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Date : 2/ 6/ 2010

Time : 9.15 – 10.15 am (60 minutes)

Year :5

Enrolment : 16 pupils

Subject : Science

Learning Theme : Investigating force and energy

Learning Area : Electricity

Learning Objective :

At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

1) Pupil will knowing the sources of electricity.

2) State the sources of the electricity.

Scientific skills and thinking skills :

observing, communicating, relating, classifying, predicting

Scientific atitude and noble value :

1) Being honest and accurate in recording and validating data.

2) Being responsible about the safety of oneself, others and the environment

Pre – requisite knowledge :

Pupils have knowledge and studied about the properities of materials in year 4.

Learning aids and materials :

laptop, LCD projector, power point slide, photostat papers, video files,dry

cell,wires,switch,buib,electric bell.


Orientation - Pictures from 1.Teacher shows some SPS

(5 minutes) slite show Slite show pictures to communicating


2. Teacher ask pupils some TS

questions : Example Relating

- What do you need to make

things work? T&L Aids

- what are the sources to LCD projector, laptop,

work this things? slite show pictures

3. Teacher relate it with the

topic today.
Eliciting - Example of 1.Teacher asks pupils to SPS

ideas household name the house hold Predicting,

(10 minutes) appliances : things that use electricity to communicating

work :

 fan 2. Teacher ask pupils to list TS

 iron box the objects on blackboard Classifying

 television 3. .Teacher asks pupils to

 radio predict, what are the T&L Aids

 computer sourses of the electricity Household

to this household appliances


4. Pupils said, that is a form

of energy. that can be

easily changed into other



Restructuring - conduct ,material, 1.Divides pupils into 4 SPS

ideas properties, circuit groups (4×4=16) observing,

(20 minutes) observation. 2. Teacher gives apparatus communicating

- Test table refer to and materials to each experimenting

worksheet groups. classifying

3. Teacher show an

Precautions steps example of circuit (Figure T&L Aids

-Be careful when 12.5) to pupils. While Objects to test the

using sharp metal giving worksheets ( test circuit ( dry

objects. It can hurt table) to pupils. cells,wires,

4. Teacher explain the switch,bulb and

-Handle the bulb guideline, produce and electric bell) papers

with care.Pieces of precautions steps that Value

broken glass can pupils need to care during -Being honest an

hurt you. the activity. accurate in

3. Pupils discuss in groups reading and

and connect the circuit. validating data.

4. Pupils in group connected

the switch and the electric

bulb is observed. -Being response

5.Pupils observed that ,the about the safety ones

bulb is light up when the other and

switch is connected and environment

the electric bell rings when

the switch is connected.

6.Pupils will record the result

in a piece of paper.

6.Teacher discuss the result

with pupils and make a


Application Discussion 1. Teacher gives worksheet SPS

(15 minutes) -Answer the 1 to pupils and ask them Communicating,

questions about the to discuss in groups. making conclusion

sourses of electricity. 2. Teacher calls a few pupils

worksheet 1 to answer this question TS

worksheet 2 while discuss with them. Classifying

T&L Aids

(photostat papers)

Reflection Conclusion 1.Pupils recall back the SPS

(5 minutes) - To enhance pupils lesson observing,

knowledge about 2.Teacher guide pupils to make communicating

the topic. conclutions.


-Electricity that we classifying and

use every day predicting

comes from

different sources T&L Aids

LCD projector, laptop,

power point

slide(video files)

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