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TUTOS Homepage / Installation FAQ


how to install TUTOS / FAQ

What are those config.pinc or config.php you are talking about ?
Those files are the main config files in TUTOS. You can use either config.php (recommended) or config.pinc (the old name).
What is TUTOS ? How do I create new Users ?
Users are simply address entries with some more features like passwords etc.
Screenshots A superuser will see a "User Create" link on the left side of the address modify dialog of an already existing base address.
Where do I enter the email address , city , phone data of an user ?
Requirements Addresses Entries can have like companies and departments multiple "locations". In the modify dialogs of these objects you see an link add
address which gives you a form where you can enter the desired data.
What is the difference between teams and departments.
Download Only Users can be member of a team. Teams can share calendars and permissions.
Departments are a group of addresses and are part of a company entry. Department members have no per se no rights to do anything
Status / Demo within TUTOS.
I got errors like " Warning: Safe Mode: Cannot set environment variable 'TZ' - it's not in the allowed list ."
Feedback Your PHP engine runs in the safe mode but TUTOS likes to change the Timezone Environment for certain operations. Chanhe your php.ini
file to allow the change of the TZ environement or disable the PHP safe mode totally.
safe_mode = Off
related links
I got errors like "Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class address..."
Your PHP loads a foreign class before loading tutos classes. Have a look at your php.ini file and look for "auto_prepend_file = ". If this
mentioned a file to load then remove that filename and try again.
How to change displayed text / translations
TUTOS allows you to customize displayed text. Just create a file called php/lang_custom.p3 and add all fields you want to change. Use
the same format like in the standard language files (de.p3, en.p3 ...). If you like make language specific changes than call the new file
de_custom.p3 or en_custom.p3 etc.
How can I enable mail reminders
Add a cronjob that periodically call the http://[yourserver]/tutos/php/check.php page
Such a cronjob line will look like this
*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/lynx -accept_all_cookies -dump http://[yourhost]/tutos/php/check.php?dbnr=0 > /dev/null

*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/wget -a /dev/null -O /dev/null http://[yourhost]/tutos/php/check.php?dbnr=0 2> /dev/null

Ensure that the mail mechanism does work. See config.php $tutos[mailmode]
If your database is not indexed 0 in config.php you should change the dbnr argument in the call (ex.
How can I add my company/department logo in the headline
The logo for the login page is configured in config.php. The logos for the after login time is configured in the database entry.
goto admin page -> click on database name -> modify the entry -> enter the logo data
TUTOS displays wrong times
Check the Timezone in config.php $tutos[defaultTZ]. This must be the same TZ that your database is using. Check that your Operating
System knows about the timezone names that are listed in config.php
TUTOS does not display images and looks colorless
Ensure that the [tutosdir]/html is readable from your webserver. Have a look at the [tutosdir]/html/.htaccess file and remove/edit it if
You can not create new adress book entries
check that file_upload in your php.ini is enabled

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install_faq.html was last modified on Friday, 23-Jan-2004 05:48:25 PST

1 de 1 29/06/2007 12:55 p.m.

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