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Amur Leopards

By: Matthew Sargent, Matthew

Cassidy & Kelsey McIvor
Reasons Why They Are Endangered
● Habitat loss from logging in Northern Russia
● Climate change making less of a snowy cold season
● Poaching for their beautiful fur
Ecosystem: Arctic Tundra in Northern Russia
Biotic Factors:
● Lack of food sources from changing climate in between seasons (less
plants=less herbivores for leopards to eat)
● Logging decreases habitat size & options

Abiotic Factors:

● Less snow melt (water source) as climate warms

○ Causes more competition for limited resource
Amur Leopards

Food Web of
The Arctic
Cycle of Matter and Energy in Arctic Tundra
● Starts w/ CO2 being taken in by Arctic wildflowers/other plants to create energy
○ Ends with the carcusses of animals releasing CO2 & energy back into
● Matter and energy are taken by plants from the atmosphere in the form of CO2
that matter and energy
○ It is released back in the atmosphere with breathing from the animals along
with decomposition from dead bodies
● Matter and energy enter into the hydrosphere with carbon dioxide being absorbed
by the ocean and produced into energy by plants
Trophic Levels

Amur Leopards


Connections to Planet
● Biosphere: layer of life
○ Species of leopard at risk of extinction
○ Would affect Russian ecosystem drastically
● Carbon Cycle: how the environment is suffering
○ Deforestation: releases CO2 stored in trees when cut down to mingle with
atmospheric gas
● Atmosphere: climate change
○ Habitat loss: global warming has cut back snowfall = difficult for leopard to
adjust to warmer climate
Disruption of Homeostasis
● Adaptations to cold no longer help
○ Thick coat
○ Longer legs to walk through snow
● Human Impact
○ Main prey of deer have begun to be raised in farms for food and their antlers
= many leopards shot when trying to hunt caged deer
○ Illegal poaching and trade
○ Logging
○ State of climate due to human race
● Biodiversity
○ Ecosystem needs amur leopards as key predator
● Ending climate change
○ Paris Climate Agreement
○ Political activism for more regulations and change
○ Daily adjustments
● Donate to WWF, Phoenix Fund or WCCA
● Spread awareness

These solutions would increase the population of Amur Leopards in Northern

Russia. This would stabilize the biodiversity of the ecosystem with a top
predator back at its natural numbers.
Save the Amur Leopards
PSA video

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