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Transforrning Lives


A New Start f or Transitional Housing

Gospel Rescue Ministries' new transitional place for an extended period of time. The fear
housing facility atl733 T Street, SE is scheduled of failure and being alone can easily overwhelm
to be completely renovated, decorated, and a person rn'ho is not properly equipped and
ready for occupancy in April 2007. We plan supported in a loving and caring way through
to have 2 units for women and 4 units for men, an extensive transitional period.
accomodattng24 clients. Each uni[ contains a
kitchen, eating area, living room, 4 bedrooms, GRM has stepped out on faith with this new
2 full bathrooms, and access to washers and transitional housing facility and aftercare
dryers. program, knou,ing full well that there are
many trophies of God's grace in process.
New staff will oversee the aftercare supportive With the potential of relapse ever present,
services and many partners will be recruited for we know that a strong effort must be made to
assistance in these programs. Aftercare services achieve a high percentage of success for those
will include family counseling, job readiness participating in our programs, with much love
at'J placement assistance, educational classes and encouragement that continues after they
rtoring, finarncial planning and budget have completed the residential portion of their
x_-.ration, AA and NA meetings, spiritual treatment.
guidance and mentoring, legalimedical services
and permanent housing assistancc. and transitional living services. We ask you to keep us in your prayers as we
open our new transitional housing facility.
The new housing facility rn'ill primarily be usedIn order to build on and sustain the We will need church and individual volunteer
for male graduates of GRM's TLM program, strong holistic program that is offered to help with many of our aftercare sen,ices. Also,
female graduates of the Fulton House of Hope, the men and women in GRM's recovery u'e ask you to consider a financial gift to help
and graduates of GRM's Ready To Work programs, including spiritual guidance with the costs to operate and maintain the new
program. In addition, as space permits, GRM and social services, it has become facility and costs for new staff and services
would like to make its facilities available to increasingly evident that a strong connected with the expanded aftercare
graduates of other recovery programs that share aftercare program with encouraging and supportive program.
the same basic approaches to effective aftercare helpful supportive services must be in

Differentways ro Give DIDYOUKNOW?

We are thankful that a number of our faithful supporters have included GRM in their wills as beneficiaries
over the years. There are a number of planned giving opportunities that would help to provide us long-term financial security for our
organization. Endowments, annuities, trusts, will bequests, and similar giving prograrns can be structured in a tax effective way, and we
would be happy to assist you in exploring these options. Please contactlohnlackson at GRM ifyou are interested in planncd giving (202)8421731

A number of businesses in our area have matching gift programs for gifts made
by their active and retired employees. Frequently, the match is 1009() up to a certain amount. Companies such as Verizon, Famie Maq
A^'ra, GE, Bellsouth, and Wiley & Rein law firm are just a few of the companies that have sent matching gifts to GRM over the years.
:ompany you work for has a matching gift program, you can possibly double your gift to GRM and help us even more in our life-
\\-ding work. We would be pleased to help you discover if your company has a matching gift program to help maximize your giving.
If you hot c questions about corporate matchingprograms, ple.tse contact Steyc Glaudc.
School of Tornorrow Questions aboutsoT? chry st al@gr
r . o r'-.-

S OT Intr o duces D ist anc e Learning as d New W ry to Reach Client s

Many adults are not able to reach their goal of receiving a high by the State Education Agency, that allou/s more flexibiliri..
school credential. Some of these adults include single mothcrs SOT is rn,orking lr'ith Covenant House in southeast and Notr.-
without day care for children, TANF (Tcmporirry Assistirnce for D;rme Education Ccnter in northeast to pro\Iide this Web bitsecl
Needy Families) rccipients, \'omen re-entering thc u-orkforce program, including online courses in GED preparation, compurcr
after long absences, grandparents taking cirre of grandchildren, educi.rtion, math, u'riting, irnd rei-rding.
adult learners doing shift u'ork for a living. lvlanl'trf these adults
are finding it difficult to fit into tri'rditional adult lerrrning centcr The hope is th:-rt this neu' Web based ;-rpproach will be m(rrc
programs due to limited hours of operation and locations. irccessible to lerrncrs, rrnd therefore encourage learners to continuc
u'ith their learning despite their work and family commitments.
The School of Tomorro\ / provides adult learners aged 18-65 rn'ho that they rn'ill be able to complete their courses and as a result
are inneed of a GED certificate ora High School Diploma, aprogram improve their educationirl and vocational skills.
that fits their needs. Adult learners having problems accessing
standard education progr;lms may benefit from an opportunity to If ,touhat,c qtrcstions crbout this program or anything about thc SOT,plcasc
participate in :,r Web based distance learning program, sponsorecl c onta ct Chr1, st al J oncs, D ir cctor of thc S cho oI, at Q02) 842- l7 3 l.

Adult 0 Family Lireracy NEhr

The School of Tomorro\ / hosted its first Adult and Family Literacy Night on
Jarnuar;' 25, 20t17. Literircy Night is a component of the Economic Literacy,
Information Technology Employment Education Program funded by the State
Education Agency. The event was held in the SOT and attendcd by staff,
clients, and family members. Literacy Night was created to help the families
of adult learners commit to education and to also
support their family members as they u'ork on their
literacy goals.

The evening began rn'ith socializing over snacks.

Later \ /e gathered in the computer lab to vieu' Chn'stal loncs, SOT Dirccfor-, u,ifh hcr daugl'ter Amaria,TL\,I
AkeelahandthcBec. Akcclah is about a \/ery intelligent clicnt Phillip G ctrdon, and Earl \4urr at,, D ev clL)pmentAssocicrc

young girl living in the inner city rn'ho r.r'as losing

her commitment to education because of her
environment and peer pressure. After rnritnessing
her skill at spelling, a professor takes interest in her
and decides to coach her to win the national spelling
bee. During the course of the movie, Akeelah learns
more than just a ne\ / r'ocabulary. She becomes
aware of her own worth and recomtnits her rn'ill and
her way to education and success.

Lashea,datghtcr of La Our first Literacy Night was a rn'onderful evening of

Shau,n \Vonsorr, D ata Rcports fellowship and will continue every fourth Thursday
Coordinator of rhc SOT of the month. Come and join us!
Ellis H o dges, BES T Di rec tor, w ith T err o n J o seph, son o f A,
Joscph, GRN4 computa' analt,st
iRM Clients Going Back to Work
Shi'ru'nJohnson, Dcccmbcr 2t106 WorkNet graduatc, rcccivccl Ll pcrmilncnt positir-rn u'ith Aramark
Corporrrtion on.Jlrnurry 26, 1007 irs ir Linc Service Wcrrkcr, Division of Prtient Crrre , \'irginia Hospit;-rl
Ccntcr, locrrtccl in Arlington, \/irginia.'n successfully complctcd 24tl hours of u'ork irt thc Ccnter as
il contrilct u'orker lvith the Ararmrrk Tcmporrrry Agency prior to his pcrnrrrncnt rlpfr)intmcnt.

Bcci'rusc of his consistency, dcpenclability, ilnd hirrcl lvork, he u'irs rccogni-ccl by his supcrvisors r'rs
soulconc u'ho u'ould make irn exccllent irclditir-ln to their tclm. His irppointlncnt inclucles rr bcncfits
pack;r.gc ,rs u'ell :-rs future opportr-rnitics for crlrecr gror,r'th. Shiru'n crcclits his faith in Gocl ancl thc tot-rls
thi.'rt hc t'rlrtrrinccl rrt GRM ;--rs contributors to his recent sllcccss.
' ffu' ,



While Darnell Martin \\/as a student in thc WorkNet class, he recognized that he
did not h;rve enough u'ork experience to pursuc his dream of becoming a corporate
computer network ;rdministrator after conducting job se arches. He lvas encouraged
to pllrsue a compllter rclatecl internship to gain solre experience. Darnell learned of
irn internship opportunity, u'orking for six u'eeks in a classroom setting through the
Horn'arrd Rozrd Academy Ch;rrter School in Southezrst DC.

:nell servcd as an assistant to the tcchnolog;'tcrrcher u'ho taught basic computer

to students in gr;rdes 2 - 6. Darnell's responsibilities included the maintenancc of ro
1-.,lls 'tt

all of the lirptop computers so that students 'ur,ould have maximum performirnce in thc clitssrootn. Darnell also u'orkecl u'ith students
to improve their cr)mpllter skills and provided troubleshooting support to teachers.

Darnell has since moYcd on to a position irt the World Bank, but is proud and thanlful of the cxpericnces that he had lr'orking u'ith
the kids at Hos'ard Road.


Tu'o GRM gracluiltes have joinecl the GRM teilm to sullport the Transfclrming Lives
Ministry: Willie Jennings ;rncl A. Al-Kahlil-Bey.

Willie is currently a Certified Addictions Counselor Level I intern, scheduled to

complete his formurl clirssroom training and graduate February 27th. He u'ill continue
the completion of 1500 hours here in the ministry to qualify for his board examinations.
As a pzrrt of his internship, he co-lcads groups, has zr small counseling ci'rseload, serves
as a monitor, ;rncl escorts clicnts to appointrncnts. \\zi I lic Jcnrr iru.s, ccn ro', lcrrdi rrg d counscl i ng sc.s.siort

Kahlil's stor)/ is different from most graduates at GRM. He u,;rs an ;rddictions counselor
prior to enrolling in our program, and had a history u'ith ;rlcohol abuse, but had nor
rel;rpsed rn'hen he came to us. He knernr hou'ever, thirt he u'as close to taking a drink, so hc
enrolled himself in the TLM program as rr preventative rnellsure.

Nou, Kahlil is proud to be celebrating 19 years of sobriety, and h;rs joined our staff as a
part-time counselor and evening monitor. He is alscl zrssisting David Barnes, Director of
TLM, as a Continuous Quality Improvement Auditor by helping to ensure that u,c conform
to national stand;rrds. Kahlil is ir Certified Chernical Dependency Counselor r,r'ith i.r MSW
from the University of Maryland at Baltimore .

A. Al-Kahlil-8c1,
GRM Wish List
COSPEL RESCLJE As you get ready to Spring clean, keep us in rnind!
GRM is pleased to accept tax deductible donations
MINISTRIES and gifts in kind at any time.

lhe programs of GRM are: Socks, underweor (for menl

Tronsforming Lives Ministry Artwork
Comprehatsit,c substance abusc trcatment for mcn

Fulton House of Hope Toiletry items (men ond womenl

C o mp r ehcn sit, c sub st an c c ab u s c tr e atmatt. f o r w o men Melro posses
The School of Tomorrow
An accrcditcd adult cducation center School supplies

The B.E.S.T. Job Development Progrom New toys, gomes, books

Bctter Employment for Succcssfiil T r ansition
(for children of clientsl
Reody To Work
A rcsidcntialworlt trainingprogram t'or men DVDS/VHS (spirituol subiects, oddiction,
Bornobos House or qppropriotely rqted feoture filmsl
A tr anistional housing facility f or men
Twin size bedding
Somorilqns Overnight Shelter
Ancmergency ot,ernight sheber for mcn

Conned (non-perishoblel food

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