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Proposed Feasibility Study Survey Questionnaire

1. Do you use/buy (state the nature of your

product)? _____ Yes ______No
2. How often do you buy this project? _____Daily ______Monthly
_____Weekly ______Annual
(you can also use once a week, 2x a
week/month/year, etc.)
3. Do you use/buy different
amounts/quantity at different times of the _____ Yes ______No


What is the size/kilo/amount you that you ______ (state the choices according to your
buy the most?
4. How much do you spend for a pack/piece
of the product? ______(write the amount per kilo/piece)
5. What brand of (the nature of the product) _______ Competitor 1
do you usually buy? _______ Competitor 2
_______ Competitor 3
_______ Competitor 4
_______ Others
5. Where do you often buy the product? _______ (Write choices of where to buy the

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