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This is basically an infinite money trainer and infinite ranger points (as you w

ill see) and only takes a few steps.

OK start the trainer or the Game and altab to start the trainer. Go to a trade c
enter (T) on a planet and buy 1 expensive good(luxury items are usually sufficie
nt). Now go to the ship screen (S) and pick up the item you bought, now WHILE IT
S IN YOUR HAND press Cntrl+z to activate the trainer. The amount of items in you
r hand will increase by 500 2 or 3 times a second and you can se the sale amount
increase. When its high enough to your satisfaction press Cntrl+z to stop the i
ncrease and then click your hand icon over the sell button (sell it!).
The same procedure is used for plasma. Suggest using this in a ranger station on
ly! Simply grab some plasma with your hand icon in the ship screen and press Ctr
l+c wait several seconds (while holding the plasma)then press ctrl+c to stop it
then give it to the ranger guy for a LOT of Ranger points :)
-from Cole

cheat :
General cheat codes
All of these cheats are activated by holding down Shift+Ctrl, then typing the co
de. Some codes need to be entered in a specific area or part of the game.
NB. Each of these cheats has a cost in cheat points, which are replenished at th
e rate of 1/day. If you try to activate a cheat you do not have the points for,
you will be informed of your current number of cheat points.
Code Effect
repair fly into sun, full repair of items - 40 points
superhull increases hull size
Drop nearest ship drops everything not needed for movement
hugemoney [as above] 100,000 credits - 300 points
bigmoney [at any planet's equipment screen] 10,000 credits - ? poin
boom [in hyperspace] destroys all enemies unless Keller is pres
ent - 30 points
nextrank [in military base] get next military rank - 90 points
rangerpoints [in ranger station] gain 1000 ranger points - 150 points
packing [in space] reduces weight/size of equipped standard items
by half - 300 points
rndbase [on a plant] random base forms in the current system, max
3 - 30 points
Contributed By: MikoSquiz and majesty101ne.
Space Rangers 2 Shift+Control codes
These codes require both shift and the control buttons to be pushed. Most codes
will take effect when activated in certain areas ie. (Stations, Hyperspace, Spac
e travel). All codes also costs cheatpoints the player accumulates throughout th
e game through 1 point/Day. Note: Codes are not CaSe SeNsiTivE
Code Effect
Shift+Ctrl + [money] 10,000cr - 60 points [Can be entered at planet screen, equi
pment store screen, or space screen]
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+CoolWeapon [100] In the planet screen, typing the code will add o
ne high level weapon in the equipment store
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+Pirates [100]In a pirate station, the code will produce one pirat
e in each controlled sectors.
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+PelengSurprise [100]Peleng weapons will have double range and eve
ry non-peleng planet and civilians will hate you
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+HateRangers [10]All non-ranger ships will turn hostile. Planets a
nd rangers remain the same
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+KlissanItem [160] In a Science station, typing this code will giv
e you one piece of Klissan equipment
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+WeaponStrength [200] In the pirates base, typing the code will in
crease yours and pirates' damage by 10-20. You will turn to a pirate with planet
s hating you.
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+KlissanCall [20] Calls one fleet of Dominators to your location
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+KlissanMax [20] Gives the Dominators a fleet per planet they own
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+OpenMapSector [20] In a pirate station, Reveals an unrevealed map
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+LowCostWeapon [20] In the planet screen, typing this code will se
t one random weapon cost to 1 credit
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+RndBase [30]Creates a random base (science, Business, Ranger, Mil
itary, Medical) in your sector
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+Repair [40] Fly into the sun and you will recieve a full repair
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+Drop [60] Nearest ship will drop all items not related to space t
ravel ie. Engine and Fuel
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+Bomb [60]In space, typing this code will put 2 Quark Bombs in you
r inventory
Contributed By: Zhang_Ren and theangryyam.

The following cheat codes use a cheat limiting system. The rules are thus:
Each day that passes in game time accrues you one cheat point. No mater how many
cheat points you have, if you use a cheat, the count resets to zero. If you try
to use a cheat and do not have enough points, the system will tell you how many
points you have, how many points the cheat requires, and how many more points y
ou need. All cheats I have found have to be used in a specific place. Finally, o
n day one, you start with an unlimited number of points.
In order to use a cheat, you must hold down shift and Ctrl while typing:
Cheat; Effect; Name; Location

hugemoney; 100000 cred; Huge Money; out in space

packing; cuts cargo size in half; Paking; out in space
klissanitem; random dominator weapon appears in hold; Klissan Item; Science base

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