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General  Pain

 USOH  SOB (dyspnea)

 Fever  Sputum production
 Chills  Coughing blood (hemoptysis)
 Night sweats  Wheezing
 Appetite Breasts
 Weight Δ  Lumps
 Weakness  Bloody discharge
 Fatigue  Milky discharge (galactorrhea)
 Pain  Pain
 Anhedonia  Self-examination
Skin Cardiac
 Rashes  Chest pain
 Itching  Palpitations
 Hives  SOB (dyspnea)
 Easy bruising o On exertion
 Change in moles o Lying flat (orthopnea)
 Loss of pigment o Awakening from sleep (PND)
 Δ in hair pattern o Swelling of feet or other regions (edema)
Head Vascular
 Dizziness  Pain in legs, calves, thighs, hips, buttocks when
 Headaches walking (claudication)
 Trauma  Leg swelling (edema)
 Fainting  Blood clots (thrombophlebitis)
Eyes  Ulcers
 Use of glasses Gastrointestinal
 Δ in vision  Appetite
 Double vision (diplopia)  NVDC
 Pain  Vomiting blood (hematemesis)
 Redness  Swallowing difficulty/pain
 Discharge  Heartburn (dyspepsia)
 H/o glaucoma  Abdominal pain
 Cataracts  Δ in stool color/caliber
Ears  Black, tarry stools (melena)
 Hearing loss  Rectal bleeding (hematochezia)
 Use of hearing aid  Hemorrhoids
 Discharge Urinary
 Pain  Frequent urination (frequency)
 Ringing (tinnitus)  Urinating at night (nocturia)
Nose  Abrupt urge to urinate (urgency)
 Nosebleeds (epistaxis)  Difficulty starting stream
 Discharge  Incontinence
 Loss of smell (anosmia)  Blood in urine (hematuria)
Mouth and throat  Painful urination (dysuria)
 Bleeding gums Female genital
 Painful swallowing (odynophagia)  Lesions/discharge/itching
 Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia)  Age at menarche
 Hoarseness  Interval b/w menses
 Tongue burning (glossodynia)  Duration of menses
 Tooth pain  Amount of flow
Neck  Last menses
 Lumps  Bleeding b/w periods
 Goiter  Pregnancies
 Stiffness  Abortions/miscarriages
Chest  Libido
 Cough  Dyspareunia
 Orgasm function Endocrine
 Age at menopause DM
 Menopausal symptoms  Excessive thirst
 Postmenopausal bleeding  Frequent urination
Male genital  Numbness or tingling of hands/feet
 Lesions/discharge  Weight gain or loss
 Erectile function  Episodes of confusion, sweating, light-headedness
 Orgasm function (hypoglycemic reaction)
 Testis swelling/pain  Blurred vision
 Libido  Date of last eye examination
 Hernia Thyroid
Neuropsychiatric  Swelling in neck
 Fainting  Weight gain or loss
 Paralysis  Palpitations or racing heart
 Numbness  Tremulousness
 Tingling  Hair loss (alopecia)
 Tremors  Dry skin
 Loss of memory  Heat or cold intolerance
 Mood changes  Loss of skin pigment (vitiligo)
 Sleep  Constipation or diarrhea
 Nervousness
 Speech disorders
 Poor balance (ataxia)
 Hallucinations
 Seizures
 Weakness
 Pain
 Stiffness

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