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Observation Task 2: Teaching a Phonics Lesson

Table 2: Teaching a Phonics Lesson
The Structure of the Lesson
What the teacher does What the children do Comments
Introducing the Sound:

The teacher teaches the student The students will see the It is good introduction for the
sound P, and she draw object that pictures and guess the sound student because it engage
start with sound P and sometimes of the week. them, and it makes challenge.
she shows them pictures that start Also it take student attention.
with sound P.
And she asks the student to guess
wat is the letter of the week.

Hearing the Sound in the initial position:

The teacher said the letter and sing a
The children listen carefully
song of the letter P ( Popcorn popping P I think it good method to teach them
PP) to the teacher and repeat the sound, because the children will
after the teacher. not feel boring.

Introducing the Writing of the Sound:

The teacher show the student flash cards The student write the letter in the
and she write the letter in the board Air.

Practicing Writing the Sound:

In the circle area the teacher explain the The children listen to the teacher It will be better if the teacher but for
activities for for the all students. how to do the activity , and apply each group model of each activity.
what she said.
Reflections on Observation Task 2: Teaching a Phonics Lesson

1. What program is used in your school to teach phonics? The teacher use
different programs for example she songs and some times she use IPad.

2. How is phonics taught in your school?

In my school the teacher teach the phonics by sing a song or showing them
a video and do activities.

3. What was the focus of the lesson?

The teacher focus in sound of the letter.

4. Were the learners engaged in the phonics lesson? If they were, select (a);
if they were not, select (b).

a. Describe the different types of active engagement activities that the

teacher used.

The teacher she draw the objects the start with the letter, and she let the
student to guess.

5. What types of activities did the children participate in during their

independent centers that reinforced the lesson objective/learning outcome?
If they participated in learning centers, select (a); if they did not, select (b)

a) Describe the different types of learning center activities that the students

There are different activities for each corner for example, in the science the
teacher bring sand and she put objects start with same letter and let the
student to found it, and in the literacy she bring blaydoh and colorful
paper to make the letter, also in the math area she let the student find the
letter then count it after that she let them to write the number.

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