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Chapter 12: oSocial Issues arising from

 The Conservative Order  Crime/Police Forces
o Concept of Europe  Prison Reform
o Conservative Outlook and its supporters  Government Policies
o Prussian Reforms o Chartism
o Revolts against Conservativism  Socialism
 Ottoman Empire
 Anarchism
 Greece
 Marxism
 Serbia
 1848 Revolutions
 Decembrist Revolt
o France
 1830 French Revolution
o Hapsburg
 Nationalism o Italy
o Views of the Congress of Vienna o Germany
 Why did they oppose?
o How did nationalism influence the Chapter 14:
creation of nations
o German Unification  The Crimean War
o Italian Unification o Russian Intent
o England and Ireland o Ottoman intent
o Hapsburg Empire o Outcome/Peace Settlement
o Polish Revolt  Ottoman Empire Reforms
o Belgium Independence  Italian Unification
 Liberalism o Views of the Romantic Republicans
o Political Goals o Count Cavour
o Role of Women o War with Austria
o Effect on the Hapsburg Empire  Territory Gained by Italy
 Classical Economics o Garibaldi
o Thomas Malthus o King Emmanuel II
o David Ricardo  Political Framework Established
 Postwar Repression/ Reconstruction through Unification
o Corn Laws in England  German Unification
o Restoration of the Burbon rule o German Confederation
 The Charter  What was it made up of?
o Effect of Ultraroyalism  How did it function?
o Great Reform Bill in Britain o Otto Von Bismarck
 Catholic Emancipation Act  Goals
 Spanish Revolution of 1820 o Wars of Unification
 Danish War
 Wars of Independence in Latin America
 Austro Prussian War
o San Martin in Rio De La Plata
o Political Framework Post-Unification
o Simon Bolivar in Gan Columbia
o Independence in New Spain  France
o Brazilian Independence o Paris Commune
o The Third Republic
Chapter 13:  Hapsburg Empire
o Creation of the Dual Monarchy
 Industrialization  Austria
o Effect on Population  Hungary
o Development of Railways o Compromise of 1867
o Emergence if Wage Labor
 Russia
o Effect on Women
o Reforms of Alexander II
o Effect on Children
 Serfdom
o Effect on Family Life
 Government
 Judiciary  Causes
 Military  Outcomes
o Repression of Poland
 Great Britain Chapter 16:
o Second Reform Act  Modern Life
o Gladstone’s Reforms o Reading Public
o Disraeli’s Reforms  Realism
o Ireland  Important Authors
Chapter 15:  Naturalism
 Important Authors
 Second Industrial Revolution  Modernism
o Comparison to the Frist Industrial  Important Authors
Revolution o Primary Education
o New Industries o Scientific Development
o Economic Difficulties  X-Rays and Radiation
 Middle Class  Theories of Quantum Energy,
o Petite bourgeoisie Relativity and Uncertainty
o Social anxieties/tensions within the o Education Act of 1870
middle class o Racism in 20th century Europe
 Urbanization o Zionism
o Redesigning cities  Dreyfus Affair
 How? Why? o German Kulturkampf
 New Paris o Role of the Catholic Church
 Development of Suburbs  Syllabus of Errors
o Urban Sanitation  Papal Infallibility
 Cholera o Reactions to the Spread of Islam
 Government regulations  Augute Comte
o Housing Reforms  Jean Baptiste Lamarck
 Role of Women  Charles Lyell
o Women and Property  Charles Darwin
o Family Law  Thomas Malthus
o Education  Alfred Russel Wallace
o Jobs  Herbert Spencer
o Cult of Domesticity  Thomas Henry Huxley
o Political Feminism
 David Fredrich Strauss
 Fight for Equality
 Frederic Nietzsche
 Suffrage in Britain and Abroad
 Max Weber
 Jewish Emancipation
 Birth of Psychoanalysis
 Labor Socialism and Politics
o Freud
o Role of Trade Unions
 Feminism
o Role of Political Parties
o Anti-Feminism
o Fabianism and British Welfare
o Sexual Morality
o French Socialism
o Virginia Woolf
o Germany
 SDP Chapter 17:
 Reichstag
 Erfurt Program  New Imperialism
o Russia o Spheres of Influence
 Industrialization o Protectorate
 Lenin’s View for Russia o Civilizing Mission
 Bolsheviks o White Man’s Burden
 Mensheviks  Contrast New Imperialism to Early Colonization
 1905 Revolution
 Impact of the Industrial Revolution on o Home Front
Imperialism o Western Front
 Scramble for Africa o Eastern Front
 British  Russian Revolution
o China o Bolsheviks
o Opium Wars  Post WWII
o New Zealand o Fourteen Points
o India o Treaty of Versailles
o Sepoy Rebellion o End of the Ottoman Empire
o Boar War o End of Austria-Hungarian Empire
o Egypt o League of Nations
 Suez Canal o Redistribution of Colonies
o West Africa
Chapter 19:
 French
o Tunisia  Effect of Versailles
o Algeria  Great Depression
o South East Asia o Effect on Agriculture
 Italy o Effect on daily life
o Ethiopia o Policies of France
o Libya o Policies of Great Britain
o West Africa  Soviet Experiment
 German o War Communism
o Otto Von Bismarck’s response to the o New Economic Polices
Berlin Conference  Rapid Industrialization
o Africa  Collectivization
o Pacific o Third International
 Belgian Congo o Stalin vs. Trotsky
 South African Colonies o Purges
 Russia  Italian Fascism
o Asian Colonies o Rise of Mussolini
 Boxer Rebellion  German Democracy
 Tools of Imperialism o Weimar Repiblic
o Steam Boats o Hitler
o Firearms  Rise of Hitler
o Medicine  Consolidation of Power
 Missionary Movements o Nazi Party
 Role for Women
Chapter 18:  Economic Policies
 Congress of Berlin o Locarno Agreements
 Triple Alliance o Anti-Semitism
o German-Russian Alliance  SS
o Franco-Russian Alliance  Nuremburg Laws
o Britain-German Relations  Kristallnacht
 World War I  Poland
o Bosnian Crisis  Czechoslovakia
 War in the Balkans  Hungary
o Moroccan Crisis  Austria
o The Assassination and Responses to the  Yugoslavia
Chapter 20:
o Triple Entente
o What made WWI different from  Road to War
previous wars o Rearmament
 Rhineland  Hungarian Uprising
 Austria  Cubin Missile Crisis
 Anschluss  Brezhnev Era
 Munich o Relations with Regan
o League of Nations  Invasion of Czechoslovakia
o Nazi-Soviet Pact o Valvet Revolution
 Italy and Ethiopia  Romania
 Spanish Civil War  Invasion of Afghanistan
 Germany in Europe  Decolonization
o Attack on Russia o British
o Third Reich o French
 Battle of Britain  Collapse of Communism
o Outcome for Germany o Gorbachev
 What caused the “tide” to turn?  Perestroika
o North Africa  Glasnost
o Stalingrad o Collapse of USSR
 Defeat of Germany  Yugoslavia
o Battle of the Budge  Putin in Russia
 Use of Propaganda in World War II
 Holocaust Chapter 22:
 End of the War  European Migrations
o Atlantic Charter  Islamic Migration
o Tehran Agreement  Population trends
o Yalta Conference  Welfare States
o Potsdam Conference o Creation
Chapter 21: o Resistance
 Feminism
 Containment  New Work Patterns
o Truman Doctrine  Intellectualism
o Marshall Plan  Existentialism
 Soviets in Eastern Europe  Religion
 Division of Germany o Orthodox
o Disagreements o Roman Catholic
o Berlin Blockade  European Union
o Unification of Germany o Creation
 Berlin Wall o Discord
o Building o Brexit
o Dismantling
 NATO vs. Warsaw Pact
o NATO Countries
o Warsaw Pact Countries
 Creation of Israel
o Balfour Declaration
o UN Resolution
o Palestine vs. Israel
 Korean War
 Khrushchev
o Domestic Polices
o Secret Speech
 Suez Crisis
 Polish Independence
o Solidarity Movement

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