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38th annual


Honoring the memory of our beloved

friend and Sisterhood Past President
Joanne Robinson z”l




may 19, 2018 • shabbat bamidbar • 5 sivan 5778

P’sukei D’zimrah Miriam Goldberg, In Memory
of Joanne Robinson z”l
Shacharit Ruthe Goldstein
Torah Service Ilana Ben-Ze’ev
Peticha Johnie Galens,
Tali Arbel Newman
Hotzaah Barbra Giles
Torah Commentary Karen Siegel Propis
Gabayot Judie Blumeno, Sally Krugel,
Enid Shear, Rebecca Starr
Torah Readers Rebecca Starr, Sue Oleinick,
Susan Kozik Klein,
Judie Blumeno, Ilana Ben-Ze’ev,
Raya Goldenberg,
Pam Torraco, Elizabeth Tam
Aliyot Roberta Ingber,
representing and leading
Sisterhood volunteers*
Reva Klar,
representing and leading new,
newish and newly involved
Sisterhood members**
Officers and Board Members
Sisterhood Co-Presidents
Sisterhood Past Presidents
Maftir Aliya and Blessing Marjorie Saulson
Magbiah and Golelet Gerald Cohen, Linda Cohen
Haftarah Commentary Karen Katz
Haftarah Marjorie Saulson
Haftarah Blessings Eileen Glogower
Prayer for Our Country Lori Silverstein, Adrian Pierce
Prayer for Israel Betsy Kellman

* All Sisterhood volunteers, including lunch servers, kugel mavens and shoppers are invited
to join the 1st Aliya
** All new, newish and newly involved Sisterhood members are invited to join the 2nd Aliya
Ashrei Joan Brode, Suzi Terebelo
Returning Torah Scroll Ilana Ben-Ze’ev
Peticha Jeri Fishman
Sisterhood Speaker Co-President Barbara Zack
Musaf Robin Lash
Alternative Selection Julie Nelson-Klein
Oseh Shalom Sisterhood Members - Come Join Us on the Bimah
Prayer for Sisterhood Pamela David
Celebrating Sisterhood Rabbi Aaron Starr
Prayer for Open Doors Rabbi Yonatan Dahlen
and Open Hearts
Ein Keloheinu and Children of the Congregation
Adon Olam Sisterhood Singers
Kiddush and Motzi Nancy Finkel, Barbara Heller

Hebrew Reading and Chanting Consultants
Assistant Cantor Leonard Gutman
and Hazzan David Propis
Sisterhood Shabbat Lunch Chairs
Bev Frank and Jeanie Tabor
Archivist and Historian
Ruthe Goldstein and Marjorie Saulson
Graphic Design and Layout
Emma Zerkel and Ruthy Nadler
Accompanist for Sisterhood Singers
Abraham Ben-Ze’ev
Sisterhood Office Manager
Janice Traison


Ilana Ben-Ze’ev, Chair
Eileen Glogower, Miriam Goldberg, Liz Tam, Emma Zerkel
Sisterhood is a unique blend of camaraderie and
contribution. We enjoy ourselves, but our mission
is also to raise funds to enhance and support our
congregation. We do this in visible and invisible
ways. Synagogue dues go only so far, but the
tireless efforts of Sisterhood, and annual events
such as Lois Linden Nelson Woman’s World,
and the Torah Fund Campaign have consistently
underwritten improvements to our physical
spaces, met the needs our children and youth, and
helped support our community and synagogue
life. In addition, Sisterhood supports the CSZ
sustainability efforts, and the enhancement of
the Jewish Theological Seminary facilities and its
rabbinical students.
The following accomplishments reflect only
a portion of our activities and demonstrate
our unwavering commitment to the future of
Congregation Shaarey Zedek:

Major and minor improvements to the sound
system, our sanctuaries, kitchens, libraries,
offices, restrooms and social halls have all been
made possible by Sisterhood.

Children of all ages have benefitted from Sisterhood
supported programs including construction of
many of the Beth Hayeled classrooms and spaces,
providing scholarships for camps and Israel
programs, renovation of our Brides’ Room, creation
of our beautiful chuppah, and the gift of Sisterhood
membership for new brides.
Sisterhood donations are given to many community organizations
in need such as JARC, Heart 2 Hart, Israel Magen David Adom,
Holocaust Memorial Center, Jewish Senior Life, Jewish Vocational
Service, Allyn Hospital, Yad Ezra and others.


Sisterhood has supported adult b’nai mitzvah classes as well
as leadership development programs, and many educational
opportunities. The beautiful Torah covers, the floral and other
decorations that enhance the sanctuary throughout the year, and
underwriting of many events enjoyed by our congregation are the
result of Sisterhood donations and fundraising.
A woman on the Bimah? Before 1951, it was
unthinkable at CSZ! But Sisterhood women can
move mountains and the push was on. In 1951 a
woman was allowed to read the Prayer for the
Country in the Main Sanctuary. With changing times
and the perseverance of our Sisterhood members,
women slowly wove their way into the fabric of
synagogue rituals, such as sitting on the Bimah and
being given High Holiday honors. But it wasn’t until
Purim 1995 that women were first counted and given
aliyot in the Daily Minyan.
The role of women in services at CSZ is still evolving.
It was only four years ago that a woman first chanted
Musaf at a regular Shabbat Service, and just last year
that a Sisterhood Past President joined the ranks of
the weekly (previously all male) Gaba’im.
In the midst of this progress, the first Sisterhood
Shabbat took place in 1981. Women were afforded
a limited role (no Torah or Haftorah reading by
women) in that service. In subsequent years, with the
efforts of very committed Sisterhood members and
following changes in the Conservative movement,
the doors to full participation in the service gradually
opened. Today, we celebrate this achievement with
a service fully led by members of the Sisterhood of
Congregation Shaarey Zedek.
Our slogan, Nourishing Body and Soul, means developing life-
long, cross-generational friendships as we collaborate, strategize,
laugh, share wisdom, learn, help each other in times of need, and
celebrate life’s joys.


Our programs have included:
♦ Annabel Cooks Appetizers and Desserts ♦ Are We Feeding Our
Kids All Wrong? ♦ BDS Separating Fact from Fiction ♦ Body and
Soul by Rebecca ♦ C.A.R.E. Shabbat ♦ Challah with a Twist ♦ Detroit
Public Library Tour ♦ Downtown Synagogue Tour ♦ Eastern Market
with a Jewish Twist ♦ ERACE Walk/Run Teams ♦ Friends with Fiber
(Knitting and Crochet Time) ♦ Game Day ♦ Human Trafficking
Speaker with NCJW ♦ Inside Author Karen Tintori’s Brain ♦ Jewish
Food Festival Eastern Market ♦ JVS in the Sukkah ♦ Kugel Making
for Shabbat Lunches ♦ Lois Linden Nelson Woman’s World ♦ Mahj
Madness ♦ Martinis and Midrash ♦ Mikva Tour ♦ National Treasure
– Tour of CSZ Art and Artifacts ♦ Officer Installation Events ♦ Paint A
Mitzvah- Ceramics and Fused Glass Night ♦ Queen Vashti’s Banquet
♦ Recognizing Valued Volunteers ♦ Sights and Sounds of Jewish
Spain ♦ Sip, Stroll, Eat and Smile at Soul Café ♦ Sisterhood Shabbat
♦ Something in the Way Chi Moves ♦ That’s Too Good to Passover
♦ The Greening of Shabbat ♦ Torah Fund Lunches, Programs and
Speakers ♦ Understanding Elder Abuse Issues ♦ Veteran’s Shabbat
♦ Wine Discoveries ♦ Yad Ezra Baskets and Food Delivery
Well, we haven’t reached Z yet, but we are planning more
events, and we would love to have you join us!

For more information, please contact the

Sisterhood Office/ Wendy Arnold, Membership Chair at

Many synagogues offer a lovely kiddush, but thanks
to a 2008 Sisterhood initiative, we are all able to
look forward to more than a delicious lunch. We
enjoy gathering after services, and spending time
enjoying a wonderful meal. Our members have
been known to continue to schmooze, catch up
with friends, make new connections, and relax for
an hour or more following services. The sweetness
and ruach are a special addition to Shabbat at CSZ.
Our young families along with children and grand-
children of the congregation, feel at home- whether
enjoying kid-friendly pasta, having the freedom to
run around, or helping to lead Birkat Hamazon.
Our Shabbat Lunch Committee and Co-Chairs
are constantly working to bring us tasty lunches
beautifully presented. We couldn’t do this
without them!


Delicious kugels are made from scratch in our
kitchen by the Sisterhood Kugel Mavens. This
dedicated group of volunteers take care of the
shopping for ingredients and organizing monthly
kugel making sessions throughout the year, making
well over one hundred perfect kugels!
We are always looking for volunteers to join the Kugel
Mavens. This wonderful group gathers once a month.
No special skills are needed—just a few hours and an
interest in having fun with a wonderful group.

For more information or to volunteer

to be a Kugel Maven, please contact
Carole Resnick at,
or Adrian Pierce at, after Shabbat.
Our lunch is served by a group of over 100 volunteers. Because our
lunches have become a very popular place to mark special lifecycle
moments, we sometimes need to serve as many as 500 people for
lunch. Serving is a great way to make new friends, to greet your ‘people’
as they come through the line, and to spread the sweetness of Shabbat.
We are equal opportunity servers. You don’t have to be a Sisterhood
member (or even a woman) to help out. There is no specific time
commitment. We accommodate snow bird and travel schedules.
We welcome whatever level of help you are able to offer.

For more information, or to volunteer as a Shabbat Lunch Server

please contact Maryanne Murawski at, after Shabbat.


Funding Shabbat Lunch takes a village, or at least a very committed
congregation. Whether constructing the Beit HaMikdash in Jerusalem,
or building a new synagogue in Southfield, great endeavors rely on
the generosity of many people. We couldn’t do this without you!
While the Sisterhood initiated the lunch program, provided seed money
and continues to facilitate the logistics, we rely heavily on your
generosity and ongoing donations. We recognize and appreciate
our members who have committed to varying levels of ongoing
sponsorship listed on our Wall of Donors in the Orley Social Hall.
It is your donations in any amount, that help keep our lunch
tradition thriving. Whether you want to celebrate a Simcha,
honor the memory of someone special, or just appreciate
this special addition to your Shabbat experience, we
welcome your support.
We look forward to sharing Shabbat Lunch with you
today. We thank you for all you do make it possible.
Todah Rabah!

If you would like to make a donation, establish a sponsorship,

or would like more information about Sisterhood Shabbat Lunch,
please contact Janice Stoneman at 248/770-3454, after Shabbat.
Laura Simons z”l 1968-70, Sharon Fleischman
Gussie Herstein z”l 1970-73, Diane Shekter
Fanny Dembowsky z”l 1973-75, Rhea Brody
Millie Kaufman z”l 1975-77, Betsy B. Peterman
1913-20, Sarah Kaplan z”l 1977-79, Cynthia Steinberg
1920-23, Mary Zemon z”l 1979-81, Marjorie Saulson
1923-25, Julia Zechman z”l 1981-83, Joyce Blum
1925-27, Rebecca Zackheim z”l 1983-85, Diane Scholnick
1928-31, Lillian Smith z”l 1985-87, Helene Cherrin
1931-33, Gertrude Warner z”l 1987-89, Sandra Schwartz
1933-34, Belle Lichtig z”l 1989-91, Anita Naftaly
1934-38, Rebecca Zackheim z”l 1991-93, Faye U. Kanter
1938-40, Ethel Robinson z”l 1993-95, Rusty Rosman
1940-41, Lena Silberbaltt z”l 1995-97, Judie Blumeno
1941-44, Lillian Smith z”l 1997-99, Ruthe Goldstein
1944-46, Sadie Spevakow z”l 1999-01, Debbie Balkin
1946-49, Bea Katzman z”l 2001-03, Karen Katz
1949-52, Vivian Berry z”l 2003-05, Joanne Robinson z”l
1952-55, Belle Shugerman z”l 2005-07, Ronna Ross
1955-58, Fayga Keidan z”l 2007-09, Janice Stoneman
1958-60, Elsie Deutch z”l 2009-11, Jeri Fishman
1960-63, Esther Benson z”l 2011-13, Linda Cohen
1963-65, Rose Meskin z”l 2013-15, Robin Lash
1965-68, Tillie Martin z”l 2015-17, Eileen Glogower

Leypsa Groner Rebecca Starr Meredith Cohen Dahlen
Karen Siegel Propis Sandra Gutman
Mary Knoll Sherry Najman Dottie Wagner
Karen Couf-Cohen Co-President
Jennifer Levin Teper Co-President
Barbara Newman Zack Co-President
Julie Nelson-Klein Corresponding Secretary
Shelly Gold Rubenfire Corresponding Secretary
Tali Arbel-Newman Education Chair
Ilana Stein Ben-Ze’ev Education Chair
Raya Goldenberg Education Chair
Ruthe Katzman Goldstein Lois Linden Nelson Woman’s World Chair
Julie Nelson-Klein Lois Linden Nelson Woman’s World Chair
Elizabeth Simon Tam Lois Linden Nelson Woman’s World Chair
Wendy Cuttner Arnold Membership Chair
Kimberly Minkin Broner Programming Chair
Kimberly Frankel Levin Programming Chair
Lori Katz Silverstein Programming Chair
Betsy Stromer Kellman Public Relations Chair
Beverly Makowsky Frank Shabbat Lunch Chair
Jeanie Floch Tabor Shabbat Lunch Chair
Joan Schneider Brode Torah Fund Chair
Miriam Baruch Goldberg Torah Fund Chair
Suzi Butrimovitz Terebelo Affiliate Liaison
Cookie Marks Lachover B’nai Mitzvah Gift Chair
Eileen Abramovitz Glogower Immediate Past Sisterhood President

DIRECTORS 2017-2019
Elizabeth Schiff Barash Barbara Heller Adrian Pierce
Helene Brody Roberta Ingber Mireille Plotke
Karol Chintz Judy Koss Carol Resnick
Annabel Cohen Susan Kozik Klein Joanne Rowe
Candy Cuttner Sally Krugel Alice Silbergleit
Pam David Marlene Margolis June Stillman
Yvette Diamond Maryanne Murawski Enid Wapner
Karen Katz Diem Roz Nemer Emma Zerkel
Johnie Galens Sue Oleinick
Sandra Gutman Brenda Pensler

Adonai, we ask You to sanctify and

bless this group of women as we
come together as a Sisterhood.
Grant us the capacity to love and
to learn and to be open to new ideas.
Enable us to share with others both in heart and mind.
May You help us to use all of our abilities
as we continue to do mitzvot.
Give us the strength and courage to accomplish
the hopes, dreams and goals of our organization.
Thank you, God, for helping us to become the
women we are, and the women we will become.
Give us the strength and guidance to make a
difference in this congregation and in our community,
and to enjoy each day in good health and happiness.
Shechina grant us:
The wisdom to lead
The patience to listen
The compassion to feel
The tolerance to understand and
The courage to change
As we go forward on this journey together.

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