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PRONUNCIATION - QUIZ 2 Name:________________________________________________

1- You are going to listen to part of a lecture in an anthropology class. It focuses on the use of Birch
tree barks as a resource for making utensils, a practice common to Iroquois and Huron
peoples, native American tribes who lived in the Great Lakes region.
First, we will listen to the whole lecture in order to get familiar to the content. The passage is a little over 5
minutes long.
Second, we will start transcribing the lecture. Remember to write words down according to what you
listen/understand. Pay special attention to vowel and th sounds when spelling. We might pause the audio
if necessary. Feel free to use an extra sheet as a draft/notes and then rewrite onto this sheet.
Third, there are 3 main speakers in this passage, the professor, a girl student and a boy student. Identify
the change in speaker by using the words previously mentioned.
Eg. Professor: So we’ve been discussing sixteenth century Native American life, and…

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