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Name: Ana Davalos Date of implementation: 2/1/2018

UCLA Center X Teacher Education Program - Elementary Lesson Plan Template

Key Content Standards: List the complete text of only the relevant parts of each standard.

Determine whether a group of objects (up to 20) has an odd or even number of members, e.g., by pairing
objects or counting them by 2s; write an equation to express an even number as a sum of two equal addends.

Interpret products of whole numbers, e.g., interpret 5 × 7 as the total number of objects in 5 groups of 7 objects

ELD Part 1, Interacting in Meaningful Ways

A. Collaborative
1. Exchanging information and ideas-- contribute to class, group, and partner discussions, including sustained
dialogue, sharing of ideas, asking relevant questions and affirming others

Cross-Disciplinary Connections (TPE 4): Incorporating Visual and Performing Arts (TPE 1):
Connections between math and literacy Posters on the wall have the ways we unpack a
(vocabulary and oral discussion). math problem and strategies they can use

Lesson Objective: What do you want students to know and be able to do?
Students will practice their understanding of the word problem by breaking it down by what they know, what
they don’t know, and what they need to find out. Students should be able to use these steps to unpack
problems independently.

Learning Goals (TPE 4): What have you learned about students’ abilities that has informed the direction of your
lesson (based on assessments, learning experiences, IEPs)?
Majority of the class is having a hard time using strategies to solve word problems. Many 3rd graders are still
drawing and counting 1 by 1. This problem will help them continue to work on the skill of counting by groups.
Last week, we launched a problem where the numbers students could choose were a lot bigger so this lesson,
will include 3 number choices that are majority less than 10 (except for 3x4).

Prerequisite Skills: What do students need to know and be able to do in order to engage in the lesson?
Students need to understand the steps to unpacking a problem in order to know what they need to find out
taking into consideration what they do know. Also, students should be able to decide the numbers they feel
comfortable with. Students must remember the grouping strategies we have been reviewing the past few

Pre-Assessment Strategies: How might you gain insight into students’ readiness for the lesson?
We have been unpacking different multiplication problems the past 2 weeks and they have shown a better
understanding of what the questions are asking from them. Working with smaller numbers may also benefit the
students who have been struggling with the bigger number options we used last week.

Backward Planning: What evidence will the students produce to show they have met the learning objective?
TPE 5: Assessing Student Learning

Students will be asked to pair share after each step of unpacking to check their understanding. Then, students
will share out loud what they think the step is asking for. At the end of unpacking, students will work to solve the
problem independently.

Checking for Understanding: How will you monitor student learning to make modifications during the lesson?
Students will be asked to pair share and then whole class share. I have already identified answers for each step
of the unpacking so if students are not giving me those answers, I will need to further explain if need before
moving on to the next step.

Self-Assessment & Reflection: How will you involve students in assessing their own learning?
By asking the students to pair share their thoughts after each step, students will be able to assess their
understanding and ask any questions that may be causing any confusion.
Name: Ana Davalos Date of implementation:
Connections Engaging All Learners
 Connections to Students’ Lives (TPE 1 & 2) &  Strategies to Support Wide Range of Learners
Culturally Responsive Practices (TPE 4): (UDL, MTSS, etc. – TPE 1):
For the opening move, I will be sharing a story The problem will be presented in Spanish which will
about gum and asking the students if they have help the English language learners. Also, the
TPE 2: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning

ever bought gum packets. When discussing the strategies and steps will be written down in a poster
problem, I will ask them to use they schema and which will help all students (both English and Spanish
think back to the time they bought the gum language learners). I will also draw a box to
TPE 1: Engaging and Supporting All Ss in Learning

packet to remember that there is more than 1 represent a packet of gum for those visual learners.
piece of gum in a packet. Through pair share, every student has an
opportunity to voice their answers and ideas.

 Connections to Real Life Contexts (TPE 1):  Approaches to Support English Language
I will share that this strategy of figuring out the Learners & Standard English Learners
total can be useful in the future to find the total The problem that the students receive will be in
number of something when they buy multiples of Spanish on one side and English on the other. Also,
the same thing. both posters on the wall are in both English and

 Promoting Multiple Perspectives (TPE 2):  Range of Communication Strategies & Activity
I will provide the time and space for every Modes (TPE 4):
student to be recognized by sharing their own Students will have the opportunity to share their
perspective and strategy during pair share and ideas with other students during pair share and then
the whole class discussion. with the whole class.

Accommodations and Modifications: How will you differentiate content, process, and/or product?
TPE 3: Understanding and Organizing
Subject Matter for Student Learning

The word problem will be given to the students in both English and Spanish. We will break down the problem
using the steps that will be posted on the wall for them to reference throughout the solving process.

Technology: How will technology be used to facilitate students’ equitable access to content?
I will project the problem and physically underline with them the information, so everyone is following along.

Academic Language: What content-specific vocabulary, skill-specific vocabulary, text structures, and stylistic
or grammatical features will be explicitly taught?

The only word students may need to be explicitly taught is packets— “Packets of gum”

Instructional Learning Strategies to Support Student Learning:

What will the teacher do to 1) engage/motivate students by connecting the lesson to experiential backgrounds,
interests and prior learning, 2) identify learning outcomes 3) present material, guide practice, and build independent
learning, 4) monitor student learning during instruction, and 5) build metacognitive understanding?

List what the teacher will be doing and what the students will be doing.

Time Teacher Student Resources/Materials

12: 20pm Ask them to move to their math seats Students move Elmo and
Opening move: Today we will be talking
about gum. When i was younger I use to
12:22pm chew gum to make sure my breath didnt
smell or just to taste something sweet, but 2
years ago i got braces and was not able to
chew gum. Now, I no longer want to chew
gum again. But when I would go to the store, I
was buying 1 pack of gum a week! How
many of you go to the store and your parents
buy gum or you buy gum? Today we will be
talking about gum and gum packets!
Name: Ana Davalos Date of implementation:

(pass out papers & set up screen) For the past Students at desks with papers
few weeks we have been working on word
problems and y’all have been using your own
strategies to figure them out. Today, we will be
unpacking a brand-new problem and setting
you up to get started on figuring it out!

“Las ultimas semanas hemos estado

trabajando en problemas de matematicas y
ustedes han estadoa usando la estrategias
que sirven para ustedes. Hoy vamos a
desenvolver un nuevo problem juntos y
recordarnos de las estrategias que podemos
usar para asegurar que todos tenemos una
idea de como resolverlo”

Read word problem- Benjamin compro ______

paquetes de chicle. Si cada paquete tiene Have pointer so
____ chicles, Cuantos chicles tiene Benjamin? student can point
to chart
“Benjamin bought_____ packets of gum. If
each packet had ______ pieces of gum, how
many pieces of gum does Benjamin have?

Ask a student to go point at the chart: How to

unpack a problem and read #1
- “What do I understand”
12:28 - “Que se o entiendo”

Ahora todos (Choral read it) All students read together

“Think…turn and share with your partner what

you understand about the problem” Students share with partner

“Piensen.. compartan con su compañero”

¿Que piensan? (sharing of thoughts) Students share out loud

I will underline— Benjamin compro paquetes
de chicles.

Ask- paquetes es nomas 1 chicle? ¿O es más

de uno? (Are packets of gum only 1 gum or
more than 1?) Pick 1 student to read

Expliciltly state- paquetos son MAS de 1

chicle. (draw box and 1 gum with a line to All students read together
represent that there are more tan 1)

Ahora que leer #2

- “Hay algo que no entiende?” Students share with their partner
- “What is confusing? What don’t I
Students share out loud
Ahora todos (Choral read it)

“Think…turn and share with your partner what 1 student reads

did you not understand about the problem?”
Name: Ana Davalos Date of implementation:
“Piensen.. compartan con su companero”
All students read

Que piensan? (sharing of thoughts)

Students share with their partners

Ahora que leer #3

- “Que necesito saber?”
- “What do I need to find out?”

Students share out loud

Ahora todos (Choral read it)

“Think…turn and share with your partner what

do we need to find out??”

12:38pm “Piensen.. compartan con su companero” 1 student reads

Que piensan? (sharing of thoughts)

Students read together
- The question- Cuantos chicles tience
Benjamin? Partner share Strategies chart

Ahora que leer #4

- “Como puedo soluccionar esto?”
- “How will I solve this?” Share out loud
Ahora todos (Choral read it)
Different students read them out
“Think…turn and share with your partner how loud
can you solve this?”

“Piensen.. compartan con su companero”

Ahora, que repasar nuestras estrategias (Now

let’s review our strategies for solving math Show thumbs
- Reference chart

Okay thumbs up, if you already have an idea They begin!

of how to solve this?

Enseñenme con su dedo si ya tiene una

estrategia de como podemas soluccionar
este problema?

Escojan sus numeros y empiezen! (choose

your numbers and start)
Name: Ana Davalos Date of implementation:
Post Debrief Reflection

This lesson had many strengths but there is also space for growth. Some strengths included beginning the launch
with a relevant story which hooked students and brought the problem to real life. Also, there were many
opportunities for students to share their ideas with their partner and this made the breaking of the word problem
easier to understand as students were discussing all parts of the problem throughout. Students had the opportunity to
ask questions or for any clarification before they started the problem. Lastly, by not including numbers in the
original problem, students were able to first understand the story line and then choose numbers they felt comfortable

In the future I want to make sure I am very clear with any words I may need to define for students. In this lesson, I
could have explained the word “packets “of gum differently. Understanding that packets of gum meant that there is
more than 1 gum per box was essential in this word problem. I need to make sure I am being very clear with
students and perhaps by providing more examples, this concept would have been very clear. Another change would
be to provide more challenges for advanced students. I did notice that there were a few students who had finished
with 3 or more strategies while others in the class were still working on their first. In order to support the students
that need challenging work, I could have included an extra bonus question with a twist to the original problem or
perhaps a difficult number in additional to the number choices students already have.

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