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relentless (adj) tanpa henti

omnipresent (adj) dimana-mana
enact (v) menetapkan
tingling (adj) geli
wobbly (adv) dengan goyah
throb (v) berdenyut
lacerate (v) mengoyakkan; mencabik; menyayat tear or make deep cuts in (flesh or skin)
gush (v) menyembur, memancar, mencurahkan; - a rapid and plentiful stream or burst.
bicara dengan semangat - exaggerated effusiveness or enthusiasm

brittle (adj) rapuh hard but liable to break or shatter easily

a marble counter (n) meja marmer
shatter (v) memecahkan; meremukkan break or cause to break suddenly and
violently into pieces
crippled (adj) lumpuh
profound (adj) mendalam
hovering (v) melayang
gamut (n) keseluruhan
poignant (adj) pedih evoking (menimbulkan) a keen sense of
sadness or regret
desolate (adj) terpencil
proficient (adj|n) ahli
squander (v) menghabiskan dengan sia-sia waste (something, especially money or time)
in a reckless and foolish manner
defer (v) menunda
penetrating (adj) tembus
benign (adj) jinak
lamenting (v) meratapi; menyesali
immutable (adj) kekal; abadi
regress (v) mundur; surut
sentient (adj) hidup; yang dapat merasa, melihat
conform (v) menyesuaikan diri comply with rules, standards, or laws
dispense (v) membuang
tenet (n) prinsip
follicly (adv) penuh gairah
loath (adj) segan, tak sudi
wispy (adj) ringan
foliage (n) dedaunan
regimen (n) cara hidup
strands (n) untaian
fretting (v) resah be constantly or visibly worried or anxious
fussing (v) rewel show unnecessary or excessive concern about
a smattering of segelintir
err (v) berbuat salah
rattle (v) to cause someone to feel nervous, worried, or
pummel (v) memukul strike repeatedly, typically with the fists
browbeat (v) menggertak intimidate (someone), typically into doing
something, with stern or abusive words
chutzpah (n) kelancangan yang tidak tahu malu shameless audacity (keberanian); impudence
stark (adj) telanjang
status quo (n) keadaan sekarang the existing state of affairs (perkara),
especially regarding social or political issues
lull (v) membuai calm or send to sleep, typically with soothing
sounds or movements
dismisiveness (n) pengabaian
indefatigable (adj) tak kenal lelah (of a person or their efforts) persisting
decree (v) menetapkan
unassailable (adj) tak dapat disangkal
lodge (v) mengajukan
hypocrisy (n) kemunafikan
phys ed (n) pelajaran OR
exempt (v) mengecualikan
barrage (n) rentetan
arbitrary (adj) sewenang-wenang; semaunya
capricious (adj) berubah-ubah; plin-plan
indisputable (adj) tak terbantahkan
pernicious (adj) jahat; buruk having a harmful effect, especially in a
gradual or subtle way
harbor (v) melindungi
pervade (v) meliputi
deify (v) mendewakan
gauge (v) mengukur
astray (adv) sesat
circa (prepo) sekitar “built circa 1935”
peril (n) bahaya
mast (n) tiang kapal
errant (adj) tersinggung
designate (n) menunjuk appoint (someone) to a specified position
yield (v) menyerah; menghasilkan - give way to arguments, demands, or
- produce or provide (a natural, agricultural,
or industrial product)
gratification (n) kepuasan
self indulgent (adj) sifat memanjakan diri
contempt (n) penghinaan
rote (n) hal yang dihafalkan tanpa dipikir
demeaning (adj) merendahkan martabat
unfounded (adj) tak berdasar
waver (v) bimbang; ragu-ragu
sheer (adj) belaka pure; stark
depletion (n) penipisan reduction in the number or quantity
stall (v) mogok
defection (n) penyebrangan
epiphany (n) pencerahan
dismissal (n) pemecatan
inculcate (v) menanamkan
casually (adv) sambil lalu; begitu saja
usher (v) mengantar
euphoria (n) perasaan yang sangat bahagia a feeling / state of intense excitement &
notorious (adj) terkenal jahat famous or well known, typically for some bad
quality or deed
revert (v) kembali return to (a previous state, condition, practice,
devotion (n) kesetiaan
placid (adj) tenang (of a person or animal) not easily upset or
demeanor (n) sikap
unwittingly (adv) tanpa disadari
umbrage (n) rasa tersinggung offense or annoyance
noblesse oblige the inferred (disimpulkan) responsibility of
privileged people to act with generosity and
nobility toward those less privileged.
"there was to being a celebrity a certain
element of noblesse oblige"
aberration (n) penyimpangan
monastic (adj) yang berhubungan dengan biara
serenity (n) ketenangan
arcade (n) gedung gang long arched building / gallery
berate (v) mencaci scold or criticize (someone) angrily
enervate (v|adj) lemah | melemahkan [v] cause (someone) to feel drained of energy
or vitality; weaken
[adj] lacking in energy or vitality
misapprehension (n) salah pengertian
imminet (adj) dekat; sebentar lagi; akan terjadi about to happen
archrival (n) ketua musuh chief rival; opponent
amorphous (adj) yang tak berbentuk without a clearly defined shape or form
corporeal (adj) jasmaniah of or relating to a person's body, especially as
opposed to their spirit
stark (adj) telanjang
stark contrast sangat jelas
elude (v) menghindari
cynical (adj) sinis
foible (n) kelemahan; kekurangan a minor weakness or eccentricity (keanehan)
in someone's character
droll (v|adj|n) melawak | lucu | penggembira [adj] curious or unusual in a way that
provokes dry amusement
[n] a jester or entertainer; a buffoon
sharky (adj) sharply critical
debrief (v) menanyai jawab question (someone, typically a soldier or spy)
about a completed mission or undertaking
marvel (v|n) takjub | keajaiban [n] a wonderful or astonishing person or thing
[v] be filled with wonder or astonishment
tweak (n|v) cubitan [v] twist or pull (something) sharply
[n] a sharp twist or pull
compel (v) memaksa force or oblige (someone) to do something
punitive (adj) yang suka menghukum
erosion (n) pengikisan the process of eroding or being eroded by
wind, water, or other natural agents
crisp (v|adj) membuat renyah | garing
sidetrack (v) mengalihkan; membelokkan ke cause (someone) to be distracted from an
samping immediate or important issue
volition (n) kemauan; kehendak the faculty (kemampuan) or power of using
one's will
severance (n) pemutusan the action of ending a connection or
articulate (v) pandai berbicara express (an idea or feeling) fluently and
wile (n|v) akal; tipu daya | memperdayakan
dent (n) lekukan
malign (v|adj) memfitnah; memburuk-burukkan | [v] speak about (someone) in a spitefully
jahat; dengki critical manner
[adj] evil in nature or effect; malevolent
adversarial (adj) permusuhan
foster (v) membantu perkembangan
zeal (n) semangat; kegairahan
vague (adj) samar
perennial (adj) abadi
afflict (v) menimpa (of a problem or illness) cause pain or
suffering to; affect or trouble
foggy (adj) berkabut
sluggish (adj) lamban; lesu slow-moving or inactive
wittingly (adv) dengan sengaja
fine-tune (v) make small adjustment to (something) in
order to achieve the best or desired
deferential (adj) yang menghormati showing deference; respectful
scrupulous (adj) teliti; cermat (of a person or process) diligent, thorough,
and extremely attentive to details
compartmentalize (v) to divide into sections / categories
persona (n) the aspect of someone’s character that is
presented to or perceived by others
frenzy (n) hiruk-pikuk; kegilaan a state or period of uncontrolled excitement or
wild behavior
fawning (adj) bersifat menjilat displaying exaggerated flattery or affection;
fawn (v) (of a person) give a servile display of
exaggerated flattery or affection, typically in
order to gain favor or advantage
emigrate (v) berimigrasi
virtue (n) kebajikan
groom (v) merawat
chink (n) cela
induce (v) menyebabkan - succeed in persuading or influencing
(someone) to do something
- bring about or give rise to
edgy (adj) tegang; lekas terganggu tense, nervous, or irritable
racial (adj) kesukuan
toff (n) pesolek; bangsawan a rich or upper-class person
penchant (n) kegemaran; kecondongan a strong or habitual liking for something or
tendency to do something
pomposity (n) keangkuhan the quality of being pompous (sombong); self-
biting remarks (n) ucapan yang menggigit
bigot (n) fanatik
proponent (n) pendukung a person who advocates a theory, proposal, or
nemesis (n) hukuman setimpal
encapsulate (v) menutup enclose (something) in or as if in a capsule
wallow (v) bergelimangan; bermandikan (chiefly of large mammals) roll about or lie
relaxed in mud or water, especially to keep
cool, avoid biting insects, or spread scent
unvarnished (adj) sebenarnya
prodding (n) dorongan
catty (adj) yang suka membenci (mirip kucing)
retribution (n) ganjaran; hukuman setimpal punishment that is considered to be morally
right and fully deserved
cloak (n) jubah
anonymity (n) keadaan tanpa nama
insistent (adj) berkeras
unequivocal (adj) tegas
nudge (v) menyenggol prod (someone) gently, typically with one's
elbow, in order to draw their attention to
propel (v) mendorong
dampen (v) mengurangi make less strong or intense
inexplicably (adv) tanpa bisa dijelaskan
prompt (v) mendorong (of an event or fact) cause or bring about (an
action or feeling)
prompt (adj) cepat; segera done without delay; immediate
recoil (v) mundur suddenly spring or flinch back in fear, horror,
or disgust
raucous (adj) parau making or constituting a disturbingly harsh
and loud noise
inherent (adj) yang melekat; yang menjadi sifatnya existing in something as a permanent,
essential, or characteristic attribute
smother (v) melimpahi; menyesakkan napas kill (someone) by covering their nose and
mouth so that they suffocate (mati lemas)
repertoire (n) acara sandiwara; acara lagu-lagu a stock of plays, dances, or pieces that a
company or a performer knows or is prepared
to perform
reprisal (n) pembalasan an act of retaliation (pembalasan dendam)
ostracism (n) pengucilan exclusion from a society or group
quirky (adj) aneh characterized by peculiar or unexpected traits
apathy (n) kelesuan lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern
rigid (adj) kaku - unable to bend or be forced out of shape; not
- not able to be changed or adapted
mutate (v) mengubah change or cause to change in form or nature
antecedent (adj|n) mendahului | sesuatu yang mendahului [adj] preceding in time or order; previous or
[n] a thing or event that existed before or
logically precedes another
tantrum (n) kemurkaan an uncontrolled outburst of anger and
frustration, typically in a young child
ploy cara a cunning (licik) plan or action designed to
turn a situation to one's own advantage
cue (n|v) isyarat | memberi tanda / isyarat [n] a thing said or done that serves as a signal
to an actor or other performer to enter or to
begin their speech or performance
[v] give a cue to or for
terse (adj) pendek; ringkas; rapi sparing in the use of words; abrupt
elicit (v) memperoleh evoke (menimbulkan) or draw out (a
response, answer, or fact) from someone in
reaction to one's own actions or questions
nibble (v) menggigit; mengkrikiti take small bites out of
knuckles (n) buku-buku jari a part of a finger at a joint where the bone is
near the surface, especially where the finger
joins the hand
spurn (v) menghina; menolak dengan reject with disdain or contempt
stifle (v) menahan; menindas; memadamkan make (someone) unable to breathe properly;
stakes (n) taruhan
infinitesimal (adj) kecil sekali extremely small
stoppage (n) penghentian an instance of movement, activity, or supply
stopping or being stopped
comprise (v) meliputi consist of; be made up of
shrewd (adj) lihai; tajam pikiran having or showing sharp powers of judgment;
slug (n) siput
twitchy (adj) gugup nervous; anxious
autopilot (n) pilot otomatis when you do something without realizing
what you're doing (usually results in making a
inkling (n) firasat a slight knowledge or suspicion; a hint
rote (n) hal yang dihapalkan tanpa dipikir mechanical or habitual repetition of
something to be learned
adversary (n) musuh one's opponent in a contest, conflict, or
suppress (v) menekan; memadamkan forcibly put an end to
bemusement (n) kebingungan
perilous (adj) berbahaya full of danger or risk
fume (v|n) menggerutu | asap [v] feel, show, or express great anger
[n] gas, smoke, or vapor that smells strongly
or is dangerous to inhale
peril (n) bahaya serious and immediate danger
console (v) menghibur comfort (someone) at a time of grief or
scorn (n) cemooh the feeling or belief that someone or
something is worthless or despicable;
attune (v) menyelaraskan; menyesuaikan diri
dissect (v) membedah methodically cut up (a body, part, or plant) in
order to study its internal parts
exempt (v) membebaskan free (a person or organization) from an
obligation or liability imposed on others
bifurcate (v) membagi dalam dua cabang
precept (n) aturan a general rule intended to regulate behavior or
redundant (adj) mubazir not or no longer needed or useful; superfluous
(tak berguna krn buang banyak”)
virtuous (adj) berbudi luhur having or showing high moral standards
corny (adj) dangkal; rendah mutu
seamless (adj) mulus
compliance (n) pemenuhan the action or fact of complying with a wish or
stellar (adj) bintang; terkenal; termasyhur of or relating to a star or stars
intrusion (n) gangguan; hal masuk tanpa diundang
prod (v) melecut poke (someone) with a finger, foot, or pointed
incentivize (v) memberi insentif provide (someone) with an incentive for doing
swaddle (v) membedung wrap (someone, especially a baby) in
garments (penutup badan) or cloth
convivial (adj) ramah; berhubung dengan pesta; yang (of an atmosphere or event) friendly, lively,
gemar minum” and enjoyable
avid (adj) keranjingan; penuh keinginan; yang having or showing a keen interest in or
gemar sekali enthusiasm for something
oblivious (adj) lupa; tidak sadar not aware of or not concerned about what is
happening around one
hone (v) mengasah - sharpen (a blade)
- refine or perfect (something) over a period
of time
deflect (v) membelokkan cause (something) to change direction by
interposing (menempatkan) something; turn
aside from a straight course
inflammatory (adj) yg merangsang; yg menghasut; yg - relating to or causing inflammation of a part
berkobar-kobaran of the body
- (especially of speech or writing) arousing or
intended to arouse angry or violent feelings
mollify (v) meredakan; menenangkan appease (menenangkan) the anger or anxiety
of (someone)
elicit (v) memperoleh evoke (membangkitkan) or draw out (a
response, answer, or fact) from someone in
reaction to one's own actions or questions
reciprocate (v) membalas; saling memberi - respond to (a gesture or action) by making a
corresponding one
- (of a part of a machine) move backward and
forward in a straight line
benign (adj) jinak - gentle; kindly
- (of a disease) not harmful in effect: in
particular, (of a tumor) not malignant (ganas)
vigilant (adj) berjaga-jaga; waspada keeping careful watch for possible danger or
roguish (adj) nakal characteristic of a dishonest or unprincipled
rabid (adj) fanatik; gila,marah - having or proceeding from an extreme or
fanatical support of or belief in something
- (of an animal) affected with rabies
irreparably (adv) tidak dapat diperbaiki lagi
dispensed with dibagikan
futile (adj) sia-sia incapable of producing any useful result;
hindsight (n) penglihatan ke belakang understanding of a situation or event only
after it has happened or developed
cordial (adj) ramah warm and friendly
repercussions (n) dampak; akibat an unintended consequence occurring some
time after an event or action, especially an
unwelcome one
merit (v|n) pantas; patut | jasa; manfaat; kebaikan [v] deserve or be worthy of (something,
especially reward, punishment, or attention)
[v] the quality of being particularly good or
worthy, especially so as to deserve praise or
succumb (v) mengalah; menyerah fail to resist (pressure, temptation, or some
other negative force)
fallacy (

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