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Works Cited

History book

Since the 1970s many woken have

started to peruse degrees and careers
outside the home. Two career families
are much more common now. More
Women in the
mothers have started working outside 1960s
home. Many work places help women
to work through their home schedule

Your Organization

Primary Business Address

Your Address Line 2
Your Address Line 3
Your Address Line 4

Phone: 555-555-5555
Fax: 555-555-5555
E-mail: Ana Weigand
Betty Friedan
Betty Cook describes in her book The Feminine
The Equal Rights amendment
Mystique how women who stay at home and raise
March 1972 congress passed the Equal Right
families are not satisfied with their lives. She Amendment. Its said “Equal of rights under the law
interviewed women who from Smith College. She shall not be denied or abridged by the United States
said that most of the women were happy with heir or by any state on account if sex”. But there is
lives. This was the start of a nation wide movement. opposition to this amendment. It was argued that it
would take away some of the women’s rights

Phyllis Schlafly, organizer of the Stop ERA campaign,

openly opposed it. By the end of 1982 the ERA finally
History failed

During the 1960s into he early 1970s women
were expected to stay at home and take
National Organization for Women created by Betty
care of the family. This was feeding off of Friedan. A group of 30 women and men held the
the idea of ‘The American Dream’ from the founding conference. The organization responded to
1950s. But the 1960s come around and the frustrated housewives by demanding better

women no longer want settle for the 1950s education and rights for women. This group
denounces the exclusion of women from certain
notion. Women want more freedom. The
professions. This group also against women being
right to hold credit and be payed as much as
payed lower wages then men.
men. We may be able to hold the same jobs
as men but this doesn’t mean we are payd
and treated fairly and equally.

We went the ads in the newspaper to not

classify jobs by gender. We are cable of
doing the same jobs as men. We were able
to do it during World War Two why can’t we
do it now. Why must we stay home and
tend to a family.
Caption describing picture or graphic

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