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Lesson Plan Template

High School Music

Teacher: Aaron Neal Date: Feb 5, 2016 Class: AP Theory

LESSON FOCUS: Second Inversion Chords

SUPPLIES AND SETUP: Video, Exercises on projector. National Standards to be addressed:

MU:Cr3.1.C.IIa, MU:Cr3.2.C.IIb , MU:Re8.1.C.IIa, MU:Re9.1.C.IIa,

LESSON OBJECTIVES: The student will…

Demonstrate an understanding of 6-4 chords.

Show appropriate uses of 6-4 chords by realizing voices from the homework activities.

Special Notes:

INTRODUCTION/MOTIVATION: Play the second-inversion chord song. Highlight speciQic types of different kinds of sec-
ond-inversion chords, making sure to highlight the speciQic purposes and uses of the chords.

Do a very quick review of the 6-4 chords, with key words which refer to each type of 2nd inversion chord.
Highlight the uses of second-inversion chords.
Cadential: When the 6-4 chord precedes a V chord in a cadence (half cadence).
Passing: Use of the 6-4 chord to even out the bass line.
Pedal: Use of the 6-4 chord to keep bass voice on the same pitch.
Bass Arpeggio: Use of the 6-4 chord to create an arpeggio in the bass voice.
Check for homework completion.
Have the homework blown up on-screen.
Analyze together as a class, and label all of the different types 6-4 chords.
Realize the voices as suggested in the 6-4 workbook examples.
Analyze the homework as you go through as a class.

LEARNER OUTCOME/ASSESSMENT: The homework is designed as its own formative AND summative assessment. The
review should also help highlight which students need more help.

REVIEW/WRAP-UP: Review again the type of 6-4 chords, and practices for part-writing the 2nd inversion chords.

NOTES/STARTING POINT FOR NEXT CLASS: Next class, we will be moving on to more speciQic uses of the 6-4 chords, and
outlining more voice-leading procedures for resolving the chords.

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