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Ahmose 1 Collation (Page 1, Line 16 to Page 2, Line 6)

My submission is at the top (not that I think there’s anything special about it, but being a moderator
has its privileges!), followed by everyone else’s in alphabetical order of the name you used at the top
of your homework. If you have any questions or comments on anything, please post them to the
main GlyphStudy list.

Ahmose 1

Lines 1.16 to 2.6


Commander of sailors Ahmose, son of Ibana, justified, says “I speak to you, all men. I will let you
know the honours granted to me. I have been rewarded in gold seven times in front of the entire
land. Male and female slaves, likewise. I have been endowed with very many fields. The name of a
brave man is in what he has done, never perishing in this land.”


xrj Xnyt jaH-ms sA j-bA-nA maA-xrw Dd.f

Commander of sailors Ahmose, son of Ibana, justified, says ...

xrj Xnyt: Literally “one who is above sailors”. “xrj” is a nisbe, “one who is above”; “Xnyt” is a
collective noun (ie plural in meaning but grammatically singular) for “sailors”. The title can be
translated in many different ways: “naval commander”, “crew commander”, etc. I’ve chosen to go
with the almost literal “Commander of sailors”. The often-seen “Admiral” really isn’t justified by the

jaH-ms: Ahmose’s name, literally “born of the moon”.

sA j-bA-nA mAa-xrw, “son of Ibana, justified”. Ibana is the name of Ahmose’s mother, and the “mAa-
xrw”, literally “true of voice”, indicates that she has died and successfully passed the “judgement”
where one’s fitness to enter the blessed realm of Osiris is decided.

Dd.f: He says... . Introducing the start of Ahmose’s words to the reader. The sDm.f verb form is
present tense, and the “.f” suffix pronoun repeats the subject of the verb which has already been
expressed (ie “Commander of sailors Ahmose” etc.).


Dd.j rmTt nbt

“I speak to you, all men ...

The entire remainder of the text is now direct speech from Ahmose.

Dd.j: “I speak” or “I am speaking”. sDm.f verb form expressing the present tense. Dative, “to you (plural)”. “tn” is written for the more common “Tn”, the second person plural
suffix pronoun.

rmTt nbt: “all men” or “all mankind”. This is the feminine noun “rmTt”, “mankind”, not the
masculine “rmT”, “people”, as can be seen from the feminine adjective “nbt”, “all”, which agrees
with it. The phrase is in the vocative: “all men” are the people being spoken to, ie the readers of the


dj.j Hswt xprt n.j

I will let you know the honours granted to me.

The verb “dj” (most commonly “do” or “make”) when followed by another verb means to let or
cause the second action to occur. Thus “dj.j”, “I cause that you know” or, in better English, “I
will let you know”. Once again we have “tn” for the second personal plural suffix pronoun “Tn”.

Hswt: The object of the verb “rx”. The Egyptian word literally means “favours”, but “honours” in the
sense of the British honours system (titles awarded by the monarch for service to the country) is the
sense that is meant.

xprt: Passive participle of the verb “xpr”. Literally “that happened”, but I’ve translated as “granted”.

n.j: Dative “to me”.

2.2 m nbw sp 7 xft-xr n tA r Dr.f

I have been rewarded in gold seven times in front of the entire land. Stative of the verb “jwa”, “to reward”, indicating a current state that is the result of a
completed action. Thus “I am in a state of having been rewarded”, or “I have been rewarded”.

m nbw: Prepositional phrase, “in gold”.

sp 7: “seven times”.

xft-xr n: Adverbial phrase, “in front of” or “in the presence of”.

tA r Dr.f: “the entire land”. Literally “the land to its limit”.


Hmw Hmwt r mjtt jry

Male and female slaves, likewise.

Hmw, Hmw: Male slaves, female slaves.

r mjtt jry: Likewise.

2.4 m AHwt aSA wrt

I have been endowed with very many fields. Stative. “I have been endowed”.

AHwt: Fields, or arable land.

aSA wrt: Very many.


jw rn n qn m jrt.n.f

The name of a brave man is in what he has done.

jw: Particle introducing a new sentence.

rn n qn: Indirect genitive, “The name of a brave man”.

m: The “m of predication” denoting a state assumed, rather than inherent.

jrt.n.f: Relative sDm.n.f verb form with an unexpressed subject. “What he has done”.


nn Htm m Tp pn Dt

Never perishing in this land.

nn Htm: An infinitive negated with “nn” denies the existence of the action, ie “without perishing”

m Tp pn: Prepositional phrase, “in this land”.

Dt: “eternally”.

Lichtheim notes that these last two lines: “The name of a brave man is in what he has done, never
perishing in this land” is a proverb that occurs several times in texts from the early New Kingdom.


Overall Translation
Crew captain Ahmose, son of Ibana, True of Voice, says: I will speak to you, all people. I
will let you know the honors accruing to me. I was rewarded with gold 7 times in front of the
entire land, and with male and female slaves, as well. I have been granted very many fields.
The name of the brave man is in his deeds, and will not perish in this land forever.

Line by Line

Hr(j) Xnyt jaH-ms zA jbAnA mAa-xrw

Crew captain Ahmose, son of Ibana, True of Voice.


I chose “crew captain” over “naval commander” because “commander” implies (to me) a
higher rank that he actually held. I believe Hrj Xnyt is a nfr-Hr construction. I also think the
double reed in Xnyt is separated by the t for aesthetic reasons.

Dd.f Dd.j n Tn rmT nb

(He) Says: I will speak to you, all people (or everyone).


I used the future tense here, noting Allen 3rd ed., 18.7: “Most examples of the sDm.f are
either future or subjunctive, especially when it appears as the first word in the sentence.”

dj.j rx.Tn Hswt xprt n.j

I will give you all to know (let you know) the honors accruing to me


Faulkner (A Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian) notes that xpr n is an idiomatic usage
meaning "accrue to." I believe xprt is the infinitive, so I translated with an “-ing” ending.

jwa.kwj m nbw zp 7 xft Hr n tA r Dr.f Hmw Hmwt r mjtt iry

I was rewarded with gold 7 times in front of the entire land, and with male and female slaves,
as well.

The verb form here appears to be the stative, with .kwj as the stative suffix.

sAH.kwj m AHwt aSAw wrt

I have been granted very many fields.


This is the stative again. I wonder here if this could also be translated, “I have been granted
many large fields.”

jw rn n qn m jrt.n.f nn Htm m tA pn Dt

The name of the brave man is in what he has done (or did – i.e., his deeds), and will not
perish in this land forever.

Anastasia R

Ahmose part 1: Einleitung

(1) Hry Xnyt iaH-ms sA ibAna mAa-xrw

Chief of sailors Ahmose, son of Ibana,

(2) Dd.f Dd.i n tn rmT nbt di.i Hsw xprt n i

(he) says: I tell you, all people, I cause you to know the favours that occurred to me.

iwa.kwi m nbw sp 7 xft-Hr

I was rewarded with gold 7 times in the presence

(3) n tA r Dr.f Hmw Hmwt r mitt iry.

of the entire land, as well as male and female slaves.

sAH.kwi m AHwt aSaw wrt

I was rewarded with numerous fields

iw rn n qn m irt.n f
The name of the brave is what he has done

nn Htm
without perishing

(4) m tA pn Dt
in this land eternally.

Dd.f r ntt
He speaks as follows:
Angelika Erhardt


Hr(j) Xnyt jaH-ms sA jbAnA mAa xrw

Dd.f Dd.j rmT nbt d.j Hswt xpr(w)t n.j jwa.kwj m nbw sp 7

xft-Hr-n tA r-Dr.f Hmw Hmwt r-mjtt jry sAH.kwj m AHwt aSAw(t) wrt jw rn n qn m jrt.n.f
nn Htm.(w) m tA pn
Dt Dd.f r-ntt

Admiral Ahmose, son of Ibana, justified

He says: "I speak to you (pl) all people, I give you knowledge (about) the promotions (which
have) come upon me. I have been rewarded with gold seven times

in front of the whole land, with male and female servants also. I have been endowed with
very many pieces of land.
The name of a brave man is in what he has accomplished, it will not perish in this land". He

1) Nederhof translates the name of Ahmose's father or mother as Abana, but according to
there is a female AE name Abana and a male AE name Ibana. I have a feeling that in those
days one was the son of the father
if one wanted to be proud of one's ancestors...

2) As usually, the last word gives me the most problems: r-ntt is mentioned in
Loprieno: Ancient Egyptian: A Linguistic Intoduction" p. 100 with translation "so that", i.e.
"so that he speaks". I chose not to translate it.

Amose 1


Hrj-Xnyt jaH-msy sA jbAnA maA-xrw Dd.f

Chief of the navy, Ahmose, son of Ibana, true of voice. he said
dd.j rmt nb
I speak to you all people
dj Hswt xprt n.j
I will make you know the favors given to me m nbw zp 7 xft Hr n tA r Dr.f
I was rewarded in gold 7 times in front of the entire land
Hmw Hmwt r mjtt jry
(and) male and female servants moreover m Ahwt aSAw wrt
I was endowed with a great many fields
jw rn n qn m jrt.n.f
the name of a brave man is what he has done
nn Htm m tA pn Dt
and will not ever perish from this whole land


1.- Hrj Xnyt jaHms sA JbAnA mAa xrw.

Naval commander Ahmose son of Abana, justified.

2.- Dd.f Dd.j n Tn rmT nbt dj.j rx Tn Hswt xprt.n.j m nbw sp 7 xft Hr
He says: I speak to you, all people, to let you know the favors granted to me. I have been rewarded
with gold seven times

3.- n tA r Dr.f Hmw Hmwt r mjtt jry m AHwt aSAw wat jw rn.n qn m jrt.n.f nn Htm m tA pn Dt
in the entire land and with male and female slaves alike. I have been endowed with many great
fields. The name of a brave man is in what he has done, without ever perishing in this land.


page 1 line 16
Hry Xnyt iaH-ms sA ibAnA mAa-xrw Dd.f
Chief of the crew, Ahmose, Ibana's son, says :

page 1 line 17
Dd.i rmT nb
"I say to you all

page 2 line 1
di.i Hswt xprt n.i
I'll manage that you know what happened to me

page 2 line 2 im nbw sp 7 xft-Hr n tA r Dr.f
I was rewarded with gold 7 times befoe the whole Land

page 2 line 3
Hmw Hmwt r-mitt iry
(and with) male and female slaves likewise

page 2 line 4 im AHwt aSA wrt
I was given very numerous fields

page 2 line 5
iw rn n qni m irt.n.f
a brave man's name is in what he has accomplished

page 2 line 6
nn Htm m tA pn Dt
his fame will never be forgotten in this Land

Ahmose 1, Federico


Hry-Xnyt iaH-ms sA ibAnA mAa-xrw Dd.f

The Chief of the Sailors, Ahmose Son of Ibana, justified; he says:


Xnyt is a collective noun (“sailors”): Faulkner, CD, 202.


Dd.i n Tn rmTt nbt

“I’ll speak to you, all the people;

nbt is feminine, so that the noun should be either feminine or collective, therefore rmTt and
not rmT; rmTt, as a collective, has the meaning of “mankind”: Faulkner, CD, 150. Probably
here we have a prospective sDm.f (bare sDm.f at the beginning of the clause).


di.i rx Tn Hsw(t) xprt n.i

and I’ll make you know the praises happened to me,


The singular of Hsw(t) is Hst, probably feminine, hence the (t) in the plural. The general
sense is to be better rendered as “I let you know the honors which were given to me”. These
honors are synthesized in the next lines: gold, servants, land. Probably here we have a
prospective sDm.f (bare sDm.f at the beginning of the clause).


iwa.kwi m nwb sp 7 xt.f-Hr n tA r Dr.f

for I’ve been rewarded with gold seven times in front of the land up to its end;


iwa.kwi: first person singular, stative (also called old-perfective or pseudo-participle), of the
transitive verb iwa; in ME the meaning of this form is most often passive; the subject is
pronominal; an unmarked circumstantial use is therefore suggested, since this verb form is
not introduced by iw or other words; this circumstantial is probably linked to the previous
sentence which acts as principal clause; I use “for” as link between them, but also “when”
may work. Another possibility would be to render it as “having been rewarded…”

xt.f-Hr in theory doesn’t need the genitive n, however…

xt.f-H n tA r Dr.f could be better rendered as “in front of the entire country”; tA is masculine,
hence the suffix f refers to it.


Hmw Hmwt r mitt iry

and with male and female servants as well,


r mitt iry serves to re-concatenate Hmw and Hmwt to nwb, after the pause given by xt.f-Hr n
tA r Dr.f, therefore I render the beginning of this phrase with “and with…”

I prefer “servant” to “slave” for Hm, for several reasons.


sAH.kwi m AHwt aSAw wrt

and for I’ve been endowed with numerous, large, arable fields.

Notes: see before 2.2 for unmarked, passive, circumstantial verb form with subordinate


iw rn n qn m irt.n.f

The name of a brave man is in what he did


nn Htm m tA pn Dt

and shall never perish in this land!

Notes: the subject of the negative clause is “the name”, being this the subject of the first
sentence. We probably have here an nn+sDm.f form with prospective meaning…

Ahmose, 1, Lines 1-6, FScaravilli

1) Hr-xnyt jaH-ms sA jbAnA mAa-xrw
The captain of the sailors Ahmose, son of Ibana, the justified

2) Dd.f Dd.j n tn r(m)t nbt dj.j Hswt xprt n.j

says: " I say to you, all people, "I inform you of the favours that were given to me.
xprt= past passive participle m nbw sp 7 xft-Hr

I was rewarded with gold 7 times in front stative with obvious passive meaning

3) n tA r Dr.f Hmw Hmwt r-mitt-jry

of the whole land and male and females servants likewise. m AHwt aSAw wrt jw rn n qn

I was endowed with large amounts of land. The name of a brave (man

m jrt.n.f nn Htm
is) in what he has done. Without perishing

4) m tA pn Dt
in this Land forever.

GAP (Gwyn Ashworth-Pratt)

Using Bill Petty’s Ahmose book plus of course Gardiner and Faulkner.
Different translations are offered. Without the transliteration and
translation of sAH, I would never have found it !

Hrii Xniit iaH-ms sA ibAnA mAa- xrw

Highest of sailors (admiral?) Ahmose son of Ibana, justified

Dd.f Dd.i n tn(w) rmT nb.f di.i rx tn(w) Hswt xprt n.i

He says (Ahmose who says) I say to you all mankind (everyone) I would
have you know the honours accruing to me

Iwa kwi m nbw sp (7) xft-Hr n tA rDr.f

I was gift(ed) (?rewarded) with gold 7 times in the presence of the

entire land and

Hmw Hmwt r-mtt- irw sAH kwi m AHwt aSAw wrt

male servants (slaves) and female servants (slaves) and/ as well as to

me many land grants of large fields

iw rn n qn m irit n.f nn Htm m tA pn Dd

Indeed the name of the valiant, through his doing (deeds), will not
perish in this land forever and ever


Urk. 1.16

Hry Xntyt iaH-ms sA ibAnA mAa-xrw Dd.f

Master of sailors, Ahmes, son of Ibana, the justified, says,

Hry Xntyt: master of sailors (Faulkner, pp.174)

Urk. 1.17

Dd.i rmT nbt

“I say to you, everyone.

rmT: man (Faulkner, pp.149)

Urk. 2.1

di.i Hst xprt n.i

I will let you know the favour that had happened to me.

xprt: perfect participle modifies Hst. (Hoch, pp.135)

Urk. 2.2

iwa.kwi m nbw sp 7 xft-Hr n tA r-Dr.f

I was rewarded with gold 7 times in front of the entire land,

stative with v.t. is translated as passive. (Hoch, pp.102)

xft-Hr: in front of (Faulkner, pp.190)

Urk. 2.3

Hmw Hmwt r mitt iry

male servants and female servants, and the like thereof.

r mitt iry: the like thereof (Faulkner, pp. 104)

Urk. 2.4

sAH.kwi m AHt aSA(t) wrt

I was granted with a great quantity of land.

Urk. 2.5

iw rn.i n qn m irt.n.f

The name of a brave man is from what he has done

irt.n.f: perfect relative.

Urk. 2.6

nn Htm m tA pn Dt

without being destroyed from this land forever.”

Ahmose 1
Hazel Gray

Unless otherwise specified, my grammar notes are based on lectures from a course on
Egyptian Language and Beliefs at Birkbeck, University of London, taught by Carol Andrews.
We used both Allen (2nd ed.) and Gardiner (3rd rev. ed.) for readings during the course.

Page 1 Line 16

Hry xnyt iaHms sA ibAnA mAa-xrw Dd=f

Captain of sailors Ahmose, son of Ibana, true of voice, (he) says

 Hry is derived from the preposition Hr (upon) and means who / which is upon; here
it means one who is in charge of sailors.
 Interesting writing of xnyt, showing i-t-i rather than y-t. Presumably this is to make
the writing more attractive – or perhaps a scribal error.
 Also interesting that a male determinative is written between the i and b of Ibana’s
name. Should this have come after the sA?
 The use of the wording mAa-xrw (justified, true of voice) indicates that Ibana had
died by the time the inscription was written.

Page 1 Line 17

Dd=i rmTt nbt

“I say to you, all mankind

 The use of the feminine adjective nbt indicates, according to Faulkner’s dictionary,
that the preceding word is the plural rmTt (mankind) rather than rmT (people)

Page 2 Line 1

di=i Hswt xprt n.i

I will make known to you the favours that have accrued to me

 Uses the subjunctive of rdi (di=i) to express the future

 An interesting writing of Hswt using 3 water jars
 Faulkner gives xpr n as an idiomatic use of the verb meaning “accrue to”, appearing
here as the participle xprt, which seems best translated in this instance in the perfect
Page 2 Line 2 m nbw sp 7 xft-Hr n tA r Dr.f

I was rewarded with gold 7 times before the whole land

 Uses the stative to indicate a completed action in the passive mood (“I was
 I’m not sure whether the n after xft-Hr is redundant, since Faulkner gives the
meaning of xft-Hr as “in front of / before”
 “tA r Dr.f” means literally “the land to its limit” but seems better translated as “the
whole land”

Page 2 Line 3

Hmw Hmwt r mitt iry

(and with) male and female servants as well.

 Perhaps better just translated as “and likewise male and female servants”, as this
follows on from the previous line so the m (with) also relates to these servants.
 r mitt iry is literally “the like thereof”, with mitt derived from the preposition mi
(like) and iry derived from r (to, at, concerning)

Page 2 Line 4 m AHwt aSA wrt

I was endowed with a great number of fields

 The stative,, again shows a completed passive occurrence (“I was
 aSA wrt, according to Faulkner translates as “a very great quantity of” but “great
number” seems to work better with “fields”. I noticed that Nederhof transliterates
this as aSAw, but Faulkner shows it as aSA even when the writing displays plural

Page 2 Line 5

iw rn n qn m irt.n=f

The name of a brave man is in what he has done

 The statement is introduced by the particle iw, and emphasises the truth of the
 I noticed that Faulkner mentions that qn can also be a military title, and that there
was an elite military group called the Braves, so I just wonder if there is a bit more to
this line. Is it “The name of a Brave is in what he has done”?
 The m of predication asserts the link between the two parts of the sentence –
literally the man’s good name is his deeds.
 irt.n=f is a perfect relative form (“that which he has done”)

Page 2 Line 6

nn Htm m tA pn Dt

never perishing in this land.”

 Literally “not / without perishing in this land forever”. This uses the form nn +
infinitive to indicate an action whose existence is denied (Allen 14.15.1)

Ahmose 1
Page 1 Line 16 & 17
Page 2 Lines1-6


P1, L16, Hry-Xnyt IaH-ms sA IbAnA mAa-xrw Dd=f

Captain of sailors, Ahmose, son of Ibana, Justified, he says

Dd=f – infinitive + suffix pronoun

P1, L17, Dd=i n=tn rmT nbt

I speak to you, all people

P2, L1, di=i rx=tn Hswt xprt n=i

I will let you know the favours granted to me.

di=i – subjunctive
rx=tn – infinitive
xprt – Faulkner=accrued

L2, m nbw sp 7 xft-Hr n tA r-Dr=f

I have been rewarded with gold seven times in front of the entire land – stative

L3, Hmw Hmwt r-mitt irw

and with male and female slaves as well.
Hm and Hmt are translated by Faulkner and Allen as servants, but
Gardiner gives translation as slaves – which makes more sense

L4, m AHwt aSAw wrt

I have been endowed with a great many fields. – stative
AHwt – fields, arable land

L5, iw rn n qn m irt.n=f
The name of a brave man is what he has done

qn – infinitive
irt.n=f – perfect

L6, nn Htm m tA pn Dt
without perishing in this land forever.

nn – negative
Htm - infinitive

Jill (Please don’t forget to put your name at the top of your work!)

Ahmose 1

Due 11th February 2018

Page 1 line 16 to page 2 line 6

Page 1

Line 16 Hry Xntyt ams sA ibAnA mAa-xrw Dd.f

Captain of Sailors, Ahmose son of Ibana, he says..

Line 17 Dd.i n tn rmTt nbt

“I say to you, all mankind....

Page 2

Line 1 di.i Hsw xprt n.i

I would have you know that favour was accrued to me

xprt – Faulkner p189; xpr n = accrue to; Hoch §121, 2b) Perfect passive participle

Line 2 iwa.kwi m nbw sp sn 7 xft Hr n tA r-Dr.f

I was rewarded with gold seven times in front of the land in its entirety (the entire

iwa.kwi = stative

Line 3 Hmw Hmwt r-mitt-irw

Male and female servants as well as....

r-mitt-irw = Petty p63 = as well as

Line 4 sAH.kwi m Ahwt aSAw wrt

a grant of land to me of many large fields

sAH.kwi = stative

Line 5 iw rn n(y) qn m ir(w)t.n.f

The name of the valient through what he has done

qni = use as a noun

irt.n.f = Hoch §158 Perfect Relative Verb Form

Line 6 nn Htm m tA pn Dt

shall not perish in this land enduringly

Ahmose 1
Lenka Peacock
Due Feb 11, 2018
Section 1, Intro. p. 1, Line 16 - p. 2 Line 6

Hry-Xnyt iaHms sA ibAnA mAa-xrw

Hry-Xnyt - master of sailors - captain of sailors, crew commander
= The captain of sailors, Ahmose, son of Ibana, justified
Dd.f Dd.i n Tn rmT nbt
rmT nbt - mankind, people, everyone - fem. so “nb” adj. ends in fem. ending “t”
= said: I say to you, all the people,

di.i rX-Tn Hswt xprt n.i

rdi rx - to inform, to give knowledge
Hs - favour, praise, honour - pl.
xpr n - accrue to, grant
= I will inform you (about) the favours that accrued to me. m nbw sp 7
iwa - to reward - stative 1s (Allen 2nd ed. 17.2)
= I was rewarded with gold 7 times

xft-Hr n tA r-Dr.f Hmw Hmwt r mitt iry

xft-Hr - in front of, in the presence of
r mitt iry - so too, as well as
= in the presence of his entire land as well as male and female servants m AHwt aSAw wrt

sxt - field, marshland, country beside town
AHt - field, arable land
aSA - adj. many, numerous, plentiful
= and endowed me with very many fields.

iw rn n qn m irt n.f
qn - adj. + vb. - brave, strong, capable
= my name of a brave (man) is in what he does

nn Htm m tA pn Dt
Htm - vb. intrans. - perish, be destroyed
= will not perish in this land for eternity.


(1, 16) Hry Xnyt iaH-ms sA ibana mAa-xrw

Chief of sailors, Ahmose, son of Ibana, justified

(1, 17) Dd.f Dd.i rmt nbt

He says, "I speak to you, all people.

(2, 1) di.i Hsw xprt.n.i

I would have you know of the favors that have come upon me

di.i = sDm.f as subjunctive (Allen 3rd edition section 18.8) = prospective (Hoch S.712)
(yes I know that Allan and Hoch are talking about the same form, but each emphasizes it differently which fits the
usages here)
xprt.n.i = past relative form (Collier & Manley, S. 37, S.52)

(2, 2) m nbw sp 7 xft-Hr n tA r Dr.f

I have been rewarded with gold seven times before the entire land. = Independent use of Stative (Hoch S.98)

xft-Hr = literally "before the face of"

(2, 3) Hmw Hmwt r mitt jrw

(and with) male and female slaves, likewise.

(2,4) m aHwt aSAw wrt

I have been endowed with many great fields = Independent use of Stative (Hoch S.98)

(2, 5) iw rn n qn m jrt.n.f
The name of the valiant is in what he has done

jrt.n.f = past relative form (Collier & Manley, S. 37, S.52)

(2, 6) nn Htm m tA pn Dt
that shall never perish from the land

nn Htm = negation of sDm.f with FUTURE meaning (Allen 3rd S.18.14)

Ahmose 1

Mick T 9/2/18

Hri Xnytt iw iaH ms sA ibAnA mAa-xrw Dd=f

The (marine) crew commander Ahmose, son of Ibana, justified. He says:

Dd=i n=Tn rmT nbt di=i rx=Tn Hswt xprt n=i

I speak to you all people. I let you know what favours came to me.

iwa.kwi m nbw sp 7 xft-Hr n tA r-Dr=f

I have been rewarded with gold 7 times in the presence of the whole (lit. 'to the limit') land,

Hmw Hmwt r-mitt irw sAH.kwi m AHwt aSAw wrt

With male and female servants as well, with a great number of fields.

iw rn n qn m irt.n =f

The name of the brave man is in that which he has done.

/ A man's reputation lies in what he has done.
n n Htm m tA pn Dt

It will not perish in this land forever.


1.16 Hry Xnyt iaHmsiw sA ibAnA mAa-xrw Dd.f

Commander of sailors Ahmose, son of Ibana, justified, says:

1.17 Dd.i n.Tn rmT nbt

I speak to you all people

2.01 rdi.i rx.Tn Hswt xpr(w).t n.i

I let you know the favours that happened to me

2.02 iwa.kwi m nbw sp 7 xft-Hr n tAr Dr.f

I have been rwarded with gold 7 times in front of the entiere land

2.03 Hmw Hmwt r mitt iry

male and female slaves and the like,

2.04 sAH.kwi m AHwt aSAw wrt

I have been endowed with very many fields

2.05 iw rn n(y) qni m irt.n.f

The name of a brave is in what he has done

2.06 nn Htm m tA pn Dt

no perishing in this land forever.

Ahmose 1 rwf

1. Hry xnywt Ah-msiw sA ibAnA mAa xrw

Master of the Admiralty, Ahmose, son of Ibana, true of voice,

2. Dd.i n tn rmT nbt di.i Hswt xprt n.i iwa.kwi m nbw sp 7


He says, " I say to you, all people. I will tell you of the rewards

granted me receiving gold times seven before

3. tA r Dr.f Hmw Hmwt r mitt iry sAH.kwi m AHwt aSA

wrt iw rn n qn m irt.n.f nn xtm

the entire nation, servants and female servants, as well I am endowed

with many grand settlements. The name of the brave one is what he did

without being destroyed

4. m tA pn Dt

in this land forever.

Moderator note: Please don’t translate more text than is due in the assignment. I’ve deleted
the extra lines. Thanks!

Ahmose 1: Einleitung

1. Hry Xnytw iaHms sA ibAnA mAa xrw

Captain of sailors Ahmose Son of Ibana the justified

2. Dd=f Dd=i n=tn rm.T(w) nb.t(w)

He says I say to you all mankind

di=i rx=tn Hsw xpr.t n=i

may I give you knowledge of praise that happened to me (prospective Hoch p87)

iwa=kwi m nbw sp 7 xft Hr

I have been rewarded with gold 7 times in front of (stative Hoch p102)

3. tA Dr=f

the land in its entirety

Hmw r mitt iry

Slaves (male) and slaves (female) the likeness there of

sAH=kwi m Ahtw aSA.(t)w wr.t

I have been endowed with many great fields (stative Hoch p102)

iw rn n(y) qn m irt.n=f

a name of one that is brave is in what he achieved

nn Htm
without perishing (negation of the infinitive Hoch p119)

4. m tA pn Dt

in this land forever



OCKINGA, B. 2005. Mittelägyptische Grundgrammatik, 2. Überarbeitete Auflage, Mainz:

Philip von Zabern

HANNIG, R. 2006. Großes Handwörterbuch Ägyptisch - Deutsch (2800 - 950 v. Chr),

Marburger Edition, Mainz: Philipp von Zabern.

Thesaurus Linguae Agyptiae[Online]. 2018. BBAW. Available:

(abbreviated TLA, followed by lemma number)


1.p.s = first person singular etc.

NEP = non-enclitic particle

P.1 Line 16

Hry-Xnyt AHms sa jbAnA Dd =f

Subject Verbal predicate + Subject resumed
The naval commander (lit. commander of oarsmen/ship’s crew) Ahmose, Son of Ibana,
true of voice, (he) says:

P.1 Line 17

Dd = j n=Tn rmT nbt

Possibly a subjunctive/prospective or emphatic form as it Indirect vocative
is a bare sDm=f starting a sentence (cf. Ockinga §75, object
p.44), but I prefer to interpret it as a general statement
(eg. Generalis/Aorist: Ockinga §70, p.37)
I speak to you, everybody

P.2 line 1

Dj=j rx =tn Hs.wt xpr.t n=j

Subjunctive direct object Participle agreeing with Hs.wt + indirect object
that I may cause you to know (lit. that you know) the favours which have happened to me:

P.2 line 2

jwa.kwj m nbw sp-7 xft-Hr-n tA r-Dr=f

Stative prepositional adverbial prepositional phrases
1.p.s. phrase
I have been awarded with gold seven times before the entire country

P.2 line 3

Hm.w r-mitt-jry
Subject Adverb
linked, consecutive clause referring back to the preposition m in the previous
(and with) male and female slaves likewise;

P.2 line 4

sAH.kwj m AH.wt aSA-wr.t

Stative Prep. phrase Adverb
I don’t think aSA is the adjective “many” as it
doesn’t agree with AH.wt, but an adverb: aSA wr.t
“very much” (Hannig, lemma 46712, p.172) or even
“very often” (cf. TLA lemma-nos. 450155 and
(and) I have been much endowed with fields.
P.2 line 5

jw rn n kn m jr.t.n=f
NEP Subject adverbial predicate

(with indirect (m of predication + past relative form)

The name of the brave consists of what he has done

P.2 line 6

nn Htm m tA pn Dt
Negation nn + infinitive Prep. phrase adverb

Ockinga §136(c)
without ever perishing in this entire land.

Terry Wilson Ahmose 1 Page 1,16 to page 2,6 11th Feb 2018


Hrw Xnyt Ams sA ibAnA mAa mAa-xrw Dd.f

Chief of sailors, Ahmose son of Ibana, justified, he says,


Dd.f n tn rmT nbt

“I speak to you, all of the people.


di.i rx tn Hswt xprt n.i

I would have you know of the favours that accrued to me.

Verb di.i followed by prospective of verb rx has causative translation. [Hoch $75.1]

xprt ~ perf.act.part.

iwa.kwi m nb sp7 xft Hr n tA r-Dr.f

I was rewarded with gold on 7 occasions in the presence of the entire land

iwa.kwi ~ stative form


Hmw Hmwt r mitt-irw

and male and female slaves as well.

mitt irw ~ “the likeness thereof”, ROF p 104


sAH.kwi m AHt aSAw wrt

I was endowed with very many fields.

2.5 – 2.6

iw rn n qni m irt n.f nn Htm m tA pn Dt

The name of a brave man is in his deeds, without perishing in this land forever,

irt n.f ~ inf. of 3rd wk followed by n.f as ‘logical indirect object’ the making/doing/carrying
out for him. [Hoch $57.5]


Hry Xnyt jaH-ms zA jbAnA mAa(t)-xrw

Head of the navy, Ahmose , son of Ibana, deceased

Although it has become traditional to give Ahmose ('the moon-born") the title of "admiral",
this is really conjecture. Breasted, cautiously but correctly translates Hry Xnyt as "chief of the
sailors" and all it really tells us is that Ahmose was in a position of authority over a bunch of "sailors" - also rendered as a
"team of rowers" (Rudermannschaft) by Hannig, although subsequent events reveal that he was a man of some
consequence. It is noteworthy that he is given a matronymic rather than the more usual patronymic. His mother's name looks
like an example of "group-writing" - using pairs of signs to spell out the syllables of foreign words - which would suggest
that she was not of native Egyptian origin. This non-verbal statement is by way of being a caption to the picture of Ahmose
beside which it stands.

Dd=f Dd=j n=tn rmTt nbt

who says: "I will speak to all you people.

Like the following verb, this one seems to refer to the future, albeit immediate. rmTt is a collective
noun, with which nbt agrees.

dj=j rx=tn Hzwt xprt n=j

I will tell you about the recognition I have been given.

lit. " I will let you know the favors/praise/honors which have happened to me." A literal
translation frequently sounds awkward and un-English. Note the archaic writing of the plural
of Hzwt which lends the inscription a touch of solemnity. m nbw zp 7 xft Hr n tA r Dr=f

I have been publicly rewarded 7 times with gold

xft Hr n tA r Dr=f lit. "before/in the presence of the entire land" ,= "publicly". This is also Hannig's translation. According
to Allen III 16.2 the reed-leaf in the 1st person stative is not a phonetic, but stands for the usual determinative A1. It is also
reminiscent of the Old Egyptian ending .kj, another archaic touch. m AHwt aSa(t) wrt Hmw Hmwt r mjtt jry

and enfeoffed with very many parcels of land, and likewise (with) male and female servants.

sAH "endow" usually refers to land, cattle and servants and is occasionally written with the N21 determinative. Both of
the statives,being of transitive verbs, are passive in meaning. r mjtt jry lit. "similarly to it/them".

jw rn n qn m jrt.n=f nn Htm m tA pn Dt

The reputation of a brave man is (for) what he has done. (It) will never be forgotten in this land."

Lit. "the name of a brave one is what he has done. (It) will never perish". Taking nn Htm as a subjectless verb is something
of a liberty but translating it as "without perishing" makes little sense in either language, whereas making rn n qn the
subject disobeys the prescribed word order. m here is the "m of predication" i.e. what is being said here is that a brave
man's deeds are his reputation.

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