerant control valve are
motor if it starts when belt tension is released. restrictions or improper adjustment. Ice at the valve seat
14-7. If the switch and the control circuit tests show or needle reduces the capacity of the valve and causes
that they are operating correctly, the fault may be either in abnormal readings of pressure gauges. Dirt or metal
the terminal block of the motor or in one of the motor particles in the strainer can clog it to produce the same
windings. Serious trouble in the motor will be indicated effect. A flare fitting which is not frostproof or one in
by evidence of overheating, such as charred insulation or which the seal has failed can cause hidden trouble. Ice
the smell of burned insulation. Such damage would call will accumulate under the nut slowly, crushing the tubing.
for the services of the electric shop, which may be able to Thus, a careful inspection is necessary to reveal the
supply you with a replacement motor of the right defective fitting. It is for this reason that solder joints are
horsepower and direction of rotation. preferred in below-freezing areas. Check for ice by
14-8. Mechanical Troubles. Mechanical troubles also warming the suspected trouble spot.
concern you. For example, when there is evidence that a 14-13. Adjustment of controls. Before attempting the
trouble is in the compressor, here are two mechanical readjustment of an expansion valve, you should make
causes which are most common: (1) A locked rotor may sure that one of the following is not a cause of your
be caused by a frozen bearing or it can be the result of trouble:
high head pressure. (2) A frozen bearing occurs in the • A worn needle and seat.
compressor from lack of oil more often than from a faulty • A leaking bellows.
oil pump. Of course, a mechanical failure in the • Ice forming on the bellows.
compressor is possible, but this will seldom cause a When a valve will not close completely, the condition
locked rotor. The usual symptoms are an inability to cool indicated might be a worn needle and seat, which can be
sufficiently and noisy operation of the compressor. replaced with new parts. A leaking bellows generally
14-9. Abnormal pressures. When the cause of a requires that the valve be replaced. Ice forming on the
trouble is not obvious and the compressor will operate, bellows may be prevented by coating them with vaseline,
gauge readings are necessary to help spot the cause. but this will not work in zero cold areas. A better solution
Abnormally high head pressure indicates a restriction in is to keep moisture out of the housing by sealing it. After
the high side. The cause may be (1) air in the system, (2) a valve has been repaired, it can be tested with an
moisture in the system, (3) dirt or sludge. (4) a kink or a expansion valve test assembly. This consists of a
pinched line, and-last but often unsuspected-(5) a partly refrigerant tank and service valve, two gauges for high-
closed valve. and low-pressure readings, and a cooling chamber with
14-10. An abnormally low head pressure on the high crushed ice. A source of dry air at 100-pound pressure
side would not be a positive indication of compressor can be used in place of refrigerant. For low-temperature
failure because it would also depend partly on the state of work, dry ice may be used for the cooling chamber and a
charge in the system and what the suction pressure gauge low-reading thermometer to check the temperature. A
measures. Low charge is checked by looking for bubbles test assembly setup is shown in figure 14. The connection
in the sight glass, which should show a solid flow of for the gauge on the outlet side of the valve is left loose
liquid under normal conditions. enough for escape of pressure to simulate refrigerant low.
14-11. Refrigerant controls. The refrigerant control is As the valve adjustment is changed, the closing and
the source of many troubles. Indications of a restriction at opening pressures are noted on the gauges. A valve that
the control are low suction pressure and an inability of the will not adjust to its required specifications must be
evaporator to pull the temperature down. The compressor replaced.
may run continuously or it may cycle on safety controls.

Figure 14. Expansion valve test assembly.

14-14. If replacements are made to a float valve, there is
one consideration which must be observed. Operating
levels of the float must be the same as they were
originally to insure proper operation. Any change in the
operating levels will change the operation of the system.
14-15. Condenser and Evaporator Service and Repair.
Dry type condensers and evaporators are cleaned with a
stiff fiber brush or compressed air. The direction of air
should be opposite to the normal flow. The frequency of
cleaning recommended is based on a time interval for
average conditions. The interval will be shorter when
conditions require more frequent cleaning. Bent fins must
be straightened to maintain adequate airflow. An outdoor
mounted condenser can have a large part of its air
passages closed by hail driven against the fins by the
wind. Pinhole leaks in tubing can be repaired by brazing.
Use flux sparingly as excess flux may pass through the
hole into the tubing.
14-16. Pressure Testing. After extensive repairs or
replacement of major components in a system, you may
be called on to check the system with high pressure.
Pressure testing of a system may be done with nitrogen or
carbon dioxide to determine the strength of tubing and
joints. Specified test pressures as recommended by
ASRE in the American Code should be followed. Be Figure 15. Spring caliper.
careful to apply the test pressure by building up pressure
slowly. Avoid sudden shock loads to the system. Take system in these circumstances. The moral? Always purge
reasonable precautions to protect yourself and other equipment of refrigerant in the manner specified and you
personnel with suitable barricades so that no one will be will be on the safe side.
injured if a line should rupture.
15. Preparing To Open the System 16. Open Type Compressor Overhaul
15-1. Before you can open a system, you must take the 16-1. Among the causes of compressor failures, valve
necessary steps to save the refrigerant in the system and trouble and a lack of oil are probably the most common.
prevent air from entering. The usual procedure is to We will not discuss valve trouble at this time. As for a
pump down. First, close the receiver outlet valve and lack of oil, it can result in trouble with all of the moving
operate the compressor until the suction pressure gauge parts in a compressor which require lubrication. This
reads 3-5 PSIG and levels off at this pressure. This section deals first with the use of a micrometer to check
indicates that pumping down is complete. At this point, dimensions and then with the special knowledge you
the receiver inlet valve is closed and the compressor is should have to enable you to overhaul a compressor. Of
stopped. Of course, it may be necessary to allow some course, the manufacturer's service book is indispensable,
refrigerant back into the system, because the system since it contains the overhaul instructions for the
should not be opened without a positive pressure. Such a compressor. In it you will find those rules with which
procedure will keep air out and leave you less work to do you should approach every job. Any exceptions to the
when the time comes for you to put the system back into rules will be found in the specific instructions for each
operation. piece of equipment. Now, let us begin by explaining
15-2. When equipment, such as a strainer, is provided special measuring tools.
with valves and a bypass line, it is not necessary for you 16-2. Measuring Tools. Among the measuring tools
to pump down the system. One precaution is necessary as which you must use are several types of micrometers and
it may be possible to trap liquid refrigerant in the calipers. Let us consider first those tools which are least
equipment when it is isolated from the system. To avoid accurate, then move on to a discussion of the more
this, you must be careful that you do not unload a accurate measuring tools.
dangerously high pressure accidentally, when you open 16-3. Spring type caliper. Look at figure 15, which is
the an illustration of spring type calipers. The accuracy of
this type is limited to how close you can read the
measurements on a scale; it is also

Figure 17. Outside micrometer.

shaft is parallel with the anvil face. Use the rachet stop to
drive the spindle in against the shaft. But note that the
rachet stop is a drive which will slip. However, it always
applies the same driving force to the spindle so that
results will be uniform. Figure 18 shows three examples
of making a correct reading on a 1-inch micrometer.
Each number on the barrel marks one-tenth of an inch
(0.1 inch). Between adjacent lines on the barrel, there are
twenty-five hundredths of an inch, 0.25, marked off by 25
divisions around the thimble. Each complete revolution
of the thimble moves the spindle twenty-five thousandths
Figure 16. Caliper rule. of and inch, 0.025. This is the distance marked off
between two adjacent lines on the barrel. Four of these
dependent on the amount of feel (or pressure) which you divisions, from the zero mark on the barrel will bring up
place on the ends of the caliper when you are checking a the number “1” on the barrel. This indicates 0.1 inch, or
piece of work. one-tenth of an inch. The bottom example in figure 18
16-4. Caliper rule. As shown in figure 16, the caliper shows a micrometer set to measure 0.224 inch. The 0.2 is
rule has one fixed jaw and one movable jaw which slides read from the barrel, and the 0.024 is read from the
on the rule. The sliding arm is marked with two lines thimble. In the middle example, the correct reading is
labeled “OUT” and “IN”. For measuring an outside 0.226 inch, even though the next line on the barrel does
diameter, the scale is read where the OUT line matches it not show under the thimble. The position of the zero on
at 51/64 inch, as shown in the bottom half of the the thimble indicates that it has more than completed one
illustration. To measure an inside diameter, the width of additional revolution. The top example shows the barrel
the jaw must be taken into account. To measure the ID of exposed beyond the 0.30
a cylinder as shown in figure 16, read the scale where the
IN line matches it at 42/64 inch. The smallest ID that a
caliper rule can measure is the width of the jaws.
16-5. Micrometers. Four types of micrometers are
used in making precision measurements of machine parts.
These are the outside micrometer, the inside micrometer,
the depth micrometer, and the dial micrometer. The
accuracy of these tools is no better than the skill of the
user. They must be used correctly to give precise
a. Outside micrometer. An outside micrometer is
used to measure the diameter of a shaft or the thickness of
a sheet. The outside micrometer, shown in figure 17, is
used to measure diameters of less than 1 inch, which is
the limit of movement of the barrel. Common sizes of the
micrometer are 1 inch, 2 inches, and 3 inches. The rachet
stop in the base of the handle is used to drive the spindle
when you are taking a measurement. The first step is to Figure 18. Reading a micrometer.
have the micrometer set wider than the shaft to be
measured. Next, the shaft should be held firmly against
the anvil (fixed face) so that the

Figure 19. Reading a vernier scale.

line, indicated by the position of the thimble. The zero

has already passed the revolution line on the barrel. A
micrometer with a vernier scale can measure to ten
thousandths of an inch. Figure 19 gives an enlarged
picture of the scale of a micrometer set to measure 0.2862
inch. The vernier scale is etched in the barrel, the lines
being parallel with its length. The vernier reading is
made by locating the line on the thimble which matches
the vernier line on the barrel. In this case it is the 16th
thimble line which matches the vernier line 2, which gives
the reading of 0.0002, or two ten-thousandths.
b. Inside micrometer. To make accurate meas-

Figure 21. Depth micrometer with extensions.

urements with an inside micrometer, you must give

careful attention to several details. Figure 20 shows the
extension rods and their use with an inside micrometer.
An extension rod must be absolutely clean before it is
mated to the micrometer. Any particles of dirt which
prevent the extension from bottoming would cause
inaccurate readings. Its length can be checked with an
outside micrometer of sufficient size. The micrometer
must be held parallel with the diameter line of the
cylinder being gauged. The "feel" or drag of the tool
should be only slight and is checked by holding one end
firm against the cylinder wall while the other end is
moved straight up and down. Out-of-round and runout is
checked by taking sample readings at several points of a
cylinder for comparison. The barrel and the thimble are
marked and read in the same manner as an outside
Figure 20. Inside micrometer with extensions. c. Depth micrometer. The use of a depth
micrometer and its extension rods are shown in figure 21.
The same rules apply to the assembly of this tool as those
given for the inside micrometer. The extension rod must
be clean, and it
that the bearings were in good condition. A compressor
teardown is not necessary if trouble is caused by a
defective oil pump. With the oil pump system, however,
there are two items which might also cause a trouble.
These are the oil pressure regulating valve and the oil
pressure safety switch. Failure of the regulator or switch
can cause much needless work if tests are not made
properly. Parts which cannot be adjusted to factory
specifications should be replaced.
16-7. What is it that we are trying to emphasize in our
last paragraph? Just this! The condition of the oil is a
reliable and accurate gage of internal conditions in the
compressor. Even if a mistake were made in the
interpretation of conditions, that is no reason to make a
major overhaul out of a simple replacement. An
exception to this would be where a compressor was
approaching the end of the time interval when a major
inspection would be required. As a supervisor, you will
be expected to make wise decisions in matters of this
Figure 22. Dial micrometer. kind. One important item which may be overlooked is the
cause of a failure. Repairing or replacing a part is not
must mate exactly to give accurate measurements. You enough unless you know the cause of a failure and take
must hold both shoulders of the gauge flush against the measures to correct it.
edge of the opening while making a measurement. The 16-8. Oil Seals. A seal is used where the crankshaft
spindle is driven by the rachet stop so that its travel will passes through the crankcase. This seal must be able to
be arrested as soon as the rod touches bottom. hold the pressure in the system whether the shaft is
d. Dial micrometer. A dial micrometer is a moving or at rest. One type of seal uses a bellows made
precision tool in which measurements are read directly on from a thin metal tube. One end of the tube has a flange
a dial. The dial micrometer, shown in figure 22, is which is secured to the crankcase, while the other end has
provided with a handle so that it can be easily handled to a metal and graphite ring which is forced against a
check a cylinder wall. The steel spring at one end of the shoulder on the crankshaft by a spring. In this mounting,
micrometer provides a two-point contact with the wall to the tube is stationary. A variation on this type has the
insure better accuracy. Runout is easily checked, as the tube and bellows mounted on the shaft, and the seal is
tool gives a continuous reading while it travels down the pressed against a shoulder on the crankcase. The main
cylinder. The dial micrometer is mounted in a fixed disadvantages of this type of seal are that it requires that
holder when it is used to check a shaft to see whether or the shoulder which the seal presses against must be
not it is true. hardened and that a scratch across the shoulder can cause
16-6. Compressor Disassembly. After you pump the seal to leak. New developments in synthetics have led
down a system you must frontseat the compressor suction to the use of materials which provide a seal without
and discharge valves. You can then remove the needing a specially hardened surface.
compressor from the system. However, there is one note 16-9. One new type of seal is the rotating seal head,
of caution which you should observe. Before a which is precision built and assembled at the factory. It
compressor is removed from the system, the crankcase has a neoprene bellows, a lapped carbon seal washer, a
should be vented and the oil drained. The drain plug retainer shell, a driving band, and a flange retainer. The
should be loosened slowly, and pressure should be bled seal washer mates with a stationary seat on the cover
from the crankcase before the plug is taken completely plate. The seat is also precision lapped. The driving band
out. The oil should be inspected and a note made as to its presses the bellows against the shaft to insure its turning
color and condition. You will find signs of wear with the shaft. The bellows is made so that it will ride
indicated by the presence of fine particles of metal or a along the shaft, permitting end play of the shaft while
substance like grit in the oil or in the bottom of the maintaining contact of the seal with the seat.
crankcase. If the oil appears good and if there are no
signs of grit in the crankcase, you could safely assume

16-10. On some compressors, a seal nut must be heads. Remember that new cylinder head gaskets must
removed from the shaft first before the cover plate or seal have the same thickness when installed as the old gaskets,
guard is removed. Check the threads carefully before or the compression ratio will be changed. A gasket that is
attempting to remove the nut. A nut with a left-hand too thin will cause the compressor to be noisy, while one
thread must be turned clockwise to loosen it. When the that is too thick will reduce compressor efficiency.
seal has been removed, check all of the seal faces for 16-14. Connecting Rods, Pistons, and Cylinders.
scratches and signs of wear which could prevent a new These parts should be checked for wear against the table
seal from doing its job. Remove all packing compound of specifications for the compressor. Wear limits vary
and rust preventive from the new seal with approved from as little as 0.001 inch for wrist pins and bushings to
cleaning solvent. Failure to clean the seal thoroughly will as much as 0.003 inch for cylinder sleeves. Label the
introduce foreign grease into the system, which can cause caps and rods so that they can be reinstalled in the same
trouble. After cleaning and drying the new parts, mating positions from which they were removed. Some
surfaces must be coated with refrigerant oil before compressors are provided with removable cylinder
assembly. sleeves. If the connecting rod will not pass through the
16-11. After installing a new seal, proper operation may sleeve, then the rod, piston, and sleeve must be removed
be checked as follows: Frontseat the suction service valve together. You must be careful that the piston does not
and run the compressor until the vacuum levels off. Then come through the top of the sleeve during removal, as the
frontseat the compressor discharge valve and watch for an rings will give you trouble. Check bearing surfaces for
increase in discharge pressure. A rise in discharge correct measurements and for scratches or other signs of
pressure indicates that air is being drawn into the system. damage. Lubricate pans with refrigerator oil before
16-12. Valves and Plates. You will find that suction reassembling them. Bearing caps should not be filed
and discharge valves in a large compressor are mounted unless this action is specifically directed by the
in a valve plate. You can replace these as a complete manufacturer.
assembly for each cylinder when necessary. Replacement 16-15. Ring gap is checked by inserting the ring about
is necessary whenever the limits specified by the 3/8 inch from the top of the cylinder. Compression rings
manufacturer are exceeded. Check the depth of the seat have a taper toward the top of the ring. If installed upside
for both suction and discharge valves to see that the down, the compressor will be noisy in operation,
amount of wear is within limits. Check the valve disks to indicating that oil is being pumped. The top of the ring
see that they are not worn too thin. A depth micrometer (marked "TOP") must face up so that it will be toward the
will serve to check the depth of a seat from the face. An cylinder head when it is installed. Oil rings which have
outside micrometer is used to measure the thickness of no taper may be installed with either side up. Check the
disks for evidence of wear beyond recommended limits. ring gap with a feeler gauge after the ring is inserted into
16-13. If a spring steel valve is replaced, the new valve the cylinder about 3/8 inch below the top. Ring gaps must
must seat properly. Some replacement valves will be be staggered around the piston. Side clearance between
found with a slight burr on one side. This burr side must the piston and ring should be about 0.001 inch, and the
be placed up or away from the seat. Otherwise, the valve ring must be free to move. When the new rings are
will not seal properly, and the seat will be scored. The installed, be sure to break the glaze on the old cylinder
burr should be removed if it is heavy enough to break up wall so that the rings will wear in properly.
and cause metal chips in the system. A slight feather edge 16-16. Crankshaft. A crankshaft whose bearing
should not produce chips but does indicate the side which surfaces are worn but otherwise are in good condition
should be up when it is installed. Valve seats that are of may be used if undersize bearing inserts are available.
the raised type may be lapped with fine compound if the Remember that worn bearings for the connecting rods
seat is worn. Care must be used that the lapping tool is may mean worn parts at other places also. So be sure that
flat. The tool must not be allowed to rock during the you take all factors into account before attempting a
lapping as the seal surface would be lost. All compound repair that may not prove satisfactory all around.
must be removed after the lapping operation is completed, 16-17. Oil Pump and Accessories. Oil pumps are gear
as a small amount of the compound will quickly ruin type positive displacement to insure delivery of oil at the
every bearing in a compressor. Unless well-qualified pressures required for refrigeration compressors. For
personnel are available to perform precision lapping, it example, a system designed for oil pressure of 45 to 55
would be advisable for you to make valve and valve plate p.s.i. above suction pressure should have an oil pressure
replacements and save work, such as lapping, for experts. gauge reading between 85 and 95 if the suction pressure is
Always use new gaskets with valve plates and cylinder

40 p.s.i. An oil regulating valve of the spring-loaded type • Evacuate the system from the high side
insures correct oil pressure automatically. Some of these (discharge shutoff valve).
valves are adjustable, while others are factory set. When • Flush the system completely with new
pressure cannot be adjusted high enough, it may be an refrigerant.
indication of badly worn bearings. • Install the new hermetic compressor-motor.
16-18. An oil safety switch operates on differential • Install a filter-drier in the liquid line, using a size
pressure, which is the difference between pump discharge larger than specified.
and crankcase pressure. If oil pressure drops too low, the • Charge the system with new refrigerant.
compressor motor is shut off. Low oil pressure can result • Start the system according to the manufacturer's
from low oil, pump failure, worn bearings, and crankcase instructions or local SOP's.
dilution by refrigerant. Diluted oil may be caused by
• Check the oil and filter-drier on followup calls to
worn rings.
establish the need for replacement.
16-19. After repairs are made to a compressor, the
• On the first followup call, install a moisture and
system may require cleaning before it can be put back in
liquid indicator (liquid eye) in the liquid line, after the
operation. While the following section is written for a
filter-drier and before the expansion valve. This will
hermetic motor burnout, the cleaning procedures can be
indicate when moisture content is within acceptable
applied to any system, large or small, which requires
cleaning. The process also applies to a new system which
17-4. Cleanup Procedure for Large Capacity. The
has just been assembled or installed and which requires
procedure to follow if the system contains more than 10
cleaning before it can be considered ready for operation.
pounds of refrigerant is:
17. System Cleaning • Bleed some refrigerant from the high side. If the
17-1. This section is in part reprinted from April 1961, refrigerant has a burned or acid odor, it must be evacuated
to the atmosphere. If there is not a strong odor, you can
and June 1962, Refrigeration Service and Contracting. A
evacuate the refrigerant into a clean, dry drum.
new system requires cleaning before operation to insure
removal of any foreign material left in the system. Also a • If the system did not have a drier in the liquid
system requires cleaning after burnout of a hermetic line, you must clean the expansion valve strainer and the
motor. In either case the method you use for cleaning a internal expansion valve parts.
system will be determined by prevailing conditions and • If the system has a drier in the liquid line,
by the equipment you have available. With a new system remove and discard it.
the first step is to install a filter-drier in the suction line to • Install the new compressor.
prevent damage to the compressor. The filter-drier is • Install a filter-drier in the suction line.
changed as often as necessary. Such a change is called • Install an oversized filter-drier in the liquid line.
for whenever suction pressure drops, as the drop indicates • Evacuate the entire system with a vacuum pump
a clogged filter. The following methods are generally capable of pulling. 0.2 inches of Hg.
considered to do a satisfactory job of cleaning. • Break the vacuum with refrigerant.
• Re-evacuate and charge the system with the
17-2. Cleanup Procedure for Small Capacity. After original type of refrigerant. Charging should be
you have established that a burnout has occurred, follow accomplished through the low side of the system.
the cleanup methods recommended by the equipment • Change the liquid line filter-drier and remove the
manufacturer. If the manufacturer's service manuals are filter-drier from the suction line after 48 hours.
not available, you may follow the procedures outlined in • The filter-drier in the suction line can be changed
this section. The procedures that we will discuss in the sooner if the pressure drop affects system capacity, but it
following paragraphs apply to most hermetic is considered good practice to leave it in the system for at
compressors. On larger systems a single filter-drier, least 6 hours.
connected in the suction line, may cause pressure drops. • Install a moisture and liquid indicator in the
If this occurs, you must use parallel driers. liquid line and check the oil color and odor. It must be
CAUTION: Acid burns can result from touching the changed if it appears dirty or smells burned.
sludge in a burned out compressor. You must wear • In 2 weeks, recheck the oil and change it if
rubber gloves when handling any contaminated pan. necessary. The moisture indicator will show whether or
17-3. To clean a system with a liquid line filter-drier not the drier needs replacement.
and less than 10 pounds of refrigerant charge, you must 17-5. Flushing the System. One of the accepted
follow these procedures: methods of cleaning the system after a hermetic motor
burnout is flushing. Dry air, nitrogen, or

illustrated in figure 23. The procedure for cleaning a
system with a circulator follows:
• Make sure that the compressor motor is burned
out; then remove the electrical leads from the motor
• Remove the refrigerant and oil as a liquid, but do
not purge off in the gaseous state. Since, at this time, the
acid content may be high, be careful to avoid contact of it
with your skin or eyes.
• Remove the filter-drier and expansion device.
• Install bypass where components were removed,
except at the suction and discharge lines to the
• Attach the circulator to the system.
• Circulate the solvent for at least 4 hours.
• Change filter-drier in the circulator as frequently
as it is necessary to insure removal of moisture.
• Shut off the circulator and blow the system out
with R-12 or R-22. Get the system as dry as possible.
• Install the new compressor, filter-drier, and
expansion device.
Figure 23. Circulator setup. • Partially charge the system and make a leak test
with a halide torch.
carbon dioxide gases are often used for this purpose if • Evacuate the system three times. Break vacuum
them is no sludge in the system. However, most with refrigerant each time.
manufacturers recommend the use of refrigerant (the • Charge the system with new oil and refrigerant
same as that used for system charge) the flushing agent. after the third evacuation is complete.
Purging with gases (air, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, etc.) • Check the system after 48 hours of operation.
does little good, because the sludge adheres tightly to the Change the oil if dirty, and replace the filter-drier.
internal surfaces of the system. The solvent action of the • Check the system again in 40 to 60 days. Again,
refrigerant is essential for adequate system cleanup. change the oil if necessary and replace the filter-drier.
Refrigerant 11 has been found to be the best solvent. It
remains in liquid form at normal room temperature, 18. Removing Moisture from the System
because its boiling point is 74° F. at atmospheric 18-1. The amount of moisture in a refrigeration system
pressure. Its cost is low, and it is readily available from must be kept at a minimum to provide satisfactory
local wholesalers. operation. The main sources of moisture are low-side
17-6. Circulation of the solvent (R-11) can be leaks, contaminated oil or refrigerant, and leakage in a
accomplished with the setup shown in figure 23. To flush water-cooled condensing unit. Moisture may enter the
the system, you would open valves B and C and close system whenever it is open, such as during installation or
valve A and D. Backwashing is accomplished by opening when you are making repairs.
valves A and D and closing B and C. The flow of solvent 18-2. Moisture Troubles. You will find that moisture
through the strainer and filter-drier is always in the same in the system will cause one or more of the following
direction, as shown in figure 23. The pump is of the undesirable effects:
diaphragm type. All of these components are usually • Freezing at the expansion device.
available so that you could build your own circulator and • Corrosion of metals (this forms sludge).
mount it on a dolly or two-wheeled cart for mobility. • Copper plating.
17-7. Procedure for Cleaning a System with a • Chemical damage to the motor insulation or to
Circulator. We have discussed procedures for system other system components.
cleanup. The procedure that we will discuss now is • A restricted or plugged filter.
considered much more efficient, but to use it, a circulator We will discuss two methods of dehydration, one
is needed. The setup for such a circulator has been

Figure 24. Cutaway of a filter-drier.

using driers with desiccants and the other using vacuum 18-4. Desiccants. A desiccant is a compound capable
pumps. of absorbing the moisture in the refrigerant-oil mixture.
18-3. Driers. The drier unit contains desiccant, We will discuss three commonly used desiccants:
screens, and filters. Figure 24 shows the internal activated alumina, silica gel, and calcium sulfate. You
construction of a nonrefillable drier. The distribution must be familiar with the correct use of these desiccants.
baffle prevents a solid stream of refrigerant from passing All three are rated as highly acceptable, but the use of the
through the desiccant block. It also eliminates turbulence wrong desiccant in a system can cause trouble and
and insures a smooth flow of refrigerant through the drier. breakdowns.
The spun glass filter is held in place by the anti-bypass 18-5. Activated alumina. Alumina removes moisture
ring. The ring forces a of the refrigerant to flow through by absorption. It is used on systems containing sulfur
the desiccant block and then through the porous bronze dioxide (SO2), methylene chloride, methyl chloride, R-11,
filter. The filter casing carries model identification and and R-12. It can be used in the suction or liquid line for
positive directional flow arrows or inlet and outlet all these refrigerants except sulfur dioxide. However, on
markings. The model number indicates the size of the an SO2 system, you can install it in the suction line only.
filter. The total charge in a system is the basis for the size Activated alumina is available in granular, ball, tablet,
drier selected. If the total charge is unknown, you can and solid core form.
assume that it is 8 pounds per ton for R-12 and 6 pounds 18-6. Silica gel. Silica gel is a glasslike silicon dioxide
per ton for R-22 and R-502. NOTE: The following gel which removes moisture by absorption. It also
general rule may be used to estimate the system charge in removes acids and does not dust. It is available in
relation to the horse-power rating of the condensing unit: granular, bead, and solid core form and is used on most
R-12 = 8 lbs/hp refrigerating systems, since it is compatible with most
R-502 = 6 lbs/hp refrigerants.
R-22 = 6 lbs/hp 18-7. Calcium sulfate. The anhydrous form of calcium
The directional indication must be observed during sulfate is also used to remove moisture from a system.
installation. If it has been connected in backwards, it will Although it forms dust somewhat more than activated
cause a restriction. Why? Because particles of desiccant alumina, it can still be left in the system permanently. It
will get into the system, since the screen will be on the is available in granular,
wrong side.

Think of atmospheric pressure as equal to 29.92 inches of
mercury instead of 14.7 p.s.i.g. at sea level. This will
permit us to use the pressure-temperature relationship
shown in figure 25 when we determine the vacuum which
must be attained to boil water at various ambient
18-11. Referring to figure 25, a vacuum pump capable
of eliminating all but 1 inch of Hg is able to remove
moisture at an ambient temperature of 80° F. or more.
While a pump pulling within 1 inch of Hg, can eliminate
moisture, it must also be capable of holding this vacuum
throughout the dehydration process. Before we consider
the variables that affect a vacuum pump's performance,
we should first review some general classifications of
pumps relative to their ability to remove moisture by the
boding process.
18-12. The piston type compressor might pull a vacuum
of 28.2 inches of Hg, which is actually 1.7 inches of Hg on
a manometer. Quite a number of these pumps have been
used for vacuum work, but they are impractical in
removing water by the boiling method. Under normal
ambient temperature, moisture contaminates the
crankcase oil.
18-13. A rotary type compressor can pull a vacuum of
29.63 inches of Hg,. This pressure will cause the water to
boil at an ambient temperature of approximately 45° F.
For these reasons, the rotary compressor is practical for
use as a vacuum pump.
18-14. The compound two-stage high vacuum pump is
capable of pulling down to about 50 microns for
prolonged periods of time. Because such pumps are two-
Figure 25. Temperature pressure relationship. stage pumps, they can be equipped with a gas ballast or
vented exhaust. The gas ballast or vented exhaust feature
(reprinted from April 1964 Refrigeration is a valving arrangement which permits relatively dry air
Service and Contracting). from the atmosphere to enter the second stage of the
pump. This air mixes with the air being passed from the
stick, and special block form. Calcium sulfate cannot be first to second stage and helps to prevent the moisture
used with SO2 refrigerant. from condensing into a liquid and mixing with the
18-8. The reactivation temperature for these desiccants vacuum-pump oil.
are: 18-15. Frequent vacuum-pump oil changes should be
anticipated and recognized as the single most important
• Activated alumina 350°-600° F.
factor in preventive maintenance. Even a pump equipped
• Silica gel 350°-600° F.
with a vented exhaust cannot handle large amounts of
• Calcium sulfate 450°-480° F. moisture without having some of it condense into the oil.
18-9. Installation of Driers. Before installation, a If the water is allowed to remain in the pump, the
drier should have both ends open and be baked in an oven moisture will attack the metal pans and result in a loss of
at 300° F. for 24 hours. The drier should be capped after efficiency or capacity. The oil should be changed after
baking to prevent accumulation of moisture. Caps are each major evacuation or dehydration process.
removed just before the drier is placed in the system. 18-16. When, you are determining the size of the pump
Even a drier which has been sealed by the manufacturer (c.f.m. capacity) to meet your needs, you must remember
should be dried before installation if there is any reason to that the length and diameter of the line being dehydrated
suspect that moisture may have passed the seals. dictates the size pump to be used. The 75-c.f.m. capacity
18-10. Dehydrating with a Vacuum Pump. This pump will handle most applications, since the system is
material is in part reprinted from April 1964 Refrigeration normally dehydrated through a 1/4-inch line.
Service and Contracting. To start our discussion, let us
think of pressure as the column of mercury it will support.

Review Exercises 8. Why is frequent blowdown necessary in ice
making machine? (10-8)
The following exercises are study aids. Write your
answers in pencil in the space provided after each
exercise. Use the blank pages to record other notes on
the chapter content. Immediately check your answers
with the key at the end of the test. Do not submit your 9. In addition to mechanical troubles, what is the
answers for grading. biggest source of trouble with ice making
machines? (10-12)
1. Why would a bottle type water cooler have a
freezestat in the control circuit when the
thermostat is t so that ice will form? (8-2)

10. Why is a heat exchanger necessary in the liquid

line of the soda fountain shown figure 11? (11-1)

2. What is the purpose of a precooler in a bubbler

fountain? (8-3)

11. A dry type coil like the beverage cooler in figure

11 must be correctly sized for what reason? (11-
3. Of several methods you may use when patching
a leak in a water tank or line, in which method
must precautions be observed for good health?
12. What is the function of the water pump in a soda
fountain carbonator? (11-3)

4. Describe the adjustment you would make to a

beverage cabinet used to cool four different
kinds of bottled beverages. (9-2) 13. If you find the water pump for a carbonator is
running continuously, where would you check
first to try to locate the trouble? (11-4)

5. When checking a condenser for warm spots, how

might a warm coil be misleading to you? (9-3)
14. What simple test can be made to prove that a
break in the ground circuit has caused the
carbonator pump motor to run continuously?
6. What is the big difference that distinguishes
types of ice making machines? Give some
examples. (10-1)
15. What might cause constant complaints of having
bad taste or flavor from a storage cabinet which
has been properly refrigerated? (12-2)

7. What are three types of evaporators you may

find in an ice cube machine? (10-4-6)

16. On older models not provided with automatic 25. The service valves in a system serve what
defrosting. what must be done before water is purpose? (13-4)
used for evaporator defrosting? (12-3)

26. Give the advantage or characteristic of two

17. What is meant by a “double duty” display types of water-cooled condensers. (13-7)
cabinet (12-5)

27. Why must a receiver be sized to the system? (13-

18. In addition to special illumination, what other 8)
feature may be found around the door of a
display cabinet? (12-6)

28. What is peculiar about a receiver outlet valve?

19. Why must there be a continuous flow of cold air
in the display section of a refrigerated open
display case? (12-7)
29. How might reversed flow affect a drier-strainer?

20. Give the five methods you have studied for

storage cabinet defrosting. (12-8)
30. What are the three features considered essential
in an expansion valve? (13-11)

21. What is the limitation on compressor off-time

defrosting? (12-9)
31. Give the reasons why a water cooler can use an
automatic constant pressure expansion valve.
22. Describe the reverse cycle used for cabinet
defrosting. (12-11)

32. What is the purpose of an equalizer line with an

expansion valve? (13-12)
23. What is one purpose of using a high-temperature
control in a low-temperature cabinet? (12-15)

33. Give the descriptive items you would use to

identify a thermostatic expansion valve. (13-13)
24. What is the purpose of the capillary tube
connected to a defrost valve? (12-16)

34. What are the three kinds of charge used in the

bulb and capillary of a thermostatic expansion
valve? (13-13)

35. Explain the meaning of a cross charge. (13-13) 45. You find a compressor unit continuously running
yet unable to cool sufficiently. What checks
would you make to locate the cause of the
trouble? (14-10, 11)
36. Give the arguments for and against the liquid
charged bulb. (13-13)

46. How would a compressor act if the thermostat

controlling it had lost the charge from its
37. Give the pros and cons for a gas-charged bulb. capillary? (14-11)

47. How would you make a quick check for ice

38. What are the advantages of a high-side float blocking a refrigerant control? (14-12)
valve? (13-14)

48. What is the indication of a worn needle and seat

39. What effect is produced by a layer of oil on top in an expansion valve? (14-13)
of the refrigerant? (13-15)

49. When adjustments or repairs are being made to a

40. Before making tests on a "live" circuit, why float valve, what consideration must you
should you remove rings ad not wear a metal observe? (14-14)
watchband? (14-2)

50. Where a drier-strainer is provided with valves

41. When you find a circuit breaker tripped, what and a refrigerant bypass, what precautions must
else should you do besides resetting the breaker? you observe before you remove the item from
(14-4) the system? (15-2)

42. A compressor motor will not start and an 51. What is the purpose of a rachet stop in an outside
ammeter test reads full LRA. For what purpose micrometer? (16-5)
would you release belt tension? (14-5, 6; also 5-

52. In figure 18, the top illustration shows an arrow

at the right on the thimble. If the thimble is
43. Why is it poor practice to try repeatedly to start a turned 12 divisions in the direction of the arrow,
motor which does not turn over? (14-6, 8) what will be the reading of the micrometer? (16-

44. List the causes of abnormally high head pressure.

(14-9) 53. How can you check to see that an extension rod
with an inside micrometer is properly seated to
give correct readings? (16-5)

54. What is the best tool to use to check a crankshaft 63. Unless cylinder sleeves are replaced, what must
to see whether or not it is true? (16-5) also be done when a new set of rings is installed?

55. Give five causes for loss of oil pressure in a 64. What other factors must be taken into account
compressor. (16-6, 18) when bearing inserts are replaced? (16-16)

56. When installing a new oil seal, what precautions 65. When is system cleaning required? (16-19)
should you observe? (16-8-10)

66. After a hermetic motor burnout, why must you

57. How is a compressor operated to check a new use precautions when cleaning the system? (17-
seal for a leak? (16-11) 2, 7)

58. What are two important checks which you 67. In system cleaning, where is evacuation
should make when you are inspecting equipment connected and why? (17-3)
compressor valves? (16-12)

68. Why is a new filter-drier installed after a system

59. Replacement valves made of spring steel should is cleaned? (17-3)
be inspected before installation. How should
you perform this inspection? (16-13)

69. What is the purpose of using refrigerant to break

the vacuum when cleaning a system? (17-4, 7)
60. What is the difference between most oil rings
and compression rings used in a refrigeration
compressor? (16-15)
70. What is the limitation on the use of activated
alumina drier? (18-5)

61. How would you obtain indications that a set of

compression rings has been installed upside
down? (16-15) 71. Which system is not compatible with anhydrous
calcium sulfate as a drier? (18-7)

62. How would you check the ring gap of the rings
used in a refrigeration compressor? (16-15) 72. What are the general procedures recommended
before a drier is installed? (18-9)

73. What vacuum is necessary to boil water at a 74. Why are frequent oil changes recommended for
room temperature of 80° F.? (18-11) the oil in a vacuum pump? (18-15)


Cold Storage and Ice Plants

DO YOU SUPPOSE that this chapter should be 19-3. Rail rooms. A refrigerated warehouse is usually
introduced with the importance of preserving food? laid out in the shape of a rectangle. The two longest sides
Perhaps. But for a change, let us consider your job if you of the building are occupied by rail rooms. Meat hooks
are assigned to work at a cold storage warehouse or an ice suspended from an over head rail provide the means for
plant. You can make the job dull and boring or very moving heavy loads. The rail room is normally
interesting. In the operation of a plant there will usually maintained at about 35° F. Inside doors provide access to
be some time each day when you will have nothing to do the processing room and meat cooler room, which are also
but observe the equipment. The wise man will use this part of the overhead rail system.
time to study the equipment. He will learn how it is laid 19-4. Processing room. This room is held at 45° F.,
out and where the various parts are located. While you and because of its warmer temperature, it is located at one
are taking readings, you should make a mental note of end of the building. This is where the butcher cuts a
changes which you observe and try to determine the carcass into smaller parts before storage or distribution.
causes of the changes. In this way you will both pass the Such processing rooms are dangerous areas. During
time quickly and become more familiar with your normal operations the floors become extremely slippery;
equipment's proper operation. Remember, too, the man therefore, you must be careful in order not to fall
who is alert to operating conditions will recognize the whenever your work requires that you pass through these
symptoms of impending trouble and can thus often rooms.
prevent a major breakdown. The larger plants are 19-5. Meat cooler. A temperature of 30° F. should be
attended by operators on shift duty 24 hours a day. maintained in the meat cooler for holding fresh meat prior
2. This chapter is divided into two major headings. to distribution. A meat holding and issue room at 30° F.
The first covers the design, insulation, layout, and provides additional storage area for the same purpose.
operation and maintenance of large cold storage plants. 19-6. Milk, butter, and egg room. This area is
The second covers the layout, operating principles, normally held at 35° F. and is one of the colder areas.
components, and the ammonia system operation and 19-7. Fruit and vegetable room. An average
maintenance. We will undertake the discussion of a large temperature of 40° F. is recommended for general
cold storage plant first. storage, so this room is also eligible for location by an
outside wall.
19. Large Cold Storage Plants 19-8. Potato room. You may already know that
19-1. Have you ever observed the different types of potatoes in storage give off heat and carbon dioxide.
cold storage in a commissary store? You will find similar Consequently, the potato room should have a high ceiling
areas in a large cold storage plant. Let us consider the and must have positive ventilation to insure the safety of
effect of these areas on the design of a plant. personnel. Otherwise, the carbon dioxide will form a
19-2. Plant Design. In the layout of a refrigerated dense layer at the floor if the fans are turned off. An
warehouse, consideration is given to the operating unsuspecting person would not realize his danger in an
temperatures by using the center of the building for the atmosphere so heavy with carbon dioxide until he felt
coldest operations. Warmer rooms are located around the himself fainting. Then it would be too late for him, as
center and act as a buffer for the colder areas. The asphyxiation follows quickly. Furthermore, potatoes
temperatures of the rooms which follow are presented as should not be piled more than 6 feet high to insure
examples of one warehouse. removal of heat. If the pile is too high, the heat will not
be removed fast enough, and they

will spoil rapidly. Outside air ducts are used to bring fundamentals will allow the insulated room to move
fresh air into the room by means of fans. The fresh air is independently of the building structure. This means that
directed across the evaporator coils for cooling. To insure when proper techniques are followed for the installation
the safety of personnel, operating instructions for this of the vapor barrier, the vapor seal at the wall-ceiling
room must be strictly observed. Operating temperatures juncture remains intact, and no leakage occurs at the joint.
from 35° to 45° F. may be used, depending on the type of Modem construction allows the outer shell of the building
potatoes in storage. Early crop potatoes keep best 50° F. to breathe with changes in ambient temperature while the
but must be considered for short-term storage of less than cold storage room is held stationary in a narrow
3 months. Late-crop potatoes will age best and keep from temperature range. If the original vapor barrier adhesive
5 to 8 months if the storage room is kept between 35° and was inadequate or ruptured, a moisture vapor and air leak
40°. In very cold weather, heaters are turned on to keep would occur and cause deterioration of the insulation.
the products from being frozen. 19-12. With a new construction which follows the four
19-9. Freezer room. Occupying the center of the basic fundamentals, the vapor barrier is installed prior to
warehouse are the freezer rooms. A below-zero room is the insulation. This vapor barrier is not cemented to the
used both for freeing products and for long-term storage. walls of the building structure or the insulation but is
Products already frozen may be kept in a 10° F. room, supported independently of them. This is very important,
where storage is for a short period, such as a week. If the since it allows building and cold room movement to have
insulation is installed properly in the cold rooms, your job no effect upon the integrity of the vapor barrier. In effect,
will be easier, because the refrigeration equipment will the insulation is enveloped in a vapor barrier on the warm
not be overloaded. The total heat load of the warehouse side. This vapor barrier can be inspected after installation
will be lighter than if the rooms were poorly insulated. prior to the application of the insulation. Do not overlook
19-10. Vapor Barriers and Insulation. Information the importance of being able to inspect the vapor barrier
on insulation is in part reprinted from January 1964 to insure adequate protection from vapor and airflow.
Refrigeration Service and Contracting. There was a time Any damage can be repaired a this time, and overlaps can
when a cold storage warehouse was insulated with be carefully inspected to se whether specifications have
sawdust. But now, new materials and methods of been followed.
installation produce improved construction. You must be 19-13. Insulating materials. Materials which have been
familiar with these improvements so that you can properly used successfully include 6 to 8 mil polyethylene film in
maintain equipment in rooms with modern insulation. wide sheets, laminates of aluminum foil with polyester
There are four basic fundamentals to be considered in film, and creped paper. The width is sufficient to greatly
construction of a modern cold storage room. These are: reduce the number of laps and joints. Laps and joints
• Design the structure so the room and the building require sealing with vapor barrier pressure sensitive tape.
can move independently of each other. Some contractors use rolls of foil laminates because of its
• Apply a continuous vapor barrier on the warm case of application. The insulation is installed dry
side of the insulation, using a plastic film or laminate with without adhesives. A vapor permeable finish is applied to
the lowest permeability. hold it in place. The finish protects it from damage and
• Select insulation which has a permeability rating provides a sanitary washable surface. In some cases the
considerably higher than the vapor barrier but has a low finish is fire resistant. With proper materials, any small
permeability to air. amount of vapor which does pass through the vapor
• Select a finish with a permeability rating barrier can flow through the insulation without changing
considerably highest than the insulation. its state. It remains as a vapor to be condensed on the
19-11. The vapor barrier should consist of a plastic film cooling coil. The moisture does no condense within the
or laminate with the lowest "permeability value" insulation to impair its thermal efficiency, and the cooling
available. The value in permeability equals the number of load due to heat gain trough the insulation remains
grains of moisture that will pass through 1 square foot of relatively constant at or near its original U-factor.
the material in 1 hour under a vapor pressure differential 19-14. Sealing fasteners. The fastener locations on the
of 1 inch of mercury. It has been found that a building framing should be premarked and a strip of caulking
using plastic film as a vapor barrier is more efficient ribbon placed behind each location. This will seal the
thermally and less costly as compared with a building hole in the vapor barrier caused by the fastener. After the
using the common adhesive or hot asphalt treated framing for the ceiling is installed, the vapor barrier sheet
insulation. A structure constructed according to the four is spot

stapled to the inside of the framing. Seal the ceiling vapor impressed by the array of tubing. Some of it you
barrier to the wall barriers with vapor barrier pressure- recognized without a doubt, while other parts of the
sensitive tape. The ceiling framing is securely fastened to tubing seemed strange to you. Look at figure 26 and you
the top of all wall framing members so that movement of will see a diagram of the layout of tubing and equipment
the building will not affect the wall-ceiling juncture. The in a machine room. Appropriate labels are provided so
framing for the self-supporting walls should also rest on a that you can identify each item. Notice how a pitch is
plate securely fastened through the floor vapor barrier into specified for horizontal lines to prevent pockets of liquid
the subslab. from being trapped in the lines. A few words of
19-15. After the necessary bracing is in place, the vapor explanation may help you to read such a diagram.
barrier is installed on the self-supporting walls. It is 19-20. Look at the upper right part of figure 26 and find
installed on the outer side of the framing and sealed to the a line which is labeled "LL to HT System coolers." The
overlap of the ceiling vapor barrier. The first layer of abbreviation means liquid line to high-temperature-
insulation is force-fitted between the wall studs and nailed system coolers. At the upper left you will find a line
to the underside of the ceiling. The second layer is marked "S.L. 4," which means "4-inch suction line."
installed horizontally on the walls and perpendicular to Beside the legend "Sight glasses" you will see a number
the ceiling framing under the suspended ceiling. This "1" in a small triangle. This 1 refers to an item which was
layer is held in place with plastic skewers or nails. added after construction has been completed. When items
19-16. Lay polyethylene vapor barrier over the subslab are added, such as symbols with special meaning., a
and tape all joints and seal with tape to the ends of the notation should be made under "added notes" or
wall vapor barrier. You will then be ready to lay in the "revisions" on the blueprint. Appropriate forms, such as
insulation. The joints must be tight. Then lay a vapor status and operational records, component replacement,
permeable sheet, such as 15-pound roofing felt, over the and historical records, must be maintained for plant
floor insulation and up over the wall insulation, above the equipment as directed by inspection TO's.
height of the concrete curb that will be poured later. Also 19-21. Under the label "Liquid Receiver" is a note
pour the concrete wearing slab and install a curb of the telling you to "See detail." Several details may be shown
proper height. After this, cut off the 15-pound felt even on the same blueprint. A detail of a typical receiver is
with the top of the curb. The felts acts as a slip sheet. It shown in figure 27. Note the two driers, which makes it
allows the floor and curb to move independently of the possible to replace one without shutting down the system.
walls. It also prevents excess water in the concrete from You can see many things in the detail which could not be
wetting the floor insulation. included in figure 26 because of lack of space.
19-17. At this point, the job is ready for installation of 19-22. Cold rooms and evaporators. The various cold
the permanent fasteners and the stabilizers. Fasten 4- rooms are provided with evaporators of appropriate size.
inch-wide galvanized metal lath over each framing In figure 28 you will find a detail of typical connections
member. Apply a portland cement finish in two coats to an evaporator. Each large cold room may have one or
over the walls and ceilings. The finish should be cured more evaporators, and valves must be located so that an
with water spraying in accordance with recommendations evaporator can be isolated while the rest of system
for wiring. This treatment reduces shrinkage and gives remains operating. Let us now consider the operation and
maximum strength to the finish. maintenance of a cold storage plant.
19-18. Plant Layout. In order to understand the layout 19-23. Operation and Maintenance. For purposes of
of a cold storage plant, you should be able to read this discussion, we will start with the motor controls and
blueprints. Standard drawings are often used with compressors and follow the flow of refrigerant. Thus, we
additions and note added so that the diagram may be can explain the operation of the plant in a logical
applied to a specific installation. You should recognize sequence.
that this is the case with the illustrations used in this 19-24. Compressors, controls, and accessories. From
section. At the time when a facility is built, an accurate our previous discussion of a machine room, you will
drawing is made of the equipment. These drawings are remember the four compressors shown in figure 26. Two
referred to as "as-built drawings." Changes or 15-hp compressors supplied the high-temperature
modification should be entered in the drawings; thus the evaporators, while two 20-hp units furnished the low-
drawings should be kept up to date by appropriate entries temperature evaporators. In either side, the loss of one
of modifications or additions to the plant. compressor will not halt operations completely. When
19-19. Machine room. If you have ever seen the possible, compressors of the same size are installed so
machine room in a cold storage plant, you were probably that the

Figure 26. Machine room diagram.

Figure 27. Detail of liquid receiver.

system can be standardized and spare parts will be corrected. Remember, a pressure control's function is to
interchangeable. The inventory of spare parts will thus be close and open a set of contacts in the circuit to the
smaller because there will not be a need for duplication. operating coil of the starter for the motor.
a. Pressure control. Generally, motors larger than 5 b. Magnetic starter. The motor control is
hp are three phase and require a starter. The motor starter essentially a three-phase magnetic switch which is closed
is controlled with a pressure motor control tapped into the when its coil is energized. The coil serves to close the
low-side suction line. The cutout pressure is set for 10° F. switch and to hold it closed. The switch is closed against
below the coil temperature, while the cut-in pressure spring pressure, which throws the contacts open as soon
should be set for the desired coil temperature. The spread as the circuit to the coil is interrupted. Two overload
between the two settings determines the frequency of protection provide protection against shorts in all three
compressor operation. Operation in very cold weather phases. Protectors are located in A and C phases, which
may produce conditions which will prevent some systems should be the two outside wires. Remember, when testing
from operating automatically because of abnormal a switch for supply voltage, the upper terminals are
pressure. The receiver outlet valve (king valve) may be connected to the feeders. Check the upper terminals from
throttled so as to force the pressure to increase. As A to B, B to C, and A to C for voltage on all three phases.
pressure builds up to a near normal level, the valve should If one phase is dead, the trouble is in the feeder or supply.
be opened more. Be sure, however, to restore valves to The lower three terminals are connected to the motor.
normal operating positions after the condition is When a small fourth contact is part of a switch,

Figure 28. Detail of evaporator connections.

it provides a holding circuit to the closing coil. The with tape. If at the test, the motor rotates incorrectly, its
wiring diagram inside the cover of the switch box will direction is reversed by interchanging two of the motor
give the wiring diagram for that particular switch. leads with the supply leads. By transposing two of the
Maintenance consists in replacement of overload phases, a three-phase motor will have its rotation
protectors which have failed or a magnetic coil which has reversed.
an open circuit. In both cases an exact replacement or a You may have to remove a motor at some time for
substitute as specified by the manufacturer must be used. repairs. Before disconnecting the wires, be sure that you
If the switch contacts are severely burned, the entire attach labels to all of the supply leads and the motor leads.
switch may require replacement. Excessive heat may Then, when you are ready to reconnect the motor, wire it
damage other parts, such as the springs, which would the same as before.
cause more trouble in the future if the switch was partly A large compressor is driven by multiple V-belts,
rebuilt. which should be provided with a safety enclosure. Belt
c. Time-delay relay. You will remember that in the guards are for your protection and must always be in
illustration of a machine room, each system was supplied place during normal operation. Loose or damaged guards
by two compressors. If both these motors were started at must be repaired or replaced. Always open the
the same time, there would be twice the load on the compressor switch so that the motor cannot start while
electrical system. For example, a three-phase, 220-volt, you are working around or in the immediate area of the
15-hp motor will draw about 100 amperes starting belts. If the oil is spilled on V-belts, they must be cleaned
current. If both motors started together, the combined immediately. Again, open the compressor switch so that
load of 200 amperes would cause a voltage drop, resulting the unit cannot start while you are working on it. If the
in slower starting. This would extend the starting period, oil soaks into the belts before they can be cleaned, plan on
and the motor windings would be subjected to replacing the set soon, because oil causes the material to
unnecessary overheating. Such a situation is avoided by deteriorate rapidly.
using a time-delay relay with one motor so that it is not Multiple drives of four or five belts are common.
started until the other motor reaches operating speed. A When one belt becomes too loose or worn, it may be
time interval of from 3 to 8 seconds is sufficient. The removed and operation continued temporarily. You
time-delay relay consist of a solenoid coil and plunger should expect some drop in output from the compressor
with a set of contacts which close the circuit to one of the because of belt slippage. It is impractical to replace one
motor starters. The plunger operates in a dashpot filled belt at a time, because V-belts are supplied in matched
with oil. Maintenance requires that the relay be kept set. However, you will always find some variation in
clean. If oil needs replacing, be sure to use oil that is individual length. This variation becomes apparent when
approved for use in a dashpot. Dash-pot oil keeps the you try to adjust the tension on a newly installed set.
same viscosity over a wide range of temperature. The When you need to replace a set of belts, be sure to follow
time interval can be changed by turning the adjustment all relevant safety rules. First, open the electrical supply
screw. An ordinary light switch maybe wired in parallel switch to the motor. Then hang a caution or danger tag
with the time-delay relay if the relay fails. The second on the switch handle if there is any possibility that
compressor can then be started manually after the first someone might close the switch while you were working
compressor starts. Operation can thus be continued until on the motor. Next, release the holding bolts and the
the relay can be replaced. locknut on the jackscrew. Also, back off the jackscrew to
d. Motors and drives. Three-phase motors have the release tension on the belts, remove the old set and install
high starting toque required by large compressors. Once a a matched set of belts on the pulleys. After this, take up
motor is installed properly, all it needs is cleaning and the jackscrew until belt deflection indicates correct
oiling. Motor bearings should be checked daily for tension; then, set the locknut on the jackscrew and tighten
normal temperatures. They should not be so hot that you the holding bolts.
cannot hold your hand comfortably on the bearing shell. You will find some variation in belt tension
Always open the motor switch before checking the belt recommendations, but these are determined by operating
driver end. Lubrication of motor bearings it done on a conditions. For instance one beltmaker recommends a
regular schedule as directed. Proper installation means belt deflection of from 1/2 to ¾ inch for each foot
that the motor must be lined up so that its pulley drum is between the pulley shafts. In contrast, another
parallel with, and in the same plane as, the pulley on the recommendation calls for a deflection of 1/64 inch per
compressor shaft. An initial test of the direction of inch of span between pulley shafts. Experience is
rotation of the motor should be made before the probably your best gauge as to the correct tension. In
terminal’s connections are made permanent and insulated operation, too little

tension is indicated when most of the belts show a and cause an error in the recording. You may still be
pronounced flutter. As an example, the right tension on a required to make one or more readings of the gauges each
matched set of belts may be most nearly correct when one shift. Your records serve as a double check on system
belt shows a small flutter while the rest are steady during operation. The best part about a graph chart is that the
operation. The object of adjustment is to get a minimum frequency and duration of each cycle of operation can be
amount of vibration without getting the belts too tight. seen clearly at a glance. The chart is a useful tool for the
Belts which are too tight will wear out quickly. On the supervisor because, by comparing charts, he can detect
other hand, belts which are too loose will slip and result in day-to-day changes.
lost efficiency and reduced output. In any case, most V- f. Oil receivers. The oil receivers provide a means
belts are made of material which will not glaze. Belt of temporary storage of the oil returned from the oil
dressing should never be used on V-belts unless it is separators. Sight glasses provide a means of checking the
recommended by the manufacturer. When adjustment oil level in the receiver. Oscillation of the oil level
will not correct belt slippage, it would at best be a indicates that the oil separators are performing their
temporary measure to apply a dressing, and you should function of returning oil to the receiver. The oil level will
plan to replace the set. drop each time that the float valve opens to return oil to
e. Gauges and records. The gauge for high the compressors. In case of low oil level, do not add oil
pressure and low pressure are located on a single panel so to the system until you have determined that oil has been
that the operating conditions can be observed quickly. lost. Why? Because the low level can be an indication
Alarms and indicator lights are also mounted on the same that oil is accumulating in one of evaporators.
panel. Oil pressure gauges may be on the panel but are 19-25. Condensers and water towers. Two types of
generally mounted on the compressor. Readings are condensers are favored for large systems. These are the
taken at regular intervals to check for normal operation. evaporative and the tube-and-shell types of condensers.
You, as a supervisor, may require readings made a. Evaporative condenser. You will find the first
continuously to monitor the system during unusual type illustrated in figure 29. The upper section of the unit
conditions, such as when the system is first placed in contains the blowers, which pull air through the coils.
operation after major repairs. The period of close The center section contains an array of spray headers,
observation may be long or short, depending on what which spray water over the condenser coils. The
changes have been made ad how long it will take the combination of air and water acts to produce a water
system to settle down into a normal pattern of operation. temperature considerably lower than the air because of
Abnormal pressure changes are indications which evaporation. Efficiency of the condenser falls off as
must be interpreted correctly. A gradual change in humidity goes up. The water pump circulates water from
pressure may be from a change in ambient temperature, the sump up to the spray headers. Makeup water is added
from loading or unloading work in the cold rooms, or to the sump by means of a valve and float control located
from a trouble developing. A rapid change in pressure is in the sump near the pump intake. Bleed-off water is
usually an indication of trouble. The possibility of this tapped from the far side of the sump ad discharged to the
latter, rapid change points up the advantage of making sewer. Bleed-off and makeup connections are not shown
frequent readings and recording them. If the gauges have in figure 29. Bleed-off water must drain at a rate
not been checked in several hours and a big change has sufficient to insure that salts do not accumulate in the
been noted in pressure, the operator may have no way of unit. The condenser operation would be seriously
knowing whether the change is sudden or gradual. For lowered by even a small salt deposit. If salts start to
example, when the ambient temperature drops low during appear, it is advisable to increase the amount of makeup
a cold winter's night, you an expect below-normal gauge water by opening the bleed-off valve wider. When scale
readings. appears on the condenser coils, they must be cleaned with
If you are fortunate enough to pull an assignment at a a stiff bristle brush. Bristles must be hard enough to
plant equipped with automatic temperature and pressure remove the scale but not so hard as to damage the tubing.
recorders, you will be able to read a continuous record of Water which has an acid pH will not cause scale, but too
plant operation. An automatic recorder has one or more much acid will cause corrosion.
pens which trace a line in ink on appropriately marked Operation in cold weather may require the pump to be
graph paper. The pens are delicately balanced and driven turned off. In extreme cold the fans may have to be
electrically by a bridge circuit. Be careful, however, stopped and the water drained to prevent freezing.
when changing charts or putting ink in the pen reservoir, Capacity control of a condenser is necessary to
since rough treatment will damage the pen’s mounting

Figure 29. Layout of an evaporative condenser.

insure efficiency of the system. There are four ways to regulating valve located n the condenser inlet water pipe.
control the capacity of the condenser. One method The valve is controlled by compressor discharge pressure
controls the water pump by a pressure-operated switch. so that head pressure remains relatively constant within a
When head pressure drops below a predetermined point, predetermined range. The water regulating valve is a
the pump is stopped and the unit acts as an air-cooled modulating type which controls the volume of water
condenser. Another method is to use a pressure-operated through the condenser. Where water is cheap and
switch to turn off the blowers when pressure drops to a plentiful, it may be discharged overboard after passing
predetermined point. Still another method is to use a two- through the condenser instead of recirculating it through a
coil condenser, with a solenoid valve to cut one coil off cooling tower. Both evaporative condensers and cooling
when a pressure switch operates at its low-pressure towers accumulate sludge which must be flushed. The
setting. A fourth method uses modulating dampers on the unit must be taken out of service, the sump drained, and
air inlet. The dampers are designed to close when the the mud removed. Twice a year cleaning should be
compressor is idle. This last method has advantages for sufficient, except where dust conditions are very severe.
cold weather operation as the dampers may be operated so 19-26. Liquid refrigerant receivers. The liquid receiver
that freezing of the water is not a problem. must be large enough to hold all of the refrigerant in the
b. Tube-and-shell condenser. Another type of system. Any time the system is to be opened, it must first
condenser is the tube-and-shell, which circulates water be pumped down. This is done by closing the receiver
through the tube. The condenser shell may also serve as a discharge (king) valve and operating the compressor until
receiver for the system. The condenser water is circulated the suction pressure levels off at 3-5 PSIG indicating that
through a cooling tower, where evaporation drops the the system has been pumped down. The receiver inlet
temperature of the water. The spray headers in a cooling valve is then closed, and all the refrigerant is stored in the
tower are similar to those shown in figure 29. A water receiver. Repairing of leaks, testing and major repairs has
bypass line around the tower is the usual method of been explained in the preceding chapter.
capacity control. This also serves for cold weather 19-27. Expansion valves. Expansion valves should be
operation, but in extreme cold the system may have to be checked during each walk-through inspection. Look for
drained to prevent freezing and breaking of pipes. unusual signs of frosting or extension of the frost line on
Makeup water is added to the system automatically by the tubing. Frost on the high side of the valve indicates a
means of a float control in the sump. Bleed-off water restriction in the liquid line. Check fans for operation.
may be used as a method of scale control. Algae control Note also any unusual noises, such as hissing, which
and water treatment are discussed in Volume 4. Capacity would indicate a low refrigerant change. When a
control may also be attained by means of a water-

expansion valve begins to get plugged, a from ice which illustrated in figure 30. You will see that part of the floor
is formed by moisture in the system, one of the has been omitted from the drawing. Below the floor is a
observable signs will be an unaccountable rise in the large tank which is filled with a brine (salt) solution. The
temperature of the room. When this happens, you must evaporator is a flooded type with the coil weaving back
do more than just clean out the valve. In addition, the and forth between rows of ice can set in the brine tank.
system drier should be changed and the system carefully The floor above the tank has removable slabs. Look at
checked to find where the moisture is getting in. The leak the left in figure 30; you can see where one of the slabs
must be on the suction side at a joint, unless the tubing has been removed so that the ice can filler can be used to
has been punctured. fill a fresh can with water. Just to the right, you can see
19-28. Evaporators. The evaporator used in a cold where the hoist has been used to lift a can with a frozen
room is a coil and fin type with a fan or blower for block of ice out of the brine tank. In the foreground, a
cooling. Hot gas defrosting is the most practical method can dump is illustrated. Warm water may be sprayed over
for zero operation, but some older units may still require the can to loosen the ice.
manual defrosting with water. These methods are the 20-3. In figure 30 you can see an illustration of a
same as those you studied in the last chapter. compressor with a shell and tube condensing unit. A
19-29. Evaporators and blowers should be inspected for cooling tower would be necessary unless fresh water is
security of their mountings. Any unusual noises should very plentiful. At the opposite corner of the room, you
be investigated and traced to their source. Unusual odors will see the agitator motor. This motor circulates the
in a cold room may be caused by a hot motor or a bearing brine to increase the rate of transfer of heat between the
which needs lubrication. Conditions which you cannot evaporator coil and the ice cans. To the right of the
correct should be reported so that proper action can be agitator is the accumulator. This is a large vertical tank
taken. which extends down into the brine tank. It serves to
19-30. A large evaporator in a zero cold room may provide liquid ammonia to the bottom header of the
become sluggish in operation over a period of time. evaporator. The ice storage room is not illustrated here;
These conditions are caused by a gradual accumulation of but in some plants, the overflow from the main evaporator
oil in the coils. A hot gas defrost system will usually is used to cool the ice storage room.
prevent the oil from condensing in the evaporator. 20-4. Operating Principles and Application. Let us
However, this discussion of oil condensing in the start at the compressor for a brief review of the operating
evaporator brings up one of the big advantages of cycle. Coming from the compressor is a hot gas under
defrosting with hot gas. Should oil accumulate in one of high pressure. The gas is cooled and becomes a liquid in
the evaporators, the first indication would be a drop in oil the condenser. At the float valve, the liquid passes into a
level at the oil receiver with no external signs of the loss. reduced pressure area-the evaporator-where it boils and
By operating the hot gas system for an additional period absorbs heat as it changes to a gas. From the
of time, the oil can be picked up by the refrigerant gas and accumulator, the suction line returns low-pressure vapor
moved out of the evaporator. The success of this to the compressor. The refrigeration cycle is illustrated in
operation will be reflected by a rise in the level at the oil figure 31, where we have also shown the cooling water
receiver. path through the tubing of the condenser and the
compressor heads. The temperature of the brine is
20. Ice Plants maintained at 15° F. This will free a 300-pound block of
20-1. Both portable and permanent type of ice plants ice in 45 to 48 hours. At warmer brine temperature, the
are used by the military. You may find the portable plant freezing period becomes too long to be economical. At
in sizes ranging from 1-ton to 15-ton units using standard temperatures colder than 15° F., the ice is too brittle and
halocarbon refrigerants. The operation of a system using fractures easily.
such a refrigerant has already been explained. While this 20-5. There are three factors to make a good block of
section will deal with a permanent type plant using an ice: (1) A brine at 15° F. has the lowest practical
ammonia system, ice making is done by the same temperature which will make good ice. (2) The ice water
procedure regardless of which refrigerant is used for should be agitated continuously while the main part of the
freezing the water. Building design will generally call for block is being frozen. This is done by means of a small
insulation similar to that used for cold storage. The rubber hose which puts a jet of low-pressure air into the
discussion which follows is centered around an ice plant water. The pressure is adjusted so that the hose pulses
using an ammonia system. back and forth. This insures a good grade of clear ice.
20-2. Plant Design and Layout. A permanent ice (3) The core water should be sucked out and re-
plant requires special construction of a building, as

Figure 30. Layout of an ice plant.

placed by fresh water when the block is about two-thirds mounted on a raised platform higher than the top of the
complete. The core water will have salts and other ice can. When a can is placed under the tank, a dump
impurities concentrated in it, and the ice will have a valve is tipped and the ice can is filled with the right
disagreeable taste unless the core water is discarded. amount of water. The water supply to the tank is shut off
Also, the fresh water in the core will freeze faster than the while the dump valve is tripped. When the dump valve is
water it replaces, so it is also a measure of economy. Let shut off, the tank is automatically refilled. A portable
us consider next certain new components which are type of can filler is shown in figure 32. You must be sure
peculiar to an ice plant. that the float ball and trip level operate properly to shut
20-6. Components. The usual accessories, such as off the water when the ice can is full.
strainers, are just as vital in an ammonia system as in any 20-9. Agitators. The brine agitator consists of an
other similar system. Of more specific concern to you electric motor, a shaft, and an impeller. This motor runs
here are such new components as ice cans, can fillers, continuously to insure transfer of heat from the cans to the
agitators, core suckers, ice can hoists, dip tanks, and can evaporator. Another agitator consists of a small air pump
dumps. These are discussed, in the order named, below. and the necessary hose to reach the ice cans. Air is used
20-7. Ice cans. The ice cans used at an ice plant are all to agitate the water during the early stages of ice
of the same size in order to standardize operation and formation to insure a good grade of ice.
handling. Cans are made in different sizes, with the 20-10. Core suckers. A core sucker is a pipe long
smallest one capable of making a 50-pound block of ice. enough to reach the bottom of the ice can. A hose
The largest cans are made to produce a block of ice connects it with an injector or suction pump. The sucker
weighing 300 pounds. The lifting arrangement at the top is used to remove the core water, which contains a
of the can must be standardized so that one hoist concentration of salt and other impurities, after most of
attachment will fit all of the cans. the ice block has formed. The core water is discharged to
20-8. Can fillers. A permanent type can filler uses a the sewer system, and fresh water is added to fill the core
tank of sufficient capacity and a float valve to shut off the so that freezing of the block can be completed. This
water automatically at the right level. The tank is

Figure 31. Refrigerant cycle and cooling water path.

operation insures purity of the ice and freedom from 20-15. Brine solution. If you have operated a car in a
objectionable taste and smell. cold climate, you know that an antifreeze solution insures
20-11. Ice can hoists. The can hoist is used to load and that a liquid will remain liquid at below freezing
unload ice cans from the brine tank. A small plant may temperatures. Although glycol or alcohol can be used as
use a portable band winch of the type you saw in figure an antifreeze additive, the most common additive is salt,
30. A large volume plant usually has a rail-mounted which gives the name "brine" to the solution. A salt
overhead hoist which can be moved to any position over solution may be checked for its freezing point with a
the brine tank. hydrometer if the temperature of the solution is taken into
20-12. Dip tanks. A large tank of water may be used to account. Four brine solutions and their specific gravity
free the finished block from the can. The can is lowered are given in table 9. The specific gravity is given for a
into the tank, where it remains long enough to melt the solution temperature of 60° F. A sodium chloride
surface of the block. Tap water temperature may be solution reaches its eutectic point at -6° F. Beyond this
warm enough so that it is not necessary to add any more point, the addition of more salt will cause the solution to
heat to the dip tank. thicken.
20-13. Can dumps. After the block is free, the can is 20-16. A brine solution made with 2 1/2 pounds of
removed from the dip tank and placed on a dump rack. calcium chloride to 1 gallon of water will not freeze at 0°
The rack tips the can at an angle to allow the ice to slide F. Two pounds of ordinary table salt (sodium chloride)
out. When a dip tank is not available, the ice can may be per gallon of water will freeze at slightly below 0° E A
positioned on the dump and warm water sprayed over the 40-percent solution of alcohol is good at 0° F., while an
can to loosen the ice. ethylene glycol solution requires about 45 percent glycol
20-14. Ammonia System Operation and to inure that it will remain a liquid at 0° F. You will note
Maintenance. The operation of an ammonia system that any of the above solutions would be adequate, as a
requires temperatures and pressures different from those brine temperature of 15° F., can usually be maintained
for halogens refrigerants. Also new to you is the makeup with an evaporator temperature of 5° F
of the brine solution used in an ice plant.


20-17. Ammonia temperatures and pressures. Let us 20-19. Goggles, rubber gloves, and aprons must be
first deal with normal operating conditions which you worn while you are mixing acid or handling the solution.
would expect in warm weather. With a suction gauge Furthermore, bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) should be
pressure of 20 p.s.i.g., you should have an evaporator coil immediately available to counteract any spills or
temperature of about 5° F. A normal head pressure of 185 neutralize accidental skin burns. (NOTE. Always add
p.s.i.g. should carry a vapor temperature of 238° F. Since acid to water when mixing, particularly sulfuric acid. It
temperatures approach 250° F., water jackets are used to gives off a large amount of heat, which the water can
cool the compressor head. At this head pressure, absorb and dissipate. Avoid inhaling acid fumes as they
ammonia will condense at 96° F. In colder weather, head can easily damage mucous tissues.) An inhibited acid
pressure may drop to 155 p.s.i.g., with the temperature of solution is prepared by using commercial grade
the vapor dropping to 212° F. At a gauge pressure of 155 hydrochloric acid (muriatic acid) with a specific gravity
p.s.i.g., ammonia condenses at 86° F. It is necessary to of 1.190. The solution may be prepared in the barrel used
raise the operating pressure on the system. You may use with the cleaning setup. Each 10 gallons of water
a manual valve in the liquid line to throttle the system. requires that 3 2/5 ounces of inhibitor powder be
As pressure builds up, be sure to open the valve and dissolved in it. Add acid to this solution at the rate of 11
restore it to its normal operating position. quarts of acid for each 10 gallons of water. Commercial
20-18. Condenser cleaning. Even with proper grade sulfuric acid may be used if muriatic is not
treatment, the tubes in a shell and tube condenser may available, but the solution will not do as satisfactory a job
accumulate scale. A temperature rise of 5° above normal of cleaning the tubing.
in condenser output is an indication of scale formation. 20-20. The inhibited acid should be circulated through
We will discuss next the most effective method for the tubes for about 12 hours to remove scale deposits of
removing scale. The necessary equipment for cleaning is average thickness. Cleaning time will be slower if the
shown in figure 33. The drum or barrel should have a solution is cold, whereas cleaning will be faster with a hot
capacity of 50 gallons. It may be wood, stone, porcelain, solution. The strength of the solution may be checked by
or metal. Galvanized metal must not be used, as it will applying a few drops to some baking soda. The rate of
react too fast with the acid used for cleaning. The fine bubbling or gassing indicates how much strength remains
mesh screen (bronze or copper) in the barrel serves to in the solution. When the solution becomes very weak,
prevent scale from entering the pump. Look at the there is little point in continuing to circulate it through the
position of the pump in the suction line and note how condenser. Be sure to flush out the condenser tubing
scale from the condenser will be held in the drum. The immediately after cleaning. Flush the condenser tubes
circulator pump must be made of acid-resistant parts. The with fresh water until the discharge water becomes clear.
vent pipe provides a way of voiding hydrogen gas from The effectiveness of the cleaning may be indicated by the
the system. This gas is evolved as part of the chemical amount of scale deposited in the barrel. The final
reaction between the acid and the scale. Galvanized pipe measure, of course, is the return of the condenser to
or fittings must not be used in the setup. normal temperature range during operation.

Figure 33. Equipment setup for scale removal.

Review Exercises

The following exercises are study aids. Write your

answers in pencil in the space provided after each
exercise. Use the blank pages to record other notes on
the chapter content. Immediately check your answers
with the key at the end of the test. Do not submit your
answers for grading.
1. Where are the coldest rooms located in a
refrigerated warehouse? (19-2)

2. Outside of the machine room you will find

certain areas which may be dangerous. Explain
the dangers in these areas. (19-4, 5, 8)

3. What will probably happen if potatoes are piled

too high in storage? (19-8)

4. Modern methods of construction have introduced

what two new basic fundamentals to a cold
storage building? (19-10)

Figure 32. Portable can filter.

5. With modem construction of a refrigerated
warehouse, to what should the vapor barrier be
attached? (19-14, 15)

6. How should you use the blueprint of a cold 15. Your personal safety is at stake when you work
storage plant? Give several uses and on V-belt. What precautions must you observe
applications. (19-18-21) to keep from injury? (19-24)

16. How should you treat V-belts which get splashed

7. What are details on a blueprint? (19-21, 22) with oil? (19-24)

8. A cold storage plant has what operating 17. How would you adjust the tension when one V-
advantages when four or more compressors are belt of a set shows a more pronounced flutter
installed? (19-24) than that of the others? (19-24)

18. How would you interpret a gradual drop in head

9. What factor is used to determine the setting of a pressure as compared with a sudden drop? (19-
suction side pressure control which starts and 24)
stops the compressor motors? (19-24)

19. What is the purpose of a recording chart? (19-24)

10. (True)(False) Evaporator coil temperature is a

more reliable indicator of system operation than 20. In an evaporative condenser what is the purpose
suction pressure. Why? (19-24) of bleed-off water? (19-25)

21. How can bleed-off water affect the volume of

11. What are two ways of building up head pressure makeup water? (19-25)
during cold weather operation? (19-24, 25)

22. What is probably the best method of capacity

12. Describe the proper way to check a three-phase control of an evaporative condenser during cold
magnetic switch for voltage. (19-24) weather operation? (19-25)

23. What are the main disadvantages of a cooling

13. Where is dashput oil used? (19-24) tower? (19-25)

14. What test should you make of a motor when you 24. What are the checks which should be made on a
install it? (19-24) walk-through inspection of the freezer rooms in a
cold storage plant? (19-27-29)

25. What is a big advantage of a hot gas defrost 29. Why is it necessary to use a core sucker? (20-5,
system for a large evaporator in a zero cold 10)
room? (19-30)

30. How is it that the brine solution is operated at

26. Why is an agitator necessary in the brine tank of 15° F. but it is made up so as not to freeze at 0°
an ice plant? (20-3) F.? (20-15, 16)

27. Why is the head of an ammonia compressor 31. How is inhibited acid prepared for cleaning scale
cooled with a water jacket? (20-3, 17) from the tubes of a condenser? (20-19)

28. What are three important factors in making a 32. Why is baking soda necessary when you are
good grade of ice? (20-5) cleaning scale with inhibited acid solution? (20-
19, 20)


Special Application Systems

SOMETIMES we try to make things more 21-3. Cord Valves for Multiple Units. When two or
complicated than they are. You can avoid confining more evaporators are operated from the same compressor
yourself if you keep in mind that a basic system is and the temperature of the warmer refrigerator is not more
modified to make it work for a special application. Yet, than 5° F. higher than the colder, no special valves are
not one of the system’s basic principles is changed. This necessary. When the temperature difference is greater
chapter deals with multiple evaporators and multiple than 5° F., some sort of valve or control for the warmer
compressors and concludes with systems for producing refrigerator is essential. A thorough knowledge of the
ultralow temperatures. Technical information on these operation and application of the types of available control
systems is reproduced from Commercial and Industrial valves is necessary before a satisfactory multiple system
Refrigeration, by C. Wesley Nelson, copyright 1952, can be laid out.
McGraw-Hill Book Company; used by permission. You 21-4. Suction-pressure regulating valve. This valve,
are already familiar with the name of items which will be also called an evaporator-regulating valve, is placed in the
discussed, but differences result from the conditions under suction line of the warmer evaporator, and controls its
which this equipment operates. Let us consider first the pressure (and consequently its saturation temperature) so
problems of a system using several evaporators. that it will remain substantially constant and not go below
the predetermined setting of the valve. Thus, when two or
21. Multiple Evaporator Systems more evaporators are operated with one compressor, the
21-1. A multiple system is one in which several desired temperature in the warmer evaporators can be
evaporators are operated from one compressor. A maintained by the proper setting of the valve. The
variation is the operation of two or more compressors locations of the valves in a system are shown in figure 39.
with one evaporator. Multiple units are installed in (See paragraph 21-19.)
restaurants, soda fountains, bars, and in other places 21-5. Bellows type. A bellows type evaporator-
where more than one refrigeration fixture is used. regulating valve has the inlet connection from the
Capacity control is obtained by using two or more evaporator and the outlet connection to the compressor.
compressors for one evaporator. An example is an ice The evaporator pressure acting under the bellows and the
plant when the compressors are started or stopped force of a small spring under the valve are both opposed
according to the load demand. by a spring. When the forces are equal, the valve is in
21-2. Classification of Multiple Evaporator equilibrium and maintains a definite opening. A
Systems. Fundamentally there are only two reduction in evaporator pressure will cause an
classifications of multiple-unit systems. The first is the unbalancing of forces, and the valve will throttle. The
one in which all the evaporators operate at the same resulting decrease in the flow of vapor will prevent the
temperature. This is the simplest, although not the most pressure from going too low. The condensing unit
common. The second is the one in which the continues to operate on the other evaporators at reduced
temperatures in the different refrigerators are not the suction pressure. This valve has a fitting where the
same. In order to control the temperature in a evaporator pressure may be taken. A gauge adapter valve
multitemperature installation, various combinations of must be used. The cap is removed and the adapter is
valves and controls must be used. The correct selection screwed onto the fitting with the key engaging the needle
and installation of these valves and controls have a valve. The gauge is connected to the
decided bearing on the success of the installation.

Figure 34. Method of bypassing evaporator-regulating valve.

adapter and, when the valve is opened, the pressure may the coils being evacuated, the valve is turned into
be read. This fitting is also used in pumping down the midposition. The valves men-
evaporator. The regulating valve must be bypassed when
pumping down, because it would close on reduction of
suction pressure. To bypass the valve, a line is run from
the adapter to the compressor’s suction-valve gauge port.
If the distance is too great, a connection should be
provided on the compressor side of the valve, as shown in
figure 34.
21-6. Diaphragm type. Another type of evaporator-
regulating valve is illustrated in figure 35. This valve has
a diaphragm instead of a bellows. One of the features of
this valve is the collar with pressure graduations under the
adjusting knob. By turning the knob until the bottom
lines up with the graduations, you can make the correct
setting without reading the pressure or without waiting for
the refrigerator to arrive at the desired temperature. The
operation of this valve is similar to the one previously
described in that the valve remains open when the warmer
evaporator pressure is high and then throttles as the
compressor lowers the pressure. This valve has a gauge
port for checking pressure and for bypassing. To get a
reading, you attach the gauge to the port, remove the cap,
and open the gauge shutoff valve. The valve range is
from 40 p.s.i. to 0 in. Hg vacuum, and it can be used on
Freon units up to 1/2 ton and up to 3/4 ton on methyl
chloride and SO2 units.
21-7. Two-temperature type with manual closing. Still
another type of two-temperature valve is the one shown in
figure 36. You adjust this valve by the adjusting nut; the
handwheel is used only for closing the valve without
affecting the setting. You use the auxiliary valve when (Courtesy Controls Company of America)
attaching a gauge. You may also use it to bypass the Figure 35. Diaphragm type evaporator-regulating valve.
main valve when you want to pump out the coil. During
normal operation, the auxiliary valve is closed, and when

is used where close, nonelectrical control of single
evaporators is desired. Such applications are sweetwater
baths, water coolers, beverage coolers, and soda
fountains. In multiple installations, you place the valves
in the suction line from the warmer evaporator, with the
thermal bulb in the refrigerated space or liquid. This
valve gives closer temperature control than does the
pressure type. The valve illustrated in the figure is of the
snap-action type, but the thermostatic type is also
available in a valve which has throttling action. Before
the refrigerator has reached the desired temperature, the
valve is wide open and the coil is subject to refrigeration
from the condensing unit. When the desired temperature
is reached, the valve snaps shut and the coil is isolated
from the rest of the system. If the refrigerator
temperature is above freezing, the coil will defrost while
the valve is closed. You must install this valve in a
horizontal part of the suction line, and place a strainer
ahead of it. The bulb should be located where it will
reflect the average conditions, and in water baths it should
be placed in the liquid but not too close to the coils.
21-10. Check valves. When evaporators are connected
in multiple and the temperatures are different, the
pressure in the warmer evaporator is higher than that in
the colder. When the control valve opens, the high-
pressure vapor in the

Figure 36. Two-temperature valve with manual closing


tioned above should be installed in a location where

frosting will not occur and should be reasonably close to
the refrigerator which is to be controlled. These valves
may be used on flooded or direct-expansion evaporators,
providing defrosting is not required.
21-8. Snap-action type. A suction-pressure regulating
valve of the snap-action type is not a throttling type and
can be set to cut in and out at definite predetermined
pressures. This valve is either wide open or closed
tightly. You use it when you want to operate an
evaporator on a defrosting cycle, and when a shorter
operating time than that provided by the condensing unit
is required. The effect of using a snap-action valve on an
evaporator in a multiple system is the same as if it were
connected to a separate compressor. This valve should be
used only with a low-side float or with a thermostatic
expansion valve. Most valves of this type have a gauge Figure 37. Thermostatically controlled suction-pressure
port to which a gauge may be attached to aid the proper valve.
21-9. Thermostatic type. A thermostatically controlled
suction-pressure valve is shown in figure 37. This valve

warmer evaporator would back up into the colder located in the suction line between the outlet and the first
evaporator if no means were provided to prevent it. This takeoff. In following the rule that half of the total load
vapor would cause a warming up of the colder evaporator should be the cold evaporator, there is sufficient load on
and would impair its efficiency. To prevent this, you the compressor to eliminate low back pressure even
install a check valve which will permit the vapor to flow though the control devices have isolated all the warmer
in only one direction. See figure 39 for the proper evaporators.
location of check valves in a multiple system. Next, let us (7) In general, thermostatic expansion valves should
review some important points before discussing the use of be used as the liquid control when direct expansion
solenoid valves in a multiple system. evaporators are installed in multiple. The control of
21-11. Important Points for Multiple Installations. temperature in any refrigerator should not be by the
Because of the large number of possible multiple adjustment of any expansion valve. This should be done
combinations, it is impossible to give a set of rules and by the adjustment of the suction-pressure valve in order to
expect them to apply to all cases. Although there are obtain the best operating conditions.
exceptions to the rules, the eight rules explained next (8) The liquid and suction lines should be sized
should be adhered to whenever applicable. according to the amount of refrigerant flowing and
(1) The coldest evaporator or evaporators must according to the load on each branch or main. These
comprise more than one-half of the total load on the important points place a limitation on the applications in
condensing unit. If the warmer evaporator were the major which a multiple installation should be made. When the
part of the load, the condensing unit would be operating at temperature difference between the warmer and the colder
the higher suction pressure a greater portion of the refrigerators is greater than 25° F., multiplexing should be
running time and would not be able to bring the colder considered the exception rather than the rule unless
refrigerator down to the desired temperature. humidity is not a factor. When high humidities are to be
(2) The capacity of the condensing unit is selected at maintained, such as in florist's boxes, it is better to use a
the suction temperature or pressure of the colder compressor for each evaporator.
evaporator. Since the colder evaporator constitutes the 21-12. Evaporators with forced convection. Although
major part of the load, the compressor will be operating at multiple installations can be made with all expansion
its pressure most of the time, although the pressure in the coils, all low-side float coils, or with a combination of
warmer refrigerator will be higher. This is another case both, you must give extra thought when you want to use
where we must remember that the capacity of a forced-convection coolers. A forced-convection unit
compressor is less at lower suction pressures. must be caused to defrost during the OFF cycle unless
(3) The evaporator for each refrigerator is selected at some means for artificial defrosting is provided. In some
the suction pressure which will give the correct multiple installations where the forced-convection unit is
temperature and humidity for the particular application. the colder evaporator, a sufficiently low suction pressure
The selection is made just as if each evaporator were to be may occur so that the unit cannot defrost, and it thus
connected to its own compressor. become inoperative in a short time. If the forced-
(4) When the temperature difference between the convection unit is the colder evaporator, successful
colder and the warmer fixture is greater than 5° F., a multiplexing may be done if suction-control valves are
control for the warmer evaporator or evaporators is used.
necessary. This control may be either a suction valve of 21-13. Low-pressure cutout. Multiple installations,
the pressure or temperature type or a solenoid valve. In where suction-pressure or temperature-control valves are
some cases, although the temperatures are the same, one used, have the colder refrigerator controlled by the low-
refrigerator will be used much more than the other. In pressure cutout at the condensing unit. The warmer
instances like this, a control valve should be used and refrigerator, in this type of arrangement, does not require
placed in the suction line of the refrigerator with the least any electrical control. The low-pressure electrical control
usage. is set at the proper cut-in and cut-out points just as if it
(5) A snap-action type of suction-pressure control were operating on a single evaporator. Some of the
should be used if defrosting on the off cycle is required. modern suction-control valves that are used on the
This cannot be done, even though a snap-action valve is warmer evaporators are calibrated so that the temperature
used, unless the refrigerator temperature is above 35° F. setting can be made in advance. If this is not so, you must
(6) The coldest evaporator should always be directly operate the system until the refrigerators come
connected to the compressor, and a check valve should be

down to the desired temperature; you then adjust the the receiver. The receiver, therefore, must be large
control to shut off the evaporator from the compressor at enough to hold the entire charge in the system. When the
this point. In any event, the final adjustment of the compressor is operating on all the evaporators, it is at full
controls is governed by the thermometer readings in the load and the suction pressure is high. As one evaporator
various refrigerators. after the other stops refrigerating, the suction pressure
21-14. Solenoid Valves in Multiple Systems. Solenoid drops progressively lower. This drop in suction pressure
valves are used extensively in a multiple system. They has the disadvantage of continually upsetting the balance
may be placed in either the liquid line or the suction line. between the refrigerator temperature and the coil
Figure 38 shows a multiple hookup using solenoid valves temperature. The result affects the humidity in the box
in the liquid line. As may be seen from the diagram, there and, in some cases, prevents the defrosting of the coil. A
is a thermostat in each refrigerator, and each thermostat is suction-pressure regulating valve placed in the suction
connected to the solenoid valve that is in the liquid line line near the compressor will hold the pressure at the
leading to its refrigerator. The operation of the system is desired point in the evaporation although the crankcase
as follows: Assume that all the thermostats call for pressure will be low when only one evaporator is
cooling and that the compressor is operating on all of the operating from the compressor. The low-pressure control,
evaporators. When one thermostat is satisfied, it opens which shuts off the compressor after the last solenoid
the circuit and the solenoid valve closes the liquid line to valve closes, must be set lower than the suction pressure
the evaporator. The compressor pumps out the refrigerant when the compressor is operating on only one evaporator.
from that evaporator and continues t operate on the others. The setting of the cut-in point should be made so that the
As each thermostat is satisfied, its solenoid valve closes; opening of one solenoid valve will start the compressor.
and finally, when all valves are closed, the compressor is 21-16. Solenoid valves that are used in the suction line
stopped by a low-pressure cut-out. from the evaporator should be selected so that the
21-15. There are several important factors that must be pressure drop through the valve will not be over 2 p.s.i.
considered in connection with multiple systems using When a solenoid valve is so used, the refrigerant remains
solenoid valves. As each solenoid valve closes, its in the
evaporator is pumped out and the refrigerant is returned to

Figure 38. Multiple system using solenoid valves.

coil and does not return to the receiver. If the valve is 21-19. Evaporators at different temperatures. The line
placed in the suction line, there is danger of accumulated diagram in figure 39 shows the connections for three coils
liquid flooding over into the compressor in the event of a at different temperatures. Note the presence of a suction-
leaking float or expansion valve. pressure control valve in each of the warmer coils. The
21-17. Installation. A multiple system is installed like suction line from the coldest evaporator is directly
a simple one insofar as the coils and condensing units are connected to the compressor with a check valve in the
concerned. In order to simplify service operations, a line. In this diagram, the -10° evaporator should
manifold is usually placed on the wall near the constitute the major portion of the load. A check valve is
condensing unit. Three-way valves are sometimes used to also found in the suction line from the 35° evaporator,
allow the refrigerant to pass through the valve since this evaporator is colder than 45° and there would
unobstructed on the run of the valve, while the branch line be the possibility of the warm vapor backing up and
from the side outlet may be shut off. Prefabricated condensing,
manifolds may also be obtained.
21-18. Evaporators at same temperature. When the 22. Multiple Compressors
temperatures are the same in all of the refrigerators, there 22-1. Compressor units are sometimes connected in
is an expansion valve on each coil. When two coils are parallel to obtain greater flexibility or to use small units
located in the same case, it is not good policy to connect on one evaporator where a larger one that will balance
coils in series, because the second coil will not maintain properly is not obtainable. The practice of operating
its rating. Two coils should not be connected to one compressors in multiple is not new; in fact, it is quite
expansion valve, regardless of whether they are in series common in ammonia plants and cold storage warehouses.
or parallel. There are no pressure-control valves needed The principle difficulty in interconnecting condensing
when all evaporators are operated at the same units is in the oil return to the crankcase. Ammonia does
temperature. The entire low side of the system is not present any problem in this regard, since oil and
controlled by a low-pressure control located on the base ammonia are not miscible. Freon, methyl chloride, and
of the compressor unit. other oil-miscible refrigerants, on the other hand, present
a real difficulty when condensing units that use them are

Figure 39. Multiple systems using evaporative-regulating valves.

same as to the other compressor. Thus the frictional
resistance between each receiver and the manifold should
also be approximately the same. Both suction and
discharge lines should be balanced in the same manner as
we have just described. Suction lines should be
connected so that the oil which is returning through the
line will divide between the compressors as evenly as
possibly. Suction lines from a manifold to the
compressor, if used, should be taken off at the side to
facilitate oil return.
22-4. Oil-equalizer line. The crankcase oil-equalizer
line may be connected in one of two ways, A or B, a
shown in figure 41. The A method is preferable although
the B method is more often used because of the location
of plugs in the crankcases of some compressors where the
Figure 40. Balanced lines between compressors. equalizer lines may be connected. In the method shown
in A, the oil-equalizer connection should be made at the
interconnected. Multiple installations of condensing units lowest safe oil level. Condensing units should be placed
should be avoided and made only when it is not possible on their foundations so that the oil level in each is in the
to split up the units that each evaporator has its own same horizontal plane. The gas-equalizer connection is
condensing unit. made above the maximum oil level. All equalizer lines
22-2. Connections Between Compressors. should be level. The size of the manifold to which the
Compressors that are to be interconnected should be of various branches are connected should be at least equal in
the same manufacture and preferably of the same size. A area to the sum of the branches. Crankcase oil- and gas-
good installation is one in which each condensing unit equalizer lines should be not less than 3/4-inch ID up to
will carry its share of the load and the oil return will be 10 tons capacity and l-inch ID over 10 tons.
such that the proper level will be maintained. To get this 22-5. Control of Multiple Compressors. When
balance of the load, the liquid, suction, and discharge condensing units are interconnected for purposes of
lines are interconnected and it is necessary that oil- and capacity control, usually you have to provide a means for
gas-equalizer lines are installed between the crankcases. starting and stopping the compressor according to load
The compressors should be placed close to each other so demands. The compressors are manually operated only
that the connecting lines will be as short as possible. when an operator is in attendance and when load changes
22-3. Balanced refrigerant lines. Lines should be can be anticipated beforehand. For liquid or air cooling,
connected as shown in figure 40 so that the elbows and if close temperature control is not required,
length of pipe from the tee to one compressor are the

Figure 41. Oil equalizer lines.

two temperature controls may be used, one being set a information shows a temperature of -50° to -60° F. at
degree or two higher than the other. A more common elevations around 50,000 feet, and cabinets for testing are
method is to use pressure controls on the common suction usually kept between -60° and -70° F. Some cabinets are
line, set in sequence so that the compressors will start and equipped so that any temperature from +100° to -100° F.
stop according to changes in suction pressure. When this may be obtained.
method is used, thermostats and solenoid valves are 23-3. Insulation Requirements. Ultralow-
almost always installed. temperature cabinets require more consideration in regard
22-6. When a number of compressors are connected to insulation and construction than do zero cabinets.
together or when an installation consists of a number of Insulation thicknesses of 10 and 12 inches are needed, and
single evaporator and condensing-unit installations in one extra care must be taken with vaporproofing to prevent
refrigerated space, situations occur in which all the entrance of moisture. When a refrigerator is intended
compressors will start at the same time. This puts a very to maintain a low temperature at all times, it is usually
heavy load on the electric lines and power system. A desirable to use an insulating material which has a high
timer, which will delay the starting of compressors until thermal capacity such as cork. Any interruption in
after the first one, should be installed. The action of the refrigeration will not be so serious because of the slow
timer is such that when the contactor for the first warming up of the box. On the other hand, when rapid
compressor has closed, there is a delay of 10 or 15 fluctuations in temperatures are desired, such as in
seconds before the timer closes the control circuit of the simulated flight, an insulation of low heat capacity should
second compressor and allows it to start. If there are be used. Ferrotherm (a number of thin steel sheets with
more than two compressors, a timer may be used on each air spaces) and Santocel (silica aero-gel) are two such
except the first one. insulating materials. Tests at Wentworth Institute using
dry ice in a box insulated with nine sheets of Ferrotherm
23. Ultralow Temperature Systems with 36-inch air space between the sheets gave a
23-1. The use of ultralow-temperature refrigeration in temperature reduction from +70° to -70° F. in 45 minutes.
industrial work has increased tremendously in the past 23-4. Refrigerant and Compressor Problems. A
few years. Commercial units are now manufactured to simple refrigeration cycle is neither suitable nor
produce temperatures below -100° F. for various economical for ultralow-temperature application. In order
applications. An example is the production testing of to obtain heat extraction from a box at a temperature of,
various instruments and appliances, such as radios, say, -70° F., it is quite evident that a coil temperature less
cameras, clocks, and meters which may be subject to low than -70° F. is necessary. If a 10° F. temperature
temperatures in arctic climates or in outer space. difference were assumed, a design temperature of -80° F.
Ultralow temperatures find application in various kinds of for the coil would be used. If Freon 12 were the
metal treatment. The hardness of certain kinds of steels refrigerant selected, the corresponding absolute pressure
has been materially increased after a conventional and volume would be 2.885 p.s.i.a. and 11.57 cubic feet
hardening process by lowering the temperature to about - respectively. This would give a compression ratio of over
110° F., allowing them to warm to room temperature, and 30 to 1 with normal condensing temperatures. This is
then tempering. Another development is the shrink-fitting much higher than is possible with a conventional
of parts by using cold instead of heat. The male part is compressor. As a matter of fact, a compressor operating
reduced in temperature to -100° F., after which it is fitted with any such ratio would not discharge vapor but would
to the female part and the unit allowed to warm to room simply compress and expand the vapor in the cylinder
temperature. The extensive use of aluminum riveting in without doing any useful work. The compression ratio for
aircraft and other metal work has led to the use of special units working under average commercial conditions is
alloy rivets which may be prevented from age hardening approximately 4 to 1. Ratios up to 8 to 1 are considered
and kept soft by holding them at -40° to -45° F. until as being satisfactory for a single compressor. When ratios
ready for use. are above these values, because of extremely low
23-2. Test chambers which are designed for simulating temperatures, you must employ staging in order that there
conditions encountered by military and other aircraft are will be less work required per ton of refrigeration.
being used increasingly. They are used for testing 23-5. Staging. In a simple compression system, the
instruments, clothing, military weapons, and equipment heat that is absorbed at the low level of temperature is
that is normally carried in an airplane. Weather bureau rejected at a higher level in one

step. In a low-temperature application where this is either from the evaporator through the heat exchanger by the
impossible or impractical, the heat may be "pumped" in first-stage compressor. The discharge from this
two or more steps. This is called staging. Staging may be compressor passes through a water-cooled intercooler,
done by two methods in refrigeration work: (1) by using which is located between stages, and from there to the
compound compression in which the vapor is removed suction of the high-pressure compressor (second stage).
from the evaporator by the low-pressure compressor and The vapor is then liquefied in the condenser and flows
discharged by it to the high-pressure compressor, which through the other side of the heat exchanger to the
discharges to the condenser in the usual manner; (2) by expansion valve. The use of an intercooler reduces the
using an arrangement called cascading which is, in effect, superheat and the work of compression. The piston
two cycles operating at different heat levels. The low- displacement of the low-pressure compressor is greater
pressure compressor discharges into a condenser which is than that of the high-pressure compressor because of the
the evaporator for the high-pressure cycle. The final heat greater volume of the vapor at low pressure. The proper
is rejected to the cooling water as in the simple system. sizing of the high- and low-pressure cylinders is such that
In direct staging the same refrigerant is used throughout, the desired capacity will be obtained, and the compression
while in the cascade system different refrigerants may be ratios for each compressor will be approximately the same
used in the high- and low-pressure stages. and within reasonable limits. When two individual
23-6. Compound Systems. Although a compound compressors are used, they should be at the same level,
compression system consists essentially of two or more and oil-equalizer lines between them must be provided as
compressors in series, the addition of intercoolers and shown in the illustration. The intermediate pressure
subcoolers will increase the efficiency and reduce the cost which exists between stages is not controlled and will
of operation. Of the several arrangements, two of the fluctuate within small limits as the load varies.
most common, the direct compound and the cascade 23-8. A compound compression system with a liquid
systems, are included here. subcooler is shown in figure 43. The colder the
23-7. Direct compounding. Direct compounding with refrigerant when it enters the expansion valve, the less
an intercooler is illustrated in figure 42. This is a two- flash gas will be formed when the refrigerant cools down
stage compression in which the refrigerant vapor is drawn to the evaporator

Figure 42. Direct compounding with an intercooler.

Figure 43. Direct compounding with a subcooler.

temperature. The purpose of the subcooler is to subcool condenser for the first stage and the evaporator for the
the refrigerant and thus increase the refrigeration effect. second stage. An elementary diagram of a cascade
Referring to the diagram, you see that the liquid leaves system is shown in figure 44. Beginning with the low-
the condenser, and a potion of it expands in the subcooler pressure cycle, the vapor from the evaporator is
coil at the suction pressure of the high-pressure compressed in the first-stage compressor and goes to the
compressor. The remainder, at a much lower interstage heat exchanger, where it gives up its heat to the
temperature, leaves the subcooler and goes to the second-stage evaporator coil. The condensed liquid then
expansion valve. What actually happens here is that the flows to the first-stage expansion valve and the
flash gas generated in the coil of the subcooler need only evaporator, completing the low-pressure cycle. The vapor
be compressed in the high-pressure compressor. The which is generated in the coil in the heat exchanger
vapor has a smaller volume at this intermediate pressure, because of the heat it has absorbed is compressed in the
and for these reasons, a considerable amount of work may second-stage compressor, and the high-pressure vapor is
be saved. Without the subcooler, the flash vapor would condensed, its heat going to the cooling water. Each stage
have to be compressed from the evaporator pressure, is an independent simple cycle, and for this reason has
where the volume is high, through both the first- and some advantages over the compound compressors. There
second-stage compressors. This arrangement, or one is no problem of oil equalizing, and a different refrigerant
which will attain similar results, is a necessity in ultralow- may be used in each stage. There is some loss in the
temperature refrigeration. In place of single compressors, cascade system because a temperature difference must
a V-design of a compound compressor is used in smaller exist in the heat exchanger in order that the heat from the
size units. This type of compressor requires only one first stage will flow into the second stage. At the present
motor and eliminates the problem of oil level equalizing. time, the use of Freon 22 in the low stage and Freon 12 in
23-9. Cascade systems. A cascade system consists of the high stage will produce temperatures down to -90° F.
two or three separate simple cycles operating in 23-10. A two-stage cascade system with a second heat
conjunction with each other at different temperature exchanger for subcooling the liquid and with an oil
levels. The connecting point is a heat exchanger between separator in the discharge of the first
the stages. This interstage heat exchanger is the

stage compressor is show in figure 45. There are a Freon 12. Ethane, ethylene, and methane are hydrocarbon
number of variations of this arrangement as far as the refrigerants which are occasionally used in applications
location of the second heat exchanger is concerned. The where the temperatures are below -100° F. These
interstage heat exchanger, however, is always located in refrigerants are explosive and are, therefore, unacceptable
the same place- between the two stages. where there would be a hazard. Freon 13 is a refrigerant
23-11. Refrigerants for Compound Systems. At the which is replacing the hydrocarbons for ultralow
present time, the number of refrigerants that are suitable temperatures. All of the low-boiling-point refrigerant
for ultralow-temperature applications are few. Of the have high head pressures, and pressure-relief valves must
common refrigerants, ammonia SO2, methyl chloride, and be provide wherever they are used.
CO2 are not used. Ammonia and methyl chloride have 23-12. Controls. In an ultralow-temperature system,
higher specific volumes than either Freon 12 or Freon 22, the flow of refrigerant to the evaporator may be controlled
and SO2 has a freezing point of -98° F., in addition to a either by an expansion valve or by a float control.
high boiling point. Carbon dioxide becomes a solid when Ordinary expansion valves are not suitable because
it expands to a temperature below -70° F. Freon 12 and excessive superheating at the bulb location is necessary to
especially Freon 22 possess the best characteristics for operate the valve. A differential-temperature expansion
low-temperature applications. The condensing pressure valve designed for ultralow application has two power
of Freon 12 at 80° F. is 98.76 p.s.i.a., whereas for Freon element operated by thermal bulbs. When an expansion
22 it is 159.7 p.s.i.a. Compressors designed for Freon 12 valve is used, a solenoid valve is always placed ahead of
may ordinarily be used with Freon 22, but in the large it, and the coil is pumped down at the end of the running
sizes particularly, compressors designed for Freon 22 cycle.
should be used. The displacement of the compressor is 23-13. The high-side float is used quite extensively and
les for Freon 22 than it is for Freon 12. Therefore a Freon is simple and inexpensive. When used with an
12 compressor would have a greater capacity when using accumulator, the charge is not too critical, and since the
Freon 22 than when using Freon 12. Under some float valve is in the high side of the system, any moisture
conditions, then, a larger motor would be required when is less subject to freezing.
using Freon 22. In systems under 10 h.p., other parts such
as liquid and suction lines would be the same as for

Figure 44. Elementary cascade system.

(Copyright 1952. McGraw-Hill Book Company. used by permission.)
Figure 45. Two-stage cascade system.

23-14. There are various ways to wire the controls in a and a high percentage of oil in the mixture. The use of a
compound compression system, depending on the high-grade oil which has been processed especially for
particular application. In a system which consists of one low-temperature refrigeration and the use of oil separators
condensing unit and one evaporator, the simplest will minimize if not eliminate wax formation.
arrangement is to use a solenoid valve and a low-pressure 23-16. An expansion valve or other refrigerant control
cutout with a temperature control in the refrigerated in which there has been wax formation acts somewhat
space. The temperature control actuates the solenoid like one in which moisture has frozen. With wax
valve, and the pressure control operates the compressor. formation, the valve will "let go" at a temperature lower
A special cutout must be used since the conventional tools than 32° F. if heated. Also, if the valve is taken apart, the
are not satisfactory for vacuums over 20 inches Hg. wax may be seen in the orifice or at the outlet. Such
Design of these control circuits should consider overload conditions would indicate that a poor grade of oil had
protection because of heavy loads and excessive pressures been used in the system.
which occur during pulldown. The electrical controls for
cascade systems consist fundamentally of a set of controls REVIEW EXERCISES
for each cycle.
23-15. Lubricating Oil for Low Temperature. It is The following exercises are study aids. Write your
very important that the lubricating oil which is to be used answers in pencil in the space provided after each
for low-temperature applications be an oil from which no exercise. Use the blank pages to record other notes on
wax will separate at or below the lowest expected the chapter content. Immediately check your answers
operating temperature. The Freons as well as other with the key at the end of the test. Do not submit your
chlorinated refrigerants possess solvent-extraction answers for grading.
properties which remove wax from oil. With a
refrigerant-oil mixture, there are two conditions which 1. How is capacity control obtained in a large
bring about wax separation. These are low temperatures system with a variable heat load? (21-1)

2. Give two applications of multiple evaporator 11. What two equalizer lines are necessary for
systems. (21-2) proper lubrication of multiple compressors? (22-

3. Name five type of evaporator-regulating valves.

(21-4-9) 12. In the case of multiple compressors, what is done
to reduce heavy electrical loads on starting? (22-

4. Where are check valves installed in multiple

evaporators at different temperatures? (21-10)
13. List two applications of an ultralow-temperature
system to Air Force problems or testing. (23-2)

5. Why must the coldest evaporator make up more

than half of the heat load? (21-11)

14. What is the main requirement of an insulation for

an ultralow-temperature chamber which must
6. With multiple evaporators at different respond to rapid changes in temperature. (23-3)
temperatures, which evaporator will be
controlled by a low-pressure cutout at the
compressor? (21-13)

15. What are two methods of “staging” to produce

ultralow temperatures. (23-5)
7. How is the size of the receiver affected in a
multiple evaporator system with solenoid valves
in the liquid line? (21-15)

16. Describe a direct compound system which has

good efficiency. (23-6, 7)
8. What is the possible danger to the compressor
when solenoid valves are used in the suction
line? (21-16)

17. Why may two different refrigerants be used in a

cascade system? (23-9)
9. What is the main difficulty with compressors
connected in parallel? (22-1)

18. Name three refrigerants used for ultralow

10. What are the installation requirements for temperatures. (23-11)
satisfactory operation of compressors in parallel?

19. Why is an ordinary expansion valve 21. How is wax prevented from causing trouble in an
unsatisfactory at ultralow temperatures? (23-12) ultralow-temperature system? (23-15)

22. How can you tell the difference between wax

20. Why is a special cutout necessary for ultra-low and moisture as the cause for a frozen expansion
temperatures? (23-14) valve? (23-16)


Vehicle Refrigeration Units

FROM MARKET TO warehouse and from warehouse 24-5. On the other hand, the package type gasoline-
to dining hall, refrigerated Air Force trucks transport engine-driven units are automatically controlled to start
many tons of perishable foods safely without risk of and stop as the system may require. The space, or
spoiling. The safe delivery of these foods is dependent on opening for the refrigeration unit, is designed for the
the operation of refrigeration units. Part of your job is demand, as are the special bodies. Both the size of the
proper maintenance of truck-mounted units to insure the bodies and the type of material to be under refrigeration
delivery of good food to all the troops. This chapter determine the type, size, and number of refrigeration units
discusses the units for truck refrigeration and car cooling. to be installed.
24-6. Installation. Refrigeration units for trucks and
24. Refrigeration Unit for Trucks semitrailers are usually mounted on the front of the
24-1. Since trucks and semitrailers transport perishable bodies, either at the top or bottom. When the unit is
or frozen foods long distance, they require some type of mounted other than on the front, the trailer may have a
refrigeration. Refrigeration units for trucks and rack or platform designed for the purpose, as well as
semitrailers are of the same type, design, and size as units mounting bolts to secure the unit to the trailer body.
used in reach-in and walk-in refrigerators. Specifications 24-7. Power Connections. Power is furnished by a
will depend on the demand. gasoline engine, which is usually of the 2-cylinder, 4-
24-2. Refrigerator trucks and semitrailers have cycle, L-head, air-cooled type. This engine is equipped
specially designed bodies adapted for the transportation of with a 12-volt, d.c., combination starter-generator, with
material under refrigeration. These bodies are designed the armature mounted on the engine crankshaft. The
with a double wall or shell, with Fiberglas insulation engine is started electrically by the power from two 6-volt
between them. The refrigerator unit is installed where it storage batteries, connected in series, that are mounted on
will give the best circulation of refrigerated air for the the front of the truck or trailer body near the refrigeration
demand. The source of power and control operation of unit. Most of these engines are governor controlled so
the condensing unit and engine will be explained in the that the engine runs at a speed of 2400 r.p.m. This speed
following section. will give a maximum horsepower of 9.4. The power is
24-3. Types of Units. The refrigeration units used transmitted from the engine to the evaporator blower, the
today are called package units. In such a package unit, condenser fan, and the compressor by the use of V type
the refrigeration unit, gasoline engine, starter-generator, belts and pulleys. The compressor is set to run at 1800
and battery are all mounted on one frame as a single self- r.p.m. when engine speed is 2400 r.p.m.
contained unit. Older type units may, however, have the 24-8. Starting Procedures. The starting procedures
gasoline engine and the starter-generator mounted on a are the same for most truck refrigeration units. After
separate frame with a belt to the compressor. checking for leaks, valve settings, compressor oil level,
24-4. There are two types of compressor drives which engine oil, and fuel level, etc., turn the refrigeration unit
get their power from the truck's engine: (1) the engine- thermostat until the pointer indicates the temperature to be
driven electric generator and motor and (2) the maintained within the truck or semitrailer. Then set the
transmission shaft-driven compressor. If either of these heat-cool switch to the cool position. (NOTE: Some units
types is used, the refrigeration unit stops when the truck have an electric heating coil mounted
engine stops, thus requiring an outside source of
refrigeration during layovers.

in the evaporator blower which is used in the refrigeration 24-13. The defrost thermostat is energized when the
system to cool the trailer. The blower forces air across defrost switch is pressed and completes the circuit to the
the heating coil surfaces to raise the temperature in defrost holding relay. This permits an increase in the
subzero weather. On other units the cooling element of evaporator coil temperature to 50° F. This temperature
the thermostat is bypassed when the heat-cool switch is increase causes a bimetallic disk in the thermostat to snap
on HEAT. The heating element of the thermostat to a reverse position. The thermostat switch contacts
completes the circuit to start the engine and to energize open and deenergize the defrost holding relay. This last
the defrost solenoid valve. When the defrost valve opens, action returns the refrigeration unit to its normal cooling
hot refrigerant gas is permitted to flow to the evaporator cycle.
to provide heat, which will raise the temperature a few 24-14. Operational Check. All of the controls which
degrees above freezing inside the trailer.) we have been discussing operate automatically, except the
24-9. Electrical Circuit Operation. The starter starter switch, the heat-cool switch, and the defrost
switch is turned to the ON position in order to close the switch. Also, the gasoline gauge registers continually
circuit and energize the thermostat, which operates the when the starter switch is on.
starter-relay coil. This action set up a magnetic field that 24-15. Blast Chilling. The technique known as blast
attracts the relay contractor bar to complete the circuit to chilling saves time, investment, and fuel. In blast
the starter-generator. When the relay circuit is opened or chilling, liquid carbon dioxide or nitrogen is injected into
broken, the relay coil is deenergized, and the contact bar mechanically refrigerated trucks, resulting in quick
springs away from the coil and opens the circuit to the cooling. Paragraphs in this section identified by an
starter-generator circuit. This stops the engine. The asterisk (*) are in part reprinted from January 1964
thermostat bellows expands or contracts with the Refrigeration Service and Contracting by permission of
temperature change at the feeler bulb to automatically Nickerson and Collins Company.
open or close the contacts of the switch within the 24-16. Do not confuse this type of cooling with total
thermostat. In turn, the opening or closing of this switch truck refrigeration by liquid CO2 throughout the run. We
opens or closes the circuit to the starter-relay coil. will discuss total liquid CO2 cooling later in this chapter.
24-10. When the starter-relay closes, it also completes a Blast chilling is used at maximum cooling demands.
circuit to the choke-solenoid relay. This relay armature Such a demand occurs, for example, after loading has
closes the contacts that operate the automatic choke and been completed.
the defrost solenoid valve. When the engine starts, the 24-17. Blast chilling is also an excellent means of
current flowing through the choke-solenoid relay reverses auxiliary refrigeration in transit, especially after partial
direction and decreases in magnitude so that the relay is unloading or extended periods of parking (meal times,
deenergized. This releases the relay armature and opens vehicle servicing, etc.). In addition, it can supplement
the contacts to the automatic choke and the defrost mechanical cooling if the mechanical refrigerating system
solenoid valve. should fail.
24-11. When the automatic choke coil is energized, it *24-18. Let us compare blast chilling with mechanical
attracts an armature lever attached to the carburetor choke cooling in regard to initial temperature pulldown. Thus,
valve by a linking rod. When the lever is drawn to the while some tests made by some users and reported in
magnetized coil, the carburetor choke valve closes. As trade publications have shown that blast chilling with
the engine starts, a reverse flow of current is set up in the liquid CO2, started at +40° F., drops trailer temperature to
choke-solenoid relay circuit, and the relay contact point -40° F. in 3 minutes, mechanical cooling required 12
break the circuit to the automatic choke. hours to cool the same trailer from +40° F. to -10° F.
24-12. The starter-generator has a charging rate resistor *24-19. There are two supplemental benefits when blast
placed in the generator field circuit to regulate the chilling is used. First, the refrigerants (carbon dioxide
generator charging rate, which is controlled by the voltage and nitrogen) are inert gases, which will not harm most
regulator. As the batteries near a fully charged state, cargoes but will in many cases benefit the cargo by
voltage in the field circuit of the voltage regulator rises. blanketing it against contact with the oxygen and moisture
At 17 volts, magnetism created by the regulator winding of the air. Secondly, the quick temperature reduction
insufficient to pull the armature down. This opens the minimizes initial thawing and cuts down or eliminates
contacts of the normal control circuit, causing the current refreezing. Blast chilling cools the entire
to flow through the resistor in the field circuit and forcing
the generator to operate at a minimum output.

trailer quickly, including the "hot spots" near the doors. have a charge which is limited by the size of the tank, and
*24-20. The equipment for blast chilling is very simple. need special equipment for recharging.
It consists of CO2 tanks, a liquid control valve, flexible 24-24. For continuous cooling, the control valve would
hose, and a nozzle arrangement. A manifold is necessary be operated by a thermostat. For blast chilling, the same
if a bank of tanks is used. system would serve by operating the control valve
*24-21. Safety measures. Adequate vents or openings manually to attain the desired cooling. The same
must be provided to relieve any buildup in pressure and precautions and safety rules for blast chilling must also be
facilitate the complete displacement of warm air with cold observed with continuous cooling. Remember, when
CO2 vapor. During the first half minute or so of blast either liquid carbon dioxide or dry ice is used, the
chilling, we recommend that you leave a door partially refrigerated area becomes dangerous to life because of the
open. Special clothing should be worn during blast displacement of oxygen.
chilling. This may include gloves, coveralls, face shield,
etc. You must be conscious at all times that you are 25. Automotive Air Conditioning
working with liquids at very low temperatures and 25-1. There are various types of automotive air-
substantially high pressures. Blast chilling fills the entire conditioning installations. Among these are the dash,
cargo space with refrigerant gas, CO2 or gaseous nitrogen, trunk, dash-and-roof, and dash- and trunk-mounted units.
and, at the same time, decreases the oxygen concentration The basic components in each of these installations
to a point where the atmosphere is no longer safe for remains the same as those for the reach-in and walk-in
breathing. During this operation, no one may be present refrigerator. Paragraphs in this section which are marked
in the space. Furthermore, the compartment must be by an asterisk (*) are reprinted in whole or in part from
vented before anyone enters it after the operation is the Mark IV Service Manual by courtesy of John E.
completed. Mitchell Company, Dallas, Texas. This source is used so
*24-22. Dry ice versus liquid. The use of liquid CO2 (dry that specific information can be given on the latest
liquid nitrogen) for blast chilling must be compared to the components and procedures. Let us first consider the
more conventional use of solid CO2 (dry ice). One pound refrigerant and oils recommended for Mark IV units.
of liquid CO2 does produce less refrigerating effect *25-2. Refrigerant. R-12--clean, dry and free from
(B.t.u./lb.) than a pound of dry ice, but several factors contamination-is the only fluid to be used in Mark IV
make the liquid a more suitable refrigerant for blast units. It is nontoxic, noncorrosive, nonflammable,
chilling. These are: (1) the immediate vaporization of nonexplosive and odorless under ordinary usage.
liquid CO2 can pull the temperature down much faster CAUTION: There is one exception to the above: R-12
than dry ice can; (2) the injection of liquid CO2 can be released in the presence of an open flame will form
controlled automatically and at much higher rates than are phosgene gas, a lung irritant. Although it is a safe
feasible with dry ice; and (3) liquid CO2 is easily stored refrigerant, certain precautions must be observed when
and is ready for use at any time. Also, (4) dry ice requires handling it or when servicing any unit in which it is used.
delivery shortly before it is to be used and cannot be At normal atmospheric pressure it will, in a liquid state,
stored (for practical purposes) for long periods of time. evaporate so quickly that anything it contacts will freeze.
Finally, (5) and (6) liquid CO2 can be handled more easily *25-3. Refrigerant Oil. The Yolk or Tecumseh
and at a lower cost than dry ice can. compressor may be used in a Mark IV unit. Either of two
24-23. Complete Liquid CO2 Truck Refrigeration. types and grades of compressor oil may be used with
The use of liquid CO2 for truck refrigeration has been York compressors: Suniso No. 5 or Texaco "Capella E."
developed recently. Carriers have long desired a The Tecumseh model HA compressor uses a special dual
refrigeration system that would require less maintenance inhibited oil: Suniso 3 G Dual inhibited or Texaco
and fewer breakdowns than is usual with mechanical Capella B inhibited. These oils have been highly refined
systems. Tests have shown that a liquid CO2 system is and sealed against moisture contamination.
practical. It has only one moving part, which is the • DO NOT transfer to any other container for use
control valve used to turn the system on or off. A or storage.
pressure reduction valve is also necessary for safe • DO NOT at any time, other than when pouring,
operation of the system. Besides the ducts and nozzles, allow the oil container to remain uncapped or loosely
there are the storage tanks, which present the main capped because moisture from the surrounding
drawback of the system. These tanks are very heavy, atmosphere will be absorbed.

It is especially important to use only recommended oils in o. Keep hands away from moving evaporator fans
a compressor during the warranty period. Use of other and blower wheels. High-speed motors have enough
oils will void the warranty in the event of failure. power to cause painful injury.
*25-4. Safety precautions. The following list of safety p. Use caution when working around exposed
precautions is intended for you, the automobile air- evaporator coil fins. Painful lacerations can be inflicted
conditioner serviceman. Observance of these points may by the fins.
avoid personal injury to you, damage to your equipment q. Do not run the automobile engine with automatic
and to your customer's car-as well as possible lost transmission fluid lines disconnected or costly damage to
manhours. the transmission may result.
a. Never remove the automobile radiator pressure 25-5. First Aid. The skin and eyes should also be
cap when the engine is hot. protected from contact with R-12 liquid or vapor. Since
b. Never close the compressor discharge valve with R-12 is readily absorbed by most oils, a small bottle of
tie unit in operation. sterile mineral oil and a small quantity of boric acid
c. Keep your hands clear of the automobile engine should be located near the service stall. Should R-12
fan and belts when the engine is running. This should contact the eyes, wash them immediately with a few drops
also be considered when opening and closing the of mineral oil, followed by a thorough cleansing with a
compressor service valves. weak solution of boric acid. See a physician if irritation
d. Be sure gauge manifold hoses are in good continues. FOR YOUR OWN PROTECTION, WEAR
condition. Never let them come in contact with the GOGGLES when opening the refrigeration system.
engine fan or exhaust manifold. 25-6. Components. As you know, the parts of an auto
e. Make sure refrigerant hoses are clamped so that air conditioner do the same things as the parts in a
they cannot come in contact with any sharp metal or with refrigerator. However, because of location and
the exhaust pipe or manifold. environment, the installation and operation of some parts
f. Always wear goggles when opening the are quite different in an auto.
refrigeration system. Refrigerant liquid or gas can 25-7. Condenser. The condenser is mounted ahead of
permanently damage the eyes. (See paragraph 25-5 for the radiator for the car's engine. For this reason the
first aid treatment.) engine tends to run hot, particularly at low speeds. This
g. Never apply heat from a torch to a sealed may be compensated for by using a larger fan or one with
refrigeration system. Refrigerant will expand rapidly with more blades. When air conditioning is added to a car, it
heat and could cause an explosion. may also be necessary to change the standard radiator and
h. Refrigerant 12 in the presence of an open flame install a larger size to keep the engine from overheating.
produces phosgene gas. This is toxic. Never breathe it. The addition of an air conditioner imposes these three
i. Do not use refrigerants other than R-12. new factors on the car's operation: (1) the condenser
j. Extreme care should be taken never to use reduces the volume of air to the radiator and the engine
methyl chloride refrigerants, because a chemical reaction compartment, (2) the compressor requires the engine to
between methyl chloride and the aluminum pans of the produce more horsepower while it is engaged, and (3) the
system will result in the formation of product which burn heat output from the engine is more for any given speed.
spontaneously on exposure to air or decompose with The use of ethylene glycol in the car's radiator will help to
violence in the presence of moisture. get rid of heat from the engine faster. Also, the engine
k. Be sure all engine capscrews are tight and are of cooling system is pressurized to increase cooling. The
the correct length for their particular application. Pulleys radiator cap is spring-loaded to retain a certain operating
coming off at high speed can cause costly damage to the pressure, usually from 4 to 16 pounds, in the system.
automobile and possible injury to the occupants. Failure of the cap to maintain cooling system pressure
l. Wear goggles when using a hole saw or portable will result in the engine's overheating.
jig saw. This is cheap insurance for eye protection. 25-8. Evaporator. Most units are made for mounting
m. Use extreme caution when drilling holes in the under the dash or on the firewall. However, some units
automobile. Holes drilled into the electrical wiring or into have been mounted in the trunk or in back of the rear seat
the gasoline tank can cause fire or explosion. The disadvantage of the rear mounting is the long runs of
n. Do not run the automobile engine in an area not tubing required to connect the unit. On the other hand, a
well ventilated. Carbon monoxide displaces oxygen.

mounting under the dash makes the lines much shorter but SelecTrol, its operation is entirely automatic with no
fills the center space between the dash and the floor. In provision for manual temperature control. The function
any case, copper lines are not satisfactory for automotive of the RoboTrol is to control evaporator pressure and
work, because vibration over a long period of time will volume flow to the compressor to provide the coldest
cause copper to harden and become brittle. Consequently, possible consistent air temperature without allowing
refrigerant lines for an automobile air-conditioning condensate to freeze on the evaporator coil fins.
installation are made from high-pressure neoprene hose. *25-12. Refer to figure 46, which is a cross-sectional
25-9. Receiver, drier, and strainer. On most view of the RoboTrol revealing its internal construction.
automobile air-conditioning systems, the receiver, drier, Actually the valve is quite simple, operating through. a
and strainer a- combined into one compact unit which is balance between a coil spring (6) and a sealed metal
installed in the liquid line. The function of these bellows (7) which is subjected to suction line pressure and
components is similar to those previously mentioned. A flow pressure drop at the valve. Increased pressure
sight glass is the means of observing refrigerant leaving collapses the bellows against the spring, thus moving the
the condenser. Under normal operating conditions, a fully conical valve head away from its seat. Reduced suction
charged system will deliver a solid stream of liquid line pressure allows the spring to overcome the bellows
refrigerant to the liquid line leading to the expansion action, thus pushing the valve head back toward its seat.
device. A clear sight glass usually indicates a fully
charged system, unless the system is completely
discharged. Bubbles in the sight glass are an indication of
a partially charged system. Some units also have a
moisture indicator in back of the sight glass. The
moisture indicator should be blue if moisture is not
present in the system. Moisture in the system would
cause the blue indicator to turn pink. Do not confuse this
type of indicator with those which you may find in large
refrigerator systems. (For example, one indicator is green
but turns bright yellow with moisture, while others show
different color combinations.)
*25-10. Expansion valve. Control of the liquid
refrigerant entering the evaporator coil is done by a
thermostatic expansion valve. The power clement or
thermobulb and connecting tube will be charged with
either a liquid or gaseous refrigerant, usually of the type
used in the air-conditioning system. The power element
is connected to the open area above the diaphragm by
means of a small capillary tube. The lower side of the
diaphragm actuates a ball check valve by means of push
rods. Thus movement of the diaphragm provide control
of the valve inlet opening. The power element clamped to
the evaporator coil outlet responds to the suction as
temperature. An increase of this temperature increases
the pressure and temperature of the refrigerant in the
power element. Conversely, a decrease of suction gas
temperature decreases the pressure and temperature of the
power element refrigerant. It can be seen from this that
increased suction gas temperature causes the expansion
valve to open, admitting more refrigerant, while a
decrease in suction gas temperature causes the expansion
valve to move toward the closed position.
*25-11. RoboTrol valve. The RoboTrol valve replaces Figure 46. RoboTrol valve.
the SelecTrol valve which was used in older models of
Mark IV units. The RoboTrol valve is, like the SelecTrol,
a suction line flow control valve; but, unlike the

*25-13. Spring tension is regulated at the factory to close ignition switch accessory terminal and the evaporator
the valve when suction line pressure indicates a switch. Fuse requirements are a 20-amp fuse for 14-volt
temperature in the evaporator coil that would cause circuits and a 30-amp fuse for 6-volt circuits. Instead of a
freezing of condensate on the fins. An adjusting screw conventional fuse, the 1962-65 Monitor has a 15-amp
(1) is provided for changing spring tension in the field if circuit breaker, mounted at the rear of the evaporator.
specific humidity conditions require a different setting The circuit breaker has a current rating of 15 amps at 20
from that made at the factory. Turning the adjusting percent overload for 30 minutes.
screw clockwise increases spring tension to provide a *25-20. Motors. Three motor types have been used since
higher pressure setting. This may be necessary in areas of 1958 with Mark IV units. While differing in size and
extreme humidity where ice can form on the coil rapidly. number as well as length of shaft extension, all are series
*25-14. It should be understood that adjustment of the wound D.C. Both 6- and 12-volt applications are used.
RoboTrol must not be made unnecessarily. Many miles No service to the motors should be required. Bearings are
of highway driving may be required to prove an porous bronze with oil saturated wicks and are designed
inadequate valve setting. A low setting will be to last the lifetime of the automobile without additional
satisfactory at city driving speeds where ice has little lubrication. Occasionally a motor may chatter audibly,
chance of forming but will be very unsatisfactory at road especially on rough roads or when the automobile is
speeds when refrigeration capacity is in surplus. A high driven rapidly around a corner. This can usually be
setting may rob the unit of efficiency at all speeds. attributed to excessive armature end play. Correct end
*25-15. Correct setting of the RoboTrol will maintain play, when the motor shaft is moved by hand, should be
about 26 p.s.i.g. in the evaporator coil. Because the valve about 1/64 inch. Additional spacing washers placed on
is connected directly to the compressor and suction- the armature shaft inside the motor will reduce end play.
pressure readings are normally taken at the compressor, The motor housings must be separated for installation of
pressure drop in the suction line must be considered. For these washes.
normal operation in all areas the valve should be set to 25-21. Magnetic clutch. A magnetic clutch has a field
close at 17 p.s.i.g. and to open at 19 p.s.i.g. pressure with coil which is stationary in one type. Another type has a
readings taken upstream from the valve. field coil which rotates, and this type requires brushes and
*25-16. Other than adjustments described above, no two collector rings to supply electricity to the coil. The
service to the valve can be carried out. A leaking valve rotating field has the possibility of trouble from poor
must be replaced. When installing a RoboTrol, use the contact between the brushes and rings. The stationary
backup flats provided on the inlet side fitting to avoid coil is not subject to such trouble and is therefore
strain and possible distortion of the outlet connection at considered to be more reliable.
the compressor. This distortion will cause icing of the *25-22. Operation of the magnetic clutch is very simple.
evaporator regardless of the adjusting spring setting. When the current to the clutch is off, the rotor pulley idles
*25-17. Thermostatic controls. Three types of free on the clutch bearing. The compressor shaft does not
thermostats have been used in Mark IV units, beginning rotate. When current flows to the field of the clutch, the
with the Commuter and Sportsman Evaporators in 1961. rotor-pulley and armature (attached to the compressor
These units used a bimetal type thermostat responsive to shaft) are "locked" together magnetically. The
discharge air temperature. The thermostat as applied in compressor shaft rotates and refrigeration is provided.
the 1962-63 Monitor has a control lever and pin. When Note the following instructions for refrigerant lines which
replacing this lever-actuated thermostat, move the control will conclude our discussion of components.
lever to the extreme right end of the slot. Position the *25-23. Refrigerant lines. Always use grommets where
thermostat so that the lever and pin lightly touch one rubber refrigerant lines pass through the radiator yoke,
another. Tighten the mounting screws in this position. firewall, or trunk compartment floor. All holes for
Low temperature cut off is 28° F. refrigerant lines should be cut with a hole saw of the
*25-18. Electrical system. All wiring is stranded copper proper size, as indicated by the instruction sheet. Be sure
with plastic covering. Most 12-volt units will have No. that rubber lines are not against the exhaust manifold or
16 wire, while No. 12 wire is furnished for 6-volt units. any sharp metal edges and that they are clamped properly
The Sportsman unit uses No. 14 wire for either voltage. in enough places to keep them from sagging under the
*25-19. Fuses. Prior to the 1962 Monitor, all units car. Clamps should be
provided for a fuse or fuses between the automobile

attached to the car with No. 10 sheet metal screws. Use a appear to be out of line, hold a straightedge against the
1/8-inch drill for these screws. faces.
25-24. Control of Refrigeration. There are three *25-30. Magnetic clutch removal. In most units you can
methods to control the cooling. Some units may be more remove the clutch as follows: Remove the center bolt and
sophisticated than others, combining two of these washer from the crankshaft. Screw a 5/8-inch NC
methods. Here is a brief discussion of three types of (National Coarse) capscrew into the threads in the end of
control. the clutch hub and tighten it against the crankshaft until
25-25. Thermostat. A thermostat which operates a the clutch comes free. Use a centering disc when you
switch is used on some units. The feeler bulb is located in reinstall a clutch. If no centering disc is available, check
the airstream next to the evaporator. The switch closes the edge of the clutch against a fixed point on the
the circuit to the magnetic clutch when cooling is called compressor while the clutch is slowly turned. No runout
for. With this type of control the compressor will only will be observed when the clutch is properly centered.
operate when cooling is demanded. 25-31. Belts. While exact specifications are given for
25-26. Pressure-operated bypass. This method of some belts, you will seldom have the equipment to make
control uses a bypass valve which is operated by pressure exact adjustments. The general rule calls for 1/2-inch belt
on the low side of the system. A diaphragm in the valve deflection between pulleys. If a belt shows rapid wear,
controls the bypass by responding to changes in pressure check the pulleys for dents or scratches in the grooves. A
on the low side. As the temperature in the car become damaged groove will tear up a new belt. If the belt shows
lower, the pressure in the low side reduces, and this signs of the cord separating from the rubber, it indicates
reduced pressure on the diaphragm causes it to open the the belt has been stretched in attempting to force it over
bypass so that refrigerant no longer flow to the the pulleys. This is the main cause of ruined belts and
evaporator. Operation of the valve is adjusted by a pulleys. The fan pulley is designed to have at least 3/8-
linkage which change spring pressure on the diaphragm. inch clearance between the fan and the radiator. Make a
25-27. Solenoid-operated bypass. The solenoid valve is check for the cause if there is much departure from the
controlled by a thermostat set in the air-stream from the correct clearance.
evaporator. The valve opens the bypass line when the *25-32. Oil. Occasionally, after having been in service
thermostat senses that the temperature in the car is cold some length of time, some units may show a grayish
enough. When the air becomes warm enough, the discoloration of the refrigerant and oil. This can be
thermostat will cause the solenoid valve to close the observed through the sight glass which may become
bypass line, and the unit will again operate to cool the car. coated on the inside until it is opaque. This condition is
25-28. Servicing and Adjusting. In this area we will caused by moisture contamination and should be rectified
present service information which can be applied to most immediately. Usually, replacement of the drier is
installations. The owner's service manual is required sufficient, but in cases of extreme coating the expansion
when it is necessary to make exact adjustments. It is not valve should be removed and cleaned out manually. Then
practical to adjust valves without the specification, replace the valve along with a new drier. Check the
because you can do more harm than good. Let us begin compressor oil for severe discoloration. Drain and refill
with the drive pulley. with clean, dry refrigeration grade of oil if required.
*25-29. Crankshaft drive pulley. The seating and *25-33. Expansion valve. Perhaps the most important
centering surfaces, both on the air-conditioner crankshaft thing to remember here is to make sure the thermobulb is
pulley and the original pulley hub, or balancer to which t good tight metal-to-metal contact with the copper suction
is to be attached, must be wiped free of all dirt and grit line. When replacing the expansion valve, sand the bulb
before installation. Any foreign material on these and suction tube mating surfaces. Then tighten the bulb
surfaces an prevent the pulley from seating properly, clamp securely. To avoid twisting the copper tubing,
resulting in a wobble which may permanently damage the always use a backup wrench on the valve when loosening
pulley and balancer or cause the V-belt to fail or tightening connections.
prematurely. This is especially true with respect to *25-34. Inadequate compressor oil, aside from causing
pulleys of the type secured to the crankshaft with only one possible damage to the compressor, will result in
retaining bolt. Where a key is employed with this type of improper lubrication of the valve needle. Lack of oil at
pulley, make sure the key length is correct to just fill the the needle and seat materially affects the liquid seal,
key-way without causing any pulley wobble. File or mind resulting in excessive wear.
the key to length if necessary. To check pulleys which *25-35. Refrigerant lines. All hose assemblies

are manufactured to rigid specifications. Each length of f. Connect gauge manifold center hose to vacuum
hose is thoroughly cleaned and dried before being cut to pump. OPEN both gauge manifold valves and start
length for installation of couplings. When servicing, use vacuum pump.
clean refrigeration oil on all fittings-nothing else. The use g. After vacuum pump has run at least 15 minutes,
of refrigeration oil on all fittings will aid in making CLOSE both gauge manifold valves and stop vacuum
leakproof connections. DO NOT USE SEALANT pump. Low-pressure gauge should indicate at least 28-
COMPOUNDS. If these compounds (blue or red in inch vacuum. High-pressure gauge should read zero (0)
color) are introduced into the system they will clog p.s.i.g. or below.
strainers. The result will be complete failure or lowered h. Disconnect gauge manifold center hose at
efficiency and a voided warranty. vacuum pump and connect to refrigerant container.
*25-36. Lines must be clamped to prevent their contact OPEN refrigerant container valve. Loosen gauge
with exhaust manifolds, carburetors, linkage, etc. Be sure manifold center hose at gauge manifold. Refrigerant
grommets are installed to protect hoses where they pass released will purge air from hose. Tighten center hose
through metal partitions. connection at gauge manifold.
*25-37. Switches and rheostats. Defective switches i. Crack open high-pressure gauge manifold valve
should be replaced. Attempted repairs are seldom and allow refrigerant vapor to enter system until a
satisfactory. Intermittent unit operation may be caused by pressure of 0 to 5 p.s.i.g. is observed on low-pressure
a defective rheostat. Rheostat switches with built-in gauge. CLOSE high-pressure gauge manifold valve.
clutch circuits have, on rare occasions, been known to CLOSE refrigerant container valve and disconnect hose
cause intermittent cooling. This could result from an from container.
uneven bedding of the resistor coil in the ceramic switch j. Repeat steps f. and g. This will complete
base. The sliding contact shoe, being moved along the double evacuation procedure necessary for thorough
resistor coil as the switch knob is turned, may ride up on a moisture and air removal.
section of the coil that is sufficiently high to lift the shoe k. Disconnect gauge manifold center hose at
almost clear of the clutch circuit ring. The resulting poor vacuum pump.
contact may cause the clutch to slip or cut out. If a l. Connect portable charging cylinder filled with R-
condition of this sort is suspected, check the clutch circuit 12 to the center gauge manifold hose. Open charging
with a voltmeter while turning the rheostat knob slowly cylinder valve and purge center hose. Open both gauge
back and forth. If the voltage varies sharply, replace the manifold hoses and admit 34 ounces of R-12 for the
rheostat switch. monitor.
*25-38. Evacuation with a vacuum pump. The following OR
procedure is given for Mark IV units. However, they may An alternate method of charging the system
be generally applied to most auto air conditioners when it involves the use of cans or factory filled drums of
is necessary to remove air or moisture from a system. refrigerant. Connect the container(s) to the center gauge
a. Remove protective caps from gauge ports of manifold hose. Purge hose and admit refrigerant until the
compressor service valves. Connect gauge manifold system is at container pressure. Do not invert the
hoses to appropriate compressor service valves. container.
b. Schrader gauge line adapters are required for all m. CLOSE charging container valve and both
1964 compressors. manifold valves.
c. Connect gauge manifold center hose to n. Start engine and set idle to approximately 1500
refrigerant container. OPEN refrigerant container valve. rpm. If shop temperature is 90° or above, place a fan in
(Use only refrigerant grade R-12.) front of radiator to simulate ram airflow.
d. Crack open high-pressure gauge manifold valve o. With temperature control knob or lever turned to
and allow refrigerant vapor to enter system until a maximum cold position, allow unit to operate for 2
pressure of 50 p.s.i.g. is observed on low-pressure gauge. minutes with blower(s) on. (Monitor evaporator only
CLOSE high-pressure gauge manifold valve. CLOSE must have a jumper wire connector from a 12-volt source
refrigerant container valve and disconnect hose from to the clutch.) Observe the sight glass located in top of
container. receiver-drier or in expansion valve body. If bubbles
e. Using a leak detector, thoroughly check all appear, OPEN low-pressure gauge manifold valve and
connections, the compressor, evaporator, condenser, and container valve. Add charge until bubbles disappear.
service valve operating stems or Schrader fittings with p. CLOSE low-pressure gauge manifold valve
protective caps in place. Repair any leaks at this time.

and turn blower(s) off. Bubbles should not a pear in sight 3. Which source of power (see question 2) has a
glass until low-pressure gauge reading reaches 12 p.s.i.g. disadvantage and why? (24-3, 4)
At low-pressure gauge reading of 8 p.s.i.g., it is normal
for bubbles to appear in sight glass. If bubbles do not
appear between 12 and 8 p.s.i.g., disconnect gauge
manifold center hose from container and purge a small
amount of refrigerant from system. After purging 4. What is the relationship between the governed
refrigerant from system repeat this step until bubbles speed of the engine and the speed at which it
appear within a low-pressure range of 12 to 8 p.s.i.g. drives the compressor? (24-7)
q. Turn blower(s) on. When low-pressure gauge
reading indicates 25 to 30 p.s.i.g., sight glass should not
show bubbles. Turn blower(s) off. Observe sight glass;
bubbles should not appear at low-pressure gauge reading
of 12 p.s.i.g. or above. Make at least two complete cycles 5. Explain the two methods of supplying heat to the
of this step. If bubbles appear above 12 p.s.i.g., add storage area in very cold weather. (24-8)
refrigerant as described in steps o. and p.
r. Close container valve and disconnect gauge
manifold hose from contains. Remove clutch jumper
s. Place a thermometer inside of discharge or cold 6. Is the gasoline-engine-operated refrigeration unit
air outlet. Turn blowers on full. Run unit 10 to 15 on trucks automatic? Explain. (24-9-13)
minutes. Thermometer should read 50° dry bulb or
below, with a return air temperature of 80° dry bulb or
t. If equipped with conventional service valves,
BACKSEAT both valve operating systems and open 7. Explain the use of liquid for blast chilling a
gauge manifold valve to purge charging hoses. If trailer. (24-15-20)
equipped with Schrader type service valve, slowly loosen
charging hoses at valve to purge. Replace all protective
caps on compressor service valves.

*25-39. If a unit has lost its charge, follow the above 8. Are there dangers as well as advantages to blast
procedure to recharge and BE SURE TO LEAK TEST chilling? Explain. (24-15-21)


The following exercises are study aids. Write your 9. How does the use of dry ice compare to liquid
answers in pencil in the space provided after each CO2 for cooling a trailer? (24-22)
exercise. Use the blank pages to record other notes on
the chapter content. Immediately check your answers
with the key at the end of the test. Do not submit your
answers for grading.
10. What would be the advantages of liquid CO2
refrigeration of a trailer as compared with those
1. Why do some trucks and semitrailers require of mechanical refrigeration? (24-23)
refrigeration? (24-1)

11. Why should you use only the manufacturer’s

2. What are the two prime sources of power which specified grade of refrigerant oil in a compressor
may be used to drive a compressor for a for an automotive air conditioner? (25-13)
refrigerated truck unit? (24-3, 4)

12. Give two conditions which require you to wear 19. What should always be installed where
goggles when working on an auto air refrigerant lines pass through a metal wall? (25-
conditioner. (25-4) 23)

13. How can a pressure radiator cap cause an engine 20. How could failure to clean the crankshaft or
to overheat? (25-7) pulley hub result in wobble of the pulley? (25-

14. Why are copper lines unsatisfactory in an

automobile? (25-8) 21. Describe how a magnetic clutch with a threaded
hub can be removed without resorting to a puller.

15. Where would you look for a sight glass in an

auto air conditioner? (25-9)

22. What are two causes of belt failure? (25-31)

16. Compare the operation of an expansion valve

with the RoboTrol valve. (25-10-12)
23. The thermobulb should be checked for what
condition if you suspect improper operation of
an expansion valve? (25-32)

17. What are the two means of protecting the

electrical system of an automobile air
conditioner? (25-19)
24. Why must sealant compounds never be used on
fittings? (25-35)

18. What two types of fields may be used in a

magnetic clutch? (25-21)
25. To insure a clean system, what is the most
important operation to perform when you
connect lines for charging? (25-38)

Answers to Review Exercises
18. Changes in heat load are reflected by a thermostat in the freezer
1. A modern refrigerator is constructed of two metal shells compartment which regulates a valve to vary the size of the
separated by a layer of insulation. (1-2) flame. (2-5)

2. The insulation in a refrigerator must reduce heat transfer by 19. If the heater should be dislodged from the flame during cleaning,
convention, conduction, and radiation. (1-3) the pushbutton would not reset the poppet. To correct this, move
the heater back into the flame, and the reset will hold. (2-5)
3. The greatest heat load is usually from the heat outside the box.
(1-4) 20. An absorption system must be kept clean. Dust and soot must be
removed periodically from all heat exchangers, and the flame
4. Improved insulating material has resulted in molded insulation must be properly adjusted for maximum heat and minimum
which is very effective and yet takes much less space than older carbon. (2-6)
types. (1-5)
21. If installation is made so that the unit is not level, the system will
5. A moisture or vapor barrier must be used to seal the insulation. not perform properly. (2-7)
22. If the fault is in the ammonia-water cycle, it may be corrected by
6. (1) New synthetic materials can be molded to fit. (2) They have turning the unit upside down for about an hour. (2-8)
such a low K-factor that only half the space is needed as for some
natural products. (3) The synthetics are more resistant to rot. (4) 23. Clearances in a compressor may be as little as 0.0001 inch,
They have no food value to attract rodents. (1-6) because it runs in a closed environment (no moisture, no acids)
with a relatively narrow temperature variation. (3-3)
7. Breaker strips are often brittle and may be broken or kinked.
Consequently, you should know the proper way to remove each 24. A piston may approach the head as close as possible without
type to prevent damage to it from forcing. Also, carelessness touching. Clearance may be only 0.01 inch at top dead center. (3-
may break the wiring or heaters in the stile or mullion. (1-8,9) 4)

8. The latch of such a refrigerator should be removed so that the 25. Compressor valves may get noisy when their maximum lift is
door cannot be locked. (1-11) greater than 0.10 inch. (3-5)

9. The seal of a door gasket is checked with a sheet of thin paper for 26. Rotary compressors have fewer moving parts and produce less
uniform drag. (1-12) vibration than piston types. (3-6)

10. The refrigerator should not be placed near an oven or heater and 27. To do this, part of a condenser coil may be placed so as to
should have its own branch circuit, where possible. (1-13) evaporate the water collected from defrosting. (3-9)

11. Refrigerators for use overseas will have a special notice (usually 28. A restrictor placed between two evaporator sections forces the
posted in a conspicuous place inside the box) stating the voltage first coil to operate at a higher pressure and temperature than the
and frequency of the current for which each is designed. (1-14) second. (3-10)

12. One thermostat senses when ice is made and starts the harvest 29. Because a weighted valve is sensitive to its position, any
cycle. The other thermostat senses when the storage tray is full departure from the correct mounting angle will cause improper
and holds off the harvest cycle. (1-18) operation. (3-11)

13. Automatic defrosting with an electric heater can be completed so 30. The critical factors in the makeup of a capillary tube are its
quickly that the melted water would freeze in the drain pipe if a internal diameter, its length, and the length of the heat exchanger
second heater were not used to warm the drain. (1-20) portion. (3-16)

14. Automatic defrosting with hot gas can be done with a solenoid 31. A bleeder resistor is connected in parallel with a capacitor to help
valve, which allows hot gas from the compressor to pass directly absorb the discharge of the capacitor when the relay contact open.
through the evaporator. (1-22) This arrangement prevents burning of the relay contact. (3-19)

15. Electricity supplies the heat for some units made in Europe but 32. A hot wire relay opens the circuit to the starting winding after the
absorption systems in America are made for LP or natural gas. (2- motor is started and provides overload protection if the motor
1) draws too much current. (3-19)

16. The main distinction regarding fuels is that the burner orifice 33. A current relay is sensitive to current and is designed to release
used with LP gas is smaller, because LP gas has much more heat when the current in the relay falls below a certain point. (3-21)
value. (2-2)
34. You would first check for an open circuit at the bleeder resistor
17. The absorption cycle is based on the principle that water has a when you have found relay contacts badly burned.
strong affinity for ammonia. (2-5)

35. Bubbling noise or hissing from a capillary tube is usually an 53. Regulator screws must be released before valves are opened, to
indication of low refrigerant. (3-32) avoid damaging the regulators and the gauges. (6-3)

36. Low voltage will cause a motor to run slow so that a compressor 54. The most important factor in making a leakproof solder joint in
might have to run continuously to cool a refrigerator, resulting in tubing is to have correct clearance between the parts. (6-5)
high electric bills. (3-33)
55. You should heat the work to flow point of the alloy before
37. A freezer may have frost accumulations scraped off with a applying it to the joint. (6-8)
wooden paddle or with a stiff fiver brush. However, ice should
never be chipped off; it should be melted with warm water. (4-3) 56. Valves with neoprene seats must have them removed before you
begin any soldering; otherwise, the heat will destroy the valve
38. For a freezer door to become frosted shut, the electric heater strip seat, and it will leak. (6-9)
would have to be out of operation. (4-4)
57. Flux changes its appearance with temperature. At 600° F. it may
39. A mistake made by many servicemen when troubleshooting is to appear puffy, and it will smooth out with a milky color at 800° F.,
pass over one of the more common faults because it seems too while at 1100° F. it will turn clear. (6-10)
obvious or too easy. (5-3)
58. In silver brazing, the copper is not heated to as high a temperature
40. The advantage of placing the overload protector inside the shell is as it is in copper welding; thus the copper would not tend to
to extend the off time in case of an overload operation which absorb carbon monoxide from a carburizing flame. (6-11)
keeps the unit from short-cycling. (5-5)
59. The reason is that the oxidizing flame is used to prevent
41. A thermostat closes its contacts when temperature rises, while a formation of carbon monoxide which copper would absorb,
freezestat opens its contacts when temperature drops below its forming a porous weld. (6-12)
operating point. (5-6)
60. Copper conducts heat away faster than steel; thus the welding of
42. Checking a motor circuit with direct current is better where there copper requires a larger tip for the torch, which will give a larger
is a capacitor, because alternating current passes through a flame. (6-13)
capacitor easily and may lead to a false conclusion. (5-9)
61. In stainless steel, the cut is covered with a length of welding rod.
43. When a test shows that a motor is drawing current equal to its When heated the welding rod will burn, supplying the added heat
LRA rating, it indicates that the rotor is locked. (5-11) necessary to melt out the cut. (6-15)

44. A capacitor may be checked either (1) by charging and 62. A line tap is expensive and can only be used once. Also, as the
discharging it or (2) by measuring the current through it. (5-12) gasket hardens, it will start to leak; then the leak will have to be
repaired. (7-1)
45. The current relay is current sensitive, and its contact first close
and then open in normal operation. (5-15, also 3-21) 63. In a contaminated atmosphere a leak detector may be so sensitive
that results continue to be erratic even after adjustments have
46. The potential relay is voltage sensitive, and its contacts are been made for the background. (7-3, 5)
normally closed. The contacts should be open when the motor is
running normal. (5-16, also 3-24) 64. If the probe is exposed to a concentration of halogens, the
electronic leak detector will be overloaded and may be damaged.
47. Some of the causes of vibration in a refrigerator are loose motor (7-5)
or tubing mounts, failure to remove shipping bolts, and uneven
floor or refrigerator feet. (5-17, Table 2) 65. Small holes in the low side of a refrigerator or freezer can be
patched with a cold solder or glue made for refrigeration work.
48. An acetylene cylinder must be secured upright because: (1) It (7-7)
must no be allowed to fall. (2) If the safety plugs blow, they will
pass harmlessly into the floor. (3) In any but an upright position, 66. Before cold patching a hole, the surface must be absolutely free
the material in the cylinder may become dislodged and foul the of oil so that the patch will bond to the metal and make a
gauges and valves. (6-2) complete seal. Do not pack the material or force it into the
tubing, where it would form an obstruction. (7-7)
49. For two reasons: (1) The safety plug is at the top of the cylinder,
and if it blows in an upright position the plug will be blown 67. Flux has a critical temperature. If a high-temperature flux is used
through the roof. (2) The tank will vent itself harmlessly if with a lower temperature solder, the solder will flow easily long
upright, but if lying flat, it will be jet propelled. (6-2) before the flux. In contrast, the right flux will flow at about the
same temperature as the solder (7-8)
50. Soapy water is the correct test for an acetylene leak, since a flame
could cause a flareback resulting in a cylinder fire. (6-2) 68. Cold solders or special glues are limited to systems charged with
R-12 and should be used for patching only in the low side. (7-9)
51. The reason is that even a small amount of oil or grease in contact
with pure oxygen can result in spontaneous combustion or an 69. A system can be pressurized with dry nitrogen and leak tested
explosion. (6-2) with soapy water. If the system is partially charged and then
pressurized with nitrogen, a halide leak detector can be used. (7-
52. The red hose identifies it. The acetylene valve can only be 12)
attached to the red hose because of the left-hand threads of the
connection. (6-3) 70. These are that a capillary tube should have the same length and
diameter as the one which it re-

places. Also, the length soldered to the suction line should be the
same as that of the original heat exchanger. (7-13) 9. Aside from mechanical troubles, the water supply is the biggest
source of trouble, because it produces sediments, scale, and salt
71. Gauge a wire to be sure that it is slightly smaller than the ID of crystals, which affect both metals and nonmetals adversely. (10-
the capillary tube. If it is the correct size, it should slip inside the 12)
capillary easily without forcing. (7-14)
10. Where multiple evaporators are used, a heat exchanger is
72. At any time that a system is opened, the ends should be taped or necessary to insure that the line will deliver liquid refrigerant to
capped to keep moisture and air out. (7-15, 17) all of the expansion valves. (11-1)

73. After major replacement, the system should be leak tested, 11. A dry type heat exchanger must be correctly sized so that it can
evacuated, dried, charged, and checked for proper operation. (7- cool the liquids sufficiently without producing too much pressure
16) drop in the low side. (11-2)

74. The leak must be in the low part of the system at or near the 12. The water pump supplies a high-velocity jet of cold water so that
compressor, because most of the oil is stored in the compressor. it will absorb CO2. Water pressure must exceed the CO2 pressure
(7-20) which charges the tank to 80 pounds. (11-3)

75. If the charging line is not purged, air will be forced into the 13. If the ground connection is broken at the isolating transformer,
system when the charging valve is opened. (7-23) the water pump motor would run continuously until stopped by
operation of an overload device. (11-4)
76. When the suction line shows frost extending too far from the
evaporator, the system is overcharged, and some refrigerant 14. A simple test is to connect a jumper wire from the tank to the
should be bled from it. (7-24) ground side of the isolating transformer. When the ground circuit
is completed, the motor should stop if the tank is full. (11-4)
77. When frost extends too far on the inlet line to the evaporator
(after the capillary has been replace), increase the size of the heat 15. The use of aromatic woods, which will spoil the flavor of foods,
exchanger by soldering more capillary tube to the suction line. could do this. This spruce and maple are used inside a cabinet,
(7-24) since they are hard and do not have an obnoxious odor. (12-2)

78. The refrigerator serviceman must be able to make a leakproof 16. On such models, not only must the system be shut down but also,
joint quickly and correctly so that moisture and air may be kept at where forced air is used, the fan must be turned off to prevent the
a minimum. The shorter the time that a system is open, the better blowing of water all over the cabinet. (12-3)
are your changes of purging air quickly. (7-1–24)
17. A "double duty" display cabinet is one in which the lower
CHAPTER 2 compartments under the display section are also refrigerated.
1. The thermostat is set so that a thin coat of ice will form before the
compressor is stopped. This ice provides a cushion so that the 18. The area around the door of a display case may be warmed with a
unit will not operate for each drink which is drawn. The heater strip to prevent the formation of frost. (12-6)
freezestat insures that the unit will stop before ice gets thick
enough to damage the tank if the thermostat fails. (8-2) 19. The flow of cold air must be continuous across the display
section of an open case because it must have a curtain of cold air
2. The waste water from a bubbler fountain is already cold, so it is in order to operate properly. (12-7)
made to pre-cool the warm water before it enters the cold tank.
(8-3) 20. Storage cabinet defrosting methods are (1) compressor off-time,
(2) hot gas, (3) hot wire, (4) hot water, and (5) secondary
3. Patching a water tank or line used for drinking purposes requires solution. (12-8)
approved materials only. Certain plastics or synthetics are very
poisonous. (8-5) 21. Compressor off-time defrosting is limited to cabinets operating
above 28° F. (12-9)
4. When different bottled beverages are cooled in the same cabinet,
the thermostat would have to be set high enough for the one kind 22. Reverse cycle defrosting is a hot gas method, using a four-way
most liable to freeze. (9-2) valve so that the evaporator becomes the condenser and the
condenser becomes the evaporator. (12-11)
5. A warm coil could lead you to a wrong conclusion if you mistake
an oil cooler for a condenser coil. (9-3) 23. A high-temperature control is a safety device to terminate the
defrost cycle before the cabinet temperature rises too high. (12-
6. The big difference between ice making machines lies in the 15)
evaporator. Examples are the tray, plate, tube, channel, and cell
types. (10-1) 24. The capillary tube from a defrost valve supplies pressure to
operate a high-pressure safety control to limit pressure in the
7. In an ice cube machine, you may find a tube type evaporator, a system. (12-16)
cell type evaporator, or a plate type evaporator. (10-4–6)
25. The service valves provide connection points for gauges and
8. Dissolved salts concentrate in the water that is left from ice charging and permit isolating the compressor from the system.
making. These salts would make unpalatable ice or could lower (13-4)
the freezing temperature so that the machine would not make ice
properly. (10-8) 26. The shell-and-tube condenser uses the shell to serve

as both condenser and receiver. The tube-within-a-tube type 43. Trying repeatedly to start a motor with a locked rotor can cause
circulates refrigerant through the outer tube to take advantage of more damage because of excessive current in the circuit. (14-6,
air cooling also. (13-7) 8)

27. This is done because the receiver must be able to hold all of the 44. Causes of abnormally high head pressures are restrictions caused
refrigerant charge when the system is pumped down. (13-8) by pinch, air, a clogged screen, a frozen expansion valve, a partly
closed valve, or a think head gasket. (14-9)
28. The receiver outlet valve, sometimes called a king valve, is
provided with a quill, or inlet tube, which reaches to the bottom 45. When a compressor continuously runs but does not cool, check
of the receiver to insure the picking up of liquid rather than gas. for high suction pressure, which would indicate a low-side
(13-8) restriction; or check for bubbles in the sightglass, which would
indicate a low charge. (14-10, 11)
29. Reversing the flow of a drier-strainer might allow particles of the
drier to get into the system. (13-9) 46. If the capillary in a thermostat had lost its charge, the bellows
could not expand. Since warming of the charge expands the
30. A good expansion valve should have modulating action, it should bellows to make the compressor run, the unit would remain idle.
not starve the evaporator, and it should not cause flooding. (13- (14-11)
47. A quick check for ice blocking a refrigerant control is to warm
31. The automatic expansion valve works well with a water cooler the control and watch to see whether or not the pressure gauges
because the load is uniform in a narrow temperature range and return to normal readings. (14-12)
because the valve is not required to modulate. (13-12)
48. When a valve is supposed to be shut and it continues to leak
32. The equalizer line is used to compensate for pressure drop across refrigerant, it indicates that the needle and seat are worn. (14-13)
the valve. (13-12)
49. When you make adjustments or repairs on a float valve, be sure
33. You can identify a thermostatic expansion valve by: (1) the size to restore its operating point to the original level of the fluid.
of the connections, (2) the length of the capillary, (3) the type of (14-14)
charge, (4) the internal or external equalizer, and (5) the capacity
in tons. (13-13) 50. Equipment which can be isolated from the system by valves must
have been purged by bleeding off pressure before it is removed
34. Three types of charge used in a thermostatic expansion valve are from the system. (15-2)
the liquid, the gas, and the cross charge. (13-13)
51. The ratchet stop in a micrometer makes it possible to exert the
35. The cross charge is a refrigerant different from that used in the correct driving force on the spindle when a measurement is made.
system so that the cross charge temperature-pressure curve will (15-5)
cross the curve of the refrigerant used in the system. (13-13)
52. In figure 18, the top illustration will read 0.012 inch less if the
36. The liquid-charged bulb will always have some liquid left in the thimble is moved 12 divisions in the direction of the arrow.
bulb; thus it will continue to hold control even when the valve is Thus, the reading would be 0.292 inch. (16-5)
colder than the bulb. Its drawbacks are the possibility of flooding
and/or of hunting. (13-13) 53. You can check the proper mating of an extension rod with an
inside micrometer by measuring it with an outside micrometer.
37. The gas charge is smaller than the liquid charge; therefore the (16-5)
maximum operating pressure of the valve can be determined by
fixing the amount of the charge. Its disadvantage is that control 54. The best tool for checking a crankshaft to see whether or not it is
is lost if the diaphragm is colder than the bulb, since gas will true is a dial micrometer. (16-5)
condense away from the bulb. (13-13)
55. Loss of oil pressure may be from (1) a low oil supply, (2) worn
38. The advantages of a high-side float valve are that the capacity of bearings, (3) a defective oil pump, (4) a defective oil pressure
the valve is not subject to change from flashing and all of the regulator, or (5) oil diluted with refrigerant. (16-6, 18)
refrigerant enters the evaporator as a liquid, so there is no lost
cooling. (13-14) 56. When installing a new oil seal, be sure to clean all grease and
preservative from the seal, apply refrigerant oil to the seal, and
39. A layer of oil on top of the refrigerant may cause the refrigerant carefully inspect all seal surfaces for scratches which would
to refuse to boil unless it is agitated or unless an ebullient is used. cause a leak. (16-8–10)
57. To check a new seal for a leak, operate the compressor with the
40. Before making tests on a "line" circuit, you should remove rings suction line closed till the vacuum gauge levels off. Then close
and metal watchbands, because safety records show many sever the compressor discharge line and watch the high-pressure gauge
burns from metal jewelry which has caused a short circuit. (14-2) for a rapid rise, which would indicated that air is being drawn
into the compressor. (16-11)
41. When a circuit breaker is reset, you should determine what
caused the trip to operate, as you can often find and correct a 58. Check the depth of the valve seat for too much wear, and check
minor defect before it becomes a major problem. (14-4) the valve to see that it is not worn too thin. (16-12)

42. A compressor motor which draws full LRA may be good if it 59. Check for a slight burr or feather edge on one side of a spring
starts normally with belt tension released. The indication is that steel valve. The burr could damage the sea; therefore the valve is
there is a locked compressor. (14-5, 6 also 5-11) installed with the

burr side up. A heavy burr should be removed, as it could rooms become very slipper. Also, where large quantities of
produce metal particles in the system. (16-13) potatoes are stored, you must have positive ventilation, as
accumulations of CO2 can cause asphyxiation. (19-4, 5, 8)
60. In a refrigeration compressor, the compressor ring usually has a
taper which slopes to the top of the ring (marked “TOP”). The 3. If potatoes in storage are piled too high – more than 6 feet – heat
top side must be installed facing the head. Oil rings which do not will accumulate in the center of the pile, and they will spoil
have a taper may be installed with either side up. (16-15) rapidly. (19-8)
61. Two indications of upside-down compression rings would be low
oil in the sight glass and noisy compressor operation – knocking- 4. Using modern methods of construction provides a cold storage
because of pumping oil. (16-15) room with a continuous vapor barrier to keep out moisture; also,
a room which can move independent of the building. (19-10)
62. Ring gap can be checked with a feeler gauge after the ring has
been inserted into the cylinder about 3/8 inch below the top. (16- 5. In the construction of a modern refrigerated warehouse, the vapor
15) barrier must be attached only to the cold room walls, because
they can move. (19-14, 15)
63. When a new set of rings is installed in an old cylinder, the glaze
must be broken from the cylinder wall so that the rings will wear 6. A blueprint can be studied to learn the meaning of symbols and
in quickly. (16-15) give one a mental picture of the layout of equipment. For
example, a blueprint will show changes and additions to the
64. When a compressor has worn to the point of requiring new plant. Also, a blueprint will often help you find the location of
bearing inserts, other moving parts must also be inspected for equipment. Finally , you should use a blueprint to record
signs of wear beyond specified limits. (16-16) modifications to the plant as they are made. (19-21, 22)

65. System cleaning is required on a new installation before it is 7. Blueprint details are enlargements of small parts of a drawing to
placed in service as well as on a system which has suffered a show fine points which would be lost in a small-scale diagram.
hermetic motor burnout. (16-19) (19-21, 22)

66. While cleaning a system after a hermetic motor burnout, avoid 8. When four or more compressors are installed, the plant can be
contact with the sludge, as it may contain acid. Also avoid split into two systems, with two compressors for high
bleeding contaminated refrigerant into the air, as the acid may be temperature and two for low temperature. Either system can
strong enough to burn your eyes. (17-2,7) continue operation at reduced capacity, even if one compressor
fails. (19-24).
67. system cleaning is done by evacuating from the high side. The
reason for doing this is to reverse-flush the system. (17-3) 9. The determining factor for setting the operating points of a
pressure control in the suction side is temperature. Adjustment is
68. After a system is cleaned, the drier will have absorbed made so that the control cuts in when the evaporator coil is at its
considerable moisture, and the installation of a new drier will desired operating temperature and cuts out when coil temperature
insure a dry system. (17-3) has dropped 10º F. While it is essentially a pressure control, its
adjustment is most satisfactory when made according to
69. When cleaning a system use refrigerant to break the vacuum in temperature. (19-24)
order to keep air and moisture from enter the system. (17-4, 7)
10. True. Evaporator coil temperature is more reliable because our
70. Activated alumina may be used as a drier only on the suction side concern is to keep a room within temperature limits. Suction
of a system charged with SO2 (18-5) pressure is more susceptible to variations which occur during the
operation of the system. (19-24)
71. Anhydrous calcium sulfate must not be used as a drier in a
system charged with SO2. (18-7) 11. In cold weather when compressor discharge pressure drops, you
can build up pressure in the system by (1) throttling the king
72. Before installing a drier, it should be opened and baked at 300º F. valve and (2) reducing the capacity of the condenser. (19-24, 25)
for 24 hours to insure dryness. (18-9)
12. In checking for voltage at a three-phase magnetic switch, check
73. A vacuum of about 1-inch mercury is required to boil water at 80º the upper terminals from A to B, B to C, and A to C. (19-24)
F. (18-11)
13. Dashpot oil is used in time-delay relays. Use of other oils in a
74. A vacuum pump requires that the oil be changed to get rid of the dashpot would result in erratic operation with changes in
moisture which accumulates in the oil during service. (18-15) temperature. (19-24)

Chapter 3 14. On the installation or replacement of a motor, you should test it

for correct rotation and line up the pulleys. (19-24)
1. The coldest rooms are located in the center of a refrigerated
warehouse surrounded by warmer areas which act as a buffer and 15. When working on or around V-belts, you should plan on
make it easier to maintain zero temperatures in freezer rooms. replacing them soon, as oil causes the belt material to rot. (19-24)
16. If oil cannot be cleaned off a set of V-belts, you should plan on
2. During normal work, the floors in meat processing an storage replacing them soon, as oil causes the belt material to rot. (19-24)

17. When one belt shows a flutter more pronounced than that of the 32. Baking soda should be at hand for instant use to neutralize an
other belts in a set, the condition indicates that the one belt has acid burn of the skin. It can also be used to check the strength of
stretched in service, and the belt tension should be readjusted the acid solution during the cleaning process. (20-19, 20)
before the vibration gets too severe. (19-24)
18. A gradual drop in head pressure over a few hours would
accompany a drop in ambient temperature. Over a few days, a 1. Capacity control for a variable heat load is obtained by using
continual drop would indicate trouble. To contrast, a sudden multiple compressors. (21-1)
drop in pressure usually indicates trouble. (19-24)
2. Two applications are multiple evaporators operated at the same
19. The purpose of a recording chart is to provide a continuous temperature and multiple evaporators at different temperatures.
record of plant operating conditions. (19-24) (21-2)

20. The purpose of bleed-of water is to get rid of some of the water in 3. Types of evaporator-regulating valves are: (1) bellows, (2)
which salts are concentrating. (19-25) diaphragm, (3) two-temperature, (4) snap-action, and (5)
thermostatic. (21-4-9)
21. When makeup water is controlled automatically by a float valve,
the rate of bleed-off water will determine the amount of makeup 4. With multiple evaporators at different temperatures, check valves
water added. (19-25) are installed in the suction line of each of the colder evaporators.
22. In cold weather operation, the best method of capacity control of
an evaporative condenser is by means of modulating dampers in 5. The coldest evaporator must make up more than half of the heat
the air inlet. (19-25) load or it will not pull down to the desired temperature. (21-11)

23. The disadvantages in operating a cooling tower are (1) scale 6. Since the coldest evaporator has the lowest suction pressure, it
formation, (2) algae growth, and (3) that it must be protected will be controlled by the low-pressure cutout. (21-13)
from freezing in cold weather. (19-25)
7. When the solenoid valves are closed the evaporators are pumped
24. When making a walk-through inspection of a freezer room, make down, so the receiver must be large enough to hold the total
these checks: (I) Look for unusual sins of frost on expansion system charge. (21-15)
valves and extension of frost on the lines. (2) Check to see that
fans are operating. (3) Note any unusual noise, vibration, or 8. A solenoid valve in the suction line may allow liquid refrigerant
odor. (19-27-29) to accumulate and flood into the compressor, causing damage
when the valve opens. (21-16)
25. A hot gas defrost system may be operated to drive out oil which
has accumulated in an evaporator by operating the defrost for a 9. The main difficulty with compressors in parallel is insuring equal
longer period. (19-30) division of the oil. (22-1)

26. In an ice plant, an agitator is used to keep the brine moving to 10. For good operation in parallel, compressors should be the same
insure transfer of heat from the ice cans to the evaporator coil. make and size and all interconnecting lines should be balanced.
(20-3) (22-2)

27. Water jackets are used to cool the head of an ammonia 11. Oil equalizer and gas-equalizer lines must be connected between
compressor because of the high operating temperature of around crankcases of multiple compressors to insure lubrication. (22-4)
250° F. (20-3, 17)
12. With multiple compressors, a time delay allows a 10- or 15-
28. Three factors in making a good grade of ice are (1) a brine at 15° second interval between the starting of the first compressor and
F., (2) agitation of the ice water during freezing, and (3) removal the second. (22-6)
of the core water and replacing it with fresh water at the proper
time. (20-5) 13. An ultralow-temperature chamber is used to test aircraft and
weapons. (23-2)
29. A core sucker is necessary to remove the core water that contains
a large concentration of salts which, if left, would take much 14. A test chamber which makes rapid changes to ultralow
longer to freeze and would make ice with a disagreeable taste and temperatures must have an insulation such as Ferrotherm, which
odor. (20-5, 10) has a low heat capacity. (23-3)

30. While the brine temperature is 15° F., it must circulate around the 15. Two methods of staging are compound compression and
evaporator coils which are at 5° F.; consequently, the solution is compressors in cascade. (23-5)
adjusted low enough to keep it from forming ice around the
evaporator. (20-15, 16) 16. A direct compound system has two compressors in series with an
intercooler between, for better efficiency. (23-6, 7)
31. Inhibited acid should be prepared in a crock or wooden barrel.
Goggles, rubber gloves, and apron must be worn. Inhibitor 17. Since there are two separate systems in a cascade system, two
powder is first dissolved in water at the rate of 3 2/3 ounces of refrigerant having different temperature ranges may be used. (23-
powder for each 10 gallons of water. Muriatic acid is added 9)
slowly at the rate of 11 quarts of acid to each 10 gallons of water.
Use commercial grade acid of 1.190 specific gravity. (20-19) 18. Three refrigerants for ultralow temperatures are R-12, R-13, and
R-22. (23-11)

19. At ultralow temperatures, an ordinary expansion valve requires 10. The liquid CO2 refrigeration of a trailer is more reliable because
excessive superheating at the bulb location to operate the valve. it has a minimum of moving parts and reduces temperature faster.
(23-12) (24-23)

20. Ultralow temperature requires a special cutout because a 11. The manufacturer's warranty may be void if a compressor fails
conventional model is not satisfactory for a vacuum over 20 while operating with an unrecommendable oil. (25-3)
inches Hg. (23-14)
12. You should wear goggles when opening the refrigeration system
21. To avoid problems from wax in an ultralow-temperature system, and when using a hole saw or portable jig saw. (25-4)
a high grade oil and oil separator are used. (23-15)
13. Failure of the radiator cap to maintain pressure can cause an
22. Warm the frozen valve carefully and if it is released at a engine to overheat. (25-7)
temperature colder than 32° F., the difficulty is the result of wax
formation. (23-16) 14. Vibration causes copper to harden and become brittle. (25-8)

CHAPTER 5 15. You would look for a sight glass in the receiver-drier-strainer,
located in the liquid line. (25-9)
1. Trucks which must transport perishable foods re- quire
refrigeration to prevent spoilage. (24-1) 16. An expansion valve operates by means of a thermo-bulb to
control liquid refrigerant to the evaporator. A RoboTrol valve
2. The primary source of power may be either a small gasoline operates by means of suction line pressure to control evaporator
engine or the main engine which powers the truck. (24-3, 4) pressure and volume flow to the compressor. (25-l0-12)

3. Using the main engine as the primary power source is less 17. Either fuses or a circuit breaker may protect the electrical system.
advantageous, since the compressor stops when the truck engine (25-19)
is stopped. (24-3, 4)
18. A magnetic clutch may use a stationary field coil or a rotating
4. When engine speed is governed for 2400 r.p.m., the compressor field coil with brushes and collector ring. (25-21)
is driven at 1800 r.p.m. (24-7)
19. Always install grommets on a line where it passes through a
5. Heat may be furnished by a blower and an electric heating coil, or metal wall. (25-23)
it may be supplied from operating the unit, with the defrost valve
open so that hot gas flows through the evaporator. (24-8) 20. Failure to clean dirt from the shaft or hub may prevent proper
mating causing a pulley to wobble. (25-29)
6. Yes. All of the controls operate automatically, except the starter
switch, the heat-cool switch, and the defrost switch. (24-9-13) 21. A magnetic clutch can be removed without a puller if its hub is
threaded. Screw a 3/8-inch NC capscrew into the bulb and
7. Liquid CO2 is released into a trailer as a fog, which removes tighten it against the crankshaft until the clutch comes free. (25-
cargo heat very quickly. (24-15-20) 30)

8. Yes. While blast chilling can cool a trailer in a few minutes, the 22. Two causes of belt failure are damaged pulley grooves and
atmosphere will have too little oxygen for breathing, and separation of belt material because of being stretched too tight.
protective clothing should be worn to protect against frost burns. (25-31)
23. When you suspect improper operation of an expansion valve,
9. The liquid CO2 vaporizes faster than dry ice, so it will cool a check the thermobulb to see that it is securely clamped and makes
given area in less time than the water. Also, the liquid can be metal-to-metal contact with the suction line. (25-32)
controlled easily by a valve. Finally, the liquid is stored in tanks
for use at any time, while it is impractical to store dry ice for an 24. Never use sealant compounds on fittings as the sealant may clog
extended period of time. (24-22) the strainer and void the warranty on the unit. (25-35)

25. When connecting lines to charge a system, always purge the lines
with refrigerant before you tighten the fittings. (25-38)

OD 1749 A

(Air Conditioning)

Subcourse OD 1749
Edition A

United States Army Combined Arms Support Command

Fort Lee, VA 23801-1809

18 Credit Hours


This subcourse is the third of four subcourses devoted to basic instruction in refrigeration and air conditioning.

This subcourse discusses airflow properties and temperature response including an explanation of air and temperature
measuring devices. Instruction is also provided on the installation, operation, and maintenance of self-contained air-
conditioning units. In addition, the subcourse covers the electric motor, pneumatic controls of refrigeration, the installation
of ventilation systems, and the types and components of heat pumps.

There are four lessons.

1. Temperature, Airflows, and Measuring Devices.

2. Self-Contained Units and Duct Systems.

3. Controls.

4. Evaporation, Ventilation Systems, and Operation of Heat Pumps.

Unless otherwise stated, whenever the masculine gender is used, both men and women are included.

THIS subcourse deals with another phase of your specialty description-air conditioning. Since the principles of
refrigeration and air conditioning are similar, your mastery of the subject will come easy. You will find that we discuss
several components peculiar to air-conditioning systems.

To qualify you in the area of air conditioning we discuss the following systems in this subcourse:

1. Self-contained package air conditioners

2. Mechanical ventilating systems

3. Fresh sir and air duct systems

4. Control systems

5. Evaporative cooling systems

6. Heat pump systems

We're also going to refresh your knowledge of the following:

1. Components of sir

2. Temperatures, airflows, and their measuring devices

3. Design and installation factors





Grateful acknowledgment is made to the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration ad Air-Conditioning Engineers;
Johnson Service Company; Honeywell, Inc.; and Taylor Instrument Companies for permission to use illustrations and text
material from their publications.



Preface ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i

Acknowledgment -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii


1 Undesirable Properties of Air ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1

2 Temperatures, Airflows, and Their Measuring Devices------------------------------------------------------------------ 11

3 Design and Installation Factors---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18

4 Self-Contained Package Air-Conditioning Units ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25

5 Fresh Air and Air Duct Systems -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43

6 Controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 53

7 Evaporative Cooling ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 91

8 Mechanical Ventilation------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 104

9 Heat Pumps------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 118

Answers to Review Exercises ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 133


Undesirable Properties of Air

HOW DOES THE atmosphere of a hospital operating 5. Smokes. Smokes are extremely small solid
room differ from the atmosphere of your work area? particles produced in incomplete combustion of organic
Well, the atmosphere of the operating room must be free substances such as tobacco, wood, coal, oil, and other
of foreign matter, humidity controlled, and air- carbonaceous materials. Smoke particles vary
conditioned. But most work areas are not air-conditioned considerably in size, the smallest being much less than 1
at all. Some may have fans to ventilate the area. Since micron and often in the size range of .l to .3 micron.
your duties will bring you to areas in which the 6. Air Filters. Air filters are ordinarily used to
atmosphere is conditioned, you must know how to control remove particles such as those found in outdoor air.
the various undesirables you might find in the air. Filters are employed in ventilating, air-conditioning, and
2. The elements you will study in this chapter are heating systems where the dust content seldom exceeds 4
foreign material, odors, and moisture. grains per 1000 cubic feet of air. Since the purpose of a
filter is to remove as much of the contamination as
1. Foreign Material practical, it is obvious that the degree of cleanliness
1. Normal air contains varying amounts of foreign required is a major factor in determining the type of filter
materials commonly referred to as permanent atmospheric design to be used. The removal of these particles
impurities. These materials can arise from such natural becomes progressively difficult as the particle size
processes as erosion, wind, and sea water evaporation. decreases. The installation of air filters will justify their
Such contaminants will vary considerably in cost through a reduction of equipment failure and
concentration but will range far below those caused by housekeeping, and by providing dust-free air for critical
manmade activities. manufacturing processes.
2. Some manmade contaminants are: smoke caused 7. Air filters can generally be classified into three
by transportation and industry, chemical sanitizers, and groups, depending upon their principle of operations: (1)
various dusts and sprays used in agriculture. viscous impingement, (2) dry, and (3) electronic.
3. Dusts. Dusts are solid particles projected into 8. Viscous impingement type filter. This filter
the air by wind, grinding, drilling, shoveling, screening, consists of relatively coarse media constructed of fiber,
and sweeping. Generally, particles are not called dust wire screen, woven mesh, metal stampings or plates, or
unless they are smaller than approximately 100 microns. sometimes a combination of these. The filter may be of
Dust may be of mineral type. such as rock, metal, or (1) the unit or pane) type, which is manually cleaned; (2)
sand; vegetable, such as grain, flour, wood, cotton, or the disposable type, which is replaced after it has
pollen; or animal, including wool, hair, silk, feathers, and accumulated its dirt load; or (3) the automatic moving
leather. curtain type, which changes its media in the airflow when
4. Fumes. Fumes are solid particles commonly the pressure across the filter reaches a predetermined
formed by the condensation of vapors from normally solid pressure.
materials. Fumes may be formed by sublimation, 9. The viscous impingement filter derives its name
distillation, galvanization, or by chemical reaction from the fact that the medium is treated with a viscous
whenever such processes create airborne particles substance, frequently referred to as an oil or adhesive. In
predominantly smaller than 1 micron. Fumes which are the operation of the filter, the airstream is broken down
permitted to age tend to flocculate into clusters of larger into small columns which are made to change directions,
size. This characteristic is often made use of when we depending upon filter construction. At each change of
want to remove fumes from the air. direction, the larger dust articles continue in a straight line

because of their momentum, and when they impinge The chains are mounted on sprockets located in the top
against the medium they are held by the adhesive surface. and bottom of the filter housing. The medium thus forms
The viscous material used on this type filter requires a continuous curtain which moves up one face and down
careful selection. In general, it is considered good the other.
practice to follow the manufacturer's recommendations. 16. Automatic filters of this design may often utilize
However, desirable characteristics of a suitable adhesive a timer for periodical filter movement. The timer is so set
are: (1) a low percentage volatility so as to have that it allows the curtain to make one revolution every 24-
negligible evaporation, (2) a viscosity that varies only 48 hours.
slightly with normal temperature change, (3) the ability to 17. The precipitated dirt must be removed from the
inhibit the growth of bacteria and mold spores, (4) high adhesive reservoir. This is done by scraping the dirt into
capillarity, or the ability to wet and retain the particles, (5) a tray which can be conveniently suspended from the
high flash and fire point, and (6) freedom from odor. reservoir lip. The frequency of dirt removal is variable,
10. The arrangement of the filter medium is one of but in normal operation, this type of filter will require
two types. The high velocity type has the filtering attention approximately once every 3 months. Where it is
medium placed on edge, perpendicular to the base of the desirable to eliminate this maintenance, the adhesive may
duct, so as to offer low resistance to airflow. Filters in be pumped through oil clarifiers or can be allowed to
this category carry a face velocity rating of 480 to 520 circulate through large settling tanks.
f.p.m. This filter does not have any recommended 18. The moving-curtain filter is also available in roll
direction of airflow. form, which is fed automatically across the filter face.
11. The progressive pack or progressive density The dirty medium is rewound on a spool at the bottom of
design, in which the medium is packed more densely on the filter housing. Movement of this type filter is
the leaving air side, permits the accumulation of dirt controlled by a pressure switch control.
throughout the depth of the media. Filters of this design 19. Filters of this type are considered to be fail safe,
are rated at a face velocity of 300 to 350 f.p.m. as they have a trip switch that indicates that the filter
12. Unit filters generally have metal frames which medium is exhausted. This switch also opens the circuit
are riveted or bolted together to form a filter bank or to the filter drive motor.
section. The rate at which they need cleaning depends 20. At this time you must remove the old filter and
upon the type and concentration of the dirt in the air being spool and insert a new one. The old filter is not reusable.
handled. Various cleaning methods can be used, but the 21. Most automatic types of viscous filters are
most widely used procedure is to wash the filter with equipped with a fractional horsepower motor operating
steam or water (frequently using a detergent) and then dip the drive mechanism through a gear reducer. The
or spray the filter with its recommended adhesive. operating period is adjustable so that the media travel can
Excessive adhesive should be allowed to drain off before be adjusted for changes in dust concentration. In
you reinstall the filter in the air-stream. operation the resistance of an automatic filter will remain
13. Manometers or draft gauges are often used to constant as long as proper operation is obtained. A
measure the pressure drop across the filter and thereby resistance of 0.4 to 0.5 inch water gauge pressure at a face
indicate when the filter requires servicing. Unit filters are velocity of 500 f.p.m. is typical of this class filter.
serviced when the pressure drop reaches 0.5 inches water 22. Dry type air cleaners. The media used in dry
gauge pressure. A visual inspection should be made type air filters are usually fabriclike or blanketlike
periodically if a manometer or draft gauge is not installed materials of varying thicknesses. Media of cellulose
in the system. fiber, bonded glass, wool felt, asbestos, and other
14. The disposable filter is constructed of materials are used. The medium is frequently supported
inexpensive materials and is to be discarded after one by a metal frame in the form of pockets or V-type pleats.
period of use. The cell side of this design is a In other designs the media can be constructed to be self-
combination of cardboard and metal stiffeners. supporting. The pockets and pleats provide a high ratio of
15. The moving-curtain viscous filters are available filter area to face area.
in two main types. In one design the filter medium is 23. The efficiency of the dry filter is higher than that
installed on a traveling curtain which intermittently passes of the viscous impingement type. The wide choice of
through an adhesive reservoir, where the medium gives filter media makes it possible to supply a filter for any
up its dirt load and takes on a coating of new adhesive. cleaning efficiency desired. The life or dust holding
The medium used in the design consists of metal panels or capacity is lower than the viscous impingement filter,
sections made of screen wire, stamped plates or baffles, or because the dust tends to clog
reinforced mesh, which is attached to a pair of chains.

the fine pore or openings. Dry filters have a large lint- prefilters, or afterfilters for the purpose of obtaining a
holding capacity because of the large surface area uniform distribution of air. The resistance generally
exposed by the pleated arrangement of the media. ranges from 0.15 to 0.25-inch water gauge pressure at
24. Types of media which provide extremely high velocities of 300 to 400 f.p.m. Screens of 16 mesh should
cleaning efficiency consist of pleated cellulose-asbestos be installed across outdoor air inlets to prevent larger
paper, sand beds, compressed glass fibers in the form of foreign objects from entering the system. Special devices
paper, or glass fiber blanket material. The use of these must be installed in front of the ionizing filter to remove
filters is limited to concentrations in the range of outdoor excessive lint.
air and where efficiencies to 99.95 percent on submicron 33. The ionizing type electronic filter is very
particles are required. efficient. It is available in either fixed or moving
25. In some designs of dry type air filters, the filter collector types. The fixed collector plates are often
medium is replaceable and is held in position in coated with a special oil which acts as an adhesive.
permanent metal cell sides. Other dry air filters are Cleaning is accomplished by washing the cells in place
discarded after one period of use. with hot water from a hose or by means of a fixed or
26. The initial resistance of a dry type filter will vary moving nozzle system. The bottom of the filter chamber
with the medium being used. A number of commercial is made watertight and is provided with a drain.
designs have an initial resistance of 0.1 inch water gauge 34. In one moving-plate type the grounded elements
pressure and are replaced when a final resistance of 0.5 on which the dirt collects are mounted so as to form a
inch water gauge pressure is reached. The more cleaning traveling curtain. The traveling curtain intermittently
efficiency the filter offers, the more resistance there will passes through a reservoir containing a fireproof chemical
be to airflow. In any event, the filter should be adhesive. This unit is equipped with wipers which
compatible with the resistance against which the fan will remove the collected dirt from the plates. The dirt then
be called upon to operate. settles as a sludge in the bottom of the reservoir from
27. Automatic dry filters are similar to the roll type which it must be removed periodically.
viscous impingement filter. These filters are not 35. The charged media type electronic filter consists
recommended for handling of atmospheric dust, but are of a dielectric filtering medium, usually arranged in
used in such applications as textile mills, drycleaning pleats, as in the typical dry type filter. The dielectric
establishments, and printing press room operation. material may consist of glass fiber, cellulose, or other
28. Electronic air filters. The two types of similar materials. The medium is supported on or is in
electronic air filters are the ionizing type collectors and contact with a gridwork consisting of alternately
charged media type collectors. grounded and charged members, the latter being held at a
29. The ionizing type electronic air filter uses the potential of 12,000 volts d.c. so that an intense and
electrostatic precipitation principle to collect particulate nonuniform electrostatic field is created through the
matter. dielectric medium. Airborne particles approaching this
30. In a typical case, a potential of 12,000 volts may field are polarized and drawn toward filaments or fibers
be used to create the ionizing zone, and some 6000 volts of the media.
between the plates upon which the precipitation of dust 36. The precipitator of this type offers resistance to
occurs. Safety devices are used to protect personnel from airflow. The resistance, when clean, is approximately
shock. The door to the filter section is outfitted with a 0.10-inch water gauge pressure at 250 f.p.m. velocities.
switch that will open the circuit to the filter plates. The resistance of this type filter increases as dust
31. The voltage necessary for operation of the accumulates on the media. Like the typical replaceable
equipment is obtained from high-voltage, direct-current media dry filter, the charged media precipitator is
power packs which operate from a 120-volt, 60-cycle, serviced by replacing the medium. The dielectric
single-phase power supply. Power consumption is properties of the media become impaired when the
approximately 12 to 15 watts per 1000 c.f.m. plus about relative humidity exceeds 70 percent.
40 watts required to energize the rectifier tube heaters.
32. Filters of this type have very little resistance to 2. Odors
airflow. Therefore, care must be exercised in arranging 1. Odor is defined as that property of a substance
the duct approaches on the entering and leaving sides of which excites the sense of smell. To be odorous, a
the filter in order to evenly distribute the air across the substance is usually in a gaseous or vapor state, or
entire area of the filter. The efficiency of the filter is possesses a vapor pressure. Some odors are pleasant,
sensitive to air velocity. In most systems, resistance is others unpleasant, depending
deliberately added in the form of a perforated plate,

upon their psychological and sociological association. the capillaries of the raw material those substances which
2. The sources of odor that cause discomfort to cannot be carbonized. This is done to create extensive
individuals are many. They may be introduced from the surfaces on which adsorption can take place.
outdoor atmosphere and contain a high percentage of 11. Coconut charcoal, properly prepared, is
hydrogen sulfide, industrial effluents or smog. In considered the standard high quality material for air or
enclosed areas, odors may be caused by the human body, gas purification in air-conditioning systems. The quality
tobacco, etc. Odors may also be caused by wet, dirty air- of charcoal as an adsorber of gases is rated on the
conditioning coils. The metals and coatings used on coils breakthrough time when subjected to the standard
materially affect the possibility of producing Accelerated Chloropicrin Test. The capacity of charcoal
objectionable odors. to adsorb gases or vapors depends primarily on the types
3. Odor removal may be done by physical or of gases and vapors being adsorbed. Some are readily
chemical means. Ventilation with clean air, air washing adsorbed, while others are not. Improved adsorption of
or scrubbing, charcoal adsorption, and masking are various gases and vapors can be obtained by impregnation
physical methods; while chemical adsorption, destruction of the charcoal with certain mineral salts.
of odor sources, vapor neutralization, and catalytic 12. Masking. Odor masking is the process of hiding
combustion are chemical methods. one odor by superimposing another odor to create a more
4. Washing and scrubbing, like filtering, are overpowering sensation, preferably pleasant. The
applicable to the removal of particulates and, in some masking agent, which can be in spray cans, wick bottles,
cases, are means of recovery of a valuable product. Odors etc., does not alter the composition of the pre-existing
associated with the particulates are removed indirectly by odors. It simply covers such odors during the period of its
this process. Combustion is employed to alleviate the addition to, or presence in, the air.
effects of harmful exhaust gases and particulates on 13. The application of a pleasant masking agent to
people, vegetation, and property. an offensive atmosphere may result in a final combination
5. Ventilation, charcoal adsorption, and masking that is still objectionable to the sense of smell. Therefore
are effective in air-conditioning for odor control. We will the objectionable odor concentration must not be so
limit our discussion to these three. intense that the masking agent is itself required in
6. Mechanical Ventilation. Ventilation systems objectionable quantities.
supply fresh air where natural ventilation is insufficient;
remove heat, vapor, or fumes from a building; and 3. Air and Water Vapor
discharge these undesirables to the atmosphere. It has 1. As we have stated previously, air is made up of
been found that 30 c.f.m. per person is necessary for various mixtures, including gases and moisture. We will
effective ventilation in sports arenas to avoid eye discuss moisture in the air and its relation in
Irritation, odors, and impaired visibility. psychrometry, and the means used to add or remove it
7. The actual oxygen requirement per person varies from the air.
with the activity. It is normally about 0.89 cubic feet per 2. Psychrometry. Psychrometry literally means the
man-hour when the activity is walking at the rate of 1 measurement of cold. It is the name that has been given
mile per hour. to the science that deals with air and water vapor
8. Smoke and other solid or liquid particulates can mixtures. The amount of water vapor in the air has a
be effectively removed by electronic precipitators or great influence on equipment cooling and human comfort.
absolute liters. Odors, gases, and vapors can be removed Such atmospheric moisture is called humidity, and the
effectively by charcoal adsorbers. Considerable fuel and common expression "It isn't the heat, it's the humidity" is
power savings can result from the use of charcoal an indication of the discomfort-producing effects of
adsorbers as compared to ventilation. moisture laden air in hot weather.
9. Charcoal Adsorption. Charcoal adsorption is 3. The water vapor in the air is not absorbed or
the physical condensation of a gas or vapor on the dissolved by the air. The mixture is a simple physical
charcoal sorbent. The charcoal or carbon is especially one, just as sand and water are when mixed. The
prepared from coconut shells, peach kernels, or other temperature of the water vapor is always the same as the
materials. To increase the surface area and thereby air.
increase the adsorption capacity, the charcoal or carbon is 4. When the air contains all the water it can hold, it
activated. is called saturated air. The amount of moisture present at
10. The preparation of activated charcoal is usually the saturation point varies with the temperature of the air.
done in two steps: first, the carbonization of the raw The higher the temperature, the more moisture the air can
material; second, the high temperature oxidizing process. hold.
The purpose of the oxidizing process is to remove from

5. Moisture Removal. The moisture in the air may is flowing over the coil surface in the same direction as
be removed by various methods. We will discuss the the liquid absorbent. Equipment is also available for
mechanical and chemical methods. counterflow operation.
6. Dehumidifying coils. Air can be cooled and 12. Moisture is absorbed from the air by the solution
dehumidified by passing it over the cold surfaces of and is maintained at a constant condition by automatic
cooling coils. The efficiency of this process may have to regulation of the flow of water through the cooling coils
be checked if the desired values are changed or the system by means of a water regulating valve.
becomes unbalanced. In a later chapter you will become 13. The heat generated in absorbing moisture from
acquainted with methods of checking the efficiency of the air consists of the latent heat of condensation from the
this type of system. water vapor, the heat of the solution, or the heat of mixing
7. When dehumidification is accomplished with of the water vapor and absorbent. The heat of mixing
cooling coils, the coil temperature must be below the varies with the liquid absorbent used and the
dewpoint temperature of the humid air. This low coil concentration and temperature of the absorbent. The
temperature causes the moisture in the air to condense solution is maintained at the required temperature by
out. The air is then reheated to lower the relative cooling with refrigerated or cooling tower water, or
humidity. For example, an entering air condition of 100° refrigerant flowing inside the tubes of the contractor coils.
F. dry bulb and 67 percent relative humidity could be The quantity of coolant required is a function of the
conditioned to 70°-72° F. dry bulb and 40-50 percent temperature of the coolant and the total heat removed
relative humidity by the following procedure: from the air by the absorbent solution.
a. The air being drawn into the system is preheated 14. The dry-bulb temperature of the air leaving the
if it is below 70° F. liquid absorbent contactor at a constant flow rate is a
b. The air then passes over the cooling coil. (Coil function of the temperature of the liquid absorbent and the
size is calculated by c.f.m., approximately 400 c.f.m. per amount of contact surface between the air and the
ton of refrigeration.) The air is now cooled to solution. In most commercial equipment the dry-bulb
approximately 33° F. and has a relative humidity of 100 temperature of the air leaving the dehumidifier will be
percent. within 1° to 5° F. of the absorbent solution temperature.
c. It now passes to the reheat coil, where its 15. The liquid absorbent is maintained at the proper
temperature is increased to 65°-70° F. The relative concentration by automatically removing the water vapors
humidity is now 20-30 percent. condensed from the air. Approximately 10 to 20 percent
d. We can now add humidity to the air if desired. of the solution supplied by the pump passes over the
Adding humidity to the air will be discussed later in this regenerator coil. The coil heats the solution with steam or
chapter. other heating mediums. The liquid absorbents commonly
8. Chemical dehumidification. Sorbents are solid used can be regenerated with 2 to 25 p.s.i.g. steam. The
or liquid materials which have the property of extracting vapor pressure of the solution at temperatures
and holding other substances (usually gases or vapors) corresponding to 2 p.s.i.g. steam is considerably higher
brought in contact with them. The sorption process than that of the outdoor air. The hot solution at the
always generates heat, which is the major factor in relatively high vapor pressure is in contact with outdoor
dehumidification. All materials are sorbents to a greater air in the regenerator, where water is absorbed from the
or lesser degree. However, the term "sorbent" refers to solution by the scavenger air. The hot moist air is
those materials which have a large capacity for moisture discharged to the outdoors and the concentrated solution
as compared to their volume and weight. We will discuss falls to the sump. The solution is then ready for another
the liquid absorbents and the solid adsorbent. cycle.
9. The liquid adsorbent (sulfuric acid, lithium 16. The steamflow to the regenerator coil is
chloride, lithium bromide, etc.) can adsorb moisture from regulated by a control responsive to the concentration of
or add moisture to the air, depending upon the vapor the solution circulating over the contactor coils.
pressure difference between the air and the solution. 17. Dehumidification by solid adsorption systems
10. For dehumidification, the strong adsorbent may be performed under static or dynamic operation.
solution is pumped from the sump of the dehumidifier to These desiccants can be silica gel, activated alumina, etc.
the sprayers. The sprayers distribute the solution over the 18. In the static method there is no forced circulation
contactor coils. of air into or through the desiccant.
11. The solution, at the required temperature and
concentration, comes in contact with the humid air which

Instead, the air surrounding the adsorbent is initially airstream, is known as complete desorption or desorption
dried. Subsequently, through convection and diffusion, to completion. The energy used in the heater per unit
water vapor (humidity) passes into the air surrounding the weight of water desorbed for any given time is called
desiccant and then to the desiccant, where it is stored. economy of desorption and is usually expressed in
Since considerable time is required for dehumidification, kilowatt hours per pound of water desorbed.
this method is used quite often in shipping and storing 23. Some of the many variables that influence the
delicate instruments that are sensitive to moisture. results of a dynamic dehumidification operation are as
Various foods, such as potato chips, also use the static follows:
method of solid adsorption dehumidification. a. Variables concerning the desiccant bed:
19. On the other hand, dynamic dehumidification is (1) Type of desiccant.
operated with forced passage of air through a desiccant (2) Dry weight of desiccant.
bed. The only prerequisites for a dynamic dehumidifier (3) Particle size.
are a desiccant bed, a fan to force the humid air through (4) Bulk density.
the bed, and a heater to reactivate the adsorbent. (5) Shape of bed.
20. As the air passes through the desiccant bed it (6) Area of bed normal to airflow.
gives up a certain amount of its moisture. The rate of (7) Depth of bed.
moisture pickup and the humidity condition of the leaving (8) Packing of desiccant in the bed.
air are functions of a great many variables. Some of these (9) Pressure drop through the bed.
variables will be discussed later. b. Variables concerning the air to be dried:
21. The ratio of adsorbed moisture to entering air (1) Flow rate.
moisture content is known as adsorption efficiency. The (2) Temperature.
adsorption efficiency in dynamic uses remains constant (3) Moisture content.
and at a relatively high level until some point within the (4) Pressure.
cycle, at which time the efficiency begins to drop. This (5) Contact time between air and desiccant.
point is known as the breakpoint, and the amount of c. Variables concerning reactivation:
moisture adsorbed until this point is called breakpoint (1) Reactivation temperature.
capacity. It is considered ideal to have the breakpoint (2) Rate and magnitude of heat supply.
capacity coincide with the equilibrium capacity. In actual (3) Heat storage capacity of the bed.
operation, breakpoint capacity can be a small portion of (4) Temperature gradient of the bed.
the equilibrium capacity, depending on operating (5) Amount of insulation.
conditions. High inlet temperature and humidity, small (6) Amount of sweep gas.
bed depths, and high airflow rates will all tend to decrease 24. Solid adsorption dehumidifiers are usually of the
the breakpoint capacity. Regeneration of the desiccant stationary dual-bed type. One bed absorbs while the other
bed should be accomplished at breakpoint capacity, but is being reactivated. The cycle time for the dual-bed
adsorption can still be carried on. The adsorption is now operation is normally specified by the manufacturer and is
done at a slower rate until the desiccant is completely controlled by a timer. Larger units may have adjustable
saturated. This saturation point is called completion. time cycles that can be changed for various operating
22. To regenerate the desiccant bed, the heater is conditions. Still others are operated from either manual
energized and the airflow through the bed is usually or automatic reading of the effluent moisture content.
reversed. The temperature of the effluent air rises rapidly 25. Humidifiers. There are many different types of
at first, and then virtually levels off for a period of time. humidifiers available for adding moisture to a conditioned
This period of time represents the period during which the area. The types that you will study in this section are the
major portion of the heat input is being used to boil off steam, atomizer, impact, forced evaporation, and air
the adsorbed water. When the latent heat (evaporization) washer. Of these humidifiers, the steam type is the only
requirements begin to diminish, the heat input goes into one which puts vapor into the air. All the others consist
sensible heat gain to the passing airstream. This period, of arrangements for exposing large surfaces of water, in
measured from the start of desorption, is called the form of small droplets or wet surfaces, to the air. The
temperature rise time. Although additional regeneration water will evaporate and humidify the air.
can be accomplished beyond this point, it is considered 26. Before we continue our discussion, let us review
uneconomical because of the slower rate of desiccant the principles of humidification. Humidity refers to the
activation. Regeneration past temperature rise time, until amount of moisture (water vapor) in the air Absolute
the adsorbent is in moisture equilibrium with the humidity is the actual weight

of water vapor per unit volume of air. Do not confuse the 31. Atomizer humidifier. The atomizer humidifier is
term "absolute humidity" with specific humidity. It is a very effective, because water is taken from a supply tank
common error. Specific humidity is the actual weight of and blown into the air in the form of a fine mist. The
water vapor per unit weight of dry air in the mixture. atomized water vapor may be sprayed into the
Specific humidity is dependent upon dewpoint conditioned area or into a duct leading to the area. It
temperature only and is expressed in grains of moisture functions much like a can of spray deodorant or a perfume
per pound of dry air. The continual changes in volume atomizer.
which takes place with changes in temperature and in 32. Instead of the plunger arrangement found in a
water vapor content make it very difficult to base any perfume atomizer, compressed air passes through a
calculations upon the volume of the mixture. Through all narrow section of pipe at a high velocity. This movement
of these changes, the pound of dry air remains a known of air causes the water to be lifted out of the tank and be
factor and a suitable basis for our measurements. As you blown into the room or area. The tank is usually
work with air and water vapor mixture calculations, you connected to a water supply line and is kept full by a float
will realize why this basis was chosen. valve.
27. Relative humidity refers to the amount of 33. This humidifier adds no heat to the conditioned
moisture actually in the air as compared to saturated air. area. The atomized water vapor readily evaporates by the
Relative humidity depends only upon the vapor pressure addition of heat taken from the air within the space. The
of the water vapor present in the air and the dry-bulb evaporation will cause the dry-bulb temperature to
temperature. The presence of air or any other gas has decrease while the relative humidity increases. The wet-
nothing to do with the relative humidity of a given space. bulb temperature (total heat) will remain constant.
28. Now let us get back to humidification. In order 34. While the atomizer humidifier is efficient
to change water to vapor we must add 1050 B.t.u.'s to because it uses all the water supplied to it, it is
each pound of water evaporated. The heat may come objectionable in areas where noise cannot be tolerated.
from the air being humidified. This procedure will cause The noise is caused by the high velocity air passing
the air to cool at the same time that its being humidified. through the pipe. A drainpipe is not needed because the
In any humidifying process in which no external heat atomizer uses all its supplied water.
source is used, the wet-bulb temperature will remain 35. Impact humidifier. This type of humidifier uses
constant throughout the process. an arrangement similar to an air washer. Fine jets of
29. Let us consider a sample of air at 80° F. dry-bulb water are directed against a hard surface. The impact of
temperature, 17 percent relative humidity, which is to be the spray upon the surface causes the water to break up
humidified to 100 percent. Using a psychromatic chart, into a finer spray. The conditioned air is brought past the
you will find that the wet-bulb temperature is 55 F. The surface to pick up by evaporation as much of the spray as
air will become cooler until it has reached 55° F. dry- possible.
bulb temperature. At this point the air is completely 36. Eliminator plates are placed downstream from
saturated and the relative humidity is 100 percent. You the spray to restrict large water droplets collected in the
will also notice that the dewpoint temperature has risen air. The water is thus prevented from entering the
from 31.3° to 55° F. and that the moisture content has conditioned area and damaging the contents.
increased from 25.5 to 64.7 grains of vapor per pound of 37. Twenty to fifty percent of the water supplied to
dry air. You have added 39.2 grains at 0.0056 pounds of an impact humidifier is actually evaporated and carried
vapor to the air. Let us now discuss the various types of off in the conditioned air. This percentage varies because
humidifiers that use this principle. Remember, the steam of the speed of the water leaving the jet, the entering air
humidifier is the only type that uses an external heat temperature and humidity, and the mixing of air and water
source. vapor ahead of the eliminator plates. Greater jet velocity,
30. Steam humidifier. The simplest type of steam higher air temperature, lower relative humidity, and better
humidifier contains a nozzle or a set of nozzles through mixing of air and water will increase the percentage of
which live steam is allowed to escape into the air. This evaporation.
means of humidification is seldom used because steam 38. Forced-evaporation humidifier. You know that
carries odors that are objectionable in an air-conditioning evaporation takes place continuously from any water
installation. It is also difficult to eliminate the hissing surface. But, do you know which factors determine the
sound produced by the escaping steam. Another fault is rate of evaporation? First, the rate of airflow plays an
that the stream humidifier often provides more heat than important role. If
is desired in the conditioned area.

more air is brought into contact with the water in a given 76° F., the efficiency is 95 percent. The principal factors
length of time, more evaporation will occur. When you affecting the efficiency are air velocity, the quantity of
heat the water you are actually increasing its vapor water sprayed per unit volume of air, the length of the
pressure. This heating effect will allow the water to chamber, and the fineness of the spray.
evaporate more readily. 45. Most standard rating tables are based on a
39. Those are the two factors-airflow and heat. Now velocity of 500 f.p.m. through the air washer. Velocities
let us apply these factors to the forced-evaporation above 750 or below 350 f.p.m. often result in faulty
humidifier. The forced-evaporation humidifier is so elimination of the entrained moisture. The quantity of
named because it provides a means by which water may water sprayed per 1000 c.f.m. of air varies between 1.5
be evaporated into the air more than would be normal. and 5 g.p.m. per bank. The fineness of the spray depends
Most of these humidifiers consist of a large shallow pan upon nozzle design and the water pressure supplied to the
in which a steam coil is immersed. A fan blows air across nozzle. The pressure will vary between 20-40 p.s.i.g.
the pan at a high velocity. The water level is maintained You will find that the air resistance of an air washer is
by a float valve. usually 0.2 to 0.5 inches of water.
40. This humidifier does not waste any water. It is 46. The material most commonly used in the
simple, in that there are no moving parts. If no heat is construction of air washers and the other types of
applied to the water, the water will evaporate by the heat humidifiers is galvanized sheet steel. The maintenance
in the air, or adiabatically. When the Water is heated, that you will be required to accomplish on humidifiers
both the wet-bulb temperature and the total heat will consists mostly of cleaning and painting.
increase. For example, if you added 40 B.t.u.'s of heat per 47. The nozzles used on impact and air washer
hour to the water, and if the air is passed over the surface humidifiers are designed to produce a dense spray. To do
of the water at the rate of 20 pounds of dry air per hour, this with a reasonably low water pressure, the body of the
the total heat of the air will be increased by 40/20, or 2 nozzle may be designed to give the water a swirling
B.t.u.'s per pound of dry air. Thus, if the air enters the motion as it enters the nozzle cap. The cap is cupped to
humidifier with a total heat of 250 B.t.u.'s per pound of give an accelerated action to the water before it emerges
dry air and a wet-bulb temperature of 57.8° F., it will into a spray at the orifice. The capacities of several
leave with a total heat of 27.0° B.t.u.'s per pound of dry standard size nozzles at different pressures are:
air and a wet-bulb temperature of 60.8° F.
41. Air washer humidifier. You have studied air Shank Orifice Capacity of nozzle at indicated
washers earlier in this chapter as a method of odor diameter diameter pressure (g.p.m.)
10 20 25 30 40
removal. Now you will learn how they are used to
1/4 3/32 0.33 0.47 0.52 0.57 0.66
humidify air. 3/8 1/8 0.59 0.83 0.93 1.02 1.18
42. The spray type air washer is a very effective 3/8 3/16 1.27 1.79 2.01 2.20 2.54
humidifier. Two banks of sprays are directed against the 3/8 1/4 2.01 2.84 3.18 3.48 4.02
airflow and one is directed with the airflow. This 48. Flooding nozzles are often used to provide
arrangement of spray banks is 100 percent efficient, continuous flushing of the eliminator plates. These
because all the air passing through the air washer will nozzles may also be used to flush the inlet baffles when
leave saturated. lint-ladden air is being handled. Under this condition,
43. If fewer spray banks are used, the efficiency will they operate at 3 to 10 p.s.i.g. and are spaced to handle 3
decrease. A general comparison of the saturation to 6 g.p.m. per foot of humidifier width.
efficiency is: 49. Corrosion is often encountered in humidifiers.
When corrosion exists you must clean the humidifier and
Number of banks Direction Efficiency treat the water to prevent or retard further deterioration of
1 .......................... downstream ......... 50-70% the equipment. Chemical treatment should be a means of
1 .......................... upstream ............. 65-75% maintaining a pH of 7.5 to 8.5. A corrosion inhibitor may
2 .......................... downstream ......... 85-90% also be used, if allowable.
2 ........................... opposing ............. 90-95% 50. Humidifier operation. A humidistat is normally
2 ........................... upstream ............. 92-97% used to control the operation of a humidifier. A low
44. The efficiency of a washer is usually measured humidity condition is sensed by the humidistat, which in
by the drop in dry-bulb temperature relative to the turn will start the humidifier pump, position dampers,
entering wet-bulb depression. For example, if the open valves, or start fans. The maintenance, adjustment,
entering air conditions are 95° F. dry-bulb and 75° F. and calibration of humidistats will be discussed later.
wet-bulb temperature with a leaving air temperature of

Review Exercises 8. How many watts will an ionizing filter consume
NOTE: The following exercises are study aids. Write when 3800 c.f.m. of air is being handled? (Sec.
your answers in pencil in the space provided after each 1. Par. 31)
exercise. Use the blank pages to record other notes on
the chapter content. Immediately check your answers
with the key at the end of the text. Do not submit your
answers for grading. 9. How much would it cost to operate the filter in
question 8 for 1 hour at 3 cents a kilowatt? (Sec.
1. What factor determines the type of filter design 1, Par. 31 and Question 8)
you would use on a particular installation? (Sec.
1, Par. 6)

10. The conditioned air passing through a charged

media filter is not being cleaned. The dry-bulb
temperature is 50° F. and the dewpoint
2. Which filter arrangement would you use in a temperature of the air is 50° F. What has caused
duct system having a velocity of 500 f.p.m.? the air to remain dirty? (Sec. 1, Par. 36)
(Sec. 1, Par. 10)

11. A complaint is submitted to your shop about an

air conditioner giving off a peculiar odor. What
3. The pressure drop through a duct system is 2 condition most likely caused the air to become
p.s.i.g. What has occurred? (Sec. 1, Par. 13) odorous as it passed through the duct? (Sec. 2,
Par. 2)

4. Which type of filter requires the least amount of 12. Air at 70' F. and 100 percent relative humidity is
attention? (Sec. 1, Par. 17) ____________. (Sec. 3, Par. 4)

13. How many c.f.m. can be handled effectively by a

5. Which type of filter would you install in a 5-ton cooling coil? (Sec. 3, Par. 7)
critical area such as a missile complex? Why?
(Sec. 1, Par. 19)

14. How is the quality of a liquid absorbent

controlled? (Sec. 3, Par. 12)

6. How can you increase the surface area of a dry

filter? (Sec. 1, Par. 22)
15. The temperature of the air leaving the
dehumidifier is 10° below the absorbent
temperature. How can you correct this
condition? (Sec. 3, Par. 14)
7. The fan motor on an air-conditioning system
overheats. The filter is clean and the fan is not
malfunctioning. What has caused the motor to
overheat? (Sec. 1, Par. 26)

16. What is the adsorption efficiency of a dynamic 21. What is maximum efficiency of the impact
dehumidifier when the adsorbed moisture is 20 humidifier as compared to the atomizer type?
grains and the entering air moisture content is 25 (Sec. 3, Par. 37)
grains? (Sec. 3, Par. 21 )

22. Why does the rate of airflow play an important

17. To regenerate a filter bed, 400 watts per pound role in evaporation? (Sec. 3, Par. 38)
of water is used. The amount of water desorbed
is 3 pounds and the cost of electricity per
kilowatt is 2.5¢. What is the economy of
desorption and the cost of desorption? (Sec. 3, 23. If you added 100 B.t.u.'s of heat per hour to a
Par. 22) forced-evaporation humidifier and air is passing
through it at the rate of 20 pounds of dry air per
hour, how much heat will be added to each
pound of dry air? (Sec. 3, Par. 40)
18. How many B.t.u.'s are required to evaporate 9
pounds of water? (Sec. 3, Par. 28)

24. The air leaving an air washer, used for

humidification, is carrying water droplets out
19. Adding moisture to the air with an atomizer with it. The air velocity through the washer is
humidifier will ____________ the wet-bulb 800 f.p.m. How can you correct this condition
temperature. (Sec. 3, Par. 28) without altering the washer or changing the
velocity? (Sec. 3, Par. 44)

20. How can you control the amount of humidity

added to the air with an atomizer humidifier? 25. The resistance of the air passing through an air
(Sec. 3, Par. 32) washer is 2 p.s.i.g. What has caused the pressure
to rise and how can it be prevented in the future?
(Sec. 3, Pan. 45 and 48)


Temperatures, Airflows, and Their

Measuring Devices

MOST MANUFACTURERS of automobiles in the past 4. It may be necessary to convert a Fahrenheit

few years have installed warning lights to indicate heating reading to a centigrade reading or vice versa. For this
of the engine, low amperage output, and low oil pressure. purpose, formulas have been developed. The formula to
Many times you' have probably wished to know the rate convert Fahrenheit to centigrade is:
the battery was charging or the temperature of the engine.
The trend in some automobiles is back to the gauges C. = 5/9 (F. -32)
which will tell the owner more precisely how his Centigrade may be converted to Fahrenheit by using this
automobile is performing. formula:
2. Lets fit this to our situation. Can you tell how F. = 9/5C. + 32
hot or cold a surface is or how much air is flowing out a
ceiling outlet by placing your hand on it? No, you must u 5. Sensible Heat. Sensible heat is the heat added
some type of instrument that will indicate the true to a substance that causes a temperature change.
condition of the component being checked. In air- Likewise, heat may be removed from a substance; and if
conditioning troubleshooting, you will find that the the temperature falls, the heat removed is sensible heat.
thermometer, psychrometer, and airflow measuring 6. Specific Heat. The sensible heat required to
devices are valuable tools. cause a temperature change in substances varies with the
kind and amount of the substance. This property is called
4. Temperature the specific heat of a substance and is the amount of heat
1. Temperature is defined as the heat intensity or required to raise 1 pound of the substance 1° F. This
heat level of a substance. Temperature alone does not value is good for computations, provided no change of
give you the amount of heat in a substance. It is an state is involved. If a change of state should occur, the
indication of the degree of warmth, or how hot the specific heat of the substance changes. To determine the
substance is. amount of heat necessary to cause a temperature change
2. The methods and scales used to measure in a substance, multiply the weight of the substance by its
temperatures have been arbitrarily chosen by scientists. specific heat. Then multiply that answer by the
The most common scale that you will use is the temperature change (B.t.u. = specific heat X weight X
Fahrenheit scale, but we will also discuss the centigrade temperature change).
scale. as you may come in contact with it during an 7. Latent Heat. Latent heat is the heat that is
overseas tour. The Fahrenheit scale is so fixed that it added or taken from a substance, causing a change of
divides the temperature difference from the melting state. These changes of state occur without any changes
temperature of ice to the boiling temperature of water into in temperature or pressure. Latent heat is commonly
I80 equal divisions. It sets the melting point of ice at 32 referred to as hidden heat. latent heat of fusion, latent
divisions above the zero indication on the scale. heat of vaporization, and latent heat of condensation.
Therefore, ice melts at 32° F., and water boils at 212° F. 8. Total Heat. Any mixture of dry air and water
(32° F. + 180° F. = 212° F.) under an atmospheric vapor (atmospheric air) does contain both sensible and
pressure of 14.7 p.s.i.a. latent heat. The sum of these two heats is called total heat
3. The centigrade scale has coarser divisions than and is usually measured from 0° F.
the Fahrenheit scale, and the melting point of ice is set at 9. Now that we've covered the various types of
0°. The boiling point is 100 divisions above this point, or heat, we're ready to discuss temperature, or the intensity
100° C. of heat.

Figure 1. Thermometer.

10. Dry-Bulb Temperature. In air conditioning, temperature of the air for the quantity of water vapor
the air temperature is listed more accurately as the dry- present.
bulb temperature. This temperature is taken with the 14. Relation of Dry-Bulb, Wet-Bulb, and
sensitive element of the thermometer in a' dry condition. Dewpoint Temperatures. The definite relationships
Figure 1 shows a thermometer common to the air- between the three temperatures should be clearly
conditioning trade. Unless otherwise specified, all air understood. These relationships are:
temperatures are dry-bulb temperatures. a. When the air contains some moisture but is not
11. Wet-Bulb Temperature. A wet-bulb saturated, the dewpoint temperature is lower than the dry-
thermometer is an ordinary thermometer with a cloth bulb temperature and the wet-bulb temperature lies
sleeve of wool or flannel placed around its bulb and then between them.
wet with water. The cloth sleeve should be clean and free b. As the amount of moisture in the air increases,
from oil and thoroughly wet with clean, fresh water. The the difference between the temperatures grows less.
water in the cloth sleeve is evaporated by a current of air c. When the air is saturated, all three temperatures
at high velocity. The evaporation withdraws heat from are the same.
the thermometer bulb, thus lowering the temperature.
This temperature is now measured in degrees Fahrenheit. 5. Relative Humidity
The difference between the dry-bulb and wet-bulb 1. The water vapor mixed with dry air in the
temperatures is called the wet-bulb depression. If the air atmosphere is known as humidity. The weight of water
is saturated, evaporation cannot take place, and the wet- vapor, expressed in pounds or grains. occurring in each
bulb temperature is the same as the dry bulb. Complete pound of dry air is called specific humidity. The amount
saturation, however, is not usual and a wet-bulb of moisture that 1 cubic foot of air does hold at any given
depression is normally to be expected. time is its absolute humidity.
12. The wet-bulb thermometer indicates the total 2. When a gallon bucket contains 1/2 gallon of
heat of the air being measured. If air at several different liquid, it is 50 percent full. If a cubic foot of air that could
times or different places is measured and the wet-bulb hold 4 grains of moisture holds only 2 grains, it is 50
temperatures found to be the same for all. the total heat percent full, or 1/2 saturated. The ratio of the amount of
would be the same in all, though their sensible heats and moisture which the air does contain to what it could
respective latent heats might vary considerably. In any contains is called its relative humidity. Expressed in
given sample of air, if the wet-bulb temperature does not general terms, relative humidity is defined as the actual
change, the total heat present is the same even though absolute humidity divided by the absolute humidity of
some of the sensible heat might be converted to latent saturated air at the temperature being considered. The
heat or vice versa. simple equation would be:
13. Dewpoint Temperature. The dewpoint % R. H. = actual gains per pound X (100)
depends upon the amount of water vapor in the air. If air max. grains per pound
at a certain temperature is not saturated that is, if it does that could be held at the
not contain the full quantity of water vapor it can hold at given temperature.
that temperature-and the temperature of that air then falls, 3. Psychrometers. Instruments for measuring wet-
a point is finally reached at which the air is saturated for and dry-bulb temperatures are known as psychrometers.
the new lower temperature, and condensation of the A sling psychrometer, shown in
moisture then begins. This point is the dewpoint

Figure 2. Sling psychrometer.

figure 2, consists of two thermometers mounted side by instrument. Remote panels are installed in ducts where
side on a holder with provisions so that the device can be natural circulation is adequate.
whirled in the air. The dry-bulb thermometer is bare, and 8. Psychrometric Charts. The psychrometric
the wet-bulb is covered with a wick which should be kept chart may be used in conjunction with psychrometers to
wet with clean water. After whirling for a minute or two, determine the relative humidity of any particular space.
the wet-bulb thermometer reaches its equilibrium point, These charts consist of straight lines and curves showing
and both the wet- and dry-bulb thermometers should then relationships between the relative humidity, dry-bulb
be quickly read. The difference between the two temperature, wet-bulb temperature, dewpoint temperature,
thermometer readings will depend on the relative specific humidity, effective temperature, and air velocity
humidity of the air. By a series of experiments, the effect (generally a fixed factor for each chart).
of different relative humidities has been found through a 9. While relative humidity must be given
wide range of temperatures. From these values, tables consideration by all persons concerned with the
and charts have been constructed from which, when the conditioning of air, all major determinations for its
wet-bulb and dry-bulb temperatures are known, both the specific control will be up to your supervisor. The
relative humidity and the dewpoint temperature can be amount of moisture in a space may have to be reduced,
found. the dry-bulb temperature may have to be changed, or the
4. In the aspiration psychrometer, a small fan is source of moisture may have to be controlled. Wherever
used to blow the air past the mounted wet- and dry-bulb it is necessary, mechanical machinery and controls are
thermometers to bring about the wet-bulb equilibrium. installed to effect a continuous automatic control of this
5. There are several types of direct reading relative humidity.
hygrometers. A hygrometer is a device that measures the 10. The use of the psychrometric chart involves no
relative humidity by use of a wet- and dry-bulb more than knowing the wet-bulb thermometer reading and
thermometer. In the hygrometer a pointer is actuated by the dry-bulb thermometer reading. Various charts are
some material sensitive to changes in the moisture content constructed for different altitudes and situations where
of the air. The pointer moves across a dial graduated in abnormally low surface pressures are encountered. Figure
relative humidities. While these hygrometers have the 3 illustrates the use of a psychrometric chart.
advantage of reading relative humidity directly, they are 11. The procedures listed in the following
not sufficiently accurate for most industrial purposes. paragraphs may be used to find the properties of air if two
6. At some points in an air-conditioning system, of the properties are known:
recording psychrometers are used to provide a continuous a. Dry-Bulb Temperature. The dry-bulb
record of both the temperature and relative humidity. temperature is found by following the vertical lines down
Thus they eliminate the necessity for frequent sling to the bottom scale of figure 3. detail A.
psychrometer readings. Distilled water should be used for b. Wet-Bulb Temperature. The wet-bulb
wetting the wet-bulb wick. If ordinary tap water is used, temperature is read directly at the intersection of the wet-
the dissolved solids could clog the capillaries in the cloth bulb line with the 100 percent relative humidity line
and the wick could become dry, resulting in an incorrect (saturation curve). as shown in figure 3. detail A. The
record. The air which is circulated over the bulb should scale is marked along the 100 percent line.
be as free as possible from dust, dirt, and lint for the wick c. Relative Humidity. The relative humidity is read
to retain its capillary action and give an accurate reading. directly from the curved lines marked "relative humidity,"
At some locations where a low relative humidity is as shown in figure 3, detail B. For points between the
combined with dust-laden air and water, the wet-bulb lines, estimate by distance.
wick may have to be changed twice daily to obtain proper d. Moisture Content. The moisture content or
accuracy. Wicks may be used over again after they are absolute humidity is read directly from the horizontal
washed. lines, as shown in figure 3, detail C. It is the weight of
7. It is necessary to locate the sensitive wet and dry water vapor contained in a quantity
bulbs in ducts and chambers remote from the recording

of a given moisture content with the 100 percent relative
humidity line, as shown in figure 3, detail C.
f. Total Heat. The total heat is read directly by
following the wet-bulb line to the scale marked "Total
Heat," as shown in figure 3, detail A. Total heat refers to
a quantity of air and water vapor mixture which would
weigh 1 pound if all water vapor were extracted,
including the heat of the water vapor.
g. Specific Volume. The specific volume is read
directly from the lines marked "cubic foot per pound of
dry air," as shown in figure 3, detail D. For points
between the lines, estimate by distance. Specific volume
is the volume occupied by a quantity of air and water
vapor mixture which would weigh 1 pound if all water
vapor were extracted.
h. Vapor Pressure. The vapor pressure
corresponding to a given moisture content is read directly
from the left-hand scale marked "pressure of water
vapor," as shown in figure 3, detail C.
12. Assume that readings in an area taken with a
sling psychrometer were 85° F. dry bulb and 70° F. wet
bulb. Use foldout at end of this memorandum and follow
along with this example. The dry-bulb temperature (85)
is located at the bottom of the chart. Following the 85
line upward until it intersects the 70.5° F. wet-bulb line
(slanting downward from left to right), the user marks this
point. In this example, there is no wet-bulb line for 70.5°
F., so it is necessary to mark the point of intersection. It
will be found that under these conditions the relative
humidity is 50 percent as shown by the curved line also
running through this point Projecting the point
horizontally to the left of the wet-bulb scale will give a
dewpoint of 64.4° F. The steep diagonal line running
through the point of intersection indicates that a pound of
air under these condition will occupy 14 cubic feet.
Projecting the point horizontally to the right shows that
there are 90 grains of water per pound of dry air. The
total heat, found by following the wet-bulb line upward to
the left, is 34 B.t.u.'s per pound of air, which is the heat
represented by the dry air plus the latent heat present at
this degree of partial saturation (50 percent relative
humidity). If the sensible temperature were 85° F. and
the relative humidity were 70 percent the total heat would
be 39.5 B.t.u.'s per pound of air.

6. Airflow
1. Most air-conditioning systems are designed to
specifications, but you will find changes made and
Figure 3. Segment o! psychrometric chart. accepted that will be entered on as-built blue prints. The
specific volumes of air in each individual section should
of air and water vapor mixture which will weigh 1 pound be checked with the specifications or as-built drawings.
if all water vapor were extracted. 2. Air passages provide the means for air to
e. Dewpoint Temperature. The dewpoint
temperature is read at the intersection of a horizontal line

Figure 5. Slant type manometer.

throughout the duct system is called the dynamic or total

pressure. The pressure required to overcome losses due to
friction of duct systems is called static pressure. Figure 6
Figure 4. U-type manometer. shows a slant gauge used to measure pressure differences.
9. The various pressures of air applied to an air-
flow. With constantly changing requirements, a system conditioning system are relatively small and cannot be
designed for a specific need may have an entire new heat measured in pounds for an accurate reading. Total, static,
load or distribution requirement. Many of us have faced and velocity pressures for airflow in air-conditioning
this situation, so you must understand how to make systems are usually measured in inches of water. The
adaptations to correct the balance. pressure of air is measured by the application of a gauge
3. Air passages for air-conditioning systems in an calibrated in inches of water on the scale for accurate
installation contain the following: air intake, return, reading, as shown in figure 4.
mixing, recirculating, exterior and exit division ducts, 10. The gauge in figure 4 contains a free-flowing
heating, cooling, humidification, dehumidification, air liquid. The connections are extended by flexible tubing to
washing, filtering equipment, and inlet and discharge of the air passages and the atmosphere. The difference in
the fan. The air passages from air-conditioning pressure of the air will cause the liquid in the tube to rise
equipment to the spaces served are called duct systems. or fall, indicating the pressure on the scale in inches of
The distribution duct system includes the chamber, water according to the connections of the gauge.
branches, risers, inlets, dampers, registers, returns, 11. Pitot Tube. Total and static pressure for airflow
recirculating, mixing, baffling, and exit systems. through a duct system can be measured by a pitot tube.
4. The factors that can affect air volume are the Use of a pitot tube is illustrated in figure 7. The static
number of occupants, various heat transfers in building pressure can be found by subtracting the velocity pressure
equipment. and temperature differences of interior and from the total pressure. The static pressure subtracted
exterior spaces. All these factors are considered by from total pressure will equal velocity pressure for air in a
engineers in their design of an air-conditioning system. duct system. The total (dynamic) pressure is equal to the
5. If the air weight or volume is determined and the static and velocity pressures.
load requirements are known, then duct and distribution 12. The use of the pitot tube for pressure indication
systems are calculated according to velocities, pressures, should be done with care. The tube should be located so
and pressure drop in the duct system. that an average condition of airflow
6. We will now discuss the devices used in
measuring airflow and static and total pressures.
7. Manometers. Two types of gauges that can be
used to measure air pressure are shown in figures 4 and 5.
8. The pressure required for the velocity of airflow
necessary to overcome all the losses

Figure 6. Measuring resistance of air filters.

will be measured in the interior of the duct. The tube
should not be placed in a sharp turn in the duct, in a
restricted area, in an offset, or in a section having varying
airflow. Also avoid contact with material or substances
that would obstruct air pressure to the pitot tube opening.
13. The pitot tube consists of two tubes, one sealed
within the other. The opening of the pitot tube which
faces toward the airflow measures the total pressure. The
other opening of the pitot tube has airflow sweep across
the opening so as to measure the static pressure. The
velocity is determined by the differential reading on the
gauge which is connected to the double pitot tube.
14. A certain pressure for airflow in ducts is required
to cause motion and to overcome resistance and friction in
the ducts.
15. Static pressure will vary according to the surface
area with which the air is in contact. Some factors are:
condition of air passages, construction and installation,
dampers, interior design, length of duct system, leakage,
eddy currents, and pulsation of airflow throughout the
16. Anemometer. The anemometer, shown in
figure 8, is used to measure air velocities at the opening of
the air duct. The anemometer is moved across the entire
area of the duct opening for a period of 1, 2, or 3 minutes
and the average velocity in feet of air is calculated or
17. The anemometer should be used with precaution
and care. It requires frequent calibration or adjustment to
maintain it for accurate measurement of air velocities at
duct openings.

Figure 8. Use of the anemometer.

18. Kata Thermometer. A kata thermometer is an

alcohol thermometer developed for determining very low
air velocities. The bulb of the thermometer is heated in
water until the alcohol rises to a reservoir above the
graduated tube. The time for the liquid to cool 5° F. is
observed by the use of a stopwatch, and this time is a
measure of the air movement.
19. Velometer. The velometer is an instrument that
is calibrated to read directly in feet per minute. The
velocity pressure readings are converted by use of a
formula without the necessity for timing. The velometer
may be placed directly in the airstream or may be
connected through a flexible tube to special jets which
permit taking velocity readings in locations where it
would be very difficult to use an anemometer or pitot
Figure 7. Measuring airflow with a pilot tube. tube. The velometer accuracy is within 3 percent and is
much quicker to use than other instruments designed for
this purpose.

Review Exercises the dry-bulb thermometer if the wet-bulb wick
NOTE: The following exercises are study aids. Write was dry while whirling? (Sec. 4, Par. 11; Sec. 5,
your answers in pencil in the space provided after each Par. 3)
exercise. Use the blank pages to record other notes on 7. Will the difference in the dry-bulb thermometer
the chapter content. Immediately check your answers reading and the wet-bulb thermometer reading
with the key at the end of the text. Do not submit your become greater or less as the relative humidity
answers for grading. decreases? (Sec. 4, Par. 11; Sec. 5, Par. 3)

1. What degree on a centigrade thermometer is

equivalent to 60° on a Fahrenheit thermometer?
(Sec. 4, Par. 4)
8. What two factors must be known in order to
determine the relative humidity? (Sec. 5, Pa. 3)

2. What degree on a Fahrenheit thermometer is

equivalent to 40° on a centigrade thermometer?
(Sec. 4, Par. 4) 9. What type of water should be used to wet the
wick of a wet-bulb thermometer? (Sec. 5, Par.

3. How many B.t.u.'s would be required to raise the

temperature of 8 pounds of cast iron 4°?
(Specific heat of cast iron is 0.119)(Sec. 4, Par.
6) 10. If the total pressure of an air-conditioning system
remains constant and the air ducts become
partially clogged, will the static pressure increase
or decrease? (Sec. 6, Pars. 8-11)
4. What term is applied to the sum of sensible heat
and latent heat? (Sec. 4, Par. 8)

11. If the total airflow pressure is equal to 20 inches

of water and the static pressure is equal to 4
5. If the air is dry, which thermometer will indicate inches of water, what is the velocity pressure?
the highest temperature, a dry-bulb or a wet-bulb (Sec. 6, Par. 11)
thermometer? (Sec. 4, Pars. 10 and 11)

6. After whirling a sling psychrometer, how will 12. Is it possible to determine static pressure with a
the wet-bulb thermometer reading compare to velometer? (Sec. 6, Pars. 11 and 19)


Design and Installation Factors

COST REDUCTION has become an important part of 6. The solar heat which passes through glass is
military policy. How can you contribute to this program ? absorbed by interior furnishings, walls, and floors. This
You may be called upon to install an air conditioner or to heat is quickly given up to the air. Some of the solar heat
calculate the heat load of a building. In either case, your absorbed by thick walls and doors will not dissipate its
skill can determine the savings. If your unit is undersized, heat readily, but will continue radiating heat even after the
it will have to be supplemented with another unit. If it is sun has set. Because of this, the heat load is more
oversized, the running cost will be high. You may install continuous.
the correct size unit but use poor duct insulation. Once 7. The intensity of the sun radiation on walls and
again you are defeating the purpose of cost reduction. glass varies with the time of day, the season, and the
2. In this chapter you will study heat loads, the direction the walls and windows face. All the above
selection of a good location for the condensing unit, factors must be considered when you are computing solar
insulation, and calculating a heat load. heat transmission.
8. Heat delivery by sun radiation through glass may
7. Heat Sources be reduced by use of awnings, Venetian blinds, or shades.
1. Heat that must be removed from a building arises Any type of shade will help reduce the load on air-
from various sources. Some of this heat is gained through conditioning equipment.
walls, doors, partitions, windows, ceilings, and roofs, and 9. Special formulas and tables have been devised to
is caused by the difference in the temperature between the determine solar heat transmission through glass and walls.
conditioned and unconditioned areas. Remember, heat 10. Infiltration and Ventilation. Heat and moisture
always travels from the warmer to the cooler mass. are transmitted into a building by infiltration and
Engineering formulas are used to calculate heat ventilation. Air enters by leakage through window and
transmission. Glass and door areas are not used in door cracks, through doors or windows opened, and
calculation of wall area but are considered in heat through porous walls. Special tables have been devised to
transmission calculations in a separate formula. determine the infiltration of air through window openings
2. In calculating wall area, use the length (ft.) of and for finding the volume of air entering from door
exposed wall measured on the inside and the height of traffic. All the above factors must be considered in
ceiling. cooling load computations.
3. Consideration must be given to construction 11. Occupants. Heat load from occupants will
materials of the walls and ceilings. For example, brick cause an increase in sensible and latent heat. The amount
construction has a different heat transfer characteristic of heat transmitted will vary with the degree of activity of
than wood. the occupants.
4. Special tables are used in determining heat 12. Equipment. Heat load transmitted by
transmission through various building materials. Listed equipment used in a building will vary with the type and
below are some heat sources that must be considered in operation. Electrical and mechanical equipment will have
cooling load computations. a major effect on total heat load. Tables have been
5. Solar Effects. Heat that is transmitted by developed that give values of common heat sources. All
radiation through glass is absorbed by inside furnishings of the tables referenced in the preceding paragraphs may
and surfaces. When the sun's rays strike glass, the glass be found in the American Society of Heating,
will absorb a small percentage of the sun's energy, but Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers' Guide.
most of the energy passes through the glass and causes an 13. Listed above are a few of the major heat
increase in heat. transmission sources that must be considered when
installing an air-conditioning unit. The total heat

load must be established before an air-conditioning unit electric supply to be sure there is correct voltage,
can be installed in a building. All heat transmission frequency (cycles per second), phase, and capacity of the
sources must be used in figuring out the total heat load. wiring. If the equipment has a motor requiring 220-volt,
When the heat load has been determined, an air- 60-cycle, 3-phase alternating current, it will not run on
conditioning unit of correct tonnage can be installed and 110-volt, 60-cycle, single-phase alternating current.
the proper cooling can be maintained in the building. Consult a qualified electrician on suitability of electric
supply for motors installed on equipment. Motors should
8. Selecting Location never be connected to a source of electric current until
1. The following are major considerations in you are sure that available current is the same as that
selecting the location for air-conditioning equipment. specified on the nameplate.
2. Availability of Space. Equipment should be 9. Water Supply. Before selecting a location for
located in the place most suitable for it. It may be water-cooled refrigeration equipment, check the water
necessary to compromise the ideal location with the actual supply for available capacity and maximum temperature.
one and to locate equipment in the space which is The capacity of a water-cooled condensing unit depends
available. upon whether or not it is supplied with enough cool
3. Ambient Temperatures. Ambient temperature condensing water. Rated capacities of condensing units
refers to the air temperatures surrounding the refrigeration are usually based on 75° F. condensing water being
equipment, such as the condensing unit and other parts of available. Higher temperature water requires more water
the system. Avoid extreme ambient temperatures, either supplied. If enough water is not available, the capacity of
too warm or too cold. the condensing unit may be reduced 5 percent for each 5°
4. Excessively warm locations result in high heat F. higher than the correct temperature of condensing
leakage and service loads. High ambient temperature can water.
give high condensing pressures with consequent loss of 10. Drain. Check location of suitable drain and its
capacity. An ambient temperature of 10° F. above capacity before installing equipment. Drain lines are
normal may increase the heat load and decrease connected to sewers through an open sight connection. If
equipment capacity to the extent where the operating time possible, trap and vent the sewer branch to guard against
increases 25 percent above normal. entry of sewer gas into the rooms.
5. Consideration must be also be given to low 11. Accessibility. When selecting the location of
temperature to which the equipment may be exposed. Do equipment, consideration must be given to its accessibility
not install water-cooled equipment in locations colder for cleaning and servicing. It is not always possible to
than 40° F. to avoid frozen water-lines in condensers. find all the room you actually need. Whenever possible,
leave enough room for a workman to get at all sides of the
unit, and enough room to permit removal or replacement
6. Ventilation. Proper ventilation is very of any major assemblies, such as motor, compressor, and
important for carrying heat away from the condensing condenser.
equipment. It is most important to air-cooled equipment 12. Accessibility to those parts of equipment subject
which uses air to carry heat away from the condenser. It to preventive maintenance and inspections, or requiring
is also important to water-cooled equipment, even though readjustment, repair, or replacement must be given special
water removes heat from the condenser. The heat from preference. See that oil wells of motors, belts, air-cooled
the compressor and motor must be carried away by the condensers, service valves, and especially suction service
surrounding air, and this cannot be accomplished without valves on compressor, gauge, and gauge ports, controls,
adequate ventilation. Keep all ventilation facilities such and nameplate data are readily accessible.
as doors and windows free of barriers and other obstacles
so that the air can be properly circulated. 9. Insulation
7. Radiant Heat. Part of the heat given off by a 1. Insulation represents the composite covering
hot object such as a hot stove, boiler, furnace, or even a which consists of the insulating material, lagging, and
hot brick is radiant heat. Avoid installing refrigeration fastening. The insulating material offers resistance to the
equipment near such objects. It is not Sways possible, but flow of heat; the lagging, usually of painted canvas, is the
the extra load of radiant heat should be avoided whenever protective and confining covering placed over the
possible. insulating materials; the fastening attaches the insulating
8. Electric Supply. Be sure that the proper power material to the piping and to the lagging.
is furnished before selecting a location. Check the

2. Insulation Temperatures. Insulation covers a 8. Asbestos. Molded sheets, pads, blankets, or
wide range of temperatures, from the extremely low tapes of long asbestos fibers are suitable for insulating
temperatures of the refrigerating plants to the very high temperatures up to 850° F. This insulation material is
temperatures of boilers. No one material could possibly cheaper and lighter than the diatomaceous earth type and
be used to meet all the conditions with the same is durable and rugged. The pads or blankets are used for
efficiency. Cork, rock wool, or hair felt is used for low insulating flanges or valves which must be taken down
temperatures. Such basic minerals as asbestos, carbonate fairly often, as well as for turbine casings. The pads are
of magnesia, diatomaceous earth, aluminum foil, molded to fit any shape, and the outer surface is fitted
argillaceous (clay-like) limestone, mica, fibrous glass, and with metal hooks to facilitate their installation and
diatomaceous silica are employed for high temperatures. removal. The blankets are generally made 1 inch thick,
Because of its high degree of refractoriness, diatomaceous 40 inches wide, and fitted with hooks. The tapes are used
silica forms the base of practically every high temperature for covering ½a-inch and smaller piping with curves and
insulating material. bends. They can be used for temperatures up to 750° F.;
3. Insulating Material Requirements. The they tend to reduce fire hazards, but they have poor
following quality requirements for the various insulating insulating quality.
materials are taken into consideration in the 9. Magnesia and asbestos. The magnesia and
standardization of these materials: asbestos mixture, of which about 85 percent is magnesia,
a. Ability to withstand highest or lowest is the most common material used for hot piping. It is
temperature to which it may be subjected without its obtained commercially in pulverized form, in sheets, in
insulating value being impaired. shaped blocks, and in cylindrical sections for standard
b. Sufficient structural strength to withstand pipe sizes. Its principal features are low heat
handling during its application, and mechanical shocks conductivity, ease of application, light weight, low cost,
and vibrations during service without disintegration, and chemical inactivity. The chief disadvantage is the
settling, or deformation. limited temperature range, as the mixture calcines and
c. Stability in chemical and insulation decomposes at about 500° F.
characteristics. 10. Diatomaceous earth. The diatomaceous earth
d. Ease of application and repair. (sand formed from skeletons of certain microscopic
e. No hazard in case of fire. plants) materials are combinations of the earth and
f. Low heat capacity, when used for boiler wall magnesium or calcium carbonates, bonded together with
insulation, so that starting-up time may be minimized. small amounts of asbestos fibers. These materials are
heavier, more expensive, and less insulating than others,
4. Insulating Materials. Listed below are a few of but their high heat resistance allows their use for
the more popular insulations that you may encounter in temperatures up to 1500° F. When practical, pipe
air-conditioning work. coverings are made up with this material as an inner layer
5. Cork: Cork in block sections or compressed and with an outer layer of the magnesia-asbestos material.
board form, coated with a special retardant cover, is used This lightens the overall weight.
(where authorized) for temperatures below 50° F. It use 11. Aluminum foil. Aluminum foil is the most
is generally limited to refrigeration spaces where it will effective insulating material for high temperatures. The
not be a serious fire hazard. Molded cork pipe covering, foils are produced commercially from pure aluminum and
treated with a fire-retardant compound, is used on are supplied in long, thin sheets, some 12 inches to 16
refrigerant piping. inches in width. The covering is light, particularly for
6. Mineral or rock wool. Mineral or rock wool is a large piping for which it is best suited. There is very little
fiber made by sending a blast of steam through molten uncleanliness connected with the installing or removing
slag or rock. The rock fibers are usually from dolomite of aluminum foil; it is easy and economical to
rock, composed of calcium and magnesium oxides and manufacture and, because of its light weight and low
silicates. The fibers are brittle, of low tensile strength, inertia, it stands up well under vibration or shock.
light in weight, and resistant to moisture. The fibers are 12. There is more than one method of applying
used in wire-reinforced pads for insulating large areas. aluminum foil. The following is the most common of
7. Hair felt. Hair felt, 1 inch or more in thickness, these methods. One or more layers of foil are wrapped
may be used in any service where the temperatures do not about the material to be insulated, leaving a 3/8-inch
rise above 119° F. When combined with heavy asphalt- airspace between each layer, and with a sheet metal cover
impregnated paper, this material is used on cold-water to protect the foil. The airspace between the layers of foil
lines where the temperature range is from 50° to 90° F. is kept by
When suitably waterproofed, it may be used for
refrigerator piping.

first hand-crinkling the foil so that its surface becomes 19. The same insulating material employed on the
uneven. This type of insulation serves to reduce to a piping may be used on pipe fittings, flanges, and valves.
minimum any convection current present in the air These components require additional consideration during
pockets. installation.
13. The chief objections to the use of aluminum foil 20. When a permanent type of insulation is applied
for insulation are the weight of the sheet metal cover to a piping 4 inches and larger in size, a block insulation 1
necessary to cover the assembly and the high skill inch thinner than that on the adjacent piping may be used
necessary for its application or repair. for the bodies of flanged fittings and valves, for the entire
14. Fibrous glass slabs. Fibrous glass slabs are used surface of a threaded fitting, for the entire surface up to
widely for insulating living quarters. The glass fibers in the bonnet of screwed valves, and for the flanges. The
the pressed slabs are 4 inches or more in length and total thickness of insulation on the valve or fitting is made
0.0005 to 0.0008 inch in thickness. The slabs have a low equal to that on the adjacent piping by applying insulating
moisture-absorbing quality and offer no attraction to cement. The pipe insulation should be stopped short of
insects, vermin, fungus growth, or fire. The slabs are first the flanges and leveled off to enable the flange bolts to be
cut to shape, then secured in place by mechanical removed. On piping under 4 inches in size, the insulation
fasteners (as quilting pins), and finally covered with glass of the fittings may consist entirely of insulating cement,
cloth facing and stripping tape (held in place by fire- the same thickness as that of the adjacent piping.
resistant adhesive cement). 21. When a removable type of insulation is applied,
15. The insulating cements. Insulating cements are the flanges should be insulated with asbestos felt pads,
composed of many varied materials. These materials sectional pipe insulation of the same thickness as that on
differ among themselves as to heat conductivity, weight, adjacent piping, or block insulation 1/2 inch thinner than
and physical characteristics. Typical of these variations that on the adjacent piping and covered with 1/2 inch of
are the asbestos cements, diatomaceous cements, and insulating cement.
mineral and slag wool cement. These cements are less 22. Installation Precautions. The following
efficient than other high-temperature insulating materials. general precautions should be observed with regard to the
They are valuable for patchwork emergency repairs and application and maintenance of insulation:
for covering small irregular surfaces (valves, flanges, a. Fill and seal all air pockets and cracks. Failure
joints, etc.). The cements are also used for a surface to do this will cause large losses by conduction and
finish over block or sheet forms of insulation, to seal convection currents.
joints between the blocks, and to provide a smooth finish b. Seal the ends of the insulation and taper off to a
over which asbestos or glass cloth lagging may be smooth, airtight joint. Sheet metal lagging should be used
applied. at joint ends and at other points where insulation is liable
16. Insulation Application. In applying insulating to damage. Flanges and joints should be cuffed with 6-
material, care should be taken that air does not circulate inch lagging.
through the insulation, that moisture is kept from reaching c. Cotton duck covering, fitted over insulation,
the insulation, and that the insulation will not move or should be smooth and well sewn (not less than three
slip. stitches per inch). It should be covered with two coats of
17. All sections or segments of the pipe coverings lead and oil paint. Too much paint will cause the cotton
should be tightly butted at joints and secured with wire duck to crack and split.
loops, metal banks, or lacing. Block insulation should be d. Keep moisture out of all insulation work.
secured with 1/8-inch steel wire and galvanized mesh Moisture is an enemy of heat insulation as much as it is of
wire or expanded metal lattice. Insulating cement is used electrical insulation. Any dampness increases the
to fill all crevices, to smooth all surfaces, and to coat wire conductivity of all heat-insulating materials.
netting before final lagging is applied. e. Insulate all hangers and other supports at their
18. Moistureproofing is important for insulation over point of contact with the pipe or other units they are
heated surfaces. Even though the temperature of the supporting. Failure to insulate these supports will cause a
insulation dries off moisture, the heat loss is increased due considerable quantity of heat to be lost by conduction
to the evaporation. Moisture also impairs many insulating through the support.
materials. This moistureproofing is also very important f. Sheet metal covering should be kept bright and
for low temperatures. At very low temperatures, the not painted unless the protecting surface has been
insulation should be air-sealed. Moisture drawn into low- damaged or worn off. The radiation from bright-bodied
temperature insulation condenses and freezes, thus and light-colored objects is con-
lessening the efficiency and eventually causing

siderably less than from rough and dark-colored objects. exactness or by rough approximate estimates. The
g. Once installed, heat insulation requires careful method that is used to calculate a cooling load depends
inspection, upkeep, and repair. Any lagging and upon the purpose for which the results will be used.
insulation that is removed to make repairs should be Rough estimates are very inaccurate, and your plant may
replaced just as carefully as when originally installed. not meet cooling load requirements.
Old magnesia blocks and sections broken in removal can 7. The mathematical exactness method is quite
be mixed with water and reused in the plastic form. Save complicated and requires very accurate information
all old magnesia for this use. regarding construction materials. It may require the
h. Insulate all flanges with removable forms. The drilling of holes through walls, roof, and floors to
forms can be made up as pads of insulating material wired determine construction materials. Some principles used
or bound in place, and the flange can be covered with in determining the size of refrigeration plant required for
sheet metal casings which are in halves and easily a typical installation are mentioned below.
removable. 8. Rate of Heat Flow Through Walls. The rate at
which heat is transmitted through walls, floors, and roofs
10. Making Survey for Air-Conditioning Installation is dependent on the following factors:
1. We will now-relate the facts we have discussed a. Unit heat transfer coefficient (U-factor). The U-
to a specific air-conditioning installation. This factor depends on wall material and thickness.
installation is at Denver, Colorado. You may be called b. Area of the heat-transmitting surface.
upon to determine the size of a unit needed at your a. The temperature difference between the sides of
installation. The primary difference between this example the wall.
and your base would be the mean wet- and dry-bulb 9. The heat transfer coefficient is the combined rate
temperatures. of transmission of any substance expressed in B.t.u. per
2. Cooling Load Requirement. In this chapter we hour per square foot of area per degree Fahrenheit mean
have discussed heat sources in an area that is to be temperature difference. It combines the amount of heat
conditioned. These heat sources are as follows: transmitted by radiation, conduction, and convection into
a. Solar heat load on walls, roofs, and glass. a single quantity referred to as the U-factor.
b. Human heat load. 10. The basic heat transfer formula is expressed as Q
c. Infiltration and ventilation. = UA (T1 – T0). This formula is used in most
d. Machinery, calculations.
3. Upon adding the values of the heat sources Q = solar radiation in B.t.u. per hour.
listed, you would have a load that is called total internal U = coefficient of heat transfer in B.t.u. per square
cooling load. foot taken from tables.
4. Special consideration must be given to location A = area of transmitting surface in square feet.
of a room or building when cooling load calculations are T1 = inside building temperature.
being made. The interior load may change from one T0 = outside building temperature.
portion of the buildings to another. Varied heat loads 11. Another formula that is used in calculations for
from equipment, solar radiation, and occupants will alter radiation through glass is expressed as Qg = Ag Ig Fg
the calculations. When calculating heat load, always Ag = area of glass in square feet.
consider the peak load that could be reached in the Ig = coefficient of heat transfer for glass taken from
building. table.
5. With a building that may have a changeable heat Fg = glass radiation factor.
load. an experienced air-conditioning man cannot state The following is a list of heat loads:
definitely the time of day that the building cooling load a. Load from solar radiation.
would be at a maximum. Therefore, it is necessary to b. Sky radiation.
calculate cooling load for this establishment at several c. Outdoor-indoor temperature differential for glass
different periods during the day. These times should be areas, exterior walls, partitions, ceilings, and floors.
chosen when the values of the various heat sources are at d. Load due to ventilation.
their maximum. e. Load due to heat sources within the conditioned
6. Calculation of Cooling Load. Problems in spaces such as occupants, lights, fans, power, and other
calculating cooling load can be done with mathematical heat-generating equipment

12. This data is available in ASHRAE Guides and Heat transmission through roof = 1790 B.t.u./hr.
manufacturers' manuals. Solar radiation through roof = 3460 B.t.u./hr.
13. Specifications of Building To Be Air Total heat gain through roof = 5250 B.t.u./hr.
Total heat gain through walls and roof is equal to
5337 +F 1707 + 1475 4- 1475 + 1344 + 5250 =
Location: Denver, Colo.
16,588 B.t.u./hr.
Southern exposure.
Heat gain from occupants.
South wail: Front 20 ft. inside, 12 ft. high; plate glass 10
Sensible heat loss = 200 B.t.u./hr.
ft. x 6 ft. high; door 3 ft. x 7 ft. (glass).
Latent heat loss = 460 B.t.u./hr.
North wall: 20 ft. inside, 12 ft. high; plate glass, 2
Total heat gain sensible (5 men) = 1000 B.t.u./hr.
windows 5 ft. x 3 ft. high; wooden door 3 ft.
Total heat gain latent (5 men) = 2300 B.t.u./hr.
x 7 ft.
Total heat gain from equipment.
East wall: 20 ft. inside, 12 ft. high; plate glass, 2
Heat gained from coffee urn.
windows 5 ft. x 3 ft. high.
Latent heat = 1200 B.t.u./hr.
West wall: 20 ft. inside, 12 ft. high; plate glass. 2
Sensible heat = 1200 B.t.u./hr.
windows 5 ft. x 3 ft. high.
Electric motor = 640 B.t.u./hr. (sensible)
Floor: Wooden lath and covered with 1/4-inch
Electric light = 7816 B.t.u./hr. (sensible)
linoleum laid on wooden floor.
Stove burner = 3150 B.t.u./hr. (sensible)
Ceiling: 4-inch wooden rafters, metal lath plaster
= 3850 B.t.u./hr. (latent)
below with 1-inch wooden roof deck,
Total sensible heat gain from
covered with roofing paper.
equipment = 18.566 B.t.u./hr.
Occupancy: 5 employees (manual labor).
Total latent heat gain from
Equipment: Electric lights 2000 watts, two 1/2-hp.
equipment = 5.050 B.t.u./hr.
motors, stove burner heating water, coffee
Approximate total cooling load in B.t.u./hr.
urn (12 inch).
Sensible Latent
Outside design condition: Denver, Colo., 95° F. dry bulb and
1. Through walls and solar radiation 16.588
78° F. wet bulb.
2. Human load 1.000 2,300
Inside design condition selected as 81° F. dry bulb and 68° F.
3. Equipment 18,566 5.050
wet bulb.
36,154 7,350
All walls are constructed of 12-inch brick plastered inside.
Heat gain calculation at peak load approximately 1:00 p.m. 14. An additional factor of 10 percent is often added
South wall 20 ft. X 12 ft. = 240 sq. ft. gross. as a safety factor to the sensible load to take care of
Area glass l0 ft. X 6 ft. = 60 sq. ft. additional energy that may be added to the internal
Area door 3 ft. X 7 ft. = 21 sq. ft. system. Therefore, total cooling load requirements
Transmission coefficient for glass 1.13. become:
Transmission coefficient for brick .34. Sensible load = 36.154 X 1.10 = 39,769 B.t.u./hr.
Heat transmission through wall = 757 B.t.u./hr. Latent load = 7,350 B.t.u./hr.
Heat transmission through glass = 1280 B.t.u./hr. Total cooling load = 47.119 B.t.u./hr.
Heat transmission by solar radiation = 3300 B.t.u./hr. 47,119
South wall heat gained = 5337 B.t.u./hr. Refrigeration = 12,000 = 3.9 tons of refrigeration
North wall 20 ft. X 12 ft. = 240 sq. ft. gross.
equivalent to cooling load. This calculation is
Area glass 5 ft. X 3 ft. (2) 30 sq. ft.
Area door 3 ft. X 7 ft. = 21 sq. ft.
approximate because there are other factors that must be
Heat transmission through wall = 900 B.t.u./hr. considered in cooling load calculations. Ventilation,
Heat transmission through glass = 475 B.t.u./hr. infiltration, and duct losses are part of your cooling load
Heat transmission through door = 332 B.t.u./hr. requirements and will change in value with each
North wall heat gained = 1707 B.t.u./hr. installation.
Fast wall 20 ft. X 12 ft. = 240 sq. ft. gross. 15. Cooling load formulas and tables can be found in
Area glass 5 ft. X 3 ft. (2) 30 sq. ft. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-
Heat transmission through wall = 1000 B.t.u./hr. Conditioning Engineers' Guide, Fundamentals and
Heat transmission through glass = 475 B.t.u./hr.
Equipment, 1963.
Fast wall heat gained = 1475 B.t.u./hr.
West wall 20 ft. X 12 ft. = 240 sq. ft. gross.
Area glass 5 ft. X 3 ft. (2) 30 sq. ft. Review Exercise
Heat transmission through wall = 1000 B.t.u./hr.
Heat transmission through glass = 475 B.t.u./hr. NOTE: The following exercises are study aids. Write
West wall heat gained = 1475 B.t.u./hr. your answers in pencil in the space provided after each
Floor 20 ft. x 20 ft. = 400 sq. ft. exercise. Use the blank pages to record other notes on
Transmission coefficient is .24. the chapter content. Immediately check your answers
Heat transmission through floor = 1344 B.t.u./hr. with the key at the end of the text. Do not submit your
Ceiling 20 ft. x 20 ft = 400 sq. ft. answers for grading.
and roof
Transmission coefficient is .32

1. Calculate the following wall areas. The outer 8. A new barracks is being built and you are called
dimensions are 10' x 14' and the walls are 8" upon to insulate it. What type of insulation
thick. (Sec. 7, Par. 2) would you use and why would you select that
particular type? (Sec. 9, Par. 14)

2. A complaint is received from one of the base 9. The temperature of the hot water at the heating
housing units. The user tells you that the air coil is 130° F. The design coil temperature is
conditioner will not cool down the house 180° F. and the supply temperature from the
sufficiently.. After questioning her, you find that boiler is 185° F. Why is the temperature
she has all the drapes on the windows open and dropping from 185° to 130° F.? (Sec. 9, Par.
also that she didn't start the unit until noon. 18)
What directions should you give the user? (Sec.
7, Pars. 5-8)

10. You are insulating a 2-inch pipe with 3/4-inch

insulation. How much insulation and what type
3. Which type of heat load will affect humidity the of insulation should you put on a globe valve?
most? (Sec. 7, Par. 11) (Sec. 9, Par. 20)

4. The normal ambient temperature for a 11. Find the solar radiation through a brick wall 20'
condensing unit was 80° F. when it was x 40' which has a 30° F. temperature
installed. Additional units have been installed in differential. (Sec. 10, Pars. 10 and 13)
the area and the ambient temperature is now
105°. This increase in temperature is affecting
the operating time of the units. How could you
correct this situation? (Sec. 8, Pars. 4 and 6) 12. Find the heat gain of a brick wall 10' x 12' which
has two 2' x 4' glass windows. The outside
temperature is 94° F. and the inside design
temperature is 72° F. (Sec. 10, Par. 13)

5. How much efficiency would a condenser lose if

the water supplied to it was 85° F. instead of 75°
F.? (Sec. 8, Par. 9) 13. Which type of heat load will give off the most
latent heat gain? (Sec. 10, Par. 13)

6. Which type of insulation should you use on a 40°

F. cold storage room? (Sec. 9, Par. 5) 14. Find the total cooling load when the sensible
load is 42,156 B.t.u.'s and the latent heat load is
8,750 B.t.u.'s. (Sec. 10, Par. 14)

7. The strainer on a low-pressure steam coil

installation must be removed periodically for
cleaning. How would you insulate the strainer? 15. What size unit would you install if the sensible
(Sec. 9, Par. 8) load is 57,150 B.t.u.'s and the latent load is 9,170
B.t.u.’s? (Sec. 10, Par. 14)


Self-Contained Package Air-Conditioning Units

MOST SERVICEMEN call these air conditioners tons. Remember, whenever you want to convert B.t.u.'s
window- and floor-mounted units. You will find that they to tons, 12,000 B.t.u.'s equals 1 ton. The sizes had
are identified in this manner throughout the chapter. The commonly been designated in terms of horsepower, but
self-contained units differ from the remote units discussed this proved to be inaccurate because various refrigerants
in another volume (Equipment Cooling) of this course in differ in cooling efficiency. Capacities (sizes) are now
that one housing contains all the components. measured in B.t.u./hr.
2. These units are usually found in offices or in a 4. Most of these air conditioners are designed as
portion of a building that is separate. One example is a household appliances and are equipped with line cords
panel room in a heat and power building. It would be that may be plugged into a standard I15-230 plug
impractical to air-condition the entire building because of receptacle with a ground. Conditioners requiring 115
the heat load from the diesel engines, furnaces, volts are usually limited to a current load of 12 amperes,
refrigeration equipment, etc. The panel room houses which is the maximum allowable load of a single -outlet
gauges, recorders, and various instruments that the duty 15-ampere circuit. This is in compliance with the
engineer observes to oversee plant operation. National Electric Code (N.E.C.). 1959. A very popular I
3. You will study the window- and floor-mounted 115-volt model is one which is rated at 7.5 amperes.
units. Included under these topics are installation, This rating allows the unit to he plugged into any standard
operation, maintenance, and various components peculiar 115-volt 15-ampere circuit. large units, generally over
to these systems. 10.000 B.t.u./hr. are designed as 230-volt units, which can
be plugged into a 230-volt circuit within the limitations
11. Window-Mounted Units set forth by the National Electric Code.
1. The window-mounted air conditioner is a 5. There are also units which are designed for
factory-made incased assembly, designed as a unit for ;application to the particular power supplies you may
mounting in a window or through a wall. It is designed encounter in countries outside the United States.
fir free delivery of conditioned air to an enclosed space Remember, always read the nameplate before plugging in
without ducts. a unit.
2. This air conditioner has a prime source of 6. Many mounting designs are available for
refrigeration and dehumidification, and a means of particular applications of window-mounted air
circulating and cleaning the air. It may also include conditioners. A few of the various mountings are:
means for ventilating and heating. The basic function is a. Inside flush mounting. The interior face of the
to provide comfort by filtering, cooling, dehumidifying, conditioner is approximately flush with the inside edge of
and circulating the room air; and to provide ventilation by the window sill.
introducing filtered outdoor air into the room or b. Balance mounting. The unit is installed
exhausting room air to the outside. If heating is provided, approximately half inside, and ha1f outside the window.
steam coils, hot water coils, or electric resistance heaters c. Outside flush mounting. The outer face of the
may he used, or the conditioner may be designed as a heat unit is flush or slightly beyond the outside wall.
pump unit. We will discuss the heat pump later in this d. All-in-mounting. The unit is completely inside
volume. the room so that tie window can be closed.
3. Sizes and Classifications. The cooling e. Upper sash mounting. The unit is mounted in
capacities of window-mounted air conditioners range the top of the window.
approximately from 4000 to 36,000 B.t.u./hr. or 1/3 to 3

f. Built-in mounts. The mounts are used for 14. Through-the-wall units with steam or hot wire
installing units in the walls of hotels, motels, residences, coils must be wired in or connected with armored cable or
etc. conduit. The electrician should complete this task. When
7. There are many special mounts that can be used. the cooling unit can be removed without disturbing the
We will not discuss each one. A special mounting may be heating system, it is customary to provide enough wire to
used for casement windows, swinging windows, and facilitate installation and servicing without disconnecting
office windows with swinging units, to permit window the entire air conditioner.
washing. Special mounts are also used for transom 15. The electrical system of an air conditioner
windows over doorways. consists of an appliance cord, plug, thermostat, fan
8. Installation and Operation. Installation motor(s), starting relay, starting capacitor, running
procedures vary because units can be mounted in several capacitor, compressor motor, overload protector, and
ways. It is important to consider the most suitable switches that control the flow of current to the various
mounting for the installation, the user's desires, and electrical portions of the system. Now we will discuss
existing building codes. each electrical component.
9. Electrical system. We've already discussed the 16. The appliance cord and plug are manufactured as
electric power source needed for a 115- or 230-volt unit, one unit. The cord is usually a three-wire cord with two
but we didn't cover proper grounding of the unit. All current-carrying conductors and a ground wire. The
window type air conditioners, regardless of voltage or conductor should be the correct size to carry the current
amperage rating, must be grounded. Most units are that is necessary to operate the unit. The round third
equipped with grounding type male plugs. These plugs terminal of the service plug (1 15-volt) is the grounding
are used with a grounded (three-prong) 115-volt terminal and should never be removed.
receptacle. 17. The control switch (es) mounted on the control
10. The National Electric Code states that non- panel of the unit directs electric current to various
current-carrying metal parts which are liable to become portions of the system to satisfy the desires of the user.
energized shall be grounded under one or more of the All functions of the switch (es) are clearly marked.
following conditions: 18. The thermostat automatically controls the
a. Where permanently connected to metal-clad operation of the compressor motor, fan motor, and
wiring. accessories to provide the comfort conditions required by
b. When in a wet location and not isolated. the user. This control is accomplished by a feeler bulb
c. When within reach of a person standing on the located in the return airstream. The ambient temperature
ground outside the building. of the feeler bulb causes a bellows in the thermostat to
d. When in a hazardous location. expand or contract. This in turn causes the thermostat
e. When in electrical contact with metal or metal switch to open or close electrical contacts to the
lathe. compressor and fan motors. Some thermostats have
f. Where the voltage is more than 150 volts to positions which afford the user constant operation.
ground. 19. The fan motor(s) and fans provide the forced air
11. Can you think of any installation that wouldn't through the evaporator and condenser coils. The fan
require grounding? It's very doubtful that you can, so motor always operates when the compressor is running.
remember, whenever you install a unit, make sure it's 20. The starting relay, used frequently on 115-volt
grounded. units, may be of the voltage operated type with normally
12. Can you plug the unit into any receptacle? Yes, closed contacts. The relay magnetic coil is wired in
if the total load of the air-conditioning equipment does parallel with the starting winding of the compressor
not exceed 80 percent of the current rating of the branch motor. Voltage developed by motor operation at 80 to 90
circuit, provided the voltage rating is satisfied. If the percent of full speed is impressed on the relay coil, which
branch circuit also feeds lighting units or other opens its contacts. With the relay contacts closed, the
appliances, the total load of the air conditioner shall not starting and running capacitors are wired in parallel with
exceed 50 percent of the current rating of the circuit. each other and in series with the compressor motor
13. If a question about the power source or starting winding. When the relay contacts open, the
grounding arises, contact an electrician. He is a specialist starting capacitor is disconnected, but the running
in electricity, as you are in refrigeration. The capacitor remains in series with the starting winding.
manufacturer includes instruction sheets with his unit. 21. The starting capacitor stores electricity and
You will find these helpful in mounting and installing the provides power for extra compressor motor starting
unit. torque at the starting instant. This capacitor remains in
the circuit for only a brief

Figure 9. Room air-conditioner wiring diagram.

interval at startup. If the starting relay fails to quickly unknown type of overload protector. Replace the
take the starting capacitor out of the circuit, it is possible overload protector with a like unit, as shown in an
that the starting capacitor will fail. illustrated parts breakdown for that specific air
22. The running capacitor, which can be a heavy- conditioner. Be certain, also, that the overload protector
duty, oil-filled capacitor, is used in the circuit to reduce has good metal-to-metal contact with the compressor shell
the current requirements of the compressor motor power to protect the compressor motor.
factor. 26. The operation of the electrical system for all
23. The compressor motor may he of various types. window-mounted air conditioners are similar. We will
Two common types arc the capacitor start-capacitor run use an air conditioner with a two-speed fan motor as an
and the permanent-split capacitor motor. The permanent- illustration. Figure 9 shows the wiring diagram for this
split capacitor motor doesn't use a starting relay. air conditioner. With the pushbutton switch in the cooling
24. The motor overload protector is used on all position, current is applied to the fan motor Remember,
compressor motor:; to protect them against excessive the fan motor always operates when the compressor motor
current draw and abnormal heat. The overload protector is running. Current also passes the thermostat. If the
is usually mounted either under the terminal block cover thermostat is calling for cooling, the compressor motor is
or on top of the compressor against the shell. The energized. The compressor starts to rotate, helped by the
overload protector consists of a bimetal strip with contacts starting capacitor. The start capacitor is in the circuit
and, in some cases, a heater clement. Excessive current when the compressor motor starts, because the starting
draw will cause the heater element or the bimetal strip relay contacts on the voltage type relay are always closed
itself to heat up, thereby causing the contacts to open. when the relay coil is not energized. When the
Excessive compressor shell temperature can also cause compressor reaches 80 to 90 percent of full speed, the
the bimetal strip to open the contacts. voltage developed in the start winding is impressed upon
25. When the bimetal contacts open, they remain the relay coil. The voltage developed at this speed is
open until the temperature of the heater and/or enough to pull the relay contacts open and take the
compressor shall have cooled enough to cause a reset starting capacitor out
action. When making replacements, never use an

of the circuit. The compressor continues to run on the run kept clean. Any restriction of airflow to these
winding and the running capacitor. Now we'll turn our components will result in reduced unit capacity.
thoughts to the refrigeration cycle. 33. The evaporator blower wheel draws the room air
27. Refrigeration cycle. The refrigeration cycle of through the louvered grille of the cabinet, through the
an air conditioner consists of a compressor motor, filter, then through the evaporator coils. It is then
condenser coil, evaporator coil, capillary tube, strainer discharged back into the room.
assembly, and its interconnecting tubing. 34. The condenser fan draws its air from the outside.
28. The fan motor(s) circulates air to remove the It then passes this air over the compressor and electrical
heat picked up by the refrigerant system. The condenser controls and out the condenser, where it carries off heat
fan brings in outside air and forces it through the collected from the room air and the various components
condenser coil, where it picks up heat and carries it to the of the air conditioners. The condenser fan is often
outside air. The evaporator blower wheel recirculates equipped with a slinger ring that removes condensate
room air, passing it through the cold evaporator, where water collected from the evaporator. This is done by
moisture in the air condenses and its heat is absorbed by slinging the condensate on the condenser where it
the refrigerant in the cooling system. The refrigerant evaporates.
system is hermetically sealed. 35. Air seals are provided around the outer edge of
29. The compressor pumps the low-pressure gas the evaporator housing and in the front grille to restrict
from the interior of the compressor shell into the airflow to its proper path. Now that we've discussed the
discharge line. The high-pressure gas, with its heat various systems, we can relate the troubleshooting
concentrated by compression, is forced into the techniques you might use on them.
condenser. The high-pressure gas is raised in 36. Trouble Diagnosis and Testing Procedures.
temperature, at the compressor, above the outside air There are various pieces of test equipment you could use
temperature which is being used to cool the condenser. to diagnose trouble. These are the ohmmeter, volt-
The hot gas gives up its heat as it passes through the wattmeter, load checker, test starting set, and
condenser coils. The hot refrigerant gas gives up enough psychrometer.
heat to condense to a liquid. High-pressure liquid 37. Electrical system. If you find the air conditioner
refrigerant leaves the condenser. It now passes through a inoperative with the service cord plugged into a power
strainer assembly. The strainer is an enlarged tube with a supply, check the electrical outlet with a test lamp or
very fine mesh screen to remove any foreign particles. voltmeter. If power is not available, you must check the
The high-pressure liquid now enters the capillary tube. possible faults which we will discuss in the next
The capillary tube acts as a restrictor (metering device) paragraphs.
and separates the high side of the system from the low 38. First, examine the fuse box for blown fuses
side. (circuit breaker for tripped breakers) and be certain fuses
30. The high-pressure liquid refrigerant is reduced in are of the time-delay type and of the correct size as
pressure by the restrictive action of the capillary tube. indicated on the front of the air conditioner. If no power
The liquid enters the evaporator low-pressure area, which is available at the line side of the fuse box, tell the user
was created by the suction stroke of the compressor. The and advise the electric shop.
liquid refrigerant exposed to this reduced pressure begins 39. To determine if the power supply is adequate,
to boil and absorb more heat from the recirculated warm check the voltage at the power source with a voltmeter.
air. The boiling action of the liquid refrigerant progresses The voltage must be within ±10 percent of the voltage
throughout the evaporator tubes, picking up heat as it required with the air conditioner on maximum cooling. A
travels. This low-pressure liquid now changes to low- load checker may be used to simulate the wattage that the
pressure gas which is drawn out of the evaporator and air conditioner will draw.
back to the compressor, where the cycle is repeated. 40. If the correct voltage is available at the
31. Airflow system. The airflow system consists of a receptacle, examine the service plug to be sure it is
fan motor(s), evaporator blower wheel, condenser fan(s), making good contact with the receptacle. Remove the
and their housings. Two-speed or variable-speed fans and service plug from the receptacle and check the service
controls may be used. Many air conditioners have two cord with an ohmmeter. Full continuity should exist the
separate airflow systems. These systems are the room air length of the service cord. You must check all the
cooling, ventilating circuit and the condensing or outside connections within the air conditioner to insure that they
air circuit. They are separated by a bulkhead and gasket are securely fastened and making good contact.
32. To maintain peak performance, it is important 41. Another possible fault could be grounding. The
that the filter, evaporator coils, and condenser coils be third wire of the service cord (green) is grounded to the
chassis and will eliminate the

46. One of the components that may be faulty is the
overload protector. The contacts in the overload
protector are normally closed. An ohmmeter check
between any two of the terminals should indicate
continuity. If no continuity exists, the overload protector
must be replaced. If the overload protector opens
repeatedly and the voltage, wattage, and temperature of
the compressor are normal, substitute a known good
protector. If the opening continues, the trouble lies
Figure 10. Test starting set. 47. Another component that may be malfunctioning
is the thermostat. The thermostat test is very easily made.
shock hazard. Internal grounds will cause fuses to blow Set the thermostat to its coldest position and test for
or, if of a minor extent, cause excessive power continuity between the two terminals. If there is no
consumption and breakdown of components. Grounded continuity, the thermostat must be replaced. Make sure
current-carrying paths in the electrical system should not that the thermostat feeler bulb is above 70° F. To make it
be allowed to exist. that warm, hold the bulb in your hand.
42. Grounds nay he eliminated by testing each wire 48. We have discussed the troubleshooting
or component with an ohmmeter. With the ohmmeter on techniques that you may use on the electrical system of an
a high scale, test between the wire and any bright metal of air conditioner. Remember that all conditioners are not
the chassis, such as the copper tubing. No continuity alike. Therefore you should always refer to the
should exist between the wire or electrical components manufacturer’s manual and wiring diagrams.
and the chassis. Continuity should exist between the 49. Refrigeration system. In the event a user
round prong of the service plug and the chassis. This is complains of insufficient cooling or no cooling, there are
the grounding line. some logical checks you should make before
43. To check the starting relay, disconnect the troubleshooting the refrigeration system. One would be
service cord from tie power source and expose the relay. the electrical system and the other the airflow. We’ve
With the ohmmeter, test the relay switch contacts for already discussed the electrical system, so we’ll discuss
continuity. If there is no continuity, replace the relay. what to check in the airflow.
Another malfunction that may exist within the relay is a 50. Check the airflow system for cleanliness of the
grounded relay coil. If an ohmmeter check indicates no filter, evaporator coils, and condenser coils. If these are
continuity across the coil, the relay must he replaced. clean, check the fan speed. The fan speed may be
44. The starting and running capacitors may be checked with a portable tachometer. These malfunctions
checked with an ohmmeter. The capacitors must be are the primary causes of low or no cooling. If no
removed from the circuit and fully discharged before electrical or airflow fault is found, you must then
making a test. You can discharge the capacitors by troubleshoot the refrigeration system.
shorting the capacitor leads. The first indication you
should observe with the ohmmeter is a short circuit 51. The correct refrigerant charge will be indicated
(needle will swing toward 0) and then the reading should by normal amperage draw. The amperage may be found
slowly change to indicate a resistance reading of on the data plate. Low amperage draw is an indication of
approximately 100,000 ohms. low refrigerant charge, while a high draw may be an
45. To test the compressor motor, you must first overcharge or dirty condenser.
disconnect the service plug from the power source. Now
attach the test starting set, shown in figure 10, to the
compressor motor. You may use the starting capacitor on
the air conditioner if you've already tested it and found it 52. Another test you may accomplish to check
not malfunctioning. The test set plug should be connected refrigerant charge is the "frost back test." With the unit
to the same or equivalent power supply used for the air running, block the evaporator air inlet with a piece of
conditioner. Push down the push button switch, then cardboard. After a period of time, the suction line should
release it. The compressor motor should start. If it didn't frost back to the compressor. A partial frost back
start or if it blew fuses repeatedly, replace the compressor. indicates a low refrigerant charge. If the suction line does
If the compressor starts, the trouble is in one or more of frost back to
the other electrical components.

Figure 11. Thermometer placement for performance tests.

the compressor, the air conditioner should be given a wattage draw when the lowest wet-bulb temperature is
performance test to determine that it is operating to its obtained. All readings should be taken as nearly
fullest efficiency. simultaneously as possible.
53. Two dry-bulb thermometers, one psychrometer, 55. At this point you need a helper stationed outside
and a wattmeter are needed for this test. Before you make to read the inlet condensing air temperature. These
the test, allow the unit to operate at full capacity for one- readings are now compared to the performance table
half hour. Be sure that the damper doors in the unit and values. Each manufacturer has these tables available for
any doors or openings to the room are closed so that no each model he produces. You cannot perform the test
outside air is allowed to enter the room and no cooled air accurately without them. These tables contain
is allowed to leave the room. information such as condenser inlet air temperature,
54. Next, you must position the louvers on the front evaporator inlet air temperature (wet bulb), evaporator
of the air conditioner so that the conditioned air flows inlet-outlet air temperature differential, total wattage, low
upward. Now you place the various instruments that you side pressure, and high side pressure.
will use to obtain values for comparison with performance 56. Let's assume the following readings were taken
data and tables in their pertinent places. One of the dry- from an Anthony make air conditioner, model 21-9588-
bulb thermometers is suspended in the condenser inlet 06. This is a 1-H.P. 115-volt unit. Figure 12 is the
airstream. You must be careful not to allow it to make performance table for this air conditioner. The condenser
contact with any metal parts and must keep it out of the air inlet temperature is 95° F. and the evaporator air inlet
direct rays of the sun. The remaining dry-bulb temperature is 67° F. You must now refer to figure 12.
thermometer is supported in the approximate center of the Under column A we find the 95° F. condenser air inlet
evaporator air outlet stream. The psychrometer is placed temperature, and in column B we find the 67° F.
in the center of the evaporator inlet airstream. Be certain evaporator air inlet temperature. When we follow to the
that you wet the wet-bulb wick. The wattmeter is right from the 67° F. reading, we find the following
connected in series with the power supply to the air values:
conditioner. Figure 11 shows the various locations of Evaporator Inlet-Outlet Air Temperature Differential
these instruments during the performance test of a 17°-24° F.
window air conditioner. Read the temperatures and

Figure 12. Performance chart.

Watts Total to Unit 1290-1470 Watts. 61. Service Procedures. The service literature
Low Side Pressure 71-75 p.s.i.g. published by the manufacturer contains replacement
High Side Pressure 300-330 p.s.i.g. diagrams for each model he produces. The knowledge
57. From these performance values, we find that the you will gain from a close examination of these diagrams
normal air temperature drop across the evaporator is 17°- will help make the replacement of any part of an air
24° F. If the temperature drop exceeded 24° F., you could conditioner readily possible. A step-by-step procedure is
Suspect a dirty filter, incorrect fan speed, or a restriction usually given on more difficult part removal items. This
in the evaporator airflow. A temperature less than the procedure is usually brief and keyed to a picture by
minimum (17° F.) could indicate low line voltage, air numbers. To replace parts that you've removed, reverse
leakage from normal paths, or a dirty condenser the sequence you used to remove them.
58. Well, let's say that we've found the air 62. Filters. Dirty filters, along with low voltage, are
conditioner operating at its fullest capacity and the user the major causes of poor performance of an air
still complains of insufficient cooling. One possible conditioner. You should familiarize the user with the
remedy would be to replace the unit with a unit of larger location of the filter and with the fact that it should be
capacity or install an additional unit. inspected frequently for cleaning or replacement.
59. If you have determined, by use of the Aluminum mesh type filters may be cleaned as often as
performance test, that the air conditioner is not operating necessary without damage. The filter should be cleaned
at its fullest capacity, you must troubleshoot the unit. The with hot soapy water, then flushed thoroughly. After the
last possible fault you should troubleshoot is a low filter is dry, it should be recoated with a domestic mineral
refrigerant charge. If leak testing is necessary, you could oil or commercial type metal filter coating. You should
use the following test procedures. explain to the user that the entire surface of both faces of
a. Expose the unit and the refrigeration component. the filter requires recoating. This procedure increases the
b. Examine all components and tubing for breaks, dirt enhancing quality of the filter.
cracks, and traces of oil. (Since a small amount of oil 63. Condenser and evaporator. The coils of the
travels through the system with the refrigerant, a trace of condenser and evaporator should be cleaned periodically.
oil would be a good indication of a leak.) You may accomplish this task with a soft brush or a
c. With a halide leak detector, probe every joint for vacuum cleaner.
a leak source. 64. Condensate disposal system. In order to reduce
60. A soap-water solution may also be used for the humidity in the conditioned area, an appreciable
finding leaks. Finding a leak is one of three conditions amount of air-conditioner capacity is required. This is
that may make entry into the sealed unit necessary. The referred to as latent load,
other conditions are restrictions and compressor and/or
compressor motor failure.

Figure 13. Sectional view of an air-cooled floor-mounted air conditioner.

while the actual reduction of air temperature is called the 12. Floor-Mounted Units
sensible load. 1. The floor-mounted or console air conditioner
65. As the room air passes through the evaporator may have either water-cooed or air-cooled condensing
coils, the moisture in the air condenses. This condensate units. The air-cooled model is gaining in popularity due
then drains back to the condenser housing sump, where it to water restrictions. Figure 13 shows an air-cooled
is drained or picked up by the slinger ring of the console unit. Note how the condensate from the
condenser fan. The slinger ring blows the water into the evaporator coil is entrained in the condenser air. We also
hot surfaces of the condenser coil. This moisture helps to find that two separate fans and motors are used to move
cool the condenser coil as it is vaporized and blown into the air, while the window-mounted air conditioner
the outside air. It is important to keep the condensate normally uses one Fresh air or ventilating air is bypassed
drain clear to allow free drainage of this water. Proper from the condenser air just as it leaves the condenser fan.
slope of the air conditioner to the rear provides for this 2. This air conditioner is applied to either resi-

dential or commercial use. The latter is used for comfort in which cooling water is circulated. The gas condenses
cooling and control of temperature and humidity for on the surface of the tubes and runs to the bottom of the
manufacturing purposes. In residences it is used for condenser shell. These condensers are used frequently
comfort only. where the cooling load is heavy and the ambient
3. We won't discuss each component of the various temperature may rise over 90° F.
systems which make up the air-conditioner, as they are 9. The tubes in a shell-and-tube condenser have a
directly related to components that we've already tendency to become coated, and sometimes even filled,
discussed. Instead, we will discuss each system briefly with deposits (magnesium, calcium, etc.) from the water
with more thought concentrated on components peculiar that passes through them. The safest method that you
to this unit. may employ for cleaning a water tube is soft metal
4. Refrigeration System. The refrigeration system brushes. You should start with a small diameter brush
consists of a compressor, cooling coil, condenser, and increase the diameter of the brushes until one that is
expansion device, and the necessary interconnecting just the diameter of the inside of the tube is used. Do not
tubing. The components peculiar to this system are the attempt to apply force to the brush rod with a hammer. A
different types of condensers, expansion devices, and large piece of scale or deposit could cause the rod to
compressor capacity controls. deflect and rupture the tubing wall opposite the deposit.
5. Condensers. We will discuss the various types Most tubes are not galvanized or coated with a surface-
of condensers that you may find on this air conditioner protecting material, so you should oil each tube after it
and how they are cleaned. The most common is the air- has been cleaned. This may be done by drawing an oil-
cooled condenser. The air-cooled condenser consists of soaked cloth through the tube. The film of oil will
coils over which air is blown. Refrigerant cooling is prevent oxidation and will be washed off in a short time
obtained by adequate condenser surface and maximum sir after water has run through the tube.
circulation over the outside coil and fin surface. 10. Another water-cooled condenser is the double-
6. Ordinary brushes and mild soap cleaning pipe condenser. This type of water-cooled condenser has
solutions will remove the usual dirt and dust deposited on become very popular because of its performance and its
air-cooled condensers. However, in some applications, convenience of manufacture. The double-pipe condenser
the materials that may be deposited on the condenser consists of one pipe inside a large pipe. The ends of the
cannot be removed by these means. If this situation larger pipe are sealed against the inside pipe so that
arises, you can make a good cleaning agent by mixing 1/2 liquids or gases may be directed through its entire length.
pound of trisodium phosphate with 1 gallon of water. 11. The water usually passes through the inner pipe,
After you use an acid or alkaline solution, you should and the refrigerant through the outer. The counterflow
rinse or flush the condenser with large quantities of clear principle is usually employed so that the lowest
water. temperature water comes in contact with the lowest
7. Another problem that you may have to cope with temperature refrigerant This type of operation could lower
is carbon deposits. There is more danger to restricted the leaving refrigerant temperature to the same
airflow in using a solution which would loosen, or temperature of the incoming. water. However, a 10°
partially loosen, the carbon deposit than there would be in differential is considered satisfactory.
using a solution which would not remove all of it. The 12. Liquid cleaning with solutions of strong caustic
loosened particles could plug the condenser. The most soda or mild muriatic acid is practically the only cleaning
satisfactory method of cleaning the inner portion of the method you can use on this type of water-cooled
condenser is to use superheated steam. You will find that condenser. You should test the strength of the solution
this method will do a thorough job of removing all the before you use it, as it may weaken the tube. The
loosened material from the inside of the condenser, and manufacturer usually recommends the strength of solution
will prevent formation of any oxide or other material on you should use on his condenser and how to test it. When
the coils and fins. One precaution you should apply when you mix the solution, always add the acid to the water and
using superheated steam is to be sure that the temperature wear the appropriate safety equipment.
of the steam is not above the melting point of any of the 13. On large equipment, double-pipe condensers are
materials from which the condenser is constructed. made of iron pipe. These are so constructed that the
8. One water-cooled condenser (shell-and-tube) return ells can be removed. This exposes the inner tube
consists of a gas type sealed shell containing a copper coil so that it may be cleaned with a brush, as were the tubes
or tubes. The hot refrigerant gas is admitted into the in the shell-and-tube condenser.
condenser shell and flows down over the condenser tubes

eliminator plates, which are closely spaced surfaces that
provide abrupt changes in airflow direction. The moisture
particles are deposited on these surfaces and drained back
to the sump. Effective elimination of moisture from the
leaving air is essential to prevent projection of mist which
can deposit moisture on surrounding surfaces. The
carryover of water particles will also tend to form scale on
the fan blades, thereby causing operational difficulties.
18. Scale is formed by low soluble salts.
Polyphosphate chemicals may be added to the water,
thereby enabling the water to become supersaturated
without precipitation of scale-forming solids. Let's look
at figure 14 again. We haven't mentioned the bleed tube
which allows some of the pump discharge water to -drain
off. What does that have to do with the formation of
scale? Before we answer that question, let's state a few
a. The water contains suspended solids (salts, iron,
b. The cycles of concentration increase each time
the water circulates through the system (evaporization of
c. The dissolved solids are less soluble because of
changes in the water temperature (water heated by
condenser coils).
19. With these facts in mind, we find that bleeding
off some of the recirculated water and replenishing it with
makeup water will decrease the amount of solids
Figure 14. Evaporative condenser. suspended in the cooling water. Remember, the cycle of
concentration is the ratio of bleedoff water hardness to
14. The repair of water-cooled condensers is usually makeup water hardness. The bleedoff water rate is
performed by the manufacturer, unless it is otherwise directly proportional to the amount of water being
specified in the manufacturer's service publication. In this evaporated. Continuous bleedoff, with rates based on
case a detailed breakdown and procedure are given. condenser evaporation rate and makeup water hardness,
15. The evaporative condenser, shown in figure 14, decreases the precipitation of scale on the condenser coil.
consists of a fan and motor, eliminators, condensing coil, Scale on the condenser coil surface decreases the heat
waterpump, spray headers and nozzles, a water sump, and transmission through the surface and may reduce airflow.
a makeup water valve. 20. Normally the next component in the refrigeration
16. The operation of the evaporative condenser is system is the receiver. Since you are already familiar
similar to that of the cooling tower except that condensing with the receiver, we will bypass our discussion of it and
coils are installed in the airflow. The two types of proceed to the expansion device.
evaporative condensers are the draw-through and the 21. Expansion device. The most common expansion
blow-through. We will limit our discussion to the draw- device used on this air conditioner is the thermostatic
through type, as it is the most popular of the two. expansion valve with an external equalizer and
17. First, we'll discuss the operation of the distributor. The external equalizer is used to compensate
evaporative condenser. In the draw-through type, we find for the pressure drop across the evaporator. A valve with
that the air enters at the sump plenum, then flows up an internal equalizer would cause the evaporator to starve
through the condenser coils, spray nozzles, eliminators, because the pressure sensed under the valve diaphragm
and out to the atmosphere. The entering air causes the would be the inlet evaporator pressure. Let's set up an
water on the condensing cods to evaporate. The example to clarify our discussion.
evaporation process removes heat from the refrigerant 22. Figure 15 shows a thermostatic expansion valve
within the coils, causing the high-pressure gas to (for refrigerant -12) with an internal
condense. The moisture-laden air then passes on to the

required pressure above the diaphragm for equilibrium is
27 + 9.7, or 36.7 p.s.i.g. This pressure corresponds to a
saturation temperature of 40° F., and the superheat
required is now 40 - 28, or 12° F. The use of an external
equalizer has reduced the superheat from 22° F. to 12° F.
Thus the capacity of a system will be increased.
25. The expansion device shown in figure 16 is the
thermostatic expansion valve and pressure drop
distributor. This arrangement is used on the multicircuit
evaporator to assure that an equal mixture of gas and
liquid refrigerant reaches each evaporator circuit An
external equalizer is used to compensate for the pressure
drop caused by the distributor. An internally equalized
Figure 15. Thermostatic expansion valve with an valve would limit the action of the valve and cause the
internal equalizer. evaporator to starve.
26. The maintenance and servicing of this valve is
equalizer. We are going to give the evaporator a 10- similar to that of the common thermostatic expansion
p.s.i.g. pressure drop across it. We find that the pressure valve.
acting on the lower side of the diaphragm is 37 p.s.i.g., 27. Our next discussion will cover the various
which is causing the valve to close. With the valve capacity controls that may be used on the system. These
superheat spring set at a compression equivalent to 10° F. are the hydraulic cylinder unloader and the compressor
superheat or a pressure of 9.7 p.s.i.g., the required bypass valve.
pressure above the diaphragm to equalize the forces is 28. Capacity controls. The hydraulic cylinder
46.7 p.s.i.g. (37 + 9.7). Using your temperature-pressure unloader is used to improve compressor capacity control
chart, you will find that this pressure corresponds to a during light load conditions. The unloader accomplishes
saturation temperature of 50° F. Therefore, the refrigerant this by holding open the suction valve on some cylinders
temperature at point C must be 50° F. if the valve is to be and allowing the piston to draw gas on the downstroke,
in equilibrium. Since the pressure at this point is only 27 but on the upstroke it returns the gas to the suction line
p.s.i.g. and the corresponding saturation temperature is without compressing it.
28° F., a superheat of 22° F. (50 - 28) is required to open 29. On single-step unloader systems, one-half of the
the valve. This increase in superheat makes it necessary cylinders are unloaded, while on multistep unloaders the
to use more of the evaporator surface to produce this cylinders are unloaded in increments. These increments
higher superheated refrigerant gas. Therefore the amount depend on the number of cylinder in the compressor.
of evaporator surface available for absorption of latent Figure 17 and 18 illustrate a typical unloader mechanism,
heat of vaporization of the refrigerant is reduced. The loaded and unloaded. The bottom portion of each figure
evaporator would be starved before the required superheat shows the capacity control actuator.
is reached. This starving effect increases as the load 30. To understand the complete operational cycle,
increases. you should think of the unloader mechanism
23. To compensate for an excessive pressure drop
through an evaporator, you should install a valve of the
external equalizer type, with the equalizer line connected
into the evaporator (at a point beyond the greatest
pressure drop) or into the suction line (on the compressor
side of the remote bulb installation). The most common
installation is in the suction line. When this valve is used,
the true evaporator outlet pressure is exerted under the
diaphragm. The operating pressures on the valve
diaphragm are now free from any effect of the pressure
drop, and the valve will respond to the superheat of the
refrigerant gas leaving the evaporator.
24. The same pressure drop still exists through the Figure 16. Single outlet expansion valve with a
evaporator; however, the pressure under the diaphragm is pressure drop distributor.
now the same as the pressure at point C, or 27 p.s.i.g. The

adjustable by a set screw (6). When the system requires
less than full-refrigeration load, the suction pressure will
fall below the predetermined point, causing an unbalance
within the device, and the unloading cycle will
commence. The drop in suction pressure permits the
bellows (3) to expand, forcing the plunger (7) against the
lever (8), and moving it downward. The downward
movement of this lever opens the regulated orifice (9).
The opening and closing of this orifice controls the action
of the valving mechanism.
33. The function of the valving mechanism is to
supply each of the cylinder unloaders with oil under pump
pressure when full compressor capacity is required and to
relieve this pressure when the cylinders are to operate
unloaded. This valving mechanism consists of a
hydraulic cylinder, containing an annularly grooved,
floating piston

Figure 17. Hydraulic cylinder unloader (loaded).

as two distinct components, the capacity control actuator

and the cylinder unloader mechanism.
31. The capacity control actuator reacts to variations
in refrigeration load requirements and transmits them to
the cylinder unloader mechanisms which load or unload
the cylinders. To perform this dual function, the capacity
control actuator consists of a pressure-sensing device,
which is sensitive to variation in suction pressure; and a
valving mechanism, which regulates the oil pressure to
the various cylinder unloader mechanisms.
32. The pressure-sensing devices (fig. 17) consist of
a chamber (1) connected to the suction line (2) and a
bellows (3), which is vented to atmosphere (4). The
function of the pressure-sensing device is to maintain, as
nearly as possible, a predetermined suction pressure. This
pressure is the maximum pressure required to satisfy the Figure 18. Hydraulic cylinder unloader (unloaded).
refrigeration system. The specific set point is maintained
by a balance of forces. Suction pressure is balanced
against a combination of atmospheric pressure and force
from a spring (5). The amount of spring tension is

(11). The annular grooves are constantly fed with oil pressure forces the springs to contract, the unloader piston
through a line (23). (18) moves down, and takeup ring (19) and the suction
34. Above the piston is a chamber (12) vented to the valve lift pins (20) move with it. This permits the suction
crankcase through an orifice (10). Below the piston is valve (22) to function normally and the cylinder operates
another chamber (13) connected to the annular grooves in at full capacity. When the compressor is to operate at less
the piston by an orifice (14). It is also connected to than full capacity (fig. 18), crankcase pressure flows
crankcase pressure through a regulated orifice (9). through the orifice (10), which allows the pressure in the
Located within the hydraulic cylinder is a spring (15), annular chamber (17) to dissipate; the cylinder unloader
which tends to move the floating piston toward the lower springs (21) expand, lifting the unloader piston (18). This
chamber. raises the takeup ring (19) and the valve lift pins (20), and
35. Under full capacity operation, as shown in figure holds the suction valve (22) open so that the controlled
17, the regulated orifice (9) is shut off and the oil pressure cylinder is operating in an unloaded condition.
in the lower chamber (13) increases because oil under 40. You will find that the compressor unloader is
pump pressure is being supplied through orifice (23). sensitive to variations in suction pressure. It may be
This pressure overcomes the force of the spring (15) and desirable to unload the compressor in response to
the floating piston (11), which rises in the cylinder. As it variations in air temperatures. This can be accomplished
rises, the annular grooves in the floating piston coincide also through the use of pneumatic or electric controls. By
in sequence with lines 16-1, 16-2, and 16-3 to the cylinder introducing controlled air pressure from a pneumatic
unloaders, providing them with full oil pressure and thermostat to the inside of bellows (3), in place of normal
permitting them to operate at full capacity. To make atmospheric pressure, the suction pressure at which
figures 17 and 18 as simple as possible, only line 16-1 is unloading begins can be varied, thus making compressor
connected to a cylinder unloader mechanism. Lines 16-2 operation responsive to variations in air temperature as
and 16-3 are, in reality, connected to identical sensed by the pneumatic thermostat. When electric
mechanisms; and while this discussion is concerned with control of unloading is desired, the screw (6) is replaced
only one unloader mechanism, we could extend it to cover by a mechanical device. It resets the suction pressure
them all. which causes unloading to begin. This device is driven
36. When full compressor capacity is not required, by an electric motor that is positioned by an electric
the regulated orifice (9) is opened through the movement thermostat.
of the lever (8); oil bleeds through it, and pressure within 41. The hydraulic cylinder unloader may be adjusted
the lower chamber approaches crankcase pressure, as to maintain a balance between the load and compressor
shown in figure 18. Under these circumstances, the force capacity. This adjustment is usually made after an
of the spring (15) overcomes the pressure in the lower installation. We will discuss this adjustment, but you
chamber, and the floating piston (11) is moved downward should follow the manufacturers recommendations while
so that lines 16-1, 16-2, and 16-3 become connected in performing this task on your specific piece of equipment.
sequence to crankcase pressure through the orifice (10). Before you adjust the capacity control, you must load the
The spring-loaded ball (24) permits the piston to move system either naturally or artificially until design suction
only in distinct increments, one groove at a time. pressure is reached with the adjusting screw (6) turned all
37. In this manner the valving mechanism supplies the way out. Now, slowly open the suction shutoff valve
or withdraws from each cylinder unloader the oil pressure until the suction pressure is 2 p.s.i.g. below the design
that operates the unloader mechanism. pressure.
38. When oil from the forced feed lubricating system 42. The next step is to turn the adjusting screw
flows through line 16-1 from the valving mechanism to clockwise until the first cylinder unloads. Just before it
the cylinder unloader, it enters the annular chamber (17). unloads, the control oil pressure will drop to
The inner wall or unloader cylinder is firmly anchored to approximately 26 p.s.i.g. below oil pump pressure. The
the cylinder liner; the unloader piston (18), however, is control oil pressure is present in line 16-1. When the
free to move. The up and down movement of this cylinder unloads, there will be a distinct change in the
unloader piston raises and lowers the takeup ring (19), sound of the compressor and in the amperage being
which, in turn, raises and lowers the suction valve lift pins drawn. The remaining cylinder are automatically
(20). unloaded as suction pressure drops.
39. Under full capacity operation (fig. 17), oil flows 43. Maintenance of the cylinder unloader can be
into the annular chamber (17) under pressure sufficient to found in the manufacturer's publications. We
contract the unloader piston springs (21 ). When oil

(in tons of refrigeration), maximum operating pressure
differential, maximum working pressure, and electrical
characteristics. The capacities of solenoid valves are
given in tons of refrigeration at standard conditions for
the various refrigerants, with a pressure drop across the
valve of 2 or 4 p.s.i.g. for liquids and 1 p.s.i.g. for gas.
Most manufacturers publish tables extending these
capacities for higher pressure drops.
48. You'll find that all solenoid valves are rated in
terms of the maximum operating pressure differential
(m.o.p.d.) against which the valve will open. Let's use an
example here to clarify our discussion. With the valve
closed and an upstream pressure of 150 p.s.i.g. against a
downstream pressure of 50 p.s.i.g., the pressure
Figure 19. Direct-acting solenoid valve. differential across the valve would be 150 - 50, of 100
p.s.i.g. The m.o.p.d. of this valve must be equal to, or in
will not discuss it as it may not be applicable to your excess of, the valve (100 p.s.i.g.).
equipment and would only tend to confuse you. 49. Now that you've selected the valve, the next step
44. The next capacity control device you will is to install it. Remember, most solenoid valves are
encounter is the compressor bypass valve. A special designed to operate in a vertical position and, therefore,
solenoid hot gas valve, installed in a bypass line around must be installed in a horizontal line. Special valves are
one or more cylinders, will provide compressor capacity available to be installed in any position. When installing
control. The valve may be operated either by a thermostat the valve, be sure the arrow on the valve body points in
or a switch. A check valve is required in the discharge the direction of refrigerant flow. The final step in the
line beyond the bypass line to prevent a reverse flow of installation of the valve is the electrical wiring. You must
discharge gas from other cylinders. be sure that the voltage, type of current, and frequency
45. There are two types of solenoid valves you may marked on the valve nameplate are compatible with the
find on this installation: the direct-acting, shown in figure system voltage, current, and frequency.
19, and the pilot-operated, illustrated in figure 20. In the
direct-acting type, the pull of the solenoid coil opens the
valve port directly by lifting the pin out of the valve seat.
Since this valve depends solely on the power of the
solenoid coil for operation, its port size for a given
pressure differential is limited by the solenoid coil size.
46. Therefore large solenoid valves are usually of the
pilot-operated design. In this type the solenoid plunger
does not open the main port directly, but merely opens the
pilot port (A). Pressure trapped on top of the piston (B) is
released through the pilot port, thus creating a pressure
unbalance across the piston (B). The pressure underneath
is now greater than that above and the piston moves
upward. This opens the main port (C). To close port C,
the coil is deenergized, causing the plunger to drop and
close the pilot port (A). Now the pressures above and
below piston (B) equalize. The piston (B) will now close
the main port (C). The pressure difference across the
valve, acting upon the area of the valve seat, holds the
piston in a tightly closed position.
47. You may have to select a solenoid valve while
performing your routine duty. You'll find that there are
many applications for this device. When you select a Figure 20. Large pilot-operated solenoid valve.
valve, you should know the fluid to be controlled, cap city

50. Should the valve fail to function after 54. Air-Handling System. The air-handling system
installation, the following are some of the probable causes on the floor-mounted air conditioner in similar to that on
of failure and suggestions for correcting them: the window-mounted type except that the components are
a. Solenoid valve fails to open. larger.
(1) System operating pressure too high. The 55. Fans. The two types of fans common to this air
m.o.p.d. rating of the valve may be lower than the actual conditioner are the propeller and centrifugal fans. The
differential. A valve with a higher m.o.p.d. must be used. propeller fan consists of a propeller, or disk wheel, within
(2) Valve body or internal parts are warped. a mounting ring or plate; the centrifugal fan consists of a
These faults are caused by excessive wrench torque or fan rotor, or wheel, within a scroll type of housing.
high brazing temperatures.. You must replace the 56. In some air-conditioning systems, it is desirable
damaged part or the entire valve as required. to vary the volume of air handled by the fan. This may be
(3) Dirt or sludge causing valve to stick. You done by a number of methods. Where the change is made
must dismantle the valve and completely clean the interior infrequently, the pulley, or sheave, on the drive moor or
and component parts. Use an approved cleaning agent. fan may be changed to vary the speed of the fan and alter
(4) Low voltage. Check the power supply with the air volume. Dampers may be placed in the duct
a voltmeter. The applied voltage must be at least system to vary the volume. Variable-speed pulleys or
85.percent of the rated voltage given on the nameplate. transmissions, such as fan belt change boxes, or electric
For example, a 115-volt solenoid requires at least 97.75 or or hydraulic couplings, may be used to vary the fan speed.
98 volts. If the voltage Is lower than 98 volts, the cause Fan volume can also be varied with the use of variable-
of the voltage drop must be determined and corrected. speed motors and variable-inlet vanes.
Common causes of voltage drops are undersized supply 57. From the standpoint of power consumption, the
lines, other loads connected in series with the coil, loose reduction of fan speed is most efficient when a direct
or faulty connections, and faulty control switches or mechanical method is employed. Inlet vanes save some
devices. power, while dampers save the least
(5) Coil burnout. Excessive voltage is the 58. When considering first, or initial cost, you'll find
primary cause of coil burnout. Coils should not be that damper are usually the lowest. Air supply demands
subjected to voltages higher than 10 percent above the and noise will dictate which type of control to install
rated nameplate voltage-126.5 volts for a 115-volt rated 59. Fan selection as to size and type depends on
coil. High ambient temperatures can also cause coil capacity, static pressure or system resistance, air density,
burnouts. Use a special high-temperature coil if your type of application, arrangement of system, prevailing
evaluation established overheating as the fault. sound level, nature of load, and type of motive power
b. Solenoid valve fails to close. available. To help you make your choice, a fan
(1) Valve body or internal parts are warped. manufacturer will furnish you information on different
Cause and correction same as (2) under subparagraph , sized fans working against different static pressures.
Solenoid valve fails to open. Some of the important information is as follows: (1)
(2) Dirt or sludge causing valve to stick. Cause volume of air (c.f.m.), (2) outlet velocity, (3) r.p.m., (4)
and correction same as (3) under subparagraph a. brake horsepower, (5) tip or peripheral speed, and (6)
(3) Electrical circuit closed. Troubleshoot static pressure. The most efficient operating point is
electric circuit and repair or replace the faulty component usually shown by either boldface or italicized figures in
(switch, relay, thermostat, etc.). the capacity tables.
(4) Congealed oil causing valve to stick. 60. Many fan applications and the corresponding
Refrigerant oil should be of the proper type for types of fans commonly used are listed in the following
temperature range of the system. Corrections is the same paragraphs.
as (3) under subparagraph . 61. Unitary systems are equipped with centrifugal or
51. These service hints are general in nature and can propeller fans,, the later usually being limited to the
be applied to most solenoid valves. If problems arise relatively small suspended type (window-mounted) where
beyond this scope, you should consult the manufacturer's no duct work is involved. Fans for units having
service manual. considerable internal, or possible external resistance, a-
52. There are many other components that we might mostly of the forward-curved blade, or so-called mixed-
discuss but they are peculiar to one manufacturer only. flow centrifugal type. The latter is really a centrif-
53. We will now enter into discussion of the air-
handling system. The components that will be discussed
are fans, motors, and drives.

ugal type with axial inlets, having a pressure curve f. Frequency of operation.
resembling a backward-curved-blade centrifugal fan. 71. The torque required to operate the driven
Both types have the high capacities requisite for a machine (compressor) at every moment between initial
compact unit. startup and eventual shutdown is an important factor in
62. Cooling tower fans are usually of the propeller determining the type of motor to be used.
type, but axial types are used for packed towers, and 72. The torque available at standstill, the starting
occasionally a centrifugal fan is used on the forced-draft torque, is usually welt above the torque at rated full load.
tower. The starting torque may be less than I00 percent, or as
63. Circulating fans are invariably of propeller, or high as 300 percent of full load torque.
disk type, and are made in a vast variety of blade shapes 73. The starting current is usually 400 to 600 percent
and arrangements. They are designed for a pleasing of the current at full load.
appearance as well as for efficiency. 74. Full-load speed also depends upon the design of
64. We will discuss the maintenance of fans in the motor. For induction motors, a speed of 1725 r.p.m.
Chapter 5. Now let's move on to the motors used on the is typical for 4-pole motors, and a speed of 3450 r.p.m.
floor-mounted unit. for 2-pole motors (60-cycle). Full-load torque is the
65. Motors. Room air conditioner use motors torque developed to produce the rated horsepower at the
ranging from 1/6 horsepower to 6 horsepower. Motors in rated speed. Motors have a maximum or breakdown
most cases are controlled directly by the system controls, torque which cannot be exceeded without causing an
such as thermostats, timers, pressure switches, or other abrupt change in speed. The relation between breakdown
automatic devices. The most common voltage application torque and full-load torque varies with motor design.
is 115 or 230 volts. 75. The required horsepower also determines the
66. The necessity for low current draw on a 115-volt motor rating. The horsepower delivered by a motor is a
circuit also makes it necessary to use permanent-split- product of its torque and speed. Since a given motor will
capacitor motors for the fans on room air conditioners. deliver increasing horsepower up to a maximum torque, a
Shaded pole motors are used when current draw isn't a basis for horsepower rating is needed. The National
problem. Electrical Manufacturers Association bases horsepower
67. The hermetic compressor design makes it rating upon breakdown torque limits. Full-load rating of
impossible and unnecessary to service compressor general purpose open type motors is related to the
motors. Fan motors are accessible and you should service winding temperature rise, with a temperature rise limit of
them as recommended by the manufacturer's instructions. 40° C. by thermometer and of 50° C. by resistance for
68. Permanent-split-capacitor motors do not require Class A insulation. Higher temperature rises may be
a starting switch, but the capacitor-start induction-run and allowed for enclosed and special-purpose motors.
the capacitor-start capacitor-run motors use a starting 76. The service factor of a general purpose motor is
switch. defined as "a multiplier which, applied to the normal
69. Motor protection is similar to that described in horsepower rating, indicates a permissible loading which
the previous section. Most compressor motors and air- may be carried under the conditions specified for the
moving motors are equipped with thermal protectors. service factor." Motors, other than general purpose
These may be hermetically sealed for installation within motors, have a service factor of 1.0.
the compressor shell or open for mounting on the outside 77. In this chapter the last subject we shall discuss is
compressor shell. Hermetically sealed protectors provide that of drives.
better protection where conditions such as loss of charge, 78. Drives. The fans and compressor motors are
obstructed suction line, or low ambient temperatures on usually direct drive. Fans over 30 inches in diameter are
stalled rotors can be troublesome. belt driven to reduce the speed below that of the driving
70. When applying an electric motor, the following motor and to meet the sound level requirements. Housed
characteristic are important: fans in the smaller sizes (up to l0 inches) are either direct
a. Mechanical arrangement including the position driven or belt driven, in accordance with sound level and
of motor and shaft. other application requirements. Larger-size housed fans
b. Speed range. are exclusively belt driven.
c. Horsepower. 79. Adjustable pitch pulleys are usually provided to
d. Torque. permit you to balance air delivery against system
e. Inertia. resistance.

Review Exercises 7. What three components of an air-conditioning
unit will collect dir and thus restrict airflow
NOTE: The following exercises are study aids. Write through the unit? (Sec. 11, Par. 32)
your answer in pencil in the space provided after each
exercise. Use the blank pages to record other notes on
the chapter content. Immediately check your answers
with the key at the end of the text. Do not submit your 8. Before you check a capacitor with an ohmmeter
answers for grading. you should __________________ the capacitor.
(Sec. 11, Par. 44)
1. Before you plug in an air-conditioning unit you
should read the _____________. (Sec. 11, Par.
9. During the process of troubleshooting an
inoperative. compressor motor, you check the
overload protector with an ohmmeter. What is
2. When proceeding to plug in an 155-volt air- the condition of the protector if. the meter
conditioning unit you find that the receptacle is indicates zero? (Sec. 11, Par. 46)
for a two-prong plug and the A/C unit hat a
three-prong plug. You cut off the round prong
and make your connection. What condition
exists with the round prong removed? (Sec. 11, 10. Does a low- or high-wattage draw indicate a low
Pars. 9, 10, and 16) refrigerant charge? (Sec. II, Par. 51)

3. Is it permissible to connect a 9.5-ampere rated air

conditioner to a 15-ampere circuit if other 11. What are the two major causes of poor
equipment connected to the same circuit uses 4 performance of an air-conditioner? (Sec. 11,
amperes? (Sec. 11, Par. 12) Par. 62)

4. You receive a work order to replace an air-

conditioner compressor motor that has burned 12. What precaution should be observed when
out due to an overload. What other unit should cleaning an air-conditioner condenser with
you replace? (Sec. 11, Pars. 24 and 25) superheated steam? (Sec. 12, Par. 7)

5. As the room air passes through the its heat is

absorbed by the refrigerant. (Sec. 11, Par. 28) 13. When mixing a liquid acid cleaning solution
should you add the water to the acid or the acid
to the water? (Sec. 12, Par. 12)

6. At what component of the air-conditioning unit

is the temperature of the refrigerant gas raised
above the outside air temperature? (Sec. 11, Par. 14. What will .result if the water bleed tube of the
29) evaporative condenser should become clogged?
(Sec. 12, Pars. 18 and 19)

An air-conditioning compressor was written up because it 18. Should the air-conditioning compressor be
would not unload during light load conditions. What loaded or unloaded when adjusting the cylinder
could prevent the compressor from unloading? (Sec. 12, unloader system? (Sec. 12, Par. 41)
Pars. 31-39)

19. When you are preparing to install a solenoid

valve, what two things on the valve should you
What part of the capacity control actuator regulates the oil check? (Sec. 12, Par. 49)
pressure to the compressor cylinder unloader
mechanisms? (Sec. 12, Par. 31)

20. You have been assigned the task of replacing a

solenoid valve that has a burned out coil. What
should you check for before installing the new
What pressure in the cylinder unloader mechanism will valve? (Sec. 12, Par. 50)
hold the compressor suction valves open? (Sec. 12, Par.

21. What are the two methods of varying the volume

of air handled by an air-conditioning system?
(Sec. 12, Par. 56)


Fresh Air and Air Duct System

YOU HAVE probably heard this statement many times: The linkage is arranged so that when one damper is open,
"This room is smoky." As an air-conditioning mechanic the other damper is closed. Usually they can be at any
you should be particularly interested. Why is the room position, from fully open to fully closed.
smoky? Why can't the air-conditioning system handle the 4. Dampers are installed in numerous ways to
smoke? What can you do to correct this situation? regulate and control air movement. They may have either
2. These questions and many others you may come one or several blades and may have automatic or manual
upon will be answered in this chapter. Such subjects as controls.
dampers, fans, coils, and air duct systems are discussed. 5. Operation and Controls. All dampen operate
You will also learn how to determine duct sizes and how either manually or through the use of automatic controls.
to balance a system. Automatically controlled dampers are generally used in
large air-conditioning systems and are operated by a
13. Dampers motor. The motor operates pneumatically or electrically,
1. Dampers of the following types are usually and moves the dampers to various positions. The size,
installed in an air-conditioning system: material, methods of operation, leverage, location, and
a. Bypass damper (A of figure 21). signs of the motor vary with the manufacturer's
b. Mixing damper (B of figure 21). specifications and installation requirements. Motor
c. Air intake damper (C of figure 21). control and operation was covered in the preceding
d. Volume damper, as shown in figure 22. chapter.
e. Recirculating damper (D of figure 21). 6. Manual damper control is done through the use
2. Bypass dampers control and regulate the airflow of rope or cable extensions. They are generally used as
from return ducts and the intake openings. The air is exit or intake dampers located in remote locations or
diverted in specific directions to avoid airflow through a inaccessible places in the system.
certain duct area. Mixing dampers are usually installed at 7. Maintenance. A few defects that might occur in
duct and intake openings to provide a mixture of air from the operation of a damper or louver follow:
the exterior and interior spaces to the air-conditioning a. Bent shafts.
equipment. Mixing dampers control and regulate the b. Binding of blades or operating mechanism.
airflow from room areas and the fresh air intake. The c. Bent rods or levers.
purpose of a mixing damper is to mix these volumes of air d. Air leakage.
in the proper proportion. The volume damper is installed The most common defect that causes erratic damper
in the interior of the duct, as shown in figure 22. It operation is binding blades.
provides a division for air volume to the openings by 8. Wherever possible, you must inspect damper
changing the area of the passageway. The volume operation; and if any of the above defects are found,
damper is generally constructed of one blade and is immediate action must be taken to repair the unit.
fastened to the side of the duct with indicating sections on 9. Most large dampers are built as a single unit and
the exterior side of the duct surface for adjustments. constricted with a frame to fit the duct and chamber
3. Intake dampers are installed at the opening opening. If the unit needs to be replaced, the complete
connections to the air-conditioned equipment. These damper unit can be taken out and a new damper installed.
dampers usually control and regulate the airflow from the Whenever the services of a sheet metal worker are
duct system connecting the spaces served to the needed, the civil engineering section should be notified
equipment. The recirculation damper and exhaust damper according to local procedures.
are usually connected to a common motor by linkage.

Figure 21. Typical air-conditioning system.

7. Supply and Booster Fans. Depending on their
use in a duct system, a fan may be referred to as a supply
fan or a booster fan. If a fan is furnishing or supplying a
large volume of air, it is often referred to as a supply fan,
its name being derived from the fact that it supplies the
air. A booster fan is used in distributing air to a certain
portion of the duct system. This fan helps in

Figure 22. Volume damper.

10. You should refer to construction drawings and

specifications for location of dampers and installation

14. Fans
1. Fans are used for circulation of air in duct
systems and are usually of one of the following types:
a. Multiblade fans with blades curved backwards.
b. Multiblade fans with blades curved forward.
c. Multiblade fans with blades curved backward at
the tip and forward at the heel.
d. Multiblade fans with radial blades.
e. Propeller or disk type.
2. The forward blade fan is a commonly used fan.
It operates at a relatively low tip speed for a given
pressure. It is compact in size and quiet in operation. The
motor used with this type of fan should have a greater
capacity than is actually needed by the fan. Forward
blade fans do not operate well in parallel. The backward
blade fan requires higher speeds for equivalent efficiency.
3. The propeller, or disk type fans are seldom used
in duct systems. They develop relatively low pressures.
The propeller fan is used for moving large quantities of
air against low pressure with free exhaust.
4. The following information is required in
selecting a fan for a given installation:
a. The number of c.f.m. of air to be moved.
b. The static pressure required to move air through
the system.
c. The motive power available.
d. The operation of fans in parallel or singularly
e. The degree of noise permissible.
f. The nature of the load.
5. Knowing the above information, you can refer to
the manufacturer's manuals to determine the
specifications of each size fan. Figure 23. Types of fans.
6. Figure 23 illustrates two different type fans that
may be used in an air-conditioning system.

inspected frequently for lubricant. During periodic
inspections, you may find the blower surfaces rusted.
You must clean it and apply a coat of rust-resistive paint.
10. Fan noise may be caused by improper fan
selection. The tip speed required for a certain capacity
and pressure varies with the type of blade. You must
remember that a fan has a rated capacity and if it operates
beyond this, it will become noisy. Other factors that
could cause noisy operation are loose or worn belts;
improper construction of ducts and airways; and loose fan

15. Evaporator or Chilled Liquid Coil

1. Chilled water coils are designed to conform to all
the specifications and to handle the necessary chilled
water that may be required by changing load conditions in
a building. The fin metal is generally made of copper or
aluminum, as these metals readily conduct heat. Fin type
construction gives more surface area. The plate-fin coil
used for the refrigerant circulating system and the chilled
water circulating system are similar, differing only in
minor construction aspects; one system is filled with
refrigerant and the other with chilled water.
2. Operation and Controls. The duct type, plate-
fin cooling coil is supplied with a coolant control
Figure 24. Blower bearing. assembly, which is fitted with a drip pan and drain. The
related duct thermostat bulb is fitted within the air inlet
moving a specific amount of air to a portion of the duct. The coil tubing passes through plates or fins of thin
building. metal stacked six to the inch, the entire length of the coils.
8. Maintenance. Once a year you should The airflow through the coil is parallel to the fins which
completely disassemble and inspect fans for defects. may be curved slightly to create a turbulent flow of the
Bearings on fan shaft or motor are cleaned, checked for air. Thus, all the air is caused to come in contact with the
wear, and replaced if necessary. Ball bearings are cooling surfaces. The coils are preferably installed on the
repacked with grease and sleeve bearings are lubricated intake side of the recirculating fan in the system so that
with oil or grease as prescribed by the manufacturer. the coil inlet face is always open and free for cleaning.
When handling fan wheels, you must be careful not to Slight deviations in air quantity from the cooling ducts
bend them. This will cause them to wobble. Rusted will materially alter the performance of the system. The
surfaces should be cleaned and painted to reduce designated air quantities should be limited to plus or
corrosion. minus 5 percent so that the proper operating speed for the
9. The blower wheel is inspected for proper circulating fan in the air ducts is maintained.
alignment and freedom of rotation. Bent vanes must be 3. Maintenance. In most installations, cooling
repaired. Axial clearance is checked to insure that the units are provided with filters in front of the coils to
wheel is not binding on the scroll. The adjustment is prevent the coil from becoming coated with foreign
made by relocating the position of the shaft thrust collar, materials. These filters must be inspected and cleaned at
as shown in figure 24. Total axial movement of the shaft frequent intervals. Where filters are not provided, a linty,
after final adjustment should be approximately 1/32 inch. matlike accumulation will form at the intake side of coils.
The thrust collar is locked in place with a thrust collar set Too much of this accumulation would result in a marked
screw; worn thrust washers must be replaced. Periodic decrease of airflow over the coils. A film of dust, organic
soakings of the washer in oil prolongs its life. The blower material, and grease will also form on the entire cooling
shaft sleeve bearings are normally lubricated with oil, surface, reducing the rate of heat transfer and creating a
while the ball bearings are packed with grease. Grease source of objectionable
cups are generally refilled once a year, but should be

odors. Therefore, the coils should be inspected frequently coils are controlled by an automatic temperature control;
and cleaned as often as necessary. this control throttles the steam or water to the coils to help
4. Cleaning. In cleaning coils, a regular check-off protect against subfreezing air coming into direct contact
list is generally followed for the entire air duct system. with the hot coil. This can become very dangerous and
First, you must stop the fans, then open the coil access would result in damage to the equipment. A bypass
plates. After this is done, brush the intake side of the coil damper control is used on hot water coils under the above
to loosen the lint and dirt. If this material is caked on the circumstances, which allows the maximum amount of
fins, use the special combs with teeth spaced to fit water to flow into the coil.
between the fins. Wire brushes may be used if care is 6. Heating coils are constructed to withstand high
taken to avoid damage to the fins. pressures and may or may not be of the self-draining type,
5. Leaks. Coils that develop leaks must be therefore provisions are made for draining in case of
repaired immediately. Repairing a leak can develop into a repair or replacement.
major job. It may require the coil to be drained so that
proper maintenance can be performed. Manufacturer' 17. Air Duct Systems
maintenance manuals generally give coil structural 1. The duct system is used to distribute conditioned
material and recommended procedures for repairing coils. air from one location to another. This system may cost 25
6. Replacement. Every air-conditioning percent of the initial investment. The resistance of a duct
Installation has its own peculiarities as to design and system is a substantial portion of the static pressure
installation; therefore it is impossible to give specific against which the fan operates-an important item in
procedures on coil replacement information relative to annual power cost. For this reason, in larger installations
your particular installation can probably be located in the economies can be realized by designing the ducts to
constructed prints and manufacturers specifications and balance first cost against operating cost rather than by
handbooks. using the rule-of-thumb methods sometimes permissible
on smaller installations.
16. Brine and Heating Coils 2. Pressure Losses. Along an ideal frictionless
1. Brine coils are used in air-conditioning systems duct system, total pressure-the sum of static and velocity
that require low temperatures for dehumidification pressures-remains constant in an actual system, losses
purposes. The brine (usually ethylene glycol) flowing occur due to two effects: friction losses and dynamic
through coils is designed to withstand low temperatures. losses. Friction losses are primarily from surface friction,
Location of the brine coils for your installation can be while dynamic losses result from sudden changes in
found in construction drawings. velocity or direction, or from other eddy sources. Most of
2. Operation and Controls. Brine coils operate on the pressure drop in a straight duct is caused by surface
the same basic principle as the chilled water coils except friction. You will find that various equations are used to
for minor engineering differences. Refer to construction calculate losses. These formulas are slanted toward
drawings and manufacturer's manuals and handbooks for design engineering. You will not be required to study
detailed information concerning operation and controls. them.
3. Maintenance. Maintenance for the brine coil is 3. Duct Sizing. Ducts are sometimes sized by
accomplished in the same manner as maintenance on selecting a velocity at the fan discharge and by making
chilled water coils, as explained previously. One arbitrary reductions in velocity down the run, usually at
maintenance precaution that must be taken in repair or each branch or takeoff.
replacement of the brine coil is the preservation of the 4. This method, called the velocity reduction
brine. method, has simplicity to recommend it, but it takes no
4. Heat Coils. Heating coils are used to heat the air account of the relative pressure losses in various
pressure through coils for humidification purposes. These branches. It use is acceptable only for estimating simple
coils are supplied with hot water or steam. Hot water layouts. The method is not recommended for actual
coils should not be operated with final air temperature design.
below 50° F. Construction characteristic and location of 5. The following table presents maximum design
the heating coils can be found in installation drawings, velocities considered good practice for conventional
manufacturer's manuals, and handbooks. systems in various applications. Quality and size of
5. The operation, control, and maintenance of installation, power costs, space limitations, and noise are
heating coils are very similar in principle to that of the the factors which should be considered in the selection of
chilled water coils explained previously. Many heating the proper velocity.

RECOMMENDED MAXIMUM DUCT VELOCITIES, IN F.P.M. leakage, and it is common practice to seal all joint and
APPLICATION SUPPLY DUCT seams with sealing compound, tape, or by welding or
Trunk and Small Rises Return
soldering. Round duct is preferred to rectangular because
Large Rises and Mains
of its greater rigidity, which allows the use of lighter
Residences 800 600 600 gauges and avoids the need for reinforcing members.
Apartments and hotel Spiral conduit, made from 2 1/2- to 6-in. zinc-coated steel
bedrooms 1,500 1,100 1,000 or aluminum strip spirally wound with a double-locked
Theaters 1,600 1,200 1,200 seam, is light, tight, and strong. Particular care should be
Private offices-deluxe 1,100 800 given to the selection of fittings to avoid excessive
Private offices-average 1,300 1,000 pressure drops and noise generation. Avoid using 90°
General offices 2,200 1,400 1,200 fittings, or fittings that are sleeved into the inside diameter
Restaurants 1,800 1,400 1,200
of the main duct. The problem of maintaining satisfactory
Shops-small 1,500 1,200
Department stores-
sound levels is magnified, and outlets with a low level of
lower floors 2.100 1,600 1,200 noise generation and a high degree of sound attenuation
Department stores- are required. The higher sound level of a high-pressure
upper floors 1,800 1,400 1,200 fan ordinarily requires the use of a sound absorber
6. High-Velocity and High-Pressure Air immediately downstream. Lined duct may be used where
Distribution. In recent years there has been a trend space permits; otherwise a baffle, cell, or plenum type
toward higher duct velocities to reduce duct size at the absorber is required. Special attention should be given to
expense of increased friction. Any system with velocities the design of fan isolation and the use of flexible
greater than 2,000 f.p.m. is usually considered to be a connections.
high-velocity system. Because of the higher average 10. It is good practice to examine the critical
static pressure (5 to 10 in. w.g. at the fan), these systems (maximum pressure drop) run of conduit after preliminary
are frequently called high-pressure systems. sizing is completed and to reduce velocity at selected
7. In these systems, relatively high duct pressures points if a significant reduction in fan horsepower can be
are necessary to obtain stable control of variable volume effected. Sometimes the use of more costly special
outlets, or to obtain the required velocity for high fittings of low dynamic loss can be justified for such runs.
induction terminal units. Increased stability is inherent in Conversely, where excess static pressure is to be
outlets with high design pressure drops (1/2 in w.g. or dissipated in shorter runs, it may be desirable to size
greater), since a given change in duct static pressure, due certain portion for higher velocities.
to throttling of a portion of the outlets, has a decreasing 11. Duct Materials. The composition of ordinary
effect on the airflow through the remaining outlets as the galvanized-steel sheets includes approximately 0.10
design pressure drop increases. For example, a duct static percent carbon, 0.40 percent manganese, and minute
pressure increase of 0.20 in. w.g. will increase the quantities of phosphorus, sulphur, and silicon, with a
airflow through an outlet designed for a 0.20-in. drop by heavy zinc coating. Of somewhat superior resistance to
41 percent, but by only 10 percent through one designed atmospheric corrosion (where high moisture conditions
for a 1.0-in. drop. are encountered) is galvanized copper-bearing steel with a
8. When high outlet discharge velocities are used, copper content of about 0.20 to 0.30 percent. Aluminum
high-temperature differentials between room and supply duct should be fabricated from 2S or 3S 1/2 or 3/4 hard
air may be employed, since induction within the room stock; 3S is preferred for larger ducts.
will afford adequate mixing of the supply stream before it 12. Exhaust ducts for chemical laboratories and
enters the occupied zone. For example, a 30° F. other applications involving corrosive fumes use copper,
difference may be used instead of the 20° F. differential stainless steel, monel metal, lead-coated, or lead itself
common to conventional systems, with a one-third when necessary. Intake and exhaust hoods are frequently
reduction in the supply-air volume. Some systems made of copper although this refinement is necessary
employ high velocity in the main ducts, with sound- when galvanized-steel construction is accessible for
attenuation boxes where the velocity is reduced. inspection and painting. Materials other than metal may
9. The space saved as a result of using high be used in ducts for reasons of appearance or cost.
velocities should be balanced against increased first and 13. Board material. Such materials are cut to
operating costs. It is necessary to use fans of heavier desired size and fastened by various means, with corner
construction for the higher static pressures. Great care is trim or edges and band trim along the seams. Most
needed in the construction of duct work to prevent materials in use include in-

sulation value as a property. Besides filling the The correction in the second case is a redistribution of the
requirements for any ducts, the material should be air to the various supply grilles to compensate for the
fireproof, verminproof, moldproof, free from odor, and cooling or heating effect of the duct surface.
not subject to deterioration from water or vapor 18. Heat Insulation. Insulation is employed for two
penetration. reasons: (a) to reduce loss of heating or cooling effect or
14. Prefabricated materials. These ducts and (b) to prevent sweating of the duct. Determination of the
fittings are available in standard even-inch dimensions in first effect is computed by use of the following equations:
the smaller sizes and are designed primarily for the Q = UA (t1 – t0.)
residential and small commercial market. They must where Q = heat loss (B.t.u./hr)
meet standards similar to those specified for the board U = B.t.u./(hr)(sq ft.)(°F. diff.) average values
materials. values
15. Sheet-Metal Standards. Ducts and sheet-metal A = duct surface (sq. ft.)
connections may be fabricated according to several t1 = air temperature inside duct (°F.)
methods of construction. It is not too important which t0 = air temperature outside duct (°F.)
method we use, but the construction must meet the 19. The economic value of insulation depends upon
following standards: the total annual cost of the heating or cooling effect
a. Materials of suitable quality for the purpose. saved. A precise answer can be obtained only by a study
b. Proper gauge for strength. of the particular application.
c. Cross breaking and reinforcement, where 20. Sweating occurs when the temperature of the
needed, for rigidity and freedom from mechanical noise duct surface is below the dewpoint of the air touching it.
induced by vibration. For bare-sheet-metal duct:
d. Tightness of seams and corners to minimize f0 (t0 – t3) = U (t0 – t1)
leakage. t3 = t0 - U (t0 – t1)
e. Freedom from sharp internal edges to avoid 1.6
noise regeneration. where t3 = duct surface temperature (°F.)
f. Conformance with design standards to permit U = overall transmission coefficient
desired airflow. f0 = surface conductance of outside duct
16. To insure desired airflow without excessive surface
frictional and dynamic losses design standards are 21. Air Leakage and Duct Maintenance. Air
essential to govern the fabrication of shapes, fittings, leakage varies over wide limits, depending on air
vanes, and connections to equipment. Nearly all of these pressure, type of construction, and workmanship,
standards are based on two fundamentals of airflow: principally the last. Actual tests on typical supply
a. Air flowing from the chamber or conveyor of systems have shown leakages from 5 to 30 percent.
smaller section area into one of larger area tends to Corner holes normally account for only a small portion.
continue in a straight line. Air will not diverge, unless 22. The largest source is at transverse seams located
changed by vanes, at an included angle greater than about against the wall or ceiling in such manner that tight joints
20°. are almost impossible. Allowance should be made for
b. Air flowing from a chamber or conveyor of leakage, depending on job conditions. For supply systems
larger section area into one of smaller area tends to with static pressure in excess of 1 inch w.g., calking,
converge uniformly and follows the laws of entrance to felting, or soldering is recommended.
orifices in fluid flow. 23. Ventilating and air-conditioning ducts normally
17. Duct Heat Gains and Losses. Whenever the air require little maintenance. When they are dry the
inside the duct is at a temperature different from the deterioration by corrosion is usually negligible. Periodic
ambient temperature, heat will be transmitted outwardly cleaning is important because even with comparatively
or inwardly. The gain or loss, if of appreciable efficient air-cleaning devices, dirt accumulates over a
magnitude, may be important because: period of time. A shift in dampers will frequently blow a
a. Transmission to or from a space not being cloud of dirt into the room. More important is the real
treated, but through which the duct passes, is a total loss fire hazard of such an accumulation, which has been
of heating or cooling effect. recognized by the Fire Underwriters. Ducts should be
b. Transmission to or from the same space being provided with access doors to allow for cleaning.
conditioned may put too large a part of the heating or 24. System Balancing. With the fan in operation,
cooling effect where it is not wanted. The correction in adjust the damper op the air-intake trunk until the
the first case is either insulation (or dead air space) or a velometer shows an air intake equal to
greater investment in heating or cooling capacity, or both.

one-half the dwelling's cubic volume per hour. After you 33. Balancing air discharge grilles. High-side-wall,
have done this, you must lock the damper in place. double-deflection supply-air grilles predominantly used in
25. A formula for calculating air quantities required average sized systems will be discussed first. You must
for sensible cooling load is: use the design data to find the amount of air required for
each room or area. The grilles are usually dampered.
Quantity of air (c. f. m.) Equalize and properly deflect the air delivery to the
= sensible heat load (B.t.u./hr.) various areas by adjusting the louvers or grille frets.
1.08 X temperature change 34. Starting with the grilles closest to the blower,
adjust the front horizontal grille frets so that you achieve
26. Temperature change is the difference (°F.) the proper blow and drop. Blow and drop will be
between the room temperature and the temperature of the discussed later in this volume. A lighted match, warm
entering air. Another rule of thumb that you may use to thermometer, or rubbing alcohol on the exposed surface
estimate the quantity of cooling air required is to figure on of your arm will help you to determine just how
eight air changes per hour in the area to be conditioned. accurately the desired vertical flow of air is being
achieved. Constant association with airflow will enable
Quantity of air (c.f.m.) = 8 X room volume (cu. ft.) you to tell just what the air deflection is doing by the
60 min. /hr. sensation of the airflow over your body. By adjusting the
rear frets of the grille, the horizontal width of the air
27. You should not use this rule if the risers are pattern is established. The ultimate goal is to achieve an
smaller than standard (3 1/4" x 14") or if the branch ducts even air pattern about 5 ½ to 6 feet above the floor level
are less than the equivalent of an 8-inch round duct. over the greatest amount of room area while attaining as
Another exception is when unusually large amounts of close as possible the cubic feet of air required for the
glass or exposed wall are present. particular room. Then continue to the next closest grille
28. At all T-type duct transitions, check the first to the supply blower, and so on to the last grille. It is
grille downstream from each branch with all of the grille possible that proper airflow from distant grilles cannot be
frets or louvers in straight-flow position. Adjust the attained. It is then necessary to return to the grilles
branch dampers until the velometer registers equal closest to the blower outlet and partially close some of
velocity through the grilles on both trunks. After you their rear frets, thereby forcing more air to the distant
have equalized the velocities, you must lock the dampers parts of the system. Continue the adjustment of rear grille
in position. Continue this procedure along the duct frets in the same sequence until there is ample air supply
system to any addition T-type transitions until all the T- to all rooms. 35. In checking the air volume from the
type transition dampers are adjusted. grille, play the recording air-measuring instrument over
29. If splitter dampers are installed, follow the same several locations on the grilles and average the readings
procedure until approximately the same air velocity over for final tabulation of total airflow. In setting the supply-
the entire duct and grille system has been reached. air delivery patterns, refrain from projecting supply air
30. Proper quantity of return air. After you know directly toward a return grille.
the total quantity of air required for cooling the 36. The ceiling diffuser must be adjusted to pattern
conditioned area, you must adjust the air-conditioner the airflow over most of the ceiling area. The diffuser
blower drive for delivery of the design airflow. Check the usually has adjustable rings, dampers, or diffusing grids
delivery as close to the fan outlet as possible. The air which will do the same thing as a high-side-wall grille
velocity times the total outlet area will determine the total when it is adjusted for patterning air delivery to the
air volume being circulated. For example: conditioned area.
80 f.p.m. X 8 sq. ft. = 640 c.f.m. being circulated 37. The flush-floor diffuser with bars or frets is
31. Once the airflow is adjusted to the desired cubic adjusted to pattern air sweep in an arc toward the ceiling.
feet of air per minute, you will have to tighten the nuts on This will blanket the conditioned area just as high-side-
the fan sheave for permanent adjustment of airflow. At wall grille does.
this time you should check the current the blower motor is 38. The baseboard type of diffuser has a balancing
drawing to b certain that it is capable of driving the fan damper for controlling airflow. This diffuser does a good
without overloading and burning out. job, even though it has a minimum of adjustments that
32. You must be sure that the return-air grille is large you can use for balancing.
enough to handle all the air supplied to the space. Any 39. The low-side-wall diffuser has grids, vanes, or
lack of return air can seriously affect system operation. frets for producing air patterns. It can produce an
excellent cooling or heating condition when the

air is deflected properly. You will encounter few 7. How many fins would a 2-foot coil contain?
problems with high-side-wall or ceiling diffusers. Care (Sec. 15, Par. 2)
should be taken with the other types of diffusers,
especially in relation to obstruction which interfere with
the required air pattern. Such devices must be balanced
differently for summer and winter conditions. 8. How would you straighten the fins on a coil?
(Sec. 15, Par. 4)
Review Exercises

NOTE: The following exercises are study aids. Write

your answer in pencil in the space provided after each 9. Why is a brine solution used as a coolant in an
exercise. Use the blank pages to record other notes on air-conditioning system? (Sec. 16, Par. 1)
the chapter content. Immediately check your answers
with the key at the end of the test. Do not submit your
answers for grading.
10. Which type of pressure loss is caused by an
1. What type of dampers regulate airflow from elbow in the duct? (Sec. 17, Par. 2)
return ducts? (Sec. 13, Par. 2)

11. Why isn't the velocity reduction method used for

sizing duct for complex systems? (Sec. 17, Par.
2. The damper in a duct is operating erratically. 4)
What is the most probable cause? (Sec. 13, Par.

12. A system with a velocity rating of 2400 f.p.m. is

considered a ______________ system. (Sec.
17, Par. 6)
3. Which type of fan is most commonly used in a
duct system? (Sec. 14, Par. 2)

13. How are duct joints sealed? (Sec. 17, Par. 9)

4. What type of fan would you install in an area

where large amounts of air are to be exhausted? 14. What type of material would you construct a
(Sec. 14, Par. 3) duct with if corrosive fumes are to be handled?
(Sec; 17, Par. 12)

5. How is the axial clearance adjusted on a blower 15. What occurs when air flows from a small
wheel? (Sec. 14, Par. 9) chamber to a large area? (Sec. 17, Par. 16)

6. Why are the fins a cooling coil made of

aluminum-or copper? (Sec. 15, Par. 1)

16. What is the loss of cooling effect of a 12-square 19. How can you determine the vertical flow of air
foot duct with a temperature differential of 10° from a grille? (Sec. 17, Pa. 34)
and a U-factor of 1.14? (Sec. 17, Par. 18)

20. The horizontal airflow pattern is controlled by

17. Where does most duct air leakage occur? (Sec. the ______________ ______________ of the
17, Par. 22) grille. (Sec. 17, Par. 34)

18. How much air is required when the sensible heat 21. Which type of diffuser is the hardest to use for
load is 49,000 B.t.u./hr. and a temperature balancing? (Sec. 17, Par. 38)
change is 15°? (Sec. 17, Par. 25)



YOUR BRAIN is a control system. It controls your This action is an indicating signal transmitted to the
movements and it responds to various situations. Have primary control for specific action such as starting or
you ever touched something hot? You really let go of it stopping the operation of a piece of refrigeration
fast, didn't you? The control system of an air conditioner equipment.
acts like a brain. It senses a change and responds with a 3. Bimetal strip. To accomplish the above specific
corrective action. action, the automatic control unit may be equipped with a
Three types of control systems will be discussed. bimetallic strip. This strip is made by welding together
These are motor, electric, and pneumatic controls. two pieces of dissimilar metals such as brass and "Invar,"
Responsive devices sensitive to temperature, pressure, as illustrated in figure 25. At a certain predetermined
and humidity will also be studied. temperature, this strip does not deflect or bend. However,
when the strip is heated, it will tend to bend in the
18. Responsive Devices direction of the metal which has the least amount of
1. Most automatic controls function because they expansion, as shown in figure 26.
are responsive to changes in temperature, pressure, and 4. By welding two electrical connections and
humidity. We will discuss the various responsive devices contacts to the arrangement shown in figure 27, an
that you will encounter in your control system. electrical switch is constructed. This switch can be used
2. Temperature-Responsive Devices. Many of to control an electrical circuit responding to temperature
the automatic control units such as the thermostat, fan changes.
switch, etc., must be responsive to temperature changes. 5. The bimetal strip is the basic principle of
The temperature change actually makes and breaks operation of many of the temperature responsive
electrical contact within each unit. automatic units. However, some units may be operated
by a bimetallic strip in the form of a

Figure 25. Bimetal strip.

Figure 26. Bimetal strip being heated.

brass and partially filled with alcohol, ether, or some
other highly volatile liquid not corrosive to brass. When
the temperature around the bellows increases, the heat
gasifies the liquid, causing the bellows to extend and
close a set of electrical contacts, as shown in figure 30.
When the bellows cool, they contract and open the
electrical contacts. This vapor-tension principle also is
used to operate some of the automatic control units.
7. Remote-bulb device. Not all the liquid-filled
devices are limited to just a simple bellows as described
above. There are remote-bulb type devices that not only
have bellows but also have a capillary tube and a liquid or
gas-filled bulb, as shown in figure 31. When the liquid or
gas in the bulb is heated, part of the liquid gasifies or the
gas expands and forces its way through the capillary tube
into the bellows. The increase of pressure inside the
bellows causes the bellows to extend and close a set of
Figure 27. A bimetallic switch. electrical contacts. When the bulb cools, the gas
liquefies, causing a decrease of pressure in the bellows.
spiral, a U-shape, a Q-shape, or even a helix, as shown in This causes the bellows to contract and open the set of
the illustrations in figure 28. electrical contacts.
6. Vapor-tension device. Another very common 8. Pressure-Responsive Devices. Pressure-
type of temperature-responsive device is one in which the responsive devices are incorporated in refrigeration and
effects of the temperature changes are transmitted into air-conditioning systems to operate and regulate valves,
motion by a highly volatile liquid. The most commonly controllers, operators, etc.
used vapor-tension device of this type is a simple
compressed bellows, shown in figure 29. It is made of

Figure 28. Various shapes of bimetal strips.

Figure 31. Remote bulb device.

12. Humidity-responsive devices are designed with

sensing elements which am very sensitive to humidity
changes. Usually these sensing devices activate the
Figure 29. Bellows contracted when cooled. action of a switch. A typical humidity-responsive device
is shown in figure 33. The sensing element in this device
9. Bellows. One type of pressure-responsive device is a number of human hairs which lengthen when the
uses the action of a bellows in a similar way to the humidity is high and shorten when the humidity is low.
remote-bulb device mentioned previously. In this case The lengthening and shortening action of the hairs moves
the bellows extends and contracts in response to the the lever, which. in turn opens and closes the contact
changes in pressure. The action caused by the movement points to a humidifying unit.
of the bellows opens and closes a set of electrical
contacts. 19. Motor Controls
10. Bourdon tube. Another pressure-responsive 1. A motor control is similar to a switch installed in
device used in a pressure gauge is illustrated in figure 32. a motor circuit that opens and closes the power lead to the
In this unit the pressure acts inside a hollow, flattened, motor. The major difference is that the motor control acts
bent tube called a Bourdon spring tube. The pressure automatically in response to temperature or pressure
inside the tube tends to straighten it, moving the changes.
mechanism which turns the pointer. The pressure gauge 2. Function of Motor Controls. The function of
measures pressures in pounds per square inch. any motor control is to maintain a relatively constant
11. Humidity Responsive Devices. Humidity- temperature within the refrigerated space.
responsive devices e regularly used to cause the opening
or closing of solenoid or motorized valves which, in turn,
control the flow of water or steam to the humidifying

Figure 30. Bellows extended when heated. Figure 32. A pressure gauge showing the Bourdon tube.

10. Thermostatic Motor Control. The thermostatic
motor control (TMC) operates on temperature rather than
on pressure. These motor controls can be used on most
types of refrigeration and air-conditioning units. They
must be used on all units that utilize high or low side
floats and capillary tube refrigerant control devices.
Figure 33. A humidity responsive device. 11. Principles of operation. The operating principle
of the thermostatic motor control is based on a physics
This may be done by starting the unit when the law which states that matter will expand when heated and
temperature rises and stopping it when the temperature contract when cooled. The power element uses this law
reaches its set point (control is satisfied). The in its function.
temperature is constantly rising and failing between 12. The element is a sealed container filled with a
predetermined set points (cut-in and cut-out). liquid, gas, or combination of the two. Any change in
3. Low-Pressure Motor Control. We can control temperature surrounding the element will cause a pressure
the temperature of a refrigerated space through low side change within the element. The power element consists
pressure. If we control low side pressure, we ultimately of three parts-a feeler bulb, capillary tube, and bellows.
control the temperature of the refrigerant in the Any leak in the power element will render it useless.
evaporator. A pressure-temperature relationship chart is 13. The feeler bulb of the power element is located
needed for the following example. Our system contains in suck a position as to be sensitive to any change in the
R-12, and the desired space temperature is 40° F. Now, temperature of the controlled space. For domestic units
using the chart, we find that we must control the low side this location is right on the evaporator so as to control the
pressure at 37 p.s.i.g. Therefore, we have controlled evaporator temperature. It might also be fastened inside
temperature by pressure. the refrigerated space.
4. A bellows, diaphragm, or Bourdon tube is used 14. Any rise in temperature will heat the bulb,
to motivate the points in the low pressure control (LPC). causing the charge to expand. This expansion will be
5. The differential, cut-out minus cut-in, is set by transmitted through the capillary tube to the bellows,
regulating the amount of force exerted upon the bar by the causing the bellows to expand. Attached to the bellows
adjusting spring. There are many variations in the and inserted into the housing to rest against one end of the
characteristics of individual types of motor controls. lever system is a short push rod. The pressure of the
Each control has an adjustment of one kind or another. power element will expand the bellows, pushing the rod
This allows the control a wide range of applications. against the lever. This lever will cause other levers to
6. One of the more useful tools in control move, and the net result will be a set of electrical contact
adjustment is the pressure control setting chart. The points closing. Closing of the points will cause the motor
settings for most applications can be found by referring to to start, and the unit will be in operation.
this chart. 15. As the temperature at the feeler bulb drops, so
7. If the particular application desired is not found will the temperature of the bulb. This causes a drop in
on this chart, the next approach to use is the pressure- power element pressure and will reduce the "push" on the
temperature relationship chart. lever system. Part of the lever system consists of a spring
8. Assume that the desired cut-in pressure is 25 which counteracts the power element pressure. As the
p.s.i.g. and that the cut-out pressure is 10 p.s.i.g. The element pressure drops, the spring will pull the points
differential would be 15 p.s.i.g. Since most controls have apart and stop the unit.
only two setting. to make, cut-in and differential, we find 16. When you turn the adjusting knob clockwise, the
that knowing the cut-out pressure is an important factor. spring will become compressed, causing the cut-in
9. The two scales (one for cut-in and the other for temperature to rise. Compressing the spring puts more
differential) are located on the front of the control. The pressure in opposition to the power element and demands
adjusting screws are located on top of the control. The that the element heat up even more to overcome this
adjusting screws are turned until the pointers indicate the increased pressure, closing the points. The converse
pressures desired. Make sure that you read the scales (turning the knob counterclockwise) will decrease spring
very carefully. The unit should be allowed to cycle once. tension and lower the cut-in point
The cycling ON should take pace when the low side 17. The TMC has a second spring that works in
pressure is 25 p.s.i.g., and the OFF cycle should occur conjunction with the power element instead of
when the pressure drops to 10 p.s.i.g. These pressures
may be observed on a gauge installed in the suction line.

against it. This spring is used to set the "cut-out" unless the unit has been in use a long time. However, the
temperature (on some controls) or the differential (on TMC will wear out; when it does, remove and replace it.
other type controls). d. Electrical. Low and high voltages, high current
18. Location of feeler bulb. Normally, the feeler flow, frayed insulation, bad electrical contacts, and
bulb will be tightly clamped to the evaporator. The TMC various other electrical malfunctions will cause the TMC
will operate on the evaporator temperature. The bulb can to fail. Electrical troubles can often be determined and
be located elsewhere if the situation demands it; some repaired without having to replace the control.
bulbs will be located in the cold box rather than on the
evaporator. In this case the TMC will operate on the cold 20. Electric Controls
box temperature. On ice-making machines the feeler bulb 1. There are many devices that may be used in
should be located in the ice bin. In this application the single- or three-phase circuits. We will cover each of
TMC will shut the unit off when the ice level reaches the these devices and how they operate.
feeler bulb and cools it. When the ice level falls below 2. Switches. The two types of switches used in
the bulb, the bulb will warm up and turn the unit on. If electric controls are the snap action and mercury. These
the refrigerated space has forced air circulation, the TMC switches help. to reduce the problem of arcing when a
bulb should be mounted in the return airstream. circuit is open or closed.
19. Replacement. The control mechanism is so 3. Relays. There are many types of relays used in
delicately built that it is impractical to repair in the field. electrical application. The type that we are interested in is
If operation is erratic because of power element failure, the control relay. These are relays that open or close an
mechanical (lever) action failure, or contact point failure, electric circuit of higher voltage by the use of lower
you should replace the entire switch. voltage. These relays might be defined as an electrically
20. Checking thermostatic motor controls. operated switch. The main use of this relay is to remotely
Thermostatic motor controls are very delicate control an electrical device such as a fan motor or pump.
instruments. However, if they are not misused, they will 4. Control Transformers. A control transformer
give years of trouble free service. Thermostatic motor steps voltage down to operate different kinds of electrical
controls are subject to several troubles, each of which controls. Line voltage applies to wiring or devices using
usually requires replacement of the complete control. 110 or 220 volts. In control terminology, low-voltage
Some of the more common troubles are treated in the control takes in all controls and controlled devices that
following paragraphs. use 25 volts or less.
a. Loss of Charge. Occasionally the power element 5. Magnetic Starter. Three-phase motors must
will lose part or all of its charge. This charge is very have at least two of the leads open to stop their operation.
small and any loss at all will cause the unit to fail. A The device that opens these wires (circuit) is a line starter
kinked or clogged capillary tube will give the same or magnetic starter. A magnetic starter is nothing more
indication as a loss of charge. Usually a power element than a larger control relay which electrically operates two
failure requires replacement of the complete control. or more switch contacts.
However, it is possible to get replacement power elements 6. Trouble Analysis. Before you can effectively
for some controls, although care must be taken to insure troubleshoot a control circuit or system, you should know
that you have the correct replacement item. the circuit and how it operates. You can study the circuit
b. Burned Contacts. Even though there is snap in a wiring diagram of that particular circuit. Studying
action when the points open and close, they will burn. In the diagram will give you a knowledge of the circuit as it
such cases the points will either stick closed or become should normally operate. If the system does not function
pitted and never close. In some cases the point can be properly, the circuit is defective and an analysis of the
filed and the control will operate satisfactorily for a trouble and its location must be made.
period of time. Filing the points should be considered a 7. Types of trouble. In practically all defective
temporary repair and the control should be replaced as circuits, one .of the following types of trouble will exist:
soon as possible. a. Open-A circuit that has a break in any part of the
c. Wear. The parts of a TMC are light and do not circuit between the load and source.
move very far, but they do move many, many times each b. Short-A circuit in which a conductor comes in
day. One should not become too concerned about wear contact with a point or object that it is not supposed to

(1) Direct short-A circuit in which one of the 13. Two-position control. In two-position controls
hot conductors comes in contact with a neutral conductor. the final control element occupies one of two possible
This type of short circuit will "blow" a fuse or trip a positions (open or closed). The following is a list of
breaker because there isn't any resistance in the circuit. systems that can use two-position control operation.
(2) Cross short-A circuit in which two of the hot a. Domestic heating systems. (You may be called
conductors make contact. This short will cause an upon to calibrate and troubleshoot controls used on
electrical feedback even though one of the conductors is heating systems.)
open. b. Electric motors on unit heaters and refrigeration
c. Low power-This trouble causes units to operate machines.
improperly. Two effects are sluggish motors and dim c. Water sprays for humidification.
lights. Low voltage may be caused by loose, dirty, or d. Electric strip heaters.
corroded connections as well as a low power source. 14. There are two values of the controlled variable
8. Location of trouble. As soon as you have which determine the position of the final control element.
studied the wiring diagram, the next step is to check out Between these values there is a zone in which the
the circuits with the appropriate test equipment. controller cannot initiate an action of the final control
9. Opens may be checked with a voltmeter or by a element. This zone is called the differential gap. As the
continuity Lest. The continuity of a circuit may be controlled variable reaches the higher of the two values,
checked by a continuity meter or light, an ohmmeter, or a the final control element assumes one of its two positions,
bell. The power must be off when making continuity which corresponds to the demands of the controller, and
tests. An ohmmeter will indicate infinity across an open remains there until the controlled variable drops back to
circuit, while the light or bell would not function. the lower value. The final control element then travels to
10. A short can be located with an ohmmeter or by a the other position as rapidly as possible and remains there
continuity test. When checking a circuit with an until the controlled variable again reaches the upper limit.
ohmmeter, a zero-resistance reading indicates a short, and 15. There are two varieties of two-position control
an infinity reading indicates an open. Remember, when which have been developed. The first, and oldest, may be
using an ohmmeter to test a circuit, the circuit power called simple two-position control. This has been more or
source must be off. less standard in the past and, as its name implies, it is
11. Major Advantages of Electrical Controls. fairly elementary. The second, which may be called
Electrical energy is commonly used to transmit the timed two-position control, is a later development which
change in space condition sensed by the controller to is rapidly replacing simple two-position control.
other components of the system. This signal from the 16. In simple two-position control, the controller and
controller will translate into work at the final control the final control element interact in the manner previously
element. For this purpose, electricity has the following described without modification from any source, either
major advantages: mechanical or thermal. The result is cyclical operation of
a. Electric controls are available wherever there is a the equipment under control. The controlled variable
source of power. fluctuates back and forth between two values determined
b. Electric wiring is usually easy to install. by the magnitude of the differential and the lag in the
c. Electric power readily amplifies the relatively system. Since the action of the controller is such that it
feeble impulse received from the sensing element. cannot change the position of the final control element
d. The impulse received from the sensing element until the controlled variable reaches one or the other of
can be applied directly to produce one or several the two limits of the differential, these limits become the
combinations or sequences in electrical output. This minimum possible swing of the controlled variable.
allows one actuator to perform several desired functions. 17. In simple two-position control, the controller
e. It readily permits remote control. The controller never catches up with the controlled condition. Thus it
can be a considerable distance from the controlled space corrects a condition that has already passed, rather than
or element. one which is taking place or is about to take place.
12. Modes of Electric Controls. All control Consequently, simple two-position control is applicable
systems do not use the same types of action to accomplish only to systems in which total system lag (including not
their purposes. The method by which a control system only transfer lags but also measuring and final control
acts is called the control mode. We will discuss the two-
position, proportional position, and floating controls.

element lags) is small. For this reason, simple two- would be too great. Dividing the heat into the correctly
position control rarely finds application in comfort sized packages, so to speak, and delivering them at the
heating control, but lends itself to the control of certain right time gives a closer approximation of the desired
industrial processes and auxiliary processes in air result.
conditioning. 24. In timed two-position control, the basic
18. There is no single control point in simple two- interaction between the controller and the final control
position control. Rather, the controlled variable cycles element is the same as for simple two-position control.
back and forth between two extremes. It is convenient to However, the controller responds to gradual changes in
think of the control point as being midway between the the average value of the controlled variable rather than
two extremes and offset as being a sustained deviation of cyclical fluctuations. The gradual changes modify the
this control point. Thus, offset is a shifting of the whole timing action to meet the changes in load.
curve either up or down, and the mean value is either 25. Timing action may be provided mechanically,
raised or lowered so that it no longer corresponds to a for example, by a cam mechanism. The chief
point midway between the upper and lower limits of the disadvantage of this method is that only the relative
controller differential. duration of the ON and OFF periods may be varied with
19. Offset (on a temperature control system, for changes in load. The frequency remains fixed.
example) is caused by the fact that the average value of 26. Thermal timing devices are more convenient and
the controlled variable must be lower under heavy load flexible. Placing side-by-side a heating element and a
conditions and higher under fight load conditions in order temperature-sensitive element controlling the power
that heat can be supplied at the lower or higher rate supply to the heating element creates a thermal timer. As
needed. At peak load the burner must remain on 100 long as the ambient temperature is within certain limits,
percent of the time. Therefore the controlled variable the thermal timer will cool on its ON point, energize the
cannot rise to the upper limit of the thermostat heater, heat to its OFF point and deenergize the heater,
differential; otherwise the burner would be shut off. again cool to its ON point, and repeat the cycle. As the
Likewise, under minimum load the controlled variable ambient temperatures decline, the time required for the
cannot fall to the lower limit of the differential or the timer to heat to the OFF point increases, and the cooling
burner would be turned on. time decreases. Thus the timer automatically changes the
20. Since the amount of offset is limited in this way ratio of ON to OFF time. Moreover, the nonlinear shape
by the differential, it is usually a serious problem in of the heating and cooling curves may be utilized to vary
simple two-position control unless it happens that a wide the total cycle time also, and therefore the frequency of
differential must be used. the cycles.
21. The ideal method of heating any space is to 27. In the latest models of domestic heating
replace lost heat in exactly the amount needed. With two- thermostats, this principle is utilized by taking full
position control, this is obviously impossible since the advantage of the effect produced by the artificial heater
burner is either "full-ON" and the heat delivered at any long included as standard in similar thermostats. The ON
specific instant is either too much or too little. However, and OFF points of the thermostat are fixed by adjustment
a close approximation of the ideal method .of heat of the setting dial, and a small offset in room temperature
delivery can be had by using timed two-position control. is allowed to measure changes in heating load so as to
In this method of control, heat is delivered in measured vary the timing pattern of the thermostat.
quantities on a "percentage ON-time basis" so that 28. In the two-position "weatherstat system," the
fluctuations of the control point are, for all practical weatherstat, located outdoors, operates in essentially the
purposes, eliminated. same way by turning its own heat supply (and
22. For example, suppose we have a domestic simultaneously that of the building or zone) on and off so
heating system with a two-position control which is as to maintain its own temperature within its differential.
required to make up a heat loss of 20,000 B.t.u. in 1 hour Here the ambient temperature variation which causes
at a certain load. The total capacity of the burner is variation in the timing pattern is the full range of
40,000 B.t.u. per hour. This means that the burner will "effective" outdoor temperature (including the effects of
have to operate 30 minutes out of the hour, whether it is sun and wind), which constitutes the heating load.
on for 30 minutes and off for 30 minutes, on for two 15- 29. In electronic systems the ambient temperature at
minute periods and off for two 15-minute periods, on for the timer or cycle is, in effect, held constant by means of
six 5-minute periods and off for six 5-minute periods, or an ambient temperature compensator, and the ON and
any other combination in the same ratio. OFF points are reset by remote temperature elements such
23. In many cases the longer cycles would be as a room
unsatisfactory because the variations in temperature

thermostat, an outdoor compensator, or any other final control element for each value of the controlled
temperature controller suitable for this purpose either variable within the proportional band of the controller.
alone or in combination. Raising the operating range of Thus, the position of the final control element is a
the cycle is equivalent to reduction of the ambient continuous linear function of the value of the controlled
temperature, and thus increases the percentage of ON variable.
time. 36. Because there is but one position of the final
30. In whatever form the principle is applied, timed control element for each value of the controlled variable,
two-position control offers a great advantage over simple a sustained deviation is necessary to place the final
two-position control in that it greatly reduces the swings control element in any position other than the middle of
in the controlled variable resulting from a large total lag. its range (assuming the set point to be in the middle of the
Since the controller need not wait until it can detect cyclic proportional band). Offset therefore becomes a major
changes in the controlled variable and then signal for problem in proportional position control.
corrective action, control system lags have no significant 37. As an example, suppose we have proportional
effect, and the lags in the heat source and distribution control of a hot water coil used in heating a room. Under
system serve only to smooth out the "humps" and ideal load conditions, the thermostat is in the middle of its
"valleys" in heat delivery so as to approximate closely the proportional band, the coil valve is half open, and there is
results of a continuous-delivery system with proportional no offset. Now suppose that the outside temperature
position control. drops, increasing the load on the heating coil. At once,
31. In timed two-position control, the addition of more heat is required in steady supply to replace the heat
heat to the thermostat bimetal is a factor in offset. which is being lost from the room at a greater rate. To
32. In analyzing the cycle of a thermostat used in deliver the required heat, the coil valve must open further
this type of control, you can see that the control point and remain in that position as long as the increased load
must vary if the bimetal is to heat and cool at different exits. To do this, the temperature must deviate from the
rates necessary to time the cycle for the various load set point and sustain that deviation because the position of
conditions. As the outside air temperature decreases, the the final control element is proportional to the amount of
heat loss from the space increases, and the ON cycle of deviation.
the burner must lengthen in order to replace heat lost at an 38. As the load condition increases from the ideal,
increased rate. This means that the heating rate of the offset increases toward colder; and as the load condition
thermostat bimetal must be slower so that the burner will decreases from the ideal, offset increases toward warmer.
remain on longer. It also means that the cooling rate of 39. Floating control. Floating control is a mode of
the bimetal during the OFF part of the cycle must be control in which the final control element moves at a
faster so that the burner will come on sooner. Both of predetermined rate in a corrective direction until the
these demand that the difference between the bimetal controller is satisfied or until a movement in the other
temperature and the air temperature become greater. This direction is desired. The direction of movement
difference is secured by a sustained deviation of the room corresponds to the direction of deviation of the controlled
temperature, which is called offset. variable. Floating control is further divided into several
33. Quantitatively, in timed two-position control, subclasses, two of which are of interest to us:
offset is equal to the total added heat minus the manual a. Proportional-speed floating control in which the
differential of the thermostat. Total heat is equal to the final control element is moved at a rate proportional to the
difference between the maximum temperature of the deviation of the controlled variable.
bimetal and the temperature of the air surrounding it. b. Single-speed floating control in which the final
Manual differential is the differential for which the control element is moved at one speed throughout its
thermostat is set. entire range.
34. Both offset and temperature swing can be 40. Either is adaptable to systems having a fast
reduced to negligible quantities by using a relatively reaction rate, a slight transfer lag, and a slow load change.
narrow manual differential (such as 1 ½° or 2°) and a In general, proportional-speed control can be used in
small amount of artificial heat applied directly to the systems having somewhat faster load changes than those
sensing element. operating successfully with single-speed floating control.
35. Proportional control. If proportional control the 41. Series 20 Control. The series 20 control circuit
final control element moves to a position proportional to acts to make and break an electrical circuit which results
the deviation of the value of the controlled variable from in two-position response. This con-
the set point. There is one and only one position of the

trol is designed for low voltage, two-position control of: in two-position response. This circuit is a line voltage
a. Motorized valves. control circuit which is switched directly by the single-
b. Motorized dampers. pole, single-throw switching action of a series 40
c. Relays. controller. Series 40 is a two-position control and
42. Series 20 control circuits are not "fail safe" and requires two wires. It can be used to control fans, lights,
should not be used where continued operation of the electric motors, and other standard line voltage
controlled equipment would be hazardous if the power equipment, as well as a series 40 controlled device and
failed. Series 20 motors (and equipment under their line voltage. The series 40 control circuit depends on the
control) remain in whatever position they happen to equipment under control as to whether it is "fail safe" or
occupy at power failure. not.
43. A series 20 control circuit consists of one 50. In operation the equipment under control is
holding and two starting circuits. The motor rotates in energized when the controller switch is closed and
one direction only, making a half turn each time one of deenergized when it is open. Normally the series 40
the starting circuits and the holding circuit are completed. controller makes and breaks the load directly, as shown in
The holding circuit is made-at the beginning and broken figure 35. It is possible for loads to exceed the controller
at the end of each half turn by a cam and switch rating. In this situation a simple control relay is used
arrangement on the moor. between the controller and the load circuit.
44. Figure 34 illustrates a complete series 20 control 51. Figure 35 shows a complete series 40 control
loop. The equipment includes a thermostat, an actuator, a loop. It includes a series 40 thermostat series 40
valve, and a control transformer. controlled device, and line voltage. The thermostat is
45. Let's assume that the temperature in the water sensing the temperature of the water. A drop in
tower drops to the set point on the thermostat. The temperature below the set point causes the mercury bulb
bellows will contract, causing the R and B leads to to rotate, allowing the mercury to close the circuit to the
contact. The starting circuit is now established. The solenoid valve. The solenoid opens the valve and allows
motor is energized and starts to rotate clockwise. As the the steam to enter and heat the water. This cycle
motor and cam rotate, the right blade of the maintaining continues as the temperature changes, and you can see
switch makes contact with S-2, and the holding circuit is that this is ON and OFF control or two-position.
established. The holding circuit is independent of the 52. Series 60 Control. The series 60 control circuits
starting circuit. Once it is completed, it furnishes current make and break electrical circuits which results in two
to the motor, regardless of the thermostat action. kinds of response. Series 60 controls can be used as two-
46. When the motor shaft has rotated 180°, the cam position and floating response.
opens contact S-1. All circuits are incomplete, the motor 53. The series 60 two-position control circuit is
stops, and the steam valve is now completely open and similar to the series 20 except that series 60 is a line
will remain open until the red and white leads make voltage circuit. It can be used for industrial application,
contact in the thermostat. using line voltage equipment and installations where
47. You can see that this is going to cause a rise in single-pole, double-throw control of line voltage is
temperature of the water. The rise in temperature will required. It is not a "fail safe" control circuit and should
become sufficient to move the thermostat blade to contact not be used where it would be hazardous.
the W lead. Now the starting circuit is reestablished. The 54. The series 60 floating control produces another
motor is energized and begins to rotate once again in the response that is different from two-position. Series 60
clockwise position. As the motor and cam rotate, the left floating control is commonly applied to motorized valves
blade of the maintaining switch makes contact with S-l, on tank level control systems, motorized dampers for
and the holding circuit is established. Once again, the static pressure regulation, and specialized pressure and
motor will rotate a 180° before the cam breaks the holding temperature control systems.
circuit. 55. The series 60 floating control circuit uses either
48. The steam valve is closed and will remain there low voltage or line voltage, depending on the equipment
until the thermostat calls for it to open. The control of the selected. The basic pattern of the floating control circuit
valve in this manner will produce the two-position is like that of the two-position circuit except that the
response which was pointed out before motor is reversible and limit switches are substituted for
49. Series 40 Control. The series 40 control circuit maintaining switches.
acts to make and break an electrical circuit which results

Figure 34. Series 20 control loop.

56. In floating control there is no fixed number of neutral one of the controller, the final control element
positions for the final control element. The valve or travels toward the corrective position until the value of
damper can assume any position between its two extremes the controlled variable is brought back into the neutral
as long as the controlled variable remains within the zone of the controller or until the final control element
values corresponding to the neutral zone of the controller. reaches its extreme position.
Furthermore, when the controlled variable is outside the

Figure 35. Series 40 control loop.

57. Figure 36 shows a series 60 two-position and closing the valve, until the temperature is corrected or
floating control circuit. You can see that the two are until the limit of its travel is reached by limit switch S2.
different in the voltage operation as well as in the The motor would remain here until heat causes a rise in
response. temperature sufficient to cause the thermostat to float the
58. Because of the close similarity of the series 20 blade back to the neutral position if the desired
and series 60 circuits, we will not discuss its operation to temperature is satisfied.
a great extent. The main difference is that the 60 operates 63. Series 90 Control. The series 90 control circuit
on line voltage, whereas 20 uses low voltage. acts to balance a bridge which results in modulating or
59. Figure 36, B, illustrates a complete series 60 proportional control response.
floating control circuit. The equipment includes a 64. The series 90 control circuit is a low-voltage
temperature floating controller and a floating control bridge circuit which operates to position the controlled
motor. device (usually a damper or motorized valve) at any point
60. Referring to figure 36,B, when the temperature between full-open and full-closed. It can be used to
drops, the controller blade completes a circuit from operate motorized valves, motorized dampers, and
contacts R to B. This causes the motor to energize by line sequence-switching mechanisms.
voltage. The capacitor in the circuit causes the motor to 65. Figure 37 shows a typical application of a series
turn clockwise, which will establish a corrective action of 90 control circuit. The temperature of the equipment
the final control element. cooling space is being controlled by governing the
61. The motor moves at a single speed toward amount of air that moves across the direct expansion
opening the valve. It will stop if sufficient heat is added (DX) coil. The thermostat modulates to control the
to raise the temperature on the thermostat to open R and modulating motor. The motor, in turn, proportionally
B. If not, it runs until the limit breaks and stops the controls the face and bypass dampers to control
motor. temperature.
62. On a rise in temperature, the thermostat closes R 66. Figure 38 shows how a balancing relay is made.
to W. This allows line voltage to go into the motor The balancing relay is applied to the series 90 control
through W and once again energizes the motor. The circuit. The amount of current passing through coils 1
capacitor in the circuit now causes the motor to rotate in and 2 governs the position
the counterclockwise direction. The motor rotates,

Figure 36. Series 60 control loop.

of the contact blade in respect to the two contacts of the to the left and completes the circuit between motor
motor. winding W1 and the transformer. Current also passes
67. When equal amount of current flow through both through the capacitor and W2. The motor will rotate in
coils of the balancing relay, the contact blade Is in the the clockwise direction. When coil C2 receives more
center of the space between the two motor contacts, and current flow, the contact blade will move to the right and
the 24 volts cannot be applied to the motor. You see that a circuit is made once again to the motor. The capacitor
there is current flow in each coil even though the motor is now in series with winding W1. You know that this
isn't running. causes the motor to rotate in the opposite direction now.
68. In figure 38, if coil C1 receives more current 69. Figure 39 illustrates a bridge circuit which
flow, and thus becomes stronger, the contact blade moves

is used in the series 90 control circuit. It consists of two
potentiometers and the coils of the balancing relay. One
potentiometer is located in the motor, and its wiper is
moved by the rotation of the motor. The other
potentiometer is in the controller, and its wiper is moved
by the thermal system.
70. The thermostat is satisfied and the bridge is
balanced. Power (24 volts) is applied to the bridge by the
transformer. There is a path for current flow; in fact there
are two paths for current flow. The left circuit has a total
of 135 ohms resistance plus coil C1. The right circuit has
a total of 135 ohms resistance plus coil C2. The amount
of current flow is equal in both circuits. This is called a
balanced bridge.
71. Figure 40 illustrates a complete series 90 control Figure 38. Series 90 balancing relay.
circuit. It consists of a modulating controller, modulating
motor, and control transformer. temperature rise indicates that more cooling is needed.
72. Referring to figure 40, you see by the dotted The series 90 control circuit will continually reposition
wipers that the temperature has increased. The wiper in the valve to correspond to the changes in temperature.
the controller potentiometer is now at a new position on 74. Modulating control is a much better mode of
the resistance. The left circuit now has 97 ½-ohms control that two-position. As you have seen, any change
resistance plus coil C1. The right circuit now has 162 ½- with modulating control immediately causes a
ohms resistance plus coil C2. Current will flow in the left proportional change of the final control element. But we
and right circuit, as indicated by the arrows. According to must remember that if we want to have more accurate
Ohm’s law (E = IR), 25 amps will flow through the left control, it costs more.
circuit and .15 amps will flow through the right circuit. 75. Electrical Actuator Adjustment. We have
As a result of the unbalance of the bridge, coil C1 has a discussed the electric controls that may be used to control
stronger magnetic field and coil C2 has a weaker magnetic temperature, pressure, flow, humidity, and any other
field. variable. Those controls must be installed, adjusted, and
73. Power is now applied to the motor windings, and calibrated properly before they are able to control those
the motor begins to rotate. The motor runs clockwise. As variables.
it turns clockwise, it moves the wiper on the motor 76. One of the important items that has to operate
potentiometer to the right, as shown. Now the circuits on properly is the final control element, such as the damper,
the left and right are once again balanced in resistance. louver, valve, or any device that might be used to control
The balancing relay is balanced, and power is broken to the control agent.
the motor. The chilled water valve was opened during the
change of the motor. The

Figure 37. Series 90 application. Figure 39. Current flow at one instant in a balanced
bridge circuit.

Figure 40. Complete series 90 control circuit.

77. For example, if temperature is being controlled, The linkage between the actuator and the valve causes the
the control loop may be properly operating to maintain valve to remain open, so chilled water continues to flow
the temperature. But let us look at the control loop from through the coil.
the standpoint that the actuator isn't in adjustment with the 80. With the actuator out of adjustment, the control
chilled water valve. Now, the control loop cannot system will not function properly. So we see why it
possibly maintain the temperature. Why can't the control cannot control. Therefore the actuator must be adjusted to
loop be able to control the temperature? Well, look at the device it operates.
figure 41 and we will see why. 81. Electrical Control Applications. Electrical
78. Figure 41 illustrates a control loop in which the controls can be applied any time that a measured variable
actuator is out of adjustment with the final control is to be maintained. As you have seen in the previous
element. The temperature in the duct is below the set discussions, the controller senses the measured variable,
point. The controller sensed this and controlled the and the final control element regulates the control agent to
actuator (modulating motor) in a manner to compensate maintain the measured variable at a set point.
for the lower temperature. 82. Maintaining temperature in a space with series
79. The controller signaled the actuator to close the 90 control. In figure 42, a system controlling temperature
valve so that the temperature could increase. The actuator is illustrated. You can see that
moved to this position, stopping at the extent of its travel.

Figure 41. Actuator out of adjustment.

a series 90 modulating control circuit is being used to 86. Operating in this manner, the temperature is
maintain the temperature. controlled by this modulating control system.
83. The thermostat, T-l, is set to maintain a desired 87. Maintaining relative humidity with series 90
temperature of 72° F. If, for instance, the temperature control. If we are to maintain humidity, it first has to be
sensed by the bulb is 72° F., the controller operates the measured by a controller. The humidity controllers
motor to position the face and bypass dampers at a usually employ hair, leather, wood, or some moisture-
halfway position. This would mean that the bridge circuit sensitive element to sense humidity and to convert it into
of the series 90 control is balanced because the movement. This movement, in turn, operates the
temperature is at set point. controller.
84. When the temperature drops below set point (72° 88. Looking at figure 43, you will see a modulating
F.), the bridge circuit is unbalanced and the motor will run control system maintaining humidity. The humidity
clockwise to close the face dampers and open the bypass controlled senses the percent of humidity as the air moves
dampers. This allows more air to pass through the bypass through the duct. This control circuit operates in the same
dampers. The result is less cooling because less air is manner as the previous system which was maintaining
cooling in contact with the coil. The series 90 motor runs temperature. The main difference between the two
until the bridge is once again balanced. The motor will systems is the sensing device which operates the wiper in
hold the dampers in this position until the thermostat the controller.
senses a temperature change which will once again 89. As the humidity increases above set point (50
unbalance the bridge. percent) the hair expands in length. This allows the
85. When the temperature increases above set point, spring tension to move the wiper arm on the
the bridge becomes unbalanced in the opposite direction. potentiometer. The bridge is then unbalanced and the
The controller now causes the motor to rotate in the series 90 motor is started rotating counterclockwise. The
counterclockwise direction. The motor now opens the motorized valve is modulated toward close due to the
face dampers and closes the bypass dampers. Now more increased humidity. The motor will continue to run
cooling is produced because of the greater amount of air (closing the valve)
coming in contact with the cooling coil. The motor will
run (opening the face dampers) until the bridge is once
again balanced.

Figure 42. Maintaining temperature with a series 90 control.

until the potentiometer in the motor balances the temperature circuit is the pot of the humidistat being in
potentiometer in the humidity controller. the blue wire of the right circuit
90. The opposite action occurs when the humidity 94. The rear pot forms a bridge circuit with the series
drops below set point. The bridge is unbalanced in the 90 motor which operates the reheat valve. The rear pot is
left circuit now. The motor rotates clockwise and somewhat out of line with the front pot. A factory
modulates the motorized valve toward open. The motor calibration, the "dead" spot is about 7/64 inch. You can
will run (opening the valve) until the bridge is balanced. see in figure 45 that the wiper in the rear pot cannot start
The system will remain here until the humidity changes. to operate the reheat valve at the instant the front pot
91. Maintaining temperature and relative humidity wiper reaches B. The temperature must drop farther for
with high limit control. A control system which maintains the rear wiper to reach W, where it will begin to
temperature and humidity at a high limit is illustrated in unbalance the bridge circuit.
figure 44. The system is composed of several units that 95. If you will refer to figures 44 and 45, we will
we have discussed before, but in this case they are used in discuss the operation of the control system and its circuit
conjunction with each other. The devices are a series 90 as it functions to maintain the temperature and relative
motor, thermostat, and humidistat. humidity at a high limit. The set point is 72° F., which
92. The control circuit of the temperature control the control system strives to maintain. We have seen that
system with high limit humidity is diagramed in figure 45. the face and bypass dampers will be at midposition when
As you can see, the series 90 thermostat has two the temperature is at set 'point. It will modulate the face
potentiometers. The wipers of these pots are moved by and bypass dampers to control the temperature. The
the temperature sensed by the bulb ("pots" is short for system operates in this manner until the humidity reaches
potentiometers). the high limit.
93. The front pot forms a bridge circuit with the 96. Let us go through the operation when the
series 90 motor that operates the face and bypass humidity increases above the high limit. This
dampers. The only thing abnormal in this part of the

Figure 43. Maintaining relative humidity with a series 90 control.

Figure 44. Maintaining temperature and humidity with a high limit humidity control.

Figure 45. Temperature and high limit humidity control circuit.

causes more resistance to be placed in the right circuit. damper to open more than the thermostat wanted it to
The motor runs clockwise, opens the face dampers, and open. Naturally, if the face damper is open more than the
closes the bypass dampers. Of course, this allows more of thermostat is calling for it to open, the room temperature
the air to come in contact with the coil. As a result, a will drop below the desired value.
greater amount of moisture is removed from the c.f.m. 97. The rear pot of the thermostat now comes into
moved through the duct. In other words, the high limit action. The drop in temperature causes the rear wiper to
humidistat overrode the thermostat and caused the face begin unbalancing the bridge circuit

Figure 46. Air compressor station.

of the reheat valve. The reheat valve brings the 3. Most of the air compressors installed in large
temperature back up to the desired amount by adding heat buildings are anchored tightly to the floor and are driven
through the steam coil. When the sensible heat is added, by an electric motor. The compressor is connected to the
it also lowers the relative humidity. The temperature and motor by a belt-drive arrangement. Belt-driven
humidity both have now been satisfied for the desired compressors usually have more than one belt. If one belt
conditions. This system continually strives to maintain needs changing, they all must be replaced. New belts
temperature and a maximum humidity within the limits of should be adjusted to specifications and then checked
the controllers. regularly because they sometimes stretch. The air
compressor is very similar in construction to the
21. Air Supply refrigeration compressor. Care and maintenance
1. Almost all large air-conditioning systems require procedures are the same.
a supply of compressed air. It is used to operate valves, 4. Air cleaners and filters. The air in an air
controllers, transmitters, thermostats, humidistats, compressor must be clean to protect the air compressor
receivers, etc. Such air can be furnished to an installation and other controls and equipment operated by the air
by two possible sources: pressure. A defective air cleaner will not filter the air.
a. Compressed air may be available in the building The minute particles in dirty air are apt to restrict the flow
by a remote compressor system. of air, reducing the efficiency of the compressor and
b. Compressed air may be furnished by a operating air controls. Air cleaners may be constructed of
compressor station installed within the building. Figure screen mesh or may be a filter disc type. No matter what
46 illustrates a simple, typical air-supply system. It type cleaner is used, it must be serviced periodically.
consists of a compressor, storage tank, filter, pressure Operating conditions will determine the service
gauges, safety valve, pressure reducing valve, etc. requirements. Regardless of how frequently a cleaner is
2. A Compressor Components. Compressors are serviced, you must never use a volatile cleaner such as
made in a number of different sizes and designs. They are gasoline or diesel fuel for cleaning purposes. A
driven by electric motors or gasoline engines. Some are nonvolatile cleaner is required because, as the air is
the single-stage type, while others are of the multistage compressed, it generates heat and the combination of
type. The multistage compressor is designed to develop compressed air and fuel plus generated heat leads to
higher pressures than the single-stage unit. Compressors explosions. The higher the compressor pressures are, the
are cooled either by air or by a liquid coolant. higher the temperature and the greater the emphasis which
Compressor units are mounted in a variety of ways: must be placed on safety precautions. A bomb explodes
stationary, on skids, and with single or several wheels because the internal pressures
which have rubber tires or steel rims.

are greater than the housing can stand. Therefore, several many ways similar in construction to the type of
safety devices are built into the air compressor systems. dehydrator used in a refrigeration system. The
5. For efficiency and safety, air enters the filter and dehumidifying cartridge containing the chemical is
passes on to the low-pressure cylinder. As air leaves the generally placed in the pressure line. One type of
low-pressure cylinder, it is cooled in the intercooler chemical that has been successfully used is calcium
before being compressed in the high-pressure side. The chloride. Refer to the manufacturer's manual for
air must be cooled again in some manner because heated recommended procedures for cartridge reactivation or
air doesn't have the body that cold air has under pressure. replacement.
6. To clean a dry pad filter, shake out the dirt from 12. Motor. The motor size will vary with the
the element and blow air through the filter in a reverse compressor size. Refer to the motor nameplate data for
direction. Then clean the filter with a nonflammable specification. Maintenance such as cleaning and
cleaning fluid. lubrication should be done periodically.
7. Controls. Safety controls are required for a 13. Traps and drains. Traps and drains are used to
compressed air unit. Pressure regulators, relief valves, remove moisture that may have accumulated in the
safety valves, pressure switches, etc., are some of the system. The size of the air control system will determine
devices for control of compressed air and compressor the number of traps and drains that are used. These
operation. components must be cleaned periodically to remove any
8. Relief valves' are installed in the receiver and moisture that may have collected in the system. Refer to
intercooler to relieve excessive pressures. Relief valves control air system diagram for actual location of these
and safety pop valves are usually set at the factory and the components. Generally, a trap or separator is located near
setting should not be changed, although some units may the aftercooler
be disassembled for inspection. Some installations 14. Gauge. Gauge locations will vary with each
require special valves in addition to the standard relief control air system. Most gauge locations are visible to the
valves. If a valve is disassembled for service, all parts operator so that he can make an accurate reading on the
should be thoroughly checked. Proper operation of safety air pressure. The air pressure must remain constant for
valves is very important, as the name implies. Excessive accurate control operation; therefore a close inspection
internal pressures can cause the air compressor unit to must be maintained on gauge readings. If there is a
explode, so be sure that only recommended procedures variation in air pressure, the cause must be found
and parts are employed when servicing a valve. Cleaning immediately and corrected.
is also important so that this valve will not stick open, 15. Maintenance. Before starting the compressor,
thus causing the second-stage pressure to drop to zero. make sure the crankcase is filled to the proper level with a
9. Intercooler. In the compressor the air is recommended grade compressor oil. The crankcase is
compressed and then sent into an intercooler, where it is filled to the line on the oil indicator or oil level elbow
cooled. The intercooler consists of a tank with coils located near the bottom of the compressor base. All
through which air or water is passed to cool the compressor parts are oiled from this base reservoir. A
compressed air. Under normal operating conditions the close check must be periodically maintained on the oil
air can be kept at a reasonable temperature by use of level for proper lubrication.
aftercoolers. The aftercooler is generally located between 16. If the compressor is new, it should be drained
the air compressor and storage tank. Its function is to and refilled every 2 weeks of constant operation. When
cool the air to a desirable temperature and to condense the compressor is "broken in," drain and refill after every
moisture out of the air. 2 or 3 months of daily operation or the equivalent.
10. Air tank. The air tank is a storage facility for the 17. The unit must be kept clean, since dirt is
compressed air. This tank is a sealed unit and will require responsible for most compressor troubles. The air filters
minor maintenance. All piping connections must be fit should be checked periodically and cleaned weekly with a
tight, and valves adjusted according to specifications. nonexplosive solvent or by blowing air through the filter
The air tank is generally located in a cool place for media. Make sure dry filters are free of all moisture. The
efficient unit operation. screen type filter should be dipped in oil for better
11. Chemical drier. A means of removing moisture filtering action.
from the air is the use of a chemical drier for absorbing 18. Special care must be given to make sure that all
moisture. After the chemical in the drier has become components are free of moisture. The air storage tank
saturated with moisture, it must be reactivated by heat or must be drained of moisture at least once a week and, if
be replaced. The drier in the air compressor system is in necessary, more often. Chem-

ical driers are used for extracting moisture from the air in
excessively humid areas.
19. The belts should be tight enough to prevent
slippage, but not so tight as to cause excessive strain on
the motor shaft or bearings. V-belts require more slack
than fiat belts.
20. Exhaust and intake valves may become dirty
after a period of operation. This can result in valve
leakage and cutting down on efficient compressor
operation. Periodically, valves should be removed,
inspected, and thoroughly cleaned. If they continue to
leak after cleaning, they should be replaced. An
indication of valve leakage is any dark spots on the valve
seat or polished surface. Pop-off safety valves should be
blown off every 6 months to insure against sticking. Figure 47. -Typical air supply system.
Reducing valves should be checked periodically to insure
that they maintain the correct system pressure at all times. to the male threads. All joints should be checked under
21. Troubleshooting. If there is a pressure loss in pressure with a soap and water solution.
the receiver, it can be caused by insufficient power unit 4. In reference to figure 48, the supply header
operation, slipping drive belt, leaky pipe joints, obstructed furnishes air to a series of instruments in a building area.
air intake filter, obstructed or burned valves, or worn Note that the supply header is pitched 1/4 inch to 1 foot to
rings. Knocks usually result from insufficient or help in the drainage of entrained oil or moisture. Sumps
improper lubrication, too thin a cylinder head gasket, and drains are located in the low points of the system and
worn bearings, loose flywheel, or foreign materials on the should be blown off daily. The sump can be constructed
top of the piston. If the compressor begins to knock, it of pipe of sufficient volume to hold all the collected water
should be shut down immediately and the trouble reported until it is blown out. Clean brass or iron pipe and fittings
so that the necessary repairs or adjustments can be made. ½2 inch or larger should be used for the header.
5. The tubing that supplies air to the instruments
22. Pneumatic Control System should be taken fi6m the top of the header. This is an
1. The pneumatic control system, illustrated in added precaution against letting the moisture enter the
figure 47, consists of five major parts. They are: instruments and other controlling devices. The
a. Source of air supply. connections can be made at the side of the header when
b. Lines leading from the source of supply to the necessary, but never at the bottom.
controllers (thermostats, humidistats, etc.). These lines 6. The air connections at the instruments are 1/4-
are referred to as supply pressure lines. inch National Pipe Thread (N.P.T.), 3/8-inch copper
c. The controllers, thermostats, humidistats, tubing (not less than .300 inch inside diameter (I.D.), or
recorders, etc. 1/4-inch iron pipe standard (I.P.S.). Brass pipe is used for
d. The lines leading from controllers to the the air supply piping. Where corrosive conditions require
controlled devices such as valves, dampers, etc. These it, 1/4-inch I.P.S. clean, new, black iron pipe can be used.
lines are referred to as control pressure lines. Copper tubing is most practical and can be kept free from
e. The controlled devices (dampers. valves, etc.). leaks. The output piping to control valves should be ¾3/-
2. Lines. In order for the controller or any inch copper tubing with few exceptions.
pneumatic control device to operate successfully, the 7. The air filter and supply pressure regulator,
devices must be connected to a regulated air supply. This shown in figure 48, are installed in the supply piping
air must be clean and dry and supplied at a pressure from immediately before the instrument. These components
15 to 20 p.s.i.g. The installation must be planned to must be firmly supported to prevent the sagging of tubing.
prevent water, oil, or dirt being carried through the piping Arrows on these devices indicate how they must be
into the control or instruments. connected in the system. Shutoff valves are installed in
3. All tubing, pipes, and fittings must be clean the system to enable the repairman to remove devices
inside and free of burrs. Shellac or a recommended joint without shutting off the whole air-supply system.
compound may be applied sparingly

Figure 48. Air distribution piping.

8. The air filter catches any moisture, dirt, oil, and pressure system and illustrates a valve and switch for
other foreign materials that may pass through the system selecting either of the two pressures.
piping. Most filters have a rated capacity as to the 12. In most installations the air piping for the control
amount of moisture they can hold; therefore, they must be system is concealed internally into the building structure.
checked and drained periodically. Normally, this Generally, very little servicing is required unless there is
operation should be done daily, but under severe some possible damage due to building alterations. Piping
conditions of heavy moistened air it must be done more in the fan and equipment rooms is often exposed. In most
frequently. Close attention must be given to this detail for instances the exposed lines are run along out-of-the-way
efficient and successful instrument and control operation. places with properly designed supports and hangers.
9. The filter may be serviced by removing the Extra precautions must be taken so that the lines do not
bottom cover and removing the filtering element. The become damaged.
filter may be cleaned with an approved cleaning solvent 13. Instruments and Controls. Automatic controls
or compressed air. Whenever the filter element looks too are designed to do a specific job in an air-conditioning
dirty, it should be replaced with a new element. system. The controls may open
10. Pneumatic piping for instrumentation in large
installations becomes complicated. Many instruments are
located at designated positions in the duct system and
must have compressed air piped to them; therefore it is
advisable to refer to the installation schematic drawings
when determining the exact location of piping and
associated controls.
11. Reducing Valve Station. The supply pressure
for most single temperature controllers runs
approximately 15 p.s.i. Figure 49 illustrates an air filter
and a reducing station for a single pressure system.
Where two or more controllers or temperature thermostats
are required, a dual-pressure system is used. The supply
pressure for a dual installation is approximately 15 to 20
p.s.i. Figure 50 shows a reducing valve station for a dual
Figure 49. Single-pressure system.

b. Reverse-acting controller is a control that is
adjusted to give a decreasing air output pressure with an
increase in the variable, whether it is temperature,
pressure, flow, vacuum, or liquid level.
c. Direct-acting diaphragm valve is a valve that
closes when the air pressure is applied to its diaphragm
motor. It may be referred to as an air-to-close valve.
d. Reverse-acting diaphragm valve is a valve which
opens when the air is applied to its diaphragm motor. It
may be referred to as an air-to-open valve.
e. Set point is the value of the controlled variable
that is asked of the controller by setting the indicator to
that value.
Figure 50. Dual-pressure system. f. Control point is the actual temperature, pressure,
flow, vacuum or liquid level at any given instant
or close valves and dampers, and operate other equipment regardless of what the set point may be.
automatically whenever the need arises. Years of g. Proportional control is the type of control action
research have gone into the design of these controls; and where the control signal varies in proportion to changes in
if they are properly installed and maintained, they will the controlled variable, and may be any value from
function efficiently. The type and number of electric and minimum to maximum.
pneumatic controls used will vary with the size of air- h. Sensitivity of a controller is the ratio of output
conditioning installation and with equipment usage in the pressure change to the movement of the pen or indicating
building. pointer.
14. In equipment cooling, many different types of i. High sensitivity results in a large output pressure
instruments and controls are needed to control the change for a given pen or pointer movement.
conditioned air at a required temperature and humidity. j. Low sensitivity gives a small output pressure
All instruments, whether they are recording, indicating, or change for a given pen or pointer movement.
control type, must operate and record accurately. You k. Throttling range is used to designate the
learned earlier in this chapter that special care h given to sensitivity of a controller and is expressed as the
the compressed air supplied to the controls. It must be a movement of the pen or pointer in percent of chart, or
clean, dry air and supplied at approximately 20 p.s.i.g. scale, width necessary to cause a full opening or closing
This air pressure initiates control operation. of the control valve.
15. Location. The location of controls and l. Automatic reset response is only used when
instruments will vary with each air-conditioning automatic reset is adopted to the controller. It is an
installation. Generally, a control is mounted near the additional output pressure change resulting from a control
device it operates. For example, a damper motor is point change and provides at a rate dependent upon the
usually located near the damper it operates. To find the proportional response. It acts in the same direction as the
exact location of controls, refer to your installation air- proportional response and continues until the set point and
conditioning drawings. control point are together.
16. All controls and instruments must be installed in m. Reset action is the control action in which the
a clean, dry location. They must be mounted securely to corrections are made in proportion to the time a condition
prevent sagging or vibration and must be accessible for has been off and the amount of deviation.
cleaning, adjusting, and repair. n. Controlling medium is the liquid, vapor, or gas,
17. Terminology. Before you can understand the the flow of which through the diaphragm valve is varied
operating principles of controls, you must know the terms in accordance with the demands of the process.
that are applied to instrumentation. The following is a list o. Processed or controlled medium is the liquid,
of some of the most common terms and their meanings: vapor, gas, or solid which is to be maintained at a
a. Direct-acting controller is a control that is constant value by varying the flow of the controlled
adjusted to give an increasing air output pressure with an medium.
increase in the variable, whether it is temperature, p. Load change is any factor which requires a
pressure, flow, vacuum, or liquid level. change in the flow of the controlling medium in order to
maintain the control point of the process.

Figure 52. Remote bulb thermostat.
Figure 51. Spiral bimetallic thermostat.
ature changes and will control temperature accordingly.
These factors may include a change in the temperature, 21. Another type of thermostat frequently used is a
pressure, rate of flow, or composition of either the bellows type shown in figure 53.
controlling or the controlled medium. 22. Location. The location for a thermostat should
q. Hunting is the changing or variation of the be representative of that part of the building where a
controlled variable about the control point, generally required temperature is to be maintained. It should be
caused by excessive diaphragm valve movement. installed where it will be exposed to free circulation of
r. Wandering is an irregular shift of the controlled air, free from drafts, and away from the direct rays of the
variable about the control point resulting from frequent sun or any type of radiant heat.
23. Maintenance. The internal mechanism of a
load changes.
18. Thermostat. The thermostat is a nerve center of thermostat should be cleaned of dust and dirt. The
heating and cooling control centers and operates either contacts should be cleaned by drawing a piece of hard-
finish paper (such as a common post card with a hard
pneumatically or electrically. The thermostat is a
sensitive unit that responds to changes in room smooth finish) between the contacts. Never use emery
temperature and indicates where more or less heat is cloth or other abrasives to clean the contacts. For
required. It transmits its indicating signal to the primary recommended procedures or part replacement. refer to
control for action. On an electric thermostat this is done the manufacturer's maintenance manual.
by the making and breaking of electrical contact within 24. Humidistat. Figures 54 and 55 illustrate
the thermostat itself; within the pneumatic thermostat a
pressure relay regulates the air to the controlled unit.
19. Thermostats usually differ in construction
according to the type of primary control with which they
are used. Probably the most common type of thermostat
is the spiral bimetallic type shown in figure 51.
20. Figure 51 illustrates a remote bulb type
thermostat. This type of thermostat is used in installations
where severe vibration may exist at the point of
measurement, or where it is desirable to have an
instrument at a central location. The capillary tube shown
in figure 52 is usually a liquid-filled element. It is
sensitive to temper-

Figure 53. Bellows type thermostat.

Figure 54. Room humidistat.
Figure 56. Hygrometer with motor-driven fan.
room and insertion type humidistats. The humidistat is
designed for the accurate control of the addition to or care. The instrument must be encased at all times and
removal of moisture from air in a system or space. Room kept free of dust and other foreign materials. It must be
humidistats are available with various elements consisting mounted securely and located where there is a good
of wood, hair, or animal membrane with adjustable circulation of air through its mechanism. All adjustments
sensitivity. Insertion humidistats are designed for must be made with special precautions since they are very
accurate control of the relative amounts of moisture in sensitive devices. Refer to the manufacturer's manuals for
heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning ducts. recommended maintenance and adjustment procedures.
25. Operation. Under normal operating conditions, 27. Hygrometers. The hygrometer is a device used
the humidistat will control the humidity within 1 percent to measure, record, and control humidity. There are many
relative humidity. Most humidity controls operate types and designs of these instruments made by various
electrically to regulate dampers, valves, or other manufacturers, but their principles of operation are
regulating devices. For example, when a humidifying similar.
device having a spray nozzle is used, a solenoid valve is 28. The hygrometer gives instantaneous readings of
ordinarily inserted ahead of the nozzle. A humidistat in a measured area and will regulate valves or other controls
the conditioned space energizes the solenoid when the to maintain a necessary humidity.
relative humidity drops below the humidistat setting. As 29. There are two types of hygrometer instruments.
soon as the humidity in the conditioned space is brought They are referred to as recording and recording-
up to that required to satisfy the humidistat, the circuit is controlling types.
opened and the solenoid shuts off automatically. 30. Figure 56 shows a recording-controlling type
26. Maintenance. The humidistat is a very delicate hygrometer. This instrument is installed in the area in
instrument and must be handled with which the humidity is to be measured. When the
instrument is installed within an area, the air to be
measured is circulated through the wet- and dry-bulb
housing by a suction fan, as shown in figure 56. The fan
draws the air through the bulb housing by use of an intake
and exhaust port, usually located in back of the panel
housing, creating conditions similar to those which
psychrometric tables are obtained. In applications where
bulbs of hygrometers must be located inside an apparatus,
room, or duct, and where a continuous source of water
supply is not available, a water feed instrument, as
illustrated in figure 57, is used. The water supplied to the
instrument must be cleaned and constant.

Figure 55. Insertion type humidistat.

Figure 58. Damper control air movement.

and, as air is applied to the diaphragm, the piston is forced

to move outward, causing the stem to move in the same
direction. This forces a tension on the spring. The air
that is fed from the controller to the damper operator
Figure 57. Water feed hygrometer. usually ranges from 0 to 15 p.s.i., different spring ranges
are available for different applications. Generally, 5-to l0
31. Operation. The operating principles of a p.s.i. spring range is the most commonly used spring
hygrometer are similar to the operating principles of a design tension; and with such a spring tension, the
sling psychrometer, while on a hygrometer these operator is in normal position when the control pressure is
temperatures are transmitted through a Bourdon tube to an 5 p.s.i., a illustrated in figure 59. It is in its opposite-to-
instrument mechanism which records the temperature and normal position when the control pressure is above or
humidity. Refer to the manufacturer's manual for specific below 5 p.s.i. under normal load conditions. At
hygrometer instrument action.
32. Maintenance. The instrument mechanism is
similar in construction to the type used in transmitters and
recorders, a explained later in this chapter; therefore its
components can be maintained in the same manner. The
major difference in hygrometer construction is the
addition of water to the wick. The water and wick must
be kept clean r accurate instrument operation. Periodic
cleaning of the wick is required. Refer to manufacturer's
maintenance manuals for specific instructions for
maintenance and adjustment procedures.
33. Controlled Operator. Controlled operators
require position changing according to variations of a
controlled medium. For example, damper operators
position dampers in many ways to regulate airflow, some
of which are illustrated in figure 58. Blades may be used
in parallel or opposed operation, depending on their use in
duct system.
34. Damper operators. The damper operator is
generally of the piston type, a shown in figure 59. The Figure 59. Piston damper operation.
piston is attached to an operating stem

Figure 62. Damper operator with positioner.

of valves to meet various requirements. Each type will

have its own specific performance rating.
37. Positioner for operators. Figures 61 and 62
illustrate how a positioner can be applied to a valve or
damper operator. The positioner provides a means of
Figure 60. Diaphragm valve. getting greater accuracy in positioning an operator and
also increases the repositioning power.
5 p.s.i., the operator assumes a midposition which is 38. In reference to figures 61 and 62, note that the
proportional to the air pressure. positioner has a supply-air connection. Internally it has
35. Operators are generally mounted on the damper supply and exhaust valves like a pneumatic relay. The
frame wherever possible and are connected directly to a valves are operated jointly by the pressure from the
damper louver. They can be mounted externally on the controller and by the spring attached to the operator stem.
duct and operate through a crank arm on a shaft extension A small change in control pressure can produce a large
to the damper louver. change in pressure on the operator until the stem moves
36. Pneumatic valves. Pneumatic valves consist of a sufficiently to cause the spring to stop the operation.
diaphragm or bellows and a spring. Figure 60 illustrates a 39. When positioners are used, the spring determines
typical diaphragm valve. Its operation is very similar to the operating range of the valve or damper operator. The
that of the damper operator. The valve spring acts to range can be adjusted over a wide limit.
either open or close the valve in accordance with the 40. Maintenance of controlled operators. One of the
applied air pressure. The bellows type valve is generally most important things to remember when inspecting a
used on convector, unit ventilators, and radiators where damper operator is to make sure the stems or levers are
space is more restricted. Diaphragm valves are generally clean. They must be lubricated as required. Keeping the
used on larger cooling and heating coil installation. There unit clean is very important. If the diaphragm needs
are many types and designs replacing, the following procedure is recommended:
a. Remove the cylinder head and throw away old
b. Place new diaphragm in its proper position.
c. Roll back flange and insert the piston in the
d. Place the assembly on the upper end of the
cylinder with the loop of the diaphragm between the
piston and the cylinder wall. Make sure that the
diaphragm does not wrinkle.
e. Put the cylinder in place with the air connection
in the desired position and tighten the screws uniformly.

Figure 61. Valve with positioner.

45. Operation. Figure 64 illustrates a typical
controller installation. The purpose of the controller in
this system is to control the temperature of a process by
operating a direct-acting diaphragm valve on a steam
supply line. To understand its operation, let us assume
that the temperature of the process is below that for which
the controller is set. Because the temperature is low, the
air regulating mechanism in the controller allows the
valve to remain open, ,allowing more steam to flow into
the process. As the temperature increases toward the
control point setting, the bulb measures this increase. As
soon as the control point is reached, the Bourdon tube
uncoils. This action forces a change in the internal
pressure regulating mechanism in the controller and
forces air pressure down on the regulation valve, forcing
it to close.
46. Maintenance. The chart on the controller must
be replaced periodically. The chart on most controllers
can be removed easily by disengaging the pen from the
Figure 63. Exploded view of diaphragm valve. chart and removing the chart from the hub. Place a fresh
chart on the clock hub and rotate it until the correct time
41. The damper must be checked periodically for line is opposite the reference arc, which is usually indi-
rust and corrosion. If corrosion deposits are found, they
should be removed immediately with a steel brush, and
the surface should be repainted. All pivots, linkage, and
levers should be cleaned to remove dirt and other foreign
matter is that they may operate freely.
42. The following components of a valve should be
checked periodically and replaced if found unserviceable:
a. Leaky or worn diaphragm.
b. Leaky packing nut.
c. Worn or pitted valve or valve seats and disks.
d. Weak or broken spring.
e. Corroded or dirty valve stem.
43. Figure 63 shows the exploded view of a
diaphragm valve. Note the positions of each component
in this valve. Care must be taken when replacing the
rubber diaphragm. A kinked diaphragm will cause erratic
44. Controllers. Controllers are used to regulate
valve, dampers, and other devices by me of pressure or
temperature. Because there are so many different designs
of controllers, it is impossible to cover each controller
difference in this memorandum. To understand the
specific operation, maintenance, and calibration of any
instrument or control, always refer to the manufacturer's
manual in this section a general discussion will be given
on controller operation, maintenance, and calibration.
Figure 64 illustrates a typical controller. This type of
Figure 64. A typical controller installation.
controller records graphically the variations in
temperature or pressure of a measured process.

cated on the control face. The clock face generally has 53. Temperature transmitter. In using the
small pins or clamps mounted in it, the purpose of which temperature transmitter, the bulb of the tube system is
is to hold the paper and serve as a means of driving the placed in the apparatus to be measured at the point where
chart. the temperature is to be controlled and where the
47. You should fill the pen with manufacturer's circulation is a maximum. It should not be too close to a
recommended grade and type of ink. General instructions radiating coil or an open steam inlet.
as to how to fill the pen are supplied with the ink. 54. If the bulb is to be placed into a separable bulb,
Occasionally it is necessary to wash the pens with water well, or stem, these units should be fitted into the
or alcohol. apparatus first. Then insert the bulb and tighten the
48. If the pen fails to touch the chart paper because coupling nut.
of insufficient tension on the pen arm, bend the pen arm 55. Installations where a well is-furnished with a
slightly toward the chart so that the pen touches the chart thermospeed sleeve must be given special consideration.
lightly. If the pen fails to follow the time line, adjust the To install a bulb with thermospeed sleeve, first separate
chart so that a time line corresponds to the reference arc. the bulb from the well. Then screw the well tightly into
Bend the pen so that it rests on the time line matching the the apparatus. Start the bulb into the well carefully to
reference arc. avoid any damaging. Force the bulb as far as it will go
49. The following precautions should be followed to into the well, then tighten sufficiently to hold the bulb in
improve controller efficiency and operation: place.
a. Do not allow water or steam to come into direct 56. If the tube system is of a vapor pressure type,
contact with the instrument. If it is necessary to wash out make certain the elevation of the bulb with respect to the
pipes, tanks, or other apparatus with steam or hot water, instrument case is the same as that for which the
remove instrument bulb first. controller is designed. Should the elevation be slightly
b. Do not subject the pressure element of different, it will be necessary to reset the pen to agree
instrument to a higher pressure than maximum range of with the reading of an accurate test thermometer. Bulb
the chart unless the instrument is designed to take care of elevation data will be given on the data plate of the
it. instrument or in the manufacturer's maintenance manuals.
c. Do not allow the controller door to remain open 57. Pressure transmitter. Where pressure
longer than is necessary. transmitters are used to measure the pressure of hot, moist
d. Blow out the compressor receivers periodically atmosphere, a condensate loop should be installed beneath
to remove moisture and other foreign material. the instrument. The added pipe length protects the
e. Blow out moisture traps at regular intervals. instrument from the effect of high temperature, and the
50. Calibration. The procedures you will study here loop retains condensate when the apparatus is shut down.
are considered as basic control calibration for most types 58. If the medium being measured is corrosive, the
of controls-pneumatic, electric, and electronic. The pressure element should be protected by use of a purge
control manufacturer furnishes pamphlets with his control system or suitable sealing liquid.
to guide you in servicing and calibrating a specific 59. Operation. Figure 65 illustrates schematically a
control. The basic procedures are: transmission system which measures the temperature of a
a. Set the controller set point to the sensed variable- process.
temperature, pressure, humidity, etc. 60. The transmitter shown in figure 65 is actuated by
b. Adjust the controller to the midrange of the a Bourdon tube. With an increase in process temperature,
controlled device. the Bourdon tube tends to uncoil and actuates components
c. Set the dial to the desired value. in a pressure mechanism. The mechanism, in turn,
51. Transmitters. The transmission system consists establishes an equilibrium at a new output air pressure,
of a transmitter and a receiver. The transmitter and proportional to the pointer movement. The output line
receiver with their connecting tubes and accessories form from the transmitter is connected to a bellows of a
a system that measures the magnitude (temperature or receiver, as shown in figure 65. The air pressure within
pressure) of a process change and indicates this value at the bellows actuates the pen of the instrument. The
the receiver. receiver pen then records values which are identical to
52. The transmitter or receiver may be either an those indicated to the transmitter pointer.
indicating or recording type instrument. These 61. The dotted portion of figure 65 illustrates the
instruments can be used as temperature or pressure receiver controller. This part of the instrument
transmitters, depending on the type of variable that needs
to be measured.

Figure 65. A typical transmission system.

regulates a valve which controls a fluid or gas entering a Any change in the process temperature is transmitted
process. through the Bourdon tube to the recorder mechanism and
62. Maintenance. The transmitter or receiver must is shown graphically on the recorder chart. Figure 66
be mounted on a wall or panel where it will be free from shows a typical type temperature or pressure recorder.
vibration. It should not be installed where extreme 66. Figure 67 illustrates a typical temperature
temperatures may damage the delicate components. recorder installation. The connecting tubing from the
63. The chart must be replaced at designated periods. recorder is placed in such a position that it will not
Replacement procedures will vary with instrument design. receive additional heat from heat surfaces such as boilers
Some transmitters are designed to use a type of disc chart radiators, pipes, etc. The bulb of the instrument is placed
similar to the one shown in figure 65, while others use a at the point where circulation is best. This is necessary
chart in the form of a roll. When a chart is replaced, care for an accurate measurement and recording.
should be exercised to set it at the reference point so that 67. Figure 68 illustrates a typical pressure recorder
the chart will record accurately for the particular time. installation. On liquid line installations excessive
64. The pen must be filled with a recommended pulsations may occur; in such a condition, a needle valve,
instrument ink. If the ink does not flow, start it flowing as shown in figure 68, is installed in the line. The oil
by touching the pen with the filler. Dried ink may be seals are installed in the line to prevent excessive
removed by washing the pen with warm water. If the pen pressures and corrosive liquids from damaging the
fails to touch the chart, bend the pen arm inward so that it instrument.
will hear lightly on the chart. If the pen does not follow 68. The components of a temperature or pressure
the reference arc, adjust the length of the pen arm by recorder are similar to other types of controllers and
bending the pen point to a length indicated by the time transmitters; therefore maintenance procedures are
reference arc on the chart plate. similar.
65. Temperature and Pressure Recorders. The 69. Chan replacement is done periodically. When
temperature or pressure recorders operate on the same replacing a chart, make sure the chart is inserted properly
general principles as other type controls. The Bourdon into the pins or clamps mounted on the clock hub. Rotate
tube principle is adapted to the recorder operation. The the chart until the correct time line is opposite the
temperature or pressure recorder is used to record reference arc inscribed on the control face. Special guides
graphically the temperature or pressure of a process or attached to the recorder door generally hold the chart flat
apparatus operation. The thermal bulb attached to the against the plate.
recorder is placed in the process that is to be measured.

Figure 66. A typical recorder.

Figure 67. Temperature recorder installation.

reacts instantly to a temperature change, the rotation of
the helix being transmitted by a cam or roller follower to
a switch. The electrical contacts are enclosed in a
dustproof case, and the contacts are opened by the cam or
roller follower in the event the air temperature around the
helix exceeds the cutout setting.
75. The cutout point is adjustable, approximately
from 75° F. to 160° F. It is provided with a dial stop to
prevent the adjustment from exceeding a maximum of
125° F.
76. The cam has both a high and low limit stop and
will not rotate forward to the ON position even if the fire
comes in contact with the bimetal helix. If the
temperature becomes high enough to reach the cutout
Figure 68. Pressure recorder installation. setting, the control may lock out and will require manual
reset before the unit may be placed back into operation.
70. Adjusting and cleaning of the pen is done as The manual reset lever is exposed for easy setting ;and is
discussed previously in this chapter. located on the control housing. Removal of the cover
71. Recorders are calibrated and adjusted to testing exposes the instrument terminals and wiring.
conditions at the factory. Do not make any adjustments 77. Maintenance. Field repairs are not
unless it is certain that the instrument is out of adjustment. recommended by the manufacturer. If the control is not
Refer to the manufacturer's maintenance manuals on functioning properly, it is recommended that the unit be
procedures for calibration of their instrument. replaced.
72. The following precautions must be observed 78. Airflow Detector and Control. The air-flow
when using a temperature or pressure recorder: detector type instrument is used to control and detect
a. Never allow a stream of water or jet of steam to airflow movements.
come into direct contact with the instrument mechanism. 79. Operation. The airflow instrument contains a
b. Never wash or flush out pipes, tanks, or heat source within its flow-sensing leg and operates on
apparatus with steam or hot water, as it might allow the the principle of heat transfer. The electrical mechanism in
bulb of the instrument to reach a higher temperature than the ambient compensating leg is actuated whenever there
maximum range on the chart unless the instrument is is a change in rate of flow beyond the set point of the unit.
designed to take care of these high temperatures. It is If there is a greater transfer of heat away from the flow-
recommended that the bulb be removed when cleaning the sensing leg containing the heat source than that for which
apparatus. the unit is set, the contacts in the electrical mechanism
c. Never subject the Bourdon spring of a pressure remain closed. If the heat transfer is less than the set
recorder to a higher pressure than the maximum range of value, the contacts of the electrical mechanism will open.
the chart unless the instrument is designed for higher 80. Since this device actually controls an electrical
pressures. circuit by a switch action, it can be used to, control fans,
d. Never allow the door of the instrument to remain alarm systems, air circulators, and other air-conditioning
open any longer than necessary. Keep the instrument and dust collecting systems.
clean and free of dust and other foreign materials. 81. Maintenance. The airflow measuring instrument
73. Electric Fire Protection Control. The purpose should be placed in a duct area with the two legs side by
of the fire protection control is to protect the installation side in the airflow stream. The electrical connector
against the spread of fire by automatically switching off should face either downstream or upstream. It can be
air-conditioning fans and closing dampen. If a fire starts, placed in other directions, but this results in some
fans become quite a hazard by increasing the intensity of calibration changes. The set point is generally set by
the fire and helping it circulate through fire walls and changes in turbulence, but the instrument may be located
from room to room. Most air-conditioning systems that in a turbulent region if it is calibrated in position. Airflow
use fan installations use some type of fire protection measuring devices require very little maintenance since
device in connection with these fans. they are hermetically sealed. It is recommended that the
74. Operation and construction. The back plate and instrument be replaced if you find that it is not
helix tube of a fire protection control is made of steel to functioning properly.
form a strong incasement. The sensitive bimetal helix

Figure 69. Schematic of an air-conditioner system.

82. Calibration. With the instrument installed, air for cooling. This quantity of air will vary with the
energize the heater for approximately 5 minutes to obtain outdoor air temperature to keep the air that is entering the
an equilibrium. The airflow through the instrument coil at-the setting of T3. Humidity controller HI operates
should be maintained at the desired point for a solenoid valve V1 to add moisture to the air when
approximately 1 minute. Proceed to adjust the instrument required. A control panel is used to monitor all
to the point where electrical contacts just operate. operations and control the positioning of the dampers and
Simulating decreased air-flow conditions or dirty filters the closing of the dampers when the fan stops.
may be accomplished by blocking off a section of the 85. Special procedures must be followed when
clean filter media. It is recommended that you refer to the replacing an instrument or control that is not operating
manufacturers' maintenance manuals for specific properly. Since every air-conditioning control system has
instructions on calibration for their instrument. its design differences, it is impossible to give specific
83. Control System Operation. So far in this information or replacement procedures. It is
chapter you have not been shown how control instruments recommended that you refer to your installation SOP, and
are used in a control system. Figure 69 is a simple sketch ask your supervisor for information regarding instrument
of a control system and illustrates operation of a heating or control replacement procedures.
and ventilating fan air-conditioning system. CAUTION: Check all system components for proper
84. In reference to figure 69, insertion thermostat T2 operation before adjusting, repairing, or replacing a
measures the temperature of return air and regulates control. Many times, controls are functioning properly
modulating motor valve V2 in accordance with the heat but the equipment they control needs servicing.
measured in the conditioned area. The insertion
thermostat T3 measures the temperature of the discharge 23. Graphic Panel
air into the conditioned area and adjusts V2 to keep the air 1. The graphic panel, as the name implies, is a
from entering the conditioned area at too hot or too cool a graphic illustration showing flow diagrams, recording and
temperature. As the return air rises in temperature, T2 indicating devices, switches, and controlled equipment
will close valve V2; and if the air continues to rise in used in a building. The graphic panel in an air-
temperature, T2 will shift the control of damper motor M1 conditioning installation shows
to insertion thermostat T1 to take in a volume of outdoor

Figure 70. Sectional view of a graphic panel.

graphically the complete installation with indicating, switches, pushbutton switches, and recording controllers
recording, and control instruments. These instruments arc to provide remote control of equipment as represented on
mounted in such a position, with appropriate symbols and the panel.
flow lines that they represent schematically the systems 3. The graphic panel shown in figure 70 is only a
they monitor and control. The graphic illustration will sectional view of an air-conditioning system; if the other
vary with the size and necessary instrumentation required sections were shown, the complete air-conditioning
in the building air-conditioning system. The panel is system would be graphically illustrated.
assembled from one or more sections and is so arranged 4. Most graphic illustrated panels use colors to
that the operator monitoring the controls can easily see identify components and flow lines. The following colors
the lights, controls, and instruments mounted on the can identify most components, but this color code system
graphic panel. Some of the control instruments on the may not be standard on all graphic panels.
panel that can be used are: fan and pump control switches; Steam flow lines and heating coil..........................Red
damper controls; pressure, temperature, and humidity Cooling water now lines and cooling coil .......... Blue
indicator and recorders; and associated controllers with Condenser water line ......................................... Green
manual, automatic, and cascade controls. Pilot lights on Duck work ..........................................................Black
the panel give a continuous information concerning the Control wiring and piping .............................. Yellow
operation of fans, pumps, and other equipment. Background .........................Tan, gray, blue, or green
2. The graphic panel illustrated in figure 70 5. The sections of the panel generally illustrate the
provides a graphic representation of refrigeration following systems and controls:
equipment, pumps, fans, and flow lines. The pilot lights (1) The refrigeration system.
indicate the operation of the cooling tower fans, chilled (2) Water circulating systems.
water pumps, and condenser water. The chilled water (3) Air systems.
temperature is always indicated and recorded. Complete (4) Room induction system and exhaust fans.
monitoring of the controls is done by. means of selector (5) Interior zones.

(6) Temperature and flow recorders and 5. You have received a complaint from the
indicators messhall. The newly installed walk-in, used for
(7) Building air-conditioning system. fresh vegetables, is too cold. The system uses an
6. The graphic panel can be installed in any automatic expansion valve and a low-pressure
available space a building. It is generally installed inside motor control. How would you correct the
a room, away from the operating refrigeration equipment. below-design temperature in the walk-in? (Sec.
The advantages of having the panel installed in a separate 19, Par. 10)
room are cleanliness, less noise, and better lighting
facilities. In some installations the panel is mounted in
the same room as the operating equipment.. This
arrangement allows the monitoring operator to be in direct 6. An ice cube maker is out of order. You find the
contact with the refrigeration equipment operator in case storage bin is nearly empty. After
trouble develops in the air-conditioning system. In either troubleshooting the system you locate the trouble
case, the monitoring operator must be in contact with tie in the bin thermostat. What malfunction most
equipment operator at all times by voice or through an probably caused the thermostat to become
annunciator system. Close cooperation between all inoperative? (Sec. 19, Par. 12-15)
operating personnel is very important for efficient and
effective equipment operation. In some installations,
more than one graphic panel is installed in the building
for a more complete monitoring system. 7. You find the air conditioner is not operating and
that someone has inked the feeler bulb of the
Review Exercises TMC. What has caused the air conditioner to
become inoperative, and how would you correct
NOTE: The following exercises are study aids. Write the malfunction? (Sec. 19, Par. 20)
your answers in pencil in the space provided after each
exercise. Use the blank pages to record other notes on
the chapter content. Immediately check your answers
with the key at the end of the test. Do not submit your 8. Why are snap action and mercury switches used
answers for grading. in electric controls? (Sec. 20, Par. 2)

1. What principle of operation does a thermostatic

expansion valve use? (Sec. 18, Par. 6)
9. What type of short exists when the ohmmeter
connected to a terminal of the TMC and the
TMC case indicates zero ohms? (Sec. 20, Par.
2. The control response a motor control uses is 7)
_____________. (Sec. 19, Par. 2)

10. Which mode of electric control would you use to

operate a refrigeration unit? Why? (Sec. 20, Par.
3. How would you set a LPC for a wider 13)
differential? (Sec. 19, Par. 5)

11. A simple two-position control is used to open a

4. At what pressure will the compressor cutoff if set of louvers when the temperature is 80° F. and
the LPC settings are 40 p.s.i. and 15 p.s.i.? (Sec. to close them when it is 70° F. What is the
19, Par. 9) control point temperature? (Sec. 20, Par. 18)

20. How does the amount of current flowing through
12. How does the timed two-position control differ a series 90 balancing relay affect the operation of
in response from the simple two-position a series 90 control? (Sec. 20, Pars. 66-68)
control? (Sec. 20, Par. 24)

21. When will the series 90 motor stop running?

13. How is the heating rate of a bimetal element in a (Sec. 20, Par. 73)
thermostat dampened? (Sec. 20, Pars. 31 and

22. The damper in a duct system is dosed, but the

control is calling for e airflow. What has most
14. You are installing a cooling coil that is used to probably malfunctioned? (Sec. 20, Pars. 79 and
cool an area within close tolerances. What type 80)
of control would you install? Why? (Sec. 20,
Pars. 35-37)

23. What is the main difference between a series 90

humidity control system and a series 90
15. The controls for a system used for heating and temperature control system? (Sec. 20, Par. 88)
cooling must be replaced. The new control
system must operate gas valves for heating and
relays for cooling. Lag time is not a problem.
What type of control would you install? (Sec. 24. Which side of the bridge would be the proper
20, Par. 41) place to connect a humidistat for high limit
control in a temperature control circuit? (Sec.
20, Par. 93)

16. How is the rotation of a series 20 motor

controlled? (Sec. 20, Pars. 43-46)
25. One belt of a three-belt set driving an sir
compressor is broken. How many belts would
you install? Why? (Sec. 21, Par. 3)
17. Which type of electric controls acts similar to a
single-pole, single-throw switch? (Sec. 20, Par.
26. What would you suspect if the air compressor
begins to lose efficiency? (Sec. 21, Par. 4)

18. The series 60 motor used on a motorized valve to

maintain a liquid level in a tank is burned out.
Can you substitute it with any series 60 motor? 27. The first stage of a two-stage compressor is
Why? (Sec. 20, Par. 55) operating normally but the output of the second
stage s zero. The compressor has an intercooler
between stages. What has caused the second-
stage pressure to drop to zero? (Sec. 21, Par. 8)
19. Can you substitute a series 60 two-position
motor for a series 20 motor? Why? (Sec. 20, Par.

28. You have just finished installing an air 37. The piston type damper operator is at its normal
compressor. What should you check before you position. The control line pressure is 3 p.s.i.g.
start the compressor? (Sec. 21, Par. 15) Why hasn't the operator begun to open the
damper? (Sec. 22, Par. 34)

29. What will probably occur if you replace a

standard air compressor head gasket with a thin
head gasket? (Sec. 21, Par. 21) 38. What determines the operating range of a
positioner used for damper operation? (Sec. 22,
Par. 39)

30. What are supply-air lines? Control air lines?

(Sec. 22, Par. 1)

39. After overhauling a damper operator, you notice

that it is operating erratically. What has caused
31. How much pitch must you allow for a supply air this erratic operation? (Sec. 22, Par. 43)
header 12-feet long? (Sec. 22, Par. 4)

32. What factor determines the frequency of draining 40. The pen on a recorder chart is skipping on the
moisture from the compressor air filter? (Sec. chart. What should you do to correct this fault?
22, Par. 8) (Sec. 22, Par. 48)

33. What type of controller would you install if you

wanted a steam valve to open on a decrease in 41. When is it necessary to install a condensate loop
temperature? (Sec. 22, Par. 17) on a pressure transmitter? (Sec. 22, Par. 57)

34. How do you clean the contact points on a

thermostat? (Sec. 22, Par. 23) 42. The recorder you are going to install has been
removed from a cannibalized building. The pen
is full of dried ink. How should you clean the
pen? (Sec. 22, Par. 64)
35. Under normal conditions, how dose to the set
point will a humidistat control the humidity of
the conditioned air? (Sec. 22, Par. 25)

43. The system fan is off and the dampers are dosed.
The fan switch is in the ON position. What
36. Which type of controller is used to measure, caused the system to shut down and how would
record, and control humidity? (Sec. 22, Par. 27) you restart it? (Sec. 22, Pars. 73, 75, and 76)

44. How can you check the operation of an air-flow 46. On graphic panels, temperature is always
detector? (Sec. 22, Par. 82) indicated and recorded. (Sec. 23, Par. 2)

45. Why is a graphic panel an asset in an air-

conditioning system? (Sec. 23, Par. 1) 47. A malfunction is shown on a graphic panel. The
component indicated on the panel is color coded
green. What system is malfunctioning? (Sec.
23, Par. 4)


Evaporative Cooling

CAN YOU RECALL your days at the local swimming 4. Evaporative cooling should not be used to cool
pool or perhaps at the beach? If a slight wind was air for spaces requiring constant temperature and
blowing, you will remember that you were more humidity control, such as hospital operating rooms and
comfortable in the water than out of it. When you certain types of highly technical electronic equipment.
climbed out of the pool, the water in your wet bathing suit Evaporative cooling is best suited and chiefly used for
evaporated rapidly to leave your skin chilled from the loss cooling the space for the comfort of personnel.
of heat. Though you didn't give it much thought at the 5. Application. As we have shown, evaporative
time, you were really experiencing evaporative cooling. cooling depends on the evaporation of water; thus, it can
2. Applying the same principle, our older surgeons be successful only under atmospheric conditions of a low
used an ether spray to freeze those portions of the skin in relative humidity. It can be used only where the
which incisions were to be made. Rapid evaporation of difference between the outdoor we-bulb and dry-bulb
the ether reduced the temperature of the skin and temperature is relatively high. In the arid regions of the
underlying flesh to the freezing point. You can southwestern United States, where there is low relative
demonstrate this principle for yourself by wetting your humidity, properly installed and operated evaporative
hand with alcohol or water and holding it in the airstream cooling units cool comfortably. This type of system
from a fan. brings in 100 percent outside air. It may be equipped with
a humidistat so that when the inside humidity is high and
24. Principle and Application of Evaporative Cooling the cooler cannot function properly as an evaporative
1. In an evaporative cooler the air is drawn through cooler, the water is cut off and the unit can operate as a
a finely divided water spray or a wet pad so that a portion straight mechanical ventilating unit. Whenever the
of the water is being continually evaporated. The latent outdoor wt-bulb temperature is 73° F. or lower, effective
heat of evaporation, which must be passed on to the water cooling and indoor comfort can be maintained by
to evaporate it, is supplied from the heat of the incoming evaporative cooling.
air, thus reducing the dry-bulb temperature, an increase in 6. The leaving air temperature of an evaporative
the relative humidity and dewpoint temperature, and an cooler usually is just short of saturation; that is, the dry-
unchanged wet-bulb temperature. bulb temperature of the air leaving a cooler does not quite
2. The water which is recirculated continually reach the wet-bulb temperature of the air entering the
through an evaporative cooler assumes the wet-bulb cooler. An evaporative cooler operating at 90 percent
temperature of the entering air after a short period of efficiency will cool the air a number of degrees equal to
operation. The recirculated water will remain at the air 90 percent of its original wet-bulb depression. The
wet-bulb temperature with no external heating or cooling. measurement of the approach to the entering wet-bulb
Makeup water is added to replace the evaporated water. temperature is the saturation efficiency of the cooler. Air
3. The temperature reduction, which can be made entering at 95° dry-bulb and 75° wet-bulb will be cooled
in the air passed through an evaporative cooler, depends to 77° if the cooler is operating at90 percent efficiency.
entirely on the wet-bulb temperature of the air which is to Computation: The depression amounts to 950 (dry-bulb
be cooled. The wet-bulb temperature of the air entering temperature) minus 75° (wet-bulb temperature), or 20°.
the evaporative cooler is at the lowest temperature to Ninety percent of 20 is 18. Subtract 18 from 95° (the dry-
which the circulating air may be cooled. bulb temperature) and you have 77?, which is the
temperature to which the air is cooled.

bearing motor shaft, which eliminates pump bearings and
packing. The pump housing has a wire-mesh screen
through which the water passes as it is drawn in by the
pump impeller and forced through the discharge tube to
the distributor. Pumps sit in the water of the collecting
pan or are sometimes mounted on a special frame. In
either case, they must be insulated to prevent vibration
and transmission of noise. Figure 72 illustrates this type
of water pump and its breakdown.
12. A water distributor is a trough which receives the
water from the recirculating water pump through the
distributor head and distributes it evenly over the top of
the evaporating surface pads. One distributor is provided
for each pad in the cooler. The water flows through weirs
(triangular openings) of the trough onto the pads which
are on the air inlet sides of the cooler. (See fig. 73.)
13. The piping system consists of a T-fitting or a
water distributor head with one inlet and three outlets
which are connected by pipe or tubing to the water
distributors. The inlet connection from the pump is
usually a rubber hose. In figure 74 you can see that the
quantity of water which flows to the branch piping system
Figure 71. Evaporator cooler.
is regulated by an adjustable hose clamp which throttles
the flow of water in the hose connecting the water pump
7. Components of Evaporative Cooling Units.
to the water branch tubes. The quantity of water which
Components of evaporative cooling units are very much
flows through the branch tubes to the troughs is equalized
the same in each type except that some have a different
by rubber or metal metering rings placed in each branch
method of supplying the water to the evaporating pads.
8. Drip units. Typical drip type evaporative cooler
14. The water collecting pan forms the bottom of the
components consist of the following: a motor-driven fan,
cooler and contains the water, the water float makeup
or blower; a circulating water pump, piping, and water
valve, and water drain standpipe, as shown in figure 75.
distributors; a water collecting pan with water makeup
The makeup valve controls the level of the water in the
float valve and drain; and water evaporating surfaces. All
collecting pan and automatically admits water to replace
these components are assembled in a weatherproof
any that is lost through evaporation and bleedoff.
cabinet, the complete assembly being known as a self-
15. Water in the collecting pan should be kept at a
contained unit. It will range in size from the small, one-
depth sufficient to keep the recirculating pump primed.
room cooler with a capacity of about 700 cubic feet per
The overflow pipe consists of a removable length of pipe,
minute (c.f.m.) to the large industrial coolers with
the top of which is slightly below the top edge of the
capacities up to about 30,000 c.f.m.
collecting pan. When the water level in the collecting pan
9. The small, one-room cooler normally uses a
rises to the top of the overflow pipe, the excess water
propeller fan; the larger coolers use a squirrel-cage or
flows into the pipe and is carried away to a drain.
centrifugal blower. The propeller fan cooler discharges
16. Some drip type evaporative coolers (the older
the cooled air directly into the conditioned space from the
models and the small, one-room type) are not equipped
vaned air-discharge outlet of the unit. Duct work for air
with a recirculating water pump or troughs. In these
distribution is never attached to this type of unit.
coolers the water is supplied directly to the distributors.
10. Coolers of 2000-c.f.m. capacity and above use
In this case the distributors are usually copper tubes with
the squirrel-cage blowers which are driven by a motor
small holes drilled about I inch apart in order to give an
with a V-pulley and a V-belt. Figure 71 illustrates this
even distribution of water over the top edge of the
type. Electric motors vary in size according to the size of
evaporating pads. The flow of water is controlled by a
the fan blade or blower:
water valve mounted on the inside of the front panel.
11. The recirculating water pump is a vertical-shaft,
Other models, in order to control
directly connected unit of light construction. The pump
impeller is suspended in the pump housing from a ball-

Figure 72. Breakdown of water pump.

the flow of water, use an electric solenoid water valve other materials. The bulb excelsior is inserted in either
which opens and closes when the cooler is turned on and cheesecloth, hardware cloth, or a metal frame to bind and
off. In this case the quantity of water also is regulated by hold the material together in pads. The pads are held in
an adjustable hose clamp on the hose feeding water to the place by a barbed rack or other suitable means. Each pad
distributor header and by metering rings in the branch is placed in a louvered frame, as you can see in figure 76.
pipes or tubes. Many coolers of this type have been The louvered frames are fitted into openings on two sides
installed in the past on military bases; however, present and on the back of the cooler through which the air is
military design criteria do not permit installation of a drip drawn by the fan. The louvers serve a double purpose:
type cooler that does not have a recirculating water pump. they help to distribute the air uniformly over the entire
17. The water evaporative surface of drip type area of the water evaporating pads, and they prevent water
evaporative coolers consists of one or more pads of aspen from wetting the area surrounding the cooler.
wood excelsior, redwood excelsior, a mixture of redwood 18. Spray units. Spray units (sometimes called
and aspen wood excelsior, glass wool, or a fiber made of

Figure 73. Weirs. Figure 75. Water makeup valve and standpipe.

air washer units) are made in sizes ranging from 3500 uously wash down the inlet side of the filter pads and
c.f.m. through 12,000 c.f.m. They are larger in partially saturate the incoming air by direct contact as the
dimension and weigh considerably more than the drip air passes through the sprays.
type unit. They are designed to keep the pads free of 19. There are two main types of spray designs used
excess dust and water solids for a longer period of by manufacturers, with essentially the same results.
operating time than are the drip type units. They use These are the "spray nozzle" and the "rotating disk"
sprays to wet and contin- (sometimes called slinger), shown in figures 77 and 78.
Both spray type units consist of the following principal
components: piping; water collecting pan with makeup
float valve and drain; recirculating water pump;
evaporative filter and eliminator pads; sprays, either
nozzle or spray disk; and a motor-driven blower-all
assembled in a self-contained weatherproof cabinet.
20. The piping system consists of the supply line and
piping to the spray nozzle. The collecting pan forms a
part of the bottom of the evaporative cooler cabinet,
which contains the float-actuated water makeup valve and
drain. Since the float controls the water valve, it also
controls the level of the water in the collecting pan. The
spray disk, or wheel, assembly of the evaporative cooler
supplies a continuous sheet of atomized water over the air
inlet face of the evaporative filter pad. The spray disk
collecting pan is located below and in front of the center
of the filter pad. The water in the collecting pan is
supplied to the disk, or wheel, by a water pump similar to
those used on drip type units. The centrifugal action of
the rotating disk distributes the water evenly in all
directions in a vertical plane so that the resulting curtain
of spray water falling over the entire inlet face of the
evaporative filter pads washes down the air inlet side of
the pads continuously.
21. The automatic flush valve consists of an
electrically operated solenoid valve and an electric timer
combined in one unit. This valve flushes the water from
Figure 74. Waterflow adjustment. the water collecting pan regularly and automatically. This
action helps to keep the

Figure 76. Breakdown of side panel.

Figure 77. Spray nozzle evaporative cooler.

water pumps have a screen of sonic type to prevent
particles of dirt and foreign matter from getting into the
water piping system.
24. Evaporative filter pads and eliminator pads are
usually made of fibers of various materials and are
supported by angle frames and heavy wire mesh.
Normally, spray type evaporative coolers use a specially
treated hygroscopic spun glass for filter pads. This
material assists in holding the fibers in place and helps the
water adhere to the surface. The evaporative filter pads
form the water evaporating surface. The eliminator pads
remove the moisture from the cooler air after it leaves the
evaporative filter pads and prevent waterdrops from being
carried over into the fan and motor of the cooler unit.
25. Blower fans, known also as centrifugal fans, are
used on spray type units. The fan and the motor which
drives it are both equipped with grooved type pulleys and
are connected with V-belts. The fan has a self-aligning,
self-oiling bearing on each side of the impeller wheel.
Blower fans are designed and rated for air delivery
against 1/4 -inch water gauge static pressure resistance at
the discharge outlet of the unit. If the static pressure is
greater than 1/4 inch, water gauge efficiency will be lost.
Blower fans, depending on size, are normally used to
Figure 78. Rotating disc evaporative cooler. supply air through a duct system.
26. Rotary-Drum Evaporative Units. As the name
collecting pan clean. The solenoid valve is operated by implies, the rotary-drum evaporative cooling unit uses a
means of a coil of wire wound on a soft iron spool which rotating drum, powered by a reduction gear and motor.
forms an electric magnet. When the current flows Figure 80 illustrates a partly dissembled rotary-drum unit.
through the coil, the valve stem is lifted to open the valve. Other principal components are the exterior air-filter unit,
When current is cut off, the valve is closed either by the rotor housing, the water tank and the float-actuated
gravity or by a spring. The operating solenoid part of the water makeup valve, an automatic flush valve, and a
valve is completely enclosed. The water drain is motor-driven fan or blower. All of these components are
controlled by a plunger, and a diaphragm isolates the mounted in a metal weatherproof cabinet. The rotary-
working mechanism of the valve from the water. The drum type evaporative coolers are usually made in sizes
valve assembly is also provided with an overflow ranging from 2500
connection and a manual operating lever to completely
drain the water collecting pan.
22. The electric timer regulates the flushing action of
the solenoid valve. It consists of a 1-hour electric
timeclock which is adjustable from 0 to 2 1/2 minutes
drain time. The settling of the drain time will depend on
the dirt content of the air entering the cooler, the salt
content of the water, and the resistance in the waste
23. The spray nozzle does the same things as a spray
disk. Nozzles are usually mounted in both a vertical and a
horizontal position: the vertical nozzles are used for
washing (down the evaporative filter pads, and the
horizontal nozzles for forming a curtain of spray water
over the entire air inlet area. Water is supplied to the
nozzles through the piping system by a centrifugal pump
of large capacity and heavy-duty construction, mounted in Figure 70. Sealed water pump.
the water collecting pan. Figure 79 illustrates this type of
water pump which is completely sealed. All recirculating

Figure 80. Breakdown of rotary-drum evaporative cooler.

through 6000 c.f.m. Blowers and motors are designed the 28. The automatic flush valve empties the water
same as for the drip type evaporative cooler units. from the tank automatically. This action, which helps to
27. The rotor, which is driven by an electric motor at keep the rotor and water tank clean, is repeated regularly
an approximate speed of 1 1/2 r.p.m., is cylindrical and by an electrically operated solenoid valve. The operating
consists of alternate layers of corrugated and flat screen solenoid of the valve is completely enclosed. The water
wound on a drum. It revolves in the rotor housing, the drain is controlled by a plunger, and a diaphragm isolates
lower portion being constantly wet by its immersion in the working mechanism of the valve from the water. The
the water tank of the housing. When in operation, the valve assembly is provided with an overflow connection.
rotor continuously exposes an evenly wetted surface to A manually operated valve is also provided to completely
the incoming air. The rotor housing contains the drain the water tank.
revolving rotor and supports the rotor bearings and the 29. The action of the solenoid valve is regulated by
electric gear motor. The lower portion of the rotor an electric timer, a 1-hour electric timeclock with contacts
housing forms the water tank. The float-actuated water that open and close according to the time limit for which
makeup valve controls the water level in the tank. the timer is designed. The setting of the drain time,
usually adjustable

from 0 to 2 1/2 minutes, is dependent on the amount of with a hygroscopic material which not only helps to hold
dirt in the air that enters the cooler, the salt content of the the fibers in place but also treats the fibers so that water
water, and the resistance in the waste or drain plumbing. will adhere to their surface. The evaporative filter pads
30. The filters of the rotary-drum type evaporative form the water filter and evaporating surface, and the
cooler, called air filters, are usually of the impregnated, eliminator pads remove moisture from the cooled air. The
washable, metal type. The filter unit is located on the air eliminator pads also prevent small drops of water trapped
intake side, where the air can be cleaned as it enters the in the air from being carried over into the fan and motor
cooler. of the blower compartment.
31. Slinger Type Evaporative Units. The slinger 35. The cabinets for slinger type evaporative coolers
type unit may be constructed as a double unit. The metal are usually constructed the same as those for other large
weatherproof cabinet may contain two sets of the type evaporative coolers. Heavy-gauge galvanized steel
principal components, such as two sets of spray wheel is used to enclose the entire unit. The sides are removable
assemblies. The blower, or fan, of the slinger type to provide access to the interior.
evaporative cooler is the same as on the rotary-drum unit-
a motor-driven centrifugal blower. It is driven by a V- 25. Installation Procedures
belt connecting the blower and motor by means of 1. The size and style of the unit determine the
grooved pulleys. The blower which is used to supply air location and the type of structure required to support it.
through the duct system is designed and rated for air 2. Locations. Units mounted in building windows
delivery against V4 -inch water gauge static pressure are of the small, propeller fan and blower types. These
resistance at the discharge outlet. It has two self-aligning, are light in weight and will not do damage to the building
self-oiling bearings, one on each side of the blower wheel. structure.
The electric motor operating the blower is mounted high 3. The large, heavy, blower type units must be
in the metal cabinet to protect it from too much moisture. mounted on self-supporting platforms adjacent to, but
32. The electric motor operating the spray wheel is independent of, the building. In some cases--the air
scaled in a waterproof assembly with water-seal packing washer type unit, for instance--it may be more economical
around the shaft to the spray wheel. The spray wheel to mount the unit on a concrete platform.
picks up water from the collecting pan and distributes it in 4. The dimensions and operating weight of the
all directions in a vertical plane by the centrifugal action cooler should be determined before starting construction
of the rotating spray wheel. This action supplies a of the supporting structure or mounting platform. A
continuous sheet of atomized water which is sprayed over walkway with guard rails round the cooler will give you a
the air inlet side of the evaporative filter pad. As the air safe working area. Each platform should also have a
passes through the water, dust and dirt are removed and ladder, built as part of the structure.
the air is partially cooled. This continuous sheet of 5. Never mount cooler units on the building roof.
atomized water also continually washes the dirt from the Each unit must be mounted on the platform so that it is
pad. The water collecting pan, which is located below rigid and level. In some cases this may require shims and
and in front of the evaporative filter pad, forms a part of the bolting down of the unit. Every cooler manufacturer
the bottom of the evaporative cooler cabinet. A float- furnishes mounting and installation instructions with each
actuated water makeup valve, which controls the level of type of unit. You should understand these instructions
water, is contained in the collecting pan. before installing the cooler.
33. The automatic flush valve assembly consists of 6. Connections. The various connections required
the flush valve, which flushes the water from the water for evaporative coolers must be installed as specified for
collecting pan regularly and automatically; solenoid each cooler. Check the instructions and see that the
valve; and timer. The timer is electric and has an proper size pipe, valves, switches, wire, and fuse boxes
adjustable drain-time setting which regulates the flow of are installed. Only in this way can you be sure that the
current to the solenoid valve. The solenoid valve operates equipment will give the expected service.
the drain valve. This assembly is very similar to the flush 7. Water supply and drain. The small, window
valve assembly used with the rotary-drum type type evaporative cooler normally uses 1/4-inch copper
evaporative cooler. tubing to carry the water supply. A 1/4-inch fitting is
34. The evaporative and eliminator pads are usually located on the side of the sillcock valve which is installed
made of various washable materials supported by angle on any ordinary 1/4-inch outside water valve (garden
frames and heavy wire mesh. The fibers are impregnated hose).

8. Large units must have a water supply line of at 14. When practical, corridor space should be used as
least 3/4-inch pipe or tubing. A globe shutoff valve is a plenum for air distribution ducts. The plenum must be
installed in the supply line on the inlet side to the unit. airtight except for supply outlet grilles. Air supply branch
Coolers using a water solenoid valve instead of a ducts to rooms or spaces a located to provide an even
recirculating pump should have a water strainer installed distribution of air. Branch ducts and multiple air outlets
on the inlet side of the solenoid valve. A water faucet from the main duct usually have dampers or splitters to
with a hose bibb should be installed in the supply line balance the flow of air. When the system is checked and
near each cooler. This is to be used in washing down the adjustments are made, the dampers or splitter should be
interior of evaporative coolers immediately after heavy locked in place so that unauthorized persons cannot
duststorms or when maintenance service is being done. readjust them. Directional flow vanes are usually
9. The water drain or was system for evaporative installed on the supply outlet so that air may be directed
coolers should be at least 1 1/4 inches in diameter to where required. Do not use wire mesh screens on supply
reduce drain stoppage. The drain system should be outlets; they provide no means of directing the flow of air.
connected to the sewer or to a street drainage system. In 15. Exhaust outlets. To have proper cool air
freezing areas the water supply system should be circulation throughout the various spaces and rooms of a
insulated against freezing, or the unit may be installed to building, each room must have a proper size exhaust
permit the complete draining of the system. outlet leading to the outside of the building. Exhaust
10. Electric connection. Small propeller units outlets should have louvers or adjustable vents for
(window type) are usually connected by inserting the regulating the circulation of air. Exhaust fans may be
electric cord plug into a convenient outlet. Thus they can installed to insure positive air circulation through spaces
be placed in or out of operation by a toggle switch on the with high temperatures, such as messhalls and areas
front of the unit. around ranges.
11. The larger units should be equipped with their 16. If windows are used as exhaust outlets, they
own fuses. Sometimes this may require a separate main should be raised to a fixed position. Window stops
switch and fuse box, depending on the power should be installed to prevent personnel from raising
requirements of the unit. Pushbutton stations or toggle windows in excess of 4 inches. Not less than 2 square
switches are used to start and stop equipment operation. feet of louvered exhaust openings should be provided for
Other units may require two separate switches, one for the each 1000 cubic feet of air delivered to a room or space
water recirculating pump motor and one for the blower when such exhaust openings are used in lieu of raised
motor, hooked in series with one of the motor leads. This windows. All doors should be kept dosed to maintain a
allows the unit to be used for ventilation. The larger units balance of the airflow throughout the conditioned space.
usually require magnetic starters and sometimes have 17. Automatic Controls. Automatic controls are
pilot lights or other devices to indicate when and what not essential but are convenient. When automatic
part of the cooling unit is in operation. All switches, thermostat and humidity controls are used, they should be
controls, pilot lights, and Indicators should be mounted on checked for proper operation and also should be adjusted,
a control panel located in a convenient place. Each large set, and locked in position to prevent readjustment by the
evaporative cooler should have a disconnect switch using organization.
mounted inside the unit to permit maintenance personnel 18. A thermostat is used to prevent the temperature
to control the unit operation while performing from going below a predetermined value. The thermostat
maintenance service. controls the operation of the blower and water pump by
12. Air Distribution and Supply Ducts. Duct work starting and stopping them when the temperature in the
for evaporative cooling systems is designed and installed cooled area is above or below the predetermined
in the same manner as that refrigerative air-conditioning thermostat setting (usually 80° F.).
systems. There must be a properly sized supply duct and 19. In some areas the evaporative cooler will have a
adequate exhaust outlets. humidistat to control the humidity of the space being
13. Supply ducts. The supply duct enters the cooled. The humidistat when used, controls the starting
building below the roof bearing plate direct from a unit and stopping of the water pump whenever the relative
which is mounted on a structure platform. The duct must humidity in the space being cooled is below or above the
be installed without cutting any structural members of the predetermined humidistat setting (usually 55 percent).
building. A slide damper of air stop should be provided Usually these controls are not used together. In case they
for winter closure of the duct system.

are, the thermostat is usually connected to operate the motor pulley. Where this is impractical, the blower
blower and the humidistat to control the water pump. In pulley size should be increased. You should use pulleys
any case, they are connected to permit a constant supply of the correct size rather than attempt to cut down the
of air by continuous operation of the blower, thus turning original ones. An ammeter should be used to check the
the unit into a straight mechanical ventilation system starting and running currents of the pump motor after the
when atmospheric conditions prevent the unit from water collecting tank has been filled and the pump first
functioning as an evaporative cooler. operated. If the running current is in excess of the motor
20. Startup Checks and Adjustments. The overload rating, determine the cause and correct it before
successful functioning of evaporative air coolers depends continuing the operation of the pump.
directly upon the manner in which they are operated. 25. During the initial operation of the unit with water
Normally, the using organization is responsible only for on the pads or sprays, air delivery in the supply ducts
starting and stopping evaporative air cooling units and should be determined by a velometer or other velocity-
systems. The personnel of the using organization must be indicating instrument. Take readings at a sufficient
instructed thoroughly in the operation of electrical number of cross-sectional spots in the same section of the
switches, water valves, and other controls. They are supply duct so that you can arrive at an average velocity
cautioned not to start the blowers prior to starting the reading. Multiply the average velocity by the square-foot,
water pumps after long shutdown periods. cross-sectional area of the duct. This computation will
21. Startup Procedures. When a new or inactive give the quantity of airflow in cubic feet per minute. If
evaporative air cooling unit is to be placed in service, you the rate of air delivery approximates the designed capacity
should perform the startup services to prepare the of the system, the unit should be continued in operation.
equipment for operation. Before starting the equipment, If the rate of air delivery is considerably in excess of
you must inspect all parts, accessories, and units to see design capacity, reduce the fan speed. In such a case, the
that they are secure and correctly adjusted. Seasonal fan motor is usually overloaded and the velocity of the air
startup is scheduled well ahead of the time the equipment through the water evaporating pads is excessive. If this is
is to be used. This allows ample time for inspection and the case, drops of water may be carried over into the fan
startup services. During initial startup procedures, all compartment and cause shorting of electrical circuits,
supply outlets, vanes, dampers, and splitters should be motor "burnouts," rapid deterioration of belts, and
opened for normal airflow. Moist rags should be placed excessive rust and corrosion. After balancing air
over the supply air outlets into each space being air- distribution to all spaces by the use of velocity indicating
conditioned to catch the dust and construction dirt before instruments, lock all dampers, splitters, and directional
it is discharged into the space where occupants are on flow vanes in their final position in such a manner that
duty. tampering or readjustment is impossible except by the
22. The ratings of motor overload protection devices maintenance personnel. Units which operate at
should be checked against the motor nameplate ampere efficiencies below 80 percent require adjustment to
ratings. If the devices are oversize or undersize, thermal improve their performance.
elements of the proper size should be installed. 26. Shutdown Services. When evaporative air
23. An ammeter should be connected to the blower cooling equipment is to remain idle for long periods of
motor circuit prior to starting the motor. Starting and time, you must perform the preventive maintenance
running currents should be recorded when the blower is shutdown services. This service protects the equipment,
first operated, with all pads and filters dry and in place. If conserves critical materials, and prepares the equipment
the running current is equal to or less than the overload for minimum startup service. All parts, accessories, and
rating of the motor, then the motor will not be overloaded equipment are inspected to insure proper servicing for
under final load conditions. seasonal shutdown or standby condition.
24. Testing the unit with clean, dry pads assures you 27. The shutdown service for evaporative air cooling
that the unit can be operated subsequently without water equipment depends upon its condition and the method of
for ventilating purposes, since pads are always in place storage. Usually the coolers are drained and washed out
when the unit is operating. If the running current is in with water under pressure. If they are to remain attached
excess of the motor overload rating, you must determine to the building, they should be protected from the weather
the cause. In many cases, overload is due to excessive fan by some type of cover. Normally these coolers should be
speed. Correct this before continuing the operation of the removed from the building, stored in a dry place, and
motor. The fan speed should be reduced by adjusting the overhauled during the winter season. This procedure puts
variable-pitch motor pulley or by reducing the size of the the coolers in good

condition for the next season's run. Having been maintenance program. Inspection is a key phase of
overhauled, they should give very little trouble during the preventive maintenance. It is a simple fact that when
cooling season. minor deficiencies are overlooked, they can cause major
breakdowns in the future. This eventually defeats any
26. Preventive Maintenance and Inspections preventive maintenance program. The responsibility of
1. Definite procedures for the preventive detection is the duty of all personnel assigned to
maintenance of refrigerating and air-conditioning preventive maintenance.
equipment are necessary for efficient operation. The 3. Servicing Components. Table 1 contains
objectives of preventive maintenance are as follows: to instructions which will serve as guide procedures for
prevent breakdown, to insure proper maintenance, to inspecting and servicing the components of evaporative
provide immediate and adequate minor repairs and avoid air cooling equipment. It may be necessary to supplement
major repairs, to control maintenance costs, to establish these instructions and procedures with the manufacturer's
specific personnel assignments, and to develop minimum instructions where the equipment is not standardized in
but adequate maintenance records and data. design.
2. Well-planned inspections and up-to-date and
correct records are required for a successful preventive


TABLE 1 Cont'd

4. Major Repairs. Major repairs and renovation of 1. Agree. Disagree. Evaporative cooling removes
evaporative air cooling units should be done during the heat from the air to evaporate the water. (Sec.
winter every year. At post where there are a great many 24, Par. 1)
units to maintain, the shop space should be sufficient to
permit proper repair of the units. Smaller units can be
removed from their platforms and taken into the shop as
self-contained units. Since large units are not readily
movable, their component parts should be removed to the 2. With an evaporative cooler, the air can be cooled
shop. All units should be dismantled every year, to its __________________ temperature. (Sec.
thoroughly overhauled, cleaned, and painted to prevent 24, Par. 3)
rust. It is best that fans be dismantled and wheels and
scrolls cleaned and painted. Both inside and outside
casings, pad frames, eliminators, water makeup pans, and
metal structural parts should be cleaned and painted. Pads 3. List the following cities in order of the best
should be replaced as required. The best practice is to see environment for evaporative cooling:
that the water distributing system and the spray pump are New York, New York.
dismantled and inspected for cleanliness or excessive New Orleans, Louisiana.
impeller wear. Badly worn impellers should be replaced. Dallas, Texas.
All bearings on the fans, pumps, and motors must be Phoenix, Arizona.
cleaned, checked for wear, and replaced when necessary. (Sec. 24, Par. 5)
All the ball bearings should be repacked with grease and
the sleeve bearings lubricated with oil or grease as
necessary. It is approved practice that units, when
repaired, be replaced on their stands and their air intake 4. What would be the most probable cause of low
louvers suitably covered to prevent the pads and the water supply to the distributor in an evaporative
equipment from becoming dust laden. cooler? (Sec. 24, Par. 11)

Review Exercises

NOTE: The following exercise are study aids. Write 5. Which type of evaporative cooler would you
your answers in pencil in the space provided after each install in a dusty area? (Sec. 24, Par. 18)
exercise. Use the blank pages to record other note on the
chapter content. Immediately check your answers with
the key at the end of the text. Do not submit your answers
for grading. 6. On spray type evaporative coolers that utilize a
flush valve, what controls the frequency of
operation? (Sec. 24, Par. 22)

7. What maintenance Is required when water 13. A complaint is submitted to the refrigeration
droplets are being blown into the room from a shop about excessive noise from the evaporative
spray type evaporative cooler? (Sec. 24, Par. cooler. You find that the window opposite the
24) cooler is open 2" and the cooler is rated at 4500
c.f.m. The window measures 2 1/2' x 5'. How
can you correct the complaint? (Sec. 25, Par.

8. A small evaporative cooler is connected to a

building using duct work. The duct work
contains four elbows and a diffuser. What may 14. What precaution should you give to the user after
happen to the evaporative cooler? (Sec. 24, Par. you have checked the cooler for season
25) operation? (Sec. 25, Par. 20)

15. The blower motor on an evaporative cooler has

9. Which evaporative cooler would require a heavy burned out. How could this have been
structure to support it, the 3000 c.f.m. drip type prevented? (Sec. 25, Par. 22)
or 3000 c.f.m. rotary-drum type? (Sec. 25, Par.

16. How can you reduce the speed of the blower in

an evaporative cooler? (Sec. 25, Par. 24)

10. The drain on an evaporative cooler is plugging

up regularly. How can you correct this
condition? (Sec. 25, Par. 9) 17. How many c.f.m. is being delivered from a 12"
x 24" duct when the average velometer reading is
50 f.p.m.? (Sec. 25, Par. 25)

11. A new evaporative cooler, drip type, is installed

in the messhall. Two switches are included with 18. What service must you perform on the troughs
the unit. What function could these two switches and weirs of a drip type evaporative cooler?
serve and how are they connected? (Sec. 25, (Sec. 26, Par. 3)
Par. 11)

19. How is the water distribution system cleaned?

(Sec. 26, Par. 3)

12. You have just installed an evaporative cooler in a

room. What size exhaust opening should be
provided to allow proper cool air circulation? 20. What size feeler gauge is used to adjust the axial
(Sec. 25, Par. 15) clearance of the blower wheel? (Sec. 26, Par. 3)


Mechanical Ventilation

HAVE YOU EVER waved a paper in front of your face 5. So that the people will not have a feeling of
on a warm day? This is one form of ventilation system. stuffiness, there should be a slight movement of air at all
The air moving across your face helped the moisture times. An air movement of 25 to 35 feet per minute
(sweat) evaporate. This evaporation process removed (f.p.m.) is most satisfactory, but air motions of 20 to 50
heat from your body so that you felt a cooling sensation. f.p.m. will usually prove acceptable.
2. You will study various ventilation systems and 6. Grille manufacturers normally rate their grilles
their application. There are many factors which must be as follows:
considered when you install a ventilation system. These a. Quantity of air in cubic feet per minute (c.f.m.).
factors are discussed in this chapter. b. Outlet velocity in f.p.m.
c. Nominal grille size.
27. Ventilation and Distribution d. Blow of air in feet. (By "blow" we mean the
1. When ventilating a room or building, the factors horizontal and vertical distance a stream of air travels
to consider are the tightness of construction, the number from the grille until it slows to a maximum velocity of 50
of occupants, and the kind of work being done. f.p.m.; see fig. 81.)
Whenever human beings work in close quarters, the e. Drop of air in feet. (By "drop" we mean the
gaseous products from respiration, the odors from vertical distance the lower edge of a horizontal projected
perspiration, and the heat radiated from the body should airstream drops between the grille and the end of the
be removed. All of these byproducts of human activity blow.)
tend to reduce human efficiency. 7. Air Distribution Limiting Factors. A few of
2. Proper air distribution is essential in a ventilating the air distribution limiting factors are discussed in the
system. The system not only should deliver a definite following paragraphs.
amount of air to a room but also should distribute it 8. Blow. The blow at a grille must be sufficient to
evenly. If this is not done, the occupants will be produce satisfactory conditions throughout the
uncomfortable from drafts, stuffiness, and temperature conditioned area. Overblowing results in drafts and
differences between the floor and ceiling. underblowing may cause improper air mixing. If cooling
3. For instance, in comfort ventilation, a corner or air is being supplied, the cool air may drop too fast to
spot near a window will be noticeably hotter or cooler permit proper mixing with the warmer room air.
than the rest of the room. Since individual comfort is, in Experience has shown that the blow should be about
this case, the main purpose of ventilation, you are really three-fourths of the distance toward an outside wall or
interested only in distributing the air over the floor area of window. This distance should be modified if the room
a room to a height of about 7 feet. Complete air height or height of a beam is such that the drop will cause
distribution is more important when removing fumes and a draft over the people inside.
vapors from a building or room. Poor air distribution 9. Drop. Place the grilles so that the airstream at
causes gas fumes and vapors to remain in various areas of the end of the blow is not less than 6 feet above the floor
the building and creates an explosion hazard. In all cases level. However, the airstream should not touch the
where air is exhausted from a space, replacement air must ceiling as this may cause a dirt streak on the ceiling.
be supplied. 10. Air motion. To achieve desirable air motion in a
4. Air Distribution Standards. Air from fans and building or a room without exceeding velocity limits is
duets is delivered to a room through grilles. The purpose one of the more critical air
of a grille is to distribute the air evenly and silently,
without creating drafts.

radial blade, and the backward curved blade. The tip of
the forward curved blade inclines in the direction of
rotation, while the radial blade is straight, and the tip of
the backward curved blade inclines in a direction opposite
to the rotation. The performance characteristics of each
fan depends, of course, on its type. For a given output,
the forward curved blade is used for relatively low speed
operation. The radial blade is used for average speed
operation, while the backward curved blade is used for
relatively, high speed operation.
4. Axial-flow fans. The axial-flow fan is one in
which the air flows in line with the impeller axis, within a
Figure 81. Blow and drop. cylinder or ring. These fans are divided into various
types. Among the more popular types are: the propeller,
distribution problems. Some of the factors which are apt tube-axial, and vane-axial.
to cause the motion of the air to exceed desirable limits 5. The old design of propeller fan, which consists
are: (1) excessive air discharge velocities, (2) high of a propeller wheel within a mounted ring or plate, will
number of air changes per hour, (3) premature drop of not handle air against high resistance. It is not suited for a
cold air into the conditioned space, and (4) overblowing system with ducts, grilles, filters, etc. However, the
of the air. propeller fan can be used to remove air from areas to the
11. Temperature differential. Temperature outside atmosphere without a duct.
differential is an important factor affecting grille 6. Recently, fan manufacturers have developed a
performance. An air differential of 5° requires little special type of propeller fan which can move large
concern, but a differential of 50° requires considerable volumes of air against considerable frictional resistance.
care in the proper location and selection of grilles. This fan has a large hub and short adjustable blades. It is
12. Dirt. Although the supply air may have been highly efficient, but operates at high speeds. This high
carefully filtered, it still contains small dust particles speed operation causes noise. therefore it should be used
which will settle on ceilings and walls. A good rule is to only in applications 'where noise presents no problem.
locate the grille at least two widths below the ceiling and 7. The tube-axial fan consists of an axial-flow
make sure that the air does not shoot up. and hit the wheel within a cylinder. It is normally used against
ceiling during the blow. appreciable frictional resistance.
13. Noise. Grille noise is usually caused by the air 8. The vane-axial fan is similar to the tube axial
discharge velocity and the grille size. To insure quiet type. It consists of an axial-flow fan within a cylinder,
operation, make sure that the manufacturer's with guide vanes before or after the fan. The purpose of
recommendations are not exceeded and that air the guide vanes is to increase its efficiency. A fan of this
distribution over the grille is fairly even. type is more often used against moderate frictional
14. The next subject we will discuss is ventilating resistance.
fans. We will learn how to select a specific fan for a 9. Fan Capacity. The most important factor to
particular application. consider when selecting a fan for a specific job is the
proper capacity. Too often the fan is selected on the basis
28. Ventilation Fans of diameter only. However, to determine the fan capacity
1. The devices used to produce airflow are referred you must calculate the c.f.m. and the static pressure.
to as fans, blowers, exhausters, and propellers. After you calculate the c.f.m. and static pressure, select
2. Types of Fans. The fans used with ventilating the fan on the basis of efficiency, noise, cost, and physical
systems are divided into two groups, radial-flow and size. You can estimate fan efficiency by dividing the
axial-flow. power output by the power input. Total efficiencies range
3. Radial-flow fans. Radial-flow fans-more from 50 to 65 percent in small propeller fans to nearly 80
popularly called centrifugal, blower, or squirrel-cage-are percent in centrifugal fans. Fan manufacturers publish
used when a considerable amount of duct work is data which will aid you in selecting the correct fan size.
involved. The principal feature which distinguishes one The noise level of the fan is an important factor which
type of centrifugal fan from another is the curvature of the must be considered before selection. Office
blades. The main types are the forward curved blade, the

buildings require quieter operating fans than do industrial 3. Friction Losses in Ducts. When air flows
shops. through a duct, it loses some of its pressure because of
10. Computing fan capacity is quite simple. You friction. The greater the amount of air flowing through a
must know what size fan will make a given number of air duct of a given size, the greater is the friction loss.
changes in a room in an hour. Once you know the c.f.m. Furthermore, the power needed to deliver a certain
of air needed, you can select the fan capable of delivering amount of air increases rapidly as the size of the duct
that amount. Multiplying the dimensions (length X width decreases. For this reason, ducts should be of sufficient
X height) of a room by the air changes required per hour size to keep friction losses to a minimum. Friction losses
will give you the total quantity of air to be moved per are usually computed by the use of formulas; however,
hour. Stating this as an equation, we can say: charts procured from manufacturers may be used.
Q = CV 4. To measure the air velocity through a duct or
60 grille, the ventilating system must be in operation.
where Q = quantity of air per minute (c.f.m.) Several different instruments may be used to measure this
C = air changes per hour velocity. These include the "Alnor" velometer and the
V = volume of room in cubic feet anemometer. The "Alnor" velometer is the one most
60 = minutes/hour commonly used. It is a convenient instrument for spot
11. Now suppose you want to find the fan capacity readings and is adaptable to many uses. For example, it
for a room requiring 12 air changes per hour. Suppose the measures velocities within an enclosure or duct, and at
room is 100 feet by 25 feet by 14 feet. Substituting in the grilles. It is sufficiently accurate for all practical
formula, purposes. The anemometer is a propeller or revolving
Q = 12 X 100 X 25 X 14 = 420,000 = 7,000 c.f.m. vane instrument which' is connected through a gear train
60 60 to a set of recording dials. The dials indicate the linear
Therefore the fan capacity must be 7,000 c.f.m. feet of air passing the instrument in a unit length of time
12. Fan Motors. Ventilating fans are usually driven (feet per minute).
by electric motors. Small fans, especially those which are 5. Duct Fire Dampers. Fire dampen are used as
operated at high speeds, are normally connected directly safety devices to shut off the airflow in supply and
to the motor shaft. Large fans and those which operate at exhaust ducts in case of fire. To automatically shut off
lower speeds are connected to motors through pulleys. the air, ducts may be equipped with dampers and fuse
13. When you select a fan motor, it should be one links. These should be provided when recommended by
size larger than is required for normal load conditions. the National Board of Fire Underwriters.
This is necessary because larger volumes of air may be 6. Now that we have the air flowing through the
required. duct, we must furnish some sort of outlet for it. This will
14. Some type of thermal switch should be provided be the subject for our next discussion.
in the air inlet duct to break the circuit to the motor in the
event of a fire. Thermal switches of this type are usually 30. Air Outlets
set to open the motor circuit whenever the inlet air 1. Air supply outlets are either of the wall or ceiling
exceeds 135° F. Electric fan motors should also have types. A number of different kinds of each have been
manual electric switches so that you can control the developed. The type and kind required will depend upon
operation of the motors when servicing them. the air distribution system you are using and the physical
layout of the room or building.
29. Air Ducts 2. Wall Outlets. Wall outlets are classified
1. Air ducts are pipes used to carry and distribute according to the type of openings. They are as follows:
fresh air or exhaust air from a building or room. Ducts (1) perforated grilles, (2) vaned grilles, (3) registers, (4)
are usually constructed of galvanized sheet steel. Two slotted outlets, (5) ejector nozzles, and (6) wall diffusers.
types of ducts are round and rectangular. Round ducts 3. Perforated grilles. Perforated grilles have a
require less metal to carry the same amount of air, but small vane ratio and are not adjustable. They are
rectangular ducts are used in most installations because of generally used where .the direction of the airflow is not
space considerations. controlled. Perforated grilles may also be used as return
2. The correct size of ducts to be installed may be grilles.
determined by using various charts and formulas procured 4. Vaned grilles. Vaned grilles are either of the
from manufacturers of air-conditioning equipment. fixed or adjustable types. They may be used for wall,
However, for all practical purposes, it should be the same floor, and baseboard applications. The fixed type is used
size as the outlet opening of the fan assembly. where the direction of the airflow

is not controlled, while the adjustable type is used where 31. Location of Supply and Return Grilles
the proper control of the air is essential. Vaned grilles are 1. A room having air supply grilles without return
widely used, since they may be installed either vertically grilles must have some type of opening into a corridor or
or horizontally. This permits a wide selection of grilles to adjoining room. This opening is required so that air can
meet particular requirements. leave the conditioned room. If 3000 c.f.m. of air is
5. Registers. Perforated grilles designed with continually supplied to a room, 3000 c.f.m. must
dampers or an arrangement of adjustable louvers are somehow leave the room. Some of the air passes out
called registers. These units have a poor air outlet through cracks or around the windows or doors if the
distribution and, for this reason, have only a limited use. room has no return air register. This leakage, however, is
6. Slotted outlets. These outlets may be procured in normally not sufficient; and a relief opening is needed to
a number of different designs, perforated, slotted, or a insure that the air has a free exit path. The relief opening
combination of both. They are used frequently in a long acts in much the same way as any opening in a
narrow room with a low ceiling. However, the air recirculation air duct, except that no fan is moving the air
quantity and distribution must be carefully planned; through it.
changes after installation are difficult. The blow for these 2. The term "envelope" is defined as the outer
outlets is less than for other types, therefore they can be boundary of an airstream. The envelope of a supply grille
used where obstructions might prevent proper distribution is a sharp beam similar to a beam from a searchlight.
by other grilles. Some air from the stream discharged by the grille leaves
7. Ejector nozzles. Ejector nozzles consist of a the envelope and mixes with the adjacent room air,
pressure reduction box, sound reduction box, and diffuser. causing eddy currents and air motion in the air next to the
Ejector nozzles give a long blow. They are used in places envelope. The location of the return outlets may affect
where cooking, drying, freezing, etc., are in process. the pattern of the supply-air envelope in the plan and
Because of noise limitations, they are not used where elevation pattern.
comfort is the primary objective. 3. Supply-air envelopes, as they appear in a plan
8. Wall diffusers. The design of wall diffusers is view, are determined by the type of grille selected.
similar to ceiling outlet diffusers, which we will discuss Different manufacturers offer grilles having different plan
next. view standard envelope patterns. The plan view envelope
9. Ceiling Outlets. Ceiling outlets most commonly is ordinarily called the deflection of the grille. Standard
used are of three types. These are as follows: (1) plaques, deflections are available from manufacturers. Grilles are
(2) ceiling diffusers, and (3) perforated ceilings and also available with vertical vanes or bars adjustable either
panels. individually or in groups of five or six vanes. With such
10. Plaques. Plaque outlets are of simple design. grilles, adjustments may be made in the field after
The plaque is a flat surface, such as a thin piece of board installation to obtain any deflection desired. Fixed
or metal, constructed an inch or two below the opening. deflection grilles cannot be tampered with and
The air hits the board or plate and flows through the consequently lack the flexibility of the adjustable type.
opening between the plate and the ceiling and outward Figure 82 illustrates an elevation (side view) of a room
into the room. The plaque outlet is not widely used having a high air-supply outlet and a low return opening.
because the flow of air is difficult to control. This arrangement insures that the conditioned air will be
11. Ceiling diffusers. Ceiling diffusers are either blown across the room above the breathing level, will
round or rectangular shaped and are installed flush with drop to the floor at the opposite wall, and will be slowly
the ceiling, or parallel and below the ceiling. drawn across the room at the breathing level to the return
Performance of the different types varies according to the register. Figure 83 illustrates an incorrect location for a
principle used. Some have no internal induction, but return outlet. It shows that the air in half the room would
hasten external induction by supplying air in multiple have little motion. If occupants were near the return
layers. Others have internal induction and distribute air grille, they would be covered with a blanket of cold air.
over an entire half sphere. The cold air would not have an opportunity to mix with
12. Perforated ceiling and panels. In these types of the warm room air.
outlets, the air is diffused through perforations. These 4. Sometimes fresh air must be supplied from
panels are neat in appearance and maintain a low rate of outlets located in the ceiling. Figure 84 illustrates an
air movement. arrangement where the air supply grille is located in the
13. We'll discuss the location of these outlets and middle of the ceiling with a low return opening located in
grilles in the next section. the wall. This layout is satisfactory because the air will
he blown

Figure 82. High supply outlet and low return.
Figure 84. Ceiling supply outlet and return
across the room above the breathing level of the occupant. at floor level.
5. Figure 85 shows a common method of supplying
and returning air from one grille. This arrangement with and the humidity of the region. For example, generally
the air supply grille and return opening built into' the speaking you can set up fairly comfortable surroundings
same supply duct is unusual and not often used. It is by supplying an air change of 8 to 10 times an hour.
interesting, however, to note the airflow pattern. The However, during hot weather, 20 to 30 complete air
apparent "dead spot" near the floor is of little importance. changes are desirable in northern climates; and as many
as 60 may be needed in southern regions.
32. Ventilating Equipment Components and 2. Obviously you cannot rigidly follow a set
Installation pattern, since each installation will carry its own
1. When installing a ventilating system, you must particular problems. However, each manufacturer has
consider several factors. First of all, for comfort, a certain certain specifications for the installation of his particular
number of air changes an hour are needed. This number ventilating equipment. These specifications may vary
varies according to the temperature and humidity of the from those of other manufacturers. Also, the installation
region as well as the purpose for which the building or of identical equipment may vary due to location, source of
room is intended. For instance, in setting up a ventilating power, local installation procedures, codes, regulations,
system for a large messhall, you must remember that the etc.
ventilating problems for the kitchen will differ from those 3. When installing a ventilating system, you should
for the main dining room, even though the two are part of consult text books, ventilation guides and manuals, and
the same building. Because of the purpose of the room, manufacturer's data and catalogs. These will be
removing heat, moisture, and odors are your main concern especially helpful when you are determining the quantity
in the kitchen, while in the dining room your biggest item of air that must be removed to carry away gases, fumes,
is supplying the proper amount of air for the number of dirt, heat, vapors, and other undesirable foreign matter.
occupants. Moreover, in planning you must consider the Re-
temperature extremes

Figure 83. Incorrect installation of high supply outlet

and low return.
Figure 85. Supplying and returning air with one fixture.

member, also, that you must comply with the safety constructed with an inner shell which forms an air
practices of the National Safety Council and the Fire passage between the shell and the hood. The air inlet
Underwriter's Board. extends completely around the perimeter of the hood and
4. Removal of Heat, Odors, and Gases. The most has a 2- to 3-inch space between the bottom tip of the
common method used to remove heat, odors, and gases is hood and the inner shell. Inner shells have openings at
by operation of propeller fans. The installation of fans in the top for exhaust air from the center of the hood area.
the attic will draw outside air into the building through the The fan selected for a single canopy hood should have a
windows, doors, and other openings and discharge the capacity of 200 c.f.m. per linear foot of hood perimeter,
contaminated air through the attic to the atmosphere. while the fan for a double canopy hood should have a
Satisfactory ventilating effects are usually obtained by capacity of 150 c.f.m. per linear foot.
providing approximately 60 air changes per hour. The 10. Round ducts are normally used with hoods.
accepted procedure is to install one or two large capacity They extend from the hood, through the ceiling and roof,
fans instead of many small ones. Where a single fan is and terminate with a weatherproof cap. The vertical
used, it should be installed as near to the center of the propeller fan is normally used in this application.
room as possible. In cases where many fans are used, the 11. Fan guards must be installed on all fans to
total volume of air to be moved should be divided among protect personnel from accidental contact. Kitchen
the fans in relation to their capacity. For instance, if four exhaust hoods and ducts should be installed at least 18
exhaust fans are required to ventilate a rectangular inches away from the stove. Most kitchen range hoods
building, they should be installed in a manner to permit have grease filters. These filters should be cleaned
each fan to ventilate one-fourth of the building. weekly to reduce fire hazard. Fans and duct work should
5. The following paragraphs discuss various have a sufficient number of access doors to permit easy
standards used for different applications. cleaning.
6. Attics. Vertical and horizontal fans are 12. Dining area. The ventilating equipment
frequently used to ventilate attics. These units draw installed in messhalls should be capable of 10 air changes
outside air into the building through windows, doors, and per hour. The fans generally used are of the propeller
other openings and discharge it through the attic to the type. They are installed in the wall at ceiling level. The
outside. exhaust openings should be equipped with bird screens.
7. Dishwashing spaces. Dishwashing spaces, when Either wood or metal louvers should be installed over the
constructed as a separate room, should be provided with openings to keep out the weather. Automatic louvers are
an exhaust ventilation capable of producing 90 air preferable.
changes per hour. The capacity of the fan should be 13. Laundries. The ventilating equipment installed
based on the floor space measured to the bottom of the in laundries should be capable of 30 air changes per hour.
hood. If the dishwashing machine without a hood is 14. Barracks. The ventilating equipment installed in
installed in a separate room, not less than 60 air changes barracks should be capable of supplying fresh air at a rate
per hour should be provided for the entire room. of 15 c.f.m. for each occupant.
8. Kitchens. The ventilating equipment installed in 15. Offices. The ventilating equipment installed in
large kitchens should be capable of supplying 20 air offices and other similar spaces should be. capable of
changes per hour. Horizontal exhaust fans are generally delivering 10 c.f.m. per person.
used in kitchens and are normally placed at ceiling level. 16. Theaters and chapels. In windowless or
Exhaust openings at the outside of the wall should be crowded enclosures (theaters and chapels) 10 c.f.m. per
provided with louvers to keep out the weather. A bird occupant is required. Another method of calculating this
screen (an ordinary window screen) should be placed requirement is to provide 2 c.f.m. for each square foot of
between the fan and louvers to keep out birds and insects. floor area.
9. Kitchen ranges or deep fryers should be 17. Removal of Hazardous Fumes and Vapors.
equipped with ventilating hoods. The effectiveness of The removal of hazardous fumes and vapors from
these hoods depends upon exhausting large quantities of buildings or spaces is accomplished by the use of special
air in order to remove the vapors. These hoods should explosion proof or spark proof ventilating fans and
extend approximately 1 foot beyond the outside edges of motors. Fans and motors of this type are entirely
the equipment they serve. The bottom tip of the hood is enclosed so that any electrical sparks from either unit
usually 6h feet to 7 feet above the floor. Hoods and cannot cause an explosion. The maximum conveying
exhaust ducts are usually constructed of galvanized sheet velocities for hazardous fumes and vapors are
or cement asbestos board. A double canopy hood is approximately 2000 f.p.m.

18. When installing a system for removing 23. When installing an exhaust system for a paint
hazardous fumes and gases you must take care to locate shop or paint booth, some means must be provided to
the exhaust fans so that the fumes and vapors are filter the particles of paint out of the air as it is forced
positively removed and do not create a dangerous through the exhaust grille and out of the building.
situation by remaining in the building. Some hazardous 24. To filter out paint particles from the exhaust air,
fumes and vapors are lighter than air, while others are various types of filters and louvers may be installed at the
heavier. Consequently, the specific gravity of each grille. If the paint shop is located in an isolated area, less
hazardous gas determines the location of the fan. rigid precautions need be taken.
Following are a number of gases and their specific 25. Removal of Foreign Particles. Many shops
gravity: need an exhaust system with & collector to gather up and
hold material that might clutter up the area. With this
Type Gas Formula Specific Gravity system, the airflow must be sufficient to catch the dust,
Acetylene C2H2 0.90 chips, metal filings, etc., as they are produced. Air ducts
Ammonia NH3 0.59 or exhaust pipes carry these materials through the
Butane C4H10 2.01 exhauster to the collector. If the collector is not used, the
Carbon dioxide CO2 1.527 system must be designed so that the exhaust will not
Carbon monoxide CO 0.967 contaminate the fresh air which is reentering the building.
Chlorine C12 2.49 26. A local exhaust system consists essentially of
Hydrochloric acid HC1 1.26 four parts: (1) hoods or partial enclosures, (2) air ducts,
Nitric oxide NO 0939 (3) a collector, and (4) an exhauster. Data pertaining to
Sulphur dioxide SO2 2.263 the quantity of air that must be removed in order to
19. If the specific gravity of the gas is less than one, control hazards or nuisances is available, as well as
the gas is lighter than air and will rise to the ceiling. If information on the necessary entrance velocities to hoods
the specific gravity is more than one, the gas is heavier having different sizes and shapes.
than air and sinks to the floor. The exhaust fan should 27. The size of air ducts depends on the amount of
always be placed so that it removes the air as fast as the air to be moved and on minimum and maximum air
vapor is released. Some of the buildings and rooms in velocities. The minimum velocity must be strong enough
which hazardous fumes and vapors are generated are to keep particles from settling in the ducts, while the
garages, paint shops, refrigeration shops, battery shops, maximum velocity is limited by noise. If quiet operation
etc. is necessary, the velocity should not exceed 1200 f.p.m.
20. Garages. In garages where toxic and explosive In carpentry or machine shops the system must pull air
gases cannot be ventilated by gravity, forced ventilation over the article being worked on and must carry off the
must be used. The system should be capable of supplying dust or chips. The air velocity for this application
or exhausting a minimum of 1 c.f.m./square feet of floor depends on the weight and size of the dust particles or
space. Carbon monoxide produced from the incomplete chips. Fine, dry dust requires a velocity of approximately
burning of gasoline is lighter than air. For this reason, the 3000 f.p.m., while larger particles, heavy loads, and moist
exhaust fans used to remove this gas must be installed at materials require air velocities up to 6000 f.p.m.
least 7 feet above the floor. Gasoline vapors must also be 28. Fans are the most common type of exhauster.
removed. Since these vapors are heavier than air, they Propeller type fans prove satisfactory in low velocity
must be exhausted at floor level. systems; but the centrifugal type fan is necessary for a
21. Paint shops. Paint shops should be provided high resistance, high velocity system.
with both supply and exhaust ventilation that are capable 29. Vertical Discharge Ventilating System. A
of producing 20 air changes per hour. Horizontal vertical discharge ventilating system, shown in figure 86,
propeller fans are generally used and installed in the wall is designed with a vertical discharge propeller fan. The
at a height of approximately 7 feet. complete system is mounted on the ceiling joists in the
22. In paint shops and paint spray booths the attic of the building to be ventilated. With this
electrical circuits which operate the exhaust fan and the arrangement, air is drawn into the building through the
air compressor should be interconnected so that the doors, windows, and other openings, then circulated
compressor can run only when the exhaust fan is through the building and finally exhausted through the fan
operating. Such a safety measure lessens the probability into the attic. From the attic the air is forced out into the
of personnel being overcome by paint fumes. It is also atmosphere through a ridge ventilator. Instead of ridge
desirable for the ventilating system to operate for a short ventilators, gables, roof monitors, cupolas, and other
time after painting operations have ceased. similar openings may be used.

Figure 86. Vertical discharge ventilating tan.

Doors between the rooms on this system must remain discharge ventilating systems. Fans and motors used in
open or be louvered so that the air can circulate vertical discharge systems must be equipped with thrust
throughout the building. By looking at figure 86, you will type ball bearings.
notice that a bird screen is installed at the, exhaust 32. Vertical Discharge Ventilating Supply
opening of the ridge ventilator and another screen is System. Buildings or rooms with high internal heat
installed over the air intake opening in the ceiling. loads, such as auditoriums, classrooms, and laundries,
30. This ventilating system is also equipped with a frequently use a vertical discharge ventilating supply
batten door which, when closed, stops airflow through the system. In this system, large propeller type supply fans
attic. The construction of the fan crate is also shown in mounted from the ceiling blow the air down over the
this installation. It is designed with a fan shroud, which occupants. Air should be drawn in from the outside
makes the operation of the fan more efficient. through louvered
31. Sleeve bearing fans and motors without thrust
bearings should not be used in conjunction with vertic2a

Figure 87. Horizontal discharge fan.

monitors to the fan. Then, after passing over the pressure produced by the fan forces the louvers open,
occupants, the air can be vented to the outside through which are hinged at the top of the louver frame. When
windows and doors. the fan stops, the force of gravity closes them. The
33. Horizontal Discharge Ventilating System. installation of metal louvers is simple. They are attached
Horizontal discharge ventilating systems are usually to the exhaust opening by wood or sheet metal screws.
installed in the outside wall of a building or in a roof 37. Fans. Fans installed in ceilings or roof must be
monitor, as shown in figure 87. Louvers which open and installed without cutting any structural members of the
close automatically are generally installed in the outside building. Ceiling and roof construction must be
wall. In a ventilating system of this type the air is drawn strengthened to support the additional weight. Access
through the building in the same manner as with vertical doors to attics or fan enclosures must be provided -for
discharge fans previously discussed. However, the air is inspection and maintenance purposes. You must use
not pushed through the attic openings as in the case of unpainted canvas or other flexible material to connect
vertical discharge fans. Instead, it is pulled through by ducts to fan outlets or inlets.
suction and then forced through the opening into the 38. Fan drive motors should be protected by either
atmosphere. built-in or external thermal overload devices. A thermal
34. Louvers. Louvers are generally used when switch may be installed in the inlet airstream of a fan for
installing horizontal discharge exhaust fans in roof the purpose of stopping the fan in case of fire. These
monitors or roof gables. They can also be used to switches are usually set to open the circuit to the fan drive
weatherproof horizontal exhaust openings. Fixed wooden motor when the inlet air exceeds 135° F.
louvers, unless properly made, may restrict air movement 39. Filters. Air filters should be installed in all
or give insufficient protection against bad weather. Wood supply ventilating systems where dust or other foreign
louvers set in the frame at a 60° angle and spaced so that matter may be harmful to the activities conducted in the
2 inches of the opening is left between the crosspieces ventilated space. Special conditions may require the use
will keep out the rain. Figure 88 shows the major of absorbents or electrical precipitators. Filters or dust
dimensions and capacities of louver panels constructed collectors may be required on exhaust systems in special
from l-inch wood stock. uses where the fan discharge would create an
35. For structural reasons, do not construct louver objectionable condition in the immediate vicinity or area.
lengths to exceed 5 feet. If the capacity requires greater 40. Ducts. Dusts used for ventilation are usually
length, use multiple sections. constructed of galvanized sheet steel. Their construction
36. Automatic louvers for use with horizontal should be as smooth as possible where the air passes over
discharge ventilating systems can be procured from fan the inner surfaces. Ducts should be airtight and rigidly
manufacturers. Various methods are used to open and attached to reduce vibration.
close them. They may be actuated by an electric solenoid 41. When installing ducts for ventilating purposes,
or a motor. When the fan is installed next to the louver follow these suggested rules:
panel, the louvers are actuated by air pressure. Air

Figure 88. Wood louver details.

a. Use smooth duct materials to decrease air

friction. 33. Inspection and Maintenance of Mechanical
b. Avoid sharp turns. Ventilating Equipment
c. Pipe the air as directly as possible to the required 1. The primary reason for inspections and
location. maintenance is to let us determine the operating
d. When a duct must be altered to go through an
opening or between structural members of a building,
make the change as slight as possible.

condition of an item of equipment and :to correct any of fans are lubricated with oil, while ball bearings are
discrepancy which may be found. -These services should packed with grease. The fan grease cups require filling
be performed on equipment at periodic intervals once each year. Over lubrication will cause oil to drip
according to an inspection and maintenance schedule. from the bearing, which will result in unsightly
You must maintain inspection and maintenance records collections of oil and dirt.
for all of the ventilating equipment. Inspections and 9. Each fan should be disassembled and inspected
maintenance services should be scheduled to permit only for defects yearly. Clean the fan shaft bearings and check
a minimum of interference with the using organization. each bearing for wear. Replace any bearings which are
2. Major repairs of ventilating equipment should be unserviceable. Clean and paint the interior and exterior of
done during the winter season or when the equipment is the fan housing, the fan wheel, and similar items with rust
not in use. Regular inspections show us when certain resistive paint. Care should be taken when working on
items of equipment are in need of major repairs. fan wheels, as they are statically and dynamically
3. Inspections and Maintenance Services. balanced.
Definite procedures for inspection and maintenance 10. Lubrication of motor sleeve bearings. Lubricate
services of ventilating systems are necessary if we are to motor sleeve type bearings to the proper level, preferably
have efficient and safe operation. The following when the motors are at a stand-still rather than when they
paragraphs discuss these services in general. The are running. This procedure will prevent any false oil
instructions given here should serve as a guide for level indication. The oil level should be observed for a
inspecting and maintaining all mechanical ventilating few seconds to determine that it is at the proper level.
equipment. It may be necessary to supplement these Use a good grade of oil to lubricate sleeve type bearings.
procedures with the manufacturer's instructions, since the 11. Cleaning ball bearings. Motors equipped with
equipment is not standardized in design and may require ball bearings and which operate at 1800 revolutions per
slightly different maintenance. Whenever warranted, tile minute and lower should be cleaned and lubricated yearly.
frequencies of inspections and maintenance services Motors operating above 1800 r.p.m. should be
should be adjusted to meet local operating conditions. disassembled every 6 months. The bearings should be
4. Fan Assembly. Fans should be inspected cleaned with approved solvent and repacked with new
periodically for proper operation, lubrication, and grease. You must be sure that no dirt and grit enter the
cleanliness. Fan blades must be properly aligned and free bearing chambers. If the motor is provided with self-
to rotate within their housings. The pulleys on the fan sealed prelubricated ball bearings, the manufacturer's
shaft and the motor shaft can be checked for alignment by recommendations should be followed for cleaning and
using a straightedge. Loose pulleys must be tightened. relubricating procedures.
5. You must replace all defective fan blades. Dirty 12. Cleaning sleeve type bearings. Before cleaning
fan blades will cause vibration; therefore they must be the bearings, you must drain the oil from the bearing
cleaned. Fan blades may be cleaned by using a suitable chambers. Then flush the bearing chamber with an
cleaning solvent or detergent and clean rags. After you approved solvent, allow sufficient time for the bearing to
do the cleaning, you must tighten all bolts, nuts, and dry, and refill the chamber with clean oil.
screws on the fan assembly. 13. Duct Maintenance. Inspect duct periodically
6. The axial clearance of each centrifugal fan must for air leaks, cleanliness, and structural condition. Repair
be checked to insure that the fan wheel is not binding in or replace the defective ducts or duct connections.
the scroll. The axial clearance may be adjusted by Remove all accumulations of foreign matter on the
relocating the position of the shaft thrust collar. After interior of the ducts. If applicable, inspect sound
final adjustment, the total axial motion should be absorbing and insulating material on the interior of the
approximately 1/32 of an inch. Also after final ducts to determine that the materials are insulated
adjustment, lock the thrust collar in place with the thrust securely and adequately. Inspect the duct hangers and
collar setscrew. Worn thrust washers must be replaced. supports and repair or replace as necessary.
7. Inspect and lubricate fan drives in accordance 14. All ducts should be cleaned annually. Protective
with manufacturer's instructions. If the drive unit for the paints should be applied to the air ducts to protect them
fan has a direct flexible connection, inspect the couplings from corrosion. One of the more effective protective
periodically for wear and alignment. coatings is red lead paint. Apply three coats of paint. The
8. The inspection and lubrication of fan bearings, first coat should be a rust resistive type such as red lead
especially of continuously operated fans, should be paint;
performed at regular intervals. The shaft sleeve bearings

the second coat should also be a rust resistive paint but filters. Dirty filter are placed into a three-stage washing
tinted to the desired color. Finally a chlorinated rubber- machine. The first operation removes loose dust and dirt
base paint is used for the finish coat, particularly where by ordinary washing. Next, the filters are washed by a
the presence of highly corrosive gases would injure hot alkaline solution under pressure. After the filters are
standard paints. washed in the alkaline solution they are rinsed with clear
15. Hood Maintenance. Inspect all the hoods for water. The filters are now drained, dried, and immersed
the following conditions: broken or cracked surfaces, poor in a high-temperature filter adhesive bath. After the
connections to exhaust ducts, and accumulations of filters are removed from the adhesive bath, they are
material such as dust, dirt, or grease. Repair or replace placed in a centrifuge where excessive adhesive liquids
any defective hoods. Remove all accumulations of are removed. The reconditioned filters are then installed
foreign matter by washing the hoods with hot water, in a ventilating system or stored in special storage racks.
steam, or an approved solvent You must include some 19. Grease filters. Grease filters are cleaned in hot soapy
measurement of relative airflow through the hoods. Static water, or by spraying them with hot water. Use a pressure
pressure or hood suction measurements will prove useful of approximately 20 pounds per square inch and direct the
during this check if data is available on air volumes and spray at the outlet side of the filter. After the filter is
pressures at the time the exhaust system was installed. A washed, place it in a vertical position and allow it to
marked reduction in air suction can be traced to one or drain.
more of the following conditions: (1) reduced 20. Electrical precipitators. Electrical precipitators
performance of the exhaust fan due to belt slippage or an may be cleaned in place manually with a brush or
accumulation of material on the fan wheel or in the fan automatically by washing the plates with hot water
housing, (2) incorrect direction of rotation of the exhaust sprayed from fixed or moving nozzles. Precipitators
fan, (3) reduced airflow caused by defective exhaust which may be washed in place are provided with drains to
piping, and (4) losses in suction due to additional exhaust carry away the waste water. Before any cleaning
points being added to the system. Clean and/or paint operation is performed, you must turn off the electricity.
hoods as necessary. It is best to follow the manufacturer's instructions to
16. Filter Maintenance. When filters become dirty determine the exact method of cleaning and the frequency
and clogged, they increase the resistance to the passage of of cleaning electrical precipitators.
the airstream and thus reduce the efficiency of the system. 21. V-Belts. Inspect V-belts for breaks, evidence of
Therefore, filters should be inspected and cleaned or wear, and proper tension. A belt is tensioned properly, if
replaced periodically. The frequency of inspection and it has a deflection of 1/2 inch midway between the
cleaning will depend on the- type of system in which the pulleys. If a belt is too loose it will slip; while an
filter is installed and on the type of filter. Usually, filters excessively tight belt will cause increased loads and
should be cleaned or renewed at least every 2 or 3 premature bearing wear. Multiple V-belts must have the
months. However, if the ventilating system is used same tension; otherwise the tighter belt will carry most of
moderately, the cleaning or renewal operation may be the load and wear out sooner.
reduced to once during a full season. Under dusty 22. The recommended procedure for V-belt
conditions the filters may require cleaning or renewal replacement is (1) loosen the motor at its base and shift it
weekly. closer to the fan, (2) place the belt on the motor pulley,
17. Viscous impingement filters. Viscous (3) slip it over the fan pulley, (4) align the pulleys and
impingement filters, throw-away type, should be belt, (5) adjust the belt tension, and (6) tighten the motor
discarded when they become dirty. However, certain mounting bolts in the V-groove of pulleys. V-belts must
types of viscous impingement filters are designed to be fit; otherwise rapid wear, noise, and slipping will result.
cleaned and reused. Cleaning may be accomplished by 23. Multiple V-belts are furnished in matched sets
using hot water, steam, or a cleaning solution that will by manufacturers to insure uniformity of length and
remove the adhesive coating. After the filters are washed, tension. If a V-belt in a multiple V-belt set needs to be
they should be dried. To recoat the filters, dip them in an replaced, be sure to replace the entire set, even when
adhesive bath long enough to coat all of the surfaces. some of the old belts seem to be in good condition.
Then remove the filters and allow them to drain for 24. Louver Maintenance. Inspect louver
approximately 10 to 12 hours. You should use the assemblies periodically to determine that they are intact
adhesive coating recommended by the manufacturer. and that they control the airflow properly. Replace or
18. Special filter cleaning equipment, such as repair any loose or defective louvers. Wooden louver
washers and oilers, may be used to recondition these assemblies should be painted ap-

proximately once each year. Check the freedom of 7. What type of grille should you select for an air
movement of automatic louvers and correct any outlet located in the floor and the airflow must be
deficiencies. Place winter enclosures in position at the controlled ? (Sec. 30, Pars. 2-7)
beginning of the winter season and remove them at the
beginning of the summer season.

Review Exercises 8. Which wall outlet is used for long narrow

rooms? (Sec. 30, Par. 6)
NOTE: The following exercises are study aids. Write
your answers in pencil in the space provided after each
exercise. Use the blank pages to record other notes on
the chapter content. Immediately check your answers 9. What determines the pattern of the supply air
with the key at the end of the test. Do not submit your envelopes? (Sec. 31, Par. 3)
answers for grading.

1. When is it important that complete air

distribution be accomplished? (Sec. 27, Par. 3) 10. List several factors that must be considered when
preparing to install a ventilating system. (Sec.
32, Pars. 1-3)

2. What are two ways you could reduce excessive

grille noise? (Sec. 27, Par. 13) 11. Where should you install a fan in a room that
contains carbon dioxide? (Sec. 32, Pars. 18 and

3. Which type of fan is normally used in a

ventilating system with considerable duct work? 12. What safety measure could you add when
(Sec. 28, Par. 3) installing an exhaust fan in a paint spray booth?
(Sec. 32, Par. 22)

4. You are to select a fan for a room requiring 30 13. What factors determine the desired air velocity in
air changes per hour. The size of the room is 14 a ventilating exhaust system? (Sec. 32, Pars. 26-
feet by 60 feet by 60 feet. What must the fan 28)
capacity be? (Sec. 28, Pars. 10 and 11)

14. What would result from poorly constructed fixed

wooden louvers? (Sec. 32, Pars. 34)
5. If you needed to reduce the friction loss of an air
duct, would you increase or decrease the size of
the duct? (Sec. 29, Par. 3)
15. When is it necessary to install filters in the
exhaust system? (Sec. 32, Par. 39)

6. Why are duct fire dampers used in mechanical

ventilation systems? (Sec. 28, Par. 5)

16. Dirt on the fan blades will have what effect on 18. What determines the frequency of cleaning an air
the fan operation ? (Sec. 33, Par. 5) filter? (Sec. 33, Par. 16)

17. What will result from the overlubrication of fan 19. What will excessively tight fan belts cause? (Sec.
motors and other ventilating equipment? (Sec. 33, Par. 21)
33, Par. 8)


Heat Pumps

AT THE conclusion of this chapter you will know what Actual COP = 500,000 = 500,000 = 4.67 to 1
heat pumps are and will understand their operating 42 X 2545 106,890
principles. We will also discuss the different types of In this actual situation we have put in 106,890 B.t.u.'s and
heat pumps, their sources and sinks, heat storage, and received 500,000 B.t.u.'s of refrigeration effect, a ratio of
pump components. more than 4 1/2 to 1.
3. In figuring the coefficient of performance of a
34. Performance heat pump, we must include the heat equivalent of the
1. The operating principle of the heat pump is that compressor. Thus we use the following formula:
of the heat-power thermodynamic cycle governing the Heat pump COP = refrigeration effect + work input
conversion of mechanical energy to heat. It is derived work input
from the Second Law of Thermodynamics (Carnot's = refrigeration effect + b.hp. X 2545
Principle). The law states that the efficiency of a b.hp. x 2545
thermodynamic engine is proportional to the amount of We shall use the same rating of 500,000 B.t.u.'s/hr. If all
heat transferred from the source of heat to the condenser; the other conditions are the same as in the previous
and that heat passes only from a warmer to a colder body. problem, the b.hp. will be 42. We can find the ratio by
However, Carnot's formula for figuring the coefficient of the following method:
performance (COP) cannot be applied to an actual system. Heat pump COP = 500,000 + 42 X 2545
It is used only on an ideal compressor, with an ideal 42 X 2545
refrigerant. = 500,000 + 106,890
2. "Coefficient of performance (COP) " is a term 106,890
used to express the ratio of output to input. We use the = 606,890
term "coefficient" because in a refrigeration system the 106,890
performance will be greater than 100 percent. A simple = 5.67 to 1
formula to express this is: The input of 1 B.t.u. has given us a higher output on the
COP = output heat pump cycle.
input 4. The heating coefficient of performance (COP) of
The actual coefficient of performance is the ratio of an installed heat pump is the ratio of useful heating effect
refrigeration effect to the actual work input. The work to the heat equivalent of the total energy required to
input is figured in brake horsepower of the compressor. operate the system. If total energy input of all auxiliaries
Actual COP = refrigeration effect such as fans and pumps is not included, it should be so
b.hp. X 2545 stated.
Using this formula on a refrigeration system, we must 5. Now we'll compare the economy of a heat pump
know the rated capacity of the compressor in B.t.u.'s to an electrical resistance heater. We will use a 50,000-
(refrigeration effect) and the brake horsepower. The 2545 B.u/hr. electrical resistance heater in our example.
is a constant used to convert b.hp. into B.t.u.'s. For 3410 B.t.u./hr. = 1kw.-hr. (Kw.-hr. = kilowatt-hour)
example, you have a compressor rated at 500,000 50,00 B.t.u./hr. = 14.6 kw.-hr.
B.t.u.'s/hr. It is using R-12 in a 46° F. evaporator that has 3410 B.t.u./hr.
a 12° F. superheat. The compressor’s discharge pressure 6. At 3 cents per kw.-hr., the heat load would cost
corresponds to 110° F. Under these conditions the brake 14.6 X .03 = $.438/hr. = $.438 X 24 or
horsepower is 42. You would figure the actual COP as

$10.50/day. The monthly electric bill would be $315.00.
7. Actually, the cost is much less than this, as the
heat load of a house averages much less than 50,000
B.t.u./hr. At this point we will introduce a new term--
'"degree day." Degree day is a unit based upon
temperature difference and time. It is used in estimating
fuel consumption and in specifying the nominal heating
load of a building during winter months. For any 1 day,
when the mean temperature is less than 65° F., there
exists as many degree days as there are Fahrenheit
degrees difference in temperature between the mean
temperature for the day and 65° F. The average or mean
temperature in our example is 35° F. over a 9-month
period. We will assume that we have 10,000 degree days.
The heat load for 50,000 B.t.u./hr./70° F. temperature
difference house would be: 50,000 or 714 B.t.u./
degree F./hr. The heat load for 24 hours would be: 714 X
24 = 17.136 B.t.u./degree day; 17,136
= 5.02 kw.-hr./degree day. 5.02 X .03 X 10,000 =
$1506/seasonal cost for heating by electrical resistance.
8. The heat pump reduces this cost considerably
because it uses electricity only to drive the compressor.
The refrigeration cycle permits the condenser to release
three or four times as much heat as it takes in electrical
energy to drive the compressor. This coefficient of
performance means that 1 kw.-hr. of electrical energy
driving the compressor can release not 3410 B.t.u./hr., but
3410 X 3 or 10,230 B.t.u./hr.
9. You can increase the efficiency further by using
a warmer heat source than the outside air. Some heat
sources you might use are well water, lake water, or earth.
If you could find a well furnishing 60° F. water, the
coefficient of performance would be 4 or 5 and this factor
would bring the cost of operation close to that of the oil or
gas heating system.
10. The term "performance factor" is similar to
coefficient of performance but is used when referring to
values based on an extended period of performance. The
Figure 89. Types of heat pumps.
period of time covered would be given when using this
term. If supplemental heat is involved, its effect should
Figure 89,A, shows the refrigerant flow. You will notice
also be specified.
that two expansion valves, two check valves, and a
changeover valve are used to control the direction of
35. Types of Heat Pumps
refrigerant flow. The changeover valve (A), which
1. Heat pumps a classified according to the type of
receives a signal from a room thermostat, controls the
heat source and sink, heating and cooling distribution
function of the two heat exchanger coils.' The flow, when
fluids, thermodynamic cycle, building structure, and size
cooling is desired, is indicated with the plain arrow.
and configuration. We will discuss the more common
Expansion valve C will act as the metering device for coil
types (shown in fig. 89) in the following paragraphs.
F and check valve D will allow the hot liquid refrigerant
2. Air-to-Air (Refrigerant Changeover). This is
to pass into the receiver. When heating is desired
the more common type heat pump system.
(determined by the thermostat), the indoor coil F must
take on the function of a condenser

and the outdoor coil G, the evaporator. Expansion valve installations it is more convenient to perform the
B will act as the metering device and check valve E will changeover with valves, as illustrated in figure 89,E.
allow flow to the receiver. 12. Valves A, B, C, and D are controlled by a room
3. In small units, the expansion and check valves or space thermostat. When the thermostat senses that
may be replaced with a capillary tube. A few installations cooling is needed, valve (A) will allow the water to pass
have been made in which the forced convection indoor through the condenser and discharge it out valve D. The
coil has been replaced by a radiant panel. return water will flow through valve (B) to the chiller and
4. Air-to-Air (Air Changeover). The heat pump back to the supply through valve (D).
circuit shown in figure 89,B, is the air-to-air (air 13. During the heat cycle, the valves will be
changeover) type. Changeover is accomplished with positioned to permit water to pass through valve A to the
dampers which control the flow of air across the two heat chiller and then discharge through valve C. The return
exchanger coils. Figure 89,B, shows the system when water will flow through valve B to the condenser. From
heating is desired. The indoor air is passing through the condenser it will flow through valve D to the supply
damper A, over coil I, and out damper E, while the inlet of the coil.
outdoor air is passing through damper C, over coil J, and 14. An earth-to-air heat pump (not shown in fig. 89)
out damper G. During the cooling cycle, dampers A, C, may be like the earth-to-air type shown, except for the
E, and G are closed and dampers B, D, F, and H are open? substitution of a refrigerant-water heat exchanger for the
This arrangement permits outdoor air to pass through finned coil shown on the indoor side. It may also take a
damper B, over coil I, and out damper F. The indoor air form similar to the water-to-water system when a
will now pass through damper D, over coil J, and out secondary-fluid ground coil is used.
damper H. 15. Some heat pumps which use earth as the heat
5. The dampers may be electrically or source and sink are essentially of the water-to-air type.
pneumatically operated. An antifreeze solution is pumped through a loop
6. Water-to-Air (Refrigerant Changeover). This comprised of a pipe coil embedded in the earth and the
heat pump is illustrated in figure 89,C. The water-to-air chiller-condenser.
heat pump uses water as a heat source and sink, and uses 16. Other types of heat pumps, other than those
air to transmit heat to or from the conditioned space. The listed, are possible. An example is one which uses solar
operation is similar to the air-to-air type (refrigerant energy as a source of heat. Its refrigerant circuit may
changeover). resemble the water-to-air, air-to-air, or other types,
7. During the cooling cycle, the refrigerant passes depending on the form of solar collector and the means of
through the changeover valve A to heat exchanger G. heating and cooling distribution which is employed.
Check valve D will permit flow to the receiver, and 17. Another variation is the use of more than one
expansion valve C will meter the flow to the coil F. heat source. Some heat pumps have utilized air as the
When heating is desired, the changeover valve A will primary heat source, but are changed over to extract heat
divert the refrigerant flow to coil F. Check valve E will from another source (water earth, etc.) during peak load
allow refrigerant to pass to the receiver, and expansion periods. When solar energy is used, another source must
valve B will meter the flow of refrigerant to heat be used during periods of insufficient solar radiation.
exchanger G.
8. The coefficient of performance for this type heat 36. Heat Sources and Sinks
pump is higher than the air-to-air types. 1. The more practical choice of heat source and
9. Earth-to-Air (Refrigerant Changeover). sink for a particular application will be influenced
Earth-to-air heat pumps employ direct expansion of the primarily by geographic location, climatic conditions,
refrigerant in an embedded coil, as illustrated in figure initial cost, availability, and type of structure. A more
89,D. They may also be of the indirect type which we've detailed discussion of design and selection factors for
discussed under the water-to-air type. each heat source and sink follows.
10. The operation of this system is identical to the 2. Air. Outdoor air offers a universal heat source
air-to-air (refrigerant changeover) type except that the and heat sink medium for the heat pump. Extended-
outdoor coil is embedded in the ground. surface forced convection heat exchanger coils are
11. Water-to-Water (Water Changeover). This employed to transfer the heat between the refrigerant and
type heat pump uses water for the heat source and sink for air. These surfaces are as much as twice the size of the
both heating and cooling operation. Changeover may be indoor coil surface. The volume of outdoor air handled is
accomplished in the refrigerant circuit, but in many also greater in about the same proportion. The
temperature dif-

Figure 90. Heat Pump component performance characteristics.

ference, during heating, between the outdoor air and the components. Figure 90 illustrates the data that
refrigerant is approximately 10°-25° F. manufacturers make available with their heat pump.
3. Selection. The two factors that you must 6. The conditions of system balance can be
consider when selecting a heat pump are the variation in established by the following procedure:
outdoor air temperature and the formation of frost. As the a. Choose a combination of evaporator refrigerant
outdoor temperature decreases, the capacity of the heat temperature Tr and condensing temperature Tc.
pump (during heating operation). also decreases. b. Determine the compressor refrigerating effect
Selecting a heat pump for a specific air temperature is from performance curves similar to those shown in figure
more critical than for a fuel-fired system. Care must be 90,A.
exercised to size the equipment for as low a balance point c. Determine the compressor power input (Pc) in
as is practically possible for heating without having kilowatts, as illustrated in figure 90,B.
excessive and unnecessary cooling capacity during the d. Determine the condenser capacity from
summer periods. Qe = Qe + 3413 Pc - Qce
4. The procedure for finding this balance point where
(outdoor temperature at which the capacity matches the Qc = condenser capacity (B.t.u./hr.)
heating requirements) will be discussed in the following Qc = compressor refrigeration effect (evaporator
paragraphs. capacity)(B.t.u./hr.)
5. The performance characteristics of a heat pump Qce = heat loss from compressor to surrounding
system can be estimated by evaluating and individual air (B.t.u./hr.)
Pc = power input (kw)

10. We've just. discussed one of the factors that you
must consider when selecting a heat pump; now we'll
discuss the other-frost formation.
11. When the surface temperature of an outdoor air
coil is 32° F. or lower, frost will form. The accumulation
of frost will tend to reduce heat transfer, which reduces
the capacity of the system. Research has shown that with
a nominal amount of frost deposit, the heat transfer
capacity of the coil is not substantially affected. The
nominal amount is 2.5 pounds/square feet of coil face
surface. The number of defrosting operations required
will be influenced by the (1) climate, (2) air-coil design,
and (3) hours of operation.
12. Experience has shown that little or no defrosting
is required with temperatures below 20° F. and below 60
percent relative humidity. However, under very humid
Figure 91. Heat pump system balance. conditions; when small suspended water droplets may be
present in the air, the rate of defrost may be three times as
e. Plot Qc obtained from step d on a chart similar to great as you would predict, using psychrometric theory.
90,C. 13. Coil construction. The air-source heat pump
f. Select other condensing temperatures in uses the extended or fin type coil. The external surface of
combination with the original evaporator temperature the tube is known as the primary, and the fin surface is
from step a and repeat steps b-e as necessary to determine called the secondary. The primary surface consists of
the condenser capacity at which the system balances. tubes which may be staggered, or placed in line with
Points A and B on figure 91 represent the results of these respect to the heat flow. The staggered arrangement is
calculations. Two points will normally be sufficient to preferred because it obtains a higher heat transfer value.
determine the balancing condenser capacity. 14. A more important factor in the performance of
g. Select other evaporator temperatures and repeat extended surface coil is the bond between the tube and fin
steps a-f. A firm contact between the tube
h. For each evaporator find the corresponding heat
source temperature (Ta) from a chart similar to 90,D.
7. Once the conditions of system balance are
known, it is relatively easy to establish the heating
performance characteristics. The net heating effect may
consist of condenser heat, or depending upon the system
design, may also include heat losses from the compressor,
motor, and refrigerant subcooler coil (if used).
8. For a heat pump which employs a constant
temperature heat source, a few computations will
generally establish the balancing conditions for Tr and Tc.
A heat pump which uses a variable heat source such as air
requires a wide range of Tr to establish balancing
9. Figure 92 shows the performance characteristics
of a typical heat pump determined either from actual
system tests or from an analytical procedure such as we've
discussed. Heating and cooling loads for typical
residence are also shown in figure 92. If the balance point
is above the heating design temperature (Td), then Figure 92. Heat pump operating characteristics.
supplemental heat will be required, as. shown by the
shaded area in figure 92.

a. The duty requPb4 and de capacity needed to
maintain balance with other system components.
b. Temperature of entering air (D.B. and W.B.).
c. Available cooling media and operating
d. Space and size limitations.
e. C.f.m. limitations.
f. Allowable frictional resistances in air circuit and
cooling media piping system.
g. Characteristics of individual coil designs.
h. Installation requirements.-type of automatic
control etc.
i. Coil air face velocity.
18. Coil ratings are based on a uniform face velocity.
Airflow interference, caused by air entrance at odd angles
or by blocking a portion of the coil face, will affect
performance. To maintain the rated performance of the
coil, it is necessary that the air quantity (c.f.m.) be
adjusted while the system is operated and kept at this
19. You'll find that the more common causes of
airflow reduction are (1) dirty filters, (2) dirty coils, and
(3) frost accumulation on the coil. You will avoid these
difficulties if you implement a good preventive
maintenance program.
20. In the selection of coils, sufficient surface area
must be installed to transfer the total heat load from the
air to the cooling media-refrigerant. This transfer must
occur under the required temperature conditions and
maximum flow rates of both air and refrigerant. The coil
total heat capacity must be in balance with the capacity of
Figure 93. Condensing media flow.
related equipment, such as the compressor. Therefore, in
making coil selections you will have to consult
and fin will insure free heat transfer from the fin to the
manufacturer's rating tables or the manufacturer's local
15. Most coils are constructed of aluminum fins and
21. Heat transfer and airflow resistance. The rate of
copper tubes, but copper fins on copper tubes are also
heat transfer from the air to the refrigerant is affected by
used. Fin spacing varies from 8 to 14 per inch. The fin
three resistances. These three resistances are:
spacing will be determined by the (1) duty to be
(1) From the air to the surface of the tube -
performed, (2) possibility of lint accumulation, and (3)
usually external surface or air-film resistance.
consideration of frost accumulation.
(2) The resistance to the conduction of heat
16. Coil flow arrangements. In air-cooling coils the
through the fin and tube metal.
air usually flows at right angles to the tubes. In a one-row
(3) The resistance to the flow of heat between
coil the direction of airflow would be at right angles to the
the internal surface of the metal and the fluid in the tube.
tube, but in multiple-row coils the airflow may be
22. The metal to heat conduction and the internal
circuited, as shown in figure 93. Most dry expansion
tube surface resistances are comparably low. The
coils use the counterflow circuit to secure the advantage
resistance that you would be more interested in is the
of the highest possible mean temperature difference.
external surface or air-film resistance. You may
Crossflow is also used, but is difficult to control because
overcome this resistance by extending the coil surface by
of the problem of equal parallel circuit loading.
means of fins.
17. Coil selection. The various factors you must
23. The transfer of sensible heat between the cooling
consider when selection a coil are:
medium and the airstream is influenced by

(1) The temperature difference. 1. The use of heat storage can improve the
(2) The design and surface arrangement of the performance of a heat pump. Installations of heat pumps
coil. with heat storage have been made in large buildings.
(3) The velocity and character of the airstream. 2. We'll all have to agree that all materials possess
(4) The velocity and character of the medium in the property of heat storage. The structural materials of a
the tubes. building are always in the process either of absorbing heat
24. Water. Water is considered to be an ideal heat from or delivering heat to the interior space. This effect is
source subject to the considerations listed below: more pronounced in cooling operation where greater air
(1) City water--availability, high operating temperature variation is tolerated. Heat storage tends to
expense, scale formation on coils, and low temperature reduce the rate of temperature change and helps in some
during the winter season. measure to reduce the peak load requirements.
(2) Well water-availability, original cost of 3. A heat pump, with heat storage capabilities, can
drilling the well, composition of water (calcium, serve not only to reduce the size of a heat pump necessary
magnesium), and the life of the well (dry up). for a given load but also to provide a more desirable
(3) Surface water-availability, and it may electric load. This may be done by shifting part of the
contain chlorides and micro-organisms (algae). load to the time of day when the cost of power is least.
(4) Waste water-availability temperature, and it Power is the cheapest during off-peak time. The electric
is very difficult to mass produce this type heat pump. hot water heater is a common example of such a heat
25. City water is not a good heat source because of storage application.
its nonavailability and its high operating cost. Well water 4. There are two types of heat storage systems that
is particularly attractive from the standpoint of its have been employed: (1) sensible heat storage systems,
relatively high and nearly constant temperature (50° F. in and (2) latent heat storage systems. The latter is actually
northern areas and 60° F. or higher in the south). You a combination of the two. Heat storage, in the heat pump
can obtain information on well water availability, system, may be utilized on the high side when heat is
temperature, and chemical and physical analysis from available at a temperature suitable for direct heating. It is
local U.S. Geological Survey offices. These offices are used on the low side as an intermittent heat source at
located in most major cities. temperatures lower than the heated space.
26. Utilization of water during cooling operation
follows the conventional practice with water-cooled 38. Heat Pump Components
condensers. Water-refrigerant heat exchangers generally 1. The components used in heat pumps and the
take the form of either shell-and-coil or shell-and-tube practices followed bear a direct relationship to the air
type direct-expansion water coolers. These heat conditioner discussed earlier in this volume. In this
exchangers are circuited to permit usage of the shell-and- section we will discuss the component peculiar to this
coil or shell-and-tube as a refrigerant condenser during system-the reversing or change-over valve. Our
the heating cycle and as a refrigerant evaporator during discussion will cover the operation and application of the
the cooling cycle. valve.
27. Earth. Heat transfer through buried coils has 2. Operation. The 4-way reversing valve is
not been used extensively because of high installation operated by a solenoid pilot 3-way valve which actuates
cost, ground area requirements, and the uncertainty of the piston-operated main valve (reversing valve). The
predicting performance. pilot valve may be a separate component or an internal
28. Compositions of soil vary quite widely (wet clay part of the main valve. The pilot valve directs the
to sand) and affect the thermal properties and overall actuating pressures-compressor discharge and suction-to
performance. the top of the main valve piston. Figures 94,A, and 94,B,
29. Earth coils, usually arranged horizontally, are illustrates a heat pump system, during both heating (B)
submerged 3 to 6 feet below the surface. A lower depth and cooling (A) cycles, using a typical 4-way reversing
may be preferred but excavation cost requires a valve. You can see that the main valve is externally
compromise. The mean ground temperature for a specific operated by a solenoid pilot 3-way valve: There are also
area generally follows the mean annual climatic two thermostatic expansion valves and two check valves
temperature. used in the system.
3. Now we'll cover the cooling cycle (fig. 94,A).
37. Heat Storage The pilot valve is energized, thus allowing compressor
suction pressure to the top of the main valve piston. This
causes the main piston

Figure 94. Heat pump system with 4-way reversing valve, solenoid pilot 3-way valve,
two thermostatic expansion valves, and two check valves.

to rise. With the main valve piston in this position, the 8. When a water cooled condenser is used in the
compressor discharge follows path D to C, while the system, it is necessary to add additional control devices to
suction gas (from the evaporator to the compressor) protect it against freezeup. Freezeup may occur during
follows path E to S. the heating cycle because the condenser is used as a heat
4. During the heating cycle, shown in figure 94,B, source (evaporator). Two methods of protection are
the pilot valve is deenergized. This allows the shown in figures 97 and 98.
compressor discharge pressure to be admitted to the top of 9. Figure 97 shows a system using an evaporator
the main valve piston and to move the piston down. In pressure regulator (EPR), connected to the condenser.
this position the compressor discharge gas follows path D The EPR is used to prevent freezeup of the water flowing
to E, and the evaporator return pressure from C to S. through the condenser during the heat cycle. When the
5. We can summarize our discussion of the two system is returned to the cooling cycle, the EPR valve
cycles by stating that by energizing and deenergizing the must be bypassed by a check valve which will allow the
pilot valve, the direction of refrigerant flow is reversed. hot gas to flow to the condenser. A solenoid water valve
We can also conclude that the main valve piston is held in must be used to bypass the condenser water regulating
position by the pressure drop across the closed valve valve during the heat cycle. This will permit a full flow
poppets. of water through the condenser.
6. Application. We've already covered one 10. A constant pressure liquid expansion valve is
application of the reversing valve; now we'll discuss two used in the system shown in figure 98. It feeds liquid
more. They are shown in figures 95 and 96. Figure 95 refrigerant to the condenser when it is used as an
shows a system with one 4-way reversing valve, one evaporator during the heat cycle. The valve must be
solenoid pilot 3-way valve, one thermostatic expansion adjusted to prevent the suction pressure from falling
valve, and four check valves. The system shown in figure below the pressure corresponding to the refrigerant
96 uses a 3-way reversing valve, a 4-way reversing valve, saturation temperature 33° F. during the heat cycle. This
a solenoid pilot 3-way valve, and two thermostatic valve must be bypassed with a check valve which will
expansion valves. This system allows refrigerant to flow permit the condensed liquid refrigerant to flow to the
in one direction in the heat exchanger coils, while the receiver during the cooling cycle. In addition, the
other systems allow flow in either direction. connection to the receiver, to which the valve is
7. It is imperative in the system shown in figure 96 connected, must have a dip tube (quill) to insure an
to provide positive free draining of the liquid refrigerant adequate supply of liquid refrigerant to the valve. A
into the top of the receiver from the bottom of the coil solenoid water valve must be- used to bypass the
when the coil is used as a condenser. In addition, it may condenser water regulating valve when the condenser
be necessary to allow for drainage of liquid refrigerant serves as an evaporator. This is done to insure complete
from the condenser before reversing the 4-way valve. If evaporation of all of the refrigerant being fed by the
caution is not taken, the liquid refrigerant can enter the constant pressure liquid expansion valve. Liquid
compressor and cause serious damage. refrigerant must never be allowed to return to the

Figure 93. Heat pump system with 4-way reversing valve, solenoid pilot 3-way valve,
thermostatic expansion valve, and four check valves.

Figure 96. Heat pump system with 3-way reversing valve, 4-way reversing valve, solenoid
pilot 3-way valve, and two thermostatic expansion valves.

Figure 97. Reverse cycle for defrosting using a 4-way reversing valve and an evaporator
pressure regulating valve.

Figure 98. Reverse cycle for defrosting using a 4-way reversing valve and a constant
pressure liquid expansion valve.

Review Exercises 7. What is the maximum temperature of the
refrigerant during the heating cycle when the
NOTE: The following exercises are study aids. outside temperature is 50 F.? (Sec. 36, Par. 2)
Write your answers in pencil in the space provided after
each exercise. Use the blank pages to record other notes
on the chapter content. Immediately check your answers
with the key at the end of the test. Do not submit your 8. Why is outdoor temperature an important factor
answers for grading. in selecting a heat pump? (Sec. 36, Pars. 3-9)

1. What is the COP of a refrigeration cycle when

the refrigeration effect is 300,000 B.t.u.’s and the
brake horsepower is 40? (Sec. 34, Par. 2) 9. Will 40 pounds of frost substantially affect a 5' x
4' coil? (Sec. 36, Par. 11)

2. How much would it cost to operate a 100,000 10. How many fins does a 4-foot coil contain? (Sec.
B.t.u./hr. electrical resistance hear for 1 day? 36, Par. 15)
The cost of electricity is 2 a kilowatt-hour. (Sec.
34, Pars. 5 and 6)

11. What are the most common causes of airflow

reduction? (Sec. 36, Par. 19)

3. How many degree days would you have if the

average temperature for a 90-day period is 5° F.?
(Sec. 34, Par. 7) 12. Why isn't city water considered a good heat
source? (Sec. 36, Par. 24)

4. Why is a hat pump less expensive to operate than 13. Which water source is considered the best heat
an electric resistance heater? (Sec. 34, Par. 8) source? Why? (Sec. 36, Par. 25)

14. Why is heat storage beneficial to a heat pump?

5. Which type of heating system is the cheapest to (Sec. 37, Par. 2)
operate, the air-to-air heat pump or an oil fired
heating system? (Sec. 34, Par. 9)

15. The heat pump is operating as an air conditioner.

The room temperature falls below the thermostat
setting, but the unit will not reverse its cycle.
6. How many expansion devices does an air-to-air Which component has most likely
(refrigerant changeover) heat pump have? (Sec. malfunctioned? (Sec. 38, Par. 2)
35, Par. 2)

16. What occurs when the pilot valve is energized? 18. How can you prevent freezeup of a water-cooled
(Sec. 38, Par. 3) condenser during the heat cycle? (Sec. 38, Pars.
9 and 10)

17. An open in the pilot valve solenoid will cause

the heat pump to operate on the cycle. (Sec. 38,
Par. 4)

Answers to Review Exercises
CHAPTER 1 400 X 3 = 1200 watts
1200 watts = 12 kilowatts
1. The factor that determines the type of filter design you 12 X .025 = .30
would use is the degree of cleanliness required for the (Sec. 3, Par. 22)
conditioned area. (Sec. 1, Par. 6) 18. To evaporate 9 pounds of water, 9450 B.t.u.'s must be
2. The filter arrangement used in a duct system having a added to the water. 1050 X 9 = 9450 B.t.u.'s. (Sec. 3,
velocity of 500 f.p.m. is with the filtering medium placed Par. 28)
on edge. (Sec. 1, Par. 10) 19. Adding moisture to the air with an atomizer humidifier
3. When the pressure drop through a duct system is 2 p.s.i.g. will not affect the wet-bulb temperature. (Sec. 3, Par.
the filters are dirty. (Sec. 1, Par. 13) 28)
4. The traveling media filter requires the least amount of 20. A humidistat can be used to control a valve in the
attention because the media roll usually lasts 3 months. compressed air line. As more air is allowed to pass
(Sec. 1, Par. 17) through the line, more moisture will escape into the air.
5. The type of filter you should install is a moving curtain (Sec. 3, Par. 32).
filter because it is considered to be fail safe. When the 21. The maximum efficiency of the impact humidifier as
media runs out, an indication it given and the circuit to compared to the atomizer type is 50 percent. The
the filter motor opens. (Sec. 1, Par. 19) atomizer uses 100 percent of the water supplied to it,
6. The surface area of a dry filter may be increased by while the impact uses 20 to 50 percent. (Sec. 3, Par. 37)
pleating the filtering medium. (Sec. 1, Par. 22) 22. The rate of airflow is important because more evaporation
7. The initial resistance of the filter is higher than the will occur in a given period of time with an increase in
resistance at which the fan will operate. This condition c.f.m. (Sec. 3, Par. 38)
will cause the motor to overheat. (Sec. 1, Par. 26) 23. 100 B.t.u.'s added to a forced-evaporation humidifier per
8. An ionizing filter handling 3800 c.f.m. of air will hour with an airflow rate of 20 pounds of dry air per hour
consume 97 watts. (Sec. 1, Par. 31) will add 5 B.t.u.'s to each pound of dry air. (Sec. 3, Par.
9. The cost of filter operation for 1 hour is $.17 40)
97 X 60 = 5820 watts 24. To correct this condition-water droplets leaving the
5820 watts = 5.82 kilowatts washer-you could install a bypass duct and allow a
5.82 X $ .03 = $.175 velocity of 500 f.p.m. to pass through the washer. (Sec.
(Sec. 1, Par. 31 and Question 8) 3, Par. 44)
10. A dry-bulb temperature of 50° F. and a dewpoint 25. The pressure has increased because the eliminator plates
temperature of 50° F. is 100 percent relative humidity. have become plugged. This condition can be prevented
This high humidity will impair the dielectric properties of by installing flooding nozzles in the air washer. (Sec. 3,
the filter. (Sec. 1, Par. 36) Par. 44)
11. The most probable cause of an odor in an air-conditioning
system is a wet, dirty cooling coil. (Sec. 2, Par. 2) CHAPTER 2
12. Air at 70° F. and 100 percent humidity is saturated. (Sec.
3, Par. 4) 1. On a centigrade the thermometer 15.5° is equivalent to
13. 2000 c.f.m. can be handled effectively by a 5-ton cooling 60° on a Fahrenheit thermometer:
coil. (Sec. 3, Par. 7) C = 5 (60 - 32);C = 5 x 28 ; C = 140;
14. The quality of a liquid absorbent is controlled by the 9 9 1 9
automatic regulation of cooling waterflow through a C = 15.55°
cooling coil in the absorbent sump. (Sec. 3, Par. 12) (Sec. 4, Par. 4)
15. The air temperature should be within 1° to 5° of the 2. On a Fahrenheit thermometer 104° is equivalent to 40° on
absorbent temperature. To lower the temperature a centigrade thermometer.
differential, more contact surface should be added or the F= 9 X 40 + 32; F = 360
absorbent temperature should be lowered. (Sec. 3, Par. 5 5
14) + 32; F = 72 + 32; F = 104°.
16. The adsorption efficiency of a dynamic dehumidifier with (Sec. 4, Par. 4)
an entering moisture content of 25 grains and an adsorbed 3. It would require 3.8 B.t.u.’s to raise the temperature of 8
moisture content of 20 grains is 80 percent, or 20 = 4 = pounds of cast iron 4°. (B.t.u. = 0.119 X 8 X 4. B.t.u. =
.8 = 80 0.119 X 32, B.t.u. = 3.8) (Sec. 4, Par. 6)
25 5 4. The term applied to the sum of sensible heat and latent
percent. (Sec. 3, Par. 21) heat is "total heat" (Sec. 4 Par. 8)
17. The economy of desorption is 1200 watts and the cost it $

5. The dry-bulb thermometer will always indicate a higher 9. The most probable cause of a 55° F. temperature
temperature than the wet-bulb thermometer except when reduction is moisture in the insulation around the pipe.
the air is saturated; then they will both indicate the same. The evaporation of the moisture will cause a heat loss.
(Sec. 4, Pars. 10 and 11) (Sec. 9, Par. 18)
6. After whirling a sling psychrometer with the wet-bulb 10. When you insulate a valve in a 2-inch pipeline the
thermometer wick dry, the psychrometer thermometers insulation should be the same thickness as the pipe. The
would read the same. (Sec. 4, Par. 11; Sec. 5, Par. 3) insulation usually consists entirely of insulating cement.
7. The difference in the dry-bulb thermometer reading and (Sec. 9, Par. 20)
wet-bulb thermometer reading will become greater as the 11. The solar radiation through a 20' x 40' brick Wall with a
relative humidity decreased. (Sec. 4, Par. 11; and Sec. 30° F. differential is
5, Par. 3) Q = UA (t1 – T0)
8. In order to determine the relative humidity, the dry-bulb Q = .34 x 800 (30)
and wet-bulb temperatures must be known. (Sec. 5, Par. Q = 272 x 30
3) Q = 8160 B.t.u./hr.
9. Distilled water should be used to set the wick of a wet- (Sec. 10, Pars. 10 and 13)
bulb thermometer to help prevent the clogging of the 12. The gross area of the wall is 120 square feet. The
wick. (Sec. 5, Par. 6) window area is 16 square feet.
10. If the total pressure of an air-conditioning system remains Glass = 1.13 X 16 X 22 = 397.76 B.t.u./hr.
constant and the air ducts become partially clogged, the Brick = 120 - 16 = 104 sq. ft.
static pressure will increase to over-come the added 104 X .34 X 22 = 777.48 B.t.u./hr.
resistance and the velocity pressure will decrease. (Sec. Total heat gain = 397.76 + 777.48 = 1175.24
6, Pars. 8-11) B.t.u./hr.
11. If the total airflow pressure is equal to 20 inches of water (Sec. 10, Par. 13)
and the static pressure is equal to 4 inches of water, the 13. Human load will give off the most latent heat gain. (Sec.
velocity pressure is equal to the total pressure minus the 10, Par. 13)
static pressure or 16 inches of water. (Sec. 6, Par. 11) 14. To find the total cooling load, you must add 10 percent to
12. Yes, it is possible to determine static pressure with a the sensible load.
velometer. The velometer indicates the velocity pressure Total load = 42,156 + 4,215.6 + 8,750 = 55,121.6
which you would subtract from the total pressure to get B.t.u.
the static pressure. (Sec. 6, Pars. 11 and 19) (Sec. 10, Par. 14)
15. 57,150 B.t.u. (sensible)
CHAPTER 3 5,715 B.t.u. (safety factor)
9,170 B.t.u. (latent)
1. In calculating the wall area you must subtract 16” from 72,035
the length to find the inside wall area. The ceiling sits on 72,035 total heat load.
top of the wall so that the height measurement is not 12,000 B.t.u. per ton of refrigeration.
affected. The wall area is 126.67 square feet. 72,035
10' = 120" height 12,000 = approximately 6 tons.
14'= 168" length (Sec. 10, Par. 14)
168"- 16"= 152"
120" X 152" = 18240 square inches CHAPTER 4
18240 ÷ 144 = 126.67 square feet
(Sec. 7, Par. 2) 1. Before you plug in an air-conditioning unit you should
2. You should tell the user to draw the drapes to help read the nameplate to check the power requirements of
eliminate solar heat gain and to start the unit earlier so the air conditioner. (Sec. 11 , Par. 5)
that it wouldn't work against a peak load condition. (Sec. 2. When the round third prong is removed from an air-
7, Pars. 5-8) conditioning unit plug an ungrounded condition will
3. The heat load from occupants will affect humidity the exist. When the air-conditioning unit is not grounded, a
most. (Sec. 7, Par. 11) possible electrical shock hazard also exists. (Sec. 11,
4. To remove the heat which is causing abnormal unit Pars. 9, 10, and 16)
operation, you should ventilate the area. (Sec. 8, Pars. 4 3. It is not permissible to connect a 9.5-ampere rated air-
and 6) conditioner to a 15-ampere circuit when other equipment
5. The efficiency that would be lost is 85 - 75 or 10 percent. are using the same circuit. The total load of the air
(Sec. 8. Par. 9) conditioner shall not exceed 50 percent of the current
6. Cork should be used to insulate a 40° F. storage room, rating of the circuit if the circuit feeds other equipment.
because this particular application is not considered a fire (Sec. II, Par. 12)
hazard area. (Sec. 9, Par. 5) 4. If you are to replace an air-conditioner compressor motor
7. You should insulate the strainer with an asbestos pad or that has burned out due to excessive overload, you should
blanket to facilitate the cleaning of the strainer. (Sec. 9, also replace the motor overload protector. If the overload
Par. 8) protector was operating correctly, the motor would not
8. You should use fibrous glass dabs, because they have a have burned out from an overload. (Sec. 11, Pars. 24 and
low moisture-absorbing quality and offer no attraction to 25)
insects, vermin, fungus growth, or fire. (Sec. 9, Par. 14)

5. As the room air passes through the evaporator its heat is 21. The two methods of varying the volume of the air
absorbed by the refrigerant. (Sec. 11, Par. 28) handled by an air conditioning system are by the use of
6. The refrigerant gas temperature is raised at the dampen or by varying the speed of the fans. (Sec. 12,
compressor above the outside air temperature. (Sec. 11, Par. 56)
Par. 29)
7. The air filter, evaporator coils, and condenser coils will CHAPTER 5
collect dirt and thus restrict airflow which will result in
reduced air-conditioning unit output. (Sec. 11 Par. 32) 1. Bypass dampeners are used to regulate airflow from
8. Before you check a capacitor with an ohmmeter you return ducts. (Sec. 13, Par. 2)
should discharge the capacitor. (Sec. 11, Par. 44) 2. One probable cause of erratic damper operation is binding
9. If the ohmmeter indicates zero (no continuity) when you blades. (Sec. 13, Par. 7)
check an overload protector. the protector is defective 3. The forward blade fan is most commonly used in a duct
and should be replaced. (Sec. 11, Par. 46) system. (Sec. 14, Par. 2)
10. A low wattage draw is an indication of a low refrigerant 4. The propeller, or disc, type fan should be installed in an
charge. (Sec. 11, Par. 51) area requiring large amounts of exhaust air. (Sec. 14, Par.
11. The two major causes of poor performance of an air 3)
conditioner are dirty filters and low voltage. (Sec. 11, 5. The axial adjustment of the blower wheel is accomplished
Par. 62) by relocating the shaft thrust collar. (Sec. 14, Par. 9)
12. When using superheated steam to clean a condenser, be 6. Cooling coils are made of copper or aluminum because
sure that the temperature of the seam is not above the these metals readily conduct heat. (Sec. 15, Par. 1)
melting point of any of the materials from which the 7. A 2-foot coil would contain 144 fins-24 X 6 = 144. (Sec.
condenser is constructed. (Sec. 12, Par. 7) 15, Par. 2)
13. When mixing water and acid, always add the acid to the 8. You would straighten the fins with a special fin comb.
water. If water is added to the acid, rapid heating will (Sec. 15, Par. 4)
occur which will cause the acid to spew from the 9. Brine solution is used in a system that requires a low
container. (Sec. 12, Par. 12) temperature for dehumidification purposes. (Sec. 16, Par.
14. If the water bleed tube of the evaporative condenser 1)
should become clogged, the formation of scale will 10. The type of pressure loss caused by an elbow in the duct
increase. The bleeding off of some of the recirculated is dynamic loss. (Sec. 17, Par. 2)
water and replenishing it with makeup water will 11. The velocity reduction method of duct sizing is not used
decrease the amount of solids suspended in the cooling because it does not take any account of the relative
water. (Sec. 12, Pars. 18 and 19) pressure losses in various branches. (Sec. 17, Par. 4)
15. Two of the conditions that would prevent the compressor 12. A system with a velocity rating of 2400 f.p.m. is
from unloading are; a broken spring in the hydraulic considered a high-velocity system. (Sec. 17, Par. 6)
cylinder which moves the floating piston when the oil 13. Duct joints are sealed with compound, tape, or by
pressure is relieved or the oil pressure is not released welding or soldering. (Sec. 17, Par. 9)
from the valving mechanism hydraulic cylinder. There 14. The type of duct materials you would use when corrosive
are several causes that would prevent the release of the oil fumes are to be handled are copper, stain less steel, monel
pressure. Some of these causes are: defective pressure- lead-coated or lead. (Sec. 17, Par. 12)
sensing device, broken mechanism that opens the bleed 15. When air flows from a small chamber toward a large
orifice (item 9 in fig. 18), and a clogged bleed orifice area, the air tends to flow in a straight line. (Sec. 17, Par.
(items 9 and 10 in fig. 18). (Sec. 12, Pars. 31-39) 16)
16. The pan of the capacity control actuator that regulates the 16. The loss of cooling effect of a 12-sq. ft. duct having a
oil pressure to the compressor cylinder unloader differential of 10° and a U-factor of 1.14 is 136.8 B.t.u/hr.
mechanisms is the valving mechanism. (Sec. 12, Par. Q = UA (t1 – t0)
31) Q = 1.14 x 12 x 10.
17. Spring pressure in the cylinder unloader mechanism will Q = 136 B.t.u./hr.
hold the compressor suction valves open. (Sec. 12, Par. (Sec. 17, Par. 18)
39) 17. Most duct air leakage occurs at transverse seams located
18. The compressor must be loaded before adjusting the against a wall or ceiling. (Sec. 17, Par. 22)
unloader system. (Sec. 12, Par. 41) 18. The amount of air required when the sensible hit load is
19. Before you install a solenoid valve, check the valve data 49000 B.t.u./hr. and the temperature change is 15° F. is
plate for the power requirements and the arrow on the 3025 c. f. m.
valve body for direction of liquid flow thru the valve. c.f.m. = 49000
(Sec. 12, Par. 49) 1.08 X 15
20. Before you install a new solenoid valve in place of a c.f.m. = 49000
burned out one, you should find the cause for the burned 16.2
out coil. You should check the voltage of the power c.f.m. = 3025
source and the power requirements of the valve. Another (Sec. 17, Par. 25)
possible cause could be high ambient temperatures. Sec.
12. Par. 50

19. You can check the vertical flow from a grille by using a it has rotated 180°, a cam operated switch will break the
lighted match, a warm thermometer, or alcohol on your circuit and stop the motor (Sec. 20, Pars. 43-46)
arm. (Sec. 17, Par. 34) 17. The series 40 control action is similar to a single-pole
20. The horizontal airflow pattern is controlled by the rear single-throw switch. (Sec. 20, Par. 49)
frets of the grille. (Sec. 17. Par. 34) 18. No, you can't substitute it with anything but a series 60
21. The baseboard type of diffuser is the hardest to use for floating motor because it is revertible and the two
balancing because it has few adjustments. (Sec. 17, Par. position is not. (Sec. 20, Par. 55)
38) 19. You cannot substitute a series 20 motor with a series 60
because the 20 operates on low voltage, while the 60 uses
CHAPTER 6 line voltage. (Sec. 20, Par. 58)
20. The amount of current flowing through the relay will
1. The thermostatic expansion valve uses the vapor-tension affect the position of the contact blade between the two
principle in its operation. (Sec. 18, Par. 6) motor contacts which, in turn, controls the position of the
2. The control response a motor control uses is two-position. controlled device. (Sec. 20, Pars. 66-68)
(Sec. 19, Par. 2) 21. The series 90 motor will stop running when the balancing
3. To set a LPC for a wider differential you would turn the relay is balanced. (Sec. 20, Par. 73)
adjusting screw so that more force is exerted upon the 22. The most probable cause of a damper remaining closed
bar. (Sec. 19, Par. 5) when the control calls for it to be open is loose locknut on
4. The compressor will cut off at 25 p.s.i. the linkage to the damper shaft (Sec. 20, Pars. 79 and
4 0 p.s.i. - 15 p.s.i. = 25 p.s.i. 80)
(Sec. 19, Par. 9) 23. The main difference between a series 90 humidity control
5. Since the system uses an automatic expansion valve, a system and a series 90 temperature control system is the
low-pressure motor control cannot be used to control sensing device which operates the controller wiper. (Sec.
compressor cycling. You must install a thermostatic 20, Par. 18)
motor control and adjust it to the desired cutout and cut-in 24. The humidistat is wired into the blue wire of the right
temperatures. (Sec. 19, Par. 10) circuit. (Sec. 20, Par. 93)
6. A broken feeler bulb on a thermostat will give the sale 25. When one belt in a set breaks. you must replace the
indication as a filed ice bin. (Sec. 19, Pars. 12-15) complete set because the remainder of the belts are
7. The air conditioner is not running because the kinked stretched and the new belt will not have the proper
feeler bulb acts as if a loss .of power element charge and tension. (Sec. 21, Par. 3)
will not close the contacts in the TMC. To correct this 26. A compressor losing efficiency is usually caused by
condition, you must replace the power element or the defective air cleaner. (Sec. 21, Par. 4)
entire TMC. (Sec. 19. Par. 20) 27. When the first stage is operating at normal and the
8. Snap action and mercury switches are used to prevent second-stage pressure is zero, the pressure relief valve is
control failure due to arcing when the circuit is open or stuck open. (Sec. 21, Par. 8)
closed. (Sec. 20, Par. 2) 28. Before you start a newly installed compressor, you must
9. A direct short is indicated when the ohmmeter reads zero check the oil level in the compressor crankcase (Sec. 21,
ohms resistance. (Sec. 20, Par. 7) Par, 15)
10. The mode of electric control you would use to operate a 29. If you replace the standard head gasket with a thin head
refrigeration unit is two-position because the unit requires gasket, the compressor will probably knock (Sec. 21,
on-off operation. (Sec. 20, Par. 13) Par. 21)
11. The control point would be at any point between the two 30. Supply-air lines are lines connecting the controllers to the
extremes because the control cycles the louvers between air source, and the control air lines connect the controllers
the extremes and is never satisfied. (Sec. 20, Par. 18) to the controlled device. (Sec. 22, Par. 1)
12. The timed two-position control responds to gradual 31. You must allow a 1 1/2-inch pitch for a 12-foot supply-
changes in the controlled variable, while the simple two- air header, 1/8 inch per foot of header.
position control responds to one of two extremes. (Sec. 3 inches. 1/4 inch per foot. (Sec. 22, Par. 4)
20, Par. 24) 32. The amount of moisture present in the air determine the
13. A heater is used to slow down the action of the bimetal frequency of draining the filters. (Sec. 22, Par. 8)
element. (Sec. 20, Pars. 31 and 32) 33. You would install a reverse acting controller so that a
14. You should install a proportional response control decrease in temperature will cause an increase in air
because system offset is minimized. (Sec. 20, Pars. 35- pressure to the valve. (Sec. 22. Par. 17)
37) 34. You clean the contact points on a thermostat by drawing a
15. Since lag time is not a problem, a simple two-position piece of hard-finish paper between then (Sec. 22, Par.
control, series 20, can be used. It is cheaper, easier to 23)
maintain and calibrate, and safer because it operates at 35. Under normal conditions, a humidistat will control the
low voltages. (Sec. 20, Par. 41) humidity within 1 percent R.H. of the set point (Sec. 22,
16. The change in variable causes a bellows to expand and Pat. 25)
make a circuit to the starting winding of the motor. The 36. Hygrometers are the controllers used to measure, record,
motor is energized and begins to rotate clockwise. After and control humidity. (Sec. 22, Par. 27)

37. The spring in the piston type damper operator usually 8. Since centrifugal fans are rated for a delivery against 1/4-
functions between 5 and 10 p.s.i.g. At 3 p.s.i.g. the inch water gauge static pressure, nothing would happen
damper should be at its normal position. (Sec. 22, Par. unless the pressure exceeded ¼ inch. If it exceeded 1/4
34) inch the cooler would lose efficiency. (Sec. 24, Par. 25)
38. The spring attached to the operator stem determines the 9. The 3,000 c.f.m. rotary drum would require a heavy
operating range of the positioner. (Sec. 22, Par. 39) structure because of its sis and weight. (Sec. 25, Par. 1)
39. When you overhauled the operator you probably kinked 10. The drain should be 1 1/4 inch in diameter to reduce
the diaphragm, which would cause erratic operation of stoppage. If stoppage occurs with a larger drain you must
the damper operator (Sec. 22, Par. 43) flush, the cooler sump more often. (Sec. 25, Par. 9)
40. To correct a skipping pen, you must bend the pen arm 11. The function of the two switches is to cont the operation
slightly toward the chart. The pen should rest on the of the recirculating pump motor and the blower or fan
chart lightly. (Sec. 22, Par. 48) motor. They are connected in series with one of the
41. A condensate loop should be installed on a pressure motor leads. This procedure allows the cooler to be used
transmitter when it is used to measure the pressure of a as a ventilation system. (Sec. 25, Par. 11)
hot, moist atmosphere. (Sec. 22, Par. 57) 12. You must provide an opening large enough to exhaust all
42. The dried ink may be cleaned from the pen by washing it the air brought into the area by the evaporative cooler.
in warm water. (Sec. 22. Par. 64) The size of the opening is obtained from the cooler
43. The fire protection control has malfunctioned or was manufacturer or data books. (Sec. 25, Par. 15)
activated and shut the system down. You should check 13. The exhaust opening is not sufficient (less than 1 square
the fire protection control, then reset it. (Sec. 22, Pars. foot) and is causing noise. You must allow 9 sq. ft. of
73, 75, and 76) louvered exhaust for a 4500 c.f.m. evaporative cooler.
44. You can check the operation of an airflow detector by (Sec. 25, Par. 16)
blocking off a section of the filters or by closing a damper 14. You should caution the user not to start the blower before
before the air reaches the instrument. (Sec. 22, Par. 82) the water pump. (Sec. 25, Par. 20)
45. A graphic panel is an asset because you can monitor and 15. The burned-out motor could have been prevented by
control the entire system from one central location. (Sec. installing a motor overload protective device in series
23, Par. 1) with the motor lead. (Sec. 25, Par. 22)
46. On graphic panels, chill water temperature is always 16. You can reduce the spied by adjusting the motor pulley or
indicated and recorded. (Sec. 23, Par. 2) by reducing the size of the motor pulley? (Sec. 25, Par.
47. When a green coded component on the graphic panel is 24)
malfunctioning you are having trouble with the 17. 100 c.f.m. is delivered from a 12” X 24” duct with a
condensing water system. (Sec. 23, Par. 4) velocity reading of 50 f.p.m.
12” X 24” = 288 sq. in.
CHAPTER 7 288 sq. in. = 2 sq. ft.
50 X 2 = 100 c.f.m.
1. Disagree. Evaporative cooling changes sensible heat to (Sec. 25, Par. 25)
latent heat but doesn't affect the wet-bulb temperature 18. The service that you must accomplish on troughs and
(total heat). (Sec. 24, Par. 1) weirs of a drip type evaporative cooler is cleaning,
2. With an evaporative cooler, the air can be cooled to its painting, or replacement. (Sec. 26, Par. 3)
wet-bulb temperature. (Sec. 24, Par. 3) 19. The water distribution system is cleaned by flushing it
3. Phoenix, Arizona, is first because it has a high average with a 10 percent solution of muriatic acid. (Sec. 26, Par.
dry-bulb temperature and low wet-bulb temperature. 3) 20. The axial clearance of the blower wheel is 1/32”
Dallas, Texas follows second and New York is third. To adjust the clearance you would use a .030 feeter gauge
New Orleans is fourth because its average dry-bulb because 1/32” = .0313. (Sec. 26, Par. 3)
temperature is in the middle 90's and the wet-bulb
temperature in the mid 80,s. (Sec. 24, Par. 5) CHAPTER 8
4. The most probable cause of low water supply to the
distributor in an evaporative cooler is a plugged pump 1. Complete air distribution is important when hazardous
intake screen. (Sec. 24, Par. 11) vapors and fumes may exist in an area such as a battery
5. The spray type evaporative cooler should be-installed in a shop. (Sec. 27, Par. 3)
dusty area because it keeps the pads free of dust for a 2. The two ways you could reduce grille noise are: change
longer period of time. (Sec. 24, Par. 18) the size of the grille or reduce the air discharge velocity.
6. An electric timer controls the frequency of operation of (Sec. 27, Par. 13)
the flush valve on spray type evaporative coolers. (Sec. 3. The radial-flow fan is normally used in a ventilating
24, Par. 22) system which has considerable duct work. (Sec. 28, Par.
7. The eliminator pads must be placed when water droplets 3)
are carried in the air to the conditioned area. (Sec. 24, 4. The fan capacity must be at least 1,260 c.f.m. for a room
Par. 24) 14 feet by 60 feet requiring 30

air changes per hour. To find what capacity fan is needed 1. COP = 300,000
use the formula 40 X 2545
Q = CV ; Q = 30 X 60 X 60 X 14 ; Q = 75600 = 300,000
60 60 60 101,800
Q= 1,260 c.f.m. = 2.94 to 1
(Sec. 28, Pars. 10 and 11) (Sec. 34, Par. 2)
5. To reduce air duct friction loss you would increase the 2. 100,000 B.t.u./hr. = 29.2 kw.-hr
duct size. (Sec. 29, Par. 3) 29.2 X .02 = $.584 per hour
6. Duct fire dampers are used to automatically shut off fans .584 X 24= $14.02 per day.
and ducts in event of a fire. (Sec. 29, Par. 5) (Sec. 34, Pars. 5 and 6)
7. The type of grille that should be used in a flood air outlet 3. You would have 5400 degree days.
which requires controlled airflow is a vaned grille. (Sec. 65 - 5 = 60 degree days per day.
30, Pars. 2-7) 60 X 90 = 5400 degree days.
8. Slotted outlets are used for long narrow rooms. (Sec. 30, (Sec. 34, Par. 7)
Par. 6) 4. The heat pump is cheaper to operate because it uses
9. The pattern of the supply air envelope is determined by electricity only to drive the compressor. The refrigeration
the air outlet grille. (Sec. 31, Par. 3) releases more heat per watt consumed. (Sec. 34, Par. 8)
10. Several of the factors that must be considered when 5. The oil-fired heating system is cheaper than the air-to-air
preparing to install a ventilating system are: the purpose heat pump. (Sec. 34, Par. 9)
of the building or room to be ventilated, the temperature 6. The air-to-air (refrigerant changeover) heat pump has two
and humidity of the region; the size of the building or expansion devices. (Sec. 35, Par. 2)
room, the number of occupants, and local and national 7. The maximum temperature of the refrigerant when the
codes and regulations. (Sec. 32, Pars. 1-3) outside temperature is 50° F. is 75° F. (Sec. 36, Par. 2)
11. In a room that contains carbon dioxide the fan should be 8. Outdoor temperature is an important factor because a
located close to the floor. The specific gravity of carbon balance point above the design temperature would require
dioxide is 1.527 which is heavier than air; so it will settle supplemental heating which is not economical. (Sec. 36,
to the floor. (Sec. 32, Pars. 18 and 19) Pars. 3-9)
12. When installing an exhaust fan in a paint shop or paint 9. 40 pounds of frost on a 5-feet x 4-feet coil will not
spray booth, the electrical circuit for the fan and air substantially affect the coil because the nominal amount it
compressor should be interconnected. This will insure could hold is 50 pounds. (Sec. 36, Par. 11)
that the fan is operating when spray painting is being 10. A 4-foot coil can contain 384 to 672 fins. (Sec. 36, Par.
done. (Sec. 32, Par. 22) 15)
13. The factors that determine the desired exhaust air velocity 11. The most common causes of airflow reduction are dirty
are: what is to be exhausted, amount to be exhausted, and filter, dirty coils, and frost accumulation on the coil.
the desired noise level. (Sec. 32, Pars. 26-28) (Sec. 36, Par. 19)
14. Poorly constructed fixed wooden louvers would result in 12. City water is not considered a good heat source because
restriction of airflow and insufficient protection against of its poor availability and high operating cost. (Sec. 36,
bad weather. (Sec. 32, Par. 34) Par. 24)
15. Filters should be installed in the exhaust system when the 13. Well water is considered the best heat source because of
discharge would create an objectionable condition in the its relatively constant temperature. (Sec. 36, Par. 25)
immediate area. (Sec. 32, Par. 39) 14. Heat storage is beneficial to a heat pump because it tends
16. Dirt on the fan blades will unbalance the fan and cause to reduce the rate of temperature change and helps to
fan vibration during operation. (Sec. 33, Par. 5) reduce peak load requirements. (Sec. 37, Par. 2)
17. Overlubrication of fan motors and other ventilating 15. The solenoid pilot 3-way valve has probably
equipment will result in collections of oil and dirt which malfunctioned when the unit will not reverse its cycle.
could restrict airflow, cause motors to overheat, and (Sec. 38, Par. 2)
present a fire hazard. (Sec. 33, Par. 8) 16. When the pilot valve is energized, suction pressure is
18. The frequency of cleaning an air filter depends on the allowed to pass to the top of the main valve piston. This
following: type of system in which the filter is installed, will cause the piston to rise, allowing the compressor
how much the system is used, and weather conditions. discharge to pas to the condenser. (Sec. 38, Par. 3)
(See. 33, Par. 16) 17. An open in the pilot valve solenoid will cause the heat
19. Excessively tight fan belts will cause an increase in the pump to operate on the heat cycle. (Sec. 38, Par. 4)
fan motor load and premature bearing wear. (Sec. 33, 18. To prevent freeze-up of a water-cooled condenser during
Par. 21) the heat cycle, you should install an evaporator pressure
regulator or a constant pressure liquid expansion valve on
CHAPTER 9 the condenser. (Sec. 38, Pars. 9 and 10)

OD1750 A



Subcourse OD1750
Edition A

United States Army Combined Arms Support Command

Fort Lee, VA 23801-1809
14 Credit Hours


This subcourse is the last of four subcourses devoted to basic instruction in refrigeration and air conditioning.

The scope of this subcourse takes in unit components of the absorption system, including their functions and
maintenance; water treatment methods and their relationship to centrifugal systems; centrifugal water pumps and electronic
control systems, including the relationship of amplifier, bridge and discriminator circuits to electronic controls.

The subcourse consists of three lessons.

Lesson 1. Direct Expansion and Absorption System.

2. Centrifugal Systems and Water Treatment.

3. Centrifugal Water Pumps and Electronic Control Systems.

Unless otherwise stated, whenever the masculine gender is used, both men and women are included.

Preface.................................................................................................................................................................. ii

Acknowledgment.................................................................................................................................................. iii

Lesson 1

1 Direct Expansion Systems ................................................................................................................................... 1

2 Absorption Systems ............................................................................................................................................. 26

Lesson 2

3 Centrifugal Systems ............................................................................................................................................. 46

4 Water Treatment .................................................................................................................................................. 77

Lesson 3

5 Centrifugal Water Pumps) .................................................................................................................................... 96

6 Fundamentals of Electronic Controls ................................................................................................................... 103

7 Electronic Control Systems ................................................................................................................................. 132

Answers to Review Exercises............................................................................................................................... 139

The passing score for ACCP material is 70%.


YOU HAVE studied the fundamentals and commercial refrigeration and air-conditioning systems. This final volume deals
with another phase of your career ladder-equipment cooling. Since the principles of equipment cooling are common to all
refrigeration systems, your mastery of the subject should be easy. All of the systems covered in this volume can be applied to
commercial refrigeration and air conditioning.

To qualify you in equipment cooling, we will present the following systems in this volume:

(1) Direct expansion

(2) Absorption
(3) Centrifugal
(4) Water treatment
(5) Centrifugal water pumps
(6) Fundamentals of electronic controls
(7) Electronic control

Keep this memorandum for your own use.


Acknowledgment is made to the following companies for the use of copyright material in this CDC: Honeywell,
Incorporated, Minneapolis, Minnesota; Carrier Air Conditioning Company, Carrier Parkway, Syracuse, New York; Terry
Steam Turbine Company, Hartford, Connecticut; Koppers Company, Incorporated, Baltimore, Maryland


Direct Expansion Systems

JUST WHAT DO we mean when we say "direct are ready to install the coil. The next problem is where to
expansion"? In the dictionary we find that the word install it. The preheat coil is installed in the outside air
"direct" means an unbroken connection or a straight duct, before the mixing of outside and return air. Now we
bearing of one upon or toward another; "expansion" are ready to discuss a few applications of a preheat coil.
relates to the act or process of expanding or growing (in
size or volume). Now we can see that a direct expansion 4. Thermostatically controlled water or steam
system for equipment cooling is one in which the valve. Figure 1 shows a system that uses a narrow range
controlled variable comes in direct contact with the single temperature controller. The temperature of the incoming
refrigerant source, thereby causing the liquid refrigerant air is sensed by the thermostat feeler bulb. The
to boil and expand. The centrifugal and absorption thermostat is calibrated to modulate the valve open when
systems differ in that that they us a secondary refrigerant- the temperature is 35° F.
water or brine-to cool the variable.
5. The damper on the face of the preheat coil closes
2. We will cover various components peculiar to when the fan is turned off and opens when it is turned on.
large direct expansion systems, normally of 20 tons or This damper is normally closed when the fan is off or if
more in capacity. Remember, the window- and floor- the fan fails to operate. This prevents preheat coil
mounted air-conditioning units are also considered direct freezeup.
expansion systems. Before we discuss the installation of
a semihermetic condensing unit-the most commonly used 6. Thermostatically controlled face and bypass
unit for direct expansion systems-we will cover the dampers. The mixed air temperature remains relatively
various coils that are used in a direct expansion system. constant until the outside air temperature exceeds the
The application of the water-cooled semihermetic desired mixed air temperature. The use of the face and
condensing unit will concern us in the second section, and bypass damper, illustrated in figure 2, makes it possible to
we will conclude the chapter with system servicing and control mixed air temperature without endangering the
troubleshooting. preheat coil. The damper is controlled by a temperature
controller in the mixed air duct while the preheat coil is
1. Coil Operation controlled by a valve which is modulated by a narrow
1. There are three coils used in the typical system. range temperature controller in the outside air duct. The
From the outside in, the coil sequence is: (1) preheat, (2) face and bypass damper will close and the return air opens
direct expansion (D/X), and (3) reheat. We will discuss when the supply fan is turned off.
the application of these coils, their use and control, and
the valves and dampers which control the flow of water 7. D/X Coil. In equipment cooling systems, the
and air. D/X coil is located after the preheat coil. It serves two
primary functions-cooling and dehumidification.
2. Preheat Coil. You must consider three things
before installing a preheat coil in an equipment cooling 8. Simple on-off control. The compressor is
system. These are: controlled by a space thermostat in an on-off manner.
(1) Is preheat necessary? Figure 3 shows a system using this type of control. This
(2) Will the coil be subjected to subfreezing system is best suited for use on small compressors and
temperature? where large variations in temperature and humidity are
(3) What size preheat coils are needed? not objectionable.
3. After you have determined a need, provided for
freezing temperatures, and correctly sized the coil, you

Figure 1. Control of preheat with outdoor air
thermostat. Figure 3. On-off compressor control.

9. The differential adjustment on the thermostat two-position thermostat opens the refrigerant solenoid
should be set relatively wide to prevent short cycling valve when the space temperature rises and closes it when
under light load conditions. The control circuit is the temperature drops below the set point. This control
connected to the load side of the fan starter so that turning action will cause large swings in temperature and relative
on the fan energizes the control systems. humidity. The nonrestarting relay prevents short cycling
10. Two-speed compressor. Figure 4 shows a typical of the compressor during the off cycle. It allows the
two-speed compressor installation. A two-stage compressor to pump down before it cycles "off."
thermostat (space) cycles the compressor between low 13. Multiple D/X coil solenoid valves. The system
speed and off during light load conditions and cycles the shown in figure 6 is similar to that previously discussed
unit between high and low speed during heavier loads. (fig. 5) except that it now has two D/X coils and two
The thermostat also shuts off the compressor if the space solenoid valves. The two-stage space thermostat operates
temperature falls below the set point. D/X coil 1 in an on-off manner when the cooling load is
11. The humidistat cycles the compressor from low light. It also holds the valve to coil 1 open and operates
to high speed when space humidity rises above the high the valve to coil 2 in an on-off manner during heavy load
limit set point. It can do this when the compressor is on conditions. The nonrestarting relay functions the same as
low speed. This system is best suited for use on the one in figure 5.
reasonably small compressors where large swings in 14. The supply fan starter circuit must be energized,
temperature and relative humidity can be tolerated. in both applications, before the control circuit to the
12. Solenoid valve installation. Figure 5 shows a solenoid valves can be completed.
system which uses a space thermostat to operate a 15. Two-position control and modulating control of
solenoid valve and a nonrestarting relay. The a face and bypass damper. This system uses a face and
bypass damper (shown in fig. 7) to bypass air around the
D/X coil during light load conditions. The space
thermostat opens the refrigerant solenoid valve when the
face damper opens to a position representing a minimum

Figure 2. Preheat control with bypass and return air

dampers. Figure 4. Two-speed compressor control.

Figure 7. Two-position control of a D/X coil solenoid
Figure 5. On-off control with a solenoid valve.
valve and modulating control of a face and bypass
load. It also modulates the face and bypass dampers to
mix the cooled air with the bypassed air as necessary to
space temperature falls below the set point temperature,
maintain the correct space temperature. A capacity
and opens the D/X coil solenoid valve when the
controlled compressor must be used if short cycling,
temperature is above the set point. A two-position
under light load conditions, is to be avoided.
humidistat is provided to open the cooling coil solenoid
16. It is necessary to adjust the face damper so that it
valve when the space relative humidity exceeds the set
does not close completely. This will help prevent coil
point of the controller. When a humid condition exists,
frosting under light load conditions. The control circuit to
the humidistat will override the thermostat. The
the solenoid valve is wired in series with the supply fan
thermostat senses the reduced air temperature and opens
motor. When the fan is shut off, the solenoid valve will
the reheat coil solenoid valve which will lower the
relative humidity. The D/X coil solenoid valve will close
17. Two-position control and modulating control of
when the supply fan is shut off.
a return air bypass damper. This system, shown in figure
20. Control of dehumidification with a face and
8, is similar to the system we have just discussed. The
bypass damper. We discussed the use of face and bypass
only difference is that we bypass return air instead of
dampers when we discussed D/X coils. Now we will
mixed air under light load conditions.
apply this damper system to humidity control, as shown in
18. Reheat Coil. The reheat coil is used to heat the
figure 10. A space humidity controller is used to open the
air after it has passed through the D/X coil. It expands the
D/X coil valve when a predetermined minimum
air, thus lowering the relative humidity. A D/X coil and
dehumidification load is reached. It also modulates the
reheat coil are used to control humidity.
face and bypass damper to provide the mixture of
19. Simple two-position control. Figure 9 shows a
dehumidified and bypass air necessary to maintain space
system which uses a space thermostat to control a reheat
relative humidity.
coil and a D/X coil. It opens the solenoid valve to the
21. The space thermostat modulates the reheat coil
heating coil when the
valve as needed to maintain space temperature. If the
space humidity drops below the set

Figure 6. On-off control of multiple D/X coil solenoid

Figure 8. Two-position control of a D/X coil solenoid
valve and modulating control of a return air bypass

Figure 9. Dehumidification control in a two-position D/X
Figure 11. Dehumidification control in a D/X return air
point of the humidity controller, and the space bypass system.
temperature rises because the discharge air is too warm to
cool the space, the thermostat will open the D/X coil 24. We have discussed the three coils that you will
valve and modulate the face and bypass damper to lower find in a typical equipment cooling system. Now we will
the space temperature. The reheat coil must be controlled discuss a complete system which maintains temperature,
by a modulated valve so that the thermostat can position relative humidity, and air changes.
the valve within its range. This will prevent large swings 25. Typical D/X Equipment Cooling System.
in temperature and relative humidity. This system also Figure 12 shows a system which may be used to condition
provides a method of closing the D/X coil valve when the air for electronic equipment operation. Thermostat T1
supply fan is shut off. senses outdoor (incoming) air and modulates the preheat
22. Control of dehumidification with a return air coil valve to the full open position when the temperature
bypass system. Figure 11 shows a system which uses a falls below the controller set point. A further drop in
return air bypass damper to control airflow across the D/X temperature will cause the thermostat T1 to modulate the
coil for dehumidification. The space humidistat opens the outside and exhaust air dampers shut and the return air
D/X coil valve when a predetermined minimum cooling damper open.
load is reached and positions the bypass damper to 26. The space thermostat (T2) operates the reheat
maintain space relative humidity. coil valve as necessary to maintain a predetermined space
23. The space thermostat acts in a way that is similar temperature. The space thermostat (T2) will modulate the
to that of the thermostat in figure 10. The control circuit cooling coil valve when the space humidity is within the
to the D/X coil valve is connected to the supply fan so tolerance of the humidistat. The space humidistat opens
that the valve will close when the fan is shut off. This the cooling coil valve when a minimum cooling load is
arrangement helps prevent coil frosting and reheat coil sensed. It has prime control of this valve. The outside
freezeup. and exhaust air dampers are fitted with a stop so that they
will not completely close. This procedure allows for the
correct amount of air changes per hour.
27. There are many other direct expansion systems.
The blueprints for your installation will help you to better
understand the operation of your system. Most of the
system components are similar to those previously

2. Application of Water-Cooled Condensing Units

1. Water-cooled semihermetic condensing units are
rated in accordance with ARI Standards with water
entering the condenser at 75°F.
2. Condensing units are available for different
temperature ranges. We are interested in the "high
temperature" unit, as it is used for air conditioning

Figure 10. Dehumidification control in a D/X face and

bypass system.

Figure 12. Typical D/X equipment cooling system.

or other applications requiring a +25°F. to +50°F suction which is available to the unit. Now that you have selected
temperature. the proper equipment, let's discuss the installation of
3. A medium temperature unit (-10° F. to +25° F.) equipment.
should not be selected or equipment cooling applications
where the compressor would be subjected to high suction 3. Installation
pressure over extended shutdown periods. This would 1. Before you start installing the unit you must
result in motor overload and stopping when the cooling consider space requirements, equipment ventilation,
load is peak. To prevent this possibility, the proper unit vibration, and the electrical requirements.
must be selected considering the highest suction pressure 2. The dimensions for the condensing unit are
the unit will be subjected to for more than a brief period given in the manufacturer's tables. You must allow
of time. additional room for component removal, such as the
4. Compressor Protection. During shutdown, compressor or dehydrator. The suction and discharge
refrigerant may condense in the compressor crank-case compressor service valves, along with the compressor oil
and be absorbed by the lubricating oil. The best sight glass, must be readily accessible to facilitate
protection against excessive accumulation of liquid maintenance and troubleshooting. The space must be
refrigerant is the automatic pump-down control. The warmer than the refrigerated space to prevent refrigerant
compressor must start from a low-pressure switch from condensing in the compressor crankcase during
(suction pressure) at all times. Figure 19 (in Section 3) extended shutdown periods. Water-cooled units must be
shows a recommended control wiring diagram that adequately protected from freezeup. Some method of
incorporates an automatic pump-down control. When the drainage must be provided if the unit is to be shut down
pressure in the crankcase rises, the compressor will cycle during the winter months.
on. It will run until the pressure drops to the low-pressure 3. Install the unit where the floor is strong enough
switch cutoff setting. to support it. It is not necessary to install it on a special
5. In systems where the refrigerant-oil ratio is 2:1 foundation, because most of the vibration is absorbed by
or less, automatic pump-down control may be omitted. It the compressor mounting springs. On critical installations
may also be omitted on systems where the evaporator is (e.g., hospitals and communication centers) it may be
always 40° or more below the compressor ambient desirable to inclose the unit in an equipment room to
temperature. However, the use of an automatic pump- prevent direct transmission of sound to occupied spaces.
down control is definitely preferable whenever possible. Place the unit where it will not be damaged by traffic or
6. Water Supply. Water-cooled condensing units flooding. It may be necessary to cage or elevate the unit.
should have adequate water supply and disposal facilities. 4. The next step in installing a unit is to
Selection of water-cooled units must be based on the
maximum water temperature and the quantity of water

Figure 13. Three phase wiring diagram for a semihermetic condensing unit.

inspect the shipment for loss or damage. You must report if the length the run is 300 feet. However, number 14
any loss or damage to your supervisor immediately. wire can be used if the run is limited to 10 feet.
Refer to ASA-B9.1-1953, American Standards 7. Piping and Accessories. The liquid and suction
Association's "Mechanical Refrigeration Safety Code" lines are usually constructed of soft copper tubing. To
when you install the unit. help absorb vibrations, loop or sweep the two lines near
5. Before installing the unit, check the electric the condensing unit. Use a vibration isolation type
service to insure that it is adequate. The voltage at the hanger, show in figure 14, to fasten the tubing on walls or
motor terminals must not vary more than plus or minus 10 supports.
percent of the rated nameplate voltage requirement. 8. Shutoff valves. The suction and discharge
Phase unbalance for three-phase units must not exceed 2 shutoff valves (service valves) are of the back-seating
percent. Where an unbalance exists, you must connect type and have gauge ports. Frontseating the valve closes
the two lines with the higher amperages through the the refrigerant line and opens the gauge port to the
switch heater elements. Figure 13 shows a typical wiring pressure in the compressor.
diagram for a semihermetic condensing unit. 9. Backseating the valve shuts off pressure to the
6. A table of wire size requirements is provided gauge port. To attach a gauge or charging line to the
with the manufacturer's installation handbook. For gauge port, backseat the valve to prevent escape of
instance a 220-volt three-phase condensing unit requiring refrigerant.
8 amperes at full load must be wired with number 8 wire

the system. Charge the system with dry nitrogen or
carbon dioxide (40 p.s.i.g.) and check all the joints with a
soap solution. Release the pressure and repair any leaks
that may have been found. After the leaks have been
repaired, charge the system with the recommended
refrigerant to 10 p.s.i.g. Add enough dry nitrogen or
carbon dioxide to build the pressure to 150 p.s.i.g. and
leak test with a halide leak detector. Purge the system and
repair all leaky joints that you may have found. Do not
allow the compressor to build up pressure since
overheating and damage may result. Do not use oxygen
to build up pressure!
16. Dehydrating the System. Moisture in the
system causes oil sludge and corrosion. It is likely to
freeze up the expansion valve during operation. The best
Figure 14. Vibration isolation type hanger. means of dehydration is evacuation with a pump
especially built for this purpose. The condensing unit is
10. Use a square ratchet or box-end wrench (1/4- dehydrated at the factory and is given a partial or holding
inch) to open and close the valve. Do not use pliers or an charge. Leave all the service valves on the condensing
adjustable wrench since they are likely to round the valve unit closed until the piping and accessories have been
stem. Do not use excessive force to turn the stem. If it dehydrated. Do not install a strainer-dehydrator until the
turns hard, loosen the packing gland nut. If the valve piping is complete and the system is ready for evacuation.
sticks on its seat, a sharp rap on the wrench will usually
break it free.
11. Liquid line solenoid valve. Many manufacturers
use this type of valve on their units to prevent damage to
the compressor which would result from flooding of the
crankcase with refrigerant during shutdown. This type of
valve also provides a compressor pump-down feature on
many units. The valve is installed in the liquid refrigerant
line directly ahead of the expansion valve. It must be
installed in a vertical position and wired as shown in the
wiring diagram (fig. 13).
12. Liquid line sight glass. The liquid line sight
glass is installed between the dehydrator and expansion
valve. You should locate the sight glass so that it is
convenient to place a light behind the glass when you are
observing the liquid for a proper charge.
13. Water regulating valves. Install the water
regulating valve with the capillary down and the arrow on
the valve body in the direction of water-flow. Backseat
the liquid line shutoff valve and connect the capillary of
the water regulating valve of the 1/4-inch flare connection
on the liquid line shutoff valve. Open the shutoff valve
one turn from the backseated position. This allows
refrigerant pressure to reach the water regulating valve
and still leaves the liquid line open.
14. Water-cooled condenser connections. When city
water is used as the condensing media, the condenser
circuits are normally connected in series. When cooling
tower water is used for condensing, the condenser circuits
are connected in parallel. See figure 15 for correct
Figure 15. Condenser connections.
condenser water connections.
15. Leak Testing the System. After all the
components have been installed, you are ready to leak test

19. Handle the vacuum indicator with care. It must
be vacuum-tight to give a true reading. The top seal of
the indicator is not designed to support a long run of
connecting tubes. Fasten the tubes to supports to prevent
damage to the indicator. Use only distilled water in the
indicator and be sure the wick is clean. Oil or dirt on the
wick causes erroneous readings.
20. To prevent loss of oil from the vacuum pump
and contamination of the indicator, you must install
shutoff valves in the suction line at the vacuum pump and
the vacuum indicator. When shutting off the pump, close
the indicator valve and pump valve, and then turn off the
pump. Now we are ready to dehydrate the system.
21. Procedure for dehydrating the system. Connect
the pump and vacuum indicator to the system. Put a
jumper line between the high and low side so that the
pump will draw a vacuum on all portions of the system.
Open the compressor shutoff valves and start the vacuum
pump. Open the indicator shutoff valve occasionally and
take a reading. Keep the valve open for at least 3 minutes
for each reading. You must keep the indicator valve
closed at all other times to decrease the amount of water
the pump must handle and to hasten dehydration. When
the pressure drops to a value corresponding to the vapor
pressure of the water in the indicator, the temperature will
start to drop.
22. In the example illustrated in figure 18, the
ambient temperature and the temperature of the water in
the indicator is 60° F. Starting at 60° F., and 0 time, the
Figure 16. Vacuum indicator. temperature of the indicator water remains at 60° F. until
the pressure in the system is pulled down to the pressure
17. Make the following preparations before corresponding to the saturation temperature of the water
dehydrating the system: (60° F.). Point A in figure 18 shows the temperature
(1) Obtain a vacuum pump that will produce a saturation point. At this point the moisture in the system
vacuum of 2 inches Hg absolute. Do not use the begins to boil. The temperature drops slowly until the
compressor as a vacuum pump since this may cause free moisture is removed. Point A to Point B illustrates
serious damage to the compressor. the time required for free moisture evaporization. After
(2) Obtain a vacuum indicator similar to that shown the free moisture is removed, the
in figure 16. These indicators are available through
manufacturers' service departments.
(3) Keep the ambient temperature above 60° F. to
speed the evaporation of moisture.
18. Description and use of the vacuum indicator.
The vacuum indicator consists of a wet bulb thermometer
in an insulated glass tube containing distilled water. Part
of the tube is exposed so that the thermometer can be read
and the water level checked. When the indicator is
connected to the vacuum pump suction line, the
thermometer reads the temperature of the water in the
tube. The temperature is related to the absolute pressure
Figure 17. Temperature-pressure relationship.
in the tube. Figure 17 gives the absolute pressures
corresponding to various temperatures. To determine the
vacuum in inches of mercury, subtract the absolute
pressure from the barometer reading.

Figure 18. Dehydration pulldown curve.

absorbed moisture is removed, point B to point C. position to prevent liquid refrigerant from entering the
Dehydration is completed at point C, provided the compressor. You can now turn the compressor discharge
ambient temperature stays at 60° F. or higher. If the shutoff valve about one-fourth to one-half turn from the
ambient temperature falls below 60° F., the moisture will backseat position so that compressor discharge pressure
form ice before moisture removal is complete. can be read at the manifold discharge pressure gauge.
23. You should continue the dehydrating procedure 26. Before you start the compressor you must
until the vacuum indicator shows a reading of 35° F. check the following items:
Looking back at figure 17, you will find that a 35° F. (1) Proper oil level in the compressor sight glass
reading corresponds to a pressure of 0.204 inch Hg (one-third to two-thirds full).
absolute. This procedure may take several hours, and (2) Main water supply valve (water-cooled
many times it is advantageous to run the vacuum pump all condenser).
night. After evacuation, turn off the indicator valve (if (3) Liquid line valve. Valve stem should be
open) and the pump suction shutoff valve, and break the positioned two turns from its backseat to allow pressure to
vacuum with the recommended refrigerant. Disconnect be applied to the water regulating valve.
the pump and vacuum indicator. (4) Main power disconnect switch (ON position).
24. Charging the System. The refrigerant may be 27. After you have started the compressor you must
charged into the low side of the system as a gas or into the check the following items:
high side as a liquid. We will discuss both methods of (1) Correct oil pressure.
charging in this section. (2) Water regulating valve adjustment.
25. To charge into the low side as a gas, backseat the (3) Control settings.
compressor suction and discharge valves and connect (4) Oil level in the compressor crankcase.
your gauge and manifold to the appropriate compressor 28. Check the refrigerant charge frequently while
gauge connections The next step is to connect a charging by observing the liquid line sight glass. The
refrigerant drum to the middle manifold hose. Open the refrigerant charge is sufficient when flashing (bubbles)
drum valve and purge the hoses, gauges, and manifold. disappears. If the pressure within the drum, during
Then tighten all the hose connection. Turn the suction charging, drops to the level of the suction pressure, all the
shutoff valves a couple of turns from the backseat remaining refrigerant in the drum may be removed by
position and open the drum valve as far as possible. frontseating the compressor suction shutoff valve.
Remember, keep the refrigerant drum in an upright

This procedure will cause a vacuum to be pulled on the the condenser water. This will allow the head pressure to
refrigerant drum. rise gradually. The cut-out and cut-in pressures should be
29. When the system is sufficiently charged, close within 10 to 15 pounds of the values outlined in the
the refrigerant drum valve and backseat the compressor manufacturer’s handbooks. If they are not, the
suction and discharge shutoff valves. Disconnect the pressurestat would be readjusted. You can check the low-
charging lines from the compressor gauge ports and pressure settings by frontseating the compressor shutoff
connect the lines from the dual pressurestat to the valve or the liquid line shutoff valve. The cut-in and cut-
charging lines and "crack" the valves off their backseat. out point may be adjusted if it is necessary.
30. Liquid charging into the high side can be done 35. The units are shipped with "full" oil charges. Do
by either of two methods. One method is to charge into not assume that the charge is sufficient. Stop the unit,
the liquid line with the compressor running. The other without pump-down, after 15 or 20 minutes of operating
method is to charge directly into the systems liquid time and immediately recheck the oil level in the
receiver. Since charging liquid into the receiver is much compressor sight glass. The oil level must be one-third to
faster, systems containing more than 100 pounds of two-thirds of the way up on the sight glass. You can
refrigerant are usually charged this way. Let us discuss check oil pump pressure by looking at the oil pressure
both methods in detail. relief valve through the sight glass during compressor
31. Systems to be charged into the liquid line first operation. Pressure is adequate if oil is being discharged
must have a charging port installed in the liquid line. from the relief valve.
Then use the following procedure: 36. Adjust the water regulating valve to the most
(1) Close king valve. economical head pressure for the locality. Normally, this
(2) Connect inverted drum to charging port. is 120 to 140 p.s.i.g. for R-12 and 200 to 230 for R-22.
(3) Open drum service valve. 4. Servicing and Troubleshooting
(4) Purge air from charging lines. 1. We have covered several service techniques in
(5) Operate unit until fully charged. the previous section that relate to installation, including
(6) Reopen king valve; this system is now in leak testing, dehydrating, and charging into the low side
operation. as a gas and into the high side with liquid. We shall now
32. Charging liquid into the receiver is performed go further into servicing as it relates to disassembly,
according to the following general procedure: inspection, and reassembly of individual components. By
(1) Turn off electrical power to unit. means of tables at the end of this chapter, you will then
(2) Connect the inverted and elevated refrigerant focus on troubleshooting techniques.
drum to the receiver charging valve. 2. Servicing. Servicing direct expansion systems
(3) Open drum service valve. embodies a wide range of related topics, from removing
(4) Purge air from charging line. the refrigerant charge and testing for leaking valves to
(5) Open the charging valve. terminal assembly and testing capacitors and relays.
(6) Several minutes are required to transfer a drum 3. Removing Refrigerant. The refrigerant charge
of refrigerant in this manner; the transfer time can be can be removed by connecting a refrigerant drum to the
shortened by heating the drum (do not use flame). gauge port of the liquid line shutoff valve. Turn the stem
(7) When sufficient charge has been transferred into two turns off its backseat and run the unit. Most of the
the system, power can be turned on. refrigerant can be removed in this manner. The remainder
(8) By checking the pressure gauges and the sight may be removed by placing the drum in a bucket of ice or
glass, you can determine when the system is fully by slowly releasing it to the atmosphere.
charged. To maintain the efficiency of the machinery you 4. Pump-down procedure. If possible, you should
have installed, you must service and troubleshoot it. allow the compressor to run until it is warm before
33. Checking Operation. When you are starting a pumping it down. Then pump the system down as
newly installed compressor, be on the alert for any sign of follows:
trouble. (1) Close (frontseat) the liquid line shutoff valve on
34. The high-pressure setting of the dual the condenser.
pressurestat, shown in figure 19, should not require a (2) Hold the pressurestat switch closed so that the
change; however, the low-pressure setting will probably unit will not trip off on low pressure.
require adjustment, depending upon the evaporator (3) Run the compressor until the compound
temperature. Check the high-pressure cutout by throttling

Figure 19. Single-phase wiring diagram for a semihermetic condensing unit.

gauge (registering low side pressure) registers 2 p.s.i.g. (6) If the compressor is to be left pumped down for
(4) Stop the compressor and watch the gauge. If the any period, tag the disconnect switch to prevent
pressure rises, pump down again. Repeat the operation accidental starting of the unit.
until the pressure remains at 2 p.s.i.g. 5. If the compressor is the only component to be
(5) Frontseat the compressor discharge and suction removed, pumping down the crankcase will be sufficient.
shutoff valves. This may be done by front-seating the suction shutoff
valve and completing steps (1)-(5) listed under pump-
down procedure.

You must stop the compressor several times during pump- has been exposed to the atmosphere because it may
down to prevent excessive foaming of the oil as the contain some absorbed moisture.
refrigerant boils out since the foaming oil may be pumped 13. To add oil, pump down the compressor to 2
from the crankcase. p.s.i.g. Remove the oil filter plug (if available) or
6. Breaking refrigerant connections. When it disconnect the pressurestat connection on the suction
becomes necessary to open a charged system, the manifold. Insert a funnel and pour in the oil. Hold the oil
component or line to be removed or opened should be container close to the funnel to minimize contact with the
pumped down or evacuated to 2 p.s.i.g. You must allow air. The correct amount of oil needed can be estimated by
enough time for all adjacent parts to warm to room observing the oil sight glass (one-third to two-thirds full).
temperature before you break the connection. This After sufficient oil is added, connect the pressurestat or
prevents moisture from condensing on the inside of the replace the oil filler plug, purge the compressor, and start
system. the unit.
7. After the component has warmed to room 14. Removing oil. To remove excess oil from the
temperature, you are ready to break the connection and crankcase, pump down the compressor to 2 p.s.i.g.
make the necessary repairs. Loosen the oil plug (if available), allowing the pressure to
8. Cleaning the expansion valve strainer. To clean escape slowly. Then use a hand suction pump to remove
the expansion valve strainer, you must close the liquid the desired amount of oil. If a filler plug is not available,
line shutoff valve and pump down the system to 2 p.s.i.g. loosen the bottom plate or drain plug. Retighten the plate
Disconnect the valve and plug the tube ends. Remove the or plug when the oil assumes a safe level in the crankcase
screen and clean it with a recommended cleaning solvent. one-third to two-thirds full. Purge and start the
After the screen is clean and dry, reinstall it in the valve compressor.
and connect the valve in the system. Purge the lines and 15. Testing for leaking valves. Leaky compressor
valves; then open (two turns off the backseat) the liquid valves will cause a serious reduction in the capacity of the
line shutoff valve. system. Install a manifold and gauge set. Start the
9. Cleaning suction strainers. Most suction compressor and allow it to run until it is warm; then
strainers are located in the suction manifold on the frontseat the suction shutoff valve. Pump down the
compressor. Pump down the compressor to 2 p.s.i.g. and compressor to 2 p.s.i.g. Stop the compressor and quickly
frontseat the discharge shutoff valve. At this point, you frontseat the discharge shutoff valve. Observe the suction
must check the manufacturer’s handbook to locate the and discharge gauges. If a discharge valve is leaking, the
strainer. Remove and clean it with solvent. After the pressures will equalize rapidly. The maximum allowable
strainer drys, replace it, purge the compressor, and start discharge pressure drop is 3 p.s.i.g. per minute.
the unit. Figure 20 shows two different types of strainers, 16. There is no simple method of testing suction
basket and disc, and their location in the compressor valves. If there is an indicated loss of capacity and the
motor. discharge valves check properly, you must remove the
10. Purging noncondensable gases. head and valve plate and check the valves physically.
Noncondensable gases (air) collect in the condenser 17. Disassembly, inspection, and reassembly of
(water-cooled) above the refrigerant. The presence of valve plates. Pump down the compressor to 2 p.s.i.g. and
these gases cause excessive power consumption, a rise in remove the compressor head capscrews. Tap the head
leaving water temperature, and high compressor discharge with a wooden or plastic mallet to free it if it is stuck and
pressure. remove the cylinder head.
11. To purge these gases from the system, stop the 18. Remove the discharge valves and valve stops as
compressor for 15 to 20 minutes. Then open the purge shown in figure 21. Free the valve plate from the dowel
cock (if available) or loosen a connection at the highest pins and cylinder deck. Many valve plates have tapped
point of the condenser for a few seconds. After purging is holes. The capscrews are screwed into them and function
completed, close the purge cock (or tighten the as jacking screws. Now you can remove the suction
connection) and run the compressor. If the discharge valves from the dowel pin. Figure 22 shows the suction
pressure is still high, repeat the procedure until the valve and suction valve positioning spring. Inspect the
discharge pressure returns to normal. valve seats and valves. If the valve seats look worn or
12. Adding oil. Add only the recommended oil damaged, replace the valve plate assembly (fig. 21).
listed in the manufacturer's handbook. The oil should be 19. It is preferable to install new valves with a new
taken directly from a sealed container. Do not use oil that valve plate. If new valves are not available, turn the old
valves over and install them

Figure 20. Suction strainers

with the unworn seat toward the valve seat. If the valve Mix refrigerant oil with the powder to form a liquid paste.
seats and valves are not noticeably worn, it is still good Then move the valve in a figure 8 motion over the paste
practice to turn the discharge valves; otherwise they may and glass. After the valve is reconditioned, clean and
not seat properly. reinstall it.
20. The suction valves are doweled and may be 22. Use new valve plate and cylinder head gasket
reinstalled as they were originally. You must never when you install the valve plate and cylinder head.
interchange valves. Be careful when replacing the suction 23. Disassembly, inspection and assembly of the oil
valves. The positioning springs must be placed on the pump and bearing head. Remove the oil pump cover,
dowels first. Place them with their ends toward the shown in figure 23. This will free the oil feed guide
cylinder deck and the middle bowed upward. retainer spring and the oil feed guide. Then remove the
21. Worn valves may be reconditioned by lapping oil pump drive segment.
them, using a fine scouring powder and a piece of glass.

25. Push the pump rotor out of the bearing head by
pressing against the bearing side of the rotor. The rotor
retaining ring will come out with the rotor. Installing a
new pump and bearing head is the only positive way of
eliminating oil pump trouble. However, if the cause of
the trouble is determined, replacement parts are available
for almost all compressors.
26. The first step in installing the oil pump and
bearing head is to install the rotor retaining ring in the
ring groove of the rotor, with the chamfered edge toward
the compressor. Compress the retaining spring and insert
the pump rotor into the bearing head.
27. The plungers (flat ends in), plunger springs,
spring guides, and snaprings are installed in the plunger
cylinders. Compress the snaprings and force them into
Figure 21. Valve plate assembly. their grooves. Place a new bearing head gasket and the
bearing head into position and bolt them to the crankcase.
24. After you remove the bearing head you can Install the drive segment. Be careful not to forget the
remove the plunger snaprings which hold the plunger, lockwashers (shown in fig. 23). Insert the oil feed guide
plunger spring, and guide spring in the pump plunger with the large diameter inward. Place the guide spring so
cylinder. Snapring or jeweler's needle-nose pliers are that it fits over the
recommended for removing the shapings.

Figure 22. Suction valve positioning spring.

Figure 23. Compressor breakdown.

small diameter of the oil feed guide; then install a new shaft. Look at figure 23 for the location of these
pump cover gasket and pump cover. components.
28. Disassembly, inspection, and assembly of the 29. Pull the rotor out, using a hook through the holes
eccentric shaft and pistons. Remove the oil pump and on the rotor. Do not hammer on the motor end of the
bearing head previously described. Remove the motor shaft or rotor since this may cause the eccentric straps or
end cover, being careful not to damage the motor connecting rods to bend.
windings. Do not allow the cover to drop off. You must 30. Remove the bolts holding the counterweights
support it and lift it off horizontally until it clears the and eccentric strap shields onto the eccentric shaft. (Refer
motor windings. Remove the bottom plate and block the to fig. 24 during these procedures.) Remove the eccentric
eccentric so that it will not turn. Remove the equalizer strap side shields and the pump end counterweight
tube and lock screw assembly from the motor end of the through the

Figure 24. Removing counterweights and eccentric strap shields.

bearing head opening. The motor end counterweight will 31. The piston pin is locked in place with a lockring.
hang on the eccentric shaft until the shaft is removed. The pin can be removed by tapping lightly on the
Pull the eccentric shaft through the bearing head opening. chamfered end of the pin (the end not having a lockring).
Rotate the shaft, tapping it lightly to prevent the eccentric 32. Examine the parts to see that they are not worn
straps from jamming. Guide the straps off the shaft by beyond the limits given in the manufacturer's handbook.
hand. The eccentric straps and pistons are removed To reassemble, follow the disassembly instructions in
through the bottom plate opening. reverse order.
33. Terminal assembly. Refer to figure 25 for the
relative positions of the parts. The washers

Figure 25. Terminal block breakdown.

are usually color coded and slightly different in size. of gas. Do not tighten the capscrews so that the terminal
Assemble them as shown. block is flush with the mounting plate. If further
34. The terminal mounting plate assembly is tightening will cause this situation, the terminal assembly
originally installed with a small space left between the must be replaced.
outer terminal block and the surface of the mounting 35. To replace the assembly, pump down the
plate. This provides further tightening of the terminal compressor to 2 p.s.i.g. and remove the assembly. Install
bushing in case of a leak. To stop a leak, tighten the the new assembly, using the recommended
terminal block capscrews only enough to stop the leakage

torque on the capscrews (1.5 ft. lbs.); purge and start the power. If the unit starts with the jumper, but will not start
compressor. Avoid excess torque since terminal block without it, you must replace the relay.
and components are generally constructed of plastic or 41. When the relay fails with the contacts closed, the
bakelite. starting capacitors will continue to be energized after the
36. Testing capacitors and relay. The starting compressor has come up to speed. The compressor will
capacitor used in single-phase units is wired as shown in start but will run with a loud grinding hum. The overload
figure 19. Capacitors are connected in series with one relay will shut the compressor off after the compressor
power lead to the motor starting winding. These has run for a short time due to the extra load of the start
capacitors may fail because of a short or open circuit. If winding. This type of relay failure can cause damage to
they are short circuited, the starting current draw will be the motor windings and the running capacitor.
excessive. The compressor may not start and will cause 42. A visual inspection will determine if relay
fuses to blow because of the increased load. If it is contacts fail to open. Remove the relay cover and
connected in a circuit feeding lights, the lights will dim. observe its operation. If it does not open after the power
A humming sound from the compressor motor indicates has been applied for a few moments, you must replace the
improper phasing between the starting and running relay.
windings caused by an open-circuited capacitor. To 43. Oil safety switch. Many units have oil safety
check starting capacitors, replace them with good switches which protect the compressor from low or no oil
capacitors and observe the operation of the unit. pressure. This control has two circuits-heater and control.
37. The running capacitors are connected across the 44. This switch measures the difference between oil
running and starting terminals of the compressor. If short pump discharge pressure and crankcase pressure. If the
circuited, they will allow an excessive current to pass to net oil pressure drops below the permissible limits, the
the start winding continuously. The compressor may not differential pressure switch energizes the heater circuit
start. If it does, it will be cut off by the motor over-load which will cause the bimetal switch in the control circuit
switch. If they are open, the compressor will operate, but to open in approximately 1 minute. Low oil pressure may
will draw more power than normal when running and will result from the loss of oil, oil pump failure, worn
stall on heavy loads. To test for open-circuited bearings, or excessive refrigerant in the oil. Figure 26
capacitors, an ammeter should be connected in series with shows a typical oil pressure safety switch.
one power lead. With good running capacitors, the 45. The differential pressure switch is factory
current requirement will be less than it is when the calibrated to open when the oil pump discharge pressure
capacitor is disconnected. An open capacitor will cause is 18 p.s.i.g. greater than the crankcase pressure. It will
no change in current draw when it is disconnected. close when the difference is 11 p.s.i.g. Its adjustment
38. The relay is the potential or voltage type. The should not be attempted
contacts are normally closed when there is no power to
the unit and open approximately one-fifth of a second
after power is applied. The operation of the relay
magnetic coil is governed by the voltage through its
windings. Upon starting, the counter EMF of the motor
builds up, causing a rise in voltage through the relay coil.
As the voltage across the coil rises, the magnetic
attraction of the relay arm overcomes the spring tension.
This causes the arm to move and force the relay contacts
open. The starting capacitors, which are in series with the
starting winding when the relay contacts are closed, are
disconnected from the circuit.
39. If the relay fails with the contacts open, the
starting capacitors will not be energized. The compressor
motor will hum but will not start. After the power has
been on for 5 to 20 seconds, the overload relay will cut
off the power to the compressor motor.
40. To check the relay for contacts that fail to close,
put a jumper across the relay contacts and turn on the Figure 26. Oil pressure safety switch.

in the field. If the differential pressure switch functions malfunctions of these systems. Throughout this chapter
properly and the compressor continues to run after 1 we have given basic principles of D/X systems. Using
minute, the time-delay heater circuit is defective and the this knowledge and the information that we have provided
oil pressure safety switch should be replaced. The switch in tables 1 through 10, you should have little trouble in
should be checked monthly for correct operation. achieving the desired skill levels.
46. Troubleshooting. One of your most important
responsibilities is the troubleshooting and correction of











Review Exercises 2. After you have inspected a thermostatically

controlled steam preheat coil, you find that the
The following exercises are study aids. Write your valve is closed and the outside temperature is 33°
answers in pencil in the space provided after each F. What is the most probable malfunction, if
exercise. Use the blank pages to record other notes on any? (Sec. 1, Par. 4)
the chapter content. Immediately check your answers
with the key at the end of the text. Do not submit your
answers for grading.
3. What two functions does a D/X coil serve? (Sec.
1. There are three things which must be considered 1, Par. 7)
before installing a preheat coil. Name them.
(Sec. 1, Par. 2)

4. What has occurred when a compressor using

simple on-off control short cycles? (Sec. 1, Par.

5. What function does the humidistat serve on a 12. Answering a service call, what conclusion would
two-speed compressor installation? (Sec. 1, Par. you make from these symptoms?
11) (1) The suction pressure is high.

6. Why is a nonrestarting relay installed in a (2) The cooling load is at its peak.
solenoid (D/X coil) valve installation? (Sec. 1,
Par. 12)

(3) The motor is short cycling on its over load

protector. (Sec. 2, Par. 3)
7. A service call is received from Building 1020
with a complaint of no air conditioning. The
system uses two D/X coils and two solenoid
valves. Which component should you check 13. What would occur if you installed a medium
before troubleshooting the solenoid valve control temperature unit for a 40° F suction temperature
circuit? (Sec. 1, Par. 14) application? (Sec. 2, Par. 3)

8. What type compressor must be used when two- 14. What could cause the compressor on an air
position control of a D/X coil and modulating conditioner to start when the thermostat
control of a face and bypass damper are controlling the liquid solenoid valve is satisfied?
employed to control air temperature? (Sec. 1, Why? (Sec. 2, Par. 4, and fig. 19)
Par. 15)

15. When may the automatic pump-down feature be

9. The most probable cause of low supply air omitted? (Sec. 2, Par. 5)
temperature and high humidity in an equipment
cooling system ____________. (Sec. 1, Par. 18)

16. Name the four factors you should consider

before you install a D/X system. (Sec. 3, Par. 1)
10. How are large swings in relative humidity
prevented when face and bypass dampers are
used to control dehumidification? (Sec. 1, Par.
20) 17. How can you correct the following situation?
Refrigerant is condensing in the compressor
crankcase. (Sec. 3, Par. 2)

11. Which control has prime control of the D/X coil

if a space thermostat and humidistat are installed
in the system? (Sec. 1, Par. 26) 18. Is it necessary to install a condensing unit on a
special foundation? Why? (Sec. 3, Par. 3)

19. What is the minimum and maximum voltages 27. Why is it important to keep the ambient
that can be supplied to a 220-volt unit? (Sec. 3, temperature above 60° F. when you are
Par. 5) dehydrating a system with a vacuum pump?
(Sec. 3, Par. 17)

20. How much phase unbalance is tolerable between 28. What pressure corresponds to a vacuum indicator
phases of a three-phase installation? (Sec. 3, Par. reading of 45° F.? (Sec. 3, Par. 18, and fig. 17)

29. Why are shutoff valves installed in the vacuum

21. During gauge installation, in which position is pump suction line? (Sec. 3, Par. 20)
the shutoff valve set and why? (Sec. 3, Par. 9)

30. The type of moisture that is first removed from a

refrigeration system is _____________ moisture.
22. Where would you install a liquid line sight glass (Sec. 3, Par. 22)
in the system? (Sec. 3, Par. 12)

31. Why do you have to backseat the suction and

discharge shutoff valves before you connect the
23. When city water is used as the condensing gauge manifold? (Sec. 3, Par. 25)
medium, the condenser circuits are connected in
______________. (Sec. 3, Par. 14)

32. What four items must be checked before you

start a newly installed compressor? (Sec. 3, Par.
24. When cooling tower water is used, the condenser
circuits are connected in _________________.
(Sec. 3, Par. 14)
33. How does frontseating the suction shutoff valve
affect the low-pressure control? (Sec. 3, Par. 34)

25. Which types of gases may be used to pressurize

the system for leak testing? (Sec. 3, Par. 15)
34. Why do you place the refrigerant cylinder in ice
when you want to evacuate all the refrigerant
from a system? (Sec. 4, Par. 3)

26. After you have disassembled a compressor, you

find an excessive amount of sludge in the
crankcase. What caused this sludge? (Sec 3, 35. Why is a partial pressure, 2 p.s.i.g., allowed to
Par. 16) remain in the system after pumpdown? (Sec. 4,
Par. 4)

36. Why should you allow sufficient time for a 42. What is the emergency procedure that you can
component to warm to room temperature before use to recondition worn compressor valves?
removing it from the system? (Sec. 4, Par. 6) (Sec. 4, Par. 21)

37. The two types of suction strainers are 43. How is the oil feed guide installed? (Sec. 4, Par.
_______________ and ________________ (Sec. 27)
4, Par. 9)

38. Where do noncondensable gases collect in a 44. Why should you use a hook device rather than a
water-cooled refrigerating system? (Sec. 4, Par. hammer to remove the rotor? (Sec. 4, Par. 29)

39. What condition most probably exists when the 45. (Agree)(Disagree) The terminal block is
following symptoms are indicated? tightened flush with the mounting plate. (Sec. 4,
(1) Excessive amperage draw. Par. 34)

(2) The condenser water temperature is normal. 46. The amount of torque required when tightening
the capscrews on a terminal block is
_______________. (Sec. 4, Par. 35)

(3) The discharge temperature, felt by hand at

the compressor discharge line, is above
normal. (Sec. 4, Par. 10) 47. The following complaint concerning an
inoperative air conditioner is submitted to the
shop: the air conditioner keeps blowing fuses
when it tries to start. After troubleshooting the
40. What would a discharge pressure drop of 10 unit you find that the starting current draw is
p.s.i.g. per minute with the discharge shutoff above normal. Which component should you
valve frontseated indicate? (Sec. 4, Par. 15) check and what should you check it for (Sec. 4,
Par. 36)

41. How are valve plates removed from cylinder 48. What will cause a humming sound from the
decks? (Sec. 4, Par. 18) compressor motor? (Sec. 4, Par. 36)

49. The contacts of the starting relay are normally

_________________. (Sec. 4, Par. 38)

50. What causes the contacts of the starting relay to 57. A loose feeler bulb for a thermostatic expansion
open? (Sec. 4, Par. 38) valve will cause an abnormally cold suction line.
Why is the line cold? (Sec. 4, table 5)

51. Which type of relay failure can cause damage to

the motor windings? (Sec. 4, Par. 41)
58. A hissing expansion valve indicates
_____________________. (Sec. 4, table 6)

52. The two circuits that make up the oil safety

switch are _______________ and
______________. (Sec. 4, Par. 43)
59. Too much superheat will cause
____________________. (Sec. 4, table 6)

53. The pressure which cause the oil safety switch to

operate are ________________ and
________________ (Sec. 4, Par. 44)
60. During a routine inspection, you find the water-
cooled condenser exceptionally hot. What are
the most probable faults and how should you
54. (Agree)(Disagree) The differential pressure correct them? (Sec. 4, table 7)
switch in the oil safety switch will open when
the pressure differential drops. (Sec. 4, Par. 45)

61. A low suction pressure and loss of system

55. What can cause an inoperative motor starter? capacity indicates __________________. (Sec.
(Sec. 4, table 1) 4, table 10)

56. What should you suspect when the dehydrator is

frosted and the suction pressure is below 62. How would you correct this fault: A capacity
normal? (Sec. 4, table 2) controlled compressor short cycling? (Sec. 4,
table 10)


Absorption Systems

HOW ABSURD IT is to use water as a refrigerant; vaporizes, the water vapor travels from the evaporator to
yet absorption systems do. You know that this can be the absorber, where it is absorbed into the salt solution.
done only under specific conditions. Within a deep The evaporator pump, shown in item 2 of figure 28,
vacuum, water will boil (vaporize) at a very low circulates water from the evaporator tank to a spray
temperature. For example, when a vacuum of 29.99 header to wet the surface of the coil. The cooling effect
inches is obtained, the water will boil at approximately of the spray boiling at approximately 40° F. on the coil
40° Fahrenheit. Hence, vacuum is the key to absorption surface chills the water inside the coil, and this chilled
air conditioning. water is
2. The absorption system is one of the simplest of
all types of automatic air-conditioning systems. Though
this machine has few moving parts, it has an immense
cooling capacity. We shall discuss in this chapter
terminology, identification, and function of unit
components; starting and operating procedures; and
maintenance of the absorption system.

5. Terminology, Identification, and Function of Units

1. The complete absorption refrigeration unit
contains a generator, a condenser, an absorber, and an
evaporator. The condenser and generator are combined in
the upper shell of the machine, while the evaporator and
absorber are combined in the lower shell, as shown in
figure 27.
2. The heat exchanger, purge unit, solution pump,
and evaporating pump are mounted between the support
legs of the unit. The purge unit is used to remove
noncondensables from the machine. The capacity control
valve controls the water leaving the condenser. This
valve is controlled thermostatically by a remote bulb
placed in the chilled water line.
3. Figure 28 is a simple block diagram of the
absorption refrigeration cycle. The refrigerant used is
common tap water and the absorbent is a special salt,
lithium bromide.
4. To understand the operation of the refrigeration
cycle, consider two self-contained vessels: one containing
the salt solution (absorber) and the other (evaporator)
containing water, joined together as shown in item 1 of
figure 28. Ordinary table salt absorbs water vapor when it
is exposed to damp weather. The salt solution in the
absorber has a much greater ability to absorb the water
vapor from the evaporator. The water in the evaporator
Figure 27. Absorption unit components.
boiling at a low temperature does the same job as
refrigerants R-12, R-13, and R-22. As the water

from the generator to preheat the diluted solution. This
raises the overall efficiency because less heat will be
required to bring the diluted solution to a boil.
Condensing water, which is circulated through the coils of
the absorber and the condenser, removes waste heat from
the unit. By comparing figure 29 with figure 27, you will
get a better understanding of the relation between basic
operating principles and an actual installation.
6. Controls. Figure 30 illustrates a typical control
panel for an absorption refrigeration unit. The purpose of
each control listed in this figure is described in the
following paragraphs. Turning the off-run-start switch (1)
the START position energizes the electric pneumatic
switch (2), which activates the control system of the
absorption machine. Supply air pressure of 15 p.s.i.g. (3)
passes to the chilled water thermostat (4), then to the
concentration limit thermostat (5), and finally to the
capacity control valve (7).
7. The chilled water thermostat (4) is a direct acting
control with a 7° F. differential. For every degree change
in the chilled water temperature, there is approximately a
2-pound change in its branch line air pressure. Its thermal
element is located in the leaving chilled water line. As
the leaving chilled water temperature drops below the
control setting of the thermostat, the supply air pressure
(3) is throttled, causing the capacity control valve (7) to
throttle the condenser water quantity. With a constant
load on the machine, the capacity control valve throttles
just enough condensing water to balance the load.
8. The concentration limit thermostat (5) is a direct
acting bleed type control, with the thermal element
located in the vapor condensate well. Its purpose is to
prevent the solution from concentrating beyond the point
Figure 28. Absorption refrigeration cycle.
where solidification results. At startup, the capacity
control valve (7) is closed and remains closed until the
circulated in a closed cycle to the cooling coils. This
vapor condensate well temperature rises above the control
refrigeration effect is known as flash cooling.
point of the concentration limit thermostat. As it does, the
5. In reference to item 3 of figure 28, note the
thermostat begins to throttle the air bleeding to the
addition of the generator and accessory equipment. These
atmosphere, thus raising the branch line pressure (6) and
components are necessary for continuous and efficient
opening the capacity control valve. This control valve on
operation. The salt solution would become diluted and
some absorption models may be controlled electrically
the action stopped if it were not for the regeneration of the
instead of pneumatically.
salt solution. To keep the salt solution in the absorber at
9. Safety controls. Two safety controls are usually
its proper strength so that it will have the ability to absorb
used in the control systems. They are the chilled water
water, the salt solution is pumped to a generator where
safety thermostat and the solution pressurestat. In moist
heat is used to raise its temperature and boil off the excess
instances, any malfunction occurring during operation is
water. The salt concentrate is then returned to the
immediately reflected by a rise in the chilled water
absorber to continue its cycle. The water that is boiled off
temperature. The thermal element of the chilled water
from the salt solution in the generator is condensed in the
condenser and returned to the evaporator as shown in item
4 of figure 28. The heat exchanger uses a hot solution

Figure 29. Absorption refrigeration cycle.

thermostat is located in the chilled water line leaving the START position, this control is bypassed. The switch
machine. The control point is set approximately 10° F. should not be placed in the RUN position until after you
above the design leaving chilled water temperature. A obtain a chilled water temperature below the control
temperature rise above the control point shuts off the air setting.
supply. All control lines are then bled and the system is 10. The solution pressurestat located in the
shut down. When the off-run-start switch is in the

Figure 30. Control panel.

discharge line of the solution pump is set to cut in on a (3) Condensing water piping entering the absorber
rising pressure at 40 p.s.i.g. and cut out on a falling section.
pressure at 30 p.s.i.g. If for any reason the discharge (4) Condensing water piping leaving the absorber
pressure falls below the control point, the system will be section. For proper temperature measurements, the
shut down in the same manner as described above. thermometer is located in the generator bypass line.
11. Special control. Special chilled water controllers (5) Condensing water piping leaving the condenser
may be installed in the field for special applications. section.
These controls are used to maintain the chilled water (6) Condensing water piping to indicate the total
temperatures within a plus or minus 2° F. Explosion- condensing water temperature to the cooling tower or
proof controls and motor are installed for special drain.
applications. Refer to the manufacturer's manual on the 13. Pressure Gauges. Pressure gauges are installed
operation and maintenance of these controls and motors. in several locations in the system. The following is a
12. Thermometers. Thermometers are installed in general listing of gauge locations:
several locations in the system. Below is a general listing (1) Purge water line after the strainer and before the
of thermometer locations and their purposes: purge water jet.
(1) Chilled water piping to indicate the entering (2) Purge water line after the jet.
chilled water temperature. (3) Steam line before the generator section.
(2) Chilled water pump suction piping to indicate (4) Discharge line from the chilled water pump.
leaving chilled water temperature.

(5) Discharge line from the condenser water pump. (3) Check water level in evaporator sight glass.
14. Water Seals. Older models of absorption (4) Check absorber section for presence of water.
machines require mechanical seals on the solution and (5) Start condensing water pump.
evaporator pumps. However, the newer machines have (6) Check temperature of condensing water going to
hermetically sealed pumps that eliminate the need for machine. Do not start cooling tower fan until the
mechanical seals. The older models require external condenser water it has warmed up to the recommended
water seals; therefore, it is necessary to supply a water setting.
seal tank to maintain water on the seals for lubrication (7) Start the purge unit.
purposes and so that water rather than air leaks into the • Push start button on the purge control panel.
machine in case the seals break or leak. • Open purge steam supply valve.
15. The water seal tank has a float control to limit • Check the standpipe for water seal circulation
the quantity of water to the seals when the machine is in before starting the pumps.
operation. The operator must open the manual valve (8) Start the chilled water pump and open the valves
supplying the seal water tank before startup and must to insure circulation through the evaporator tubes and air-
close the manual valve on shutdown. This is the standard conditioning equipment.
method of control. The alternate method is one where a (9) Start the refrigerant pump and open the valve in
check valve is installed in the supply line to the tank, as the refrigerant pump discharge line.
well as an antisyphon vacuum breaker. When the (10) Start the purging machine. Open the absorber
machine is shut down a visual check can be made to purge valve located in the purge line to the absorber. The
determine the condition of the seal and to prevent a large generator purge valve located in the purge line between
quantity of water from leaking into the machine if the seal the absorber and generator must be open.
is worn or cracked. If mechanical seals have to be (11) Wait until the machine is completely purged.
replaced, the manufacturer's instructions must be carefully There will be a substantial drop in the leaving chilled
followed in order to do the job correctly and prevent the water temperature when the machine is completely
new seals from leaking. During operation, the evaporator purged. If the leaving chilled water temperature does not
pump makes up for the water lost by a seal; but during drop and there are no leaks in the machine, then the steam
shutdown, it is possible to lose a large amount of water jets should be cleaned.
from the tank if a large leak exists. Therefore, leaky seals (12) Open the main steam valve to the machine.
must be replaced immediately. Having learned the (13) Check steam pressure supply to see that it is
importance of water seals in the absorption system, we within the proper range.
can now discuss the starting procedures. (14) Place the control panel switch in the START
6. Starting Procedures (15) Check the main air supply pressure gauge to
1. Some absorption systems are completely insure that 15 p.s.i.g. is supplied to the control panel.
automatic and can be started by simply pushing a start (16) Start solution pump. Be sure the strong solution
button, while in other systems the machine is automatic return valve is open at all times.
but the auxiliary equipment is manually operated. The (17) When the leaving chilled water temperature has
type of startup determines the starting procedure. dropped below the safety thermostat setting, move the
Therefore, each starting procedure is outlined separately, control panel switch from START to RUN.
and the machine operator can perform the starting 3. Startup After Standby Shutdown. This
operations applicable to the type of startup required. procedure is basically the same as for daily startup. There
Even though some systems are automatic, it would be are, however, additional preparation steps that must first
advisable to check the system as described below before be performed in order to put the machine in operational
starting the unit. condition for startup. In order to prepare the machine for
2. Daily Startup. Use the following steps in startup, the nitrogen with which the machine has been
performing a normal startup. charged must be removed and a vacuum pulled on the
(1) Check vacuum in machine (see Maintenance, machine. This is done by operating the purge unit until
Section 8). the machine has been purged of nitrogen and a
(2) Check mechanical seals for leakage (see satisfactory vacuum reading attained.
Maintenance, Section 8).

4. Startup After Extended Shutdown: This efficiency. A low level will cause the chilled water pump
procedure is basically the same as for daily startup except to cavitate (surge).
for the additional preparation steps that must first be 4. Solution level in absorber. Normal operating
performed to put the machine in operational condition for level is approximately one-third of the absorber sight
startup. The preparations necessary after extended glass at full load operation. At partial load operation, the
shutdown are similar to an initial startup of a new solution level will vary between one-third and two-thirds
machine. The complete system must be prepared for of the sight glass. The solution level may require
operation in these steps: adjustment when the leaving chilled water temperature is
(1) Check all drains that should be closed in the changed, which is done by manually adjusting the chilled
chilled water and condensing water circuits. water thermostat. If the setting is lowered, the solution
(2) Fill the condensing water circuit. level will drop and solution must be added. If the setting
(3) Start the purge unit to remove all air and nitrogen is raised, the solution level will rise and solution must be
from the machine. removed from the machine. Operating instructions for the
(4) Fill the primary and secondary chilled water specific machine should be followed in adjusting the
circuits. solution level.
(5) Purge the chilled water circuit of air. 5. Solution boiling level in generator. The solution
• Start the chilled water pump. boiling level is set at initial startup of the machine and
• Open the diaphragm valve in the chilled water should not vary during operation. The boiling level can
pump discharge line. be checked by looking into the mirror near the generator
• Open the diaphragm valve in the chilled water bull's-eye. A light should be visible at all times. If the
return line to the machine and continue purging until the light is obscured, the boiling level is too high and should
recommended vacuum is obtained. be adjusted. A temporary measure is to adjust the
(6) Purge the refrigerant circuit. Do not start the solution flow by throttling the generator flow valve in the
refrigerant pump until chilled water is circulating through line to the generator. For more detailed procedures,
the evaporator tubes. consult the service bulletin for your machine on how to
• Start the refrigerant pump. check high boiling.
• Open the valve in the refrigerant pump discharge 6. Purging. Proper purging is necessary to obtain
line and allow the refrigerant to circulate until the and maintain a vacuum on an absorption system.
recommended vacuum is obtained on the machine. 7. Purge operation. Water pressure, steam
(7) Shut down the purge unit. pressure, and water temperature must be within
(8) Shut down the primary chilled water circuit. recommended limits to insure satisfactory operation. The
• Close the diaphragm valve in the primary chilled steam supplied to the jets must be dry. Operate the jets
water pump discharge line. with the bleed petcock open at all times. When jets are
operating properly, the first stage will run hot, the second
• Shut off the primary chilled water pump. The
stage warm or cool. When air is being handled, the
machine is now in operational order and ready for instant
second stage will tend to get hot. Wet steam will cause
startup. The procedures for daily startup should now be
the first stage diffuser to run cold. If too wet, the purge
followed to place the machine in operation.
system will not operate. Check the circulation of seal
7. Operating Procedures
water through the seal chambers. If water is circulating
1. You must make periodic checks on the machine
through the seal chambers, there will be an overflow of
while it is in operation and keep a daily operating log.
water from the standpipe. If the purge unit stops because
Compare observations with the following recommended
of salinity indicator operation, you must immediately
operating conditions and make any necessary
close the machine purge valve. Shut off the steam supply
to the steam jets and open the reset switch to shut off the
2. Evaporator, Absorber, and Generator Levels.
alarm. If lithium bromide should pass into the purge
As an operator you will have to visually check the sight
water tank, the water should be drained and the tank
glasses on the evaporator, absorber, and generator.
flushed; also flush the steam jets and condenser. Clean
3. Evaporator sight glass water level. The normal
water can be introduced in the pressure tap between the
operating evaporator tank water level is approximately 1
purge valve and the first stage of the purge unit. Resume
inch above the horizontal centerline. At a high level, the
normal operation by filling
chilled water may spill over the evaporator tank into the
solution in the absorber, causing a loss of operating

Figure 31. Jet purge unit.

the tank, bleeding the pump, and closing the reset switch. absorber. The jet purge system is made up of the
8. Jet purge. On some systems, the jet purge, following components:
shown in figure 31, has been adapted to the unit. It is (1) Purge tank (12-gallon capacity).
entirely automatic and provides a source of very low (2) Purge pump (submersible).
pressure which is capable of removing noncondensables (3) Jet evacuator (operates on the venturi principle).
from the machine when required. Since noncondensables (4) Purge valve (usually operated by a hydromotor).
travel from high-pressure regions to low-pressure regions- (5) Adjustable drip tube (keeps solution in purge
generator, condenser, evaporator, absorber--the purge tank at 53 percent).
suction tube is located in the lower section of the

(6) Purge cooling coil (keeps purge solution at a low (6) Put the machine back into operation by starting
temperature). the condensing water pump and purge unit.
(7) Four-probe level controller (shortest probe and (7) The reason for solidification should be
longest probe are safety controls). determined and corrected.
(8) Generator purge line (allows purging of the You have completed desolidification and have the
generator during operation). absorption system operating properly. Let us now discuss
(9) Purge control switches (auto-manual, auto-off shutdown procedures.
located in the control panel or center). 12. Shutdowns. Each shutdown--daily, standby,
(10) Purge alarm light (in control panel or center to and extended-requires proper “off” sequencing of the
indicate high or low level). Proper purging of the system system components to avoid damage to the machine and
is useless unless you maintain the recommended to keep the lithium bromide from solidifying.
maximum steam pressure. 13. Daily shutdowns. To stop a completely
9. Machine Supply Steam Pressure. The automatic system you must push the stop button. This
maximum steam pressure at the generator should never will automatically close the capacity control valve and
exceed the manufacturer's specifications. Excessive purge valve. All other components will operate for
steam pressures may cause the solution to solidify and approximately 7 minutes after this short period, the
make it necessary to shut down the machine. machine will shut down automatically. The following
10. Solution Solidification. Excessive steam procedure is recommended for daily shutdown on
pressure is not the only possible cause of solution automatic machines with manual auxiliaries:
solidification. Entering condensing water at too low a (1) Move the start switch to the OFF position.
temperature, an excessive air leak, improperly adjusted (2) Shut down the purge unit.
controls, or power failure shutting the machine off so that • Close the absorber purge valve.
it cannot go through a dilution cycle may also cause this • Close the purge steam supply valve.
difficulty. Solidification will cause the machine to stop, • Push the stop button on the purge control panel
but there will be no permanent damage to the machine. to stop the purge pump.
After the solution is desolidified, the machine may be (3) Dilute the solution sufficiently to prevent
placed back in operation, but the cause of the difficulty solidification during shutdown.
should be corrected. • Open the manual dilution valve for the proper
11. A steam desolidification line is encased in the length of time. The time will range from approximately 2
solution heat exchanger of the machine. The procedure to 5 minutes and must be determined by experience for
for desolidification outlined below should be followed each machine.
step by step: • Close the manual dilution valve after the proper
(1) Close the absorber purge valve and the purge interval. This valve must not be left unattended during
steam supply valve. This will isolate the machine from the dilution period since too long an interval will weaken
the purge unit and prevent air from entering the machine. the solution and lengthen the recovery period when the
(2) Shut off the condensing water pump but leave machine is placed back in operation.
the main steam supply valve open. This allows the (4) Shut down the refrigerant and chilled water
solution to heat without vapor being condensed in the circuit
condenser. • Shut down the refrigerant water pump.
(3) Open the manual dilution valve which will allow
• Close the valve in the refrigerant pump discharge
chilled water to enter the solution circuit and dilute the
• Shut down the secondary chilled water pump.
(4) Open the steam supply valve and steam
(5) Shut down the condensing water circuit.
condensate return valve in the desolidification line.
(5) Start the solution pump and pump the solution up • Shut down the condensing water pump.
to the generator; close the generator flow valve. Allow • Shut down other auxiliaries in this system such
the solution to heat up in the generator; then open the as cooling tower, cooling tower fan, and auxiliary valves.
generator flow valve and allow the solution to drain back (6) Close the main steam supply valve to shut off the
to the absorber. As it begins to liquefy, the solution will steam to the machine.
start to flow. This process may have to be repeated (7) Shut down the solution pump. After the solution
several times before the solution has liquefied enough to has drained from the generator back to
permit the circulation.

the absorber, the solution circuit will be ready for startup. (6) Drain the water from the purge condenser shell
It is not necessary to close either of the solution valves. by opening the drain connection on the bottom of the
14. Standby shutdown. This type of shutdown is purge condenser.
used at an installation where it is not necessary to use the (7) Drain all the water from the purge condenser coil
machine for cooling at irregular intervals during the by removing the tubing between the water jet piping and
winter or off-cooling seasons. This procedure does not purge condenser coil.
apply if freeing temperatures are expected in the machine (8) Drain all the water out of the seal tank by
room. The procedure is the same for daily shutdown opening the drain connection in the bottom of the water
except for the following two steps: seal tank.
(1) Dilution should be sufficient to insure that (9) Drain all the water out of the water sea lines and
solidification of the solution will not take place at the the pump seal chambers by opening the petcock located in
lowest temperatures expected in the machine room. the line in the bottom of the pump seal chambers.
(2) The final step in the procedure is to charge the (10) Drain all the steam traps and steam drop legs.
machine with nitrogen. 16. Most maintenance is performed while the system
• Connect the nitrogen tank to the nitrogen is shut down. Let us now discuss maintenance of
charging valve. On some systems, the alcohol charging absorption air-conditioning systems.
valve is used as the connection for charging nitrogen into
the system. 8. Maintenance
• Set the pressure-reducing valve on the nitrogen 1. The maintenance procedures listed in this section
tank to 18 p.s.i.g. This is the maximum allowable are carried out at time intervals listed in the
pressure that may be used on the machine. Higher manufacturers' service manuals. We will not set any time
pressures will cause leakage at the pump seals. interval because it varies with equipment models, and
• Open the nitrogen valve on the nitrogen tank and your particular SOP will outline this information. We
allow the nitrogen to enter the machine. Observe the will discuss annual maintenance because most
pressure on the solution pump discharge gauge. When manufacturers' handbooks list the same tasks to be
this gauge reads 3 to 5 p.s.i.g., close the nitrogen valve performed at that time.
and remove the nitrogen charging line. 2. Checking Vacuum. Before starting the
15. Extended shutdown. When the machine is to be machine, you should check it to see if air has leaked into
placed out of service for an extended length of time, as the unit while it was shut down. Open the valve in the
during the winter, there are many special services which line from the absorber to the manometer and determine
may be required to protect the equipment from freezing the pressure in the machine. Figure 32 illustrates a
temperatures. The procedures are the same as for daily manometer reading. Take the temperature of the machine
shutdown except for the following additional services: room and locate the corresponding pressure on the chart
(1) The solution must be diluted enough to insure in figure 33. If the pressure reading in the machine is
against solidification at the lowest expected temperatures more than 0.1 inch of mercury higher than the pressure
in the machine room. To do this, put the machine through located on the curve, then there is air in the machine.
three dilution cycles before it is shut down. This should be noted on the daily log sheet. If the
(2) Store the solution in the generator by closing the condition recurs on the next two or three startups, the
strong valve and running the solution pump until the machine should be shut down as soon as possible and
solution is pumped from the absorber into the generator. tested for leaks. Air leakage will cause corrosion inside
Then close the diluted solution valve before shutting off the machine, and over a period of time will result in
the solution pump. serious trouble and shorten the life of the equipment.
(3) The machine is charged with nitrogen to prevent 3. Checking Mechanical Pump Seals. The
air from getting into the machine as outlined in the mechanical pump seals, as shown in figure 34, should be
procedure for standby shutdown. checked for leakage before starting the machine. Close
(4) Drain all the chilled water from the machine and the petcocks in the water lines to the pump seal chambers.
other equipment. Leave all the drains open: except the Observe the readings of the compound pressure gauges in
one from the machine proper. the water lines between the petcock and the pump seal
(5) Drain all the condensing water from the machine chambers. If the gauge shows a vacuum, this is
and other equipment and leave the drains open.

has leaked into the section from the chilled water or seal
water system. Under these conditions, the machine
should not be started since it is possible to lose the
solution charge. Consult the instructions for the machine
to cover this situation.
7. Adding Octyl Alcohol to Solution. Once a
week, about 6 ounces of octyl alcohol should be added to
the solution circuit while the machine is running. This
cleans the outside of the tubes in the generator and
absorber and improves their efficiency in transferring
heat. The procedure is as follows:
(1) Pour about 8 ounces of octyl alcohol in a glass
(2) Hold the container under the alcohol charging
connection as shown in figure 35. The end of the
charging connection must be kept close to the bottom to
prevent air from entering the machine.
(3) Slowly open the charging valve and observe the
alcohol level as it is drawn into the machine. Close the
valve quickly so that the level of liquid remains above the
Figure 32. Absorber manometer. end of intake tube to prevent air from entering the
an indication of a leaking seal. If only a small amount of 8. If the alcohol is drawn rapidly into the charging
seal water has been lost, the leak is small and the machine connection, it indicates that the conical strainer and
may be placed in operation; but the seal should be solution spray header are clean. A progressive decrease
replaced at the first opportunity. If a large amount of seal in the rate at which alcohol is drawn shows that these
water has been lost, then the seal should be replaced units are becoming clogged. If alcohol is not drawn into
before the unit is put into operation. the charging connection, it is an indication that the conical
4. Flushing Seal Chamber. Flushing the seal strainer is clogged. In this case, the conical strainer
chamber is recommended for lengthening the life of the should be removed and cleaned at the next shutdown. If
seals. Approximately 15 minutes after the machine is the condition still persists, it will be necessary to remove
stated and the solution has concentrated, drain and clean the solution spray header.
approximately 1 quart of water out of each seal chamber 9. Cleaning Purge Steam Jet. This is an
by use of drain petcocks located on each chamber. This is important part of the maintenance since the purge unit
necessary to prevent the buildup of solution concentration must be kept in good operating condition to maintain
in the chamber by the solution that may leak past the seal efficiency of the machine. The following procedures will
faces. Make sure that the drain water is replaced, since apply to both single- and two-stage steam jets:
continually draining water would result in a loss of (1) Check to be sure that the absorber purge valve
evaporator water. (item 1 in fig. 36) is closed.
5. Checking Water in Evaporator Sight Glass. (2) Close the purge steam supply valve (item 2).
Before starting the machine, the water level in the (3) Remove the steam jet cap.
evaporator sight glass should be checked. If the water (4) Use a piece of thin wire through the top of the
level is the same as when the machine was shut down, the steam jet to loosen any dirt in the nozzle.
condition indicates that there is no leakage. If the level is (5) Open the purge steam supply valve to blow out
higher, then chilled water has leaked back into the loosened dirt and then close the valve.
machine. The machine should not be started under these (6) Replace the steam jet cap.
conditions, since it is possible to lose the solution charge. 10. Checking Evaporator Water Circuit for
Consult the instructions for the machine to cover this Lithium Bromide. While the quantity of solution does
situation. not formally change, a high boiling level in the generator
6. Checking Absorber for Presence of Water. may force solution into the evaporator water circuit. A
Turn on the light at the absorber bull's-eye. Look into the solution test kit must be
absorber section through the inspection hole opposite the
light. No water should be visible. If water is visible it

Figure 33. Pressure and temperature curve.

Figure 34. Seal water system.

used to detect and measure the percentage of lithium
bromide in the evaporator water. The test kit contains
three bottles labeled No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3. No. 1
contains an indicator solution, No. 2 contains silver
nitrate, and No. 3 is a standard solution of lithium
bromide. The test kit is used as follows:
(1) Place ten drops of evaporator water sample from
the system into a clean bottle.
(2) Add three drops of No. 1 to the sample.
(3) Count the number of drops of No. 2 solution
necessary to turn the sample a permanent red. Record the
number of drops of No. 2 used.
(4) Place ten drops of the standard solution, No. 3, in
a clean bottle.
(5) Add three drops of No. 1 solution.
(6) Count the number of drops of No. 2 necessary to
give a permanent red. Record the number of drops.
11. The standard sample of lithium bromide is a
1-percent solution. By comparing the number of drops of
Figure 35. Octyl alcohol charging. solution No. 2 required to turn the

Figure 36. Steam jet purge.

14. Cleaning lithium bromide solution. To clean the
lithium bromide solution, it must be removed from the
machine as follows:
(1) Open the valves in the solution line to and from
the generator; this will drain the solution into the absorber
(2) Attach a suitable rubber hose to the discharge
connection of the solution pump.
(3) Close the valves in the solution to and from the
generator and close the valve in the vapor condensate
return line. This isolates the generator from the absorber.
(4) Start the solution pump and pump the solution
into drums. The pump should shut off automatically
when the absorber is empty.
(5) Remove the plug in the solution inductor to drain
Figure 37. Manual dilution. the piping below the absorber.
NOTE: The solution in the drums should be allowed
evaporator water sample red with the number of drops to stand for 2 or 3 days to allow the dirt to settle.
required to turn the standard red, the percentage of lithium 15. Cleaning absorber sight glass. The bull's-eye
bromide can be determined. If the evaporator water sight, evaporator tank sight and absorber reflex glasses
sample requires less of No. 2 than the standard, then it should be carefully removed and cleaned. Cracked
contains less than 1 percent of lithium bromide. If the test glasses or those with collected foreign matter that cannot
shows the lithium bromide content of the evaporator be cleaned should be replaced. New gaskets should be
water to be greater than 1 percent, it should be reclaimed. used when the glasses are reinstalled.
12. Reclaiming Solution. The lithium bromide is 16. Cleaning solution strainer. The procedure for
reclaimed by passing evaporator water into the solution removing and cleaning the conical solution strainer is as
circuit while the machine is in operation. The length of follows:
time required for reclamation will be determined by the (1) Remove the nuts holding the solution supply
amount of salt in the evaporator water circuit. The header.
capacity of the machine will be partly reduced during this (2) Remove the nuts and bolts in the flange
period. The process should be continued until the test connection to the solution piping.
shows less than one-half of 1 percent. The procedure for (3) Remove the solution supply header. Figure 38
reclaiming solution is as follows: illustrates the solution supply header.
(1) Crack the manual dilution valve, item A in figure (4) Remove the bolts holding the blank flange on the
37, and feed water slowly into the solution circuit. solution supply header.
(2) Check the boiling level through the generator (5) Carefully remove the strainer and clean it by
bull's-eye sight glass. If the light cannot be seen, the flushing it with water.
boiling level is too high. Bring the boiling level down by (6) Replace the strainer and use a new gasket under
slightly closing the dilution valve until the light can be the blank flange. Be sure that the flange faces are clean
seen. so that the flange will seal properly when bolted back in
(3) Continue the process until the test shows less place. Do not replace the supply header until the spray
than one-half of 1 percent. This may take anywhere from header has been removed and cleaned.
a few hours to several days, depending on the amount of 17. Cleaning solution spray header. If the supply
salt in the evaporator water circuit. header has not been removed, proceed with
13. Annual Maintenance. Before annual
maintenance is started, the machine should be shut down
and charged with nitrogen as outlined in the procedure for
extended shutdown. The following paragraphs are
arranged in the same sequence as the work would
normally be performed.

Figure 38. Solution supply header.

Purge valves
Solution valve
Manual dilution valve
Chilled water makeup valve
Vapor condensate return valve
Absorber manometer valve
Solution charging valve
Chilled water valves
Figure 39. Solution sprayheader. 22. Although proper service will cause some
diaphragms to last longer, it is considered good
steps (1), (2), and (3) in the preceding paragraph. When maintenance practice to replace all diaphragms every 2
this has been done, remove the solution spray header, years. This helps to prevent a breakdown or an
being extremely careful that the spray nozzles do not interruption of service during the cooling seasons.
strike the sides of the opening. Clean it by flushing. Any 23. Checking generator sight glasses. The generator
nozzles that are not clear should have the nozzle cap overflow sight glass and the generator bull's-eye sight
removed and cleaned individually. The old gasket glasses should be removed and cleaned. Glasses that are
material should be thoroughly removed from the spray damaged should be replaced. New gaskets should always
header and a new gasket used when it is ready for be used when the glasses are reinstalled.
reassembly. A solution spray header is shown in figure 24. Cleaning water seal system. The entire water
39. seal system should be inspected and cleaned according to
18. To install the spray header, slide it back through the following procedure:
the opening until it is 2 inches from the far end. Remove (1) Open the drain connections on the bottom of the
the plug from the absorber at the end opposite to the water seal tank and drain the water.
header opening. Insert a rod through this hole and lift the (2) Open the petcocks on the bottom of the pump
end of the spray header so as to guide it through the last seal chambers and drain the water from the lines and
couple of inches into its proper position. Install the chambers.
supply header, using a new gasket. Replace the plug in (3) Disconnect the water seal lines between the
the far end of the absorber. water seal tank and the pump seal chambers and clean
19. Cleaning chilled water spray header. The them by reverse flushing with water. Use compressed air
chilled water spray header is removed and cleaned by the to blow out the lines after flushing.
same procedure as just outlined. However, even more (4) Inspect and clean all the pipe connections.
care must be exercised in handling this header since it is (5) Clean the purge tank and flush it to remove the
possible not only to damage the nozzles but, if the header loosened dirt.
is allowed to tip, the eliminator plates may be bent. These (6) Reinstall the water seal lines.
are thin plates like the fins in an automobile radiator 25. Cleaning absorber and condenser tubes. The
which when bent will lose their effectiveness. Clean off absorber and condenser tubes should be cleaned at least
the old gasket material and install a new gasket before once a year. More frequent cleaning may be necessary as
replacing the header on the machine. A plug must be indicated by a steady rise in vapor condensate temperature
removed from the opposite end as before so that a guide during the season. A steady decrease in temperature of
rod can be used on the far end of the header. the condensing water leaving the machine may also
20. Cleaning primary purge connections on indicate scaling. This condition may be further confirmed
absorber. Clean the primary purge connections on the by inspection of the thermometer well in the condenser
absorber by removing the plugs in the T connections at water line leaving the machine. The presence of scale
the primary purge line and cleaning the line with a wire or here is associated with scaling in the tubes. Cleaning
nylon brush. Only a small amount of water should be should be done as follows:
used to wash out this area. Replace the plugs after the (1) Remove both headers from the absorber and
cleaning operation is completed. condenser.
21. Inspection of vacuum type valves. All vacuum (2) Inspect the tubes to determine the type of scale.
type valves should have their bonnets removed and the (3) Soft scale may be removed by cleaning with a
diaphragms checked for cracks or signs of wear which nylon bristle brush. Metal brushes of any kind which
might indicate a future failure. Following is a list of the might scratch the surface must never be used. Hard scale
different vacuum type valves used in an absorption which cannot be removed

with a brush will require treatment with suitable
26. Cleaning condensing water system. The
procedures for cleaning the condensing water system of
an absorption refrigeration system are similar to the
procedures used to clean the condensing water systems on
compression refrigeration systems.
27. Cleaning salinity indicator. The salinity
indicator should be removed and the electrodes cleaned of
accumulated deposits.
28. Vacuum Testing Machine for Leaks. After
completing the maintenance work, the machine should
next be tested for leaks according to the following
(1) Close all valves except the vapor condensate
valve which must be left open.
(2) Start the water jet on the purge unit and open the
absorber purge valve and the evacuation valve. Operate
the purge unit until a vacuum of at least 25 inches of
mercury is read on the manometer. Record this reading.
(3) Shut down water jet and close the valves. Figure 40. Solution charging.
(4) Check the manometer vacuum 24 hours later.
The maximum allowable loss is one-tenth of an inch of has settled to the bottom. Figure 40 illustrates the method
mercury in 24 hours. If the loss is within limits, then of solution charging.
charge the machine with solution. A machine that does (1) Start the water jet on the purge unit and open the
not meet the vacuum requirements must be tested for purge valve on the absorber.
leaks with a halide leak detector. (2) Continue purging until a vacuum reading of 25
29. Halide Leak Detector Test. The procedures for inches of mercury is obtained on the manometer. Close
testing with the halide leak detector are as follows: the valves and shut off the jet when the vacuum is
(1) Make sure that all valves are closed except the satisfactory.
vapor condensate valve. (3) Connect the hose to the solution charging valve
(2) Charge the machine with Refrigerant-12 to a and place the other end of the hose into the drum of
pressure of 5 p.s.i.g. Use the refrigerant type charging solution. Do not let the hose touch the bottom of the
valve on the absorber. Read the charging pressure in the drum since this would draw up dirt that had settled there.
machine on the solution pump pressure gauge. (4) Open the solution charging valve and allow the
(3) After charging with Refrigerant-12, the machine solution to enter the machine.
should be further charged to 18 p.s.i.g. with nitrogen, (5) After all of the solution has been transferred into
using the procedure previously given under Extended the machine, close the solution valve in the line from the
shutdown. generator and open the solution valve in the line to the
(4) Test the machine for leaks with a halide leak generator.
detector. Stop all the leaks that are found. (6) Start the solution pump which will pump all the
(5) Perform another vacuum test to determine that solution up to the generator. When the pump shuts off,
the machine is now satisfactory. close the valve in the line to the generator. This last step
30. Charging the Machine. After maintenance is is necessary because all of the solution should be stored in
completed and the machine passes a satisfactory vacuum the generator.
test, the machine should be charged with solution. The (7) If the machine is to remain out of service, then it
machine must be kept charged with solution at all times should be charged with nitrogen as previously outlined.
except while maintenance is being done. Storage drums 31. Troubleshooting. Troubleshooting and
used to hold the solution should be moved as little as correction are two of your most important duties. We
possible so as not to disturb dirt which have discussed the operation and service that you perform
on absorption systems. This information, coupled with
that in tables 1-18, should give you the knowledge you
need to carry out your assigned tasks.









Review Exercises
7. What will occur if the feeler bulb of the
The following exercises are study aids. Write your concentration limit thermostat is broken? (Sec.
answers in pencil in the space provided after each 5, Par. 8)
exercise. Use the blank pages to record other notes on
the chapter content. Immediately check your answers
with the key at the end of the text. Do not submit your
answers for grading.

8. The plant operator submits the following

1. While you are performing your hourly check of complaint:
the absorption system, you notice that the (1) The chill water temperature is 57° F. (The
condenser waterflow has dropped off and that the design temperature is 45° F.)
system is operating at a reduced capacity. What (2) The off-run-start switch is in the RUN
component should you troubleshoot and where is position.
the component located? (Sec. 5, Par. 2) (3) The solution pump is off and the last
discharge pressure reading was 36 p.s.i.g.

What has occurred within the system to cause a

2. The refrigerant used in this system is shutdown? How do you restart the unit? (Sec. 5,
_____________________ and the absorbent is Pars. 9 and 10)
______________. (Sec. 5, Par. 3)

3. What will occur within the system when heat is 9. Why are the solution and chilled water pumps
not supplied to the generator? (Sec. 5, Par. 5) equipped with mechanical seals? (Sec. 5, Par.

4. (Agree)(Disagree) The heat exchanger heats the

strong solution. (Sec. 5, Par. 5)
10. (Agree)(Disagree) The float control in the
solution pump water seal tank controls makeup
water to the tank automatically. (Sec. 5, Par. 15)

5. During a routine inspection you find that the

supply air pressure to the chill water thermostat
is 3 p.s.i.g. What component is affected? How
does this component affect the operation of the 11. The primary difference between daily startup and
system? (Sec. 5, Pars. 6 and 7) startup after standby shutdown is that
__________________. (Sec. 6, Par. 3)

6. A 2° chilled water temperature change will cause 12. The evaporator pump is surging. What caused
the branch line pressure to change this surging? (Sec. 7, Par. 3)
_____________ p.s.i.g. (Sec. 5, Par. 7)

13. A solution level in the absorber of two-thirds 22. Why should you flush the seal chamber after
(Sec. 7, Par. 4) startup? (Sec. 8, Par. 4)

14. When is the solution boiling level in the 23. An increased water level in the evaporator after
generator set? (Sec. 7, Par. 5) shutdown indicates that __________________.
(Sec. 8, Par. 5)

15. What will occur when air is being handled by the

purge unit? (Sec. 7, Par. 7) 24. Why is octyl alcohol added to the solution?
(Sec. 8, Par. 7)

16. Excessive steam pressure will cause

_____________________. (Sec. 7, Par. 9) 25. How would you correct the following
malfunction? The octyl alcohol charging valve
is open but the alcohol is not being drawn into
the machine. What would you do if this situation
17. Where would you connect the nitrogen tank if occurred frequently? (Sec. 8, Par. 8)
the system did not have a nitrogen charging
valve? (Sec. 7, Par. 14)

26. The following complaint has been received at

your shop. The steam jet purge unit on an
18. To dilute the solution for extended shutdown, absorption system is operating but is not purging
you must put the system through air that is present in the absorber. What is the
______________ dilution cycles. (Sec. 7, Par. most probable cause and how would you correct
15) it? (Sec. 8, Par. 9)

19. How can you determine whether air has leaked 27. Bottle number 2 in the solution test set contains
in the machine during shutdown? (Sec. 8, Par. 2) _______________. (Sec. 8, Par. 10)

20. Air will cause the insides of the machine to (Sec. 28. How many drops of indicator solution do you
8, Par. 2) add to the solution sample? (Sec. 8, Par. 10)

21. How do you check a mechanical pump seal for 29. The standard sample (bottle No. 3) is a
leaks? (Sec. 8, Par. 3) ________________ percent solution. (Sec. 8,
Par 11)

30. During an evaporator water solution test, more 36. The operating log shows a steady increase in
silver nitrate was needed to turn the sample red vapor condensate temperature. What
than the standard solution. What does this maintenance is required? (Sec. 8, Par. 25)
indicate? How is this situation remedied? (Sec.
8, Pars. 10 and 11)

37. How is soft scale removed from condenser

31. What determines the length of time needed to tubes? (Sec. 8, Par. 25)
reclaim the evaporator water? (Sec. 8, Par. 12)

32. How long does it take for the dirt in the solution 38. What is the maximum allowable vacuum loss
to settle out when the solution is placed in during a vacuum leak test? (Sec. 8, Par. 28)
drums? (Sec. 8, Par. 14)

33. How is the conical strainer cleaned? (Sec. 8, 39. Which refrigerant is added to the system to
Par. 16) perform a halide leak test? (Sec. 8, Par. 29)

34. How is the purge connection on the absorber

cleaned? (Sec. 8, Par. 20) 40. List at least three possible causes of lithium
bromide solidification at startup. (Sec. 8, table

35. (Agree)(Disagree) The diaphragm is a vacuum

type valve should be replaced yearly. (Sec. 8,
Par. 22)
41. How can you make sure that a seal is leaking?
(Sec. 8, table 12)


Centrifugal Systems

FEW PEOPLE realize the importance of the refrigeration The suction vapors are partially compressed by the first-
specialist in this age of aerospace weapons systems. For stage impeller and join the flash gas vapor coming from
them, refrigeration has nothing to do with launching a the economizer at the second-stage impeller inlet. The
missile and reaching the moon. However, we know that refrigerant gas discharged by the compressor condenses
without control of the environment of a launch complex on the outside of the condenser tubes by giving up heat
the military goals of defense and space conquest would through the condenser tubes to the cooler condenser
never be achieved. water. The condensing temperature corresponds to the
2. The centrifugal refrigeration system is often used operating pressure in the condenser.
in such weapons systems as Titan, Bomarc, and SAGE. 5. The liquefied refrigerant drains from the
In this chapter we will discuss the operation of this condenser shell down through an inside conduit into the
system, the complete refrigeration cycle, each component condenser float chamber. The rising refrigerant level in
of the unit, and the general maintenance requirements. this chamber opens the float valve and allows the liquid to
pass into the economizer chamber. The pressure in the
9. Refrigeration Cycle economizer chamber is approximately halfway between
1. The centrifugal system uses the same general the condensing and evaporating pressures: consequently,
type of compression refrigeration cycle used on other enough of the warm liquid refrigerant evaporates to cool
mechanical systems. Its features are: the remainder to the lower temperature corresponding to
• A centrifugal compressor of two or more stages. the lower pressure in the economizer chamber. This
• A low-pressure refrigerant known as Refrigerant- evaporation takes place by rapid "flashing" into gas as the
11. Approximately 1200 pounds of refrigerant are liquid refrigerant passes through the float valve and the
required for fully charging a centrifugal machine. conduit leading into the economizer chamber. The
2. An economizer in the liquid return from the flashed vapors pass through eliminator baffles and a
condenser to the evaporator acts as the expansion device. conduit to the suction side of the second stage of the
You can compare the economizer to the high side float compressor.
(metering device) used on older model refrigerators. The 6. The cooled liquid then flows into the economizer
use of this piece of equipment reduces the horsepower float chamber located below the condenser float chamber.
required per ton of refrigeration cycle. This increase in The rising level in the economizer float chamber opens
efficiency is made possible by using a multistage the float valve and allows the liquid refrigerant to pass
turbocompressor and piping the flash gas to the second into the bottom of the cooler. Since the evaporator
stage. pressure is lower than the economizer pressure, some of
3. A schematic of the centrifugal cycle is shown in the liquid is evaporated (flashed) to cool the remainder to
figure 41. We will begin the cycle at the evaporator. The the operating temperature of the evaporator. These
chilled water flowing through the tubes is warmer than vapors pass up through the liquid refrigerant to the
the refrigerant in the shell surrounding the tubes, and heat compressor suction. The remaining liquid serves as a
flows from the chilled water to the refrigerant. This heat reserve for the refrigerant continually being evaporated by
evaporates the refrigerant at a temperature corresponding the chilled water. The cycle is thus complete.
to the pressure in the evaporator. 7. Now that you understand the complete
4. The refrigerant vapors are drawn from the refrigeration
evaporator shell into the suction inlet of the compressor.

Figure 41. Centrifugal cycle.

cycle, let us study the compressor in more detail.

10. Centrifugal Compressor

1. A cutaway view of the compressor is shown in
figure 42. The easiest way to understand centrifugal
compressor operation is to think of a centrifugal fan. Like
the fan, the compressor takes in gas at the end (in line
with the shaft) and whirls it at a high speed. The high-
velocity gas leaving the impellers is converted to a
pressure greater than the inlet. At normal speed, with
R-11, the suction temperature is 65° F. below the
temperature of condensation. At maximum speed, the
compressor will produce a suction temperature of
approximately 85° F. below the condensing temperature
of R-11. Changing the speed of the compressor varies the
suction temperature.
2. The compressor casing and the various stationary
passages inside the compressor shaft are made of hard
steel with keyways provided for each impeller. The
impellers are of the built-up type. The hub disc and cover
are machined steel forgings. The blading is sheet steel
formed to curve backward with respect to the direction of
rotation and is riveted to the hubs and covers. After
Figure 42. Compressor cutaway. assembly, the wheels are given a hot-dipped lead coating
to reduce corrosion damage. The rotor

pump, driven from the main compressor shaft and
supplying oil through various connections and passages
for the thrust bearing, the two shaft bearings, the oil pump
worm gear drive, and for the shaft seal-with the necessary
gauges and control valves to permit the system to operate
8. The oil pressure or feed circuits are as follows,
according to figure 45:
• When the compressor starts, the pump (1) starts
to circulate oil, which is supplied first entirely to the
thrust bearing (3).
• After passing through the thrust bearing, the
oiling system divides into two paths known as "A" circuit
and "B" circuit.
9. In the first path, the oil flows through the strainer
(29) and the proper orifices to the pump gear (2) and to
the rear shaft journal bearing (4). Since the thrust, rear
journal bearing, and worm drive for the oil pump are all
located above the oil pump chamber, the return oil merely
drops back into the pump chamber from these parts.
10. In the second path, oil flows through the check
Figure 43. Bearing assembly. valve (5) and filter (7) to actuate the shaft seal (8) and
supply the front shaft journal bearing (9). Since part of
assembly, consisting of the shaft and impellers, runs in the oil passes out through the front of the seal to
two sleeve type bearings. atmospheric pressure, various valves are required in the
3. In figure 43 a thermometer is inserted in top of supply lines as well as in the lines returning oil to the
each bearing cover (1) for indicating temperature. Each pump chamber. The check valve (5) does not open during
bearing also has two large oil rings (2) to insure compressor startup until the pump pressure reaches 8
lubrication. The upper and lower bearing liners (3) are p.s.i.g. After the valve (5) opens, the flow of oil is as
held in place by the upper and lower bearing retainers (4). described previously. If the seal oil reservoir (6) is not
4. Brass labyrinths (5) between stages and at the full, a small part of the oil passes through the orifice (28)
ends of the casing restrict the flow of gas between stages to fill the reservoir. Oil under pressure to the seal
and between the compressor casing and bearing
5. In operation, the pressure differential across each
impeller produces an axial thrust toward the suction end
of the compressor. This thrust is supported by a
"kingsbury" thrust bearing at the suction end of the shaft.
6. Compressor Lubricating System. The entire
oiling system is housed within the compressor casing and
the oil is circulated through cored opening, drilled pages,
and fixed copper fines. This eliminates all of the usual
external lines and their danger of possible rupture,
damage, or leakage. All of the oil for the lubricating
system is circulated by a helical gear pump, shown in
figure 44, which is submerged in the oil reservoir. The
simple, positive drive insures ample oil for pressure
lubricating and cooling all journal bearings, thrust
bearings, and seal surfaces. The reservoir which houses
the oil pump is an integral part of the compressor casing
and is accessible through a cover plate on the end of the
compressor. Circulating water cooling coils are fitted to
the cover plate to maintain proper oil temperature. Figure 44. Compressor oil pump.
7. In general, the lubricating system (shown
schematically in fig. 45) consists of the gear type oil

Figure 45. Compressor oil system schematic.

expands the seal bellows to move the stationary seal back through the automatic oil stop valve (16), up to the
against its stop, allowing the oil to pass through the seal in bearing chamber (10), and returns through the manifold to
two directions: (1) inside the compressor and (2) to the the oil pump chamber along with the oil overflow from
atmospheric side of the shaft seal. the front bearing. Oil returns from the atmospheric float
11. The oil passing to the compressor (vacuum) side chamber since the pressure in the bearing chamber is
of the seal flows to the front journal bearing (9), through always below atmospheric. This pressure, being
two small holes in the inner floating seal ring (12) -which equalized with the compressor suction through the rear
is located in the seal housing--to prevent unnecessary shaft labyrinth, is always a vacuum during operation.
flow of oil from the vacuum side of the seal. The bearing From the bearing chamber, the oil flows by gravity
overflow drops to the bottom of the bearing chamber (10), through the manifold (18), to the oil pump chamber. The
draining back to the oil pump chamber through the proper automatic stop valve (16) is provided to prevent flow of
passage in the manifold (18). refrigerant vapor from the machine in case the pressure
12. The oil passing to the atmosphere is restricted by inside the machine during shutdown rises above
floating rings between the stationary seal and rotating seal atmospheric. The valve is set to open at approximately 8
hubs and between the housing cover and the rotating seal pounds and is actuated by an oil pressure line taken from
hub. Most of it passes directly to the atmospheric float the oil pump discharge and, therefore, opens immediately
chamber (13). The water-jacketed seal housing cover after the compressor is started. Valve 16 also prevents
(11) cools this oil and minimizes the refrigerant loss from outside air from entering the machine when the machine
it. A small amount of oil passes the seal rings and is pressure is below atmospheric. This valve is necessary
returned to the atmospheric float chamber (13) through a because the atmospheric float valve (14) is designed for
connection (30). From the float chamber, the oil goes level control only and is not a stop valve. Valve 17 is

Figure 46. Compressor oil heater.

the oil pressure regulator. It is actuated by pressure "back The oil heater (31) heats the oil during shutdown to
of seal" through line 15 and controls oil pressure by prevent excessive absorption of refrigerant by the oil. A
returning excess oil back to the oil pump chamber. flow switch located in the water supply to the oil cooler
13. Oil pressure gauges 22 and 23 on the control manifold automatically turns the heater on when the water
panel indicate the seal oil reservoir pressure and the supply is shut off by hand, and cuts the heater off when
pressure back of seal respectively. When the seal oil the water is turned on. A schematic diagram of the oil
reservoir is full, gauge 22 indicates the pressure on the heater is shown in figure 46. The oil cooler (19) cools the
seal bellows. Gauge 23 indicates the pressure in the space oil as it is returned to the pump chamber during operation.
between the seal and the inner floating ring or back of Bearing thermometers 24 and 25 indicate the temperature
seal pressure which controls valve 17. of the shaft bearings. Oil rings 20 and 21--also shown in
14. The air vent and vacuum breaker (27) admits figure 45-bring additional oil from the bearing wells to
atmospheric pressure during shutdown to the seal oil the shaft. Relief valve 26 in the oil pump discharge line
reservoir to maintain a head of oil on the seal. It operates relieves any unusually high pressure that may occur
as a gravity check valve. accidentally, and thus protects the system against any
15. Compressor Shaft Seal. A shaft seal is
provided where the shaft extends through the compressor
casing. The seal assembly is shown in figure 47.
16. The seal is formed between a ring, called the
rotating scaling seat which is fitted against a shoulder on
the shaft, and stationary sealing seat which is attached to
the seal housing through a flexible member or bellows
assembly. The contact faces on these seal seats are
carefully machined and ground to make a vacuum-tight
joint when in contact. A spring called the seal spring
moves the stationary seal seat into contact with the
rotating seal seat to make the proper seal when the
compressor is shut down. A floating ring is located
between the hub of the stationary sealing seat and the hub
of the rotating sealing seat. A seal oil reservoir and filter
chamber is attached to the compressor housing above the
seal to provide oil to maintain a head of oil to the seal
Figure 47. Shaft seal assembly.

Figure 48. Diagram of compressor seal end.

during shutdown periods. The shaft seal consists of two advisable to refer to the manufacturer's maintenance
highly polished metal surfaces which are held tightly manual.
together by a spring during shutdown, but are separated 18. If a machine is to be started for the first time or if
by a film of oil under pressure during operation. The all the oil has been drained from the unit, the following
positive supply of oil from the oil pump during operation lubrication procedures are recommended:
and from the seal reservoir during shutdown prevents any • The machine pressure must be atmospheric.
inward leakage of air or outward leakage of refrigerant. • Remove the cover on the front bearing at the
In addition, the low oil pressure safety control will coupling end of the compressor and pour 1 gallon of oil
automatically stop the compressor if the oil pressure to into the front bearing level.
the seal falls below a safe minimum. Figure 48 shows a • Fill the seal oil pressure chamber by removing
cutaway diagram of the seal installed on the seal end of the cover.
the compressor. • Remove the cover from the rear bearing and pour
17. Lubricant. A high-grade turbine oil, such as oil into the chamber until the indicated height is reached
DTE heavy medium or approved equal, is the type of oil as recommended on the pump chamber plate.
recommended for centrifugal compressor usage. To be • Fill the atmospheric float chamber through
sure of specifications on grade and type of oil to use, it is

the connection on the side of the chamber until oil shows wheel and pinion are inclosed in an oiltight case, split at
in the sight glass. the horizontal centerline. Lubrication is from the gear
• Pour a small amount of oil into the thrust bearing type oil pump. The unit has an oil level sight glass, a
housing by removing the strainer cap and pouring oil into pressure gauge, and an externally mounted oil strainer and
the strainer. oil cooler. A diagram illustrating the gear parts is shown
Under normal operating conditions, the following in figure 49.
lubrication procedures are recommended: 2. Lubrication. A good gear oil must be used for
• Replace the oil filter regularly, depending on the the lubrication of high-speed gears. The oil must be kept
length of operation and the condition of the filter. clean by filtering, and filters changed as often as possible.
• If at any time some oil is withdrawn from the The temperature of the oil should be kept within the range
machine, replace with new oil. of 130° F. to 180° F. Water cooling should be used
• Clean and inspect the strainer in the thrust whenever necessary to keep the temperature within these
bearing at least once a year. Replace the complete oil limits.
charge at least once a year. 3. Type of Oil. The best grade of oil to use on a
• After shutdown periods of more than a month, gear depends on journal speeds, tooth speeds, and
remove the bearing covers and add 1 quart of oil to each clearances. In general, it is better to use an oil too heavy
bearing well before starting. than one too light. The gears will be somewhat warmer,
19. To drain the oil system, allow the machine to but the heavier oil will take care of higher temperature if
warm up until the temperature is approximately 75° F. it is not more than a few degrees. The heavier oil is rated
The machine must be at atmospheric pressure. Drain the at 400 to 580 seconds Saybolt viscosity at 100° F.
pump chamber by removing the drain plug. Replace the 4. Water Cooling of Gears. The gears are water
plug, then drain the atmospheric float chamber in the cooled by circulating water through water jackets cast in
same manner. By draining these two chambers, the ends of the gear casing or by means of either an
practically all of the oil is removed. The oil left in the internal or an external oil cooler. This system is
bearing wells and seal reservoir is useful for keeping the connected to a supply of cool, clean water, at a minimum
bearing in satisfactory condition and as a sealing oil. pressure of 5 pounds. A regulating device must be
20. CAUTIONS: To keep the machine in the best installed in the water supply line. The discharge line
operating condition, the following cautions must be should have free outlet without valves to avoid possibility
observed: of excessive pressures on the system. Piping must be
• The electric heater in the oil pump chamber must arranged so that all the water can be drained or blown out
be turned on during shutdown periods and must be turned of the water jackets or cooler if the unit is to be subjected
off when the cooling water is turned on. to freezing temperatures.
• Do not overcharge the system with oil. The oil 5. Inspection. Inspect to see that both the driving
level will fall as the oil is circulated through the system; and driven machines are in line. If you are not sure that
but under normal operation, the oil level will increase alignment is correct, check this point with gauges. Try
approximately 7 percent in volume as the refrigerant out the water cooling system to see if it is functioning
becomes absorbed in it. The oil level in the machine will properly. When starting, see that you have sufficient oil
be approximately one-half glass. in the gear casing and that the oil pump gives required
pressure (4 to 8 pounds). When the temperature of the oil
• Oil can be added to the filling connection on the
side of the atmospheric float chamber only while the in the casing reaches 100° F. to 110° F., turn on the water
machine is in operation and the atmospheric return valve cooling system. Add sufficient oil from time to time in
is open. order to maintain the proper oil level. Never allow the
21. Now that you have a proper knowledge of gear wheel to dip into the oil.
compressor operation, let's discuss the type of drive for 6. Regular cleaning of the lubrication system and
the compressor. tests of the lubricant are essential. Clean the strainer at
least once a week and more often if necessary. The
11. Compressor Gear Drive manufacturer recommends that the gear case should be
1. The gear drive is a separate component mounted drained and be completely cleaned out every 2 to 3
between the compressor and electric motor. The gears are months. Refill with new filtered oil. Between oil
speed increasers required to obtain the proper compressor changes, samples of oil
speed through the use of standard speed motors. The
gears are of the double helical type, properly balanced for
smooth operation, and pressure lubricated. The gear

Figure 49. Gear drive components.

should be drawn off and the oil checked. If water is 8. Bearing shells, oil slingers, etc., are marked and
present, the water should be drawn off. If there is a should be returned to their proper places. Gaskets are
considerable amount of water in the oil, remove all oil used between the oil pump bracket and oil pump and
and separate the water from the oil before it is used again. under handhole covers. All parts must be clean before
7. Repair. All working parts of the gear drive are reassembly. Make sure that no metal burrs or cloth lint is
easily accessible for inspection and repair except the oil present on any part of the unit. Coat faces of flanges with
pump. If you should have to dismantle the gears, you shellac before bolting them together. A thin coat of
must take precautions to prevent any damage to gear shellac on the bearing supports will prevent oil leaks at
teeth. The slightest bruise will result in noisy operation. these points. Before final replacement of the cover, make
When the gears are removed, place them on a clean cloth a careful inspection to see that all parts are properly
placed on a board and block them so that they cannot roll placed and secured.
off. Cover the gears with a cloth to protect them from 9. Worn bearings must be replaced immediately
dust and dirt. because they will cause the gears to wear. Bearings are
interchangeable, and when new bearings

are installed the gears are restored to their original center
distance and alignment. It is not recommended to
rebabbit bearings, for the heat required to rebabbit the
bearings will cause some distortion of the bearing shell.
Do not renew or scrape one bearing alone, but always
renew or scrape in pairs; this will help eliminate tooth
misalignment. Do not adjust bearing clearances by
planing the joint, thereby bringing the halves closer
together, since trouble will result.
10. The oil pump is a geared type. During assembly,
care must be taken to see that the paper gasket between
the pump body and bracket is of the proper thickness. A
gasket that is too thick will reduce the capacity and cause
failure in oil pressure, while a too thin gasket will cause
an excessive load to be thrown on the gears, resulting in
wear and destruction of the gears. Writing paper makes a
good gasket when shellacked in place. Never use a
rubber gasket on any oil joint. "Cinch" fittings are used Figure 50. Mounting coupling on shaft.
on all pipes connected to the oil pump bracket; use this
type on all replacements. Threaded fittings may cause the geared to the shaft. These hubs are inclosed by a two-
bracket to be pulled out of line, causing noisy operation piece externally geared floating cover which functions as
and wear on gears. Couplings should not be driven on or a single unit when the halves are bolted together. The
off the gear or pinion shafts, since hammering is liable to cover is supported on the hub teeth during operation. A
injure both surfaces. Provisions have been made for using spacer or spool piece is used with the cover for the
a jacking device for putting on or removing couplings compressor coupling. The hub teeth and cover teeth are
from shafts. engaged around the complete circumference, and the
11. Gear tooth contact and wear should be uniformly cover and shafts revolve as one unit. The cover and each
distributed over the entire length of both gear and pinion shaft is free to move independently of each other within
helixes. If heavier wear is noted on any portion of the the limits of the coupling, thus providing for reasonable
helixes or any part of the tooth face, it may indicate angular and parallel misalignment as well as end float.
improper setting of the gear casing, misalignment of The amount of misalignment that the coupling will handle
connecting shafts, vibration, excessive or irregular wear without excessive stressing varies with the size of the
on the bearings, or poor lubricant. Should gear teeth coupling. In all cases, the coupling should be treated as a
become damaged during inspection or operation, remove joint that will take care of only small misalignments.
burrs by use of a fine file or oil stone. Never use these 2. Installation and Alignment Procedures or
tools to correct the tooth contour. Misalignment, poor Coupling. Figure 50 illustrates the method used to mount
lubrication, and vibration can cause pitting of tooth each half coupling on the shaft. In reference to figure 50,
surfaces or flaking of metal in certain areas of the gear. If place the sleeve over the shaft end and lubricate the
this happens, check alignment and remove all steel surface of the shaft. Expand the hub with heat, using hot
particles. Check the manufacturer's maintenance manual oil, steam, or open flame. When using a flame, do not
for specific maintenance procedures and instructions. apply the flame to the hub teeth. Use two long bolts in
12. You now understand the drive system for the the puller holes to handle the war coupling. Locate the
compressor, but we must learn how the drive is coupled to hub on the shaft with the face of the hub flush with the
the motor and the compressor. shaft end. Install the key with a tight fit on the sides and a
slight clearance between the top of the key and the hub.
12. Couplings 3. Check the angular alignment, as shown in figures
1. The couplings used to connect the motor to the 51 and 52. For normal hub separation, as shown in figure
speed-increasing gears and from the gears to the 51, use a feeler gauge at five points 90° apart. Recheck
compressors are self-alining coupling. They are of the the angular alignment as discussed above. Figure 53
flexible geared type, consisting of two externally geared shows how to check the offset alignment by the sight
hubs that are pressed on and method. Figure 54 illustrates the method for checking
alignment by the instrument method. This method

Figure 51. Checking angular alignment Figure 53. Checking offset alignment (sight method).
(normal separation).
on the floating shaft arrangement, it is possible to correct
is recommended by the manufacturer. Fasten or clamp both angular and offset misalignment in one operation. In
the indicator bracket on one hub with the dial indicator reference to figure 56, position units to be coupled with
button contacting the alignment surface of the opposite the correct shaft separation. Install and assemble the
hub. Rotate the shaft on which the indicator is attached to coupling. Clamp the indicator bar to the flange of one
the hub, and take readings at four point, 90° apart. Move coupling with the indicator button resting on the floating
either machine until readings are identical. Reverse the shaft approximately 12 inches from the teeth centerline of
indicator to the opposite hub and check. Recheck the this coupling. Rotate the units, taking readings at four
angular alignment as discussed before. points, 90° apart. Move either machine until the readings
4. Figure 55 illustrates the method for checking are identical.
offset alignment with wide hub separation. Use the dial 6. After checking and setting the offset and angular
indicator as discussed in checking offset alignment by the alignment, insert the gasket as shown in figure 57.
instrument method, then check the angular alignment as Inspect to insure the gasket is not torn or damaged. Clean
discussed before. the coupling flanges and insert the gasket between the
5. In checking for angular and offset alignment flanges, making sure to position the O-ring in the groove.
Figure 58

Figure 54. Checking offset alignment

(instrument method).
Figure 52. Checking angular alignment
(wide separation).

Figure 57. Gasket insert.
Figure 55. Checking offset alignment
(wide hub separation). or heavier than 1000 SSU at 210° F. can be used. Before
replacing the lubrication plugs, check the copper ring
illustrates the method of positioning gaskets between each gaskets to make sure they are in position and are
set of flanges for spacer and floating shaft type coupling. undamaged. Tighten plugs with the wrench furnished
Assemble the coupling as shown in figure 59. Keep the with coupling as shown in figure 61.
bolt holes in both flanges and gasket in line. Insert the 8. The coupling must be well lubricated at all
body fitting bolts and nuts and tighten the bolts and nuts times. The couplings that use oil collector rings in the
with wrenches no larger than the one furnished with the end of the cover can be lubricated while stopped or
coupling until the flanges are drawn together. Using an running. The compressor should not be started until the
oversize wrench on the heads of nuts and bolts may round coupling has been checked for proper amount of oil. Oil
their heads or strip the threads. will overflow the oiling ring with the coupling at rest
7. Lubricate the coupling as illustrated in figure 60. when enough oil has been added. Other types of
Remove both lubricating plugs and apply the quantity and couplings may have sleeves attached by a gasket to the
type of lubricant as specified by the manufacturer's hubs with no oiling ring. The manufacturer will give
instruction data sheet. If grease is used, positioning of the specifications as to the amount of oil required to fill this
lubrication holes is not necessary. When a fluid lubricant unit. Unless a large amount of oil is lost from the
is used, it is recommended that the lubricating holes be gasketed type, it is only necessary to check the amount of
positioned approximately 45° from the vertical to prevent oil in the coupling twice a
loss of lubricant. A good oil lubricant no lighter than 150
seconds Saybolt Universal (SSU)

Figure 56. Checking angular and offset alignment. Figure 58. Insertion of both gaskets.

Figure 59. Assembling the coupling. Figure 61. Tightening the coupling plug.
year by draining and refilling with the correct amount. vertically or horizontally. Caution must be used so that
9. Check of Coupling Alignment on Operating the parallel alignment is not disturbed. Recheck the
Machine. In checking the alignment of an operating parallel alignment to make sure that it is within its
centrifugal unit, proceed as follows: Make sure the tolerance. After the coupling has been aligned, assemble
machine has operated long enough to bring the the coupling. Now that we have reassembled the
compressor gear and motor up to operating temperatures. coupling, we shall study the drive motor and controls.
Then stop the machine and disconnect both couplings,
and with straightedge and feelers check the hubs. Check 13. Drive Motor and Controls
the compressor coupling for parallelism, vertically and 1. The motor furnished with a centrifugal machine
horizontally, noticing how much it will be necessary to is an a.c. electric motor, three-phase, 60 cycle. The motor
move the gear, vertically or horizontally, to bring the will be a general-purpose type with a normal starting
coupling within 0.002 inch tolerance for alignment. Then torque, adjustable speed wound rotor and sleeve bearings.
check the coupling for angularity by use of feelers to For wound rotor motors, the controller consists of three
insure that the faces of the hubs are spaced equally apart component parts:
at the top and bottom. To secure this alignment for
• Primary circuit breaker panel
angularity, it is necessary to shift the gear at one end
• Secondary drum control panel
• Secondary resistor grids
2. The primary circuit breaker is the main starting
device used to connect the motor to the power supply.
Air breakers are supplied for the lower voltages and oil
breakers for 1000 volts. This breaker is a part of the
control for the motor and should be preceded by an
isolating switch. The breaker provides line protection
(short circuit and ground fault) according to the rating of
the size of breaker and is equipped with thermal over-load
relays for motor running protection set at 115 percent of
motor rating. Undervoltage protection and line ammeter
also form a part of the primary panel.
3. The secondary drum control is used to adjust the
amount of resistance in the slipring circuit of the motor
and is used to accelerate and regulate the speed of the
motor. A resistor, which is an energy dissipating unit, is
used with the drum to provide speed regulation. The
maximum amount

Figure 60. Coupling lubrication.

Figure 62. Cross section of the condenser.

of energy turned into heat in the resistor amounts to 15 5. The motor, controlled by various automatic and
percent of the motor rating. In mounting the resistor, manual controls propels the compressor. The compressor
allow for free air circulation by clearance on all sides and in turn pumps the refrigerant through the system's
at the top. condenser, cooler, and economizer.
4. Manual starting of the machine at the motor
location assures you complete supervision of the unit. 14. Condenser, Cooler, and Economizer
Interlocking wiring connections between drum controller 1. The condenser is a shell and tube type similar in
and circuit breaker makes it necessary to return the drum construction to the cooler. The primary function of the
to full low-speed position (all resistance in) before the condenser is to receive the hot refrigerant gas from the
breaker can be closed. The oil pressure switch is compressor and condense it to a liquid. A secondary
bypassed when holding the start button closed. Releasing function of the condenser is to collect and concentrate
the start button before the oil pressure switch closes will noncondensable gases so that they may be removed by the
cause the breaker to trip out-hence a false start. Very purge recovery system. The top portion of the condenser
large size air breakers are electrically operated but is baffled, as shown in figure 62. This baffle incloses a
manually controlled by start-stop pushbuttons on the portion of the first water pass. The noncondensables rise
panel. The drum controller lever must always be moved to the top portion of the condenser because they are
to the OFF position before pressing the start button. lighter than

Figure 63. Condenser diagram.

refrigerant vapors and because it is the coolest portion of (5) Scrape both the cover and the matching flange
the condenser. free of any gasket material, items 4, 5, and 6 in figure 63.
2. A perforated baffle or distribution plate, as (6) Remove the water box division plate by sliding it
shown in figure 62, is installed along the tube bundle to out from its grooves. Caution should be used in removing
prevent direct impact of the compressor discharge on the this plate; it is made of cast iron. Penetrating oil may be
tubes. The baffle also serves to distribute the gas used to help remove the plate.
throughout the length of the condenser. The condensed (7) Use a nylon brush or equal type on the end of a
refrigerant leaves the condenser through a bottom long rod. Clean each tube with a scrubbing motion and
connection at one end and flows it the condenser float trap flush each tube after the brushing has been completed.
chamber into the economizer chamber. The water boxes CAUTION: Do not permit tubes to be exposed to air
of all condensers are designed for a maximum working long enough to dry before cleaning since dry sludge is
pressure of 200 p.s.i.g. The water box, item 1 in figure more difficult to remove.
63, is provided with the necessary division plates to give (8) Replace the division plate after first shellacking
the required flow. Water box covers, items 2 and 3 in the required round rubber gasket in the two grooves.
figure 63, may be removed without disturbing any (9) Replace the water box covers after first putting
refrigerant joint since the tube sheets are welded into the graphite on both sides of each gasket, since this prevents
condenser and flange. Vent and drain openings are sticking of the gaskets to the flanges. CAUTION: Care
provided in the water circuit. The condenser is connected must be taken with the water box cover on the water box
to the compressor and the cooler shell with expansion end to see that the division plate matches up the rib to the
joints to allow for differences in expansion between them. flanges.
Figure 63 is a side view of the condenser. (10) Tighten all nuts evenly.
3. Condenser. The following procedures should be (11) Close the drain and gauge cock.
followed in cleaning condenser tubes: (12) Open the main line water valve and fill the tubes
(1) Shut off the main line inlet and outlet valves. with water. Operate the pump, if possible, to check for
(2) Drain water from condenser through the water leaktight joints.
box drain valve. Open the vent cock in the gauge line or 4. Cooler. The cooler is of horizontal shell and tube
remove the gauge to help draining. construction with fixed tube sheets. The shell is low
(3) Remove all nuts from the water box covers, carbon steel plate rolled to shape and electrically welded.
leaving two on loosely for safety. The cooler and condenser both have corrosion-resistant
(4) Using special threaded jacking bolts, force the cast iron water boxes. They are designed to permit
cover away from the flanges. As soon as the covers are complete inspection without breaking the main pipe
loose from the gaskets, secure a rope to the rigging bolt in joints. Full-size separate cover plates give access to all
the cover and suspend from overhead. Remove the last tubes for easy cleaning. The cooler water boxes are
two nuts and place on the floor. designed for maximum 200 pounds working pressure.
They are provided with cast iron division plates

Figure 64. Cross section of cooler.

to give the required water pass flow. Both the cooler and 6. A rupture valve with a 15-pound bunting disc is
condenser have tube sheets of cupro-nickel, welded to the provided on the cooler, and a 15-p.s.i.g. pop safety valve
shell flange. Cupronickel is highly resistant to corrosion. is screwed into a flange above the rupture disc. These
5. The tubes in the cooler are copper tubes with an items are strictly for safety, because it is highly
extended surface. The belled ends are rolled into improbable that a pressure greater than 5 to 8 p.s.i.g. will
concentric grooves in the holes of the tube sheets. Tube ever be attained without purposely blocking off the
ends are rolled into the tube sheets and expanded into compressor suction opening.
internal support sheets. The normal refrigerant charge in 7. An expansion thermometer indicates the
the cooler covers only about 50 percent of the tube temperature of the refrigerant within the cooler during
bundle. However, during operation, the violent boiling of operation. A sight glass is provided to observe the
the refrigerant usually covers the tube bundle. The cooler charging and operating refrigerant level. A charging
is equipped with multibend, nonferrous eliminator plates valve with connections is located on the side of the cooler
above the tube bundle which remove the liquid droplets for adding or removing refrigerant. The connection is
from the vapor stream and prevent carryover of liquid piped to the bottom of the cooler so that complete
refrigerant particles into the compressor suction. drainage of refrigerant is possible. A refrigerant drain to
Inspection covers are provided in the ends of the cooler to the atmosphere is also located near the charging
permit access to the eliminators. Figure 64 is a cross- connection and expansion thermometer.
section diagram of the cooler. 8. A small chamber is welded to the cooler shell at
a point opposite the economizer and above

the tube bundle. A continuous supply of liquid from the operation. During constant operation over long periods of
condenser float chamber is brought to the expansion time, the cooler and condenser tubes may become dirty or
chamber while the machine is running. The bulb of the scaled and the temperature difference between leaving
refrigerant thermometer and the refrigerant safety water or brine will increase. If the increase in
thermostat bulb are inserted in this expansion chamber for temperature is approximately 2° or 3° at full load, the
measuring refrigerant temperature. tubes should be cleaned.
9. Cleaning. Depending on local operating 14. Read the condenser pressure gauge when taking
conditions, the tubes of the evaporator should be cleaned readings of the temperature difference between leaving
at least once a year. Cleaning schedules should be condenser water and condensing temperature. Before
outlined in the standard operating procedures. You will taking readings, make sure the condenser is completely
be required to make frequent checks of the chilled water free of air. The purge unit should be operated for at least
temperatures in the evaporator. If these temperature 24 hours before readings are taken.
readings at full load operation begin to vary from the 15. Economizer. A complete explanation of the
designed temperatures, fouling of the tube surfaces is function of the economizer was given under the
beginning. Cleaning is required if leaving chilled water refrigeration cycle. The economizer is located in the
temperature cannot be maintained. cooler shell at the opposite end from the compressor
10. Repair. Retubing is about the only major repair suction connection and above the tube bundle.
that is done on the evaporator (cooler). This work should 16. The economizer is a chamber with the necessary
be done by a manufacturer's representative. passages and float valves, connected by an internal
11. Cooler and Condenser Checkpoints. You conduit passing longitudinally through the cooler gas
must check the cooler and condenser for proper space to the compressor second-stage inlet. This
refrigerant level and make sure that the tubes in the cooler connection maintains a pressure in the economizer
and condenser are in efficient operating condition. The chamber that is intermediate (about 0 p.s.i.g.) between the
correct refrigerant charging level is indicated by a cross cooler and condenser pressures and carries away the
wire on the sight glass. The machine must be shut down vapors generated in the chamber. Before entering the
to get an accurate reading on the sight glass. For efficient conduit, the economizer vapors pass through eliminator
operation, the refrigerant level must not be lower than baffles to extract any free liquid refrigerant and drain it
one-half of an inch below the cross wire; a refrigerant back into the chamber. (Item 9 of fig. 64 is a front view
level above this reference line indicates an over-charge. of the economizer chamber.)
Overcharging is caused by the addition of too much 17. There are two floats in separate chambers on the
refrigerant. When this condition exists, the overcharged front end of the economizer. The top or condenser float
refrigerant must be removed. valve keeps the condenser drained of refrigerant and
12. If the machine has been in operation for long admits the refrigerant from the condenser into the
periods of time, the refrigerant level will drop due to economizer chamber. The bottom, or economizer, float
refrigerant loss. When this condition exists, additional valve returns the liquid to the cooler.
refrigerant must be added to the system to bring the 18. This system is also equipped with another fine
refrigerant level up to its proper height as indicated on the feature to assure smoother operation. Let's discuss the hot
cross wire. Observe all cautions and do not overcharge gas bypass system.
the cooler.
13. A method of determining if the tube bundle of 15. Hot Gas Bypass
either the cooler or condenser is operating efficiently is to 1. The automatic hot gas bypass is used to prevent
observe the relation between the change in temperature of the compressor from surging at low loads. In case of low
the condenser water or brine and the refrigerant load conditions, hot gas is bypassed directly from the
temperature. In most cases, the brine or condenser condenser through the cooler to the suction side of the
waterflow is held constant. Under such conditions, the compressor. The hot gas supplements the small volume
temperature change of chilled and condenser water is a of gas that is being evaporated in the evaporator due to
direct indication of the load. As the load increases, the low load conditions. Surging generally occurs at light
temperature difference between the leaving chilled water load, and the actual surge point will vary with different
or condenser cooling water and the refrigerant increases. compressors. In most instances, it usually develops at
A close check should be made of the temperature some point well below 50 percent capacity. If the leaving
differences at full load when the machine is first operated, chilled water is held at a constant
and a comparison made from time to time during

desuperheating liquid forced through the liquid line is
automatically increased or decreased.
4. The two shutoff valves in the liquid line are
normally left wide open and are closed only to service the
liquid line components. The special flange (located near
the orifice) is installed at a slightly higher level than the
surface of the liquid lying in the bottom of the condenser.
When no hot gas is flowing through the bypass, no
unbalance will exist in the liquid line. Therefore, the
liquid will not flow and collect in the gas pipe above the
automatic valve. This prevents the danger of getting a
“slug” of liquid through the hot gas bypass line whenever
the valve is opened. It also provides a means of
distributing the liquid into the hot gas stream as evenly
and as finely as possible. The flange is constructed with a
deep concentric groove in one face for even distribution
of the liquid.
5. How are undesirables such as water and air
expelled from this system? The purge unit will do this
Figure 65. Hot gas bypass. important task for us.

temperature, the returning chilled water temperature 16. Purge Unit

becomes an indication of the load. This temperature is 1. The presence of even a small amount of water in
used to control the hot gas bypass. A thermostat, set in a refrigeration system must be avoided at all times;
the returning chilled water, operates to bleed air off the otherwise excessive corrosion of various parts of the
branch line serving the hot gas bypass valve. The system may occur. Any appreciable amount of water is
thermostat is set to start opening the bypass valve slightly caused by a leak from one of the water circuits. Since the
before the compressor hits its surge point. Figure 65 pressure within a portion of the centrifugal refrigeration
illustrates components and location of the hot gas bypass system is less than atmospheric, the possibility exists that
line. air may enter the system. Since air contains water vapor;
2. A liquid line injection system is provided in the a small amount of water will enter whenever air enters.
hot gas bypass system to desuperheat the gas by 2. The function of the purge system is to remove
vaporization in the bypass line before it enters the water vapor and air from the refrigeration system and to
compressor suction. If the gas is not desuperheated, the recover refrigerant vapors which are mixed with these
compressor will overheat. The automatic liquid injection gases. The air is automatically purged to the atmosphere.
system components consist of a pair of flanges in the hot The refrigerant is condensed and automatically returned
gas line, an orifice, a liquid line from the condenser to one to the cooler as a liquid. Water, if present, is trapped in a
of the flanges, and a liquid line strainer with two shutoff compartment of the purge separator unit from which it
valves. can be drained manually. Thus the purge and recovery
3. The automatic valve shown in figure 65 is system maintains the highest possible refrigerating
normally closed. When this valve is closed, there is no efficiency.
flow of gas through the orifice. The pressure at point M, 3. Components. The following discussion of the
just below the orifice, is the same as the condenser component items of the purge system is referenced to
pressure; therefore, no liquid will flow through the liquid figure 66.
line. When the occasion arises for the need of hot gas, the • Stop valve--on main condenser, item 1. This
valve is opened automatically and a pressure drop will valve is always open except during repairs.
exist across the orifice. The amount of pressure drop is a • Pressure-reducing valve--in suction line, item 2,
direct function in determining the rate of gasflow through to regulate the compressor suction pressure.
the orifice. The larger the flow of hot gas through the • Stop valve--in suction line, item 3, located in the
bypass and orifice, the lower the pressure at point M will end of the purge unit casing. This valve is to be open
become in relation to the condenser pressure, and the when the purge unit is in operation and closed at all other
greater will be the pressure differential to force times.
desuperheating liquid through the liquid line. As the • Pressure gauge--this gauge, item 4, indicates
amount of hot bypass gas is increased or decreased by the
opening or closing of the valve, the amount of

Figure 66. Purge unit schematic.

the pressure on the oil reservoir. NOTE: Before adding • Stop valve at the end of casing, item 19--permits
oil, at item 23, be sure the pressure is at zero. water to be drained from the upper compartment. The
• Compressor, item 5--to be operated continuously valve is marked "Water Drain" and is closed except when
when the centrifugal compressor is operating, and before draining water.
starting the machine as required by the presence of air. • Automatic relief valve, item 20--to purge air to
• High-pressure cutout switch, item 7--connected the atmosphere.
to the compressor discharge. Adjusted to stop the • Stop valve marked “Refrigerant Return" in the
compressor if the purge condenser pressure increases to return liquid refrigerant line, item 21-located at the end of
about 110 p.s.i.g. because of some abnormal condition. the casing. Open only when purge is operating.
The switch closes again automatically on the reduction of • Stop valve, item 22--on economizer in the return
pressure to about 75 p.s.i.g. refrigerant connection. Open at all times except when
• Auxiliary oil reservoir, item 8--this reservoir machine is shut down for a long period or being tested.
serves as a chamber to relieve the refrigerant from the • Plug in oil filling connection of reservoir, item
compressor crankcase and also to contain extra oil for the 23--pressure in the system must be balanced with the
compressor. The refrigerant vapor, which flashes from atmospheric pressure to add oil through this fitting.
the compressor crankcase, passes up through the reservoir • Cap, item 24--or draining oil from the
and into the compressor suction line. The free space compressor crankcase and oil reservoir. Oil may also be
above the oil level separates the oil from the refrigerant added through this connection (not shown in fig. 66) if (1)
vapor before the vapor goes into the suction side of the a packless refrigerant valve is installed in place of cap at
purge compressor. The oil storage capacity of the the connection and (2) the purge compressor is operated
reservoir is slightly larger than the operating charge of oil in a vacuum.
required by the compressor. • Connections between auxiliary reservoir and
• Sight glass, item 9--for oil level in the compressor crankcase, item 25.
compressor and auxiliary oil reservoir, located in front of • Motor and belt--not shown in figure 66.
casing. • Wiring diagram inside the casing.
• Compressor discharge line, item 10. • Casing that completely incloses the purge
• Condenser, item 11--cooled by air from a fan on recovery unit and is removable to provide a means to
compressor motor. It liquefies most of the refrigerant and work on components.
water vapor contained in the mixture delivered by the • Plugged tee after pressure-reducing valve on line
compressor. from condenser, item 26.
• Evacuator chamber, item 12--for separation of • Capped tee on line leading to cooler, item 27.
air, refrigerant, and water. Chamber can be easily taken • Temporary connector pipe from water drain from
apart for inspection and repairs. separator to liquid refrigerant line to cooler, item 28.
• Baffle, item 13--allows the condensate to settle 4. Purge Recovery Operation. The purge
and air to separate for purging. This is the delivery point recovery operation is automatic once the purge switch is
for the mixture of air, water (if any), and liquid refrigerant turned on and the four valves listed below and referred to
from condenser. in figure 66 are opened:
• Weir and trap, item 14--located in the center of (1) Stop valve on main condenser
evacuation chamber. Since the water is lighter than liquid (2) Stop valve in suction line
refrigerant the water is trapped above the liquid (3) Stop valve in the return liquid refrigerant line
refrigerant in the upper compartment. Only refrigerant (4) Stop valve on economizer in return refrigerant
liquid can pass to the lower compartment. connection
• Float valve, item 15--a high-pressure float valve, 5. If there should be an air leakage in the system,
opening when the liquid level rises, allows the gas operation of the purge unit will remove this air. It is
pressure to force the liquid refrigerant into the recommended that you stop the purge unit at intervals and
economizer. shut off valves (1) an (4) listed above to check for leaks in
• Equalizer tube, item 16--to equalize the vapor the system. A tight machine will not collect air no matter
pressure between the upper and lower compartments. how long the purge unit is shut off. Presence of air in the
• Two sight glasses, items 17 and 17A--on lower system is shown by an increase in head
liquid compartment, visible at the end of the casing.
These glasses show refrigerant level in the separator.
• Sight glass, item 18--on upper compartment to
indicate the presence of water.

Figure 67. Suction and relief pressure.

pressure in the condenser. The pressure can develop run the purge unit a short time after the machine is
suddenly or gradually during machine operation. By stopped and before it is started. Running the purge unit
checking the difference between leaving condenser water before the machine is started will help to reduce purging
temperature and the temperature on the condenser gauge, time after the machine is started.
you can determine the presence of air. A sudden increase 9. The pressure-reducing valve (2), shown in figure
between these temperatures may be caused by air. In 66, is adjusted to produce a suction pressure on the purge
some instances, a sudden increase in cooler pressure over recovery unit and will not allow condensation in the
the pressure corresponding to cooler temperatures during suction line. If condensation does occur, the condensate
operation may be caused by air leakage. will collect in the crankcase of the purge unit compressor,
6. Small air leakages are very difficult to causing a foaming and excessive oil loss. The table in
determine. It may take one or more days to detect an air figure 67 can be used as a guide for setting the pressure-
leakage in the machine. A leak that shows up reducing valve. If the pressure-reducing valve is wide
immediately or within a few hours is large and must be open, there will be a pressure drop of a few pounds across
found and repaired immediately. Air pressure built up in the valve and the suction pressure cannot be adjusted
the condenser is released to the atmosphere by the purge higher than a few pounds below the machine condensing
air relief valve. Excessive air leakage into the machine pressure.
will cause the relief valve to pop off continuously, 10. Purge Unit Maintenance. After repairs or
resulting in a large amount of refrigerant discharged to the before charging, it is necessary to remove large quantities
atmosphere. of air from the machine. This can be done by discharging
7. Refrigerant loss depends on operational the air from the water removal valve (item 19, fig. 66).
conditions; therefore, these conditions have a determining Caution must be observed in the removal of air, since
effect on the amount of refrigerant lost. You should there is some danger of refrigerant being discharged with
maintain a careful log on refrigerant charged and the the air and being wasted to atmosphere.
shutdown level in the cooler. In this manner, you can 11. If the normal delivery of refrigerant is
determine the time a leak develops and the amount of interrupted, it is usually caused by the stop valve (item 21,
refrigerant lost, find the cause, and correct the trouble. fig. 66) being closed or because the float valve is not
8. Moisture removal by the purge recovery unit is operating. This malfunction is indicated by a liquid rise
just as important as air removal. The moisture may enter in the upper sight glass. Immediate action must be taken
the machine by humidity in the air that can leak into the to correct this trouble. If the liquid is not visible in the
machine or by a brine or water leak in the cooler or lower glass, the float valve is failing to close properly.
condenser. If there are no water leaks, the amount of 12. Water or moisture in the system will collect on
water collected by the purge unit will be small (1 ounce the top of the refrigerant in the evacuation chamber. If
per day) under normal operating conditions. If large any water does collect, it can be seen through the upper
amounts of water are collected by the purge unit (one-half sight glass and should be drained. In most normal
pint per day), the machine must be checked for leaky operating machines, the water collection is small; but if a
tubes. Water can be removed more rapidly when the large amount of water collects quite regularly, a leak in
machine is stopped than when operating. If the machine the condenser or cooler has most likely occurred and must
is collecting a large amount of moisture. It is advisable to be located and corrected immediately.

Figure 68. Control panel electrical diagram.

13. The purge unit compressor and centrifugal

compressor use the same type and grade of oil. Oil can be 17. Safety Controls
added to purge the compressor by closing stop valves 1. Safety controls are provided to stop the
(items 3 and 21, fig. 66), removing plug (23) in the top of centrifugal machine under any hazardous condition.
the oil sight glass, and adding oil. Oil can be drained by Figure 68 illustrates the electrical wiring diagram. All the
removing the oil plug (24, fig. 66). The oil level can be controls are mounted on a control panel. The safety
checked by a showing of oil at any point in the oil sight controls are as follows:
glass while the compressor is running or shut down. The • Low water temperature cutout
level of oil will fluctuate accordingly. The oil level • High condenser pressure cutout
should be checked daily. • Low refrigerant temperature cutout
14. Other components that must be closely checked • Low oil pressure cutout
in the purge recovery unit are as follows: 2. All of the safety controls except the low oil
• Belt tension. pressure cutout are manual reset instruments. Each safety
• Relief valve for rightness when closed to prevent instrument operates a relay switch which has one
loss of refrigerant. normally open and one normally closed contactor. When
• Condenser clean and free from air obstruction a safety instrument is in the safe position, the
• High-pressure cutout which shuts down if corresponding relay is energized and the current is passed
condenser pressure reaches 110 pounds. through the closed contactor to a pilot light which lights
15. CAUTION: The high-pressure cutout remakes to indicate a safe operating condition. Should an unsafe
contact automatically to startoff the purge recovery unit condition exist, a safety control will deenergize the
on 75 pounds. Single-phase motors have a built-in corresponding relay and the normally open contactor will
thermal overload to stop the motor on overload. It open to deenergize the pilot light; the normally closed
automatically resets itself to start the motor in a few contactor will then close to energize the circuit breaker
minutes. trip circuit.
16. The system is running and purged. Let us now
study our safety controls:

When the circuit breaker trip circuit is energized, the 18. Operating Controls
circuit breaker trips open and stops the compressor motor. 1. The three methods of controlling the capacity
The pilot light will not go back on until a safe operating output of a centrifugal machine are listed below:
condition exists and the safety cutout has been manually • Controlling the speed of the compressor
reset. The oil safety switch operates somewhat • Throttling the suction of the compressor
differently. Since the oil pressure is not up to design • Increasing the discharge pressure of the
conditions until the compressor comes up to speed, the compressor.
relay for the oil pressure switch must be bypassed when 2. The three methods given are listed in order of
the machine is started. The relay for the oil safety switch their efficiency. At partial loads, the power requirements
is bypassed by a time-delay relay, which keeps the trip will be least if the compressor speed is reduced, not quite
circuit open until the compressor is up to speed. After a as low if the suction is throttled, and highest if the
predetermined time interval, the time-delay relay closes condenser water is throttled to increase the discharge
the trip circuit at the circuit breaker and the oil safety pressure.
switch serves its function. If the oil pressure does not 3. Where the compressor is driven by a variable-
build up before the time-delay relay closes, the trip circuit speed motor, motor speed and compressor speed are
will be energized and the machine will stop. controlled by varying the resistance in the rotor circuit of
3. The low oil pressure cuts out at 6 pounds and in the motor by means of a secondary controller.
at 12 pounds. The high condenser pressure cuts out at 15 4. Damper Control. Throttling the suction of the
pounds and in at 8 pounds. The low refrigerant and compressor is obtained by means of a throttling damper
temperature cutout is set after operation in accordance to built into the cooler suction flange. By throttling the
the job requirement. Generally, these controls should be compressor suction, the pressure differential through
set to cut out at 32° F. and to cut in at approximately 35° which the compressor must handle the refrigerant vapor is
F. The low water temperature cutout should be set to cut increased. Suction damper control requires somewhat
out at 38° F. and to cut in at 43° F. more power at partial loads than at variable-speed control.
4. There are other safety controls built into the The increase in power consumption is overbalanced by
circuit breaker which are not part of the control panel, and the increased effectiveness in maintaining a nonsurging
reference should be made to the circuit breaker operating operation at lower loads. For this reason, the machines
instructions for details of these controls. Such items as are equipped with dampers, even though the main control
overload protection and undervoltage protection will be is variable speed. Suction damper control modulation is
covered therein. effected by means of a temperature controller that sends
5. In addition to the pilot lights mentioned, a pilot air pressure signals to the suction damper motor in
light for the purge high-pressure cutout is on the safety response to temperature changes of chilled water leaving
control panel. The high-pressure cutout, which serves to the cooler.
protect the purge recovery compressor from high head 5. Condenser Water Control. By throttling the
pressure, is located in the purge recovery unit. When the condenser water, the condenser pressure is increased,
high-pressure cutout functions on high head pressure, the thereby increasing the pressure differential on the
pilot light on the control panel is lighted. compressor and reducing its capacity. The occasion may
6. One or more machines at each installation are arise where the variable-speed control cannot be adjusted
provided with two sets of starting equipment. One set is low enough to meet operating conditions. In such a case,
an operating controller and the other a standby controller. the condenser water may be throttled and the compressor
In order that the machine safety controls can operate the speed requirement brought up into the range of speed
controlling breaker, a rotary selector switch is provided control.
on the safety control panel. By means of the rotary 6. Speed control and suction damper control are
selector switch, the machine safety controls can operate combined to control the temperature of the chilled water
either of the controlling circuit breakers. Safety controls leaving the cooler. The suction damper modulates to
are used for safe operation of the system, but operating control the leaving chilled water temperature on each
controls affect the capacity. balanced speed step. As the refrigeration load decreases,
the suction damper will gradually close in response to
decreasing air pressure in the branch line from the suction
damper controller. As the suction damper approaches the
closed position, a light on the

control panel will indicate that the motor speed should be (7) Close the circuit breaker for all safety controls
decreased to the next balanced step. The converse is true by pushing the starting switch or button in.
if the refrigeration load increases. (8) Bring the machine up to 75 percent full load with
7. The lights for indicating a speed change are all resistance in. Check oil gauges to make sure proper oil
energized by mercury type pressure controls that sense pressure is being developed. If proper oil pressure is not
branch air pressure from the suction chamber controller. developed in approximately 10 seconds, the machine will
The controller that energizes the "speed decrease" light cut out on low oil pressure.
also closes the light circuit on decreasing branch air (9) Open the valve to allow the cooling water to
pressure; the controller that energizes the "speed increase" circulate to the compressor oil cooler, gear or turbine oil
light also closes the light circuit on increasing branch air cooler, and seal jacket. The water circulating to the
pressure. The control system drawings give actual compressor oil cooler must be kept low enough in
settings for pressure controllers; the final settings should temperature to prevent the highest bearing temperature
be determined under actual operating conditions. You from exceeding a temperature of 130° F. Then adjust to
must determine what pressure change corresponds to a give a temperature from 140° F. to 180° F. The seal
speed change and then adjust the pressure controller bearing temperature should run approximately 160° F.,
accordingly. Refer to the manufacturer's manual on while the thrust bearing temperature is running at
details of adjustments. This information on operating approximately 145° F. under normal operating conditions.
controls will help you better understand the operation of These temperatures should be checked closely until they
the entire system. maintain a satisfactory point.
(10) After starting, the machine may surge until the
19. System Operation air in the condenser has been removed. During this
1. It is very difficult to give definite instructions in surging period, the machine should be run at a high speed;
this text on the operating procedures for a given this helps in the process of purging. The condenser
installation. Various design factors change the location of pressure should not exceed 15 p.s.i.g., and the input
controls, types of controls used, and equipment location, current to motor-driven machines should not run over 100
and will have a definite effect on operational procedures. percent of the full load motor rating. The machine will
Listed below is a general description of startup and steady itself out as soon as all the air has been purged.
shutdown instruction. It is recommended that you follow After leveling out the motor speed, the damper maybe
your installation standard operating procedures for adjusted to give the desired coolant temperature. The
definite operating instructions. motor should be increased slowly, point to point. Do not
2. Seasonal Starting. Listed below are the proceed to the next speed point until the motor has
recommended steps that can be used in normal starting: obtained a steady speed. Keep a close observation on the
(1) Check oil levels for motor, gear, coupling, ammeter to make sure that the motor does not become
compressor, and bearing wells. overloaded.
(2) Allow condenser water to circulate through the 3. Normal and Emergency Shutdown. Normal
condenser. Be sure to vent air and allow the water to flow shutdown procedures are performed in the same manner
through slowly. This precaution must be observed to as emergency shutdown procedures. The following steps
avoid water hammer. are used in shutting down the centrifugal machine:
(3) Allow water or brine to circulate through the (1) Stop the motor by throwing the switch on the
cooler. Be sure to vent air and allow the liquid to flow controller.
through slowly. As explained above, this will help in (2) After the machine has stopped, turn off the water
preventing water hammer. valve which supplies water to the compressor oil, gear oil
(4) Make sure that air pressure is present at all air- cooler, and seal housing.
operated controls. (3) Shut down all pumps as required.
(5) Start the purge unit before starting the machine; 4. Shutdown periods may be broken down into two
this helps in removing air from the machine. Then move classes. The two classes are standby and extended
the switch on the front of the casing to the ON position. shutdown. Standby shutdown may be machine must be
The purge recovery unit should be operated at all times available for immediate use;
while the machine is operating.
(6) Make sure all safety controls have been reset and
that the control lever is in position No. 1 (all resistance

extended shutdown is defined as that period of time 20. Systems Maintenance
during which the machine is out of service. 1. It is very difficult to set up a definite
5. Standby shutdown. The following checks must maintenance schedule since so many operational factors
be made during standby shutdown and corrective action must be considered. You must familiarize yourself with
taken: the operating procedures at your installation and follow
(1) Maintain proper oil level in the oil reservoir and recommendations. We shall discuss the proper
in the suction damper stuffing box. procedures for replacing oil, charging the unit, removing
(2) Room temperature must be above freezing. refrigerant, and troubleshooting.
(3) Machine must be kept free of leaks. 2. Replacing Oil. The following procedure is used
(4) Purge unit must be operated as necessary to keep in the renewal of the oil:
the machine pressure below atmospheric pressure. (1) Pressure in the machine should be approximately
(5) If the machine pressure builds up in the unit due 1 p.s.i.g.
to room temperature rather than leakage of air into the (2) Drain oil from the bottom of the main oil
machine, a small quantity of water circulated through the reservoir cover.
condenser or cooler will hold the machine pressure below (3) Remove the main oil reservoir cover and clean
atmospheric. Periodic operation of the purge unit will the chamber to remove all impurities.
accomplish the same result. (4) Replace the main oil reservoir cover and secure
(6) The machine should be operated a few minutes tightly.
each week to circulate oil and lower the refrigerant (5) Remove the bearing access cover plates.
temperature. (6) Lift up the shaft bearing caps by reaching
6. Extended shutdown. If the system is free of through the bearing access hole and removing the two
leaks and the purge unit holds down the machine pressure, large capscrews.
the following instructions and corrective actions must be (7) Fill the bearing approximately three-fourths of
taken in long shutdown periods: the full charge, allowing the excess oil to flow into the
(1) Drain all water from the compressor, gear and main oil reservoir.
turbine oil cooler, condenser, cooler, seal jacket, pumps, (8) Replace the bearing cap and secure with
and piping if freezing temperatures are likely to develop capscrews.
in the machine room. (9) Remove the brass plug from the thrust housing,
(2) It is possible for the oil to become excessively and remove the strainer; clean and replace.
diluted with refrigerant, causing the oil level in the pump (10) Replace the plug and secure.
chamber to rise. This level should not be allowed to rise (11) Drain oil through the plug in back of the seal oil
into the rear bearing chamber; if this occurs, remove the reservoir.
entire charge of oil. (12) Remove the cover from the seal oil reservoir.
7. Logs and Records. A daily operating log is (13) Remove the filter from the chamber; replace with
maintained at each attended plant for a record of observed a new filter.
temperature readings, waterflow, maintenance performed, (14) Refill the reservoir with oil.
and any unusual conditions which affect an installation (15) Replace the cover and secure tightly.
operation. You are held responsible for keeping an (16) Drain the oil through the plug at the bottom of
accurate log while on duty. A good log will help you spot the atmospheric oil reservoir.
trouble fast. A typical log sheet has spaces for all (17) Remove the atmospheric oil filling plug and pour
important entries, and a carefully kept log will help to in fresh oil until the level is halfway in the atmospheric
make troubleshooting easier. reservoir sight glass.
8. A master chart of preventive maintenance duties, (18) Replace the plug and secure tightly.
each component identified, is usually prepared by the (19) Operate the purge unit to remove as much air as
supervisor and includes daily, weekly, and monthly possible.
maintenance services. The preventive maintenance items (20) Add oil to the atmospheric float chamber, if main
included on the chart are applicable to a specific oil reservoir indicates under-charge after short operation.
installation. The items on the chart must be checked 3. Charging the Unit. The manufacturer ships the
accordingly. Proper sustained operation is the result of refrigerant (R-11) in large metal drums which weigh
good maintenance. approximately 200 pounds. At temperatures above 74°
F., the drum will be under pressure. To prevent injury or
loss of refrigerant, never open the drums to the
atmosphere when they are above this temperature.

It is possible to charge refrigerant from an open drum a (8) When the drum is empty, close the valve on the
60° temperatures, although it is recommended that cooler and disconnect the drum. Remove the valve for
leaktight connections be made to the charging valve. The use with the next drum. Complete charging of the
charging valve is located on the side of the cooler. To machine requires 1200 pounds of refrigerant.
help in the charging procedure, each refrigerant drum has 5. Adding refrigerant to bring refrigerant to
a special type plug installed on the side of the drum. This standard level. When adding refrigerant, use the same
plug is specially engineered for charging purposes. The procedures that we have just discussed. Another method
charging connection on the drum consists of a 2-inch plug that can be used to add refrigerant is simply to allow the
in which is inserted a smaller 3/4-inch plug. The 3/4-inch refrigerant to be drawn in as a gas. Let the drum rest on
opening inside the drum is covered with a friction cap. the floor and let the gas escape into the cooler while the
The cap prevents leakage into or out of the drum when the machine is in operation or idle.
3/4-inch plug is unscrewed. 6. Removing refrigerant. In removing refrigerant
4. Refrigerant charging. To charge the machine from the cooler, the following procedure is recommended:
with refrigerant, proceed as follows: (1) By use of the purge recovery unit, inject air into
(1) The machine must be under a vacuum. the machine until the pressure is 5 pounds gauge.
(2) Fit a 3/4-inch nipple into the standard globe (2) Connect tubing to the charging valve on the
valve and close the valve. cooler and allow the refrigerant to discharge into the
(3) Remove the 3/4-inch plug inserted in the 2-inch refrigerant drum.
plug from the drum. (3) Less loss of refrigerant will take place if the
(4) Place the valve with the nipple into the opening, refrigerant is cold. Always allow space in the drum for
making sure that it is far enough in to push off the cap refrigerant expansion.
inside the drum. 7. Troubleshooting. The steps to be taken in
(5) Place the drum in a horizontal position near the detecting and correcting improper operation of the
cooler charging valve with the use of a hoist. The drum centrifugal machine are outlined in table 19. Use the
should be high enough to allow the refrigerant to flow as proper methods for making these service adjustments,
a liquid, by gravity, from the drum into the charging line. repairs, and corrections as outlined in this chapter. All
Rotate the drum so that the valve is at the bottom. settings, clearances, and adjustments must be made to
(6) Connect the two valves (drum and cooler) with a manufacture’s specifications. The manufacturer’s
copper tube and fittings, making sure all the joints are maintenance catalog gives definite clearances,
leakproof. temperatures, pressure, and positions for adjustment of
(7) Open both valves and allow the refrigerant to component parts. These tolerances must be set as
flow into the cooler. Operate the machine to maintain a recommended for efficient operation; carelessness in
vacuum after the initial reduction to zero. these settings can cause extensive damage to the machine.


TABLE 19-continued

TABLE 19-Continued

Review Exercises 1. The refrigerant charge is approximately

___________ pounds. (Sec. 9, Par. 1)
The following exercises are study aids. Write your
answer in pencil in the space provided after each
exercise. Use the blank pages to record other notes on
the chapter content. Immediately check your answers
with the key at the end of the text.

2. Which component reduces the horsepower 11. The oil pump is driven from the
requirement per ton of refrigeration? (Sec. 9, _____________________. (Sec. 10, Par. 7)
Par. 2)

12. Which component does the pump lubricate first?

3. (Agree)(Disagree) The refrigerant flows through (Sec. 10, Par. 8)
the tubes in the cooler. (Sec. 9, Par. 3)

13. How is oil returned from the oil pump drive

4. The liquid refrigerant, from the condenser, enters gear? (Sec. 10, Par. 9)
the _______________. (Sec. 9, Par. 5)

14. How is the shaft seal actuated? (Sec. 1, Par. 10)

5. How much pressure is there within the
economizer chamber? (Sec. 9, Par. 5)

15. What purpose do the two holes in the inner

floating seal ring serve? (Sec. 10, Par. 11)
6. The suction gas is taken in by the compressor in
_____________ the shaft. (Sec. 10, Par. 1)

16. The automatic stop valve is set to open at

approximately ________________ pounds.
7. How are the wheels (impellers) protected from (Sec. 10, Par. 12)
corrosion? (Sec. 1, Par. 2)

17. Which oil pressure gauges are mounted on the

8. Each bearing has ______________ large oil control panel? (Sec. 10, Par. 13)
rings. (Sec. 10, Par. 3)

18. How is the oil heater energized during

shutdown? (Sec. 10; Par. 14)
9. What prevents interstage leakage of gas? (Sec.
10, Par. 4)
19. (Agree)(Disagree) During operation the two
polished surfaces of the shaft seal are held
together with a spring. (Sec. 10, Par. 16)
10. Which end of the compressor will axial thrust
affect? (Sec. 10, Par. 5)
20. What type oil is used in centrifugal compressors?
(Sec. 10, Par. 17)

21. The compressor gear drive (increases, decreases) 30. The motor furnished with the centrifugal
the motor to compressor speed. (Sec. 11, Par. 1) machine is __________ phase,
_________________ cycle, and has an
________________ rotor. (Sec. 13, Par. 1)

22. The grade of oil to use on a gear depends on

__________, ___________, and
______________.(Sec. 11, Par. 3)
31. The secondary drum control is used to adjust the
amount of resistance in the
___________________ of the motor which
regulates motor ____________________ (Sec.
23. When would you turn on the gear drive cooling 13, Par. 3)
water? (Sec. 11, Par. 5)

32. Which switch is bypassed when the start button

24. Worn bearings in the gear drive will cause is held closed? (Sec. 13, Par. 4)
___________________. (Sec. 11, Par. 9)

33. What is the secondary function of the condenser?

25. Which coupling uses a spool piece? (Sec. 12, (Sec. 14, Par. 1)
Par. 1)

34. What prevents the discharge gas from directly

26. How is the hub expanded when it is to be hitting the condenser tubes? (Sec. 14, Par. 2)
installed on the shaft? (Sec. 12, Par. 2)

35. What precaution would you observe while

27. The angular alignment of a coupling is checked removing the water box cover? (Sec. 14, Par. 3)
with a _________________. (Sec. 12, Par. 3)

36. A burst rupture disc is caused by

28. Which instrument is used to check the offset __________________ (Sec. 14, Par. 6)
alignment of a coupling? (Sec. 12, Par. 4)

37. How can you determine the refrigerant charge of

29. Which type of coupling can be lubricated while the system? (Sec. 14, Par. 11)
the compressor is running? (Sec. 12, Par. 8)

38. What is indicated when the temperature

differential of the refrigerant and chilled water
increases? (Sec. 14, Par. 13)

39. ________________ is prevented by the hot gas 48. When are large quantities of air normally purged
bypass. (Sec. 15, Par. 1) from the centrifugal refrigeration system? (Sec.
16, Par. 10)

40. Why is the liquid injector used in the hot gas

bypass? (Sec. 15, Par. 2) 49. When is water drained from the separator unit?
(Sec. 16, Par. 12)

41. What controls the amount of liquid refrigerant

flowing to the hot gas bypass? (Sec. 15, Par. 3) 50. The four safety controls that will stop the
centrifugal are _______________, ________,
___________, and _______________. (Sec. 17,
Par. 1)
42. (Agree) (Disagree) The high-pressure control on
the purge unit must be reset manually. (Sec. 16,
Par. 3)
51. Which safety control does not require manual
resetting? (Sec. 17, Par. 2)

43. Where is the weir and trap located on the purge

unit? (Sec. 16, Par. 3)
52. What is the differential for the high condenser
pressure control? (Sec. 17, Par. 3)

44. High head pressure indicates that

___________________. (Sec. 16, Par. 5)
53. How can you change (switch over) controllers?
(Sec. 17, Par. 6)

45. How is the air pressure in the condenser released

to the atmosphere? (Sec. 16, Par. 6)
54. The most efficient method of controlling the
capacity of the centrifugal is to
____________________. (Sec. 18, Pars. 1 and
46. What amount of water collected by the purge 2)
unit is an indication of leaky tubes? (Sec. 16,
Par. 8)

55. What will occur if you add more resistance to the

rotor circuit of the drive motor? (Sec. 18, Par. 3)
47. When will a pressure drop exist across the
pressure-regulating valve? (Sec. 16, Par. 9)

56. When is suction damper control more effective

than speed control? (Sec. 18, Par. 4)

57. What is the position of the drum controller lever 63. What is one of the most probable causes of high
during startup? (Sec. 19, Par. 2) condenser pressure? (Sec. 20, table 19)

58. What will cause the oil level to rise in the pump 64. Surging is caused by _________________,
chamber during an extended shutdown? (Sec. ________________, or ________________.
19, Par. 6) (Sec. 20, table 19)

59. The pressure within the machine during an oil 65. What would occur if the economizer float valve
replacement operation should be approximately stuck? (Sec. 20, table 19)
_______________ p.s.i.g. (Sec. 20, Par. 2)

66. What will cause a low "back of seal" oil pressure

60. (Agree)(Disagree) The 2-inch plug in the and a high seal oil pressure? (Sec. 20, table 19)
refrigerant drum prevents leakage when the 3/4-
inch plug is removed. (Sec. 20, Par. 3)

67. Noisy couplings are caused by

___________________, ________________, or
61. How is refrigerant charged into the system as a _________________. (Sec. 20, table 19)
gas? (Sec. 20, Par. 5)

68. (Agree)(Disagree) A high oil level in the speed

62. How do you pressurize the system to remove gear will cause the gear to overheat. (Sec. 20,
refrigerant? (Sec. 20, Par. 6) table 19)


Water Treatment

WATER USED IN air-conditioning systems may create you will saturate the water and no amount of stirring
problems with equipment, such as scale, corrosion, and would cause any more salt to go into solution. But if you
organic growths. Scale formation is one of the greatest heat the water to 100° F., more salt can be dissolved into
problems in air-conditioning systems that have water- the solution. This dissolving action is known as direct
cooled condensers and cooling towers. Corrosion is solubility. But if you reaccomplish these steps using
always a problem in an open water recirculating system in calcium saturates instead of table salt, you would see
which water sprays come in contact with air. The organic more solids precipitate out of the solution as the heat is
growth we are greatly concerned with is algae or slime. increased. This action is suitably called reverse solubility
Since algae thrive on heat and sunlight they will be a and occurs in a water-cooled condenser cooling tower.
problem in cooling towers. As a refrigeration specialist or
technician you will save the military great sums of money 3. You will find that scale will form on heat
if you test and treat your equipment water. For example, transfer surfaces when you use water containing even a
if you allowed scale to reach the thickness of a dime in a small amount of hardness. The pH value of the water
water-cooled condenser, it would cut the efficiency of the determines if the hard water will cause scale or corrosion.
machine more than 50 percent. The pH scale is from 0 to 14. Neutral water has a pH
value of 7.0. Any reading under 7.0 is acid, while a
21. Scale reading above 7.0 is base or alkaline.

1. When water is heated or evaporated, insolubles 4. Let us compare pH to temperature. A

are deposited on metal surfaces. These deposits usually thermometer measures the temperature of a solution,
occur on the metal in the cooling towers, evaporative while pH measures the intensity of acid or base in a
condensers, or inside the pipes and tubes of the condenser solution. As you know, pH means potential hydrogen.
water system which have a recirculating water system. When a hydrogen atom has lost its electron (H+), it
What causes scale? We can explain it in a simple becomes a positive hydrogen ion. When a great many of
formula: these hydrogen atoms make this change, the solution will
become highly acid and attack metals. When the
Ca (HCO3) + heat = CaCO3, + CO2 + H2O hydrogen atom gains electrons, the solution will be base
Calcium calcium carbon and have a pH value from 7.1 to 14. A base solution
bicarbonate + heat = carbonate + dioxide + water contains more hydroxyl ions (OH-). Scale will form when
a base solution is exposed to a temperature rise, providing
In this formula the calcium carbonate is the villain. the hardness is 200 parts per million or higher. Notice the
Calcium carbonate is the chief scale-forming deposit recommended pH for cooling towers in figure 69.
found in air-conditioning systems, but magnesium
carbonate and calcium sulfate can also cause some degree 5. You will find that it is very important to test for
of scaling. solids in the water because solid content (hardness)
determines the amount of scale formation. Hardness is
2. Causes of Scale. A rising temperature decreases the amount of calcium and magnesium compounds in
the solubility of calcium carbonate and calcium sulfate. solution in the water. Water containing 200 p.p.m.
This is known as reverse solubility. Sodium compounds hardness and a pH indication of 9 or above will enhance
such as table salt (sodium chloride), on the other hand, the formation of scale. To avoid scale in cooling towers,
have a direct solubility. Suppose you take a glass of you must control hardness. The maximum p.p.m.
water 80° F. and dissolve table salt into the water. Soon standards for cooling towers are

titration directly measures the soap-consuming capacity of
a water. You will study this test in the following

9. To begin the soap hardness test, measure 50

milliliters of the sample water into the hardness testing
bottle. Add the standard soap solution to the water, 0.5
ml. at a time, from the soap burette, shown in figure 70.
Shake bottle vigorously after each application and place it
on its side. If no lather forms, continue adding 0.5-ml.
portions of soap solution to a maximum of 6 ml and place
the bottle on its side. Now you must use the formula
Figure 69. pH scale. below if you have a permanent lather to complete the test.
If a permanent lather does not appear, see para 10.
100 p.p.m. for makeup water and 200 p.p.m. for bleedoff Hardness (p.p.m.)
water. (total number or ml. of standard
= 20 X soap solution required for
6. In cooling towers and evaporative condensers the permanent lather)
water becomes harder due to evaporation. The term used 10. If a permanent lather does not appear after
to compare hardness to the circulating water to the adding 6 ml. of the standard soap solution,
makeup water is cycles of concentration. For example, 2
cycles of concentration indicate that the circulating water
is twice as hard as the makeup water. If the makeup
water contained 100 p.p.m., the circulating water would
contain 200 p.p.m. To avoid this damaging concentration,
you will find it is necessary to limit the cycles of
concentration. Bleedoff is an effective method used for
this purpose. The amount of bleedoff can be calculated
by using the following formula:
Cycles of concentration
= bleedoff hardness (circulating water)
makeup hardness
For example: if the bleedoff (circulating water) is 150
p.p.m. and the makeup is 50 p.p.m., the cycles of
concentration are 3.

7. There are many methods of treating water to

prevent scale. A few of these are:

• Bleedoff-regulate the amount of bleedoff water to

keep the cycles of concentration within tolerance.
• pH adjustment-maintain the pH of the water
between 7 and 9, as near 8 as possible.
• Add polyphosphates-keeps scale forming
compounds in solution.
• Zeolite water softening-exchanges a nonscale
forming element for calcium and magnesium

Before we discuss water softening, we will introduce the

soap hardness test.

8. Soap Hardness Test. The soap hardness test is

used to measure total hardness. The presence of calcium
and magnesium salts, and to a lesser degree other
dissolved minerals, constitutes hardness in water.
Hardness can be best determined by soap titration. Soap Figure 70. Soap hardness test equipment.

Figure 71. Accelator.

repeat the test with a new water sample. This time dilute 13. Zeolite process. The zeolite process is usually
25 ml. of the sample water with an equal quantity of zero- used for water which has low turbidity and does not
hardness water (distilled water). Conduct the test as you require filtration. Treatment may be given to the entire
studied previously. When a permanent lather has been supply at one point. This system is commonly used to
obtained, calculate the hardness as follows: soften water for special uses, such as for the control of
scale. In such cases, the treatment units are located at
(total number of ml. of standard points near the equipment requiring treated water.
= 40 X soap solution required for
permanent lather) 14. Turbidity is a muddy or unclear condition of
11. Water Softening. Hard waters are potable but water which is caused by suspended silt, clay, sand, or
are objectionable because they form scale inside of organic materials such a decaying vegetation or animal
plumbing and on metal system components. A temporary waste. Turbidity can be corrected by sedimentation,
hardness can be caused by magnesium bicarbonate. Hard filtration, or traps. In most cases the water supply and
water can be softened by two different methods. The first sanitation personnel will supply you with usable, potable
is the lime-soda process which changes calcium and water.
magnesium compounds from soluble to insoluble forms
and then removes these insolubles by sedimentation and 15. Softening devices. Softening devices include
filtration. The second and most common is zeolite or patented equipment such as the Accelator and Spiractor.
base-exchange process. This process replaces soluble The Accelator is also used as a combined flocculation and
calcium and magnesium compounds with soluble sodium sedimentation unit without softening. When this unit is
compounds. operated before filtration to treat water with low
12. Lime-soda process. Lime-soda process plants suspended solids and low alkalinity, it may be necessary
are essentially the same as water filtration plants. Lime to add lime or clay to add weight and prevent rising floc.
and soda ash are added to raw water; the softening
reaction occurs during mixing and flocculation. The 16. The Accelator, shown in figure 71, is a
precipitated calcium and magnesium a removed by suspended solid clarifier. Precipitates which are formed
sedimentation and filtration. An additional process, are kept in motion by a combination of mechanical
called recarbonation, which is the introduction of carbon agitation and hydraulic flow. Velocity of waterflow
dioxide gas, is frequently applied immediately prior to through the system is controlled to keep precipitates in
filtration. If the raw water has high turbidity, the turbidity suspension at a level where water passes through them.
is partial removed by sedimentation prior to the adding of The accumulated
the lime and soda.

with a swirling motion. The upward velocity keeps the
granular material in suspension. As the water rises,
velocity decreases to a point where material is no longer
in suspension. The contact time, 8 to 10 minutes, is
enough to complete softening actions. Softened water is
drawn off from the top of the cone. The size of calcium
carbonate granules increases during the process,
increasing the bulk of granules in the unit. The water
level of the cone is kept down to the desired point by
withdrawing the largest particles from the bottom. New
material must be added, which can be produced by
regrinding and screening the discharged material.
Softened water is usually filtered through a sand filter to
move turbidity. Advantages of the equipment are its
small size, low installation cost, rapid treatment lack of
moving parts and pumping equipment, and elimination of
sludge disposal problems. The unit is most effective
when hardness is predominantly calcium, there is less
than 17 p.p.m. magnesium hardness (expressed as calcium
carbonate), water temperature is about 50° F., and
turbidity is less than 5 p.p.m.

18. Zeolite (ion exchange). Ion exchange is a

chemical operation by which certain minerals that are
ionized or dissociated in solution are exchanged (and thus
removed) for other ions that are contained in a solid
exchange medium, such as a zeolite sandbed. An
example is the exchange of calcium and magnesium, in
solution as hardness in water, for sodium contained in a
sodium zeolite bed. The zeolites used in the process of
ion exchange are insoluble, granular materials. A zeolite
Figure 72. Spiractor may be classified as follows: glauconite (or green sand),
precipitated synthetic, organic (carbonaceus), synthetic
precipitate is called the sludge blanket. When the resin, and clay. Various zeolites are used, depending on
Accelator is operating properly, the water above the the type of water treatment required. Most zeolites
sludge blanket and flowing over the weirs is clear. possess the property cation, or base exchange, but anion
Operation depends on balancing the lift of particles by the exchangers are also available and may be used when
velocity of upward flowing water against the pull of demineralization of water is required. In the course of
gravity. When the velocity of the water is gradually treating water, the capacity of the zeolite bed to exchange
decreased, a point is reached at which the particles are too ions is depleted. This depletion requires the bed to be
heavy to be supported by the velocity of the water. regenerated by the use of some chemical that contains the
Continuous treatment builds up the sludge blanket which specific ion needed for the exchange. For instance, when
is drawn off as required. Operation of the equipment is a sodium zeolite is used to soften water by exchanging the
covered in detail in the manufacturer’s instruction sodium ion for the calcium and magnesium ions of hard
manuals. water, the zeolite gradually becomes depleted of the
17. The Spiractor, shown in figure 72, consists of an sodium ion. Thus, it will not take up the calcium and
inverted conical tank in which the lime-soda softening magnesium ions from the water passing through the bed.
reactions take place in the presence of a suspended bed of The sodium ion is restored to the zeolite by uniformly
granular calcium carbonate. In operation, the tank is distributing a salt or brine solution on top of the bed and
slightly more than half filled with 0.1 to 0.2 millimeter permitting it to pass evenly down through the bed. The
granules. Hardwater and chemicals enter the bottom of salt removes the calcium and magnesium taken up by the
the unit close to each other. They mix immediately as the bed as soluble chlorides and restores the zeolite to its
treated stream of water rises through the granular bed original condition. Beds may also be regenerated with
acid, sodium carbonate,

sodium hydroxide, or potassium permanganate, 7. Erosion-corrosion. Erosion-corrosion is caused
depending on the type of zeolite being used. by suspended matter or air bubbles in a rapidly moving
19. In addition to the problem of scale, the water. The matter can be fine to coarse sand, depending
refrigeration man knows that corrosion is a constant on the velocity of the water. Usually the greatest amount
problem. Let us now study corrosion, its causes, its of erosion-corrosion will take place at elbows and U-
effects, and its control. bends. Another place where erosion-corrosion takes place
is on the impellers of centrifugal pumps.
22. Corrosion
1. In the refrigeration/air-conditioning field, 8. Good filtration installations will remove grains
corrosion has long been a problem. Even in the modern of sand and other matter that are large enough to cause
missile complexes, corrosion is prevalent. Corrosion is erosion-corrosion. To get rid of air tapped in a system, it
very difficult to prevent, but it can be controlled. Before is recommended that hand- or spring-operated bleed
we can control corrosion, we first must understand what valves be installed in the highest point of the water
causes it. system. Purging the water system gets rid of the air
2. The effects of corrosion differ as to the type of bubbles that enter the system in the makeup water.
corrosion, such as uniform, pitting, galvanic, erosion-
corrosion, and electrochemical. We must understand 9. Electrochemical corrosion. Electrochemical
various ways of treating the system to control these types corrosion occurs when a difference in electrical potential
of corrosion. Corrosion is generally more rapid in liquids exists between two parts of a metal in contact with an
with a low pH factor than in alkaline solutions. electrolyte (water). The difference in potential will cause
3. Types of Corrosion. An air-conditioning electric current to flow. The difference in potential may
system may have several types of corrosion in the water be set up by two dissimilar metals, by a difference in
system. Many of these types are undoubtedly familiar to temperature or amount of oxygen, or by the concentration
you. of the electrolyte at the two points of contact with the
4. Uniform corrosion. One of the most common metal. The anode is the point at which the current flow is
types of corrosion encountered in acid environments is from the metal to the electrolyte; it is here that corrosion
known as uniform corrosion. This is caused by acids, occurs. The cathode, which is usually not attached, is the
such as carbonic, which cause a uniform loss of metal point of current flow from the electrolyte to the metal.
throughout the condensating water system. This action is shown in figure 73.
5. Pitting corrosion. Pitting corrosion is a
nonuniform type, the result of a local cell action produced 10. Corrosion Inhibitor. The most common
when a particle, flake, or bubble of gas deposited on a chemicals used as inhibitors are chromates and
metal surface. The pitting is a local accelerated attack, polyphosphates. These inhibitors alone serve only to
which causes a cavity in the metal but does not affect the decease the rate of corrosion, but if other water treatments
surrounding metal. Oxygen deficiency under such a are used in conjunction with them, corrosion may be
deposit sets up an anodic action. This area keeps nearly stopped.
producing such action until the penetration finally
weakens the structure and it falls, developing a pinhole 11. Chromates. Chromates are seldom present n
leak. untreated water; however, they may occur as a result of
6. Galvanic corrosion. When dissimilar metals industrial waste contamination. The chromates are used
which are capable of carrying electric current are present extensively to inhibit corrosion and are effective in the
in a solution, galvanic corrosion occurs. This action is water air-conditioning systems in concentrations of 200-
similar to the electroplating process used in industry to 500 p.p.m. at a pH of 7.0 to 8.5. Chromates are the most
bond or plate dissimilar metals. When two metals similar commonly used corrosion inhibitors in chilled water
to each other are joined together, there is little reaction. systems. For corrosion prevention the most favorable
But the coupling of two metals from different groups range is with the pH from 7.5 to 9.5, but scaling becomes
causes accelerated corrosion in one of the two metals. a problem at the higher pH range. Consequently, the pH
When using large amounts of copper in a system and a should be held near the lower range where corrosion
few unions of steel, the steel will corrode at a rapid rate. protection is excellent. Because it is more economical,
In such cases you should install nonferrous metal instead sodium bichromate (Na2Cr2O72H2O) is the most
of steel. Corrosion inhibitors reduce the corrosion rate commonly used chromate compound. Sodium chromate
but will not eliminate galvanic corrosion. (Na2CrO4) is also used widely.

12. Chromate concentration is stated in p.p.m.

Figure 73. Causes and effects of corrosion.

Chromates are anodic inhibitors but can intensify pitting cooling water systems is the reversion of polyphosphates
if they are used in insufficient amounts. Field tests must to orthophosphates. Orthophosphates provide less
be performed to be sure the required amount of chromate protection than polyphosphates, and orthophosphates
is in the water, and to check the pH. Corrosion is greatest react with the calcium content of the water and precipitate
when the pH is between 0 to 4.5. calcium phosphate. This precipitation forms deposits on
heat exchanger surfaces. The reversion of polyphosphates
13. Chromate concentration is tested by color is increased by long-time retention and high water
comparison. The color of the treated water is matched temperatures. Bleedoff must be adjusted on the
against a known chromate disc. For example, if the condenser water system to avid exceeding the solubility
sample of treated water matches a tube known to contain of calcium phosphate.
200 p.p.m. of chromate, the sample would also contain
200 p.p.m. of chromate. 17. The test used to determine the amount of
polyphosphates in the system is similar the chromate
14. Polyphosphates. Phosphates, particularly the color comparison test.
polyphosphates, are used in cooling water treatment. The
ability to prevent metal loss with polyphosphate treatment 18. Corrosion inhibitor feeders. Many times a
is inferior to the chromate treatment previously discussed. simple bag will be used to feed the chemicals into the
In addition, pitting is more extensive with water. The chemicals, in pellet or crystal form, are placed
polyphosphates. Unlike chromate, high polyphosphate in nylon net bags and hung in the cooling tower sump.
concentrations are not practical because of the However, chilled water and brine systems require the use
precipitation of calcium phosphate. of a pot type feeder similar to the feeder shown in figure
15. One advantage of using polyphosphates is that
there is no yellow residue such as produced by chromates. 19. The chemical charge is prepared by dissolving
This highly undesirable residue is often deposited on the chemicals in a bucket and then filling the pressure
buildings, automobiles, and surrounding vegetation by the tank (F) with the solution. Valves B and C are closed,
wind through cooling towers or evaporative condensers, and valve A is opened to drain the water out of the tank.
when the system is treated by chromates. Also, After the water is drained, close valve A and open valves
polyphosphate treatment reduces corrosion products D and E. Then fill tank (F) with the dissolved chemical
(sludge and rust) known as tuberculation. solution. Opening valves B and C after you have closed
valves D and E will place the feeder in operation. The
16. A factor limiting the use of polyphosphates in feedwater from the discharge

winds. Algae thrive in cooling towers and evaporative
condensers, where there is abundance of sunlight and high
temperatures to carry on their life’s processes. Algae
formations will plug nozzles and prevent proper
distribution of water, thus causing high condensing
pressures and reduced system efficiency. In relation to
the larger subject of algae, we will study residual chlorine
tests, chlorine demand tests, pH determination, pH
adjustment, chlorine disinfectants, hypochlorination, and
chlorination control.

2. Residual Chlorine Test. The growth of algae is

controlled by chlorination. The residual chlorine test is
the test that we make to determine the quantity of
available chlorine remaining in the water after satisfaction
of the chlorine demand has occurred. Orthotolidine is the
solution used in making the residual chlorine test. This
solution reacts with the residual chlorine, taking on a
color which is matched against a standard color in the
comparator disc. Readings up to 5 p.p.m. may be read
from the comparator disc. One p.p.m. will control algae
and 1.5 p.p.m. will kill algae.

3. The time required for full development of color by

orthotolidine depends on the temperature and kind of
residual chlorine present. You will find that the color will
develop several times faster when water is at 70° F. than
Figure 74. Pot type feeder. when it is near the freezing point. For this reason, you
must warm up cold samples quickly after mixing the
side of the pump with force the solution into tie suction sample with orthotolidine. Simply holding the sample
side of the pump. Within a few minutes, the solution will tube in your hand is sufficient.
be washed out of the tank. This feeder is nonadjustable.
4. For samples containing only free chlorine,
20. Another type of feeder you may use is the pot maximum color appears almost instantly and begins to
type proportional feeder. This type, similar to the one fade in a minute. You must take the reading at maximum
shown in figure 74, has an opening to permit charging color intensity. However, a longer period is required for
with chemicals in briquette or lump form. A portion of full color development of chloramines which may be
the water to be treated is passed through the tank, present. Since samples containing combined chlorine
gradually dissolving the chemicals. develop their color at a rate primarily dependent upon
temperature and to a lesser extent on the quantity of
21. The degree of proportionality is questionable at nitrogenous material present, observe the samples
times, because there is little control over the solution rate frequently and use their maximum value.
of the briquettes or the chemical incorporated in them.
Although this system is classified as proportional, it 5. At 70° F. the maximum color develops in about
cannot be used where accuracy of feed is required. It is 3 minutes, while at 32° F. it requires 6 minutes. The
used successfully in our application because we have a maximum color starts to fade after about 1½ minutes.
large range in p.p.m. to control-for example, 250-300 Therefore, in the orthotolidine-arsenite (OTA) test, the
p.p.m. chromate. water temperature should be about 70° F and the sample
read at maximum color and in less than 5 minutes.
22. Now that we have studied corrosion and Preferably, permit the color to develop in the dark. Read
corrosion control, let’s discuss algae. the sample frequently to insure observation of maximum
23. Algae
6. Use enough chlorine so that the residual
1. Algae are slimy living growth of one-celled
animals and plants. They may be brought by birds or high

in the finished water after 30 minutes of contact time will present, the pH value, and the temperature of the water.
be as follows: Remember that the high pH and low temperature retard
disinfection by chlorination. For comparative purposes, it
is imperative that all test conditions be stated, such as
water sample temperature or room temperature.

11. The smallest amount of residual chlorine

considered to be significant is 0.1 mg/1 Cl. Some of the
chlorine-consuming agents in the water are
These residuals are effective for water temperatures nonpathogenic, but they contribute to the total chlorine
ranging from 32° to 77° F. Bactericidal efficiency of demand of the water just as other agents do.
chlorine increases with an increase in water temperature.
12. Chlorine demand in most water is satisfied 10
7. Two types of residual chlorine have been minutes after the chlorine is added. After the first 10
mentioned. The first is the free available chlorine which minutes of chlorination, disinfection continues but at a
can be measured by the OTA test. It is valuable because diminishing rate. A standard period of 30 minutes of
it kills algae quickly. The second is the combined contact time is used to insure that highly resistant
available chlorine, produced by the chloramines, a slower organisms have been destroyed, provided that a high
acting type and therefore one which requires a higher enough dosage has been applied.
concentration to achieve an equivalent bactericidal effect
in the same contact time. 13. The chlorine demand test is used as a guide in
determining how much chlorine is needed to treat a given
8. The orthotolidine-arsenite (OTA) test is the water. Briefly, the test consists of preparing a measured
preferable one in determining chlorine residuals since it test dosage of chlorine, adding it to a sample of the water
permits the measurement of the relative amounts of free to be treated, and adding the resultant residual after 30
available chlorine, combined available chlorine, and color minutes of contact time. The required dosage is then
caused by interfering substances. The test is best computed; it is the chlorine needed to equal the sum of
performed in a laboratory because the accuracy of the the demand plus the minimum contact residual.
results is dependent upon the quantity of available
chlorine preset, the adherence to time intervals between 14. To determine the chlorine demand, calcium
the addition of reagents and the temperature of the hypochlorite, containing 70 percent available chlorine, is
sample. With water temperatures above 68° F, the used for the test. Mix 7.14 grams of calcium hypochlorite
accuracy decreases, whereas below this temperature, it (Ca(OCL)2) with 1000 cc. of the best water available to
increases. produce 5000 p.p.m. chlorine solution. One milliliter of
this standard solution (reagent), when added to 1000 cc.
9. The free available chlorine residual subtracted of the water to be tested, equals 5 p.p.m. chlorine test
from the total residual chlorine would equal the combined dosage. Thus, with 1 milliliter of the reagent equaling 5
available residual. You recall that the combined available p.p.m., any proportionate test dosage may be arrived at by
residual is actually that slower acting residual created by using one-fifth, 0.2 ml., of the reagent in 1000 cc. of the
the chloramines which have formed in the water. Since water for each p.p.m. of chlorine dosage desired. After
the OT test measures only the total available chlorine adding a test dosage of a known strength of a 1000-cc.
residual, it impossible to determine the combined sample of the water to be tested (5 p.p.m., or 1 ml. of the
available chlorine residual with this test. With the reagent is normally used), wait 30 minutes and run a
orthotolidine test, both the free and combined available chlorine residual test. You subtract the chlorine residual
chlorine are measured. If it is desired to determine from the test dosage to obtain the chlorine demand.
whether the residual is present in either the free or
combined form, it is necessary to employ the 15. If you do not obtain a residual after a 30-minute
orthotolidine-arsenite test. period, the test is invalid and must be repeated. You
increase the reagent by 5 p.p.m. each time until a residual
10. Chlorine Demand Test. The chorine demand of is obtained. If, for example, the test were repeated two
water is the difference between the quantity of chlorine times, the results would be recorded as follows:
applied in water treatment and the total available residual
chlorine present at the end of a specified contact period.
The chlorine demand is dependent upon the amount of
chlorine applied (amount applied is dependent upon the
free available and combined available chlorine), the
nature and the quantity of chlorine-consuming agents 16 pH Determination. The pH determination

and residual chlorine tests are both made with the color 22. To determine a high pH that is around 8.3, fill a
comparator. Knowing the pH value of water is important test bottle to the 50-ml. mark and add 2 drops of
for several reasons. First, the pH value influences the phenolphthalein indicator. Observe the test bottle against
amounts of chemicals used for coagulation. Second, the a white background and interpret thus: pink, pH above
disinfecting action of chlorine (to control algae) is 8.3; colorless, pH below 8.3.
retarded by a high pH. If pH is above 8.4, the rate of
disinfection decreases sharply. Third, the corrosion rate is 23. pH Adjustment. Caustic soda, soda ash, and
lowest at a pH of 14, increases to a pH of 10, and remains sodium hydroxide can be added to water to increase the
essentially uniform until a pH of 4.3 is reached, when it pH. The caustic soda or sodium hydroxide treatment uses
increases rapidly. a solution feeder to add the chemical. This is the type of
feeder used to chlorinate water for algae control. Soda
17. But, how do you determine the pH value of ash is added by means of a proportioning pot type feeder.
water with the comparator? Three indicator solutions are The amount you would add depends upon the pH of the
supplied for making pH determinations with the water. Test the water frequently while adding these
comparator. Bromcresol purple green is used for the pH chemicals and stop the treatment when the desired pH
range from 4.4 to 6.0. Bromthymol blue is used for pH level is reached.
values from 6.0 to 7.6. Cresol red-thymol blue is used for
pH values from 7.6 t 9.2. Standard color discs covering 24. Acids are added to lower the pH. The types used
each range are supplied with the comparator. Generally, are sulphuric, phosphoric, and sodium sulfate. They are
the bromthymol blue indicator is used first since most pH added through solution feeders. Add only enough acid to
values fall within its range. The readings for pH are made reduce the pH (alkalinity) to the proper zone. The zone is
immediately after adding the indicator. You should keep usually 7-9 pH, preferably a pH of 8.
in mind that clorimetric indicators provide sharp changes
in readings over a short span of the pH range, but once the 25. Chlorine Disinfectants. Chlorine disinfectants
end of the range has been reached, little change in color is are available in a number of different forms. The two
noted even though a considerable change in pH takes forms that we will use are calcium and sodium
place. For this reason readings of 5.8 to 6.0, obtained hypochlorite.
when using the bromcresol purple green indicator, should
be checked by taking a reading with bromthymol blue. 26. Calcium hypochlorite. Calcium hypochlorite,
Similarly, pH readings of 7.6 to 7.8 on the cresol red- Ca(OCl)2, is a relatively stable, dry granule or powder in
thymol blue disc should be checked on the bromthymol which the chlorine is readily soluble. It is prepared under
blue disc. a number of trade names, including HTH, Perchloron, and
Hoodchlor. It is furnished in 3- to 100-pound containers
18. To determine the pH value, fill the tubes to the and has 65 to 70 percent of available chlorine by weight.
mark with the water sample. Add the indicator solution to Because of its concentrated form and ease of handling,
one tube in the amount specified by the manufacturer, calcium hypochlorite is preferred over other
usually 0.5 ml. (10 drops) for a 10-ml. sample tube and hypochlorites.
proportionally more for larger tubes. Mix the water and
indicator and place the tube in the comparator. 27. Sodium hypochlorite. Sodium hypochlorite,
NaOCl, is generally furnished as a solution that is highly
19. After you place the tube in the comparator, you alkaline and therefore reasonably stable. Federal
match for color and read pH directly. If the color is at specifications call for solutions having 5 and 10 percent
either the upper or lower range of the indicator selected, available chlorine by weight. Shipping costs limit its use
repeat the test with the next higher or lower indicator. to areas where it is available locally. It is so furnished as
powder under various names, such as Lobax and HTH-I5.
20. If a color comparator is not available, methyl The powder generally consists of calcium hypochlorite
orange and phenolphthalein indicators may be used to and soda ash, which react in water to form sodium
make an approximate pH determination. These indicators hypochlorite.
are used primarily for alkalinity determinations, but they
can be used for a rough check of pH values. 28. Hypochlorinators. Hypochlorinators, or
solution feeders, introduce chlorine into the water supply
21. To determine a low pH that is around 4.3, fill a in the form of hypochlorite solution. They are usually
test bottle to the 50-ml. mark with a sample of the water modified positive-displacement piston or diaphragm
to be tested and add 2 drops of methyl orange indicator. mechanical pumps. However, hydraulic displacement
Observe the test bottle against a white background and hypochlorinators are also used. Selection of a feeder
interpret the color thus: pinkish red, pH below 4.3; depends on local
yellow, pH above 4.3.

conditions, space requirements, water pressure conditions, 34. Chlorination Control. To estimate dosage
and supervision available. Fully automatic types are when no prior record of chlorination exists or where
actuated by pressure differentials produced by orifices, chlorine demand changes frequently:
venturis, valves, meters, or similar devices. They can also (1) Determine chlorine demand, or start chlorine
be used to feed chemicals for scale and corrosion control. feed at a low rate and raise feed by small steps; at the
Common types of hypochlorinators are described below. same time make repeated residual tests until a trace is
29. Proportioneers Chlor-O-Feeder. The found. Observe rate of flow treated and rate of chlorine
Proportioneers Chlor-O-Feeder is a positive-displacement feed at this point. Chlorine demand then equals dosage
diaphragm type pump with electric drive (fig. 75) or and is determined from the following equation:
hydraulic operating head (fig. 76). Maximum capacity of
the most popular type, the heavy-duty midget Chlor-O-
Feeder, is 95 gallons of solution in 24 hours.
30. a. Semiautomatic control. The motor-driven (2) Add the minimum p.p.m. required residual to the
type may be cross connected with a pump motor for p.p.m. demand in order to estimate the p.p.m. dosage
semiautomatic control. The hydraulic type can be required to obtain a satisfactory residual. Then set
synchronized with pump operation by means of a solenoid chlorinator rate of feed in accordance with the above
valve. estimated p.p.m dosage. Further upward adjustment after
31. b. Fully automatic control. Motor-driven types making residual tests is usually required because the
are made fully automatic by use of a secondary electrical demand increases as the residual is increased.
control circuit actuated by a switch inserted in a disc or 35. Rate of feed of hypochlorinators is found from
compound-meter gearbox. This switch closes the loss in volume of gallons of solution by determining
momentarily each time a definite volume of water passes change in depth of solution in its container. Knowing the
through the meter, thus starting the feeder. A timing solution strength, the pounds of chlorine used can be
element in the secondary circuit shuts off the feeder after calculated:
a predetermined number of feeder strokes; the number of
strokes is adjustable. In the hydraulic type, shown in
figure 77, the meter actuates gears in a Treet-O-Control
36. Available chlorine content of the chlorine
gearbox which in turn controls operation of a pilot valve
compound used must be known in order to calculate the
in the water or air supply operating the feeder. The
rate of hypochlorite-solution feed. Available chlorine is
dosage rate is controlled by waterflow through the meter,
usually marked on the container as a percentage of
thus automatically proportioning the treatment chemical.
weight. Values generally are as follows:
Opening and closing frequency of the valve thus
Calcium hypochlorite ........................70 percent
determines frequency of operation of the Chlor-O-Feeder.
Sodium hypochlorite (liquid) .............10 percent (varies)
32. Wilson type DES hypochlorinator. The Wilson
(1) To find the actual weight of chlorine compound
type DES hypochlorinator is a constant-rate, manually
to be added, use the equation:
adjusted, electric-motor-driven, positive-displacement
reciprocating pump for corrosive liquids, and is shown in
figure 78. Maximum capacity is 120 gallons of solution
per day. This unit is a piston pump with a diaphragm and
oil chamber separating the pumped solution from the (2) To find the amount of 1-percent dosing solution
piston to prevent corrosion of working parts. needed to treat a given quantity of water with desired
33. Model S hypochlorinator (manufactured by dosage, use the equation:
Precision Chemical Pump Corporation). The Model S
hypochlorinator, shown in figure 79, is a positive-
displacement diaphragm pump with a manually adjustable
feeding capacity of 3 to 60 gallons per day. A motor-
driven eccentric cam reciprocates the diaphragm, (3) To prepare various quantities of 1-percent dosing
injecting the solution into the main supply. Use of solution, use the amounts given table 20.
chemically resistant plastic and synthetic rubber in critical (4) To find the rate of feed of chlorine in gallons per
parts contributes to long operating life. day, use the equation:


(5) To feed the pounds of chlorine compound cause plugging and overheating where solids settle out on
needed to prepare dosing solution of a desired strength, heat exchanger surfaces. Corrosive action is increased
use the equation: because the deposits hinder the penetration of corrosion
inhibitors. We will cover the Jackson turbidity test and
turbidity treatment.
4. Turbidity Test. The Jackson candle
turbidimeter is the standard instrument used for making
turbidity measurements. It consists of a graduated glass
(6) To find the gallons of hypochlorite stock tube, a standard candle, and a support for the candle and
solution needed to prepare dosing solution of a required tube. The glass tube and the candle must be placed in a
strength, use the equation: vertical position on the support so that the centerline of
the glass tube passes through the centerline of the candle.
The top of the support for the candle should be 7.6
centimeters (3 inches) below the bottom of the tube. The
37. CAUTION: Make dosing solutions strong glass tube must be graduated, preferably to read direct in
enough so that the hypochlorinator can be adjusted to feed turbidities (p.p.m.), and the bottom must be flat and
one-half its capacity per day or less. Avoid using a polished. Most of the tube should be enclosed in a metal
calcium hypochlorite dosing solution stronger than 2 or other suitable case when observations are being made.
percent, even if it is necessary to set the machine to feed The candle support will have a spring or other device to
its full day capacity. If calcium hypochlorite solution keep the top of the candle pressed against the top the
stronger than 2 percent is required when the feed is set a support. The candle will be made of beeswax and
maximum, small amounts of sodium hexametaphsphate in spermaceti, gauged to burn within the limits of 114 to 126
the solution will permit maximum concentrations up to 5 grains per hour.
percent. Solutions of sodium hypochlorite may be fed in 5. Turbidity measurements are based on the depth
greater concentrations. of suspension required for the image of the candle flame
38. Another problem area besides algae is turbid to disappear when observed through the suspension. To
water, so let’s now study turbidity. insure uniform results, the flame should be kept a constant
size and the same distance below the glass tube. This
24. Turbidity requires frequent trimming of the charred portion of the
candle wick and frequent observations to see that the
1. Turbidity in water is caused by suspended matter candle is pushed to the top of its support. Each time
in a finely divided state. Clay, silt, organic matter, before lighting the candle, remove the charred part of the
microscopic organisms, and similar materials are wick. Do not keep the candle lit for more than a few
contributing causes of turbidity. minutes at a time, for the flame has a tendency to increase
2. While the terms “turbidity” and “suspended in size.
matter” are related, they are not synonymous. Suspended 6. The observation is made by pouring the
matter is the amount of material in a water that can be suspension into the glass tube until the image of the
removed by filtration. Turbidity is a measurement of the candle flame just disappears from view. Pour slowly
optical obstruction of light that is passed through a water when the candle becomes only faintly visible. After the
sample. image disappears, remove 1 percent of the suspension
3. Turbid makeup water to cooling systems may from the tube; this should make the image visible again.
Care should be taken to keep the glass tube clean on both

Figure 75. Proportioneers heavy-duty midget Chlor-O-Feeder.

Figure 76. Hydraulically driven hypochlorinator.

Figure 77. Motor-driven hypochlorinator.

Figure 78. Wilson type DES hypochlorinator.

the inside and the outside. The accumulation of soot or gravity. These filters are not common to our career field
moisture on the bottom of the tube may interfere with the because coagulants and flocculation are required before
accuracy of the results. The depth of the liquid is read in effective filtration can occur.
centimeters on the glass tube, and the corresponding 10. Pressure filers. Pressure filers are more widely
turbidity measurement is recorded in parts per million. used because they may be placed in the line under
7. Turbidity Treatment. Filtration is the most pressure and thus eliminate double piping.
common method for removing suspended matter that you 11. Pressure filters may be of the vertical or
will encounter. Coagulants, flocculators, and horizontal type. The filter shells are steel, cylindrical in
sedimentation basins are also used but are more common shape; with dished heads. Vertical filters range in
to large water treatment facilities. diameter from 1 to 10 feet, with capacities from 2.4
8. Sand and anthracite coal are the materials g.p.m. to 235 g.p.m. at a filtering rate of 3 gals/sq.ft/min.
commonly used as filter media. The depth of the filter Horizontal filters, 8 feet in diameter, may be 10 to 25 feet
bed can range up to 30 inches, depending upon the type of long, with capacities from 210 g.p.m. to 570 g.p.m.
filter you will be using. You will find that quartz sand, 12. Filter operation. When you initially operate, or
silica sand, and anthracite coal are used in most gravity operate the filter after backwashing it, you should allow
and pressure type filters. the filtered water to waste for a few minutes. This
9. Gravity filters. As the name implies, the flow of procedure rids the system of possible suspended solids
water through the filter is obtained through remaining in the underdrain system after backwashing
and also permits a small amount of suspended matter to
accumulate on the filter bed. As soon as the filter
produces clear water, the unit is placed in normal service.
13. During operation, the suspended matter removed
by the filter accumulates on the surface of the filter. A
loss-of-head gauge indicates when backwashing is
necessary. Backwashing is necessary when the gauge
reads 5 p.s.i.g.
14. Backwashing rates are much higher than
filtration rates because the bed must be expanded and the
suspended matter washed away. This backwashing is
continued for 5 to 10 minutes; then the filter is returned to
15. We have discussed the testing and treatment of
water to be used in our systems. To make
Figure 79. Model S hypochlorinator.

valid tests and prescribe proper treatment, you must the water flow until all air is removed from the hose.
understand the proper methods of water sampling. Drop the end of the hose to the bottom of a chemically
clean sample bottle and fill gently, withdrawing the hose
25. Sampling as the water rises. Test for dissolved gas immediately.
4. Bacteriological analysis. In obtaining samples
1. Frequent chemical and bacteriological analyses for bacteriological analysis, contamination of the bottle,
or tests of raw and treated water are required to plan and stopper, or sample often causes a potable water supply to
control treatment and to insure a safe and potable water. be reported as nonpotable. Full compliance with all
Facilities needed for water analysis depend on the type of precautions listed in the paragraphs below is necessary to
supply and treatment. They vary from a simple chlorine assure a correct analysis.
residual and pH comparator to a fully equipped a. Bottles. Use only sterilized bottles with glass
laboratory. Our discussions here are not concerned with stoppers. Cover the stopper and the neck of the bottle
analysis as such, since the term “analysis” implies that we with a square of wrapping paper or other guard to protect
completely disassemble water into its elementary against dust and handling. Before sterilizing the sample
composition. In complete water analysis your required bottle to be used to test chlorinated water, place 0.02 to
task is to obtain valid samples to be forwarded to the 0.05 gram of sodium thiosulfate, powdered or in solution,
proper laboratories. The sampling and testing with which in each bottle to neutralize chlorine residual in sample.
you personally are concerned are simple and consist only Keep the sterilization temperature under 392° F. to
of routine type tests that can be made in the field or in a prevent decomposition of the thiosulfate.
base laboratory with simple chemicals and comparator b. Sampling from a tap. After testing for chlorine
equipment. residual, close the tap and heat the outlet with an alcohol
2. Sampling Methods. Sampling is an extremely or gasoline torch to destroy any contaminating material
important operation in maintaining quality of water that may be on the lip of the faucet. Occasionally, extra
supply. Unless the water sample is representative, test samples may be collected without flaming the faucet to
results cannot be accurate. You must be very careful to determine whether certain faucet outlets are
obtain a sample that is not contaminated by any outside contaminated. Flush the tap long enough to draw water
source, such as dirty hands, dirty faucets, dirty or from the main. Never use a rubber hose or other
unsterilized containers. Do not sabotage the entire temporary attachment when drawing a sample from the
operation before it gets a good start. Follow approved, tap. Without removing the protective cover, remove the
correct sampling methods like those outlined here and use bottle stopper and hold both cover and stopper in one
only chemically clean sample containers. hand. Do not touch the mouth of the bottle or sides of the
3. Chemical analysis. The following precautions stopper. Fill the bottle three-quarters full. Do not rinse
and actions are necessary when samples for chemical the bottle, since thiosulfate will be lost. Replace the
analysis are taken: stopper and fasten the protective cover with the same
a. Wells. Pump the well until normal draw-down is care.
reached. Rinse the chemically clean sample container c. Sampling from tanks, ponds, lakes, and streams.
with the water to be tested and then fill it. When collecting samples from standing water, remove the
b. Surface supplies. Fill chemically clean raw stopper as previously described and plunge the bottle,
water sample containers with water from the pump with the mouth down and hold at about a 45° angle, at
discharge only after the pump has operated long enough least 3 inches beneath the surface. Tilt the bottle to allow
to flush the discharge line. Take the water sample from the air to escape and to fill the bottle. When filling the
the pond, lake, or stream with a submerged sampler at the bottle, move it in a direction away from the hand holding
intake depth and location. it so water that has contacted the hand does not enter the
c. Plant. Take samples inside a treatment plant bottle. After filling, discard a quarter of the water and
from channels, pipe taps, or other points where good replace the stopper.
mixing is obtained. d. Transporting and storing samples. Biological
d. Tap or distribution system. Let tap water run changes occur rapidly. Therefore, if the test is to be made
long enough to draw the water from the main before at the installation, perform the test within an hour if
taking samples. possible or refrigerate it and test within 48 hours. If the
e. Sample for dissolved gas test. Take care to sample is to be tested at a laboratory away from the
prevent change in dissolved gas content during sampling. installation,
Flush the line; then attach a rubber hose to the tap and let

use the fastest means of transportation to get to the 1. What is the main scale-forming compound found
laboratory. in condensing water systems? (Sec 21, Par. 1)

e. Sample data. You must identify each sample.

Note the sampling point, including building number and
street location for sample of distribution system; source of 2. Scale will form when the pH value is _________
water, such as installation water supply; and the date of ________to _________________ and the p.p.m.
collection. is __________________ or higher. (Sec. 21,
Par. 4)
5. Laboratory Methods and Procedures for
Testing. As you were told earlier in this section, analysis
is an involved process beyond the scope of your
responsibility. However, nonstandard testing, either in a 3. What are the cycles of concentration if the
laboratory or in the field, may comprise a part of your makeup water is 100 p.p.m. and the circulating
daily work. Since you are probably going to be working water is 200 p.p.m.? (Sec. 21, Par. 6)
in a base laboratory part of the time, laboratory technique
are required knowledge. Some of the basic rules are
outlined in the following paragraphs.
4. Give four methods of preventing scale. (Sec. 21,
6 Cleanliness. Chemical and bacteriological tests Par. 7)
can easily be invalidated by impurities introduced into the
test by dirty hands, clothing, or equipment. Set up a
regular daily schedule for cleaning laboratory equipment,
furniture, and floors. 5. During the soap hardness test you use 10 ml. of
standard soap solution to obtain a permanent
7. Personal safety. Keep hands away from your lather. What is the hardness of your sample?
mouth or eyes, especially when working with poisonous (Sec. 21, Par. 9)
chemicals or bacteriological cultures. Keep a diluted
solution of lysol or mercuric chloride and a bicarbonate of
soda solution at or near the laboratory sink at all times.
Rinse hands with this solution immediately after washing 6. Which softening process changes calcium and
any bacteriological-culture glassware or acid containers. magnesium from a soluble to an insoluble state?
Then wash thoroughly with soap and water. Never smoke (Sec. 21, Par. 11)
or eat in the laboratory. Drinking from laboratory
glassware may result in serious illness if a contaminated
beaker is used. Do not use laboratory to prepare food or
use incubators or refrigerators to store food. 7. How does the zeolite process soften water? (Sec.
21, Par. 11)
Review Exercises

The following exercises are study aids. Write your

answers in pencil in the space provided after each 8. Why is it necessary to add lime or clay to the
exercise. Use the blank pages to record other notes on Accelator? (Sec. 21, Par. 15)
the chapter content. Immediately check your answers
with the key at the end of the text. Do not submit your
answers for grading.
9. What factors would limit the use of the
Spiractor? (Sec. 21, Par. 17)

10 What is used to restore the sodium ions in a

zeolite softener? (Sec. 21, Par. 18)

11. In what type of liquid is corrosion more rapid? 19. How is the chromate concentration of treated
(Sec. 22, Par. 2) water measured? (Sec. 22, Par. 13)

12. What is the most common type of corrosion in 20. Why shouldn’t high concentrations of
an acid liquid? (Sec. 22, Par. 4) polyphosphates be used? (Sec. 22, Par. 14)

13. Which type of corrosion is characterized by 21. Give two advantages using polyphosphates over
cavities and gradually develops into pinhole chromates. (Sec. 22, Par. 15)
leaks? (Sec. 22, Par. 5)

22. Why must bleedoff be adjusted on condenser

14. If a system contains an abundance of copper and water systems when polyphosphates are used?
a few unions of steel, and the steel unions are (Sec. 22, Par. 16)
corroding at a very high rate, what type of
corrosion is taking place? (Sec. 22, Par. 6)

23. In what two forms may chemical corrosion

inhibitors be that are placed in a nylon net bag,
15. What causes erosion-corrosion and what is used which in turn is placed in a cooling tower? (Sec.
to control this type of corrosion? (Sec. 22, Pars. 22, Par. 18)
7 and 8)

24. What type of corrosion inhibitor feeders are

16. What are the two most common chemical required on chilled water and brine systems?
corrosion inhibitors? (Sec. 22, Par. 10) (Sec. 22, Par. 18)

17. Chromates are most effective in air-conditioning 25. What are the effects of algae on the operation of
water systems when the concentration is an air-conditioning system? (Sec. 23, Par. 1)
_____________ to ___________ and the pH is
____________________. (Sec. 22, Par. 11)

26. How many p.p.m. of chlorine are needed to

eliminate algae growth in a cooling tower? (Sec.
18. What is the most common chromate used and 23, Par. 2)
why? (Sec. 22, Par. 11)

27. (Agree)(Disagree) During the performance of the 35. Why is calcium hypochlorite used more often
residual chlorine test, you must heat the sample than sodium hypochlorite? (Sec. 23, Pars. 26
to 70° F. before adding the orthotolidine. (Sec. and 27)
23, Par. 3)

36. Which hypochlorinator would you select if the

28. Why is chlorination an effective method of algae water to be treated required 100 gallons of
control in cooling towers and evaporative chlorine solution per day? Why? (Sec. 23, Par
condensers? (Sec. 23, Par. 6) 32)

29. Why is the orthotolidine-arsenite test preferred to 37. The dosage of chlorine added to the 0.5 million
the orthotolidine test? (Sec. 23, Par. 8) gallons of water, when 20 pounds of chlorine is
added per day, is approximately
______________ p.p.m. (solve to the nearest
p.p.m.). (Sec. 23, Par. 34)
30. What is the combined available chlorine residual
when the free available chlorine residual is 2.5
p.p.m. and the total residual chlorine is 3.25
p.p.m.? (Sec. 23, Par. 9) 38. How many pounds of HTH would you have to
add to treat water which requires 30 pounds of
chlorine? (Solve to the nearest pound). (Sec. 23,
Pars. 35 and 36)
31. Describe the procedure used to perform the
chlorine demand test. (Sec. 23, Pars. 13, 14, and
39. How many gallons of chlorine is added per day
to treat 2 million gallons of water when the
dosage is 1.5 p.p.m. and the strength of the
32. As the result of a pH determination with a color dosing solution is 10 percent? (Sec. 23, Par. 36)
comparator, you have found the pH to be 7.7.
How would you have reached this solution?
(Sec. 23, Pars. 17, 18, and 19)
40. What precautions must be followed while you
are performing the Jackson turbidimeter test?
(Sec. 24, Pars. 4, 5, and 6)
33. After you have added two drops of
phenolphthalein indicator to the sample, the
sample turned pink. The sample is (acid,
alkaline). (Sec. 23, Par. 22) 41. How many gallons of water can be filtered
through a vertical type pressure filter in 1 hour?
The diameter of the filter is 4 feet. (Sec. 24, Par.
34. Which acids are used to lower the pH and how
are they added to the water? (Sec. 23, Par. 24)

42. What precautions for taking water samples is 44. How far below the surface of the water in a tank
common to both chemical and bacteriological should you hold the bottle when taking a
analysis? (Sec. 25, Pars. 3 and 4) sample? (Sec. 25, Par. 4,c)

43. How is a bottle sterilized when it is to be used 45. What type of solution should you wash your
for chlorine testing? (Sec. 25, Par. 4, a) hands with after making water tests? (Sec. 25,
Par. 7)


Centrifugal Water Pumps

IF YOU SWING a bucket of water around your head, the of the bedplate, and for the thickness of the foundation
water does not spill out because centrifugal force presses bolt nut. We are now ready to install the pump unit.
it toward the bottom of the bucket. If a number of
bottomless buckets were whirled around inside a pipe, 3. Place wedges at four points, two below the
and there were only one hole where water could leave the approximate center of the pump and two below the
pipe, each pail would throw out some of its water as it approximate center of the motor. Some installations may
passed this hole. It would also suck up more water at the require two additional wedges at the middle of the
center. This is exactly how the centrifugal pump works. bedplate. By adjustment of the wedges you can bring the
Instead of buckets, however, a centrifugal pump has unit to an approximate level and provide for the proper
vertical ribs, or vanes, mounted on a revolving disc. The distance above the foundation for grouting. By further
water takes up the space between the vanes, or ribs. The adjustment of the wedges you can bring the coupling
disc, as it revolves, forces water through the pump outlet halves in reasonable alignment by tightening down the
to the various components the water serves. pump and motor holddown bolts.

2. In this chapter we will study installation, 4. Check the gap and angular misalignment on the
operation, and maintenance of centrifugal water pumps. coupling. The coupling shown in figure 81 is the “spider
insert” type. The normal gap is one-sixteenth of an inch.
26. Installation The gap is the difference in the space between the
coupling halves and the thickness of the spider insert.
1. The installation of a centrifugal water pump Angular misalignment may be checked by using calipers
includes laying a concrete foundation and aligning each at four points on the circumference of the outer ends of
component. The foundation should be sufficiently the coupling hubs, at 90° intervals, as shown in figure 81.
substantial to absorb any vibration and to form a
permanent rigid support for the baseplate. Figure 80 5. The unit will be in angular alignment when the
shows a foundation and baseplate. This type of concrete measurements show the ends of the coupling hubs to be
foundation is important in maintaining the alignment of a the same distance apart at all four points. Gap and
directly driven unit. A mixture of 1 part cement, 3 parts angular alignment is obtained by loosening the motor
sand, and 6 parts gravel or crushed rock is recommended. holddown bolts and shifting or shimming the motor as
In building the foundation, you should leave the top required. Tighten down the holddown bolts after
approximately 1 inch low to allow for grouting. You adjustments have been made.
should roughen and clean the top of the foundation before
placing the unit on it. Foundation bolts of the proper size 6. After the wedges have been adjusted, tighten the
should be embedded in the concrete before it sets. Use a foundation bolts evenly but only finger-tight. Be sure you
template or drawing to locate the bolts. A pipe sleeve maintain the level of the bedplate. Final tightening of the
about 2 diameters larger than the bolt is used to allow foundation bolts is done after the grout has set 48 hours.
movement for the final positioning of the bolts. Place a
washer between the bolthead and the inner surface of the 7. To grout the unit on the foundation, build a
pipe to hold the bolt in position. wooden dam around the foundation, as shown in figure
80, and wet the top surface of the concrete thoroughly.
2. Be sure the foundation bolts are long enough to Now force the grout under the bedplate. The grout should
project through the nuts one-fourth of a inch after be thin enough to level out under the bedplate, but not so
allowance has been made for grouting, for the thickness wet that the cement will separate from the sand and float

Figure 80. Pump foundation.

to the surface. The recommended mixture for grout is 1 (4) Check parallel alignment by laying a
part of Portland cement to 3 parts of sharp sand. The straightedge across both coupling rims at the top, bottom,
grout should completely fill the space under the bedplate. and both sides, as shown figure 82. The unit will be in
Allow 48 hours for the grout to harden. horizontal parallel alignment when the straightedge rests
8. Alignment. Alignment of the pump and motor evenly on both halves of the coupling at each side. In
through the flexible coupling is of extreme importance for some special services a wide differential will prevail
double-free mechanical operation. The following steps between the operating temperatures the pump and motor.
must be followed to establish the initial alignment of the Adjustment of alignment to satisfy such operating
pumping unit: conditions must be governed by the specific application.
(1) Tighten the foundation bolts. The vertical difference of the shafts should be measured
(2) Tighten the pump and motor holddown bolts. with a straightedge and feelers. To establish parallel
(3) Check the gap and angular adjustment as alignment, thin shim stock is placed under the motor base.
discussed previously. Occasionally, shims may be required under the pump
(5) Remember, alignment in one direction may alter
the alignment in another. Check through each alignment
procedure after making an alignment alteration.
9. The unit should be checked periodically for
alignment. If the unit does not stay in line

Figure 81. Checking angular alignment. Figure 82. Checking parallel alignment.

after being properly installed, the following are possible (3) All suction line joints are airtight.
causes: (4) The motor direction matches the arrow on the
• Settling, seasoning, or springing of the pump casing.
foundation (5) The motor reaches its rated nameplate speed.
• Pipe strains distorting or shifting the pump (6) Suction strainer is clean.
• Shifting of the building structure
• Spring of the baseplate 4. Insufficient pump discharge can be caused by
improper priming, air leaks in the suction line or pump
10. Piping. Connect the suction to the suction stuffing box, low motor speed, plugged impeller or
opening in the pump casing. Be sure that all suction suction opening, wrong direction of rotation, worn
connections are airtight. Use a good pipe joint compound stuffing box packing, and mechanical pump defects.
on all threaded joints and airtight, packed unions. Suction These faults can also be related to low pump pressure and
piping smaller than the casing tapping may be used if excessive power consumption. Proper operation of the
necessary. Larger size suction piping than the casing pump is the result of good maintenance policies.
tapping is not recommended. A strainer should be
installed in suction line to protect the pump from foreign 28. Maintenance
matter that may be present in the water.
11. The discharge piping is connected to the 1. If the internal components of the pump become
discharge threaded opening. This opening is larger than worn, you should replace the entire pump with another of
the suction opening. Smaller size discharge ping may be the same size to insure the same pumping capacity. After
used, but the will be a loss of head and capacity. the new pump is installed, it must be aligned as
12. Both pipes must be properly supported so that previously discussed.
there will not be a strain set up. The strain could cause 2. Stuffing Boxes. In repacking be sure that
breakage of the pump casing or misalignment. sufficient packing is placed back of the lantern ring,
13. Now that you have installed the pump you are shown in figure 83, so that the liquid for sealing is
ready to check its operation. To check the operation, you brought in at the lantern ring and not at the packing.
must know the operating characteristics of the pump. 3. The piping supplying the sealing liquid should
be tightly fitted so that no air enters. On suction lifts, a
27. Operation small quantity of air entering the pump at this point may
result in loss of suction. If the liquid being pumped is
1. This centrifugal pump may be used as a cooling dirty, gritty, or acidic, the sealing liquid should be piped
or chilled water pump. Whichever application it serves, to the stuffing box from a clean source of water. This
the method of operation remains the same. The pump procedure will help prevent damage to the packing and
must be filled through the priming opening before it is shaft sleeve.
started. Prime the pump by removing the priming plug on 4. Packing should not be pressed too tight, since
top of the pump casing and filling the pump with the this may result in burning the packing and scoring the
liquid to be pumped. Be sure that all the plugs in the shaft sleeve. A stuffing box is not properly packed if
pump casing are screwed in tightly. Rotate the pump friction in the box is so great that the shaft cannot be
shaft by hand in the direction of the arrow on the casing to turned by hand.
be sure that it moves freely. The pump is now ready to be 5. Always remove and replace all of the old
started. Remember, after the pump is started, you must packing. Do not reuse any of the old packing rings. In
check to insure that the direction of rotation agrees with placing the new packing each packing ring should be cut
the arrow on the casing. to the proper length so that the ends come together but do
2. After the pump is up to speed, the priming time not overlap. The succeeding rings should be placed in the
will depend on the size and length of the suction line. If stuffing box so that the joints of the rings are staggered
for any reason the pump is stopped during the priming 180° apart for two-ring packing, 120° for three-ring, and
period, be sure to check the liquid level in the pump so on.
before restarting it. 6. If the pump is packed with metallic packing and
3. If a newly installed pump fails to prime, you stored for a great length of time, it may be necessary to
must be sure that the following conditions exist: apply leverage to free the rotor. When first starting the
(1) All the plugs on the pump casing are airtight. pump, the packing should be slightly loose, without
(2) The liquid level of the pump is at least to the causing an air leak. If the gland leaks, put some heavy oil
priming level. in the stuffing

9. Mechanical Seals. A mechanical seal is used in
place of a stuffing box. This seal requires no adjustments,
but it may be necessary to replace certain items should
they become scored or broken. Let us discuss dismantling
and assembling the mechanical shaft seal assembly.
10. Dismantling. Back off the gland bolts to free the
gland plates. Then remove the rotating element from the
pump and take off the bearings and shaft nuts. Let us
follow the remaining steps as illustrated in figure 84.
11. Remove the floating seat and sealing washer. Do
not disturb the bellows unless it needs replacement. The
bellows becomes adhered to the sleeve if the seal has been
in use for any length of time and will be damaged if
moved. If it requires replacement, it must be forced off
the sleeve. After the bellows is removed, the remaining
parts-spring, spring holder, retainer shell, and driving
band-may be taken off. If the seal uses a set collar, you
must measure its location on the shaft before removing it
so as to correctly relocate it during assembly.
12. Assembly. In assembling a mechanical seal,
clean up all the parts and lightly oil the surface of the
floating seat and the shaft sleeve. Use light oil-not grease.
Figure 83. Cutaway of bearing and stuffing box. 13. Make sure that the synthetic rubber seat is tight
against the shoulder of the floating seat with the rounded
box until the pump works properly. Then gradually outer edge to the rear to facilitate insertion. Push this
tighten the gland. assembly firmly into the cavity in the gland plate and seat
7. When stuffing boxes are water sealed, you must it squarely. Do not push on the lapped face of the floating
be sure the water seal valves are opened sufficiently to seat.
allow a slight leakage of water. The leakage is piped 14. The next step is to put the spring holder or set
away to a sump or sewer. Many pump failures occur collar in place. If a set collar is used you must locate the
because personnel observe liquid dripping from a gland collar in a position on the shaft determined by the
and endeavor to stop it by tightening the gland bolts. measurement taken during dismantling.
Excessive tightening will cause the packing to burn and 15. Place the remainder of the seal parts on the shaft
also may score the shaft. as an assembly. When the extended length of the seal
8. All general-service pumps are shipped with the assembly is longer than the undercut portion of the sleeve
highest grade of soft, square asbestos packing, or than the distance from the collar to the end of the
impregnated with oil and graphite. sleeve, the spring must be compressed beforehand and

Figure 84. Cutaway of a mechanical seal.

Figure 85. Flexible coupling.

together with string. The string should be removed after bearings is 180° F. If the temperature rises above 180° F.,
installation and after partial tightening of the gland bolts. the pump should be shut down and the cause determined.
Be sure there are no burrs on the sleeve that would harm 21. The oil-lubricated ball bearing is filled with a
the bellows. The new bellow is pushed straight on the good grade of filtered mineral oil (SAE 10) of
sleeve. approximately 150 Saybolt viscosity a 100° F. The oil
16. The casing joint gasket should be cut at least should be changed when it becomes dirty, and the bearing
one-eighth of an inch oversized and trimmed after the should be cleaned at the same time. The bearing should
upper half-casing is bolted down. be checked for wear frequently. Make sure that the oil
17. Bearings. The four types of bearings found in rings are turning freely when the pump is first started.
centrifugal pumps are grease-lubricated (1) ball and (2) They are observed through the oil holes in the bearing
roller bearings, (3) oil-lubricated sleeve bearing, and (4) caps.
oil-lubricated ball bearings. The importance of proper 22. The maximum operating temperature for
lubrication cannot be overemphasized. The frequency of babbitted sleeve bearings is 150° F. If the bearing
lubrication depends upon the conditions of operation. temperature exceeds 150° F, shut down the pump until the
Overlubrication is the primary cause of overheated cause is determined and corrected. Before the pump is
bearings. For average operating conditions it is started, the bearing should be flushed thoroughly with a
recommended that grease be added at intervals of 3 to 6 light grade of oil to remove any dirt or foreign matter that
months. may have accumulated during storage or installation. The
18. The housing should be kept clean, for foreign bearing housing should then be filled to the indicated
matter will cause the bearing to wear prematurely. When level with a good grade filtered mineral oil (SAE 10) of
you clean the bearing, use clean solvent and wipe it with a approximately 150 Saybolt viscosity at 100° F.
clean cloth. Do not use waste to wipe the bearing because 23. Couplings. We have already discussed the
it will leave lint. “spider insert” coupling. Another coupling you will come
19. A regular ball bearing grease must be used. A in contact with is the “Magic-Grip.”
number 1 or 2 grease is satisfactory for most chill or 24. The “Magic Grip” coupling, shown in figure 85,
cooling water pump applications. Mineral greases with a consists primarily of two cast iron discs and two bushings.
soda soap base are recommended. Greases made from The bushing is split, which allows it to slide easily on the
animal or vegetable oil should not be used because of the shaft. The outer diameter of the bushing and the inside
danger of deterioration and the formation of acid. Most diameter of the coupling are tapered. There a four drilled
of the leading oil companies have special bearing greases recesses in the bushing which accommodate the OFF and
that are satisfactory. For specific information of lubricant ON positions of the setscrew holes of the coupling. The
recommendations you should consult the manufacturer’s recesses in the bushings are offset so that when the
service bulletins. setscrews are tightened the bushing will either draw in on
20. The maximum operating temperature for ball the taper and

tighten on the shaft or push out of the taper and loosen on 5. How do you check the angular alignment of a
the shaft. “spider” coupling? (Sec. 26, Par. 4)
25. The coupling is not intended to be a universal
joint. It is capable of taking care of minor angular
misalignment, but you must be sure to carefully align the
coupling during installation. 6. How is angular alignment accomplished? (Sec.
26. To install the coupling, slide the bushing on the 26, Par. 5)
pump or motor shaft with the recess holes away from the
pump. Next place the coupling over the bushing. Insert
both setscrews in the ON position and tighten them
alternately until the coupling is tight on the shaft. 7. Explain the procedure used to grout the pump
27. To remove the coupling, remove both setscrews unit on the foundation. (Sec. 26, Par. 7)
from the ON position and insert them in the OFF position.
Turn the setscrews until the coupling is free on the
busing; then loosen the setscrews and remove the
coupling from the bushing. The bushing will now slide 8. How many parts of Portland cement to sharp
off the shaft. sand are used to make grout? (Sec. 26, Par. 7)

Review Exercises

The following exercises are study aids. Write your 9. How long should you allow the grout to harden?
answers in pencil in the space provided after each (Sec. 26, Par. 7)
exercise. Use the blank pages to record other notes on
the chapter content. Immediately check your answers
with the key at the end of the test. Do not submit your
answers for grading. 10. Explain the steps you must follow to establish
the initial alignment of the pumping unit. (Sec.
1. How many pounds of cement would you have to 26, Par. 8)
mix with 12 pounds of sand and 24 pounds of
crushed rock to form the concrete foundation for
a pump? (Sec. 26, Par. 1)
11. Why would alignment be necessary after the unit
has been operating for a period of time? (Sec.
26, Par. 9)
2. Why is a 1-inch space left between the concrete
foundation and the baseplate? (Sec. 26, Par. 1)

12. A _________________ is installed in the suction

line to protect the pump from foreign matter.
3. How large a pipe sleeve would you use with a (Sec. 26, Par. 10)
baseplate bolt measuring three-fourths of an inch
in diameter? (Sec. 26, Par. 1)

13. What will occur if you install a smaller discharge

pipe than the threaded discharge opening in the
4. Where do you place the wedges to level the pump? (Sec. 26. Par. 11)
baseplate? (Sec. 26, Par. 3)

14. How is the pump primed? (Sec. 27, Par. 1) 23. Name the four types of bearings commonly
found in centrifugal pumps. (Sec. 28, Par. 17)

15. Explain what you should do after the pump is

primed and before it is stared. (Sec. 27, Par. 1) 24. What occurs when a bearing is lubricated too
often? (Sec. 28, Par. 17)

16. List at least four causes for failure of a newly

installed pump to prime. (Sec. 27, Par. 3) 25. What type of grease is recommended for grease-
lubricated bearings? (Sec. 28, Par. 19)

17. A pump that uses a stuffing box takes liquid in

for sealing at ___________________. (Sec. 28, 26. Why aren’t vegetable and animal greases used to
Par. 2) lubricate pump bearing? (Sec. 2, Par. 19)

18. When is it necessary to pipe water from a clean 27. The maximum operating temperature for grease-
water source to the stuffing box? (Sec. 28, Par. lubricated bearings is __________________.
3) (Sec. 28, Par. 20)

19. Why is exact packing tightening important? 28. The maximum operating temperature for an oil-
(Sec. 28, Par. 4) lubricated babbitted sleeve bearing is
___________________. (Sec. 28, Par. 22)

20. How would you stagger the packing joints in the

stuffing box that uses five rings? (Sec. 28, Par. 29. What are the four drilled recesses in the bushing
5) of a “Magic-Grip” coupling used for? (Sec. 28,
Par. 24)

21. The first step to perform when dismantling a

mechanical seal is to _________________. 30. (Agree)(Disagree) During installation of a
(Sec. 28, Par. 10) “Magic-Grip” coupling, the recessed holes
should be facing the pump. (Sec. 28, Par. 26)

22. Which item shouldn’t you disturb when

dismantling a mechanical pump unless it is to be
replaced? (Sec. 28, Par. 11)


Fundamentals of Electronic Controls

A MISSILE STREAKS across the sky. The missile’s 2. The vacuum tube differs from other electrical
flight is controlled electronically from a command post. devices in that the electric current does not flow through a
The success of the launch and flight of the “bird” depends conductor. Instead, it passed through a vacuum inside the
largely upon how well the electronic technicians tube. This flow of electrons is only possible if free
performed their tasks. electrons are somehow introduced into the vacuum.
2. Let us compare the missile launch to an Electrons in the evacuated space will be attracted to a
electronic control system. The missile can be compared positively charged object within the same space because
to the controlled variable-humidity, temperature, airflow, the electrons are negatively charged. Likewise, they will
etc. The movable rocket motor is the controlled device. be repelled by another negatively charged object within
The controlled device is the component within the system the same space. Any movement of electrons under the
that receives a signal from the control to compensate for a influence of attraction or repulsion of charged objects is
change in the variable. Last, but not least, we have the the current in a vacuum. The operation of all vacuum
guidance system. Our controllers thermostats, tubes depends upon an available supply of electrons.
humidistats, etc. -perform in much the same way as a Electron emission can be accomplished by several
guidance system. A change in the controlled variable will methods--field, thermionic, photoelectric and
cause the controller to respond with a corrective signal. bombardment-but the most important is thermionic
3. In this chapter we will discuss vacuum tubes, emission.
amplification, semiconductors, transistor circuits, bridge 3. Thermionic Emission. To get an idea of what
circuits, and discriminator circuits. We will relate occurs during thermionic emission you should visualize
amplifier, bridge, and discriminator circuits to electronic the Christmas sparkler. When you light the sparkler it
controls. Electronic controls are becoming popular in the burns and sparks in all directions. The filament in a
equipment cooling area of your career field because of vacuum tube reacts the same way when heated to a high
their sensitivity and reaction time. temperature. Millions of electrons leave the filament in
all directions and fly off into the surrounding space. The
29. Vacuum Tubes higher the temperature, within limits, the greater the
number of electrons emitted. The filament in a directly
1. Electricity is based entirely upon the electron heated vacuum tube is commonly referred to as a cathode.
theory--that an electron is a minute, negatively charged Refer to figure 86 for the symbol of a filament in a
particle. Atoms consist of a positively charged nucleus vacuum tube with heating sources.
around which are grouped a number of electrons. The 4. The cathode must be heated to a high
physical properties of any atom depend upon the number temperature before electrons will be given off. However
of electrons and the size of the nucleus; however, almost this does not mean that the heating current must flow
all matter has free electrons. The movement of these free through the actual material that does the emitting. You
electrons is known as a current of electricity. If the can see in figure 87 that the part that does the heating can
movement of electrons is in “one” direction only, this is be electrically separate from the emitting element. A
direct current. If, however, the source of voltage is cathode that is separate from the filament is an indirectly
alternated between positive and negative, the movement heated cathode, whereas an emitting filament is a directly
of electrons will also alternate; this is alternating current. heated cathode.
5. Much greater electron emission can be

Figure 86. Thermionic emission.

obtained, at lower temperatures, by coating the cathode these electrons, we must put a second element within the
with special compounds. One of these is thoriated vacuum tube. This second element is called an anode (or
tungsten, or tungsten in which thorium is dissolved. plate), and it gives us our simplest type of vacuum tube,
However, much greater efficiency is achieved in the the diode.
oxide-coated cathode, a cathode in which rare-earth 7. Diode Vacuum Tube. Each vacuum tube must
oxides form a coating over a metal base. Usually this have at least two elements or electrodes: a cathode and an
rare-earth oxide coating consists of barium or strontium anode (commonly called a plate). The cathode is an
oxide. Oxide-coated emitters have a long life and great emitter of electrons and the plate is a collector of
emission efficiency. electrons. Both elements are inclosed inside an envelope
6. The electrons emitted by the cathode stay in its of glass or metal. This discussion centers around the
immediate vicinity. These form a negatively charged vacuum tube diode from which the air as much possible
cloud about the cathode. This cloud, which is called a has been removed. However, it should be understood that
space charge, will repel those electrons nearest the gaseous diodes do exist. The
cathode and force them back in on it. In order to use

Figure 87. Indirectly and directly heated cathodes.

Figure 88. Electron flow in a diode.

term “diode” refers to the number of elements within the figure 89, a diagram of a simple diode rectifier circuit.
tube envelope (di meaning two) rather than to any specific 10. When an a.c. source is connected to the plate and
application, as shown in figure 88. cathode such a circuit, one-half of each a.c. cycle will be
8. The operation of the diode depends upon the fact positive and the other half will be negative. Therefore,
that if a positive voltage is applied to the plate with alternating voltage from the secondary of the transformer
respect to the heated cathode, current will flow through is applied to the diode tube in series with a load resistor,
the tube. When the plate is negative with respect to the R. The voltage varies, as is usual with a.c., but current
cathode, current will not flow through the tube. Since passes through the tube and R only when the plate is
current will pass through a vacuum tube in only one positive with respect to the cathode. In other words,
direction, a diode can be used to change a.c. to d.c. current flows only during the half-cycle when the plate
9. Diode as a half-wave rectifier. Experiments end of the transformer winding is positive. When the
with diode vacuum tubes reveal that the amount of current plate is negative, no current will pass.
which flows from cathode to plate depends upon two 11. Since the current through the diode flows in one
factors: the temperature of the cathode, and the potential direction only, it is direct current. This type of diode
(voltage) between the cathode and the plate. Refer to rectifier circuit is called a half-

Figure 89. Simple half-wave rectifier circuit.

Figure 90. Output of a half-wave rectifier.

wave rectifier, because it rectifies only during one-half of fill in the gaps caused by the negative half-cycle of no
the a.c. cycle. As a result, the rectified output will be current. This process is called “filtering” ‘
pulses of d.c., as shown in figure 90. You can see from 13. Look at the complete electrical circuit of figure
figure 90 that these pulses of direct current are quite 91. Filtering is accomplished by connecting capacitors,
different from pure direct current. It rises from zero to a choke coils (inductors), and resistors in the proper
maximum and returns to zero during the positive half- manner. If a filter circuit is added to the half-wave
cycle of the alternating current, but does not flow at all rectifier, a satisfactory degree of filtering can be obtained.
during the negative half-cycle. This type of current is Capacitors C1 and C2 have a small reactance at the a.c.
referred to as pulsating direct current to distinguish it frequency, and they are connected across the load resistor,
from pure direct current. R. These capacitors will become charged during the
12. In order to change this rectified alternating positive half-cycles as voltage is applied across the load
current into almost pure direct current, these fluctuations resistor. The capacitors will discharge through R and L
must be removed. In other words, it is necessary to cut during the negative half-cycles, when the tube is not
off the humps at the tops of the half-cycles of current and conducting, thus tending to smooth out, or filter out, the

Figure 91. Filter network added to a half-wave rectifier.

Figure 92. Full-wave rectifier.

pulsating direct current. Such a capacitor is known as a alternately, since at any given instant, one plate is positive
filter capacitor. and the other is negative. During one half-cycle, P1 will
14. Inductor L is a filter choke having high reactance be positive with respect to the center tap of the
at the a.c. frequency and a low value of d.c. resistance. It transformer secondary winding while P2 will be negative.
will oppose any current variations, but will allow direct This means that P1 will be conducting while P2 is
current to flow almost unhindered through the circuit. In nonconducting.
order use both alternations of a.c., this circuit must be 18. During the other half-cycle, P1, will be negative
converted to a full-wave rectifier. and nonconducting while P2 will be positive and
15. Diode used or full-wave rectification. One conducting. Therefore, since the two plates take turns in
disadvantage of the half-wave rectifier is that no current is their operation, one plate is always conducting. Current
available from the transformer during the negative half- flows through the load resistor in the same direction
cycle. Therefore, some of the voltage produced during during both halves of the cycle, which is called full-wave
the positive half cycle must be used to filter out the rectification. The circuit shown in figure 92 is the basis
voltage variations. This filtering action reduces the for all a.c. operated power supplies that furnish d.c.
average voltage output of the circuit. Since the circuit is voltages for electronic equipment. Notice that the heater
conducting only half the time, it is not very efficient. voltage for the duo-diode is taken from a special
Consequently, the full-wave rectifier, which rectifies both secondary winding on the transformer.
half-cycles, was developed for use in the power supply 19. The next tube you will study is the triode. The
circuits of modern electronic equipment. triode is used to amplify a signal.
16. In a full-wave rectifier circuit, two diodes may
be used. However, in many applications, the two diodes 30. Amplification
are included in one envelope and the tube is referred to as
a duo-diode. A typical example of a full-wave rectifier 1. With the invention of the triode vacuum tube, the
circuit is shown in figure 92. In this circuit a duo-diode is amplification of electrical power was introduced.
used, and the transformer’s secondary winding has a Technically speaking, amplification means slaving a large
center tap. Notice that the center tap current is turned to d.c. voltage to a small varying signal voltage to make the
ground and then through R and inductor L to the cathode large d.c. voltage have the same wave shape as the signal
(filament) of V1. The voltage appearing across X and Y voltage. As a result, the wave-shaped d.c. voltage will do
is 700 volts a.c. The center tap is at zero potential with the same kind of work as the signal voltage will do, but in
350 volts on each side. a larger quantity. After the triode came the tetrode,
17. Point X of the high-voltage winding is connected pentode, etc., to do a much better job of amplification
to plate P2, and Y is connected to P1. The plates conduct than the triode. Amplification by use of the triode and
other multi-element

vacuum tubes will be discussed in this section. increased, the negative grid voltage must be increased if
2. Triode Vacuum Tube. In the diode tubes you need to limit current through the tube.
previously described, current in the plate circuit was 7. Control Grid Bias. Grid bias has been defined
determined by cathode temperature and by the voltage as the d.c. voltage (potential) on the grid with respect to
applied to the plate. A much more sensitive control of the the cathode. It is usually a negative voltage, but in some
plate current can be achieved by the use of a third cases the grid is operated at a positive potential.
electrode in the tube. The third electrode (or element), Generally when the term “bias” is used, it is assumed to
called a control grid, is usually made in the form of a be negative. There are three general methods of
spiral or screen of fine wire. It is physically located providing this bias voltage.
between the cathode and plate, and is in a separate 8. The first is fixed bias. Figure 93 shows how the
electrical circuit. The term “grid” comes from its early negative terminal of a battery could be connected to the
physical form. control grid of a tube, and the cathode connected to
3. The control grid is placed much closer to the ground to provide bias. If you say that the bias is 5 volts,
cathode than to the plate, in order to have a greater effect you mean that the grid is 5 volts “negative” with respect
on the electrons that pass from the cathode to the plate. to the cathode. Two methods of obtaining a bias of 5
Because of its strategic location the grid can control plate volts are shown in figure 93. In diagram X the battery is
current by variations in its voltage. The operation of a connected with its negative terminal to the grid, while its
triode vacuum tube is explained in the following positive terminal and the cathode are grounded. Diagram
paragraphs. Y shows the positive terminal of the battery connected to
4. If a small negative voltage (with respect to the the cathode, while its negative terminal and the grid are
cathode) is applied to the grid, there is a change in grounded. In either case, the grid is 5 volts negative with
electron flow within the tube. Since the electrons are respect to the cathode. If the grid and the cathode are at
negative charges of electricity, the negative voltage on the the same potential, there is no difference in voltage and
grid will tend to repel the electrons emitted by the the tube is operating at zero bias (diagram Z).
cathode, which tends to prevent them from passing 9. The second method of obtaining grid bias is
through the grid on their way to the plate. However, the called cathode bias. The cathode bias method uses a
plate is highly positive with respect to the cathode and resistor (Rk) connected in series with the cathode, as
attracts many of the electrons through the grid. Thus, shown in figure 94. As the tube conducts, current is in
many electrons pass through the negative grid and reach such a direction that the end of the resistor nearest the
the plate in spite of the opposition offered them by the cathode is positive. The voltage drop across Rk makes the
negative grid voltage. grid negative with respect to the cathode. This negative
5. A small negative voltage on the grid of the grid bias is obtained from the steady d.c. across Rk. The
vacuum tube will reduce the electron flow from the amount of grid bias on the triode tube is determined by
cathode to the plate. As the grid is made more and more the voltage drop (IR) across Rk.
negative, it repels the electrons from the cathode, and this 10. Any signal that is fed into the grid will change
in turn decreases plate current. When the grid bias the amount of current through the tube, which in turn will
reaches a certain negative value, the positive voltage on change the grid bias, due to the fact that current also
the plate is unable to attract any more electrons and the changes through the cathode resistor. To stabilize this
plate current decreases to zero. The point at which this bias voltage, the cathode resistor is bypassed by a
negative voltage stops all plate current is referred to as condenser, C1, that has low resistance compared with the
cutoff bias for that particular tube. resistance of Rk. Here’s how this works.
6. Also, as the grid becomes less and less negative, 11. As the triode conducts, condenser C1, will
the positive plate attracts more electrons and current charge. If the tube, due to an input signal, tends to
increases. However, a point is reached where plate conduct less, C1, will discharge slightly across RR, and
current does not increase even though the grid bias is keep the voltage drop constant. The voltage drop across
made more positive. This point, which varies with the cathode resistor is held almost constant, even though
different types of tubes, is called the saturation level of the signal is continually varying.
vacuum tubes. So you can see that the control grid acts as 12. Our third method of getting grid bias is called
a valve controlling plate current. One other thing must be contact potential, or grid-leak bias. This type of bias
made clear at this point. If the positive plate voltage is depends upon the input signal. Two circuits using contact
potential or grid-leak bias,

Figure 93. Using a battery to get fixed or zero bias.

are shown figure 95. The action in each case is similar- control grid cannot discharge through the tube since it is
that is, when an a.c. signal is applied to the grid, it draws not an emitter of electrons. The only place to can start
current on the positive half-cycle. This current flows in discharging is through the grid resistor, Rg,. This
the external circuit between the cathode and the grid. discharge path is flown by the dotted arrows. A negative
This current flow will charge condenser C1, as shown by voltage is developed across Rg, which biases the tube.
the dark, heavy lines. One thing to keep in mind at this Since the resistor, Rg, has a very high value (500,000
time is the ohmic value of the grid resistor. It is very ohms to several megohms), the condenser only has time
high, in the order of several hundred thousand ohms. to discharge a small amount before a new cycle begins.
13. As the signal voltage goes through the negative This means that only a very small current flows, or leaks
half-cycle, the condenser C1, starts discharging. The through. However, because of the large value of Rg, C1

Figure 94. Cathode biasing with a cathode resistor.

Figure 95. Connect potential bias.

will remain continuously charged to some value as long may be coupled to the control grid of another stage and
as a signal is applied. the output amplified again. Look at figure 97 for a two-
14. One of the main disadvantages of this type of stage amplifier. There are various types of couplings.
bias is the fact that bias is developed only when a signal is But generally the idea is to block the d.c. plate voltage of
applied to the grid. If the signal is removed for any the preceding stage to keep it off the grid of the following
reason, the tube conducts very heavily and may be stage because it would upset the bias of the following
damaged. This condition can be prevented by using stage. A capacitor is used to couple one stage to another
“combination bias,” which uses both grid-leak bias and because a capacitor blocks d.c. or will not let it pass.
cathode bias. This combination provides the advantages 18. Tetrode Amplifiers. While a triode is a good
needed with an added safety precaution in case the signal amplifier at low frequencies, it has a fault when used in
is removed. circuits having a high frequency. This fault results from
15. Triode Tube Operation. Since a small voltage the capacitance effect between the electrodes of the tube
change on the grid causes a large change in plate current, and is known as interelectrode capacitance. The
the triode tube can be used as an amplifier. If a small a.c. capacitance which causes the most trouble is between the
voltage is applied between the cathode and the grid, it will plate and the control grid. This capacitance couples the
cause a change in grid bias and thus vary plate current. output circuit to the input circuit of the amplifier stage,
This small a.c. voltage between cathode and grid is called which causes instability and unsatisfactory operation.
a signal. 19. To correct this fault, another tube was built that
16. The large variations in plate current through the has a grid similar to the control grid placed between the
plate load resistor (RL) develops an a.c. voltage plate and the control grid as seen in figure 98. This new
component across the resistor which is many times larger grid is connected to a positive potential somewhat lower
than the signal voltage. This process is called than the plate potential. It is also connected to the
amplification and is illustrated in figure 96. cathode through a capacitor. The second grid serves as a
17. The one tube and its associated circuits (the input screen between the plate and the control grid and is called
and output circuits) is called one stage of amplification or a screen grid. The tube is called a tetrode.
a one-stage amplifier. A single-stage amplifier might not 20. Beam Power Tubes. Electron tubes which
produce enough amplification or gain to do a particular handle large amounts of current are known as beam
job. To increase the overall gain, the output of one stage power amplifiers. Let us compare a voltage

Figure 96. Triode tube operation.

amplifier with a power amplifier. A voltage amplifier secondary emission effect, the screen grid wires lie in the
may draw 10 milliamperes of plate current while a power shadow of the control grid thus forming the space current
amplifier can draw 250 milliamperes of plate current. into narrow beams. The resulting beams provide the
The beam power amplifier is more rugged, with larger effect of suppressor grid action, and thus permits the
elements, and must dissipate heat faster due to the greater characteristic curves to be similar to those of a pentode.
current. 22. Because of the amount of electrons in the
21. In figure 99 a specially constructed tetrode which negatively charged beam, any secondary electrons emitted
has a filament or cathode, control grid, screen grid, and by the plate are returned to the plate. By internally
plate is called a beam power tetrode. To eliminate connecting the beam-forming plates to the cathode, the
concentration of the electrons are

Figure 9. Two-stage amplifier.

Figure 98. Tetrode amplifier circuit.

even higher, causing the beam to act as a suppressor grid • A class A amplifier has plate current or conducts
in the pentode. for 360° of the input signal.
23. Pentode Amplifiers. The tetrode tube is a better • A class B amplifier conducts for 180° of the
amplifier than the triode tube, but it also has a fault. A input signal.
cold plate does not normally emit electrons. However, • A class AB amplifier is a combination of both
high-velocity electrons, produced by the positive potential class A and B.
on the screen grid, cause other electrons to be knocked • A class C amplifier has plate current flowing for
from the plate. The liberation of these electrons is called approximately 120° of the input signal.
secondary emission. The secondary electrons will be 25. Vacuum tubes have several disadvantages -size,
attracted to the positive screen grid and will reduce the warming up period, etc. Transistors are rapidly replacing
plate current. To overcome this, a vacuum tube was vacuum tubes in electronic controls. To understand
designed that contains still another grid. This grid, shown transistors, you must have a good knowledge of
in figure 100, is called a suppressor grid and is placed semiconductors.
between the plate and the screen grid. A negative
potential is applied to the suppressor grid, and the 31. Semiconductors
negative potential forces the secondary electrons back to
the plate and prevents secondary electrons from reaching 1. The transistor was discovered in 1948 by the
the screen grid. These five-element tubes, or pentodes, Bell Laboratories. The name comes from two words,
are the highest development of amplifier tubes. “transfer” and “resistance.” The transistor is gradually
24. Classes of Amplifiers. Amplifiers are divided replacing the vacuum tube and is playing a big part in the
into the following classes, based on tube operation or bias design of all types of electronic equipment. The main
voltage: advantages

Figure 99. Construction of a beam-power tube. Figure 100. Pentrode amplifier tube.

Figure 103. Atoms of semiconductors.

ring. Another name for the outer ring or orbit is the

valence ring. The helium atom and the hydrogen atom
Figure 101. Elements associated with transistors.
are both good conductors of electricity--the hydrogen
atom being the better.
of the transistor over the vacuum tube are that it smaller,
5. Atomic Number. Atoms of different elements
lighter, and more rugged, and operates at lower voltages
are found to have a different number of protons and
than the vacuum tube.
neutrons in their nucleus. The atomic numbers of some of
2. Atomic Structure. Essential to the
the elements are listed in figure 101. Figure 102 shows
understanding of semiconductor operation is the study of
the structure of a hydrogen atom and a helium atom, two
atomic characteristics and the basic structure of the atom.
examples of good conductors. Figure 103 shows the
The atom contains a nucleus composed of protons and
structure of a germanium atom and a silicon atom, which
neutrons. Protons are positively charged particles, while
are examples of a semiconductor.
neutrons are neutral particles.
6. An atom that has only four electrons in its outer
3. The other component of the atom is the electron,
orbit or ring will combine with other atoms whose outer
which is a negatively charged particle. The electrons are
orbits are incomplete. If a number of germanium atoms
arranged in orbits around the nucleus. The orbits, or
are joined together into crystalline form, the process is
rings, are numbered starting with the ring nearest the
called covalent bonding of germanium atoms. Figure 104
nucleus (which is No. 1) and progressing outward.
shows germanium atoms in covalent bonding. Figure 105
4. The maximum number of electrons permitted in
illustrates an atom of germanium and an atom of
each ring is as follows: Ring No. 1, 2 electrons; ring No.
antimony. For simplification, only the nucleus and the
2, 8 electrons; ring No. 3, 18 electrons; ring No. 4, 32
outer rings are shown for each atom. The outer or valence
electrons. The atomic structure of germanium and silicon
ring for the germanium atom contains four electrons,
have 14 and 32 electrons respectively. The 3d ring in
silicon and the 4th ring in germanium are incomplete,
having only 4 electrons. These incomplete outer rings are
important to the operation of semiconductor devices. A
good conductor has less than 4 electrons in its outer ring.
A good insulator has more than 4 electrons in its outer
ring. A good semiconductor has 4 electrons in its outer

Figure 102. Structure of atoms. Figure 104. Crystalline germanium.

Figure 105. Typical atoms.

the valence ring for the antimony atom contains five

atoms. Figure 107. P-type germanium.
7. If a small amount of antimony is added to
crystalline germanium, the antimony atoms will distribute its covalent bonding and is therefore called acceptor type
themselves throughout the structure of the germanium material.
crystal. 10. The hole can be looked upon as a positive type
8. Figure 106 shows that an antimony atom has of current carrier, as compared to the electron which is a
gone into covalent bonding with germanium. The negative type current carrier. The hole can be moved
antimony atom in the material donates a free electron and from atom to atom the same as the electron can be moved
these free electrons will support current flow through the from atom to atom. The hole moves in one direction and
material. The antimony is called a donor in that it donates the electron moves in the opposite direction.
free electrons. The germanium crystal now becomes an 11. P-N Junctions. When N-type and P-type
N-type (negative type) germanium. germanium are combined in a single crystal, an unusual
9. P-type (positive type) germanium can be but very important phenomenon occurs at the surface
prepared by combining germanium and indium atoms. where contact is made between the two types of
Figure 107 shows germanium and indium in covalent germanium. The contact surface is referred to as a P-N
bonding. For every indium atom in the material, there junction, shown in figure 108.
will be a shortage of one electron that is needed to 12. There will be a tendency for the electrons to
complete covalent bonding between the two elements. gather at the junction in the N-type material and likewise
This shortage of an electron can be defined as a hole. an attraction for the holes gather at the junction of the P-
This type of material will readily accept an electron to type material. These current carriers will not completely
complete neutralize themselves because movement of electrons and
holes cause negative and positive ions to be produced,
which means an electric field is set up in each type
material that will tend to obstruct the movement of
current carriers through the junction. This obstruction
builds up a barrier that is referred to as a high resistance
or potential hill. This electric field may be referred to as a
potential hill battery since the two materials have acquired
a polarity which opposes the normal movement of the
current carries.
13. Reverse Bias. Figure 109 shows an external
voltage applied to an N-P junction. The positive electrode
of the battery is connected to the N-type material and the
negative electrode is connected to the P-type material.
Since the N-type material has an excess of electrons, the
positive voltage being applied to this material will

Figure 106. N-type germanium.

Figure 108. P-N junction.

attract these electrons toward that end of the germanium junction, resulting in current toward the N-P junction.
crystal. The negative voltage being applied to the P-type This method of connecting the battery is known as
material, which has an excess of positive current-carrying forward bias since it encourages current flow.
holes, will attract these holes toward the other end of the 15. Diode Action. Combining P- and N-type
crystal and away from the junction. The ammeter in germanium into a single crystal is the basis of both diode
figure 109 indicates no current flow. There is no and transistor action. The P-N junction can be used as a
possibility of recombination at the junction because the rectifier because of its ability pass current in one direction
potential hill has been built up to a higher value by the and practically no current in the other. Applying an a.c.
application of an external voltage. This is called reversed voltage to this junction results in a d.c. output similar to
bias condition or a high-resistance circuit. that produced by a vacuum tube diode. Figure 111 shows
14. Forward Bias. The battery can be connected a semiconductor diode rectifying an alternating voltage.
with the opposite polarity and cause a different condition. When this P-N junction is biased in the forward direction,
In figure 110 the battery has been reversed, and now the current will flow across the load resistor, RL. When the
negative electrode of the battery is connected to the N- junction is biased in the reverse direction, no current will
type material. This negative voltage will repel the flow across the load resistor, RL. Forward and reverse
electrons in the N-type material toward the junction. The biasing is caused by the a.c. input.
positive electrode is connected to the P-type material 16. Point-Contact Diode. Another type diode is the
which will repel the positive holes toward the junction. point-contact diode, shown in figure 112.
With this connection, recombination takes place at the

Figure 109. N-P junction with reverse bias. Figure 110. P-N junction with forward bias.

19. To form two P-N junctions, three sections of
germanium are required. Figure 113 shows the three
sections separated. When the three sections are combined
a P-N-P transistor is formed, and each section, like each
element in a vacuum tube, has a specific name: emitter,
base, and collector. The base is located between the
emitter and collector, as the grid in a triode vacuum tube
is located between the plate and cathode.
20. Note that when the three sections are combined,
two space charge regions (barriers) occur at the junction
even though there is no application of external voltages,
or fields. This phenomenon is the same as that which
Figure 111. Half-wave rectification. occurs when two sections are combined so as to form a P-
N junction diode.
This diode operates similarly to the P-N junction type. It 21. Transistor action requires that one junction be
consists of a semiconductor (N-type germanium), a metal biased in the forward direction and the second junction be
base, and a metallic point contact (cat whisker). A fine biased in the reverse direction. Figure 114 shows the first
beryllium-copper or phosphor-bronze wire is pressed junction biased in the forward direction. The second
against the N-type germanium crystal. During the junction is not biased. Note that the space charge region
construction of the diode a relatively high current is (barrier) at the first junction is considerably reduced while
passed through the metallic point contact into the N-type the space charge region at the second junction is
crystal. This high current causes a small P-type area to be unchanged. The condition is identical to that of a P-N
formed around the point contact. Thus, a P-type and an junction diode with forward bias.
N-type germanium are formed in the same crystal. The 22. Figure 114 shows the second junction biased in
operation of this diode is similar to the P-N junction the reverse direction. The first junction is not biased.
diode. Note that the space charge region (barrier) at the second
17. Transistor Triodes. A review of the operation junction increases. Except for minority carriers (not
of P-N germanium junctions reveals that a P-N junction shown), no current flows across the junction. This
biased in the forward direction is equivalent to the low- phenomenon is the same as that which occurs when two
resistance element (high current for a given voltage). The sections are combined to form a P-N junction diode with
P-N junction biased in the reverse direction is equivalent reverse bias.
to a high-resistance element (low current for a given 23. Figure 115 shows what happens when junctions
voltage). For a given current, the power developed in a are biased simultaneously. Because of the simultaneous
high-resistance element is greater than that developed in a biasing, a large number of holes from the emitter do not
low-resistance element. (Power is equal to the current combine with the electrons entering the base from the
squared multiplied by the resistance value, or simply: P = emitter-base battery. Many of the holes diffuse through
I2R.) If a crystal containing two P-N junctions were the base and penetrate the base-collector space charge
prepared, a signal could be introduced into one P-N
junction biased the forward direction (low resistance) and
extracted from the other P-N junction biased in the
reverse direction (high resistance). This biasing produces
a power gain of the signal when developed in the external
circuit. Such a device would transfer the signal current
from a low-resistance circuit to a high-resistance circuit.
18. P-N-P and N-P-N Junction Transistors. The
P-N-P transistor is constructed by placing a narrow strip
of N-type germanium between two relatively long strips
of P-type germanium. And, as the letters indicate, the N-
P-N transistor consists of a narrow strip of P-type
germanium between two relatively long strips of N-type
Figure 112. Physical construction of a point-contact

Figure 113. Two sections of P-type germanium and one section of N-type germanium.

region. In the collector region the holes combine with 500,000 ohms for the collector-to-base resistance. By
electrons that enter the collector from the negative Ohms law, voltage is equal to current times resistance;
terminal of the base-collector battery. If holes that enter thus, numerically stated:
the base from the emitter-base junction avoid combination
with electrons entering the base from the battery, the
holes are attracted to the collector by the acceptor atoms
(negative) in the collector and the negative potential of
the base collector battery. 26. Although the current gain (95 percent) in this
24. To obtain maximum power gain in a transistor, particular transistor circuit is actually a loss, the ratio of
most of the holes from the emitter must diffuse through resistance from emitter to collector more than makes up
the base region into the collector region. This condition for this loss. Also, this same resistance ratio provides a
obtained in practice by making the base region very power gain which makes the transistor adaptable to many
narrow compared the emitter and the collector regions. In electron circuits.
practical transistors, approximately 95 percent of the 27. N-P-N Junction Transistors. The theory of
current from the emitter reaches the collector. operation of the N-P-N is similar to that of the P-N-P
25. By using forward bias on the emitter-to-base transistor. However, inspection and comparison of
junction there is a relatively low resistance, whereas by figures 115 and 116 will reveal two important differences:
using reverse bias on the collector-to-base junction there • The emitter-to-collector carrier in the P-N-P
is a relatively high resistance. A typical value for the transistor is the hole. The emitter-to-collector carrier in
emitter-to-base resistance is around 500 ohms, and around the N-P-N transistor is the electron.

Figure 114. Forward bias between emitter and base (A) and reverse bias between
base and collector (B)

• The bias voltage polarities are reversed. This passes through the base. The cathode, grid, and plate of
condition is necessitated by the different positional the electron tube are comparable to the emitter, base, and
relationships of the two types of germanium as used in the collector, respectively, of the transistor. Plate current is
two types of transistors. determined mainly by grid to cathode voltage, and
28. Transistors and Electron Tubes. Some of the collector current is determined mainly by emitter-base
differences and similarities between electron tubes and voltage. The electron tube requires heater current to boil
transistors are discussed in the following paragraphs. electrons from the cathode. The transistor has no heater.
29. The main current flow in an electron tube is from 30. For electron current flow in an electron tube, the
cathode to plate (shown in fig. 117). In a junction plate is always positive with respect to the cathode. For
transistor, the main current flow is from emitter to current flow in a transistor, the collector may be positive
collector. The electron current in the electron tube passes or negative with respect to the emitter depending on
through a grid. In the transistor, the electron current whether the electrons or holes, respectively, are the emit-
ter-to-collector carriers. For most electron tube

Figure 115. Simultaneous application of forward bias between emitter and base and reverse
bias between base and collector of P-N-P transistor.

applications, grid cathode current does not flow. For current carrier in the crystal is the electron. For electrons
most transistor applications, current flows between to flow internally from emitter to collector, the collector
emitter and base. Thus, in these cases, the input must be positive with respect the emitter. In the external
impedance of an electron tube is much higher than its circuit, the electrons flow from the collector to the emitter
output impedance and similarly the input impedance of a (opposite to the direction of the emitter arrow).
transistor is much lower than its output impedance. 33. Point-Contact Transistor. The point-contact
31. Transistor Triode Symbols. Figure 118 shows transistor is similar to the point-contact diode except for a
the symbols used for transistor triodes. In the P-N-P second metallic conductor (cat whisker). These cat
transistor, the emitter-to-collector current carrier in the whiskers are mounted relatively close together on the
crystal is the hole. For holes to flow internally from surface of a germanium crystal (either P- or N-type). A
emitter to collector, the collector must be negative with small area of P- or N-type is formed around these contact
respect to the emitter. In the external circuit, electrons points. These two contacts are the emitter and collector.
flow from emitter (opposite to direction of the emitter The base will be the N- or P-type of which the crystal was
arrow) to collector. formed. The operation of the point-contact transistor is
32. In the N-P-N transistor, the emitter-to-collector similar to the operation of the junction type. Now that

Figure 116. Simultaneous application of forward bias between emitter and base and
reverse bias between base and collector of N-P-N transistor.

Figure 117. Structure of a triode vacuum tube and a junction transistor.

have studied transistors you must know how they are current (Ib) to flow.
connected into the circuit. 3. Battery B2 is connected to produce reverse bias
on the collector-base junction. However, current will
32. Transistor Circuits flow in the collector-base circuit. Let’s see why this
current will flow. In this emitter, electrons move toward
1. The circuit types in which transistors may be the emitter-base junction due to the forward bias on that
used are almost unlimited. However, regardless of the junction. Many of the electrons pass through the emitter-
circuit variations, the transistor will be connected by one base junction into the base material. At this point the
of three basic methods. These are: common base, electrons are under the influence of the strong field
common emitter, and common collector. These produced by B2. Since the base material is very thin, the
connections correspond to the grounded grid, grounded electrons are accelerated into the collector. This results in
cathode, and grounded plate respectively. collector current (Ic), as shown in figure 119. About 95
2. Common Base Circuit. Figure 119 shows a percent of the electrons passing through the emitter-base
common base circuit using a triode transistor. A thin junction enter the collector circuit. Thus, the base current
layer of P-type material is sandwiched between two (Ib), which is a result of recombination of electrons and
pellets of N-type material. The layer of P-type material is holes, is only 5 percent of the emitter current.
the base when the two pellets of N-type material are the 4. Common Emitter Circuit. The circuit that will
collector and the emitter. The emitter is connected to the be encountered most often is the common emitter circuit
base through a small battery (B1). This battery is shown in figure 120. Notice that the base is returned to
connected with its negative electrode to the N-type the emitter and the collector is also returned the emitter.
emitter and its positive electrode to the P-type base. The base-emitter circuit is biased by a small battery
Thus, the emitter-base junction has forward bias on it. whose negative electrode is connected to the N-type base
Recombination of the electrons and holes causes base and

Figure 118. Transistor symbols.

Figure 119. Common base circuit.

The positive electrode to the P-type emitter. This forward power gain but no voltage gain in the circuit. The circuit
bias results in a base-emitter current of 1 milliampere. In is well suited for input and interstage coupling
the collector circuit the battery is placed so as to put arrangements.
reverse bias on the collector-base junction. The collector 6. Transistor Amplifiers. Let’s put a signal
current (Ic) is 20 milliamperes. Since the input is across voltage into the circuit of figure 122 and trace the electron
the base emitter and the output is across the collector flow. A coupling capacitor (C1) is used to couple the
emitter, there is a current gain of 20. The positive voltage signal into the emitter-base circuit. Rg provides the right
on the emitter repels its positive holes toward the base amount of forward bias. When the signal voltage rises in
region. Because of their high velocity, and because of the a positive direction, the emitter will be made less negative
strong negative field of the collector, the holes will pass with respect to the base. This difference will result in a
right on through the base material and enter the collector. reduction of the forward bias on the emitter-base circuit
Only 5 percent or less of those carriers leaving the emitter and, therefore, a reduction in current flow through the
will enter through the circuit. The other 95 percent or emitter. Since the emitter current is reduced, the collector
more will enter the collector and constitute collector current will likewise be reduced at the same proportion.
current (Ic). As the signal voltage starts increasing in a negative
5. Common Collector Circuit. The common direction, the emitter will now become more negative
collector circuit in figure 121 operates in much the same with respect to the base, resulting in increased forward
manner as a cathode follower vacuum tube circuit. It has bias. Increased forward bias
a high impedance and a low output impedance. It has a

Figure 120. Common emitter circuit.

Figure 121. Common collector circuit.

8. The electrical resistance of a semiconductor

junction may vary considerably with its temperature. For
this reason, the performance of a circuit will vary with the
temperature unless the circuit is compensated for
temperature variations. Compensating for temperature
minimizes the effects of temperature on operating bias
currents and will stabilize the d.c. operating conditions of
the transistor. Now let us talk about the circuit that feeds
the signal to the amplifier circuit-the bridge circuit.

33. Bridge Circuits

Figure 122. Common base amplifier.
1. The brain of most electronic controls is a
will result in increased current flow in the emitter and modified Wheatstone bridge. To understand the bridge
collector circuits. circuit will review the operation of a variable resistor
7. The signal being applied to the emitter-base (potentiometer) first. One of the principal uses of the
circuit has now been reproduced in the collector circuit. potentiometer is to take a voltage from one circuit to use
The signal has been greatly amplified because the current in another. Figure 124 shows a potentiometer connected
flowing in the collector circuit is through a high across a power source. The full 24 volts of the source is
impedance network. It is also possible to use a P-N-P dropped between the two ends of the resistor; this means
type transistor, as shown in figure 123. that 12 volts are being

Figure 123. Common emitter amplifier.

the two resistances are connected in parallel, the voltage
applied by the battery is equally distributed along each of
the two “pots.” Such a combination of “pots” is called a
bridge. Notice that each wiper is at a positive potential
with respect to point C of 6 volts, and consequently the
voltmeter indication is zero volts. Since no current flows
between the wipers, the bridge is said to be balanced. If
wiper A is moved to the center of the top “pot,” detail A,
it would take off 12 volts; however, wiper B is taking off
6 volts and the meter would read 6 volts, the difference
between 6 and 12. Electrons would flow from B
(negative) through the meter to A (positive in respect to
B). The meter would be deflected to the left 6 volts, so
we can say the bridge is unbalanced to the left. Moving
wiper B toward the positive potential and A toward
negative will cause the bridge to unbalance to the right
because current would flow from A to B, deflecting the
Figure 124. Potentiometer. meter to the right, which is demonstrated in detail B of
figure 125.
dropped across each half, or 6 volts across each quarter 3. Look at figure 126, a Wheatstone bridge. The
(1/4). If a voltmeter is connected from one end, and to the basic operation is the same as the common bridge shown
movable wiper, it will read the voltage drop between that in figure 125, but it uses only one variable resistor.
end and the wiper. Note that meter A is reading the 4. The variable resistor has a higher resistance
voltage drop across ¼ of the resistance, or 6 volts. Meter value than the three fixed resistors. When the variable
B is reading the voltage drop across the remaining ¾ of resistor is centered, it has the same value as the fixed
the resistance, or 18 volts. As the wiper is moved resistors; the bridge is in balance, for no voltage is
clockwise, the voltage shown on meter A will increase indicated by the meter. Each resistor drops 12 volts.
and B will decrease. Later you will hear the word “pot.” Detail A of figure 126 shows R4 unbalanced to the left.
This is short for potentiometer. Because of its higher resistance, it now drops 18 of the
2. Figure 125 shows two resistances connected in applied volts, and the remaining 6 volts are dropped by
parallel with their wipers connected to a voltmeter. Since R1. The difference between 6 and 12 or 12

Figure 125. Simple bridge.

amplifier. The amplifier simply “builds up” the small
signal from the bridge to operate a relay.
6. T1 (thermostat) now takes the place of R3. The
sensing element is a piece of resistance wire that changes
in value as the temperature changes. An increase in
temperature will cause a proportional increase in
resistance. As you will note in figure 127, at set point of
74° F., the bridge is in balance. The voltage at points C
and D is the same (7.5 volts), and the amplifier will keep
the final control element in its present position until we
have a temperature change. Now let’s assume the control
point changes.
7. When the temperature at T1 is lower than set
Figure 126. Wheatstone bridge. point, its resistance is less than 1000 ohms. This lower
resistance causes more than 7.5 volts to be dropped by R2,
and 18 is across the meter (6 volts). Since current flows which means that point C has a lower voltage than point
from negative to positive, the flow through the meter is D. The amplifier will then take the necessary action to
toward the op of the page. Detail B of figure 126 shows correct the control point.
R4 unbalanced to the right. This drops its value, causing 8. When the temperature at T1 is higher than set
most of the applied voltage to be dropped across R1 (18 point, its resistance is more than 1000 ohms, causing less
volts). The difference between 12 and 18 (6 volts) is than 7.5 volts to be dropped across R2. Point C has a
across the meter, but in this case flowing toward the higher voltage than point D. The amplifier will once
bottom of the page (- to +). again take the necessary corrective action.
5. The Wheatstone bridge can be used on a.c. or 9. The resistance of T1 changes 2.2 ohms for each
d.c., but if a.c. is used, it requires a phase detector, degree temperature change. This will cause only 0.0085-
discussed later in this chapter. The a.c. Wheatstone volt change between points C and D. For this reason, to
bridge is used with most electronic controls. Note that in check the bridge circuit, one will have to use an electronic
figure 127 the d.c. power source has been replaced with a meter usually called a V.T.V.M. for vacuum tube
transformer and the voltmeter has been replaced with an voltmeter.

Figure 127. A.c. Wheatstone bridge.

The vacuum tube voltmeter will usually have an ohms and take the necessary action to correct the condition.
scale as well as ac. and d.c. voltage scales. When the control point moves off set point, the bridge
10. The V.T.V.M. must be plugged into the lower becomes unbalanced and sends a small signal to the
line for operation. Usually, there is no provision for control grid of the first-stage amplifier, as shown in figure
current measurements. Its advantage, however, is an 128.
extremely high input resistance of 11 million ohms (11 2. The small a.c. signal imposed on the control grid
meg) or more, as a d.c. voltmeter, resulting in negligible of this triode causes it to conduct more when the signal is
loading effect. Also resistance ranges up to R X 1000 positive and less when it is negative. The sine wave in
allow measurements as high as 1000 megohms. The figure 128 shows the plate voltage at point A. Note that
ohms scale reads from left to right like the volts scale and when the grid is more positive, the tube conducts more
is linear without crowding at either end. The adjustments and most of the 300 v.d.c. is dropped across load resistor
are as follows: R7. When the grid is negative, most of the voltage is
(1) First, with the meter warmed up for several dropped across the tube. The sine wave has been inverted
minutes on the d.c. volts position of the selector switch, and is riding a fixed d.c. value of 150 volts.
set the zero adjust to line up the pointer on zero at the left 3. The blocking capacitor C2 passes the amplified
edge of the scale. a.c. component to the second stage but blocks the high
(2) With the leads apart and the selector on ohms, voltage d.c. R6 is the bias resistor for the control grid, and
the ohms adjust is set to line the pointer with maximum R5 is the bias bleeder to prevent self-bias.
resistance ( ) at the right of the scale. 4. Amplifier stages 2, 3, etc., as seen in figure 129,
(3) Set the selector switch to the desired position and repeat the process until the signal is strong enough to
use. The ohms adjust should be set for each individual drive a power tube or discriminator. At this point the
range. signal voltage has been amplified to a sufficient level to
11. CAUTION: When checking voltage on drive a power tube.
unfamiliar circuits, always start with the highest voltage 5. The power amplifier require a higher voltage
scale for your safety as well as protection of the meter. driving signal but controls a much larger current. This
12. Another circuit that you could use in electronic current is then used to energize a relay and operates the
controls is the discriminator circuit. It is used in final control element. In the discriminator circuit shown
conjunction with a bridge circuit. in figure 130, when the signal goes negative, cutoff bias is
reached on the control grid. Also, the tube will conduct
34. Discriminator Circuits only when the plate is positive. Plate current will
therefore be similar to the output of a half-wave rectifier.
1. The purpose of the discriminator circuit is to 6. Since plate current flows in pulse, capacitor C5 is
determine the direction in which the bridge is unbalanced connected across the coil of the motor relay. The
capacitor will charge while the plate

Figure 128. Bridge and amplifier circuit.

Figure 129. Second- and third-stage amplification.

is conducting and discharge through the coil, holding it with the discriminator supply.
energized during the off cycle. This type control is two
position, and the final control will either be in the fully 8. The control grid of the discriminator is biased at
open or fully closed position. cutoff; therefore, it will conduct only when the plate and
7. The bridge supply voltage must come from the the amplified bridge signal are both positive. With the
same phase as the discriminator supply, shown in figure temperature below set point, as in figure 131, point C will
131. Supplying voltage from the same phase insures a have the same polarity as point B (the resistance of T1
bridge signal that is either in phase or 180° out of phase decreased); and will cause bridge signal to

Figure 130. Discriminator circuit.

Figure 131. Two-position control.

be more positive at the same time the discriminator plate of both are negative beyond cutoff bias. During the next
is positive (solid symbols, +). Current flows through the alternation (dotted symbols), when the signal is positive,
relay and also charges capacitor C5. During the next half- discriminator number 2 will conduct because its plate is
cycle (dotted symbols, +) the signal is negative and the also positive. Capacitor C6 will charge and relay number
discriminator plate is negative. No plate current can flow. 2 will energize, causing the motor to run
Capacitor C5 discharges through the relay which holds it counterclockwise; this moves the wiper of the balancing
closed until the next alteration. potentiometer to the right, adding resistance to R1, and
9. The valve controlling chill water or brine will removing resistance from T1 until no signal is applied to
remain closed until the temperature increases. If the the amplifier. Cutoff bias is reached on the control grids
temperature goes above the set point, the grid of the of the discriminators, capacitor C6 discharges, relay 2
discriminator will be negative when the plate is positive energizes, and the motor stops at its new position.
and vice versa. No plate current can flow and the valve 11. A decrease in temperature at T1, causes a 180°
opens. phase shift from the bridge. This phase shift places the
10. For modulating control, illustrated in figure 132, grid of discriminator tube 1 positive at the same time as
a modulating motor is used with a balancing the plate. Relay 1 energizes and the motor runs clockwise
potentiometer. The balancing potentiometer is wired in until the bridge is once again balanced.
series with the thermostat resistor. Its purpose is to bring 12. For control of relative humidity, the thermostat is
the bridge back into balance (no voltage between points C replaced by a gold leaf humidistat. The principle of
and D) when a deviation has been corrected. Assuming a operation is the same; however, you must remember that
rise in temperature at T1 and the polarity shown by the moisture sensed by the gold leaf causes the resistance to
solid symbols, point C will be negative. Neither of the change.
discriminator tubes will conduct because the control grids

Figure 132. Modulating control.

Review Exercises 4. The electrons flow from the ________________

The following exercises are study aids. Write your to the _________________in a vacuum tube.
answers in pencil in the space provided after each (Sec. 29, Par . 7)
exercise. Use the blank pages to record other notes on
the chapter content. Immediately check your answers
with the key at the end of the text. Do not submit your
answers. 5. Why does the diode rectify a.c.? (Sec. 29, Par.
1. Explain thermionic emission. (Sec. 29, Par. 3)

6. What factors determine the amount of current

2. How does a directly heated cathode differ from flowing through a diode tube? (Sec. 29, Par. 9)
an indirectly heated cathode? (Sec. 29, Par. 4)

7. The diode will conduct during the ___________

3. Name the elements of a diode vacuum tube. half-cycle of the alternating current. (Sec. 29,
(Sec. 29, Par. 7) Par. 11)

8. How can you filter half-wave rectification with a 17. Why can a triode be used as an amplifier? (Sec.
capacitor? (Sec. 29, Par. 13) 30, Par. 15)

9. What is a duo-diode vacuum tube? (Sec. 2, Par. 18. What is the potential of the screen grid with
16) respect to the cathode in a tetrode vacuum tube?
(Sec. 30, Par. 19)

10. What is the purpose of the control grid in a

vacuum tube? (Sec. 30, Par. 2) 19. How does a power amplifier differ from a triode
amplifier? (Sec. 30, Par. 20)

11. Where, inside the tube, is the control grid

physically located? (Sec. 30, Par. 2)
20. What potential is applied to the suppressor grid
of a pentode tube? (Sec 30, Par. 23)

12. The usual polarity of the grid with respect to the

cathode is ________________. (Sec. 30, Par. 4)
21. What is a valence ring? (Sec. 31, Par. 4)

13. What will happen to the current through a triode

if you make the control grid more negative? 22. A valence ring containing two electrons indicates
(Sec. 30, Par. 5) a good ________________. (Sec. 31, Par. 4)

14. Define grid bias. Cutoff bias. (Sec. 30, Pars. 5 23. How is N-type germanium made? (Sec. 31, Par.
and 7) 8)

15. Name the types of grid bias used on vacuum 24. How does N-type germanium material differ
tubes. (Sec. 30, Pars. 8, 9, and 12) from P-type germanium material? (Sec. 31,
Pars. 8 and 9)

16. What is one disadvantage of contact potential

bias? (Sec. 30, Par. 14) 25. To achieve reverse bias, the positive electrode of
the battery is connected to the _______________
material and the negative to the
________________ material. (Sec. 31, Par. 13)

26. Which type of bias encourages current flow? 35. When is a simple two-resistor bridge balanced?
(Sec. 31, Par. 14) (Sec. 33, Par. 2)

27. How much power is developed in a circuit 36. How is the Wheatstone bridge applied to
having 100 ohms resistance and an amperage electronic control? (Sec. 33, Par. 5)
draw of 5 amps? (Sec. 31, Par. 17)

37. What will occur when the temperature at the

28. Where is the base of a P-N-P transistor located? thermostat, connected in a Wheatstone bridge,
(Sec. 31, Par. 19) increases? (Sec. 33, Par. 8)

29. How is maximum power gain obtained in a 38. What type of meter is used to check out
transistor? (Sec. 31, Par. 24) electronic controls? Why? (Sec. 33, Par. 9)

30. What components of a vacuum tube are 39. What is the first step you must take when using a
comparable to the emitter, base, and collector of V.T.V.M.? (Sec. 33, Par. 10)
a transistor? (Sec. 31, Par. 29)

31. Name the three basic transistor circuits. (Sec. 40. What is the purpose of a discriminator circuit?
32, Par. 1) (Sec. 34, Par. 1)

32. Which transistor circuit has a high impedance 41. Explain the function of the blocking capacitor.
input and a low impedance output? (Sec. 32, (Sec. 34, Par. 3)
Par. 5)

42. What has occurred when the signal in the

33. What is the purpose of a coupling capacitor discriminator circuit goes negative? (Sec. 34,
between stages? (Sec. 32, Par. 6) Par. 5)

34. You are checking the voltage drop across a 43. Why should the bridge supply voltage come
potentiometer. The applied voltage is 12 volts from the same phase as the discriminator supply?
and three-fourths of the resistance is in the (Sec. 34, Par. 7)
circuit. What is the voltage drop across the
potentiometer? (Sec. 33, Par. 1)

44. When will the discriminator circuit conduct? 45. Why is a balancing potentiometer read with a
(Sec. 34, Par. 8) modulating motor? (Sec. 34, Par. 10)


Electronic Control Systems

ELECTRONIC control is here to stay. It has been average space temperature. You should avoid installing it
approximately 16 years since the control industry first on an outside wall or on a wall surface with hot or cold
showed how microvoltages, electronically amplified, water pipes or air ducts behind it.
could be used in controlling air-conditioning and 5. In general, try to keep the thermostat out of the
equipment cooling systems. Despite an erroneous but way of traffic, but in a representative portion of the space
perfectly human awe in the presence of a revolutionary being measured. The most desirable location is on an
form of power, engineers, designers, and building owners inside wall, 3 to 5 feet from the outside wall and about 54
began to apply this new type of control to their systems. inches above the floor.
The ordinary serviceman shunned electronic control 6. Outdoor thermostat. The sensing element is a
because the thought that it was a piece of hardware too coil of fine wire wound on a plastic bobbin and coated for
technical to repair. By 1955, over 5000 electronic control protection against dirt and moisture. The thermostat
systems were in use, and it had become evident that their should be mounted out of the sun (on the north side of the
adjustment and maintenance were not more difficult but building or in some other shaded location), above the
actually simpler than those of the more traditional control snowline, and where it won’t be tampered with.
systems--pneumatic and electric. 7. Insertion thermostat. When using this
2. In this chapter you will study system thermostat as a discharge air controller, you should mount
components, applications, and the maintenance performed it far enough downstream from the coil to insure thorough
on electronic control systems. mixing of the air before its temperature is measured.
When you use it as a return air controller, the thermostat
35. Components is mounted where it will sense the average temperature of
the return air from the conditioned space. If you mount it
1. The components discussed in this section are the near a grille, it should be kept out of the airflow from
humidity sensing element, thermostats, and damper open doors and windows.
motor. The control panel will be discussed later in this 8. To mount the thermostat, use the back of the box
chapter. It houses the bridge and amplifier circuits that as a template. Mark the four holes to be drilled in the
we covered in Chapter 6. duct--the center hole and the three mounting holes. The
2. Humidity Sensing Element. The sensing center hole is used to insert the element.
element should be located within the duct at a place where 9. Thermostat maintenance. To check the re-
the air is thoroughly mixed and representative of average sistance of the sensing element, you must disconnect one
conditions. You must be careful not to locate the sensing of the leads at the panel. Place an ohmmeter across the
element too close to sprays, washers, and heating or leads. Remember, allow for the temperature of the
cooling coils. The location should be within 50 feet of the element and accuracy of the meter.
control panel. All wiring and mounting should be 10. A reading considerably less than the total
accomplished as specified by the manufacturer. resistance specified indicates a short, either in the element
3. Thermostats. The thermostats you will study in or in the leads to the element. If a short is indicated, take
this chapter are space, outdoor, and insertion. In addition, a resistance reading across the thermostat terminals. If
we will also cover thermostat maintenance. the thermostat is shorted it must be replaced. If the meter
4. Space thermostat. The thermostat should be reads more than the total resistance, there is an open
mounted where it will be exposed only to typical or

Figure 133. Damper motor schematic.

circuit. Again, a reading across the thermostat terminals 15. Motor Servicing. The only repairs that can be
will locate the trouble. accomplished in the field are cleaning the potentiometer
11. Excessive dirt accumulated on the element will or limit switch contacts, repairing internal connecting
reduce the sensitivity of the thermostat. Clean the wires, and replacing the internal wires.
element with a soft brush or cloth. Be careful not to 16. If the motor will not run, check the transformer
damage the resistance element. output first. Look for the transformer in figure 133. If it
12. Damper Motor. The motor may be installed in checks out good, use the transformer to check the motor.
any location except where excessive moisture, acid Disconnect the motor terminals (usually numbered 1, 2
fumes, or other deteriorating vapors might attack the and 3) and connect the transformer output leads to
metal. The motor shaft should always be mounted terminals 2 and 3. The motor should run clockwise, if it
horizontally. is not already at that end of its stroke. Similarly,
13. The motor comes equipped with one crank arm. connecting the transformer across terminals 1 and 3
By loosening the screw and nut which clamp the crank should drive the motor counterclockwise.
arm to the motor shaft, the crank arm can be removed and 17. If the motor responds to power from the
repositioned in any one of the four 90° positions on the transformer, the fault probably lies in the relay, wiring, or
motor shaft. The adjustment screw on the face of the potentiometer. To check the potentiometer, disconnect
crank arm provides angular setting of the crank arm in terminals T, G, and Y from the outside leads. The
steps of 22½° throughout any one of the four 90° angles. resistance of the potentiometer windings can now be
You can see by changing the position of the arm on the checked with an ohmmeter. The resistance across Y and
square crankshaft and through the means of the G should be about 150 ohms. The resistance across T and
adjustment screw on the hub, the crank arm may be set in either Y or G should change gradually from near 0 ohms
steps of 22½° for any position within a full circle. The about 135 ohms as the motor is driven through its stroke.
crank arm may be placed on either end of the motor shat. 18. If the motor does not respond to direct power
14. For instructions in the assembly of linkages you from the transformer, you must remove the motor cover
must refer to the instruction sheets packed in the carton and check for broken wires, defective limit switch, or a
with each linkage. faulty condenser (capacitor).

sequence is given for each application.
6. Refrigerant Solenoid Valve Control. The
electron control panel R1 in figure 134 will control space
temperature by coordinating signals from the space
thermostat T1 and the outdoor thermostat T4 to operate the
refrigerant solenoid valve V1. T4 will raise the space
temperature as the outdoor temperature rises to a
predetermined schedule. T5 will remove T4 from the
system when the outdoor temperature falls below the
setting of T5 to prevent subcooling of the space at low
outdoor temperature.
7. You will find that a nonstarting relay, R2, is
wired into the compressor starting circuit. This relay will
prevent the compressor from operating unless the
Figure 134. Refrigerant solenoid valve control system. solenoid valve is operating.
8. T1 is a space thermostat which may have an
36. Application integral set point adjustment and a locking cover. T4 and
T5 are insertion thermostats.
1. The electronic control system has definite 9. Summer-Water Compensation for a Two-
characteristics-flexibility, sensitivity, simplicity, speed, Position Heating or Cooling System. Controller T5
and accuracy-that show to best advantage in an air- shown in figure 135 will select either the summer or
conditioning system where signals from several winter compensation schedule. This selection depends
controllers must be coordinated to actuate a series of upon the outdoor temperature.
control motors or valves. Each controller is a component 10. On the winter compensation schedule, electronic
of a modified Wheatstone bridge circuit. A change in the relay panel R1 will control the space temperature by
controlled variable will cause a change in the voltage coordinating signals from space thermostat T1 and
across the bridge. This change in voltage is detected by outdoor thermostat T3. The relay will operate either the
an electronic relay which starts corrective controlled heating or cooling equipment, depending upon the space
device action. The magnitude of the voltage change and temperature requirement. You can adjust the effect of T3
the resulting device movement are a result of the amount to overcome system offset or to elevate the space
of controlled variable change. temperature as the outdoor temperature falls.
2. Authority “pots” in the control panel adjust the 11. During the summer compensation schedule, the
change in variable required at a controller to give a certain electronic panel will control temperature by coordinating
voltage change. For example, an outdoor thermostat the signals from T1 and the outdoor thermostat T4 to
might be adjusted to require a 10° temperature change to operate the appropriate equipment, depending upon space
give the same voltage change as a 1° change at the space temperature requirements. T4 will elevate the space
thermostat. For the remainder of this discussion, let us temperature
consider temperature as the controlled variable.
3. Voltages resulting from a rise in temperature
differ in phase from voltages resulting from a drop in
temperature and therefore can be distinguished. Voltages
resulting from temperature changes at several thermostats
are added in the bridge if they are of the same phase or
subtracted if they differ in phase. The total voltage
determines the position of the final controlled device.
Each controller directly actuates the final controlled
4. All adjustments for setting up or changing a
control sequence can be made from the control panel.
The panel may be mounted in any readily accessible
location. Selection of controls is simplified since one
electronic control, with its broad range, replaces several
conventional controls where each has a smaller range.
5. The following systems are typical examples of
how electronics is applied to the control of air- Figure 135. Two-position heating and cooling system.
conditioning and equipment cooling systems. The control

as the outdoor temperature rises according to a 6. You may find that the control panel has a control
predetermined schedule. point adjuster. This adjuster makes it possible to raise or
12. The last major topic that you will cover in this lower the control point after the system is in operation.
volume is maintenance of electronic controls. The control point adjuster is set at the time the system is
calibrated. The control point adjuster dial contains as
37. Maintenance many as 60 divisions, each of which normally represents a
1° change at the space thermostat.
1. In this section we shall discuss the adjustments, 7. The factory calibration and the valve unit
calibration, and calibration checks you will perform. adjustment can be checked or corrected only when the
After you have adjusted and calibrated the system, you throttling range knob is out. The factory calibration on
will learn how it operates. This system differs from the most systems is properly adjusted when it is possible to
systems previously discussed in that the electronic control obtain a branch line pressure within 1 pound of 8 p.s.i.g.
panel controls a pneumatic relay. The section will be with an amplifier output voltage of 1 ± ¼ volt d.c. If the
concluded with a troubleshooting chart. With the calibration is not correct, you must turn the factory
information given in this section, you should have very calibration potentiometer until 1 volt is read from a
little trouble acquiring the skill to perform most types of voltmeter connected at the (+) terminal of the relay and (-)
maintenance performed on electronic control systems. terminal of the bridge panel. A voltmeter of no less than
2. Adjustments. You will find that the throttling 20,000 ohms per volt resistance must be used. The next
range adjustment determines the temperature change at step is to turn the valve unit adjusting screw until the
the T1 thermostat. This adjustment will change the branch branch line pressure is between 7 and 9 p.s.i.g. Clockwise
line air pressure from 3 to 13 p.s.i.g. An adjustable rotation of the valve unit adjustment screw decreases
throttling range is commonly provided with a range from branch line pressure. The factory calibration is now
1° to 50° F. correctly set.
3. You should set the throttling range to as low a 8. Calibration. Before you calibrate an electronic
value as possible without causing instability or hunting of control system you must determine the throttling range
the branch line pressure. If the controlled variable varies and the compensator authorities. Start your calibration
continually and regularly reverses its direction, too low a with the adjustment knobs in the following positions:
setting of the throttling range is indicated. You must (1) Control point adjuster: FULL COOL
increase the throttling range until hunting stops. (2) Throttling range: OUT
4. Stable operation does not mean that the branch (3) Authority dials: 0
line pressure fails to change often; actually the control
system is extremely sensitive, and small temperature 9. After the knobs are set, you must check the
changes are being detected continuously. It is important factory calibration. The branch line pressure should be 8
for you to learn to distinguish between “jumpiness” and p.s.i.g. (±1 p.s.i.g). The actual branch line pressure
“hunting.” Jumpiness is caused by sensitivity of the relay, obtained will be referred to as control reference pressure
while hunting is a definite periodic alternating action. (CRP).
You must not interpret small gauge pressure fluctuations 10. Next, you must measure the temperature at T1.
as hunting. A condition of this type can be caused by This temperature will be referred to as the control
resonance in the valve unit chambers. reference temperature (CRT). After you have obtained
5. The authority dials are graduated in percentages. the two references, turn the throttling range to the desired
These dials determine the respective authorities of setting. At the same time, turn the control point adjuster
discharge or outdoor thermostats with respect to the space until the CRP is obtained (7-9 p.s.i.g.).
thermostat. The space thermostat is commonly referred to 11. The authority dials are now set. This adjustment
as T1. The remaining thermostats, outdoor, duct, etc., are will change the branch pressure, so you must reset the
numbered T2, T3, and T4. With an authority of 25 percent, control point adjuster to maintain a CRP of 7-9 p.s.i.g.
the outdoor thermostat is one-quarter as effective as the The position of the control point adjuster represents the
space thermostat. When you set the authority dials at zero control reference temperature measured at T1. Increase or
percent, you are eliminating all thermostats except T1 decease the temperature setting as desired. Remember,
from the system. An authority setting of 5 percent means each scale division is equal to approximately 1° F.
that a 20° change in outdoor temperature will have only as 12. If a space thermostat is not used, the
much effect as a 1° change at the space thermostat.

calibration procedure will be the same, provided the
discharge controller is connected to T1 (T2 is not used)
and T3 authority is turned to the desired setting f the
discharge controller is connected to the T3 position and T3
authority is tuned to the desired setting, the procedure is
the same except that 70 F. is used as the CRT. The
correction for the desired set point is made with the
control point adjuster dial divisions representing
approximately ½° F each.
13. Calibration Check. The calibration of any
system should be checked after the system has been put in Figure 136. Pneumatic valve unit.
operation. First, we will check a winter system.
14. At the no-load condition, the control point This signal change provides a voltage to be fed to the
(measured space temperature) should be equal to the set amplifier which operates the pneumatic valve unit. The
point. On compensated systems, the control point should system will then provide heating or cooling as required
be approximately equal to the set point, whereas on an until the initial signal is balanced by a change in
uncompensated system, the control point will be slightly resistance at T1 and T2 (depending upon the system’s
lower than the set point. On systems compensated to schedule). An outdoor thermostat, T3, is used to measure
provide successively higher temperatures as the outdoor changes in outdoor temperature so that control action can
temperature falls, the control point can be expected to be be initiated immediately before outdoor weather changes
higher than the set point. can be detected at T1. This in effect compensates for
15. For any summer system, at the no-load system off. The authority of T3 may be selected so that in
condition, the control point should equal the set point. If addition to compensating for offset, T3, will provide
the outdoor temperature is above the no-load temperature setup. For example, it will raise the system control point
on an uncompensated system, you may consider it normal as outdoor temperature drops.
because the control point will be slightly higher than the 19. The output of the electronic amplifier controls
set point. However, on systems compensated to provide the current through the magnetic coil. Look at figure 136
successively higher temperatures as the outdoor for the magnetic coil. As the voltage changes, the nozzle
temperature rises, the control point can be expected to be lever modulates over the nozzle. When the lever moves
higher than the set point. toward the nozzle, the branch line pressure will increase.
16. To make a correction for a calibration error, The new branch line pressure, through the feedback
simply rotate the control point adjuster the number of dial bellows, opposes further movement of the nozzle lever.
divisions equal to the calibration error. The forces which a upon the lever a now in balance.
17. Operation. The one electronic control discussed When the voltage decreases, the lever will move away
here is similar to those in other panels; that is, it contains from the nozzle. This movement will cause the branch
a modified Wheatstone bridge circuit which provides the line pressure to decrease until the forces are again in
input voltage for the electronic amplifier. The amplified balance.
output voltage is then used to control a sensitive, high- 20. Troubleshooting. Troubleshooting a suspected
capacity, piloted force-balance pneumatic valve unit. defective device can be speeded up by relating apparent
18. A change in temperature at T1 will initiate defects to possible causes. The troubleshooting guide,
control action by a signal from the bridge circuit. table 21, is broken up into portions related to the setup
and calibration procedure given earlier.


TABLE 21-Continued

Review Exercises 4. What factor will reduce the sensitivity of a

The following exercises are study aids. Write your thermostat? (Sec. 25, Par. 11)
answers in pencil in the space provided after each
exercise. Use the blank pages to record other notes on
the chapter content. Immediately check your answers
with the key at the end of the text. Do not submit your 5. Explain the procedure you would use to
answers. reposition the crank arm on a damper motor.
(Sec. 35, Par. 13)
1. What precaution should you observe when
installing a humidity sensing element? (Sec. 35,
Par. 2)
6. Name the repairs that can be made to the damper
motor in the field. (Sec. 35, Par. 15)

2. Describe the outdoor thermostat sensing element.

(Sec. 35, Par. 5)
7. How can you check the transformer output?
(Sec. 35, Par. 16)

3. How do you check the resistance of a thermostat

sensing element? (Sec. 35, Par. 9)

8. What troubles may exist if the damper motor 16. How can you reset the control point after the
does not respond to direct transformer power? system is in operation? (Sec. 37, Par. 6)
(Sec. 35, Par. 18)

17. A trouble call indicates that an electronic control

9. Which component in the control panel adjusts system is not functioning properly. The
the change in variable required at a controller to following symptoms are present:
give a certain voltage change? (Sec. 36, Par. 2) (1) The amplifier output voltage is 1 volt.
(2) The branch line pressure is 5 p.s.i.g. What is
the most probable trouble? (Sec. 37, Par. 7)

10. What factor determines the position of the final

control element? (Sec. 36, Par 3)
18. What is the control reference temperature?
Control reference pressure? (Sec. 37, Pars. 9 and
11. Where are the adjustments made for setting up or
changing a control sequence? (Sec. 36, Par. 4)

19. When checking the calibration of a compensated

system on winter schedule, what is the
12. Explain the function of the nonrestarting relay. relationship of the control point to the set point?
Where is it connected? (Sec. 36, Par. 7) (Sec. 37, Par. 14)

13. How does the summer compensation schedule 20. How does a bridge signal affect the pneumatic
differ from the winter compensation schedule? relay? (Sec. 37, Pars. 18 and 19)
(Sec. 36, Pars. 10 and 11)

21. What will happen if a faulty connection exists

14. What has occurred when the controlled variable between the amplifier and bridge? (Sec. 37,
varies continually and reverses its direction table 21)
regularly? (Sec. 37, Par. 3)

22. The tubes in the control panel light up and burn

15. With an authority setting of 10 percent, how out repeatedly. Which components would you
much effect will t2 have when a 10° temperature check? (Sec. 37, table 21)
change is felt? (Sec. 37, Par. 5)

Answers to Review Exercises
1. The three things to consider before installing a equipment ventilation, vibration, and electrical
preheat coil are necessity for preheat, entering air requirements. (Sec. 3, Par. 1)
temperature, and size of coils needed. (Sec. 1, 17. To prevent refrigerant condensing in the
Par. 2) compressor crankcase, warm the equipment area
2. The most probable malfunction when the stream so the temperature will be higher than the
valve is closed and the temperature is 33° F. is refrigerated space. (Sec. 3, Par. 2)
that the controller is out of calibration. (Sec. 1, 18. The compressor does not require a special
Par. 4) foundation because most of the vibration is
3. The two functions which the D/X coil serves are absorbed by the compressor mounting springs.
cooling and dehumidification. (Sec. 1, Par. 7) (Sec. 3, Par. 3)
4. When a compressor using simple on-off control 19. The minimum and maximum voltage that can be
short cycles, the differential adjustment on the supplied to a 220-volt unit is 198 volts to 242
thermostat is set too close. (Sec. 1, Par. 9) volts. (Sec. 3, Par. 5)
5. On a two-speed compressor installation, the 20. A 2-percent phase unbalance is allowable
humidistat cycles the compressor from low to between any two phases of a three-phase
high speed when the space humidity exceeds the installation. (Sec. 3. Par. 5)
set point. (Sec. 1, Par. 11) 21. During gauge installation, the shutoff valve is
6. The nonrestarting relay prevents short cycling back-seated to prevent the escape of refrigerant.
during the off cycle and allows the compressor to (Sec. 3, Par. 9)
pump down before it cycles “off.” (Sec. 1, Par. 22. The liquid line sight glass is located between the
12) dehydrator and expansion valve. (Sec. 3, Par.
7. When the solenoid valves are not operating, you 12)
should check the operation of the fan because the 23. Series. (Sec. 3, Par. 14)
fan starter circuit has to be energized before the 24. Parallel. (Sec. 3, Par. 14)
control circuit to the valve can be completed. 25. Dry nitrogen and carbon dioxide are used to
(Sec. 1, Par. 14) pressurize the system for leak testing. (Sec. 3.
8. The type of compressor used when two-position Par. 15)
control of a D/X coil and modulating control of a 26. Moisture in the system will cause sludge in the
face and bypass damper are used is a capacity crankcase. (Sec. 3, Par. 16)
controlled compressor. (Sec. 1, Par. 15) 27. The ambient temperature (60° F.) allows the
9. An inoperative reheat coil. (Sec. 1, Par. 18) moisture to boil in the system more readily. This
10. The humidistat positions the face and bypass reduces the amount of time required for
dampers to provide a mixture of conditioned and dehydration. (Sec. 3, Par. 17)
recirculated air to limit large swings in relative 28. A vacuum indicator reading of 45° F.
humidity. (Sec. 1, Par. 20) corresponds to a pressure of 0.3 inch Hg
11. The space humidistat has prime control of the absolute. (Sec. 3, Par. 18, fig. 17)
D/X coil during light loads when a space 29. Shutoff valves are installed in the vacuum pump
thermostat and humidistat are used to control suction line to prevent loss of oil from the
coil operation. (Sec. 1, Par. 26) vacuum pump and contamination of the vacuum
12. The only conclusion you can make is that the indictor. (Sec. 3, Par. 20)
unit is a “medium temperature unit.” Sec. 2. Par. 30. Free. (Sec. 3, Par. 22)
3) 31. The valves are backseated before installing the
13. If you installed a medium temperature unit for a gauge manifold to isolate the gauge ports from
40° F. suction temperature application, the motor the compressor ports to prevent the entrance of
would overload and stop during peak load. (Sec. air or the loss of refrigerant. (Sec. 3, Par. 25)
2, Par. 3) 32. The four items that you must check before
14. The low-pressure control will cycle the unit starting a new compressor are the oil level, main
when the crankcase pressure exceeds the cut-in water supply valve, liquid line valve, and power
pressure setting of the control even though the disconnect switch. (Sec. 3, Par. 26)
thermostat has shut off the liquid line solenoid 33. Frontseating the suction valve closes the suction
valve. (Sec. 2, Par. 4 and fig. 19) line to the compressor port, which causes the
15. The automatic pump-down feature may be pressure to drop and cut off the condensing unit
omitted when the refrigerant-oil ratio is 2:1 or on the low-pressure control. (Sec. 3, Par. 34)
less or when the evaporator temperature is above 34. Placing a refrigerant cylinder in ice will cause
40° F. (Sec. 2, Par. 5) the temperature and pressure of the refrigerant
16. Th four factors you must consider before within the cylinder to fall below that which is
installing a D/X system are space requirements, still in the system. (Sec. 4, Par. 3)
35. A partial pressure is allowed to remain in the 60. The most probable causes for an exceptionally
system to prevent moist air from entering the hot water-cooled condenser are an overcharge
system when it is opened (Sec. 4, Par. 4) and noncondensable gases in the system. These
36. To prevent moisture condensation, you must conditions may be remedied by bleeding the
allow sufficient time for the component that is to non-condensables or excessive refrigerant from
be removed to warm to room temperature. (Sec. the condenser. (Sec. 4 , table 7)
4, Par. 6) 61. An obstructed expansion valve. (Sec. 4, table
37. Basket; disc. (Sec. 4, Par. 9) 10)
38. Noncondensable gases collect in the condenser, 62. When a capacity controlled compressor short
above the refrigerant. (Sec. 4, Par. 10) cycles you must reset the compressor capacity
39. Noncondensable gases are present in the control range. (Sec. 4, table 10)
condenser when the amperage draw is excessive,
the condenser water temperature is normal, and CHAPTER 2
the discharge temperature is above normal. (Sec.
4, Par. 10) 1. The component that should be checked when the
40. A discharge pressure drop of 10 p.s.i.g. per condenser waterflow has dropped off is the
minute with the discharge shutoff valve thermostat that controls the capacity control
frontseated would indicate a leaky compressor valve. The thermostat is located in the chill
discharge valve. (Sec. 4, Par. 15) water line. (Sec. 5, Par. 2)
41. Valve plates ere removed from cylinder decks 2. Tap water; lithium bromide. (Sec. 5, Par. 3)
with jacking screws. (Sec. 4, Par. 18) 3. When heat is not supplied to the generator, the
42. The emergency procedure you can use to salt solution in the absorber will become weak
recondition a worn valve is to lap the valve with and the cooling action that takes place within the
a mixture of fine scouring powder and refrigerant evaporator will stop. This will cause the chill
oil on a piece of glass in a figure 8 motion. (Sec water temperature to rise. (Sec. 5, Par. 5)
4, Par. 21) 4. Disagree. It heats the weak solution. (Sec. 5,
43. The oil feed guide is installed with the large Par. 5)
diameter inward. Sec. 4, Par. 27) 5. The component is the capacity control valve.
44. A hook is used to remove the rotor to prevent The reduced pressure will cause the thermostat to
bending of the eccentric straps or connecting close the capacity control valve which reduces or
rods. (Sec. 4, Par. 29) stops the flow of water through the condenser.
45. A small space is left to provide further tightening The capacity of the system will decrease without
in case of a leak. (Sec. 4, Par. 34) condenser waterflow. (Sec. 5, Pars. 6 and 7)
46. 1.5 foot-pounds. (Sec. 4, Par. 35) 6. 4. (Sec. 5, Par. 7)
47. Check the start capacitor for a short when the air 7. A broken concentration limit thermostat feeler
conditioner keeps blowing fuses when it tries to bulb will cause the vapor condensate well
start and the starting amperage draw is above temperature to rise because the capacity control
normal. (Sec. 4, Par. 36) valve will remain closed. (Sec. 5, Par. 8)
48. A humming sound from the compressor motor 8. The chill water safety thermostat has shut the
indicates an open circuited capacitor. (Sec. 4 unit down because the leaving chill water
Par. 36) temperature was 12° above the design
49. Closed. (Sec. 4, Par. 38) temperature. To restart the unit, the off-run-start
50. Counter EMF produced by the windings causes switch must be placed in the START position so
the contacts of the starting relay to open. (Sec. 4, that the chill water safety thermostat is bypassed.
Par. 38) After the chill water temperature falls below the
51. Relay failure with contacts closed can cause setting of the chill water safety control, the off-
damage to the motor windings. (Sec. 4, Par. 41) run-start switch placed in the RUN position.
52. Heater (and) control. (Sec. 4, Par. 43) (Sec. 5, Pars. 9 and 10)
53. Oil pump discharge pressure; crankcase pressure. 9. The pumps are equipped with mechanical seals
(Sec. 4, Par. 44) because the system operates in a vacuum. (Sec.
54. Disagree. The oil safety switch will close when 5, Par. 14)
the pressure differential drops. (Sec. 4, Par. 45) 10. Disagree. It only controls the quantity of water
55. A burned-out holding coil or broken contacts in the tank. It does not open a makeup water
will cause an inoperative motor starter. (Sec. 4, line. (Sec. 5, Par. 14)
table 1) 11. The nitrogen charge used during standby must be
56. A restricted dehydrator is indicated when the removed. (Sec. 6, Par. 3)
dehydrator is frosted and the suction pressure is 12. A low water level in the evaporator will cause
below normal. (Sec. 4, table 2) the evaporator pump to surge. (Sec. 7, Par. 3)
57. The expansion valve is trying to maintain a 13. A partial load. (Sec. 7, Par. 4)
constant superheat. To accomplish this with a 14. The solution boiling level is set at initial startup
loose bulb, the valve is full open, which causes of the machine. (Sec. 7, Par. 5)
liquid refrigerant to flood back to the 15. When air is being handled, the second stage of
compressor. (Sec. 4, table 5) the purge unit will tend to get hot. (Sec. 7, Par.
58. A low refrigerant charge (flash gas in the liquid 7)
line). (Sec. 4, table 6)
59. An excessive pressure drop in the evaporator.
(Sec. 4, table 6)
16. Solution solidification. (Sec. 7, Par. 9) tubes with a nylon bristle brush. (Sec. 8, Par. 28)
17. You can connect the nitrogen tank to the alcohol 38. The maximum allowable vacuum loss during a
charging valve to pressurize the system. (Sec. 7, vacuum leak test is one-tenth of an inch of Hg in
Par. 14) 24 hours. (Sec. 8, Par. 28)
18. Three. (Sec. 7, Par. 15) 39. The refrigerant used to perform a halide leak test
19. You can determine whether air has leaked in the is R-12. (Sec. 8, Par. 29)
machine during shutdown by observing the 40. Three causes of lithium bromide solidification at
absorber manometer reading and checking it startup are condenser water too old, air in
against the chart. (Sec. 8, Par. 2) machine, improper purging, or failure of strong
20. Corrode. (Sec. 8, Par. 2) solution valve. (Sec. 8, table 11)
21. To check a mechanical pump for leaks, you must 41. To check for a leaking seal, close the seal tank
close the petcocks in the water line to the pump makeup valve and note the water level in the
seal chamber and observe the compound tank overnight (Sec. 8, table 12)
pressure gauge. A vacuum indicates a leaky
seal. (Sec. 8, Par. 3) CHAPTER 3
22. Flushing the seal chamber after startup will
increase the life of the seal. (Sec. 8, Par. 4) 1. 1200 pounds. (Sec. 9, Par. 1)
23. Chill water as leaked back into the machine. 2. The economizer reduces the horsepower
(Sec. 8, Par. 5) requirement per ton of refrigeration. (Sec. 9,
24. Octyl alcohol is added to the solution to clean Par. 2)
the outside of the tubes in the generator and 3. Disagree. The chilled water flows through the
absorber. (Sec. 8, Par. 7) tubes. (Sec. 9, Par. 3)
25. When actyl alcohol is not drawn into the system 4. Condenser float chamber. (Sec. 9, Par. 5)
readily, the conical strainer is dirty and must be 5. The pressure within the economizer chamber is
removed and cleaned. This is normally approximately halfway between the condensing
accomplished at the next scheduled shutdown. If and evaporating pressures. (Sec. 9, Par. 5)
this situation persists, the solution spray header 6. Line with the shaft. (Sec. 10, Par. 1)
must be removed and cleaned. (Sec. 8, Par. 8) 7. The impellers are dipped in hot lead to protect
26. When the purge operates but does not purge, the them from corrosion. (Sec. 10, Par. 2)
steam jet nozzle is plugged. To correct this, you 8. Two. (Sec. 10 Par. 3)
must close the absorber purge valve and the 9. Brass labyrinth packing prevents interstage
purge steam supply valve. Then remove the leakage of gas. (Sec. 10, Par. 4)
steam jet cap and clean the nozzle with a piece of 10. Axial thrust will affect suction end of the
wire. The steam supply valve can be opened to compressor. (Sec. 10, Par. 5)
blow out the loosened dirt. After the nozzle is 11. Main compressor shaft. (Sec. 10, Par. 7)
clean, replace the cap and open the valves. (Sec. 12. The pump lubricates the thrust bearing first.
8, Par. 9) (Sec. 10, Par. 8)
27. Silver nitrate. (Sec. 8, Par. 10) 13. Oil is returned from the oil pump drive gear by
28. Three drops of indicator solution is added to the gravity. (Sec. 10, Par. 9)
solution sample. (Sec. 8, Par. 10) 14. Oil pressure actuates the shaft seal. (Sec. 10,
29. 1. (Sec. 8, Par. 11) Par. 10)
30. When more silver nitrate is needed to turn the 15. The two holes in the inner floating seal ring
sample red, the sample contains more than 1 allow the passage of oil to the front journal
percent of lithium bromide. The evaporator bearing. (Sec. 10, Par. 11)
water must be reclaimed. (Sec. 8, Pars. 10 and 16. 8. (Sec. 10, Par. 12)
11) 17. The oil pressure gauge located on the control
31. The length of time needed to reclaim evaporator panel are the seal oil reservoir and “back of
water depends upon the amount of salt (lithium seal.” (Sec. 3, Par. 13)
bromide) in the evaporator water circuit. (Sec. 8, 18. A flow switch in the water supply oil cooler line
Par. 12) turns the oil heater on automatically when
32. It takes 2 or 3 days for the dirt to settle out when waterflow stops. (Sec. 10, Par. 14)
the solution is placed in drums. (Sec. Par. 14) 19. Disagree. They are held apart during operation.
33. The conical strainer is cleaned by flushing it with (Sec. 10, Par. 16)
water. (Sec. 8, Par. 16) 20. A high-grade turbine oil is used in centrifugal
34. The purge is cleaned with a wire or nylon brush. compressors. (Sec. 10, Par. 17)
(Sec. 8, Par. 20) 21. Increases. (Sec. 11, Par. 1)
35. Disagree. The diaphragm in a vacuum type 22. Journal speed, tooth speeds, (and) clearances.
valve is replaced every 2 years. (Sec. 8, Par. 22) (Sec. 11, Par. 3)
36. A steady rise in vapor condensate temperature 23. The gear drive cooling water is turned on when
indicates that the absorber and condenser tubes the oil temperature reaches 100° F. to 110° F.
must be cleaned. (Sec. 8, Par. 25) (Sec. 11, Par. 5)
37. Soft scale may be removed from the condenser 24. Gear wear. (Sec. 11, Par. 9)

25. The gear to compressor coupling uses a spool 53. You can change controllers with the rotary
piece. (Sec. 12, Par. 1) selecting switch on the safety control panel.
26. The hub is heated with oil, steam, or open flame (Sec. 17, Par. 6)
to expand it: (Sec. 12, Par. 2) 54. Control the speed of the compressor. (Sec. 18,
27. Feeler gauge. (Sec. 12, Par. 3) Pars. 1 and 2)
28. The offset alignment of a coupling is checked 55. When you add more resistance to the rotor
with a dial indicator. (Sec. 12, Par. 4) circuit of the drive motor, the compressor speed
29. The couplings that have collector rings in the end will decrease. (Sec. 18, Par. 3)
of the cover can be lubricated while running. 56. Suction damper control is more effective than
(Sec. 12, Par. 8) speed control when it is necessary to maintain a
30. Three; 60; adjustable speed wound. (Sec. 13, non-surging operation at light loads. (Sec. 18,
Par. 3) Par. 4)
31. Slipring circuit; speed. (Sec. 13, Par. 3) 57. During startup the drum controller lever is in
32. When the start button is held closed, the oil number 1 position, all resistance in the circuit to
pressure switch is bypassed. (Sec. 13, Par. 4) the rotor. (Sec. 19, Par. 2)
33. The secondary function of the condenser is to 58. Condensed refrigerant will cause the oil level to
collect and concentrate noncondensable gases. rise in the pump chamber during an extended
(Sec. 14, Par. 1) shut-down. (Sec. 9,. Par 6)
34. A perforated baffle is used to prevent the 59. 1. (Sec. 20, Par. 2)
discharge gas from directly hitting the condenser 60. Agree. The 2-inch plug does prevent leakage
tubes. (Sec. 14, Par. 2) when the ¾-inch plug is removed. (Sec. 20, Par.
35. When you remove the water box cover you must 3)
leave two bolts in the cover until the cover is 61. To charge refrigerant into the system as a gas,
supported with a rope or chain. (Sec. 14, Par. 3) you must let the drum rest on the floor and open
36. A blocked compressor suction opening. (Sec. the drum charging valve. (Sec. 20, Par. 5)
14, Par. 6) 62. The system may be pressurized with the purge
37. Check the sight glass on the cooler to determine recovery unit. (Sec. 20, Par. 6)
the system refrigerant charge. (Sec. 4, Par. 11) 63. High condenser pressure is normally caused by
38. A load increase is indicated when the refrigerant air in the condenser. (Sec. 20, table 19)
and chill water temperature differential increases 64. Light load, air leak, (or) high condenser pressure.
(Sec. 14, Par. 13) (Sec. 20, table 19)
39. Surging. (Sec. 15, Par. 1) 65. When the economizer float valve is stuck, the
40. The liquid injector is used desuperheat the hot compressor second stage will frost. (Sec. 20,
gas (Sec. 15, Par. 2) table 19)
41. The pressure drop across the orifice created by 66. Low “back of seal” oil pressure and a high seal
the flow of gas through the orifice controls the oil pressure are caused by a dirty filter or a filter
amount of liquid refrigerant flowing to the hot cartridge improperly installed. (Sec. 20, table
gas bypass. (Sec. 15, Par. 3) 19)
42. Disagree. The high-pressure control resets auto- 67. Misalignment, insufficient lubrication, (or)
matically when the pressure falls to 75 p.s.i.g. excessive wear. (Sec. 20, table 19)
(Sec. 16, Par. 3) 68. Agree. A high oil level will cause the gear to
43. The weir and trap is located in the center of the overheat. (Sec. 20, table 19)
evacuation chamber. (Sec. 16, Par. 3)
44. Air is in the system. (Sec. 16, Par. 5) CHAPTER 4
45. Air in the condenser is released through the
purge air relief valve. (Sec. 16, Par. 6) 1. The main scale-forming compound found in con-
46. One-half pint of water per day collected by surge densing water systems is calcium carbonate.
unit indicates leaky tubes. (Sec. 16, Par. 8) (Sec. 21, Par. 1)
47. A pressure drop will exist across the pressure- 2. 7.1 (to) 14; 200. (Sec. 21, Par. 4)
regulating valve when it is wide open. (Sec. 16, 3. Using the formula
Par. 9)
48. Large amounts of air are normally purged after
repairs and before charging. (Sec. 16, Par. 10)
49. Water is drained from the separator unit when it
can be seen in the upper sight glass. (Sec. 16,
Par. 12) (Sec. 21, Par. 6)
50. Low oil pressure, high condenser pressure, low 4. Four methods of preventing scale are bleedoff,
refrigerant temperature, (and) low water pH adjustment, adding polyphosphates, and
temperature. (Sec. 17, Par. 1) using the zeolite softener. (Sec. 21, Par. 7)
51. The low oil pressure control does not require 5. Using the formula
manual resetting. (Sec. 17, Par. 2) Hardness p.p.m. = 20 X (total No. of ml. of std.
52. The high condenser pressure control has a differ-
ential of 7 pounds. (Sec. 17, Par. 3)

soap solution required to obtain a permanent cooling towers, thus causing high condensing
lather) temperatures and reducing the system’s capacity.
p.p.m = 20 X 10 (Sec. 23, Par. 1)
p.p.m = 200 26. The amount of chlorine needed to eliminate
(Sec. 21, Par. 9) algae growth is 1.5 p.p.m. (Sec. 23, Par. 2)
6. The lime-soda process changes calcium and 27. Disagree. The sample is heated after the
magnesium from a soluble to an insoluble state. orthotolidine is added. (Sec. 23, Par. 3)
(Sec. 21, Par. 11) 28. Chlorination is effective because the bactericidal
7. The zeolite process replaces the calcium and efficiency of chlorine increases with the increase
magnesium compounds with soluble sodium in the temperature of the water. (Sec. 23, Par. 6)
compounds. (Sec. 21, Par. 11) 29. The orthotolidine test measures only the total
8. It is necessary to add lime or clay to the available chlorine residual, while the
Accelator to add weight which prevents rising orthotolidine-arsenite test measures the relative
floc. (Sec. 21, Par. 15) amounts of free available chlorine, combined
9. The factors that would limit the use of the available chlorine, and color caused by
Spiractor are excessive magnesium hardness, interfering substances. (Sec. 23, Par. 8)
high water temperature, and turbidity over 5 30. The combined available chlorine residual is 3.25
p.p.m. (Sec. 21, Par. 17) – 2.5 = .75 p.p.m. (Sec. 23, Par. 9)
10. A salt or brine solution is uniformly distributed 31. To perform a chlorine demand test, you must
on top of the zeolite bed, which passes evenly first prepare a test sample by mixing 7.14 grams
down through the bed. (Sec. 21, Par. 18) of calcium hypochlorite with 100 cc. Of water to
11. Corrosion is more rapid in a liquid with a low pH produce a 5000 p.p.m. chlorine solution. Add 1
value. (Sec. 22, Par. 2) milliliter of this sample to the water to be tested.
12. The most common type of corrosion in an acid Wait 30 minutes and perform a chlorine residual
liquid is uniform corrosion. (Sec. 22, Par. 4) test. You must then subtract the chlorine
13. Pitting corrosion is characterized by cavities and residual from the test dosage to obtain the
gradually develops into pinhole leaks. (Sec. 22, chlorine demand. (Sec. 23, Pars. 13, 14, and 15)
Par. 5) 32. To perform the pH determination with a color
14. The type of corrosion that corrodes steel in a comparator, you would fill the color comparator
system that contains an abundance of copper is tube with the sample to be tested to the
known as galvanic corrosion. (Sec. 22, Par. 6) prescribed mark on the tube. The you would add
15. Erosion-corrosion is caused by suspended matter 0.5 ml. mark on the tube. Then you would add
or air bubbles; the best control for this type of 0.5 ml. of cresol red-thymol blue solution to the
corrosion is a good filtration system, and air sample. After mixing the solution thoroughly in
purging valves installed in the highest point of the sample, you would place the sample tube in
the water system. (Sec. 22, Pars. 7 and 8) the comparator and match the sample color with
16. The two most common chemical corrosion the cresol red-thymol blue disc. (Sec. 23, Pars.
inhibitors are chromates and polyphosphates. 17, 18, and 19)
(Sec. 22, Par. 10) 33. Alkaline, because a pink color indicates a pH
17. 200 (to) 500 p.p.m.; 7.5. (Sec. 22, Par. 11) above 8.3. (Sec. 23, Par. 22)
18. The most common chromate used is sodium 34. Sulfuric, sodium sulfate, and phosphoric acids
bichromate because it is more economical than are added to adjust the pH. They are added to
others. (Sec. 22, Par. 11) the water through a solution feeder. (Sec. 23,
19. The chromate concentration of treated water is Par 24)
measured by color comparison of the sample to 35. Calcium hypochlorite contains more chlorine by
that of a tube chromate water known to contain a weight; 65 to 70 percent available chlorine by
certain p.p.m. of chromate. (Sec. 22, Par. 14) weight. (Sec. 23, Pars. 26 and 27)
20. High concentration of polyphosphates precipitate 36. To add 100 gallons of chlorine solution per day,
out in the form of calcium phosphate. (Sec. 22, you would select the Wilson type DES
Par. 14) hypochlorinator because its capacity is 120
21. First of all, there is no yellow residue produced gallons per day. (Sec. 23, Par. 32)
by polyphosphates, as there is by chromates. 37. 4.
Secondly, polyphosphates reduce sludge and rust
(tuberculation). (Sec. 22, Par. 15)
22. Bleedoff must be adjusted on condenser water
systems using polyphosphates to avoid
exceeding the solubility of calcium phosphate.
(Sec. 22, Par. 16)
23. The chemical corrosion inhibitors that are in a 38. You would have to add 43 pounds of HTH to
nylon net bag which is placed in a cooling tower that water which requires 30 pounds of chlorine.
may be in pellet or crystal form. (Sec. 22, Par.
24. Chilled water and brine solution systems require
the pot type corrosion inhibitor feeders. (Sec.
22, Par. 18)
25. Algae formations will plug the nozzles in 39. Thirty gallons of chlorine is added per day to
2 million gallons of water when the dosage is 1.5 7. To grout the unit, you must build a wooden dam
p.p.m. and dosing solution is 10 percent. around the foundation and wet the top of the
40. The precautions that must be followed while per- foundation. Then fill the space with grout. (Sec.
forming the turbidimeter test are as follows: The 26, Par. 7)
glass tube must be placed in a vertical position 8. One part of Portland cement to three parts of
with the centerlines matched. The top of the sharp sand is used to make grout. (Sec. 26, Par.
candle support should be 3 inches below the 7)
bottom of the tube. The candle must be made of 9. You should allow 48 hours for the grout to
beeswax and spermaceti, gauged to burn within harden. (Sec. 26, Par. 7)
114 and 126 grains per hour. The flame must be 10. To establish initial alignment of the pumping
a constant size and the same distance below the unit, you must tighten the foundation and
tube. The tube should be inclosed in a case when holddown bolts. Check the gap, angular
observations are made. Soot, moisture and adjustment, and parallel alignment. Recheck
impurities must not be accumulated on the alignment after each adjustment. (Sec. 26, Par.
bottom of the glass tube. (Sec. 24, Pars. 4, 5, 9)
and 6) 11. The unit may become misaligned because of
41. The number of gallons that a vertical type foundation settling, seasoning, or springing; pipe
pressure filter, 4 feet in diameter, can treat in 1 strains; shifting of the building structure; or
hour is: springing of the baseplate. (Sec. 26, Par. 9)
Area = π2 12. Strainer. (Sec. 26, Par. 10)
Area = 3.146 X (1/2d) 13. The pump will lose a and capacity if smaller
Area = 3.146 X (2 X 2) discharge pipe is installed. (Sec. 26, Par. 11)
Area = 3.146 X 4 14. To prime the pump, fill it with the fluid to be
Area = 12.564 or 12.6 pumped through the priming opening in the
12.6 X 3 = 37.8 pump. (Sec. 27, Par. 1)
37.8 X 60 =2268 gallons. 15. After the pump is primed and before it is started,
(Sec. 24, Par. 11) make sure that all the pump connections are
42. The precaution for taking water samples that is airtight and rotate the pump shaft by hand to be
common to both types of analysis is that the sure that it moves freely. (Sec. 27, Par. 1)
equipment (bottle, stopper, etc.) must be 16. Loose pump connections, low liquid level in the
sterilized. (Sec. 25, Pars. 3 and 4) pump, loose suction line joints, improper
43. To sterilize a bottle that is to be used for chlorine direction of rotation, motor not up to nameplate
rating 0.2 to 0.5 grams of sodium thiosulfate is speed, and dirty suction strainer will cause the
added to the sample in the bottle. Then it is failure of a newly installed pump. (Sec. 27, Par.
sterilized at a temperature below 392° to prevent 3)
decomposition of the thiosulfate (Sec. 25, Par. 4, 17. The lantern ring. (Sec. 28, Par. 2)
a) 18. You must pipe clean water to the stuffing box
44. You should hold the bottle least 3 inches below when the water being pumped is dirty, gritty, or
the surface of water in a tank when you take a acidic. (Sec. 28, Par. 3)
sample. (Sec. 25, Par. 4, c) 19. Loose packing will leak excessively and tight
45. A solution of lysol, mercuric chloride, or of packing will burn and score the shaft. (Sec. 28,
bicarbonate of soda is used to rinse your hands Par. 4)
after making water tests. (Sec. 25, Par. 7) 20. When five-ring packing is used, stagger the
packing joints approximately 72°. (Sec. 28, Par.
21. Back off the gland bolts. (Sec. 28, Par. 10)
1. The amount of cement that you would mix with 22. The bellows should not be disturbed unless it is
12 pounds of sand and 24 pounds of crushed to be replaced. (Sec. 28, Par. 11)
rock is 4 pounds. (Sec. 26, Par. 1) 23. The four types of bearings found in centrifugal
2. A 1-inch space is left between the foundation pumps are grease-lubricated roller and ball
and baseplate to allow enough room for grouting bearings, oil-lubricated ball bearings, and oil-
after the baseplate is level. (Sec. 26, Par. 1) lubricated sleeve bearings. (Sec. 28, Par. 17)
3. A ¾-inch baseplate bolt requires a sleeve made 24. Overlubrication causes overheated bearings.
from 1.875-inch pipe. (Sec. 26, Par. 1) (Sec. 28, Par. 17)
4. To level the baseplate, you would place two 25. Mineral greases with a soda soap base are
wedges below the center of the pump and two a recommended for grease lubricated bearings.
below the center of the motor. (Sec. 26, Par. 3) (Sec. 28, Par. 19)
5. The angular alignment of a “spider” is checked 26. Vegetable and animal greases are not used to
at four points on the circumference of the outer lubricate pump bearings because they may form
ends of the coupling hubs at 90° intervals. (Sec. acid and cause deterioration. (Sec. 28, Par. 19)
26, Par. 4) 27. 180° F. (Sec. 28, Par. 20)
6. Angular alignment is accomplished by loosening 28. 150° F. (Sec. 28, Par. 22)
the motor holddown bolts and shifting or 29. The four drilled recesses facilitate the removal
shimming the motor. (Sec. 26, Par. 5) and

installation of the coupling bushing. (Sec. 28, 22. Conductor. (Sec. 31, Par. 4)
Par. 24) 23. N-type germanium is made when an antimony
30. Disagree. The recessed holes should face away atom has gone into covalent bonding with
from the pump. (Sec. 28, Par. 26) germanium. The antimony in the material
donates a free electron. (Sec. 31, Par. 8)
Chapter 6 24. N-type material has free electrons which support
electron flow, whereas P-type material has a
1. Thermionic emission is a method of emitting shortage of electrons. This shortage causes
electrons from the cathode with heat. (Sec. 29, current to flow from the N-type material to the P-
Par. 3) type material. (Sec. 31, Pars. 8 and 9)
2. In a directly heated cathode, the material that 25. N-type; P-type. (Sec. 31, Par. 13)
heats also emits electrons, whereas the indirectly 26. Forward bias encourages current flow. (Sec. 31,
heated cathode has separate heating and emitter Par. 14)
elements. (Sec. 29, Par. 4) 27. 2500 watts is developed in a circuit having 100
3. The elements of a diode vacuum tube are the ohms resistance and an amperage draw of 5
cathode and plate. (Sec 29, Par. 7) amps (P = I2R). (Sec 31, Par. 17)
4. Cathode; plate. (Sec. 29, Par. 7) 28. The base is located between the emitter and
5. The diode rectifies a.c. because current will pass collector. (Sect. 31, Par. 19)
through the tube in one direction. (Sec. 29, Par. 29. Maximum power gain is obtained by making the
8) base region very narrow compared to the emitter
6. The factors that determine the amount of current and collector regions. (Sec. 31, Par. 24)
flowing through a diode tube are the temperature 30. The emitter is comparable to the cathode, the
of the cathode and the potential difference base to the grid, and the collector to the plate.
between the cathode and plate. (Sec. 29, Par. 9 (Sec. 31, Par. 29)
7. Positive. (Sec. 29, Par. 11) 31. The three basic transistor circuits are the
8. The capacitors will filter half-wave rectification common base, common emitter, and common
by charging during the positive half-cycle and collector. (Sec. 32, Par. 1)
discharging through the load resistance during 32. The common collector circuit has a high
the negative half-cycle. (Sec. 29, Par. 13) impedance input and a low impedance output.
9. A duo-diode is a tube containing two diode (Sec. 32, Par. 5)
tubes. It may have one cathode and two plates. 33. The coupling capacitor is used to couple the
(Sec. 29, Par. 16) signal into the emitter-base circuit of the
10. The purpose of the control grid is to provide transistor. (Sec. 32, Par. 6)
more sensitive control of the plate current. (Sec. 34. The voltage drop is 9 volts (3/4 X 12 = 9). (Sec.
30, Par. 2) 33, Par. 1)
11. The control grid is physically located between 35. A simple two-resistor bridge is balanced when
the cathode and plate. (Sec. 30, Par. 2 no current flows between the wipers. (Sec. 33,
12. Negative. (Sec. 30, Par. 4) Par. 2)
13. When the grid is made more negative, the current 36. The Wheatstone bridge sends a signal to the
through the tube will decrease. (Sec. 30, Par. 5) amplifier, which builds up the bridge signal to
14. Grid bias is the potential difference of the d.c. operate a relay. (Sec. 33, Par. 5)
voltage on the grid with respect to the cathode. 37. The higher temperature will unbalance the bridge
Cutoff bias is the point at which the negative by increasing the resistance in one circuit. The
grid voltage stops all current flow in the tube. signal from the bridge will be amplified and
(Sec. 30, Pars. 5 and 7) operate a relay. (Sec. 33, Par. 8)
15. The types of grid bias used on vacuum tubes are 38. A vacuum tube voltmeter is used because it has a
fixed, cathode, and contact potential. (Sec. 30, high input resistance. (Sec. 33, Par. 9)
Pars. 8, 9, and 12) 39. The first step to take when using a V.T.V.M. is
16. A disadvantage of contact potential bias is that to turn the meter on and allow it to warm up.
bias is developed only when a signal is applied (Sec. 33, Par. 10)
to the grid. (Sec. 30, Par. 14) 40. The purpose of the discriminator circuit is to
17. The triode can be used as an amplifier because a determine in which direction the bridge is
small a.c. voltage applied between the cathode unbalanced and take the necessary action to
and grid will cause a change in at grid bias and correct the condition. (Sec. 34, Par. 1)
vary the current passing through the tube. (Sec. 41. The function of the blocking capacitor is to pass
30, Par. 15) a.c. to the second stage and block the high-
18. The potential of the screen grid is positive with voltage d.c. (Sec. 34, Par. 3)
respect to the cathode. (Sec. 30, Par. 19) 42. When the signal in the discriminator circuit goes
19. The power amplifier handles larger values of negative, the cutoff bias is reached on the control
current than triode amplifiers. (Sec. 30, Par. 20) grid. (Sec. 34, Par. 5)
20. A negative potential is applied to the suppressor 43. The bridge supply voltage should come from the
grid of a pentode tube. (Sec. 30, Par. 23) same phase as the discriminator supply to insure
21. The valence ring is the outer ring or orbit of an a bridge signal that is either in phase of 180° out
atom. (Sec. 31, Par. 4) of

phase with the discriminator supply. (Sec. 34, 10. The total voltage across the bridge determines
Par. 7) the position of the final control element. (Sec.
44. The discriminator circuit will conduct when the 36, Par. 3)
plate and the amplified bridge signal are both 11. The adjustments for setting up or changing a
positive. (Sec. 34, Par. 8) control sequence are made at the control panel.
45. A balancing potentiometer is used with a (Sec. 36, Par. 4)
modulating motor to bring the bridge back into 12. The nonrestarting relay is connected in the
balance when a deviation has been corrected. compressor starting circuit. It will prevent the
(Sec. 34, Par. 10) compressor from operating unless the solenoid
valve is operating. (Sec. 36, Par. 7)
Chapter 7 13. The summer compensation schedule differs from
the winter compensation schedule in that outdoor
1. The precaution you should observe when thermostat T3 will be replaced by T1. (Sec. 36,
installing a humidity sensing element is to locate Pars. 10 and 11)
it not too close to sprayers, washers, and heating 14. When the controlled variable varies continually
or cooling coils, but within 50 feet of the control and reverses its direction regularly, the throttling
panel. (Sec. 35, Par. 2) range is set too low. (Sec. 37, Par. 3)
2. The outdoor thermostat sensing element is a coil 15. With a 10 percent authority and 10° temperature
of fine wire wound on a plastic bobbin and change T3 will have the same effect as a 1°
coated for protection against dirt and moisture. change in temperature at T1. (Sec. 37, Par. 5)
(Sec. 35, Par. 5) 16. The control point can be reset after the system is
3. To check the resistance of the sensing element, in operation by positioning the control point
disconnect the leads and connect an ohmmeter adjuster in the control panel. (Sec. 37, Par. 6)
across them. (Sec. 35, Par. 9) 17. When the amplifier output voltage is 1 volt and
4. Dirt on the sensing element will reduce the the branch line pressure is 5 p.s.i.g., the most
sensitivity of a thermostat. (Sec. 35, Par. 11) probable trouble is that the valve unit is out of
5. To reposition the crank arm on the damper motor adjustment. (Sec. 37, Par. 7)
shaft, loosen the screw and nut that hold the arm 18. The control reference temperature is temperature
on the shaft. This will allow you to reposition measured at T1. The control reference pressure
the shaft in four different positions, 90° apart. is the actual branch line pressure. (Sec. 37, Pars.
The adjustment screw on the face of the crank 9 and 10)
arm provides angular setting of the crank arm in 19. The control point of a compensated system on
steps of 22 1/2° throughout any one of the four winter schedule should be equal to the set point.
positions on the shaft. (Sec. 35, Par. 13) (Sec. 37, Par. 14)
6. The damper motor repairs that may be made in 20. The bridge signal is amplified and fed to a
the field are cleaning the potentiometer or limit magnetic coil in the pneumatic valve. The
switch contacts, repairing internal connecting amount of current flowing through the coil
wires, and replacing the internal wires. (Sec. 35, positions nozzle lever over the nozzle. The
Par. 15) position of this lever controls the amount of
7. You can check the transformer output by branch line pressure sent to the controlled
connecting a voltmeter across its terminals. device. (Sec. 37, Pars. 18 and 19)
(Sec. 35, Par. 16) 21. A faulty connection between the amplifier and
8. If the damper motor does not respond to direct bridge will cause one or more of the tubes to
transformer power, the most probable faults are remain cold. (Sec. 37, table 21)
broken wires, defective limit switch, or faulty 22. The transformer output and the valve unit relay
condenser. (Sec. 35, Par. 18) must be checked when the tubes light up and
9. The authority “pots” adjust the change in burn out repeatedly. (Sec. 37, table 21)
variable required to give a certain voltage
change. (Sec. 36, Par. 2)

*U.S. Government Printing Office: 2001-628-075/40468


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