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PHARMACOECONOMICS From Theory to Practice, RENÉE J. G. ARNOLD, 2012, CRC

Press Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton
Pharmacoeconomics is the field of study that evaluates the behavior or welfare of
individuals, firms, and markets relevant to the use of pharmaceutical products, services,
and programs.1 The focus is frequently on the cost (inputs) and consequences
(outcomes) of that use.

Pharmacoeconomics: Principles, Methods and Economic Evaluation of Drug

Sumit Kumar, Ashish Baldi 2013
Pharmacoeconomics and health outcomes research are playing an increasingly important role in informing clinical
development and market access decisions of new innovative medicines. It mainly works on the health economics
which particularly focuses upon the costs and benefits of drug therapy.

Farmakoekonomi adalah bidang studi yang mengevaluasi perilaku atau kesejahteraan

dengan dari suatu individu, perusahaan, dan yang berhubungan dengan pasar pada penggunaan

produk, jasa, maupun program farmasetis. Farmakoekonomi kerap kali berfokus pada biaya

(input) dan konsekuensi (outcome) dari intervensi yang digunakan (Arnold, 2010). Studi

farmakoekonomi dan outcome kesehatan memiliki peran penting yang semakin meningkat dalam

menginformasikan perkembangan klinis dan memutuskan akses pasar obat-obat baru hasil

inovasi (Kumar, 2013).

Kategori biaya

Dipiro 6th Ed
Direct medical costs are the costs incurred for medical products and services used to prevent, detect, and/or treat a disease.7
Direct medical costs are the fundamental transactions associated with medical care that contribute to the portion of gross national
product spent on health care. Examples of these costs include drugs, medical supplies and equipment, laboratory and diagnostic
tests, hospitalizations, and physician visits. Direct medical costs can be subdivided into fixed and variable costs. Fixed costs are
essentially “overhead” costs (e.g., heat, rent, electricity) that are not readily influenced at the treatment level and thus remain
relatively constant. For this reason, they are often not included in most pharmacoeconomic analyses. Variable costs, which
change as a function of volume, include medications, fees for professional services, and supplies. As more services are
used, more funding must be used to provide them.
Direct nonmedical costs are any costs for nonmedical services that are results of illness or disease but do not involve purchasing
medical services.7 These costs are consumed to purchase services other than medical care and include resources spent by patients
for transportation to and from health care facilities, extra trips to the emergency department, child or family care expenses,
special diets, and various other out-of-pocket expenses.
Indirect nonmedical costs are the costs of reduced productivity (e.g., morbidity and mortality costs).7−9 Indirect costs are costs
that result from morbidity and mortality and are an important source of resource consumption, especially from the perspective of
the patient. Morbidity costs are costs incurred from missing work (i.e., lost productivity), whereas mortality costs represent the
years lost as result of premature death. To estimate indirect costs, two techniques typically are used: (1) human capital (HC) and
(2) willingness-to-pay (WTP) methods. The HC approach attempts to value morbidity and mortality (primarily wages and
productivity) losses based on an individual’s earning capacity using standard labor wage rates.10 This approach raises an ethical
dilemma because the value of a life is related directly to income. Using the WTP approach (contingent valuation), the indirect
and intangible aspects of a disease can be valued. Patients are asked how much money they would be willing to spend to reduce
the likelihood of illness.11 However, the values obtained through this method may be unreliable because of the substantial
differences in valuations of life that result from the subjective nature of this approach.
Intangible costs are those of other nonfinancial outcomes of disease and medical care.7 Examples include pain, suffering,
inconvenience, and grief, and these are difficult to measure quantitatively and impossible to measure in terms of economic or
financial costs. In pharmacoeconomic analyses, frequently intangible costs are identified but not quantified formally.

a. Biaya medik langsung

Biaya medik langsung merupakan biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk produk atau jasa medik yang

digunakan untuk mencegah, mendeteksi, dan/atau mengobati suatu penyakit. Contohnya

yaitu biaya obat-obatan, peralatan dan persediaan medik, uji laboratorium dan diagnosis,

biaya rawat inap, serta kunjungan dokter.

b. Biaya non medik langsung

Biaya non medik langsung adalah segala macam biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk jasa atau

layanan non medik. Yang termasuk ke dalam biaya ini adalah biaya transportasi dari dan ke

rumah sakit, biaya perjalanan ke instalasi gawat darurat (IGD), serta biaya yang dikeluarkan

keluarga pasien untuk menjaga pasien rawat inap.

c. Biaya tak langsung

Biaya tak langsung adalah biaya yang dihasilkan dari morbiditas dan mortalitas dan

merupakan sumber penting dari konsumsi sumber daya, terutama dari perspektif pasien.

Biaya morbiditas adalah biaya yang dikeluarkan akibat tidak masuk kerja (yaitu, kehilangan

produktivitas), sedangkan biaya mortalitas adalah biaya yang hilang akibat kematian.

d. Biaya tak teraba

Biaya tak teraba adalah biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk rasa sakit, penderitaan,

ketidaknyamanan, dan kesedihan pasien. Sangat sulit untuk mengukur biaya ini secara

kuantitatif, dan tidak mungkin untuk mengukur biaya ini dari segi ekonomi atau finansial.

(Dipiro, 2005)


Assessing costs and consequences—the value of a pharmaceutical product or service—depends heavily on the perspective of
the evaluation. Common perspectives include those of the patient, provider, payer, and society. A pharmacoeconomic evaluation
can assess the value of a product or service from single or multiple perspectives. However, clarification of the perspective is
critical because the results of a pharmacoeconomic evaluation depend heavily on the perspective taken. For example, if
comparing the value of alteplase (tissue plasminogen activator, or tPA) with that of streptokinase from a patient or societal
perspective, tPA may be the best-value alternative because a 1% reduction in mortality rates is observed in this large population.
Yet, from a small community hospital’s perspective, streptokinase may represent a better value because it provides similar
outcomes for less money. Once the perspective is clear, a full evaluation of the relevant costs and consequences can begin. Again,
perspective is critical because the value placed on a treatment alternative will be dependent heavily on the point of view taken.

Patient perspective is paramount because patients are the ultimate consumers of health care services. Costs from the perspective
of patients are essentially what patients pay for a product or service, that is, the portion not covered by insurance. Consequences,
from a patient’s perspective, are the clinical effects, both positive and negative, of a program or treatment alternative. For
example, various costs from a patient’s perspective might include insurance copayments and outof- pocket drug costs, as well as
indirect costs, such as lost wages. This perspective should be considered when assessing the impact of drug therapy on quality of
life or if a patient will pay out-of-pocket expenses for a health care service.
Costs from the provider’s perspective are the actual expense of providing a product or service, regardless of what the provider
charges. Providers can be hospitals, managed-care organizations (MCOs), or private-practice physicians. From this perspective,
direct costs such as drugs, hospitalization, laboratory tests, supplies, and salaries of health care professionals may be identified,
measured, and compared. However, indirect costs may be of less importance to the provider. When making formulary
management or drug-use policy decisions, the viewpoint of the health care organization should dominate.
Payers include insurance companies, employers, or the government. From this perspective, costs represent the charges for health
care products and services allowed, or reimbursed, by the payer. The primary cost for a payer is of a direct nature. However,
indirect costs, such as lostworkdays and decreased productivity, also may contribute to the total cost of health care to the payer.
When insurance companies and employers are contracting with MCOs or selecting health care benefits for their employees, then
the payer’s perspective should be employed.
The perspective of society is the broadest of all perspectives because it is the only one that considers the benefit to society as a
whole. Theoretically, all direct and indirect costs are included in an economic evaluation performed from a societal perspective.
Costs from this perspective include patient morbidity and mortality and the overall costs of giving and receiving medical care. An
evaluation from this perspective also would include all the important consequences an individual could experience. In countries
with nationalized medicine, society is the predominant perspective.

Penilaian biaya dan konsekuensi (dari produk maupun pelayanan farmasi) sangat tergantung
pada perspektif evaluasi. Dalam suatu evaluasi farmakoekonomi, dapat digunakan satu maupun
banyak perspektif. Perspektif yang umumnya diketahui adalah :
a. Perspektif pasien
Perspektif pasien sangatlah penting sebab pasien pasien merupakan konsumen utama

pelayanan kesehatan. Biaya dari perspektif pasien pada dasarnya adalah barang maupun jasa

yang dibayarkan oleh pasien, dan tidak meliputi asuransi. Perspektif ini perlu

dipertimbangkan ketika mengevaluasi dampak terapi terhadap kualitas hidup.

b. Perspektif provider

Biaya dari perspektif provider adalah biaya aktual yang dikeluarkan untuk menyediakan

barang atau jasa. Provider dalam hal ini adalah rumah sakit, managed-care oraganizations

(MCO), atau praktik dokter swasta. Dari perspektif ini, biaya langsung seperti obat, rawat

inap, pemeriksaan laboratorium, suplai barang, dan gaji tenaga kesehatan dapat diidentifikasi,

diukur, dan dibandingkan.

c. Perspektif payer

Yang termasuk payer adalah perusahaan asuransi atau pemerintah. Dari perspektif ini, biaya

merepresentasikan pengeluaran untuk barang dan jasa medis yang dibayarkan atau diganti

oleh payer. Biaya utama untuk payer adalah yang bersifat langsung.

d. Perspektif masyarakat

Perspektif masyarakat adalah yang paling luas cakupannya dari semua perspektif karena

mempertimbangkan manfaat bagi masyarakat secara keseluruhan. Secara teoritis, semua

biaya langsung dan tidak langsung termasuk dalam evaluasi ekonomi dari perspektif

masyarakat. Biaya dari perspektif ini mencakup morbiditas dan mortalitas pasien serta

keseluruhan biaya pada pemberian dan penerimaan perawatan medis.

(Dipiro, 2005)
Metode evaluasi farmakoekonomi

Tabel 2. Metode Farmakoekonomi

Metode Deskripsi Aplikasi Unit Biaya Unit Outcome
Cost of Illness Mengestimasi biaya suatu Menetapkan dasar untuk Mata uang -
penyakit pada populasi membandingkan pilihan
tertentu terapi
Cost-Minimization Menentukan alternatif Digunakan apabila beberapa Mata uang Diasumsikan
Analysis dengan biaya yang paling terapi memiliki manfaat ekuivalen
kecil yang sama
Cost Benefit Mengukur manfaat dalam Dapat membandingkan Mata uang Mata uang
Analysis unit keuangan dan program dengan tujuan
menghitung keuntungan berbeda
Cost-Effectiveness Membandingkan alternatif Dapat membandingkan Mata uang Unit natural
Analysis dengan efek terapeutik yang obat/program yang berbeda
diukur dalam unit fisik, outcome klinisnya dan
menghitung rasio menggunakan unit manfaat
biaya/efektifitas yang sama
Cost -Utility Mengukur konsekuensi Digunakan untung Mata uang QALYs
Analysis terapeutik dalam unit utilitas, membandingkan
menghitung rasio obat/program yang sifatnya
biaya/utilitas memperpanjang hidup
dengan efek samping yang
serius atau yang
menurunkan morbiditas
Quality of Life Aspek fisik, sosial, dan Meniliti efek obat yang - Skor QOL
emosional dari kesejahteraan tidak tergambarkan oleh
pasien yang relevan dan pengukuran fisiologis
penting bagi pasien maupun laboratorium
(Dipiro, 2005)
The basic task of economic evaluation is to identify, measure, value, and compare the costs and consequences of the
alternatives being considered. The two distinguishing characteristics of economic evaluation are as follows: (1) Is there a
comparison of two or more alternatives? and (2) Are both costs and consequences of the alternatives examined?17 A full
economic evaluation encompasses both characteristics, whereas a partial economic evaluation addresses only one.
Pharmacoeconomic evaluations conducted in today’s health care settings may be either partial or full economic evaluations.
Partial economic evaluations may include simple descriptive tabulations of outcomes or resources consumed and thus
require a minimum of time and effort. If only the consequences or only the costs of a program, service, or treatment are described,
the evaluation illustrates an outcome or cost description. A cost-outcome or costconsequence analysis (CCA) describes the costs
and consequences of an alternative but does not provide a comparison with other treatment options.15 Another partial evaluation
is a cost analysis that compares the costs of two or more alternatives without regard to outcome.
Full economic evaluations include cost-minimization, costbenefit, cost-effectiveness, and cost-utility analyses. Each
method is used to compare competing programs or treatment alternatives. The methods are all similar in the way they measure
cost (in dollars) and different in their measurement of outcomes. Although a full economic evaluation generally provides higher-
quality and more useful information, the time, resources, and effort employed are also great. Thus health care practitioners and
clinicians also find it necessary to employ various partial economic evaluations. Application of economic evaluation methods to
health care products and services, especially pharmaceuticals, may increase their acceptance by health care professionals and
society.18 The methods used most commonly by health care practitioners are discussed in the next sections and summarized
briefly in Table 1–2.

Evaluasi ekonomi digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi, mengukur, menilai, dan membandingkan

biaya serta konsekuensi dari alternatif yang dipertimbangkan. Evaluasi farmakoekonomi yang
diterapkan dalam mengatur penyelenggaraan kesehatan saat ini adalah partial economic
evaluations dan full economic evaluations. Partial economic evaluations mencakup tabulasi
deskriptif sederhana atau outcome dari sumber daya yang dikonsumsi, sehingga membutuhkan
waktu dan usaha yang minimum. Full economic evaluations mencakup cost-minimization
analysis (CMA), cost benefit analysis (CBA), cost-effectiveness analysis (CBA), dan cost-utility
analysis (CUA). Setiap metode digunakan untuk membandingkan beberapa program atau
beberapa alternatif pengobatan.

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