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Cm ene Cee acs Advantages of aV/PN VeNsrraintain a high level of security fer data ransmssion uve? the Incerret Disadvantages of aYPN. Performan VPN may be outside thecontralof he | organisation. itis dependent an the externa. resoutces that areused ‘Acertain amount o is | technical expertise is \VPNsuse extemal resourc sthat use VPI can savemaney as Uieydo | required to setupard not need topurclase or maintain VPNs, The cost Organisation implement secure, dedicated | ofthis expertise rust connections, caled leased | be factored in when lines, crusersieho went to | deciding whether to access the network. [implement a VPN, Tho cost of maintaining sho external resources is covered by someon else ry ingettra cientscasts very litleas the network is virtual Table 6.06 - Advantages and disadvantages of a VPN, Intranets usually use client-server architecture. They often use several servers. Aweb server hosts the intranet’s web peges, whilean eral server handles email communicatio server will handle user accounts andaccess, Many organisaliors sa use an intranet, For exarnste, school's ase a virtual earning envirenment (VLE) to provide teaching and learning resources to students. The VLEis an intranet Remember ntranetsareused (oIncreasealfciancy because all information isloved venvelly and cenbeeasiy accessed ditionally, unlike when browsing the internet, only information relevant to the organisetion is available. An Intrenet isfor intema use only. Inisincreases security and confidentiality as only users within the orgarisation can access information on the intranet. There may ba time allow users Ural are currenLy external to reorganisation hen an organisation wil want to to accessinformation on its intranet. Itean da tis by using an extranet. An extrenetisan intrarel thet has been opened up to allow external user access, Extranets use VPNstoallowan exiernal user to securely access the information on them, information to be Extranets usually only allons cons cessed, For example: + Aschool’s VLE may allow parents to access theirchild’s marks, attendance detaand reports. + Adoctor's surgery may beable toeccess a local hospital’ extranet to makeanapoointment fora patient + Acompany may provide trackiny.inforrnationon deliveries it's making tocustomers. oan extranet is normally avallable through the o7ganisator’s webs te. Auseriogs in using an email address and password that will notfy theextra users an authorised external user. 6.02 The internet (ju Packet sultchings dat hatis broken down ino packets issent through dfferentrovtes and assembled by the recipient TOP/IPL a communication protec used ay he terre Internet service provider (I52}:4 corpeny tt proses accesso“ internet member “Thointemetis. global nelwerkimadeup af interconnected netwerkes ad ineivesl eamoutors This ‘lobal networkalloususersta access online faciities such #5 electronic commurication inforrration sharing data storage, bankirg.videoand music steaming and socialnerwerking, oO Thebeginningsofthe nrernet were quite dierent from how itis row. In the 1650s and 1960s, theLivites States government formed several organisations whose purpose vras to develop new technology. One orgenisation was the Aavanced Research Projets Agency (ARPA). As projects eveloged, employees at ARPA became fustratec at the lack of computing power avellabe zo them. Atthe time, nly a handtul of poworiul computers weve available cross the country, These were oer al locations far away

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