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1. The standing wave ratio is equal to ___ if the load is properly is a short circuit.

2. For a transmission line with R = 10.4 ohms/meter and an attenuation of 0.00785 neper/m, determine the
distributed conductance of the line. 5.925
3. When does a transmission line have an SWR equal to 1? ZL=Zo
4. Mapua’s Vision Statement Mapua shall be among the best universities in the world
5. Determine the input impedance for a transmission line 1.25 lambda long with a characteristic impedance of 50
𝑍 +𝑗𝑍 tan(𝛽𝐿)
ohms and a load impedance of 30 + j40 ohms. 𝑍𝐼𝑁 = [𝑍𝐿 +𝑗𝑍𝑂 tan(𝛽𝐿)] =∞

6. Termination means load connected to the output end of a transmission line

7. Two 2-mm diameter wires held 6cm apart center-to-center has a characteristics impedance of ___. 491 ohms
8. Determine the characteristic impedance of an air-filled concentric transmission line with a D/d ratio of 6.
138 𝐷
𝑍𝑂 = 𝜀
log 𝑑 =107.0641
√ 𝑟

9. When a quarter-wave section transmission line is terminated by a short circuit and is connected to an RF source
at the other end, its input impedance is 𝑍𝐼𝑁 = ∞
10. When does an open transmission line look like an open to the source? at quarter-wavelength
11. Power loss due to increased effective resistance of a conductor at microwave frequencies due to skin effect.
Conduction Loss
12. One of Mapua’s mission statement is
The University shall provide a learning environment in order for its students to acquire the attributes that will
make them globally competitive.
The University shall engage in publishable and/or economically viable research, development, and innovation.
The University shall provide state-of-the-art solutions to problems of industries and communities.
13. To couple a coaxial line to a parallel-wire line, it is best to use ____. Balun
14. Determine the characteristic impedance for a given coaxial cable with the following specifications: L =
138 𝐷
0.118mH/m, C = 21 pF/m, d = 0.025 mm, D = 0.15 using a rubber 𝑍𝑂 = log 𝑑 = 7.195

15. In a transmission line, if the maximum current to minimum current ratio is 2:1, what is the ratio of the maximum
voltage to minimum voltage? 2:1
16. Transmission line must be matched to the load to transfer maximum power to the load
17. The standing wave ratio is equal to _____ if the load is properly matched with the transmission line. 1
18. A transmission line consisting of two insulated wires twisted together. Twisted Pair
19. The input impedance of a T.L. is measured with an impedance bridge and the following readings were obtained:
with load connected to Zin=150.190 – j113.170 ohms, with load and short circuited: Zin = -j555.3 ohms, with
load end open circuited: Zin = j450.2 ohms, determine the characteristic impedance. 500 ohms / 499.99 ohms
20. A coaxial line with an outer diameter of 6mm has a 50 ohms characteristic impedance. If the dielectric constant
of the insulation in 1.60, calculate the inner diameter. 2.089mm
21. What must be the ratio of outer conductor diameter to center conductor diameter, for a 75 ohms Teflon coaxial
transmission line? 6.132 / 6.12
22. Impedance inversion maybe obtained with a quarter-wave line
23. What is the voltage reflection coefficient for 75 ohms line with a terminating impedance of 50 ohms?
Γ= = 0.2
24. What determines the velocity factor in a transmission line? Dielectrics in the line
25. A 7km lossless line is used to couple the output of the transmitter to a 50 ohms antenna. What is the input
impedance on this line at a distance of 2m from the transmitter if the line has a characteristic impedance of 50
ohms? 50 ohms
26. Distance traveled by a wave in time of one cycle. Wavelength
27. How many 2-MHz wave can be on a 5km transmission line simultaneously 33.33 cycles
28. The minimum voltage of a T.L. with a load of ZL = 100 – j200 ohms is 6.39mV. An input impedance of
44.271<63.435deg ohms at 20MHz was measured 33.75m from the load. Find the value of characteristic
impedance. 100ohms
29. The minimum voltage of a T.L. with a load of ZL = 100 – j200 ohms is 6.39mV. An input impedance of
44.271<63.435deg ohms at 20MHz was measured 33.75m from the load. Find the value of standing wave ratio.

30. What is the effective capacitance of a shorted transmission line 3 lambda/7 long at 25MHz if Zo=54 ohms.

31. What physical length corresponds to a half-wavelength at 500MHz for cable with a propagation velocity of
0.68c? 5.127m
32. A shorted transmission lines less than a quarter-wavelength will exhibit ___ reactance. inductive
33. What is meant by voltage node? voltage minima
34. When does a transmission line terminated in an open-circuit like a short source? quarter wavelength
35. Find the input impedance, in ohms, for a 50- Ω lossless transmission line, 3.5l long, if the load is 20 + j75 Ω.
20 + j75 Ω
36. A wire conductor experiences the following characteristics: a and b
37. A very low-loss coaxial transmission line has 30 pF/ft of distributed capacitance and 75 nH/ft of inductance.
What is its characteristic impedance? 50 ohms
38. The velocity factor of a transmission line is the velocity of the waves on the transmission line divided by the
velocity of light in a vacuum
39. Skin effect describes the tendency of: ac conductors to carry the circuit current on their surface
40. When the SWR is equal to zero, this means ___ r=-1 (not sure)
41. A transmission line has a characteristic impedance of 50 ohms. Find the inductance on the line if it is operating
at 1MHz with a velocity of 2.4 x 10^8 m/sec
42. What is a short length of transmission line, shorted at one end and attached at the appropriate distance from
the load for the purpose of matching a complex load to the transmission line? stub
43. A 50 ohms short circuited line is 0.1 in length, at a frquency of 500 MHz. What is its equivalent inductive
44. Indicate the three types of transmission line energy losses. Radiation, I^2R, And Dielectric Heating
45. A type of transmission line characterized by high radiation loss and is subject to noise pick-up. Two-wire open
46. A transmission line consisting of two conductors that have equal resistance per unit length. balance
47. What must be the ratio of outer conductor diameter to center conductor diameter, for a 75- Ω Teflon coaxial
transmission line? 6.12
48. Find the input impedance of a transmission line 4.3 lambda long when Zo = 100 ohms and ZL= 200-j150 ohms.
49. A type of transmission line consisting of an inner conductor surrounded by, but insulated from an outer
conductor. Coaxial Cable
50. The minimum voltage of a T.L. with a load of ZL = 100 – j200 ohms is 6.39mV. An input impedance of
44.271<63.435deg ohms at 20MHz was measured 33.75m from the load. Find the value of reflection coefficient
51. When does a transmission line terminated in a short look like a short to the source? at half-wavelength
52. Using a TDR, a pulse is transmitted down a cable with a velocity factor of 0.7c. The reflected signal is received
1.2microsecond later. How far down the cable is the impairment?
53. The characteristic impedance of a transmission line does not depend upon its Length
54. Indicate the false statement. The SWR on a transmission line is infinity; the line is terminated in Complex
55. If two towers of 1100KHz array are separated by 120 degrees, what is the tower separation by feet? 298
56. Transmission line are either balanced or unbalanced with respect to Ground
57. Find the input reactance of a 600 ohms line terminated in an inductive reactance equivalent to 240 ohms when
the line has a length of 0.1(lambda).
58. The input impedance of a T.L. is measured with an impedance bridge and the following readings were obtained:
with load connected to Zin=150.190 – j113.170 ohms, with load and short circuited: Zin = -j555.3 ohms, with
load end open circuited: Zin = j450.2 ohms, determine the length of the line in electrical degrees. -48

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