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Acta Radiologica
2016, Vol. 57(5) 515–520
! The Foundation Acta Radiologica
Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis: Reprints and permissions:
a serious adverse reaction to DOI: 10.1177/0284185115626480

gadolinium – 1997–2006–2016. Part 1

Henrik S Thomsen

The first magnetic resonance (MR) scanners for ima- nephropathy (CIN), are rarely seen after gadolinium-
ging the human body became commercially available in based contrast media in the doses used for MRI (3).
the early 1980s. Early in the development of magnetic In 2006, it became apparent that some gadolinium-
resonance imaging (MRI) it was believed that contrast based contrast media were responsible for a very late
medium would not be necessary because of the good adverse reaction, nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF)
soft-tissue discrimination obtained, but before long it (4,5). In North America and Western Europe, NSF
became obvious that contrast agents could provide appears to have been eliminated by no longer using
additional diagnostic information. Currently, up to less stable gadolinium-based contrast agents in patients
nine gadolinium-based agents are available in most with reduced renal function, or, in some countries, by
countries (Table 1). Six agents are distributed in the not using less stable agents at all. I have not been able
extracellular fluid and are excreted by glomerular filtra- to find any reports of NSF in the peer-reviewed litera-
tion. The remaining three agents are so-called organ- ture, where the patient received the agent after 2009;
specific, protein-binding, or high relaxivity agents. The however, the lack of cases in the peer-reviewed litera-
currently available gadolinium-based contrast media ture does not exclude that there are cases (5). The aim
are only approved for intravenous injection, not for of this review is to bring the reader up to date on this
intra-arterial or intra-cavitary injection. Because MRI devastating very late adverse reaction, which, up until
has better soft tissue resolution than computed tomog- now, is estimated to have affected around 10,000
raphy (CT), the extracellular MR contrast agents are patients with reduced renal function since 1997 (6).
on average only used in one-third of the MR examin-
ations whereas iodine-based contrast media are used
for around two-thirds of CT examinations. Also the
Clinical features of NSF
molar dose used for an average MR examination is An idiopathic skin condition characterized by thicken-
approximately eight times lower than for CT. ing and hardening of the skin of the extremities and
Since gadolinium-based contrast agents were intro- sometimes the trunk was first described in California
duced, there have been rapid developments, both in in 1997, but it took another 3 years before this obser-
MR techniques and in the use of these agents, which vation and reports from three other centers were pub-
could not have been foreseen when most of the agents lished in the peer-reviewed literature (7). The diagnosis
were developed and underwent testing (phase I to III of NSF requires systematic examination of the skin as
trials). In the early 2000s gadolinium-based contrast well as careful light-microscopy of a deep skin biopsy.
agents were considered to be one of the safest drugs The NSF registry in New Haven (CT, USA) has pro-
on the market and were used rather liberally, even in posed a diagnostic scoring system to make this difficult
patients with poor renal function. However, like all diagnosis easier and ensure similar evaluation/diagnosis
drugs, gadolinium-based contrast media may cause worldwide (8), and their criteria should be used when-
adverse events. Adverse events are divided into acute ever there is any suspicion of NSF.
(within 60 min the exposure to the contrast agent), late
(from 1 h to 7 days), and very late (occurring more than Department of Diagnostic Radiology 54E2, Copenhagen University
7 days after the exposure to the agent) (1). Acute Hospital Herlev-Gentofte, Herlev, Denmark
adverse events can be either generalized (systemic) or
renal reactions. Generalized reactions may be mild, Corresponding author:
Henrik S Thomsen, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Copenhagen
moderate, or severe. Moderate and severe reactions University Hospital Herlev – Gentofte, Herlev Ringvej 75, DK-2730
requiring medical treatment are infrequent (<0.2%) (2). Herlev, Denmark.
Renal adverse reactions, often called contrast-induced Email:

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516 Acta Radiologica 57(5)

Table 1. The nine available gadolinium-based contrast media classified according to ionicity and chelate structure (three agents are
organ-specific, as indicated in brackets after their names).
Ionic Non-ionic

Linear Extracellular agents: Extracellular agents:

Gadopentetate (Magnevist) Gd-DTPA Gadodiamide (Omniscan) Gd-DTPA-BMA

High relaxivity, protein-binding agents:

Gadofosveset trisodium (Ablavar) Gd- EOB-DTPA (vascular agent) Gadoversetamide (OptiMark) Gd-DTPA-BMEA
Gadoxetate disodium (Primovist, Eovist) Gd-DTPA-DPCP (liver agent)

Gadobenate (Multihance), Gd-BOPTA (liver agent)

Cyclic Extracellular agent: Extracellular agents:

Gadoterate (Dotarem, Magnescope) Gd-DOTA Gadobutrol (Gadovist, Gadavist) Gd-BT-DO3A
Gadoteridol (ProHance) Gd-HP-DO3A

The availability of the different agents varies from country to country, e.g. all nine agents are approved by FDA for human use in the USA, whereas only
four agents (gadoterate, gadobutrol, gadoteridol, and gadobenate) are currently registered for human use by the Danish Medicines Agency.

NSF was initially observed in and thought to affect inspection of the skin of all patients exposed to a gado-
the skin only, and was called nephrogenic fibrosing linium-based contrast agent.
dermopathy (NFD). It is now apparent that it may In one study it was shown that 18-month mortality
involve organs such as the liver, lungs, muscles, and of NSF patients was 40% compared to 16% for
heart and this involvement probably explains the sus- patients without NSF, with an adjusted hazard ratio
pected increased mortality of NSF patients. NSF affects of 2.9 (95%CI, 1.3–6.5; P ¼ 0.008) (12). In 32 patients
all ages and races. The typical patient has absent or with nephrogenic systemic fibrosis, 10 died at a median
poor renal function (9,10). of 112 days after diagnosis (13). At autopsy (3 patients)
The first signs of NSF may be seen hours or years there were appreciable amounts of gadolinium, iron,
after exposure to gadolinium-based contrast agents and aluminum, as measured by indirectly coupled
(11). In most patients, NSF begins with subacute swel- plasma-mass spectrometry and confirmed by X-ray
ling of the distal extremities, followed in subsequent fluorescence, in the heart, blood vessels, and skin. In
weeks by severe skin induration, which may extend to this high-risk group, it is difficult to differentiate deaths
involve the thighs, forearms, and lower abdomen caused by complications of the underlying disease and
(9,11). The skin induration may be aggressive and its treatment from those due to NSF. NSF without
associated with constant pain, muscle restlessness, exposure to a less stable gadolinium-based contrast
and loss of skin flexibility (Fig. 1). In some cases, agent is very unlikely when one looks back on the pub-
NSF leads to serious physical disability, including lications from the last 8 years.
becoming wheelchair bound. For many patients, the
skin thickening inhibits flexion and extension of joints, Preclinical indications of
resulting in contractures. Severely affected patients
may be unable to walk or fully extend the upper
gadolinium toxicity
and lower limb joints. Complaints of muscle weakness In the early 1980s, MR contrast media were being
are common, and deep bone pain in the hips and ribs developed and there was also independent chemical
has been described. Radiography may show soft tissue research being conducted on the lanthanides.
calcification. Research on potential MR contrast media suggested
There is great variability. NSF severity may be that copper (Cu2þ), manganese (Mn2þ), and gadolin-
graded from 0 to 4: 0, no symptoms; 1, mild physical, ium (Gd3þ) were possible paramagnetic ions for use in
cosmetic, or neuropathic symptoms not causing any MRI (14). Gadolinium (atomic number 64 and atomic
kind of disability; 2, moderate physical and/or neuro- weight of 157) with seven unpaired electrons was the
pathic symptoms limiting physical performance to most powerful and had the highest relaxivity per atom
some extent; 3, severe symptoms limiting daily physical of all those tested (15). Unfortunately, it was also the
activities (walking, bathing, shopping, etc.); and 4, most toxic of the ions tested. During research on the
severely disabling symptoms causing dependence on lanthanides, Evans and Drouven noted that they could
aid or devices for common, daily activities (11). cause changes in the collagen structure of skin (16).
Patients with grade 0, 1, or 2 disease are rarely included They published a textbook about these ions,
in retrospective studies and this explains the low preva- Biochemistry of Lanthanides, in 1990, just 1 year after
lence in such studies compared to those based on visual the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

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Thomsen 517

Fig. 1. An example of late, symmetrical skin changes in gadodiamide-related NSF. The patient has severe skin and subcutaneous
stiffness/induration, browny pigmentation, and contractures causing loss of walking ability. Photo by MS Fie Slok, Plastic Surgery
Department, Copenhagen University Hospital Herlev. Reprinted with permission from the Publisher (11).

approved the first gadolinium-based contrast agent for measurement obtained by assays using the ‘‘wet’’
intravenous use (17). method but not the assays using the ‘‘dry’’ (23,24). The
In 1991 a workshop on contrast-enhanced MRI was false measurement of serum calcium levels did not occur
organized by the Society of Magnetic Resonance in with gadopentetate dimeglumine or gadoteridol (25).
Medicine (now the International Society of Magnetic This was the first clinical sign to the radiological com-
Resonance in Medicine [ISMRM]). The abstracts and munity about stability problems with the non-ionic
discussions were published in the Journal of the Society linear agents, but it was not recognized as such.
of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, but were not widely Why these various safety concerns did not receive
read (18). At this meeting, the stability of non-ionic linear attention outside a small group of experts will never
chelated gadolinium agents was much debated. It was be known, but this failure illustrates the importance
noted that pathological changes, which occurred after of transparency in all aspects of drug development.
exposure to a non-ionic linear chelate gadolinium agent,
were not seen after exposure to an ionic linear agent. The
following year it was decided that a new non-ionic linear
Stability of gadolinium-based agents
chelate, gadopendiamide, should not be brought to the The various gadolinium-based agents differ in their ten-
market because of concerns about the safety findings, dency to release free gadolinium ions. In an ionic linear
which were similar to those seen after other non-ionic molecule Gd3þ is coordinated with five carboxyl groups
linear chelates (19). Three years later, using relaxometry and three amino nitrogen atoms. The three negatively
it was shown that gadodiamide releases gadolinium in charged carboxyl groups neutralize the three positive
serum over time (20); no other agents were studied. charges of the Gd ion and the remaining two carboxyl
Thirteen years later it was again shown that non-ionic groups are neutralized by two meglumine cations. In a
linear agents released much more of the toxic gadolinium non-ionic linear molecule such as gadodiamide or gado-
ion in serum than did the other agents (21). versetamide, the number of carboxyl groups is reduced
The first major sign of a clinical problem with the to three because each of the other two carboxyl groups
stability of the non-ionic linear agents came when has been replaced by a non-ionic methyl amide.
Prince et al. in 2003 reported that gadodiamide may Although both amide carbonyl groups are directly
cause spurious hypocalcemia (22). Both gadodiamide coordinated to Gd3þ, the binding is weaker compared
and gadoversetamide may interfere with calcium to that with the carboxyl groups. This weakens the grip

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518 Acta Radiologica 57(5)

of the non-ionic chelate on the Gd3þ and decreases the man. Rats with normal renal function were given
stability of the complex (26). repeated injections of 2.5 mmol/kg of six different gado-
The other feature influencing the binding between linium-based contrast agents over a 20-day period. Skin
the Gd3þ and the chelate is whether the configuration lesions consistent with human NSF were seen as early
of the molecule is cyclic or linear. The macrocyclic mol- as 8 days after starting non-formulated gadodiamide
ecule offers better protection and binding of Gd3þ (without excess chelate) and 20 days after starting for-
because it is a pre-organized rigid ring of almost opti- mulated gadodiamide (gadodiamide plus the excess
mal size to cage the gadolinium ion. In contrast, the chelate caldiamide, the commercial solution), but not
linear structure, which is a flexible open chain, provides when gadopentetate was given (33). The highest Gd3þ
weaker protection of the gadolinium ion. The rates of concentrations in the skin and the most advanced skin
dissociation of gadolinium from macrocyclic ligands lesions were found in animals that received the low sta-
are several orders of magnitude slower than their dis- bility agents. Skin changes occurred despite the rats’
sociation from linear chelates (27). normal renal function. In another rat study,
A large amount of excess chelate is present in agents 2.5 mmol/kg of six different gadolinium-based agents
of low stability. The excess chelate is included in the was injected. The highest concentrations of gadolinium
preparation to ensure the absence of free Gd3þ in solu- in skin, liver, and bone occurred with gadodiamide.
tion. The addition of excess chelate to gadodiamide, a With gadopentetate, skin gadolinium concentration
non-ionic linear chelate, dramatically reduces the acute was 10 times less and with gadoterate and gadobutrol
toxicity of non-formulated preparations, which have no 30 times less (34). Already by 1992, it was known that
excess chelate, by a factor of 2.5 in acute toxicity studies gadoterate was superior to gadopentetate, as indicated
(intravenous LD50) (26,28). by an 85% improvement in safety; the ratio of LD50 to
effective dose was 53 for gadoterate versus 28 for gado-
pentetate (35). Gadoterate also showed significantly
Pathophysiology of NSF higher stability in serum based on metal retention,
Transmetallation of gadolinium-based contrast media with less than 2% of the gadolinium being released
leads to release of free gadolinium by replacing the after 150 h compared with 10–20% of the gadolinium
Gd3þ within the chelate molecule by body cations being released from gadopentetate. Gadolinium may
such as iron, copper, zinc, and calcium. Zinc is the accumulate in tissues other than skin, such as bone
main cation which displaces Gd3þ, because of its high and liver, and greater amounts were found after linear
concentration in the blood (55–125 mmol/L). than after macrocyclic agents (36). Retention of gado-
The elimination half-life of gadolinium-based con- linium in bone was greater in renally impaired mice than
trast agents in patients with normal renal function is in mice with normal renal function (37). Gd3þ retention
around 90 min, but it can be prolonged to 24 h or more in human bone was 2–4 times more with gadodiamide
in patients with advanced chronic kidney insufficiency than with the macrocyclic agent gadoteridol in patients
(29). In patients with advanced chronic kidney insuffi- with normal renal function (38). These studies suggest
ciency, including those on dialysis, in whom the con- that multiple large doses of low stability gadolinium-
trast agent remains in the body for a long time, based contrast agents may cause heavy metal toxicity
transmetallation may cause release of free Gd3þ from even in patients with normal renal function.
gadolinium-based contrast agents (26). The free Gd3þ Serum from NSF patients stimulates fibroblast hya-
ions become attached to endogenous anions particu- luron synthesis up to seven times and collagen by up to
larly phosphate and form insoluble salts that deposit 2.4 times compared to control fibroblast cultures incu-
in tissues. Local macrophages engulf these insoluble bated with serum from healthy volunteers and dialysis
molecules and release a range of cytokines, including patients not suffering from NSF. Proliferation of fibro-
TGFb1, which attract circulating fibrocytes and initiate blasts exposed to gadodiamide (1.0 mM) for up to 7 days
the process of fibrosis (26,30,31). The tissue fibrosis in was stimulated significantly (39). Gadodiamide has also
NSF is more likely caused by circulating fibrocytes induced the expression of a-smooth muscle actin stain-
recruited from the circulation than by proliferation of ing, suggesting induction of a myofibroblast phenotype.
resident dendritic cells. In the skin and fascia of NSF Further studies comparing various gadolinium-based
patients, hybridization studies have showed a marked contrast agents are required to show whether they
increase in TGFb1 mRNA levels (9,32). have different effects on fibroblasts. In in vitro studies
Studies in rats have used a dose of 2.5 mmol/kg dose of human fibroblasts in culture gadodiamide stimulated
of gadolinium-based agents, which is not a high dose fibroblast proliferation and collagen production but had
for rats because they clear the agents from the blood no significant effect on keratinocytes. The stable macro-
very rapidly. It is considered that this 2.5 mmol/kg dose cyclic agent meglumine gadoterate had no effect, except
in rats is equivalent to 0.3 mmol/kg (‘‘triple dose’’) in at very high (10 mM) concentrations (40).

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Thomsen 519

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also examined and the greatest difference between tial NMR contrast agent. Am J Roentgenol 1984;142:
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the concentration of gadolinium was 40 times greater 16. Evans CH, Drouven BJ. The promotion of collagen poly-
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17. Evans CH. Biochemistry of the lanthanides. New York,
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Acta Radiologica
2016, Vol. 57(5) 520

‘Classic papers’ from the Acta Radiologica ! The Foundation Acta Radiologica 2016
Reprints and permissions:
archives DOI: 10.1177/0284185116633571

Arnulf Skjennald

When can a classic paper be considered ‘‘old’’? hand of a corpse performed by Hasneck and
In this so-called ‘‘Old Classics’’ series, we have until Lidenthal in 1896 in the laboratories of Professor
now republished classical papers first published in 1921 Franz Exner’s physiochemical institute in Vienna,
from the first year of this journal. demonstrating his impressive knowledge about contrast
In this issue a ‘‘classic’’ paper will be republished, a media chemistry. The contrast media used in this ori-
paper that hardly can be characterized as ‘‘old’’, but ginal old study consisted of a mixture of lime, mercury,
definitively classic. and petroleum, quite different from the ‘‘high-tech’’
In the previous issue of Acta Radiologica (1) we read composition of today’s contrast media.
the obituary for Professor Torsten Almén who passed
in January this year. Torsten was a pioneer in the his- References
tory of radiological contrast media, and did in fact 1. Nyman U, Aspelin P, Boijsen E, et al. Obituary for Prof.
revolutionize angiographic procedures by the introduc- Torsten Almén. Acta Radiol 2016;57:387–388.
tion of non-ionic contrast media. However, he did not 2. Almen T. Visipaque - A step forward. A historical review.
rest upon this discovery and went further on with Acta Radiol Suppl 1995;399:2–18.
improvements of contrast media to be used in radi-
ology. In 1995 he published his review of the entire
Chief editor
development of contrast media (2) beginning with the
first real ‘‘angiographic’’ study of the arteries in the Corresponding author:
Arnulf Skjennald, Department of Radiology, Oslo, Norway

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