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Arranged By :
Latif Irfan (4163312015)
Tira Kristy Pane (4163312028)
Nur raudhatul jannah (41633120 )


Praise and gratitude I pray to the presence of God Almighty for His blessings and
Grace so that the writer can complete the task of this descriptive statistical project. In writing
this descriptive statistics project, the author certainly can not solve it yourself without the
help of others. Therefore, the authors would like to thank all parties who have helped
complete this project.

The purpose of this research mini writing is to meet one of the tasks in the course of
descriptive statistics. As for the given task that is about "descriptive statistics".

The author is very aware that this project is still very far from the perfection caused by
the limitations and ability of the author. Because the authors apologize if there is a mistake in
writing and the authors also expect criticism and suggestions that are building for the
perfection of this project.

Finally, the authors say thank you hopefully this project can be useful and can increase
knowledge for the readers.

Medan , 04 April 2018


1.1 Background
In recent years more research has been done in many ways field, whether done by
individuals or groups of individuals, as well as acting alone or in the name of the academy,
university, institute, company and so forth. One of the things that feels very important in
connection with the research done is how - how the data should be obtained, presented,
analyzed and summarized. It turns out that for this required knowledge separately known as
Statistics is the Science that studies how to plan, collect, analyze, interpret and present
data aimed at drawing conclusions based on data collection and analyzing which is
conducted. Therefore researchers must understand and master bagamana process data, present
data, analyze data and find conclusions as well provide input to those who need the

1.2 Problem Identification

The problem at the time of this lab is how to present, mangolah, and
analyzing discrete data and continuous data, which are
aimed at drawing conclusions based on data collection and analyzing
which is conducted.

1.3 Objectives
The purpose of this report is as follows:
a) Learn the collection and processing of data, both discrete data and data
b) Learn how to present data in the form of frequency distribution, histogram, barchart,
central and dispersed frequency polygons.

1.4 Tools used

The tools required in carrying out this lab is as following:
a) Stationery
b) Stopwatch
c) Observation sheet
d) SPSS and Ms. Excell
2.1 Statistics And Statistics
Statistics are Data sets, numbers / non-numbers arranged in tables and / or diagrams,
which illustrate or describe a problem. Statistics is the Science that studies how to plan,
collecting, analyzing, interpreting and presenting the data aimed at drawing conclusions
based on data collection and analyzing which is conducted.

2.2 Descriptive statistics

Descriptive statistics are methods related to the collection and presentation of a data
cluster so as to provide useful information. Need it would seem understandable that
descriptive statistics provide information only about data possessed and by no means
attracted more and more conclusions further from the existing data. Evaluation of the
important properties of the data is called analysis of data in descriptions. Therefore the
statistics section so called Descriptive Statistics or Statistics Perian. Preparation of tables,
diagrams, modes, quartiles, standard deviations are included in the category of descriptive
The activity was conducted through:
a) The arithmetic approach, ie approach through the examination of the summary of values
or important measures of data. The sum of values here is the simplification of the set of
observed data values into values certain. Each summary of this value is called a statistic. So,
statistics explain the nature of the data set in the form of an easily understood value, while
statistics is a science of a set of concepts and methods which can be used to collect, present
and analyze data as well as drawing conclusions based on the results of the data analysis.
b) Geometric approach, namely through the presentation of data in the form of images in the
form of graphs or diagrams. Both approaches result in differentiation in the presentation of
the data. The presentation of the first data emphasizes the numbers and which both emphasize
on the picture.

2.3 Data Types

Discrete data is data that is always in the form of integers, for example company A
sells 100 units of cars and 200 motorcycles per month, amount bus passengers per day 35
people up to 40 people, the number of cars per minute which cross the road jatayu 15 cars up
to 21 cars per minute, amount yearly population increase in attacking village 5 people up to 7
people, amount death annually in the village attack 3 people up to 5 people. Continuous data
is data obtained by means of deep measuring integer and fractional forms. For example
average car speed 90 km / h, A height 155.6 cm, body temperature 36 ° C.

2.4 Central tendency

The central tendency is to know the condition of the subject group with knowing the
central value possessed. The central value of a data set is the value in the data set that can
represent the data. A common data set has a tendency to focus on this central value.
Tendency This center provides information about the data trends of that group of sources
exists as a basic description of the condition of the source group (subject) and sorts These
central values include:
a) Mean (Average)
the mean gives information about the average amount that is in the data. When the
data which will be calculated still in the form of raw input data then the calculation
the average is the sum of all data values divided by the number of occurrences
or frequency.

b) Median (middle value)

The median of a data set is the mean value of the data set arranged in sequence. An example
for odd chopping data
Data: 3 4 5 5 6 Number N = 5
- Arrange data sequentially.
- Find the median location with the formula
- (median location in third order)
- Find the median value on the third order (median = 5)
An Example for Even Interrupted Data.
Data: 3 4 4 5 6 6 Number N = 6
How to:
1. Arrange data sequentially
2. Find the median location with the formula (median location at the order of 3.5)
3. Find the median value at the order of 3.5 [median = (4 + 5) / 2 = 4.5
When the data is presented in the form of frequency distribution table then used

b = the lower boundary of the madian class, is the class where the median is located.
P = median class length.
n = sample size or lots of data.
F = number of all frequencies with class mark smaller than class mark
f = median class frequency
The mode of a data set is the most common data value (the largest frequency) in the data set.
1. Data: 2 3 4 5 6
Because of this data each frequency (occurrence) is only 1, then said to have no mode.
2. Data: 2 3 4 4 5 6
The largest frequency is 2 (four values appear twice). So the mode is 4. A data set that has
one mode is called Mono-mode.
3. Data: 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 7
The largest frequency is two (appears twice) that is number 4 and 6. So the data circuit mode
is 4 and 6. This data set has 2 Mode or called Bi-mode.

2.5 Dispersions
Dispersion is the measure of the distribution of a group of data to the data center.
a) Absolute dispersion
- Range (Range)
- Mean Deviation
- Variance (Variance)
- Standard Deviation (Standart Deviation)
- Quartile Deviation
b) Relative dispersion
- Coefficient of Variation

2.6 Karl Pearson's coefficient

Pearson correlation is one of the correlation measures used for measure the strength and
direction of the linear relationship of the two veriabel. Two variables are said correlated if the
change of one variable is accompanied by a variable change others, either in the same
direction or in the opposite direction. Must keep in mind that the value of the correlation
coefficient is small (not significant) does not mean the second the variables are not
interconnected. Maybe two variables have the closeness of the relationship is strong but the
correlation coefficient value close to zero, eg in the case of non-linear relationships. Thus, the
correlation coefficient only measure the strength of the linear relationship and not on the non
linear relationship. Must Also note that there is a strong linear relationship between variables
not always means there is a causal relationship, cause and effect.

2.7 Raw Value

In short, it measures how the data values are scattered. and can be interpreted as, the
mean distances of data point deviations are measured from the mean values of the data the.
The standard deviation is defined as the square root of the variance. Standard deviation is a
non-negative number, and has the same unit as the data. For example if a data is measured in
meters, then standard deviation is also measured in meter also.dan can also be interpreted the
size of the deviation of the most used in staticics.
2.8 Graphics

3.1 Method
In the collection of data paktikan using survey / observation method directly, where
the results of direct observations recorded on the worksheets that have been prepared
beforehand. Based on the results of research I have done in the village Dukupuntang,
Keramat sub-district, Cirebon district, then obtained the discrete data derived from data car /
vehicle that passes on the road Nyi Agung Serang per 30 sec and continuous data derived
from the height data of 5th grade elementary school children in SDN 1 Dukupuntang.

3.2 Data
The data collected is data from the results of research that I have done, the data
consists of discrete data and continuous data, the data is the following:

3.2.1 Discrete Data

3.2.2 Continuous Data

4.1 Analysis
Based on the results of research I have done in the village Dukupuntang, Keramat
subdistrict, Cirebon district, then obtained discrete data derived from the data cars / vehicles
that cross the road Nyi Agung Serang per 30 seconds and continuous data derived from the
height data of 5th grade elementary school children at SDN 1 Dukupuntang,that is as follows:

Discrete Data
 From the data we can know the range of data cars / vehicles that cross on the road Nyi
Agung Serang is 11 cars per 30 seconds.
 From these data we can know that the number of interval classes of data cars /
vehicles that cross on the road Nyi Agung Serang is as much as 6 or 7 interval class.
 The length of the class ranges from 1 or 2.
 Although many cars that pass at least 0, at most 11 cars per 30 seconds.
 The average number of cars passing on the road Nyi Agung Serang is 4.86 or 5 cars
per 30 seconds.
 While the middle value of data cars / vehicles that cross on the road Nyi Agung The
attack is 4.96 or 5 cars.
 The most dominant frequency of car / vehicle data is traversed at Nyi Agung Serang
road is a 4-5 car that passes as many as 15 cars
 The distance between the cars if in for 4 parts, among others, is 3.2 cars, then 5.5 cars
and 8.3 cars.
 By where the 45th percentile is 5.1
 With the variance of its many cars as much as 266.85
 And standard deviation (standard deviation) of the car as much as 16.33
 And the slope coefficient graph is -0.048
4. 2 Discrete Data Discussion
4.2.1 Frequency Distribution List
A. Specify Range is the largest data minus the smallest data, in this case because the largest
data = 11 and the smallest data = 0, then the range = 11 - 0 = 11.
B. Determine the many interval classes required. Many classes are often used in at least 5
classes and at most 15 classes, chosen according to need. Another way is good enough for
large n ≥ 200 for example to use rules sturges, namely:
Many classes = 1 + (3.3) log n
By n represents the number of data and the final result is made into integers.
Then: many classes = 1 + (3.3) log 50 = 6.6
We can create a list of frequency distributions with many classes of 6 or 7 pieces
C. Determine the length of the interval class p. This, by ancer - ancer is specified by the rule:
P many classes

the price p is taken in accordance with the accuracy of data units used. If data shaped unit,
take the price p per through units. For data up to one decimal, this p is also taken up to one
decimal, and so on. So if a lot of classes are taken 6, it gets:
𝑝 = 1,8 and from here we can take p = 1 or 2
1. Conclusion
Statistics are studied in various disciplines because statistics is a set of data analysis
tools that can help decision makers to make informed decisions based on conclusions on data
analysis of data collected. In addition, with statistics we can predict future circumstances
based on past data.
Descriptive Statistics provides limited information, which provides information that
is limited to the data as it is. Therefore descriptive statistical users can not take general
conclusions on limited data.

2. Suggestion

In terms of aspects of the scope of the article should be improved again so that the project
can be a relevant reference source.

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