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1. David Sutton, Radiology and Imaging For Medical Students. Ed. 7

2. Grainger and Allianson's Diagnostic Radiology Abdominal Imaging
3. Texbook of Uroradiology
4. Differential Diagnosis in Computed Tomography Bugener
5. Differential Diagnosis in Ultrasound
6. Atlas of Musculosceletal Ultrasound
7. Janette Collins, Eric J. Stern. 2014. Chest Radiology The Essentials. Ed.3. Walters
8. Aya Kamaya, MD, Jade-Wong-You-Cheong. 2016. Diagnostic Ultrasound : Abdomen
and Pelvis. Amirsy Elsevier.
9. Erik Beek, Rick R. Van Rijn. 2013. Diagnostic Pediatric Ultrasound. Thieme.
10. Grainger, Allison. Diagnostic Radiology A Textbook of Imaging 2-volume set. Ed. 6.
11. Francis A. Buergener, Christopher Herzog. 2012. Differential Diagnosis in Computed
Tomography . Ed. 2. Thieme.
12. Mathias Hofer. CT Teaching Manual. Ed.2. Thieme.
13. David Sutton. A textbook of Radiology and Imaging. Ed. 5. Vol.2. Churchill
14. Lothar Wicke. Atlas Radiologi. Ed.3. EGC
15. Radiologi Diagnostik

1. Bluestone, Jeffrey P. Simmons, Gerald B. Healy. 2014. Pediatric Otolaryngology. Ed.
2. Julianna Gulya, Lloyd B. Minor. 2010. Shambaugh Surgery of The Ear. Ed. 6. People
Medical Publishing House.
3. Paul W. Flint, Bruce H. Haughey, Velerie J. Lund, dkk. 2014. Cummings
Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery. Ed.6. People Medical Publishing House.
4. Atlas Berwarna Teknik Pemriksaan Kelainan Telinga Hidung Tenggorok
5. Buku Ajar Ilmu Kesehatan Telinga Hidung Tenggorokan Kepala Dan Leher
6. Current Diagnosis And Treatment Otolaryngology Head And Neck Surgery 2e

1. FitzPatrick. Textbook of Dermatology.
2. Ilmu Penyakit Kulit Dan Kelamin
3. Atlas Penyakit Kulit Dan Kelamin Edisi 2
4. Fitzpatrick's Color Atlas And Synopsis Of Clinical Dermatology, 6e
5. Infeksi Menular Seksual Edisi 4
6. Lecture Notes Dermatologi
7. Fitzpatrick's Color Atlas And Synopsis Of Clinical Dermatology


1. Pengantar Ilmu Penyakit Paru. Airlangga University.

2. Pedoman dan Terapi Ilmu Penyakit Paru. FK UNAIR.
3. At A Glance Sistem Respirasi
4. Mauro Bendinelli, Herman Friedman. 2012. Mycobacterium tuberculosis :
Interactions with the immune system.
5. Susan Tarlo, Paul Cullinan, Benoit Nemery. 2011. Occupational and Enviromental
Lung disease : Diseases from work.
6. Richard W. Light, Y C Gary Lee. 2016. Textbook of pleural diseases.Ed.3
7. Peter J. Barnes, Jeffrey M. Drazen, Stephen I. Rennard. 2009. Asthma and COPD :
Basic Mechanisms and Clinical Management. Ed.2
8. Aili Lazaar. 2006. Bronchial vascular remodeling in Asthma and COPD.
9. Marvin I. Schwarz, Talmadge E. King. 2010. Interstitial Lung Disease.
10. Steven G Spiro. Clinical Respiratory Medicine. Ed.4. Expert Consult.
11. Robert M Kacmarek. Egan's : Fundamental of Respiratory Care. Ed.10. Mosby.
12. Terry Des Jardins. Egan's : Fundamental of Respiratory Care. Ed.10. Mosby.
13. Terry Des Jardins. Clinical manifestasions and assessment of respiratory disease. Ed.7
14. Andrew Lumb. Nunn's apllied respiratory physiology. Ed.8. Elsevier.
15. Polly E Parsons. Pulmonary/Respiratory Therapy. Ed. 3. Mosby.
16. Paul M o'Byrne. Manual of Asthma Management. Ed 2. Elsevier.


1. Prof. Dr. dr. Mahar Mardjono, Prof. Dr. dr. Priguna Sidharta. 2010. Neurologi Klinis
Dasar. Dian rakyat.
2. Anatomi Saraf
3. Priguna Sidharta. Pemeriksaan dan gejala klinis.
4. Buku Ajar Neurologi.
5. Priguna Sidharta. Neurologi Klinis dalam praktek umum. Dian rakyat.
6. Priguna Sidharta. Tata pemeriksaan klinis dalam neurologi. Dian Rakyat.
7. Peter Duus. Diagnosis Topik Neurologi. EGC
8. Diagnosis Topis Neurologi Duus…Anatomi, Fisiologi, Tanda Dan Gejala
9. Panduan Praktis Diagnosis Dan Tata Laksanan Penyakit Syaraf
10. Panduan Praktis Pemeriksaan Neurologis (Neurological Examination Made Easy)
11. Neurologi Klinis Dalam Praktik Umum
12. Tata Pemeriksaan Klinis Dalam Neurologi
13. Pemeriksaan Fisik Saraf Spinal
14. A Lange Medical Book Current Diagnosis And Treatment Neurology


1. William's Obstetric
2. Novac Gynecology
3. Ilmu Kebidanan Sarwono
4. Ilmu Kandungan Sarwono
5. Buku Saku Obstetri Dan Ginekologi
6. Williams Obstetri, Jilid 1
7. Williams Obstetri, Jilid 2
8. Williams Gynecology
9. Williams Obstetrics 23e
10. At A Glance Obstetri Dan Ginekologi
11. Williams Obstetrics, Study Guide
12. Williams Gynecologi, Study Guide
13. Pratical Obstetrics And Gynecology-2

1. Wallace R, Kohatsu N, et al. Public health and preventive medicine. 15th. McGraw
2. Bonita R., Beaglehole R., Kjellstorm. 2006. Basic Epidemiology. Ed.2. Geneva,
3. James M Raczynski, Ralph J Diclemente. 2014. The handbook of health promotion
and disease prevention. Plenum publisher.
4. Rakel, R, Rakel D. 2011. Textbook of family medicine. 8th. Elsevier.
5. Petrie, A, Sabin, C. 2006. Medical statistic at a glance. Ed.2. Wiley Blackwell
1. Buku Ajar Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FK UI
2. Buku Ajar Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FK UI. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine.
Ed.19. Vol.1.
3. Bambang Setyohadi, Sally A. Nasution, Putu Moda A. Kegawatdaruratan Penyakit
Dalam. Buku 2 (EIMED lanjut). PAPDI
4. Sally A. Nasution, Mardi Santoso, Andhika Rachman, Muhadi. Clinical Pathway.
5. Buku Ajar Gastroenterologi – Hepatologi
6. Harrison's Principles Of Internal Medicine 18e Vol.1
7. Harrison's Principles Of Internal Medicine 18e Vol.2
8. Lecture Notes Kardiologi
9. At A Glance Sistem Kardiovaskular
10. At A Glance Sistem Ginjal
11. Harrisons Principles Of Internal Medicine, Self Assessment And Board Review
1. Buku Saku Dosis Obat Pediatri
2. John E. Hall . Textbook of Medical Physiology. Ed.13
3. Nelson. Essentials of Pediatrics. Ed 15
4. Christine A. Gleason, Sherin U. Devaskar. Avery's Disease of The Newborn. Ed.9.
5. Advanced Paediatric Life Support. Ed.6. Wiley Blackwell Publishing
6. Textbook of Neonatal Resusciitation
7. Michael D. Cabana. Rudolph's Pediatrics, Self-Assessment and board review. Ed.22
8. Nelson's Pediatric Antimicrobial Theraphy. Ed 22. 2014
9. Case Files Pediatri
10. Buku Ajar Endokrinologi Anak
11. Buku Ajar Alergi - Imunologi Anak
12. Buku Ajar Hematologi - Onkologi Anak
13. Buku Ajar Nefrologi Anak
14. Buku Ajar Neonatologi (Idai)
15. Radiologi Anak
16. Nelson Textbook Of Pediatric Edisi 19
17. Atlas Berwarna Pediatri
18. Buku Ajar Respirologi Anak (Idai)
19. Lecture Notes Pediatrika
20. At A Glance Neonatologi
21. Nelson Textbook Of Pediatric Edisi 17
22. Case Files Pediatrics
1. F. Charles Brunicardi. Schwartz's Principles of Surgery. Ed.10. Mc Graw Hill.
2. John Stuart Brown. Buku ajar dan atlas Bedah Minor. EGC
3. Appley. Appley Orthopedic.
4. Robert Bruce Salter. Salter Orthopedic.
5. dr. Dohar Tobing, Sp.OT. Pemeriksaan Fisik Ortopedik. FK UI.
6. Case Files Ilmu Bedah
7. Current Diagnosis & Treatment Surgery 13e
8. Buku Ajar Ilmu Bedah Edisi 3
9. At A Glance Ilmu Bedah
10. Smith And Tanagho's General Urology
1. Sinopsis of Psychiatry
2. PPDG Depkes
3. DSM V
1. Anestesi Klinis. FK UI
2. Morgan. Clinical Anesthesiology

1. Vaughan Ophtamology
2. Aao ophtamology
3. Mata FK UI Sidarta
4. Mata FK UGM
5. Vaughan & Asbury Oftalmologi Umum (Vaughan & Asbury's General
6. Ilmu Penyakit Mata Ed.4
7. Lecture Notes Optalmologi
8. At A Glance Optalmologi


1. Al Islam jilid 1
2. Al Islam jilid 2
3. Al Islam jilid 3
4. Kemuhammadiyahan
5. Himpunan Tarjih Muhammadiyah (HPT)

Rehabilitasi Medik

1. At A Glance Anatomi
2. Anatomi Berorientasi Klinis Jilid 3 : Kepala,Lehersaraf-Sarafkranial
3. Anatomi Berorientasi Klinis Jilid 2 : Puenggung,Ekstremitas Bawah, Ekstremitas Atas
4. Anatomi Berorientasi Klinis Jilid 1 : Torak, Abdomen, Pelvis Dan Perineum
5. The Atlas Of Emergency Medicine
6. Imaging Atlas Of Human Anatomy

Dr. dr. Hari Wujoso, Sp.F

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