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Scala Nominala

Information source about Brasov

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid TV, radio 36 6,6 6,9 6,9

Internet 215 39,7 41,3 48,3

Tourist information 17 3,1 3,3 51,5


Travel agencies 108 19,9 20,8 72,3

Friends and relatives 124 22,9 23,8 96,2

Other 20 3,7 3,8 100,0

Total 520 95,9 100,0

Missing 99,00 21 3,9
System 1 ,2
Total 22 4,1
Total 542 100,0

Scala interval Statistics

Safety and security

N Valid 541

Missing 1
Median 4,0000
Mode 4,00
Safety and security

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid 1-Very bad image 2 ,4 ,4 ,4

2,00 14 2,6 2,6 3,0

3,00 93 17,2 17,2 20,1

4,00 246 45,4 45,5 65,6

5-Very good image 185 34,1 34,2 99,8

45,00 1 ,2 ,2 100,0

Total 541 99,8 100,0

Missing 99,00 1 ,2
Total 542 100,0
Scala nominal

Willing to pay much for service improvement

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid up to 5% 123 22,7 23,8 23,8

5-10% 155 28,6 30,0 53,9

10-20% 66 12,2 12,8 66,7

20-30% 44 8,1 8,5 75,2
Good nightlife atmosphere
more than 30% 9 1,7 1,7 76,9
(discotheques, pubs, clubs etc.)
Nothing 119 22,0 23,1 100,0
N Valid 533
Total 516 95,2 100,0 Missing 9
Missing 99,00 26 4,8 Mean 3,6735
Total 542 100,0 Median 4,0000
Mode 4,00
Std. Deviation 1,04161
Variance 1,085
Sum 1958,00

Scala interval
Good nightlife atmosphere (discotheques, pubs, clubs etc.)

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid 1-Total disagreement 17 3,1 3,2 3,2

2,00 50 9,2 9,4 12,6

3,00 152 28,0 28,5 41,1

4,00 185 34,1 34,7 75,8

5-Total agreement 129 23,8 24,2 100,0

Total 533 98,3 100,0

Missing 99,00 9 1,7
Total 542 100,0

Scala binara

Travelling in a group

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid No 135 Scala

24,9 interval
25,1 25,1

Yes 402 Case Processing

74,2 74,9
Summary 100,0

Total 537 99,1 100,0

Missing 99,00 5 ,9
Valid Missing Total
Total 542 100,0
N Percent N Percent N Percent

Safety and security 541 99,8% 1 ,2% 542 100,0%

Travelling in a group

N Valid 537

Missing 5
Mean ,7486
Median 1,0000
Mode 1,00
Std. Deviation ,43422
Variance ,189
Sum 402,00

Statistic Std. Error

Safety and security Mean 4,1830 ,08305

95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 4,0199

Mean Upper Bound 4,3461

5% Trimmed Mean 4,1581

Median 4,0000

Variance 3,731

Std. Deviation 1,93165

Minimum 1,00

Maximum 45,00

Range 44,00

Interquartile Range 1,00

Skewness 17,469 ,105

Kurtosis 370,412 ,210

La nivelul esantionului a fost obtinuta o medie de 4,18 puncte pe o scala de la 1-5 puncte .La
nivelul populatiei cercetate putem garanta o probabilitate de 95% ca media poate lua valori
intre 4,01 si 4,34.
Scala binara
Case Processing Summary


Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

Travelling in a group 537 99,1% 5 ,9% 542 100,0%


Statistic Std. Error

Travelling in a group Mean ,7486 ,01874

95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound ,7118

Mean Upper Bound ,7854

5% Trimmed Mean ,7762

Median 1,0000

Variance ,189

Std. Deviation ,43422

Minimum ,00

Maximum 1,00

Range 1,00

Interquartile Range 1,00

Skewness -1,149 ,105

Kurtosis -,682 ,210

La nivelul esantionului a fost obtinut o medie de 74% ……( inmultesc cu 100)

Case Processing Summary


Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

Is this the first visit in 537 99,1% 5 ,9% 542 100,0%


Statistic Std. Error

Is this the first visit in Mean ,4022 ,02118

Brasov? 95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound ,3606
Mean Upper Bound ,4438

5% Trimmed Mean ,3914

Median ,0000

Variance ,241

Std. Deviation ,49081

Minimum ,00

Maximum 1,00

Range 1,00

Interquartile Range 1,00

Skewness ,400 ,105

Kurtosis -1,847 ,210

La nivelul esantionul a fost obtinuta o medie de 40% pe o scala binara.La

nivelul pop cercetate putem garanta o probabilitate de 95% ca media poate lua
valori intre 36% si 44%.

T Test

One-Sample Statistics

N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

Low or good prices 527 3,7362 3,28215 ,14297

One-Sample Test

Test Value = 4

95% Confidence Interval of the


t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Lower Upper

Low or good prices -1,845 526 ,066 -,26376 -,5446 ,0171

La nivelulul esantionului a fost obtinuta o medie de 3,73 puncte pe o scala de la

1-5. La nivelul populatiei cercetate avand in vedere ipotezele statistice stabilite
se accepta ipoteza H0 deoarece t calculate este mai mic de 1,96. Prin urmare
putem garanta cu probabilitatea de 95% ca media aprecierilor preturilor este
diferita de 4 puncte.

One-Sample Statistics

N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

Travelling in a group 537 ,7486 ,43422 ,01874

One-Sample Test

Test Value = 0.7

95% Confidence Interval of the


t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Lower Upper

Travelling in a group 2,594 536 ,010 ,04860 ,0118 ,0854

La nivelulul esantionului a fost obtinuta o medie de 0,74 puncte pe o scala de la

1-5. La nivelul populatiei cercetate avand in vedere ipotezele statistice stabilite
se accepta ipoteza H1 deoarece t calculate este mai mare de 1,96. Prin urmare
putem garanta cu probabilitatea de 95% ca media aprecierilor calatoriilor in grup
este diferit de 0,7 puncte.


Case Processing Summary


Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

Low or good prices * Sex of 519 95,8% 23 4,2% 542 100,0%

Low or good prices * Sex of respondents Crosstabulation

Sex of respondents

Male Female Total

Low or good prices 1-Very bad image Count 9 3 12

% within Sex of respondents 3,0% 1,4% 2,3%

2,00 Count 30 22 52

% within Sex of respondents 10,1% 9,9% 10,0%

3,00 Count 114 73 187

% within Sex of respondents 38,4% 32,9% 36,0%

4,00 Count 94 83 177

% within Sex of respondents 31,6% 37,4% 34,1%

5-Very good image Count 48 41 89

% within Sex of respondents 16,2% 18,5% 17,1%

54,00 Count 1 0 1

% within Sex of respondents ,3% ,0% ,2%

55,00 Count 1 0 1

% within Sex of respondents ,3% ,0% ,2%

Total Count 297 222 519

% within Sex of respondents 100,0% 100,0% 100,0%

Chi-Square Tests

Asymp. Sig. (2-

Value df sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 5,736a 6 ,453

Likelihood Ratio 6,569 6 ,362
Linear-by-Linear Association ,502 1 ,478
N of Valid Cases 519

a. 4 cells (28,6%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum

expected count is ,43.

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