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Sources of energy 1
Renewable &non- 3
renewable energy
Solar energy 6
Importance of conserving 8
Energy is the ability to do work

Energy comes in different forms:

 Heat (thermal)

 Light (radiant)

 Motion (kinetic)

 Electrical

 Chemical

 Nuclear energy

 Potential(Gravitational & Elastic)

 Sound energy

We use energy for everything we do, from making a

jump to sending astronauts into space.

Heat energy is a degree of warm or hotness in an
object. We can feel heat by touching a hot object.

Light energy is an illumination from a source of

light this energy enables us to see.

Kinetic energy is an energy produced by

movement or any kind of motion.

Electrical energy is an energy created by

hydropower, burning of fuel, solar and is really
useful as it powers most of our things today.

Chemical energy is energy we get from food and

energy stored in batteries. We use this energy every
day in our daily activities.

Nuclear energy is energy obtained from elements

such as plutonium and uranium. This energy is used
mostly to generate electricity.

Potential energy is namely gravitational and

elastic potential energy. Gravitational energy is
energy stored in objects that are raised of the
ground. Elastic energy is stored in objects that are

Sound energy is energy that allows us to hear and

speak. It is one of the most important energy as it
allows communication.

Energy sources can be categorized as renewable or

Energy sources are divided into two groups:

 Renewable (an energy source that can be easily


 Non-renewable (an energy source that cannot be

easily recreated)

There are five main renewable energy sources:

 Solar energy from the sun

 Wind energy
 Geothermal energy from heat inside the earth
 Biomass from plants, which includes firewood
from trees, ethanol from corn, and biodiesel
from vegetable oil
 Hydropower from hydroelectric turbines

There are five main non-renewable energy sources:

 Natural gas
 Coal Fossil fuels
 Petroleum
 Plutonium
 Uranium Radioactive metals

Both renewable and non-renewable energy have
their advantages and disadvantages towards our

Advantages of renewable energy are:

 Renewable energy is well renewable. This
means it has infinity of sustainability and
we will never run out of it.
 Environmental Benefits: It is clean and
results in little to no greenhouse and net
carbon emissions
 Reliable Energy Source: Our dependence on
fossil fuels has increased considerably in
last few decades.
 Economic Benefits: Renewable energy is
also cheaper and more economically sound
than other sources of generated energy

Disadvantages of renewable energy:

 Reliability of Supply: One shortcoming is that

renewable energy relies heavily upon the

weather for sources of supply: rain, wind, and
 Difficult to Generate in Large Quantity:
Another disadvantage of renewable energy is
that it is difficult to generate large amount
of energy as those produced by coal powered
 Large Capital Cost: Initial investments are
quite high in case of building renewable energy
 Large Tracts of Land Required: To meet up with
the large quantities of electricity produced by
fossil fuels, large amount of solar panels and
wind farms need to be set up.

Advantages of non-renewable energy are:

 Cheap compared to renewable resources which
 Ready available as they are abundant in
countries such as Australia
 Effective as a lot of electricity can be
generated from fossil.

Disadvantages of non-renewable energy are:

 Not reliable as it takes millions of years to be
restored in the earth.
 Not friendly towards the Environment as it
produces photochemical pollution from nitrous
oxides, and acid rain from sulphur dioxide.
Burning fuels also produce greenhouse gases
including vast amounts of carbon dioxide that
may be causing the phenomenon of global
warming that the planet is currently

Solar energy is a renewable energy that we get from
the sun which is the main source of energy for all th
living things on earth. It gives us both heat and
light, without it we would not be able to survive on
this planet as it will be too cold. Nowadays,
technology is being created to use this energy to
heat our water and generate electricity for us at
home to replace fossil fuels.

 Generate Electricity for Your Home

The most obvious use of solar energy is to generate
electricity for your home. You can choose a full
solar electrical system and completely remove
yourself from the grid (local power company), or
you can choose a partial system using the grid as a
back-up or night time power. In a back-up system,
the grid provides power only if there is no sunshine
and the batteries that store electricity for such
times are dead. Night time power uses power from
the grid when the sun goes down.

 Generate Heat for Hot Water
Solar systems can heat the water in your home to
fill your hot-water tank. These tanks must be well-
insulated to maintain the hot water temper ature once
the sun goes down. These systems also typically
require a hot-water tank to have a back-up heating
system, but the U.S. Department of Energy estimates
your cost savings of water-heating bills to be 50
percent to 80 percent. Some fairly inexpensi ve
systems also heat the water in swimming pools.

 Public Uses
More cities are turning to solar-powered road signs
to let you know how fast you're going or to convey
messages of accidents ahead. Companies are using
solar power to provide electronic advertisement
screens. Everywhere you turn, little solar panels are
popping up to power all kinds of electronic

 Miscellaneous Uses
Almost every electronic device that contains GPS or
receives information via satellite, such as pagers
and cellphones, use some of the oldest solar
technology around. Satellites that link us to most
mass forms of media directly or indirectly use the
sun's rays to power them.

 Environment protection
When we heat our homes in the winter or power our
cars on a daily basis, we are using non-renewable
resources for our energy. These resources release
tons of pollutants into the air that we breathe, and
they are being released by people worldwide.
Whether you believe in global warming or not, these
pollutants are not doing our environment any good
and conserving energy in our own home is the only
way that we can control our pollutant output. If
everyone would conserve energy a bit more there
would be much less pollution in the world, making
it a happier and healthier place.

 Protect Your Wallet

When you conserve energy within your own life, you

not only protect the environment that you live in
but your wallet is protected as well. Using too much
energy takes a lot of extra cash, and most of us
don’t just have that lying around. Conserving
energy is not only great for the environment, but
it’s great for your financial life as well.

 Fossil Fuels Won’t Last Forever

Remember that the more energy we save today, the
more is left for our children tomorrow! We will not
be the only humans to live on this planet, and our
ancestors have done a great job in keeping the
environment in one piece. But with all the
modernization occurring, our generation has seemed
to put environment on the back burner. Using less
energy will mean having to deal with less toxic
gases in the air.
 Prevent Energy Crisis
Non-renewable energy is not infinite it’s limited
and if one day it is gone and finished, we will have
nothing to power our houses, cars or almost
anything. Use less non-renewable energy for future
and for the earth.

 So man can enjoy the comfort of this energy

in the future

We enjoy the advantages of this energy but if it

runs out what are we going to do? We should think
of the future generations not just ourselves.

 Buying energy efficient products –Purchasing

efficient products is one of simple ways to
increase energy efficiency. New electrical
appliances such as refrigerators, dryers,
washers and other appliances use less energy in
comparison to older ones. While purchasing
those electrical appliances you should look for
those rated with ‘energy star’. Smaller items
like light bulbs have more energy efficient

 Reduce standby/vampire power –Many of the

appliances which include televisions, lamps as
well as the phone chargers can continue
consuming energy even when it is in off mode.
You should unplug those appliances when not
use as this will save energy at the same reduce
your electric bill up to 20 percent. You should
attach them to a surge protector & turn them off
when you are not using it or unplug them
completely. This is one effective way to
increase energy efficiency.

 Turn down thermostat & reduce heat transfer -

Most of the people turn on heater during
months of cold knowing much knowledge that
heat produced up to 30 percent is escaping
through the windows. To save this energy one
can install energy efficient windows to
minimize heat transfer. During summer, these
windows reduce heat transfer into the house
minimizing the need of air conditioning .

 Go solar –This is one of the great options to

increase energy efficiency. One can install
solar panels for overall energy grid or just for
the water heater. Depending on where you live,
wind energy may be a more preferable option.

 Use a timer to lower thermostat setting at night

and when building is unoccupied.

 Restrict hot water use, reduce water temperature

and insulate tank.

 Use low-flow shower heads.

 Use high-efficiency, low-wattage bulbs and turn

off lights when not needed.

 Improve air tightness with weather stripping,
caulking, air vapour seals.

 Insist on higher energy efficiency appliances.

 Replace older furnaces with mid- or high-

efficiency type.

 Keep vehicles well maintained.

 Select vehicles for fuel economy.

 Use public transit when possible, or car pool.


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