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Section 4.

C04S04.001: f  (x) = 2x − 4; x = 2 is the only critical point. Because f  (x) > 0 for x > 2 and f  (x) < 0
for x < 2, it follows that f (2) = 1 is the global minimum value of f (x). The graph of y = f (x) is shown

-1 1 2 3 4 5

C04S04.002: f  (x) = 6 − 2x, so x = 3 is the only critical point. If x < 3 then f is increasing, whereas f
is decreasing for x > 3, so f (3) = 9 is the global maximum value of f (x).

C04S04.003: f  (x) = 3x2 − 6x = 3x(x − 2), so x = 0 and x = 2 are the only critical points. If x < 0 or if
x > 2 then f  (x) is positive, but f  (x) < 0 for 0 < x < 2. So f (0) = 5 is a local maximum and f (2) = 1 is a
local minimum. The graph of y = f (x) is shown next.




-2 -1 1 2 3 4


C04S04.004: f  (x) = 3x2 − 3 = 3(x + 1)(x − 1), so x = 1 and x = −1 are the only critical points. If
x < −1 or if x > 1, then f  (x) > 0, whereas f  (x) < 0 on (−1, 1). So f (−1) = 7 is a local maximum value
and f (1) = 3 is a local minimum value.

C04S04.005: f  (x) = 3x2 − 6x + 3 = 3(x − 1)2 , so x = 1 is the only critical point of f . f  (x) > 0 if x = 1,
so the graph of f is increasing for all x; so f has no extrema of any sort. The graph of y = f (x) is shown





-2 -1 1 2 3 4



C04S04.006: f  (x) = 6x2 + 6x − 36 = 6(x + 3)(x − 2), so x = −3 and x = 2 are the only critical points. If
x < −3 or if x > 2 then f  (x) > 0, but f  (x) < 0 on the interval (−3, 2). So f (−3) = 98 is a local maximum
value of f (x) and f (2) = −27 is a local minimum value.

C04S04.007: f  (x) = −6(x − 5)(x + 2); f  (x) < 0 if x < −2 and if x > 5, but f  (x) > 0 for −2 < x < 5.
Hence f (−2) = −58 is a local minimum value of f and f (5) = 285 is a local maximum value. The graph of
y = f (x) is shown next.





-6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8


C04S04.008: f  (x) = −3x2 , so x = 0 is the only critical point. But f  (x) < 0 if x = 0, so f is decreasing
everywhere. Therefore there are no extrema.

C04S04.009: f  (x) = 4x(x − 1)(x + 1); f  (x) < 0 for x < −1 and on the interval (0, 1), whereas f  (x) > 0
for x > 1 and on the interval (−1, 0). Consequently, f (−1) = −1 = f (1) is the global minimum value of
f (x) and f (0) = 0 is a local maximum value. Note that the [unique] global minimum value occurs at two

different points on the graph of f , which is shown next.



-2 -1 1 2



C04S04.010: f  (x) = 15x2 (x + 1)(x − 1), so f  (x) > 0 if x < −1 and if x > 1, but f  (x) < 0 on (−1, 0)
and on (0, 1). Therefore f (0) = 0 is not an extremum of f (x), but f (−1) = 2 is a local maximum value and
f (1) = −2 is a local minimum value. The graph of y = f (x) is shown next.

-1 -0.5 0.5 1



C04S04.011: f  (x) = 1 − 9x−2 , so the critical points occur where x = −3 and x = 3 (horizontal tangents);
note that f is not defined at x = 0. If x2 > 9 then f  (x) > 0, so f is increasing if x > 3 and if x < −3.
If x2 < 9 then f  (x) < 0, so f is decreasing on (−3, 0) and on (0, 3). Therefore f (−3) = −6 is a local
maximum value and f (3) = 6 is a local minimum value for f (x). The graph of y = f (x) is next.



-4 -2 2 4



C04S04.012: Here,

2 2(x3 − 1) 2(x − 1)(x2 + x + 1)
f  (x) = 2x − = = .
x2 x2 x2

Because x2 + x + 1 > 0 for all x, the only critical point is x = 1; note that f is not defined at x = 0. Also
f  (x) has the sign of x − 1, so f  (x) > 0 for x > 1 and f  (x) < 0 for 0 < x < 1 and for x < 0. Consequently
f (1) = 3 is a local minimum value of f (x). It is not a global minimum because f (x) → −∞ as x → 0− . The
graph of y = f (x) is shown next.



-4 -2 2 4



C04S04.013: If f (x) = 2x − , then
2 2(x3 + 1) 2(x + 1)(x2 − x + 1)
f  (x) = 2 + = = .
x3 x3 x3

Hence the graph of f is increasing if x < −1 and if 0 < x; the graph is decreasing if −1 < x < 0. Thus there
is a local maximum where x = −1. Because f (x) → +∞ as x → +∞, the local maximum at (−1, −3) is
not global. There are no other extrema. The graph of f is next.

-4 -2 2 4




C04S04.014: If f (x) = x2 − , then
16 2(x3 + 8) 2(x + 2)(x2 − 2x + 4)
f  (x) = 2x + = = .
x2 x2 x2

Hence the graph of f is decreasing if x < −2 but increasing if −2 < x < 0 and if 0 < x. Thus there is a
local minimum at x = −2. Because f (x) → −∞ as x → 0+ , the local minimum at (−2, 12) is not global.

There are no other extrema. The graph of f is next.




-6 -4 -2 2 4 6



C04S04.015: If f (x) = 3 − x2/3 , then

2 2
f  (x) = − x−1/3 = − 1/3 .
3 3x

Hence the graph of f is increasing if x < 0 and decreasing if x > 0. Because f is continuous at x = 0
(indeed, f is continuous everywhere), there is a global maximum at the point (0, 3). The graph of f is next.

-7.5 -5 -2.5 2.5 5 7.5


C04S04.016: If f (x) = 4 + x1/3 , then

1 −2/3 1
f  (x) = x = .
3 3x2/3

Hence the graph of f is increasing if x < 0 and if x > 0. Because f is continuous everywhere, including
x = 0, it is simpler and correct to state that f is increasing everywhere. Consequently f has no extrema of

any kind. The graph of f is next.




-3 -2 -1 1 2 3


C04S04.017: f  (x) = 2 sin x cos x; f  (x) = 0 when x is any integral multiple of π/2. In (0, 3), f  (x) = 0
when x = π/2. Because f  (x) > 0 if 0 < x < π/2 and f  (x) < 0 if π/2 < x < 3, f (x) has the global
maximum value f (π/2) = 1.

C04S04.018: f  (x) = −2 sin x cos x; f  (x) = 0 when x = 0 and when x = π/2. f is increasing on (−1, 0)
and on (π/2, 3), whereas f is decreasing on (0, π/2). So f has a global maximum at (0, 1) and a global
minimum at (π/2, 0).

C04S04.019: f  (x) = 3 sin2 x cos x; f  (x) = 0 when x = −π/2, 0, or π/2. f is decreasing on (−3, −π/2)
and on (π/2, 3), but increasing on (−π/2, π/2). So f has a global minimum at (−π/2, −1) and a global
maximum at (π/2, 1); there is no extremum at the critical point (0, 0).

C04S04.020: f  (x) = −4 cos3 x sin x vanishes at π/2 and at π. f is decreasing on (0, π/2) and on (π, 4),
but increasing on (π/2, π). Hence there is a global minimum at (π/2 , 0) and a global maximum at (π, 1).

C04S04.021: f  (x) = x sin x; f  (x) = 0 at −π, 0, and π. f  (x) > 0 on (−π, π), f  (x) < 0 on (−5, −π) and
on (π, 5). So f has a global maximum at (π, π) and a global minimum at (−π, −π). Note that the critical
point (0, 0) is not an extremum.

C04S04.022: Given: f (x) = cos x + x sin x on I = (−5, 5). First, f  (x) = x cos x, so f  (x) = 0 (for x in
I) when

π 3π
x = 0, x = ± , x = ± .
2 2
Hence f  (x) < 0 on (−5, −3π/2), (−π/2, 0), and (π/2, 3π/2); f  (x) > 0 on (−3π/2, −π/2), (0, π/2), and
on (3π/2, 5). Therefore there are global minima at (−3π/2, −3π/2) and (3π/2, −3π/2), global maxima at
(−π/2, π/2) and (π/2, π/2), and a local minimum at (0, 1). The global minima are global rather than local
because f (±5) ≈ −4.510959.

C04S04.023: If f (x) = tan2 x = (tan x)2 , −1 < x < 1, then f  (x) = 2 sec2 x tan x, so the only critical
point of f is x = 0. Because f  (x) < 0 if x < 0 and f  (x) > 0 if x > 0, the graph of f has a global minimum
at (0, 0). There are no other critical points in the given domain.

C04S04.024: If f (x) = tan3 x, −1 < x < 1, then f  (x) = 3 tan2 x sec2 x, so the only critical point of f
in the given domain occurs where x = 0. But f  (x) > 0 if −1 < x < 0 and if 0 < x < 1, so the graph of f is
increasing on (−1, 1). Hence f has no extremum at (0, 0).

C04S04.025: If f (x) = 2 tan x − tan2 x, then

f  (x) = 2 sec2 x − 2 sec2 x tan x = 2(1 − tan x) sec2 x.

Hence f  (x) = 0 when x = π/4; f  (x) > 0 if 0 < x < π/4 and f  (x) < 0 if π/4 < x < 1. Therefore the
graph of y = f (x) has a global maximum at (π/4, 1) and there are no other extrema.

C04S04.026: Given: f (x) = (1 − 2 sin x)2 for 0 < x < 2. Then f  (x) = −4(1 − 2 sin x) cos x, so f  (x) = 0
when x = π/6 and when x = π/2. Also f  (x) < 0 if 0 < x < π/6 and if π/2 < x < 2, whereas f  (x) > 0
if π/6 < x < π/2. Hence there is a local minimum where x = π/6 and a local maximum where x = π/2.
Because f (π/6) = 0 and f (x) > 0 if x = π/6, the graph of f has a global minimum at (π/6, 0). Because
f (π/2) = 1 and f (x) < 1 if x = π/2, the graph of f has a global maximum at (π/2, 1).

C04S04.027: Let x be the smaller of the two numbers; then the other is x + 20 and their product is
f (x) = x2 + 20x. Consequently f  (x) = 2x + 20, so x = −10 is the only critical point of f . The graph of
f is decreasing for x < −10 and increasing for x > −10. Therefore (−10, −100) is the lowest point on the
graph of f . Answer: The two numbers are −10 and 10.

C04S04.028: We assume that the length turned upward is the same on each side—call it y. If the width
of the gutter is x, then we have the constraint xy = 18, and we are to minimize the width x + 2y of the
strip. Its width is given by the function

f (x) = x + , x > 0,
for which

f  (x) = 1 − .
The only critical point in the domain of f is x = 6, and if 0 < x < 6 then f  (x) < 0, whereas f  (x) > 0 for
x > 6. Thus x = 6 yields the global minimum value f (6) = 12 of the function f . Answer: The minimum
possible width of the strip is 12 inches.

C04S04.029: Let us minimize

g(x) = (x − 3)2 + (3 − 2x − 2)2 = (x − 3)2 + (1 − 2x)2 ,

the square of the distance from (x, y) on the line 2x + y = 3 to the point (3, 2). We have

g  (x) = 2(x − 3) − 4(1 − 2x) = 10x − 10,

so x = 1 is the only critical point of g(x). If x > 1 then g  (x) > 0, but g  (x) < 0 for x < 1. Thus x = 1
minimizes g(x), and so the point on the line 2x+y = 3 closest to the point (3, 2) is (1, 1). As an independent
check, note that the slope of the line segment joining (3, 2) and (1, 1) is 12 , whereas the slope of the line
2x + y = 3 is −2, so the segment and the line are perpendicular; see Miscellaneous Problem 70 of Chapter 3.

C04S04.030: Base of box: x wide, 2x long. Height: y. Then the box has volume 2x2 y = 576, so
y = 288x−2 . Its total surface area is A = 4x2 + 6xy, so we minimize

A = A(x) = 4x2 + , x > 0.

A (x) = 8x − ,
so the only critical point of A(x) occurs when 8x3 = 1728; that is, when x = 6. It is easy to verify that
A (x) < 0 for 0 < x < 6 and A (x) > 0 for x > 6. Therefore A(6) is the global minimum value of A(x). Also,
when x = 6 we have y = 8. Answer: The dimensions of the box of minimal surface area are 6 inches wide
by 12 inches long by 8 inches high.

C04S04.031: Base of box: x wide, 2x long. Height: y. Then the box has volume 2x2 y = 972, so
y = 486x−2 . Its total surface area is A = 2x2 + 6xy, so we minimize

A = A(x) = 2x2 + , x > 0.

A (x) = 4x − ,
so the only critical point of A(x) occurs when 4x3 = 2916; that is, when x = 9. It is easy to verify that
A (x) < 0 for 0 < x < 9 and that A (x) > 0 for x > 9. Therefore A(9) is the global minimum value of A(x).
Answer: The dimensions of the box are 9 inches wide, 18 inches long, and 6 inches high.

C04S04.032: If the radius of the base of the pot is r and its height is h (inches), then we are to minimize
the total surface area A given the constraint πr2 h = 125. Thus h = 125/(πr2 ), and so

A = πr2 + 2πrh = A(r) = πr2 + , r > 0.

A (r) = 2πr − ;

A (r) = 0 when r3 = 125/π, so that r = 5/ 3 π. The latter point is the only value of r at which A (r) can
change sign (for r > 0), and it is easy to see that A (r) is positive when r is large positive, whereas A (r)
is negative when r is near zero. Therefore we have located the global minimum of A(r), and it occurs when
√ √
the pot has radius r = 5/ 3 π inches and height h = 5/ 3 π inches. Thus the pot will have its radius equal to
its height, each approximately 3.414 inches.

C04S04.033: Let r denote the radius of the pot and h its height. We are given the constraint πr2 h = 250,
so h = 250/(πr2 ). Now the bottom of the pot has area πr2 , and thus costs 4πr2 cents. The curved side of
the pot has area 2πrh, and thus costs 4πrh cents. So the total cost of the pot is

C = 4πr2 + 4πrh; thus C = C(r) = 4πr2 + , r > 0.

C  (r) = 8πr − ;

C  (r) = 0 when 8πr3 = 1000, so that r = 5/ 3 π. It is clear that this is the only (positive) value of r at which
C  (r) can change sign, and that C  (r) < 0 for r positive and near zero, but C  (r) > 0 for r large positive.

Therefore we have found the value of r that minimizes C(r). The corresponding value of h is 10/ 3 π, so the
pot of minimal cost has height equal to its diameter, each approximately 6.828 centimeters.

C04S04.034: If (x, y) = (x, 4 − x2 ) is a point on the parabola y = 4 − x2 , then the square of its distance
from the point (3, 4) is

h(x) = (x − 3)2 + (4 − x2 − 4)2 = (x − 3)2 + x4 .

We minimize the distance by minimizing its square:

h (x) = 2(x − 3) + 4x3 ;

h (x) = 0 when 2x3 + x − 3 = 0. It is clear that h (1) = 0, so x − 1 is a factor of h (x); h (x) = 0 is equivalent
to (x − 1)(2x2 + 2x + 3) = 0. The quadratic factor in the last equation is always positive, so x = 1 is the
only critical point of h(x). Also h (x) < 0 if x < 1, whereas h (x) > 0 for x > 1, so x = 1 yields the global
minimum value h(1) = 5 for h(x). When √ x = 1 we have y = 3, so the point on the parabola y = 4 − x2
closest to (3, 4) is (1, 3), at distance 5 from it.

C04S04.035: If the sides of the rectangle are x and y, then xy = 100, so that y = . Therefore the
perimeter of the rectangle is

P = P (x) = 2x + , x > 0.

P  (x) = 2 − ;
P  (x) = 0 when x = 10 (−10 is not in the domain of P (x)). Now P  (x) < 0 on (0, 10) and P  (x) > 0 for
x > 10, and so x = 10 minimizes P (x). A little thought about the behavior of P (x) for x near zero and for
x large makes it clear that we have found the global minimum value for P : P (10) = 40. When x = 10, also
y = 10, so the rectangle of minimal perimeter is indeed a square.

C04S04.036: Let x denote the length of each side of the square base of the solid and let y denote its
height. Then its total volume is x2 y = 1000. We are to minimize its total surface area A = 2x2 + 4xy. Now
y = 2 , so
A = A(x) = 2x2 + , x > 0.

dA 4000
= 4x − 2 .
dx x
The derivative is zero when 4x3 = 4000; that is, when x = 10. Also A(x) is decreasing on (0, 10) and
increasing for x > 10. So x = 10 yields the global minimum value of A(x). In this case, y = 10 as well, so
the solid is indeed a cube.

C04S04.037: Let the square base of the box have edge length x and let its height be y, so that its total
volume is x2 y = 62.5 and the surface area of this box-without-top will be A = x2 + 4xy. So

A = A(x) = x2 + , x > 0.

A (x) = 2x − ,
so A (x) = 0 when x3 = 125: x = 5. In this case, y = 2.5. Also A (x) < 0 if 0 < x < 5 and A (x) > 0 if
x > 5, so we have found the global minimum for A(x). Answer: Square base of edge length 5 inches, height
2.5 inches.

C04S04.038: Let r denote the radius of the can and h its height (in centimeters). We are to minimize its
total surface area A = 2πr2 + 2πrh given the constraint πr2 h = V = 16π. First we note that h = V /(πr2 ),
so we minimize

A = A(r) = 2πr2 + , r > 0.

A (r) = 4πr − ;
A (r) = 0 when 4πr3 = 2V = 32π—that is, when r = 2. Now A(r) is decreasing on (0, 2) and increasing for
r > 2, so the global minimum of A(r) occurs when r = 2, for which h = 4.

C04S04.039: Let x denote the radius and y the height of the cylinder (in inches). Then its cost (in cents)
is C = 8πx2 + 4πxy, and we also have the constraint πx2 y = 100. So

C = C(x) = 8πx2 + , x > 0.

Now dC/dx = 16πx − 400/(x2 ); dC/dx = 0 when x = (25/π)1/3 (about 1.9965 inches) and consequently,
when y = (1600/π)1/3 (about 7.9859 inches). Because C  (x) < 0 if x3 < 25/π and C  (x) > 0 if x3 > 25/π,
we have indeed found the dimensions that minimize the total cost of the can. For simplicity, note that y = 4x
at minimum: The height of the can is twice its diameter.

C04S04.040: If the print width is x and its height is y (in inches), then the page area is A = (x + 2)(y + 4).
We are to minimize A given xy = 30. Because y = 30/x,

A = A(x) = 4x + 38 + , x > 0.

A (x) = 4 − ;
√ √ √
A (x)√ = 0 when x = 15. But A (x) > 0 for x > 15 whereas √ A (x) < 0 for 0 < x < 15. Therefore
x = 15 yields the global minimum value of A(x), which is 38 + 8 15, approximately 68.98 square inches.

C04S04.041: Let (x, y) = (x, x2 ) denote an arbitrary point on the curve. The square of its distance from
(0, 2) is then

f (x) = x2 + (x2 − 2)2 .

Now f  (x) = 2x(2x2 − 
3), and therefore f  (x)
 = 0 when x = 0, when
 x = − 3/2, and when
 x = + 3/2.
Now f (x) < 0 if x < − 3/2 and if 0 < x < 3/2; f (x) > 0 if − 3/2 < x < 0 and if x > 3/2. Therefore

x = 0 yields a local maximum for f ; the other two zeros of f  (x) yield its
 global minimum.Answer: There
are exactly two points on the curve that are nearest (0, 2); they are (+ 3/2, 3/2) and (− 3/2, 3/2).

C04S04.042: Let (a, 0) and (0, b) denote the endpoints of the segment and denote its point of tangency
by (c, 1/c). The segment then has slope −1/c2 , and therefore

b−0 1 (1/c) − 0
=− 2 = .
0−a c c−a

It follows that b = a/c2 and that c = a − c, so a = 2c and b = 2/c. The square of the length of the segment
is then

f (c) = 4c2 + , c > 0.

f  (c) = 8c − ;
f  (c) = 0 when c = −1 and when c = 1. We reject the negative solution. On the interval (0, 1), f
is decreasing;
 f√is increasing for c > 1. Therefore c = 1 gives the segment of minimal length, which is
L = f (1) = 2 2.

C04S04.043: If the dimensions of the rectangle are x by y, and the line segment bisects the side of length
x, then the square of the length of the segment is
 x 2 x2 4096
f (x) = + y2 = + 2 , x > 0,
2 4 x
because y = 64/x. Now

x 8192
f  (x) =
− 3 .
2 x
√ √
When f  (x)
√ = 0, we must have x = +8 2, so that y √
= 4 2. We have found the minimum of f because
√  if
0 < x < 8 2 then f (x) < 0, and f (x) > 0 if x > 8 2. The minimum length satisfies L = f 8 2 , so
that L = 8 centimeters.

C04S04.044: Let y be the height of the cylindrical part and x the length of the radii of both the cylinder
and the hemisphere. The total surface area is

A = πx2 + 2πxy + 2πx2 = 3πx2 + 2πxy.

But the can must have volume V = πx2 y + 23 πx3 , so

1000 − 23 πx3
y= .

5 2 2000
A = A(x) = πx + , x > 0.
3 x

dA 10 2000
= πx − 2 .
dx 3 x

Now dA/dx = 0 when x = (600/π)1/3 ≈ 5.7588. Because dA/dx < 0 for smaller values of x and dA/dx > 0
for larger values, we have found the point at which A(x) attains its global minimum value. After a little
arithmetic, we find that y = x, so the radius of the hemisphere and the radius and height of the cylinder
should all be equal to (600/π)1/3 to attain minimal surface area.
This argument contains the implicit assumption that y > 0. If y = 0, then

x = (1500/π)1/3 ≈ 7.8159, for which

A = (150)(18π)1/3 ≈ 575.747 cubic inches.

But with x = y = (600/π)1/3 , we have

A = (100)(45π)1/3 ≈ 520.940 cubic inches.

So the solution in the first paragraph indeed yields the dimensions of the can requiring the least amount of

C04S04.045: If the end of the rod projects the distance y into the narrower hall, then we have the
proportion y/2 = 4/x by similar triangles. So y = 8/x. The square of the length of the rod is then
2 8
f (x) = (x + 2) + 4 + , x > 0.

It follows that

64 128
f  (x) = 4 + 2x − − 3 ,
x2 x

and that f  (x) = 0 when (x + 2)(x3 − 32) = 0. The only admissible solution is x = 3 32, which indeed
minimizes f (x) by the usual argument (f (x) is very large positive if x is either large positive or positive and
very close to zero). The minimum length is
 √ √ 1/2
≈ 8.323876 (meters).
3 3
L = 20 + 12 4 + 12 16

C04S04.046: By similar triangles, y/1 = 8/x, and

L1 + L2 = L = (x + 1)2 + (y + 8)2 .

We minimize L by minimizing
2 28
f (x) = L = (x + 1) + 8 + , x > 0.
128 128
f  (x) = 2 + 2x − − 2 ;
x3 x
f  (x) = 0 when 2x3 + 2x4 − 128 − 128x = 0, which leads to the equation

(x + 1)(x − 4)(x2 + 4x + 16) = 0.

The only relevant solution is x = 4. Because f  (x) < 0 for x in the interval (−1, 4) and f  (x) > 0 if x > 4,
we have indeed found the√ global minimum of f . The corresponding value of y is 2, and the length of the
shortest ladder is L = 5 5 feet, approximately 11 ft 2 in.

C04S04.047: If the pyramid has base edge length x and altitude y, then its volume is V = 13 x2 y. From
Fig. 4.4.30 we see also that

2y a
= tan θ and = cos θ
x y−a
where θ is the angle that each side of the pyramid makes with its base. It follows, successively, that

= cos2 θ;

(y − a)2 − a2
sin2 θ = 1 − cos2 θ =
(y − a)2

y 2 − 2ay y(y − 2a)

= = .
(y − a)2 (y − a)2
y(y − 2a)
sin θ = .
x sin θ x y(y − 2a) y−a
y= = ;
2 cos θ 2 y−a a
2y = y(y − 2a) ;
4a2 y 2
x2 = .
y(y − 2a)

1 2 4a2 y 2
V = x y = V (y) = , y > 2a.
3 3(y − 2a)

dV 24a2 y(y − 2a) − 12a2 y 2

= .
dy 9(y − 2a)2
The condition dV /dy = 0 then implies that 2(y − 2a) = y, and thus that y = 4a. Consequently the minimum
volume of the pyramid is

(4a2 )(16a2 ) 32 3
V (4a) = = a .
(3)(2a) 3
The ratio of the volume of the smallest pyramid to that of the sphere is then

32/3 32 8
= = .
4π/3 4π π

C04S04.048: Let x denote the distance from the noisier of the two discos. Let K be the “noise propor-
tionality” constant. The noise level at x is then

4K K
N (x) = + .
x2 (1000 − x)2

8K 2K
N  (x) = − + .
x3 (1000 − x)3

Now N  (x) = 0 when 4(1000 − x)3 = x3 ; if so, it follows that

x= ≈ 613.512.
1 + 41/3

Because the noise level is very high when x is near zero and when x is near 1000, the last value of x minimizes
the noise level—the quietest point is about 613.5 feet from the noisier of the two discos.

C04S04.049: Let z be the length of the segment from the top of the tent to the midpoint of one side of
its base. Then x2 + y 2 = z 2 . The total surface area of the tent is

A = 4x2 + (4)( 12 )(2x)(z) = 4x2 + 4xz = 4x2 + 4x(x2 + y 2 )1/2 .

Because the [fixed] volume V of the tent is given by

1 4
V = (4x2 )(y) = x2 y,
3 3

we have y = 3V /(4x2 ), so

A = A(x) = 4x2 + (16x6 + 9V 2 )1/2 .

After simplifications, the condition dA/dx = 0 takes the form

 1/2 1  
8x 16x6 + 9V 2 − 2 16x6 + 9V 2 + 48x4 = 0,

which has solution x = 2−7/6 3 3V . Because this is the only positive solution of the equation, and because
it is clear that neither large values of x nor values of x near zero will yield small values of the surface area,
this is the desired value of x.

C04S04.050: By similar triangles in Fig. 4.4.28, we have y/a = b/x, and thus y = ab/x. If L denotes the
length of the ladder, then we minimize
 a 2
L2 = f (x) = (x + a)2 + (y + b)2 = (x + a)2 + b2 1 + , x > 0.

 a a 
f  (x) = 2(x + a) + 2b2 1 + − 2 ;
x x

f  (x) = 0 when x3 = ab2 , so that x = a1/3 b2/3 and y = a2/3 b1/3 . It’s clear that f is differentiable on its
domain and that f (x) → +∞ as x → 0+ and as x → +∞. Therefore we have minimized L. With these
values of x and y, we find that

 1/2  2 1/2  2 1/2  1/2
L = a2 + y 2 + x + b2 = a + a4/3 b2/3 + a2/3 b4/3 + b2
 1/2  1/2   1/2
= a2/3 a2/3 + b2/3 + b2/3 a2/3 + b2/3 = a2/3 + b2/3 a2/3 + b2/3
= a2/3 + b2/3 .

Note that the answer is dimensionally correct.

C04S04.051: Let x denote the length of each edge of the square base of the box and let y denote the height
of the box. Then x2 y = V where V is the fixed volume of the box. The surface total area of this closed box

A = 2x2 + 4xy, and hence A(x) = 2x2 + , 0 < x < +∞.

4V 4(x3 − V )
A (x) = 4x − 2
= ,
x x2
so A (x) = 0 when x = V 1/3 . This is the only critical point of A, and A (x) < 0 if x is near zero while
A (x) > 0 if x is large positive. Thus the global minimum value of the surface area occurs at this critical
point. And if x = V 1/3 , then the height of the box is

y = = 2/3 = V 1/3 = x,
x2 V
and hence the closed box with square base, fixed volume, and minimal surface area is a cube.

C04S04.052: Let x denote the length of each edge of the square base of the box and let y denote its height.
Then the box has fixed volume V = x2 y. The total surface area of the open box is A = x2 + 4xy, and hence

A(x) = x2 + , 0 < x < +∞.

4V 2(x3 − 2V )
A (x) = 2x − = .
x2 x2
Thus A (x) = 0 when x = (2V )1/3 . This critical point yields the global minimum value of A(x) because
A (x) < 0 when x is small positive and A (x) > 0 when x is large positive. And at this critical point, we

V 2V 1 1
y = = = (2V )1/3 = x.
x2 2 · (2V )2/3 2 2

Therefore the box with square base, no top, and fixed volume has minimal surface area when its height is
half the edge length of its base.

C04S04.053: Let r denote the radius of the base (and top) of the closed cylindrical can and let h denote
its height. Then its fixed volume is V = πr2 h and its total surface area is A = 2πr2 + 2πrh. Hence

V 2V
A(r) = 2πr2 + 2πr · 2
= 2πr2 + , 0 < r < +∞.
πr r


2V 4πr3 − 2V
A (r) = 4πr − 2
= ;
r r2
A (r) = 0 when r = (V /2π)1/3 . This critical point minimizes total surface area A(r) because A (r) < 0 when
r is small positive and A (r) > 0 when r is large positive. And at this critical point we have

V V 2 · (V /2π)
h = 2
= 2/3
= = 2(V /2π)1/3 = 2r.
πr π(V /2π) (V /2π)2/3
Therefore the closed cylindrical can with fixed volume and minimal total surface area has height equal to
the diameter of its base.

C04S04.054: Let r denote the radius of the circular base of the cylindrical can and let h denote its height.
Then its fixed volume is V = πr2 h and the total surface area of the open cylindrical can is A = πr2 + 2πrh.

V 2V
A(r) = πr2 + 2πr · = πr2 + , 0 < r < +∞.
πr2 r

2V 2πr3 − 2V
A (r) = 2πr − = ,
r2 r2
so A (r) = 0 when r = (V /π)1/3 . This critical point yields the global minimum value of A(r) because
A (r) < 0 when r is small positive and A (r) > 0 when r is large positive. Moreover, at this critical point
we have

V V V /π
h = = = = (V /π)1/3 = r.
πr2 π(V /π)2/3 (V /π)2/3
Therefore the open cylindrical can with fixed volume and minimal total surface area has height equal to the
radius of its base.

C04S04.055: Finding the exact solution of this problem is quite challenging. In the spirit of mathemat-
ical modeling we accept the very good approximation that—if the thickness of the material of the can is
small in comparison with its other dimensions—the total volume of material used to make the can may be
approximated sufficiently accurately by multiplying the area of the bottom by its thickness, the area of the
curved side by its thickness, the area of the top by its thickness, then adding these three products. Thus let
r denote the radius of the inside of the cylindrical can, let h denote the height of the inside, and let t denote
the thickness of its bottom and curved side; 3t will be the thickness of its top. The total (inner) volume of
the can is the fixed number V = πr2 h. The amount of material to make the can will (approximately, but

M = πr2 t + 2πrht + 3πr2 t = 4πr2 t + 2πrht, (1)

so that
V 2V
M (r) = 4πr t + 2πrt · 2 =
2 2
4πr + · t, 0 < r < L,
πr r

where L is some rather large positive number that we don’t actually need to evaluate. (You can find L from
Eq. (1) by setting h = 0 there and solving for r in terms of M and t.) Next,

 2V 2t(4πr3 − V )
M (r) = 8πr − 2 ·t = ;
r r2

M  (r) = 0 when r = (V /4π)1/3 . This critical point yields the global minimum value of M (r) because
M  (r) < 0 when r is small positive and M  (r) > 0 when (V /2π)1/3 < r < L. (You need to verify that, under
reasonable assumptions about the relative sizes of the linear measurements, L > (V /4π)1/3 .) And at this
critical point, we have

V 4 · (V /4π)
h = 2
= = 4 · (V /4π)1/3 = 4r.
πr (V /4π)2/3

Therefore the pop-top soft drink can of fixed internal volume V , with thickness as described in the problem,
and using the minimal total volume of material for its top, bottom, and curved side, will have height
(approximately) twice the diameter of its base.
In support of this conclusion, the smallest commonly available pop-top can of a popular blend of eight
vegetable juices has height about 9 cm and base diameter about 5 cm. Most of the 12-oz pop-top soft drink
cans we measured had height about 12.5 cm and base diameter about 6.5 cm.

C04S04.056: Let each edge of the square base of the box have length x and let y denote the height of the
box. Then the fixed volume of the box is V = x2 y. The cost of its six faces is then (2x2 + 4xy) · a and the
cost to glue the edges together is (8x + 4y) · b. Hence the total cost of material and construction will be

C = (2x2 + 4xy) · a + (8x + 4y) · b.

Because y = V /x2 , we have

V V 4V 4V
C(x) = 2x + 4x · 2 · a + 8x + 4 · 2 · b = 2x +
2 2
· a + 8x + 2 · b, 0 < x < +∞.
x x x x
4V 8V 4ax(x3 − V ) + 8b(x3 − V ) 4(ax + 2b)(x3 − V )
C  (x) = 4x − ·a+ 8− 3 ·b = = .
x2 x x 3 x3

Because x > 0, the only significant critical point of C(x) occurs when x = V 1/3 . Clearly C  (x) < 0 when x
is small positive and C  (x) > 0 if x > V 1/3 . Therefore we have found the value of x that yields the global
minimum value of the cost of the box. The corresponding value of the height of the box is

y = 2
= 2/3 = V 1/3 = x.
x V
Therefore the box of Problem 56 of minimal cost is a cube. It is remarkable and quite unexpected that the
(positive) values of a and b do not affect the answer.


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