Tamino's Aria 'Dies Bildnis Ist Bezaubernd Schön' PDF

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3.9087 OLLLY ! MAGIC ACICFLUTE Hill HM iin) —S— Oa Fbb 5 —_— Kurtis H. Brownell SON 4 YaNDVM S Sa al Five a : 4 4 cicie a a NOVELLO’S ORIGINAL OCTAVO EDITION OF OPERAS AUBER, FRA DIAVOLO. French and Eng. SANIELLO. French and Pag. v BALFE. 7 THE BOHEMIAN GIRL 6 Ditto, "Concert and Acting Edition BEETHOVEN. FIDELIO. Ger. and Eng. Ditto. Choruses only ;Ditto. Finale Acti. 2) BELLINI. NORMA. Ital. and Eng, UPURITANI. Ital. and Eng. SONNAMBULA. “Tia and Eng. BERLIOZ. (A Dramatic Levend) 4. 4 0 BIZET. CARMEN. Absidged Concert Edition 3.0 Ditto. Choruses only (Solfa) Un the Pres) F. H. COWEN. nom FAUST. THORGRIM aaa 6 DONIZETTI. LA FIGLIA DEL REGGIMENTO. Ital. and Eng. 5 6 Ditfo. Concert and Acting Edition 30 LUCIA DI LAMMERMOOR. Ital ‘and Eng. ne § 6 LUCREZIA BORGIA. ital. and Eng. § FLOTOW. MARTHA. Ger. and Eng. 56 Ditto. Concert and Acting Edition 3 0 GLUCK. WHIGENIA ‘IN AULIS. "French and Eng: - 56 IPHIGENIA IN”-TAURIS. “French and Eng.” ! m5 6 ORPHEUS. tai, and Eng. | 36 Ditto. Choruses only (Soi-ta) 26 Ditto. Acti. 26 Ditto. ditto. Choruses only (Sol-t fa) 1 0 GOUNOD. FAUST (A Selection in Cantata form) 2 0 Ditto. ditto (Sol-fa) 6 (2. G. HOLST. AT THE BOAR'S HEAD (A Musical Interlude in One Act) “60 THE PERFECT FOOL (1 Act)“. 6 0 A. C, MACKENZIE, COLOMBA’ 76 ‘THE TROUBADOUR. 76 : MENDELSSOHN. LORELBY (Sol-fa, 84.) 6 THE SON AND STRANGER ° MEYERBEER. LBTOILEDUNORD. Itsl.and Eng. 7 6 Lowpo: (aogast, 1926) MOZART. z cos! FAN TUTTE. Ital. and Eng. 7 DON GIOVANNI. Ital. and Eng... 5 LENOZZEDIi FIGARO. Ital.& Eng. 5 TL SERAGLIO. Ger. and Bog. 5 DIE ZAUBERFLGTE. Ger.and Bag. 5 PURCELL. DIDO AND 2NEAS... DIOCLESIAN (THE MASQUE) - KING ARTHUR Ditto. Abridged Concert Bdition THE FAIRY QUEEN ww ROSSINI. IL BARBIERE, Ital. and Eng... GUILLAUME TELL. Fr. and Eng. SCHUMANN. GENOVEVA. Ger. and Eng. 5 R. SOMERVILLE. THE ‘PRENTICE PILLAR... = 3 VERDI. ERNANI. Ital. and Eng. RIGOLETTO. "Ital. and Eng. | LA TRAVIATA. ‘Ital. and Eng. IL TROVATORE. ‘tal. and Eng. Ditto. Choruses only (Sola). Ditto. Concert and Acting Edition Ditto. “Ditto. (Sol-fa) THE FLYING DUTCHMAN. and Eng. Ditto. Choruses only. Ditto. Act II. (A Select Ditto. Acti... LOHENGRIN, Ger. and Eng. Ditto. Act Tee a Ditto. Act il, Ditto. ditto (Sol fa) Chorises only and words of Solos... PARSIFAL Ditto. A Selection from Act 1 TANNHAUSER, Ger. and Eng. Ditto. Act II Ditto. Act IIT. Ditto. Choruses onl Ditto, Scenes from: MARITANA Ditto. Concei WEBER. DER FREISCHUTZ. Ger. and Eng. Ditto. Choruses only EURYANTHE. Ger. and Eng. OBERON. Ital. and Eng... PRECIOSA. {in Cantata fori). Ger. and Eng. Ditto. Choruses only (To be continued.) NO¥ELLO AND COMPANY, Limrep. Kurtis H. Brownell NOVELLO'S ORIGINAL OCTAVO EDITION. oie Mace FUE AN OPERA IN TWO ACTS comPoseD BY W. A. MOZART. EDITED BY BERTHOLD TOURS AND TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH BY NATALIA MACFARREN, Price {Five Smutincs axp SixrENce) Cloth, gilt, 7/6. Loxpox : NOVELLO AND COMPANY, Linen. New Your: THE H. W.GRAY CO.. Souz Acrnts vor tu U.S.A. THE “ZAUBERFLOTE” OF MO BY NATALIA ‘Tux libretto of Mozart’s “ Zauberflote” has often and justly been commented on as a tissue of absurdities, eontaining not a single dramatic Point capable of being worked into a musical design, At the opening of the Opera, Tamino, an Egyptian prince is seen in mortal combat witha serpent (no motive for this struggle is ever tnentioned) ; his eries of terror bring three ladies on the scene, who slay the serpent and comfort Tamino, who has fainted. ‘These ladies consider the young prineo as likely to aid their mistress, the Queen of Night, to recover her daughter, whom she has lost; "they show him a minia ture of the princess, of whom he immediately becomes enamoured, vowing to becoms her champion. For his mission he is endowed with ‘a magic flute, which will koep him safe in every danger (lor it has power to soften all hearts towards him), three Genii or boys, to guide him to his destination and enlighten him with wise counsels, and a garrulous bird-eatcher is assigned to him for a servact. ‘Thus this much-guarded hero proceeds to the abode of the high’ priest Sarastro, who has abducted Pamina trom her mother's’ supposed evil influence, and destines lier to the service of the Temple. Condueted to its gates by the three protecting Genii, and being refused admittance, Tamino makes no further attempt to reseue the imprisoned damsel, butholds a longthy colloquy with a nameless priest, from whom he merely ascertains that Pamina is still living. ‘The chattering servant, Papageno, mean- while has effected an entrance and persuaded Pamina to eseape with him, and seek ‘Tamino (whom she has not yetseen). They fly, but are overtaken, and bound in fetters by Monostatos, a false Moor, under whose guardianship Sarastro tas placed Pamina. ‘The chief iutelligence of the piece, Sarastro, now comes on the scene : he chastises Monostatos, and decrees that the lovers shall undergo a course of probation in the sanc- tusry. ‘Thus closes the first Act, with a hero | Kurtis H. Brownelt MACFARREN. who has achieved nothing, a lore between two virtual strangers, and an assumption of more than mortal wisdom supported by nothing but a few phrases of general proverbial morality. In the second Act the ordeal of silence is imposed on Tamino; Pamina speaks to him iu vain, and imagines him to be estranged; her mother then works on her feelings to kill Tarmino with a dagger, Pamina loses her reason for a short time, the lovers go through what are called the ordeals of fire and of water, that is to say tiey walk through what may be supposed ab abstract of those elements during a short marcel played by ‘Tamino on the magic flute, in order that the trial may be performed with safety. After this the triumph of the lovers is proclaimed, ‘the kingdom of darkness extinguished, and wisdom and joy are to reign upon earth. The foregoing inane plot, interspersed with scenes of doubtful comicality, “has inspired some of Morart’s most beatitiful and most profound musie (as an instauce of this latter it is only necessary to mention the Socond Finale), “One cannot but marvel how Mozart ‘could have warmed to a subject quite devoid of dramatic life or of poetie beauty, a story without either plot or passion, those two pivots of all lyvic art, A pamphlet that appeared ia Leipsie in Ls3 treats of this question, and goes far to prove that the whole framework of the * Zauber fiste is allegorical; that it is an apotheosis of Freemasonry against the political and ecele- siastieal influences that persecuted that fraternity at the time the Opera appeared. That some un- derlying meaning was known to exist is also attested by Gosthe'’s allusion to it (recorded by Eekermann), when in speaking of the probable effect in Germany of his second part of “ Faust,” tho poet said: “If the multitude find pleasure only in what is actually visible, the initiated will nt fil to peresie the higher meaning, a2 is the case with the ‘Zauberfléte’ and other things ;* as well as by hie having written a recond part to the “ Zauberflate,” an unmistak- able allegory from end to end, in which the story of the Opera is taken up after the union of Pamina and ‘Tamino, and treats of the vicissi- tudes undergone by their infant ehild, enchanted by the Queer of Night ; the powers of darkness being too strong for his parents to regain him, he escapes by an ethereal process from the earth altogether. ‘The author of the above-mentioned pamphlet is anonymous, and writes as much to Vindieate the Opera as to glorify Freemasonry. He quotes many of the didactic lines, which weave so strange a thread of gravity through the incongruous web of extravaganee, as embodi- ments of Masonic philosophy, and finally states who and what are the originals of the several characters of the drama, We translate the following — “The performance of the « Zauberfldte” on the 30th September 1791, is important. in the history of Freemasonry in’ Austria, After the death of Joseph IL, “1790, the Catholic clergy under Leopold 42. (iho was not naturally in~ clined to oppose Ereemasonry) began to assert their influence, and this the more decisively, as the political aspect of France was beginning to grow threatening: the leaders of the Austrian States forthwith looked upon Freemasonry with suspicion. The ‘Zauberfldte” is therefore a manly protest of Mozart and Scbickaneder in defiance of the disfavour into which the institu- tution had fallen with the authorities, ‘They deeame its champions before the general publi, and defended as well as vindicated a noble cause.” Jahn says: “he political revulsion that took place under Leopold IT,, led not only to the withdrawal of whatevereountenance had hitherto been shown to Frecmasonry, but caused it to be sospected and hated asa poworful medium for disseminating ideas of religious and political liberty. Its glorification on the stage therefore, in a work in which its rites and symbolism are placed in a dazzling Tight, and its moral ten- dencies are justified, so that tive initiated recog- nites his secret affinities, whilst, the outsider receives beyond the enjoyment of the sensuous charm also the possible impression of a deeper signification, must appear as a bold and timely party demonstration, that wisely kept clear of ersonalities. Leopold IL. died in March 1792, and was sue- ceeded by Francis IL, a decided opponent, of Freemasonry, who proposed its suppression throughout the German empire at the Reichstag at Regensburg in 1794, and who in 1795 pro- hibited it in his dominions. Nevertheless, Sehickaneder announeed the 100th performance ff the Zauberfldte,” November28, 1792, and the 200th, October 22, 1795. ‘Thus the * Zau- berflote” was the dying lay of Freemasonry Austria, the eloquent defence and apology of a rondemned innocent; but it was also the medium through which Freemasonry bss been publicly preached in spite of all prohibition, and through which it has continued to live and ‘influence the people down to our aays. ‘Vreemasonry is indicated in the * Zaul e1 Aote™ as the temple of Isis and Osiris. ‘The compar son of Freemasonry with the Dgyptian mysteries was a favourite subject of reflection among the brotherhood in Vienna and Austria ever since Ignaz von Born published a leading article « On the Mysteries of the Egyptians,” in the first Number of the Journal fiir Freimaurer (Vienna, 1784), ‘There it is stated: “the uninitiated beheld in the symbol of the sun and the moon Osiris and Isis; but in a mystic sense the sun was the Supreme and only Divinity, the principal Source of every good, and the moon was the symbol of his ereative power. Sometimes the sun-symbol signified spirit and fire, and the inoon-symbol earth and water, which two pairs of opposing forces, according’ to their teaching, generated the air. OF the philosophie sciences that were taught in the mysteries, natural philo- sophy had a foremost place, the image of Isis, or, Nature, being. held next pre-eminent to that of Osiris, " For this reason the Egyptian high priest wore on his breast the amulet of Isis with the inseription : the word of Truth, Are truth, wisdom, and the promotion of happiness for the whole human, race, not also the objects of our association? Do not our Inws constantly ineuleate this end under manifold forms?” &e., &e. In this sense the Masonic task is indicated in tho “Zauberflite” as the service of Osiris and Isis, and in this sense the mission of the priests is represented. Thus we see no reason to doubt that it was Born* who is represented in Sarastro. Born was in truth a high-priest of Freemasonry in Vienna, noble and pure in mind and character, an enlightened and liberal man, and one who had both eloquence and wit at his command in diseussion, He was deeply imbued with the spirit of Lessing, and from 1780 to 1785, the most prosperous period for Free masonry in Austria, he was the life and soul of the’ collective Freemasonry of Germany. Morart had composed his Cantata Maurer- frende” for_a festival given in honour of Born in 1785, and it is. more than probable that he intended the part of Sarastro to be an enduring and worthy monument to the honoured brother, who died in 1791. Vurther: Freemasonry generally is illustrated in the Choruses of the Priests and in the three Genii or boys. Of these Jahn remarks : “The march-like strain with which Tamino is con ducted to the gate of the Sanetuary at the com- meneement of the first. Finale completely illus- trates the situation. ‘The instrumentation is * Hofrath von Born, 9 distinguished metallu founder ofthe Lodge Zur waliten Bintracht ” in Vienna, ‘which had for its object the promulgation of liberal ideas | and the defeat of superstition and faaticism. quite novel, the bright voices of the boys, recompanied by strings, without double basses, and supported by soft chords of trombones and muted trumpets and deums; and a long-sus- tained GF of the flutes and clarionets, spreads gentle Tight, like a glory over the whole; the three-fold aijuration “be steadfast, silent, and obedient,” echoed by the rm sustaining tones of the wind instruments, heightens the solem- nity of this stiering march, interrupting its riythm, but adding to its dignity and weight; the few bars sung by Tamino still further enhance tho beniga effect of this scene by con- trast, and the repeated strain of the boys bring back’ the impression of a more ethereal world with renewed force. Lot us now east a glance at the tenets as- sribed to Freemasonry in general throughout the “Zauberflate,” apart from the lofty mission assigned to tho priests and Genii, Suspicion, which has at all times sought to undermine Freemasonry, is mentioned in the passage where the three Indies say = Much ground there is for dark suspiefon, ‘The erafty priest may evil mean, Tamino. . aD een Wind nc oF Praso. Psi SS Becees ce reeeme 2 arr ogeeeeteeemerst P zd s 7 GST 4 oes AES lee eee ee pp ne et plete PEE 0», ae alee eo 1 * - ACT IL. A rocky scene, witn trees, practicable hille on either side, and a elreular Temple. Tamino descend from ork, aldied in ss apleniad Japanese hunting dress he earrice a bow but Ro arrow; a serpent purstes hinn No.1. INTRODUCTIO! Foaten, Obes, Caronet in ty Bassons, ¢ Horna in B Aut ond Strings. Afterwards Trurpetsin © and Ketteruma in Ovid. Seep EEE — jon and death fet amet bin ih ger tare Oh horror! de: Zu Hil» jet ste pe et St ba jon and doath are up = on me! Ohi help, cre the _ ve - no-mona 1 sonat_bin eh ver) deste! der Ue sti-genSehlan ge eum G a Se SS a are = = = “ P attt Ee tess & ge ay wW . : z _————_ Bat Her gee E fog we pe pad hier fangs na het te Mel rekon ne GP — sue + cour me, ye gra-cious gods, oh suo - cour me, in this dread hour, oh sue - cour Yet = tet mick, ach Tot = tety Fete tel, sche set mich, ch schit Bet, ehles £0, Yet teh —— = = as ae P f = + ~ Ee i qa | (Che doore of the Temple open and three veited fadies ~ appear, ouch with a vilece spear, they slay the serpent.) 1st & Mon - clor of night, thou now must diet Stirs Ow ge durch wa tre Muchet ——, Bon - ster of Sur Un = geo (ue fait, fainting.) thou now must die! dure un sre Macht! me, ye goils, oh suc + - cour me! ret) = et, ret’ tet, sok 2 > act mick apd Cars Ootaro Baion, ,_, lst 2nd Lape aa Oh joy! in Tri-ampet me = $3 ‘Oh joyt das Bri-simpht sie Facae gaat FS ———— Se =: Sea See =e SSeS i pes nil dire our ‘help Ww a Te hear of ist voll Bracht, die Hel ye il dire our Th howe Toll racht, die f foo, our. Ta = pfer + keit, durch wn > sere ——— ee oar va ~ lour durch We > sere Morar Die Zauerite."-Novello, Ever an Gos Ostaro Baton. uw Ast Lavy. de a ee fey epee = =e Qa Could C gen - tle I Wire Ard Lapy, ruth. Gotla, I eld ich mein Herz der Lie cious mienhe hath, in sooth. als tehinoch nie gene, be by gone love be 8 Wire ieh mein Hers der Lie~ he weil, a De sway'd, this No artoould paint such bean Jac iity ges ies, 2M Ma teous my heart mlightwell per - yegter ee dg = hag ‘weiliny, a0 dice = this =e ae myheartmightwell per ae diecraer Jing Ting ay, — a ee = = sunde, Gis youth amy heartmightwell per - suade i, to tert“ die = aar Junping sein. Gb + SS = === - = pee = saat, this youth . . myhearfmight well per - sisie, _ ian, o Wwlat ss ee wer Jungiling seb ma —— : ea —S f ree - Zs ee = i pe Monet's “Die Zaubortie, ‘Novello, Ewe: and Gos Octavo Bilton. [Fsestee longer may we tur-ry, the ti-dings (9 om Queen to cat-ry: per War cfar Tate ‘atclonthedie “ee” Nucirche Ti er = fiekvtae, Ta — Spa eS “the H- dings fo our Quen ie? Es ‘A; way, no lon=ger may we tai Lavst Wnt’ ie tuecter“Piveatig_“tlsteny tir die te Nochrio bed) geet sar is ggttwtcta dat iameeee + ehiahce the peacofal yore ho, - Ble y sgor will re - stare, (eich dass dia ~ ser : Bana di po ge Bult th rye = bee ZI = Do stranger will re - store, this ye Rui chr yas ben kann, ie perchance the peaceful days of yore this Wlelleishe dass ‘lie ser achOne Mann die Go, hasten to = “pe ma—ett : will re-sidre. eben ka ig of eee 2 Gils, aad {wll hijore ain For gout go ware bes and I wilauuedlia 2a). 2s . ae a =, z a a = — % = ge SS = eS Ft pau Zt [opp oe =e ‘onaet’s “Dye haber "Novel, wet au Go. Usase Bion 13 rest. Tim 9rd Lapy. ee Se = je No, no, that can= not be, this tack hall bo for Neitjaclydaskam nicht sca, ‘Yoh eehdtae Air ae = a 4 = See 73 Pan we _ be 4s ‘ : Eb se Se ~ main. ier Bod Lay, at Lar. 2nd Lapy. SSS = 2 = A will gadra his Fost. Tir watch him, Tl guard him, seo-the Cher fis tne Teh Tacs ieee bc reat che = —— Soe ‘That tatkalallte for Ine, z Teh seidieee thn lie = nal Tip, ioe ibs a = ¥ ¢ ee —_ scant ae Freee eee Int § Bod Ta bat Lay gS aN 7 === =e Z Trt They'dhaveme Eh iht Teh wll dat Lapy (aside). go? They'dhave me go? Sort? Teh sollte fore? (aside. They'd have me fo? Teh oll = te fort? Mozart's“ Die ZacterBote" Novello, Ewer and Cos Geto Eatin, ut LADY, sy —— == = — go? They’dhavome so? fort! ich sollte fort? fh soll I Therdifaseme®? or? any eo ha! la,a! not so! ha, lia, nob so! IP aif wie fein, wiefont ey el} wie fein! wish-esthey too plain-ly show, too ‘wa-rea gern bet thm at=teiny bel yas a= cle Ha, ba so! hi, ia, not so! Theirwish-esthey too plainly te fe fein! ear el wie. fein? Se “wdvren gerh bet thm el fe, ot ko, tiie avon, + signs T ann nist fine al tet Neinyne, nein, nett, nein, not so, ‘Their das + Sims I Kann nicht ‘Their wish -es they too plain -1f show, too plain -Iy show, No, to, 2 not £, no, a lez =a = 2 SSF = = Fst Ss s SSS 3 know. Their wish - es they too plain - ly show, too plain -ly show, Not so, : a & Se ; we ra. x=e-t ah ge fife Sgt eat ‘Ser. eae oe — SS Moraes" Die Zauberite,”—Novella, Emer ant Go’ Ostaro eum r vey ¥. nc, not so, ‘Their their deep de deep, do - signs I know, a nein! das” Kann nicht sein, signs 1 Thann niche = —_S oe not so, Their ee ee ee deep de-signs I nein! dine ann — nicht nein, wen! das their deep de-signs I whan vice a | Sa = ee kno! their deep de - signs TI know. 4 = lee = = =e r fet Fae fe their deep de-signs Was wollte teh ‘Oh lisa, to gaze on him for dacruom nicht 2nd Lapy. = ‘Oh bliss, to gaze on him fore + ver, Was wollte teh durum niet ge + ben, Was soll’ te “teh Allegro. Oh bliss, to gazeon him for 0 - ver, a Warum nicht ge > hem, tr a ‘Baus uta, oa tE =e Ea Moraes“ Die Zaubuedite"—Novello, Ewer and Cos Octavo Balton. 16 * _ = ES get 7 and ffom bis side to more to Te! Mant eh mit aieem Jonge Ss = cl seas en aces ee oa Binh ade devon Stogeatny eS deat = 5 Gg — SSS Would that.» fate so blest were Be ich indaeh vo gant Val ss = = = i a SS Would that a fate so blest were wine, on Hite teh th doch so ganz ai “ln, on = =x = 7 goo -8 oe = Wot! thst @ fate so blest were minty o Mats teh tin dock 20 aut “al = Tey ; wh pots ee x—eat _— e. : fap SS a= === SSE ne, would it were ating, would it wore mine, The ‘main, and make n0 er ele oo gaat el Da vee; a eT SSS S| wold this fale cea ana fg nae tema 7 7 7 — ae =| woud thls site were maine! They both re = main, foo ase pe aa ere * eg * iste SS SSS £ rf - r= \ oF ead — ee pe erry + . t ejector) erie: * Cero oe ae Mosar's* Di Zavbertst."—Norelo, Ewer and Co/sOeavo Blivon. Ww ‘All hope is vain, I must a ta ein dm dersion at eat nim ich gels See eanaea es ate I make no sf All hope is ain, T must a - fan nicht sein dn "oe eaten “Est” et my eh and make no sign. 6 fawn nicht sein, y, mast ich ek, ich os : oto ene aa. es ae os eet, ath Pe PTS q SS SS Sas = Allhope is vain, L must ‘es nun ich -way.alihope is vain I must a - way; 1 jam acaten iat ea nun, ich geht, ich ! My heart shall own thy “de tra = "ter Jing ~ ling, less youth, a, fare thee well Hingy sehim” wind Ue = be = less youth, ah fare thee well! My heart shall own thy Fling, Sehin” und Tie be= voll! di traw = “ter ing ~ Lingy ‘Thou peer + loss youth. ah fare thee well! | My heart shall own thy Du ding ling, sehin’ und ie - be ~ voll! on du_trau - ter ding - ling, an Pr gentle spell un-til we meet a- gain, un - til Te = be-wohl! bis ich dick wieder sew,’ bie ich gen tle spell un-til we meet a - gain, Te - be-woRl! bis teh dich wieder sell, tis gen-tle spell, un til we meet a - gain, un - til we fe be-woll} ble ich dich wie der = sel", bis ch aie 3 meet ‘ie ~ der ders + alt,’ ae == aE gain. . ‘Thou peer - less youth, al fare theo well! My heart shall own thy 2 eel. ‘Du Ving = lingytehin’ und ie ~ benvolt! du tran ~ ter Jing = tingy - gain. . ‘Thou peer - less youth, ah fare thee well! My heart shall own thy. We Du Sting = lings sen” nd the = be voll! da trau = ter ding tingy = gain > > ‘Thou peer - less youth, ah fare thee wel My leart —shallown thy J Ta 2 put Sling ting, ten? and Tie = be-voll! du trau ter Sting = Wingy by ‘olee, m Morar's “Din taaherte" Norell, Ewer and Coe Octavo Eatin. until wemecta- gain, oun - tl 2. we meet bis teh dich wie-der- seh’, bis ich LS dich wie = 7 ve meet a gain, un = til we on tlespell, un- til ick 7 dich e's De-wuhl ? bie. ich dich wiewder - ah, bie + til we ich ach ‘un- til wemeet a- gain, Dis ch dich wieeder ~ seh, gen- fle spel, ie be-wohl pra. a - - gain. un til wo. «meet aes de fae | bis ich din) "ties der ete. wemect a - gain, we meet ee ‘el, bis ich dich wie ~~ der ~ seh’, dich “wie ~ + der gain, ‘wemest a - gain, we meet ae 2 tak Va ah lowes = er eh Md! IY. gain, un - fil we meet a+ gain, ss. un til we meet a - DAG Bie ich dich wie == den = fel’, fois 7 Gen dich “wie + der onus Die ZanberBite”—Novaio, vi ~ til ‘wemect a - gain, Dis ick dich wie - der ~ “tel, Dis "ich dichwele- der~ ~ til wemest a - gai un - til wemect a ich dich wie ~ der = “seit bis ich dich wie = der un + tilwe meeta - + til wemest 9 - bie ch dich ‘wieder = “teh un bis" ich dich wie - der - =f ‘we meet a - gain, we mest a - dich wie» der ~'selt, dich wie der = wo moet - gain, un - tl womect & dich wie = der seh", bis ek dich wie ~ der = ‘we meet a gain, ~ til wemect a - dich wie ich diehwie- der = _(Bzeunt alt three by the door of the Temple, which opens as they approach.) [@e= eu a =| # ‘asrno (waking }—Where am L? (risesand looks round.) Taatwo.—Io bin ioh? Wie! die Uotartige Schlange liegt How! the dreadful serpent lies dead at my feet? todt au meinen Paszen? (the sound of a flute is heard in the distance.) ZauborBote"—Novelo, Emer and Coe Osta Bs 2 Tawrwo.—What do I see? Hal A man is deseending —‘TaMsNo.—Ias ech ch! Ha! ein Mann nithert wich dem into the valloy. (He steps aside among the treet.) Thate. Wo, 2. Awa— A FOWLER BOLD IN ME YOU SEE” Papageno descends by a footpath, he has a large ”*rd cage with birds on his back. and holds in both hands a Pan's pire, ‘on which he pl Oboes, Batons, Horns in Stings Moeare “Die Zaubertéte.”--Norelo, ner and Cae tate Bein, ) \ 8 » . = = R 2 -- BSS es min-strel - ey; my joe ees ara es feo z es — gia fe rer } = aces aac ~ if aout =344 # 2{ 98 9 ame is ever ta doamand, with old and young thro’out the land. name ise - ver in de-mand, with old and young thro'out the land. Vo gel finger bin Bee hannt! bet alt und jung To. gel fan. gor bin be- hannt bet alt fim yam - zen Land. tol Jung im gan = een Land wel he mir am Wel sten wear", der gai? — ich gleich den Zu eker her ee ae ao eee ecu 3 Sa aS peo set my traps,the birdsfloekround, I whis - fle, and they know the sound, nets to set ior pret- ty maids,that were the most di- vine of trades. Weiss mit dem Lo-eken um = zu ygeli'myrnd mich ange Pek fen au ver-steh Ein Netz fiir Mad chen mich - te teh, "ich slug “sie du» end-acete fir mich? Una dues Ste aie mie "srt Tick dann, wi” “sie vin Wetb ind teh he Mann. For wealth my lot I'd not, re-sign, for ev’ = ry bird that, {il keep them safe ‘neath lock and key, and all I caughtshoult Drum kann teh froh ind lu stig seine denn al ~ le Mad- chen Paws sperr =te ich sie Dei mir ein und al le Madchen Sie sehliey an meiner Seite cin teh wieg - te wie ein oo Sir a= Mona's“ Dla Zasertite”—Sirsllo ror an Cars Detar Balto. {plays on the pipe ara flies is mine. be for me. sind ja mein. Kind _"Nie "ein 2 é. = —Holla! Par.— Who's there ? ‘Tax. —Who art thon, friend? Pap—Who am I? (side. Silly question (to Tam.) A rman like yourself! What I were toask who you are ‘Taot—I should reply that I am of royal blood. Pap.—That’s above me. ‘Tau. -My father reigns over lands and trib ‘called a prinee, panda? ‘lyibes? there other land hills ? ‘Tax.—Many thousands! . Psp.—Then T might do some business yonder with my birds ! "Yaor.—Tell me who ules over this country ? Pap. know as little about that as about how Teame to inhabit this world. I only know that my cottage stands yoniler and that it shelters me from cold and rain ! ‘Last—Auut how do you live! Par.—Of eating and dvinking, like other people. ‘Yaw.—And how do you obtain it? Pap.—L catch birds for the Que Ladies, und in return they give me food aud drink. The Queen of Night her? Pae.--Can any mortal boast t nd Tam nia Prince? Do say, are ‘and tribes beyond these Taw. 2 ‘Then you have seen he has seen her? ‘Tas, avide)—Surely this must Le the great Queon of whom my father spoke, Pap.—How he stares! Dont fix that suspicious gaze on me! “Stand back, T tell you, and beware of me, for I have a giant's strength: when I seize ‘Taw.—Indeud! “Phen perhaps it was you who over ‘came the Serpent? Pap.—Serpont? What! Ts it dead or alive? ‘Taw.—How did you attack the monster? You have Pap—hat does not matter! A firm grup of my: hhand would be enough to settle him. ‘Yax.—Then you strangled it? Par-—Strmngld fst) 1h Enver the'Turmee: Lapies (threatening him)—Papageno ! ‘his is my affair. Look round, my drient Who are these ladies! Pap.—That Tean’t precisely say, for I don't know; but Lido know that they take my birds of me every day and give me wine, broad, and fruit. no notion I was seh Yam.—1 suppose they are very beautifil Pap—I should be surprised if they were; pretty wor men don't generally ide their faces, Bonar's "Die Zasbertts, Sra (He és going towards the door of the Temple, Paminy stops him) ara & Stati ‘Ta —Hola! Pap.—iae da? Taw.—Ier bist du, Freund ? Pav.—Wer bin ich? Dumme Brage ! ein Mensch wie du. Wenn ieh mun jrngte wor du bist? ‘Tast.—So wire ich dir antiorten, dase ich aus firetlichem Geblite bin, Par.—Das fs mir 21 hoc, Taa—Mein Vater herreoht iter Linder wud Senschen, darum nennt maw mich Prive Par.—Lander ?” Menschen? Pring? Sag mir doch! Gicbt’s ausser diesen Borgen auch vooh Linder und Menschen? —Fiele Tausende. Pap. —(Da livsee sich eine Spekulation mit meinen Vigetn machen.) ‘Tam.—Nun sage du mir, wer behervacht diese Gegend ? Pap-—Das kann ich dir eben 40. wenig beantirovten, wi ich wweiss,wie ch auf die Welt gekonmen bin. leh weiss hur soviel, dave nicht weit vom lier meine Strole Iiivee steht, die mich vor Regen und Kélte sehtct, ‘Fast —Aber wovon'tebat de? Pap.—Von Basen und Prinken, wie alle Menschen. ‘Taw. —Wodurch erhiltst Du das? Pap—Durch Tauseh. “Tel fange far die Sternpanmende Kinigin und ihre Jingfrarien Vigel, dase erhatie in tiglich Speise und Trank von thre ‘Tam.—Sternflammende Kinigin! Warst du selon ev glicklich, diese Gdttin der Nacht zw aehen? Pap.—Sehen ! Diz sternanmende Ninigin sehen? Wel- ‘cher Sterbliche kann sich ramen, sie fe geschn 21 haben 2 Es ist Kar, os ist eben dicse machilige Konigin, von der mein Vater 20 oft erzthlte, ‘er-mick so starr anbliekt!”" Warum siehst du se erditehtig wach mir? Leib surilek wag ich dir wed tra muir nicht; den ich habe Riesenkraft aeenn ich jemand packe, ‘Taor.—Riewenbrafi-Alsa warst da es, der diese Schlange Dekiimpjte Pap.—Schlange! Was da t tat aie todt oder lebendiy ? ‘Tam—Wie hast du dieses Ungehewr bekiinpst? di bist ole Wasfen. Pap-—Byaueh keine? Bei mir dst ein starker Druck mit ‘der Hand mehr ale Waffen. "Tas —Du hast sie also erdrosselt# PAP—Erdrosselt! "(din in meine ‘deweeen seie heute.) Dee Dasten.—Papageno ! Pap—aAha ! das geht mich an! sich dich wm, Freund | ‘Pas—Wer sind dese Damen ? Pap.—Wer sic eigentlich sind, weiss teh selbet nicht. Teh tweles nur so viel, dass sie mir tglich meine Vaget fabnelmen, und mir date Wein Zuckerbrod wd tse Feigen bringen ‘Taat.—Sie sind vermuthiich eel sehén. Pap-—Ieh denkenicha !—denn wenn sie schim wire. wiirdes vio thre Gesiclter welt bedechen. Par—W Leben night so stark orallo, Ever and Cos Ostavo Euitoa. ‘answer you that I never saw anything so charming in all my life. ‘Papageno! Lapies. Par—Whateyer have I done that's wrong, to-day? Here, my fair ones, allow me to present you with these birds. st Lape. (Handing him a flask of weater).—To-day, for ihe first time, her Majesty sends you, instead of wine, gomé cold water. 2nd Lapy—And, instead of bread, she bade me give ‘you this stone. Pa.—Have I come to this? Eat stones? Bnd Lapr, | Peceea padiock on hie mouth) —And instend of sweet figs allow me to decorate your mouth with this golden padlock. Ist Lapy.—You may like 10 kiow why the Queen has ‘ordained tliese strange panisliments to-day? Bar pions “yeu 3nd Lapy-—In order that you may tell no more false hoods to strangers. Sn LaprNor boast of valiant deeds perlomed by others. Ist Lany.—Say, didet thou ght the serpent ? Pap—(Significs no.”) 2nd Lapy.—-Who did then? Par—(itakes signs that he does not know.) dnl Laby.—"Twas by us, Prince, thoa wert saved, ‘Hero, take this portrait, iis sent thee by our great Queen; it is the likeness of her daugh ter. We meet again! (Ezeunt the three Ladies and Papageno.) 24 Cavionete mB ft, Baste Larghetto, Vorce. Piano 50 fair! gee seh'n mor-tal seen a face noch kein Auge je oS FEF Wink Diz Damen —Pagageno? Pap—SUil! Dw fragst cb sie sehin sind? und ich kann dir darauf nichts antworten, als dags ich 16 me nem Leben niehte reizenderes aah Die Dawex.—Papageno! Pap.—Wass neues ich den Reute verbrochen haben $ meine Schinen, fibergebe teh meine Pigel. Hier, Lie Dame. —Dajlir schickt dir unare Flrstin heute zum ceratennal etatt Wein, reines helles Waccer, 2te Dame. —Und mir befaht sie, dass eh statt Zuckerbrod, ‘dir diesen Stein iberrrichen soll. Pap.— Was, Steine goil ich fresien? Ste Dawn. Uni etatt der aasen Feigen habeich die Ehre, dir dies gotdene Sehtose an den Mund zu legen. hte Da Du witist cermuthlich wissen, warum die Frirstin dich heut 40 wunderbar bestiajt? Par.—(Bejaht “es”,) ce Dante.—Danit dy hnftig née mehr Fremde beliiget Ste Dane.—Und dich nie der Heldenthaten rihmst die iindre volleogen. Me Dam.—Sag" an, haat du diese Seltange Ueblimpyt? Par.—(Deutet “nein”,} 2te Daste.—Wer also? Par.—(Dentet, dass er es nicht weise.? Bie Daes—Iir waren’s, dimgling, die dich befretten. Hier, dies Gematde fberschickt dir ate gros Flrelng o6 io dau Bildviee threr Tochter.” dup Wiedersehn ! Azra—OH WONDROUS BEAUTY, PAST COMPARE” Horns n B fat § Stine. Taso. fa feel-ing, a ch fail o8, —= bath wie Ob won-dtrous beau -ty, Dies Bild tee past com - pare! sau -bernd chin, iss ist fie feeling, im my heart a- wakes, a tele dice Git ter - bild mein Morar Dig Zeutarto," Novello, Ewer and Co's Ocisno Baton. di- vine up-on me new ~ of Re = sung SS SS Se breaks, ee Imow not what is this e - mo-tion, amy sil, a Dies EU ~ was Kann teh sear niche m doch Ht eee = 7 - aoe art doth bern sith deep de vo - tion. fan it be love that FU Gels ier wie Bent~er ren ne Soll die Bin-pfin-dung can it be love. that toll die Bim = yn” dung i know, a lower's, a o-ver’s, a Jo. ~~ ver’s pangs = Tknow, die Lie-bey dle Lie-bs, die Lie. = te ‘ists al tein, be Han rain Moanrs* Dio Zasbertte "Novello, Fare and Co's Oetsre Bion. er that here I have en - wenn ste dock schon vor mir Then would I, ich wir = de, = De. ae whatwould I do? de teh? hart, I would with an aie ¥en aie tee Sol then for e-ver she wore e+ wly wire ate dann mine, = “ a> 5 £ FS === sear ee coats wt le ie nme a ree © - ver she were ie dann ta o- vor she were mine... then for wit-re sie damn mein, o.= ig == dann Enter the three Ladies, Ist Lapy—Fair youth, be brave and constant, our Queen— Srd Lapy.—Has resolvad to crown your wishes. If your prince, she says, is as bold and valiant ‘as ho is tonder, my daughter is saved. Tast.—Saved ? Is she in da Wet Lapy.—An evil and mig ‘Tam. —Whero is the tyrant? 2nd Lapy.—Near to our mountains, ‘Tax. —Away, and lend me thithe what was that? ‘Tae Tanen Lapris.—She comes! (The rocks divide. and the Queen of Ni er? 'y demon has stolen her Thunder.) Heaven, it appears.) Ue Dane. —Ritste dich mit Muth und Stondhaftigkeit, sehiner Jingling !—die Firstin— ‘Ste Dawe.—Ilat beechlossen, dich ganz glleldich 24 machen. Triigt dizer Jiingling, aprach sie, 40 viel Muth und Tapferkeit, als Zartlichkeit im Herzen, so ist meine Tochter gewies gerettet, Tos. —Geretiet !” Was hdr ich? daz Original — Lie Dante.—Hat ein mitchtiger Diser Déimon entrissen. ‘Tas—Wo iat des Tyrannen Aufenthae¥ Bte Dante. —Nahe an unicrn Bergen. ‘Dan.—Kommt,fthret mich 2u thm! (Donner:) twas iat das ? Die 8 Damen. —sSie kommt 1 The (teen No. 4. Reerrstivs ay Am,—* BE NOT AFRALD, OH NOBLE YOUTILI" ‘Ober, Bassoon, Horn in B fet & Strings Be not afraid, ol no-ble y © zitetre nicht, mein lie ber SSeS Z | = ‘Thy lear Ge slailess, gentle, brave De Un anesetutaig, —elsve) rom, = ==F 3 5 Pew. — = = =e a = = ¥ mother in her anguish, Mut-ter-hera 2 trd-aten, The mission shall be thine Ein Siingling, 40 wie du, to help and comfort a sore-o-roay-ed ver-may am bessten dies tlef-ge-beng- te Mumae's “Dio Zandertive “Novell, Ewer anal Cos Ostao Eilon.) vw ro, _, Aue Laryhetto. 7 a My days,. . s- jas, arospent in sor-iow, for 1 have lost mydaugh-ter vicn bin’ teh ang-er ho = ren, denn met ne Tock - ter et _ joy with-ont her can 1 Bor - row, no Sie ying al? mein Glick ver - to = remy durele exe-ant, ee-ichty a eae With hears oun - = gon oa we wiche ent - jlok mitt. a “ the IG S55 —— = — iar ca > la - ment - ing. dis - Er = behiit = tern is pied sar SS Moers * Dio Zaher." Novels exer ad 1s Ostan: Been. 0 = tract = ed with tor - ror, re xis - tance ‘was hope-less. To dagst te thes Be Shey ihr celdich - ter ~~ mea Stre-ben. Tek res-cucher Ihad no pow - er! Oh . help, oh . help! was all that she could muss = te sie mirrau-en se tien? — deh 1 helfts ach helft? war al = lee veins sie -: —— eee ae oe =e FF e ==. 2 noeyehath seen hierfroméhat hour, her emt - el fate. - I could not sprach;—al-letn ver pe ~ bi ir Ble hom, denn met - ne Ht fe “war stay, her era - el fate, her cru - el fate I could . not sehieach, denn meine TH = fen ed = he jee stay. sche, Morarts "Die Zanberdite “—Yorlo, wor and Cae Oetavo Eton. Pee eue my ehild from ube fret en wirst der ble task I Boch -te thee Ret Seer ree reer pp SoS Se sere Se E es ees sem, yea ‘hat no fear aaa al sam Jay a wine "der Took - ter ‘Ret-ter sein! Und we h dich tor oT... als Sie can hail thee, hen hherplighted eee, eee aS i love be oe - ver thi love. Jeger peepee tte “Die Zaaertite "Novello, Ewer ad Os Detave ition Yast. Cag this be real that I belaeld ? ‘hos he fs going, Papageno steps his way.) Mozsi'e "Die Zeubordite”—Noatto Ewer and Co's Octo Baton Quirer—“ HM, HM, HM, HM.” Some aore(afterwar Carionte x B at ParagENo (mournfully points to the padlock). 2. Votes = > —7—2 ~~ Hm, hm, bm, im, bm, hm, hm, lm, hm, ho, lm, = = Piano. $ * ae st 3 Z erie a¢ Se SS=4 === a 4. eS E pe = aid Hm hm, boo, Ion, bea, him, mo, Im, him, bm, mm, im iam, ip, lum, hm? 1 ean do ek mm pm am ee eS at mt Kae emg oe AB Zohn doe == oo" SE 4 + = » =e ao thing lo Fo ~ lieve thee, I lave no pow® aa Hho, na, eae es Mare Aen ae Me Bites ahem ety, lend thee ot # — T ean do ough, nought tore = liove thes, T have no Teh ham nichts then, ‘als dick be - Kla~ gen, weil ich aw ParageNo, os =o ————— = =t = = Thm, lan, bm, Hu, lan, im, im! Hoy hn,” han Hmm, tim,’ hin, het —————— Mosarts ie Zauberdt.”Novello, Ewer al Cos Veavo Bation 688) a4 # =a =e eee powr to lend thee did, Thlve to ‘pwr. to lend theo etch se elt en bit ee het pe SSS eee Hm, Lm, bin, hm,lm, bm, hm, tm, bm, bm, im, im, be im, )m, Ee $= —=— a ee a = ie Ist Lapy. ald, I have no pow'r to lend theo ‘We bear our gra ‘in, weil fel 21 aclnwach 26 bel ~ fen Din Dic KO - ‘agin be ~ ee oe -: = Tim, bm, hm,ixm, gm, fon, hm, im f fe ee ee ar ae — rs 2a é = fee — eee __ eof te atk) a ee 2S Ut = “Queen's commands, fo set theo free with > ing hand opna = igtdiek,” er ~ that die Sira fe “Wir durch mh » > Eee ae SSS ‘Yes, chat-ter, Vat be-ware of ly ing. Ja plaudre! ja, Us ge nur nicht ale der: hap-py Pa-pa- ge - no, chal-ter. — ‘Yea, henee-forth ties shall ple dere Da = pas ge sno! whe de tw 5 Teh lie = ge nim-mer + Pa ts Mowatt’ "Die ZauhertiteNovela, Eorer and Co"# Oetara Baion ez Z es Sat : ane SF . The _pailock was thy tongne oF wars yes ves, the at yer, the = SS Tho padlock was try tongue to war, Dies Sehtovs talk Wei = me War nung sein, det" ne — 2 2 7 : 2 = =— == == — be for-sworn : The padlock was my tongue to warn, = mehryneiny nei! Ces SeHNowe otk me — ne War = nung sein, SSI pees { Cee == ra ae sotto wee. pH = eS Sy Tae leek was thy —tonrve warn Oh that the ps er = = ‘ig pak look was thy tongue to warn, ‘Oh that the lips i a itrany date wag Bet man dock — ————— = a Oh that the lips Par, Be~ ki men doch rae se Tt was my tongue to warn. ‘Oh that the lips £ ee Z P sw =a SS SE ‘by false-hood tain- ted ~ were lock'd by dic Lig emer al lc in sol = eles ee oe by false-hood tain- ted were lock'd by fate, with = i- - -ron die Lig ner al te in sol ~ chee Schloss wor the = ren Se = = 2 = by false hood fain- tea ‘wero lock by fave, die Biy-nee oats te fin sol ~ ches Schlows = == SS SS = = by false-hood tain ted Wore loka by fate, die fig ster al te fin sol ~ehee Sehlaes £ 2 a ars ae eet See — —_ Moxars * Die Zuber" Novello, Ewer and Co.'s eta Ete sb eae a = aH pee ee ee 4 te : in-stead of ma-lice, strife and ha-trod, this world ia Mund; sigtt Hass, Ver - téum-dung, sehwar - zer_Gai-te, ‘be ~ aldn = de pal; _i-siead of gece seis ant bl at Mund} statt ase, Ver_- whwar - ser Gal ley ben ald ~ de Pa eee alls 5 ci “gqaly —In-stoad of uot, silo ond zl this world in Aland} statt Hast, Ver ~ ldumdung, clacar » zer be stdin = de fp Ete te Ee tie bro, ther-hoodwoulddwell, in-stend of ma lice, sirife and ha-tred, Lied! und” Brusder = bundy, stat Hate, Ver - ldumatungschwar-ser Galle, ‘erhood would dwell, in-stead of ma lieo, strife and _ha-tved, Wirunder= bundy” Halt Hast, Ver_~ Uaumdung,sohtear-ser Gatley mma Tico, sont and hated, Galt, “bro = ther-hood would dwell, in-atoadl of Lia” tnd Bye der tad,” att Han, Ver ~ thuncdung cee ee fe > >t +. f= r= in love would dv Bruder ~ hood would ewan de Lied Bru = “Wer + und aa ete Se this world in bro - ther hood would dwell. vais de Lact” ‘iad Bes der uals this world in == + 4 this world in bro, - ther - hood would fin de Lied! nd Bru = er sores“ Dle Zaulatite "Novello Fores and Cac+ Oetare Baler 37 2 SS Lay. (Gives him a golden fate) os Zs a a pees e 2 Se eet Prince, this from my hand, ‘tis sent thee byonrQuren’seom. Prins nine a whenk con mir!” lies sen det uneare Mir = ati flute from harm will guard theo, fO ~ te wird dich sehit-zen, “trill keep theo safe in ev -ry da boun = ded tm grb sen Cxegiick Wm ter 2 Fox mee” Ramus power Hath, 9 «wa sion he alt miteh-tly Dan deine ter lien © cohen Gr 5 = pow? it doth a- ward theo, cor pos tion wild,oeraimifeand au ‘he mad - ae tert Stok cy Uae our ee See ce eae apace et ate + re = J ee Mozar’s "Die Zavherfits."—Novala, Emer and Ce Ocavo Réition. 38. it will _as-snage, wird fren dig seiny ‘den tle “twill move to love ge - stole sss ae it will as. suff, “twill move to wird fren dig sein den_Ha Pm love the ie mae ‘a flute so ont ny = ee oe ase == a ee ea OAL ® ite to Won drow 3 — = Ont a fais so non rout 2a Zone sears (ee 5 = f — hath gtea-tor worth than _erowns or gold, for its iat mein aie “Gold fon Kye nen arth, denn dareh aaa ae ers a hath groa-ter worth thn crowns or gold, ft mehr aie “Gold nd “hte = nen _aerth = = 2 = i hath gre worth ‘than crowns or gold, for its we me ‘Gaia ‘ind Roo = = new werthcdenn durch 2 eee a 2 = — i Tiath greater worth than crowns oF gold, for its neh ais “Gd tind “Kronen arth dem dareh So ‘ ao ff tee. eo (tease fea if IG === eS ee = Org = ee zs 4 = ‘ rere Treo ea bn Mores a PaabrtiteNovao, er and Cx Ose Baier - = Sg SS SS See SF ; es ia ee pee : wot Mee te caesar SSS cif bring oon tent and fair peace oe So ee 5 SS SS sae eee a sa eS ee = =e SSS tones can tring con-tant and fair pessoa i: ica mate pee et ee re ae L Lys FF = == Paseo a gain on att thie pence lem schntek Ger = wef) Ge. in = {seas Soren —e = as aco Rain hart, fais pane "Men = scheuitet ver ~ malt ef fair ence a * gain = on earth, wire "Men schen- itck ver _- SS ee jsir pence a — gain on carlh, ‘air peso a int iter schew » fic sor = sehrt wa Pine = den - tr ie e i: st £ ae P a sa ere ee oe = eee = =F f oo earth, ter inert ee = £ on earth, fer 5 mehr == = = on ent ver elt, ie ee ete ees i on earth. ‘Tell me, pray, oh gen- tle 2 Wt bap inet unr’ Tohono Frauen __ Ce a pte a Se Morares Die ZauberRte."—Norel! Ewer au Co's Odtave Fiton eee Lam. L Indies, + Hiemer, now com-mend my- self? That You may, if 50 it seme = pel teh mich, Dick em ~ pjchlen kane du or - ders of the Queen imma tie Bie = atin So - rxe-tro zu eb-len fat = selves have I not heard TES 1d havo mo pluek’a and roast-cd, rons to rh = pfe, bra =e a ‘ange Laotes — Ph N —s— fa fat= A = —* 5 E og: he Rene wil Ken thee or Dichsehttat der Prine, teaw’ - es harm, then serve him scllet mor - sel for his, safe from tnich den Han ~ den fm al = tein,” da» fir well with word ond arm. I wish tho Prince at all the du scik “Die ner seine Bass doch der “Prinz Deim Teu— fet ese ain ate eee vils, he should me in the Imre? Here, take this cas ket, tier’ ninm dies Klein oy) est jr aeic ein Diet — eo sin it be? ~ Kebimo'of bolls, fall sweet and Srinnen sein? Dacrinenen frst’ du Gldck-ohe= eee ee ess £ ~ 8 & Bn. SSS ie Zauberie."—Novell, Ewer ani Cos Oetavo Edition 2 Yurce Lapiss. stl - vy. Wa, nfs IGt thon, neh else Vat On gins, ges wien Get Jel ge Parson ae aa ee == 2 eS SSS ‘And can J play on them,my fair ones?*” Yea, none but thou, none else but Wert Gch sie duck scold spielen Rin - nen OF yanz ge = Wiss,’ jal jal ge oy Sst a Chimes of — mn. sc. dulce of mwgie, ye.» shall Silber + gidchehon, Zou. ber ~ JBcten tind Bs tetto eve. ie ae 7 pee oe = 7 Thou. a Tato of mmgie, ye aball Seat ‘Ser gldechen, Zuw- ter - jeter ata = ‘Tamuno. atte toce. Pavacexo. pe eee ais a . me = toh f: Ghimes of mu - si flute of ‘Sit ber = gldckeh Zate-ter In how of pe-rih Faro So wall = rem Bots Sow = Miche, ee det ok E i 2 : : aS SS hour of pei 2 yo well, ad Sohats Cou = chon, “Pett wohl wir 7 — a ——= = m= = = == in hou’ of perl, ‘Faro fo wall, and sarm ——Belats oon = ROthen Tee in “ir fe SSS =z im our ef perl, Fareye well and —_‘tinive w= term Shute vom Waihen. Meco woth wr een _ == erste 2 Ae. = ¥ = ae 7 e z Morar’ “Die Zasbw Mn "=-Novello, Ewer and Co's Ostao Béiton, 43 ee = : ! 23=eE = > fare ye well, te = bet wohl’! auf Wie ~ der ~ sel'n, fare yo well, wemeot a- gain, fare ye ie bee oll ay Wes dor = es te be : Py 4 fc a! == eH = fare ye well, te - bet wohl! v we meet ~ guin, anf Wie = der~ seb, - z fire ye well, ie = bet ont 4 wemect a> gain any Die der See, EAE Fy eet i Ia i ‘well, soll’! of wo. meet ‘well, we meot -f —_] wall, we meet To) We iF, ‘well, we, meet i rau P 4 a - gain. auf Wie ~ der ~ seh'n, a - gain. wohl? — auf ‘Wie der ~ seit a - gain. But, gentle + EeR'n, Dock sehi-ne ‘@ - gain. wont auf “Wie ~ der - shin ‘axo. s- dios, tell me, pray. Da~ men, s0-get an, ae Tow shall we find yon dis- tant ie man die Burg waht fin = ten 2 — b= ——— ad = PAPAGENo. how shall we find wie man die Burg yon dis tant way, how shall we Wokt fin- den kann, wie man die a o—tt se apt. ways Kann, how shall we find wie man die Dury ‘you dis- tant way, how shall we ieoht fin = den Bann, wie man die at $e estate. - es=z Mozart’s “Die Zanberdt” velo, Ener and Co* Octo Baton. 4 es anon. a ne PoE = = = E [find yon Burg ieold find yon Burg stabi fin den ate sill at tend sevshal ‘Thee gen - lo apt - sits help in necd and Dre Ants chen, jun, scion, "hand nd” wet Ser ameseloe = den evel ‘auf Ant Laby. sotto oeg. - fA - SS = = ‘sae Secretar eecee cage Tesora ee Leer eee ar st fond ye,shall tip inde af eae and “tet = Te taclbe « dewewch “aap = $ ssel lend Ye, im pe - iisdire they tyust them a: lone in cu cer’ Rel ~ te) ait ater = den eu fe Fe er selny joist tet Toni Rei t they'll lead ve Bh « ier Solat terem I at- tend Told rnd wel = i - its gine il ~ Tein, fib ~ cen, jing sein, elite rf sh Told if. bein ye tle gen vits vl a at - tend sd weet ~ chen, jung, sclin, uus,shall help chive = inneed and den uns yi ie avy a . ”: = s a == coum sat lend ve, 1K ge - advo yl I sae trust them sone in sed Lavy o- fe conn - sel we Rob - wer ow 7 rils dire they'll denen. 78 lead man ae ye true, folgt trast them a-lone therem Te Se SS all ye Fare - wel and may we thrive a- main, frre - well fare- well, ye “at So Yes ‘betwohl? wir sols dew geh'm, Gcbt wold, feb! wok ant E AEAUESO iscsi gee eee * pacer e ee ¢ : SS Se =f Farewell, andmay we Unive a= main, five well, fare-well, we Sr te = “het wohl! wir ‘wot ten "get, Tebe veouiy Tebewonly nuh Bm. + ‘Then fare yo well, and tiirive Te = bet wohl! wir wot - len gek’n, leit wohl, =~ 7 je F E meet a- gain, Farewell, andinay, we thtive amain, farewell) fare-wll, we meet a-gain, Ties derahmt So” te = betwohl! wir wot» tem ken, tebe yeahh, tebewot aay = ‘well, and may Ye Wet scold? wir wollen gel, face. tebe ethive — a-main, bet well, okt, WRG Mbt, uf fare-well, we mect a Wie - reli, =e] SS mest a - gain, wwe mect a- gain! Wieder fein, up Whew der-sehn wo meet a- gain! fang Wie» dersehn! toe = a we meet a-gain, ‘we mect again! auf Wie-der-sel’'y, uf We -der-selin! SoeNs.—A splendid room in the Eoyptian style, with carpets, divans, $e. No. 6. ‘Tao.—*MY PRETTY DOVE, ABIDE WITH ME” lates, Oboe, Baste, Hora in 8 String cg Allegro moto. Moxostatos Pasa, Vores. ee SS SS ae DERE Ge ane “eri. | SUR Praxo. JY op tat lemesas= him willset me freet Bar ter} wel = che Pein = faltheg. Nay, death shall not ap - Lecbens Det Tod macht mick night + palme, ‘tis for my mo - ther.. that. 1 wrieve, a = das, she'll eben mur meine” Slut ter vs daw ert nich, le, tind Pp = Yowar "Dia Rasberite "Noein, Ewer and Go's Oetavo Baio, Ae aie I De Gram ganz do be - lieve, cher = Tok Como, mi-nions,tot her hands be chain’a, “Htet'skta.venlegt the Fes ~ sein any, mein RS ha - trea shall Hass tll dich FF thow must still par- sue me, de tant mich ie = o {Sie fats eensetess on a sofa.) Ver ster= bem, xvid - Moxosraros, ( po 2 : os ie ES ct = = Moor! Va ra. ther dio. “ay away! ‘Thisneeds my watebfal bar! dich ithe ren kant. eet? mur fort? Tasst mich Wet ihr al - iif place is this? in iehwoht? 7 hat Yi en-tor, ha! da sind? eh Lew to on, “Die Zavbertits wel, Ewer and Cas Oto Ration 4% 2c = eA Uh! this sure stn tase —e oo eat dam-sel wondrons: snow-drift ean be veel mer och ale Uht this sure Kvoide Ha! das ist this. sare ‘losis Oh spare my life! ver ~ acho ~ ne mich Oh spare ter hol 9 [inn ug at dire eutsidessy Paxt-—Ob mother, wother! aw. (re-ntering).—Wht fool 1 was to be frightened ! ‘Phere 1: the handsome damsel still!” Daugh- tor of the mighty Queen! Pax. —Who ort thou? Paz-—1 am sent by hier devad majest Paso —By my mother? hy naane? Par —Papaseno, Pax—Papageno 2. Tnever sav Pare—Nor L vou, for that mnatter Pasre—Then dost thou know my mother ? Pare shall soon know i you ate her daughter (cakes Sut the purait). Acvording to to's portaait you fought to be without hands and feet. allow ane "Yes is "How came is into ‘your hinds? Par. —haC FIL tell you in two works, ‘his morning Tent to the palace as ustal to depastt any inks, when Just as I was coming’ avvay" a ‘young man dod in mny way who calls himselt A pmee, and this prince has so. won. your mnother’s heart thet she bas. presented im with your portrait, and commarided hina to xe- Hore you to. lierty; and. he made ap his sind a guikly ae fell tore st. (jouftig) In love? Ana dvs he Love ame P redld dink so.” What was 1 saying? He fll in fove. Yes, that was it, Well, so wo camo hore, if possible to bear yor back to Your mother fas Ter thian wo eamie, Paw. Pax.—It is a Dold altempt—if Sazastro found you incre Fap.—He would save ws all rouble of reiuming, Got ‘tie Low. Bast How high stands the sua? ‘Then not a moment must be lost; a noon Sax rrastro weturns from the elise: Pap.—What he fs wot at homo ? Buh! then the tne is ours! Come, the princo waits for thy Pan 1S venture Getta) Dat wl thn work aa ev ritin Sarstaos tran? var eeindP pet Tana fall of te Dost spite fy Pan. —-NeaRe ortait convinces mo that I am, not ‘ecalved Tot fond iy feats at Mou fists tenor hear Par—of' tou hess tondgr heart! And whon 1 1s at thore sno Papagena for this Papas Pan.~sfas, thou hast uo wile? Barc cMot even &sweetour Mocarts#L e Zouleetie Pas—Mutters Mutter ! Par—Bin ich wielt ein View? Hier ist das achine Maidelien noch 1 ter der mchtigen Beherrecherin der Nacht £ Wer bist dt Bin Adgesandter der stern-flaninenden Kanighn Veiner Mutter? dein Nante# :—Papageno, Pant —Pepayeo? eh eah dich nis Pap—tiek dich eben $0 weniy. Past.—Du kennet also meine Matter? Pav-—Wenz du ilre Toclter bist, jt: das will deh gleich erkonnen. Nuch dem Gente. su sclliesien sulle fest du weder Hane noch Fisse heben, Krlenbe mir. Ja toh Din's. Wie frames in deine onde, Pap.—Das will ieh dir ganz kure evsthten. fol ham heut ‘Frith wie gowitalieh in deiner Mutter Ballast mit einer Licforuny selduce Vogel, dshen als ice im Begrigie war aio abzugebra, tah ich etucn Men- fchen vor mir, den sich Prin? nounen test. Dicer Prinz hat deine Mutter 90 einjenonmen, das. sie tum dein Bitdnise achenttey wid thon befany dich zu befreien. Sein Entschiss war 40 schnell, ale Seine Liebe 2u dir. Paw-—Liehe? “Er liebe mien also # Pap.—Dus ylaute ich, Wo blicd ich deny ? Pam.—diet der Lieke, Pav.—Ricitig, bet der Liebe, Nun sind asir hier, dick in ‘unure’Arme ze nelinen, wed wenn ex vilglich fst, then so seliell, wo micht schincller als hierhor i den Patiaet deiner Mutter 24 eilon, Pam. —Wreaudl da hast viel gewagt! Wena Sarastro dich hier erllicken sollte Pav.—So wiirde mir moine Rlekreise evapart, dus kann fel ‘air dente. Wie hock may die Sonne sein ? "Ball gegen Mittag. Paw.—So laden. wir keine Minute 2 Narr, dase ich mich sclreckew Tock Past. Pap—Sarastro tat also nicht 2" Hause? pak! da hoben weir gewonnenes Spiel! Kenm, dw seirst Augen inachen, wenn a den seinen Mingling erblickest, Paa-—Wolt denny ec sed-gewagt! Aber sen dieser ni ein bicer Geist von Sarastros Gefolge wir Papel cin Wiser Geiet? Teh bin der beete Geist von Welt. Py.—Doeh sein, dies Bibl hier dherzeugt mich, dace ich nicht gotduseht bin. Du hast. cin gofultvolles Herz, das ech teh in jedem deiner Zige Pap.—deit, frellich ab igh ‘ein gofthleoiles Fere, Aber ‘woiin ich Dedenke, das Popagena noch Keine Papa gona hat. Pan —Armer Mann, du hast also kein Weld? Par-—Niekt eine’ vin Madchen, vielweniger ein Weid, Novelty, Rwer and Cs O2a80 Baton, No. 7. Dvr “THE MANLY HEART THAT CLAIMS OUR DUTY? ‘Ctaranet in B fat Bassoons Horns in fat and String Andantino. Paonixa. Vorce. Cn] Eee ‘The man-ly hea that elaims our du-tyamust glow with feelingshigh ama Bei Minnern, weleche Lie ~ be sihten,fekitauch eis qe tes Her-20 Parris E GES Prixo. brave. nicht! The gen- tle bonds of Tove ani beanty en-ehain his wil - ling heaxt their Dis “i even Tris be mit eu Jahelen fst dander Wei > ber er = ate ides our dear- est love guardsthe heart from allan ~ ws der ‘Dies We wir le» ben durch die Lied? ad slave. In our dear = est joy Tore guards the heart Tpieht. Wir irom allan ~ der Lie =e sewn, wir te = ben die Tiel) at > = noy, love gnantsthe heart from allan - noy Ob love, thoa S dei aedr de = eu dure die Lieb! a= Tetn Die Lied! ver = nay, Toveguardsthe lieart from all tein) "seis fe ben durch aed a Er Motart’s Die Zaerfte."-Nuvele. Hererant Cas Oetsn Pion 60 a E a one 2 =a es, rr aster [Eee : ait of life. the flower, the worl without .. thee were a waste. Of na-ture 'tis the chief - ost + sihestet je glo-rious ray on all. Thy Mio ="her Zeck setyt deut the Pe ee ty : = Ea = $a Dow's both ihrone and’ gpl by love are gracd Thy glo iow rey on all down Oo oe de Si -ceder Ne Sins TAS Sho = her Zunch sege det - “itch SS with Tro di- vine, burns in our hearts withilame di ei ale Web und Mann, miete ed «ler nella Weil gece Beste ees ae i Se i barns in our hearts with#ame di - vine, barns in our hearts with flame di - nichts ed Ter iis trib wid Mant, ied ed = ter ce Weil aud Tove di - vino, to “mor - tals giv'n, love di - Mann rnd Weid, und Weib” und Mann, Mayon wad ot tals givin, love sid_Man, Manon und “Tore di ~ vino, Bann wud We Mouar's“ Die Zaubertite."-Novelo, Ewer ant Cos Ostave Baton tot ry. = to mor ta's giv, fills ont fife with joys of hear'ng— ovo. a antWaib ond Mane rel = chet le Goll «Belt oms) Saun ad ene ; Ire =F , to-mor = tale iva, fills our life with joys ot hoav'ng Tove Wet, amd Weid vd Mann’ ral = olen ahha Gull = ult tu Men and + vine, to mor - tals givin, fills our life with joys of huaw'ny Weid, wid Weib wed Manu rei = chem an de Gott = any, Sp with joys of heay'a, with joys of heav’ di Gotteheit an, aig Gott-heit an. (Exewnt.) yea, with joys of yea. with joys of heay un die Gott eit an, an die Gott heit an No.8. Fisane,—“THE GOAL APPOINTED HERE BEHOLD” Pints, Clarionete nC, Trompets én 6, Cromboney, Kettle Drame (x € and G, and Si 4Grve. AL the back of the scone a Temple, over the portal of rehich are the words “ Temple of Wisdom.” A colonnide of ‘Pillars leads fom this to too other Temples, on onevef which be inscribed “Temple of Reason,” and om the vther'™ Lemple of Nature.” Larghetto Frase : (The thee Genii, each boaring in his hand a silver palm-branch, lead in Tamino.) Ist & 2uil GeNtws. = —— SSS =a ie rf it-ed sen here be-hold, go forth as he - ro now, and con - - quer. é es aS ee = —— here We-h€ld; fo forth as he - ro now, and con + quer. These words With-in thy ——— = eS = breast &A-fold; be stead-fast, si-lent, and o-be-dient. Ye gen-tle spi - rits, tell me Ean Ge ans Set stant, daasm’ ‘wud verathwiegens Tie hetden Hla hensage me [aS —— SSS E SP ineast onoldy be sleadiact — si-Tent, and 0 = be-dient Tak oe ans Set stant, ditaom’ nl sersehuienen Wnt Se i=: re eeeeeeeeel =a =: a= | aeceeene a aes ey ot ee ; pee eee i 7 = wee be iS 4 | Masi" Die Zane." Nowe‘, Ewer and Coe Ostavo Eilon, 2B) : ot & 2nd Gents. ie i true, Briwicna’s bonds shall umn = do? fo tall tbe thief a ab ich Pe mt nenrer + ten kane? Dies Rand “24 thn, stele nt Geaas. 24 To tell theethis Dies heard zu than, steht ‘thy hopes. o edie: kare, sel ein SSS silent, and o - be-dient, on this depend thy hopes of Auta -sam’ “ud ver’ schwionon,” Be den kerdies; ty nel eit —7— man, aadihou a quer, fo, be ® man, wit) | ‘da nin -lich sie geny ann, Fiing-ting, wirst a 8 muan,andthonshaly Dan Siingling.seired da mina manandthousalteon - quer. tein du micice se 2 Gene =o oh, may they fire mo! i's Hors ge- gra-ben What is a= ‘where have“ I come? twas wird mit mir 7 * fs or men the home? der Git ter Is this of ist dies der his fair senlptar'd E ‘an die “Tor te past Sa = = Sa ia ee = these pil - lars. of mar-ble, = gen die Stu-len, bear th Maas Kit het ‘und Ar ets iat 1a - bour and arthore in - ha - bit vund Kiinate ier ———_ " ao ane wage ull doth, pnteto fight, no vee lngcan fon-tsh hosoulto to ~ tar. Upc Grete ante ‘Mtiveng welt ert. se ne ITercha dan Lantern SS Es = —RE= — 3 Ht gs = ie ~ night 1 bold-ly will vonture to en-ter the gates imycanse ia a Tete Teh wage mich muthig eur Pjortehincein, die Abricht ist “Agaro gest ee é Se gen Lf B Monaers* Die Zanderite."—Novello, ers Co + Ortaro Eatin ees ao A —— yp —P—* aa == a i inst one, my purpose is pure, =... «Base ty-rant, It trom fe now ! fe eadel tind Maaster und rei Erezit = tre, BS se-mteht ee = LM save Pa: mi - na, Pa emis inet rit fey save Pa-mi - ni Sinks wen ret fut. frum aehick a tiny calle aod 2) —G= —¥ Re-puls'd? Zu Vick? a att « voiee ealle from within 3) then I. will yen-tave ko wag’ keh Wier mein Stand back!“ Here Zurich? auch repals'd? Ah, yon-derthore's still a door * aurick? Da *. Perhaps I'l find an entrance there, IW eh noch eb ne Thr! wielleicht find? ich cen Kin-gung hier. Menai ei fe ‘rea 1 out what bes Ig was macht a Mer gs thes to Patesr. pas $b popae y= ‘Andante « tempo Sanctuary? T seok the meed of love and truth. ‘Hei-ligthim ? Der Lieb’ und Tu-gend Ei ~ gen - Chem, A lofty guerdon waitson these! Buthow {ho Die Worte sind von ho-hem Sinn! AL tein, wie bee prize wilt thou ‘cover? Thou art not led by loveand truth revenge ané Meili vw die se finden? dich Let tel Lied! und Tugend niche, weil Tod und Ravche dich ent-sin-den, Nur Racche fiir den Adagio a tempo. i hatred led thee hither: Revenge up-on a miscreant. ‘Thou'léfind no miscreants a-mong us: Isnotyourreigningchiof Sa-ras-tro®? He ist. Sa - ‘Birsewich®, Den swirst dw wohi bet une nicht siden. Sa-rasstroherracht in die-ten Griinden. Ja, ja! Sa ~ = = — = =SSF=F —— —p Fe SS SSS SPER ‘Taantxo (rapidly Parust (slowly). @ = astro is ourchief! Am fe rad by. such as he? We bend be- fore his law supreme. All buman 1 Taktre Rervschet hier, Doch tn dem Welshite tome pel nteht? Hy herachtime Wetshettstem- pet her~ So tt denn == =z: E = = be ve 4 — [SS E a, Rewer an Co's Otaro ition, be (oving.) thoa so soon de- part? de selon wie =der gen? Paust. froh, tind frei, nie eu- ren Tencpel seh ~ —_——— Pee eee = nae 7 ne'er your abodesscekmore. “Naystmale th Ee ‘meaning clear . “ide dich nd- her miiry dich tduechet ein” Be-truy. Be Tongh for me toknow tt e vax tro souhvct hier ? das be. how dost pine thy if, speak plainlygo nothence!Sa Wenn die dein Leben ebehy a0 rede, bici-be da! Sa fue ing hassest du? Tehhasr ti ewig, jal Nux = ras-tro dost thouhaie? I ex-e-crate his name.Whatumbrage hath he gi-venthee? He is a ty-rant vile and gied mir dei -ne Grinede an. Brtstein Uionensehyein Ty « [And canst thouprovethy rash assertion? Tet dus, was 1 ‘du gesagt, erwicaen ? Durch can, thro’ an unhappy woman wellnigh wth grieFandsor -tow ein’ unplsdickweldbewiesen, dle Gram und Juramernie- der coo (GBea tet spent. Hy womanhastthoubeen beguil"d? rustnitin woman, or her talk, herjoy_ is eoun- sels wise to bali + drhckt. BUWelb hatal- co dich berrickt? ein Weibthutwonig,plauderéviel, Du, Jngling, glaubst dem Zungenspiel jee —= == = ete ees Far o-therthoughts Sarastrosway,ourrev'tent sigeand counsel-lor. ‘His mo-tive is not far to seek.did not the Ofleg- te duck Saraetro dir die Abesiehteei-ner Handlungfiir, Die Abesieht ist nur allosu-har, rise nichtder rob-berwithout merey Pa-mj-uara-vishfromhermother? He did, it cannot be denied. Where is she? Riu bor ola’? Er-banmen Pa-mie-nen aus der Mutter r-men? Ja, Tinglingywasdusoget istwakr. Wo ist sie, ee ono gp See es = = = = P st = = Priest. ‘Paso. aes this exceeds my task. Without concealment tell meall. A solemnontl bindsfastmy tongue. Whon will the inirnoch nicht erlaubt, Brkldr'dies Ratheel,tdusel’ mich nicht, Die Zunge bin det Eid wid Pylicht. Wann a so Morte Die Zasherfite “Novello, Ewes and Co°s Ostavo BAe 60 Andante a tempo, cc Pru k as ga clouds of darkness ya-nish? When thou art led by friendship’s hand to en- ter in the sa - cred. teil dle Deveke wheinden? So" latddich{Whredorirewndsclaje Hand ie. Het ligthm sum eo? ~ “gem == rpeee AS et et * = Sys band ‘Darkness profound, thoustilldostbini'me, oh light of trath, where shall L Band. o (0 ew" ge Nacht! waynweiret du schwinden? Wannwirddas Liché mein du~ ge N sit) Taxano. 3 —— — See find theo? Soon or ne -ver,did they not finden? Bald, —bald,batd sagt thr, 0 - der ‘Cnonus (within). Denon. sotto voce, aS T 7 v ath i, angi, Bass. stto vie ———- : = : =e t e — E ‘en sab, Fats, Oh speak, yo powrs in - vi - si - ble, if yet Thr “Gn siohe Pe. ren, "ka > get” mir tebe dean Monaet’s «Die Zauderate” (th oy = = pnt ——— = —— = Sat lives? abe lives? I ioe? de lee) deh noch Cuoxs (within,) = ; a Po-mt - ma, Pum = na ll doth ive Boat: an weet nek Bae a trom, Fe $e Se 98 S Oh titat to mo the pow'r were granted, ye mighty ones, in ravisl Of wenn ier doch im Stanede witre, "All mdeh- th get zu eu- rer prove my co, fof my heart reals “i ee ae ieee lien, Mer Moratt'a “Die Zauberte."—Novil, Ewer and Cow Octave Basia, eet ee dae ma - gle tones shall speak for me, and bear. ‘~.my mes - sage, thouall cares of heart stark ‘Get nicht dein “Zau-ber-ton! weil, hot - “de “Ft te," hol-de FID - te, durch SS sin Fees fm nish, and hatoand wrongbeforetheo va Spe ee sie ete de Thee Ste Beasee” uh i = i =H Pte wets 8s] [oor ts for thouall cares of heart canst weieeae SHE meek ih speak toy Za = be ne na ba -nih,thouall cares of oart . . «¢ = nleh, and haieandwrongbe-fore theo— but my Da - Spte ent hotede FIO’ te, durch © 2 Skin’ Syie = “en debe wilco, Eites re Foewites Dock ur Pt > ie a aS —— ic = = SS SS = na yet is smi na tlelbt da - Monactc Die Zavherlit."—Nowello, Emer and Cas Oetavo Bation, co =z. plays.) Sa et i - ma, hear. . me, sm Ww rey hear . . me! Ws remmich ¢ In vain, in vain! On Na (plays) Sea betes (Papageno answers from within.) wey where? where shall I find. ‘00 find? ichedich 4 thee? Hal, that Mat das (Papageno answers.) (Papa Caan lays.) 2 P (plays, plays.) — = ey was Pa. pa: ze-no’s note. st Pac pa ge-no's Lon Pe Viel = ince he doth Pa-mi-na Teleht aaheer Pact nen rx Preston per fel ebance Teiene per- chance the sound will leal to Het —teleht flare mick der Ton am oa ssataa= Ss 2 = the sound will lead 1 Sitire “mich er Ton bu St her, the sound. will lead, the sound ihr, fhe “mie fe Ton der i Andante. 2 Pasa =e == ‘will lead to der Tom her. ihr, Feot of swift-ness, Sehnel-te FR ~ eee, Parageso, = Doge st =| 244 Feat of swift-ness, quick re « Sehmet-le FH ~ sue, ra wher Andante, (2 _—_. will the hate - ful sehittzt vor Bein = des spell dis - solves Bit wad Wath fi den Dut Ta -mi- ua wir Ta- mi nen sehitst vo" ‘Muth, Reins det ell dis - solve Dist wd Wuthes finden ae = SS eee fot-ters, ho our fet-ters will wn-bind, can we but Ta - mi - no find, he oar lschen,svasbes = easchen vie une noch, fin dow weir, Ta 2 ak = wen dae sonst “er ~ fol-ters, he our fet-tors will u wwiselenysonat er ~ wiaclem sie uns bind, noc ftw den 9 Rag SSE Oh,- Where art. . thou? Ne! Laer ating “= ting ~fho hart ane Oh what Wel-che mit - giefute I heard, sounding mis The rt une schon: ‘ie her Pps pes Trch to —smeet im, IMt mo teh tn i= de!” nur ge ae Se iy "+ Oh, my flies forth to am der Bly > ten ~ Lweichein Glick, wenn teh tlm nurge = Sear Sa Se Se a eee c= Pees Mort's“ Die Zaubertite"=Novello, Ewer and Co's Ortavo Raltion. £2 at SS See == Oh my heart flies forth to meet him, lot vecleein Gtk, wean toh tl "f= def eer Ps = 7 hasten, let me has-tonsoon to sreet him, + vedi de, rons ge -scloniele nur gerseiein = de, == f= aaa tho’ thy heart flies forth to mecthim.tet us veeleh eit eo eh shot dein ge hins-ten, Jet us hias-ten soon to greet him, sehavin = dey nr ge-sehocinule, mur ge-sehicin ay Jet me_Iasten, let me has-tensoomto has-ten, let has-ten, let me _has-ten, Iet me has-te1 nar werselucinide nur geselneinde, nur = echivinetey * eelacin-de, mur ge acharinesy yur secehuetu has on, let & ton, let us hasten, let us en soon to whwindé,nuy se sclocinuaes iy qoselurinde, nit ge-sehvindsymue gesehiciule, mir ge ~ a= greet him! = sGhavinede ! hhas ten, let me has-ten soonto erect him ! Ha! <-eohesisede, nur-geachavinde, mur’ pe = scluciude ! ua! ‘greet him ! a oon (i iitteps in reward for yourdde Xue fer= bet mit Baht und Ee ghveneed of cine co - lah ll cao fo et ison 8! have nood of some co + red wel - sea, Mo- ree ff e = ott ee a cr-sion, Seo Mo-nos- ta-ton nd trest-be! Dit“ thine withaety to bli mo? wee Dee Merman RISE A SGe Ret irdorsbel® trond ana Stk Tf oe tide Sp Sete sete Sete slaves, andbind iim fast, “Ah, for Sele = vet homoat Her Dei - elt, mun at's slaves,and bind them ‘Sela: ven, hot her = ‘Ah, for us Bek, van ists all ho Ho, ¥e mt wei de = = allhope 18 past! Mews. cor Sit e eagl, thought, Tre a thought, wer viel teagt, noth ven- fre wugt, se nothing have, this tied,” Kon, per - it a * % 3 2 Mone Die Zenbu rillog Ror and Gh Oto Baim, - chance our lives may save, Come, sweet hells, and chime your dit- ty, May the pow'rs that rule have sehd ~ mes Glock- en = spiel, tase Wie Glaek- chen Kline gen, lingen, dase dig Oh= ten th ~ nen (Papageno plays on the ‘chime of bets.) pi- ty. Boer Moxostaros with the TExons, nea SSS 354 Cuonvs of S:avus. Oh, won-drons on -chantment, oh dulees delight! Lala- Bagi Hi get 00 her tte,” dan inget v0 aehint Tala = tpt = = a Oh, won-drous antment, oh dubeet — de-light! Des ‘Hin = get Tiere- Wiel,” daz Min-get a9 chin? BS iy-anco and pleasure m; je abich “ao acwas ge la la las ra-lay la da In - Wile terete ta la = ra sr, ta = rasta, Ja Qf joy-anee and pleasure my lala as raed in le ta lope she Nie Thabiick “so “et-was ge att = ! -¢- 2 =f Monat Dip ZauborRate”—Norello, Ewer and Co/2 Oetato Bute = ee heart would in - dite! slant “und ges sehnt eS ay In-rela In la le =r - la. or tal rale le aie = le Me oo es heart would in- dite! a, ara I OF = Wart “und ge selint la, lara la, Nie T joy-ance and pleasure my heart would in - dite! La-ra - Ia dai toh "so et = wage = art, “noch ge ~seltn Lira la =H == joy-aueo and ylen-sure my heart ould Mew eertee went age tween Sete ey = = SSS T A: = ln + ra-la lo Ja, Ja - ra- Ia, 7 Would that ev'- ry va -liant heart ie : S rolls a tye aa » Kime Seeder bras ve Mann : ra Parnonnod 3 = ———————— set =e Tes t-la le dye ws da Would that ew -1y valiant heart te lace eo te ras tae Mies jes dir ha-ee Maen ee st > aS own'd so dear ® trea - sure, no'ershould he feel sor-row'samart, all hie days were sol- che Glick-chen fin - den, sei - ne Fein - de wiir-den dann © oh + ne li = SS SS own'd so dear a ne'er should he fee! sor-row's smart, all his days were Wal che Glick -chen ete notes Sain feat ete ain tgann oh na Ca pe — Mosar's Die ZanterBit."—Novelo, Ewer aid Core Ostavo alton, == aS [alee = wire, Siifo and Ute for Tove and ar mo - fy lis own, ee ona ae foeteer bein ae met ne Seer ees a Ss — feet ples are, sclacin = dem, ‘Strife and hate for und cr eb te © ver flown, oh= ne sie Tove and har - mo - fin der be = sten FP in ‘er’ jese alone the heart ean heal Nur der Freundschaft Hor nu ~ nie eS —hy his own, Tove dome a and ar=mo = ny his ‘der besten Har ~imo ~ nie ‘These alone the heart ean eal Nao der rewudschaft Har -mo = nie S pratece i ‘mor - row, these de - lights who can - schwer-dew; ohne die» se Symepa ist hein not feel shall a - ? os bide in sorrow. Glick auf “Br-den SS i ona jor mor - row, these de - lights who can-not feel shall a tmilsdert Wie Be ~ echwer-den} ole» ne die = se Sym pie thie "ist kein zi) Bide in sorrow Glick auj Er-iten, —s == Allegro macestoso. a 7 life le = te Sa fo Saras- tro, our Te rae sti, Sa Fes guide and mas-ter! What tae» bet Was SS SS Tag life to Sa sles be Sa Base,“ g Sheras tho, or ras = 170, Su = ras > a guile and master tole bel Se ee eee = Allegro macstoro. FSS] voee ey : e f Tob 8B. Dr a 26: SS aa} Moran's "Die Zanberdte"—Novello Eran © % Betaco Fain. = — with terror I tremble. Teh 2i0-tre, teh be~bs a Dona. Gh friend, fo tiope on cath is Toft We Frew sn ite um Sane ge-than! dian e to : Tite petshouse. Oh child arte ith int Bes Hen, Mein Rind, ‘what shall we con - fess to? The truth, the fwer vdlee wir nn spreehen ? Die Wahrheit ! die Ca eit whole truth! tho War = wei ‘twere held a erime. sie auah Ver ~ bre-chen, pte € K. De aa awe ewe wee Cuonus. = Sa-vas- tro, our guide afd onrmas -ter is he who can save us from ov'-ry di-sas-- ter! Er ist ess dem wir uns mit Preuden er-ge~ ben! ———— z =a is he whoean saves from ev -ay disaster! Er ist ety dem wir us it Freu-den | erage ~ ben! SSeS oe et “Tse who ea save ws from ov'-ay dius ter! Br ie “ae dem wir wna mit Brewdea erage + bent may lie in peace and in ho - nour a-bide, Jong may heim yeaco and im mig’ er dea Le~ bene aly Wel ser sich frown, stele mibh_ er des Le = bens ale 1 Rj 7 as 7 7 Ling may Me if ho - nour and Siete My) er dex Le “Wons le == Se = Taye in peace and’ in o-nowr abide, Tong may he in place and in wap er dex Eas bens ate © Wel- aor. sithJoen, sete Wher den "he = bent ale + — 2, ae as ee att Tong may he ia ho now ‘and or des Le bens ‘ts aerate = hho nour a-bide, Our coun- sel-ling mas-ter, our friend and onrguide, our eown-sel-lingmas-ter, ou Wei ssersich frown. Br “Get gn ser’db= got dom al te wich well'ny er fst ane ser AD gut, dem pa a SE pe Sur & bile, Our coun stig maser oft end and our guile, cur —oom-etlibamastet, oor Weiss sigh frown, Br “ist ncsar db ai te schweth'n, er “igh ay gar Ab gut, — ps eae ‘peace long a- bide, One Jing mas-ter, our friend and our guile, ow —¢ Wet -sersich jrow'n, Kr “tat wn-aer Abe got dem al le sich weil’n, er tie lb goth, dem wiles Dio Zuatertte” Noval, Ewer and Coe Oar? Haan. friend and ourguide, our fai le sichweiln, dem al de. sichweil’n, dem alt= te siehwell'm c= riondand ourguide, our friendand onrguide, our ‘al = le sichweilln, dem al ~ le sichiveiidn, dem z_# ~ Sp ftiendani our gate. lee sichweil’n ‘iendand our guide, “our Te sichiveil’hy dem G= Spt : is ‘Fates, Oboes, Bassons, Corni di Bamet in F & Strlape (Sarastro has topped ou of the car; Pamina cee Uefore hum) a Larghetto. AMI: ae Lord, havesore of - Herr’ ich binzwar Ver fonded thee! T’eseapethypow'rwas my in ra che rin! “ich apoll-te-del-ner Macht ent =| = = font. But Sie. ALU vasmine, reimpious fairy Dor bi 30 SSS a Ss 8 : : ss oats Vz =F; SS Sy S75 er 7 Weatueco wall. A-ven, oh Gees tee arse emi oa Bee ree reo a ee a Tee Moms "Dig Zautersita”—Novelo, Ewer and Co. Oetave Reson. SS —— I_ ask thee not tomakecon-fes-sion; denn oh = ne erst in dich 2u drin-gen, Seen I none thy faith shall prove, ‘Yo no en - vioussnare thy faith shall prov. test ets we ah ienen an-dem sehr. Zar da We = be ane a 2 I will notcom - pel but yet 1 be wiltfehdichnieht sloin - yeu, duel, — doch eb" ich Fe 0b. Bastia _ = SSS a= Wilt chow not heed tears, my hap- less Mich ru fet = palieké, dein met ~ ne Movart's Dio Zaubrribe"—Novell, Keer aul C's Geta Baton. Sanastyp, a + destruc: tion waits thee from thathour that Hater Stent in etna? Macht) tu widest” tn -deinlice ge-bracht,cenn ich dick t= re I My | mo - her's namo to mosounds sweet-Iv3 1 love her, 1 iti wingt der : ft es ste bs Sanssrno..o. OF “yo lor” Pioat is bo and fe oo oe eae | with-out its High? doth wo-man 0 - ver tenn oh ne poegt je - dea Weil gan th yonth, now come this Fang 2 Hn, nur Morac Die Zashernit."Yacell Ewer and Gn Octave Balto, 76 Pron. SSS 6S] E + ras - tro, Homo ie piiaticaebati ae te ae or Beaty Ob can it bo? Teh laud? es aunt en fol- sich” um “iin “her, Ob come in Es aching’ mein ‘Oh como in my on - fol- di Arm sich vim “sie =" heed not dan - gor or =n + In und wenn “ee aauch mnein En ~ do a C= = f Gr = = ee ers nd wert "cr aeh in ap aed, it strange bo - ha-viour! Dare they de old dass hel asen? Welch el =e pees = ‘Bas ya Inrms! What strange be - haviour! ne ie wl Was soll dass het - even? Monart's “Dio Zauberdite.”—Noveli, Bver and Cos Deato Patou. (he parte them.) iS GS rr Drainstighaies. Glaich--aus ein das geht zu weitl fete titer. tae Sa inate elas one SS 7 co lies ste li noel - ing here be - iegt zw tera” gleich, vir + = + tue, be - ne - fi + cone in - spire the great, then Gar = tern, den” Got = tern "gleich, den” Git = tern gleich, den es. Hea - 2 - fs =| = —— a vir tue, be - ne - fi in - spire the great, then Ga tern) den Hit 1 tern den Git = tern gleieh, den hen ly sieich, 3 i tern avick. — heav'a gleich, doth heav'n . ly fat. tern alton, am tern gleich.” ACT II. Sou. --A Grove of Patms B® MARCH OF PRIESTS. inte, Cornt al Basti, Basoons, Horas in Py 3 Trombones, & Stri.gh otto voee, llemet=e3 Sansstn,—To you, initiated yotaries of our great deities, Gxiis anil Tes, it solemn teeth User declare thn ye. are’ called. fogethor fort Weighty ease” Taming, a royal prineo, snd Iv the Horthera gate of one temple; he desires to rend his veil of darkness aud ¢9 penetrate the realms of light, Let us watel ver and sevide figs poble youth. Ist Prrust.—Is he virtuous? San.—Most virtuous. 2nd Prrusr.—Can he be sileat ? San—He can, 8rd Putesr,—Is he beneficent? San—Hle in “Hye hold him worthy follow my ox- ‘auuple Marae De Zaabertite."-Novillo, wera Co's Oetaro Baio, Sanasrno.—Zir in dem Weisheite-Tempel eingeweihten Dioner der groseen Gitter Osiris wnt sie anit einer Serle erklir ich ech, dass unere heutige Versamaniung eine der seiehtigsten unsrer Zeit Pamino fst ein KOnigssohn, wandelt an der nial chien Dforte nnsers Dempele; kurz, dieser Jinglung twill ecinen nifektlichen Seieier vow sich versie, und ing Helligthum des. grissten Liehts Dlichen Diesen Tugendhaften zu bewachen, vei hente cine ‘unser wicktigsten Pflichten ter Panisten.—Besitzt er Tugend ? San.—Tugeni ter PRIRSTER.—Auch Verseluciegonheit ? San,—Verschariegenheit, ‘ Bor Paresten.—Ist er wohlthitig ? San—Woltiitig. “Haltet thr Tio fiir wirig, serovar meinem Beispiele. 2) 2 They Blow into their horns after Sarastro,) bee doa a San —For your unanimous resolve, in th No. 10. nano of le minity,T thauke you. ‘The gods have destined the genilo Pans for his graclous youth. it was for this {fook her rom her hagghty mo: thers this woman proswaes upon lie power, and thinks she can Westroy the foundations, of Sur teinple, but that she shall not. ‘amino himself shail strengthen it, and as one of the leet, shall vevward the just and destroy evil doers. Suifer him and his companion to enter the porel of the temple. (1o the Speaker.) And thou, triend. flll thy sacred fark, instruct them in the rales ef ‘wisdom, to lmow their uty towards the gods nud ane (Baie the Speaker with one of the Priests Au worn Cones“ 0 San.—Gerithrt aber die we inigheit eurer Herzen, danke Sur: ‘astro euch im Namen der Menseheit.—Pamina, das Sonfte tigenthafte Mitdchen haben die Gatter dem. holden Angling bestimmt ; dies ést der Grund, ‘warm “ich sie der stolzen Mutter entries. Di Weil diinkt sich grass zu xcin, hoffe uncerm featen Tenpelbau zu zeratbven. Allein das soll sie nicht. ‘Tantine, der hole Jaugling selbst, soll thn mit wns dnjestigen, und ads Kingewrihter, dar Tugend Lolo, doin Laster aber Straje sein. San fiihre thn mit seinem Reisegefanrtew in den Vorhaf des Tempels cin, Und du Frewnd, vellziche deth heiliges amt, tund Ihre durch deine Weishett Beide, wax Pjlieht dep MMenschheit gels ehre sie die Macht dar GDttor ‘rkennen. The others gather round Sarastro,) be bee ISIS AND OSIRIS” Corn i Rast,Bascone 3 Lrumbonee, Lenore ond Violoncello, Adagio, Sanasmro. : — 7 ——— == and O - si - ris, lead ye in wisdom's tnd > ft trim sohonice der Weinhet a [SSS ——- this faith fot Your blest pro = tee con - evde yo, dem ueu~ ot die ihe der" Wand + te Ten ket = ere hearts when strengthen their heat dan-zer's near, strengthen their dan-ger's near. stark mit Ge ~ duld sie in Ge = fahry —stdrke mit. Ge ~ duld sie in Ge - Sul, == pg td Mosaits Die Zanartite = Now i eS er aud Cos Ostaro Baan, 8 SARASPEOng cn ree ~ s+ & = | Ge Pe Set Grant that they brave -ly bear the ti - al, Conus or Parests. Lavst sie der Prd fing Frich - tee = hen ‘Taxon Le) Strengthontheirhearis when ‘snear. Stirkémit Ge duld sie in Ge = fale Bus Sere ot Strengthen their hearts whon dan - gor's near. Suirktmit Ge - duld sie in “Ge= falr. : : 3 = = cae 7 ‘nd to theirproy'rs give not do-ni-al but have yo fa ted dich volt-ten ie eu Gra - be gé chon, 0 ohne der Tu gent oh grant them life be - yond the oh grant them Jife.. be-yond the nelont “sie fe ew = ren” ‘Wola ~ site nehint “sie in ew ~ yen Wohn ~ ite (Gixit Sarastro followed ty the Priests.) Oh grant them ifs beyond the tomb. Nehnt'rie. tm ew ren Wohn- vite “auf. Oh grantthem life -yond {be tomb. Nehmt sie in ew - ren Woh site avg ered Sorxn.— Porch of the Pemple. Yaatso. Papaseno, at tion still near me? Parsoexo.—Of course { am! ‘Tast.—Where dost thou think we are ? Par.—Whoro? If it wore not so dark I'd beable to tel ni. (Thunder) Oh me! Pas What is i? Dav.—1 don't foel easy about this affair, ‘tas —how art afraid. Pav —Not exactly afraid, only I feel gn icy shiver all downy back. "(Dhuder Oh mt ‘Yast—What does this mean ? Par. think F feel a slight fover coming on. ‘Taar-—Fie, Papageno, bo a man! Par Indeed I wish Fwere a girl! Oli! it's all over ‘with me now! Ever the Speaker and priests with torches. Sean What has impelled yo to seek entrance Vaw.—Friendship and love. Sreaxex.—Wouldst thou venture thy life for either ? ax. —I wonld. Seraxue—Wilt thou subiait to every trial? Tax.-—You SoeaKne—Give me hy band (‘hay take hands). (To Fapagins.) Amd wouldst thou also conquer wwistlom ? Par.—T am not mueh given to conquering, and I don’t particafarly eare about wistom..-Lam a ehitd ‘Srpatara, content with meat, deinke and sleep, find maybe a nice little wale besides. 2nd Prnvst.—Mhese thon wilt not attain unless thon ‘canst undergo our probation. Par—And what does your probation consist in? ani Prart.—To obey our laws, and to brave even ‘deal Pav—T'll remain a bachelor. 2nd Priest —But if thou couldst wi maiden? Parl stay as Lam, 2nd Parest.—Suppose Sarastro had reserved a maiden for fliee, thy counterpart in form and garb? fair and worthy &xr.—My counterpart? A young one? and Prizst.—Young and pretty. Par—Her name? and Petest.—Papagena. Par —What—Pa— 2nd Prmest.—Papagena. Par.—Olihow J should like 9 see hor—only out of and Prossr—You may soe her. Pap—And when [ have seon ter will you kill me? (The priest makes.c doubtful gesture, Yes? Ta rather emai single. and Pyresr—Yon shall see her, but not a word must ‘you say to her. Have you firmness enough to ‘ontrel your tongue ? Parm-Aye, surely! tnd Pernst-—Give your hand—you shall see her. Seraxen —On thee too, prineo, the gods enjoin silence; ‘hoa shalt behold Pamina, but speak not a ‘word jtisthe eommeneemontot thy probation. 86 amino and Papayeno are ted in by pric Pastuso—Papagono! Vist Qu noch bet mir? PAPAGENO—da, freitieh 1 Vax. —Io denkst du, dase seir ns man befiden ? Par —Wo!—Ja wonn’s night so faster witre, wollt sth tire O week? selon sagen, Tan.--Was it's? Purcht eben nicht, wer Riskalt lujt’e mir @her dew TRteken.O wel ! "Paat—Was coll das? Pp.—Iek gluube, ich bekomme vin Kleines Pieber. ‘Pax. —Pyui, Papageno, set ein Mann! Par—Ich tollt ich wite cin Méidehen! O das tet mex letcter Augenblick. ‘Srnucuen.—Was treibt euch an,in dice Manern eudringen "Tas—Frevndschaft und Liebe. Spreciien. Dist du bereit flor beides dein Leben insu ‘opiern ? Panos SpRucHAR—Du wntersiehst dich jeder Prifung ? Taw—Jeder. Spnnourn—Reiel? mir deine Hand, Weisheitalehre erkimpfen ? Wilst aueh du die Pap.—Kiinpfon ist meine Sache nicht, Teh werlang? auch im’ Grunde gar keine Weisheit, Teh din 0. ein Naturwensel, der sich mit Sehlaf, Speise und Trank Uegniigt. Wenn es sein kinate, 30 witnschte ich mir celinal cin seliines Wetbehen sw fangen. ter Paestn.—Die wirst du nte erhalten, wenn du dich nicht ansern Prifungen nntersiehat, Pap.—Zorin besteht diese Pritfung ? or Parnsten.—Dich allen unsern Gesetzen auewntertcenfen selbst don Tod nicht ru scheuen, Pav.—Ich bleibe ledig. 2lcr PraesreR—Aber wenn du ein tugendhajtes Miidchen fercerben Binnteet Pap—Ich bleibe leds. Ber PrresreR —Wenn nun aber Sarastro diy cin Miésien auvbewahre hielte, das an Farbe und Kieiduny die fens gleich wire F in gleich? Tet sie jung ® Ber PrresteR—Jung wed schin, Par—Und hint? Stor Prnsrin.—Papagena, Pap.—Wie? Pa— ater PrmmsreR—Pupagena Pav.—Papagenat Die miiehte ich aus blower Neugierde elo Beer Prrestun.—Sehn kannat du sie. Par.—Alber wenn ich sie gesehen habe, wees ici aterben Ja ich bleibe ledig. Bter PRinsteR—Selien kannst du sie, aber kein Wort mit ihr sprochen. Wird dein Geist soviel Standhafti. eit besitzen, deine Zange im Schramken su haiten? Par-—0 Ja! usree.—Deine Hand—du collet sie sehen, Auch dir, Prins, legen die Gitter ein heileames ‘Stillacharsigen auf. " Du wirst Parina sehen, aber nie aie sprechen dlirfen, dies tst der Anyang’ eures Prafungozeit. MosataD 5 Zaaherite"-Novelo, Ewer an! Cs Wetavo Ballon Nan. Doern—“ MY SON, BEWARE OF WOMAN'S FALSEROUD? tutes Oboe, Clavioncts én C, Bastoans, Horne tm C, Tumpeta i C8 Prouboner, Kelle Draoe in Cand Gat String = Andante, st Pres. —— a — So eet Shivam af ae men's fechood, That he Be-wakvet euch vor Wei-ber ~ t-cken,' dies ist des Bun ~ des er ste Bid PRIEST. y+ ow. fot i wan's falsehood, that is the lichen, dies ist des Vorzes. Tear! Fell mauga ono tholrguilo bmi siduicen, dig = noted, ais - tuo “Ted Biche) oneview °atenn ‘Hees toh ie tskey, Sek Mag tate = ee SSS 42 Full many a one their guile hath strick-en, dis - trac-ted, dis - Egicht? —— Manel? wet-ser Mann less ‘sich Ticken, er fel fey! er C= rt ep +7 ails he borne the smart shandon'dand des: pairing, vind ger-calsicite nicht. Ver ~lae' = sensah er sch aan emda, ver ~ S ep 9 0 6 5 0% 7 5 = Fae iaily he bore the smart. At last, abandou'Ganddos pairing, his Iaith do- oad all for = Mud) vercaah site nicht.” Ver lus" = sow suher sich am En-dey ver ~ gol ten set-ne Trew mit eae Sere eee == iss inciiearin torvow aber call and ade aeiba ‘name Ii op FE ae a ae a eta a penetra carne pa ee pats ‘ot, Hobhe Monaet’s Die Zander "Novello, Ewer and Cas Octave Edition (640 as death and des-true - tion were his lot. Tod und Verzwet - flung wear sein Lohn. SSS aa = death and des-truc-tion wore his lot. Tod und Verswet-pung wear sein Loko. Par Ho, there, bing Highs! i a singular thing Par-—He! Lister her Das it dosh wander of ‘at as soon as these gentlemen leave us, We ‘einen ie Herren verkeesen, sieht man mit oftenen are left in darkness. agen nichts, ‘Tax.—Bear it with patience, and remember the gods ‘aa, —Hrrag! es, und dak, ex fot der GBtter Wit, ‘wil it 20, (Brier the Three Ladies.) No.12, Quivrer—" HOW, OH HOW? ats, Oth, Basco, Hors in @ and rag (ferearis Trampet, Trombone Rete Dram. cpg Mare Mt ant Lars cy a 7S Se =e f t 7 7 ch how hae ye come to dole? —Nowght but ‘Voters wie? wie? hr aw tic wom rovth Ney ey é2 E = SN] = Kies = woes How, ch how. have ye. como to Nought Det Wied wie? vole) ‘Thr an “ie som Ne, mie, 4 Allegro, fe — = = | é . eH Puxo. i — s¢= = © =o : =e = ee E S woe doth your pre-sence here for-bode! Thou'rtdoom'd,Ta-mi-no, to per - ‘ie, bammiine dleheich. we dor fort? Tavs mt = diy to Tod ge > = 7 0 doth your pro-senee here for-bode! ‘Thou'rt doom’d, ‘Ta -mi-no, to per nie, Kommé thr gliek-lieh wie » der fort! Ta = mi -' wo dir tat Tod ge facet ee Musae'? “Die Zantertine."—Novello, Ewer a Go 'e Octave Baio, =~ > = — st 2 = fe ea SS SS - dition. ‘Thon, Pa-pa - ge~no, shar'st His mission. = echworen, Dit Paspa = bene’ bat ter = Towren, Parageyo. t= f = fe é Ss SS SS Se ~ ai tion ‘Thon, Pa-pa - t-n0,shar'st lis mission. No, n0, n0, this goes too sthaoren Ay Pach < Gece iat ver ~"os ren. Netty eth, nel das WPS ee tt £2. é = Pa-pa-e-no, all thowlt mart Hastso soon forgot thy pro-mise to ab - Pa-pa-ge-no, schecige still Witlet du “dein Gelb - de bre~ehen, nichts mit yt mtn ‘Hush, I tell theo, say ‘no i apreehen Stille sag’ teh, ‘schiceige PAracuyo, eee Dost thou not hearwe both are lost! ‘Always Due hirst ja, seh! stl Ue ale iy Ist © 2nd Lavy. a Our gracious Queen Ye soon will Ganz wah tat euch die KO Ri gr Lapy hush and say no more,whendeathand ru-in's at the door! Our gracious ati, Die ‘gai ‘Ul, und it~ mer stl, woud Han mer still, und tm - mer ‘= a e 76 0b. Morart'e “Dic Haubert te."—Novala, Fer and Co's Oetare Bait, 90 Satie : — =t Fe sec, the se-cret ways to herare free. «oi te dang in Hem pt Btaioh ™Pypagavo ae s = 0-9-0 0e Sees 4 te \ee3 Te oe = et Queen, ie te cretways to herare flee. How, what? with-in the templo hore? Hush, 1 fin" sie drang im Tem - pei detmitch eh ici “ews? “atesoiltne Tempel sein? Stille . - eae tn Beet Bee giant spe ES tere Sy pst Hu male + bs (Se EeSee Sees ——_— let ~ : : 5 - t a ee 6S FE Well thee, say no mote. Gan no vow oF pro - mse bind thee? babbling al - ways mst ee Ree TE tk AE eS Samet ance BE ar eee . . a + copper GS i+ s_* £ geste © r = find theo? ‘Thon’ doom Tam nno,to per- di-tion, bethink thee + gea-sen? Ta 10 hv, du bist ver » Lo = ren, ge-den= he rd ‘Lapr. = = = = Es ‘Thou'rt doom’d,'a.1i-t, to per- diction, bethink thes fa wd = 0 Wir dv bist ver = Loren, ine en =e of our gra - cious Quon! » ground there is for dark sus ~ pi con, oa ae a tat stvachelt viel sich te de re SS z = == & of grwcious Queen! Mug geomnd ee fo dank gat» Fin, tne Soon Ope Mantateseh viel ch in die Oh ~re jot"-Noretio, Ewer and 00s Veto Bition. a ‘Tastino (avide), the crafty priestmaye- vil mean. A wise man pon-ders well the truth, to heed the mob ie eer is on diesser Priester Jalschem Sinn. Kin Wei -ser. prife und ach (ct nicht was der ge- mei- ne PS bel te erafty priest may. - vil mean ‘on diester Preser falschem Ist Lapy. Muchgroundthereia for darksus pi - cion ‘the craf-ty priest may ¢ - vil Dan Bs chelt viel sich in ie, Oh yen. ton dieser Priester fal- sehen 2d de rd LAD. Much ground thorois fordark &as - pi-cion. ‘Man’ zi schett viel sich in dle Oh= rene lath to heed the mob varie. aay Bin Wet ser prift, - = = SSS ore C mean; ‘They say, who-e-verplighte them fhith his sow fe doom'a te - tr - nal ‘Sn Win sajiwer horen® unde whebrl-der fines sur POW wie Haut td ae Sh bad ies SK Pe i == a tie crafty priest may evil mean Toy say, who -o - verplightethem fon ‘disses Pieter at echem Sinn. Mad wet wer ths row Bin de ls = = A £ ue Ser is lol, on er ———— es S33 Ber. JP = > —== zi ovale, Ewer and Co. Oatar2 Balt 2 fe o—= = % = F : = SS} death, his soul is doom'd Voter - — naldeath. ‘toa, der fairy eur ate mitten "und Haar, = e: ot : 7 zs Pees = - le Ss Le ret = E faith, ifs son! isdoom'dt'e-ter-nal death, tector - — naldeath, select der ant ur Holt mit Heutund Haar, nititane "and Haar ParAouwo, ri Lar. cna ane ise: i Man tage, wor the rem Bunedese ‘They say, who - ever lights thom faith, S85 a onl isdoom'dte-ternal Iivbrtyder f8bre sur HEA yt Eau oe death. How, what iL HEanr. Diane" bein Te le-vilwhat the Te? beim = * su = a bd bee es te’ g be £ a apatites ‘le vilwhat the do-vil,whatihe de- wil, go be- low? Tsay, Ta- mil-no, AScJah ede betm Teufel ete beim Tew- fel) tin «er Wt! Sag’ “a” Pam —- - Taso : et et =H = ee a =a is that eof” “Tisnonght but bah - bling wo-mon's talk, de-visd by falso and eraf- ty ie tte wale? Gevchotts om fies snyly ton ewch-lern ie ber awe = e+ Wet. “berm nach ~ Se rm ee Parnonxo, eS ee ark ee ee ee ee eee er ie == aie == oS ai 3S == == $a osnays Pie ZanberDBte"—Novelo, Ewer an Co’ Oetasn Piton = : : $= SS See Tay woal eel = Trash all tone, and thew be 2a Ft nt daar Biche ad Stand =; =s 2-H one + 1 rate set & Bo Lane (ey amino. wise. “Why dost thon tum as though to fly. ns? And us. We = rum bist da nit me pb ded wh 3nd LaDy (to Tamino). Why dost thon turn, ‘as thongh to fly ua? And Wa = rm ist de mit une so aprb de? Fu@on Auch 0 Ba Pa tte. T Pa-pa-fv 10 too; say, why th Hush! Pacpa geno seluceigt, 30) 78 PAPAGHNO (secretly to the I ‘Swill! 296 Tf Lmigtt Iehniieets y a z &: = = Hush! Canst thou not sui Duss du niche { feet + KS ary: et eae ee You see, _Tdae not Tean-tot daymytongueliom talk - ine. “ree Diss tehnichetarn dae Pau” doe las > aes n Lat : —~ Sey = Sere Po hee a : = 2 SS Moraes ip Bastar dit" Novello, Ewer and Co's Geta Kalton, 94 Ist & it Lame wotto ce, stay thy tongue from talking, more than thoukuow’stthonaet to blame. “They will not speak, they've dannet das Plandern lassen, ist wahr=lich ei + neSchand’fir dich. Wir amis» gem sie” ait 8rd LaDy. 1 do con- fese 1 am to diame. “hoy will nob speak. they've iit war-lieh c= + me Schad” — flr ich.” Wir milla ~_ sen nie mt pe ea <= = in aoe = aaah = learnt pre-eaution, lel us go hence the way we came, ‘They will. not Beit Gor anon” et andne TRIE? Sap UE. chy thane ma een ae seep bens ohey le earat pre - caution, et us go hice tive way we came. They wil Seham ter = laeveen! ‘eb plowdere hel wer "et cher «lh, weir sen oe” ero oto wees ——! == eee ee at “We will not speak, we've learnt pre- cai ‘Sie mfasen Yow mit Soham. ver ~leesey Papaonno soto pce = a pap ee sept =f 2S ‘Wo wiluotpnk ee are pre eatin, : =~ Tain nw wit Schon bee fer tee fetes a oe = aia oad $e ee fattest Sle ae Lot ices eee z iss = aaa et speak, they've leant pre - caution, let us go hence the wa; we came. ace ———— += thoy may re- turn the way they cume, et planedert kei-ner si ~ cher-lich. ee Ser = Ez ‘they may re- turn the way they tl plawedert Rel-ner oho Mosars ie Zavhertite "Novello, Ewer and Co's Octave Ealtion. 95 Py rae Gigi sete of par pose ie not weak, stem Get-ne ist en Mann, ‘of pur-pose ix not weak, tty ‘Get -'ate ist ein Manny E of pur pose is uot weak, stem Gere iet ‘ein Mann, & 2nd Lavy. pur- pose is, he pon-ders what his tongue shall wee bette toa eat eee? Bass = =a = SS 3 ' carve fon ot Te wes wint ip toon lal —- —— = — Ss = ie perder lat ie tongue aiall mre ate Sees oat neat ome he pon- ders er den ket Cy ——S= = 2 6 SSS f his tongue shall speak. he pon - dérswhat his tongue shall what speak, lees cr ame Chen ‘Kenny er ens het wan er apres chen hunts Sd Lapy. 2 a= s SS I" : i i y : : an oa hho pon - ders ane aps chen anny or ben = et = Fa= Ee what r= hin tongue shall speak, spre chen hasty aoe aaa £ ~~, So = 4] | — = + Mosarts *Dis Zawberft."—Novelio, Bwer and Ce's tare Kaition 96 = === =e == SSS se = hie pon - dé whiat his tongue aball speak. er lens ket voor er epre = chen. ha a = So ere Sa what _ his tongue shall speak, are he pon-ders what lis tongue shall ye tire chon ha, eden sket Was er apres chen SS 7 SES What his tong shall speak, Tie ponders what his tongue eball eae er apre’ chen hnny fr den ket eat ef spre = chen eS = SS See SE what his tongue shall speak, i he pon-ders what his tongue shall ‘war er ane chen Kew, crig'Eet war er spre = chen ese gt cat ree oe eet A FE Pa Ban = et (The Ladies are about to 90.) i. oa A eae ee} eS C= =F == z = iY speak. Our thres > hold hath bore pro fa -na-lion, a > way, be ye dooatd to dam- Rem | er eee area ee nee eeeees a ae dra oo a | Base ee. ee. eee = ge speak. Oar theey ~ Tio hath borne prota naction, a - wap, be ye doom To dan Tees Bere wee are NeW e ‘sche ahes "WS" mtedbe Wet oon sar ( = sae = = = fi ‘mere pp oP v | (lees ag a ee ee ee oe ee toes Bee eee ~ It Lay. 20. _ (They sink below.) na Gon t Hit tes a das! 0 7 weht c= = Sj] = > BB- tion ‘a last Hit te! oh! SS a Moca Die Zauberdato "Nov, ker aul Cs tayo Paton, 7 Baraca ficon the ground) ee 2 | =| amino, Papageno, Speaker ond Priest. Sexaxer—Hail, valiant youth! Thy constancy has - SPRRCHRR—Heil dir, Jingling! dein standhajtes Bes triumphed; with souls untroubled se will ‘agen hat gestegt. Wir wollen also mit reiuem now pur=.o our pilgrimage, (Poowee a wil Herzen unere Wanderschaft weiter forieetzen. So! over Tamino,) So, now come with me. (Bait ‘nun Boman! swith Tamino.) 2nd Prrssr.—How is't with thee ? + Putusren—Iie ist dir? Pap.—I am as ina trance. Par—Ieh lege in einer Olmmacht. ind Paiust.—Collect thyself, aud be a man. Beer PruwsreR.—Samnle dich, und set ein Mans Pap. (riving) —Pray tell ine, ‘why must 1 endure all Pap—dler sage mir nic warum muss ich denn alle die ‘hese pains and terrors? ‘Qualen und Schrecken empjinden ? 2nd Prausr.—Ask thy reason to sa ter PRansTER.—Dicwe newgicrige Frage may deine Ver« Come. (Prous a veil over him) ‘his incessant marching about tak thoughts of love. ‘uunjt dir beantworten,. Kom Par—Bei so einer evigen Wanderschaft, michte einem toot die Liebe auf immer vergehen: Par, SceNB.—A garden. Pamina slerpiny, Monostatos. Moxosraros.—Ha! yonder is the disdainfal beauty ! Moxostatos.—Ha! da find’ ich die spride Schine! Bet By all the stars she will drive me distracted ! allen Sternen! das Médchen wird mich noch um I D'were only certain that uo one is spying ‘meinen Verstand bringen. Wenn ich wisste, dase ‘and listening, I think one little kiss might be eh s9 ganz allein und wnbelauscht sire. No. 13 Anta—* ALL CONFESS THE TENDER PASSION” = ==. ; TAN senpre PP. ex yee the ten pas-sion, bill and — ¢00, and Sigh for = les site dor Lie = Bre den, ache iin eidelt, heret und 2S Moaart’s Dl Zauberfte "-Novelo, eran Cols Ota Eitan, move, for 2 Moor nolieart ean move, fst,” weit ein Schwar «zen hee ~ Uieh 4st, —e ve not of flesh and blood? a not of flesh and blood ? nicht von Fleisch und Blue? ich nicht von Fteisehund Blut? ee men TH live in with all twahrlich Hol - ten = wwii~re SSE men Ul Jive in feud, with all men T'll live in feud veabr.dieh Hot ~ len - glut, wed = re wahr-lich Hal - ten - glut. , ie EG -tptet ft otf ot SS pec tect tae ci hat) life left me, I will toy and bill and ich, weil i + bey) sohndbein, hits nen, zrt-lich = == ‘of hope she hath be - reft me, still the witeh + ing fair 1 ber gus ‘ter Mond ver = gg bey ek - me Wei > ssenahm mich ee of _ woo, still the witeh - ing fair I'l woo. vin, et me Wel > asenahim mich vin, Monart’s Die Zauberdet."—Novetio, Ewer and (ns Oetro Eaton J 5 = Fee = and she is fair est; will felt muse sie Mila ten Bond, sill she not oe grant the “he a da ~ Mend, 10 (Thgader, the Queen of Night rises from the carth,) Qomns or Nieut.—Away! Baseisa (Waking) —Yo god: Monosraroe.—hlas, it fs the Queon of Night? Mosostaros-0 woh? das st die @ittin dr Nacns Pane Masher, obs mother! Panne Mister? meine Mudter? Monos.-~Mother? (steals away.) Monos.—Autter ? }orEN.—Where is the youth I sent to thee? KontGtw.—Wo ist der Jiinglung, den ich an dich sandte? i e ocome a fervant of the temple Pat cutch, Mutter er hat seh den Bingewethien gewtdirt Queix OF the temple? hen How at lost to efor Rosaoti="Den Bingewethten? mn ett cet over ‘aur, Pox-—oh' mother, let us Ays by thee protected defy Bast-—Firfinen 0. flcien wiry liebe Mutter? anter ei davper eee eee : "inom Sones tase th eter fa Queex. “Alas hil, with thy father's death my power — Koxsory.—Sehut ? AI donee Vater od ging meive ended: he gave the sevenfold shield of the sun Macht 2u Grabe. Er tikergub freiwillig den sir- to Sanastror who wears it on his breast Benfachen Somenkrete den’ Btigaceinem dieu ‘michaigen ‘Somnentrete trage Sarasa der Druk Bau.—Then isthe young prince lost to mo? Toa, io awh der rode Fagin nf ter Quenx. Behold this dagior—twas sharpened for Sa. Ketonsr—Sihit the hier diesen, Stahl? Be it fr Sa astonslay iiss and thn iigity shila fe ‘anime geshlin—va wit thn ten, and oars indchtgen Sonncntets tir Sbertieferm Pax.—Ohnmothert Past Aber thenne Mater Gorse! Kosioine cin Wort! No. 14 Ana—*THE PANGS OF HELL.” Plats, Oven, Bassoons, Horn in F, Pramgets iD, Kotte Brame nD & A, String Query oF Nicur, Allegro estat. Woree, =: ‘Thepangeof hell aro va-gingin my bosom, Der Wotete ‘Te. - che koestin'ncvacm Heraen ie - paca-w-ste-o-¢ ee = eee pecestepyet scenery P f = t wP JP cree, peer = round! Go forth, and_bear my vengeance {0 Sa - ras-tro, my hier! Fate nicht durch dich ‘Sa -raa = tro. To - des-sehier-zem, ‘Sa we =e ~e Pe. 2 SSS! e — cr as my dough - tar Shon adult be eid ad Se och -"ter' wim - MS own'd, be thon dix - — own'd, daugh - ter be ‘dis-own'd. ee a . 7 = » ae ; 3 RD By J Roe eee Sap ae exreret af = 8h 2 ceca jar ete. efts —ptietetie 5 oP se 3 pe eS + oS fopee tree LSuppestttae = SSS HEE ‘as my daugh ter meine Toch - ter nim 103, ie 7 a ee : : ae : ever as my : ae fees vin Ge met = £ = £ =f — IY te dis — own win, == —s I of love I se- - ver, pars thee and ro nounee thee it how sensei auf e- | wig, trim ~ + mertac’n auf e wig, alte Garett brave my wrath, T span pura 7 thes 777 -pad ror Ton «te der Na = ty ver nto Tas ten tind zer 7 _ ote te are = —_—S SS = / be a 7 ogttgte . Hist “hum. Morar’s "Die Zaubertbte:"Nonel, Ewer and Co.'s Oetave Hain 104 + nonnee — thee, if thou dar’ brave my wrath, ‘rion merty : er (eset ees Sit =e f. ee ae 2S aS Sas ey CoE ies ao on ae oer ee ee ae Ifthowhastsiray'd, Danpacar-delt er eter =e a tT tina ia soap « Wo ers nd sal ge te an Preun-des Hand —“ger-aniigt und frok in'e . ann wan: del — * é Ss SSS Ss a bro-ther's band ~ shall gn ide thee t'ward the bet - ter du Frown des” Hand “ver gnigt und Jroh tne beat'= Ee wis land. if thou hast stray’d, Land, — dann wan-delt er a = 2. ae oe 5? land, the — bet, ter, the Land, in’ bees! = re! in'e ial -Jow'd fane pro - tests thee from false - hood, guile and dig ten. hell - yen Mau - erm, wo Mensch den’ Men = achen brother's love + reots thee, to him thy woes ar kein Ver ther” "Tau'= erm weil man dem Peind ver ~ eiegey qa Whose soul a-bides in earth - ly strife doth not de-sorve the gift ‘en sol-ehe Lelt-ren nicht sr frown, er = dle-net nicht ein Mensch. ei ae ee life, whose soul_a- bides in earth - Ty airife, doth not de-servo the .. aft of ra Unt che THARP ten cnt” Grew “Ger-itte = Set" aieht etn scence HS Se bab ge ees, N ~ Se oe Morar's Die Zanberfble. Novell, rer and Co’ Oot Wo Kath, mn life, whose soul a - bides in earth ly strife, doth nat de - serve the gift of fein, wen sol che Lele ven let er = frewn, ver =die=met nicht ein Mensch ew Mav (Bzeunt.) = =H — lif, the gi. - the gift of life sein, ein Mensch, ein Menseh mu sein, re Sag EX SeeNE—A tare Hail, Tamino, Papageno, the Speaker, and Priest. Speaxen—Here ye shall both be left alone, Once SpRRcMHR~ Hier seid Ihr euch Beide allein fderlassen more Tsay: remember, be silent.” (Hzit.) ‘Nock einmat, vergeast das nicht: Sehweigen. dPruxst.—Papageno! Whoever breaks silence in ter Prawst.—Papageno ! wer an diesem Orte sein Stil this spot, brings down on himself hander and selueeigen brieht, den strafen die Gotter durch Santtng, “Firewall (exit) Donner und Bittz, “Leb wohl ! Mémind eats Himself) Papaceso.—his is pleasant! Ohi that I were once Paraaeno—Das iet cin lustiges Leben! War ich Uebor ‘more in the Woods! ‘Theve one might hear a tin Walde, 20 hdrt ich dack meachmal einen Vogel bird sing sometimes! pieifen, ‘Pamnxo—St! "Pantxo.—Se! Bar-—L suppose I may speak to myself? PAp.—3ii? mr sothat werd? éeh woh sprecken dicen. Pan.—Se nue Par.—Da In la! Not a drop of water is to he got Par. —La la la! Nieht einmal einen Tropfen Wasser be here, much less anything elee. (Enter an old Thommt man bet dieeen Leuten, viel weniger sone quan with a eup of waters) Is that for me? teas. Tet das fr mich ? Wouax.—Yes, my love. Wem—a, mein Bagel. Pap, (Drinis).--Neither mora nor less than water. PaP—Nicht melir "und nieht weniger als Wasser. Ged? Come here, Granny, and sit-down by me, T hier, Alte, getze Wich zu mir, mir wiihrt die Zeit am eonfoundedly dull here. Say, how olf ate verdamint lange, Sag? mir, wie alt Bist du? Wouax,” Eighteen years and two minutes Wain—Aehteehn Jan und zwei Minuten. Par-—Hightcon years and two minutes! and have you Pap—-dehtzehm Jahr und swet Minuten!’ Hast du auer alover? einen Geliebten? Womax.—OF conrso I have Wein. —Freitien Pav.--Is he a3 young as you are? Dar. Titer auch so jung wie du? Wouax.—Abouit ten year older. Weiw-—Er ist um zihm Jahr Alter, Par--And what may be his name? Pap.—IPie nennt sich denn dein Liebhaber ? ‘Wonax.--Papazeno. Weuw.—Papagrna. Par. (dstonished) at is yours? Pav. wWowax.—Mine (Piunder. Rat.) 2av--Oh me! Not another word will I say. Papagono! Ana Papageno! Sag! mir, wte hetaset du denn ‘ch hetsse— Ooh!” Nun spreeht teh kein Wort mehr. z the three Genii with a table spread with viands, a fute and a chime of Beli. ‘Soasy' "Die Zaubete."—Novelo, Emer aa Co Ortaro Baton. No. 16. ‘Tro. YE ONCE AGAIN WE COME TO GREED YE. lates, Batons String, 28, te. ae ist & and Gros. SSS Yet cme shin we Sela Gane sunsreed ~ ten 81d Gusts, ——— Pe NaN SS Yet once a Seid woe sim ie! Bs z cometo greet imal illkom = SSS ase To Treat fo: main! Tyesetteand bo 1 marty = a SS 2 = E =z loom: Theseite andes — he sent meek yo, [SS they will a- vert all woe’ amd pain. When yo've of food and Wy "Poi Wad dus Gide - then Puck Wat “ie? de Sou. Sa 7S = SS = 2 SSS eS SSS they will a- vert afl woe and pain. When ye've of food and ay Fin te’ nd das disek ~ thn Sec We "ie die Set Sew inch, be stin, hush, schwel-ge still, still, bush, be fil, wohwcel ge ati, hush, f=$ mm bush, oul, a hush, Ins, = De sia. i, seloect” "ge st = Sh —= = = = : = = hush, hush, hush, be i Hl, sll, schwel ge nl er Paracexo.—Tamino, sliall we have something to eat? ‘TastsNo.—/Playe upon his flute, Par—Blow away into your flute, I will blow away these crumbs." My lord Sarastro keeps a fair Kitchen, let mo seo if his cellar is equally well provided. (Drinks.) Hal this is wine for the gods! (Enter Pamina.) Pavt—Thow here? thanks te the gods for leading me hither! but thou art sad—hast theu not a word. for thy Pamina? Dam.—‘Sighs, and motions her to depart.) Past—What, [ am to avoid thee? then thou lov'st me ‘no more? Last.—( Makes signs for her to leave hin) Pax.—T am to fly thee, and know nof why ? Bar —( Also makes signs for her to g0.) Paw’ Oh this is eruel ! worse than death! = Paraceno.—Laming ! wollen wir nicht apeiten "Damno.—/bUdst wef seiner Fite.) f Par—Blave nur fort auf deiner Flite, Teh will hier meine Brocken’ baron, Herr Sarastro.flhrt eine gute Kitche. Lasst doch aohen, ob det’ Keller auch 50 gut bestellé ist, Ha f das tet Gitterwein | Pa.—Du hier? Dank sei es den Gattern, das sie mich diesen Weg fthrten. “Aber du bist traurig ? Sprichat fnieht cine Silbe mit deiner Pamina. ‘Tast.—(winke thr fort eugel’n.) Paw.—Iie, ich soll dich meiden ? Liebst du mich nicht sehr ? ‘Dast-—(winkt wieder fort Pau.—Ieh soll tichen, slime zu wissen warurs? Papayeno, ‘sage mir, was ist thm } Pap.—jwinkt auch, dass sie jortgehe,) Paw.—O das ist mehr als Krlinkung, mehr ale Tod! insig Gelledter t ie Zasbertte."—Noveli, Ever and Co, Octaro Eaton Melt, Ants. —“HOURS OF JOY, Fo EVER BANISHED.” 1 Andante, Bastin : Vorcr. eo § Sal > Hours of joy, for e- ver vani Ach, ich fils, es ist versclnew ee gps ete —— Sete se ‘Ném= mer Komuut thr Wo stunden, mel = me wnguish, ‘tis for tee a-lone 4 Dhriven fies sen, Prawter, ir al La Coats Aaa Ses eS omar’ Die Zanberlte"-Novello, Bs nd Ca= Otero Bastion, 12) vs languish, 0 ve - fim or let me Seh ven,” ao wird Ttu~ hey 50 wird eis SSS ee let to ‘te et mo not in sorrow ‘Sidhlet de niehader Lie: be EZ ree SacI * Poot eee ae 269 Chea o Bie eS E jean ia a aoe ee eee a tot — £ die. Bul or let im Toe te die, tum. Rul oh re 40) wind ide aie, ein, or lot im To - me de (A sound offtrumpets is heard) Maker signs for him 0 90.1 son got ot. (Signs repeated Paro Well Tam goings that fpmmone mt be ors coming! But just say. ‘Tamino, ss going to be done with us? wast | Pointe o Heaven.) Par am to ask the ‘gods! rite’ enlighten Gs! anf Bar him ny) Pav.—Don't be in sucht a hurry, we shall be there soon enough to be roasted. (Beewt, Yes. of course, they Movarts "Die Zasherte™Nowall Pavachno.—Nielt chr, Tumina, wh kann auch selwceigen, ao. —(WWinkt” Papageno dass er gehen sol.) Pav.—Geh nur du voraus, Vogre Hanctwny.) Tehimehe schon! Das geht une vehon wieder ans Wir kommen schon, ber Nir einmal, Taminn, seas wird denn mock Ailes mit wne werden # —[Dentes gen Himmel) Dis Gitier voll ich fragen. Ja, die Kinnten uns frei- Tich mehr sagen, als wir wissen wt thas mid gewalt fort | hur nicht eo, wir Konmen imover noch seitig ge hug, ume ans brat 2u lassen. ae lo, eer an Co's Otero Bison Seene.— A rault beneath the Temple. Sarastro und Priests. Mo, 18. Cnones or Paizers-—“OH ISIS AND OSIRIS!” ‘rates, Oboer, Hassan, Horn D, Trumpets im D, 3 Trombones # String Adagio. 1st & Bnd Pevors. on and O- gi + - Ot. fie tad 0 1 Sanaatuo with Bass. day of glo - ryt wel = che Won > ne: Adagio. euaxo. ? Wind, g The clouds of night the con -q'ring light dis- per - ses. His Die “di - —stre Nacht verscheueht’ der Glanz der Son» ne. Lal —— == =Fy —- po Som. ain ; Fo tut . r t oe Tora stern pro - ba- tion ends with his al - le -" gianeo; and {9 omrlaws the youth will vow o Sihle der es dle” Tingling meu 28 Le - hong) bald det er uin-serm Dien ste qans er = SSS Se = a SSS Pa s—e-e-8 7 ime I B His soul is brave, his. Sein Geist ist thn sein Sf ee eS Monacrs" Die ZauberBite" Novello, Ewer ant Cae Octave Aiton A144.) his soul is bravo, sein Geist iet thn, brave, ‘sha, his soul sin Geet his heart is sein Here ist pare, bald, his heart bat win Mere ier —e— = ay = 7 = pal = = =— oT ee ae goon, coon, soon will the Srtver lane gr wie «yey id, “ad, “Sota “winder cae SS SSSt will the goal to thee be sure, soon, soon, soon will the Tietser Sm der ‘ote. dig Seine ‘hed! aud! “Yat Netra ar thee be wwlir - dig soon will the wel ‘dig « za thee wir be ay soon will the ‘wir « ‘dig « ae iL —— ee = PoP OP Barasrno—Let Tamino appear! (Tamino és led in.) acl Tain one! (am Tw fen al ie re matt Peering ee tone Bane 1, he Beier ae ae oer oe ea sition See as sonar’ Die Zander Sanastuo.—Tamino! dein Betragen war bis hierher ménn~ Tick und gelassen, nun hast du noch swei gefar- Tiche Wege ru ‘wanderm—Deine Hand !—San dringe Pamina ! Pauaxa.—Wo bin ich # Sapt, wo ist mein Geliebter ? ‘San-—Er wartet deiner, um dir das letste Lebewoht ru sagen, Past.—Das letste Lebewoht !——Fithre mich 20 ihm. San —Hier ! Paw.—Tamino! ovello, Brera Ca¥ Oct Editon No. 19, Tao.—“ OH MY BELOVED ONE, MUST WE PART?” ot, Basons Steins Andante moderato. _ ‘asrtxo Sanasrao, ee ro = mS eae =: vores. | G-P=UE eS ar = Oh my be-lovd one,smush we pat? You do burpart tomest a - Soltteh dich, Thaw ~‘rerjnicht mehr tehint Thr werdet oh euchwie~ der= 1 f SSS = $ he: + * = : Praw. ee es I 5 f = eat a pai ae ; = S i CS ‘Tasuxo. I las eeitn Dein a I fear some dead-ly dan-ger! Nay, nay! to fear myhear’s a fen tad leche Ge Dic Gil- ter mb = genmich be yuo is A FF =f eee + st ae ee ee ne ee ere ee ua me tage eed ene ta es e a Sarasrne. i ea ‘ i Site 22 : = = ¢ = vo Nay, nay, to fear hishearts » Die G8 ter me gen thn ie = =f Tw se cee pet srt SS SSE Pasa 45 < ne if eet, Pe == aes SE 6: se cn! + = SS 2 ae oe eae sirmuger? Ob that I knew what us a - waited, or that from henee we could with - veaicren! —Duewiratdon To's - “denivht ent = ges het, mir fltetert t= many ie - ee poet — = — eee i stranger, sea rent pS er = e $ ee 20 ett a a = Motar’s" Die Zasbortie Novello Ewer and Cas Ostavo Bithon (116) = fer the gods lave fa ted, their just de-erees shall be my ein Der Giteter Wille mag ge» sele'» hen alr Winksod mir Ge - see je == Se = a = He'll bear what-c'er the godshave fa - ted, their justde -creesshall be ‘Der Git-ter Wil le may ye vale ~ en, ihr IFinkvoll mir Ge ~ se + tae draw! Vilbear what - ie =a eS Taw. Thou dostnot love ‘as I do lovethee, or thou this calm couldst main wine 0 libs au, wie ich dich lie be,’ du wlir dest nicht so ru ~ hy g=2045 2 eS = — or thou this calm couldst not main - tain. By yon-der sun that flames a - Seis ke HG tise Fak ETE. he SS By yonder sun tint idmes a - > Gdwwier Jaktt gates che et : “ — 2. = shall veiy dein « wr true re = bove me, may Toveshall o - ver true ro - main, : of Ge tren = er Trie-be,’ werd e-aig dein’ Gestreu er sein, > beve thee, Hfsioveshall over true re - his love shall © - - ver” Drie - be,’ wird en seig dein’ Geetreu er atin, veird eo wig dein. Geetrew er ter shud dee Pr I amnighbroken-hearied ! renteng Leksten "Lastino, = a + main. A - Ins, I am nighbroken-hearted ! sein. Wie bit’- ter sind der Trennung Leiden? Sanasrno. SSS EE SSS Die Stine di le wohtigt, must be par-ted, un wilsst ihr seheiden 0. Bae the hourhath die Stunde struck, must ehlgt, aun iast A As l as, wie Uit'> ter sindder Tren-mung Leiden! T am nigh bro ken- hearted ! as, I am nighbro-ken: hearted ! wie” Bit'= ter sindder Tren-nung Leiden ! be thr sehei-den, Te Te par-ted, Farewell, my Pa mi-'na, mi-nomust his fate 0 - ‘mic no muss nun wie - der Bie aa Tamino, ah, thou may’st not stay! Famine’ must ‘nim wirk “lich Jor’? . eee a ect = fe oo mae love, 1 must © - bey, must 0- bey, ‘Alas 1am nigh bro - ken - Teh nas seirke tick ford, irk = teh fot ste Ble ter and “Get Den © nay noe z Ss 4 =a [pe eae ee} SSE = bey, mast 0 - bey. ‘hchoorhathstock,ye must bo par = tod, ‘Ta mi-no fore ee de fart DieStancdesehidgt vunmivat thr sehet = den Ta mine pct = 2 ee ee Ge 2 et Ff fate teete= St je ee a at oH = he oar ota ‘ Sie ee eS Mora ie Zavberte"-Novo, Er and Cos tar Bon iy — ah, wrotched Ta + mi- no! 0" must di Ta 2 mi > not Timust 0 -bey! unmucsich fore! -heart-ed! Farewell,my love, I must o - bey! Leiden! Pasmi=nay — teh muse wirk-tich 2 ee = = = az =I must his fate obey, his fate 0 hemust 0 ~ bey! de rwe mass er — fort! eee mies nun aie = der forts nun wie eee ab,wretehed day! wo must itu fort! = SI y na, ue sie fort | hay a = =— hemusto - bey! nunmuceer fort! fare - Urse-well! fare tii © may ten be wot! eS Pe ie Sereeeeeaee eS z faze ~ Uhocewell! fare - Uice-well! fare p ee le > be wold! Te 2 be wont? : 2 a - Wo more de = Iny, now hastothes, ow hastethes, dick raj? dein Wore, smut elle." nue tes Mozart Die Zauborit.” Novello, Ewer and Co. Octave Edition. thee - well! Oh hone of sad-ness st ent toh gold <6 Rute, ease = SS S Oh how: of sadness, deh gall ne Ru hey = SS = = = SSS fs-vay, avway:nomorede lay, ‘The houris past the hour is nin GS iejortidiohrgtdets Work, "Die State Reig, the Stn = de hbo = a = 5 7S E SES 7 wf ee as - ( === Oh hour of " 7 Shei ae ey 2 . fs. .. s=pfcee= i : eee Oh hom of ead ner, Taos Shimer aes oe & Ses == vast Chehonris pag When gut e > war, but not _for oat aaa i a oe tg ee =e is wie = der, Moraes Die Zaubardte "Norell Ber and Ca stare Raton but not for @ wir sel’n uns wig > Seay well! wohl! thee ~ well t seoh ‘thee - well! swoht! Paraguxo:—Taining, Taminot While I have life I ‘will follow in your footsteps. Only this onec do not desert Four faithful vquire. (Goer t the {toon by which Tamia rent ont) A Worcr.—“Stand back!" (Thunder) Par.—Mercifal powers! {€ Teouid only find the door Eeamo ia byt (Gort the dary which We ante & Voror.--Stand back! Pap—It seems T can got neither backwards nor for wards Shall The left here to save? It Serves me righi; why ever did 1 come here ? Sexaxen (entering) —Wretelt! ‘Dhow hast deserved to pine for ever in darkness, but the gracious Hous remit thy. sontonce.” The joys of the fleet, however, thou eanet wat know. Pap.—The greatest joy 1 can think of at this moment 35 a good glass of wine Sexier —Hast thou no other desive ? Par—No, not just now. Senaxer—Vhat shall not be denied the Splendid! Di feo] a most peculiar sensation about my heart. 1 will—L would—ah what? sore Die Zanbertis Paraaeno.—Pamino! Tamino! So lange ich tebe, bleibe fchnicht mehr con dir. Nur diesmal verlase deinen igetreuen armen Retsegeftirten nicht, Sromme.—Zurdek! Pap—Larmiersige Giter! wenn ich mur sls herein gekommen bin, Smee. Zurdek? Pap.—Nun kann ich weder suriick noch vomit ‘ielloieht am Ende Mer gar verlungern recht, warum bin ich mitgeretst? Serecuen.—Mensch! du hattest verdient, auf immer in vfinatern Kiiften der Erde suwandern; die ghtiger Gitter aber erlassen dir die Strafo—Dafir wurst te Nene Vernipen tor Bingen Par —alr bine ha ein guee Glae Wein de grate Ver ingen Sprecnein.—-Sonst hast du krénen Wunsch in dieser Welt? Pap.—Disjetet nicht, Seubouen!—-3an wird dich damit bedienen, Pap.—Juchhe! da isterja schon! Herrlich! imatisea! Gittlich! mir wird ganz wunderlich wn's ere, teh michte, ich wiinsehie—Ja was den” ovello, Emer and Co. Octo Bilton, No. 20. Auna.—*A MAIDEN FAIR AND SLENDER” eater, Oboes, Bassoon, Horns in F, Strings & Chine of Bets Puaxo. PaPAcENo, (accompanies himself on his chime of bell.) eS : I ‘A mai-den fair and slen Ein Madchen 0 = der Weib, oe fain would own, tur = tle -dove as = ge = mo sich, to ein sanf = tex live for her a - lone, Ta live for her a - lone, Ta Se. lig - elt jr miek, Lowe 8 tiy - keit_fir ave, _ Mir 2 2635 ee : LS SES i == = Ce a a een a aie eae A ae =e Ee eee Po sumamiiaee 3 Gri =og oe Noval, Ewor ang Ga Osta Ration =< Morar’ Die ZanborBlit 123 Ss = 1, The pleasures of life have no sa - voun, the choicest of wines have no 2. Will none i my suit be re - spon-sive? ah why is. my heart so. ex - 3. So ma-ny fair creatures a - ound me, they quite with their beauty con = 2 Dann schmeckte mir Trin-hen und Bs ~ sen, dann nnd ich wit. Dilr-sten mich 2. deh ann ich denn hei-ner von at = ten’ den rel ~ zen-den Mibehen ge 8. Wird “ket -ne wir Lies be ge - wh = pen, ‘so muse mich die Flam-me. ter = ‘fla un - less I can win mo a wile... T'm woa-ry, Tm wea-ty of pan Ah, aust T for for-row con - sume, and glide im die dark lone. iy + found 1’ ask for the love of but without her my life is un mes dex “Le bens als Wei-ser mich frevin, tind wie im B= We ak um + fal + Went elf et ne mir mur ana "der Noth, ——songst gril? ich mich wakr-tich su ~ teh > ren! Doch kisstmich cin_weib-li~ cher Mund, “ao. bin_ich schom whe der ge = em ee : fo iad * *. a. —=t . 2 SSS = r= 1s, With - ont her 720 _plee-sure do lights mo, a tombe aby wiiy is any West to ON. cher 3 - done; So ma-ny fair tures: a - round me, He om detnn yn toh mi ch "en es Tod, ach kann ich aenn + seu, doch hsst mich ein weld we- fal = lend elf - cher “Mundy dock end = less T win me a wife, Tm weary, I'm wea-ry of life, must T sor-row con - sume,. . And glide in’ the dark lone-ly — torab, ask for the love of but — one, without her my life is) un - done, Les hens ols Wet cer mich frrun |. ‘umd wie im = li > si + um arin ei ~ ne mir nur aus der “Noth, . \ soust gril’ foh mich walrlich zu ‘Tod, Feisst mich ein weib
  • Be-hold the gol-den sun up - Bald prangt, den Mor agen 24 _ver ~ imagen at Ae = —— == 7 os ee te pest et f i = = soar-ing, now night shallxend lier ‘wel theeloads of er mermolt before him, and Hcden, “HE Sia’ “any yer Ban, ald’ er > Beran -teceltedem, bal = 2 ee = a NG SS now night sallend her Ue clouds of er- rormelt before him, and ie Sons auf golden Bald all der A der -glau-be schuvin-den, bald oy P Piya e aa SaS eS ey = reel wisdom shal PF + vail, oh bless - ed peace,tip-on ns. a ‘aly balm ai - Megt der “wei se” Mann, hot) de Pitwehe seta her «“nie'= der, Reh in der r —= = = |e vie SSS a eS yg dom shall pre ~ va ch bless - edpeaceup-on us show-er thy balm di = “ae der ‘wet = Me” Sion. Ohad de Rue tate’ her = Snie'= ery Bel? der ea Ta Moaact's Die Zautersote."—Novell, Ewer and Cas OC ato. Ck) 126 = ae Grae gS ~ vine, thy ho «If pow-ers Jot these bat in. otrhieurls © ~ risa then Mae’ - cella Hertha "olesder dana "at ie died cin Itm-mel = fete wd by = Sy eS = aS EE = vine, thy holy pS - fy Hi these but in. ourhearls a - rise, then Sten’ = see Heyseme Mies dor dane “Un” Se ae hn Imes rele wad ap Gan E ye » dite, Bu, gies, Desk were this earth a pa - ra - dise, earth apa - Sterb- l= che sind Git tern gleich, und Sterbv li = che sind Wot 23, eS SS = ae =e eee (Gra PES wee thiseath a. pad, wer Uisearth a yu = dw ——— of = == ———— Pair ing Wocreft of reason, = T sco. hfe not, ty pangs of nas i Sh un a ¥ (Qtr ‘by pangs of love is she dis - tae - ted, Thor tri-al was two long pro - se Quile ver-aclmiileter Liebe Lei. dent asst wis der “r= men Trost Be oer NaN aes qe S aa ee zest love is sheds Her tial sschmih tr Liebe den Laset tne der ee < =e | Monarts Die Zacterfite."—Novello, Ewer and Cos Octavo Eaton. we es [Geet ee 7 tae tol, Ob let ue Tins - ten to her 1 FALL tem frweakrsrSehiek ‘sal geht ae aa : oe a 5 7 = 3s ee ea - tes ted, Oh tet os as ten fo Ker aid, : Oe Jiraleihe Sediei-col geke una tal > raiae z ste be SS ee Se piss Se — 7 pau ome eee = be. a. 1e- -- Fee Fat =a -—f—- — set Taco bing the Sho comen _a-while Tiwand a - DDN Mia aie ‘Sie font, lasstuns det Sel = te : ! = SS SSS = SSS = bring the ‘hap - loss anal! She comes, she comes, aoviile Ti stand a - me dhe Jay ting “dat Sie Roma, se Bom, vastiin bet Sets te =e = 2 £: See i Wind tain 7 * =e z: EE = = == ‘ile, wa-til we know what will be - tide, Wa - fil wo know what ween, dacmit wir, was "ste ma = he, sem, whe mit, a= ma te toa ve we 2 ome te : b. es = zea | = ——— a “ P25 oy SSS = 7s ret ? = side, an-til we know what will be - tide, wa - til we know, un -til wo wear ie rie wip, age ae mye che, Pawana (alpost mad, Dearing a dagger “End art thoa_ he, ‘my destined love? ‘Tide bit- fer what wil be - tide. © sie ms che, eel. Da al-ay Bist, mein Brits gam? ——ditreh dich volt know what will be - (Choy stand aside.) was ste ma = che, seh. oS 33: Monet's “ Die Zauberoto."Novell, Bwer and Co's Hmtero Baton,
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