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Introduction to OOPS

Semester – I I

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A function can be invoked in two manners :

 Call By Value

 Call By Reference

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Terms To Know

 The parameter that appears in a function call statement are actual


 The parameter that appears in a function definition are formal


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The call by value method copies the values of actual parameters
into the formal parameters, that is, the function creates its own
copy of
argument values and then uses them.

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The main benefit of call by value

method is that you cannot alter the variable that are used to call

the function because any change that occurs inside function is on

the function’s copy of the argument value. The original copy of

the arguments value remains intact.

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The call by reference method in place copies the values of
actual parameters into the formal parameters, a reference to
the original variable is passed. (reference is an alias (i.e. a
different name) for the predefined variable)That is, the same
variable’s value can be accessed by any of the two names.
When a function is called by reference , then the formal
parameters become references (or alias) to the actual
parameter in the calling function.

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This means that in the call by reference method, the called
function does not create its own copy of original values,
rather , it refers to the original values only by different
names. Thus the called function works with the original data
and any change in the values gets reflected to the data.

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Function overloading allows you to have multiple
functions with the
same name. The compiler identifies the function
based on the parameters
to the functions.

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Overloading is possible if a function has Different set of parameters
in terms of :

• sequence { void add(int,char) & void add( }

• number { void add(int,int) & void add(int,int,int) }

• type { void add(int,int) & void add(float,float) }

Function overloading is used for the ease of the programmer.

The programmer does not have to remember multiple function names.
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Function overloading is used for the ease of the programmer.

The programmer does not have to remember multiple function names.

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1St Program
(Matrix Example)
#include <iostream.h>
const int ROW=4;
const int COLUMN =3;
void main()
int i,j;
int Exforsys[ROW][COLUMN];
cout << "Enter value of Row "<<i+1;
cout<<",Column "<<j+1<<":";

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cout<< " COLUMN\n";
cout<< " 1 2 3";
cout<<"\nROW "<<i+1;

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#include <iostream.h>
// sequence is 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ...
int fib (int i) {
Int pred, result, temp;

pred = 1;
result = 0;
while (i > 0) {
temp = pred + result;
result = pred;
pred = temp;
i = i-1;

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int main () {
int n;
cout << "Enter a natural number: ";
cin >> n;
while (n < 0) {
cout << "Please re-enter: ";
cin >> n;
cout << "fib(" << n << ") = " << fib(n) << endl;

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(Exponential Functions
#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int exp (int,int);
void readnums (int&, int&);
void main ()
int b, e;
cout << b << " to the " << e << " = " << exp(b,e) << endl;
void readnums (int& b, int& e) {
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int correctInput;
cout << "Enter the base and the exponent:";
cin >> b >> e;
if (!cin) {
cout << "Disaster! Terminating program." <<

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correctInput = (b >= 0) && (e >= 0);
while (!correctInput) {
cout << "Something wrong! Try again ..." << endl;
cout << "Re-enter base and exponent: "; cin >> b >>
if (!cin) { cout << "Disaster! Terminating program."
<< endl;
correctInput = (b >= 0) && (e >= 0);

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int exp (int b, int e)
{ int result;
result = 1;
while (e != 0) {
result = result * b;
e = e - 1;

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Programme 4th
(File Handling Example)
#include <fstream.h>
#include <iostream.h>
int main ()

{ ifstream f1, f2;

ofstream f3;
int i,j;"n1");"n2");"n1n2");
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f1 >> i;
f2 >> j;
while (f1 && f2) {
if (i < j) {
while (i < j && f1 && f3)
{ f3 << i << endl;
f1 >> i;
else {
while (j <= i && f2 && f3)
{ f3 << j << endl;
f2 >> j;

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} while (f1) {
f3 << i << endl ;
f1 >> i;
while (f2) {
f3 << j << endl;
f2 >> j;
} return (0);

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Program 5th
(Natural Numbers Multiplication)
#include <iostream.h>
int mult (int x, int y) {
int result;
result = 0;
while (y != 0) {
result = result + x;
y = y - 1;
int main ()
{ int x, y; cout << "Enter two natural numbers: ";
cin >> x >> y;
cout << x << " * " << y << " = " << mult(x,y) << endl;
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Program 6th
(Prime Number)

#include <iostream.h>
int smalldiv (int n){
int count;
count = 2;
while (count < n && n % count != 0)
{ count = count + 1;

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int main () {
int n;
cout << "Enter a natural number: ";
cin >> n;
if (n == smalldiv(n))
cout << n << " is a prime number" << endl;
} else
{ cout << n << " is not a prime number" << endl;
} return(0);

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Program 6th

#include <iostream.h>
typedef int Bool;
const Bool TRUE = 1;
const Bool FALSE = 0;
Bool even (int);
Bool odd (int);
int readPosNum();
void testOneNum();
void panic();

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void main ()
{ int i;
char c;
Bool more = TRUE;
while (cin && more) {
cout << "More? [y = Yes, anything else No]: "; cin >> c;
if (cin) more = (c == 'y');

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void testOneNum () {
int i;
i = readPosNum();
if (even(i)) cout << "The number " << i << " is even." << endl;
else cout << "The number " << i << " is odd." << endl;
int readPosNum () {
int j;
cout << "Enter a number >= 0: ";
cin >> j;
while (cin && j < 0)
{ cout << "Unacceptable, reenter: ";
cin >> j;
} if (cin) return(j);
else panic();

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Bool even (int i) {
if (i == 0) return(TRUE);
else return(odd(i-1));
Bool odd (int i)
{ if (i == 0) return(FALSE);
else return(even(i-1));
void panic()
{ cout << "Disaster! Exiting ..." << endl;

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Program 7th
(Understanding call-by-value vs
#include <iostream.h>
int f1 (int, int, int);
int f2 (int&, int&, int&);
int f3 (int, int&, int);

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void main ()
{ int i, j, k; i=1; j=2; k=3; cout << endl; cout <<
"Initial values of i, j, and k are: "
<< i << ", " << j << ", and " << k <<
endl << endl;
cout << "f1(i,j,k) = " << f1(i,j,k) << endl; cout <<
"Values of i, j, and k after the call to f1 are: “
<< i << ", " << j << ", and " << k << endl <<

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cout << "f2(i,j,k) = " << f2(i,j,k) << endl;

cout << "Values of i, j, and k after the call
to f2 are: "
<< i << ", " << j << ", and " << k <<
endl << endl;
cout << "f3(i,j,k) = " << f3(i,j,k) << endl;
cout << "Values of i, j, and k after the call
to f3 are: "
<< i << ", " << j << ", and " << k << endl;}
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int f1 (int x, int y, int z) {
int f2 (int& x, int& y, int& z)

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int f3 (int x, int& y, int z) {

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• Accessing Array’s Element
• The following program example declares and
initializes the array named y of type int. It uses a
for loop with index i to access the successive
elements in y. For each loop iteration, the value
accessed is added to the variable total, which is
finally displayed. Note that the loop index i run
from 0 to 6, not 1 to 7. Also, note that the array
size n is declared in the #define statement.

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A program to find the
total of all the elements in array

#include <iostream.h>
using namespace std;
// replace every n occurrences with 7
#define n 7

int main()
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int i, total = 0, y[n] = {6,9,2,4,5,23,12};
for (i=0; i<n; i++)
// display the array contents...
cout<<y[i]<<" ";
// do the summing up...
total = total + y[i];

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// display the result...
cout<<"\nSum of 7 numbers in an array is
= "<<total<<endl;
return 0;

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• You can see that the for loop is very useful when
you wish to loop or iterate through every
element of an array.
• The next program example, accomplishes the
same task as the previous one. By using
get_total() function, the main() passes the first
memory address (pointed by the pointer) of an
array, y and its size, n to the function get_total()
which then computes and returns the total,
total. Note the function prototype:
• int get_total(int*, int)

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• Study the following source code and the output.
// a program to find the total values of an
// array y by passing an array to a function using pointer
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define n 7

// function prototype
int get_total(int*, int);

int main()

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int total, y[n]={6,9,2,4,5,23,12};
cout<<"\nCalling function get_total(y, n),";
cout<<"\nBy bringing along the value of y, an array";
cout<<"\nfirst address and n = 7, an array size.";
cout<<"\nAn array name, is the pointer to the";
cout<<"\n1st element of an array\n\n";
// a function call, pass along the pointer to the first
// array element and the array size, and the
// return result assign to variable total

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total = get_total(y, n);
cout<<"\nSum of the 7 array elements is
return 0;

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// function definition
int get_total(int *ptr, int x)
int i, total = 0;
// do the looping for array elements...
for(i=0; i<x; i++)
// displays the array content, pointed by

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cout<<*(ptr+i)<<" ";
// do the summing up of the array
total += *(ptr+i); // total=total + *(ptr+i);
// return the result to the calling program...
return total;

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• A Structure is a container, it can hold a

bunch of things.
– These things can be of any type.

• Structures are used to organize related

data (variables) in to a nice neat package.

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Example - Student Record

• Student Record:
– Name a string
– HW Grades an array of 3 doubles
– Test Grades an array of 2 doubles
– Final Average a double

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Structure Members
• Each thing in a structure is called member.

• Each member has a name, a type and a value.

• Names follow the rules for variable names.

• Types can be any defined type.

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Example Structure Definition
struct StudentRecord {
char *name; // student name
double hw[3]; // homework grades
double test[2]; // test grades
double ave; // final average

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Using a struct

• By defining a structure you create a new

data type.
• Once a struct is defined, you can create
variables of the new type.

StudentRecord stu;

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Accessing Members
• You can treat the members of a struct
just like variables.
• You need to use the member access
operator '.' (pronounced "dot"):

cout << << endl;

stu.hw[2] = 82.3;
stu.ave = total/100;

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Structure Assignment

• You can use structures just like variables:

StudentRecord s1,s2; = "Joe Student";

s2 = s1;
Copies the entire structure

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Structure Assignment
StudentRecord s1,s2; = "Joe Student";

s2 = s1; = “Teena";

// now and are both

// “Teena"

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Problems with structs

• Need a different struct for each different

data type to be pushed onto or popped off
the stack
• Overflow (although it can be fixed, using
dynamic data allocation)
• The overall structure does not convey a
tight coupling between the stack data and
the stack operations

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Classes and Objects

• A new data type defined with struct (where the

data and functions are together) is called a
– Example: the data type stack is a class
• Indeed, C++ has a new reserved word, class,
that is synonymous to struct (except for a minor
difference explained later)
• Any variable of the type defined by struct or
class is called an object or instance of that class

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Definition of Members

• The declared variables inside structs are

called the data fields in C.
• In C++, the declared variables and
functions inside structs/classes are called
– member variables
– member functions (also called methods)

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Data Hiding:
Private and Public sections
• C++, and other object-oriented programming
languages, allow the programmer to designate
certain members of a class as private, and other
members as public.
• Private members cannot be accessed from
outside the class, while public members can
• Private members are hidden (thus the term data

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Initialization of Variables
• In C, initialization of variables is left to the

• C++ considers initialization too important to

leave to the users’ unreliable memory to
remember to initialize.

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Initialization and
• C++ requires that every class have a constructor
• The constructor is responsible for initializing
objects automatically whenever they are
• The programmer has the option to provide
his/her own constructors, which get called
whenever a new object is declared
• Otherwise, the compiler provides a default
• But what is a constructor?
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• The constructor is like any other method (i.e.,
member function) in that
– it takes arguments
– it can be overloaded
– its arguments can be defaulted
• But with one big difference: It has no return
value, not even void.
• One other very important characteristic: the
constructor’s name is the same as the class

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Overloading Constructors

• Like any other function, a constructor can also

be overloaded with more than one function that
have the same name but different types or
number of parameters.
• Remember that for overloaded functions the
compiler will call the one whose parameters
match the arguments used in the function call.
• In the case of constructors, which are
automatically called when an object is created,
the one executed is the one that matches the
arguments passed on the object declaration:
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Class Example 1
// classes example
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class CRectangle
{ int x, y; public: void set_values (int,int);
int area () {return (x*y);
void CRectangle::set_values (int a, int b)
x = a; y = b;
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Class Example

int main ()
CRectangle rect;
rect.set_values (3,4);
cout << "area: " << rect.area();
return 0;

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Example 2
// example: one class, two objects
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class CRectangle
int x, y; public: void set_values (int,int);
int area ()
return (x*y);
void CRectangle::set_values (int a, int b)
x = a; y = b;
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Example 2
int main ()
CRectangle rect, rectb;
rect.set_values (3,4);
rectb.set_values (5,6);
cout << "rect area: " << rect.area() << endl;
cout << "rectb area: " << rectb.area() <<
return 0;
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Example 3
// example: class constructor
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class CRectangle
int width, height;
public: CRectangle (int,int);
int area ()
return (width*height);
CRectangle::CRectangle (int a, int b)
width = a;
height = b;
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Example 3

int main ()
CRectangle rect (3,4);
CRectangle rectb (5,6);
cout << "rect area: " << rect.area() << endl;
cout << "rectb area: " << rectb.area() << endl;
return 0;

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Example 4
// overloading class constructors
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class CRectangle
{ int width, height;
public: CRectangle ();
CRectangle (int,int);
int area (void) {return (width*height);

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Example 4
CRectangle::CRectangle ()
width = 5;
height = 5;
CRectangle::CRectangle (int a, int b)
width = a;
height = b;

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Example 4
int main ()
CRectangle rect (3,4);
CRectangle rectb;
cout << "rect area: " << rect.area() << endl;
cout << "rectb area: " << rectb.area() << endl;
return 0;

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• Write a program to print largest

even and largest odd number
from a list of numbers entered
through keyboard. The list
terminates as soon as one enters

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• Write. a C++ function that

compares two strings and returns
0 if the two strings are equal and -
1 if that strings are unequal

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• Write a program that reads a

password and prints “OK” if the
correct password is entered,
otherwise print “SORRY!”. The
user should be given three
chances to type the password.

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Thank You

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