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The Seven Primary Chakras

Lance Baker
The Chakra System

This book is intended to be an introduction to the chakra system, particularly the seven
primary chakras. There are more than these, however these are just the main energy points
of our body to get you started.

These seven primary chakras run along a central vertical line of our body. The middle five
also have a front to rear axis; I will delve deeper into those in a later book.

A chakra is a constant spinning vortex of light. It has a dual spiral, where it spins energy in
(clockwise) and out (anti-clockwise) of our bodies. These seven primary chakras are the
main ways our body absorbs and processes Akasha (Chi life force). It then distributes this
life force energy to each of our relating organs and cells within our body.

When these get out of balance they can manifest as different physical illnesses or
emotional/psychological difficulties.

This can be used as a rough guide to see if anything mirrors a concern in your life. The best
thing to do with an energetic imbalance in your body, is change the way you live. Most
imbalances come from you either consciously or unconsciously burying something inside or
blocking yourself from something you need in your life. Sometimes these things can be
obvious, often however it's hard to see yourself. Perhaps you can see, but making that
change is too hard.

If you need outside help with any of these concerns I suggest you see an intuitive energy
healer to rebalance your chakra system or hypnotherapist to help you work with your
subconscious to make the changes you need to get your life where you need to be. Better
yet, get yourself to a workshop and learn these skills yourself!

I have a healing clinic in Newcastle NSW Australia where I offer energy healing, counselling,
meditation and hypnotherapy sessions. If you’re not local to the area and still feel drawn to
work with me, I do offer distance healing sessions to anywhere in the world with skype:
energy works regardless of whether you are in the same room or the other side of the world
and it is the same with talk based therapies like counselling and hypnotherapy. I also run
regular energy healing workshops and teach hypnosis for the Australian Academy of
Hypnosis. You can find more of my details at the back of this book.

I also have a chakra healing meditation you can download and listen to at home here:
First Chakra

Muladhara Chakra

Root Chakra
The root chakra is the start of our energetic journey though our bodies. All energy is a
vibration and the root chakra is the lowest vibration of the human system. As we go up the
body the vibrations rise to higher levels. It’s located between our genitals and anus at the
perineum. Fitting for being at the base of the main chakra system, it’s all about our base
primary needs. These needs being the needs of shelter, food, clothing, security and safety.
The root chakra is where we connect with earth and root ourselves into mother earth,
grounding us and keeping us stable.


Element :


4 petaled lotus.

Seed Sound Mantra:


Key function:
The will of physical being, and base needs for survival.
Shelter, Food, Money, Security and Safety. Grounding.

Location in the human body:

At the perineum, between anus and genitals.

Associated Gland:
Adrenal Glands.

Associated body parts:

Legs, Feet, Bones, Teeth, Nails, Spinal column, Anus, Rectum, Prostate gland, Colon, Large

Obesity, Hemorrhoids, Constipation, Sciatica, Urinary tract disorders, Circulation issues,
Skin issues, Reproductive issues, Headaches, Anger and violence, Addictions and
compulsions primarily with food, drugs, alcohol, and sex.

Inner state:
Second Chakra

Svadhistana Chakra

Sacral Chakra
The Sacral chakra is the next up the body, it sits just below your navel. This is the seat of the
inner child and our emotions. It's where we hold our connections to the full range of emotions
from the depths of depression all the way up to pure ecstasy and joy! The sacral is where
our passions come from,everywhere from creative endeavours to sexual and sensual
passions. The drive to create and express with these passions starts here and connects with
many of the above chakras in ways of expressing this.


Element :


6 petalled lotus.

Seed Sound Mantra:


Key function:
The creative outlet of self, pleasure, sexuality, sensuality, emotion,
feelings and awareness of them.

Location in the human body:

Just below the belly button (about three finger widths below).

Associated Gland:
Testicles, Ovaries.

Associated body parts:

Womb, Reproductive system, Kidneys, Bladder, Circulation system, All liquids of the body;
blood, lymph, gastric and sperm.

Frigidity, Impotence, Kidney issues, Bladder issues, Uterus issues, Irregular female cycle,
Lack of creative expression.

Inner state:
Intense emotion, Wellbeing, Inner child.
Third Chakra

Manipura Chakra

Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus is the core of self, our centre of personal power. It also sits in the core of
our torso. It’s you, what makes you, how you see yourself, feel about yourself and talk to
yourself. This is where your self esteem comes from, and also the polarity, and the negative
self talk! The solar plexus is what powers your will and determination to make all the things
happen in your life you aim for.
This is you, its all about you!


Element :


10 petalled lotus.

Seed Sound Mantra:


Key function:
The being of self, The centre of personal power, Will and determination,
Creating boundaries.

Location in the human body:

Centre of Torso, where left and right rib cage meet.

Associated Gland:

Associated body parts:

Liver, Spleen, Stomach, Small intestine, Digestive system, Lower back, Gallbladder,
Autonomic Nervous System.

Eating disorders, Hypoglycemia, Ulcers, Diabetes, Manipulative behaviour, Narcissism,
Fear, Abuse of power, Depression, Weight issues, Lack of self worth.

Inner state:
Self confidence, Personal lifeforce.
Fourth Chakra

Anahata Chakra

Heart Chakra
The heart chakra is our centre of love, not surprising since the heart is always talked about
when expressing love. This love is an all encompassing love. The love of the heart chakra
includes romantic love, but also the love you share for family, and friends. It’s the love of
compassion you express to a stranger in your community when you offer a helping hand or
give a warm smile to someone who is down. It’s the love of life, and the universe, it’s
everything. It’s also the point of our bodies that our healing abilities flow through for self
healing and for healing of others.

Green [also pink].

Element :


12 petalled lotus.

Seed Sound Mantra:


Key function:
Love, Healing.

Location in the human body:

Centre of the chest, in line with the heart.

Associated Gland:

Associated body parts:

Heart, Lungs, Arms, Hands, Upper back.

Blood pressure, Heart palpitations, Asthma, Heart disease, Lung disease, Breast cancer,
Lack of accepting love, Lack of sharing love, Codependency.

Inner state:
Love, Healing, Compassion.
Fifth Chakra

Vishuddha Chakra

Throat Chakra
The throat chakra is your centre of communication and expression. This chakra links not just
with your mouth for what you say, but also your ears, for what you hear. A balanced throat
chakra really opens up the ability to not just hear what is going on, but to listen and
understand. Communication is dynamic in that it is not just one sided, there is a give and a
take. The throat chakra also extends to the arms and includes the written part of
communication. Its main purpose is to help us express our truth and understand the truth of

Pale blue.

Element :


16 petalled lotus.

Seed Sound Mantra:


Key function:
Communication, The resonance of self, Truth, Expression.

Location in the human body:

The Throat.

Associated Gland:
Thyroid and Parathyroid.

Associated body parts:

Neck, Shoulders, Mouth, Throat, Jaw, Ears, Esophagus,The Voice.

Swollen glands, Colds, Thyroid problems, Sore throat, Lack of expressing needs and
feelings, Lack of understanding others, Speech impediment, Stutter, Inability to say Yes/No,
Oral fixation.

Inner state:
Sixth Chakra

Ajna Chakra

Third Eye Chakra

The third eye chakra is not a literal eye, with lashes and a pupil. It is the internal eye, often
referred to as our imagination, however it is much more than that. This is where you open up
to your intuition, picking up the un-said energetic aspects to interactions with others. It links
to our thoughts and focus on and of them. Opening this centre up can lead to seeing things
in spectrums unseen by others for example seeing auras or psychic impressions. This is also
where our ability to lucid dream and astral travel comes in.


Element :

All senses - including ESP (extra sensory perception).

96 petalled lotus [2 x 48 petals].

Seed Sound Mantra:


Key function:
Direct perception, Knowledge of being, Visions, Imagination.

Location in the human body:

The brow.

Associated Gland:

Associated body parts:

Eyes, Both Hemispheres of the brain, Nose, Sinuses, Central nervous system.

Headaches, Poor vision, Nightmares, Over thinking, Anxiety, Lack of intuition .

Inner state:
Seventh Chakra

Sahasrara Chakra

Crown Chakra
The crown chakra is at the very top of your head. This chakra is quite different to the rest
and it’s top of the stack for a reason, it is our connection to the heavens, the divine, the
universe! You can pull universal energy in through your crown to feed your entire body and
the energy that comes out of here feeds your aura. The crown chakra is where you become
in union with everything. This is where you open up your creativity and tap into that universal
knowledge, the Akashic records.

Violet, also white.

Element :


1000 petalled lotus.

Seed Sound Mantra:


Key function:
The will of spiritual being, and desire to connect with the universe. Union with all.

Location in the human body:

Crown of the Head.

Associated Gland:

Associated body parts:

Cerebral Cortex, Brain, Cerebellum, The whole body, The Energy Field.

Alienation, Separation from abundance.

Inner state:
Meet the Author:

Lance Baker ​has trained in Hypnosis, Mesmerism, The Swan Protocol, Reiki, Access Bars,
Holistic Counselling and Meditation. Lance delved deep into the world of energy healing, the
human biomagnetic field and adapted that with energetic hypnosis and mesmerism. This
gave him a unique perspective on the workings of energetic transference to facilitate deeper
changes within hypnosis and energy healing. Lance’s learnings have come from deep
practice and time spent with energy, from studying with numerous teachers and from delving
into old texts to learn from healing masters of the past who are no longer with us.

Lance’s personal experiences with chronic pain led him towards a path that was different to
how he ever imagined his journey would become. He had undertaken brain surgery to
alleviate symptoms associated with a large cyst. Lance instead was left suffering chronic
pain in the form of a migraine lasting 9.5 years! With less faith in western medical options,
Lance spent close to ten years trialing various medical and non-traditional healing
techniques, this led to Lance taking control of his own life and finding relief from his pain. By
utilising energetic techniques he learned to free himself from the pain of the chronic migraine
that he was told could not be cured.

He has a passion for learning new ways to help

clients and students. He will always be willing to
learn new techniques to promote his own
development and also assist his students find their
own unique voice and style in a way that they can

Contact details:

Lance Baker

+61 45758 3388

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